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Lilith Slice of Life Story Thing - Not finished

By X-Roads
Created: 2021-04-30 02:49:30
Expiry: Never

  1. >Ah...
  2. >It's such a nice day here in tartarus.
  3. >The lava is bubbling, the brimstone is smelling lovely and some fire imps are playing in the faint glow of burning souls, wailing in unending agony.
  4. >Well... It's not really unending.
  5. >They just will be here until they atoned for their sins and then they will ascend to Elysium, where they can finally enjoy their eternal rest in peace and quiet.
  6. “Ahh...”, you sigh.
  7. >Elysium must be a nice place... Even its name has a wonderful ring to it.
  8. >But with you being a demon and what not, it is not very likely that you will ever get the chance to visit it.
  9. >At least not without erupting into an incandescent pillar of light...
  10. >So the picture book your best friend got you for your last birthday will have to do and serve as the only impression of this promised place of paradise you will ever get.
  11. >Meh... Better than nothing you guess. At least the pictures in it are pretty.
  12. >You are Lilith.
  13. >Unicorn mare, fanatic collector of stamps and a demon of the fifth circle of tartarus.
  14. >Or as what most mortals know you as: A succubus.
  15. >And you are on your way to your favourite café to meet up with your aforementioned best friend for a cup of tea and maybe some biscuits.
  16. >Her name is Keltia and she is a succubus just like you.
  17. >She's a few hundred years younger than you, but you can already sense that she is determined to do something or somepony great some day.
  18. >Why?
  19. >Because you personally trained her in the arts of seducing and love making of course!
  20. >And what fun it was.
  21. >Keltia's body is really something else~
  22. >So frail, so delicate, so stretchable in all the right places...
  23. “Brr!”
  24. >A warm shudder runs down your spine right to your genitals when the memories of Keltia's training nights flood your brain, coaxing your body to distribute blood to somewhere where it can have more fun.
  25. >You shake your head to get those raunchy thoughts out of your system and turn into the side street that will eventually lead you to the establishment that you are headed to.
  26. >It's just not the right time to get a boner. Especially not in public.
  27. >Not that it would be difficult to find somepony to relieve yourself in, but you have places to be later and time is a valuable thing here in tartarus.
  28. >Quite literally...
  29. >Each and every second of your life you have to buy from the soul and life essence you gather from the ponies that summon you or demand your services in any other way.
  30. >Mostly they are stallions, but sometimes a mare is mixed in your list of customers too.
  31. >They are more often than not the ones that are in the really weird stuff like torture, rape and hardcore BDSM fantasies.
  32. >Which are always fun... At least from time to time.
  33. >You might be a demon, but even a creature of tartarus has some kind of moral compass and a conscience.
  34. >And the wish of a mare to be raped to death by barbed tentacles is just not something you shake off afterwards and lets you sleep well...
  35. >At least you got a soul out of that.
  36. >But you digress.
  37. >Like you already stated, you have to gather life and soul essence from the ponies that summon you to keep the flame that is your life sustained and burning.
  38. >With soul essence being much more valuable than life essence.
  39. >The latter you can simply gather from the semen some colt spurts into your marehood after you have rode him silly or the delightful scream of a mare after you've fulfilled her favourite fantasy, but for the former he or she would have to actually sell their soul to you.
  40. >A thing that sadly doesn't happen very often any more...
  41. >One soul can easily buy you roughly seventy mortal years of life. Far more if the pony in question was somepony of high status or prowess.
  42. >Times just have changed... And ponies too.
  43. >Unfortunately.
  44. >Now you have to get by the measly weeks that one gathering of life essence can give you.
  45. >And even from that you have to cede a good part from those weeks to Azazel, the arch demon that currently rules tartarus.
  46. >Leaving you with about ten days per satisfied customer.
  47. >Which is honestly not a very good deal... But demons voted for him, so what can you do?
  48. >Well... Nothing. That is what you can do.
  49. >Democracy in hell... Who ever taught of that?
  50. >At least you have still approximately one or two centuries left on your life account from former deals, so you won't have to die any time soon.
  51. >Given you don't go on a drunk shopping spree, run into a Soulsucker or die unexpectedly in the mortal realm.
