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Miss Eri and Anon sleepover date - Not finished

By X-Roads
Created: 2021-05-05 01:58:18
Expiry: Never

  1. >With a flick of your wrist and a tap of your foot, the match you used to light the candle on your nightstand is disposed of and you open your bedroom's window to let some fresh air in.
  2. >A burst of crisp, cold evening air hits you and you take a deep breath of it, relishing the unique scent it carries.
  3. “Aaaah... Nice.”
  4. >Wet and dry leaves alike, chimney smoke, the subtle smell of rain and ozone and of course the aura of those who inhabit this lovely place together with you:
  5. >The ponies who you call your neighbours and friends for a good two years now.
  6. >You are Anonymous.
  7. “Mirror, mirror on the wall~”, you start to sing and begin to doff your pants and sweatshirt.
  8. >The only human, at least to your knowledge, in Equestria, inhabitant of the small town of Ponyville, member of its proud guard and part time alcoholic.
  9. “True hope lies beyond the coast~”
  10. >The latter mostly due to the lack of internet here in Equestria, but... Eh... Pony alcohol isn't even that strong compared to the stuff you had access to on Earth, so it isn't like you could do any serious harm to yourself.
  11. “You're a damned kind can't see~”
  12. >At least not with your income... You would need to earn at least triple that to get yourself in a blissful, alcoholic stupor on a regular basis.
  13. “That the winds will change~”
  14. >But, to be honest, you really don't miss that aspect of your former life.
  15. “Mirror, mirror on the wall~”
  16. >Despite you basically been stranded on a whole different planet by some freak accident, you're much happier here and you wouldn't trade your new life for all the riches on both worlds.
  17. “True hope lies beyond the coast~”
  18. >You have good friends, a satisfying job and a happy life. What else could you want?
  19. “You're damned kind can't you see~”
  20. >And speaking of friends... One of them will be sleeping with you tonight.
  21. “That tomorrows bears insanity~”
  22. >Well... Not in a sexual way, just sleeping with you in in the same bed.
  23. “Gone's the wisdom~”
  24. >Her name's Miss Eri, and she's someone you would have called an “Emo” back on earth .
  25. “Of a thousand years~”
  26. >She's a bit socially awkward, not very confident of herself and didn't have a very easy childhood to boot.
  27. “A world in fire and chains and fear~”
  28. >And today she's had an especially rough day and so you agreed to her sleeping here after a long evening of comforting her and telling her that everything will be alright.
  29. “Leads me to a place far away~”
  30. >Not that you mind, of course.
  31. “Deep down it lies my secret vision~”
  32. >Eri, as you like to call her, was one of your very first real friends here in Equestria after all.
  33. “I better keep it safe~”
  34. >Never did she care how scary you looked and neither did she ever mind your somewhat black and crude humour.
  35. “Shall I never leave my friends alone~”
  36. >Indeed... That's the least you can do for her after she was there for you so many times in your past.
  37. “Hidden in my twilight hall~”
  38. >Currently she's in your bathroom and making herself ready for bed. She even had a saddlebag with cute little skulls on it with her.
  39. >That's enough singing for now, though... Your neighbours never grew all that fond of your singing voice and it's also pretty late already. So no need to anger them.
  40. >Folding your pants and sweater neatly and putting them on a chair, you tilt the window and get into your bed, since being outside of it in just your boxers and t-shirt would be a bit too chilly.
  41. >And Eri should be ready for bed any time now.
  42. >Ready for bed... Yeah...
  43. “Uhm...”
  44. >Now that you think of it, you've never spent the night with her in the same bed ever.
  45. >Or any mare to be honest.
  46. >Oh boy... Hopefully this night won't be too weird. God knows it has been some time since you've last felt the touch of a female being.
  47. >As close as you and Eri are, cuddles, hugs and other kinds of close physical contact always have been kept at a bare minimum between the two of you.
  48. >And her feeling you popping a boner while she tries to sleep next to you, just because you think she's so incredibly soft and smells so very nice, might make things a bit too awkward.
  49. >Man... Her scent is just something else. It's heavy and strong, but not in an overbearing or even nasty way.
  50. >It just reminds you of a field full of late blooming flowers like dahlias and hydrangeas... And maybe a bit of honeysuckle.
  51. >You could have honestly died and not be bothered at all by it during the seldom opportunities you had smelling her silky mane...
  52. >W-Wait what?! Soft? Smelling nicely? Silky mane? That's no way to think about a close friend! Even if she's a girl... Or a mare to be exact!
  53. >Her day was already shit enough even without your sexual neediness! All she needs now is a good friend to be there for her.
  54. >Y-Yeah...
  55. >God.
  56. >Now you just want this to be over as fast as possible.... Perhaps this wasn't such a good idea after all.
  57. >What's taking her so long anyway?
  59. >Maybe she has trouble using your bathroom? Everything in there was custom-made for you and thus a fair bit larger than what she might be used to.
  60. >You really should go and check on her.
  61. >Just as you were about to get up, you hear the distinct creak of your bathroom's door and soon after that the sound of four quiet hooves approaching your bedroom.
  62. >Oh... Seems like she managed by herself.
  63. >...
  64. >Of course she did, you dolt!
  65. >She's a grown mare and this wasn't even the first time she used your bathroom.
  66. >With what did you want to help her with anyway? Getting on the toilet? Perhaps lifting her up to the sink afterwards so she could wash her hooves?
  67. >You're just sure that she would have greatly appreciated all this instead of just running away and screaming zeter and mordio.
  68. “Errr...”, you groan and slump back down onto your mattress.
  69. >Just get your shit together, Anon. You tend to fuck things up when you're shit isn't stacked neatly.
  70. >Crossing your arms behind your head, you take a deep breath and close your eyes in an attempt to calm yourself down.
  71. >And it kinda works.
  72. >Thankfully.
  73. >There's absolutely no need to get so worked up over this... Yes.
  74. >She will just be sleeping next to you, maybe cuddling her soft form into yours a bit, and that's it already.
  75. >Nothing to be worried or even scared about.
  76. >Y-Yeah...
  77. >”Hey Anon.”, a soft voice says.
  78. >Huh?
  79. >”Thanks for the shirt... It's really comfy.”
  80. >Shifting your attention to the source of the adorable sounding voice, you see Eri standing in your doorway, the pale moonlight illuminating her slender form.
  81. “Uhm... H-Hey.”, you stammer, unable to peel your gaze away from her.
  82. >She's wearing a plain, white shirt you apparently gave to her and is way too big for her, and, if this wouldn't be cute enough already...
  83. >”W-Why are you looking at me like t-that?”, she asks, a bright blush burning on her cheeks.
  84. >... A pair of red socks with black stripes on her hind legs, reaching up to her thighs.
  85. >To say she looks absolutely stunning would be an understatement. You didn't know that pony legs could look so sexy until now.
  86. >The only thing that would make her look hotter... Erm... You meant cuter... Right now, would be...
  87. >Leaning her slightly trembling form against the door frame, and thus exposing a bit more of her posterior to you, she shoots you an embarrassed look.
  88. >A pair of panties! Like those that tightly hug her flanks right now!
  89. >They even have the exact same pattern as the socks she wears...
  90. >”Anon?”
  91. >Her voice snaps you back to reality.
  92. “N-No reason at all!”, you chuckle and rub the back of your neck, “You... You just look cute like that. Are... Are you ready for bed?”
  93. >”T-Thanks.”, she giggles and steps forward, her hips swaying seductively, “I am. Sorry it took so long.”
  94. >Did she do this on purpose? You pray to god she did...
  95. >No... Stop thinking about her like that. She probably wears this every night. Those socks look warm and comfortable enough to be sleepwear after all.
  96. “Don't worry about it, Eri.”
  97. >Maybe a bit too quickly, you lift your blanket and invite your friend into the warm confines of your bed with a pat on the mattress.
  98. “Come on in.”
  99. >Beaming you a warm smile, Eri climbs onto your bed and then lies down, resting her head next to yours on the pillow and locking eyes with you.
  100. >”Thank you...”
  101. “You're welcome.”, you say, covering her with the blanket, “Good enough?”
  102. >”Y-Yeah.”
  103. “Wonderful.”
  104. >An awkward silence settles in, which you two spend mostly by nervously shifting around and staring into each other's eyes..
  105. >Her beautiful, blood red eyes...
  106. >The moonlight makes them shine especially bright.
  107. >That one strange, purple pony with both wings and a horn, you think Twilight Sprinkle was her name, once told you in one of the many Equestrian History lessons you had to attend at her place, that foals born with blood red eyes were seen as some kind of bad omen a long time ago.
  108. >Like they were harbingers of war or other similar bad things.
  109. >But you... You just want to lose yourself in hers. And you're in a serious risk of doing exactly that right now.
  110. >You just want to touch her. To feel her body as closely as possible to yours, smelling her sweet breath and so much more.
  111. >B-But why now? Just because she lies next to you? Because she's, so to speak, available? You've never felt about her like this until now.
  112. >It can't be that you are... Can it?
  113. >Snickering quietly, almost as she could hear your thoughts, the light-grey earth pony mare skitters a bit closer to you, her clothed hooves gently brushing your calves as she does so.
  114. >”It's weird, isn't it?”
  115. >She rubs your exposed cheek softly with a hoof before resting it on your shoulder, pulling you the tiniest bit closer to her.
  116. >Its sheer presence there makes a small shudder run down your spine.
  117. >Are you really that fucking desperate?
  118. >”We have known each other for so long, but yet we never really have touched each other...”
  120. “I... I guess? But why bring this up-”
  121. >”Ssshh...”, she interrupts you, shushing you with a hoof.
  122. >Almost instinctively you take a smell at it, taking care she doesn't notice it and filling your nose with her lovely, sweet scent.
  123. >But sadly, she immediately retrieves her hoof again and then shifts yet again closer to you.
  124. >Only a few measly inches of air are separating your two bodies now and you can feel her hind hooves lazily pawing at your legs.
  125. >Each and everyone of these gentle touches sends a bolt of electricity through your body.
  126. >You don't know for how much longer you can withstand this kind of torture... Finding sleep like this is beyond all question.
  127. >”Please don't, Anon.”
  128. “Don't do what?”
  129. >”You know...”, she giggles, “Question this. I had to drink all the booze I brought with me to even think of bringing this up.”
  130. >Huh?
  131. >Now that she mentioned it, her breath does kinda smell like the cheap whiskey she uses to drink.
