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Anon's silly poppy adventure

By Rusty_Snoot
Created: 2021-05-08 01:01:16
Expiry: Never

  1. >It's hard to describe an opioid to someone who has never done one.
  2. >Imagine the most comfortable you've ever been, then triple it.
  3. >That's a decent estimation.
  4. >The day after, your own skin feels scratchy and uncomfortable to live in.
  5. >One can see how the habit forms.
  6. >I don't really blame myself.
  7. >Men are nothing more than genetics and environment, after all.
  8. >And with my environment, and my genetics?
  9. >At least I was functioning.
  10. >I open the door to my apartment.
  11. >Stripping to my underwear, I lie on the floor with my laptop.
  12. >A quality mare for a quality gentleman.
  13. >Good thing I picked up yesterday.
  14. >Stash was getting low.
  15. >I pack my opium pipe.
  16. >Tunes:Pumping.
  17. >Pipe:Smoking.
  18. >Lyra:SMOKING.
  19. >Me:Happy.
  20. >I lean back into my escapism, entering my favorite fantasy.
  21. >It plays out the same every time I imagine it.
  22. >I'm laying on my back, in a void.
  23. >My eyes are shut, but I don't think I would see anything even if they were open.
  24. >The ground is cold.
  25. >After a few minutes I hear hoof-steps approaching me.
  26. >It's Lyra.
  27. >She sniffs my body from my toes to my head, before settling on a favorite spot.
  28. >The body part is different every time.
  29. >This go, it's my neck.
  30. "Look, oats!"
  31. >"No Lyra, It's not oats!" I want to scream.
  32. >Much like my eyes, my mouth is useless here.
  33. >She leans down and takes the first bite.
  34. >The bite is clean.
  35. >It feels more like I am made of cake then meat and blood.
  36. >I want to sit up, and shake her until she stops.
  37. >I want to moan, and gasp, and scream.
  38. >It hurts.
  39. >Lyra takes her time.
  40. >Bite by bite.
  41. >A short time passes and more ponies approach.
  42. >These ones are faceless, unlike Lyra.
  43. >I am consumed from all directions.
  44. >The pain is endless.
  45. >It's wonderful.
  46. "Hey?"
  47. >This was wrong.
  48. >There shouldn't be any voices.
  49. "What the hell happened to you?"
  50. >Something was interrupting your ecstasy.
  51. >You open your eyes.
  52. ...
  53. >Sunlight.
  54. >Sunlight hurts.
  55. >You are no longer in your apartment.
  56. >More importantly, you were coming down.
  57. >And sooner than usual.
  58. >Your eyes adjust to your surroundings.
  59. >OH SHIT
  60. >A 6 foot tall, half-cat, half-bird creature is looking at you.
  61. >Nothing like a massive predator to get the old juicer pumpin'.
  62. >You instinctively scramble back a few feet.
  63. "What, you scared of me, small fry?"
  64. >Talking.
  65. >It was talking.
  66. >Talking means not going to eat you (hopefully).
  67. >You slow your breathing.
  68. >As you do, you recognize what you're seeing.
  69. >It's Gilda.
  70. >Gilda, from my little pony.
  71. >The cartoon.
  72. "Cat got your tongue? Snrk."
  73. >"I'm, uh- where am I?"
  74. "What, you hit your head or something?"
  75. >After seeing your expression, she gives you an actual answer.
  76. "Griffonstone."
  77. >Well, that confirmed it.
  78. >You look up at the sky.
  79. >"Wow."
  80. "Oh, by the way. What the fuck are you?"
  81. >You look back at Gilda.
  82. >"Human."
  83. "Never heard of it."
  84. >"I'm far away from the homeland."
  85. "Why ya here then?"
  86. >"Last thing I remember was being in my apartment."
  87. >Gilda narrows her eyes.
  88. "Musta been pony shenaniganry."
  89. >"Sounds about right."
  90. >You had your own suspicious about that one.
  91. >Something something "I wish to travel to Equestria" something.
  92. >Gilda glances at the sun.
  93. "Anyway, you alright? I really should be going."
  94. >"Fine, just fine. You happen to know where Ponyville is?"
  95. "Ugh, I wish I didn't."
  96. >She points her claw off the face of the mountain.
  97. "Thataways."
  98. >"Thanks."
  99. "Yeah, no problem. You need a lift down the mountain? It's not out of my way."
  100. >"I think I'll be alright."
  101. "Alright then. See ya, human."
  102. >"Bye."
  103. ...
  104. >Be retarded.
  105. >You fully regret not taking Gilda up on her offer.
  106. >Damn misplaced sense of bravado and wonder.
  107. >It's beginning to become night, and you're wearing nothing but your underwear.
  108. >You've only made it halfway down the mountain to boot.
  109. >For the last 20 minutes or so you've been looking for any form of shelter.
  110. >Shit though, in this weather you'll get frostbite either way.