  52. >The former could certainly happen since you are more or less a light weight when it comes to alcohol and there is always something you want, but the latter two are more than improbable.
  53. >Soulsuckers generally dwell in the deeper parts of hell that nopony sane would ever venture to if she or he hasn't something or somepony specific in mind, like prospecting for rarer treasures of the soil or the soul of a loved one that somehow got there, and ever since the celestial inquisition has been disbanded after Princess Luna's imprisonment in the moon, a demon has to really behave stupidly to get killed in the mortal realm.
  54. >So your greatest enemy is yourself it seems...
  55. >Well... Can't do much about that, can you?
  56. >Greeting a guard you are pretty sure you know more intimately than you should with a quick wink and a blown kiss, you enter the café and scan it's interiors for your friend.
  57. >You recognise a few of the faces here.
  58. >Some are fleeting acquaintances, others old lovers and the rest peers from the house of pleasures.
  59. >This establishment is quite popular among your trade. For whatever reasons.
  60. >But where is she?
  61. >Hmm...
  62. >Ah! There!
  63. >And she looks just as lovely as ever~
  64. >A pale yellow coat pulled over a slim and tight body that has no visible blemish, with a long royal blue mane that flows from her pretty head like a raging river.
  65. >To say that she is beautiful would be an understatement...
  66. >And unlike you, she hasn't gotten pudgy and kept her fillylike stature and appearance.
  67. >Only the absolutely most necessary amount of fat is stored under her pristine coat to give her the feminine curves she is so proud of and know how to use so well.
  68. >Stupid fattening mortal snacks like cupcakes and doughnuts... Damned be your creator and the demon who introduced them to tartarus!
  69. >...
  70. >You tentatively poke your tummy, making it jiggle slightly.
  71. >Well... You have curves too. Very alluring and undoubtedly feminine ones at that too!
  72. >And since most stallions seem to enjoy them very much, you can't really complain you guess.
  73. >More than once they coaxed a colt to share his load with you sooner than he might have intended.
  74. >Especially your nice, round and well formed ass seems to drive them crazy.
  75. >Most can't keep their hooves off of it and some even worship it like some sort of tin god.
  76. >They are the weird but entertaining ones~
  77. >So it's okay.
  78. “Yoohoo! Keltia!, you wave and cheer.
  80. >The small biscuit she nibbled on falls out of her mouth when she hears you and she immediately waves back at you with a stuffed smile and crumb sprinkled cheeks.
  81. >Oh my... How adorable.
  82. >You remember now why you picked her to be your apprentice all those years ago, back when she first was introduced to the house of pleasures.
  83. >What was a teacher-student relationship at first, quickly grew to a full blown friendship after some delightful and wine-filled evenings with her.
  84. >With a few added benefits beyond her mandatory training units with you.
  85. >Maybe if the age difference between the two of you wouldn't be so... No, that's ridiculous.
  86. >She surely doesn't like you this way.
  87. >And you aren't even sure what you feel for her.
  88. >Love is a difficult thing if you are a demon to say the least... Lust is easy. But love?
  89. >What a three letters difference can amount to...
  90. >Giggling, you pull out a chair and sit down opposite to your friend.
  91. >She swallows quickly, almost choking on the dry treat and reaches over the table to hug you, her slender forelegs wrapping around your neck like fawn snakes.
  92. >”Hello Lil', my dear! Long time no see!”
  93. “Indeed, it really has been too long. How's it going?”, you say and return her embrace, her scent and perfume immediately invading your nostrils.
  94. >By the thousand horned one... She smells so lovely... Like a field of black roses with an undertone of sweat, hay and basalt.
  95. >You have some trouble to keep lil' Lilith under control... So you hold your breath to prevent an accidental lift of the table.
  96. >Unlike other, mostly younger and, to your mind by modern trends deluded, succubi, you don't bother to magically conceal your penis when you don't need it and just let it hang out in the open wherever you go.
  97. >It's a part of you too, like your marehood, so why should you?
  98. >Also feeling the warm winds of tartarus on it is pure bliss~ Especially on a nice morning like this one is.
  99. >”The usual, the usual. Business is a bit slow at the moment but when it's not?”
  100. >Oh the stories you could tell to that young thing...
  101. >From times where kings and queens summoned you on a daily basis to fulfil their depraved fantasies until they found their end in them.