  132. “You brought booze? And why didn't you-”
  133. >”Anon.”, she interrupts you again, “Let's say I just forgot, okay?”
  134. “Heh, okay. I guess we were busy otherwise anyway, weren't we?”
  135. >The smile on her face falters and she leans her head against your chest.
  136. >T-Thats definitely new!
  137. >”Y-Yeah...”
  138. >What are you supposed to do now?
  139. >You mean... She already touched you. So it wouldn't be wrong to touch her, would it?
  140. >But would she even want that?
  141. >...
  142. >There's only one way to find out, isn't there?
  143. >Carefully, almost bashfully, you put an arm around her barrel and begin to slowly caress the lower part of her mane.
  144. >Immediately you are rewarded for this with a quiet, content sigh from her.
  145. >”This feels nice, Anon...”
  146. >Eri closes her eyes and buries her head and muzzle a bit deeper and firmer against your chest, taking a deep breath and then shuddering slightly.
  147. >”You feel nice.”
  148. >Uhm... Okay.
  149. >Stay calm, Anon.
  150. “Glad you like it... Say...”
  151. >She didn't really want to talk about what happened today earlier. Maybe now is a good time to do this.
  152. >”Hmm?”, she mumbles, gently nuzzling you and wrapping her hind legs around your legs.
  153. >Man... She never was this affectionate towards you until tonight. Even on those few nights when you two were drinking together.
  154. >Usually, she always left when she was at the verge of getting fully drunk and was still able to walk home.
  155. >And even if this wasn't the case, she just crashed on your couch and was well away before you were even awake.
  156. >This whole situation here is totally new for you, and probably for her too.
  157. “Why were you so upset today?”, you ask and cup her front hooves with your other hand, softly squeezing them.
  158. >Despite their hard edges, they feel incredibly delicate and the thin fur on them is soft to the touch.
  159. >You can even kinda feel her heartbeat on their frogs, if you focus your concentration on it.
  160. >”Ehrm... Do I have to tell you?”
  161. “You don't, but I think it would be better for you if you would.”, you say and let your hand crawl further up her mane, eliciting another moan out of her, “Bottling up bad things never helped anypony, you know?”
  162. >F-Fuck...
  163. >You've never known that you wanted all this.
  164. >The closeness to her... Her sweet and, to be honest, quite alluring scent invading your nose... To be able to actually touch and caress her...
  165. >And to know that she enjoy all of this too.
  166. >It just makes your heart skip a beat.
  167. >A quiet snicker leaves Eri's lips.
  168. >You think she felt that too...
  169. >”I guess you're right, Anon.”, she breathes and pecks the hand that holds her hooves.
  170. >That felt way better than it had any right to be.
  171. >Removing her head from your chest, she rests it on the crook of your neck and then lets out an almost relieved sounding sigh, her hot breath brushing over your skin and causing another soft shudder to surge through your body.
  172. >”Didn't know you were ticklish.”, she giggles and purposely exhales another time, enjoying your reaction to it quite a bit.
  173. >If she keeps this up, you aren't sure if you are able to keep lil' Anon down for much longer... And he isn't that terribly far away from her underside.
  174. “Eri p-please.”
  175. >”Heh, sorry... I've already told you about Deep Rest, didn't I?”
  176. “Deep Rest?”
  177. >Hmmm... That name kinda rings a bell. Wasn't she the dark grey pony who works at the local hospital?
  178. >You think you've made her acquaintance once or twice in the past. Before you got a job as a guard and had to work all these handyman jobs to bring home the bacon.
  179. >Man... These were dark times full of easily preventable accidents and the resulting countless minor and not so minor injuries you carried away from them.
  180. >Learning never stops, huh?
  181. >Anyway.
  182. ”She's your nurse friend, isn't she?”
  183. >”Mhmm.”
  184. >Nailed it.
  185. “What about her?”
  186. >For a short moment Eri remains silent, the sound of your combined breaths being the only noise polluting your bedroom, before finally opening her mouth again.
  187. >”P-Promise you won't tell anypony?”
  188. “Of course not.”
  189. >”Okay...”, she takes a deep breath, “Something happened between her and me... Something weird. And I don't know how to handle it.”
  191. >Another sigh escapes her, this time sounding quite a bit sadder, and she retrieves her head from your neck, resting it next to yours and locking eyes with you.
  192. >You can see the reflection of Luna's crescent moon in their deep pools of crimson.
  193. >”A week ago or so...”, she begins, “I invited Rest over to celebrate her promotion. Nothing special, yunno? Just some hayburgers, a bottle of wine and our favourite music.”
  194. >A bottle of wine, huh? Make that at least two or three.
  195. >Eri might always claim that she doesn't like the taste of alcohol, but you've known her long enough to know that she won't say no to a refill once she gets started.
  196. >Especially if the drink in question is red wine.
  197. >Sweet and heavy red wine to be exact... The kind that gives you a nasty headache the morning after.
  198. >Also the kind that is stupidly expensive here in Equestria, since, compared to the usual stuff you can get in the local watering holes, it contains a lot of alcohol.
  199. >Same goes for all sorts of booze and spirits, which are so pricey because most of it has to be imported from the gryphon and minotauren kingdoms.
  200. >But you digress.
  201. “She got promoted? Good for her.”
  202. >”Mhm. She's now the head nurse of her ward. Earns a bit more, but also has to do some extra stuff now.”
  203. “What kind of extra stuff?”
  204. >”Oh, you know... Things like organising shifts and going to morning meetings with the doctors and Celestia knows what else.”
  205. “Heh okay, go on.”
  206. >”I think she also has to do extra paperwork, but... That's beside the point.”
  207. >Tittering, she frees one of her hooves from your hand's grasp and tucks it under the pillow, propping her head up a bit with it.
  208. >”We had a really good time. Bringing each other up to date, talking about our lives, friends and what not. She even brought some of her records.”
  209. “Sounds nice.”
  210. >”It was...”, she cringes, “At least until we've finished our wine.”
  211. “What happened then?”
  212. >”Uhm...”
  213. >A faint blush creeps across her cheeks and she averts her gaze from yours again.
  214. >”Y-You really won't t-tell anypony?”
  215. “I already told you I won't, didn't I?”
  216. >”I know... It's just so bucking embarrassing and weird.”
  217. >Embarrassing? Now that really sparked your curiosity... Though...
  218. “You don't have to tell me, if you really don't want to.”, you say and let the hand that pets her mane crawl up another bit further.
  219. >”Anon~”, she quietly coos with a husky voice, her eyes closed and her lips bearing a content smile, “Don't stop... Please.”
  220. >By Celestia's butt... You've never heard hear voice taking on such a... Well.. Such a seductive tone.
  221. >And of course it doesn't take long to affect you, persuading your body to distribute blood to a much more fun promising place.
  222. >Seems like now is a good time to adjust your position a bit.
  223. >Luckily she didn't notice this nor your small, or, as you like to believe, not so small, predicament.
  224. >And since you are not one to deny a lady her wish, you intensify your efforts on her mane, coaxing a few more raspy moans out of her in the process.
  225. >Which don't exactly help with your current situation either, and you would be lying if you say you don't enjoy the fact that you are able to draw such noises out of her, but at least your little soldier should be far enough away from her body to not cause you any worries any more.
  226. >For a few moments more she lets herself get lost in your touch, before sluggishly pawing at your arm in a weak attempt to get you to stop.
  227. >”O-Okay, but seriously, Anon... Stop now. I can't concentrate like this.”
  228. “You seem to like this, though.”
  229. >”I do, really, but please...”
  230. “Heh, sorry.”, you chuckle and retrieve your hand, placing it down on her neck again and idly beginning to stroke the short, soft coat that grows there.
  231. >You absolutely had no clue how soft ponies can be... Despite you being on a friendly basis with most of them here in Ponyville, they were never particularly keen on having any physical contact with you.
  232. >Something about your broad and tall frame just seems to scare them, but you never really delved deeper into that subject since you don't like to think about it for obvious reasons.
  233. >”Don't be...”, she giggles, “We should have done this way earlier, though. It felt really nice. Much nicer than I imagined.”
  234. >I-Imagined? Does that mean she thought about th-
  235. >But before you could finish that though, she lets out the cutest, little yawn you've heard and looks with tired, half-lidded eyes at you.
  236. >”Also made me hella sleepy.”
  237. >Heart status: Muh.
  238. “Glad you liked it. I enjoyed it too.”
  239. >”You did? Weren't you doing most of the work, though?”
  240. >Chuckling, she leans towards your face and gently nuzzles your cheek, causing a fierce blush to spread across it.
  241. >That can't be just the alcohol in her system, can it?
  242. >There has to be more behind all this... Surely, this can't be solely the fault of just your imagination.
  243. >”Mares are, for the most part, very shy creatures, Anonymous.”, the voice of a certain, dressmaking white unicorn echoes in your head, “But don't worry, darling. They will let you know if they are interested in you.”
  244. >”If I were you...”, the voice continues, “I wouldn't let me trouble this for now. You will find somepony sooner or later.”
  245. >You don't know why Rarity feels the immense need to hand out relationship advice whenever you bring her your gambeson to mend, but it sure is appreciated now.
  246. >So...
  247. >Could it be that Eri is interested in you? Or is this just your desperate desire for physical contact and intimacy and you are interpreting too much into this? Like you always did?
  248. >Fuck.
  249. >You wish you had the balls to straight up ask her... And far more importantly... You wish you knew what answer you would like to hear.
  250. >”Anon?”
  251. >For how long are you two friends now? Two, almost three years? And you've never set your wits to the question if you like her more than a friend should.
  252. >This whole development here is just too confusing and messes with your ability to think straight.
  253. >And her ever so sweet and flowery scent that you imbibe with each and everyone of your breathes just makes things worse.
  254. >Why does she have to smell so nice? Why does she have to look so beautiful in the moon's light? Why does she have to touch you so affectionately?
  255. >You just don't want to do the wrong thing... Especially not to her.
  256. >You would never be able to forgive yourself.
  257. >”Uhm... Anon?”
  258. >A quick hoof finds its way to your nose and delivers a gentle poke onto it, breaking your train of thought and bringing you back to reality.
  259. >”Boop!”
  260. “H-Huh?”
  261. >”Ah, there you are. I thought I lost ya.”, she laughs.
  262. “S-Sorry. I was in thought.”
  263. >”Were they nice thoughts?”
