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[RDxAnon] Whatever I Want pt 1-3 [PastaFromSpace] [EQG]

By DashPosterAndArchiver
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-01 05:16:02
Expiry: Never

  4. Chapter 1: The Happening
  7. >Be Anon
  8. >Sitting at the lunch table with Rarity and Rainbow Dash
  9. >And as usual, it's hot as hell
  10. >Also as usual, Dash is the loudest complainer
  11. >"Jeez, would it kill them to get an air conditioner in here?"
  12. >She puts her legs up on the table like she's giving birth and starts flapping her skirt up and down
  13. >"For heaven's sake Dashie, would it kill you to behave a little more ladylike?"
  14. >"What's the big deal? Besides, I'm wearing shorts underneath, see?"
  15. >She intentionally lifts her skirt as high as she can
  16. >You catch a glimpse between her legs
  17. >Dash: "See something you like, Anon?"
  18. >She says, clearly mocking you
  19. "Nah, just trying to figure out if you actually are a girl."
  20. >Shots reflected
  21. >Her face goes red, and you can't help but laugh. Even Rarity let out a chuckle
  22. >Dash lunges at you over the table
  23. >"You know what Anon, I oughta-"
  24. >She knocks over her glass of juice, spilling it all over her skirt. You feel like you shouldn't laugh, but you laugh even herder
  25. >"Relax darling, just go to the bathroom and wipe it off, you'll be fine"
  26. >As she heads off she looks back to you
  27. >"I'm gonna get you back for this!"
  28. "Good luck with that."
  30. >Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy showed up shortly after
  31. >After about five minutes, you get a text
  32. >.... from Dash
  34. >Pinkie: "Who's that Nonny? Your secret lover~?"
  35. "Nah, the exact opposite."
  36. >You grab the stuff and head to the bathroom
  38. >You get to the girl's room, and for obvious reasons you choose to stand outside until Dash finally pokes her head out.
  39. >"Hey Anon, did you bring your sweater?"
  40. >It's tied around your waist
  41. "Yeah, why-"
  42. >She pulls it off and slams the door closed. Then she pokes her head out again
  43. >"Give me my bag"
  44. >You hand her the bag and she once again retreats inside. When she finally steps out you see her with your sweater around her waist and her skirt off, but you see it poking out of her backpack
  45. "What happened?"
  46. >"Well, because of SOMEONE, my skirt got wet and I can't exactly wear it"
  47. "Well why do you need my sweater?"
  48. >"C-cause!"
  49. >She looks down and away, so you pry more
  50. "Cause why?"
  51. >"Cause I don't want to be walking around in my underwear, isn't it obvious? I just want to, you know, cover up a little."
  52. "They're shorts Dash, not underwear."
  53. >"Y-yeah, well... I-It still feels weird. Just let me borrow it for today, okay? I'll do whatever you want!"
  54. "..... whatEVER I want?"
  55. >She hesitates
  56. >".... y-yeah, whatever."
  57. "Alright, fine. Just don't forget: whatever I want."
  58. >This should be fun
  60. >The two of you head back to the cafeteria. She stops you before going in
  61. >"Hey Anon, listen... can we please try not to make a big deal about this?"
  62. >You smile
  63. "Don't worry, I wont..."
  64. >She sighs in relief
  65. "-unless I want to."
  66. >That makes her jump. You strut in feeling like a pimp, and she follows you in
  68. >You get to the table with the other girls. Before either of you even say anything
  69. >Pinkie: "Dashie are you in your underwear?"
  70. >Fucking Pinkie. Best friend ever.
  71. >Dash: "I-it's not underwear, they're just shorts! It's perfectly normal!"
  72. >Pinkie: "Relax Dashie, I'm just kidding."
  73. >You sit down and pat the seat next to you, asking her to sit next to you. She complies, knowing she has no choice
  74. >Lunch goes on as normal. Somewhere along the conversation Dash brings up the last baseball game. Talking about herself and how awesome she is sure makes her feel good, like she forgot that she's exposed
  75. >Can't let that happen
  76. >Dash: "... so the bases were loaded and we were tied. All I needed was a base hit and we would win, but I managed to ge-AAH-"
  77. >You gently traced your fingers along her outer thigh. She jumps up and lets out a high pitched peep
  78. >Flutters: "a-are you okay Dashie?"
  79. >Dash glares at you
  80. "Yeah, you okay?"
  81. >Dash: "Y-yeah, just fine. Just a weird breeze is all."
  82. >She kicks you under the table and finishes her story
  83. >Will you get her back for that? Most likely
  85. >As lunch goes on, you continue to brush her outer thigh from time to time. After a few times, she stopped peeping and jumping, but she still shudders when you do
  86. >And of course each time you do, it comes with a kick in the ankle
  87. >But what she doesn't realize is that you've been scooting away bit by bit
  88. >Initiate attack plan
  89. >You brush her leg again, she kicks you again.... but when she reaches her foot over you grab her inner thigh
  90. >She pops up again and jerks forward, forcing your hand to dig into her crotch
  91. >This time everyone notices
  92. >AJ: "Rainbow, are you sure you're okay? You've been really jumpy today."
  93. >She squeezes her legs tightly shut
  94. >Dash: "Y-yeah. I-I'm just not used to... i-its just breezy is all. I'm fine."
  95. >Maybe you should ease up...
  96. >But when you try to pull your hand away, she squeezes her thighs on your hand tighter
  97. >You can feel the warmth of her body through her shorts. As you thought, she wasn't wearing panties
  98. >Just as things start to get awkward, the bell rings to signal the end of lunch. She's the first one to get up
  99. >You all head out of the cafeteria and head to your respective classes
  100. >She has history next.... and to her dismay, she has it with you
  102. >The two of you sat next to each other all the way in the back of the room
  103. >As you sat down you turn to your new plaything
  104. "Hey Dash, push your desk together with mine."
  105. >Dash: "Why do-"
  106. >She stops herself, and pushes her desk
  107. >The teacher calls you out, and you explain that she forgot her book and you are sharing with her. She simply nods in compliance
  108. >Less than ten minutes into the lesson she stands the book up like a wall and lays her head down
  109. >Sleeping through history... just like always
  110. >You look down and notice her legs slowly drift open
  111. >Time to pick up where you left off
  112. >You start rubbing her inner thigh again, and she tries not to make a sound. She quietly whispers to you
  113. >Dash: "What do you think you're doing Anon?"
  114. "Whatever I want."
  116. >She plops her head down as you continue to massage her inner thigh
  117. >She tries to pretend like she doesn't notice, but you can feel her shaking
  118. >You hate to admit it, but it's kind of cute
  119. >Her skin is surprisingly soft and smooth, she must take really good care of herself
  120. >As you slide your hand back and forth across her thigh, you feel one finger slip under the leg of her shorts
  121. >Either you're sliding you hand further and further in, or she's slowly inching her hips forward
  122. >... in all honesty, probably both
  123. >Well if she's so eager, it'd be rude to disappoint
  124. >You slide your hand up her leg, over her shorts, and directly between her legs. You slip your middle and ring fingers directly in the middle
  125. >She clenches her legs closed again
  126. >You start sliding your fingers up and down over her sweet spot, her legs shuddering as you do
  127. >Her breathing gets heavier, almost audible
  128. "Might wanna keep it down, Dash."
  129. >She pulls off your sweater and bites down on one of the sleeves
  130. >It's not kind of cute. It's downright fucking adorable
  131. >You can feel her getting moist, even her shorts feel damp
  132. >Dash: "w-well, what are you waiting for?"
  133. "huh?"
  134. >Dash: "I said you could do w-whatever you want, s-so go ahead."
  135. >You'd be lying if you said you didn't want to, but if she wants it that badly, you'd rather tease her some more
  136. >You press down harder and start swirling your fingers around
  137. >Your fingers are almost penetrating through her shorts as she shakes and quivers
  138. >Dash: "d-damnit Anon..."
  139. >You do her a favor, she deserves it
  140. >You slowly slip your fingers under her waistband one at a time. once all five are under you slide your hand through her thick bush and over her soft mound
  141. >She pushes her hips forward, beckoning your fingers in
  142. >You give a gentle push with your middle finger and it slips in
  143. >Congratulations: You're fingering a girl in class.
  145. >She bites down harder on your sweater sleeve
  146. >You slide your middle finger in and out, the only resistance coming from her shorts. You try and... yes, you get your ring finger in there too
  147. >Her insides are hot and slippery, but she squeezes down like she wants your fingers inside her forever
  148. >The tension of her shorts loosens up, and your hand is met by one of hers
  149. >You think she's going to pull your away, but your hands never really meet. Instead, hers stops just above yours and starts moving
  150. >As you wiggle your fingers inside her, she is slowly rubbing her own clit. This is really happening
  151. >She starts rocking her hips back and forth against your fingers. Her teeth are grinding on your sleeve and her eyes are almost watering
  152. >Her pussy starts contracting on your fingers more often, her hips starts moving faster
  153. >With her free hand, she grabs your shirt and pulls on you, and quietly whispers something
  154. >Dash: "A-anonnnn....."
  155. >That's all she says....
  156. >Then she jerks her hips forward and buries her face in your sweater. Her legs start trembling and her pussy starts convulsing, uncontrollably squeezing down and retracting on you.
  157. >After about a minute, she pulls her hand out, and you follow with yours. She wipes her hand off on your sweater
  158. >.... fuck. Oh well, you do the same.
  159. >Then she ties the sweater back around her waist, stuffing one of the sleeves down her shorts
  160. >You give her a look as if to say "what the hell?"
  161. >Dash: "Hey, I can't have it dripping all day..."
  162. >.... can't argue there
  164. >Class carries on, and she manages to stay awake til the end
  165. >She scoots closer to you, pressing herself to your side
  166. >You know, a crazy person might think this is some kind of awkward half-cuddle.... good thing you're not crazy
  167. >... right? Right.
  169. >The rest of class goes off without a hitch
  170. >Aside from a few suspicious looks, you never got caught
  171. >And before you knew it, the bell rang and class was over
  172. >You remind her to pull the sleeve out of her shorts before getting up, and the two of you leave class together
  174. >Only two classes left for today: English, then P.E. (and guess who's in your P.E. class) Dash's class is across the hall from yours, so you two walk together. She leans on your shoulder the whole way
  175. "Are you okay Dash? Did I break you or something?"
  176. >She clings to your arm tighter
  177. >Dash: "I-I'm fine. My legs are just a little wobbly still."
  178. "Oh yeah. Your welcome."
  179. >You chuckle. She gives you a gentle punch in the arm
  180. >Dash: "J-just for the record, I didn't really enjoy it all that much."
  181. "Okay then, you must not need me."
  182. >You let her go and she nearly falls over, but you let her cling to your sleeve to hold herself up.
  183. >Dash: "O-okay fine... I did... sorta enjoy it. Kinda. Just a little."
  184. >It's so much fun teasing her. You put your arm around her waist and pull her right to your side
  185. >Dash: "H-hey! What do you think you're doing?"
  186. "Whatever I want. Remember?"
  187. >Dash: "Yeah, but people might think were a couple."
  188. "I know, right?"
  189. >Dash: "Isn't it embarrassing?"
  190. "For you."
  191. >She pouts. It is a little awkward, but it's worth it for her reaction
  192. "Or do you want me to let you go again?"
  193. >She sighs, then drapes her arm over your shoulders
  194. >You shoot her a victory smile
  195. >Dash: "Don't look so proud. It's just.... easier to walk like this-"
  196. "You're blushing."
  197. >Her pout turns into a scowl. Not angry, but embarrassed. And cute, very very cute.
  199. >The two of you reach your classes. She stumbles a little as you let her go, but she carries herself well enough.
  200. "See you in gym."
  201. >Dash: "Yeah, see ya."
  202. >You slap her on the butt as she walks to her class. She gives you a dirty look but says nothing and you each head to your respective classes
  204. >You always pay attention in English class, mostly cause the teacher's hot. But not today. No, today your mind is somewhere else
  205. >In Rainbow Dash's vagina
  206. >You spent all class coming up with what you're gonna do to her in gym.You have some ideas, but you gotta come up with something perfect
  207. >You're pulled out of your daydream by a finger tapping on your desk
  208. >Pinkie: "Congratulations Nonny~
  209. >Oh yeah, she's in your class. She sits right next to you, how could you forget?
  210. "Uhh... thanks?"
  211. >Pinkie: "Come on, you have no idea what for, do you?"
  212. "Not really."
  213. >Pinkie: "You know, you and Dashie~."
  214. >Oh boy
  215. "Yeah, about that..."
  216. >She pats you on the back
  217. >Pinkie: "Come on Nonny, you should be proud. She's a real catch."
  218. "Yeah well, I'm sure she is. But she and I aren't really-"
  219. >Pinkie: "Too late to hide it, we all saw you in the hallway~"
  220. "Yeah, but that wasn't really-"
  221. >Pinkie: "If you ask me the two of you are really cute together~"
  222. "Pinkie, listen-"
  223. >Pinkie: "I'm honestly surprised, this is so out of nowhere but hey, love is a weird thing-"
  224. >Cheerilee: "Anon! Pinkie!"
  225. >Pinkie: "Sorry teach!"
  226. >Miss Cheerilee rolls her eyes and continues the lesson. Pinkie whispers back to you
  227. >Pinkie: "Tell me about it later Nonny~"
  228. >She gives you a wink before turning back around
  229. >You resume trying to come up with the perfect punishment for Dash... and you think you got it. You tear a page out of your notebook, tear it in half, and write your idea down. Then you fold it up and put it in your pocket.
  231. >The bell rings and you hurry out of class. You wait in the hall for Dash. Students flood out of the room across the hall, and Dash is the last straggler out.
  232. "Hey Dash, ready for gym?"
  233. >You say that with your plan in mind
  234. >Dash: "Uhh, Anon? What's with the look?"
  235. "Oh nothing..."
  236. >Dash: "Don't tell me you've got something planned."
  237. "Maybe, maybe not."
  238. >Dash: "Okay Anon, what are you up to now-"
  239. >Pinkie: "Yeah Anon, what are you up to?"
  240. >Pinkie Pie out of fucking nowhere, pops up between you two and throws her arms around yours and her shoulders
  241. >Pinke: "So, tell me. What do you two lovebirds have planned~?"
  242. >Dash: ".... lovebirds?"
  244. >You grab Dash and you run off down the hall, leaving a trail of spaghetti behind you. Luckily she's not as wobbly as before, and manages to keep up
  246. >You're about half way there when she pulls away and stops you
  247. >Dash: "I'm guessing this has to do with that 'lovebirds' comment?"
  249. "Yeah, umm...about that-"
  250. >Dash: "Yeah, I know all about it. People kept asking me about you, everyone thinks we're a couple thanks to you."
  251. "Well yeah, umm, you see..."
  252. >Use your words, Anon
  253. >She notices that for the first time today, you don't know how to respond, and a smile stretches across her face. She puts her arm around you like before
  254. >Dash: "Well Anon, everyone's watching, what are you gonna do?"
  255. >She's getting cocky. Can't let that happen
  256. >Dash: "What's the matter Anon? Feeling awkward?"
  257. >You turn her around to face you, and you bring your face close to hers- close enough that you could feel her breath, her deep heavy breath, close enough to see her blushing
  258. "I'm not, how about you?"
  259. >She mumbles something, unable to make cohesive words.
  260. >Damage redirected. You are once again in control. You gently brush her cheek with your hand
  261. "Come on Dashie, let's go"
  263. >Calling her 'Dashie got her really flustered. Quite frankly you felt weird saying it too
  264. >She punches you in the arm
  265. >Dash: "F-fine, let's go."
  266. >She storms off, but not before grabbing your hand and pulling you with her
  267. >You may have dropped your spaghetti, but so did she. And that's what matters
  269. >The two of you get to the locker rooms, and you pull her aside
  270. >Dash: "What now, you want me to get dressed in the guy's room with you now."
  271. >Huh, if only... nah, there's no way
  272. "No no, I got something better in store for you."
  273. >Dash: "And what's that supposed to mean?"
  274. >You take the paper from your pocket and hand it to her. She opens it and silently reads it
  275. >Dash: ".... you've got to be kidding me."
  276. >You simply smile.
  277. >Dash: "Come on Anon, really?"
  278. >Smile.
  279. >Dash: ".... fine. I'll do it."
  280. "That's my girl."
  281. >You pat her on the head, and she fidgets with embarrassment before running off to the girl's locker room.
  283. >You sit on the gym bleachers waiting for roll call. Dash slowly walks out talking with some other girls you don't recognize. One of them looks over at you, whispers something, and they all laugh; except for Dash, who covers her face. Speaking of whom, she's wearing her gym shirt but kept the shorts on with the sweater around her waist just like you asked. But that was only half of your request
  284. >Dash splits away from the others. They give her the 'twinkle finger' wave and giggle as she sits next to you
  285. "Hey Dash, what was all that about."
  286. >Dash: "They kept asking about, you know, us."
  287. "And what did you tell them?"
  288. >She just looks down at the ground.
  289. >Dash: "F-forget it. I did exactly like you said."
  290. "ALL of it?"
  291. >She grabs your arm and pulls it around her waist. She glances around, making sure no one is looking, and when the coast is clear, she quickly puts your hand on her breast
  292. >Dash: "Th-there, happy?"
  293. >Just as quickly as she put it there she pulls it away
  294. >And that was part two of your request. Just like you asked, she's not wearing a bra
  296. >Everyone arrives, go through roll call, begin warm-up stretches
  297. >Rainbow Dash is unusually holding back. Maybe she's aware that every time she stretches too far her nipples poke out. Maybe she feels that people are staring at her... cause you sure are
  298. >Her breasts are pretty small, but hey... boobs are boobs
  299. >After stretches, the coach announces that today you will be playing dodgeball
  300. >Great.... no seriously, that's great
  301. >As usual, Dash is one of the team captains. And you make sure she knows NOT to pick you
  302. >Dis gon be gud
  304. >Teams are chosen the game starts. Less than five minutes in, you're already sitting out for the day. You got hit in the face pretty hard and started bleeding
  305. >... okay, maybe you dove in front of the ball on purpose, but who's watching. Besides, you've always had "bad luck" in gym, always getting yourself "accidentally hurt"
  306. >You lay on the bleachers to keep the blood from your nose from flowing all over your face
  307. >Rainbow Dash comes back with an ice pack and some paper towels. The teacher told her to make sure you're okay, since she's the one who threw the ball after all. That wasn't part of the plan, things just work out sometime
  308. "I really oughta be more careful, huh?"
  309. >Dash: "Don't give me that, you do this everyday. Lift your head up."
  310. >You pick up your head and she sits down. You lay your head in her lap
  311. >Dash: "Hold still."
  312. >She holds the paper towels over your nose and presses the ice pack on top. You turn your head over to watch the game, but she pulls you back to your looking-up position
  313. >Dash: "Hey, I told you to hold still, I don't want you dripping blood all over me!"
  314. "I just want to watch the game."
  315. >Dash: "Well that's your fault for pulling this crap. If I don't get to play you don't get to watch."
  316. >She pulls your head in until you're pressed against her stomach. It's firm but not quite muscular, almost like a flattened pillow. And just above your head....
  317. >Wait. That gives you an idea
  319. "Hey Dash...."
  320. >Dash: "Hmm? What is it?"
  321. >She looks down at you, and you just silently look into her eyes. She starts to blush
  322. >Dash: "D-do you need something or not?"
  323. "Yeah...come closer."
  324. >She leans down
  325. "closer"
  326. >She leans more
  327. "closer"
  328. >More
  329. >At this point her ear is just inches form your mouth. You say nothing
  330. >Dash: "Anon, are you okay?"
  331. "Yeah, it's just..."
  332. >Dash: "Just what?"
  333. >You lower your voice to a whisper
  334. "... your tits are in my face."
  335. >hue
  336. >Dash: "DAMN YOU ANON!!"
  337. >She's about to slap you
  338. >Coach: "Is everything okay over there?"
  339. >Dash, realizing the shit she was in, she doesn't even respond. She wasn't in real trouble, the coach usually doesn't care about anything, she just hates being scolded in gym since it's the only class she stays awake through. Of course as soon as the coach looks away she drops the ice and the towels, and smacks you in the back of the head. Still worth it. She crosses her arms, either frustrated or trying to cover her chest, probably both
  340. "Hey Dash-"
  341. >Dash: "No."
  342. "Look, I didn't-"
  343. >Dash: "No."
  344. "Let me make it up to you-"
  345. >Dash: "No."
  346. >Okay, now she's starting to make you feel bad
  347. "Dash, listen for just a second."
  348. >Dash: "... Fine, you got one second-"
  349. "Thanks. The bleeding stopped"
  350. >You sit upright next to her and put your arm around her waist like you did when you were walking and pull her closer. She gasps as you do, but then rests her head on your shoulder
  351. >Dash: "Forget it. Just consider us even for earlier."
  352. >She nestles her head into your neck, not seeming to care about the stares and whispers
  353. >Dash: "Hey Anon... you know, y-you can lay in my lap again if you want. It's fine with me, really"
  354. >You got back on her good side, time to mess with her some more
  355. "I could... or you could lay in mine."
  356. >Dash: "Is that another one of your orders?"
  357. "Does it need to be?"
  358. >Dash: "Sh-shut up."
  359. >That's all she says. Right before laying down in your lap
  360. >Got her
  362. >She uses her hands as a pillow before laying down on your lap. You put your hand on her head and begin stroking her hair. Surprisingly, it's really soft. She actually takes really good care of herself
  363. >Turns out all those rumors about her crusty flaky cunt weren't true after all
  364. >You slide your hand down from her head, over her shoulder, and down to her torso. Her torso...
  365. >... the day is almost over Anon. It's now or never
  366. "Hey Dash, can I have my sweater back-"
  367. >Dash: "Hang on a sec, we had a deal-"
  368. "It's just for a second, I'll give it right back."
  369. >Dash: "... okay fine. But you give it right back"
  370. >She hands you the sweater and you drape it over her like a blanket, covering her from her shoulders down to her thighs
  371. >Dash: "What's this for?"
  372. "You'll see"
  373. >You reach under the sweater for her shoulder, then to her torso... then further down to her chest
  374. >Dash: "H-hey! What are you trying to do!"
  375. "Relax, no one can see"
  376. >Dash: "W-well yeah, but..."
  377. "Hey, if you want to stop me, go ahead"
  378. >She doesn't respond as you slide your hand down further. She doesn't respond when you cup her breast in your hand. But when you give her a gentle squeeze, she DOES respond. Nothing extreme, just a quiet, gentle groan, surprisingly more high-pitched and feminine than you expected. Her breasts are rather small, fitting entirely in your hand, but it's soft nonetheless. As you gently massage her little A-cups, she starts fidgeting
  379. >Dash: "...damn it Anon..."
  380. "What'd I do this time?"
  381. >Dash: "Nothing, but if you're gonna do it..."
  382. >She pulls up her shirt under the sweater and firmly presses your hand down against her little lump
  383. >Dash: "... you might as well do it right."
  384. >You continue playing with her chest, giving her nipple a little flick. You do it more often once you really see how she reacts. You notice a rustling going on lower down
  386. "Dash, are you touching yourself?"
  387. >Dash: "...maybe, shut up"
  388. "Not without my permission you're not"
  389. >Dash: "A-are you really doing this?"
  390. >You let go of her breast
  391. "Yeah, I am."
  392. >Dash: "...fine."
  393. >She stops, so you continue. Despite their size, her breasts are soft to the touch. Her skin is so smooth, the closest thing to a blemish is her perky standing nipple. When you press your hand down you can feel her heartbeat thumping like she's having a heart attack. It's almost a shame you can't see them right now
  394. >... you hear Dash quietly giggling...
  395. >Dash: "Calm down kiddo"
  396. >Hey, her head is in your lap, she was going to notice your boner sooner or later
  397. >Play it cool, Anon, play it cool
  398. "Don't flatter yourself"
  399. >Dash: "Keep telling yourself that"
  400. >Ouch
  401. >At least you tried. And hey you're still the one in charge here-
  402. >Coach: "Okay everyone, head back to the locker rooms"
  403. >Damn it
  404. >You pull your hand out, she ties the sweater around her waist and gets up. You try to stand but your leg fell asleep
  405. >Cause it's not like you dropped enough spaghetti today
  406. >Coach: "Hurry up you two, everyone else is already gone."
  407. >So he says as he exits, leaving you two alone together. You get yourself together, and when your leg wakes up you start walking until Dash grabs your shoulder
  408. >Dash: "Hey Anon."
  409. "Yeah-"
  410. >As soon as you turn to her she lifts her shirt up. Her small blue tits are just as gorgeous as you thought
  411. >Dash: "Here you go~"
  412. >Something about the way she said it and the look she gave you was so... damn. But before you really had time to enjoy it she pulls her shirt back down. She walks away laughing, thinking she has you beat. Once again, she thinks she's in charge. You gotta find a way to one-up her. Maybe...
  413. >This could either really work OR ruin your life forever
  414. >But you gotta take the risk. Can't let her have the upper hand
  415. >You grab her shoulder
  416. "Hey Dash."
  418. >As she turns around you pull her shirt up and over her face, and start groping her
  419. >Dash: "H-HEY!"
  421. >You're dangerously close to sexual assault here, you should pull back now while you still can-
  422. >Too late. She took her shirt off to free her face, then grabs you and pulls you closer. Instead of strangling you like she thought she would, she clings to you tightly with one hand, the other tightly and suddenly grasps your penis.
  423. >Dash: "I swear to God Anon, if you stop now I'll scream rape"
  424. >She starts stroking you aggressively
  425. >Dash: "Well hurry up! Before people get suspicious!"
  427. >You aggressively massage her breast with one hand, and firmly grasp her ass with the other. She pants loudly as she slides her hand up and down your length. You look into each others eyes, and almost instinctively she presses her lips against yours. Your hands freeze as she does, catching you completely off guard.
  428. >She takes the initiative to grab your hand from her ass and shove it down the front of her shorts. You respond by shoving your fingers inside her and start moving them. Her legs start to tremble, and her grasp on your dick tightens
  429. >Dash: "A-anoooonnn...."
  430. >Her legs start to tremble, her pussy dripping long before you put your fingers in. Once again you can feel her heart beating like a drum. She collapses into your shoulder
  431. >Dash: "Y-yes... please, more.. I'm so fucking... s-so close..."
  432. >Her hand slides down and starts rubbing herself again. You didn't exactly give her permission, but there's no controlling her now
  433. >Dash: "A-anon, I, I'm gonna, mMhm... I... I-"
  434. >Her legs clench shut
  435. >Dash: "I LOVE YOU ANOOOON~!"
  436. >She collapses, her pussy convulsing like an earthquake in her pants
  438. >You wait a minute for her to get herself together, and once again you wipe her clean with your sweater. You help her get her shirt back on
  439. >The two of you run to the locker rooms so you have time to change before the final bell
  440. >You dress in a bathroom stall so no one sees your boner, which refused to die down
  442. >After you get dressed, you hurry out of the locker room. Dash is already waiting for you
  443. "Did anyone ask about what took us so long?"
  444. >Dash: "No, you?"
  445. "Nope, I think we're good."
  446. >The two of you leave campus together
  448. "Well, see ya tomorrow I guess."
  449. >Dash: "Yeah, see ya-"
  450. "Hey wait. My sweater."
  451. >Dash:" W-well, can't I just wear it til tomorrow? I still gotta walk home too."
  452. >Hmm.... you COULD use this to your advantage
  453. "Alright fine. On one condition."
  454. >Dash sighs, thinking this won't end well for her. And she's right
  455. "You can borrow the sweater til tomorrow IF..."
  456. >You pause, gotta keep her on edge
  457. "...if you don't wear your shorts under your skirt tomorrow-"
  458. >Dash: "What!"
  459. "You heard me"
  460. >She hesitates...
  461. >Dash: "Fine. I'm keeping this til tomorrow then. See ya"
  462. >Checkmate
  463. >Dash: "Oh, a-and one more thing..."
  464. >She gets nervous and stares at the ground
  465. >Dash: "What I said... you know, in the gym, when I..."
  466. >She stops. She fidgets. She mumbles. Then... she kisses you. A quick, sudden, peck on the cheek
  467. >Dash: "Okay bye"
  468. >She turns and runs off before even finishing those two words
  469. >Huh.....
  470. >......
  471. >You never thought you'd say this, but you're looking forward to school tomorrow
  472. >You wait on the front steps of the school, pondering the mistake you made
  473. >When you made that deal with Rainbow Dash yesterday it hadn't occurred to you that she wouldn't listen to you
  474. >You're willing to bet your left nut that she'll come today with her shorts under her skirt as usual, and you'll never see that sweater again
  475. >Still, you waited for her
  477. >It's 5 minutes til class starts. You consider just giving up and heading in when you see her finally approaching
  478. >.... Welp. There goes your left nut.
  479. >She's here, with no shorts under her skirt just like you asked. When she approaches you, she can't even look you in the eye. Her face is bright red
  480. >Dash: "...happy?"
  481. "I'm just surprised you actually did it"
  482. >Dash: "W-well you told me to"
  483. >You pat her on the back for a job well done. But when you pull your hand away she longingly looks into your eyes
  484. >Dash: "...well?"
  485. "Well what?"
  486. >Dash: "Aren't you gonna do it again?"
  487. "Do what?"
  488. >Dash: "Uggh..."
  489. >She grabs your hand and puts it around her waist, just like yesterday
  490. "Dash, you know you don't have to-"
  491. >Dash: "Might as well, since you're making me go commando anyways"
  492. >.... wut
  493. "All I said was no shorts"
  494. >Dash: "Y-yeah, well, it feels the same"
  495. >You reach for her skirt
  496. "Are you seriously not-"
  497. >Dash: "Hey!"
  498. >She smacks your hand away. You really don't care to see, you're just messing with her... okay, you are a little curious
  499. >Dash: "Come on, lets go before we're late"
  500. >You don't have class together, but you at least walk in together. Before going your separate ways, she gives you a hug. You return the embrace
  501. >She reaches behind herself and grabs you hand. She slides it down her back, over her butt, up and under her skirt
  502. >Dash: "S-satisfied?"
  503. >She is wearing panties after all. You try to feel around to get a better mental image. Cotton, there's a little lace along the-
  504. >She pushes you back, her face brighter red than before
  505. >Dash: "S-see you later!"
  506. >She turns and runs away
  507. >... you should probably head to class too
  509. >You've got three classes until lunch: math, music theory (lol faget), and biology. Not a single one of them with Rainbow Dash
  510. >That actually disappoints you a bit now
  511. >Your first two classes go off fine. But come time for biology, that changes
  513. >You get to class and plop down into your seat. You instantly let your mind wander away...
  514. >Back to this morning. You still can't get the image, or rather your mental image, of her panties out of your head. You got her shirt off yesterday, maybe you can get her to-
  515. >"Hellooo? You awake in there?"
  516. >You jump back to reality
  517. >You forgot. Rarity sits next to you in biology
  518. >Rarity: "You okay darling? You were really zoned out for a bit"
  519. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just tired is all-"
  520. >Rarity: "You were thinking about Rainbow Dash weren't you?"
  521. >God damn this school is gossipy
  522. "N-no, of course not"
  523. >Jeez Anon, you're sounding a lot like... like Dash. That's not a good sign
  524. >Rarity: "I knew it! You two are together now aren't you! Tell me all about it!"
  525. "I swear, it's nothing. I just let her borrow my sweater, that's all"
  526. >Rarity: "Hmm... that's not what Pinkie Pie told me"
  527. "Well yeah, but you know how to Pinkie is"
  528. >Rarity: "Okay, okay, if you say so..."
  529. >She turns back to her work, and you resume yours
  530. >Rarity: "... lovebird."
  531. >God damn it
  533. >After class you and Rarity head to the cafeteria, eventually catching up with Rainbow Dash. Rarity gives the two of you the most shit-eating grin you've seen since the movie Salo (look it up pleb)
  534. >Dash: "Hey Rarity, what's up?"
  535. >Rarity: "Oh nothing~"
  536. >Dash gives you a look like she knows what's going on
  537. >Rarity: "Tell you what, I'll leave you two be"
  538. >She walks off, leaving you alone with Dash
  539. "I swear, I didn't say anything"
  540. >Dash: "Relax, I've been getting it all day too"
  541. >The two of you both stare at the ground awkwardly
  542. >Dash: "C-come on, let's get lunch"
  543. >She lifts up her arm to give you room to put your arm around her
  544. >You do it... you know, to embarrass her. Totally. That's all
  546. >The two of you get your lunch and sit over at your table. No one else is there yet. She decides to sit across from you, and you can't tell her otherwise. I mean, it's not like she still has your sweater-
  547. >Wait a sec, yeah she does
  548. "Hey Dash, where's me sweater by the way?"
  549. >Dash: "H-huh?"
  550. "You know... my sweater? The one I gave you yesterday? The one you said you'd bring back today?"
  551. >Dash: "Oh yeah, I, uhh... forgot it at home"
  552. >u fokin wot m8?
  553. "Are you kidding me?"
  554. >Dash: "Wh-what? It was a mistake? No biggie. Besides, you could... you know..."
  555. >She mumbles something
  556. "Huh"
  557. >Dash: "Y-you could just..."
  558. "What"
  559. >Dash: " could stop..."
  560. "Speak up, Dash-"
  562. >Well, at least you got it out of her. You should probably work on your timing though
  563. "... what's up guys"
  564. >Dash was too busy trying to hold her spaghetti in to realize that Rarity, Pinkie, and the others just arrived
  565. >Dash: "U-uhh... h-hey guys-"
  567. >You and Dash spend the rest of lunch trying to deflect their gossip, between the two of you there was enough spaghetti to feed the entire damn school
  568. >You really need to find some more guy friends
  570. >As soon as lunch is over the two of you hurry out before the girls pry anymore. You get to the class before anyone else arrives, so the two of you head to the same seats in the back. Dash roughly throws her bag on the desk
  571. >...maybe you should have told her that her bag was OPEN
  572. >Dash: "...hey Anon-"
  573. "I am not helping you"
  574. >Dash: "Come on, it'll take two seconds"
  575. "...fine, but you owe me"
  576. >You help her pick up her stuff from the floor. Well, "help" is a funny way of putting it, since she's not really doing anything
  577. "Are you going to help me or just make me do everything-"
  578. >Dash: "Shh!"
  579. >She covers your mouth and looks towards the door
  580. >Dash: "Don't say anything..."
  581. >She slowly pulls her hand away, and you keep silent. After taking another peek towards the door, she pushes you down on the floor
  582. "Dash what the hell-"
  583. >Dash: "Shh!!!"
  584. >She looks to the door again
  585. >Dash: "Damn it Anon, we don't got much time"
  586. "Time for what-"
  587. >She pounces of top of you, straddling your chest. Her knees are on your arms, pinning you down
  588. "Dash, what are you-"
  589. >She covers your mouth again
  590. >Dash: "Do I gotta tape your damn mouth shut?"
  591. >With her free hand, she quickly lifts up her skirt, flashing her panties to you. Light blue stripes that almost match her skin, with lace trim around the legs and waistband
  592. >Dash: "You've wanted to see all day, haven't you?"
  593. >You don't say anything, so she uncovers her mouth
  594. >Dash: "G-go ahead, you can talk, just quietly"
  595. "... I've been curious"
  596. >Her hands start to tremble
  597. >Dash: "W-well... d-do you want a b-bettter view?"
  598. >She's trying to be sexy but can't get past her awkwardness. You cut her some slack and nod. She fidgets... and fidgets...and just to shake it up, fidgets some more
  599. "Well?"
  600. >Dash: "J-just gimme a second!"
  601. >She gets up and inches forward until her crotch is just above your face
  602. >She takes a deep breath. Her legs shake. She slowly brings herself closer to your face
  603. >Your heart races. You feel her body warmth come closer
  604. >You hear footsteps
  606. "Dash, someone's com-mMhm-"
  607. >You're silenced by a mouthful of Rainbow Dash. Her hand is behind your head, pushing your face against her crotch
  608. >Dash: "I-I hear it... I just need a little..."
  609. >She gently grinds her face against you, and her panties get damp
  610. >The footsteps get closer
  611. >Her scent fills your nose. Unable to resist, you open your mouth to taste the wet spot on her crotch
  612. >The footsteps get closer
  613. >Her hands shake. She gently pulls on your hair. Her heavy breath becomes a high-pitched moan
  614. >The footsteps get close
  615. >Too close
  616. "MMh.. -ash, ge uph!"
  617. >She quickly jumps up. You take in a deep (and frankly disappointing) breath, the teacher and a few other students enter
  618. >You and Dash resume picking up her stuff and put them back in her bag. Once she's packed up she pushes her desk against yours
  619. >Dash: "Sorry teach, forgot my book again"
  620. >You're pretty sure you saw it when you were picking up her stuff, but you say nothing
  621. >The rest of the students straggle in, and class begins
  622. >Once again she props the book up like a wall, and whispers to you
  623. >Dash: "hey Anon"
  624. "yeah?"
  625. >Dash: "sorry... a-and thanks"
  626. "yeah, no worries"
  627. >She scoots closer
  628. >Dash: "d-do you..."
  629. >She pulls your hand over to her thigh
  630. >Dash: "... wanna finish?"
  631. "maybe later..."
  632. >You bring your hand to her face, then pull her closer to whisper in your ear
  633. "...when we can do a lot more"
  634. >She twitches as you say that, and you let her go. Through the rest of class she can't take her eyes off you. You can hear her nervously tapping her finger on the desk the whole time
  636. >Class is over, the two of you head out together. She clings to you the whole way to your next classes
  637. >Dash: "... w-well?"
  638. "Well what?"
  639. >Dash: "When are we... y-you know"
  640. "When are we what?"
  641. >She tightens her grip on you, and lowers her voice to a whisper
  642. >Dash: "y-you said we'd finish"
  643. "I meant later... like, a while later"
  644. >Dash: "C-come on... j-just a little for now?"
  645. "... alright, come on"
  646. >You grab her hand and drag her through the halls until you find one where there are no students around. You press her up against a locker, holding her wrist back. You slide one hand down to her breast and squeeze and bring your knee up into her crotch. She lets out a quiet moan, so you slowly rotate your knee around
  647. >Dash: "A-anon..."
  648. >She gently grinds against you. She leans forward for a kiss, but you move to the side and plant your lips right on the nape of her neck. Her whole body quivers when you do. She grabs your knee and pulls it in
  649. >Dash: "A-anon, please... m-more..."
  650. >You pull away, and whisper in her ear
  651. "That's all for now. We're late for class as it is"
  652. >She clings to you, pulling you back
  653. >Dash: "D-damn it Anon..."
  654. "Gotta leave you with something to look forward to"
  655. >Before heading back to class she stops you
  656. >Dash: "One last thing, Anon"
  657. "Yeah?"
  658. >She slams you against the lockers, then drops to her knees, She unbuttons and unzips your pants, and pulls them down. Her face presses against your dick in your boxers and she gives it a kiss. Just as you put your hands on her head, she gets back up
  659. >Dash: "Gotta leave you with something to look forward to"
  660. >She runs off, leaving you alone literally with your pants down
  662. >Cheerilee: "Anonymous, you do realize you're late for class right?"
  663. "Yeah, sorry. It won't happen again"
  664. >She rolls her eyes as you stumble to your seat. You try to pretend that Pinkie isn't glaring at you with a huge smile
  665. >Pinkie:" "Weeeeell~?"
  666. "Nothing"
  667. >Pinkie: "I'd be more convinced if your zipper wasn't down~"
  668. >Fuck.
  670. >You treat her like a cop trying to talk to you without your lawyer, not that that ever discourages her. You somehow put up with it through the whole class
  672. >Class comes to an end and you rush out of class. You catch Dash in just as much of a hurry to get out as you. Neither would ever admit to how eager you were to see each other
  673. >When you meet, you say no words. You simply put your arm around her waist and head to gym
  675. >Turns out you're playing dodgeball again today. As soon as the game begins Dash grabs a ball and nails you in the face again
  676. >You didn't even have to tell her... she deserves a medal
  677. >the two of you just hang out all period, not doing anything but laughing anytime someone else got hit in the face and had to stay in. Dash was really the only one who threw hard enough to do any real damage
  679. >Class ends, and unlike yesterday you two head to the locker room without hesitation. You quickly change and leave early, and Dash is out shortly after, and you leave campus before the bell even rings
  680. >As you head out, you start heading home before Dash grabs your sleeve
  681. >Dash: "Hey, where are you going?"
  682. "Home"
  683. >She pouts
  684. >Dash: "D-did you forget?"
  685. "Forget what?"
  686. >Dash: "...y-you know, aren't you, c-coming to..."
  687. >Shit. You forgot
  688. "Oh yeah."
  689. >Dash: "D-damn you Anon..."
  690. >She pulls your arm around her waist before leading you to her place
  692. >It's a fairly short walk to her place, maybe about ten minutes or so. You're still pretty tired.
  693. >Maybe you should try participating in gym... nah, forget it
  695. >She opens the door and welcomes you in
  696. >Dash: "Well? Hurry up and get in here"
  697. >Hey, it's "welcoming" by her standards, so you take it
  698. >She takes her shoes off and asks you to do the same. She cuts right to the chase, and leads you too her bedroom
  699. >Dash: "Okay before I let you in I've got to say something."
  700. "What is it-"
  701. >Dash: "If you laugh, I'll kill you"
  702. >You silently nod, and she slowly opens the door
  703. >What's with her, it's just a bedroom? What's the worst-
  704. >Holy shit this is the girliest room you have ever seen. The walls are painted bright pink, her bedspread has a bright, pastel floral patter. Oh, and her bed? Enough pillows and stuffed animals to make a second mattress
  705. >Dash: "Y-yeah... this is my room..."
  706. >You say nothing
  707. >Dash: "What's with that look?"
  708. >Damn it Anon wipe that grin off your face
  709. >Dash: "S-seriously Anon, y-you better not start laughing!"
  710. >You silently say you prayers in your head
  711. "Well..."
  712. >Dash: "Well what?"
  713. >You ruffle her hair
  714. "It's cute, I'll give you that"
  715. >Se punches your arm and heads over to her dresser. She pulls out the bottom drawer, takes your sweater out and tosses it to you
  716. >Dash: "Don't worry, I washed it"
  717. >You stuff it into your backpack
  718. "Alright thanks. See ya later"
  720. >Dash: "W-wait, what?"
  721. "That's why you asked me over right, to give my sweater back?"
  722. >Dash: "No! W-well, yeah, but.. I mean, th-that's it?"
  723. "Well what else is there?"
  724. >Dash is starting to get flustered. She's really falling for it
  725. >Dash: "Y-you know...finishing what we started earlier..."
  726. "Oh, yeah, about that. I've got stuff to do so maybe some other time-"
  727. >Dash: "Damn it I've been waiting all day for this, you can't just-"
  728. >You grab her and pull her into a hug, your face inches from hers
  729. "Gotcha."
  730. >Another punch in the arm
  731. >Dash: "... you really piss me off sometimes, you know..."
  732. "Are you pissed now?"
  733. >Dash: "... only if you stop"
  734. >Not like you ever intended to leave, nor do you have any intention of stopping
  736. >You slide one hand between her legs and the other under her shirt. She's wearing a bra this time, but that doesn't stop you
  737. >Rather than try to take it off, you slide your hand under. But between the wire digging into the back of your hand and the already tight fit of her bra, you pull your hand out
  738. >Hey, caressing her through her bra is still something
  739. >Apparently she doesn't share that thought
  740. >Dash: "H-hold on a sec"
  741. >She steps back and removes her shirt
  742. "So they match"
  743. >Dash: "H-huh?"
  744. "Your bra and panties"
  745. >Dash: "oh yeah..."
  746. >She drops her skirt too
  747. >Dash: "...d-do you like it?"
  748. "Maybe. I'm just surprised you had such a feminine side to you-"
  749. >Dash: "Y-you better not tell anyone! I swear-"
  750. "It's cute"
  751. >She goes silent. She makes it too easy sometimes
  752. >Dash: "wh-whatever... j-just go over there"
  753. >She points over towards the bed
  755. >She grabs you by the arm and leads you over to the bed. She sits on the edge, but stops you from sitting next to her
  756. >Dash: "N-no... right here is good"
  757. >You're positioned in front of her, your crotch right at her eye level, She reaches for the button of your pants, hands shaking.
  758. >She almost hesitates to touch you like you're made of glass. Once she finally grabs at your buttons she fiddles around with it
  759. "Need help?"
  760. >Dash: "N-no, I got it"
  761. >She tries some more
  762. "You sure?"
  763. >Dash: "No, I can do it!"
  764. >She tries even harder, but after a minute or so gives up
  765. >Dash: ".... a little help"
  766. >You unbutton your pants and she immediately swats your hand away
  767. >Dash: "J-just for the record, I could have done it myself"
  768. >She quickly unzips your pants and yanks them down, hoping you'd forget what just happened. She grabs the waistband of your boxers, but more timidly like earlier
  769. >Dash: "Y-you sure you're ready for this?"
  770. "Are you sure you're ready?"
  771. >Dash: "Of course! ...I just, you know... wanted to make sure you are..."
  772. >Uh uh. Right.
  773. >She pulls your underpants down, slowly letting your erect member free
  774. >Dash: "O-okay... I guess... I-I'll just pick up where I left off"
  775. >She gently grabs the base of your dick and brings her mouth closer. AS she gets near, you can feel her breathing on you. The warmth of her panting almost feels good in itself. She lets out a long deep breath, then inhales...
  776. >Then fills her mouth with your cock
  778. >She pushes herself down, bringing your cock deeper into her warm, wet mouth. It felt great for the whole 30 seconds before she pulls out and starts coughing
  779. "You okay Dash?"
  780. >She struggles to respond while trying to catch her breath
  781. >Dash: "Yeah... I just... haven't.. I'll get the hang of it..."
  782. >She gives the head a few slow test licks, as if mentally preparing herself, then pushes down again. It takes her a while to get a steady rhythm, and she has to stop every once in a while to catch her breath. It's sloppy, it's awkward... but damn, is it cute. As she gets the hang of it, she begins stroking you with her hand, matching the movements of her head
  783. >You reach down and run your fingers through her soft hair. You try not to hold her down in case she needs to catch her breath again
  784. >She pulls her head back again, but not to catch her breath
  785. >Dash: "s-so.. how am I doing?"
  786. >You don't say anything, and she takes that as a complement
  787. >Dash: "Told you I'd get the hang of it"
  788. >She starts licking you all over, moving from the base all the way over the head and back down again. You feel your heart race, your body going weak, and the next time she goes over your head you give her a gentle push. She lets out a muffled gasp and resumes her previous moment. You hear her quietly moaning like she's enjoying it
  789. "You're touching yourself aren't you"
  790. >She pulls out again
  791. >Dash: "M-maybe..."
  792. >She doesn't stop stroking you; in fact, she moves her hand faster. She may need to work on her oral skills, but her soft little hands can work some serious magic Her eyes are glued to your member, like she's waiting for something to happen
  793. >Your heart is about to explode... mind going blank...
  794. >Dash: "Anon... you okay?"
  795. >You don't respond. Your legs shake. Your breath gets heave and rigid. You feel yourself getting close.... so close....
  796. "D-Dash..."
  797. >Dash: "Yeah?"
  798. >You try to warn her.... it doesn't come out... you lose control
  799. >And finally, you release your load
  801. >The look of sheer surprise on her face was priceless. Not that you could really enjoy it, your mind was all over the place. You were thinking about everything that just happened, and nothing all at the same time
  802. >By the time your body calms down and your mind catches up with you, you plop down on the bed next to her
  803. >That's when you really realize what you've done. You should have given her a heads up, especially seeing how it was her first time. You consider apologizing...
  804. "You're welcome"
  805. >Now's not the time for jokes, Anon
  806. >Her response isn't angry though
  807. >She's blushing, she's confused, but... she's actually happy
  808. >She wipes her face clean with her discarded shirt and tosses it into the corner of the room. She puts the skirt back on and takes her seat next to you
  809. >The two of you sit in awkward silence
  810. >Dash: "S-so, umm... d-do you want something to drink? O-or something..."
  811. "Yeah, sure"
  812. >She leaves, and you use this opportunity to pull your pants back up and get your mind back together. She comes back with two glasses
  813. >Dash: "It's just water, hope you don't mind"
  814. "Nah it's fine..."
  815. >More awkward silence, She looks looks she wants to say something, but hesitates...
  816. "Go on. Let it out, Dash"
  817. >Dash: "... s-so like, umm... h-how did I do?"
  818. >You put your arm around her
  819. "Better than I thought"
  820. >Dash: "Y-yeah?"
  821. "... a LOT better"
  822. >She look a little less nervous, and a little more proud
  823. >Dash: "W-well it better be. I barely slept last night, I was worried that you wouldn't... y-you know... have fun today"
  824. "... last night?"
  826. >Dash: "Wh-what?"
  827. "You said you've been thinking about this since last night"
  828. >Dash: "Well, umm, th-that's-"
  829. "The reason I came was because you forgot my sweater"
  830. >Dash: "Y-you see-"
  831. "It wasn't an accident was it?"
