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Untitled porn story by Anonymous

By Spiderbloke2099
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2023-12-11 14:40:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Well? You coming?"
  2. >Sunset asked this of you as she began stripping herself of her camp garments by the lakeside
  3. >The two of you had sneaked off from the rest of the campers and activities to go "dipping in the lake", to quote Sunset
  4. >Though, you suppose it wasn't really sneaking off, since this was a free period for you and her both
  5. >She was the one who floated the idea, but you're the one who encouraged her and egged her on, all as a joke of course, haha
  6. >You didn't think she was actually serious
  7. >As you continue watching Sunset shed her coverings, you swallow in nervousness, but begin removing your clothes as well, not wanting to come off as a perv or a chicken
  8. >She's down to her underwear now
  9. >You try and act as cool as you can as you take off your shirt first
  10. >Sunset pauses and fidgets with her hair as she dips her toes into the water, as if testing it
  11. >You get the feeling she's as nervous about this as you, but she's always the type to put on a face
  12. >No way she'd back out
  13. >You remove your shoes, socks, and your shorts as well, now in the same state as her, standing in your boxers
  14. >Sunset calls to you
  15. >"Hey Anon, c-can you come and help me unhook my bra, please?"
  16. "Huh? O-Oh, yeah, for sure." You say "coolly
  17. >You stumble over to her, hearing a giggle as you did so
  18. >You regain your balance and use your fingers to unclasp the hooks from her backside
  19. >Her amber skin glowed so beautifully
  20. >And so smooth
  21. >Hardly a blemish on her
  22. >The bra comes undone as she pulls it off before letting it drop to her side
  23. >It was a fairly modest thing, not at all scanty or revealing
  24. >Built for function over form it seemed
  25. "A-Alright, then." You say to her
  26. >"Thanks."
  27. >You distance yourself from her again and watch in intense curiosity as she finally starts removing the last piece of her shell remaining - her panties
  28. >With her legs close together, she begins rolling it down, revealing her bare buttocks in doing so
  29. >You feel a heart throb as you see the most beautiful looking girl's butt you've ever seen in your life
  30. >Though, to be fair, you haven't seen many girls' butts in your life, so your frame of reference is limited
  31. >As she continues sliding it down, she squats and does so in a way so as to obscure any vision you might have of her nether regions, and the other part
  32. >You bit your lip in frustration, but you can't help but understand and appreciate the tease
  33. >At last it's at her ankles and she stands back up, stepping out of it
  34. >She is fully naked now
  35. >She turns her head back to look at you
  36. >"I'll see you in the water." She says nonchalantly
  37. >Without waiting for you, she runs and jumps into the lake, making a big splash
  38. >Realizing that if you don't hurry and catch up before she surfaces and turns around, she'll see your nads before you've even had a chance to see hers
  39. >No way you're allowing her that privilege
  40. >You quickly clamber out of your boxers while skipping to the water, tripping in the process
  41. >You kick off the boxers and crawl in as quickly as you can
  42. >Your splash into the water was far less controlled than hers, but it doesn't matter now
  43. >You take a few strokes under the water before surfacing
  44. >When you did so, you cleared the water from your eyes and looked around
  45. >No Sunset...
  46. >A sinking feeling started to develop in your stomach, right before panic
  47. >You looked around again, calling out her name, but not too loud so as to not attract unwanted attention
  48. "Sunset?!" You call out
  49. "Sunset!" You call out again
  50. >Nothing
  51. >Right before you were about to panic and dive back down again, you felt something prickly and tingly rubbing against both of your sides
  52. >PANIC
  53. >As your heart leapt from its chest in surprise at the touch, whatever was touching your sides scratched harder, then grasped you
  54. "AAAAHHHH!" You cry out
  55. >Just then, something surfaces behind you and laughs
  56. >It was Sunset
  57. >Of course it was Sunset
  58. >You turn to face her
  59. "Hey! That wasn't funny! I thought you were a shark, or some eldritch cuddlefish monster or something! I could have died!"
  60. >Sunset smirks
  61. >"Sharks? Eldritch cuddlefish monsters? Here? In Lake Everfree? Not as likely as you think."
  62. >You pout
  63. "Still. I thought that you drowned."