  264. >Were they?
  265. >...
  266. >Beaming her a warm smile, you collect the hoof that just assaulted your nose and unite it with the one you already hold in your hand, giving them a gentle squeeze.
  267. “Yes, they were.”
  268. >Eri returns your smile and moves her head a bit closer to yours, reducing the distance between them to just a hand's breadth.
  269. >You can now feel her breath ever so slightly washing over your face.
  270. >”Nice to hear that... Anywho... Where were we?”
  271. “You wanted to tell me what happened between you and Deep Rest.”
  272. >Even despite the moon's pale light being pretty much the only source of light in your bedroom, you manage to notice her blushing even fiercer than she did before.
  273. >”Aaah... I g-guess.”, she mutters and starts to fidget around.
  274. “If this is too awkward to talk about for you, we can just slee-”
  275. >”No, no!”, she interrupts you, “I need to tell somepony... Or else it's going to drive me crazy!”
  276. “Is it that bad?”
  277. >”I wouldn't call it bad... Just... Yunno.”
  278. “Weird?”
  279. >”Yeah. And confusing. I just... I just don't know what or how to feel about it.”
  280. “Well.”, you say and begin to slowly pet the area under her ear, “If you are willing to tell, I'm willing to listen.”
  281. >”T-Thanks.”
  282. “Anytime, Eri.”
  283. >”Okay then...”, she gulps, ”Here goes nothing.”
  285. ~~~
  287. >”An' you won't be... Believe what she shaid next!”, your friend slurs, harshly stabbing a hoof into your chest, “She told the doctor right inna her dumb face to buck off and shove the pillsh inno her coltfriendlesh cunt!”
  288. >Breaking out into a high, clear laughter, Deep Rest nearly tumbles over onto your mattress, just barely managing to escape this fate by sluggishly wrapping her hooves around your barrel.
  289. “Whoa!”, you , surprised by the sudden closeness to her.
  290. >She presses her face against your chest, still giggling like a schoolfilly that just has found out that hearth's warming eve comes with presents, and begins to scrabble around in the short tuft of hair that grows there.
  291. >”You shoulda sheen her face! It wash a riot!”, she slurs, burying her muzzle even deeper into your chest's fluff and tightening her embrace.
  292. >Oh, nonono! This is way too close for your liking!
  293. “R-Rest!”
  294. >Hastily, you help her to remove her head from your chest and to get into a steady sitting position again, making sure to not accidentally knock her over.
  295. >This is much better. You finally got some breathing room again.
  296. >Quite literally... Rest isn't exactly the gentlest hugger. Especially not whilst being drunk as a fiddler's bitch.
  297. “Phew...”, you sigh and fix your molested fluff.
  298. >It's not like you don't like being close to her, but you had way too little to drink for this amount and intenseness of physical contact.
  299. >Quite in contrary to her... Who drank the third bottle of wine mostly by herself and seems to not care about this little fact about yourself any more.
  300. >Eeeh... You should never have agreed to opening that third bottle in the first place. It's basically your own fault.
  301. >But you never were able to say no to her, especially not with the puppy eyes she gave you when she asked.
  302. >And what are a few bits compared to a good friend anyway?
  303. >Nothing. That's what they are.
  304. >Even if this specific kind of heavy, sweet wine costed you a pretty bit when you bought it from the local vintner, just because it is so heavy and sweet.
  305. >”That's the hardest stuff I can sell to ya without getting into trouble, Eri.”, you hear her voice in your head, “It's not cheap, but I swear to Luna's full moons that you will not regret it!”
  306. >And Berry certainly didn't lie. Even if you didn't get to drink much of that hard stuff, it at least managed to give you a nice buzz.
  307. >”Ahahaha...”, Rest giggles to herself next to you.
  308. “Huh?”
  309. >”Yo... You were in thought or what?”
  310. “Oh...”, you chime into her laughter, “Mhm, kinda.”
  311. >”Yunno...”, she smirks.
  312. “Yeah?”
  313. >”You look hella cute when you're thinking. It'sh a miracle that no shtallion shnatched ya away already!”
  314. “P-Please...”, you pout and avert your gaze from her, blushing like crazy, “I'm not cute!”
  315. >You really are not! Otherwise you would have long been able to woo that certain stallion that caught your heart.
  316. >Not that you even deserve him...
  317. >Rest shoots you a toothy grin and nudges your shoulder, swinging back and forth on your bed like she wants to match the beat of the song that plays in the background.
  318. >”H-Heh... Shorry, Eri.”
  319. >Returning her smile, you catch her hoof and place it back on the mattress.
  320. “No harm done.”
  321. >”Ni... Nice! Shay...”, she stammers and looks at her empty glass next to your half-full one that stands on the small table in front of your bed, “Do we have any more wine perhapsh?”
  322. “Uhm...”
  323. >Actually... You do have a few more bottles safely stored away in your kitchen, but that's not something she needs to know in her current state.
  324. >While you could do with at least another glass of wine, Rest had more than enough for one evening.
  325. >She already told you the exact same story three times already, and you are not sure if you are able to sit through it a fourth or even fifth time.
  326. >Celestia knows that has happened before.
  327. “Sorry, Rest. But that was the last one.”, you lie.
  328. >”Aww shit.”, she groans, letting herself fall on your bed, “Jusht my luck.”
  329. “You alright?”
  330. >”Y-Yeah... Jusht feeling shleepy.”
  331. >You giggle and quickly empty your glass of the crimson liquid it contains, relishing its sweet, fruity taste for a bit, before putting it down again and gently poking your friend.
  332. “Should I get some blankets and prepare the couch for you?”
  333. >Deep Rest looks at you over her shoulders, seemingly thinking about your offer for a short moment, before nonchalantly shaking her head.
  334. >”Nah... I wanna shleep here.”
  335. >S-Sleep here? In your bed?! That's totally beyond all dispute!
  336. “But that's my bed!”, you protest.
  337. >”And?”, she titters and pulls your pillow closer to her, “It'sh big enough for ush both and it'sh bucking comfy to boot!”
  338. “B-But...”
  339. >”No butsh, other than your own!”, she laughs and rolls onto her back, “Either you shleep with me or you shleep on your stupid couch!”
  340. >She looks at you with the biggest smile you've ever seen from her, both of her leg pairs spread wide and showing everything off she has to offer to you.
  341. >The large tuft of fluff sitting on her chest... Her supple pair of teats, quite a bit larger than your own... And of course, the parts that essentially make her a mare.
  342. >Oh, by Celestia... They are just a tad darker than her coat and look so plump and puffy!
  343. >It's not the first time you've seen her vagina, since ponies tend to be naked most of the time, but it's the first time you've got such a good look at it.
  344. >It's just plain weird to see another's mare's genitals. At least for you.
  345. “Aaah...”
  346. >Rest has always been a bit... Well... Let's just say flirty towards you, whenever she was drunk, but now...
  347. >Now she's just blatantly presenting herself to you and she doesn't even seem to care.
  348. >Luckily, she didn't seem to notice your staring and is just rolling around on your bed in blissful, drunken ignorance.
  349. >”It'sh way shofter than my bed!”
  350. >What are you supposed to do now?
  352. >You can't really force her to leave your bed and sleep on the couch, since, for one she's quite a bit stronger and heavier than you, and for another you think that this would be kinda mean.
  353. >She does look very content and happy cuddling your pillow like that.
  354. >Sort of cute too...
  355. >It surely wouldn't hurt to share the bed with her for one night. She's your best friend after all and what is the worst thing that could happen anyway?
  356. >Maybe some awkwardness and lost sleep on your side? Doesn't sound that bad if you think about it.
  357. >And you guess it would be nice change of pace not having to sleep alone for once. It might do something good for your general mood too, who knows?
  358. “Okay, Rest. You've won me over.”
  359. >”Oh buck yesh!”, she chirps, jumping onto her four hooves and roughly embracing you, “Thish ish going to be sho aweshome!”
  360. “Omph!”
  361. >Again with her bear hugs... Hopefully she doesn't insist on cuddling with you like that all night long.
  362. >That might be still just a bit too much for you and also poses the risk of a slow, even if warm and soft, death by asphyxiation.
  363. >Either that or by embarrassment. Whichever is able to deal the most damage to your brain first.
  364. “Eh... Rest.”
  365. >Carefully, you wiggle yourself out of your friend's squeeze and set her hooves down on your mattress again, shooting her an awry smile as you regain your breath.
  366. >By Celestia, no... This would surely be the death of you.
  367. >And as somepony who thinks about death a lot, to an almost unhealt-... Oh, who are you trying to fool? To a very unhealthy degree, this is not how you want to die.
  368. >After a second or two, you finally manage to regain your composure again and skid a hoof's breadth away from her in an attempt to prevent further forced physical contact.
  369. “You're quite the hugger tonight, huh?”, you chuckle.
  370. >”Shorry, Eri.”, she returns your laughter in a slurred voice, “I can't help it! You're jusht too cute!”
  371. >As these words leave her mouth, her eyes go half-lidded and her lips begin to form a weird, warped and somewhat creepy grin.
  372. >Uh...
  373. >You aren't too sure of what she is trying to convey to you with this expression.
  374. >Maybe she's feeling sick?
  375. >That wouldn't surprise you, considering the fact that she replaced most of her blood with red wine over the last few hours.
  376. “Are you feeling well, Rest?”
  377. >”Eeyup!”, she happily exclaims, “Never felt better! Why are ya ashking, cutie?”
  378. >What now?
  379. “C-Cutie?! Rest, I think you ar-”
  380. >”Oopsh!”, she interrupts you, slumping down on your bed and marehandling your poor teddy bear, “Shorry! I meant your teddy here, of courshe! What was hish name again?”
  381. “Mr. Cuddlington.”
  382. >”Ahahaha! How cute!”
  383. >Throwing poor Mr. Cuddlington into the air, and barely being able to catch him again afterwards, she shoots you the same strange look as before.
  384. >”I'm all ready for bed! How about you?”
  385. “Al... Almost. Just gonna use the bathroom really quick.”
  386. >”Okay then. Don't lemme wait for too long.”
  387. >You give her a weak nod and slide off your bed, beginning to trot towards the door.
  388. >”Eri?”
  389. >Huh? What does she want now?
  390. “Yeah?”
  391. >”Could you shet the record player to sheventy eight? The next shong ish really bucking good!”
  392. “You mean the speed?”