  832. >Dash: "I-I can explain-"
  833. "You just needed an excuse to get me down her didn't you-"
  834. >She punches you in the arm
  835. >Dash: "...m-maybe..."
  836. >She's pouting again, so you do the one thing you know will cheer her up. You throw your arms around her and give her a big hug
  837. "Well I'm glad you did"
  838. >She blushes, trying not to smile, and pushes you away
  839. >Dash: "And... there was another reason I wanted you to come over"
  840. "Yeah?"
  841. >Dash: "I just.. wanted to say that..."
  842. >She reaches for your hand and gently grabs hold of it
  843. >Dash: "I... k-kinda like you Anon... s-sorta"
  844. >You figured as much, and yet this still comes as a surprise. To hear her actually come out and tell her she likes you. And quite frankly... you know, it's hard to say when, but... you actually grew feelings for her too
  845. >Dash: W-well?"
  846. >You give her a light punch in the arm
  847. "... I kinda like you too..."
  848. >She smiles like a little kid on Christmas...
  849. "...Dashie."
  850. >And she explodes.
  851. >You only caught a glimpse of her face before burying it in a pillow, but that was the brightest blush you have ever seen
  852. >After a minute of getting herself together, she puts the pillow down, her face still as bright as the red streak in her hair
  853. >Dash: "A-are you going to call me that all the time?"
  854. "Hey, you can call me Nonny if you want, that'll make us even-"
  855. >She pushes you down on the bed, throws some pillows aside, and lays next to you
  856. >Dash: "J-just shut up and hold me"
  858. >The two of you lay in bed together for what felt like hours, but in a good way. Despite her million pillows, she chose to rest her head on your chest... again, in a good way
  859. >Her arm is draped across you. Her heart feels like it's about to beat out of her chest, which is easier to feel since she still doesn't have a shirt on
  860. >Before you even realize it, the room has started to glow an orange-ish red color. Since the only light coming in was from the bedroom window, that means the sun is starting to set
  861. "Hey Dash... Dash..."
  862. >You give her shoulder a gentle shake
  863. "... Dash?"
  864. >Dash: "..mmhm.."
  865. >She quietly groans
  866. >Dash: "... sorry, I was falling asleep"
  867. >She nuzzles your shoulder
  868. >Dash: "... you're shoulder... it's kinda comfy"
  869. >She's gonna give you a heart attack before this relationship goes anywhere
  870. "It's getting late, I should probably go soon"
  871. >She clings to you tighter
  872. >Dash: "You sure?"
  873. "I mean... it is getting pretty late"
  874. >Dash looks visibly disappointed
  875. >Dash: "I... I guess you're right. Just give me a sec"
  876. >She scribbles something on a piece of paper, folds it up, throws a shirt on and sees you to the door
  878. >You're about to head out
  879. >Dash: "Anon wait. Don't turn around, just wait a sec"
  880. >You hear a rustling, then she stuffs something in your backpack
  881. >Dash: "Okay, you can turn around... just don't open your bag until you get home"
  882. "Why?"
  883. >Dash: "J-just trust me, okay? You'll like it"
  884. >Whatever that means, you nod
  885. >Dash: "A-and... one last thing"
  886. "Yeah?"
  887. >Dash: "W-well... s-since I'm kinda y-your... w-well, should we like, k-kiss or something?"
  888. "O-oh, yeah... that makes sense"
  889. >Damn it, you're just as awkward as her
  890. >You gently grab each other, and slowly lean forward... her lips are soft, really soft
  891. >You each pull back sooner than you hoped, and you're sure your face is as red as hers
  892. "S-so, uhh-"
  893. >Dash: "SEE YOU TOMORROW"
  894. >She pushes you out and slams the door
  895. >Well... hey. That's her. Your new girlfriend
  897. >As soon as you get home, you go to your bedroom and open your backpack
  898. >There's a note:
  899. >"Here you go, hope you like it <3"
  900. >The writing is scribbly and jagged, even for her
  901. >....that's all it says
  902. >You dig through you backpack looking for anything else
  903. >Wait, there's something at the bottom of your bag. You slowly pull it out
  904. >....
  905. >A pair of panties, with light blue stripes and lace trim. The crotch area is wet
  907. >The next day, Dash texted you not to wait for her because she was running late. The expression on her face when she showed up and saw you waiting for her anyways was priceless
  908. >Dash: "I thought I told you not to wait"
  909. "But aren't you glad that I did"
  910. >Dash: "... j-just walk me in"
  911. >You walk in together, and before head your separate ways to our classes, Dash stops you
  912. >Dash: "Hey Anon... can you do me a favor?"
  913. "What is it?"
  914. >Dash: "Can we try not to make a big deal about... you know, us? It's not you or anything, it's just... weird for me saying I have a boyfriend, you know"
  915. "Yeah... sure"
  916. >She's still pretty shy about it. You know, she can be diabetically sweet sometimes
  918. >The day goes by, time for lunch
  919. >You and Dash get to the table first, and everyone else catches up with you
  920. >Pinkie: "Hey Dashie, hey Nonny, what's going on-"
  921. "Dash and I are dating"
  922. >...
  923. >Less than one day into your relationship and you've already fucked it up. Way to go
  925. >After a very forceful under-the-table kick, the girls start questioning the two of you bout EVERYTHING
  926. >You come up with some half-assed story about falling in love with her in some cheesy romantic setting
  927. >Hey, it was still better than "I forcefully fingered her in the gym and she blew me the next day"
  929. >Somehow you survive lunch without Dash killing you. Of course, that doesn't keep her from pouting the whole time
  930. >The bell rings and she hurries off without you
  931. >... maybe you really did fuck up this time
  933. >When you get to history, and see Dash sitting at her desk with her own book out... well, shit
  934. >You sit down and take out your own book and focus on your own work... as best as you can
  935. >You're zoned out when a ball of paper hits the side of your head. You look at Dash, who has her head down, asleep, but when you open up the ball there's a message in her handwriting
  936. >"You know you really owe me for this."
  937. >She's pretending to be asleep, but you catch her peeking at you. Since she's clearly intent on not talking to you, you write her a message
  938. "Whatever you want, just say it"
  939. >You decide against throwing it at her like she did. Instead, you gently slip it on her desk
  940. >She waits until you're not looking to grab it, still pretending to be asleep. And again, when you're not looking, another message gets thrown at you
  941. >"I'll think of something"
  942. >There were a few other messages, but they've been scribbled out and made illegible
  943. >You start writing another message, but when you see her turn away from you, you discard it
  945. >When class ends you get up to leave, but Dash grabs your sleeve
  946. >Dash: "...wait"
  947. >That's all she says, before packing up her stuff and walking out with you
  948. >You walk together without saying anything to each other
  949. >But hey... at least she's walking with you now
  951. >Dash waited for you to walk to gym together. Hell, the two of you actually had a normal conversation together
  952. >Dash: "S-so Anon... I don't think we're playing dodgeball today. Do you have a new plan?"
  953. >You pull a thermos out of your backpack
  954. Dash: "What's in there?"
  955. "I'm gonna throw up in the bathroom"
  956. >Dash: "Wh-what?"
  957. "It's just orange juice mixed with mashed potatoes. Just splash it around the toilet and say you threw up. Works every time"
  958. >Dash: "... pour me some of that"
  959. >She hands you an empty water bottle, and pour about half of it for her
  961. >The class was playing flag football today
  962. >Of course, you and Dash were "too sick" to participate, so the two of you sat on the bleachers together
  963. >Dash: "...hey Anon"
  964. "Yeah?"
  965. >Dash: ".... wait a sec"
  966. "Wait for what?"
  967. >She sits still and silent for a moment...
  968. >Dash: "-okay come on"
  969. >She suddenly grabs your arm and pulls you away. She leads you down and behind the bleachers
  971. >Dash: "You still owe me you know"
  972. "Y-yeah... anything"
  973. >She grabs your arm and pulls it around her shoulders
  974. >Dash: "O-okay, now..."
  975. >She points to her cheek
  976. >Dash: "Just kiss me, and I'll forgive you"
  977. "That's all?"
  978. >Dash: "Yeah, a-and keep your eyes closed until I say. Or else"
  979. >You do as she says, closing your eyes and slowly kissing her cheek
  980. >*CLICK*
  981. >She gently pushes you away
  982. >Dash: "Okay, that's all."
  983. "What was that-"
  984. >Dash: "We should get back before anyone notices we're gone..."
  985. >The two of you hurry back to your seats on the bleachers
  987. >After gym
  988. >You're changing in the locker room when you get a text message... form Dash
  989. >"Thanks." That's all it says
  990. >Attached with the message is a picture
  991. >A picture of you kissing her under the bleachers....
  993. >After you finish changing, you wait for her outside the locker room
  995. >You get a text message later that night
  996. >.... it's from Rarity?
  998. >...what?
  999. >You're in the middle of your reply when you get another message from Pinkie
  1000. >" w(°o°)w WELL LOOK AT YOU NONNY! GO GET HER~~ ミ(o*・ω・)ノ "
  1001. >You don't even know how to type half of those symbols
  1002. >Another message, from Fluttershy, then Applejack. All saying about the same thing
  1003. >... then a message from Dash
  1007. >That. Fucking. Picture.
  1008. >She got you back
  1010. >The next day, Dash shows up barely on time as usual. When you meet, you don't say much
  1011. "So... we good?"
  1012. >Dash: "... yeah, we're good"
  1013. >... and that's all you say, because it's all that needs to be said. You take each others hands and head inside
  1015. >You have a choice: go to biology and put up with Rarity all class, or skip class and hide in the library with all the losers
  1016. >...
  1018. >Rarity: "Well hello there Anon~ Anything interesting you'd like to talk about?"
  1019. >You may have made the wrong choice
  1020. "Not particularly"
  1021. >Rarity: "Oh reeeeeaally~? Nothing at all?"
  1022. "You're talking about the kiss?"
  1023. >Rarity: "Actually, I'm talking about everything else"
  1024. >...
  1025. >wat
  1026. "Wh-what are you talking about?"
  1027. >Rarity: "Oh, you know, the OTHER stuff you did"
  1028. "We didn't do anything"
  1029. >Rarity: "Hmm... that's not what Rainbow Dash told me"
  1030. "A-and what exactly did she tell you?"
  1031. >Rarity: "... everything"
  1032. "All of it?"
  1033. >She giggles
  1034. >Rarity: "Don't worry darling, she didn't say anything...."
  1035. >Thank god.
  1036. >You reel in your spaghetti and let out a sigh of relief-
  1037. >Rarity: "-was there something she SHOULD have told me?"
  1038. >Fuck.
  1039. >This one is your fault Anon
  1040. "... nope. Nothing at all"
  1041. >Rarity: "Relax Anon, you can tell me... I can keep a secret-"
  1042. "-No you can't"
  1043. >Rarity: "... okay, maybe not so much. But it's not like it's anything to be ashamed of, you and Dash are really cute together-"
  1044. >Classmate: "-Wait, who's dating Rainbow Dash?"
  1045. >The guy in front of you turns around
  1046. >Classmate: "Is it you Anon?"
  1047. >Rarity: "It's none of you business-"
  1048. >Classmate: "-yeah, pipe down marshmallow, no one's talking to you. So Anon, tell me all about it"
  1049. "About what"
  1050. >Classmate: "You know..."
  1051. "...know what?"
  1052. >Classmate: " crusty is her cunt?"
  1053. >He laughs and high fives the guys next to him
  1054. >Rarity looks deeply offended. And quite frankly, so are you
  1055. >Classmate: "Relax bro, I'm just-"
  1056. "-Not as crusty as your mom's"
  1057. >...well then
  1058. >It wasn't clever, it wasn't witty, but it certainly shut him up
  1059. "... and I'm not your 'bro'"
  1061. >Look out, we got a bad ass here. Anon, White Knight of Waifus, Defender of Damsels, the Master of M'Ladies
  1062. >... and the poor bastard who's about to get his ass kicked
  1063. >He turns his chair around to face you directly
  1064. >Classmate: "You wanna run that by me again?"
  1065. >You stare him down with confidence. You sit up with authority. You try not to shit in your pants
  1066. >Instead of responding, you turn your attention back to your work
  1067. >Classmate: "What's the matter? Giving up before I have to kick your ass-"
  1068. >"Is that a threat?"
  1069. >He turns around and sees the teacher standing over him, the teacher you saw approaching just a moment ago
  1070. >Y-you totally had a comeback for that though... totally... I swear
  1071. >Teacher: "I don't want to hear another word out of you..."
  1072. >You smirk-
  1073. >Teacher: "-you too, Anonymous"
  1074. >... well, he's still in trouble too
  1075. >The teacher continues with the lesson, and you get back to your own work
  1076. >Rarity taps you on the shoulder and silently gives you a thumbs up
  1078. >Class goes on without any more interruptions
  1079. >You packed up your stuff a few minutes early so you can leave as soon as the bell rings. Rarity caught you and followed suit
  1080. >And as soon as that bell goes off, the two of you jump out of your desks and head for the door
  1081. >Whats-his-face gives you an angry look on your way out
  1083. >You and Rarity wait for Dash as usual
  1084. >Dash: "Hey guys, what's going on-"
  1085. "Come on, let's just hurry"
  1086. >Dash: "Jeez Anon, you skip breakfast or something?"
  1087. "It's not that, it's just-"
  1088. >Someone smacked you in the back of the head
  1089. >Guess fucking who
  1090. >He walks by with the other guys, the ones next to him in class he high fived. He says nothing, he just flips you off... and Dash
  1091. >Your girlfriend doesn't even seem to care, she just rolls her eyes
  1092. "Seriously, what is up with that guy?"
  1093. >Dash: "Never mind him, Anon, Flash is just jealous"
  1094. "Flash?"
  1095. >So that's whats-his-face's name
  1096. >Dash: "Yeah, I'll explain later"
  1098. "So wait, you and this Flash Sentry dude dated?"
  1099. >You're all together at your lunch table, the home of awkward conversation these days
  1100. >Dash: "No, he asked me out, but I rejected him..."
  1101. >She starts mocking his voice
  1102. >Dash: "...and no one says no to Flash Sentry"
  1103. >Back in her normal voice
  1104. >Dash: "... trust me Anon, just ignore him. He'll get over it eventually"
  1105. "I just hope he gets over him soon, I've talked to him once and I'm already sick of him"
  1106. >Dash: "What did he say?"
  1107. "Bullshit. A whole lotta bullshit"
  1108. >Rarity: "Mostly about you"
  1109. >Dash: "... yeah, that sounds like him"
  1110. >Rarity: "Don't worry Dash, Anon here stood up for you, like a true gentleman"
  1111. >Your internal fedora tips
  1112. "Hey, I'm not just gonna let someone else talk shit about my friends. Especially not my Dashie"
  1113. >Dash: " 'Y-your Dashie?' "
  1114. "Got a problem with that?"
  1115. >Dash: "Wh-whatever makes you happy"
  1116. >Giggles all around the table
  1117. >Dash: "A-and besides, I wouldn't let him talk shit about... m-my Nonny either"
  1118. >Her calling you 'Nonny' seemed to echo around the table like a gunshot. At least the other girls responded like one. They all stare at you waiting for your reaction
  1119. >... now you know how Dash feels when you call her 'Dashie'
  1120. >Rarity: "Do you two need some time alone?"
  1121. >Pinkie: "Nu-uh, no way I'm missing a second of this!"
  1122. "A second of what-"
  1123. >Dash leans onto your shoulder
  1124. >Dash: "We're fine"
  1126. >She stayed on your shoulder for the rest of lunch. Even on the way to class she wouldn't leave your side
  1127. >You don't even have to ask her to push her desk together with yours again
  1128. >Class begins
  1129. >....
  1130. >Dash: "psst. hey Anon"
  1131. "hmm?"
  1132. >Dash: "I've been meaning to ask you something"
  1133. "what is it?"
  1134. >Dash: "did you like the present I gave you?"
  1135. "the present..."
  1136. >Oh yeah, the "present"
  1137. >Dash: "...well?"
  1138. >She's trying to get to you Anon, don't let her... no boner, stop
  1139. >Dash: "what if I told you I was wearing the matching bra"
  1140. >Okay boner, you're in charge now
  1141. >Boner to brain: all systems go
  1142. "I'd say show me"
  1143. >Dash: "w-well, umm..."
  1144. >Tables have turned-"
  1145. >Dash: "okay, but only if you do it"
  1146. >Aaaaand back to you. She smiles like she's just defeated you
  1147. "... alright. I'll do it"
  1148. >Call her bluff, make her blush
  1149. >Dash: "a-alright, go ahead"
  1150. >She leans over to you. You slowly reach for her shirt, all you gotta do is-
  1151. >Teacher: "Anonymous, Dash, what's going on back there?"
  1152. >Brain to boner: I'm taking the wheel
  1153. "J-just dropped my pencil"
  1154. >You reach down and pretend to pick something up. The teacher falls for it.
  1155. >Dash: "nice save, Anon"
  1156. >Brain to boner: You are dismissed
  1157. >Okay, back to work
  1158. >....
  1159. >Dash: "psst. hey Anon"
  1160. >Not again
  1161. "what is it now-"
  1162. >She pulls her collar out to give you a peek at her bra
  1163. >Boner to brain: I'm back, bitches
  1164. >Dash: "you earned it"
  1165. >She gives you a wink before letting go of her collar
  1166. "... hey Dash"
  1167. >Dash: "yeah?"
  1168. "that's not the matching bra"
  1169. >She chuckles
  1170. >Dash: "I know"
  1171. >That crafty bitch
  1173. >Back to your class work
  1174. >....
  1175. >Dash: "psst. hey-"
  1176. "nope"
  1177. >Dash: "no really, it's-"
  1178. "nu-uh"
  1179. >Dash: "come on, you'll-"
  1180. "not again"
  1181. >Dash: "but Anon, class-"
  1182. >*RING RING RING*
  1183. "Class is over?"
  1184. >You've usually packed up all your stuff by now
  1185. >Dash: "I was trying to tell you"
  1186. >Damn, today's just not your day. You double-time it on packing up
  1188. >Dash: "So, uhh... s-sorry for almost getting you in trouble in there"
  1189. "Eh, no biggie"
  1190. >Dash: "You sure?"
  1191. "Yeah, relax..."
  1192. >Her apology is almost guilt-inducingly sincere
  1193. "... if anything I was disappointed you weren't wearing the other bra"
  1194. >That cheered her up... kinda
  1195. >Dash: "T-tell you what, I'll wear it for you tomorrow. And maybe... something else
  1196. "...Something else? Like what?"
  1197. >She's smiling for real now
  1198. >Dash: Y-you'll find out tomorrow"
  1199. "Care to give me a hint"
  1200. >Dash: "... nope"
  1201. >Damn this girl
  1202. >You decided to actually participate in gym today. About five minutes in you changed your mind and got yourself hurt. Dash thought it was hilarious
  1203. >You sat by yourself in the bleachers, like you used to. You tried not to be distracting to Dash... okay, so you cheered and celebrated for her anytime she did anything
  1204. >Is it distracting? Yes. Is she embarrassed? Probably. Is she gonna hit you as soon as class is over? No doubt. Is it worth it? Damn right it is
  1206. "Hey Dash! Good game-"
  1207. >She punches your arm a LOT harder than usual
  1208. >Dash: "Th-that's for being such a dork!"
  1209. >Then, when no one's looking, she gives you a quick kiss on the cheek
  1210. "So what was that for?"
  1211. >Dash: "... f-for being my dork"
  1212. >She's not looking at you. Either she doesn't want to see you or she doesn't want you to see her blushing
  1213. >Dash: "A-and if you still want me to wear... you know, "that", for you tomorrow, then you owe me"
  1214. "Owe you what?"
  1215. >She whispers something in your ear
  1216. "... you've got to be kidding"
  1217. >Dash: "I-if you're gonna embarrass me, I'm gonna embarrass you"
  1218. >You consider her offer...
  1219. >Das: "W-well?"
  1220. "... fine. I'll do it"
  1221. >Dash: "Y-you better"
  1222. >You head off to the locker rooms
  1223. >Tomorrow will be... interesting
  1225. >Getting ready for school
  1226. >...
  1227. >Just do it Anon. Go ahead
  1228. >...
  1230. >You wait for Dash outside as usual
  1231. >When she sees you, she jumps into a sprint
  1232. >Dash: "Heey Anooon!"
  1233. >As soon as she's close enough she grabs your hand and drags you away. She leads you around the corner and behind the school. You're desperately gasping for breath by the time you get there, barely able to keep up
  1234. >Dash: "Okay... show me"
  1235. "Show... you... what?"
  1236. >Dash: "Don't tell me you forgot!"
  1237. >You finally catch your breath
  1238. "Oh yeah... that"
  1239. >Dash: "So you did?"
  1240. "Maybe"
  1241. >Dash: "So... show me!"
  1242. "Alright, alright... just give me a second..."
  1243. >Shit Anon, are you actually nervous about this?
  1244. >You slowly unbutton your pants and her eyes get wider. Drawing this out is only making it worse on you, and more fun for her, so as soon as your zipper is down you quickly drop your pants
  1245. >Dash: "W-wow... You must really like my underwear, don't you Anon?"
  1246. >Protip: Panties can't hold in a boner... trust me
  1247. >She grabs your member through her... scratch that, your panties, and starts stroking you
  1248. "H-hey Dash, we had a deal remember?"
  1249. >With her free hand, she lifts up her shirt, revealing a bra that looks a lot like your panties
  1250. >Dash: "Told you I'd keep my word, didn't I?"
  1251. "So Dash, if I'm wearing the matching panties, what are you wearing now?"
  1252. >Dash: "... well..."
  1253. "Well what?"
  1254. >Dash: "I couldn't just, you know... wear mismatching underwear, you know? I-it just seemed weird-"
  1255. "-Are you not wearing panties?"
  1256. >Her grip tightens as you say that
  1257. >Dash: "O-of course I am!"
  1258. "Then show me"
  1259. >Dash: "... o-okay fine, I'm not wearing any, okay?"
  1260. "Really?"
  1261. >She reaches up her skirt and pulls her shorts down, kicking them aside
  1262. >Dash: "G-go ahead, see for yourself..."
  1263. >You reach up her skirt...
  1264. >Dash: "T-told you"
  1265. >Just as you thought, your palm is prickled with her pubes, and on your fingers feel...
  1266. >Holy crap she's actually wet
  1267. "Hey Dash... do you actually like seeing me in your panties?"
  1268. >Dash: "N-no! I-It's just cause you're touching me and stuff..."
  1269. >She starts stroking you faster with those magical hands of hers
  1270. >Dash: "A-and besides, yours is leaking too"
  1271. >Another protip: Precum leaks through panties like there's nothing there
  1272. "Well... maybe I do enjoy this"
  1273. >Dash: "Y-you're weird Anon..."
  1274. >She pulls you closer and plants a kiss on your neck
  1275. >Dash: "... b-but I guess it's not all that bad..."
  1276. >You slip your fingers inside her
  1277. >Dash: "...MMh...n-not bad at all"
  1278. >Your feel your body getting weak
  1279. >Dash: "S-so... i-is this what you normally do with them?"
  1280. "P-pretty much"
  1281. >Dash: "W-well, not like, wearing them and stuff, but..."
  1282. >She gives Anon Jr. a squeeze
  1283. >Dash: "... this?"
  1284. "... y-yeah sure"
  1285. >Okay, so maybe you DO wear them when you fap, who's to judge?
  1286. >Your member starts to twitch, and she tightens her grip
  1287. >Dash: "... I recognize that"
  1288. >She pulls you in to a kiss
  1289. >Dash: "G-go ahead... let it out-"
  1290. >You pull her back into the kiss. She runs her free hand through your hair... it's weirdly erotic
  1291. >The more your cock throbs in her hand, the faster she strokes you. And after a while you can't hold back any longer
  1292. >As you release your load, you force your tongue into her mouth. She gasps in surprise, and almost seems to be fighting back against you
  1293. >... it seemed sensible in the heat of the moment
  1294. >Your cum slowly leaks out through your panties, dripping down Dash's hand
  1295. >As you try to pull away from the kiss, she holds you in as long as she can, until she has to come up for breath
  1296. >Dash: "mmh... hmm... y-you..."
  1297. >Crap. She's pissed
  1298. "Sorry, it just-"
  1299. >Dash: "-you should do that more often"
  1300. >She smiles, and looks down at her cum-covered hand
  1301. >Dash: "W-well, at least it's not on my face again"
  1302. >*RING RING RING*
  1303. >Fuck. You're late for class
  1304. "Come on Dash, we gotta-"
  1305. >Dash: "Wait wait wait, hold on..."
  1306. "What? We're running late-"
  1307. >Dash: "Yeah, but you can't go to class like..."
  1308. >She motions towards your crotch, semen still dripping through your panties
  1309. >Dash: "... like that"
  1310. "W-well it's fine, I can just take them off or-"
  1311. >Dash: "You are not taking them off!"
  1312. "Why, it's easier than-"
  1313. >Dash: "-I'm still not done with you today"
  1314. "Well I can't just wear cum-soaked panties all day"
  1315. >Dash: "... m-maybe you don't have to"
  1316. "What do you-
  1317. >Dash plants her face to our crotch and licks your fluids off
  1318. >Hello boner, you're back early
  1319. >Dash: "Calm down Nonny, we don't got the time, remember"
  1320. >She pulls your panties down and licks your member clean. Very. Slowly
  1321. "I thought we didn't have time
  1322. >Dash: "Not enough time to finish. But I can still have a little fun while I'm at it"
  1323. >She pulls your underwear back up, and while she's at it, pants too
  1324. >Huh. Such good manners
  1325. >Dash runs off
  1326. "Dash, wait-!"
  1327. >Dash: "-Don't be too late, someone will get suspicious!"
  1328. "But-!"
  1329. >Too late, she's gone
  1330. >She'll realize soon that she forgot her shorts behind
  1331. >You'll hold on to them for now... you know, for safe keeping
  1332. >You button your pants, double checking that your zipper is up
  1333. >Can't be too careful today
  1334. >Again, you debate whether or not you should actually go to biology class today
  1335. >...
  1336. >Uggh. Fuck
  1338. >You decide to go to class at the last second, just barely on time. The teacher is not happy
  1339. >Teacher: "Anonymous, please try to show up at least more than a few seconds before class starts next time"
  1340. "Sorry sir, won't happen again"
  1341. >That Flash Whats-his-face dude is snickering
  1342. >Dash told you to just ignore him. Just ignore him. Don't look at him, don't even acknowledge-
  1343. >*CRASH*
  1344. >The class erupts into laughter
  1345. >That son of a bitch just tripped you
  1346. >Teacher: "Anonymous, do you need to step outside?"
  1347. "No sir, everything's fine"
  1348. >Not giving him the pleasure of a reaction, you calmly get up and go to your seat
  1349. >Rarity: " okay?"
  1350. "don't worry, I'm fine"
  1351. >Your head aches through the rest of class
  1353. >You cringe when the bell rings... you never realized just how loud that damn bell is
  1354. >Dash is waiting for you and Rarity outside, but mostly you
  1355. >Dash: "Anon, I need to ask you-"
  1356. >She notices the look on your face
  1357. >Dash: "You okay? You don't look so good"
  1358. >Flash: "Yeah Anon, you don't look so good"
  1359. >Again, you don't respond. None of you do. He gets bored and walks away
  1360. >Dash: "... please tell me you weren't causing any drama"
  1361. "Believe me, I tried not to"
  1362. >You and Rarity explain it on the way to the cafeteria
  1363. >You're in line getting your food
  1364. >Dash: "Seriously? And you just let him?"
  1365. "I tried to ignore him like you said-"
  1366. >Dash: "-Well yeah, but there's just some things you shouldn't put up with-"
  1367. "-Dash it's fine... really. Just let it go"
  1368. >Dash: "... just promise me one thing"
  1369. "Yeah?"
  1370. >Dash: "If you ever do decide to kick his ass... I want in"
  1371. "Tell you what, I'll let you get the first hit"
  1372. >That put a smile on her face, until you started wincing again
  1373. >Damn your head is killing you
  1375. >You stumble over on your way to the table, Dash has to help you just to stand up
  1376. >Rarity: "Darling, are you sure you're okay?"
  1377. "I'm fine, just... just a little headache"
  1378. >No matter how hard you try to undersell it, you're not fooling anyone, especially not Dash
  1379. >Dash: "Come on. We're going to see the school nurse"
  1380. "No, I don't need-"
  1381. >Dash: "-Look Anon, we're going whether you want to or not"
  1382. "Dash, please, I'm-"
  1383. >Dash: "Rarity, can you let the others know-?"
  1384. "-Don't-"
  1385. >Rarity: "Sure thing, you just make sure he's okay-"
  1386. "-I'm okay-"
  1387. >Dash: "-Thanks, take these-"
  1388. >She takes your food tray and hands it to Rarity, along with her own
  1389. >Dash: "-Now come on, Anon-"
  1390. "-You guys, I swear, I'm fine-"
  1391. >Dash: "-If I have to carry you princess style I will"
  1392. "... fine"
  1393. >She walks you out
  1394. >You'd never admit it, but this probably is for the best
  1395. >Dash: "Hey Nurse, Anon here's got a problem"
  1396. "... hey Nurse"
  1397. >The look she gives you, it reminds you why you didn't want to come down here
  1398. >Nurse: "Well well well, gym class start early today?"
  1399. >Dash: "No, he's not faking it this time"
  1400. >Nurse: "Alright, tell me what's going on this time"
  1401. >She wheels her chair over to you
  1402. "I kinda fell and hit my head"
  1403. >She starts feeling around your forehead. There's somewhere that when she presses down, just makes you grit your teeth
  1404. >Nurse: "Well I'll be damned, it's the real deal. Come, sit down"
  1405. >She leads you over to the little bed. She wheels across the room and starts filling a bag with ice
  1406. >Nurse: "You wanna tell me what happened?"
  1407. "I already did, I fell"
  1408. >Nurse: "No shit, I mean how"
  1409. >The mouth on this lady
  1410. "I tripped"
  1411. >Nurse: "Okay... so you just fell over for no reason?"
  1412. >Dash: "It was Flash-"
  1413. "Yeah I'm clumsy, okay?"
  1414. >The nurse rolls her eyes
  1415. >Nurse: "Listen, Anon. It's okay..."
  1416. >She takes your hands
  1417. >Nurse: "... if you're little girlfriend here is abusing you there's nothing to be ashamed of"
  1418. >She laughs and hands you the bag of ice
  1419. >Nurse: "Relax kiddo, I'm just messin with you"
  1420. >She pours some pills into a little cup
  1421. >Nurse: "Take these, they'll help with the headache-"
  1422. >*RING RING RING*
  1423. >The phone on the wall rings, and apparently it's not a good conversation. When she hangs up she slams it down on the receiver as if trying to break a hole in the wall
  1424. >Nurse: "Just my luck... I gotta go, there's been a huge accident in the woodshop class"
  1425. >She starts putting together a first-aid kit
  1426. >Nurse: "I told Celestia not to let that 'Applebloom' girl and her friends take the class..."
  1427. >She gets frustrated, and for the first time you see her stand up from her chair
  1428. >Nurse: "...but no, no one gives a damn what I think! Look Anon, just take those pills, stay as long as you need, Dash you got class with him right?"
  1429. >Dash: "Yeah-"
  1430. >Nurse: "-Good, he's your problem now"
  1431. >She slams the door on her way out, still muttering to herself
  1432. >Dash: "So Anon, you wanna tell me what's going on?"
  1433. "What do you mean?"
  1434. >Dash: "Why you won't talk about Flash"
  1435. "No reason"
  1436. >Dash: "Is something wrong?"
  1437. "Everything's fine"
  1438. >Dash: "Anon... you're not afraid of him, are you?"
  1439. >Whaaaat? You mean the big meathead who could probably snap you like a twig? Of course not
  1440. "... you wanna know the truth?"
  1441. >Dash: "Anything"
  1442. >You let out a sigh
  1443. "It's just... I'm not going to let him get to me, you know? Yeah, he's annoying, and yeah he's a pain in my ass. But that doesn't mean he has to be on my mind 24/7"
  1444. >Dash: "Really? That's your reason?"
  1445. "Pretty much. If being with you means I have to put up with his nonsense, it's worth it"
  1446. >You ruffle her hair as you say that, and it puts a smile on her face
  1447. "Besides, I'm much more afraid of you than I am of him-"
  1448. >She gives you her signature punch-in-the-arm
  1449. "R-really Dash? Hitting an injured person"
  1450. >Dash: "You're fine"
  1451. "... to be honest, my head is killing me"
  1452. >Dash: "I thought so"
  1453. >You take the pills the nurse left for you and hold the ice pack to the sore spot on your forehead. You lay back on the bed, and Dash sits in the Nurse's chair. Laying down gives you a good view up her skirt... oh yeah
  1454. "Umm... hey Dash"
  1455. >Dash: "Yeah?"
  1456. >You open your bag and pull out her shorts. She immediately pushes down her skirt to cover up. Her face shoots up bright red
  1457. >Dash: "A-and you didn't tell me sooner!!"
  1458. "Well I meant to, but..."
  1459. >But then you couldn't sniff them in the bathroom
  1460. >...don't tell her that
  1461. >Dash: "I-I should have known..."
  1462. "Hey Dash, you're not-"
  1463. >Dash: "Shush"
  1464. >She looks around in a few cabinets before finally finding the nurse's spare labcoat
  1465. "Dash what are you doing?"
  1466. >Dash: "Y-you've got a serious problem Anon..."
  1467. >She puts the coat on
  1468. >Dash: "... and she said it's my responsibility to take care of you"
  1469. "Dash, what are you doing-"
  1470. >She pounces on top of you
  1471. >Dash: "Taking care of you"
  1472. >Dash: "So... how are you feeling today, Anon?"
  1473. "Wh-what?"
  1474. >She walks over to the nurse's desk and puts on her stethoscope
  1475. >Dash: "Come on, take off your shirt"
  1476. >She's really going all out on this isn't she
  1477. "Dash, are you trying to impersonate a doctor?"
  1478. >Dash: "I'm not impersonating a doctor, I'm pretending to be one"
  1479. >Whatever, you play along. Honestly, it is kinda cute. So you sit up straight and take your shirt off
  1480. >She wheels over to you in the chair and presses the stethoscope to your chest with one hand, gently and unprofessionally caressing you with the other
  1481. >Dash: "So what's the problem today, Mr. Anonymous?"
  1482. "Well I've got a bit of swelling in my head"
  1483. >Dash: "Okay, let's take a look here"
  1484. >She pushes aside the ice bag and starts feeling around your forehead-
  1485. "Not that head"
  1486. > honestly expected her to get that lot sooner
  1487. >Dash: "W-well then... let's take a look. Can you stand up for me?"
  1488. >You get up like she says. She gets as close to you as she can and starts to unbutton your pants-
  1489. >Nurse: "Hey guys, I'm back, turns out they-"
  1490. >Dash freezes. You freeze. The nurse freezes
  1491. "Umm... I-"
  1492. >Nurse: "No."
  1493. "Listen I can explain-"
  1494. >Nurse: "No, I don't want to hear another damn word"
  1495. >She shakes her head in confusion, or disappointment or... yup, that's anger. She paces around the room and collects her things
  1496. >Nurse: "I didn't see a thing, I have no idea what's going on, this is NOT my responsibility. I SERIOUSLY don't get paid enough for this shit"
  1497. >She grabs her purse from the desk
  1498. >Nurse: "There's some condoms in the desk here, you two just finish up whatever it is you're doing-"
  1499. "We-"
  1500. >Nurse: "DON'T! Tell me another word, if I don't know I can't be held responsible. Just clean up when you're done, I'm a nurse not a fucking janitor"
  1501. >She starts to head out the door
  1502. >Nurse: "...and Anon? Stick to boxers. I've seen horses that look better in panties than you do."
  1503. >She slams the door
  1504. "So... Doctor Dash"
  1505. >Dash: "H-huh?"
  1506. "Should we pick up where we left off?"
  1507. >Dash: "M-maybe we should lock the door first. Wouldn't want someone interrupting your check-up"
  1508. >She wheels over to the door and locks it. There is something about that chair that makes people not want to get out
  1509. >Dash: "So, lets take a look at that swelling"
  1510. >Surprisingly, that whole situation didn't put you down
  1511. >She slowly pulls your pants down. Your panties try to come down with your pants, but she makes sure they stay on. A girl with a panty fetish... you've really seen it all
  1512. >Dash: "Y-yeah... it's a bit swollen. I could try massaging it..."
  1513. >She starts gently stroking you through your panties. Her eyes look up at you with desire
  1514. >Dash: ...or maybe, you need more than this"
  1515. "M-more?"
  1516. >Dash: "Please, lie down"
  1517. >You sit down on the bed and lie back. She climbs up on top of you and straddles your hips, your panties quickly becoming damp with her fluids. Your cock is positioned perfectly between her legs.
  1518. >Dash: "How's this?"
  1519. >She grinds herself back and forth against you. Even through the panties, you feel how warm her body is
  1520. "M-much better"
  1521. >As she slides her hips back and forth, your panties get pushes down, and before you know it you're rubbing directly against her vulva
  1522. "D-Dash, wait-"
  1523. >Dash: "It's Doctor Dash"
  1524. "Doctor... I think-"
  1525. >Dash: "I feel it. The treatment's working"
  1526. >Her little hairs tickle your dick in a good way, and her fluids make everything feel warmer. And slippery. She plants her hands on your chest to hold herself up. Her fingers curl up, her nails leaving gentle scratches behind
  1527. >Dash: "M-Mr. Anonymous..."
  1528. "Yes Doctor?"
  1529. >Dash: "I... I think we need... to take this treatment all the way"
  1530. "I-I think so too Doctor"
  1531. >she gets off you, wobbling as she tries to walk over to the desk. Just as the nurse said, there were several condoms in the drawer
  1532. >Hey, it's okay, this is a medical treatment
  1533. >For science
  1534. >She fumbles around just trying to get the condom wrapper open, and trying to put it on you was just as clumsy. It took her a while, but she finally gets the condom on
  1535. >Dash: "O-okay... t-time to get started..."
  1536. >She gets back on top of you. She holds your member up, She positions herself for penetration. And... she freezes
  1537. "... you okay Doctor-?"
  1538. >Dash: "-This procedure takes time! D-don't worry!"
  1539. >She takes a minute to mentally prepare herself. The anticipation nearly kills you
  1540. >And slowly, very slowly, slides down. The head goes in
  1541. >Dash: "A-ah..."
  1542. >Her body shakes for a moment... she takes a deep breath.... and screams as she quickly slams her hips down on you
  1543. >Dash: "A-ANON-"
  1544. >She covers her mouth to muffle her voice. Her legs start to twitch. As she slowly pulls her hand away from her mouth, she starts moving
  1545. >Dash: "W-well Mr. Anonymous... i-is the treatment working?"
  1546. >You put your arms under the coat and around her waist
  1547. >Dash: "I-I'll take that as a yes"
  1548. >She gasps out loud with every bounce of her hips, and she doesn't even bother trying to hold back. Not like you're trying to hold back your breath either
  1549. "D-Doctor..."
  1550. >You tighten your grip around her waist, and somehow on this tiny bed you manage to roll over, putting her on her back and you on top of her
  1551. >Dash: M-Mr Anonymous! Wh-what do you think mmHm-!"
  1552. >You interrupt her with a kiss, leaving a lustful gaze in her eyes when you pull away
  1553. >Dash: Wh-whatever helps you heal faster... Y-you can do whatever you want"
  1554. >You thrust your hips harder against hers, and at times you wonder if you're being too rough. But every time you slow down, she begs you to do it faster
  1555. "D-Doctor... I'm..."
  1556. >She wraps her legs around you
  1557. >Dash: "G-go ahead, I'm all yours"
  1558. >You lose control
  1559. >You thrust harder and faster
  1560. >And for a moment she drops the doctor fantasy
  1561. >Dash: "N-NOOONNY!!!!!"
  1562. >Whatever she just felt, you probably felt a million times better
  1563. >You lay on top of her, unable to move
  1564. >Doctor Dash gently runs her fingers through your hair
  1565. "Doctor... I think... the treatment worked..."
  1566. >Dash: "Y-yeah... f-for both of us..."
  1567. >You glance over at the clock. Lunch ended long ago, history class is about half way over
  1568. >Dash: "Wh-what is it Nonny?"
  1569. "... nothing, Doctor Dashie"
  1570. >She nuzzels your cheek
  1571. >You're in no hurry to get out of here
  1572. >Dash's phone vibrates... at least you hope to God that's her phone
  1573. >Dash: "Huh, Rarity just texted me"
  1574. "What's it say?"
  1575. >Dash: "She's wondering if you're okay. I'll let her know-"
  1576. "-Tell her I'm in a coma"
  1577. >Dash: "... a coma?"
  1578. "Yeah, and while you're at it, tell her you took advantage of me while I was-"
  1579. >She punches you
  1580. >Dash: "I'm telling her you're just fine"
  1581. >kek
  1582. >Dash: "Come on, let's go before we miss lunch entirely-"
  1583. "-Lunch ended long ago"
  1584. >Dash: "Seriously?"
  1585. "Hell, 5th period is almost over"
  1586. >Dash: "Why didn't you say something sooner?"
  1587. "I was a little busy at the time"
  1588. >Yeah, "busy"
  1589. >Dash: "Oh yeah... umm, about that... can we, you know, keep this a secret?"
  1590. >You're honestly not surprised to hear that
  1591. >Dash: "A-and I mean like, for real this time"
  1592. "Yeah, sure-"
  1593. >Dash: "For real! I mean it-"
  1594. "Of course, don't worry"
  1595. >You hug her to reassure her, although it's mostly for you. You don't want a repeat of last time
  1596. >Dash: "Oh, and Anon, one more thing"
  1597. "Yeah?"
  1598. >Dash: "My shorts"
  1599. >You were hoping she'd forget... oh well
  1600. >As she puts them back on, you tear a page form the notepad on the nurse's desk
  1601. >Dash: "What's that for?"
  1602. "A note to get out of gym, you want one?"
  1603. >Dash: "... sure, why not"
  1604. >You're turning her into a lazy fuck, just like you
  1605. >While you write some fake notes about how "sick" you and Dash are, she grabs the rest of the condoms out of the drawer and stuffs them in your pocket
  1606. >Dash: "... what?"
  1607. "You sure you don't want to hold on to them-"
  1608. >Dash: "J-just hurry it up"
  1609. >You finish writing the notes and head out
  1610. "Wait, Dash. You're still wearing her coat"
  1611. >Dash starts to take the coat off and drape it over the chair-
  1612. >*CLICK* *CREAK*
  1613. >Nurse: "-and no matter what I do they just- Oh great, you two are still here?!"
  1614. "We we're just leaving-"
  1615. >Nurse: "-Is that my coat? Don't tell me..."
  1616. >Dash: "Umm..."
  1617. >Nurse: "Forget it I don't care"
  1618. >She pulls a flask out of her pocket
  1619. >Nurse: "Just keep the coat and get to class"
  1620. >She slams the door behind you
  1621. >You start heading to your next class, even though the bell won't ring for another ten minutes. Dash grabs your arm and redirects you the opposite way
  1622. >Dash: "We got time, come on"
  1623. >She leads you over to the nearest vending machine
  1624. >Dash: "Thanks to somebody we missed lunch, and I'm starving"
  1625. >Really? Lunch from a vending machine? What kind of person does she take you for? You are so above this...
  1626. "Hey Dash... get some of those chips from the top there"
  1627. >No you're not
  1629. >She starts pouring coins into the vending machine, and when she runs out you start emptying your wallet
  1630. >Before long, you have yourselves about $20 worth of vending machine food
  1631. >It's a regular art student Thanksgiving
  1632. >The two of you sat alone in the hallway eating. There was this one weird girl came along, she was pissed that you guys bought all the peanut butter crackers
  1633. >Regardless, it was actually pretty fun
  1635. >You showed up late to English
  1636. >Hey you weren't gonna let that bell ruin your hobo feast
  1637. >Apparently Pinkie told the teacher that you had to see the nurse, so you were excused
  1638. >Pinkie: "Hey Nonny, you okay?"
  1639. "Yeah I'm fine, my head's a lot better"
  1640. >Pinkie: "Thank goodness. When Rarity said you had to go see the nurse I was so worried"
  1641. >She's such a good friend, caring about others like that
  1642. "Relax Pinkie, I'm-"
  1643. >Pinkie: "-No really, I thought you had seriously hurt yourself-"
  1644. "Don't worry-"
  1645. >Pinkie: "-and when you didn't come back I thought they had to take you to the hospital-"
  1646. "Pinkie I-"
  1647. >Pinkie: "-but then I started thinking, you know, I bet the nurse probably left them alone and then they started fucking in some doctor-patient role-play fantasy-"
  1648. "-What-"
  1649. >Pinkie: "-but there's no way THAT was true, and I figured you probably just felt sick and needed a little nap. So, you feeling any better?"
  1650. "... yeah. All better"
  1651. >... at least she cares
  1652. >You explain to Pinkie what happened
  1653. >She gives you the "You should have kicked his ass" speech
  1654. >You give her the "I'm not going to let him get to me" speech
  1655. >She takes it a lot easier than Dash did
  1656. >Your head is actually a lot better, and you're feelin pretty good
  1658. >Time for gym. You got your note from the "nurse", you just got laid, not to mention your fancy feast for lunch
  1659. >Yeah, you're feelin pretty good
  1660. >Dash: "Hey Anon, ready for gym?"
  1661. "Oh yeah, just a sec..."
  1662. >You pull the note you prepared for her out of your pocket and hand it to her
  1663. >Dash: "Thanks Nonny"
  1664. >She gives you a little peck on the cheek
  1665. >Feelin pretty good
  1666. >The two of you reach the locker rooms
  1667. >Dash: "See you in a bit, Anon"
  1668. "Alright, see ya-"
  1669. >Dash: "And Anon..."
  1670. "Yeah"
  1671. >Dash: "... t-thanks. You know, for earlier"
  1672. >She gives you a wink before heading off to the girls room
  1673. >Feelin pretty damn good here
  1675. >You head inside and are about to start changing. You grab the button of your pants when you feel the gentle brush of soft lace on your fingers
  1676. >Remember... you're still wearing panties
  1677. >...
  1678. >All of a sudden you're not feelin so good
  1679. >You weigh your options
  1680. >#1: Confidently flash your panties to the whole locker room like the alpha you are, and probably get ridiculed for the rest of your life
  1681. >#2: NOT dress, get detention, have stay after school for an hour
  1682. >On the one hand, your parents will give up on you, your friends will ignore you, and your life will be ruined forever
  1683. >On the other hand, you'll have to stay after school for an hour
  1684. >Hmm....
  1685. >Well it was a nice life. Goodnight cruel world....
  1686. >... Wait a sec
  1687. >You have another option. The locker room has bathrooms inside
  1688. >#3: Change in a bathroom stall
  1689. >Anon you goddamn genius
  1691. >You run into the stall and start getting changed
  1692. >*BANG BANG BANG*
  1693. "Just a minute-"
  1694. >*BANG BANG BANG*
  1695. >"Hurry it up in there!"
  1696. "Just a freaking minute!"
  1697. >Ass
  1698. >You hurry up and finish and step out of the stall
  1699. >Flash: "... Anon?"
  1700. "What-"
  1701. >Flash: "-Were you changing in the bathroom stall?"
  1702. "What's it to you?"
  1703. >You push him aside and walk by
  1704. >Flash: "What's the matter Anon, get a hard-on changing with a bunch of dudes?!"
  1705. "Why, would you want me you?!"
  1706. >You stare each other down, and silently agree not to make more of a scene before you both looks like butt buddies
  1707. >You throw your clothes in your locker and head to the gym
  1708. >Dash made it to the gym before you did
  1709. >Dash: "Hey Anon, what took you so long?"
  1710. "... long story"
  1711. >Dash: "And the long story is...?"
  1712. "Let's just say someone got my panties in a bunch"
  1713. >Dash: "What does- oh..."
  1714. "Yeah..."
  1715. >Dash: "W-who found out?"
  1716. "No one, but... yeah, it was close"
  1717. >Dash: "So... no one knows?"
  1718. "No one knows"
  1720. >The coach has a special announcement for today. You're playing flag football again, but today there's going to be a cross-class competition
  1721. >Guess who's class you're playing...
  1722. >Flash eyes you from across the gym with a shit-faced grin. Dash hands you her "nurse's note"
  1723. >Dash: "Sorry, but I want in on this one"
  1724. "... kick his ass"
  1726. >You watch the game from the bleachers, since you're "too sick" to participate. In your defense, you did get hurt earlier
  1727. >Dash is actually happy to hear you cheering in the stands this time
  1729. >Flash's class gets BTFO
  1730. >You walk down from the bleachers to greet the champion
  1731. >She runs up to you with a smile. Flash is nowhere to be seen
  1732. >Off hiding his shame probably
  1733. "Hey Dash! Way to kick some ass!"