  102. >But there is no use in wallowing in old memories.
  103. >Nuzzling her soft cheek real quick, you break the hug and sit down properly again.
  104. >The whole furniture here is really comfy and for a change not too small for your well endowed posterior.
  105. >One of the many reasons why you like this café so much.
  106. “Tell me about it!”
  107. >She snickers and promptly replaces the fallen cookie with a new one.
  108. >”So how has life been treating you? Anything new on the Lilith front?”
  109. >You return her laugh and shoot her a nod.
  110. “There's plenty to tell. Just lemme order something real quick. I'm hungry as a hunter.”
  111. >”Of course, dear.”, Keltia says and shoves the rest of the cookie into her muzzle.
  112. >Picking up the menu and stealing a quick glimpse of her tongue gathering stray crumbs, you begin to browse through it.
  113. >First something to appease your rumbling tummy, then you will look for a fitting liquid accompaniment for it.
  114. >Lets see what's on the menu today.
  115. >Perhaps something hearty? It is late enough that they should serve their more substantial snacks.
  116. >Blood droplet biscuits maybe?
  117. >They are really nice and filling, but a bit too spicy for your tastes.
  118. >Also you really shouldn't eat so much blood since it's figurative poison for your figure and literal poison for you.
  119. >You can certainly eat or drink the life essence of another being, but it would slowly chip away at your sanity.
  120. >There is a whole cult of demons who worship some kind of ancient god of war and slaughter and deliberately consume too much blood than it's good for them to become crazy and sanguinary.
  121. >Worn... Thorne... Korn... Or whatever that god name was.
  122. >But that topic totally doesn't have anything to do with sating your hunger. So... Next!
  123. >Ember snails... Eww!
  124. >How somepony can eat them without throwing up is beyond you. Disgusting, slimy things they are, these snails.
  125. >Also they burn your throat like the place you currently call your home: Hell.
  126. >A judgements egg on the other hoof... That sounds nice.
  127. >Brimming full with the very tasty souls of lesser beings that scream when you scoop them up.
  128. >What is there not to love?
  129. >The price. That is what not to love.
  130. >Everything you buy here in hell you have to pay with the time you accumulate through your work in the mortal realm.
  131. >And forty eight days for an egg half the size of your hoof is too much.
  132. >The bigger ones cost even more...
  133. >So better look for something more in your price range.
  134. >Like... Like... Like sulphur boar rips!
  135. >They don't serve much of them, but enough to sate your hunger and they are delicious to boot!
  136. >You will definitively take them.
  137. >Funny how you externally resemble a pony, but your eating habits are in some ways totally different.
  138. >Maybe that comes with being a creature born out of darkness.
  139. >Well... Not exactly out of darkness. But you like to call your mother that way.
  140. >You shrug and turn the page to the more sweet treats.
  141. >Ah! Wailing lilies and lemon crescents! You didn't know that they sell them at this time of the year.
  142. >Wailing lilies are your absolutely favourite kind of flowers and bloom mostly during the winter months of tartarus.
  143. >They are almost unbearably sweet, but the lemons counterbalances their sweetness more than nicely, given they use real ones from the mortal realm and not the fake stuff they produce here.
  144. >But looking at the treat's price, it looks like they do.
  145. >Damn... Seven days for six biscuits. That's expensive.
  146. >You only live once though, so...
  147. >Yep! It has been decided!
  148. >Rips and some crescents it will be!
  149. >But tea doesn't exactly go well with meat...
  150. >Hmm...
  151. >A beer would be better, wouldn't it?
  152. >Even if it isn't even two in the afternoon yet... One can't hurt.
  153. >And they have your favourite brand too: Bloodborne Brew. Exclusively brewed under a full blood moon and thus extra rich and fragrant.
  154. >The few drops of alicorn blood they supposedly add to each barrel might help its taste too.
  155. >Ten days per glass is expensive though.
  156. >...
  157. >Eh... You are sure that you won't regret having ten days less to live.
  159. >Probably...
  160. >So a beer it will be.
  161. >”Lil'... What’s taking you so long? I wanna chat!”
  162. “It's not like you couldn't talk to me while I pick what to eat. But you decided to stuff your face with cookies.”
  163. >You peek over your menu and shoot her a smirk, which she answers by sticking out her tongue at you.
  164. >Her long, slippery and warm tongue...