  393. >”Uhu! It fasht forwardsh to the next shong.”
  394. >It does? You didn't know that.
  395. >Though... The instruction manual for this thing still lies untouched in its packaging, so that's no wonder.
  396. >Mentally shrugging, you set the record player to the requested speed, acknowledge her “Thanksh Eri! You're the besht!” with another nod and then exit your bedroom.
  397. >Oh mare... What did you get yourself into?
  398. >Dealing with her ham-hooved, drunken advances is easy enough when you can just dump her on your couch when you had enough of them and the alcohol finally managed to take its toll, but tonight you have to share your bed with her.
  399. >Which not only means that you get to experience her snoring face to face, but also all those lovely patters and remarks of hers.
  400. >Like what a cute muzzle you have and how she can't keep her hooves off of it.
  401. >It still hurts a bit from the last time she slept here...
  402. “Oh my...”, you sigh and shuffle into your bathroom.
  403. >Hopefully she doesn't interpret this as some kind of invitation or even consent on your part to intensify her flirtatious endeavours.
  404. >You sit down in front of your medicine cabinet and take a look at yourself in the mirror.
  405. >Celestia be damned... You look awful.
  406. >Your mane's a mess, your eyes are bloodshot, and with the bags under them you could literally take out the trash.
  407. >Not that you care all that much about your physical appearance, especially not at home, but you try to look at least somewhat decent to others.
  408. >Nevertheless, you splash some water on your face and fix your manedo with a few swift strokes of your hooves.
  409. >There. All better now. You look almost presentable again.
  410. >Even if you doubt that Deep Rest would notice a difference in her current state.
  411. >As long as she can fondle and grope your cute muzzle while giggling to herself like a madmare, she will be happy enough.
  412. >Oh by the god that Anon seems to invoke all the time, whoever and wherever he might be, words cannot describe how much you are looking forward to this.
  413. >Groaning, you open the mirror cabinet and reach for your toothbrush and toothpaste, taking a quick glance at the latter since it looks unfamiliar to you.
  414. “Minuette's Strawberry Flavoured Fun Paste...”, you mutter to yourself.
  415. >When did you buy that?
  416. >Shrugging again, now physically though, you spread some on your toothbrush and begin to brush your teeth.
  417. >Maybe Rest forgot it here. Not that it looks like anything she would buy, nor do you remember the last time she brushed her teeth here, but...
  418. >Everypony has their secrets, don't they?
  419. >And perhaps hers is toothpaste for foals.
  420. >Kinda nice tasting toothpaste for foals at that.
  421. >It's not too sweet and it doesn't taste too artificial either... To be honest, you quite like it and could even imagine replacing your current one with it.
  422. >After roughly three minutes of brushing, you spit it out again and quickly rinse your mouth with a belt of water before you take care of some other, and rather urgent, need of yours.
  423. >...
  424. >That felt better than it had any right to... You almost feel dirty for enjoying it so much.
  425. >There is no better feeling than to empty a full bladder. It's just pure bliss.
  426. >With a bit of a goofy smile on your face, you sit down in front of your mirror again and give yourself a quick look over.
  427. >Yep. Looks good enough.
  428. >Your teeth are brushed, you don't feel any kind of pressure in your lower regions, and you don't look like you've lived on the streets for your whole life.
  429. >Seems like you are all ready for bed.
  430. >All ready for bed... Yeah...
  431. >The same bed in which Deep Rest is currently waiting for you, probably quite yearningly...
  432. “Ugh.”, you moan and bury your face into hooves, desperately trying to think of a solution to this problem.
  433. >There is no way around it, isn't there?
  434. >You will just have to face it... Or rather, her, don't you?
  435. “Oh, Celestia.”, you start to panic.
  436. >If you just had a little bit more to drink, so you wouldn't care as much and perhaps could handle all this more casually...
  437. >But alas...
  438. >Your friend has thwarted this thanks to the her daunting, even if somewhat impressive, drinking speed.
  439. >Letting yourself fall on your back and ignoring the sudden, sharp pain the impact on the hard tiles of your bathroom gave you, your gaze happens to fall upon a pair of carelessly discarded, black saddlebags.
  440. >H-Huh?
  441. >Aren't those the saddlebags you take with you whenever you visit Anon and plan to spend the night at his place?
  442. >Getting up from the floor again, you trot over to the bags in question and take them into your hooves.
  443. >Yep, that's definitely them.
  444. >Which not only means that they hold some of your more “risqué” clothing, for the unlikely case you ever manage to work up enough courage to ask Anon if you could sleep with him together in his bed instead of just crashing on his couch, but also that...
  445. “There's booze in them!”, you burst out and begin to rummage through them.
  446. >Nothing too special or expensive of course. Just some cheap, at least for Equestrian standards, gnat's piss you bought from that travelling gryphon merchant.
  447. >It tastes like that too, but you are sure that it will do more than nicely for your purposes!
  448. >Now let's see... Socks... Panties... The shirt you stole from Anon... Ah, there we go!
  449. >Pulling out a small, silver flask, you immediately discard the saddlebags again and screw it open, taking a big slug of the sharp-tasting spirit it contains.
  450. >You girn as it runs down your throat like liquid fire, barely being able to suppress the urge to cough and spit it out again as your force yourself to chug it all down.
  451. “P-Phew...”
  452. >By Celestia's beard... That's some really nasty stuff.
  453. >But... But it certainly did the trick. You can feel a warm feeling starting to spread from your belly through your whole body and yourself getting light-headed already.
  454. >It's definitely nothing you would drink just by itself, though... Some juice or lemonade would have improved its taste vastly.
  455. >Too late to remedy that, though.
  456. >Screwing the flask down again, you throw it on the bags and begin to stagger your way out of your bathroom, bumping several times against various pieces of furniture in the process.
  457. >W-Whew... You think you've overdone it a bit.
  458. >How strong was that stuff anyway?
  459. >Your flask isn't even all that big, holding around seven ounces or so, so it has to pack quite a punch.
  460. >Oh well... Instantly passing out on your bed is a solution to your problem too, you guess.
  461. >She can molest your nose all she wants then, for all you care.
  462. >Because you won't.
  463. “Hah, nice!”, you chirp, “Time for bed!”
  465. >It took you a few attempts, and quite some time spent hugging your walls, but in the end you've managed to weave your, now more than tipsy, flanks back into your bedroom.
  466. >You pray to Luna's glorious full moons that Deep Rest won't notice your intoxicated state before you were able to drag those aforementioned flanks of yours to your bed.
  467. >Otherwise this just might give her all kinds of weird ideas... Like thinking that you are vulnerable and susceptible for her advances right now and what not.
  468. >Though... Now that you think of it, you shouldn't wake her up when you're lying next to her either, for exactly the same reasons.
  469. >But that's a problem for future Eri. Present Eri has to try her best to stay silent now.
  470. >Thankfully, Rest currently has her back turned to you and still seems to be unaware of you.
  471. >And, at least if you're ears aren't betraying you right now, you think that you can hear her faintly snoring too.
  472. >Looks like she has fallen asleep already. Perfect~
  473. >As quietly as you can, you tiphoof your way to the record player and turn its volume down a notch or two.
  474. >Not that you don't enjoy falling asleep while listening to music, but, for one thing this was way too loud, and for another your taste of music doesn't exactly coincide with Rest's.
  475. >Goth is just much too melancholic and slow for your liking. You like some... Mmmhh, how should you put it? Yeah... Some pep in your music.
  476. >Even if it's just the singer screaming for most of the time, like the one in your favourite band does.
  477. >”Hnnnghh...”
  478. >H-Huh?!
  479. >Buck! Did you just wake her up with that?
  480. >Freezing in place, you instinctively hold your breath and fixate your gaze on Deep Rest's, hopefully still sleeping, form on your bed.
  481. >Oh Luna, if you love this mare even just a little bit, please let Rest stay in your dreamily realms for a tad longer.
  482. >A quiet yawn escapes her and she rolls onto her back, pulling Mr. Cuddlington close to her chest and smacking her lips.
  483. >S-Shit!
  484. >Of course the princess of the night wouldn't answer the hurried prayers of somepony who only is religious whenever it suits her!
  485. >You should have known that!
  486. >Several excruciatingly long moments pass spent staring at your friend, fearing that she might awake from her slumber any moment now.
  487. >But... Much to your surprise and delight, she doesn't wake up and just continues to peacefully snore in your general direction.
  488. “Thank you, Princess Luna...”, you silently say to yourself, “Forgive me for ever doubting you.”
  489. >That was a close shave... And you don't even have to shave yourself.
  490. “Heh.”
  491. >Breathing a sigh of relief, you allow yourself to relax again and wipe away the thick beads of sweat that have accumulated on your forehead.
  492. >Mare... You don't even know why this got your heart racing so fast.
  493. >Perhaps that was just all the additional alcohol you've introduced to your system in the last fifteen minutes.
  494. >While you are certainly not a virgin when it comes to boozing yourself, you've never grown quite accustomed to its effects on your body and mind.
  495. >Even despite the fact that you possibly drink a lot more on a regular basis than all of your friends combined, including Deep Rest.
  496. >It just still somehow manages to buck with yourself.
  497. >Yep, your life is just that pathetic.
  498. >You mean... Who else that you know regularly drinks a whole bottle of wine every evening just because they feel a bit sad about themselves?
  499. >Exactly nopony. That's who.
  500. >Anyway...
  501. >Resuming your sneaky pace from before, you carefully continue your approach to your bed and finally managed to reach it after another good five minutes or so.
  502. >Some ponies might say that you just wasted your time by doing this, but none of those ponies also ever had the pleasure of spending the night with a drunk Deep Rest.
  503. >Now you're sitting at the edge of your bed, poising yourself to actually make your way into its warm and cuddly confines.
  504. >But this kind of move has to be well thought out... The smallest mistake just might wake your friend up.
  505. >And this something you certainly don't want to happen.
  506. >So... What are you supposed to do now?
  507. >Deep Rest's body is almost fully stretched out along the length of your bed... Only a small opening at the end of it would allow for a successful breakthrough of yours.
  508. >It seems like, though, that this is just a risk you will have to take if you want to spent the night in it and not on your couch.
  509. >Which is totally not an option by the way!
  510. >Apart from it being hard and kind of harsh, it's also only somewhat clean.
  511. >It's not filthy or even unhygienic or anything like that, though, it's just your preferred place when you want to... Well... Get more intimate with yourself.