  1734. >... the smile on her face drops to a look of horror
  1735. "What's the matter-
  1736. >Dash: "-Anon behind you-!"
  1737. >And in a split second, your gym shorts drop to the floor. Everyone turns their attention to you. Dash is both shocked and pissed
  1738. >And behind you, Flash is laughing
  1739. >Flash: "Well well well Anon..."
  1740. >Think of something think of something think of something people are starting to laugh say something
  1741. >Flash: "What's the matter, wearing a matching bra with that too?"
  1742. >Word is getting around. The crowd is getting bigger
  1743. >Say something Anon, say fucking anything, like... like "your mom", yeah that's a good comeback say that-
  1744. >Dash: "-Actually I'm wearing it"
  1745. >Dash suddenly grabs you and kisses you, forcing her tongue into your mouth. She presses her body against yours and grinds her crotch on your leg. When she pulls away, a light strand of saliva drips between your tongues. Whatever her plan is, it's good
  1746. >The crowd goes silent
  1747. >Dash: "...come on Anon, step it up"
  1748. >You grab her ass with one hand and slide the other up her shirt. You start kissing her neck. You peek up only to see Flash's brain dead expression
  1749. >Dash: "What's the matter, jealous he's getting what YOU never could?"
  1750. A few "damn's and "oh shit"s echo through the crowd
  1751. >Dash: "Thought so, Fag Sentry"
  1752. >The coach doesn't see a thing, he just yells for everyone to get back to the locker rooms
  1753. >Dash: "Come on Anon let's go"
  1754. >She pulls your shorts up and puts her arm around your waist. You put one arm over her shoulders, accepting high fives and brofists with the other
  1755. >Dash: "... when you get back to the locker room take those off"
  1756. "... don't gotta tell me twice"
  1758. >You get to the locker room. Everyone who witnessed the scene starts cheering
  1759. >"DAMN ANON! WAY TO GO!"
  1762. >"... I swear I thought Anon was a faggot"
  1763. >There's one dead face across the room... Flash
  1764. >Bitch ass
  1765. >You head back to the bathroom and get changed
  1766. >You put your pants back on, bunch up her panties and stuff them in your pocket
  1767. >As you step out of the stall you get a pat on the back by some random guy waiting to get in
  1768. >"Hey Anon is this yours?"
  1769. He hands you an unused condom. Remember? The ones she stuffed in your pocket in the nurse's office?
  1770. >You silently take it from him
  1771. >"Go get her, man"
  1772. >Your popularity has shot through the roof. No one will probably remember this by tomorrow, but hey, you can savor the moment for now
  1774. >Flash is waiting for you as soon as you step out of the locker room
  1775. "What, are you trying to flirt with me now-"
  1776. >Flash: "-Drop the tough guy act Anon. Your little lapdog isn't here"
  1777. "My little lapdog?"
  1778. >Flash: "Admit it. You think you're so tough, so bad ass, but you do it all just to impress that little girl of yours"
  1779. "Or maybe I do it because I don't want to put up with your shit"
  1780. >Flash: "Look, just stop being a smug little shit and we won't have a problem"
  1781. "Fine... deal"
  1782. >He pushes you aside and walks off thinking, he's won
  1783. "... And you back off of me and Dash, and THEN we won't have a problem"
  1784. >Flash: "... you watch your fucking mouth"
  1785. >And with that, he leaves
  1786. >Dash: "Anon, who are you talking to?"
  1787. >You didn't even hear her come up from behind
  1788. "No one... just another bro"
  1789. >Dash: "You wanna tell me what's on your mind?"
  1790. "Huh?"
  1791. >You zoned out for a minute
  1792. >Dash: "I recognize that look, something's bothering you"
  1793. "There really is no getting anything past you"
  1794. >Dash: "Tell me"
  1795. "... it's Flash"
  1796. >Dash: "Anon listen. I know I told you to just ignore him, but there's only so much bullshit I could put up-"
  1797. "-It's not that"
  1798. >Dash: "... huh?"
  1799. "Earlier... just now... he said-"
  1800. >Dash: "He threatened you didn't he?"
  1801. "How'd you know?"
  1802. >Dash: "He did it to me too"
  1803. "What?!"
  1804. >Dash: "Y-yeah... when I first rejected him, he wouldn't let it go. Then one day I just couldn't take it anymore... he came up to me at lunch and I just yelled at him in front of everyone... said I wouldn't date someone so desperate"
  1805. >Note to self: Don't ever make her angry
  1806. >Dash: "Later that day, he came to me... when I was alone. He said told me if I didn't take back what I said he'd beat the shit out of me. You know what I told him?"
  1807. "... what?"
  1808. >Dash: "Do it. Fucking do it."
  1809. "And what happened?"
  1810. >Dash: "He couldn't. He was all talk."
  1811. >She giggles
  1812. >So that's the story
  1813. >Dash: "Trust me, Anon. He won't fight you, he acts all high and mighty, but he doesn't have it in him. If push comes to shove, even a guy like you could take him out"
  1814. >You smile, actually feeling reassured. She hugs you tightly and you return the hug.
  1815. "... a guy like me?"
  1816. >Dash: "O-oh, I didn't mean it like that-"
  1817. "Too late, it's out. You said it-"
  1818. >She punches you in the arm, then takes your hand
  1819. >Dash: "C-Come on, you're coming home with me"
  1820. "For?"
  1821. >Dash: "I-its time for your follow-up appointment with Doctor Dash"
  1822. >You knew it
  1823. >Nothing could ruin this great day
  1824. >And once again... you're feelin pretty good
  1826. >You wake up the next morning, ready to tackle the day
  1827. >Your girlfriend is now your lover
  1828. >Your rival is a spineless wimp who won't fight
  1829. >The whole school is probably talking about what a bad ass you are
  1830. >Let's do this
  1831. >You quickly get ready for school, even skipping your morning coffee because you didn't feel like you needed it. You make sure to bring a condom with you, just in case Dash is feeling extra frisky today
  1832. >Once you've decided that you're ready to start grabbing life by the horns, you haul your ass out the door
  1834. >You're half way to school, when an interesting thought pops into your mind
  1835. >Isn't it Saturday?
  1836. >...
  1838. >You drag your feet home, dying for your morning coffee
  1840. >You get home, plop down on the couch, and turn on the t.v.
  1841. >It's one of those detective shows from the 70s that your dad watches all the time
  1842. >You don't really know what's going on, but you're too lazy to change the channel
  1843. >Such is the extent of your weekend life-
  1844. >*RING RING RING*
  1845. >Your phone ring tone sucks
  1846. >It's Dash. Try not to sound desperately bored
  1847. "Hey Dash, what's up"
  1848. >Dash: "Oh nothing really... but..."
  1849. "Yeah?"
  1850. >"Dash: "I was just wondering, are you busy today-?"
  1851. "-No not at all, why?"
  1852. >Reel it in, kiddo
  1853. >Dash: "Yeah, me either. So do you wanna... I don't know, come over to my place and hang out or something?"
  1855. "... yeah, sure. Why not?"
  1856. >Dash: "Great! When do you want to come over?"
  1857. "Whenever, I'm pretty much free all-"
  1858. >Dash: "-Well how about now?"
  1859. >Oh... Okay then
  1860. "Sure, just give me a few minutes to get ready and I'll head over"
  1861. >Dash: "Alright, see you in a bit"
  1862. >She hangs up, and you immediately bolt out the door
  1863. >When you get to her place, you wait on her porch for a few minutes to catch your breath
  1864. >Next time don't run the whole way here... don't get lost either
  1865. >You finally build up the strength to knock on her door
  1866. >... no answer
  1867. >Here's an idea, try the damn doorbell
  1868. >Just as you're about to push it, the door creaks open, and she peeks out from behind it
  1869. >Dash: "Hey Anon, I wasn't expecting you here so soon"
  1870. "Sorry, should I come back later?"
  1871. >Dash: "No it's fine, just get in, it's cold"
  1872. >'s not that cold, but whatever. You step in and she closes the door
  1873. >Her hair is damp and she has a big white towel wrapped around her entire body. It covers her chest but barely goes down to her thighs
  1874. >Dash: "Umm... y-yeah, I just got out of the shower"
  1875. "I can tell"
  1876. >She smells sweet... really sweet. You can't quite put your finger on it, but it smells familiar
  1877. "Hey Dash, what's the scent of your shampoo?"
  1878. >Dash: "You're actually ]smelling my lotion. It's supposed to be some fruity scent, but if you ask me it kinda smells more like Skittles"
  1879. "Whatever it is, I like it"
  1880. >Dash: "Th-thanks, it's actually my favorite"
  1881. >Five minutes and you're already making her blush. Show some mercy Anon
  1882. >She takes your hand and leads you to her bedroom-WELL WHO DIDN'T SEE THIS COMING
  1883. >You sit on the bed, unable to take your eyes off her as she takes the towel off... no wait, she's holding it up
  1884. >Dash: "A-are you gonna stare at me like that the whole time?"
  1885. "Should I step outside?"
  1886. >Dash: "No no... j-just, close your eyes, okay?"
  1887. "... sure"
  1888. >You're a little disappointed, but you do it for her
  1889. >It's not like you're not gonna peek anyways
  1890. >You hear the towel drop to the floor, and a few drawers opening and closing. You open your eyes just a tiny bit
  1891. >You're just in time to see her bending over and pulling her panties up, white briefs with rainbow-colored hearts printed all over like polka dots
  1892. >You have a real talent for analyzing panties, don't you Anon?
  1893. >Weirdo
  1894. >Dash: "Anon stop peeking"
  1895. "I wasn't"
  1896. >You shut your eyes again. She didn't see you, she probably just knew you would eventually
  1897. >... you hear her grunt and struggle
  1898. "Need help with something?"
  1899. >Dash: "No, I'm good, just..."
  1900. >She rummages through her drawers. More frustrated groaning
  1901. >Dash: "Uhh, damn it..."
  1902. >She slams the drawer
  1903. "What is it-"
  1904. >Dash: "-Nothing"
  1905. >...
  1906. >Dash: "Okay, you can open your eyes"
  1907. >She's dressed very differently than she usually does for school. Black shorts, not her spats but regular shorts, and a white t-shirt. She has black and white striped socks pulled up to her knees
  1908. >You know, aside from gym class, she's always wearing a skirt. All the girls are. It's like there's some kind of "mandatory miniskirt" dress code... nah, it's probably just a coincidence
  1909. >You can tell her bra matches her panties, because her bra is lying on the floor. The more you look, you can clearly see where her nipples are
  1910. >Dash: "... why are you staring at me like that Anon?"
  1911. >Damn she looks cute... really cute
  1912. >Dash: "Anon? You okay?"
  1913. >Tell her she's cute, tell her she's cute...
  1914. "... huh? what?"
  1915. >Smooth.
  1916. >She giggles
  1917. >Dash: "I'll take that as a compliment"
  1918. >She kisses you on the cheek and hugs you tightly, discretely kicking the bra under the bed. You say nothing
  1919. >Dash: "Hey Anon... you can tell, can't you"
  1920. >You didn't want to say anything and spoil the moment. But she did. Way to ruin the moment Dash
  1921. "Yeah, a little"
  1922. >Dash: "Uhh..."
  1923. >She plops down on the bed
  1924. "Why aren't you wearing it?"
  1925. >Dash: "C-cause..."
  1926. "Cause why?"
  1927. >Dash: "...c-cause it won't fit. None of them will"
  1928. "None of them?"
  1929. >Dash: "They've been getting tighter for a while now, but now I just can't get them on at all."
  1930. "Why haven't you gone shopping"
  1931. >Dash: "I've just been putting it off. But I guess I HAVE to go tomorrow now"
  1932. "Or..."
  1933. >Dash: "...or what?"
  1934. "... or we can go today"
  1935. >Well that threw her off guard
  1936. >Dash: "R-real funny, Anon"
  1937. "No, for real, I'd go with you"
  1938. >Dash: "Wh-why would you want to-"
  1939. >You give her the "bitch is u srs" look
  1940. >Dash: "... b-but... won't it be weird?"
  1941. "Lots of guys do it"
  1942. >Cool guys do, anyways. And as of yesterday, you ARE a cool guy
  1943. >She twiddles her thumbs. She fluffs her pillow. She does anything she can with her hands to distract her from the question
  1944. >Then, she lets out a loud, exaggerated sigh
  1945. >Dash: "... a-and you're not just messing with me again, right?"
  1946. "Of course not"
  1947. >When something is for sexual, it's no laughing matter
  1948. >Dash: "...A-alright. Just give me a minute to get ready"
  1950. >There's a strip mall not far down the street from here. Dash offers to drive down there
  1951. "Wait a sec, you have a car? Why do you walk to school everyday?"
  1952. >Dash: "Because it's not that far. Besides, it's good to get a little exercise now and then, you know?"
  1953. "No, I don't know"
  1954. >She pulls up in the parking lot, and the two of you look around at the stores
  1955. "So Dash, where do you want to go?"
  1956. >Dash: "I don't know, where do you want to go?"
  1957. "Well, where do you usually shop?"
  1958. >Dash: "I don't know, wherever"
  1959. >This is one of THOSE conversations, the " 'what do you want to do' , 'I don't know, what do YOU want to do' " scenario
  1960. >You get out of the car
  1961. >Dash: "Wait, where are you going?"
  1962. "Come on, I'm picking the place"
  1963. >Dash: "... Alright, fine"
  1964. >You have no idea where to take her. But there's exactly one fuckton of clothing stores, all of which look the same to you, so you could really go anywhere-
  1965. >"Dash! Anon!"
  1966. >Rarity run across the parking lot to greet you
  1967. >Rarity: "What are you two doing here"
  1968. >Dash: "Oh nothing, just some shopping"
  1969. >Rarity: "For anything in particular-"
  1970. "Stuff... just some stuff"
  1971. >She can tell you're hiding something
  1972. >Rarity: "Okay, Dash, YOU tell me. What are you really here for?"
  1973. >Dash: "..."
  1974. >Rarity: "Hmm? What is it?"
  1975. >Dash whispers in her ear
  1976. >Rarity: "...and you two came together?"
  1977. >Dash: "W-well, you see-"
  1978. >Rarity: "Relax dearie, I think it's adorable. Where were you headed?"
  1979. >Dash looks at you
  1980. "Oh I don't know, just anywhere really-"
  1981. >Rarity: "Oh for heaven's sake, you can't just go ANYWHERE for that sort of thing"
  1982. "Then where should we-"
  1983. >She grabs both of you by the hand
  1984. >Rarity: "Come on, I know just the place"
  1985. >She leads you across the parking lot to a shop with a big, pink sign that read "Cadence's Closet"
  1986. >And you can tell just by looking inside that you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into
  1987. >Rarity walked inside the same way a child walks in to a toy store: fast, excited, and almost got hit by a car on the way. Dash is almost as hesitant to go in as you are
  1988. >Dash: "you know you can't back out now Anon"
  1989. "you too"
  1990. >You head in together, one slow step at a time
  1992. >Dash grabs one of the baskets by the door and hands it to you. Of course she's gonna make you carry her shopping
  1993. >Rarity: "So Dash, do you already know what you're looking for?"
  1994. >Damn, Rarity's basket is already half full. You almost feel weird looking, knowing what kind of underwear she'll be wearing, but kind of interesting at the same time. Besides, it's good to get to know your friends better. You're just being a good friend. Totally.
  1995. >Dash: "Yeah, just some new bras... y-you know, a bit bigger"
  1996. >Even in here she feels awkward talking about it out loud
  1997. >Rarity: "Do you know what size you are?"
  1998. >Dash: "W-well I was a... u-umm..."
  1999. >She glances over at you, then pulls Rarity closer to whisper in her ear
  2000. >Dash: "...32B..."
  2001. >You still overheard her.
  2002. >Rarity: "And what size are you now?"
  2003. >Dash: "I-I dont know... maybe a-"
  2004. >Rarity: "What do you mean you don't know? You can't just guess, Dash, you have to be sure"
  2005. >Dash: "Well, I don't really-"
  2006. >Rarity: "Come with me"
  2007. >She grabs Dash's hand and pulls her across the store. You silently follow behind. Rarity takes her into one of the dressing rooms
  2008. >Rarity: "Umm, Anon. Maybe you want to wait outside for now"
  2009. >No you fucking don't
  2010. "Yeah, sure"
  2011. >From what you hear, it's safe to say Rarity is viciously molesting Dash
  2012. >Dash: "Rarity, are you sure about this?"
  2013. >Rarity: "Trust me Dash, I now what I'm doing-"
  2014. >Dash: "-Whoa, what are you-"
  2015. >Rarity: "-Just hold still-"
  2016. >Dash: "-H-hey! Where are you grabbing-?"
  2017. >Rarity: "-Trust me, it's important, now stop moving!"
  2018. >You patiently wait outside, not really sure where to look without looking like a pervert
  2019. >"Excuse me, sir? Do you need some help?"
  2020. "H-huh?"
  2021. >An employee approached you, wearing a light pink dress shirt, halfway unbuttoned to show off her black lace bra. Her black skirt is either too small, or was meant to show off her g-string. Her long, slender legs were covered by black fishnet stockings Around her neck is a choker with a small crystal heart hanging. She must be the owner, because her name tag says "Cadence"
  2022. >Cadence: "Do you need help finding anything?"
  2023. "N-no, I'm good. Just waiting for a friend"
  2024. >Cadence: "Okay, well if you need any help, just look for me, I'd be happy to assist"
  2025. >She bows down, giving you an amazing view of the top of the mountain. (if you know what I mean) She walks away with a bounce in her step, and a bigger bounce in her chest
  2026. >Rarity and Dash step out of the dressing room, dash adjusting her shirt, and you expect Rarity to light a cigarette any second now
  2027. >Rarity: "You two do your thing, I've got a little more shopping to do"
  2028. >She hurries off to the other side on the store
  2029. "So Dash, you know what you're looking for?"
  2030. >Dash: "Y-yeah, I think so"
  2031. >She leads you over to a wall with racks of bras hanging on the wall. After pondering for a moment, Dash decides on a few
  2032. >Dash: "...s-so, Anon..."
  2033. "Yeah?"
  2034. >Dash: "W-well... s-see anything you like?"
  2035. "O-oh, uhh..."
  2036. >You weren't really looking, but you decide to glance over the racks
  2037. >Pun intended
  2038. >You actually see one on the top rack that you find... enticing
  2039. "How about that one?"
  2040. >Dash: "Y-yeah, sure"
  2041. >She reaches for it, but can't get to it
  2042. >Dash: "think you can get it for me?"
  2043. >You're barely able to reach it, but you manage to get a hold of it-
  2044. >Rarity: "-Good taste, Anon"
  2045. >And you drop it. Thanks Rarity
  2046. >Both girls laugh, even as Dash tries to hide her face
  2047. >You pick it up and put it in the basket
  2048. "Well, ready to go?"
  2049. >Dash: "W-wait Anon, shouldn't I get some matching sets too? I thought you were... y-you know, into that"
  2050. "W-well, not really, I mean-"
  2051. >Rarity: "Yeah Anon, aren't you into that?"
  2052. >You're going to kill Rarity one day
  2053. >There's another section with pre-matched bra and panty sets, displayed just like the bras were
  2054. >Rarity: "So Anon, see anything for your little Dashie here?"
  2055. >You look over the different garments hanging
  2056. "I don't know, what do you think Dash?"
  2057. >Dash seems to be in a lighter mood than before. Rarity helps her browse, and Dash almost seems to be having fun. Eventually she picks out a few sets, always looking at you after every selection as if asking for approval. And with all her selections, you always tell her yes. After making her choices, she asks you to pick something for her. After looking for a minute, you take one off the rack
  2058. " bout this one?"
  2059. >Dash: "Sure, okay-"
  2060. >Rarity: "Really Anon? What on Earth would she wear THAT with?"
  2061. >She takes it and puts it back
  2062. >Really?
  2063. >You pick again
  2064. "How's this?"
  2065. >Dash: "That's pretty-"
  2066. >Rarity: "-It doesn't go with her eyes"
  2067. >She puts it back
  2068. >What the hell
  2069. >You pick again
  2070. "Are these good"
  2071. >Dash: "I was actually thinking-"
  2072. >Rarity: "Come on Anon, no joking"
  2073. >She puts it back
  2074. >Rarity pls
  2075. >You FINALLY pick something that she approves of. You put it in the basket and you all head off to the registers-
  2076. >Dash: "Anon, wait"
  2077. >When Rarity isn't looking, she grabs one your previous choices and throws it in the basket
  2078. >Dash: "... you really do have good taste, Anon"
  2079. >Guess who's working the register?
  2080. >Cadence: "Oh hey there again! Did you find everything okay?"
  2081. "Yeah, just fine"
  2082. >Rarity: "You and Anon know each other?"
  2083. >Cadence: "Oh no, he and I just talked a bit earlier"
  2084. >She gives you a wink
  2085. >... thank god Dash didn't notice
  2086. >Rarity pays for her stuff and heads out, and you put your basket up on the counter. As she's scanning the garments, you notice one of the sets you picked came with a thong. You knew you had a good eye for this sort of thing
  2087. >... wait a sec, DID you pick that one?
  2088. >Oh well, whatever
  2089. >Dash pays and you head out together
  2090. >Cadence: "Have fun you two! Hope to see you again real soon~!"
  2091. >Her breasts bounce while she waves like she's in an earthquake
  2092. >You exit and Rarity is waiting outside for you
  2093. >Rarity: "Okay you two lovebirds, where to next"
  2094. >Dash: "Actually Rarity, this was all we came for-"
  2095. >Rarity: "Nonsense! There's still so much time!"
  2096. >She tosses her bag to you and takes Dash's hand, dragging her off to another store
  2097. >You've seen enough girly anime to know were this is going
  2099. >A few hours later, the sun is just starting to set
  2100. >Rarity and Dash happily walk through the parking lot after a long day of shopping
  2101. >You straggle behind, carrying more bags than you know of. You lost count after 7
  2103. >You manage your way to Rarity's car and help her load all her bags into the trunk
  2104. >So how many were you carrying? 12. How many were actually Dash's? 3.
  2105. >You REALLY need more guy friends...
  2106. >When it comes to the bags from Cadence's Closet, you have no way of knowing who's is who's without looking. So you take a peek inside one bag... oh yeah, that's WAY to sexy to be Dash's
  2107. >Though some of it wouldn't look too bad on her...
  2108. >No Anon. Don't think about it like that. They're Rarity's....
  2109. >Damn it Anon, don't think about Rarity wearing it either
  2111. >You take Dash's bags back to her car before you have any more bad thoughts, like Cadence wearing-
  2112. >NO STOP IT
  2113. >Dash decided to drive you home that night
  2114. >She pulls up to your house, and you say your goodbyes
  2115. >Dash: "Thanks Anon... today was really fun"
  2116. "Yeah it was, we should do it again-"
  2117. >She pulls you into a hug, not wanting to let you out
  2118. >Dash: "... promise?"
  2119. >You pat her on the back
  2120. "Promise"
  2121. >You just asked a girl to take you shopping. Your love is making you soft Anon
  2122. >... but hey. It's worth it
  2124. >Later that night, you're laying in bed, trying to sleep
  2125. >*RING RING RING*
  2126. >You're shitty ringtone. You're trying to sleep here, whoever this is, it better be god damn important-
  2127. >It's a text from Dash. You take that thought back
  2129. >Attached is a picture
  2130. >It's a selfie from Dash. She's laying in bed, her messy hair spread out like it's swallowing her pillow. You only see down to her shoulders but she's in her pajamas. Her eyes are hazy with sleepiness. A small smile is on her lips
  2131. >...
  2133. >Be Rainbow Dash
  2134. >You just sent Anon that picture, and decided to get some sleep
  2135. >*RING RING RING*
  2136. >Your ringtone is just as bad as his
  2137. >You check your phone. He replied to you
  2139. >Attached is a picture of him laying in bed, much like the one you just sent him
  2140. >...
  2141. >D-Damn it Anon
  2143. >Sunday morning
  2144. >Your alarm was set to wake you extra early so that you'd have time to iron your church clothes and properly groom yourself. For once, you actually care about how you look
  2145. >You shut off your phone so as to not have any distractions during your prayer
  2146. >When you're all ready, you head down to the church
  2147. >...
  2148. >Who are you kidding
  2149. >You got up at the crack of noon and watched cooking shows all day until you passed out on the couch
  2150. >So productive
  2152. >Monday
  2153. >You and Dash get the occasional snicker, but otherwise everyone seems to have forgotten about the happening on Friday
  2154. >Well, the fame was fun while it lasted, but it seems the hype machine has died
  2155. >Or so you thought, until you got to biology
  2156. >You take your seat next to Rarity, but... something's off
  2157. >Rarity: "Is something the matter Anon?"
  2158. >... Actually, it's three somethings that are off. The three seats in front of you are empty
  2159. "Where's Flash and his body guards?"
  2160. >Rarity: "Haven't seen them. Maybe they're not here today"
  2161. "Probably doesn't want to show his face around me"
  2162. >Rarity: "By the way, what was all that about? I heard something happened between you two last week"
  2163. "Well... It's a long story"
  2164. >Rarity: "I get it. If you don't want to tell me, you don't-"
  2165. "Oh no, I'd LOVE to tell you"
  2166. >You were just finishing your story when the door opens like a SWAT unit just kicked it open. But it's no SWAT unit... just a SHIT unit
  2167. >Teacher: "Flash, do you realize how late the three of you are?"
  2168. >Flash: "Sorry sir, won't happen again"
  2169. >Every teacher at this school seems to accept that answer without question
  2170. >Flash and his bodyguards stare you down on the way to their seats
  2171. >Rarity tries to stifle her laugh, the story of last Friday fresh in her head
  2172. >The three amigos take their seats
  2173. >The one in the middle is Flash Sentry, everyone's favorite asshole. There's the guy on the left, he's always talking about basketball... and that's all he ever talks about; we'll call him Cranberry. Last, there's the guy on the right, he's always tapping his pencils on his desk like he's playing drums; let's call him Fucknut
  2174. >Class carries on. They get to their work, you get to yours
  2175. >Rarity: "... hey Anon"
  2176. >Thank God, you were getting bored
  2177. "Yeah?"
  2178. >Rarity: "What page were we on again?"
  2179. "Hell if I know, just somewhere in chapter-"
  2180. >Flash: "-Can you guys keep it down? I'm trying to focus"
  2181. >You're pretty sure he was sleeping. But then again you had a deal to stay out of his hair and he'd keep out of yours. Now's not the time to start any drama
  2182. "Sorry...."
  2183. >You bring it down to a whisper
  2184. "chapter 8"
  2185. >Rarity: "we finished chapter 8 last week
  2186. "well screw me, I have no idea what's-"
  2187. >Flash: "-Do you not know the meaning of shut up?"
  2188. >He, Cranberry, and Fucknut all turned around
  2189. >You tried to be nice. The deal is off
  2190. "Actually no I don't, how about you show me?"
  2191. >Teacher: "Knock it off you two!"
  2192. >No response. From any of you
  2193. >Teacher: "Well?"
  2194. >The three of them turn around
  2195. >Teacher: "That's what I thought"
  2196. "Me too"
  2198. >Class ends, the three jackass amigos are the first out the classroom
  2199. >Dash meets you and Rarity outside of class
  2200. "You guys go ahead to the cafeteria, I gotta run to the bathroom really quick"
  2201. >Dash: "Alright, see ya later Anon"
  2203. >You always use the handicap stall if it's open, it's the perfect combo of privacy and space
  2204. >The bathroom door opens, and the approaching footsteps are loud and aggressive. Someone starts banging on the stall doors, yelling at everyone to get out. Someone REALLY has to go
  2205. >You were just finishing up when they bang on your door
  2206. >You step out of the stall
  2207. >The door banger was Flash. Cranberry and Fucknut are blocking the exit
  2208. >Flash: "We need to talk, Anon"
  2209. >Just what the fuck is going on
  2210. "About what?"
  2211. >Flash: "I think you know what"
  2212. "And if I said I don't?"
  2213. >Flash: "I'd say cut the bullshit"
  2214. >You glance over at his henchmen, and though you hate to admit it, they actually look threatening
  2215. "... so this is about Dash, isn't it?"
  2216. >Flash: "This is about our deal"
  2217. "Yeah, maybe you should start sticking to it-"
  2218. >Flash: "Knock it off Anon. It's obviously not working because you can't cut the bullshit"
  2219. "My bullshit-?"
  2220. >Flash: "How about we settle this once and for all"
  2221. "Where are you going with this?"
  2222. >He cracks his knuckles
  2223. >Flash: "It's going to happen sooner or later, might as well get it over now-"
  2224. "-How about later?"
  2225. >Flash: "What?"
  2226. "This Friday. Right here outside, in the hall"
  2227. >Flash: "... fine. Friday it is"
  2228. "Great, now step aside-"
  2229. >His henchmen stop you
  2230. "I thought we were done here"
  2231. >Flash: "I just want to make sure you know what you're getting into"
  2232. >You gotta think of a good comeback before you leave... you got it! It's the perfect-
  2234. >"... are you okay?"
  2235. >You hear a soft, soothing voice, it sounds familiar but you can't really recognize it. You can't see a thing
  2236. >"Anonymous, can you hear me?"
  2237. >"I'll wake him up"
  2238. >... that last voice wasn't so soothing as the first-
  2239. >*SMACK*
  2240. >You slowly open your eyes
  2241. >Nurse: "Told you it'd work"
  2242. >You're laying on the bathroom floor, and your head is killing you. The Nurse is standing over you, and next to her is... Principal Celestia?
  2243. >Celestia: "Anonymous, can you tell me what happened?"
  2244. >So what happened Anon?
  2245. >Flash Sentry and his butt buddies ganged up on you in the bathroom, one of whom apparently knocked you out, and arranged for a fight between you and most likely all three of them this Friday. You clearly remember everything that happened
  2246. "... I fell"
  2247. >Celestia: "Anonymous, we both know that's not true-"
  2248. "-It is. I slipped and hit my head on the sink"
  2249. >Celestia: "... really? Are you sure about that?"
  2250. "Yeah. I'm okay"
  2251. >Celestia: "Okay, well, if you ever want to tell me the TRUTH, you know where my office is. Nurse, please take care of him"
  2252. >Nurse: "Yeah, yeah... come on kiddo"
  2253. >She grabs you by the arm and yanks you up
  2254. "Jeez lady, can you be a little more gentle?"
  2255. >Nurse: "Calm down, you got hit in the head. Your legs are fine"
  2256. >With her help, you make your way to her office
  2258. >She gives you the same pills as last time and some ice
  2259. >Nurse: "The two of you really need to stop screwing around, you're making me work too much"
  2260. "Wait, the two of us?"
  2261. >Nurse: "Yeah, you and whoever's been smacking you around"
  2262. "Look, no one's been smacking me around, okay?"
  2263. >Nurse: "You expect me to believe you just "fell" again? No one's that clumsy, not even you"
  2264. "Seriously though, I just-"
  2265. >Nurse: "-Anon, I'm not like that principal. I'm not going to guilt trip you into talking to me, if I have to twist your arm to get it out, I will. So are you going to tell me or not?"
  2266. "... I don't know his name, but he's always hanging out with Flash Sentry-"
  2267. >*SLAM*
  2268. >Dash: "Anon! Are you okay!?"
  2269. >Dash runs across the room and tackles you, nearly throwing you off the hospital bed
  2270. "R-Relax Dash, I'm okay"
  2271. >She squeezes you tighter
  2272. "Dash what's the matter?"
  2273. >Nurse: "I'm sure you haven't heard all the talk. Someone actually told me on my way to get you that you were dead"
  2274. >God damn this gossipy school
  2275. >Dash: "Anon, I'm sorry. I know you're trying to be the bigger person here-"
  2276. "-I'm really not-"
  2277. >Dash: "-but this has really gone too far. You shouldn't be putting up with his shit-"
  2278. "-I won't-"
  2279. >Dash: "-and if you're not going to stop him this time-"
  2280. "-I will-"
  2281. >Dash: "-I'm going to do it, so it's best that you just stay out of it-"
  2282. "Dash!"
  2283. >You finally got her to stop talking. This is the kind of thing you usually have to do with Pinkie
  2284. "Listen, I agree. And I'm going to put a stop to it"
  2285. >Dash: "What are you planning?"
  2286. "Friday, I'm going to... take him out. I don't know how, but I'm going to do something"
  2287. >Nurse: "You better not be planning on fighting him"
  2288. "What if I said I am?"
  2289. >Nurses: "Do you think I want to drag your mangled body across the campus?"
  2290. "Well maybe you won't-"
  2291. >Nurses: "I'm not holding my breath"
  2292. >Dash: "You do have a plan though, right Anon?"
  2293. "... I'm working on that?"
  2294. >Dash: "Seriously?"
  2295. "I'll come up with something, I always do"
  2296. >She's not convinced. Then again, you ARE bullshitting, you have no idea what you're gonna do
  2297. >Dash: "Nurse, can we have a few minutes to talk in private-"
  2298. >Nurse: "-Normally I'd say no, but then I remember what you did with my old coat, so I'm gonna have to say, 'no god damn way' "
  2299. >Dash: "... alright, forget it. Look Anon, if you're going to do this, I've got your back, I always do. But I'm only going to help you under three conditions"
  2300. "And if I don't agree to them-"
  2301. >Dash: "-I'll kidnap you and keep you locked in my closet until after the fight on Friday"
  2302. >... that doesn't sound so bad
  2303. >Nah, you gotta do this fight. It's personal
  2304. "Alright fine, what are they?"
  2305. >Dash: "First, you're not going into this alone. You tell me when and where the fight happens, got it?"
  2306. >You were planning on it anyways
  2307. "Yeah, what else?"
  2308. >Dash: "Second, and no offense, but you don't really stand a chance in this fight... not without some lessons at least"
  2309. "So you're gonna teach me to fight?"
  2310. >Dash: "There's not enough time to teach you to win, but I could at least teach you enough to survive"
  2311. "When would these lessons be?"
  2312. >Dash: "I figure since you always skip out on gym, we could sneak out then and nobody would notice"
  2313. >Doing something during gym period? Blasphemy! Heresy! Burn the witch!
  2314. "... sure. And what's the last one-"
  2315. >Dash: ".... well... J-Just in case you-"
  2316. >*SLAM*
  2317. >Nurse: "Has no one heard of knocking?"
  2318. >Pinkie: "Nonny! We heard you were dead!"
  2319. >Rarity, AJ, and Fluttershy were with her
  2320. "All I had was a little accident, okay? Who was spreading the word that I was dead, anyways?"
  2321. >Pinkie: "Umm... well I kinda did, but I was just really worried! And I also told people you were okay too, doesn't that even it out?"
  2322. >When she acts so... like herself, it's hard to stay mad
  2323. "Sure, we're even. Why not"
  2324. >They all embrace you and Dash in a giant group hug. Of course, the nurse isn't going to let you all share a moment of happiness
  2325. >Nurse: "Okay okay, when you ladies are all done having an orgy over there, I should let you know lunch is over"
  2326. >Dash: "Damn, I skipped lunch to come check on you"
  2327. "... whose up for an art student Thanksgiving?"
  2328. >Nurse: "Hey Anon, before you go, take this"
  2329. >She tears a page out of her notepad and hands it to you
  2330. >Nurse: "This should get you out of gym for good the rest of the week. And one last thing..."
  2331. "Yeah?"
  2332. >She puts her fist out and you brace yourself for another knockout punch, but her hand stops just in front of you. It takes you a minute to realize what is going on, but once you do, you return the brofist
  2333. >Nurse: "Kick some ass"
  2334. >Dash: "Should I get a note too?"
  2335. >Nurse: "Nah, just tell a male coach you're on your period or pregnant or something. They never second guess you"
  2336. >It's kinda true
  2338. >You head off to the vending machines for lunch
  2339. "By the way, Dash, what was that last condition?"
  2340. >Dash: "N-nothing... I'll tell you later"
  2341. >That tells SOMETHING
  2342. >Between the six of you, you almost empty out a whole vending machine
  2343. >Once again, weird peanut butter cracker girl was pissed
  2344. >You all chill in the hall eating your vending machine feast until the bell for sixth period rings
  2346. >Pinkie: "Hey Nonny, Dash said you were going to fight Flash Sentry on Friday? Are you sure that's such a good idea?"
  2347. "Not at all, but I gotta do it. Besides, Dash said she'd help me train"
  2348. >Pinkie: "Well, that's good, if anyone can fight it's Dash. If there's any way I can help you just let me know"
  2349. "I appreciate it Pinkie, but I don't know if pranks and parties can..."
  2350. >Pinkie: "... can what, Nonny?"
  2351. >Pranks... you don't want to involve her, but it may be your only way
  2352. "Hey Pinkie... you've pulled big pranks before. Like, REALLY BIG ones, right?"
  2353. >Pinkie: "Yeah, why?"
  2354. "Does anyone help you with those?"
  2355. >Pinkie: "..."
  2356. "Pinkie?"
  2357. >She looks around and over her shoulder
  2358. >Pinkie: "... I'll make a call. And we never spoke of this"
  2359. >She doesn't say another word for the rest of class
  2361. >After class
  2362. >Dash: "Hey Anon, ready for your first lesson?"
  2363. "Ready as I'll ever be"
  2365. >Before giving the note to the coach, you glance over it in case someone asks
  2366. >"Anonymous lost a toe last week during woodshop and though it was re-attached, he should not be putting too much stress on it. Please excuse him from any further activity for the rest of the week..."
  2367. >... you'd have been better off if you came up with your own excuse
  2368. >Wait, there's more on the back
  2369. >"If you have any issues with this come to my office"
  2370. >Clever move, she probably knows no one would go to her office and question her
  2372. >Before role call, you see Dash saying something to the coach. He just nods and continues, and she sits next to you
  2373. "So Dash, you pregnant or on your period?"
  2374. >Dash: "N-neither"
  2375. >Punched you in the arm
  2376. "Was that my first lesson?"
  2377. >Dash: "Do you want your first lesson now?"
  2378. >Damn she's feisty today... it's kinda hot. Regardless, you zip your mouth
  2380. >The class is in the gym playing basketball, you and Dash wait on the bleachers for our chance to sneak out
  2381. "I take it we'll be practicing outside?"
  2382. >Dash: "Not quite. I know a place"
  2383. "Where?"
  2384. >Dash: "... just give me a minute"
  2385. "For what?"
  2386. >Dash: "I'm looking for a chance to sneak out"
  2387. "Is that all? Come on"
  2388. >You take her hand and lead her down the bleachers
  2389. >Dash: "Hey, where are we-"
  2390. "Hey coach! I think my toe exploded!"
  2391. >Coach: "All right, get to the nurse's office"
  2392. >Dash: "... exploded?"
  2393. "I'll explain later, just take me where we're going"
  2395. >Dash: "Your toe? THAT'S the best she could come up with?"
  2396. "Hey, it worked didn't it?"
  2397. >The two of you leave the gym and heads toward the track. You walk with a limp the whole way. She leads you to a big shed, and after looking around, making sure no one is watching, she pulls a key out of her bra and unlocks it
  2398. "What is this place?"
  2399. >Dash: "It's the storage room for all the sports teams. The only people with a key are me, a few other team captains, and the coaches. We shouldn't be interrupted here"
  2401. >When you enter and she closes the door, it's pitch black. All you hear is the click of the lock, then the click of a light switch. There's a small light hanging from the roof, it's not too bright but it's enough to light up the shed. There's all kinds of fancy looking gym equipment, none of which you know what they're for. This room looks both organized and chaotic at the same time
  2402. >Dash: "Here, help me clear out some space"
  2403. >You start pushing stuff aside to the walls, trying to keep things together like they were when you came in. In the back there's a rack with all the equipment for the track and field team. They've got javelins, batons, those giant metal ball things...
  2404. >Dash: "No, Anon"
  2405. >Damn it
  2406. >Once a big enough area is cleared, she plops down some foam mattress type things. If you were planning on getting laid, forget it; the smell of old sweat and piss coming from these is enough to kill even the most degenerate erection
  2407. >Dash: "These are the floor mats for the wrestling team. I know it's bad Anon, just bear with me"
  2408. >That explains SO much
  2409. >Dash: "Alright, come on Anon"
  2410. "Come on what?"
  2411. >She puts her fists up
  2412. >Dash: "I need to know where to start with you"
  2413. "Are you serious about this-"
  2414. >Dash"-Dead serious"
  2415. >There's a fire in her eyes you haven't seen before. This must be her "competitive" side
  2416. >Dash: "Heads up, I'm not holding back, and neither should you"
  2417. "Wasn't planning on it"
  2418. >That was actually pretty bad ass... for about two seconds before she throws the first punch
  2419. >Your arms are barely up in time to block it. What starts as one punch becomes another, and another, and another. You wait for an opening, but she's not giving you one. You thought she'd be good... but not this good. After what felt like an eternity she steps back. She actually needs a second to catch her breath
  2420. >Dash: "Not bad... you box?"
  2421. "Used to watch boxing all the time with my dad when I was a kid"
  2422. >Dash: "You're good... you should join the team"
  2423. "Didn't know there was a team"
  2424. >Dash: "I think you could make it"
  2425. >She comes back at you, but you're actually prepared this time. You're ready... you're watching... that's when you see just a SLIGHT hesitation, and you take the opportunity to swing at her
  2426. >You manage to get a hit on her, right in her adorable face. She stumbles back, barely able to stay on her feet
  2427. >Dash: "Ahh.. damn it..."
  2428. >A tear rolls down her cheek, but that's most likely just because you hooked her RIGHT in the eye
  2429. "Dash, you okay?"
  2430. >Dash: "... sh-shut up..."
  2431. >Just when you thought she was pissed, she wipes the tear from her cheek
  2432. >Dash: "You're not going to ask Flash if HE'S okay, will you?"
  2433. "You sure you don't need a break?"
  2434. >Dash: "A break? Hell, this is just getting fun!"
  2435. >Her fists go back up
  2436. >Dash: "Enough talking, is this a date or a fight?"
  2437. >The match continues, you get a few hits on her, she gets some on you. The best part: you managed to stay conscious after every one
  2438. >By the time she gets tired, you're already dying
  2439. >Dash: "... I think... this is a good time to stop..."
  2440. "Y-Yeah..."
  2441. >You flop down onto the mats. It doesn't matter how bad they smell, you're exhausted. She takes a seat next to you, so you lay down in her lap
  2442. >Dash: "You okay Anon?"
  2443. "Nope, I'm dead"
  2444. >Dash: "Well, on the bright side, you're a lot better than I expected. You might actually survive"
  2445. "Thanks... I guess"
  2446. >Dash: "I-I didn't mean it like that, really, I just-"
  2447. >You sit up and kiss her on the cheek, and she can't help but blush. Even after a fight, she's still got a soft side
  2448. >Dash: "S-so, anyways... you're a good fighter, why not join the boxing team?"
  2449. "Not really my style"
  2450. >Dash: "What do you mean?"
  2451. "Well... "
  2452. >What's a nice way of saying "I usually fight like a bitch"?
  2453. "... you'll see for yourself on Friday"
  2454. >Yeah, that's good
  2455. "So now that you know where I'm at, what have you got planned for tomorrow's lesson?"
  2456. >Dash: "Not sure, but I know one thing, I can stop going easy on you now"
  2457. >Well... shit. You plop your head down into her lap, and she starts petting your head like a dog. It's actually kinda nice... really nice
  2458. >Dash: "... but for now, just relax. You did really... do you hear that?"
  2459. >Listening closely... there's a muffled school bell ringing in the distance
  2460. >Shit. School is over. The two of you hurry out of the storage room and run to the locker rooms-
  2461. >Dash: "-Anon, your limp"
  2462. >Oh yeah, you only got 9 toes. You start to limp, looking like a total tard
  2463. >Seriously, ever see someone run with a limp?
  2465. >You make it to the locker rooms and see the coach carrying both yours and her bags
  2466. >Coach: "How's your toe?"
  2467. "It's fine, just needed some ice"
  2468. >Coach: "Well, I was about to take these down to the nurse's office, glad I ran into you..."
  2469. >Dodged a bullet there
  2470. >Coach: "... quite frankly, that lady scares me"
  2471. >You hurry back into the locker room as fast as you can with your fake limp. You don't bother to change, you just empty your regular clothes from your locker into your backpack
  2472. >... That's nasty. You're nasty.
  2473. >But you're also too exhausted to care
  2474. >It's not until Dash steps out, and you suddenly feel self conscious about how you look- wait, scratch that
  2475. >Dash: "So you didn't bother to change either?"
  2476. >She came out in her gym clothes too
  2477. >... That's nasty. She's nasty
  2478. >You're both nasty
  2480. >Training wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. Still, you're grateful to finally be going home
  2481. >... maybe if Dash will let go of your hand
  2482. >Dash: "Hey Anon, wait"
  2483. "Yeah?"
  2484. >Dash: "... I'm glad you let me train you"
  2485. "No problem, I needed it"
  2486. >Besides if you didn't let her she would have kidnapped you. It was one of her three conditions
  2487. >Three conditions...
  2488. "... by the way Dash, what was your third condition"
  2489. >Dash: "O-oh yeah, that. W-well, I'm sure you'll be fine, you are tough and all, but..."
  2490. "... But?"
  2491. >Dash: "I think that... a-after the fight, you should still pay Doctor Dash a visit. Y-You know, just for a check-up"
  2492. >Like you have to be forced into it
  2493. "I might be able to agree with that. I just might"
  2494. >Dash: "G-Good, you better"
  2495. >You give her a hug
  2496. "Alright, see ya tomorrow-"
  2497. >Dash: "Wait, again"
  2498. "What is it?"
  2499. >Dash: "D-Do you..."
  2500. "... yeah?"
  2501. >Dash: "..."
  2502. >Instead of saying anything, she just starts walking home, gently pulling your hand to take you with her
  2503. >You never said you wanted to go with her... then again, you never would have said "no" either
  2505. >The walk to Dash's place felt a lot longer than usual
  2506. >Once you get there, the two of you head straight to her room
  2507. >Dash: "Come on Anon, get changed quick. We still got a lot of work to do today"
  2508. "More? What else is there?"
  2509. >Dash: "Trust me, it won't be that bad"
  2510. >She immediately starts undressing. You're too tired for sexual, you don't even analyze her underwear the way you usually do, you just focus on changing. As slowly and groggily as you change, you still finish before her
  2511. >Dash: "Okay, come on"
  2512. "Where are we going?"
  2513. >Dash: "Back to the mall"
  2514. "What for?"
  2515. >Dash: "Stuff"
  2516. "But-"
  2517. >Dash: "- It's part of your training"
  2518. >'re too exhausted to argue
  2520. >She takes you to this store that sells all kinds of fitness products and vitamins that will maximize your pump. At least, that's what the sign says
  2521. "Dash, I think it's a little late for me to start working out, unless you're going to fill me up with steroids... "
  2522. >You glance over your shoulder
  2523. "... is that why we're here?"
  2524. >She rolls her eyes and grabs some bottle of some milkshake powder stuff off the shelf
  2525. "What's that, protein powder?"
  2526. >Dash: "It's a drink mix, it'll give you more energy throughout the day"
  2527. >She grabs another one
  2528. >Dash: "I actually drink this too"
  2529. "Can't I just add some protein powder to my morning coffee?"
  2530. >Dash: "That's not how it works Anon"
  2531. >Dash takes the two bottles up to the register
  2532. >Cashier: "Dash, what's up brah!"
  2533. >They exchange high fives
  2534. >Cashier: "Ey, who's this little guy?"
  2535. >Dash: "This is Anon, he's got something big coming up he's gotta prepare for"
  2536. >Cashier: "Alright brah, ready to maximize your pump?"
  2537. "Do what with my what now?"
  2538. >Cashier: "Don't be like that, gimme some skin"
  2539. >He reaches up for a high five. You leave him hanging
  2540. >Cashier: "Come on man"
  2541. >You realize he won't finish until you high five, so you do it. His hand feels sweaty and sticky. Whatever "maximizing your pump" means, he must have just finished
  2542. >Cashier:"Alright brah, that's what I'm talkin about"
  2543. >He scans the two bottles of the energy drink stuff
  2544. >Cashier: "This everything? You can't bulk up like this"
  2545. >Dash: "Don't worry, that's all we need"
  2546. >Cashier: "Sure you don't want no protein powder to go with that?"
  2547. >Dash elbows you in the stomach to stop you from laughing. Once he's done she takes the bag and you leave together
  2548. >Cashier: "Alright brah, come back anytime you need some pump, I am also personal trainer-"
  2549. "Thanks brah, I'll call you"
  2550. >You don't even have his number, you just want to get the hell out before you hear the word "brah" one more time
  2552. >Dash: "Well, that was all I wanted to come down here for, do you have anything else in my mind?"
  2553. >... there's an interesting shop across the street
  2554. "How about there?"
  2555. >Dash: "What could you possibly need from THERE?"