  64. >"Anon, the water is shallow! Look, we're not even standing up all the way" She stated, exasperated
  65. >She was right, though
  66. >Though only your heads remained above water, the two of you were still partially crouching
  67. >If you stood up all the way, the water would come up to just under your chest
  68. "Whatever. You should be grateful I cared enough to think you were drowning."
  69. >"I am." Sunset says as she treads closer to you, barely rubbing her boob against your chest as she put her arm around your neck
  70. >That made you forget everything you were angry about
  71. >A noticeable shiver went down your body
  72. >Sunset clearly took notice as she starts rubbing some more
  73. >You could have sworn you felt a nipple on your arm
  74. >You desperately wished you could see through the water right now, but the activity spurred by you two had kicked up some of the sediment and clouded what was otherwise crystal clear lake water
  75. >Just a matter of time before it settles
  76. >Unless it keeps being kicked up
  77. >And you KNOW Sunset will
  78. >She releases you and treads back out
  79. >You watch her long, matted red and yellow hair float away with her
  80. >You envisioned her as a mermaid, or a siren of the sea, er, lake
  81. "Hey, don't go too far out!" You call out to her
  82. "We don't know how deep this lake goes, or if there's any pit traps or predators out there."
  83. >You were right, of course, not just fearmongering
  84. >Neither of you did know what actually lurked beneath further from the shore
  85. >Sunset stops treading back, considering your words, and accepts them, breaststroking back to you
  86. >"You're right, Anon." She says when she gets back to you
  87. >"I'm not Rainbow Dash after all. I don't have a death wish."
  88. "I'm glad you agree." You playfully huff
  89. "Now...where were we? Oh yes." You say as you wrap your arms around her neck, pressing your own chest into her upper back this time
  90. >You did your best to float just behind her and avoid having your member touch her backside as well
  91. >Part of it was you didn't want to do anything inappropriate (ironic, considering what you were doing now), but part of it was also you wanted to get back at Sunset for her tease
  92. >You were more than happy to let her take lead down the road of lasciviousness, but you weren't going to be so easy either
  93. >The tension between her and you was certainly there, and certainly strong, palpable even
  94. >The two of you weren't really actually an item, but you got along really well with her, and much to your surprise and delight (after resigning yourself to a hopeless life of virginity singledom), sparks flew between you two when interacting
  95. >You take the moment to look up to the sky
  96. >It's mid-afternoon by now, no later than 2 or 3:00
  97. >You have plenty of time
  98. >It's a nice sunny day with thick clouds traveling wayward wherever it is clouds go
  99. >Your body starts to level itself vertically while you gaze
  100. >You notice at the last second that your crotch was about to hit Sunset's butt
  101. >In a mild frenzy you adjust yourself, but as you hump to push back, you feel the light graze of skin on your penis
  102. >Oh N-
  103. >Sunset didn't say anything, or notice
  104. >Or if she did, she kept silent about it
  105. >The slight panic in your chest subsided
  106. "Really nice day today, huh?" You ask her, breaking the brief silence
  107. >"Yeah." She responds
  108. >Breaking free from your arm wrap, she turns around to face you
  109. >There's a look of longing in her eyes
  110. >Butterflies form in your stomach at what you imagine is about to happen
  111. >She inches closer to your face, as you do to hers
  112. >Closer, and closer
  113. >When you feel she's about to kiss you, she pulls out a massive sike and quickly dunks your head under the water
  114. "AH-" You try to scream out before you're submerged
  115. >She holds your head down as you flail in surprise
  116. >You can't see a thing, but you can feel the crown of your head rubbing along her belly
  117. >After a few seconds, she releases you and you come back up, gasping
  118. >She's laughing hard now
  119. "Why, you!" You angrily scold
  120. >You try to grab her and do the same, but she just uses you as a launching pad to swim away, laughing all the while
  121. >Oh you're going to get her back for that, somehow
  122. >Just she wait
  123. >You cease pursuing her and simply stay where you are, pretending to groom yourself, trying to save face for letting yourself be caught off guard like that
  124. >Sunset stops her flee and watches you
  125. >Taking a moment to think after calming down, you realize how close your face was in proximity to her privates
  126. >A sort of frustrated-satisfaction feeling developed
  127. >So close to it, yet you were unable to see it
  128. >That damn Sunset, she did it that way on purpose
  129. >Another tease
  130. >Now you REALLY gotta get back at her
  131. >But how?