  512. >For one thing all your “special” toys and issues of the Playfilly magazine are stored in a box under that couch, and having quick access to them in the heat of the moment is a huge plus point in your book, but for another thing you tend to get very messy once you get excited.
  513. >You don't know why, but your body produces its natural lubricant in much larger quantities than most mares... At least you think its more than normal from what little information you were able to gather about this subject.
  514. >Who knows? Perhaps that's perfectly normal and other mares have this problem too. It's not like you've ever talked with somepony about this.
  515. >Anywho...
  516. >And since the cushions of your couch are much easier to clean than the mattress of your bed, you just like to do this lewd deed there.
  517. >Of course you've never told Rest on what special place she spent so many nights on. For obvious reasons.
  518. >This isn't the point right now, though.
  519. >The current point is how you are supposed to get into your bed without disturbing Deep Rest's slumber and possibly screwing yourself over in the process.
  520. >Perhaps you could just leap into it really quickly? In such a way she wouldn't notice before you are already wrapped in your blanket and well on your way to dreamland?
  521. >Or you could try to climb around and along the lower bedposts and sneak your way into your bed that way?
  522. >This probably would look rather silly, but it isn't like there is somepony to watch you... So why should you care?
  523. >Except for Deep Rest maybe, but she's asleep anyway and therefore doesn't count.
  524. “Mmmhh...”
  525. > While you're thinking, you let your gaze wander along Deep Rest's uncovered body, trying hard not to stare for too long at her exposed nether regions as you do so.
  526. >Which is easier said than done... They are exerting quite the pull on you. A lot more than they probably should.
  527. >With a shake of your head, you tear your eyes away from her privates and force them to marble at the wonders the foot of your bed holds.
  528. >There they can't see anything lewd or confusing... Only the crude depiction of your cutie mark you've carved into the foot of your bed a few years ago and Rest's hooves.
  529. >Her hooves...
  530. >Wasn't she ticklish? Like a lot? Or are you mixing her up with somepony else right now?
  531. >Even if you are, it's certainly worth a try. The worst that could happen is you slightly bothering her.
  532. >No risk at all. Eenope.
  533. >Though...
  534. >You kinda lack the means to actually tickle her... Unlike pegasi or unicorns you don't have any feathers or magic respectively.
  535. >And you're afraid that hooves weren't exactly made with this purpose in mind.
  536. >Which leaves you with...
  537. “Ugh...”
  538. >Your tongue.
  539. >Better not think too long about it and just get this over with.
  540. >Leaning towards her hooves, you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and then give one of them a quick lick.
  541. >It tastes slightly salty, probably due to the thin layer of sweat on it, and kinda like what your room smells like.
  542. >Not bad or even unpleasant, though.
  543. >The moment Rest feels the wet touch of your tongue, a throaty moan escapes her and she pulls her hooves away from you, rolling onto her right side again in the process.
  544. >That moan sounded way lewder to you than it had any right to be, but... At least your plan had the desired effect.
  545. >Reaching for the last bottle you've opened, you quickly finish it off to wash the taste of Rest's hoof out of your mouth.
  546. >It was just the dregs, and warm to boot, but it did the job.
  547. >Okay then... Time to sneak past the sleeping dragon, now that you have enough room to do so.
  548. >Carefully, you climb onto the mattress and slowly begin to make your way to “your” spot on the bed.
  549. >Which isn't as big as you hoped it to be, but given how insolently Rest has stretched herself out, that doesn't exactly surprise you.
  550. >Also it's just for one night anyway, so you think you will survive.
  551. >Each and every step of yours is planned out several moments in advance and then executed with even greater diligence in an attempt to not disturb your bedfellow or the bedding she lies on too much.
  552. >Nothing would be more severe and would make you want to kick yourself more right now than your plan failing in the last possible minute.
  553. >And your head spinning like crazy right now doesn't exactly make this task easier to do...
  554. >But in the end you've managed to pull through, after suffering through several mini heart attacks caused by Deep Rest moving around a bit, and lie down down next to her.
  555. >Celestia be damned... That maybe took you thirty seconds at most, but it felt like a small eternity.
  556. >Not as small as the spot you have to sleep on, though. But like you already said, it will do.
  557. >Quietly yawning, you cast a quick glance at your friend, assessing to your delight that she's still asleep and still drooling on Mr. Cuddlington.
  558. >Well, the latter perhaps with not so much delight, but you can just throw him in the washing machine tomorrow morning.
  559. >How nice... You like it when things work out like they are supposed to for once.
  560. >Gingerly and with a content smile on your face, you slip under the covers and silently wish your friend a good night.
  561. >As you close your eyes and try to get on the last train to dreamland, you slowly begin to realise something.
  562. >Something that will certainly make you want to bite and/or kick your own flanks now. Preferably both at the same time and as painfully as possible.
  563. “H-Haha...”
  564. >You bucking forgot to turn off the lights.
  566. >All the effort you put into this...
  567. >All the planning you did...
  568. >All in vain.
  569. >Just because you forgot to take care of literally the most obvious and brightest thing in your entire room!
  570. >This is so bucking typical of you!
  571. >You just always seem to find a way to sabotage yourself, don't you? Be it inadvertently or not.
  572. >That should be your cutie mark! And not that damned broken heart that graces your flanks for nearly sixteen years now.
  573. >What is it supposed to mean anyway? That you are good at being sad and miserable?
  574. >It's a miracle that there is no blood on it as well, since drawing it from yourself is another thing you are extremely proficient in.
  575. >In an attempt to suppress the immense urge to scream you feel right now, you bite into your hoof and only cease to do this once you can taste the oh so familiar iron flavour of blood on your tongue.
  576. >The pain is sharp and runs deep, but you deserve every little bit of it for being so dumb.
  577. >Strangely though, you feel somewhat better now.
  578. >Why?
  579. >You don't know... You are just weird like that.
  580. >Trembling slightly, you slowly remove your hoof out of your mouth again and take a tentative look at it.
  581. >Doesn't look all that bad.
  582. >Only a small cut that weakly leaks your life's essence like a tiny crimson stream, darkening your hoof's coat and threatening to soil the bedding beneath it.
  583. >Weirdly mesmerizing, but pathetic nevertheless.
  584. “This will leave a scar...”, you mutter to yourself, perhaps a bit louder than you intended to.
  585. >Not that it matters anyway.
  586. >Just another one for your collection of shame.
  587. >Ponies already talk about you because of all the other marks you've gathered on your legs so far, so there is no way that this one could make this worse somehow.
  588. >Good to know how low you already have fallen. Certainty, no matter how negative or bad it may be, always is a nice thing.
  589. >Groaning, you carelessly let your head take the plunge onto the pillow below it, feeling the tip of Rest's muzzle graze your cheek in the process.
  590. >”Mhhmmhnnggh.... Er... ”
  591. >H-Huh?
  592. >You turn your head towards the source of the sudden noise and see Deep Rest tiredly rubbing her eyes.
  593. >Oh... Oh buck!
  594. >”Eri?”
  595. >Rest smacks her lips and beams you a wonky smile.
  596. >”You're shtill up?”
  597. “Uhm...”
  598. >What are you supposed to do now? You woke her up!
  599. >This is what you've been trying to avoid the whole time! And still you've somehow managed to bucking do it!
  600. >Celestia! Please! Just end your miserable existence now!
  601. >She turns her head around and takes a look at the kitty clock mounted at the opposite wall... Or at least tries to do so.
  602. >You can tell that she has some problems focusing her gaze on it.
  603. >Seems like she didn't sleep the alcohol off yet.
  604. >Which isn't surprising at all, but for some reason weirdly adorable. It's like you're watching a drunk kitten.
  605. >”How late ish it?”
  606. “H-Half past three.”
  607. >”In the morning?”, she asks, locking eyes with you again.
  608. “Mmhm.”
  609. >”Oh thank Celeshtia!”
  610. >A relieved sounding sigh leaves her grinning lips and she wraps her forelegs around your barrel, lazily beginning to stroke your withers with them.
  611. >Uh... That's certainly new.
  612. >”Why are you shtill up at thish time, though? Can't shleep?”
  613. “K-Kinda.”
  614. >”Aww...”, she giggles and sluggishly pats your back, “What'sh keeping ya up?”
  615. “Nothing... Really.”, you lie and try to push her away from you.
  616. >But she isn't having any of that and just continues to pull you deeper into her embrace, roughly pressing her head against your chest.
  617. >Why does she always have to get so touchy-feely when she gets drunk? Are all ponies like that, or is it just her?
  618. >Because you certainly don't feel the need to hug and molest everypony in your general vicinity whenever you decide to have one over the eight. You usually just want to be alone with your thoughts then.
  619. >Giggling into your chest's fluff and taking a weirdly long smell at it, she looks up you.
  620. >”Eri, pleashe... We have known each other for sho long, I can shmell it when ya are lying.”, she grins and nuzzles your fluff again, “Jusht tell auntie Rest what'sh wrong!”
  621. “You're just w-way too close!”
  622. >Why does she seem to like your fluff so much anyway?
  623. >It's not all that big or even soft... The one thing it is supposed to be. You're basically as flat and hard as a board there.
  624. >”Oh, am I?”, she coos in a seductive tone, shooting you the same weird, half-lidded gaze from before, “Let me readjusht myshelf then~”
  625. >A quiet laugh escapes her, the sound of which you don't quite like, and she begins to drag her muzzle slowly upwards.
  626. “R-Rest?!”
  627. >”Shush~”
  628. >Gradually, you can feel her approaching your neck, blowing softly on every spot she grazes and making you tense up more and more in her unwanted embrace in the process.
  629. >This feels so weird...
  630. “Rest... Please...”, you stammer and put your hooves on her shoulders in an attempt to dislodge her from yourself.
  631. >But no matter how hard you push, she stays latched onto you like a horny leech, drinking in your scent instead of your blood.
  632. >”Eri...”, Rest groans and presses her lips onto your sternum.
  633. >W-What?!
  634. >A sudden, wet sensation on it causes your body to release all the accumulated tension and makes you shudder in her forelegs, much to the delight of your friend.
  635. >”Oh by Celestia...”
  636. >She removes one of her hooves that lazily rubbed your withers all this time and lets it knead its way down your barrel, trying hard to be gentle but failing incredibly at doing that.
  637. “You're h-hurting me!”
  638. >But your protest remains unheard as she buries her muzzle deep into the crook of your neck, flooding it with her hot breath.