  2556. "That's why we're going to look
  2557. >You head across the street and enter the Canterlot Military Surplus Store
  2559. >When you enter the shop a little bell above the door jingles. There's an employee standing in the corner with his hands clasped together at hi waist. He watches you and Dash, but says nothing. You can't even say with certainty that you saw him blink
  2560. >Dash: "... I-I don't think we should be in a place like this"
  2561. "Relax, we're fine"
  2562. >You head over to the wall where there's an assortment of tactical vests hanging
  2563. >Dash: "Come on Anon, what would you need one of those for?"
  2564. "I don't know, I never thought I'd even be in this situation-"
  2565. >"Good Choice. Perfect for big guy."
  2566. >That guy who was watching you from across the room sneaked up behind you.He some kind of accent, but all you can say with confidence is European. He looked normal from across the room, but up he close he towers over you
  2567. >Guy: "My name Vladimir. How can I help"
  2568. >The way he talks, even his questions sound like orders
  2569. "Well you see, I've got this thing-"
  2570. >Vladimir: "-What kind of thing"
  2571. "It's just a little situation-"
  2572. >Vladimir: "-What kind of situation"
  2573. "I've got a fight coming up-"
  2574. >Vladimir: "-Shut up. I come back"
  2575. >He walks past the register counter and into the back. He returns with a large briefcase.When he opens it, there's an assortment of guns, most of which don't look legal. He picks up a pistol
  2576. >Vladimir: "This here make for good comrade. Turn little man like you into warrior"
  2577. >He hands it to you
  2578. >Vladimir: "You buy"
  2579. "U-umm..."
  2580. >You're afraid to turn him down
  2581. "...M-Maybe something a little less... extreme-"
  2582. >Vladimir: "This small gun. For babies. You want extreme-"
  2583. "No, NOT extreme. I don't need to kill him"
  2584. >Vladimir: "... You want for not kill. Explain"
  2585. "W-Well... this guy, he's kind of a dick, always walks around like he owns the place. He needs to be put in his place, but a place where he lives"
  2586. >Vladimir: "... Many years ago, military coup was happening. Rebels take over the motherland, and dark days were many. Rebel leader claims ownership of the homeland. Your story remind me"
  2587. "... so what happened to the rebel leader?"
  2588. >Vladimir: "We kill him"
  2589. >Oh.
  2590. >Vladimir: "But you want for not kill. Is that right"
  2591. "Yeah"
  2592. >Vladimir: "I'll see what I have"
  2593. >He wanders aimlessly around the store, as if not sure what he's looking for. He comes back with a knife and hands it to you
  2594. >Vladimir: "You cut off fingers. You cut off ears. You cut off anything. He live"
  2595. "... You know, I'm not sure you have what I'm looking for here"
  2596. >What exactly were you looking for?
  2597. >Vladimir: "Little man isn't very bright, is he?"
  2598. >Dash: "Not quite"
  2599. >Vladimir: "I understand. When have dim witted friend, you will never be of dead in times of war. They make for excellent ammo fodder"
  2600. >The two of them share a laugh. They sounded like drunk pirates
  2601. >Vladimir: "I like you, ladywoman. Your good people. Let me show you something"
  2602. >He opens the gun case and hands Dash an assault rifle...a fucking assault rifle
  2603. >Dash: "... not bad"
  2604. >Vladimir: "I call her Natalia. Good woman. She save my life many times in the war"
  2605. "And what war was that?"
  2606. >He puts his arms around you and Dash
  2607. >Vladimir: "Everyday is war, my friends. Every morning you wake up a dead man. Every night you go to sleep a hero"
  2608. >The somber tone of his voice is soothing, almost empowering, even if just mentally. This guy may not be so bad after all-
  2609. >Vladimir: "Some of less hero than others"
  2610. >He laughs and slaps you on the back. Hard
  2611. >Well... you've had worse
  2612. "Come on Dash, there's nothing here we need"
  2613. >Dash: "You sure? I kinda like this place"
  2614. "I'm sure, come on"
  2615. >You leave the store without buying anything
  2616. >Vladimir: "Come back soon"
  2617. >Dash: "We will, comrade"
  2618. >... You probably will
  2620. >You stop by Dash's place to pick up your stuff before she takes you home. When you grab your backpack you feel it vibrate
  2621. >Your cell phone was in there all day, and apparently, you just got a text message
  2622. >... scratch that, you have a missed call and fifteen text messages. You're about to read them when Dash pops into the room
  2623. >Dash: "Ready to go Anon?"
  2624. "Yeah, sure"
  2625. >You put your phone into your pocket and go with her
  2626. >It must have went off at least five more times on the way home
  2628. >Later that night, you're cleaning out the trash on your phone
  2629. >And by trash, I mean the missed call and 20 unread texts
  2630. >... All from Pinkie. You start reading off the messages
  2640. >You delete the rest without reading them
  2641. >"Her guys"... Sooner or later you have to tell Dash about your plan
  2642. >But it's gotta be the right time, and tomorrow is not the right time
  2644. >Tuesday
  2645. >You try some of that energy milkshake protein powder drink stuff Dash got you
  2646. >...
  2647. >You'll stick to coffee
  2649. >You go through your morning classes, not a word from Pinkie. That gives you time to work out the finer points of your plan
  2650. >Since you're certain Flash is going to bring Cranberry and Fucknut along, you need a way to separate at least one of them from the group
  2651. >And you think you have an idea
  2653. >In the middle of Biology you get a text message from Pinkie
  2655. >Well damn
  2656. "Teacher, can I go to the bathroom?"
  2657. >Teacher: "Can't it wait?"
  2658. "Not really-"
  2659. >Teacher: "-Alright, just hurry up"
  2661. >You wait outside the bathrooms, not sure which one she wanted to meet you in
  2662. >You figure, hey, she's a girl, so you look around before peeking into the girl's bathroom
  2663. "Hello? ... Pinkie?"
  2664. >Pinkie: "In here!"
  2665. >She's poking her head out of the guy's bathroom
  2666. >Well then
  2667. >She retreats back into the bathroom, and you go in with her
  2668. >With her were these two younger looking kids, probably freshman. One of them was kind of chubby with a face that made you want to punch him. The other, pretty sure he's Canadian
  2669. >Pinkie: "Anon, these are my guys. You need anything done, they get it done"
  2670. >Punch-face: "You can call me Deepthroat"
  2671. >Canadian: "And I'm Snails"
  2672. >Punch-face: "I told you to come up with a nickname!"
  2673. >Canadian: "Oh yeah, sorry Snips"
  2674. "So let me get this straight..." You point at the guy with the punchable face "'re Snips..." then you point to the Canadian "...and you're Snails, right?"
  2675. >Snips: "Dang it Snails, you did it again!"
  2676. "... they're not too bright, are they Pinkie?"
  2677. >Pinkie: "Well... they do good work, and that's what matters"
  2678. >You doubt it
  2679. >Pinkie: "Come on, so what's the plan?"
  2680. "You were the ones who trashed the Fall Formal not long ago, right?"
  2681. >Snips: "Yeah, that was our handy work "
  2682. "Well, I'm going to need something similar, just a little more... subtle"
  2683. >Snips: "What do you mean?"
  2684. "You know the abandoned hallway? The one with the empty classrooms, where no one seems to go?"
  2685. >Snips: "Yeah?"
  2686. "I need that hallway... almost destroyed. And I need it done Friday after lunch. Not before, and not after"
  2687. >Snips: "Almost?"
  2688. >You hand him the paper you've been writing throughout the day, with all the details of your plan. Pinkie reads over it with them
  2689. >Snips: "... this is a big project. And I can tell you it won't come cheap"
  2690. "How much?"
  2691. >Snips: "Well, it's a lot of work, and we're gonna need supplies..."
  2692. >Snails: "... yeah, not to mention there's a lot of-"
  2693. "-Five bucks"
  2694. >Snips: "Deal!"
  2695. >You pull a five dollar bill out of your wallet. Only one
  2696. >Snails: "Hey, what about mine?"
  2697. >Maybe it'd work on them...
  2698. >You tear the bill in half and give each them a piece... and they both smile. They actually fell for it
  2699. "Happy?"
  2700. >Snails: "Don't worry boss, you won't be disappointed!"
  2701. >Snips: "Yeah, boss, don't worry!"
  2702. >They excitedly run out of the bathroom
  2703. >Good kids... dumb as shit, but they're good kids
  2704. "Pinkie, you sure we can trust them?"
  2705. >Pinkie: "They haven't let me down yet"
  2706. >You take her word for it
  2707. >You leave the bathroom, and when the coast is clear, you give Pinkie the signal to come out
  2708. >Pinkie: "Nonny, before you go..."
  2709. "Yeah?"
  2710. >Pinkie: "... that hallway, that's where the fight will be, right?"
  2711. "Yeah, why?"
  2712. >Pinkie: "I was looking over your instructions. Are you sure it's all necessary?"
  2713. "I'm sure. He's most likely going to bring his friends along, and there's no way I could take on all three of them at once. But they don't need to know that"
  2714. >Pinkie: "... I'm still confused"
  2715. "They're not going to know what Snips and Snails did in that hallway. All they're going to see is what I do"
  2716. >Pinkie: "And what WILL you do?"
  2717. "What I do best: make up bullshit"
  2719. >You get back to biology
  2720. >Rarity: "You okay Anon? What took so long?"
  2721. "Do you REALLY want to know?"
  2722. >Rarity: "... as long as you're here that's what matters"
  2724. >Lunch time
  2725. >Dash says nothing about your training
  2726. >Pinkie says nothing about your secret plan
  2727. >Rarity says nothing about how you took a ten minute bathroom break
  2729. >Gym
  2730. >You're going to need a new excuse to sneak out of gym today, because "exploding toe" shouldn't be your go-to excuse. It should to be reserved for special occasions
  2731. >Regardless, you have your backpack and your clothes with you in case you run out of time like yesterday happens. You're waiting in the gym for roll call when Dash comes in carrying hers
  2732. >Dash: "Come on, we're going to the nurse"
  2733. "What for?"
  2734. >Dash: "Someone threw up in the bathroom. But if you ask me, it looks like orange juice and mashed potatoes"
  2735. >She winks
  2736. >Dash stole your secret recipe for fake vomit
  2737. >You really should have a patent on that
  2739. >You get to the storage room, and nothing was moved since yesterday
  2740. >Dash: "Just a second"
  2741. >She takes a can of air freshener from her bag and sprays the hell out of the wrestling mats
  2742. >Today's already off to a better start
  2743. >Dash: "So Anon, ready for today's training?"
  2744. >She starts undressing as she says that
  2745. >So it's THAT kind of workout? Gettin laid tonight son
  2746. >Dash: "You should probably get yourself comfortable too"
  2747. >GREEN LIGHT
  2748. >You're about to take your shirt off when you notice Dash, stripped to a sports bra and her usual black spandex shorts, tying her hair up into a ponytail
  2749. >Maybe you're not gettin laid tonight
  2750. >You keep your clothes on
  2751. >Dash: "You sure you're comfortable like that?"
  2752. "Yeah, I think I'll keep my clothes on"
  2753. >Dash: "Suit yourself"
  2754. >She puts her fists up
  2755. >Definitely not gettin laid tonight
  2756. >... unless she's into this sort of thing
  2758. >You begin your match, and she's fighting a lot harder than yesterday. When she said that she wouldn't hold back today, she wasn't just bluffing
  2759. >Dash: "Come on Anon, you gotta really try"
  2760. >Maybe not as hard as her. After about five minutes she's already panting
  2761. "You okay Dash?"
  2762. >Dash: "I'm fine... are you?"
  2763. "Yeah but-"
  2764. >Dash: "Come on then"
  2765. >She comes at you as reckless and aggressive as before, despite how exhausted she looks. She lets up for just a moment, and you get a hit on her
  2766. >... and she falls to the ground
  2767. "You okay?"
  2768. >You reach out a hand to help her up
  2769. >Aren't you usually the one in this situation?
  2770. >She sits up but doesn't get up all the way
  2771. >Dash: "I'm fine... just a little tired"
  2772. "Maybe you shouldn't have been trying so hard"
  2773. >Dash: "It's not that... I just didn't sleep so good last night"
  2774. >You take a seat next to her
  2775. "You going to be okay? We could stop now if you want"
  2776. >That's mostly you trying to get out of doing work, but it's for her too
  2777. >Dash: "I'm fine, but..."
  2778. "Yeah?"
  2779. >Dash: "... Anon, do you know how to give a massage?"
  2780. >Do what now
  2781. "Umm... well-"
  2782. >Dash: "It's mostly just my neck and my shoulders. And my back, kinda"
  2783. >You've never given a massage before, nor have you received one. Don't try and humiliate yourself, just be honest and-
  2784. "Yeah, sure"
  2785. >... you're on your own now
  2786. >Dash: "Thanks Anon, I owe you"
  2787. >She lays down on her stomach
  2788. >Dash: "Can you start with my shoulders?"
  2789. "Alright"
  2790. >No it's not alright, you're going in blind here. You start awkwardly rubbing her shoulders, hoping you're doing something right
  2791. >Dash: "hey Anon?"
  2792. "Yeah?"
  2793. >She actually sounded relaxed, maybe you-
  2794. >Dash: "You've never done this before, have you?"
  2795. "... not really"
  2796. >Next time listen to me
  2797. >Dash: "Alright alright, I'll show you"
  2798. >Dash lifts up your shirt, and you lift your arms to let it come off
  2799. >Dash: "It's actually really easy, you just..."
  2800. "... Dash?"
  2801. >Dash: "S-so, can you turn around for me?"
  2802. >You turn around and lean forward. Her hands gently touch your back and her fingertips slowly trace your shoulder blades
  2803. >Is this really how it works?
  2804. "Is this it?"
  2805. >Dash: "... th-then,you just press with your thumbs and..."
  2806. >She applies gentle pressure just under your shoulders and slowly rotates them
  2807. >Hell, this feels pretty nice. Then again, so does her body pressed against her back, and the feeling of her hot breath down your neck
  2808. >Dash: "... s-see? It's really simple"
  2809. "Alright, I think I got it it"
  2810. >She doesn't stop
  2811. "... Dash, I think I figured it out"
  2812. >Dash: "Huh? O-Oh yeah, alright"
  2813. >She lays back down on her stomach
  2814. >Dash: "Y-You can put your shirt back on now"
  2815. "... nah, I'll leave it off"
  2816. >Dash: "A-Alright, whatever you want"
  2817. >You place your hands on her back, and she shivers at your touch. Her sports bra is covering her shoulder blades, but you manage to reach under it
  2818. >Dash: "... hold on"
  2819. >She takes off the bra and lays back down, making it easier to find the right spot
  2820. >You gently trace your fingers along the curves of her shoulders like she did to you. You know it's not necessary, but you knew she'd like it
  2821. >When your hands get to the right spot you begin the massage
  2822. >Dash: "... h-harder"
  2823. >You press down harder, and she lets out a long sigh
  2824. "How's that?"
  2825. >Dash: "..."
  2826. "Dash?"
  2827. >Dash: "... perfect"
  2828. >As you go on with the massage, she starts to wiggle around. When you ask if she's okay, she just says she's getting comfortable, Her back is warm, and little beads of sweat slowly trickle down
  2829. >Dash: "... Anon, can you do my neck?"
  2830. "Yeah, sure"
  2831. >You slowly drag your hands up over to the sides of her neck, and hesitate before beginning
  2832. >Dash: "Everything okay?"
  2833. "Yeah, it's just that your skin is just really soft
  2834. >Dash hides her face in the wrestling mats
  2835. >Dash: "Th-thanks... y-you know, I brought that lotion with me, you know, the skittles lotion"
  2836. "Really?"
  2837. >Dash: "Y-Yeah... my neck Anon"
  2838. >You start massaging her neck, and once again she starts to shiver
  2839. "Dash, you sure you okay?"
  2840. >Dash: "Yeah, it's just really nice"
  2841. >You give her a few minutes
  2842. >Dash: "Th-thanks, that's good"
  2843. "You sure? Anywhere else?
  2844. >Dash: "W-Well..."
  2845. "Come on Dashie, it's now or never-"
  2846. >Dash: "-Okay okay, fine..."
  2847. >It's like you can get her to do anything just by calling her Dashie
  2848. >Dash: "... I-I've always liked getting my feet rubbed, but-"
  2849. "Say no more"
  2850. >You take her legs and plop her feet in your lap
  2851. >Dash: "N-No, it's fine Anon, you don't have to-"
  2852. "Save it, Dashie, I'm doing it anyways"
  2853. >Dash: "..."
  2854. >She goes silent
  2855. >You're not sure where to begin so you press your thumb down on her heel and slide your finger up. She gasps when you run your finger over her arch
  2856. "You good?"
  2857. >Dash: "Y-Yeah... it just tickles"
  2858. "Sorry"
  2859. >Dash: "B-But... don't stop"
  2860. >A embarrassed smile stretches across her face, a fitting complement to her bright red blush. As you run your finger up and down her foot, she spreads and stretches her toes
  2861. >Dash: "Anon... y-you're good at this"
  2862. "I can tell"
  2863. >She sits up
  2864. >Dash: "A-Anon..."
  2865. "Yeah?"
  2866. >Dash: "Y-You should stop-"
  2867. "Nope"
  2868. >She clasps her hands together and starts twiddling her thumbs
  2869. >Dash: "... p-please, Anon"
  2870. "Why"
  2871. >Dash: "... I-I..."
  2872. "Yeah?"
  2873. >She suddenly jumps up and tackles you to the ground. She lays next to you and clings to your arm, pressing it between her small but soft breasts. She nuzzles your cheek
  2874. >Dash: "I told you... I-I like having my feet rubbed"
  2875. >She kisses your cheek
  2876. >Dash: "I told you to stop"
  2877. "I couldn't help it"
  2878. >She lays her head on your shoulder
  2879. >Dash: "Well you're coming home with me again today, whether you want to or not"
  2880. "Where are we going this time?"
  2881. >Dash: "Nowhere... just my place"
  2882. >Unless you plan on snuggling Flash to death, this is not effective training
  2883. >Not that you mind
  2885. >The two of you lay together until the bell rings
  2886. "Dash, the bell"
  2887. >Dash: "..."
  2888. >She won't get up
  2889. "Dash, come on"
  2890. >Dash: "..."
  2891. "The sooner we go, the sooner we get back to your house"
  2892. >Dash: "... fine"
  2893. >The two of you change into your regular clothes and leave the storage room. Since you both already had all your stuff with you, you head straight to her place
  2894. "By the way Dash, you still owe me for the massage"
  2895. >Dash: "Don't worry, I remember"
  2896. >She smiles and winks at you
  2897. >Is that your way of trying to be sexy?
  2898. >Cause its working
  2900. >It was a slow, relaxed walk back to her place. Either the massages had you both calm, or it was the face that you hadn't spent all day kicking each others asses
  2901. >Dash: "...hey Anon"
  2902. "Yeah?"
  2903. >Dash: "It's a pretty long walk, isn't it?"
  2904. "You've never said anything about it before"
  2905. >Dash: "Well, maybe I'm just a little more tired than usual today"
  2907. "... don't worry, I'll do it"
  2908. >Dash: "Wh-what do you mean?"
  2909. >She's not fooling you
  2911. >When you get to her place, she kicks her shoes off, then peels off her socks too, something she doesn't normally do
  2912. >Take a wild guess why
  2913. >You both go to her room and sit next to each other on her bed. When you sit down, you pat your lap
  2914. "Come on Dash"
  2915. >Dash: "Wh-what do you mean?"
  2916. "Didn't you say you were tired?"
  2917. >Dash: "A-Alright, fine..."
  2918. >She plops her feet in your lap
  2919. >Dash: "... but I'm only letting you massage me because you offered"
  2920. "... you know I never actually said 'massage'"
  2921. >Dash: "..."
  2922. >She stutters, trying to find the right thing to say
  2923. >Dash: "W-Well it's too late now, you might as well do it!"
  2924. >And that's why you love her
  2925. >You take her foot in your hands and start rubbing just like before
  2926. >It's not long before she lets out a deep, relaxed sigh, and lays back on the bed. Her lips curve into a little smile and her eyelids slowly close
  2927. >She looks so calm, so serene... it gives you an idea
  2928. >You slowly lift her foot up to your chest... she doesn't react. You lean down, and quickly plant a kiss on the ball of her foot
  2929. >Dash: "-WHAT WAS THAT!"
  2930. >She sits up like a dog that just saw a squirrel. Her foot is still at your chest, but she didn't see a thing
  2931. "What do you mean?
  2932. >Dash: "You did something!"
  2933. "I didn't do anything, I'm just giving you a massage like you wanted"
  2934. >Dash: "... alright"
  2935. >She lays back down and closes her eyes. You give her a minute to calm down... then you do it again
  2936. >Dash: "-THERE IT IS AGAIN!"
  2937. "There is what again?"
  2938. >Dash: "You did something, I know you did!"
  2939. "I seriously don't know what you're talking about"
  2940. >She watches you as you continue the massage. Her foot twitches with anticipation
  2941. "... just relax Dashie, it's fine"
  2942. >You hand her a pillow to rest her head on. She takes it from you and smiles, before resting her head on it and letting her eyes droop closed
  2943. >When you're sure she's relaxed, you slowly lean back down and-
  2944. >Dash: "-I KNEW IT!"
  2945. >She caught you
  2946. >Dash: "W-Were you kissing my foot?"
  2947. "... Maybe"
  2948. >Her face brightens up as red as the streak of her hair
  2949. >Dash: "Y-You enjoyed doing that, didn't you?"
  2950. "Well... did you?"
  2951. >She grabs the pillow and hides her face
  2952. >Dash: "... i-if you do it again I won't be mad at you..."
  2953. >Translation: "PLEASE DO IT AGAIN I LOVED IT"
  2954. >You lift her foot up and kiss it again
  2955. >Dash: "... th-thanks-"
  2956. >And you do it again
  2957. >Dash: "-H-Hey-!"
  2958. >And again, and again. All the while not stopping the massage
  2959. >Dash: "A-Anon, what are you doing?"
  2960. >You really don't know why you're doing this, but it makes her smile
  2961. >Besides, it's not weird... right? What would be weird is if you... nah, don't do it. You can't
  2962. >... maybe she'd actually like it though
  2963. >You stop everything just a moment, and hold her foot up to your face
  2964. >Dash: "... g-go ahead, Anon. Do whatever you want"
  2965. >You take a deep breath to prepare yourself. Then, starting at her heel, you slowly drag your tongue along the bottom of her foot
  2966. >She gasps loudly at the touch of your tongue, her foot starts shaking, her toes spread
  2967. >You stop just below her toes and pull your tongue away, but she pushes her foot towards you
  2968. >Dash: "A-again"
  2969. "You sure-?"
  2970. >Dash: "-O-Only because you want too"
  2971. >You lick her foot again. When you reach her toes, you use your tongue to play with her big toe
  2972. >Her staggered breathing gets louder, almost into a moan
  2973. >Dash: "N-Nonny..."
  2974. >Well that means it's working
  2975. >You take it into your mouth and gently such. She's tries to stutter out your name again, but she can't get past "Non" without her voice cracking
  2976. >She slowly pulls her foot from your mouth. You look up and notice her whole body shivering, her hands stuffed between her now tightly shut legs
  2977. "So, you really like it when people touch your feet, huh?"
  2978. >Dash: "N-Not people... o-only you"
  2979. >After a moment, she calms down, her body stops shivering
  2980. >Dash: "A-Are you ready?
  2981. "For what?"
  2982. >Dash: "I still owe you, remember? Now take your shirt off"
  2983. >You do as she says. She closes her door and turns off the light. There's a dim glow coming through the window, blocked by curtains. From her closet, she pulls out a long rainbow striped scarf
  2984. "What's that for?"
  2985. >Dash: "Do you trust me?"
  2986. "Yeah, of course"
  2987. >... says every man murdered by his partner ever
  2988. >She slowly brings the scarf over your eyes, and ties it just tight enough to stay on
  2989. >Whatever is about to happen, you already like it
  2990. >She lays you down on your chest. Something cold and creamy drips onto your back, and you can tell by the skittle-like scent that it's her lotion
  2991. >With a gentle touch, she slowly spreads it over your shoulders. When she's done, she pulls her hands away... that's the last you feel of her for the next few minutes
  2992. >The only sign that she's even still in the room is a quiet rustling sound
  2993. "Dash, everything okay"
  2994. >Dash: "Y-Yeah... just a second. Just don't take the blindfold off"
  2995. >After another minute of quiet rustling, she climbs up on the bed and sits on top of you, straddling your hips. She's actually really light. Something prickles your back, but you can't quite put a finger on what it is
  2996. >She starts slowly massaging your shoulders with her warm hands
  2997. >Dash: "Is that too hard"
  2998. "No, it's perfect"
  2999. >Her hips start sliding back and forth on your back. That slight prickle becomes wet and sticky... it feels like her pubes
  3000. "Dash... what are you wearing?"
  3001. >She lays down on top of you, bringing her face right next to yours. There's not a fabric in the world as soft as what you feel pressed on your back. That, and the two little bumps you feel poking from her chest...
  3002. >Dash: "You tell me"
  3003. >She's naked. Completely naked
  3004. >She continues to massage your shoulders, while rubbing herself against your back. Her hot breath runs down your neck, sending a warm chill through your body
  3005. >Just as you start to relax, she begins kissing the nape of your neck, slowly moving her way up, then down again
  3006. >You quietly call out her name, making her giggle
  3007. >Dash: "You're really enjoying this, aren't you?"
  3008. "N-Not as much as you"
  3009. >You can't really play it cool here
  3010. >After making her way up your neck, she gives your ear a quick nibble, before whispering
  3011. >Dash: "W-Will you do me a favor?"
  3012. "Y-Yeah, sure"
  3013. >Dash: "G-Get on your back"
  3014. >She gets off of you and lets you get on your back. Once you do, she slowly pulls your pants and underwear down
  3015. >Dash: "L-Looks like you've been waiting for this for a while"
  3016. >Implying you haven't been excited since you first kissed her feet
  3017. >She climbs on top of you, holds your member in place, and slowly, very slowly, slides her hips down
  3018. >A high pitched squeak slips out when you finally hit all the way inside
  3019. "You okay Dash?"
  3020. >Her body quivers, but she manages a response
  3021. >Dash: "Y-Yeah..."
  3022. >With her hands planted down on your chest she begins bouncing her hips up and down. She tries to stifle her breath, which only makes it heavier
  3023. >Dash: "I-It's easier than last time..."
  3024. >She leans over, her lips just inches from your ear
  3025. >Dash: "... b-but that was my first time after all"
  3026. "It was?"
  3027. >Instead of giving you a response, she gives your ear a gentle nibble
  3028. >Something about being her first makes you feel a little... special
  3029. >You start to move your hips to match up with her movements-
  3030. >Dash: "-No... l-let me take care of you"
  3031. >She buries her face in your shoulder
  3032. >Dash: "Y-You just sit and relax"
  3033. >Every time her hips hit yours, you feel her pubes gently scratch you. Her leaking fluids make your crotch area wet and hot, but her insides are even wetter and hotter
  3034. "D-Dash..."
  3035. >Dash: "Y-You're getting close, aren't you"
  3036. "M-Maybe"
  3037. >... wait a sec
  3038. "D-Dash, I'm not wearing-"
  3039. >Dash: "It's okay... I want you to cum inside me"
  3040. >She brings her hands up to your cheeks and slowly slides your blindfold off
  3041. >You had your eyes closed underneath. You open them and see Dash leaning over you, a light blush in her cheeks, her eyes droopy as if she just woke up. Her lips curved up into a sweet smile, and her gentle hands caressing your cheeks
  3042. >The perfect sight as you cum inside Rainbow Dash
  3043. >Just like you've always wanted
  3044. >You know what'd be funny? If you cumming inside Dash just no got her pregnant
  3045. >...
  3046. >No. That would not be funny
  3047. "Dash, shouldn't we try to... you know, clean up?"
  3048. >Dash: "... nope"
  3049. "But what if-"
  3050. >Dash: "-Too bad, I like it. It's warm"
  3051. >She lays her head on your chest... maybe it can wait
  3053. "Hey Dash, is this how our training is going to go on for now?"
  3054. >Dash: "You know it wasn't supposed to go like this"
  3055. "Yeah, but I think I like this way better"
  3056. >Dash: "Well, unless you're planning on having sex with Flash we gotta go back to our normal workout"
  3057. >... It could work
  3058. >Dash: "Besides, since we skipped today's training I have to work you twice as hard tomorrow"
  3059. "Like how I just did to you-"
  3060. >She punches you. Hard.
  3061. >Dash: "S-Seriously Anon, you need to get ready for that fight, Chances are Flash is going to bring his friends with him, and the two of us might not be able to take both of them on"
  3062. "Well if my plan works, we won't-"
  3063. >Shit
  3064. >Dash: "... what plan?"
  3065. "Well..."
  3066. >Dash: "Tell me Anon. Now"
  3067. >You've seen her angry side, and chances are you won't make it out of this room alive if it gets worse
  3068. "When I first challenged him to the fight, I thought there was no chance I could win. So I arranged for some... special help"
  3069. >Dash: "What does special help"
  3070. "... I'll explain tomorrow"
  3072. >Wednesday
  3073. >Now Dash knows about your plan
  3074. >... well, she knows that you HAVE a plan
  3076. >You stop at a convenience store on your way to school and pick up a pad of stickers
  3078. >Dash is waiting outside for you. She actually got here on time for once
  3079. >... scratch that, you're just late
  3080. >Dash: "What took you so long?"
  3081. "I had to make a stop"
  3082. >Dash: "For what?"
  3083. "... something"
  3084. >Dash: "Something for that plan of yours you won't tell me about?"
  3085. "Don't worry, I'll explain everything later"
  3086. >Dash: "You better, thanks to you I'm late for class"
  3087. "Aren't you always late though?"
  3088. >Dash: "... just come on"
  3089. >She grabs your hand and takes you inside
  3091. >Biology class
  3092. >Rarity: "Hey Anon, I've been meaning to ask you something about the 'thing' Friday-"
  3093. "I'm not talking about the plan"
  3094. >Rarity: "... Rainbow Dash told me to ask, so I asked"
  3095. >Figures
  3096. "I told her I'd tell her later today"
  3097. >Rarity: "I get it, she never has been a patient one"
  3098. >Rarity can be pretty chill... you know, as long as you're not out sopping with her
  3099. >Rarity: "... but, just between you and me-"
  3100. "-No"
  3101. >Rarity: "You can tell me, I won't tell her"
  3102. >First of all: Yeah she will, she's a god awful gossip
  3103. >Second: It's not just her you don't want knowing, it's the three guys in front of you
  3104. >...
  3105. >Then again, maybe they should hear this
  3106. "Okay, here's the thing. On Friday..."
  3107. >You pretend to look around making sure no one's listening. You're making sure Flash and his friends ARE listening
  3108. "... I'm calling in some reinforcements"
  3109. >Rarity: "Reinforcements?"
  3110. >Cranberry and Fucknut were about to turn around before Flash stopped them
  3111. >Hooked
  3112. >You bring it down to a whisper
  3113. "yeah, a friend of mine got in touch with some of his old comrades in the war, said they'd back me up"
  3114. >Rarity: "war comrades? just who is this friend?"
  3115. "his name is Vladimir, he runs the military sur-"
  3116. >Rarity: "-uncle Vlad!?"
  3117. >...
  3118. >Wait a sec, what?
  3119. "uncle?"
  3120. >Rarity: "yeah, he moved here from Russia with my parents before I was born"
  3121. "so wait... you're Russian?"
  3122. >Rarity: "didn't you know?"
  3123. >... damn it
  3124. >Secretly, you and the girls have been betting on what her nationality really was. You're money was on French. Now you owe AJ five bucks
  3125. >Damn it
  3126. >Rarity: "he knows that you're not supposed to kill them, right? he can sometimes get a little... enthusiastic"
  3127. "don't worry, I made sure to tell him that they can't be of kill. you know, for fear of prison time"
  3128. >Rarity: "yeah... that sounds like him"
  3130. >The three amigos spend the rest of class exchanging awkward glances
  3131. >They took the bait
  3132. >Mental note: Don't forget to tell Rarity that you were bluffing
  3133. >... you just can't seem to get it out of your head
  3134. >Uncle Vlad? Rarity?
  3135. >Who comes up with this shit?
  3137. >After class, you and Rarity meet up with Dash as usual
  3138. >Dash: "So Anon, you ready to tell me about your plan?"
  3139. "I said I'd tell you later"
  3140. >Dash: "Yeah, and it's later NOW, so tell me-"
  3141. >Rarity: "Come on Anon, just tell her about your plan"
  3142. >Dash: "Wait, you told HER your plan?"
  3143. >Rarity: "He told me he was bringing in some mercenaries from my uncle"
  3144. >"Wait, is there a change in the plan?"
  3145. >Pinkie popped up out of nowhere... you know, like she always does
  3146. >This is why you don't tell Rarity anything
  3148. >Dash: "So wait, you're RUSSIAN?"
  3149. >Rarity: "I thought you all knew this already"
  3150. >Everyone at the table looks down at the floor, realizing they all lost the bet
  3151. >Pinkie: "So is there a change in the plan or not? I need to know so I can give a heads up to Deepthroat and..."
  3152. >That kid really needs a nickname. He sounds Canadian, something Canadian...
  3153. "... Maple Syrup"
  3154. >That's a Canada thing, right? It's their national thing
  3155. >Pinkie: "... yeah, sure. Deepthroat an Maple Syrup"
  3156. >Well, it threw her off but she went with it. The other girls seem confused, but they probably just assume you've gone full Pinkie too
  3157. "Well, don't worry Pinkie, no hired guns will be crashing our fight"
  3158. >Pinkie: "You sure?"
  3159. "Promise. The plan is still the same"
  3160. >Dash: "So then what is the plan?"
  3161. "Look, I'll tell you next class, alright?"
  3162. >Dash: "... alright"
  3163. >Applejack: "What plan are y'all talking about?"
  3164. >AJ and Fluttershy show up at the table last
  3165. >You know, sometimes you forget that they're still around
  3166. >History class
  3167. >As soon as you sit down, she starts asking about the plan
  3168. "Alright alright... when I give the signal, just play along"
  3169. >Dash: "What's the signal?"
  3170. "You'll know"
  3172. >...
  3173. >Class is going on as normal
  3174. >Go time
  3175. >*CRASH*
  3176. >You fall out of your chair, clenching your hands on your gut and groaning in agony
  3177. >Teacher: "Anonymous, are you okay?"
  3178. "N-No.. my stomach is killing me. I think I need... someone to help me to the nurse's office"
  3179. >...
  3180. >Dash, that's the signal
  3181. >Teacher: "Alright, can someone help him-?"
  3182. >Dash: "-I'll do it"
  3183. >She grabs yours and her bags, and helps you up
  3185. >As soon as you're out of the room she lets you go
  3186. >Dash: "Alright now what's the plan"
  3187. "... come with me, I'll show you"
  3188. >You lead her down the hall
  3189. >Dash: "Wait, isn't the nurse's office the other way?"
  3190. "That was just an excuse"
  3191. >Dash: "So she's not part of the plan?"
  3192. "Nope"
  3193. >Though she could prove useful...
  3194. >You take Dash down to the abandoned hallway
  3195. "This is where the fight's going to be"
  3196. >Dash: "So what are we going to do?"
  3197. "... We're going to rig it"
  3198. >Dash: "Rig the fight? How?"
  3199. "Let me put it this way: Flash and his friends are big, they're strong, and they're probably better fighters than the both of us. But what's our one advantage?"
  3200. >Dash: "What"
  3201. "How would YOU describe Flash Sentry?"
  3202. >Dash: "A total dick"
  3203. "Exactly. A total dick... but not as much as me"
  3204. >You take out your pad of stickers. Yeah, they're adorable, glittery, cat stickers, no one's judging
  3205. "Let's say one of Flash's friends slammed me up against this locker here. Right now, nothing would happen..."
  3206. >You slap a sticker on it
  3207. "... but come Friday, it won't be attached to the wall, and with that slam, this locker will topple over"
  3208. >Dash: "... I still don't get it"
  3209. "My guys, Deepthroat and Maple Syrup, they're going to come in Friday just before the fight..."
  3210. >You slap a few more lockers with the adhesive kittens
  3211. "... and they're going to detach every locker we mark. Along with a few other perks"
  3212. >You tear a few pages out of the pad and try to hand them to her. She doesn't take them
  3213. >Dash: "You're kidding, right?"
  3214. "Nope"
  3215. >Dash looks skeptically at you. To reassure her, you pat her on the shoulders
  3216. "Trust me, this WILL work"
  3217. >Dash: "But... don't you think we should keep this a fair fight?"
  3218. "Do you think Flash will keep this a fair fight?"
  3219. >She takes a minute to think about it
  3220. >Dash: "... You're a real asshole, Anon"
  3221. >She smiles and takes the stickers
  3222. >Dash: "... but that's what makes you fun"
  3223. >The two of you empty the sticker pad, plastering about 10 or 12 lockers and one classroom door before heading back to class
  3224. >Dash: "What's the door for?"
  3225. "Our grand entrance"
  3227. >You get back
  3228. >Teacher: "Is everything okay?"
  3229. >... damn, you hadn't thought of an excuse
  3230. >Dash: "Yeah, he just REALLY had to go to the bathroom"
  3231. >A few snickers resonate through the class
  3232. >She's a quick thinker but... is that really the best she could come up with
  3234. >Gym class
  3235. >After roll call you head for your spot on the bleachers until Dash stops you
  3236. >Dash: "You know you're not going to sit there all day, right?"
  3237. "Then where will I sit?"
  3238. >Dash: "Nowhere. You've got training, remember?"
  3239. "... really?"
  3240. >Dash: "Yeah really, let' go"
  3241. "I thought I told you my plan"
  3242. >Dash: "You weren't hoping to avoid the fight altogether with that plan, were you?"
  3243. "..."
  3244. >Dash: "Just come on:
  3245. >She grabs your hand and takes you back to the storage room
  3247. >Dash undresses to her sports bra and shorts like before. Unlike last time, she doesn't fight herself to death in the first ten minutes, but halfway through class she did suggest taking a much needed break
  3248. >Dash: "So Anon... how long have you had your plan?"
  3249. "Truth be told, from the very moment I challenged him to the fight, I knew I had to find a way out of it. Before we even ha our fist training session"
  3250. >Dash: "And you really think it could work?"
  3251. "It's worth a shot"
  3252. >Dash: "It's going to take a lot more than a couple of falling lockers and a dramatic entrance to beat them"
  3253. "Believe me, I have a lot more than that in store"
  3254. >She leans on your shoulder
  3255. >Dash: "You better... and while we're at it, I might as well admit..."
  3256. "Admit what?"
  3257. >Dash: "... I had no intention of letting you fight, form the very beginning"
  3258. "Seriously?"
  3259. >Dash: "I had arranged for you to get locked in the nurse's office during the fight"
  3260. >She calls THAT a plan?
  3261. "And who would have kept me locked in-?"
  3262. >Dash: "-The nurse"
  3263. >... okay, it's a pretty good plan
  3264. >Dash: "Tell you what, promise me you won't die, and I won't have her lock you up"
  3265. "Well, I'm probably safer with Flash and his friends than I am locked with the nurse"
  3266. >Dash: "So it's a deal?"
  3267. "... Deal"
  3268. >Dash: "Thanks, Anon"
  3269. >She lays her head down in your lap
  3270. "But I do have to ask, how did you get the nurse to agree with it?"
  3271. >Dash: "..."
  3272. "Dash? What did you tell her?"
  3273. >Dash: "L-Look, I was worried, okay?"
  3274. "Tell me"
  3275. >Dash: "I said, that... i-if she kept you out of the fight with Flash..."
  3276. "... Yeees?"
  3277. >Dash: "... I told her she could fight you herself"
  3278. "... god damn it Dash"
  3279. >Dash: "W-Well, I was really worried you might not-"
  3280. >You pat her on the head, and it quiets her down
  3281. "What do you think, should we get back to training?"
  3282. >Dash: "... f-five more minutes"
  3283. >Five more minutes became the rest of class, and the rest of class became a good fifteen minutes after the bell
  3284. >You two really can't keep focused
  3286. >Later that night, you get a call from an unknown number. You consider letting it go, but it could be important... okay, you have nothing important. But what the hell, why not
  3287. "Hello-"
  3289. >Oh shit
  3290. "V--Vladimir? Is that you-?"
  3292. >Jesus, he's one of those people who screams on the phone non-stop
  3293. "Do you need something-"
  3295. "N-No, it's fine, that was all a joke-"
  3297. "Look, I don't need any killing-"
  3298. >Vladimir: "VERY WELL. I GO NOW"
  3299. >... well that happened
  3301. >Your fight is today
  3302. >Everything should be ready
  3303. >Your plan is in motion
  3304. >Dash's plan is NOT in motion
  3305. >Everything is ready
  3306. >... but just to be on the safe side, you make one phone call before school
  3307. "I might need some help. Meet me in front of the school"
  3310. >Dash meets up with you before school as usual
  3311. >Dash: "Hey Anon, is something going on?"
  3312. "You mean aside from the obvious?"
  3313. >Dash: "I mean with Rarity"
  3314. "No idea, did something happen?"
  3315. >Dash: "I don't know, but I just saw Vladimir walking by"
  3316. "... tell you what, I'll ask her"
  3317. >No you won't
  3319. >Biology
  3320. >You got there pretty early, and Rarity comes in not long after you. Before long, everyone else shows, the bell rings, class begins
  3321. >The three seats in front of you are empty
  3322. "Hey Rarity"
  3323. >Rarity: "I noticed"
  3324. "I take it you haven't seen him today either?"
  3325. >Rarity: "Nope"
  3326. >... probably chickened out
  3327. >Scratch that, they show up fifteen minutes late. The teacher is not happy
  3328. >Flash: "Sorry, teacher, won't happen again"
  3329. >Teacher: "...Alright, just take your seats"
  3330. >Sometimes you wish the teachers here weren't so gullible... who are you kidding, you love it
  3331. >They come to their seats with shit eating grins. If only the knew what you had in store...
  3332. >Speaking of which, you get a text from Pinkie. She needs to speak to you again
  3333. >... and of course, in the bathroom again
  3335. >You start to head into the guy's bathroom-
  3336. >Pinkie: "-In here"
  3337. >... god damn it
  3338. >You take a look around, making sure no no is here before quickly stepping into the girl's bathroom
  3339. >It's true what they say... the girl's bathroom is just as nasty as the guys
  3340. "This better be important Pinkie-"
  3341. >Pnkie: "-I've got bad news Nonny... really bad news"
  3342. "How bad?"
  3343. >Pinkie: "We may have a change in the plan"
  3344. >...
  3345. >You have got to be kidding me
  3346. "What do you mean change in the plan?"
  3347. >Pinkie: "Snips and Snails weren't in class this morning, and I can't seem to get a hold of them. They're... just gone"
  3348. "And there's no one else who can help you?"
  3349. >Pinkie: "Not really, and I'm not sure how much I can do on my own"
  3350. "Well what about me?"
  3351. >Pinkie: "You? I don't know, it's a pretty big job, and they were professionals. They knew what to do"
  3352. "How hard can it be to remove a locker?"
  3353. >Pinkie: "... yeah, maybe we should just call it off"
  3354. "Look, I'll help however I can. We just have to do SOMETHING"
  3355. >Flash is expecting something, and sure enough he's going to try and one-up you. There's no way you can go in with nothing up your sleeve
  3356. >Pinkie: "... I DO have a plan B. I've been saving it for April Fools, but it's simple and I think we can do it on our own"
  3357. "Alright, just tell me what I have to-"
  3358. >The door opens, and Pinkie quickly shoves you into a stall. Quick thinker
  3359. >"Hey Pinkie, who were you talking to?"
  3360. >... that's Dash's voice
  3361. >Pinkie: "Oh no one, just the person in the mirror"
  3362. >Dash: "... you mean yourself?"
  3363. >Pinkie: "Yeah, you should try it sometime, it's really fun"
  3364. >Pinkie leaves the room. You stand on the toilet and crouch down so Dash doesn't see you
  3365. >How can this situation get any worse
  3366. >You watch through the crack in the door. She doesn't go in any of the stalls, she just stands in front of the mirror talking to herself
  3367. >Dash: "... come on Dash, get a hold of yourself"
  3368. >Is she encouraging herself?
  3369. >Dash: "... Anon needs you, you can't let him down. You just can't"
  3370. >She turns on the sink and splashes her face
  3371. >Dash: "You got this Dash"
  3372. >She dries herself off and leaves
  3373. >You feel a little guilty for getting her involved
  3375. >You get back to class
  3376. >Flash still has that same shit-eating grin as this morning
  3377. >Rarity asks what took you so long
  3378. "Again, do you REALLY want to know?"
  3379. >Rarity: "... Never mind"
  3380. >She really needs to stop asking that
  3382. >Lunch time
  3383. >You decided it'd be best to not tell Dash about the problem with the plan until later, mostly because you have NO IDEA what Pinkie has in store. For now, you have to put your faith in her
  3384. >You get to the table with Dash, Pinkie, and Rarity. There's a few whispers at the surrounding tables
  3385. >Dash: "... I'm not the only one who hears that, right?"
  3386. "Guess I'm not the only one either"
  3387. >As lunch goes on, Dash gets up to go to the bathroom
  3388. >Pinkie: "Dash, didn't you just go?"
  3389. "But she-"
  3390. >....
  3391. >Dash: "...were you saying something Anon?"
  3392. "No, see you in a bit"
  3393. >You ALMOST let it slip. You really need to work on your mouth filter
  3394. >... she comes back less than a minute later
  3395. >Dash: "Hey Anon, you didn't change the plan on me did you?"
  3396. >You shoot a glare at Pinkie
  3397. >Pinkie: "I swear I didn't say anything"
  3398. >Dash: "So you did... and you didn't tell me?"
  3399. "Yeah, but don't worry, Pinkie and I have it covered"
  3400. >Dash: "Well then, do you want to tell me what the padlock is for?"
  3401. "What padlock?"
  3402. >Dash: "The cafeteria doors are chained up and locked shut, all of them"
  3403. "... Pinkie?"
  3404. >Pinkie: "They're not part of MY plan..."
  3405. >Everyone at the table to your left gets up and leaves
  3406. >Dash: "Anon..."
  3407. >Another nearby table clears
  3408. >Dash: "...please tell me this is part of your plan"
  3409. >Another table clears, and another. You take out thee walkie talkie Vladimir gave you this morning
  3410. "... We have a situation at the cafeteria, requesting backup"
  3411. >Rarity: "Who's that? Vlad?"
  3412. >All the tables empty out. All but one
  3413. "... I hope so"
  3414. >The students from the surrounding tables form a kettle around yours and one other table... occupied by Flash and his friends
  3415. >Flash: "Change in plan, Anon"
  3416. >What the hell is going on here
  3417. >You whisper one last thing to the girls before getting up
  3418. "listen... when you hear the bang, get against the wall"
  3419. >Rarity: "What bang?"
  3420. "you'll know"
  3421. >Dash tries to join you but you stop her
  3422. "It's just me and him"
  3423. >Dash: "Anon I won't-"
  3424. "-Trust me"
  3425. >She nervously nods and sits back down, and you step forward
  3426. >Flash: "At first, I wanted to make sure you'd keep this a FAIR fight..."
  3427. >He gets up from the table
  3428. >Flash: "... but then I thought, where's the fun in that?"
  3429. >His friends get up. It's not just Cranberry and Fucknut this time, there's two others. And save for Flash, they all have baseball bats. You can't stop Dash from joining you this time
  3430. >Dash: "Talk about fair?! You've got him outnumbered 5 to 1!"
  3431. >Flash: "Looks to me like 5 against 2-"
  3432. "-Make that 4 against 2"
  3433. >Flash: "Really Anon? Can you not count? Or have you never been able to?"
  3434. >A few chuckles around the cafeteria
  3435. "No I can count. There's only 4 of you who are going to fight. Cause let's face it, your friends there, they got bats. But YOU? You don't even got the balls"
  3436. >The crowd laughs
  3437. >Dash: "Anon, what the hell are you doing?"
  3438. "Stalling"
  3439. >Dash: "Stalling for what?"
  3440. >*BANG BANG BANG*
  3441. "That"
  3442. >You look back to the girls and nod
  3443. "And as for us..."
  3444. >*BOOM*
  3445. "Comrade stronk"
  3446. >Everyone jumps when they see the doors forcefully kicked open. In the commotion, your friends break through the kettle. They all hit the wall, and Pinkie takes the opportunity to hit the fire alarm. The alarm rings, the sprinklers start spraying. Everyone herds out of the cafeteria like a bomb just went off
  3447. >The crowd was in too much of a panic to see the unfamiliar face walking in, towering above the crowd, dressed in an old military uniform with extra bedazzling
  3448. >Well, he is RARITY'S uncle
  3449. >"Look like I arrive just in time, little man"
  3450. >Flash and his friends are the only ones who stayed behind
  3451. "Make that 4 against 3
  3453. >Pinkie and Rarity have backed up against the wall. Dash and Vlad are right behind you. Flash and his friends are hiding behind a flipped over table
  3454. >Dash: "Don't worry Anon, we got your back-"
  3455. "-Hold on..."