  111. >You opt to continue down the mountain.
  112. >...
  113. >His palms are blistered.
  114. >Feet raw.
  115. >Legs' not ready.
  116. >There's vomit on his sweater already: Mom's spaghetti.
  117. >He's nervous.
  118. >But on the surface he's not calm he's sweaty.
  119. >The climb down.
  120. >But he keeps almost slippin'.
  121. >If he fell down, certain death: not the best.
  122. >He opens his mouth, his raspy breaths come out.
  123. >He's choking, how? And his bodies failin' now.
  124. >The clock's run out, time's up, over, blaow!
  125. >Snap back to reality, ope there goes gravity, ope.
  126. >There goes Anon, he choked, he's so mad but he won't.
  127. >Give up that easy, no, he won't have it, he knows.
  128. >His whole back's to these ropes, it don't matter, he's dope.
  129. >He knows that but he's broke, he's so stagnant, he knows.
  130. >...
  131. >You've made it.
  132. >Sure, you fell the last 10 feet.
  133. >Su re, your ankle is very possible sprained.
  134. >Sure, you're miles from civilization with no survival skills or resources.
  135. >But you do have one card still in your sleeve.
  136. >Or rather, In the undies.
  137. >You pull an opium pipe and small stash.
  138. >For emergencies only.
  139. >Lovingly taped to your groin each morning.
  140. >You'd have to conserve.
  141. >You doubt horse land has any of the good stuff at all.
  142. >Withdrawal probably wouldn't kill you, but would be one son of a bitch.
  143. >You toke a modest amount.
  144. >Heh, great, ankle don't hurt no more.
  145. >Time to keep walking.
  146. >Step after step, Anon.
  147. >Step after step.
  148. >...
  149. >Three days.
  150. >Without food.
  151. >Thank god for the river you've found and since been following.
  152. >You estimate to be somewhere in the Everfree forest.
  153. >Thank god for the Equestrian-Griffonstone land bridge.
  154. >You were damn close to your goal.
  155. >Lyra, that damn sexy mare.
  156. >Hrng.
  157. >You ran out of that delicious black goo™ last night.
  158. >You've had a rough cough ever since the mountain.
  159. >However, you've stumbled across a certain hut in the woods.
  160. >"Zecora, I bet she would help me."
  161. "Oh, how curious, a new creature I see. Stranger, even, that he seems to know me"
  162. >Well shit.
  163. >She was behind you.
  164. "I see you are hungry, so come after me. I'll make a soup to provide what you need."
  165. >"Thank you."
  166. >With a weak smile you follow Zecora.
  167. >You sit and watch as she mixes various ingredients into a stew.
  168. >As you demolish the bowl she hands you, she speaks.
  169. "Where, creature, did you hear my name? I don't believe I'm a zebra of fame,"
  170. >Brain, it's lyin' time.
  171. >"Gilda. A griffon named Gilda mentioned you. It was a lucky guess really."
  172. >She looks at you with suspicion.
  173. "I will not press you, but pay heed here. The last zigga who lied was impaled by my spear."
  174. >You really hope that isn't a euphemism.
  175. >You spend a short time with Zecora before she bandages your wounds and you bid her goodbye.
  176. >As thanks, you gave her your opium pipe. Not like you would be needing it.
  177. >Sun high in the sky, headache pounding in your head, you begin the final steps toward Ponyville.
  178. >...
  179. >It's hard to describe Ponyville to someone who has never been there.
  180. >Imagine the most beautiful village you've ever seen, then triple it's beauty.
  181. >Or maybe that perceived beauty was simply because of how hard it was to get here.
  182. >You walk into town.
  183. >Ponies stand still and gawk when they see you.
  184. >A few skittish ones run away on sight.
  185. >You ignore all of them.
  186. >A confused twilight sparkle is trying to capture your attention.
  187. >BackgroundPonies.Rannoying
  188. >And then you see her.
  189. >The point of this entire brain-dead journey.
  190. >She was walking into a house.
  191. >You follow her, slamming the door open.
  192. >She jumps a foot into the air and stares wide eyed at you.
  193. >You lie on the floor, eyes closed.
  194. >This was it.
  195. >Everything you had fantasized.
  196. >It was about to happen.
  197. >The floor is cold.
  198. >After a few minutes you hear a pony talking.
  199. "Umm, what are you doing?"
  200. >"I'm ready."
  201. >...
  202. >...
  203. "Ready?"
  204. >You crack an eye open at that.
  205. >This isn't right.
  206. >"I'm oats. I'm ready for you to eat me, Lyra."
  207. "Uhhhhhhh"
  208. "Ummmmmmm"
  209. >You stand up from the floor and look around.