  639. >”You shmell sho good.”
  640. >As Rest keeps imbibing the aura of your body, you feel the stray hoof on it converging closer and closer to your hips, briefly tracing the outline of your cutie mark there once it reaches them, before suddenly slipping under your thigh and continuing its advance towards the shallow mounds of your teats.
  641. “R-Rest!”
  642. >”Miss Eri.”, she huskily replies and gently bites into the sensitive skin of your neck.
  643. “Hnggghh...”
  644. >You don't want this! It happens all way too fast!
  645. >”You liked thish, didn'tcha?”, she snickers and licks the spot she just bit, “I can make ya feel even better.”
  646. >But...
  647. >”Just...”
  648. >She begins to pepper kisses up your neck.
  649. >”Shay.”
  650. >Audibly enjoying the fact that each and every one of these little pecks manages to draw another short moan out of you.
  651. >”Yes.”
  652. >One last kiss is planted right on your throat, at the same moment as the hoof between your legs reached its destination, making your own hooves wrap around her barrel and pulling her body close to yours out of sheer ecstasy.
  653. >Why does it feel so bucking good then?
  654. >There is no denying how wet you are right now... Nopony ever made you feel this way.
  655. >Not that you have much experience in that matter anyway, but still...
  656. >The pressure you feel in your loins at this very moment is almost unbearable. You just want to find an outlet for it.
  657. >And...
  658. >This might very well be the alcohol in you speaking, but...
  659. >Why not her?
  660. >Giggling, she retrieves her head from your neck, grazing the very tip of your chin with a quick lick, before resting it next on the pillow to yours, staring deeply into your hazed eyes.
  661. >”I guess I can take thish as a yes?”
  662. “Rest...”, is all you manage to come up with.
  663. >Which is apparently is already more than enough for her, since you see a smile starting to form on her lips.
  664. >Trembling, you break your embrace and tuck your hooves up at your chest, having a hard time to keep your gaze locked on to hers.
  665. >”You have no idea how long I have been waiting for thish...”
  666. >Closer and closer, her lips begin to move to your own, tentatively and continuously testing the waters by caressing your muzzle with gentle touches.
  667. >”Kiss me, Eri...”
  668. >Is...
  669. >”Pleashe...”
  670. >Is this what you really want, though?
  671. >You are just so confused right now... What in the seventy hells of Tartarus are you supposed to feel?
  672. >On the one hoof, she made you feel so incredibly loved and wanted in the last few moments, but on the other...
  673. >Do you love her?
  674. >And you don't mean just as a friend... Like... Really love her.
  675. >Slowly, you pull your head away from hers and let one of your legs harshly meet the one that is currently exploring your nether regions.
  676. >”H-Huh?”
  677. >No...
  678. >If you are being perfectly honest with yourself right now...
  679. >You don't.
  680. >Despite how good she made you feel, Deep Rest is still a mare... A beautiful, caring and intelligent one at that, but still... A mare.
  681. >And you could never ever imagine yourself being in a relationship with her.
  682. >Raising her hopes that anything like this could ever happen with you, would just be plain cruel and unfair towards her.
  683. >Yeah...
  684. >You know what to do now.
  685. >Before you ultimately lose the ability to think straight, you put all your hooves against her torso and start to push, thankfully finally managing to get some real distance between you and her.
  686. >”Eri?!”, she stammers in surprise and locks eyes with you again, “What'sh the matter?”
  687. >Shimmying back a bit, basically pressing your back against the wall, you blush and shoot her an embarrassed look
  688. “I'm not sure I want this... ”
  689. >”What? I thought that you liked what I did...”
  690. “No....”, you interrupt her, “Well... I did... But I don't think that this is right.”
  691. >”Not right?”
  692. “Y-Yeah...”
  693. >”Oh.”
  694. >She shivers and averts her gaze from yours.
  695. “Rest... I'm sorry.”
  696. >”No. Don't be.. I... I undershtand...”
  697. >You reach a hoof out to her, but before it even remotely had a chance of touching her, she already left your bed.
  698. ”Rest...”
  699. >”It'sh okay...”, she beams you an obviously forced smile, “Believe me. I jusht need time to think.”
  700. “Where are you going?”
  701. >She takes a few steps back, her eyes fixated firmly on the wooden floor of your bedroom and her hooves shifting around nervously on it.
  702. >”Home... I guessh.”
  703. >Home?
  704. “You don't have to, though.”, you reply, “Just sleep on my couch... Like always.”
  705. >”I don't think thish is a good idea, Eri.”
  706. “Why not?”
  707. >”I...”, she sighs and opens the door, “I don't know. I jusht wanna be alone right now.”
  708. >Uhm...
  709. “Okay.”
  710. >You don't know what else to say right now.
  711. >”Yeah...”
  712. “Take care then, Rest.”
  713. >“I will.”
  714. >And with that said, she exits your bedroom and slams the door shut behind her.
  715. >B-Buck...
  716. >This totally isn't how you wanted this to end...
  717. >Well... Kinda.
  718. >But not like this!
  719. >She was completely devastated... And looked so sad...
  720. >Was this too harsh? Too sudden? Could you have handled this situation better?
  721. >But she was about to kiss you! And only Celestia knows what would happened after that!
  722. “Celestia be damned!”, you scream and wrap the blanket around your trembling body, burying your head deep inside its soft confines.
  723. >You just don't bucking know!
  724. >The only thing you can do is hope that she will be okay.
  726. ~~~
  728. >By the time Eri finished telling her story to you, tears were already rolling down her cheeks in thick, hot beads, leaving her as a sniffling mess in your arms.
  729. >”And... And...”
  730. >Pressing her trembling body against yours in a desperate attempt to find solace in your embrace, she pulls the hand that held her hooves all this time closer to her chest.
  731. >You can feel her heart beating fiercely against it, almost like it wants to break free from its osseous cage..
  732. >”Now I don't know what to do!”, she cries, “She won't even talk to me any more!”
  733. “Why not?”
  734. >”I don't know! I've met her on the market yesterday, and she just ignored me.”
  735. >Nice question, dumbass. As if you wouldn't know why Rest ignored her.
  736. >Shit...
  737. >What to say... What to do?
  738. >”Anon!”
  739. “It's alright, Eri.”
  740. >You've never seen her this agitated before.
  741. >Sure... She had her... Well, let's just call them “moments” in the past before, usually over mundane things like a friend standing her up or something like that, but you could easily deal with those with just a few glasses of something alcoholic and some friendly words.
  742. >But you're afraid that this won't suffice this time.
  743. >Think, Anon, think... What would you want to hear? If at...
  744. >Yeah.
  745. >If at all.
  746. >That's it.
  747. >Eri already poured her heart out to you. There is nothing you could say or do that would change any of that what happened already.
  748. >Which is, and you're not gonna lie, some really strong stuff.
  749. >As far as you know, Deep Rest is Eri's longest and best friend, whom she trusts unconditionally.
  750. >And having that friendship, well... Not destroyed, but at least challenged and chipped away at by some stupid decision of hers, made in a drunken stupor, must be devastating.
  751. >You can't even imagine what you would have done in her place.
  752. >Well...
  753. >You could... And it would have probably involved a punch to your friend's face, promptly followed by a hard kick to his ass to get him out of your home.
  754. >But that's beside the point.
  755. >The current point is that the only thing you can really do right now, is to be there for her and perhaps make her feel a bit better about this.
  756. >That might not be how you wanted this night to turn out, even discarding all the lewd thoughts you had about her in the course of this evening, but that's just what you have to do as her friend.
  757. >Because seeing her like this just makes your own heart break in two.
  758. >Gently stroking the hooves in your hand, you begin to idly rub her withers with your other one, gradually letting it crawl further up her neck in a tight, circular motion.
  759. >For a few moments, you continue this, softly kneading and rubbing her tense muscles, until you've reached the lower part of her mane, where you start to carefully fondle and play with the silky strands of hair that sprout from there.
  760. >And, much to your delight, she begins to slowly but surely relax in your embrace.
  761. >You feel her heart and breathing slowing down by quite a bit, and her frame becoming less tense and strained by the second.
  762. >Now she's just as soft and cuddly as you always liked to remember her to be.
  763. >How wonderful.
  764. >Gingerly, you nestle your head against hers, the fragrant scent emanating from her mane immediately invading your nostrils and a long, but content sounding, sigh escaping her as you do so.
  765. >Heart status: Muh.
  766. “It's okay, Eri.”, you whisper into her ear, “It's not your fault.”
  767. >She sniffles and leans into your touch, looking up to and trying to lock eyes with you as best as she can.
  768. >”But what if it is?”
  769. “It isn't. Believe me.”
  770. >”But I've rejected her...”, she protests, “Perhaps I should just have le-”
  771. “No.”, you interrupt her, “That's nonsense, Eri. And you know it.”
  772. >Releasing her hooves from your grasp and leaning your head back a bit to meet her eyes, you beam her a warm smile.
  773. “You've done the right thing. I mean...”, you chuckle, “Should you have let her have way with you, just because you didn't want to make her feel sad?”
  774. >”N...No?”
  775. “Exactly. Deep Rest is a grown mare, Eri.”, you say in a soothing tone and pull her close to your chest again, “Sure, she might be sad and devastated and what not, because of your rejection right now, and perhaps she might even hate you a bit for it, but...
  776. >Hate?!”, she blurts out.
  777. “Well... Not really.”, you chuckle and cup one of her ears, “She will come around eventually. Believe me.”
  778. >”She will?”
  779. “Of course. She's your best friend after all, isn't she?”
  780. >”I guess...”, she blushes, “But you are too.”
  781. “And? You've known her for much longer than me. And I'm sure she helped you through a lot more stuff than I ever did.”
  782. >”Kinda...”, she averts her gaze from yours again, blushing slightly in the moon's faint light, “I guess.”
  783. “Don't guess. Just say it straight to my face!”
  784. >The sheer confidence you put into your last words seems to make her lips form their own smile.
  785. >Nice..
  786. >That's all you wanted... To see her happy again.
  787. >It just makes your heart flutter and skip a beat.
  788. >”Heh...”, Eri chuckles, burying her muzzle into the crook of your neck, “She is... She's my best friend.”
  789. “There we go!”
  790. >”And you are sure she will come around?”
  791. “Why wouldn't she? Just give her some time to think. I mean... I would need some time too, if you would reje-”, you chortle and interrupt yourself, “I mean... Never mind.”