  132. >Unfortunately for you, you weren't as creative as you sometimes led yourself to believe
  133. >You had to be original. You didn't want to comp her tricks
  134. >What to do...
  135. >But then, you thought of something
  136. >You stand up all the way, exposing your chest to the air
  137. >You turn around and begin walking away slowly
  138. >Several feet later, however, you "trip" and fall below the surface of the water, as if something knocked you down and grabbed you
  139. >This all depended on whether you could hold your breath long enough
  140. >Here's to hoping, otherwise you got double egg on your face
  141. >As you lay frontside on the floor of the lake, you await Sunset
  142. >A minute passes
  143. >Your heart is starting to pump faster now
  144. >It better be any second now, cause you could only hold it for two minutes tops
  145. >It feels like forever, but sure enough, Sunset eventually takes the bait
  146. >And just in the nick of time too
  147. >You feel the water moving as she treads the water below in search of you
  148. >It's time
  149. >You stick your ass up in the air, er, water, as far as you can like a mountain's peak
  150. >Moments later, Sunset's hands brush against your butt
  151. >Not knowing what it was at first, she tries to feel it more fully with the full palms of her hands
  152. >Oh yeah, work it baby
  153. >Sunset gets a whole double handful of dat Anon ass before she quickly realizes what she was touching and yanks them away
  154. >gottem
  155. >You quickly surface back up and take a deep inhalation before bursting out laughing even harder than she was
  156. "How do you like them bottom apples, eh Sunset?" You mockingly jest
  157. >Sunset's face becomes cross and she punches you in the arm
  158. >"That WASN'T funny, Anon!"
  159. >You keep laughing
  160. >"I really thought you were drowning, or worse."
  161. >Her scowl softened and she looked legitimately upset
  162. >Your laughter subsides and you feel the weight of her feelings pressing down on you
  163. >Maybe that was too far
  164. >You get closer to her
  165. "Ok, Sunset. I'm sorry, really. I just wanted to get back at you is all. I'm really sorry if I worried you."
  166. >You tentatively approach to give her a hug
  167. >Her eyes look back at you and her frown soon turned upside down. Somewhat
  168. >You wrap your arms around her neck and she does the same to you
  169. >Given the position, it could hardly be helped
  170. >Her breasts and your chest pressed against each other
  171. >You felt her stiff nipples rub against your skin, as you were sure she felt yours too
  172. >Given the moment, arousal wasn't on your mind, but you were definitely keeping this in the permanent memory banks of your mind
  173. >You release her and she smiles back at you, but not before it turns into another devilish grin
  174. >She reaches to grab your head again, but oh ho ho, not this time
  175. >Won't fall this old trick twice
  176. You maneuver backwards as she lunges forward
  177. >Had not the water splashed, she would have come out enough to visibly expose her chest as well
  178. >Damn water
  179. >Just need one slip of the nip, just one
  180. >Alas, it wasn't meant to be. You saw nothing
  181. >But you got a nice feel, and that's saying something
  182. >You continue swimming backwards as she chases after you
  183. >This time you're laughing as you propelling kicks engulf her face with thrashing water, causing her to splutter in between laughs
  184. >The more you jockeyed with Sunset, the most tension grew between you two
  185. >Feeling more frivolous, but still holding back behind boundaries, you continued teasing her and she you, making mock attempts to touch each other inappropriately
  186. >You felt elated and wanted this to go on forever, but you knew all good things must come to an end
  187. >And besides, your fingers as well as hers were becoming seriously pruney
  188. >Chickening out at going further, and noticing the sun dipping well below its zenith, you realize that it's about late afternoon now
  189. >It'll be time for dinner soon, so you had better wrap this up
  190. "Hey Sunset, we should probably get going, don't you think? We've been out for a while now, people will think we've gone missing."
  191. >"Aww, but don't you want to stay just a *little* longer?" She pleads with as cute of a voice as she can muster
  192. "I-I-I really think we should get going, heh." You implore
  193. >Sunset sighs
  194. >"Fine. I guess you're right."
  195. >As the two of you drift back to the bank, however, you hear the faint sound of laughs
  196. >Oh no
  197. >It's an activity group headed your way
  198. >But who???