  165. >By the infinite tentacles of a shambler... What would you give to feel it wrapped around your cock again.
  166. >Squeezing and teasing you until you unload all what you have to offer into her awaiting maw.
  167. >Of course she swallowed every time... That's just the polite thing to do.
  168. >And did she ever like the taste of you. Relishing every moment your sticky cum agglutinating her mouth and shivering in delight when she felt it viscously running down her throat.
  169. “Aah...”
  170. >Sadly the days of you training her are over. Even the ones of your friendship with benefits.
  171. >Ever since she graduated and became a full fledged succubus, she has to provide for her literal own life and seldom has time for you any more.
  172. >Now you are lucky when she lets her one of her hooves brush your inner thighs whenever you get too flirty...
  173. >Something that still gets you rock hard and soaking wet in mere seconds.
  174. >”Lil'?”
  175. >Hmm... Oh!
  176. >You must have revelled in old, sexy memories again.
  177. >Chuckling you wave her off.
  178. “Sorry, Keltia. I was in thought.”
  179. >”I saw that”, she says with a wink. “And felt it too~”
  180. >What?
  181. “Wha-”
  182. >Oh buck... Your penis! It must have sneaked out of it's sheath and bumped against the table without you noticing.
  183. >Like a shot you grab the very first magic wind that you can sense and hide your throbbing erection with a rushed spell.
  184. “Hnngh!”
  185. >That... That hurt.
  186. >Fucking wind of fire... Why did it have to be you and why do you have to be so present in tartarus?
  187. >Is it because of all the fire and brimstone here?
  188. >But a bit of pain is better than let anypony in your vicinity see your raging boner.
  189. >You are in hell, but that is no reason for being dissolute.
  190. >Especially in the presence of your co-workers... Rumours, particularly romantic or sexy ones, spread fast in the house of pleasures.
  191. “S-Sorry!”
  192. >She smiles softly at you and rest her head on her hooves, a few crumbs still sticking to the short fur of her face.
  193. >”Don't be. Good to know that I still have that kind of effect on you though. Even after all these years.”
  194. >A crimson blush creeps up on your cheeks.
  195. “S-Stop it.”, you say and hide your face behind the menu.
  196. >No wonder that she has this effect on you... She's pretty much the mare, or demoness, of your dreams.
  197. >Her blemish free face, only broken up by that one beauty spot on her right cheek... Her mane and tail that flow like currents of amethyst and perfectly complement her amber coat... Her tender and slim body that despite it's slenderness still has the curves of a grown mare.
  198. >She's just about the perfect example of a female.
  199. >And you are quite into that.
  200. >As a succubus, you are born without any real preference in gender when it comes to your mate.
  201. But there is something in the form of a mare that just appeals to you.
  202. >Maybe you are weird in that way, but that doesn't change the fact that you usually can't take your eyes off your friend whenever you spend time with her.
  203. >She's just too pretty...
  204. >Why must semi-eternal life be so hard sometimes?
  205. >You sigh internally and externally and put the menu away.
  206. “I'm ready to order...”
  207. >Keltia giggles and beckons to a nearby waitress, who immediately trots towards your table and takes a quick bow when she arrives there.
  208. >”My friend here wants to order.”
  209. >”Of course. What would you like?”, the silver grey filly with a pitch black and short-cut mane asks.
  210. >Judging by the ardent stigma in the form of an eye she has on her forehead she seems to be a warlock.
  211. >Or at least one in training.
  212. >A pretty one at that.
  213. “You”, you think, checking her features out.
  214. >She's quite young... Maybe two hundred years old, if not younger, judging by her height but still sports a flank that you want to bury yourself balls deep in.
  215. >Particularity in that maid uniform she wears... One of the many cultural imports from the mortal realm to hell.
  216. >A simple and tight fitting black dress with laced white socks for her hindlegs.
  217. >You couldn't care less for the cute white cap that sits on her head, but it would certainly be fun to smother it in your semen and watch her lick it off.
  218. >Speaking of her hindlegs... You just now notice that she is absolutely gifted when it comes to the teats department.
  219. >Only a few mares are blessed with assets like hers. Each of her mammaries easily as big as a moderately sized orange.
  220. >Even yours aren't that big. And they are underlaid with quite some fat.
  221. >Oh me, oh my... Your cock would fit perfectly between them.
  222. >That's not why she's here though,
  223. >Clearing your throat, you shoot the filly a thin smile.