  792. >Wew... You almost tripped over your own tongue there.
  793. >”Huh?”
  794. “Nothing, Eri. Anyway... Are you feeling better now?”
  795. >”Yeah...”, she laughs, “Kinda. Thank you, Anon.”
  796. “You're welcome, Eri. Anything for my favourite pony.”
  798. >Aaaand... This might have been a bit too much as well.
  799. >But, it's not like you didn't really mean it.
  800. >She really is your favourite pony.
  801. >If such a thing even exists... To be honest, it does sound kind of weird. You didn't have a favourite human back on earth either, so let's just settle on best friend.
  802. >Quietly giggling to herself, she snakes her now free hooves past your neck and locks them behind it, pulling herself slightly closer to you in the process.
  803. >”Favourite p-pony? Really, Anon?”
  804. >Her muzzle is now resting directly under your chin, tickling you with the short and soft coat that grows there.
  805. “W-Well, it's true.”, you stammer, a bit taken aback by how close she is now, and return her laughter, “You're the only pony that knows and understands me best and you even laugh at my bad jokes. Literally nopony does that.”
  806. >”They aren't that bad. Just a little...”, she chuckles, “Dark, I guess?”
  807. “Could be.”
  808. >”Could? Please... You were the first one to ever tell me a dead foal joke.”
  809. “Right. Forgot about that one. Guess I was a bit drunk back then.”
  810. >”We both were.”, she smiles and begins to idly rub your neck, “Wasn't that the night we drank that buckhuge bottle of gryphonian claw you bought?”
  811. >Despite how hard the rims of her hooves are, it still feels oddly nice.
  812. >You can tell that she has absolutely no idea what she is supposed to be doing back there, she's basically just rubbing and kneading your skin in a more or less erratic manner, but you could get used to this.
  813. >And how does the old saying go? Practice makes perfect.
  814. >Not that you should be thinking about this right now, though. She's the one that needs comfort and not you, this is just a nice side effect.
  815. “Oh yeah, I've spent a small fortune on that bottle.”
  816. >”And it wasn't even all that good!”
  817. “Nah, it wasn't. It burnt like hell.”
  818. >”Tartarus.”
  819. “Eh...”, you sigh and start to scratch between her ears, “Same thing, different word.”
  820. >”Mmmhh...”
  821. “Still was a nice evening, though. It was one of the last really warm ones too.”
  822. >”Mhmmh... Warm...”
  823. “Didn't we try to make pizza at four in the morning? Hah!”, you laugh and shift your hand's attention to the base of her ear, “That ended in a total disaster! Dough and sauce everywhere!”
  824. >”Ah... Yeah...”
  825. “But we still managed to somehow put one together. Didn't look like much, but it was tasty as hell.”
  826. >”Hmmm...”
  827. >Huh?
  828. “Eri?”
  829. >She's gotten awfully quiet in the last few moments and, which is the true tragedy here, even stopped petting your neck.
  830. “Is something the matter?”
  831. >”Mmmh? Did you say something, Anon?”
  832. “I've said “hell””.
  833. >”And?”
  834. “And?”, you chuckle and gently flick her ear, “Don't you wanna correct me?”
  835. >”O-Oh!”
  836. >A faint giggle leaves her lips and she huddles up against you yet a bit closer again, forcing your idle hand into the warm confines of her chest's fluff.
  837. >This... You've thought that her mane is already incredibly soft, but this... This is a whole new level of softness.
  838. >It kinda feels like the hairs of her mane, just a lot lighter, but also somehow denser at the same time.
  839. >Hard to describe... But it's everything you've ever imagined it to be and more.
  840. >Not that you ever stared at it when she wasn't looking and fantasised about fondling it or anything like that... Nope...
  841. >”Sorry. I guess I kinda lost myself.”
  842. “Lost?”
  843. >”Mhm...”, she laughs again and removes her muzzle from your neck, locking eyes with you, “Your hands can be very distracting, yunno?”
  844. “Oh, heh... Sorry. Seems like I got a bit carried away. Should... Should I stop?”
  845. >”P-Ple...”, she stammers, a bright blush creeping across her cheeks, “Please don't.”
  846. >Thank god.
  847. “Okay.”, you beam her a smile, “I won't then. If you promise to be more talkative again.”
  848. >“I will.”
  849. “Except if you wanna sleep now. That would be fine with me too.”
  850. >”Nah, I'm not that tired anyway. I'm still a bit... Uhm... What's the word?”
  851. “Wired?”
  852. >”Yeah. I'm still a bit wired.”
  853. “About Deep Rest?”
  854. >She faintly nods and rests her head next to yours on the pillow, staring into the small gap between your bodies that's still left.
  855. “Like I've already said, Eri...”, you say and slowly pick up your previous petting endeavours again “Just give her some time to think. She's just hurt now.”
  856. >”But I didn't want to hurt her.”
  857. “I know, Eri, I know. But there was no other way around this. It was either hurting her or making perhaps the biggest mistake in your life.”
  858. >”She made me feel real good, though...”
  859. >U-Unf... Eri please.
  860. “H-Heh... Yeah maybe, but you don't like her this way, do you?”
  861. >”No.”
  862. “See?”
  863. >”See what?”
  864. >Okay... How to put this sensibly and reasonably...
  865. “We all have our needs, Eri. And... Please forgive that I put this so bluntly, but...”, you sigh and pray a quick prayer that she won't misunderstand this, “I wouldn't be mistaken in assuming that you feel somewhat lonely sometimes?”
  866. >Her mouth opens, but no words come out of it, instead, she gradually averts her gaze from yours before shooting you another weak nod.
  867. “And, please correct me if I'm wrong there, but her advances just scratched an itch of yours? Perhaps even made you feel wanted and loved?”
  868. >She nods again, tears beginning to form in her eyes.
  869. >You wrap both your arms around her and pull her even closer to you than she already was, burying your nose into her mane.
  870. >God... She smells so sweet and lovely.
  871. “Feeling this wasn't wrong, Eri. Everypony has their needs and desires, and yours just happened to be a bit neglected at the time. But you did the right thing.”
  872. >”I... I did?”
  873. “You did. It's better this way for both you and her.”
  874. >”Thank you.”
  875. “No biggie. Anything for my-”
  876. >”For your favourite pony.”, she giggles and interrupts you, “I know.”
  877. >Not what you wanted to say, but that's fine.
  878. “Good to know that you know.”
  879. >”How?”, she chortles.
  880. “Because then you always know that you can come to me if something bothers you.”
  881. >”Heh.”
  882. >Tentatively, she moves her head back and forth, creeping her muzzle closer and closer to your nose every time she does so, before finally planting a short, but wet kiss on the tip of it.
  883. “O-Oh.”
  884. >”And I'm plenty thankful for that.”, she beams you a wide smile, “You're the best, Anon.”
  885. “You're welcome.”
  886. >Returning her smile, you softly let your hand graze over the short fur of her muzzle before resting it at the base of her right ear again.
  887. “How are you feeling now?”
  888. >”A lot better. Thank you.”
  889. “Still worrying about Rest?.”
  890. >”Nope. At least not so much any more.”
  891. “Wonderful.”
  892. >”But...”
  893. “But?”
  894. >”I still have... Uhm... A q-ques-question... About...”
  895. “About what? Don't be shy, Eri. Tell me”
  896. >”Yeah... A-About... Yunno...”, she stammers, the blush on her face intensifying tenfold, “M-My needs?”
  897. >Whewie... Her needs?
  898. >If you weren't all ears before already, you're certainly now.
  899. “O-Of course.”, you say, gathering all the confidence you can muster into your voice, “Just spit it out.”
  900. >”Could we... Perhaps... Uhm...”, she taps her hooves together behind your neck, “Could we perhaps... Spoon?
  901. >Oh by everything your god created... Yes!
  902. “Spoon?”
  903. >”Y-Yunno... Like me put-putting my back against your b-belly? While you... Uh... Put your arms a-around me?”
  905. >”I would...”
  906. >Eri audibly gulps, her eyes darting back and forth between your own and the window behind you while her hind legs paw nervously at your thighs.
  907. >You really don't want invoke him yet again, but... God!
  908. >Not only do these socks look really fucking good on her, they also have the audacity to feel really damn nice too.
  909. >The things you would do for the chance to get a better feel on them... To play with their garters and perhaps even let run your hand over the soft cloth they are made out of and the firm and pliable flesh that lies underneath them.
  910. >”Uhm... Yeah...”, she chuckles, “I would r-really like that.”
  911. >S-Shit... No!
  912. >You need to get your shit back together again, Anon!
  913. >It was so neatly stacked in a pile beforehand and you just knocked it over without a care because you can't seem to be able to keep your dirty mind in check.
  914. >Don't forget, Anon...
  915. >This isn't for you.
  916. >This is for her.
  917. >You can deal with those lewd thoughts tomorrow morning, under the shower, when Eri has left and you are alone with them.
  918. >Like you usually tend to deal with problems of this specific ilk.
  919. >”Anon?”
  920. >Something hard brushes over your chest, ripping you out of your world of thought and making you look at her again.
  921. >She's as red as a tomato... How adorable.
  922. >”If you d-don't wanna, that's o-okay with me too.”
  923. >Taking a deep breath to clear your mind, you gently ruffle her mane and then slowly retrieve your hands from her slender frame.
  924. >At first, she looks a bit surprised and confused at the sudden luck of closeness to you, but...
  925. “O-Of course, Eri. Turn around.”
  926. >... Your words quickly lighten her face up again.
  927. >”R-Really?”
  928. “Uh, yes..?”
  929. >”Like... Like the whole deal?”
  930. “Mhm. Arms around your belly and all that.”, you snicker and scoot back a a bit, “That's what you want, isn't it?”
  931. >”And you are really okay with that?”
  932. “Why wouldn't I be?”
  933. >”I... I don't know. “, she sighs and looks down at her hooves, beginning to draw small circles in the bedding with them, “It's just...”
  934. “What's the matter, Eri?”
  935. >”Err... I just don't wanna force myself on you, yunno?”
  936. “Force yourself on me? That's nonsense.”
  937. >”I know that, Anon.”, she says and grits her teeth, “I know... But still...”
  938. “But if you know this, why would you even think that then?”
  939. >”Because...”
  940. “Because?”
  941. >”Just because.”
  942. “Eri please. You can tell me.”
  943. >”It's dumb.”