  199. >No one's supposed to be in this area today
  200. >Not that you can remember
  201. >Then again, you don't have the best memory
  202. >Or attention span
  203. >It's getting closer by the second
  204. >Shit
  205. >There's no time to get out, dry off and get your clothes back on
  206. >Glancing around frantically, you spot a little island rock jutting from the water a dozen or so meters away
  207. >Just big enough for two people to hide behind away from view
  208. >But the clothes
  209. >You have no choice
  210. >You have to leave them behind and just pray none of the campers look too carefully
  211. >Sunset, following your gaze, comes to the same conclusion as you
  212. >You look at each other, then quickly swim over as stealthily as you could
  213. >Safely hidden behind the rock, Sunset and you peek around to see what's going on
  214. >It seems the activity group is on a scavenger trail hunt
  215. >Yeah, you remember reading something about that in the activity book
  216. >You take your lucky stars it's not a full blown scavenger hunt
  217. >For this one they have to stay on the trail, or at least not far from it
  218. >As long as none of the campers (or god forbid a counselor) wanders down too far off, they shouldn't be able to see the strewn about clothes, indicating naked and possibly (probably) fornicating teenagers
  219. >You can only imagine the deep hole you and Sunset would be in if you were discovered
  220. >Heartbeat returning back to normal, but anxiety still as high as ever, you relax somewhat
  221. >As you continue monitoring the group, Sunset feels like getting frisky again
  222. >It looks like she got her wish
  223. "What a fortuitous turn of events for you, Sunny." You grunt, though not all that angrily
  224. >"Indeed." She chuckles as she wraps her arms around your chest and legs around your waist, distancing her body just so with the aid of the water and buoyancy so that her privates don't touch your back
  225. >Oh how desperately you wished it did, though
  226. >Should you chance it, and push back?
  227. >As you're calculating your decision, you feel her feet wriggling down your torso, clearly attempting to locating something and get a touch
  228. "H-Hey, no fair." You whisper
  229. >She just giggles in response
  230. >No way
  231. >You let go of the rock and grab her ankles so they can't move anymore
  232. >This displeases Sunset
  233. >As you're both floating together now, you make your decision and try and pull her forward to get a touch of that fleshy clam
  234. >But she doesn't make it so easy
  235. >As you try and pull, she unwraps her arms and pushes against your back in response
  236. >Newton's third comes into play here
  237. >You struggle for a few moments more before giving in
  238. "Alright, I give up." You whisper as audibly as you can
  239. >You release your grip on her ankles and she separates from you
  240. >You turn around
  241. "Go check to see if they're gone yet." You instruct her
  242. >She paddles over to the rock and peers from the side as you were prior
  243. >"No, they're still there." She calls back
  244. >Without thinking, you decide to turn the tables
  245. >This time you wrap your arms around her waist and press your body up against hers like before
  246. >Except unlike last time, you go all the way
  247. >It was now or never
  248. >Sunset gasps as she feels your fleshy tube mash against her butt
  249. >She doesn't oppose, though
  250. >You embrace her in a tight hug and smell her wet hair, the scent of dirt, lake water and residual shampoo
  251. >This time, you are aroused
  252. >Gradually your flaccid member becomes erect as you now hotdog it between her buns
  253. >Sunset's breathing faster now, allowing you to continue
  254. >Despite all this, you still maintained control
  255. >You weren't going to have intercourse with her, that's way too far (and probably unsanitary
  256. >Instead, back up slightly, then poke your underwater erection in between her thighs
  257. >The faint sounds of chatter and laughter in the distance only embolden your confidence
  258. >Now or never
  259. >Do or die
  260. >Sunset understands what you're doing, and she grips your shaft between her thighs tightly, though not too tight
  261. >She lowers her hand down to her nethers as you press tightly against her backside, forcing your erection as far as it could go, and takes your head within her fingers, diddling it playfully with all her fingers, making sure to feel every little inch of it, so as to develop a mental image
  262. >You shiver with delight
  263. >You hump her once more
  264. >She takes one of your hands still wrapped around her waist and directs it down to her own crotch
  265. >Realizing what she wants, your own fingers begin navigating unexplored terrain
  266. >You feel a slight softness on her mound, indicating some pubic hair
  267. >As your fingers walk through the grass gently and slowly, you find the treasured prize
  268. >Her pink pearl
  269. >Covered by a hood, but attempting to get out, you appreciate the turgidity of it, rubbing it like the little nub that it is
  270. >Sunset's fast breathing has turned to moans, sighs, and gasps of pleasure, as has yours
  271. >While she stimulates your glans, you stimulate her clitoris, all underwater
  272. >You kiss the nape of her neck
  273. >"HAH! Sunset cries out as a loud whisper
  274. >Clearly the emotional pleasure is feeling as good as the physical pleasure for her
  275. >You keep kissing, utterly lost in the heat of the moment
  276. >You pinch and squeeze her engorged clitoris, rubbing it as well, while you hump her backside, allowing her thighs to stroke you while her fingers attempt to catch their prize
  277. >You're hard
  278. >Really hard
  279. >Like diamonds hard
  280. >And you're so close
  281. "S-S...Sunset, I...I'm about"
  282. >"M-Me too." She staggers out
  283. >As if on cue, you begin rubbing her faster and harder, getting a couple strokes inside of her too, while she does the same, rapidly rubbing away at your glans to overstimulate it and make you cum
  284. "Ah, Ah, Ah!"