  224. “I would like the boar rips, a plate of wailing lilies crescents and a bloodborne beer please!”
  225. >Keltia shakes her head when she hears your order but stays quiet.
  226. >Maybe she thinks that it is too early to drink alcohol? Who knows?
  227. >”Are you sure?”, the waitress asks.
  228. >Huh?
  230. >They usually only ask this if your order goes over fifty days to prevent demons from foolishly spending their life on some treat.
  231. >But according to your calculation, your order should accumulate to just about twenty six days.
  232. “Yeah... Why? Is there a problem?”
  233. >She nods and puts on an apologetic smile.
  234. >”Due to a recent...”, the filly cringes, “Incident on the Emberfield Farms, we have to import our boar meat from the Forests of Tel'rakhir now and thus have to raise our prices accordingly.”
  235. >The Forests of Tel'rakhir? That mushroom forest in the east?
  236. >That's awfully faraway.
  237. >Sounds fishy and like a scheme to increase their profit margin.
  238. >You don't follow the news like a good adult and demon should, but even you would have heard of an event that brought the largest boar farm in tartarus to a deadlock.
  239. >Also... Why did she have to grimace for a second there?
  240. >Resting your head on one hoof and drawing small circles on the table with the other, you look at her inquisitively.
  241. >She flinches again.
  242. >Kinda cute to be honest.
  243. “Really now... What kind of incident?”
  244. >The waitress sighs and stifles a snicker.
  245. >”Apparently...”, she bites her lower lip, “Some warlock experimented with a few spells near the farm and accidentally summoned a Mutalith in the process... Which is now running rampant on the farms.”
  246. >Some warlock, huh?
  247. >Maybe it was this one that stands before you?
  248. “Oh... How tragic. So...”
  249. >”Y-Yes?”
  250. >You lean back, letting your gaze grace over the filly.
  251. >She's hiding something... You can feel it. No... You know it.
  252. >One of the many perks of being a succubus: The ability to detect if somepony is withholding a secret from you.
  253. >It's mainly used to unveil the naughtiest and deepest desires of your customers to get as much life and soul essence as possible out of them, but it has its uses in everyday life too.
  254. >Like now.
  255. >Lets see if you can't dig a bit deeper~
  256. >Keltia giggles and shoves a few more cookies into her maw.
  257. >”Lilith, please... Let her be.”
  258. “Hush!”
  259. >”W-What is going on?”, the filly stammers.
  260. >Adorable. Seems like she doesn't know all to much about succubi yet, despite working here.
  261. “A wild summoning is a pretty huge thing if I'm not mistaken. Especially if it is about feral demons from the circle of heresy.”
  262. >”I.. I know!”, she blurts out and takes a step back.
  263. “I assume they don't have found that warlock yet?”
  264. >”N-No.”
  265. “Well you see... I have a few friends among the Searing Legion. They would appreciate any kind of clue that helps them to find the perpetrator.”
  266. >A complete lie. You don't know no one that is affiliated with the Legion in the slightest.
  267. >But it's fun to see her wriggling like a worm.
  268. >Sadism is not your favourite way to pass the time, but it is quite enjoyable every so often.
  269. >That's a demon for you...
  270. >”The Searing Legion?!”
  271. >”Lil'...”
  272. >You turn to your friend, shooting her a semi-annoyed glare.
  273. “Didn't I just “hush!” you, Kelly?”
  274. >”Hey! You promised to stop calling me that!”
  275. “But it's cute!”
  276. >”No, it isn't! It's embarrassing!”
  277. “It is! I'm sure that...”, you point at the nervously shifting waitress, “My friend here would agree with me!”
  278. >She gulps and tentatively nods.
  279. >”Y-Yes... Very cute. It fits you well, miss Kelly.”
  280. “See?”
  281. >Keltia waves you off and takes a sip of her tea.
  282. >”Yeah, yeah... Just order already and let the poor filly do her job again. And by the way...”, Keltia does a crude gesture with her hooves, “There goes your tip.”
  283. >”O-Of course...”
  284. >Hah! Another time Lilith has prevailed!
  285. >But your friend is right. She has suffered enough and you had your fun.
  286. >It is obvious that it was her. Or at least very likely.
  287. >And since there is no use in ratting her out in public, you should better stop before she accidentally does that out of nervousness.
  288. >Wild summonings are sentenced... No, sentenced is too weak a word... Punished pretty harshly by the Searing Legion.
  289. >Flagellation and the nullification of your magic by the means of a fragment of the void are not exactly unusual... Both are quite painful, but especially the latter is said to be particularly agonizing.
  290. >You wouldn't even wish your arch-enemy this punishment...
  291. >But enough of that.