  944. “And? I like dumb things!”, you chuckle and knock your noggin a few times, “At least two thirds of my brain are made out of dumb. So just tell me.”
  945. >She groans deeply, the circles drawn by her hooves getting wider and wider by the second, before suddenly ceasing completely.
  946. >Her eyes grow narrower, tears starting to form in them yet again, and her body begins to tremble as her mouth slowly opens, seemingly searching for the words it wants to say.
  947. >Lord... You can't stand seeing her like this. It just breaks your heart and wants to make you embrace with all your might again.
  948. >But, before you have the chance to do that, she focuses her gaze on yours again, one of her hooves firmly pressed against your heart.
  949. >”You wanna know?”, she exclaims, “Okay!”
  950. >Somehow grabbing you by your shirt's collar, she pulls you so close to her that your noses touch, her alcohol laden, but still sweet smelling, breath washing over you.
  951. >Holy shit! What has gotten into her?
  952. >Not that you dislike this more... Well... Dominant side of hers.
  953. >Because you really don't! Perhaps far more than you should...
  954. “E-Eri?!”
  955. >”It's because my stupid brain tells me that I am!”, she cries, “That you just do all this because you pity me!”
  956. “All t-this?”
  957. >”Y-Yeah! Holding me and petting me and listening to my stupid worries and what not! I know...”, she sniffles, wiping the wetness gathering in her eyes away, “I know you don't, but this thought just won't go away!”
  958. “But this isn't true!”
  959. >”I know! I bucking know! Still...”
  960. “Still what?”, you ask, wrapping your arms around her trembling form again.
  961. >”I just don't get why you do all these nice things for me! I'm nothing special. Just a worthless heap of a pony.”
  963. “Worthless? Eri, no...”
  964. >”It's true, isn't it?”, she protests, breaking your embrace with a swipe of her hoof, “What did I ever achieve in this pitiful existence I dare to call my life? Nothing!”
  965. >She throws her head back, pushing herself away from you with all the strength she can muster.
  966. >”Absolutely bucking nothing!”
  967. >Swallowing and exhaling hard, Eri locks eyes with you again, her brows fiercely furrowed.
  968. >”I'm a miserable, contemptible excuse for a pony! The epitome of self-pity and sadness born into a world full of friendship, happiness and joy!”, she exclaims, a warped smile quivering on her lips, ”Oh, the bucking irony! Just look around and see for yourself!”
  969. “This!”, you blurt out and grab her by her cheeks, perhaps a bit rougher than you intended to, “You're good at this!”
  970. >”At what?”, she snickers mockingly, trying to wiggle herself out of your grasp.
  971. “You're good with words, goddammit!”
  972. >”Words? Don't take the piss out of me or your god, Anon. That's blasphemy.”
  973. “I'm not. You have a way with words like nopony else I know.”
  974. >”Please, Anon. Anypony can do that.”
  975. “No, they can't.”
  976. >”They can.”
  977. “No, Eri. They can't.”
  978. >”Now that's just foalish.”
  979. “Perhaps. Also...”, you chuckle and pat her cheek, “Blasphemy? Really, Eri? Forgot who you are talking to for a second there, eh?”
  980. >A slight smirk appears on her face and she shakes her head, letting her hooves slide off your chest.
  981. >”Of course not. I'm talking to the only pony whoever accused Princess Celestia of lying and lived to tell the tale.”
  982. “Person.”
  983. >”Whatever. Now, though...”, she giggles and pats your arm, “Could you release my face now please?”
  984. “Did you understand what I meant?”
  985. >”Anon, please... What is there to understand? I just like to write down whatever happens to come to my mind whenever I feel kinda sad. That's really nothing noteworthy.”
  986. “It is, though.”
  987. >”No, it isn't.”
  988. “Let's not start this again, okay?”, you chuckle and free her from your grasp with a quick squeeze of her cheeks.
  989. >”Thanks.”
  990. “You're welcome.”
  991. >Exhaling deeply, she looks down and then back at you again repeatedly, before finally setting her gaze onto yours.
  992. >”Really, though, Anon. Writing these poems is just a hobby of mine. Nothing more and nothing less.”
  993. “But it could be so much more. Did you even listen to yourself earlier?”
  994. >”Me using a few, big words for adults? Please.”
  995. “You put your whole heart into it!”
  996. >”That was just what came to my mind at this moment.”
  997. “And that's what makes it special.”
  998. >”Beg your pardon?”
  999. “You have the ability to put your current feelings and emotions into words like no one else I know can.”
  1000. >”Anon, please...”
  1001. “Just listen to my piece, okay?”
  1002. >”Sure.”, she sighs, “If that makes you happy.”
  1003. “Indeed, it would. But before we do that...”
  1004. >”Yeah? What now, Anon?”
  1005. >Geez... Somepony sure is grumpy now.
  1006. >But you already have an idea on how to turn that frown of hers upside down.
  1007. “Mind if we move around a bit? Not that I mind holding you like that, but...”
  1008. >It's not exactly what she asked of you before, but you are sure that it will do more than nicely anyway.
  1009. >”Am I too heavy for you?”
  1010. “Oh no, of course not. My arm is just starting to get numb, that's all.”
  1011. >”U-Uhm...”, she stammers, tapping her hooves together, “Sure then. What do you have in mind?”
  1012. “Ah, you will see. Just lemme...”
  1013. >”Lemme what... W-Whoa!”
  1014. >You grab Eri by her shoulders and turn on your back, yanking her around with you and gently pulling her onto your chest as you do so.
  1015. >”A-Anon!”
  1016. “That's much better.”
  1017. >A bit overtaken by the sudden change in position and closeness to you, she doesn't know where to put her head at first, shifting it around several times before finally nestling it against the arm that is wrapped around her.
  1018. “Is this okay for you?”
  1019. >”Y-Yeah.”
  1020. “Great.”
  1022. “Remember when you brought that one small, black booklet with you? The one with the glittery skulls on it?”
  1023. >”Geez... That was way back, but... I do. What about it?”
  1024. “Remember reading me from it?”
  1025. >”M-Maybe?”
  1026. “We've sat in front of the fireplace. Me on the couch and you on a pillow on the floor.”
  1027. >”Heh... Yeah. We weren't that close back then.”
  1028. “Close?”, you chuckle, “Please. We were just both really, really awkward around each other. We have known each other for at least two months.”
  1029. >”Could be. We were probably really, really drunk though.”
  1030. “Probably. But whenever weren't we? That's kinda our thing.”
  1031. >She seems to think for a moment or two, before giggling quietly and shooting you a slight nod.
  1032. >”That's true... And...”, she sighs, “Kinda sad, isn't it?”
  1033. “Sad? It's fun being drunk together.”
  1034. >”Yeah, perhaps... It certainly makes it easier to talk about some things, but, by Celestia, it sure isn't healthy.”, she giggles and reaches under the blanket, ”I've gotten quite a bit chubbier since we started... Yunno... Seeing each other.”
  1035. >Huh?
  1036. “Seeing each other?”, you chuckle and raise an eyebrow.
  1037. >”P-Please, Anon...”, she swats a hoof at you, “You know what I've meant with that.”
  1038. “I'm just teasing ya.”
  1039. >”I wouldn't mind that, though...”, she quickly speaks under her breath, “Would be nice, hah...”
  1040. “What?”
  1041. >”N-Nothing.”
  1042. “Uhm... Okay.”
  1043. >”What I meant was that I started to put on weight. I mean...”, she sighs and lifts the blanket, “Just look!”
  1044. >Is she serious right now?
  1045. “I can't really see, but... You think so?”
  1046. >”Mhm... Didn't you notice? My old sweaters don't fit me any more!”
  1047. >Sure, she isn't as slender as she used to be a few years ago, especially around her waist and belly area, but that's a good thing in your opinion.
  1048. >When you've first met her, she was as thin as a rake and barely had any meat on her bones.
  1049. >So you really don't mind this change. She at least looks healthy now.
  1050. >Well... Apart from all the scars on her legs, but you're afraid that's not something that will go away anytime soon.
  1051. >Or ever...
  1052. >Not that you particularly mind them, but sometimes, when your gaze accidentally falls on them, you wish you would have known her earlier so you could prevent some of them from ever appearing.
  1053. >But that's not something you should ruminate about right now.
  1054. >You can't change what already has happened anyway.
  1055. >Beaming her a smile, you guide her hoof down again and then carefully embrace it with your hand.
  1056. >God... How does a hoof manage to be this soft? It's a mystery to you.
  1057. “To be honest... I did not. You still look pretty much the same to me.”
  1058. >”Anon please...”
  1059. “And to be even more honest, I thi-”
  1060. >”Anon, no!”, she interrupts you, “I know you what you want to say, and it's really nice of you to think that way, but...”
  1061. “Eri...”
  1062. >”Don't go there. I don't want to look that way... It's just ugly.”
  1063. “I don't think so, though.”
  1064. >”S-Still... That's nice to hear and what not, but... Just... Just still, okay?”
  1065. “Okay.”, you chuckle and ruffle her mane, “I get it.”
  1066. >”Thanks. Now...”, she smiles and pulls the hand holding her hoof closer to her chest, “Could you let go of me please?”
  1067. “What? Why?”
  1068. >”I'm afraid I have to visit the bathroom. Yunno...”, she giggles a bit sheepishly, “Because of the booze.”
  1069. “Oh... Heh, of course.”, you say and release her from your grasp, “There you go.”
  1070. >”T-Thanks...”
  1071. >Quietly, almost like a ghost, she slides out of the blankets and off your bed and begins to trot towards the door, turning around and shooting you a coy look once she reaches it.
  1072. >”And don't fall asleep without me, okay?”
  1073. “I... I won't.”
  1074. >”See you soon, Anon.”
  1075. “Yeah...”
  1076. >And with that said, she vanishes into the darkness, her tail swishing just the slightest bit away to give you an evenly as slight look on the panties that so tightly hug her flanks as she does so.
  1077. >You could almost see the outlines of what they hide beneath them...
  1078. >Oh... Oh god...
  1079. >She couldn't have done this on purpose, could she?

Twilight Sparkle is addicted to Anon's cum

by X-Roads

Deep Rest Story for /emo/ - Not finished

by X-Roads

Anonfilly Cuddle Prostitution

by X-Roads

Anonfilly and Trixie Thing - Not finished

by X-Roads

Tree Hugger and Guard Anon - Not finished

by X-Roads