  3456. >You step forward, towards Flash's table bunker
  3457. "What's the matter guys? Backing out now?"
  3458. >Rather than walk around the other tables, you push them aside, because loud noises are intimidating, right? The tables have wheels so they can easily be moved aside for the janitors to clean the floor, or so students can fuck some shit up
  3459. "Come on assholes, I'm wide open-!"
  3460. >Cranberry comes out from behind the table and charges at you with his baseball bat. He swings at you like a drunk Mexican, you barely had to move to dodge it. You jab him in the stomach, and he drops his weapon
  3461. >Dash: "-Anon, behind you!"
  3462. >You turn around and see one of his new friends behind you, his swing a lot more accurate, though still unable to make contact. Vlad grabbed his arm and yanked the bat out of his hand
  3463. >Vlad: "REMOVE ENEMY!"
  3464. >Vlad swings the guy around by his arm and throws him across the cafeteria... shit, his feet even came off the ground a good few inches. You didn't see where the other guy even landed, if he laded at all, because Cranberry grabbed your leg and dragged you to the ground. He stands up and manages to get a good kick on you. Right after, you hear a loud clink sound and he drops to the ground. Dash stands over you, holding his bat
  3465. >Dash: "Didn't forget about me, did you?"
  3466. >You take her hand so she can help you up. Once your on your feet, she pulls you into the most aggressive kiss she's ever given you
  3467. >Dash: "We should have done this fight a LONG time ago-"
  3468. >Vlad: "Save it for bedroom my friends. No time for Serbian handshake"
  3469. >Cranberry took the advantage to crawl back to the table bunker. Fucknut and Guy#3 are holding him up. The guy Vlad threw... you're not sure if he's even conscious
  3470. >... you wonder how many of Rarity's ex-boyfriends he's killed
  3472. "What's the matter guys, can't Flash fight for himself?"
  3473. >Cranberry: "You shut your mouth! You don't know what Flash is capable of!"
  3474. "At least you can talk"
  3475. >Cranberry: "Trust me, you wouldn't last a single minute in a fight with Flash-"
  3476. "-I'd end it much faster than that"
  3477. >He's getting pissed. Now you know who the bottom bitch is
  3478. >Cranberry: "One more word and I'll bust your fucking-"
  3479. >Flash: "-Shut up, Skeeter" he says, slowly crawling out from behind the table
  3480. >... his name is Skeeter
  3481. >Are you fucking kidding me
  3482. >You burst into laughter
  3483. "Okay okay, stop for a sec... I hang out with Applejack all the time, so I know white trash when I see it, and that just takes the fucking-!"
  3484. >Flash: "Shut the fuck up!"
  3485. >Flash charges at you, and Fucknut follows suit. Dash tackles Fucknut to the ground and holds him down
  3486. >Dash: "Don't worry Anon, it's just you two. Right Vlad?"
  3487. >Vlad lets out a hearty laugh
  3488. >Vlad: "Don't worry little man, we handle littler men!"
  3489. >So he says as he holds Cran- scratch that, Skeeter, on the ground under his foot, and Guy#3 in a chokehold
  3490. >He does remember that everyone has to live, right?
  3491. >Flash tries to push you to the ground, but you hold yourself up and hit him in the gut
  3492. >He actually fights back, you must have pushed him over the edge
  3493. "Damn, you got actually got some fight in you bro-"
  3494. >Flash: "I'm not your fucking bro"
  3495. "Well I gotta call you something-"
  3496. >Pinkie: "Deepthroat!"
  3497. >What
  3499. >You avert your attention to Pinkie, a blazing hatred in her eyes you've never seen before. Across the cafeteria, Snips and Snails are trying to pry the window open
  3500. >First off, what are they doing here... the padlocks
  3501. >Pinkie: "... you... Mother... FUCKERS!"
  3502. >The way she sprints across the room tells you she must have figured it out too
  3503. >Number one rule of fighting: PAY ATTENTION YOU FUCKING TARD
  3504. >While you're watching two freshmen get beat the fuck out by a homicidal Pinkie, Flash takes the opportunity to throw you to the ground
  3505. >Flash: "Not so tough now, are you!"
  3506. >Shit, he might actually have you here. You struggled trying to get up, but that fall was pretty hard. Every time you get up on your elbows he kicks you back down, laughing while he does do
  3507. >There's only one way out of this...
  3508. >...
  3509. >...
  3510. >Flash stumbles back, after getting kicked square in the nuts
  3511. >Hey, you had no intention of fighting fair in the first place
  3512. >You pick yourself up and unleash a relentless assault, throwing fist after fist until he falls on the floor. Learning your lesson from last time, you step back when you see him reach for your leg... he's not grabbing your leg. He grabs a stray baseball bat off the floor
  3513. >Number two rule of fighting: PAY ATTENTION TO IMPORTANT SHIT
  3514. >After a hit in the knee that your body wasn't ready for, you fall to the ground, and he struggles to his feet
  3515. >Flash: "I've been waiting so long for this-"
  3516. >An arm grabs him from behind in a choke hold. He drops the bat while trying to pry the arm from his throat. He gets thrown to the ground, and the assailant kicks him in the ribs in a way that clearly shows military training. Way to go Vlad-
  3517. >Rarity: "No one... touches my comrade"
  3518. >She says it straightening her hair, and for a moment a thick accent slipped out
  3519. >... it' one thing when Vladimir saved you, it's another thing when Dash did, but fucking Rarity?
  3520. >She helps you up, and Pinkie runs over to you
  3521. >Pinkie: "We've got a serious problem"
  3522. >... there's something different about Pinkie's hair. It's... flatter
  3523. "What is it-"
  3524. >Pinkie: "Snips ans Snails just told me that they helped Flash"
  3525. "I figured that-"
  3526. >Pinkie: "-There's more... Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are on their way"
  3527. "... what?"
  3528. >Pinkie: "They called Celestia's office directly, right before they tried to sneak out"
  3529. >Everyone overheard Pinkie, and Dash and Vlad gather around
  3530. >Dash: "The principal is on her way NOW?"
  3531. >Vlad: "Don't worry, I prepared for kill-"
  3532. "Vlad, you have to get out, now"
  3533. >Vlad: "... understood, little man. May we meet again on the battlefield"
  3534. >He salutes you before dashing across the cafeteria
  3535. "I think you can still sneak out through-"
  3536. >*CRASH*
  3537. >He jumped out a fucking window... you honestly can't say you're surprised
  3538. >Dash: "What about us? What now?"
  3539. >Flash and his friends get to their feet, even Vlad's ragdoll
  3540. >It's too late, if they're getting in trouble, they're dragging you and Dash down with them. But Pinkie wasn't even involved with THEM, and Rarity only grabbed Flash from behind, he probably didn't even see her...
  3541. "Pinkie, you and Rarity get out of here"
  3542. >Pinkie: "What?"
  3543. >Rarity: "You can't expect us to leave you alone-"
  3544. >Dash: "He's right. You two were the least involved, there's a chance that they didn't see you two"
  3545. >The locked door rattles
  3546. >Dash: "Look there's no time to argue, just get out of here!"
  3547. >Rarity: "This doesn't feel right-"
  3548. >*CREEAAK*
  3549. >The ulocked door slowly pushes open
  3550. "Just go!"
  3551. >The two of them give you and Dash a hug before bolting out the broken window
  3552. >Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna enter the cafeteria, calm and collected... unnaturally calm
  3553. >Celestia calmly walks over to the fire alarm and hits the emergency shut-off
  3554. >Luna followed behind her, megaphone in hand
  3556. >You and Dash exchange glances, before slowly making your way out
  3558. >Luna takes you and Dash to her office, Flash and his friends are waiting outside
  3559. >You know how in movies when some kind of gang leader or corrupt businessman wants to look tough, he takes out a knife and stabs it into his desk? Luna's desk already has the knife stuck in. At all times
  3560. >Rumor has it that whoever pulls it out will be crowned Kind Arthur...
  3562. >You'd say her office is darkly lit, if it were even lit at all. The only light is coming in through the half-closed blinds
  3563. >Luna: "Tell us what happened Anonymous. Everything"
  3564. >Dash: "It wasn't us! Flash-"
  3565. >Luna: "-We didn't speak to you!"
  3566. >Dash goes silent and scoots her chair back. Not even you can put her down like that
  3567. >Luna: "Now you tell us, and only you Anonymous, what happened?"
  3568. >You tell her everything... well almost everything. You tell her about how Flash hired Snips and Snails to lock the doors. You tell her about how SOMEONE pulled the fire alarm. And you tell about how Flash's friends started the fight. You never mention the Pinkie and Rarity were even there, and god forbid you mention your good comrade
  3569. >Luna: "... So that's your story?"
  3570. "Stroy? It's all true-"
  3571. >Luna: "Don't take that tone with us. Remember your fate is in our hands here"
  3572. "... sorry ma'am"
  3573. >Luna: "Is all this true, Rainbow Dash?"
  3574. >She silently nods
  3575. >Luna: "... step outside. We need to speak with the others"
  3576. >You and Dash step outside, and she calls in the others. The nurse was outside with her first aid kit, taking care of Flash and his friends
  3577. >Nurse: "Well I'll be damned..."
  3578. >Luna: "Bring them in"
  3579. >She finishes putting a bandage on someone's head, and they all go into Luna's office together
  3580. >The nurse takes out a gauze pad and starts patting at your forehead. You had no idea it was even bleeding
  3581. "You're having fun with this, aren't you?"
  3582. >Nurse: "Yes, very much so. But to be honest, I'm surprised. A couple of those guys may need an actual hospital"
  3583. >She laughs, and though you'd never admit it, you share her sick sense of humor
  3584. >They're in there for a lot longer than you were. When they do finally step out and leave, Flash stays behind. Luna isn't happy
  3585. >Luna: "You two, in our office. Now"
  3586. >Nurse: "Just a sec, I need to make sure-"
  3587. >Luna: "-Now!"
  3588. >Nurse: "... go on. I'll be back in a minute"
  3589. >The nurse leaves, so you and Dash head back into Luna's office, the door slamming behind you
  3590. >Flash is sitting in a row of chairs, a half smile struggles through his pain. You sit next to Flash, and Dash sits next to you
  3591. >Luna: "We're going to cut to the chase. If what Flash told us is true, then you're keeping SOMETHING from us. He told us how YOU organized the fight on Monday, and how YOU locked the doors, and how YOU sneaked a non-student onto our campus. Now, we will ask you one more time: tell us what happened!"
  3592. >You and Dash look at each other. She nods her head "no"
  3593. "... alright fine. I did arrange for the fight on Monday"
  3594. >Luna leans back in her chair
  3595. >Luna: "... Go on"
  3596. >Dash: "Anon-"
  3597. "-And yes, I did sneak someone onto campus. But the doors? That was all Snips and Snails. I don't know who told them to do it..."
  3598. >Yeah you do. But you can't really say how you know without outing Pinkie, so you hold back
  3599. "... but it was them nonetheless"
  3600. >Flash: "You're not seriously believing this are you?"
  3601. >Luna: "Be quiet-"
  3602. >Flash: "-I'm innocent here! He's clearly covering his own ass"
  3603. >Luna: "Don't speak to us like that-"
  3604. >Flash: "Come on are you kidding? You're on his side aren't you-?"
  3605. >Luna: "BE SILENT!"
  3606. >Your heart skipped a beat, and by the look on both Dash's and Flash's faces, they'd say the same
  3607. >Luna: "As far as we're concerned none of you are innocent. We haven't heard a single honest word from any of you since you came in, and we're tired of listening to your lies. Give us one reason we shouldn't have you all expelled this moment-"
  3608. >Nurse: "-Cut the crap Luna"
  3609. >The nurse barges into the office like a pimp looking for his money
  3610. >This should be good
  3611. >Luna: "Excuse us?!"
  3612. >Nurse: "What, do you got potatoes in your ears? I said cut the crap!"
  3613. >Luna: "Get out of our office!"
  3614. >Nurse: "You're not seriously listening to THIS guy are you?!"
  3615. >She slaps Flash in the back of the head
  3616. >Luna: "Are you saying we should listen to YOU?"
  3617. >Nurse: "Look, I'm not here to say these brats weren't fighting in there..."
  3618. >The nurse slowly lowers her voice
  3619. >Nurse: "... but what I AM saying is this: Flash Sentry has put Anon in my office twice over the past two weeks"
  3620. >Luna: "... is this true?"
  3621. >Flash: "Are you kidding-?"
  3622. >Luna: "-Shut your mouth!"
  3623. >She jumps up and pushes her desk forward. You're willing to bet money that she intended to flip the desk over, but restrained herself. When finally calms down, she pulls her desk back
  3624. >Luna: "Is it true, Anonymous?"
  3625. "... yeah"
  3626. >Nurse: "And it's not just him..."
  3627. >She pulls a folder out from her inner coat pocket and slaps it on Luna's desk
  3628. >Nurse: "... there were a lot, and I mean a LOT of students coming into my office with suspicious injuries for a while now. Those that do give a name all mention the same phrase: 'Flash and his friends' "
  3629. >Luna's flipping through the folder when someone knocks on the door
  3630. >Luna: "Enter"
  3631. >Celestia opens the door, her arm around Snips and Snails. Luna closes the folder and puts it in her desk drawer
  3632. >Luna: "We'll discuss this later. Everyone out"
  3633. >Nurse: "Heads up, I'm taking these two to my office. I need to make sure they're okay"
  3634. >Luna: "We'll come when we need you"
  3635. >The nurse leads you and Dash out, Flash following behind. He rejoins his friends in the waiting room, and the nurse takes you back to her office
  3637. >When you get to her office, you all sit down. She reveals a flask from her pocket and takes a swig, then hands it to you
  3638. >Nurse: "... go ahead kid, you earned it. You look like you just came back from 'Nam"
  3639. >You grab it and take a drink, then hand it to Dash
  3640. >Nurse: "But I mean, those other guys? They looked straight out of a fucking gulag camp. Which one of you did THAT?"
  3641. >You and Dash exchange awkward glances
  3642. >Nurse: "I take it I probably don't want to know"
  3643. >The door opens, and the nurse quickly grabs the flask from Dash
  3644. >Nurse: "So?"
  3645. >Luna: "We thought about it. Snip and Snails confirmed what you said, as well as the reports she gave us"
  3646. >The nurse whispers in your ear: "You're welcome kid"
  3647. >Luna: "And though you WERE fighting on campus, my dear sister advised us to show mercy... so everyone involved in the fight will be suspended for the next week-"
  3648. >Nurse: "-You call that mercy-?"
  3649. >Luna: "-If it were up to us none of them would set foot on our campus again. And if anything does happens again, you won't, are we clear"
  3650. >Dash: "Yes ma'am"
  3651. >Luna: "... Anonymous?"
  3652. "Yeah, got it"
  3653. >Luna: "Good. As soon as the two of you are feeling better, please leave the school grounds"
  3654. >There's a sweetness to her voice now, almost like loving caretaker
  3655. >Luna: "... oh, and Nurse Redheart? If you ever speak to us like that again, we WILL have your job"
  3656. >Aaaand there goes the sweetness
  3657. >Nurse: "It's a pleasure working with you too, ma'am"
  3658. >Not wanting to put up with anymore of her sarcasm, Luna leaves
  3659. >Nurse: "... don't worry she gives me that shit all the time. You heard her though, stick around"
  3660. >She pulls her flask out and takes another drink. When you reach out for it she swats your hand away
  3661. >Nurse: "Piss off, I offered you ONE drink"
  3662. "You said we earned it"
  3663. >Nurse: "Well I need it more. I got a fucking ass load of paperwork thanks to you..."
  3664. >She mumbles away to herself. You and Dash get on the hospital bed and cuddle
  3665. >Nurse: "You two BETTER keep your clothes on this time"
  3666. >...
  3667. >Nurse: "You know, when I said, 'stick around', that didn't mean 'spend all freaking day here' "
  3668. >You hadn't realized how long you were actually here. The school day was almost over. Dash was still snuggled on your shoulder
  3669. >Nurse: "Go on, get out of here"
  3670. "Just ten more minutes"
  3671. >Nurse: "The final bell rings in five, and I can't have Luna finding out you're still here. She'll have a bitch fit"
  3672. >Dash: "She's right though, Anon"
  3673. >... you could have sworn she was asleep
  3674. >Nurse: "You heard the lady"
  3675. "Cut me some slack already, I've had a long day"
  3676. >Nurse: "No one told you to go picking fights like a god damn cowboy"
  3677. >Dash pulls your arm
  3678. >Dash: "Come on, the sooner we leave... the sooner we can be alone"
  3679. >Dash gives you a sweet smile. The nurse rolls her eyes
  3680. "... alright, let's go-"
  3681. >Nurse: "-Yes, please, get out of here you snugglefucks"
  3682. >Dash heads out, and you drag your feet behind her. You take one glance back... she's actually smiling
  3683. >Not her usual sinister smile, but a warm, endearing smile
  3685. "Have you been out here since the fight?"
  3686. >Rarity and Pinkie are waiting for you outside the front doors of the school
  3687. >Pinkie: "Omigosh! You guys are back!"
  3688. Rarity runs up and gives you a hug
  3689. >Rarity: "... are you okay darling?"
  3690. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine"
  3691. >You're discretely leaning away from the hug before she snaps your neck. Pinkie tackles the two of you and pulls Dash into a giant group hug
  3692. >Pinkie: "So what happened? Are you guys in trouble? What about Flash? Did someone rat out your Russian friend? What about-"
  3693. "-Pinkie"
  3694. >It's amazing how much she can say on one breath
  3695. >Pinkie: "... yeah?"
  3696. >You explain everything to her and Rarity
  3697. >Pinkie: "You mean I won't see you guys for a whole WEEK?"
  3698. "Pretty lenient, considering we brought in a Russian mercenary and planned to vandalize an entire hallway"
  3699. >Rarity: "So what are you guys up to now"
  3700. >... you were really planning on just going home after this
  3701. >Dash: "We were going to go hang out at my place"
  3702. >That works too
  3704. >Dash whispers... something to Rarity before the two of you take off
  3706. >The walk to her place is exhausting
  3707. >Your leg is sore, your head is killing you, and your stomach feels upside down
  3708. >You hadn't had a day this long in a looong time
  3709. >As soon as you get to her place you plop down on her bed
  3710. >Dash: "You okay Anon?"
  3711. "Yeah, I'm... "
  3712. >... too tired to finish that thought
  3713. >Dash fluffs up her pillows, then gently pushes you back
  3714. >Dash: "Just relax... you've had a long day"
  3715. >She pulls the blanket over you, the leans in and kisses your forehead. The last thing you see before your eyes close is her face pulling away
  3716. >Dash: "... sleep tight, Nonny"
  3717. >You feel her get up off the bed...
  3718. >...
  3719. >*CREAK*
  3720. >*SLAM*
  3721. >... Did she just go somewhere?
  3722. >You don't think too much about it, you just drift off to sleep
  3723. >...
  3725. >*CREAK*
  3726. >*SLAM*
  3727. >Your eyes slowly open. Dash is back
  3728. >Dash: "Sorry, did I wake you?
  3729. "where'd you go?"
  3730. >Dash: "O-Oh, nowhere, just some quick shopping with Rarity. She helped me pick this out"
  3731. >She's holds up a bag from Cadence's Closet
  3732. >... you're a little more awake now
  3735. Chapter 2: Dance Dance Revolution
  3738. >You wake up the next morning, lying on a bed in a strange room. You look around trying to figure out just where you are, but your vision is still a bit blurry
  3739. >You don't really remember much about last night, all you remember is... the fight yesterday!
  3740. >That mother fucker Flash must have kidnapped you and took you back to his place, thinking he can get his revenge. Son of a bitch has no idea what he's gotten himself-
  3741. >... wait a sec
  3742. >This is Rainbow Dash's bedroom
  3743. >OH YEAH!
  3744. >You were too tired to go home last night, so you spent the night here, remember?
  3745. >... of course you don't
  3746. >By the way, where is Rainbow Dash?
  3748. >Is that her alarm clock? No, it's coming from outside. Just as you get up, she comes in the room
  3749. >Dash: "Oh hey Anon, you just get up?"
  3750. "Yeah, what's that beeping?"
  3751. >Dash: "N-Nothing"
  3752. >She's still wearing the black nightie she bought yesterday from Cadence's Closet while you were... well, pretty much unconscious. And damn, does she look good in it
  3753. >Dash: "Just wait here, give me a minute"
  3754. >She leaves, and after a few minutes, the beeping stops and she comes back
  3755. "Everything okay?"
  3756. >Dash: "Yeah, but..."
  3757. >She takes a seat next to you on the bed
  3758. >Dash: "... you should probably stay out of the kitchen"
  3759. "That was a smoke alarm wasn't it"
  3760. >Dash: "O-Of course not!"
  3761. >She's not fooling you, she never can
  3762. "... you know I watch cooking shows all the time, you could have just asked me to make breakfast-"
  3763. >She punches you in the arm. It was gentle, but after yesterday it still hurt like hell
  3764. >Dash: "Anyways, how'd you sleep?"
  3765. "Fine I guess. I probably should be getting home though-"
  3766. >Dash: "What?"
  3767. >Something about that surprised her
  3768. >Dash "I mean, you can stay longer. You know, if you want"
  3769. "I'd love to, but I probably should at least go home and shower, and change my clothes"
  3770. >Come to think of it, those were the clothes you fought in
  3771. >Absolutely disgusting
  3772. >Dash: "Well, you could just take a shower here. You know, if you want"
  3773. "I suppose I could, but I still don't really have clothes to change into"
  3774. >Dash: "I could just throw those clothes in the wash while you're in the shower
  3775. >... Eh, might as well
  3777. >She leads you to the bathroom, and you get undressed. Her back is to you so you can have privacy. After you finish and give her your clothes, she leaves
  3778. >...
  3779. >Why is it that using a different shower from your own is always like figuring out some alien technology?
  3780. >You poke your head out the door and call out for her. She works it for you while trying to explain how it works
  3781. >Dash: "Just take your time, come back to my room when you're done"
  3782. >The water's a little too hot, but you bear with it. There's one bottle on the side that looks like some kind of body wash, another that appears to be shampoo. There's also about 10 other bottles of assorted beauty products that you don't even bother trying to figure out
  3783. >When you're done, you try to remember her tutorial on using her shower, but it looks just as foreign as it did when you first saw it. After accidentally turning the water up to burning hot, down to freezing, then back up again, you finally get it shut off. You dry yourself off and wrap the towel around your waist, before hurrying back to her room
  3784. >When you get back to her room, something smells pretty good
  3785. >Dash: "Just in time"
  3786. >She holds out a plate with bacon and scrambled eggs, a second plate by her side
  3787. >Dash: "I know it's not great, but it's better than my first plan. Trust me"
  3788. >Oh you do trust her
  3790. >Since you usually skip breakfast, this actually wasn't half-bad. When you're both done, she takes the plates back to the kitchen, closing the door behind her
  3791. >You patiently wait on her bed. It could have been a minute, it could have been an hour, time feels so much longer when you're naked in someone else's bedroom
  3792. >It's a relief when you finally hear her coming
  3793. >... those footsteps are too slow and heavy to be hers
  3795. >"Dash? You in there?"
  3796. >Who the hell is this guy?
  3798. >"Dash? You awake?"
  3799. >You have half a mind to beat this guy's ass for coming onto your girl-
  3800. >*CLICK*
  3801. >-But not the energy for it. You hide under the covers and lay as flat as you can, as the door slowly creaks opens
  3802. >"Hey, Dash, is that you?"
  3803. >It sounds like they're coming closer, you may have to fight whether you're ready or not
  3804. >Quick, how fast can you get a hold of Vlad?
  3805. >"Hello? Can you hear me-?"
  3806. >Dash: "I'm right here"
  3807. >Thank god
  3808. >"... is someone in your bed?"
  3809. >Fuck
  3810. >Dash: "No, it's just a new body pillow I bought. It helps me sleep"
  3811. >She gets on the bed and plants her ass right on top of you. Sure she's trying to prove a point, but she didn't have to plop down so hard
  3812. >"Don't you have enough pillows already?"
  3813. >Dash: "This one's different"
  3814. >"Alright alright, just keep the noise down, I'm trying to sleep"
  3815. >Shit, that might actually be her dad
  3816. >Dash: "I will"
  3817. >"And take that damn thing off, your dad will kill me if he finds out you're dressing like that"
  3818. >So it's not her dad... maybe a babysitter or something?
  3819. >Dash: "Okay okay, can you just close the door?"
  3820. >The door closes, and the heavy footsteps march away. When they're no longer audible, she lifts up the covers and whispers to you
  3821. >Dash: "you okay?"
  3822. "damn near broke my ribs"
  3823. >Dash: "sorry about that. didn't mean to do it so hard, but it had to be convincing"
  3824. "yeah, about that. convincing to who?"
  3825. >Dash: "that was my grandpa"
  3826. "your grandpa?"
  3827. >Dash: "yeah, he stays with me while my parents are away"
  3828. >All of a sudden, you don't feel the need to fight him
  3829. >... though you totally could, just for the record
  3830. >Dash: "wait here for just another minute"
  3831. >She runs out of the room, and you lay as still as you can. It's less than a minute before she comes back
  3832. >Dash: "your clothes aren't dry yet"
  3833. "so I have to stay naked?"
  3834. >Dash: "unless you want to wear my clothes"
  3835. >... sounds intriguing
  3836. >Dash: "don't worry, it shouldn't be more than another ten minutes"
  3837. "what do I do until then?"
  3838. >She crawls under the covers and hugs you
  3839. >Dash: "you're going to be my body pillow"
  3840. "whatever you want-"
  3841. >She puts her finger to your lips
  3842. >Dash: "pillows don't talk"
  3843. >Fair enough. You put an arm around her and pull her as close to you as you can. She buries her face into your bare chest
  3844. >It's only a matter of time before little Anon wakes up
  3845. >Dash: "... pillows don't do that either"
  3846. >Hey, it's not your fault
  3847. >With her face smushed against your chest, you lay together and relax... until she starts sniffing you
  3848. >Dash: "did you use my body wash and shampoo?"
  3849. "yeah, why?"
  3850. >Dash: "... so that's what I smell like"
  3851. "pretty much. just usually a little sweatier-"
  3852. >Dash: "-what's that supposed to mean?"
  3853. "nothing, nothing... and I never said it was a bad smell-"
  3854. >Dash: "-okay, this is getting weird. I'm going to check your clothes"
  3855. >She crawls out of bed and throws the covers over you
  3856. >You have to admit, she does have a nice smell
  3857. >... you ARE weird
  3858. >She comes back in and tosses your clothes to you. You start getting dressed
  3859. >Dash: "I'd let you stay longer, but since gramps is up now he probably won't take kindly to you-"
  3860. "-hey Dash, where's my shirt?"
  3861. >Dash: "huh?"
  3862. >She seems surprised
  3863. "it's not here"
  3864. >Dash: "oh, I must have forgot to wash it. you can borrow one of mine"
  3865. "really? one of yours?"
  3866. >Dash: "yeah, you know, since you like the way I smell so much"
  3867. >You recognize "damage control" when you see it
  3868. "... and what about you?"
  3869. >Dash: "what do you mean?"
  3870. "come on, you FORGOT to wash my shirt-?"
  3871. >She puts her finger to your lips again
  3872. >Dash: "you should go before you get caught. trust me you really don't want that"
  3873. >She opens the window for you to sneak out. Way to make you feel like some kind of cheap whore
  3874. "alright, see ya later"
  3875. >You give her a kiss that she holds you in for longer than you intended. Not that you mind
  3876. >Dash: "goodbye"
  3877. >She helps you climb out the window
  3878. >Dash: "... and by the way, you do have a nice smell too"
  3880. >You change shirts as soon as you get home, not wanting to ruin her smell
  3882. >Monday
  3883. >Whoever thought suspension was a good "punishment" wasn't very bright
  3885. >Yeah, how awful
  3888. >Tuesday
  3889. >Alright, no school. This is great
  3891. >Wednesday
  3892. >...
  3894. >Thursday
  3895. >Soooo fucking boring
  3896. >Seriously, don't ever get suspended again
  3897. >... Let's call Dash, see what she's up to
  3899. >Dash: "Oh hey, I was just about to call you"
  3900. "Hey Dash, what are you up to today?"
  3901. >Dash: "Not much. Kinda bored to be honest"
  3902. "Yeah, I know what you mean..."
  3903. >Dash: "..."
  3904. "..."
  3905. >Dash: "..."
  3906. "So... you wanna hang out or something-"
  3907. >Dash: "-Yeah sure! ... I mean, if you have nothing better to do"
  3908. >She sounds a lot more eager than she'd ever admit. Then again, so are you
  3910. >Dash "Come on in, make yourself comfortable"
  3911. >Good to see the break hasn't taken the life out of her as it has you
  3912. >Dash: "Gramps is going to be out all day, so it's just you and me"
  3913. "Where is he?"
  3914. >Dash: "Every once in a while, he and his old platoon get back together"
  3915. >Platoon? As in like, military platoon?
  3916. >Eh, you could still take him if you had to... right?
  3917. "So, what do you want to do?"
  3918. >Dash: "... I don't know, what do you want to do?"
  3919. "I don't know"
  3920. >...
  3922. >You both plop down on the living room couch and look for something on t.v... just like you were doing at home
  3923. >At least you're not alone
  3924. >Dash: "So is this what you've been doing all week?"
  3925. "Yup. Just sitting in my underwear watching whatever the hell is on"
  3926. >You've been spending your days like a stoner, just without the smoking
  3927. >Dash: "Seriously, in your underwear?"
  3928. "Yeah. You mean you've never done that?"
  3929. >Dash: "Well... well, yeah, I have but I'd never-"
  3930. "-Then go ahead. Like you said, it's just us here"
  3931. >Dash: "Wait, are you serious?"
  3932. "Yeah, why not?"
  3933. >Dash: "... you first, then I'll do it"
  3934. >She's actually daring you, like she thinks you still have a sense of shame
  3935. >You kick your pants off and wait for her to do so. Once she's stripped, she sits down on the couch next to you
  3936. "There, now isn't that better?"
  3937. >Dash: "Maybe-"
  3938. >You grab her shoulders from behind and pull her back into your chest, crossing your arms around her
  3939. "How about now? More comfortable?"
  3940. >Dash: "... a lot more"
  3941. >She wiggles around, getting herself comfortable
  3943. >The two of you flipped through the channels for something to watch, to no avail
  3944. >It's almost a welcome relief when you hear a knock at the door
  3945. >Dash gets up and hurriedly gets redressed
  3946. >You're barely getting your pants back up when you hear that familiar voice
  3947. >Rarity: "Did I interrupt something?"
  3948. "No, we're fine, just... fine"
  3949. >Dash was right, there are some people you wouldn't admit that to
  3951. >Rarity joins you on the couch, fully clothed, filling you in on everything that you've missed. According to her there's been a lot of rumors
  3952. >Rarity: "A lot of people saw Vlad that day. Some are saying he's a Russian mercenary, others a mafia hitman"
  3953. "Well... is he?"
  3954. >Rarity: "You know he's not a mercenary"
  3955. "No, I mean a hitman"
  3956. >She quietly giggled
  3957. >Rarity: "Good one Anon"
  3958. >... that not an answer
  3959. >Rarity: "So what were you two doing before I came along?"
  3960. "Nothing really, just watching t.v."
  3961. >Dash: "Anon insisted on sitting in his underwear"
  3962. >Rarity gives you an amused, slightly disgusted look. Dash laughs
  3963. >She thinks she got you
  3964. "Yeah, we both were"
  3965. >Rarity: "Well, umm... whatever makes you comfortable"
  3966. >She returns the same look to Dash
  3967. >Hooked
  3968. >Dash: "What? Everyone does it"
  3969. >Rarity: "Almost everyone"
  3970. >Dash: "It's actually really comfortable"
  3971. >Rarity: "I'm sure"
  3972. >Dash: "Why don't you try it"
  3973. >Rarity: "Excuse me?"
  3974. >Did she really just say that? To Rarity, of all people?
  3975. >She dug her own grave on this one. You just enjoyed the show
  3976. >Rarity: "Well... tell you what, I'll try it, but only if you do"
  3977. >Dash: "I'll do it if Anon does"
  3978. >Again, she thinks you have shame
  3979. >You discard your pants without hesitation, then Dash nervously strips off her skirt and shorts. Rarity was even more timid than her, insisting that neither of you even watch as she removes her skirt
  3980. >Of course, with your girlfriend sitting next to you, you have no desire to watch
  3981. >... come on now, who wouldn't?
  3982. >Apparently Dash took a peek too, because you both exchange the same awkward glance
  3983. >Rarity: "What?"
  3984. >Neither of you respond
  3985. >Rarity: "You looked, didn't you?"
  3986. >No response
  3987. >Rarity: "I WAS wearing them today, I took them off for gym"
  3988. >Dash: "Uh-huh..."
  3989. >Rarity: "I just didn't want them to get ruined"
  3990. "Yeah, sure"
  3991. >Rarity: "Uggh, give me a minute..."
  3992. >She storms off, leaving you and Dash in awkward silence
  3993. >Dash: "... you looked"
  3994. "So did you"
  3995. >Dash: "That's different, I was curious"
  3996. "So was I-"
  3997. >Dash: "-What's that supposed to mean?"
  3998. "I didn't mean it like that"
  3999. >Her eyes drift down to your crotch. You were really hoping no one would notice
  4000. >Dash: "You sure about that?"
  4001. "Just to be clear, YOU did that one, not her"
  4002. >She spreads your legs apart and nestles herself between them, her butt pressed against your crotch
  4003. "What are you doing?"
  4004. >Dash: "Keeping it hidden. I don't want Rarity seeing it-"
  4005. >Rarity: "-Seeing what?"
  4006. >... shit
  4007. >She comes back wearing a white lace thong, complete with a garter belt and stockings
  4008. "You wore ALL THAT to school?"
  4009. >Rarity: "Of course, a lady's got to look her best at all times. Speaking of which, Dash, why don't you go put on the nightie we bought? I'm sure Anon would love to see it"
  4010. >You and Dash both realize who'll happen if Dash gets up
  4011. >Dash: "N-No thanks, I showed him already"
  4012. "Yeah, it's fine-"
  4013. >She grabs Dash's hand and pulls her up
  4014. >Rarity: "Nonsense, it looks gorgeous, you should go-"
  4015. >Rarity freezes, her eyes focused on your crotch
  4016. >Dash: "... how about I go put it on
  4017. >She dashes out of the room leaving you and Rarity in awkward silence
  4018. "I take it we can't just PRETEND this didn't happen"
  4019. >Rarity: "Well... the least you could do is close your legs or something"
  4020. "I really just can't"
  4021. >She plops down on the couch without looking at you any further. Isn't there something you can say to make this situation any less, you know, awkward?
  4022. "... Just to be clear Rarity, you didn't do this. I don't find you that attractive-"
  4023. >Rarity: "-Excuse me!?"
  4024. >Wow
  4025. "I didn't mean it like that either, you are pretty-"
  4026. >Rarity: "-Just stop. Please"
  4027. >Yes, please, stop. You're embarrassing the both of us
  4028. >The two of you sit on awkward silence. She lays sideways on the couch, and you throw your head back and close your eyes, wishing you could redo the last five minutes
  4029. >... *boop*
  4030. >You quickly sit up
  4031. "What was that?"
  4032. >Rarity: "What was what?"
  4033. "Something just- ... never mind"
  4034. >You'd rather not mention that something just brushed your dick. It was probably just a fly or a breeze or something
  4035. >Just close your eyes again, and wait for Dash to come-
  4036. >*boop*
  4037. "Okay, there it is again"
  4038. >Rarity: "There was what?"
  4039. "... Nothing"
  4040. >You close your eyes again... *boop* You pretend to ignore it ... *boop*... *boop*... *boo-
  4041. >-Whatever the hell is nudging your dick, you grab for it
  4042. >...
  4043. >Well then
  4044. Rarity: "Umm... can you let go of my foot?"
  4045. "Depends, can you control yourself?"
  4046. >You release her foot, and she pull her legs back. You keep an eye on her until Dash comes back
  4047. >Dash: "Hey guys I'm back... is everything okay?"
  4048. >She must read the awkwardness, so she takes her seat between your legs
  4049. >Dash whispers: "... hey Anon, I think she saw it"
  4050. "You think so?"
  4051. >Once Dash gets herself comfortable, the three of you carry on like nothing happened
  4052. >Rarity: "You know, as crass as this seems, this is pretty comfortable"
  4053. "Told you"
  4054. >Dash is fidgeting around, most likely due to you poking her in the back
  4055. >Rarity: "You okay Dash?"
  4056. >Dash: "Yeah I'm just... trying to get comfy"
  4057. >As far as Dash knows, Rarity doesn't know about your erection, which probably confuses her when a lewd smile spreads across Rarity's face
  4058. >Rarity: "Speaking of getting comfy..."
  4059. >She grabs the bottom of her shirt and slowly pulls it up over her head, tossing it across the room once it's off. Her bra matches her panties... not that you're staring or anything, you just happened to notice
  4060. >Rarity: "Go ahead, it's a lot better"
  4061. >Dash: "I would, but it's one piece"
  4062. >Rarity: "Not you. Anon"
  4063. "What?"
  4064. >Rarity: "Go ahead, just take your shirt off"
  4065. >She's clearly challenging you, gotta call her bluff. You take your shirt as confidently as you did your pants
  4066. >Rarity: "There isn't that better?"
  4067. "Sure, I guess"
  4068. >Rarity: "What do you think Dash?"
  4069. >Dash: "Huh?"
  4070. >Rarity: "You know. Anon's got a nice body doesn't he?"
  4071. >Dash: "Sure"
  4072. >Rarity: "Really? I mean, don't think I'm trying to steal him or anything, but he's not too bad looking if you ask me"
  4073. >Dash: "W-Well, I guess so"
  4074. >Rarity shifts her gaze to you, holding out the same lewd smile
  4075. >Rarity: "Alright, well, I'm running off to the bathroom. Be back in a sec"
  4076. >She quickly gets up off the couch and runs down the hall
  4077. "Well that was weird"
  4078. >Dash: "How long do you think she'll be gone?"
  4079. "How should I know-"
  4080. >She turns around and kisses you
  4081. >Dash: "She's got a point... you do have a nice body"
  4082. >Between the attempted footjob, the way she upsold you to her, and then left you alone... it's like she's TRYING to get you two to hook up
  4083. >Dash: "Come on, we have a few minutes at most"
  4084. >Rarity: Oh no, take all the time you need"
  4085. >Dash jumps
  4086. >Dash: "When did you get back!?"
  4087. >Rarity: "I never really left"
  4088. >She IS trying to hook you up
  4089. >Dash: "I sear, we weren't doing anything"
  4090. >Rarity: "Oh, come on Dash, there's nothing to be ashamed of. I mean, if I had THIS next to me all day..."
  4091. >She lays back on the couch like before and nudges you with her foot
  4092. >Rarity: "... I sure wouldn't want it going to waste"
  4093. >The gentle nudge turns in to a slow stroke through your boxers
  4094. >Dash: "Wh-What are you doing?"
  4095. >Rarity: "Oh nothing..."
  4096. >She slides her foot under your waistband and pulls it down enough for your penis to come out. As much as you hate to admit it, shes got some skill
  4097. >Rarity: "Well Dash, ready to take over?"
  4098. >Dash: "Take over what?"
  4099. >Rarity giggles, then continues stroking you with her little covered feet. You wish you could say you weren't enjoying it, but her stockings are just too soft to not like it. Not to mention she's got some real skill
  4100. >Rarity: "Come on Dash, jump in, he's getting my socks really dirty"
  4101. >Rarity pulls Dash between her legs, the way you did earlier
  4102. >Rarity: "Just do what I'm doing, it's really simple"
  4103. >Dash: "... you sure?"
  4104. >Rarity: "Trust me. Anon sure seems to be enjoying it, doesn't he?"
  4105. >Dash: "Well Anon, are you enjoying it?"
  4106. >If you say you are, Dash would get jealous. But if you say you're not, Dash won't join in...
  4107. "I'd enjoy it a lot more if you'd join"
  4108. >Smooth bro. Smooth
  4109. >Dash: "So... just like you're doing?"
  4110. >Rarity: "Uh-huh, just the same"
  4111. >Rarity holds still so Dash can get her feet in a good position above Rarity's. Since she's not wearing socks, her skin is warm to the touch. Once Dash starts moving, Rarity begins moving hers just under Dash's
  4112. >Rarity: "Well? How is it?"
  4113. "... a lot better"
  4114. >Rarity: "See Dash? Told you he'd like it"
  4115. >Rarity sure seems to be enjoying this more than you are
  4116. >When Dash starts to move her feet faster, Rarity pulls hers away
  4117. >Rarity: "Don't stop Dash, I have something else planned"
  4118. >Dash: "Something else?"
  4119. >Rarity: "Don't worry, you'll like it-"
  4120. >Dash: "H-Hey! What are you doing?"
  4121. >Rarity's hand found it's way between Dash's legs
  4122. >Rarity: "Well, your body doesn't seem to mind"
  4123. "It must be her feet, she likes having them touched-"
  4124. >Dash: "Anon!"
  4125. >You and Rarity both find her embarrassment amusing. Rarity's fingers find their way under Dash's panties, despite the way she tried to cover it up. Dash's feet tremble with excitement, but don't stop moving. On the contrary, as they get more slippery with your precum she moves faster
  4126. >Rarity: "You know Dash, maybe you should consider shaving. Anon might love it-"
  4127. "-You don't have to Dash, it's okay"
  4128. >Hey, some things shouldn't be messed with
  4129. >Dash starts to quietly moan, and she actually gasps out your name
  4130. >Rarity: "Really Dashie? After all I'M doing for you here, you say his, not mine?"
  4131. >Rarity pulls her fingers out
  4132. >Dash: "Please... keep going Rarity"
  4133. >Rarity: "I don't know..."
  4134. >She sits up on the back of the couch and puts her leg out, her foot right in front of Rainbow Dash
  4135. >Rarity: "Maybe once you've cleaned me up. He is your boyfriend, so he's YOUR responsibility
  4136. >There's no way Dash would let herself be degraded like that-
  4137. >She does it. She actually starts licking the precum off Rarity's stockings. It's actually kind of hot to watch, in a weird kind of way. Once Rarity's feet are all clean, she takes a seat behind Rainbow Dash
  4138. >Rarity: "You ready Dash?"
  4139. >Dash: "Yeah"
  4140. >Rarity: "How about you Anon?"
  4141. "Ready for what?"
  4142. >Rarity pushes Dash forward, on top of you
  4143. >Rarity: "Do I really have to explain it?"
  4144. >Rarity grabs the base of your member and holds it straight up. Dash slowly slides down on you, apparently too slow for Rarity's taste. She grabs Dash's ass and forcefully pushes her hips down. When her body slams against you, Dash let's out a high pitched squeak. Rarity can't help but giggle
  4145. >Dash's hips bounce up and down on your dick, her pussy gently squeezing on you. You thrust against her to match her movements. Rarity's gets behind Dash and starts sucking on her own middle finger. She pulls it out of her mouth leaving as much saliva as possible on it
  4146. >Rarity: "Hold still for a second"
  4147. >She firmly grabs hold of Dash's butt again
  4148. >Dash: "Why, what are you-AAh! HEY!
  4149. >Whatever she did, it made Dash clench down tightly
  4150. >Rarity: "Go ahead Anon, continue moving"
  4151. >You resume thrusting your hips against her
  4152. >Dash: "Can you not do that!"
  4153. "Me?"
  4154. >Dash: "Not you, her!"
  4155. >Rarity: "Sorry, but it's fun"
  4156. >Dash: "Then... can you at least be more gentle?"
  4157. >Rarity: "Hmm... nope"
  4158. "Mind telling me what's going on back there?"
  4159. >Rarity: "Feel this?"
  4160. >Something wiggles around inside her, you can feel it against your cock
  4161. >Rarity: "That's me"
  4162. "Wait, is your finger inside her-"
  4163. >Rarity: "-Yup. I admit it's probably not the most clean, but it's not that bad..."
  4164. >She gives you a wink
  4165. Rarity: "... you should try it some time"
  4166. >Dash: G-God damn you Rarity..."
  4167. >Once Dash gets used to the movement in her other end, her hips begin bouncing. Her pussy clenches like it never wants to let go. Rarity's finger from the other end feels as though it's stroking you, gently massaging your dick with her body
  4168. >Rarity: "You okay there Anon?"
  4169. "Almost... there"
  4170. >Rarity: "Thought so... Dash pull out"
  4171. >What, now?
  4172. >Much to your dismay, Dash does as she says. Rarity gets off the couch and kneels down next to you. When she begins stroking you, Dash joins her
  4173. >Rarity: "Sorry darling, but we don't want any accidents now do we"
  4174. >Dash's hand moves quickly, Rarity struggling to keep up
  4175. >So close... so damn close
  4176. >Dash: "Come on Anon... let it out"
  4177. >Rarity: "You heard her, don't keep us waiting"
  4178. >They must have good timing. Either that, or they felt your cock throbbing in their soft, tiny hands
  4179. >There's no time to give them a heads up... the moment just kind of sneaks up on you, as you blow your load all over their faces
  4180. >Dash blushes with a slight smile, happy to have satisfied you. Rarity wipes her face clean, a smile not so sweet, but more lewd
  4181. >Rarity: "Normally I'd prefer it less messy, but I suppose it couldn't be helped"
  4182. >Dash lays back on the couch, panting and gasping
  4183. >Dash: "Hey... Rarity..."
  4184. >Rarity: "Yes Dash-"
  4185. >She grabs Rarity and pulls her up on the couch
  4186. >Rarity: "H-Hey! What are you doing?"
  4187. >Dash brings Rarity down on top of her so that they're facing each other. Both her arms and legs wrapped around Rarity's body to hold her down
  4188. >Dash: "I'm getting revenge"
  4189. >Rarity: "What's that supposed to mean-?"
  4190. >Dash: "-Go ahead Anon. Maybe you can use that other hole like she suggested"
  4191. >Rarity: "H-He would never... right Anon?"
  4192. >Would you, Anon?
  4193. "It's like you said, I shouldn't keep you two waiting"
  4195. >Later that night
  4196. >Things are going to be awkward for a while between you and Rarity. But hey... at least you didn't disappoint
  4197. >Just before bed you got a text from Pinkie
  4199. >... Rarity is a horrible gossip
  4201. >Monday... finally Monday
  4202. >You've never prepared for school so excitedly
  4204. >Something's different about the front of the school. Something really different. Something wrong...
  4205. >Dash is out front waiting for you. And you even got her earlier than usual
  4206. >That's just wrong... really wrong
  4207. >... it may just be the fact that she's here early, but there's something different about her today
  4208. "You're here early-"
  4209. >Dash: "-Huh!?"
  4210. >She jumps at the sound of your voice
  4211. "You okay?"
  4212. >Dash: "I'm fine"
  4213. "Why'd you come so early"
  4214. >Dash: "Well, why not?"
  4215. "What kind of answer is that?"
  4216. >Dash: "The kind you'd give"
  4217. >Damn son
  4218. >Dash: "Come on, let's go"
  4219. >She takes your hand and leads you inside
  4220. >... *sniff sniff*
  4221. >She smells sweet... really sweet
  4222. "Dash are you wearing perfume?"
  4223. >Dash: "Yeah, I thought it'd be nice... do you like it?"
  4224. "Maybe"
  4225. >You fucking love it... but that's not what's different
  4227. >You have a good twenty minutes before class even start
  4228. >Dash laughs when you suggest hanging out in the library. But there's really nowhere else to go in the morning, so she comes along
  4230. >You look around the library for something interesting to pick up while you wait for class. Of course, it's a high school library, so there's really only three kinds of books here
  4231. >There's the section for teen romance novels, a section for teen dystopian novels, and a section for dictionaries and stuff
  4232. >... just find a quiet place to sit and hang out
  4233. >Somewhere upstairs there's a makeshift bed made out old dusty books. Seems like a nice quiet place... but seriously, the janitor needs to do a better job of keeping the homeless people off campus
  4234. >You sit on the "bed", leaning back against the book shelf. Dash lays down and rests her head in your lap. Her eyes slowly drift closed like she's falling asleep, which isn't surprising. She'd probably be just waking up at this time of day
  4235. >You silently stare at her sleeping face, stroking her hair like a creep. It's hard to not be a creep with a face as cute as hers
  4236. >Her face... is she wearing makeup?
  4237. >Rather than wake her up, you let her get her rest. She probably needs it
  4238. >But still, between the makeup and perfume, it's not like her. Either that, or her soft side is a lot softer than you realize
  4240. >*RIIIIIING*
  4241. "Hey Dash... Dash. The bell rang, time to go"
  4242. >No response, so you give her a shake
  4243. "Dash, come on, we're going to be late"
  4244. >She just groans and rolls over onto her side. She really is a heavy sleeper
  4245. "... Is someone making pancakes-?"