  210. >Lyra and Twilight are staring at you like you're a freakshow.
  211. >This wasn't how it was supposed to happen.
  212. >This wasn't how any of this was supposed to happen.
  213. >"No. Please."
  214. >You kneel before Lyra, and she cringes as you put your hands on her shoulders.
  215. >"You have to. You have to eat me! I've seen it so many times! I've felt it! Please!"
  216. >Lyra continues to stare at you.
  217. >You clutch your head in your hands.
  218. >"No. NO!"
  219. >You break with a guttural scream and leave the house.
  220. >Ponies that were watching from just outside scatter to allow you to pass.
  221. >No one follows you.
  222. >You walk to the edge of town, and sit down.
  223. >For the first time since you were a kid, you cry.
  224. >No pony.
  225. >No narcotics.
  226. >You have nothing to live for.
  227. >The only thing you have to rely on is opium.
  228. >Opium that most likely doesn't exist in this world.
  229. >Wait.
  230. >Most likely?
  231. >A thread of hope.
  232. >You quickly single out the mare most likely to know about the stuff, and head to Sugarcube Corner.
  233. >"Pinkie Pie."
  234. "Oh! Hello! How do you know me? I don't know you! Ooh, are we friends? Can we be friends?"
  235. >"Pinkie. In this world, does there exist a black, flammable substance with useful smoke?"
  236. "Hmmmmm."
  237. >She rubs her chin in thought.
  238. "Tar?"
  239. >"No. Not tar."
  240. "HMMMMMMMM"
  241. >She thoughtfully puffs on a bubble-pipe.
  242. "Oh! You must mean that flower gunk stuff! Here, come with me!"
  243. >You feel slightly better.
  244. >Like complete shit, but slightly better.
  245. >You follow Pinkie upstairs into her room.
  246. >She pulls a huge ball of top shelf shit out of her dresser.
  247. >You never had stuff this good back on Earth.
  248. >Wait, whydoes she even have a dresser?
  249. >"Pinkie. Can we smoke this?"
  250. "Welllllll we could, but my fatty pipe broke! And there aren't any more!"
  251. [spoiler]You really hope that isn't a euphemism.[/spoiler]
  252. >No. It couldn't be true.
  253. >"No more?"
  254. "Yep no more pipes! And we can't make anymore either!"
  255. >You take a step back.
  256. >Your heart is beating 2.536 miles a minute.
  257. >You hear yourself hyperventilating.
  258. >Zecora!
  259. >Zecora has the pipe.
  260. >You grab the ball from Pinkie and sprint out of Ponyville.
  261. >The forest blurs past.
  262. >"ZECORA!"
  263. >She is standing outside of her hut.
  264. "Ah, yes, my new friend, for what reason have you come again?"
  266. "In my stomach is where the pipe sits, I should inform you it was delish."
  267. >She ate it.
  269. >You scream into the air.
  270. >Pushing Zecora aside, you stomp into her hut.
  271. >You grab the spear hanging above her doorway.
  272. "No! Stop! The spear, let it drop!
  273. >You grit your teeth, kneeling and holding the spear against your chest.
  274. >Your aim was true.
  275. >Pain that Lyra refused to grant you blossomed out from your chest.
  276. >Heh, thanks for all the hard work, old juicer.
  277. >Sorry to cut your time short.
  278. >You hear Zecora rapidly mixing a potion.
  279. >No way she would be able to make it in time.
  280. >This time on the ground, you're warm.
  281. >You smile and let your eyelids close.
  282. >Your last thoughts are of the green mare with a harp on her ass.
  283. >And what an ass it was.
  285. >Farming was hard work.
  286. >Nothing a proud earth pony like you couldn't handle.
  287. >Still, you were glad to be done for the day.
  288. >You stand next to another field hand.
  289. "Ay, huckleberry, you ever heard that this place used to be a graveyard?"
  290. >"No shit?"
  291. "Really. My sister stumbled apon some musty document. Apparently if somethin' nasty turned up and got kilt, they threw it here."
  292. >"Hmph. Makes me feel a little worse about my work. Who the hell plants an oat field over a graveyard, anyway?"
  293. "Makes sense to me."
  294. >...
  295. >It was a good strong harvest.
  296. >The oats were prepped as usual and sent away to be bagged.
  297. >After that they ended up on shelves all across Equestria.
  298. >A certain green mare, feeling nostalgic, pics up a bag of her old favorite brand.
  299. >It has a strange savory tang to it.
  300. >She recalls an incident years ago in Ponyville.

Rusty_Snoot: Alone in egv

by Rusty_Snoot

The Black Celestia Green

by Rusty_Snoot

Anon's silly poppy adventure

by Rusty_Snoot

Fluttershy learns a lot

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Anon and Lyra are menaces in this one

by Rusty_Snoot