  292. >Time to end this and get back on track. There is chatting to be done and treats to be devoured.
  293. >With a quiet harrumph you get the attention of the waitress back.
  294. >”Yes?!”
  295. “So you don't know nothing about this warlock then?”
  296. >She furiously shakes her head.
  297. >”N-Nope! Not one bit!”
  298. “Pity! Can't be helped then.”
  299. >”I guess not... But I will be sure to contact the authorities if I hear anything about him!”
  300. >You giggle and let your the tip of your tail brush against her bare forelegs.
  301. “Good girl. Or maybe... You are a bad one?”, you say playfully and shoot her a wink.
  302. >A bright blush spreads across her cheeks and a few stammered fragments of what should have been supposed to be words leave her lips, before she can regain her composure.
  303. >Oh my... So easy to flatter. She gets cuter by the second.
  304. >Maybe, if you keep this up, you might not have to sleep alone tonight.
  305. >She might be a tad too young for you... But no one except the darkness in that she will scream your name has to know~
  306. >”So... Would you still like the ribs? They are a bit pricey though,”
  307. “Depends. Of how pricey do we speak?”
  309. >”About eighty days per pound... So thirty six for a plate.”
  310. “Oh.”
  311. >Wow. That's daylight robbery, if you ever heard of one.
  312. >The things you could buy for thirty six days... You could get your mane and tail done for that amount of time or buy yourself five tubs of your favourite ice cream.
  313. >Not that you have ever done that... And you certainly didn't eat them all in one night because you felt lonely.
  314. >That would be ridiculous.
  315. >What to do though?
  316. >Spend the days and thus your literal life for some delicious meat or not?
  317. >Eh... That isn't even a question.
  318. >Sulphur boar meat is expensive anyway. So paying a few days more for it won't kill you.
  319. >At least not yet.
  320. “Yeah. I will take them.”
  321. >”Good choice, miss.”
  322. >She beams you a smile which you return with your own and takes your menu into her magical grip before she takes her leave with a quick bow.
  323. >You let your gaze follow the filly, or her alluring flanks and bouncing teats to be exact, until she, along with her assets, vanish behind the counter.
  324. >Cute one. You wonder if a generous tip would buy you her name and perhaps a little bit more.
  325. >Like access to what lies between her legs~
  326. >It has been some time since you had the chance to casually have sex with somepony and just indulge yourself in your fantasies for a change.
  327. >Which are, considering you are succubus, pretty tame and what would most call vanilla, but you get the extravagant and fetish stuff all the time as a result of your choice of trade.
  328. >Perhaps you are just weird in that way too.
  329. >Oh well...
  330. >”Lil'?”
  331. “Sorry, Keltia. I was in thought again.”
  332. >Your friend's giggles and shoves her now empty plate away from her.
  333. >She's quite the fast eater. Sometimes even faster than you if she wants to.
  334. >”No worries! As long as I have your full attention now, everything is fine and dandy.”
  335. “Of course! You will be the sole centre of my attention for the rest of this da-”
  336. >Oh fuck!
  337. >”Mmh? What was that?”
  338. >Quick, Lilith! Think!
  339. “Umm... I meant...”
  340. >”What did you mean, my dear?”, she coos and rests her head on her crossed forelegs, shooting you a sly grin.
  341. “D... Da... Dank... Of this dank afternoon!”
  342. >Somewhere, in one of the faraway corners of your brain, a tiny imaginary Lilith is clapping very, very slowly in awe of this incredible rhetoric feat.
  343. >You will deal with her later. She isn't very resistant to vast amounts of alcohol.
  344. >One of Keltia's eyebrows raises in suspicion.
  345. >”Dank?”
  346. “Y-Yep!”, you stammer.
  347. >”What's that supposed to mean?”
  348. “You know... Like cool or awesome?”
  349. >”Never heard of it. Is that a mortal term?”
  350. “Yeah kinda... I picked it up from some colt that summoned me.”
  351. >Her facial features soften again and she stifles a titter behind a hoof.
  352. >”Okay then! I'm looking forward to this...”, she winks at you, “Dank afternoon too. And speaking of summonings...”
  353. >Phew... You don't think that she bought your poor performance, but at least she chose not to chase this up further.
  354. >Otherwise this could have been extremely embarrassing.
  355. “Yes?”
  356. >”You told me before that there was plenty to tell... I'm waiting Lil'”

Twilight Sparkle is addicted to Anon's cum

by X-Roads

Deep Rest Story for /emo/ - Not finished

by X-Roads

Anonfilly Cuddle Prostitution

by X-Roads

Anonfilly and Trixie Thing - Not finished

by X-Roads

Tree Hugger and Guard Anon - Not finished

by X-Roads