  4246. >Dash: "-Hmm? Pancakes?"
  4247. >That actually worked. She slowly crawls up, rubbing her eyes
  4248. >Dash: "Did you say someone has pancakes?"
  4249. "Yeah, they're in your next class"
  4250. >Dash is not amused. You did it for her own good
  4252. >On your way to biology, guess who steps out with his two friends
  4253. "... so how was your vacation?"
  4254. >Flash: "Cut the crap Anon. And consider yourself lucky, they rearranged my schedule to keep us apart as much as possible"
  4255. "I doubt that'll work"
  4256. >Flash: "Well it better, I'd be happy to never see your damn face again"
  4257. >Instead of stepping around you, like he easily could have, he pushes you aside as hard as he can. He and his friends walk down the hall, never to be seen in your class again
  4258. >Though whether or not he stays out of your life is entirely up to him
  4259. >Now that he's out of your hair, this class should get a million times better
  4260. >And then Rarity walks in... and this class got a million times worse
  4261. >The two of you hadn't really talked since Thursday either... you know, the day you and your girlfriend had a three-way with her ? Who would have thought that could EVER turn out awkward?
  4262. >She takes her seat, actively avoiding eye contact. Realizing that the silence only makes things more awkward, the two of you try to strike up a conversation
  4263. >Rarity: "... I see Flash isn't here today"
  4264. "Yeah, he switched classes"
  4265. >Rarity: "Huh. That's probably for the best
  4266. "Yeah, probably. So anyways... how you been?"
  4267. >Rarity: "Good, good... I can finally sit down again"
  4268. "..."
  4269. >Rarity: "...I take we're not-"
  4270. "-We're not talking about it"
  4271. >Rarity: "Gotcha...but before we start not talking about it can I just ask one thing?"
  4272. "Sure"
  4273. >Rarity: "How does Rainbow Dash feel about all of it?"
  4274. "What do you mean?"
  4275. >Rarity: "Well, she hasn't really talked to me since then, I was wondering if you have"
  4276. "Yeah, I saw her this morning"
  4277. >Rarity: "And how was she?"
  4278. "She's fine. Same as always"
  4279. >Rarity: "So she's not... bothered by it?"
  4280. "Bothered?"
  4281. >Rarity: "I'm sure I'm just over thinking it, but maybe she feels we went just a little... too far"
  4282. "If so, she hasn't said anything to me about it"
  4283. >Rarity: "Okay... just wondering"
  4284. "Tell you what, I''ll let you know if she says anything"
  4285. >Rarity: "Thanks, that makes me feel much better"
  4286. "No problem. So now... let's not talk about it"
  4287. >You're sure Dash is fine with it. It was kind of her idea... still. You should make sure
  4289. >Dash is already waiting for you and Rarity when class is over. Again, earlier than usual
  4290. >Dash: "Oh, hey Rarity, how have you been?
  4291. >Rarity: "You know, there's something different about you"
  4292. >She noticed too
  4293. >Dash: "Yeah, I thought I'd try-"
  4294. >Rarity: "-You put makeup on!"
  4295. >Rarity sounds so proud, like a mother handing down her wedding dress to her daughter
  4296. >Rarity: "See Dash! I told you it wouldn't kill you to take a little more care of yourself, and you look absolutely gorgeous!"
  4297. >Dash: "Thanks-"
  4298. >Rarity: "-Though if I may point out that you COULD use a little more blush on your left cheek, and without mascara you may as well be naked-"
  4299. >Dash: "-Well I-"
  4300. >Rarity: "-So what made you change your mind after all these years-?"
  4301. >Dash: "-Anon, save me here"
  4302. >You wedge yourself between the two of them
  4303. "Look, we can all agree Dash looks beautiful, but there's more important matters to attend to. Like lunch"
  4304. >Dash: "I'm with Anon here"
  4305. >Rarity: "... alright fine. But today after school, you're mine"
  4306. >Dash: "Fine, but right now I'm starving, so let's go"
  4307. >Dash takes your hand and leads you, well, more like forcefully pulls you, to the cafeteria. She must REALLY be hungry. On your way there, you run into Vice Principal Luna. Today's just been one awkward encounter after another
  4308. >Luna: "Welcome back. We're glad we ran into you now, we have something to discuss. Come with us to our office"
  4309. >Dash: "Now? But it's lunch-"
  4310. >Luna: "Now."
  4311. >... sometimes you need to just accept that there's no way out
  4313. >She takes you back to her cold, dark, office
  4314. >Luna: "To start off, we rearranged some schedules to avoid any further conflict between you"
  4315. "I know, Flash already told-"
  4316. >Luna: "-Don't interrupt us. Now, as I'm sure you're both aware, there was extensive damage to the cafeteria after the fight, most of which has yet to be fixed. From now on, the two of you will be joining the janitor for an hour after school assisting him with repairs"
  4317. "For how long?"
  4318. >Luna: "Until it's done"
  4319. >You used to watch Bob the Builder when you were a kid. Maybe you can use that knowledge to help you finish faster
  4320. >Just imagine...
  4322. >Janitor: "Anonymous, can you fix it?"
  4323. "No it's fucked."
  4325. >... never mind
  4326. "I'm not sure we have the skills necessary to be of any help"
  4327. >Luna: "He'll teach you"
  4328. >Dash: "Will Flash be working with us as well?"
  4329. >Luna: "No, he and his friends have their own assignment, though we assure you they are working just as hard as you two"
  4330. >They fucking better
  4331. >Luna: "One more thing, and then we dismiss you"
  4332. "Yes?"
  4333. >Luna: "I'm sure you can agree with us in saying that another situation like this will be unacceptable. And that our precautions are both necessary and reasonable"
  4334. "What precautions?"
  4336. >Great, now you'll be constantly looking over your shoulder until you graduate
  4337. >Cops. Fucking Cops. Thanks to you and Flash, there's going to be at least one on-duty officer on campus at all times. AT LEAST one
  4338. >Congratulations: CHS is now the ghetto school
  4340. >On your way to the cafeteria, Dash stops you
  4341. >Dash: "Hold on a sec, I need to ask you something"
  4342. "What's the matter, I thought you were hungry?"
  4343. >Dash: "I am, but... "
  4344. "But?"
  4345. >Dash: "You have class with Rarity, right?"
  4346. "Yeah"
  4347. >Dash: "Has she said anything about... you know, Thursday?"
  4348. "Anything... like what?"
  4349. >Dash: "Just anything"
  4350. "Kinda, we both agreed to not talk about it"
  4351. >Dash: "Okay... just wondering"
  4352. "Why? What's this about"
  4353. >Dash: "It's nothing, don't worry about-"
  4354. "-You know you're not a very good liar. Now tell me what's on your mind"
  4355. >Dash: "... I've been thinking"
  4356. "About?"
  4357. >Dash: "You know... what we did. Did you enjoy it?"
  4358. "... I suppose"
  4359. >There really is no good answer to that
  4360. >Dash: "And, you enjoyed... m-me, right?"
  4361. "What do you mean by that?"
  4362. >Dash: "I mean..."
  4363. >She stuffs her hands in her pockets and starts aimlessly kicking her feet at the ground
  4364. >Dash: "Let's just say that... if you had to choose between me and Rarity-"
  4365. "I'd choose you"
  4366. >Dash: "... thanks, I needed to hear that"
  4367. >She gently kisses your cheek. She starts to walk away but you grab hold of her hand
  4368. "Hold on a sec. You didn't really think I'd choose her over you did I?"
  4369. >Dash: "Well no, of course not. But I just... I had to make sure"
  4370. "Well, you don't ever have to worry about that..."
  4371. >You give her a punch in the arm, something that has grown to be meaningful between you two
  4372. "... she's not nearly as awesome as you are"
  4373. >You got her to smile. A real, honest smile. The kind of smile when someone's actually feeling good about their self
  4374. >Dash: "Y-Yeah, I am pretty awesome aren't I?"
  4375. "Come on, let's forget about this and go to lunch"
  4377. >Jesus, the cafeteria is a mess. Several tables must have broken in the fight, probably by Vlad, because a lot of the tables that are out are crowded. The window, broken by Vlad, was sloppily covered with wooden boards. The floor is covered in cracks and scratches, as if someone, Vlad, had been running around in with combat boots and throwing heavy stuff around
  4378. >Surprisingly with all the overcrowded tables, yours was still occupied only by your usual friends
  4379. >You and Dash approach the table
  4380. "Hey guys, what's-"
  4381. >Pinkie: "-You guys got suspended again?!"
  4382. >You're back for one day and already she aint right
  4383. "I literally have no idea what you're talking about"
  4384. >Pinkie: "Rarity said that Luna called her security pigs to drag you off campus"
  4385. >Rarity: "All I said was 'Luna took you to her office', I didn't say any of that"
  4386. >Pinkie: "No, but you implied it"
  4387. >Rarity: "You don't seriously believe her do you?"
  4388. "Well... on the one hand Pinkie is... well, she's Pinkie. On the other hand you are a terrible gossip. So I'm not sure"
  4389. >Rarity: "I'm not that bad, am I?"
  4390. >Pinkie: "You told me about last Thursday. If that wasn't private, I don't know what is"
  4391. >Dash: "You told her?"
  4392. >Rarity: "I... may have mentioned it-"
  4393. >Pinkie: "She mentioned all of it..." Pinkie leans across the table and whispers, "every... dirty... detail"
  4394. "Okay, well just to be clear- "
  4395. >Rarity: "-No Anon-"
  4396. "-the anal thing was ALL HER idea"
  4397. >Pinkie: "... anal thing?"
  4398. >Rarity: "This is your fault"
  4399. "What is?"
  4400. >Pinkie: "All she mentioned was that you guys 'fooled around a bit'. So what's all this about anal now?"
  4401. >...
  4403. >Dash: "Well, you might as go ahead"
  4404. "..."
  4405. >Rarity: "Don't look at me, this one's on you Anon"
  4406. >They make you explain all the details of Thursday, a lewd smile growing on Pinkie's face
  4407. >Dash and Rarity won't even look in your general direction
  4408. >Thanks to your own big mouth, you're forced to tell the story of last Thursday
  4409. >To the three of you that were there, it was long and awkward. To Pinkie, it was the best story ever, and she refused to let you leave out any little details. She wanted specifics
  4410. >Pinkie: "So wait, who was on top?"
  4411. >Pinkie: "How loud was she?"
  4412. >Pinkie: "Was it easy? Or did she give up a lot of resistance?
  4413. >It's like she was transcribing your story for some erotic friendfiction
  4415. >You're just about to come to the end of your story
  4416. >Pinkie: "So she actually started saying your name?"
  4417. "Yeah. Anyways, it wasn't even that long, maybe-"
  4418. >Pinkie: "-Was it THAT good Rarity?"
  4419. >Rarity: "I guess, I don't really remember-"
  4420. >Pinkie: "-What about you Anon? How was it?"
  4421. >Out of the corner of your eye you catch Dash glancing at you, anticipating your answer
  4422. "... It was okay, I guess"
  4423. >That answer seems good enough for her
  4424. "Now as I was saying, it was probably only a few minutes before her grandpa came back"
  4425. >Pinkie: "Her grandpa caught you?"
  4426. "He didn't catch us, we just heard him come in the door. We got dressed before he came in the room, but he probably knew"
  4427. >Pinkie: "How do you know?"
  4428. "He was complaining how the room smelled 'like a hundred pounds of pussy and ass' "
  4429. >Dash: "He says that about everything when he's drunk"
  4430. "But when he did come in the room, guess who was with him"
  4431. >Pinkie: "Who?"
  4432. "Remember the big Russian guy from the fight, Vlad? Apparently they met in the war, and they still meet up from time to time-"
  4433. >*RIIIING*
  4434. >Thank god, time for class
  4435. >If only it could have rung five minutes ago
  4436. >You and Dash hurry out
  4437. >Pinkie: "Wait, Anon, did you finish?"
  4438. "Yup, that's it. That's all that happened"
  4439. >Pinkie: "That's not what I mean"
  4440. "Then what do you mean"
  4441. >She grabs your arm and pulls you closer. Dash, holding tightly onto your hand, got pulled with you
  4442. >Pinkie: "I mean..." She glances around as if making sure no one is listening. Then with her snorty giggle, she whispers "...did you finish in Rarity-?"
  4443. "-Of course not!"
  4444. >Pinkie is seriously disappointed. Dash on the other hand seems relieved
  4445. >Pinkie: "You sure about that Anon? Cause I can tell when-"
  4446. >Rarity: "-Come on Pinkie, you don't want to be late again"
  4447. >She grabs Pinkie's shoulder from behind and pulls her away. Dash pulls you in the opposite direction
  4448. >Dash: "Come on, we should get going too"
  4449. >Before heading off to class, you and Rarity take a quick glance at each other
  4450. >Her stare speaking for itself
  4451. >"I saved your ass back there"
  4452. >Everything that happened when Dash's grandpa came back happened so fast only she and you really know that you just lied to Pinkie
  4454. >History class
  4455. >As usual, you and Dash take your seats in the back. As usual, she "forgot" her textbook. And as usual, she pushes her desk right next to yours
  4456. >Yup, everything is back to normal
  4457. >...
  4458. >And just as usual, this class is boring as hell
  4459. >You get a little nudge in your side
  4460. >Dash: "Hey Anon, cover for me"
  4461. "For what?"
  4462. >She props the book up, then lays her head down
  4463. >Dash: "If he calls on me just wake me up"
  4464. "I'm making no promises"
  4465. >With a heavy sleeper like her, good luck...
  4467. "... pancakes"
  4468. >Dash: "Huh?"
  4469. >She springs up awake
  4470. >Dash: "What'd I miss?"
  4471. "Everything, class is over"
  4472. >Dash: "Really? That went by fast"
  4473. >Not for the person who was awake for it
  4475. >You walk in to English class and take your seat next to Pinkie
  4476. >... scratch that, Pinkie's not here
  4477. >Part of you is curious about where she is, but most of you is glad she's out of your hair for now
  4478. >Class carries on without any interruptions
  4479. >*BZZZ BZZZ*
  4480. >Well, almost without interruptions
  4482. >It's just a text from Pinkie, and the lack of obnoxiously complicated emoticons tells you it's strictly business... and we all know what that means with her
  4484. >You head to the men's restroom outside the cafeteria, and Pinkie is waiting for you inside. With how often she calls you here, it makes you wonder if she's ever been caught in here
  4485. "So what's this all about, Pinkie?"
  4486. >Pinkie: "Just some old friends-"
  4487. "I told you the whole story already, there's nothing else-"
  4488. >Pinkie: "Not them"
  4489. >From behind Pinkie, out steps Snips and Snails from two adjacent stalls
  4490. >You never thought you'd see their faces again
  4491. "So do we have business with them or are we just going to kick their asses and leave it at that?"
  4492. >Pinkie: "Maybe a little of both"
  4493. >They both flinch at that comment
  4494. >Pinkie: "Go on, tell him"
  4495. >They step forward
  4496. >Snips: "Flash paid us lock the doors on you-"
  4497. "-I could have told you that"
  4498. >Pinkie: "There's more. Keep going"
  4499. >Snips: "..."
  4500. >Snails: "..."
  4501. >When neither of them respond, she smacks both of them in the back of their heads
  4502. >Pinkie: "Do I have to remind you why we're here again?"
  4503. >They both reach in their pockets, taking out five dollars each. They both hand it over to you
  4504. >Pinkie: "Alright, now get out of here, both of you"
  4505. >They run out of the bathroom in a hurry
  4506. "Hey Pinkie... did we just rob them?"
  4507. >Pinkie: "Don't think of it as a robbery... think of it as a 'refund for an unsatisfying service' "
  4508. >Fair enough
  4509. "Well anyways, I should probably head back to class, you coming?"
  4510. >Pinkie: "I would, but I've got another meeting planned"
  4511. >She backs into another stall and closes the door
  4512. >Sometimes you wonder what goes on in her brain
  4514. >Gym class
  4515. >You consider turning over a new leaf after being suspended. Maybe you should start participating in gym. It could be good for you
  4516. >...
  4517. >Five minutes into class you take your seat on the bleachers after "accidentally" getting hit in the face with a stray basketball
  4518. >Yup, things are finally back to normal
  4520. >After gym, you begin heading home
  4521. >Dash: "Hey wait, where are you going?"
  4522. "Home, where else?"
  4523. >Dash: "How about the cafeteria? Remember? We have work to do"
  4524. >... you were honestly hoping she'd forgotten
  4526. >The doors are open but the cafeteria is empty
  4527. >Dash: "... she did tell us to meet the janitor here, right?"
  4528. "Pretty sure"
  4529. >Dash: "Maybe he's just running late"
  4530. "Or maybe he's just lazy, like every other janitor in the world"
  4531. >Assuming it will be a while before he shows you take a seat at one of the tables-
  4532. >*CRASH*
  4533. >The seat collapses beneath you
  4534. >"Or maybe you shouldn't be so negative towards a janitor you've never even met before"
  4535. >Dash: "Anon! You okay?"
  4536. "Yeah, I'm fine"
  4537. >No you're not, that actually hurt
  4538. >Janitor: "So you two are the ones who trashed the cafeteria? I've got a few words I'd like to say to you..."
  4539. >He walks over to you as you struggle to get up, a sour expression on his face. Just as you've mentally prepared yourself for another fight, he takes your hand and helps you up
  4540. >Janitor: "... you could have done a LOT better"
  4541. >Wut?
  4542. >Janitor: "So you broke a window and left a few scratches on the floor, not bad. I admire the effort. But THAT..."
  4543. >He motions towards the broken seat behind you
  4544. >Janitor: "... now that was entertaining, AND destructive"
  4545. "Wait, so YOU did this?"
  4546. >Janitor: "Not me, my apprentice"
  4547. "A janitor's apprentice? Who the hell would-"
  4548. >Pinkie: "-Hi Nonny!"
  4549. >Again, wut?
  4550. >The janitor sits at a a table, and Pinkie sits next to him
  4551. >Janitor: "The repairs can wait. Come on, take a seat"
  4552. >Naturally you're skeptical
  4553. >Janitor: "Relax, I only rigged the one seat"
  4554. >... after thinking it over, you sit on the bench across the table from him
  4555. >*CRASH*
  4556. >Janitor: "Okay, and maybe one other"
  4557. >You wince in pain
  4558. "Wh-What the hell kind of janitor are you?"
  4559. >Janitor: "There's a reason they call me Discord' "
  4560. >So where did Pinkie get all her knowledge about vandalizing school property? And how does she seem to have access to places in the school no one else does to set up her pranks? And why does she never get in trouble for anything?
  4561. >Because the janitor, this Discord guy, makes it all possible
  4562. >He pulls a bench away from another table for you to sit. You let Dash take a seat first this time. Once it's proven safe, you sit next to her
  4563. >Discord: "Alright, lesson number one: That window. Celestia's been insisting on me fixing that first, apparently she doesn't like my work"
  4564. >It's just a bunch of wooden boards sloppily nailed to the wall, not even painted to match the wall. He pulls out a nearly flat cardboard box and leans it against the wall
  4565. >Discord: "Here's the replacement"
  4566. "Okay... and how exactly do we get it in there?"
  4567. >He tosses you a rolled up paper, the instructions
  4568. "Are you at least going to help?"
  4569. >Discord: "I could... but no. I'm just here to supervise"
  4570. >Of course he's making you do all the work
  4572. >After dropping it and nearly breaking a dozen times you finally got it in
  4573. "What do you think Dash, does it look right?"
  4574. >Dash: "I don' know.. I think so"
  4575. >Pinkie: "Looks fine to me"
  4576. >You look back, and notice the janitor is gone
  4577. "Where'd Discord go?"
  4578. >Pinkie: "He went out to get us sandwiches?"
  4579. "All of us?"
  4580. >Pinkie: "Just me and him"
  4581. "What about us?"
  4582. >Pinkie: "You didn't say you wanted anything"
  4583. "You didn't tell us he was going"
  4584. >Pinkie: "You didn't ask"
  4585. "Well... the windows in, and he's gone so we'll probably get going-"
  4586. >Discord: "-You're still supposed to be here for another half hour"
  4587. >He comes back at just the wrong time
  4589. >He keeps the two of you behind, having you fix all the benches that HE broke. You left one unrepaired, should make for a good laugh tomorrow at lunch
  4590. >Once the works is done he finally let's you go, and Pinkie joins you
  4591. >Pinkie: "You coming too, Discord"
  4592. >Discord: "No no, I still got some work to do"
  4593. >What the hell does he mean by that
  4595. >Tuesday
  4596. >Once gain, Dash is there before you, bright and early. And once again, she's gone and dolled herself up
  4597. "Hi Dash, you're here early"
  4598. >Dash: "So are you"
  4599. >With nothing else to do, the two of you go to the library again
  4601. >Just as you expected that makeshift bed is still there. The two of you hang out there just like the day before. She manages to stay awake this time
  4602. >Dash: "So... is this what you do all morning? Just wait?"
  4603. "Pretty much. I actually had World of Warcraft installed on one of the computers in here, I used to come in and play when the librarian wasn't around"
  4604. >Dash: "World of what now?"
  4605. "... Nothing, it was a long time ago"
  4606. >Yeah, you used to play, but then something magical happened
  4607. >You made REAL friends
  4609. >You go through your first two classes, feeling more awkward than usual
  4610. >That feeling when you think everyone is looking at you when you're back is turned, but no one really is... except they ARE all looking at you
  4611. >It's like Rarity told you a week ago. There really are a lot of rumors going around
  4613. >Biology was quite the scene
  4614. >As soon as you take your seat, the whispers begin again
  4615. >"... dude, ask him"
  4616. >"no you ask him"
  4617. >"no way he'll kill me"
  4618. >"fine, if no one's gonna do it, I will"
  4619. >You roll your eyes while still pretending not to notice
  4620. >"... psst. Hey Anon, Rarity. Is it true?"
  4621. "Is what true?"
  4622. >"That you guys are in the mafia?"
  4623. >You and Rarity exchange glances, already done with this shit
  4624. >You ponder your options. On the good side, you can play along with it and convince everyone that you had the whole school in the palm of your hand. But on the bad side, you might... uhh...
  4625. "And what if I said I was?"
  4626. >Yeah, there is no bad side
  4627. >"So then... you're friends with that big Russian guy from the-"
  4628. >Rarity: "-You mean my dad?"
  4629. >"That was your dad?"
  4630. >Her dad?
  4631. >Rarity: "Yeah, he watches over all of us, and all it takes is one phone call"
  4632. >"... dude, he's in with the family. This is some Godfather type shit here"
  4633. "The Godfather was Italian"
  4634. >"But you ARE in with the family, right? Like, they got your back and stuff?"
  4635. "You wanna find out?"
  4636. >Reel it in, you can't go around executing everyone in the school... well, you technically COULD, Vlad's quite the fighter
  4637. >But that doesn't mean you should
  4638. >"So, if her dad's got your back, and you're in with her family..."
  4639. "... Yes?"
  4640. >"You two really-"
  4641. >Teacher: "-Knock it off back there!"
  4642. >They go silent
  4643. >Damn teachers, always making you do work and stuff, like they think they run the place or something
  4644. "... hey Rarity" you whisper
  4645. >Rarity: "yeah?"
  4646. "I thought Vlad was your uncle"
  4647. >Rarity: "he is, but saying he's my dad sounds more threatening. especially when dealing with the Bratva"
  4648. "the what-?"
  4649. >Teacher: "-I said stop talking!"
  4650. >Fucking teachers...
  4651. >But still
  4652. >Rarity making up bullshit... it fills you with pride
  4654. >When class is over, the two of you are the last ones to linger out
  4655. >Dash is there waiting for you
  4656. >Dash: "What happened in class? Everyone looked so freaked out"
  4657. "Well... let's just say that if anyone asks, you're in the mafia"
  4658. >Dash: "The mafia?"
  4659. "It's okay, we all are"
  4661. >Walking into the cafeteria, the first thing you look for is the window you replaced. Seeing it fills you with a sense of pride
  4662. >When the three of you head to the table, Pinkie is already waiting for you
  4663. >Pinkie: "Hey guys, how's it going?"
  4664. "Well, our new window is still in place, so I feel pretty-"
  4665. >*CRASH*
  4666. >Pinkie: "... told you to fix all of them"
  4667. >Remember the one seat you didn't fix? The one you thought would make for a good laugh?
  4668. >Yeah, you're not laughing
  4669. "Was this your idea?"
  4670. >Pinkie: "No, it was Discord's idea"
  4671. "... that's it. He started a war-"
  4672. >Discord: "-Are you sure you want to challenge ME to a prank war?"
  4673. >He has a way of popping up completely out of nowhere
  4674. >He actually fixed the seat for you. Suppose he could be a nice guy when he isn't pulling some kind of bullshit
  4675. >... sounds a lot like Pinkie
  4677. >Heading back to class after lunch
  4678. >Dash: "... all I'm saying is, they DID tell us to fix all of them"
  4679. "And all I'M saying is, I didn't think they'd actually get me with it"
  4680. >Dash: "You're really not going to let it go, are you?"
  4681. "Would you let it go, after falling for it three times-"
  4682. >"Well, holy shit you're alive!"
  4683. >A pair of arms comes out from behind, one swinging around your shoulders and the other around Dash's
  4684. >Nurse: "Hate to say it, but I'm glad to see you two again, this school can get really boring"
  4685. >She pulls the two of you towards her office
  4686. "What about class?"
  4687. >Nurse: "Since when were you above ditching class?"
  4688. >... true
  4689. >Might as well see what she's up to
  4691. >She spends the whole walk back to her office complaining about how boring the job is without you two
  4692. >When you do arrive she locks the door behind you
  4693. >Nurse: "Sick of those damn cops popping in unannounced and telling me, 'you can't have alcohol on campus! you can't smoke on campus!' Yeah yeah, don't give me that"
  4694. >You and Dash sit down on the bed, she takes a seat in her swivel chair
  4695. >Nurse: "Alright, first thing's first, did you just come back today?"
  4696. "No, we were here yesterday-"
  4697. >*SMACK*
  4698. "What the hell?"
  4699. >Nurse: "That's for not stopping by. Couldn't spare two damn seconds to say 'hi, we're back, thanks for saving my ass with Luna' or something?"
  4700. >She hit you, only you
  4701. "You know Dash was here yesterday too?"
  4702. >Not that you want her to get hit but still... why did you say it again?
  4703. >Nurse: "Yeah, about her..."
  4704. >She takes a rag and wets it, then wheels her chair over to Dash
  4705. >Nurse: "... let's clean that gunk off"
  4706. >She takes the rag and starts aggressively scrubbing Dash's face. When she's done she scoots back. Dash drys off her face, now clear of any makeup, with her shirt
  4707. >Dash: "What was that for?"
  4708. >Nurse: "You tell me. I've been seeing you since your freshman year and not once have I seen you with makeup. Whose idea was it to put that crap on?"
  4709. >Dash: "Mine mostly, but Anon said I looked good-"
  4710. >*SMACK*
  4711. "... again, why do you only hit me?"
  4712. >Nurse: "The first time was just fun. This time you deserved it"
  4713. >She puts her arm around Dash's shoulder
  4714. >Nurse: "Don't listen to him, you look perfect without that whore paint"
  4715. "That's what I-"
  4716. >Nurse: "-Don't make me hit you again"
  4717. >Why did you come here again
  4718. >Nurse: "Now stay there, I've got one last thing that's new around here..."
  4719. >She wheels around to the front of the bed
  4720. >Nurse: "... now this, I think you'll both like"
  4721. >She grabs at something on the wall. As she scoots around the bed, the curtain hanging from the ceiling slowly draws out. She finishes pulling it behind herself so she's on the inside with the two of you
  4722. >Nurse: "Celestia said that a privacy curtain helps kids feel more comfortable if they need to lie down for a while, but I figured you two would put it to better use"
  4723. "And what's that supposed to mean?"
  4724. >She moves to the other side
  4725. >Nurse: "Just keep the noise down, I've got actual work to do"
  4726. "... just to be clear, are you telling us we can-"
  4727. >Nurse: "-ALL I'm saying is to keep the noise down, WHATEVER you do back there"
  4728. >You and Dash sit in awkward silence until she whispers to you
  4729. >Dash: "so Anon... should we, you know, do it?"
  4730. "you sure?"
  4731. >Dash: "I dunno, do you want to?"
  4732. "kinda weird with her right there-"
  4733. >Nurse: "Come on, just fuck already!"
  4734. >Well... she DID say so
  4735. >You lay back on the bed, and Dash, after dropping her shorts and stuffing them in her backpack, climbs on top of you
  4736. >She lowers her face to yours and kisses you. Putting your arms around her, your hands find their way under her shirt. Given how cold it is in her office it's only natural that you feel small goosebumps raised on her back
  4737. >Her hand slowly reaches down and begins massaging your crotch through your pants...
  4738. >...
  4739. >....
  4740. >Dash: "you okay Anon?"
  4741. "yeah I'm fine"
  4742. >Come on little guy, wake up
  4743. >Dash: "you sure? it's okay if-"
  4744. "-I'm fine, just give it a minute"
  4745. >Admittedly this is a little awkward, even for you
  4746. >Nurse: "Need some help in there Anon?"
  4747. >She laughs like a crazy witch
  4748. "Sure, you wanna join in"
  4749. >You were just joking, but Dash still gave you a good punch in the shoulder
  4750. >Nurse: "Trust me kid, there's no way you could handle me, if you can't even get it up for your girlfriend-"
  4751. >Dash: "-Might wanna rethink that, nurse Redheart"
  4752. >Leave it to Dash to stick up for you
  4753. >And speaking of "sticking up"...
  4754. >Boner, you sneaky bastard. Perfect timing
  4755. >Now that little Anon's awake and had his morning coffee, she unzips your pants-
  4756. >Nurse: "-God, what's that smell?"
  4757. >Dash: "ignore her Anon"
  4758. >Dash whispered, you didn't
  4759. "Don't worry Dash, she's just jealous you're getting what she hasn't in years"
  4760. >You're pretty sure you heard a pencil break
  4761. >Bitch
  4762. >Once Dash is certain that she won't pull the curtain aside and kill you both, she reaches down your pants and frees little Anon. She straddles you, positioning it right between her legs and starts grinding on you
  4763. >Either she was wearing no panties or she took them off with her shorts, but you're betting on the former
  4764. >The more she does this, the wetter she gets. The wetter she gets, the faster she moves. The faster she moves, the heavier she breathes
  4765. >It might be her body, it might just be the movement, but you definitely feel hotter
  4766. "Dash..."
  4767. >You don't even have to say it. She knows exactly what you mean
  4768. >She lifts her hips up and holds your penis straight up
  4769. >She slowly drops her hips down, steadily enveloping you inch by inch. Once she's gone all the way to the base, sitting on top of you, she lets out a deep sigh
  4770. >Nurse: "That sounds like a disappointment sigh to me"
  4771. >She thinks she's so funny
  4772. >Sorry Dash
  4773. >Dash: "A-Ahh!"
  4774. >You suddenly thrust your hips up against her, nearly pushing her off. Her whole body twitched at the sudden movement, especially her insides
  4775. >Dash: "... do it again"
  4776. >You start thrusting against her, each movement met with a twitch off her body and a gasp of breath. Her gasps get louder and louder, to a point where they're more like moans than gasps
  4777. "That sound disappointing to you nurse?"
  4779. >Nurse: "No but that does, hold still"
  4780. >You halt
  4781. >She gets up and walks over to the door
  4782. >*CLICK*
  4783. >Nurse: "What do you want?"
  4784. >"Security Patrol, just here to make sure everything's okay"
  4785. >Shit. It's the school cop
  4786. >Nurse: "Yeah, everything's- Hey! What are you doing?"
  4787. >The cop's footsteps comes into the room
  4789. >Be Rainbow Dash
  4790. >Whatever Anon was just doing, it was amazing... until he stopped
  4791. >He's sitting still, but his thing is still throbbing inside you
  4792. >The nurse is out there yelling at someone, apparently one of the school cops
  4793. >Nurse: "Yeah, everything's- Hey! What are you doing?"
  4794. >Cop: "Well, your door was locked, I had to make sure nothing was going on in here"
  4795. >Sitting still like this is unbearable. Maybe...
  4796. >If you move just a little bit, you can be quiet
  4797. >You slide your hips forward... nothing
  4798. >Your whole body tingles, you clench down tightly on him, but ultimately not a sound
  4799. >You move back and forth a bit... still nothing
  4800. >The nurse carries on arguing with the cop
  4801. >Laying down on top of him, resting your head against his chest, you can feel his heart start to race
  4802. >That means he's enjoying it right?
  4803. >He likes it, right?
  4804. >He wants you to keep going, right?
  4805. >... you sure hope so, because you can't hold back any longer
  4807. >Be Anon again
  4808. >This girl is giving you a fucking heart attack
  4809. >The nurse is out there trying to talk the cop out of the room, and she just starts grinding on you
  4810. >Not that it's bad, but still... you're in a fucking panic
  4811. >Nurse: "Okay, you had your look around, now get out, I have a lot of work to do"
  4812. >Cop: "Hang on... is someone sleeping in there?"
  4813. >Dash, please stop
  4814. >... she doesn't stop
  4815. >Nurse: "Yeah, there is, that's why you need to leave before you wake him, he's really not feeling well"
  4816. >You don't really know how you're feeling
  4817. >On the one hand, Dash's insides are so hot, her wet pussy clinging tightly to you, her soft hands gently caressing your chest, her head nuzzling your shoulder. It's absolute ecstasy
  4818. >On the other hand, the cop is literally INCHES away, the only thing between you two and him is this curtain, and the nurse's will
  4820. >Be Nurse Redheart
  4821. >This shithead cop is starting to piss you off. But he IS technically still a cop, so there's not much you can do
  4822. >You're trying to get him out of here so he doesn't catch the two kids screwing in the bed-
  4823. >Shithead: "Hang on... is someone sleeping in there?"
  4825. "Yeah, there is, that's why you need to leave before you wake him, he's really not feeling well"
  4826. >Shithead: "Look, I just need to take a quick peek, make sure he's okay-"
  4827. "Yeah, he's okay, you're doing such a great job protecting the school, now get the hell out of my-"
  4828. >Shithead: "-Well I still need to check, okay, so just stand back"
  4829. >He pushes you aside
  4830. >.... cop or not, no one lays their fucking hands on you
  4831. >You grab shithead by the shoulder
  4833. >Be Anon
  4834. >Dash doesn't stop moving. The cop is coming closer. You say your prayers...
  4835. >Nurse: "If you EVER lay your hands on me again you better bring a fucking SWAT unit with you, got that!"
  4836. >Cop: "It's my job to-"
  4837. >Nurse: "No, YOU'RE job is to be out there trying to act like a big guy to intimidate a bunch of little kids, MY job is to take care of them, you know, actually do something"
  4838. >Cop: "If you-"
  4839. >Nurse: "If you have a problem, take it up with Luna, now get the fuck out of my office!"
  4840. >*SLAM*
  4841. >Whatever just happened, Dash doesn't seem distracted
  4842. >... Not even when Nurse Redheart pulls the curtain aside
  4843. >Nurse: "And THAT'S why I keep the door locked..."
  4844. >You try not to make eye contact with her as she stares, as if sizing you up
  4845. >Nurse: "... huh, I always knew you'd be a bottom. Anyways, have fun you two"
  4846. >She seems a little more delightful, like she just let out a lot from her system
  4847. >She closes the curtain, letting you two carry on in peace
  4848. >As much as you hate to admit it, that whole situation, putting you on edge... was kind of exciting
  4849. >At least it didn't throw you off at all, because Dash sure wasn't
  4850. >When you start thrusting your hips against her, it's like she lets out a wave of pleasure that she's been holding in. She tries not to moan out loud, but to no avail
  4851. >Nurse: "You know just because he's gone doesn't mean you can make all the noise you want"
  4852. "Trust me, when she gets going there's no controlling- mmH"
  4853. >She interrupted you, shoving her tongue down your throat. Her hips slam against yours, the wet slushing sounds of her insides drowned out by her moaning voice
  4854. >Admittedly you share her excitement, finding yourself coming close
  4855. >The kiss is broken but your tongues are still twirled together
  4856. >Dash: "... A-Anon... I'm about to..."
  4857. >The curtain slides back open
  4858. >Nurse: "This I GOTTA see!"
  4859. >It doesn't slow you down
  4860. >You pull Dash down and hold her tightly. You give her one big kiss. And with one final thrust, you finish inside her
  4861. >Nurse: "... damn..."
  4862. >She collapses on top of you, so you gently wrap your arms-
  4863. >*BANG BANG BANG*
  4864. >Nurse: "No time for that, get up"
  4865. >You quickly jump to your feet, pull your pants back up, then step on the other side of the privacy curtain, leaving Dash to lay in peace
  4866. >*CLICK*
  4867. >The door flies open, and in steps the cop with Vice Principal Luna
  4868. >Luna: "Tell us what's going on here. Now."
  4869. >You and the nurse both got your cool faces on
  4870. >Nurse: "Officer Asshole here came barging in, trying to wake up Dash after I specifically told him she wasn't feeling well"
  4871. >Luna: "We'll see that for ourselves"
  4872. >Luna pulls the curtain aside and touches Dash's forehead
  4873. >Luna: "She's burning up"
  4874. >Nurse: "Told you"
  4875. >Luna: "And what about you Anonymous, why are you here?"
  4876. "Just brought her her things"
  4877. >You point towards her backpack
  4878. >Luna: "... just make sure she gets her rest, she looks exhausted"
  4879. >She and the officer leave. You and the nurse flip them off behind the closed door
  4880. >She plops down in her chair and it nearly slides out from beneath her
  4881. >Nurse: "... you know I really should have stopped you from finishing inside her, right?"
  4882. "Yeah, probably"
  4883. >She reaches in the drawer and tosses you a box of pills
  4884. >Nurse: "Just make sure she takes these and you should be fine. Just don't let it happen again, I don't want to get a call one day asking me to appear on '16 and Pregnant' "
  4885. >You stuff the box in her backpack, then take a seat next to her
  4886. >Nurse: "I'll write you passes for your next class. Go on, relax"
  4887. >She pulls the curtain closed
  4888. >You lay down next to Dash, gently brushing the hair from her face
  4889. >Her eyes slowly drift open
  4890. >Dash: "Is... *yawn* everything okay?"
  4891. "Yeah, everything's fine"
  4892. >She nestles her face into your shoulder
  4893. "you really do look much better without makeup"
  4894. >She says nothing... her smile is response enough
  4895. >As she slowly drifts off to sleep, you close your eyes and do the same
  4897. >Be Nurse Redheart
  4898. >You crack a window
  4899. >You light a cigarette
  4900. >You let out a deep sigh of relief
  4901. >Those kids really piss you off sometimes. They're sickeningly sweet, and sometimes just seeing them together makes you cringe... but damned if they're not two of the most endearing kids you've ever seen
  4902. >They really do make this job worth it
  4903. >... note to self: don't ever tell them that
  4904. >You tap off your cigarette in the makeshift ash tray in your desk drawer
  4905. >...
  4906. >Your free hand slowly slides up your skirt and between your legs, gently pressing your finger against the crotch of your panties
  4907. >God damn it Anon
  4908. >It really has been a while, hasn't it?
  4910. >...
  4911. >Nurse: "Hey, wake up"
  4912. >... ignore her
  4913. >Nurse: "Hey snugglefucks, I said wake up"
  4914. >The bed starts shaking, and not in a good way
  4915. >You slowly get up out of the bed
  4916. "What's going on?"
  4917. >Nurse: "What's going on is you've been sleeping all day"
  4918. >She crumples up a piece of paper and throws it at Dash
  4919. >Nurse: "Come on, you too, get out of here"
  4920. >Dash slowly picks herself up
  4921. >Dash: "mmh... *yawn* ...what time is it?"
  4922. >Nurse: "Time for you to go, I've got work to do. Sixth period JUST ended, so you should still have time to make it to your last class"
  4923. >Dash: "She's right, we should get going"
  4924. >Damn, two against one
  4925. >Before leaving, she takes her shorts out of her bag and puts them back on
  4926. >Dash: "... hey Anon, what are these?"
  4927. >She holds up the box of pills
  4928. "Redheart said to take them"
  4929. >Dash: "For what?"
  4930. >You hesitate, trying to think of a more discrete way of saying-
  4931. >Nurse: "-So you don't get your ass pregnant"
  4932. >... leave it to her to have more balls than you
  4933. >After getting your stuff, the two of you head to gym
  4935. >Changing in the locker room
  4936. >Once again, you find yourself surrounded by stares and whispers
  4937. >Seriously, damn this gossipy school
  4938. >The guy next to you in the locker room won't leave you alone
  4939. >"... hey Anon is it true?"
  4940. "Is what true?"
  4941. >"you know... that you're in with the mafia?"
  4942. "Yeah, sure"
  4943. >"... and is that other thing true?"
  4944. "What other thing?"
  4945. >"that you and Rainbow Dash are dating?"
  4946. "We've been dating for a wile now"
  4947. >"... and is that OTHER other thing true?"
  4948. >This asshole
  4949. "The hell are you talking about?"
  4950. >"that you and Rarity hooked up last week?"
  4951. "What'd you just say?"
  4952. >"I hear you and Rarity did it last week. is that true?"
  4953. "Who told you that?"
  4954. >He turns back to the rest off the guys
  4955. >He's not saying no!"
  4956. >"DAMN SON!"
  4958. >No
  4959. >All you had to say was no
  4961. >You wait in the gym trying to figure out who the hell talked
  4962. >On the one hand, Rarity IS a horrible gossip, but would she really do that to herself? On the other hand, Pinkie is a loudmouth, but if there's anything she can do it's keep a secret...
  4963. >Dash: "Hey Anon, what's up"
  4964. >You were zoned out when she shows up and sits next to you
  4965. >... there's no way it was her
  4966. >Dash: "Are you actually going to participate in class today?"
  4967. "Of course not"
  4968. >Dash: "Need me to get you hurt?"
  4969. "Nope, someone else will"
  4970. >Dash: "Who?"
  4972. >You take a seat on the bleachers, your eye sore from the basketball you took to the face. The guy who threw it is seated next to you
  4973. >The same guy who was pestering you in the locker room
  4974. >"Sorry man, didn't mean to do that"
  4975. >Of course he didn't, you jumped in front of the ball
  4976. "Don't worry about it, it's fine. But while you're here, how about you tell me who told you that rumor about me and Rarity?"
  4977. >Oh that? Nah man, don't worry about it, it's no big deal. Hell, if I tapped Rarity I'd be-"
  4978. "-Actually, I didn't. And it is a big deal, now who told you?"
  4979. >"I dunno man, why?"
  4980. >Realizing you're not getting through to him, you resort to your plan B
  4981. >You take out your phone, dial the number, turn on the speaker
  4982. >"Who are you calling?"
  4983. "One of my mafia contacts... Rarity's dad"
  4984. >Vlad's voice booms from the phone
  4986. "Now, you wanna talk to me, or to HIM?"
  4987. >This guy's about to crap himself
  4988. >"Alright alright, man, I'll tell you! Just, don't send your hitman on me!"
  4989. "... sorry Vlad. Wrong number"
  4991. >*CLICK*
  4992. "Now, tell me who told you"
  4993. >"Okay look, the thing is... I don't really know who it was"
  4994. "Are you kidding me-"
  4995. >"-but I kinda saw him. Well, I only saw his back, but he was running his mouth like a drunk Mexican, so I know what I heard"
  4996. "... go on"
  4997. >"I heard him talking about it the other day"
  4998. "And how did you know it was ME he was talking about?"
  4999. >"I heard someone mention your name"
  5000. "Who mentioned my name?!"
  5001. >"Rarity did!
  5002. "... Rarity did?"
  5003. >That gossipy bitch, you're honestly not surprised
  5004. >"Yeah, she was with him at the time, that's why I thought it was no secret. I think your girlfriend was with him too"
  5005. >Dash was there too?
  5006. "... when did all this happen?"
  5007. >"I think yesterday. At lunch"
  5008. >...
  5009. >Wasn't that the day Pinkie made you tell her wht happened?
  5010. >But there's no way that loud mouth he's talking about was you, right? It's just not possible, right? It HAD to be someone else... right?
  5011. "... how many people have you told?"
  5012. >"I dunno man, a lot-"
  5013. "Well don't. Got it?"
  5014. >"Why-"
  5015. "Because I said. And if anyone does ask, you tell them you made the whole thing up"
  5016. >"Alright alright, I got it... but just between you and me-"
  5017. "It didn't happen"
  5018. >The two of you don't speak another word until gym class is over
  5019. >What have you done, Anon
  5020. >What the hell have you done
  5021. >Dash: "Hey Anon, ready to work on the cafeteria today?
  5022. "... s-sure"
  5023. >What's a good way of telling your girlfriend that the whole school knows about your three-way, all thanks to you?
  5024. >The correct answer: don't
  5026. >Today, Discord has you buffing out the scratches on the floor
  5027. >It wouldn't have been so bad if he didn't come in wearing athletic cleats
  5028. >He really doesn't make this easy on you
  5029. >You try to avoid conversations with Dash, still trying to find a way to break the news
  5030. >Dash: "Okay, tell me what's going on, you've been out of it all afternoon"
  5031. >She's not letting that
  5032. "'ve been hearing all the rumors about us, right?"
  5033. >Dash: "All the talk about us and the mafia? I've been hearing it nonstop"
  5034. "Yeah... what about anything else?"
  5035. >Dash: "What do you mean 'anything else'?"
  5036. "I don't know, just anything?"
  5037. >Dash: "Not that I know of, did you hear something else?"
  5038. "Not really, just asking"
  5039. >You continue you work in silence
  5041. >After you're done for the day, the two of you head home. Well, at least as far as she'll let you go. When you reach the front doors of the school, she stops you
  5042. >Dash: "So when are you going to tell me what's really going on?"
  5043. "What do you mean?"
  5044. >She gets between the doors and you, not letting you pass
  5045. >Dash: "Look, something's on your mind, I can tell"
  5046. "There's really not, I'm just exhausted-"
  5047. >Dash: "-You're a terrible liar Anon, and I'm not letting you leave until you tell me what it is"
  5049. >Wednesday morning, she wasn't there like she has been
  5050. >The past two days you've been wondering why she would show up so early. It almost worried you that she was exhausting herself to see you in the morning
  5051. >But after what happened yesterday, you're worried as to why she's not here
  5052. >After you dropped the god damn bomb...
  5054. >Yesterday
  5055. >Dash: "I'm not letting you leave until you tell me what's going on"
  5056. >There's no way out of it
  5057. "Alright...there's been some talk"
  5058. >Dash: "About what?"
  5059. >...
  5060. >When you don't respond, she gets worried, taking your hand in comfort
  5061. >Dash: "Look, Anon, whatever it, just tell me. I'm listening"
  5062. >There's a reassuring sweetness to her voice, something you don't hear from her very often
  5063. "...okay. People have been talking... about last Thursday"
  5064. >Her face turns grave
  5065. >Dash: "... what about last Thursday?"
  5066. >She clearly knows but still wants to deny it
  5067. "About us. You, and me... and Rarity"
  5068. >Dash: "How did they find out? Did someone talk about it?"
  5069. "Sort of"
  5070. >Dash: "Who was it? I mean, for sure it wasn't it any of us, right?"
  5071. "..."
  5072. >Dash: "... Anon?"
  5073. >Dash: "You told!"
  5074. >Her hand tightens its grip on yours to bone-crushing levels
  5075. >Dash: "Why the hell would you tell someone!"
  5076. "I didn't-"
  5077. >Dash: "-Don't you know how weird this is for me!"
  5078. >Her hands start to quiver, and her eyes well up with tears. It's impossible to exactly read her expression, some mix of anger, embarrassment, and confusion
  5079. "Dash listen I can explain-"
  5080. >Dash: "You damn well better"
  5081. "I didn't actually tell anyone!"
  5082. >Dash: "Then what happened?"
  5083. "He just overheard me at lunch on Monday"
  5084. >Her hands stop shaking and her grip loosens
  5085. "Dash, I swear, I do get how you feel. I never would have told ANYONE consciously"
  5086. >Dash: "..."
  5087. "I didn't mean for this to happen, I just-"
  5088. >Dash: "-it's alright, I get it... Just... how many people know?"
  5089. "One guy told me, and he said he only told a few others. And don't worry, they'll probably forget about it by the end of the week, they always do. You know how this school is"
  5090. >They forgot about the issue with you getting pantsed in gym by Flash pretty quickly. There's always some new rumor going around
  5091. >Dash: "Yeah... you're probably right"
  5092. >You pull her into a hug
  5093. "So you're okay?"
  5094. >Dash: "Of course"
  5095. >Of course she's lying
  5097. >Despite what happened that day, you still decided to wait for her in front of the school the next morning
  5098. >While waiting, you notice an unfamiliar face in the crowd. Unlike everyone else's vibrant pastel clothing, this person is dressed in faded jeans and a dark hoodie, hood pulled up over their face
  5099. >Now would be a good time to head home before they start shooting
  5100. >Please walk past me please walk past me please walk past me please walks past-
  5101. >They come and stand right next to you
  5102. >Okay, whatever you do, just ignore the creepy guy-
  5103. "Uhh, can I help you?"