  285. >"Hnn, Hnn, Hnn!"
  286. >Aaaaaand
  289. >As you ejaculated right onto her fingertips, you likewise felt some kind of fluid squirt around your fingers too, though you only barely noticed from the intense orgasm you just had
  290. >Bringing your other hand down to her private area, you frame her pubic mound and gently press it, like you were massaging it, ensuring to soothe her now recovering clitoris
  291. >As your spent penis begins losing its rigidity, Sunset unclamps her thighs
  292. >Both of you, breathing heavily and in a mirthful satisfaction the likes of which neither of you had ever experienced before, soon separated bodies
  293. >Turning towards you, her face is blushed deeply red, but not in regret
  294. >All you can do in response is smile and chuckle
  295. >She does too
  296. >When the laughter subsides, you hear nothing
  297. >Just quiet
  298. >Quiet...
  299. "Hey, you hear that?" You ask her
  300. >"No?"
  301. "Exactly."
  302. >You peer around the rock and see that the group has moved along
  303. >Perfect timing
  304. >Coming around back, you face her
  305. "Goodness, look at the time. We really should be getting back for real this time."
  306. "I couldn't agree more." She responds
  307. >But before we do, there's one more thing
  308. >She leans in and gives you a deep kiss
  309. >You reciprocate, tasting her lips and mouth fully in afterglow haze
  310. >As you're kissing, she stands up, bringing your with her
  311. >You try to unlock the kiss, but she holds your face firm against hers, pressing her body against yours again
  312. >Ah, you see
  313. >No looking
  314. >That was the game all along today, after all, wasn't it?
  315. >You feel the utter softness of her breasts squish against your chest, as well as her hard nipples
  316. >If you weren't just spent, you'd probably get another boner right about now
  317. >You and Sunset make your way towards the bank, lip-locked until finally she releases
  318. >Before you have a chance to look anywhere else, she covers your eyes
  319. >"No peeking." She commands
  320. >You just nod in response and close your eyes
  321. >She removes her hands and crawls onto land, letting herself drip dry for a moment before putting her underwear back on
  322. >"Now you can come out." She tells you
  323. >You start to crawl out and were almost out of the water before you realized she was watching you with a smug look
  324. "H-Hey! No looking!" You protest
  325. >Sunset grins, and then covers her eyes with her hands
  326. "For real!"
  327. >"I'm not looking!"
  328. >Convinced she wasn't, you finally crawl back onto land yourself and follow similar procedure
  329. >Getting a feeling she was cheating, though, you turn backside against her
  330. >Finally your underwear is back on too, and both you and Sunset put your camp uniforms back on together
  331. >With one last glance at the lake, and the memory of your juvenile yet intimate experience in mind, you and Sunset head back to camp, brainstorming plausible stories to cover your asses
  332. You also held hands

/k/ Anon & Spider Shim: A Very/k/ammando Christmas

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/k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 1

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/k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 2 (Interveiw with a blogger)

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/k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 3 (Date night)

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k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 4 (Anon makes a new friend)

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