  5104. >... it's like you're trying to get shot
  5105. >"Anon, it's me"
  5106. >She lifts her head just enough for you to see the curl of her purple hair drooping over her pale face
  5107. "... Rarity? Why are you dressed like that?"
  5108. >Rarity: "Rainbow Dash told me about your conversation yesterday. Now the whole school knows about... us"
  5109. "I don't think the WHOLE school knows"
  5110. >Rarity: "Well still, I'd rather not be recognized until it all blows over"
  5111. "How are you going to avoid being recognized in class?"
  5112. >Rarity: "... not every plan can be perfect"
  5113. >Just then you notice Dash approaching, dressed as she always does, not just her clothes but without makeup
  5114. "See? Not even Dash is dressed as casually a you"
  5115. >Rarity: "Casually? These are actually designer jeans from-"
  5116. >Dash: "-Hey Rarity, what's up with the sloppy outfit?"
  5117. >Rarity: "... forget it. And while we're talking about appearances here, you're not wearing makeup"
  5118. >Dash: "Yeah, I figured I didn't really need it"
  5119. >She smiles at you
  5120. >Rarity: "... did I miss something here?"
  5121. "It's nothing. But since Dash is here that means we're pretty much late for class, so we should probably get-"
  5122. >*RIIIING*
  5123. >Good timing
  5124. >The three of you head in and start to go your separate ways
  5125. "Hey Dash..."
  5126. >She glances back to you
  5127. "... we good?"
  5128. >Dash: "Yeah. We're good"
  5129. >And so long as the rumor doesn't spread you'll stay that way
  5130. >Math class, your first class of the day
  5131. >Nothing interesting ever happens here. Probably because no one interesting is in your class-
  5132. >Scratch that...
  5133. >It's that guy from yesterday, the one who's been talking about the three-way. You've never noticed him before because you never had an issue with him
  5134. >Gabe. You caught his name when the teacher was checking attendance, Gabe Uttsex
  5135. >... honestly, not the worst name you've heard at this school
  5136. >He glances at you, before whispering to the guy next to him. The look of surprise on the other guy's face tells you enough
  5137. >They're talking about it
  5138. >Time to show this guy a quick lesson, remind him who you're dealing with... or at least, who KNOWS the guy he's dealing with
  5139. >You send a quick text message
  5141. >You go back to your regular, boring, everyday class
  5143. >...
  5144. >*CRASH*
  5145. >The door bursts open
  5146. >Teacher: "Who are you?! You can't be on-"
  5147. >The hulking intruder grabs the teacher by his collar, lifting him off the ground
  5148. >"Tell me where little man is!"
  5149. >You raise your hand
  5150. "Back here, Vlad"
  5151. >Vlad: "Little man! Been long since last time we meet!"
  5152. >He marches over to you, handing you a backpack that looks designed for a life-long hiking trip. Must be one of those tactical packs from his shop
  5153. >Vlad: "Tell Baby Rarity I say hello"
  5154. >He turns to leave but the teacher blocks the door
  5155. >...yup, you're about to witness a murder
  5156. >Teacher: "Hold up, you're not going anywhere until campus Security Patrol shows up!"
  5157. >Vlad lets out a hearty laugh
  5158. >Vlad: "I saw them! Little babies playing dress up, pretend police. It's cute"
  5159. >He pushes the teacher aside, throwing him off his feet
  5160. >You didn't see after he left the room, but it's safe to assume that he walked off campus uncontested
  5161. >... Gabe looks like he got the message
  5163. >Biology
  5164. >Rarity strolls in, looking different than before... more normal
  5165. >She changed into some frilly skirt with sparkly bedazzled trimming, and a matching blouse
  5166. "Looks like someone put their fancy pants back on. What happened to your plan?"
  5167. >Rarity: "You were right, it didn't work"
  5168. "Take it from me, the king of fuck ups, I knew it wouldn't. But where did you get that outfit?"
  5169. >Rarity: "I keep an emergency emergency change of clothes in my locker, you know, in case of a disaster"
  5170. "And what constitutes a disaster?"
  5171. >Rarity: "Like, if someone shows up wearing the same top as me. Or how sometimes your clothes look good in the light at home, but not so much here, you know?"
  5172. >No. You don't know
  5173. "Oh by the way, before I forget..."
  5174. >You hand Rarity the other backpack, the one from Vlad
  5175. "Here you go, just give it back to Vlad after school"
  5176. >Rarity: "Uhh..."
  5177. "What?"
  5178. >Rarity: "It doesn't really match this outfit...
  5179. "Seriously? It's not that big of a deal"
  5180. >Rarity: "You know what, you're right. I have a few other changes in my locker that just might work. I should be more like you sometimes Anon, always looking on the bright side"
  5181. >You've got to be kidding me
  5182. >Rarity: "So anyways, have you heard anything about... anything?"
  5183. "Not much..."
  5184. >Except for the one incident with Gabe, but that probably won't happen again
  5185. "... how about you?"
  5186. >Rarity: "Nothing. Nothing at all"
  5187. >Huh, maybe everything will be okay for once
  5189. >After class, the two of you meet with Dash and head to the cafeteria
  5190. >Everything seems calm. Everyone's minding their own business
  5191. >Dash and Rarity are content. Hell, Dash even seems happier
  5192. >For once, she says she's alright and you believe her
  5193. >You keep checking your back checking for eavesdroppers
  5194. >The table behind you seems rowdier than all the others but it's probably nothing
  5195. >Just Gabe having lunch with his friends
  5196. >... right?
  5197. There's a lot of commotion going on at the table behind you. You were looking back to make sure no one was listening in on your conversation, but you couldn't help but be curious. Especially considering that Gabe, the guy who "overheard" your conversation, is sitting there. You catch some parts of their conversation
  5198. >"... no way, are you serious?"
  5199. >"yeah man, he told me himself"
  5200. >"isn't he in a gang or something?"
  5201. >"nah, he's all talk, there's no way he-"
  5202. >Someone grabs your shoulder and shakes you
  5203. >Dash: "Hello? Anon, you in there?"
  5204. "Huh?"
  5205. >Dash: "You were completely zoned out there"
  5206. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about... you know, stuff"
  5207. >Not buying your answer, she looks back where you were looking
  5208. >Dash: "Alright tell me, who were you watching?"
  5209. "... the one sitting at the end, closer to us"
  5210. >Dash: "Who's he?"
  5211. "The guy who knows everything"
  5212. >Rarity jerks her head back, looking over her shoulder, and Pinkie leans over the table between you and Dash
  5213. >Dash: "Is he telling them?
  5214. "I don't think so"
  5215. >Rarity: "Didn't you say he wouldn't tell anyone?"
  5216. "Pretty sure, I made a hell of a show of it this morning"
  5217. >Rarity: "... you called Vlad, didn't you? That's where the backpack came from?"
  5218. "Well I had to do something"
  5219. >Pinkie: "I have no idea what's going on here"
  5220. "... none of you told her?"
  5221. >Dash: "Nu-uh, I thought you would have told her"
  5222. "I figured Rarity would have told her first of any of us"
  5223. >Rarity: "What's that supposed to mean?"
  5224. >Dash: "Well, you were kind of the one who told her in the first place"
  5225. >Pinkie: "And I still have no idea what's going on"
  5226. >Realizing this could go on all day, you stop everything to tell Pinkie
  5227. >Once again, they make you tell the story to Pinkie Pie
  5228. >Pinkie: "... so you're saying he knows about what happened?"
  5229. "Yup"
  5230. >Pinkie: "And he may or may not be spreading the rumor around the school"
  5231. "That's what I said"
  5232. >Pinkie: "And just so we're all clear here... this is entirely your fault, right Nonny?"
  5233. "Yea- wait, what?
  5234. >Rarity: "Yup"
  5235. >Dash: "Pretty much"
  5236. "It's not entirely MY-"
  5237. >Pinkie: "-Okay, we all agree, just making sure"
  5238. "But I- ... you know what, nevermind"
  5239. >The shit you put up with sometimes
  5241. >History class
  5242. >Halfway through class Luna's voice comes in over the speaker
  5244. >She couldn't just send a written note or something. No, she had to put you on the spot like that
  5245. >Dash: "Anon, what did you do this time?"
  5246. "Nothing"
  5247. >At least, not that you remember
  5249. >Luna: "Take a seat, we have a serious issue to discuss"
  5250. >She was more harsh than usual since you stepped into her office
  5251. >Then again you'd be too in her position, three days back from suspension and you already did... something
  5252. "What did I do this time-?"
  5253. >Your math teacher steps into the room
  5254. >Oh boy, it's this guy
  5255. >Teacher: "You know what you did! You brought in that big guy to interrupt my class!"
  5256. "Luna you can't really-"
  5257. >Luna: "-That's VICE PRINCIPAL Luna to you"
  5258. >Admit it, she's actually intimidating
  5259. "Right, sorry. But anyways, you can't really believe this"
  5260. >Luna: "Then YOU tell us what happened"
  5261. "Rar-... I broke my backpack earlier..."
  5262. >You'd rather not get her involved
  5263. "I just asked him to bring me a new one"
  5264. >She looks at you, clearly with disbelief
  5265. "I swear, that's all he did. He didn't break anything or kill anyone, he just brought me a back pack"
  5266. >... she still doesn't believe you
  5267. >Luna: "He should have dropped it off at the office"
  5268. "He didn't know he's Russian. I'm pretty sure they don't have schools there, so he doesn't get how it works"
  5269. >She lets out a long sigh, clearly done with your shit
  5270. >Luna: "Is that true?"
  5271. >Teacher: "Well, yeah I suppose"
  5272. >Luna: "... alright, here's what we'll do. We won't punish you for now Anonymous-"
  5273. >Teacher: "-Are you kidding? Someone broke into our campus! He made a mockery of our security officers! And most importantly, he disrupted my class, for both me and his peers! And you're just letting him get away with it?"
  5274. >Luna silently stares him down until his angry, confident stance breaks and cowers down
  5275. >Teacher: "... with all due respect, ma'am"
  5276. >Luna: "Are you finished"
  5277. >Teacher: "Y-Yes ma'am-"
  5278. >Luna: "-Good. Interrupt us again and you will be"
  5279. >... damn son
  5280. >Luna: "Now as we were saying, Anonymous, we won't punish you for now, but we don't want to hear another report like this again. If we find out that this intruder, this Russian friend of yours, is ever seen on campus again, you WILL be expelled, are we clear?"
  5281. "Yes"
  5282. >Luna: "Keep control of yourself Anonymous, you can't keep coming here every day, we do have work to do"
  5283. "Got it"
  5284. >Luna: "... dismissed. Both of you"
  5285. >You hold the door open for your teacher with a sarcastic "after you"
  5286. >Teacher: "Just because you're off the hook with HER, doesn't mean you're okay with ME. And you can expect a phone call to your parents today!"
  5287. "Go ahead, I'm sure they'd like to hear about this"
  5288. >Teacher: "Oh you bet they will!"
  5289. >He storms off, not aware that your "parent contact" that you gave to the school was the number of a payphone near your home. So many homeless people have answered claiming to be your parents that most teachers don't even bother anymore
  5291. >Dash is waiting for you right outside Luna's office
  5292. >Dash: "Well? Are you in trouble?"
  5293. "No, but I think Vlad is"
  5294. >After seeing her confused look, you explain
  5295. >Dash: "So... you're not getting sent home?"
  5296. "Nope, you're stuck with me for good"
  5297. >Dash: "Well I brought this just in case"
  5298. >She hands you your back pack, everything in it. You notice she has hers with her too
  5299. "So... technically neither of us have a need to go back to class"
  5301. >Dash: "You know, it's been so long that I almost forgot how good this vending machine food can be"
  5302. >The two of you laid back against the machine, her head resting on your shoulder. To get more comfortable, you kick your shoes off
  5303. >Dash: "... huh. Not a bad idea"
  5304. >She pulls her boots off
  5305. >Dash: "Just as long as you keep your pants on this time"
  5306. "Maybe"
  5307. >Dash: "... You wouldn't"
  5308. >Is she seriously doing this? Did she forget who you are?
  5309. "Is that a challenge?"
  5310. >Dash: "Go ahead, I'm not stopping you"
  5311. >You silently smile at her, waiting for your eyes to meet
  5312. >Without breaking eye contact, You slowly work the button of your pants. Despite trying to act cool, there's no missing that blush, nor her hand sneaking up your thigh
  5313. >You stop with your hand on your zipper
  5314. >Dash: "I-Is that all?"
  5315. "Depends, how far do you want to take this-?"
  5316. >"-Preferably nowhere"
  5317. >Nurse Redheart approaches from around the hall. You quickly try to cover up, but it's too late
  5318. >Nurse: "Or if you're going to, at least be discreet. Sneak into the bathroom, or an empty classroom. Hell, you might as well come back to my office"
  5319. "Should we be taking notes here?"
  5320. >Nurse: "You're going to do it anyways, I'm just looking out for you. Speaking of which, you shouldn't eat so much vending machine food, that crap'll kill you"
  5321. >She pushes you aside to get a soda from the drink machine
  5322. "I thought you said this'll kill you?"
  5323. >Nurse: "Screw it, I'll take my chances"
  5324. >She starts to walk away, but stops herself
  5325. >Nurse: "... oh by the way, I've been hearing some talk"
  5326. >...
  5327. >Shit
  5328. >Anyone but her
  5329. >You and Dash exchange glances, internally panicking
  5330. >Nurse: "... quit being a wuss, you can't rely on your Russian friend forever you know"
  5331. >With that, she walks off
  5332. >You and Dash let out a joint sigh of relief, as you rebutton your pants-
  5333. >Dash "-Anon, wait"
  5334. "What?"
  5335. >Dash: "Like she said... I think there's an empty classroom around here"
  5336. >Oh yeah
  5337. >It's business time
  5339. >Thursday morning
  5340. >You're waiting in front of the school for Dash as usual
  5341. >You check the time, the bell should ring soon
  5342. >And you're still waiting
  5343. >... *RIIIING*
  5344. >Well, you're not getting any later, so you continue waiting
  5345. >About five minutes after the bell, Dash comes running up
  5346. >Dash: "Sorry, I woke up late this morning"
  5347. "Don't you always?"
  5348. >She looks like she wants to say something, but is too tired to
  5350. >You were in no hurry to get to math class
  5351. >As you make your way down the hall, you hear a voice call out to you. It sounds familiar, but you can't quite put your finger on it
  5352. >"Hey you, stop!"
  5353. >From behind you approaches one of the campus Security Patrol guys... you know, the pretend cops
  5354. "What did I do?"
  5355. >Cop: "That's a good question, what DID you do?"
  5356. "Excuse me?"
  5357. >Cop: "You should be in class right now shouldn't you?"
  5358. "Yeah, I'm just on my way"
  5359. >Cop: "Actually you're going to have to come with me"
  5360. "Why, what did I do?"
  5361. >Cop: "You're looking suspicious, and I'm willing to bet that you're up to something"
  5362. >... wait a sec, this is the same cop that came into the nurse's office when you were doing it with Dash
  5363. "So what are you going to tell Luna? That you caught me... suspiciously going to class?"
  5364. >He grabs you by the shoulder
  5365. >Cop: "I'll tell her whatever I want, now come on"
  5366. >He directs you towards Luna's office
  5368. >When you get there you find that her office door is locked. The cop doesn't really know what to do
  5369. "Great, I'll just be going back now"
  5370. >Cop: "Oh no, you're not going anywhere"
  5371. "Am I supposed to wait here until she comes back?"
  5372. >Cop: "You'll wait as long as I say you'll wait!"
  5373. >"What is all the commotion out here?"
  5374. >Celestia steps out of her office, which is right next to Luna's
  5375. >Cop: "Glad to see you ma'am, I caught this delinquent trying to ditch class"
  5376. "I wasn't ditching, I was just-"
  5377. >Celestia: "Save it Anonymous, just come in"
  5378. >Celestia leads you into her office, telling the officer to wait outside, and slams the door behind you
  5379. "Listen, I wasn't actually ditching class, I showed up late. I was on my way to class when he stopped me"
  5380. >Celestia: "Don't worry, I know"
  5381. "You do?"
  5382. >Celestia: "Between you and me, he seems to make a big deal out of every little thing that goes on. Like he thinks he's back to his beat cop days"
  5383. >Yup, he's THAT guy, the one that even the other cops laugh at
  5384. >Celestia: "Now, we need to have a discussion about YOU, Anonymous"
  5385. "What about me?"
  5386. >Celestia: "About all the trouble you've been getting in lately"
  5387. "But I didn't do anything"
  5388. >Celestia: "Not this time, but I've seen you in my sister's office more often than anyone else lately, and if I were you I'd suggest keeping out of trouble"
  5389. "Aright, I got it"
  5390. >Celestia: "Remember, despite your suspension I convinced my sister to show some leniency, but if you get in any more trouble you will be banned from the upcoming dance"
  5391. "... the upcoming what now?"
  5393. >Rarity: "You didn't know, the Winter Ball is coming up in a few weeks"
  5394. >Dash: "Yeah, how can you NOT hear about it?"
  5395. >You need to find some guys to sit with at lunch
  5396. "Not really, I usually don't go to those"
  5397. >The girls all look around at each other like you're insane
  5398. >Dash: "Why not? It's a great time for friends to all hang out and have fun"
  5399. >Rarity: "And they always go all out with the decorations, it really is a beautiful night"
  5400. >Pinkie: "Not to mention it's really fun! Haven't you ever been, even once?"
  5401. "Nope, not once"
  5402. >Again, they look at you like you're insane
  5403. "Well, you guys have fun, I'll probably just-"
  5404. >Rarity: "Wait, you're not coming with us?"
  5405. "Should I?"
  5406. >Pinkie: "You totally should! Right, Dash?"
  5407. >Being put on the spot seems to confuse her
  5408. >Dash: "Well... I mean, he doesn't HAVE to, I was just thinking I might not end up going either-"
  5409. >Rarity: "What!?"
  5410. >Dash: "Yeah, I think I'm busy that night, I probably can't make it"
  5411. >The rest of lunch goes on as you'd expect, them begging Dash to change her mind
  5412. >... you SERIOUSLY need some guy friends to sit with
  5414. >History class
  5415. >As usual Dash is sitting right next to you
  5416. >Dash: "... so Anon, are you really not going?"
  5417. "Not going to what?"
  5418. >Dash: "You know, the Winter Ball?"
  5419. "Oh yeah, I probably won't. Why, did you want to go-"
  5420. >Dash: "N-No, its fine, they're usually pretty boring. I just go because Rarity drags me along"
  5421. >You know a lie when you see one
  5422. >Dash: "But... we can still hang out that night and do something else, right?"
  5423. >... something goes off in your brain. A little flag pops up. A little light bulb goes off
  5424. "Dash... do you want to go to the dance-"
  5425. >Dash: "N-No, of course not. It's just so that neither of us has to be THAT GUY, you know?"
  5426. >If by "that guy" she means "the guy home alone on prom night"...
  5427. >Hearing it out loud, it does make you regret never going
  5428. "Yeah sure, we can hang out"
  5429. >She leans onto your shoulder, giving you a little nuzzle
  5430. >Dash: "Thanks Anon"
  5432. >You get to English class a good five minutes before class even starts
  5433. >Pinkie is sitting on top of her desk slowly kicking her feet. As soon as she sees you she starts frantically calling you over
  5434. >Pinkie: "Hey Nonny! Come here, hurry!"
  5435. "What is it Pink-"
  5436. >*SMACK*
  5437. >As soon as you're within arm's reach she bitch slaps you across the face
  5438. >Pinkie: "Take Dash to the dance"
  5439. "Ow, what the hell was that for?!"
  5440. >Pinkie: "Sorry Nonny, Rarity told me to tell you"
  5441. "Did she tell you to hit me too?"
  5442. >Pinkie: "Yeah, she takes this kind of thing very seriously"
  5443. >She shows you her phone. Sure enough there's a text from Rarity, saying to "smack some sense into Anon"
  5444. >Pinkie: "Also, there's something I forgot to tell you at lunch"
  5445. "Yeah?"
  5446. >*SMACK*
  5447. >Pinkie: "Seriously Nonny, take her to the dance"
  5448. >Damn, Pinkie's got a good arm on her
  5449. "Look, I tried asking Dash out earlier, she said she didn't want to go"
  5450. >Pinkie: "Well, duh, of course she'd say that when she thinks YOU don't want to go. If you want her to say yes you gotta convince her that you wanna go... you DO wanna go, don't you?"
  5451. >Well it can't be that bad, and at least no one will be able to call you the guy who never went to a school dance. Besides... Dash really wants to go
  5452. "Sure, why not. I suppose it could be fun"
  5453. >Pinkie: "Good, then ask her again"
  5454. "If I ask her again she'll just say no"
  5455. >Pinkie: "Then don't JUST ask her"
  5456. "Then... what do I do?"
  5457. >Pinkie: "Ask her, but make it... you know, interesting"
  5458. "Interesting?"
  5459. >Pinkie: "Yeah, you know. Do something surprising, something special"
  5460. "Something... like what?"
  5461. >Pinkie: "I dunno, she's not my girlfriend. You figure it out"
  5462. >Something surprising, something special...
  5463. >You'll think of something
  5465. >Friday
  5466. >You had to come up with something to get a "yes" out of Rainbow Dash
  5467. >... and you think you got it, but it's one hell of risk
  5469. >You stroll into Biology just a few minutes after the bell
  5470. >The teacher seems to accept the "It won't happen again" speech, but the girl next to you doesn't let you off that easily
  5471. >Rarity: "Hey Anon, what took you so long?"
  5472. "Nothing, I was just running late..."
  5473. >Rarity: "... were you asking Dash out to the dance?"
  5474. "Not yet, I-"
  5475. >Rarity: "-Well why not?"
  5476. "Because I'm going to-"
  5477. >Rarity: "-When?"
  5478. "As soon as you let me finish a single damn sentence"
  5479. >Rarity: "... right, sorry"
  5480. "Also, for my plan to work, I'm going to need your help"
  5481. >Rarity: "MY help? What for?"
  5482. >You explain the plan to her
  5483. >Rarity: "... you're not serious, right?"
  5484. "What? It's a great idea-"
  5485. >Rarity: "-Yeah, a great idea if it actually works, and a huge disappointment for Dash if it doesn't. And believe me, it won't"
  5486. "Alright alright, it's okay if you don't want to help. I'm sure I'll find someone who takes this as seriously as I do-"
  5487. >Rarity:"Alright fine, I'll do it. But you better swear to me that you have a backup"
  5488. "I always got a back up plan"
  5489. >You've got no back up plan
  5491. >Dash: "Whoa Anon, you okay?"
  5492. >You stumble out of class, barely able to stand, leaning on Rarity for support
  5493. "Y-Yeah... not really. Rarity's taking me to the nurse"
  5494. >Dash: "Want me to come with you?"
  5495. >Rarity: "No thanks, you go save us a seat. I can take care of him"
  5496. >Dash "You sure? I can-"
  5497. >Rarity"-I got him. Don't worry"
  5498. >Dash: "Alright... take care of yourself Anon"
  5499. >She kisses your forehead and heads off to the cafeteria
  5500. "... she gone?"
  5501. >Rarity: "Yeah, I think so"
  5502. >You stand up on your own
  5503. "You sure you can do this?"
  5504. >Rarity: "Of course, I'm an expert"
  5505. >The two of you hurry off towards Rarity's locker
  5507. "Uhh, are you almost done there?"
  5508. >Rarity: "Almost, I have to make this look as real as possible"
  5509. "Can you hurry up, we don't have much time"
  5510. >Rarity: "Just a few touch-ups here, and... done"
  5511. >She hands you a mirror
  5512. >You look like you just got your ass kicked. You've got a black eye, some fake scratches across your face...
  5513. >Perfect
  5514. >Rarity: "Okay, that's done. What now?"
  5515. "You go meet Dash at the cafeteria, make sure she doesn't go anywhere"
  5516. >Rarity: "Got it"
  5517. >She takes off towards the cafeteria
  5518. >This is going to take your best bullshitting ever
  5519. >This isn't some ordinary teacher you're going to fool...
  5522. >Celestia: "... Goodness Anonymous, what happened to you?"
  5523. "I think we should talk inside"
  5524. >She welcomes you into her office, closing the door behind you
  5525. >The fake injuries were nothing more than your ticket in the door
  5526. >Step one complete
  5527. >Upon stepping in, you immediately eye your target: the microphone for the school intercom system. It's still too close to her, you've got to bring it over
  5528. >Celestia: "Go ahead, take a seat"
  5529. >You take a few steps towards the chair on the opposite side of her desk-
  5530. >*CRASH*
  5531. >You collapse on the ground, giving her desk a hard bump when you fall over. She hurries over to help you up
  5532. >Celestia: "Anonymous, are you okay?"
  5533. >That bump knocked over most everything on her desk. When you get to your feet, you apologize and help her pick everything back up, making sure to set the microphone much closer to you
  5534. >Celestia: "Now Anonymous, do you want to tell me what happened?"
  5535. "Yeah, I was in the bathroom when some guys came out and jumped me"
  5536. >Of course she doesn't buy it, you didn't expect her to
  5537. >You discretely reach out and silently tap your finger on the microphone. She doesn't notice
  5538. >Green light
  5539. >Celestia: "Anonymous, you should know better than to lie to me. Now tell me what really happened"
  5540. "Okay, I''ll tell you"
  5541. >You extend your finger towards the button on the microphone
  5542. >*CLICK*
  5543. "The truth is..."
  5545. >You are Rainbow Dash
  5546. >Anon had to go to the nurse. He looked really bad earlier and you can't stop thinking about him
  5547. >It's a relief when you see Rarity show up
  5548. "Hey Rarity! ... where's Anon?"
  5549. >Rarity: "He stayed behind, he's still not feeling well"
  5550. >... damn
  5551. "Maybe I should go check on him-"
  5552. >Rarity: "-No, he's fine, he just needs some rest"
  5553. "It's okay I'm sure he won't mind if-"
  5554. >Rarity: "-Trust me darling, just let him be. He'll be all better by next class, I'm sure"
  5555. "... you're probably right"
  5556. >You sit back down
  5557. >When she's not looking, you put your backpack on. You hurry to finish your lunch, then get up and leave
  5558. >Rarity: "Dash wait, where are you going?"
  5559. "I'm running to the bathroom really quick"
  5560. >Rarity: "But why do you have your back-"
  5561. "-I'll be back in a second"
  5562. >You run off before she can stop you
  5564. >You get to the nurse's office and knock on the door until it quickly jerks open
  5565. >Nurse: "Who the hell is-! Oh, it's you, kid. Come on in"
  5566. >She welcomes you in and closes the door
  5567. "So how's Anon doing?"
  5568. >Nurse: "How the hell should I know?"
  5569. "... Wasn't he just down here?"
  5570. >Nurse: "Not today, why? Did he say-"
  5571. >*CLICK*
  5572. >The intercom switches on, and a familiar voice comes out
  5573. >Anon: "The truth is, I really do want to go to the dance, and I wanted to ask Rainbow Dash if she'd go to the dance with me..."
  5574. >*CLICK*
  5575. >Nurse: "... well that happened"
  5576. >He did that... he really just did that. The WHOLE SCHOOL heard that
  5577. >That bastard
  5578. >That fucking bastard
  5579. >... that sweet fucking bastard
  5580. >You charge out of the room towards Celestia's office, before the nurse could see your bright red face
  5581. >Nurse: "Hey! Don't go and kill him now!"
  5583. >Back to being Anon
  5584. "The truth is, I really do want to go to the dance, and I wanted to ask Rainbow Dash if she'd go to the dance with me"
  5585. >*CLICK*
  5586. You take your finger off the button. Celestia didn't see a thing
  5587. >Mission accomplished. Time for your escape
  5588. >Celestia: "Okay, and what does this have to do with me?"
  5589. "... I don't know, I have no idea what I was thinking"
  5590. >Celestia: "Look, Anonymous, if you think that whatever happened here will get you banned from the dance, if you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about"
  5591. "Look, forget it. Nothing really happened"
  5592. >She sighs loudly
  5593. >Celestia: "Well, if you do decide to tell me what's going on, my door's always open"
  5594. >You shamefully excuse yourself from her office and head towards the cafeteria
  5595. >It worked. It fucking worked
  5596. >And as a bonus, you got some sympathy points in case you need to scapegoat someone for something else for something in the future
  5598. >On your way there you spot Dash down the hall coming towards you. She must be so happy that you actually DO want to-
  5599. >... she doesn't look too happy... or is she? You can't really tell
  5600. "Hey Dash, what's the-"
  5601. >She punches you in the arm, and hard. REALLY hard
  5602. >Dash: "You're a real bastard Anon..."
  5603. >Okay, maybe that wasn't such a good idea-
  5604. >*POMF*
  5605. >She grabs you from behind, tightly wrapping her arms around you
  5606. >Dash: "... b-but you're my bastard"
  5607. >Okay, this was a good idea
  5608. "So is that a yes?"
  5609. >Dash: "Only because you owe me for doing that"
  5610. >Sounds like a yes to me
  5611. >...but in all honesty, it shouldn't be this much of a hassle asking you own girlfriend out
  5613. >It was risky and could have gotten you in serious trouble if it failed
  5614. >But in the end, everything worked out okay
  5616. >When you get back to the cafeteria with Dash, the whole room erupts into applause, laughter, and the occasional "Just fuck already!"
  5617. >Yup, they all heard
  5618. >The two of you take your seat at your table, and the smile on Dash's face speaks for itself
  5619. >Rarity: "Sorry Anon, I held her back as long as I could"
  5620. "Don't worry, it all worked out"
  5621. >Dash: "Wait, she was in on it too?"
  5622. >Pinkie: "Yup, we all were"
  5623. "No you weren't Pinkie"
  5624. >Pinkie: "... oh yeah, I wasn't"
  5625. >Rarity: "Now that that has been settled, maybe we should start working out a plan for the night of the dance-"
  5626. >"-You're not going anywhere but with me"
  5627. >A hand grabs your shoulder from behind and pulls you away. Only one person can be this aggressive with you... Nurse Redheart
  5628. >Dash: "Don't worry nurse, everything's okay, Anon wasn't trying to lie to me"
  5629. >Nurse: "You know what, you too, come with me, and anyone else who was involved in that stupid stunt"
  5630. >Rarity and Dash come along, naturally, but Pinkie tags along too
  5631. >She does remember she wasn't really part of the plan, right?
  5633. >Nurse Redheart guides the four of you back to her office
  5634. "You want to tell me what's going on?"
  5635. >Nurse: "You want to tell me what the hell you were thinking?"
  5636. "What? You mean the intercom?"
  5637. >Nurse: "Yeah, you realize the whole school heard that, right?"
  5638. "It's not like our relationship is a secret-"
  5639. >Nurse: "-No no no, you're not getting me. The WHOLE SCHOOL heard you, as in students AND staff"
  5640. >Your blank stare makes her sigh in frustration
  5641. >"Staff, including Vice Principal Luna. And believe me she's probably hunting your ass down right now!"
  5642. "... nu-uh"
  5643. >Nurse: "You really think she'd let this go?"
  5644. "She's got more important things to worry about doesn't she?"
  5645. >Nurse: "Something more important than lying your way into her sister, the principal's office, and using the school intercom for your own snugglefuckery? Like what?"
  5646. "Well..."
  5647. >Nurse: "Look, just tell me how I can help with your back up plan"
  5648. "... well..."
  5649. >Nurse: "You DO have a backup plan, right?"
  5650. "... weeeeeell..."
  5651. >Nurse: "Well you better come up with something, and fast"
  5652. >Dash: "Don't worry nurse, Anon knows what he's doing. If anyone can come up with a plan, it's him"
  5653. >Rarity and Pinkie nod in agreement. The nurse skeptically gives in
  5654. >Nurse: "... alright. I trust you"
  5655. >She leans in anticipating your response, and the rest of them follow suit
  5656. >...
  5657. >Dash: "Well?"
  5658. "Just give me a sec"
  5659. >...
  5660. >Crap your idea gland is going limp
  5661. >Nurse: "Come on Anon, come up with something"
  5662. "Hold on, you're making me nervous-"
  5663. >Nurse: "-Nervous? I thought you were the best"
  5664. "I can't do it with other people watching!"
  5665. >You swear it usually works.They just put you on the spot
  5666. >Pinkie: "What if we just tell her that Nonny's gone crazy?"
  5667. "... actually, it could work"
  5668. >Pinkie: "Wait, really?"
  5669. "Yeah, Celestia saw me all banged up earlier, it's believable"
  5670. >Rarity: "There's one problem, all that makeup got messed up. You look fine"
  5671. "Then one of you is going to have to reinjure me"
  5672. >Rarity: "But my kit is still in my locker"
  5673. "Then don't use makeup"
  5674. >It takes them a while to register what you meant by that
  5675. >Rarity: "Oh, no way, we couldn't possibly-"
  5676. >Nurse: "I could. I totally could"
  5677. "Or, maybe someone ELSE should. You know, so I don't die"
  5678. >Rarity: "... I have an idea, but it may take time"
  5679. >She takes out her phone and makes a call as you lock the door
  5680. >Dash: "Anon, are you sure you know what you're doing?"
  5681. "Believe me, it was a pain going through all that to ask you out, I'm not letting it go to waste"
  5682. >Nurse: "Yeah yeah, save the romantic crap for when and if this actually works"
  5683. >Rarity: "Alright, in about ten minutes he'll be-"
  5685. >Nurse: "Too late"
  5686. >She punches you in the eye. Hard
  5687. >The other girls help you onto the bed while the nurse opens the door
  5688. >Luna: "Where is he?!"
  5689. >Nurse: "He's right there... well, physically at least"
  5690. >In a way, she's right, you're barely awake
  5691. >Luna: "Well, Anonymous, what do you have to say for yourself?"
  5692. >You barely mumble out a few words
  5693. "...uh... I... what?"
  5694. >Luna: "Do you have any idea what you've just done?"
  5695. "uhh... I was at the office, and... I don't really know"
  5696. >She eyes you up and down
  5697. >Luna: "Would you like to tell us what happened to you?"
  5698. >Fuck. You hadn't planned for that-
  5699. >Dash: "He fell down some stairs earlier, and since then he's been really out of it. H went to Celestia's office thinking it was the nurse's"
  5700. >Damn girl, you're a genius
  5701. >Luna: "Is this true?"
  5702. "... huh?"
  5703. >Luna lets out a long sigh
  5704. >Luna: "Redheart, make sure he gets better, and send him home as soon as possible. Take care, Anonymous"
  5705. "... yeah"
  5706. >She makes her way out, and Nurse Redheart locks the door behind her
  5707. >Nurse: "... I can't believe that actually worked"
  5708. "... huh?"
  5709. >You really are a little out of it
  5711. >Is Luna back again? ... no, it's at the window
  5712. >The nurse pulls the curtains aside opens the window-
  5713. >"I hear someone in need of ass kicking?"
  5714. >... what the hell is Vlad doing here? Is he who Rarity called?
  5715. >He would have fucking killed you
  5716. >Rarity: "Sorry uncle, it turns out we don't-"
  5717. >Nurse: "-Step aside, kid"
  5718. >Nurse Redheart helps Vlad in through the window
  5719. >Vlad: "Little man? Is that you?"
  5720. >He lets out a deep scruffy laugh
  5721. >Vlad: "Looks like you're not the strong warrior you once were! Who responsible"
  5722. >Nurse: "Someone had to do it"
  5723. >He laughs once again
  5724. >Vlad: "You, little lady? Hah, you got quite the fight to take out little man! I like"
  5725. >Nurse: "O-Oh him? Nah, he's fine. You're fine, right Anon?"
  5726. >Did she just stutter?
  5727. >You struggle to your feet, Dash holding you up for support
  5728. "Y-Yeah, I think-"
  5729. >Nurse: "Good, get out. All of you"
  5730. "I think I need-"
  5731. >Nurse: "Out!"
  5732. >She rushes the four of you out of the office
  5733. >*CLICK*
  5734. >The door locks
  5735. >...
  5736. >Well, that's enough bullshit for one day
  5738. >Next Monday
  5739. >The dance is at the end of the week
  5740. >And you know what that means...
  5742. >Lunch time
  5743. >As usual, you, Dash, and Rarity get to the table a moment before Pinkie. When sitting down, you put your back pack in the chair next to you, and Dash and Rarity do the same, trying to occupy as many seats as possible
  5744. >Before long, a very loud crowd starts approaching the table, moving together in a giant mass. All their attention is towards the center
  5745. >Dash: "... you all ready?"
  5746. >Rarity: "I am"
  5747. >Dash: "How about you Anon?"
  5748. "As ready as I'll ever be"
  5749. >You're sitting on the end this time so you're on "rescue duty"
  5750. >The cluster reaches your table, and from the center of the mass a small pink hand reaches it out. You grasp it tightly with one hand, your other hand clasped just above the wrist
  5751. >3... 2... 1...
  5752. >Pull!
  5753. >It's like saving someone from a black hole, but eventually Pinkie squeezes and stumbles her way out from the crowd, plopping into one of the only available seats at your table. Before she can even sit up straight the entire crowd has her surrounded
  5754. >Barely able to catch her breath, she shouts to her entourage
  5755. >Pinke: "Everyone go before I call the whole thing off!!"
  5756. >"Don't listen to her, she wouldn't-"
  5757. >Pinkie: "-You wanna bet!?"
  5758. >The crowd quiets down, and slowly disperses
  5759. "... every time, huh?"
  5760. >Pinkie: "Every... single... time"
  5761. >She plants her elbow onto the table with her arm up, resting her face in her palm
  5762. >Pinkie: "As soon as they hear that nominations for the princess of the dance are open, EVERYONE tries to get on the ballot before it fills up. It's great that they're enthusiastic and all, but sometimes, it's just too much"
  5763. >Dash: "I don't see why they get so into it anyways, it' s not like any of them will win"
  5764. "Why not?"
  5765. >Dash: "Because Sunset wins every single time"
  5766. >Rarity: "Well there's more of a chance now that she's permanently banned from school dances"
  5767. "Permanently? How the hell did she do that?"
  5768. >They all exchange awkward glances
  5769. >Dash: "Oh right, he wasn't there"
  5770. "Wasn't there for what?"
  5771. >After a silent exchange of looks, Dash speaks up
  5772. >Dash: "Well... if I told you, you wouldn't believe me"
  5773. "Dash, over the past month I've dealt with a Russian mercenary, a homicidal nurse, and a janitor who spends more time destroying the school than cleaning it-"
  5774. >Pinkie: "-"How about a pony demon from another dimension hell bent on turning the entire school into her zombie army"
  5775. >... of course the only one to speak up is Pinkie
  5776. "Okay, someone want to tell me what REALLY happened?"
  5777. >Dash: "A pony demon from another dimension blew up the front of the school"
  5778. "... you're serious?"
  5779. >Dash: "Yup"
  5780. "A pony demon blew up the school?"
  5781. >Dash: "Uh huh"
  5782. >Well then...
  5783. "And what happened after that?"
  5784. >Dash: "They made her fix it and banned her from any future dances"
  5785. >Come to think of it, you DO remember the school being destroyed, and there was some girl fixing everything. You always wondered but never cared enough to ask
  5786. "... that's all?"
  5787. >Dash: "Yup. After that she was pretty much off the hook
  5788. >Okay you could believe the demon horse thing, this town has some weird shit, but...
  5789. >A monster blows up the school and gets a slap on the wrist. You get into a little fight, and your ass is on the chopping block
  5790. >Makes perfect sense
  5791. >And this is why you don't go to that shit
  5793. >English class
  5794. >You felt like asking this at lunch, but Pinkie was already on edge. Maybe now isn't the best time, but there will probably never be a "good time" to ask
  5795. "... hey Pinkie"
  5796. >Pinkie: "Yeah?"
  5797. "How are you feeling?"
  5798. >Pinkie: "What do you mean?"
  5799. "You know, with the whole "dance princess" election thing. You seem exhausted"
  5800. >Pinkie: "Ugh, you have no idea. I can't even go to the bathroom without someone standing on the other side of the door begging me to put their name on. I've had to start telling people the ballot's filled up just to get them off my back"
  5801. Yeah, that makes sense. But... "
  5802. >Pinkie: "... but what?"
  5803. "It's not ACTUALLY filled up yet, right?"
  5804. >Pinkie: "Nah, but don't worry Nonny, you're already on the ballot"
  5805. "Whoa whoa whoa, I never said that I wanted to be princess"
  5806. >Pinkie: "Not for princess, for prince"
  5807. "There's a prince?"
  5808. >Pinkie: "Well there's supposed to be, but there's never any nominations. No one seems to remember... or care for that matter. You're pretty much running uncontested there, so congratulations in advance"
  5809. >She pats you on the back like you just won something
  5810. "Look Pinkie, this isn't about me. It's for someone else"
  5811. >Pinkie: "... then who?"
  5812. "What would it take to get Dash's name on the ballot for princess?"
  5814. >Gym class
  5815. >Every couple of weeks they devote an entire period to making the students run a timed mile on the track, something about fitness or something
  5816. >But there's one student in the entire school who has never ran the mile before... at least, never finished it
  5817. >Coach: "Alright, everyone get ready! In three... two... one... Go!"
  5818. >You take two steps before tripping and face-planting on the ground
  5820. >Making your way up the bleachers, you immediately spot Dash sitting with another girl
  5821. >Dash: "Aren't you supposed to be running?"
  5822. "Nope, I'm one of the girls now"
  5823. >They separate the boys and the girls during the run. The girls wait up here while the boys run, and when they're done they switch
  5824. >Naturally Dash shows no concern for the scratches on your face. The other girl, on the other hand, looks deeply concerned
  5825. >"Oh my gosh, are you okay?"
  5826. >You pretend to wince in pain
  5827. "I-I think so...j-just stings a little-"
  5828. >Dash: "-Calm down Flitter, he did it on purpose"
  5829. >Flitter: "... really?"
  5830. >Well that didn't work
  5831. "Yeah, pretty much"
  5832. >You calmly take a seat next to Dash
  5833. >Dash: "He does this kind of thing all the time"
  5834. "Hey, they can't fail me for being prone to accidents-"
  5835. >Flitter: "-Aren't you the guy who asked Dash out over the intercom?"
  5836. >Dash immediately looks away
  5837. "Yeah that's me"
  5838. >Flitter: "I thought I thought I recognized... Do the two of you need some alone time?
  5839. >Dash: "Nah you-"
  5840. "Unless you want join our make-out session"
  5841. >Dash punches you in the arm, and as Flitter walks away she does the same
  5842. >That must be where she got it from
  5843. >With her gone, you lay down in Dash's lap
  5844. >Dash: "So Anon, how's Pinkie doing?"
  5845. "Oh, she's fine. A little annoyed with the election but she's fine. By they way, did you know there was a prince too?"
  5846. >Dash: "I heard, but I've never seen anyone run. Why, are you running?"
  5847. "Maybe"
  5848. >She immediately bursts into laughter
  5849. >Dash: "Sorry, no offense Anon, but I never saw you as the type to go for that sort of thing"
  5850. "I don't. Pinkie told me I was already signed up"
  5851. >Dash: "Who signed you up?"
  5852. "No idea. But since I'm pretty much guaranteed the win, I was thinking you should run for princess-"
  5853. >Dash: "-What?!"
  5854. >She flinches, shocked at first, then bursts back into laughter
  5855. >Dash: "Come on, you don't really think I should... right?"
  5856. "What if I said yes?"
  5857. >Dash: "But I have to get nominated first"
  5858. "I already nominated you"
  5859. >Dash: "But I have to be approved by-"
  5860. "-Dash you're already on the ballot. Pinkie told me herself"
  5861. >Dash: "Well... maybe I don't want to be a princess"
  5862. "You wouldn't just be any princess..."
  5863. >You bring your hand up and gently stroke her cheek
  5864. "... you'd be MY princess"
  5865. >Okay, that was pretty cheesy and cringe-worthy
  5866. >But it worked
  5867. >Dash: "W-Well... I guess-"
  5868. >Coach: "-Alright girls, get down here!"
  5869. >She quickly gets up, barely giving you time to get up first
  5870. >Dash: "I gotta go I'll tell you later"
  5872. >After all the girls are done, you're all dismissed back to the locker rooms
  5873. >Dash leans on your shoulder, needing your support to walk
  5874. "You okay Dash?"
  5875. >Dash: "Y-Yeah... just pushed a little too hard... set a new school record though"
  5876. >You're not surprised
  5878. After getting dressed you leave the locker room to find Dash waiting for you, still in her gym clothes
  5879. "Why didn't you change?"
  5880. >Dash: "Too tired, just take me home"
  5881. "Sure, come on"
  5882. >You put your arm around her to support her, but she won't move
  5883. >Dash: "Carry me"
  5884. "Seriously?"
  5885. >Dash: "Carry me home, and I'll run for princess with you"
  5886. "All the way?"
  5887. >Dash: "It's not really that far"
  5888. >... yeah, it'll be worth it
  5889. >You kneel down letting her throw her arms around you from behind. On the count of three, she hops up and squeezes her thighs around you, while you place your hands on her butt to hold her up
  5890. "Ready?"
  5891. >Dash: "Yeah, let's go"
  5892. >She's not that heavy, this shouldn't be too bad
  5894. >Holy fuck this is exhausting
  5895. >You get to her place, carrying her piggyback her the whole way
  5896. >You try to put her down at her door, but she holds on to you tightly
  5897. >Dash: "Not yet, almost"
  5898. >From your back, she unlocks the door and opens it for you
  5899. >Dash: "To the bathroom"
  5900. >... you don't question it, just trying to put her down before your back breaks
  5901. >Letting her down is almost a relief. By this point you're almost as exhausted and sweaty as she was
  5902. "You good now?"
  5903. >Dash: "Yeah, sure. Just one more thing, and I'll agree to run for princess with you"
  5904. >She tosses you a large sponge
  5905. "What's this for"
  5906. >Dash: "You want me to be a princess right?"
  5907. >She turns to you, an awkward smile on her face. Like she's trying to be sexy, but isn't really sure how
  5908. >Dash: "So treat me like a princess and draw me a bath"
  5910. >Part of you is too tired for this shit. It's saying, "You're not her fucking lapdog, waiting on her on hand and knee. You don't have to do whatever she tells you whenever she tells you, you're your own person. She can wash herself, just go home. You're exhausted"
  5911. >Yeah, there's a part of you saying that
  5912. >The gay part
  5914. >You push down the drain plug and start running the water
  5915. >With the water slowly filling the tub, Dash begins removing her clothes. After tossing her shirt off, she catches you staring at her
  5916. >Dash: "Are you going to watch me the whole time?"
  5917. "Of course not, I'm going to help"
  5918. >Dash: "What does- H-Hey! What are you doing"
  5919. "A princess shouldn't have to undress herself"
  5920. >You had wrapped your arms around her to unhook her bra. After it falls to the ground, you slide your thumbs under the waistband of her underwear
  5921. >Dash: "Yeah, just hurry it up"
  5922. >You're not going to hurry it up
  5923. >You drop down to your knees, slowly bringing her shorts and panties down with you. Your face is just inches away from her crotch
  5924. >Come to think of it, you've never really seen it up this close
  5925. >Dash: "... well? What are you waiting for?"
  5926. >Is she actually expecting you to lick it?
  5927. "You really want me to do it?"
  5928. >Dash: "That's why I brought you here, now hurry up"
  5929. >Well it'd be rude to keep a princess waiting
  5930. >As you slowly bring your face closer toward her body, you can feel the warmth resonating from her. Before even sticking your tongue out all the way she pushes you back
  5931. >Dash: "Wh-what the hell are you doing?"
  5932. "You told me to hurry up"
  5933. >Dash: "I meant for you to get your clothes off so you could get in the tub with me! "
  5934. "... well excuse me, princess"
  5935. >Well that could have gone better. You hurry up and get undressed before she changes her mind
  5936. >After helping her step into the tub she sits down, so you get in and sit behind her. The water in the tub overflows over the side
  5937. "Sorry about that"
  5938. >Dash: "Maybe you shouldn't have filled it up so much"
  5939. "I wasn't expecting to get in with you"
  5940. >Dash: "How else were you planning on washing me?"
  5941. "... I dunno"
  5942. >You were honestly expecting a good old fashioned tongue bath
  5943. "So how do you want me to start?"
  5944. >She hands you two bottles
  5945. >Dash: "Start with the conditioner"
  5946. >You've never had to wash someone else's hair before, but there's only one way to learn. You squirt a little bit into your hands and start rubbing it into her scalp
  5947. "How should I rinse it out?"
  5948. >Dash: "The shower head comes off"
  5949. >She gets up and detaches it from it's mount
  5950. >After rinsing it out her hair, you move on to the shampoo. While rubbing it in, you lean forward and take a quick sniff, discretely so she wouldn't notice... then another to be sure... it doesn't really smell like anything
  5951. >Dash: "It's unscented by the way"
  5952. >Damn she caught you
  5953. "No idea what you're talking about it"
  5954. >She chuckles
  5955. >Dash: "Yeah, sure you don't"
  5956. >Come on Anon, you should know that damage control never works. That's day one stuff
  5957. >You resume massaging her scalp with the bubbly shampoo, slowly working your hands down the full length of her hair. You take more time than necessary rinsing it out, getting lost running your fingers through her hair. She has to snap you out of your trance
  5958. >Dash: "Anon, I think it's good"
  5959. >The tub almost overflows with spaghetti
  5960. >Come on get it together, haven't you ever bathed with an adorable princess?
  5961. >... oh yeah you haven't
  5962. >She hands you the body wash
  5963. >Dash: "You still got that sponge right?"
  5964. >... Nah, fuck that
  5965. >You squirt the liquid soap right into your palms and start massaging her shoulders
  5966. >Dash: "What about the sponge?"
  5967. "That's no way to treat a princess, right"
  5968. >Dash: "I guess. Just make sure you do a good job"
  5969. >You slowly descend from her shoulders down her back. The more you rub it in, the more the soap starts to bubble up. After rinsing it off, you give yourself more soap and begin lathering her front
  5970. >Dash: "Need me to turn around?"
  5971. "Nope"
  5972. >You start at her shoulders and move slowly down her torso. She gasps when your hands slide between her breasts, perhaps expecting you go over them rather than around them. You grab the bottle of soap again, this time squirting it directly onto her chest. Gently, you start spreading the soap all over, making sure to take care of her breasts this time. You do a little more than just scrub the soap in, you gently squeeze and massage them. When you press them together all the suds cluster up and run down her cleavage
  5973. "Hey Dash, are you cold?"
  5974. >Dash: "No, why- hey!"
  5975. >She elbows you for pinching her erect nipples
  5976. >You're having way too much fun with this
  5977. >Finally, picking up the shower head, you rinse her torso off
  5978. >Once she's been rinsed off, you hand her the shower head. After mounting it back on the wall, she sits back down just like before
  5979. "What now?"
  5980. >Dash: "Now? We just relax for a while"
  5981. >You lean back against the back of the tub, and she leans back into your chest
  5982. >Dash: "... I can't relax like this Anon"
  5983. "Should I move?"
  5984. >Dash: "No, just... "
  5985. >After a brief, silent pause, she grabs your arms and wraps them around herself
  5986. >Dash: "Now I can relax"
  5987. >She should have came with a warning label: excessive sweetness, will cause heart attacks
  5988. >Your arms tighten gently around her, interlacing your fingers over her stomach. Letting the serenity of the room sink in, you slowly ease into a state of relaxation
  5989. >...
  5990. >Dash: "Hey Anon"
  5991. "Yeah?"
  5992. >She turns her head to the side to look at you
  5993. >Dash: "I'd be glad to be your princess"
  5994. "I'd like that too... princess Dashie"
  5995. >She quickly turns away but you can still her see her face brighten up... yup, that still works
  5996. >Dash: "W-Well in that case, you better make sure you win"
  5997. "Don't worry, no one else is even running. I got the win in-"
  5999. >Dash: "-breathe"
  6000. "Wha- *gurgle* "
  6001. >She dunks your head under the water and holds you down
  6002. >You should have just breathed
  6003. >The door creaks open just as Dash pulls the shower curtain around
  6004. >"Dash, who the hell are you talking to in there?"
  6005. >Dash: "No one gramps, just... myself"
  6006. >Why does he always have to walk in when you're naked with Dash
  6007. >Gramps: "You sure about that, I heard another voice... a man's voice"
  6008. >Dash: "Y-Yeah, I do impressions sometimes... you know, just for fun. My guy voice still needs some work"
  6009. >You can recognize bullshit even underwater
  6010. >Speaking of which YOU'RE DYING DOWN HERE
  6011. >Gramps: "Well don't work on it now, I'm trying to get some sleep"
  6012. >The door slams closed, and she lets you up. The air rushes into your lungs as soon as you open your mouth
  6013. >Dash: "So much for relaxing"
  6014. "Next time... just lock the door..."
  6015. >Dash: "Yeah, sorry bout that"
  6016. >She gets out of the tub and locks the door. Laying back, letting your eyes slowly droop closed, you try to go back into that state of relaxation
  6017. >...
  6018. >The settled water of the tub starts to splash around. You peek your eyes open and see Dash getting back in, facing you
  6019. >Dash: "Don't move"
  6020. "Why"
  6021. >Dash: "Because I've felt it rubbing against me the entire time"
  6022. "... I take it you're not talking about my hands"
  6023. >She kneels down gently grasps your penis under the water
  6024. "That's not very princess-like of you"
  6025. >Dash: "It is if you're my prince. Now shut up and relax already"
  6026. >... don't gotta ask you twice
  6027. >She leans forward and plants a kiss on your lips. You put your arms around her, running your fingers through her dripping hair
  6028. >As she starts sliding her hand up and down, every movement of her hand makes a little splash, which only gets louder if she tries to move any faster
  6029. "... hey Dash"
  6030. >Dash: "yeah, I can tell. stand up"
  6031. >Doing as you're told, she resumes stroking you silently, free of any splashing. But now that you think about it...
  6032. "you realize what'll happen if I slip-"
  6033. >Dash: "-Then don't slip"
  6034. >Well... touche
  6035. >She grips you tightly with her tiny hands, which are still wet and slippery. The way she looks at your dick can be best described as entranced. There's a little sparkle in her eyes, both full of desire and excitement
  6036. >The longer she goes on, the more she leans forward. It's not long before she's close enough for you to feel her breathing down on you
  6037. >Dash: "... Anon..."
  6038. "Yeah?"
  6039. >Dash: "close your eyes"
  6040. >Rather than question her, you go along with it
  6041. >...
  6042. >...
  6043. >... *lick*
  6044. >You clench your eyes tightly shut, thinking that if you open them now you'll ruin the moment
  6045. >She gives a few more nervous test licks, as if preparing herself. It goes from a quick poke with her tongue, to her slowly dragging it all over, going up and down your length. Once she seems to be accustomed to your shape and taste, she takes it into her mouth
  6046. >Your legs twitch, and you open your eyes just a peek. You get a short glimpse of her, nervously holding still with your little head head in her mouth. She pulls out without looking up at you
  6047. >Dash: "I knew you'd look"
  6048. >With that heads up, she immediately takes your head back into her mouth, slowly trying to swirling her tongue around it. She quickly seems to get a good technique down, but still has to pull out occasionally to catch her breath. But it's not as if her hot panting on your tool is all that bad
  6049. >Almost instinctively you place your hands behind her head, trying not to push her in but it's hard to resist
  6050. >She groans when you push her in, but longingly looks up at you when you stop, as if disappointed. You only seem to get half of yourself in her mouth
  6051. >Dash: "... mmh -urp-"
  6052. >She gags, then almost immediately pulls out, trying not to have a coughing fit
  6053. "you okay?"
  6054. >Dash speaks through gasps for air
  6055. >Dash: "y-yeah, it's just... more than I... I thought"
  6056. >She smiles up at you confidently
  6057. >Dash: "I can do it though, just... be more gentle"
  6058. "Would you be willing to try something else?"
  6059. >She slumps down, looking disappointed
  6060. >Dash: "O-Oh... sure, alright. I probably wasn't that good anyways"
  6061. "No Dash, that's not it. I just thought of a way to make it easier for both of us"
  6062. >Dash: "How?"
  6063. >You look around the bathroom
  6064. "Do you keep towels somewhere in here? I need a big one"
  6065. >She gets out of the tub and opens the cabinet under the sink, pulling out a large, rainbow-striped beach towel
  6066. >After stepping out of the tub, you take it from her and unfurl it on the floor so you can lay on top of it
  6067. >Once you're on your back, you take her hand, pulling her down on top of you. Hopefully letting her be on top, having more control, will make it easier for her
  6068. >Without having to tell her, she turns around for her face to meet your still erect penis. Holding it upright, she quickly takes you into her mouth for a split second before pulling it out again
  6069. >Dash: "... it is a little easier"
  6070. >She quickly goes back to attending to you, her index finger and thumb forming a ring at the base to hold it up while her head bobs up and down, making only the occasional slurping sound
  6071. >Her little butt hovering over your face bounces up and down with each movement, and you feel a little warm drop on your face from her crotch
  6072. >... it IS right there. And I mean, it would be rude to NOT help her out...
  6073. "hey Dash"
  6074. >She slurs out a muffled "huh"
  6075. "Don't be surprised. And try to keep your voice down"
  6076. >Dash: "mm hmm"
  6077. >You gently spread her pussy, lean forward, and you taste the rainbow
  6078. >Despite your warning, she lets out a little gasp at the touch of your tongue and tries to close her thighs, but it doesn't stop you... or her for that matter, she continues sucking
  6079. >When you're sure she can keep her voice down, you give her another lick, then another, then another
  6080. >It's a... weird taste. It's not quite sour, but there's not really a better word to use. Whatever it is, there's an interesting hint of Skittle flavor
  6081. >You're licking all over like she did to you, exploring her body, finding what works for her. When you roll your tongue over a good spot, her hand trembles
  6082. >Her juices start to make a mess, leaking all over your face. Occasionally a stray pube falls into your mouth, you just spit out and continue. You're sure she's' putting up with the same
  6083. >Spreading her pussy open with your hands, you bury your face into her crotch, stuffing your tongue as deep inside her as you can
  6084. >Dash pulls her hands away from your body, planting them flat on the bathroom floor to stabilize herself as she pushes herself all the way to your base. She coughs on the way down, but she's determined
  6085. >Her crotch starts twitching, sucking your tongue deeper inside herself. You can swear you heard her mumble your name, though muffled by her mouthful
  6086. >She's much more talented than you had ever imagined. Unable to resist the sensation, you start thrusting your hips up against her face. She holds still, letting you face-fuck her. Following suit with you, she pins your face down with her ass, your tongue essentially now trapped inside her as she grinds her pussy on your face
  6087. >Realizing you're reaching your limit, you try to warn her, your efforts muffled by the ass planted on your face like a mask
  6088. >You just hope to god she isn't caught too off guard as you get closer... and closer... and...!!!
  6089. >When you reach climax, she presses her face down on you, forcing you to spurt in her mouth without spilling a drop. Meanwhile you could feel her pussy twitching and sucking on your tongue, her fluids splatting in a sticky mess
  6090. >Dash sits up on her knees beside you with her back to you, and after a few audible gulps turns to you
  6091. "Did you really swallow it all"
  6092. >Dash: "... mosht oh it"
  6093. >She speaks while trying not to let any of the remaining fluid spill out. With her arms extended, you pick yourself up and return her embrace. She pulls you into a surprise, forceful kiss, almost prying your mouth open with her tongue. Between your mouths, your fluids mix with hers between your entwined tongues. While pulling away Dash beams a proud smile
  6094. >Dash: "So... how'd I do"
  6095. >You look down at your own crotch
  6096. "What, the orgasm wasn't clear enough?"
  6097. >She giggles
  6098. >Dash: "Can you finally relax now?"
  6099. >You lay back on the towel, a not-so-effective cushion for the hard tiles of er floor, but it's hard to be uncomfortable after... that
  6100. >Dash gets up and pulls the drain out from the tub, while you slowly close your eyes
  6101. >...
  6102. >... *pomf*
  6103. >Dash laid down next to you, her head resting on your shoulder
  6104. >Dash: "Not exactly the most romantic or princess-like spot to cuddle"
  6105. "Nah, I guess not..."
  6106. >You wrap her in your arms, holding her tightly
  6107. "... but I wouldn't have it any other way"
  6108. >Dash: "... m-me either"
  6109. >She slowly looks up to kiss you, her eyes gently closed... so you gently punch her arm
  6110. >Dash: "Hey! I was-"
  6111. >*smooch*
  6112. >She goes silent as her face brightens into a blush. Her mouth is in a quivering nervous smile
  6113. >Surprise kiss successful
  6114. "You were saying?"
  6115. >Dash: "D-Damn you Nonny..."
  6116. >...
  6117. >You'll be nice and not mention how she just mumbles "I love you"
  6118. >You just hold her tighter
  6120. >Tuesday
  6121. >Biology
  6122. >Rarity watches you on your whole way from walking in to your desk, a huge grin on her face
  6123. "Alright alright, what have you got for me today?"
  6124. >Rarity: "What's that supposed to mean?"
  6125. "That smile. It's the 'I've been hearing rumors about you' smile. So what have you got?"
  6126. >Rarity: "What? I haven't heard anything... Really it's nothing... I swear... "
  6127. >You raise an eyebrow
  6128. >Rarity: "... okay, I heard you're running for prince of the dance, is that true?"
  6129. "Yeah, it's true"
  6130. >Rarity: "Really... and just a few days ago you wouldn't even consider going. What made you decide to do it?"
  6131. "I didn't, Pinkie just told me that my name was on the ballot"
  6132. >Rarity: "Well, regardless, you still have my vote"
  6133. "That's a given, there's no one else running. If anything, promise your vote to Dash, she's running for princess"
  6134. >Rarity: "She is?! She told me she would never run in a million years!"
  6135. "Well, I kind of signed her up for it behind her back, but it did take some hell convincing her to go along with it"
  6136. >Rarity: "How on Earth did you manage to do that?"
  6137. "... Long story"
  6138. >Rarity: "A long story, huh... interesting"
  6139. >Not answering is just as bad as telling the truth with her because it let's her imagination run wild
  6141. >Lunch time
  6142. >Note to self: Keep your damn mouth shut about yesterday
  6143. >Pinkie comes to the table minus her entourage, but with the same grave look on her face as before
  6144. >Pinkie: "Hey Nonny, I've got some bad news"
  6145. "What kind of bad news?"
  6146. >Pinkie: "Well people have been talking about you running for prince, and, well... "
  6147. "Well what?"
  6148. >Pinkie: "... you may have some competition"
  6149. >You and Dash exchange glances
  6150. >Dash: "There's no way I'm going to be someone else's princess"
  6151. "Yeah, not after-"
  6152. >Caught yourself
  6153. >Rarity: "... After what?"
  6154. "... nevermind. Who's my competition?"
  6155. >Pinkie looks down, rubbing the back of her neck. From across the cafeteria comes a loud call through a megaphone
  6156. >"Hello?! Can I have everyone's attention please?!"
  6157. >Everyone turns around to witness Flash Sentry standing on top of a table, holding a megaphone
  6158. >Flash: "As I'm sure you've all heard, Anon's running for prince of the Winter Ball uncontested. I don't know about you guys, but this isn't a position we should just set aside for him to win!"
  6159. "Pinkie, don't tell me-"
  6160. >Flash: "-Which is why I've decided to run against him!"
  6161. >His friends all start cheering
  6162. >Pinkie: "... yup"
  6163. >There's some mutters from all around the cafeteria, some surprised, some amused, some curious
  6164. >Dash: "You're not going to let me be HIS princess right?"
  6165. >Hell freaking no
  6166. >Rarity: "Go on Anon, make your statement"
  6167. >You aren't prepared for this, but it's now or never.Everyone pulls their food trays into their laps so you can climb up on the table. With no megaphone like him, you have to rely solely on the power of your voice
  6168. "Hey Flash!"
  6169. >You shout at the top of your lungs for the whole gym to hear
  6170. "... fuck you!"
  6171. >Not exactly the best platform for you to run on, but it's the best you've got for now
  6172. >There's some laughs around the cafeteria, which may be good or bad
  6173. >Flash claps, slowly and insulting
  6174. >Flash: "Well there you have it, Anon the wordsmith! If 'fuck you's are all you have to offer, you better step it up! Come on everyone, are you really going to vote for a guy like him-"
  6175. "You mean the guy who kicked you ass?!"
  6176. >The crowd agrees, shots were fired
  6177. >Flash: "See what I mean?! You disagree with him and he beats the shit out of you! Is that really the kind of person you really want representing your school?!"
  6178. >People are actually buying this
  6179. >There's only one thing to do
  6180. "... Aggressive ass-kickers is still a better message than a guy like you!"
  6181. >Dash: "Anon what are you-"
  6182. >You give her a wink, making sure she knows you have a plan
  6183. Flash said I'm a violent psycho who fights anyone who disagrees with me... that's one way of looking at it! But do you want to know how I see it?!"
  6184. >You've gotten thee attention of almost everyone. They've taken the bait
  6185. "I see it as defending myself, standing up for what I believe in..."
  6186. >Taking Dash's hand, you help her up onto the table with you
  6187. "... and protecting those that I love!"
  6188. >You put your arm around her waist and pull her to your side, then give her a big smooch on the forehead
  6189. >She doesn't know your plan, but she's smiling
  6190. "Those aren't just MY ideals... they're the ideals of America! A vote for me is a vote for freedom!!"
  6191. >Making a fist with your free hand, you raise it high in the air, slowly pumping it up and down
  6192. "U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A..."
  6193. >Dash starts pumping her fist in the air
  6194. >Dash: "U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A..."
  6195. >Pinkie and Rarity jump up onto the table and join in. Rather than pump their fists in the air, they stomp their feet on the table, picking up the pace of the chant
  6196. >Pinkie and Rarity: "U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!"
  6197. >The cafeteria riles up, as the freedom chant spreads like a wildfire. Students get up from their seats, joining the chant. Like every gathering of proud Americans, quickly progresses into chaos. Food being thrown around, tables flipping over... such a beautiful sight, it could make an eagle cry
  6198. >You point towards Flash, directing the attention of the mass towards him
  6199. "This cafeteria is a freedom-only zone! All you commie bastards, get out!"
  6200. >The room explodes into a massive cheer, a celebration of liberty, justice, and baseball
  6201. >Rarity leans over and whispers in your ear: "... you don't mean for me to get out, right?"
  6202. "Nah, you stay. You're an honorary American now"
  6203. >She actually seems proud to hear that
  6204. >Then again, who wouldn't be
  6205. >You are the only one to notice Flash and his posse slowly sneaking out
  6206. >No one can say you didn't win this one
  6207. As soon as the bell rang, the crowd empties out in a hurry. Realizing the trouble you'd be in if the principals saw this, you and the girls try to clean up as much as you can. At the very leas you stand all the tables back up
  6208. >Dash: "Not bad Anon, you may have won them over"
  6209. >Pinkie: "Yeah, for now. But you've set the bar pretty high, you better have something BIG planned for tomorrow"
  6210. "Tomorrow?"
  6211. >Pinkie: "Yeah, you've still got three days until the voting closes. And you still gotta come up with a song and dance number"
  6212. "A song and dance number?"
  6213. >Pinkie: "Yup, it's CHS tradition"
  6214. "Is that really necessary? After today I'm sure I can win on my own"
  6215. >Pinkie: "I dunno Nonny, a song can REALLY sway a crowd. After all, it worked for Twilight"
  6216. "Who?"
  6217. >The girls all exchange glances
  6218. >Dash: "... I'll explain later"
  6219. >Great, is this another one of their otherworldly demon friends?
  6220. >Ignoring it, you finish straightening the room up to a reasonable state before heading off to your respective classes your respective classe
  6222. >Pinkie didn't show up to English class, which you assume means she's got "business". Probably rigging the school to flood or something
  6223. >Towards the end of class, you get a text from her to meet you at the bathrooms
  6224. >Yup... business
  6226. >You show up at the bathrooms to find not Pinkie waiting for you, but Rarity and Dash
  6227. "Hey guys, Pinkie call you here too?"
  6228. >Dash: "Who else would have? Do you know what this is all about?"
  6229. "You don't know?"
  6230. >Dash: "We were hoping you would know"
  6231. "Nu uh"
  6232. >Finally Pinkie comes sprinting down the hall with a cardboard box in her arms
  6233. >Pinkie: "Sorry I'm late guys, I had to finish a couple things!"
  6234. >She runs into the girl's bathroom with the three of you following behind her
  6235. >Because following three girls into the bathroom is perfectly normal for a guy like you
  6237. >Pinkie plops the box down on the floor
  6238. >Pinkie: "Okay, I figured you would need some help with your campaign for dance prince, so I ran into the art classrooms and made these"
  6239. >She rips the top of the box open and pulls out a white t-shirt with a crudely drawn American flag, the stars making a smiley face. Above it says "A vote for Anon", and beneath reads "Is a vote for Freedom". On the back there's large lettering that says "Don't be a Commie Bastard", with a tiny copyright symbol at the end
  6240. "... seriously Pinkie?"
  6241. >Pinkie: "Yeah! There's one for each of us!"
  6242. >Digging through the box, she grabs one and tosses it each of you. She quickly tosses her shirt off and puts the new one on
  6243. >Pinkie: "Go ahead, try them on!"
  6244. >You each change into your new clothes without making any awkward eye contact. There's something magical to be said about a friendship so close that you don't even feel awkward dressing in front of each other
  6245. >Then again, you did kinda fuck 2/3 of them
  6246. >The shirt is a snug fit, but still comfortable
  6247. "Not bad Pinkie. Not bad at all"
  6248. >Pinkie: "So I was thinking, we should wear them every day until the dance"
  6249. >Dash: "That's actually not a bad idea"
  6250. "Yeah, I'm down for that"
  6251. >Rarity: "... ah, why not. With the right accessories this could look great"
  6252. "Alright, we make one hell of a team!"
  6253. >You put your hand out
  6254. >Dash: "... uh, what are you doing?"
  6255. "You know... that thing where we all put our hands in the middle like a team"
  6256. >Pinkie: "Wow Nonny... no offense, but that's really lame"
  6257. >Dash: "Yeah Anon, no team really does that"
  6258. "Wait, seriously?"
  6259. >Rarity: "Even I could have told you that"
  6260. "... oh"
  6261. >Way to go
  6262. >Everyone darts their eyes around the room, looking for a distraction from this awkward moment
  6263. >Pinkie: ".... so Nonny, got any ideas for your song yet?"
  6264. "Well, I can't sing and I can't dance... so I've got nothing. Can't we just skip the whole thing?"
  6265. >Pinkie: "No we can't, it's a school tradition!"
  6266. "Well I'm not sure how much I can do without looking like a jackass, he'll slam me in the competition"
  6267. >... and that's when the idea hits you
  6268. >Dash: "Well, if he's got nothing maybe we can just-"
  6269. "-Dash, you still got the key for the gym storage room?
  6270. >Dash: "Yeah, why-"
  6271. "-Good. Pinkie, how many pinatas can you get hanging in he gym?"
  6272. >Pinkie: "How many do you need?"
  6273. "As many as you can. Big ones"
  6274. >Pinkie: "For what?"
  6275. "You'll see..."
  6276. >The girls all look at each other nervously
  6277. >Dash: "You know, usually when you say that, things either turn out great or a total train wreck"
  6278. "I know"
  6279. >This will be no train wreck
  6280. >It may be the bast plan you've ever come up with
  6282. >Wednesday
  6283. >Wearing your new campaign shirt, you showed up extra early today because Pinkie asked you to. But when you arrived at the front door, she wasn't there
  6284. >You decided to give her a call
  6285. >Pinkie: "... hey Nonny, where are you?"
  6286. "I'm here, where are you?"
  6287. >Pinkie: "I'm here, where are YOU?"
  6288. "I'm- ... you know what, just tell me where to go"
  6289. >Pinkie: "The cafeteria"
  6290. "How'd you get in? The school isn't even open yet"
  6291. >Pinkie: "It is if you have the key. I left it unlocked, come on in"
  6292. >*CLICK*
  6293. >She hung up before you could ask how the hell she got a hold of the keys to the school
  6295. >As soon as you walk in you see about ten or so large pinatas leaning against the wall, in all different shapes and designs
  6296. >Pinkie: "So what do you think Nonny, are these good?"
  6297. "Yeah, I think so. They should work"
  6298. >Pinkie: "What are you gonna put in them?"
  6299. "I bought a whole bunch of candy"
  6300. >You dump out your backpack, releasing nearly a dozen giant bags of candy, the kind you usually see around Halloween
  6301. >Pinkie: "Huh... that's actually a pretty good idea. I'm surprised you came up with-"
  6302. "-And basketballs"
  6303. >Pinkie: "... basketballs? You mean like, basketball basketballs?"
  6304. "Yup"
  6305. >You completely lost her
  6306. >Pinkie: "Are you sure?"
  6307. "Trust me"
  6308. >Pinkie: "... alright then. I've got a few other things to show you"
  6309. >She takes you around the cafeteria, showing you several giant speakers hooked up around the room
  6310. >Pinkie: "With these, whatever song you play should be heard through the whole gym. What song did you end up choosing anyways?"
  6311. "... Let's just say, an American classic"
  6312. >Pinkie: "What classic?"
  6313. >You tell her your song
  6314. >Pinkie: "... you call THAT an American classic?"
  6315. "Well? It is, isn't it?"
  6316. >Pinkie: "I suppose... and it does explain the basketballs. But... alright. I'll download it later and hook it up"
  6317. >Between you, Pinkie, and Rarity who showed up not much later, you start filling up the pinatas, finishing pretty quickly
  6318. >Pinkie: "So do you have the basketballs with you now?"
  6319. >Rarity: "You're putting basketballs in there? What for?"
  6320. "Trust me"
  6321. >Rarity: "But won't-"
  6322. >Pinkie: "-Just go with it, it's the only answer you'll get from him"
  6323. "I was going to ask Dash to take me to the sports team storage closet when she got here"
  6324. >Pinkie: "I told her to get here early like you guys, I don't know where she is though"
  6325. >Implying Dash could ever get here on time
  6327. >She shows up just before the bell, with enough time for you to run to the storage room, get the basketballs, fill the pinatas, and get to class fifteen minutes late. Pinkie said she'd stay behind in the cafeteria and keep an eye on the pinatas
  6328. >It's like you guys don't even come to school to do work anymore
  6330. >After biology, you and Rarity waited for Dash as usual, but she doesn't show
  6331. >About five minutes into lunch, you get a call from Pinkie
  6332. "Hello-"
  6333. >Pinie: "-Where are you?!"
  6334. "I'm waiting for Dash, but she's not-"
  6335. >Pinkie: "-She's here in the cafeteria with me"
  6336. "She is?"
  6337. >Pinkie: "Yeah, the pinatas got really heavy with the basketballs, so I asked Dash to help me"
  6338. "That explains it-"
  6339. >Pinkie: "-Just hurry, we're running out of time! Stay on the line, I'll tell you when to come in"
  6340. >You and Rarity hurry over to the cafeteria
  6342. >You are Bob. You have no personality. You have no special traits. You are just another guy in the background
  6343. >When you came into the cafeteria, you noticed a bunch of pinatas hanging around from the ceiling
  6344. >Weird stuff happens all the time, but you've never actually seen a pinata in here before
  6345. >One just happens to be hanging over your table. Everyone around starts looking for something to hit it with
  6346. >At another table someone finds a giant stick under their table. Checking under yours, you find one for yourself
  6347. >While hitting the pinata, you hear a shout from another table that seems to have broken theirs open first
  6348. >"What the hell, there's basketballs in here!"
  6349. >Just then, yours breaks open, and sure enough you're showered with candy and about two or three of basketballs. You're really not sure, they fell too fast
  6350. >And just as the commotion reaches its peak, the doors burst open in an overly dramatic spectacle
  6351. >Anonymous and Rainbow Dash stand triumphantly in the doorway, wearing some cheesy American t-shirts. Is this part of their whole "prince and princess of the dance" thing?
  6352. >The room falls silent, either in confusion or curiosity, broken by the growing sound a familiar tune
  6353. >" Everybody get up, it's time to slam now, we got a real jam going down, welcome to the Space Jam "
  6354. >... they've got your vote
  6356. >You are Anon
  6357. >They probably wanted to kill you when those basketballs started dropping
  6358. >When the music started playing, the life of the mood of the room slowly shifted, the got excited, they got pumped
  6359. >Once you were certain that they were on your side, you jumped on top of the nearest table, grabbed the closest basketball, and tossed it. The crowd fought over it like you just threw out your used panties... you know, if you were a hot grill
  6360. >The crowd starts partying, tossing balls around the room, scooping up as much candy as they could, cheering out your name
  6361. >You start singing the words to the song out loud, and the crowd joins you. This is the only song you could sing in public, it's the only song you know the words to
  6362. >Dash gets up on the table with you
  6363. >Dash: "I gotta hand it to you, you really pulled through again. How'd you know this would work"
  6364. "Because who doesn't fucking love Space Jam"
  6365. >Dash: "... true"
  6366. >You truly got a real jam going down
  6367. >This win is in the bag
  6369. >History class
  6370. >Usually Dash has her head down, half asleep. This time it's you
  6371. >During the slam jam you got pelted in the head by a basketball, and it's been killing you since then
  6372. >Dash: "You okay Anon? You don't look too good"
  6373. "Yeah, I'm just..."
  6374. >Who are you kidding
  6375. " head hurts like hell"
  6376. >Dash: "Thought so. Come on"
  6377. >She asks for the two of you to be excused to the nurse's office, and as usual he lets you go no questions asked
  6379. >You show up and knock on her door
  6380. >Nurse: "It's unlocked, just come in"
  6381. >When the two of you enter, you immediately blurt out the first thing that comes to mind
  6382. "Jesus, you look awful"
  6383. >Her hair is a mess, her clothes are wrinkled, she can barely keep her eyes open. She's exhausted
  6384. >Nurse: "You know, I'd smack you if it weren't for how right you probably are. Come on in"
  6385. "Sorry, didn't mean it like that, but..."
  6386. >You come in but there's already someone sitting in the bed
  6387. >Nurse: "You get knocked out by a basketball too?"
  6388. "What do you mean 'too' ?"
  6389. >Nurse: "Yeah, apparently some jackass let loose a bunch of basketballs in the gym and everyone started throwing then around.I've had a lot of kids have been coming in since-"
  6390. >Kid: "Hey Anon, didn't you do that?"
  6391. >You make a throat-cutting motion with your hand, trying to shut him up
  6392. >Nurse: "... what's this about now?"
  6393. >Kid: "Yeah, he put them in pinatas or something. It was awesome"
  6394. >Redheart's eye twitches
  6395. >Nurse: "... how are you feeling"
  6396. >Kid: "Fine now I guess-"
  6397. >Nurse: "-Good. Get out"
  6398. >Kid: "But-"
  6399. >Nurse: "-Go!"
  6400. >He hurries out, and you almost feel tempted to do the same
  6401. >Nurse: "... I should have known this was all YOUR doing. This is about the whole 'dance prince' thing isn't it?"
  6402. "I figured, if you don't go all out you don't deserve it"
  6403. >She sighs
  6404. >Nurse: "Well... shit, I gotta admire your spirit"
  6405. >She hands you a bag of ice for your head
  6406. >Nurse: "Just quit giving me so much work to do, I've barely been getting any sleep lately"
  6407. "Everything okay?"
  6408. >Nurse: "Yeah, I just... yeah. Look, just tone it down a notch. You can't be doing crap like this at the dance, and God knows I won't let you"
  6409. "You're going to be there?"
  6410. >Nurse: "Yeah, I always chaperone. Luna says it's 'to make sure the kids behave', which is just a nice way of saying 'don't let anyone get pregnant'. You know, like you"
  6411. "Like us?"
  6412. >Nurse: "Come on, if anyone's going to get caught screwing in the bathroom it's going to be you two. And I'm not supposed to let that happen"
  6413. >Dash: "Well you don't have to worry about that, we won't"
  6414. >... let's not be so hasty Dashie
  6415. >Nurse: "Well, regardless of what happens, just keep out of trouble alright? I've got more important things to deal with"
  6416. "Like what?"
  6417. >Nurse: "Like trying to -"
  6418. >She's about to give you some sassy answer when her phone rings
  6419. >Nurse: "... never mind. You seem fine, get back to class"
  6420. "But I-"
  6421. >Nurse: "-Hurry up, go"
  6422. >She rushes the two of you out, locking the door behind you
  6423. >You press your ear to the door
  6424. >Dash: "Anon, what are you-"
  6425. "-Shh... "
  6426. >Gotta find out what "important business" she has going on
  6427. >Nurse: "... yeah, I'm chaperoning at the dance... yeah, all night... you know, they did say I can bring a guest, so if you want...alright sounds great! See you there!"
  6428. >... huh
  6429. >You slowly back away from the door
  6430. "Okay, let's go"
  6431. >Dash: "Anything interesting?"
  6432. "... I think nurse Redheart has a date"
  6434. >Thursday
  6435. >The day before the dance
  6436. >You washed the "Vote for Anon" shirt so it wouldn't smell when you put it back on today
  6438. >Rainbow Dash showed up this morning with a bit of excitement in her step, happily taking your hand as you walk in
  6439. >Dash: “Hey Anon, ready for today?”
  6440. “Pretty sure”
  6441. >If there’s some kind of campaign thing you still have to do it shouldn’t be that hard. Just throw some balls and chant for freedom
  6442. >Dash: “You know, I’m honestly surprised you decided to come”
  6443. “Why wouldn’t I?”
  6444. >Dash: “I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem like your type of thing”
  6445. >Okay, you’re clearly missing something here, but before you can ask what the hell she’s talking about she hurries off
  6447. >Biology
  6448. "Hey Rarity, is something going on today?"
  6449. >Rarity: "What do you mean?"
  6450. "I don't know, dash just showed up this morning asking me if I was 'ready' "
  6451. >Rarity: "Oh, that. Yeah, I suggested that we all hang out this afternoon to the girls, I must have forgotten to ask you. I assumed you would have come anyways though. Want to come along?"
  6452. "Sure, why not. What have you got planned?"
  6453. >Rarity: "Oh, you know. Hang out, stop at the cafe, look around for..."
  6454. >Her expression says she just said something she shouldn't have
  6455. > you know, just hang out"
  6456. "Look around for what?"
  6457. >Rarity: "Oh that, it's nothing"
  6458. "Okay, Rarity, what aren't you telling me?"
  6459. >Rarity: "Who, me?"
  6460. "I said your name, didn't I?"
  6461. >Rarity: "Well... you see... "
  6462. >She glances around the room for a distraction, ultimately locking eyes with the teacher
  6463. >Rarity: "Let's get back to work, I'll tell you later"
  6464. >She goes back to her work, or at east she pretends to
  6465. >Are you sure you still want to go?
  6467. >After class, Rarity takes your hand and leads you down the hall, the exact opposite direction from the cafeteria
  6468. "Wait, where are we going?"
  6469. >Rarity: "You'll see"
  6470. >She takes you down to the hall, just a few corners away from the main entrance room of the school
  6471. >Pinkie is there waiting for you two, and Dash shows up later
  6472. >Dash: "Wow, you really are coming along this time"
  6473. "Yeah, Rarity told me everything, well, almost everything. What are we doing here?"
  6474. >Pinkie: "Isn't it obvious? We're sneaking out"
  6475. >Ditching class, huh? You never knew they had it in them
  6476. >Well, Rarity at least. Pinkie and Dash, not so farfetched
  6477. >Rarity: "Alright, so what's the plan?"
  6478. "Plan for what?"
  6479. >Rarity: "For sneaking out! You don't think they'd just let us walk out the front door, so you?"
  6480. "Actually yeah, they would. Come on"
  6481. >Rarity: "No way. It can't be that easy"
  6482. \>You approach the door and push it open
  6483. "Come on girls, let's go!"
  6485. >The four of you sit around a table at a small cafe down the street
  6486. >Rarity: "I still can't believe we could just walk out like that"
  6487. "I can, our school security sucks"
  6488. >Seriously, think of all the stuff you've gotten away with lately: the fight, hijacking the intercom, the pinatas
  6489. >Pinkie: "So Rarity, where to first?"
  6490. >Yup, Pinkie's got something to hide
  6491. >Rarity: "Well, I was thinking that we could check out the new boutique down the street from the mall. I was there the other day, they've got a good new winter line"
  6492. "Wait a second. Are you talking about going shopping?"
  6493. >Dash: "Yeah, I thought you knew"
  6494. "And you brought me along, why?"
  6495. >Rarity: "Because we all need something to wear for the dance tomorrow. That includes YOU too"
  6496. "... well have fun with that. I'm going home-"
  6497. >Dash: "-Anon wait! You have to come along!"
  6498. "Why?"
  6499. >Rainbow Dash leans over and whispers to you
  6500. >Dash: "... you know ho she gets when she goes shopping. You can't leave us alone with her"
  6501. "... alright fine, I'll tag along"
  6503. >The four of you go to some fancy-pants clothing store at the strip mall with a french name you can't quite pronounce
  6504. "... L-Le... le oma... omo-"
  6505. >Dash: "Forget it Anon, none of us can figure it out"
  6506. >Pinkie nods in agreement
  6507. >Rarity: "It's not that hard, it's-"
  6508. >Dash: "-Let's just go in before this turns into a lesson in French"
  6509. >After rolling her eyes, Rarity walks in, the three of you trailing behind her
  6511. >Upon entering you're immediately greeted by a young-looking employee
  6512. >"Hello, welcome to L'Ome- oh hey, Rarity, good to see you again. Here shopping for the dance?"
  6513. >Rarity: "Yup. And it's good to see you too Coco"
  6514. >It's like Rarity knows everyone who works in every clothing store in town
  6515. >Coco: "I'm sure you know where you're going, but if you need any help don't be afraid to call for me"
  6516. >Rarity: "Will do"
  6517. >The employee goes back to her work, and Rarity leads you all to the women's formal apparel
  6518. >A section you've never been to before
  6520. >Rarity observes racks upon racks of dresses, her eyes deep in thought. She almost looks like she could be contemplating some profound philosophy or the meaning of life
  6521. >But nope, she's just shopping
  6522. >She ultimately grabs one and hands it off to you... then another, and another
  6523. >By the time she's finally done, you've got a pile of almost twenty dresses in your arms. She walks into the changing room with three others
  6524. "Rarity, what the hell?"
  6525. >Rarity: "It says we're not supposed to bring more than three garments into the changing room at a time"
  6526. "So I'm supposed to just hold these-"
  6527. >Dash pats you on the back
  6528. >Dash: "Thanks Anon, she usually makes me carry them"
  6529. >God damn it
  6530. >After a long wait Dash speaks up
  6531. >Dash: "You okay in there Rarity?"
  6532. >Rarity: "Uh... I'm not sure, can you come in here and tell what you think?"
  6533. >Assuming she didn't mean you, you wait behind as Dash and Pinkie join her in the changing room
  6534. >They mutter to each other, about what you have no idea
  6535. >After a while the door to the changing room opens just a crack, and all three of the dresses she brought in get handed out to you. You struggle to take them and set them down on a nearby empty shelf
  6536. >Rarity: "Anon, can you hand me the others?"
  6537. "Which ones? I've got at least twenty"
  6538. >Rarity: "Any of them... and there's 31"
  6539. >You pass in a few more, actively trying not to peek in through the crack in the door
  6540. >Just 28 more to go...
  6542. >You continue exchanging in that same pattern, time after time
  6543. >While waiting, a familiar voice booms from behind you
  6544. >Vlad: "What are you doing here? Have you become a lady?"
  6545. "I swear it's not what it looks like"
  6546. >Vlad skeptically raises his eyebrow
  6547. >Rarity: "Anon, a few more please"
  6548. >Her voice explains the whole situation
  6549. >During the trade-off, you hand her the last dress that she hadn't yet tried on
  6550. "So Vlad what are you-"
  6551. >Vlad: "-Trying to make move on my niece, are you? Make for romance?"
  6552. >His suspicious glare could pierce through your skull
  6553. "N-No, I swear, I'm just here with our friends. I'm not trying to-"
  6554. >He interrupts you with a deep laugh
  6555. >Vlad: "Relax little man, I know you. You make the romance with ladywoman, the one with the colors"
  6556. >The one with the colors... yeah, that could be Dash
  6557. "So anyways, what are you here for?"
  6558. >Vlad: "I need suit. Baby Rarity tell me this shop is best, but not so sure"
  6559. "I know what you mean. It's too... French"
  6560. >Vlad: "Exactly, French bad quality. Won't hold up in battle"
  6561. "I'm not sure these kinds of clothes are meant for battle"
  6562. >Vlad: "Not clothes, French people. Bullet go right through them"
  6563. >Maybe you DON'T know what he means
  6564. >Rarity steps out in her regular clothes, the last dress draped over her arm
  6565. >Rarity: "Anon, where'd you put those others I handed you?"
  6566. >You point her out to the shelf, She fiddles through them, grabs one, and takes it back into the dressing room
  6567. >Dash: "Oh, hey Vlad what are you doing here?"
  6568. >Vlad: "I came for new suit. All I find is disappointment"
  6569. >Dash: "Anon's here for the same. We're here to do some shopping for the dance"
  6570. >Vlad eyes you up and down: "... I may have something for you. Interested?"
  6571. "Sure, why not"
  6572. >Vlad: "Good. Come back to my store when you're done with lady business"
  6573. >Vlad makes his way out just as Rarity steps out in a fancy looking dress
  6574. >Rarity: "What was my uncle doing here?"
  6575. "Oh, he just stopped by for something. Is that the one you chose?"
  6576. >Rarity: "Yeah, maybe"
  6577. >Dash: "Isn't that the first one you put on?"
  6578. >Rarity: "Yeah"
  6579. >Is this bitch serious
  6581. >Rarity asked you to help her put the dresses back
  6582. >Okay, not help. She asked you to do it for her while she helped Dash pick something out
  6583. >Once Dash has a couple, she heads into the changing room. Rarity runs off to continue looking, something about Dash "not picking enough of a selection"
  6584. >Dash: "... a little help in here"
  6585. "Pinkie can you..."
  6586. >Pinkie's gone
  6587. >Well then
  6588. >You quickly slip into the room, taking care to not be seen
  6589. >Dash: "Anon? I don't think you're allowed to be in here"
  6590. "Well Rarity and Pinkie are busy. And it's not like we're gonna have sex or anything in here right?"
  6591. >Dash: "Well I guess not. Can you just get that zipper in the back?"
  6592. >On the back of her dress there's a long zipper, down to just above her waist. You pull it up slowly, trying to not get her hair caught in it
  6593. >Once it's all the way up she turns around, stretching her arms out as if presenting herself to you
  6594. >Dash: "Well... what do you think? It's my favorite one that I've seen all day"
  6595. >She's in a tight, strapless dress that shows off her shoulders, reaching from just under her armpits down to her mid thigh. Horizontal stripes run down in a rainbow pattern, much like her hair
  6596. "It's great, I love it"
  6597. >Dash: "You sure? I mean, I like it but I want you to-"
  6598. "-Dash, it's perfect"
  6599. >Dash: "Positive? You don't have to say that just because-"
  6600. "-Dash!"
  6601. >She goes silent
  6602. "... you look amazing"
  6603. >Dash: "... thanks"
  6604. >She quickly pulls you into a hug, burying her face into your chest
  6605. >That's how you know she's blushing and doesn't want you to see
  6606. >Just as you put your arms around her the door bursts open
  6607. >Rarity: "Dash, I got these, I thought they'd- ... sorry, am I interrupting?"
  6608. >She smiles lewdly, thinking you have something to hide
  6609. "Well, she needed help and you were gone"
  6610. >Rarity: "And I'm guessing you helped her in your own way"
  6611. "What's that supposed to mean?"
  6612. >Rarity: "You know what I mean-"
  6613. >Pinkie: "-What do you mean?"
  6614. >Pinkie bursts in the room
  6615. "She doesn't mean anything-"
  6616. >Pinkie: "-You said you'd tell me next time the three of you had a sex party!"
  6617. "Pinkie it's not a-"
  6618. >Pinkie: "-Though I gotta admit, a changing room isn't a bad location. Not creative, but not bad. Kudos Nonny"
  6619. >Dash: "Anon, what's she talking about?"
  6620. "She's not-"
  6622. >Coco: "Sorry, but we can't let all of you be in there at once"
  6623. >Pinkie: "... party pooper"
  6624. >Pinkie stays inside while the rest of you step out. Apparently she had already chosen something. After a moment she steps out wearing her new dress
  6625. >Rarity: "... Pinkie, are you sure?"
  6626. >Pinkie: "Yup"
  6627. >The neckline of her dress is cut so low it shows off her whole cleavage. The dress goes down to her ankles, but the slit on the side separates it all the way up to her hip
  6628. >Rarity: "Are you sure you don't want something a little more... reserved"
  6629. >Pinkie: "Come on Rarity, where's the fun in that?"
  6630. >Rarity nudges your side
  6631. >Rarity: "Anon, don't you think she'd look better in-"
  6632. "-Leave me out of this"
  6633. >Realizing she's beat, she lets Pinkie have her way
  6634. >With each girl changed back into their normal clothes, they head back to the registers
  6635. >Rarity: "Anon, wait. We still have to get you a suit"
  6636. "Don't worry, Vlad said he had something for me"
  6638. >Coco is working the register, it's like she's the only employee here
  6639. >Then again, it's not really a busy place
  6640. >After ringing them up, she even has the time to see you all out
  6641. >Coco: "Thanks for shopping at L'Omelette du Fromage, come back soon!"
  6643. >With your lady work here done, it's time to head over to the military surplus store
  6644. >Vlad has something for you to wear...
  6645. >Only now does it occur to you how bad this could turn out
  6647. >You enter Vlad's store with mixed emotions, the girls with you
  6648. >Part of you is worried that he expects you to wear one of his old military uniforms
  6649. >Another part of you is hoping that he lets you wear one of his old military uniforms
  6650. >Quite the quandary
  6651. >Vlad is behind the counter doing nothing, as if he was actually waiting for you
  6652. "Hey Vlad, we finished up with our lady business. You said you had something for me?"
  6653. >Vlad: "Wait there"
  6654. >He leaves for the back room, and comes back carrying a garment bag. There's clearly something in it, because he's holding it up by the hanger. He hands it over to you
  6655. >Vlad: "This belonged to an old comrade. He was a strong man, little like you, but strong. A true warrior"
  6656. "Where is he now?"
  6657. >Vlad: "He died. That's his funeral suit"
  6658. >Everyone steps back away from you, like you've been given a bomb
  6659. >Vlad: "Go ahead, try it"
  6660. >He points you out to a bathroom in the back
  6661. >You head in and start changing
  6662. >Well, here you go
  6663. >A dead man's clothes...
  6665. "So, what do you all think?"
  6666. >The top button is undone and your necktie is loose, but other than that you actually look pretty good in this suit... at least you think so
  6667. >Vlad: "Look good. Ready to kill an entire country"
  6668. >You ask Rarity, since she's the big fashionista
  6669. >Rarity: "Hmm... "
  6670. >She approaches you and buttons that top button, then tightens your tie to a point where you can just barely breathe
  6671. >After taking a few steps back, she eyes you up and down and smiles
  6672. >Rarity: "... yup, not bad. Not bad at all. How do you feel about it Dash?"
  6673. >Dash approaches you and reaches for your neck
  6674. >To your surprise, she loosens the tie and unbuttons the top button. As an added touch, she messes up your hair
  6675. >Dash: "There we go. Perfect"
  6676. >Gotta love that girl
  6677. >Rarity just rolls her eyes. Dash silently makes love to you with hers
  6678. >Rarity: "What about you Pinkie? You've been quiet this whole time"
  6679. >Pinkie's standing back with her hand over her mouth
  6680. >Pinkie: "It's fine... just..."
  6681. "Just what?"
  6682. >Pinkie: "I just think... " *snicker* "... that it really..."
  6683. "That it really what?"
  6684. >Pinkie: "... that it really SUITS YOU!"
  6685. >She collapses onto the floor in a fit of laughter. She's reaching out for high-fives, none of which are returned
  6686. >You feel a strong, heavy pat on the back
  6687. >Vlad: "Keep it friend. It looks as good on you as it did on my old comrade"
  6688. >Somehow that makes you feel a sense of pride... honor... something manly
  6689. >After helping Pinkie up off the ground, still suffering from her laughing fit asking if you all "got it", the four of you head home
  6691. >Be Rainbow Dash
  6692. >Later that night
  6693. >Anon did look good in that suit, really good
  6694. >But still, you have to be sure, it'll take one quick phone call
  6695. >...
  6696. "Hello, Vlad?"
  6697. "Yeah, it's me. So like, I was just wondering. Your friend who owned that suit is dead now, right?"
  6698. "Uh huh. So like, I'm just wondering, it isn't... you know, haunted or anything, right?"
  6699. >Hey, you can never be too sure
  6701. >Friday
  6702. >The day of the dance
  6704. >In front of Celestia's office there is a box hanging on the wall for the ballots for the dance royalty
  6705. >Nominees aren't allowed to vote, but throughout the day you've gotten enough people telling you that they'd vote for you and Dash to make you feel confident
  6707. >Lunch time
  6708. >The cafeteria is less than half full than it usually is, with everyone waiting in line to vote for the prince and princess of the dance
  6709. >Rarity ran off to cast her vote, so you and Dash went to the cafeteria by yourselves. Pinkie isn't around either so you assume she's with Rarity
  6710. "Damn, does this many people really go to the dance?"
  6711. >Dash: "Yeah, it's really popular. I'm honestly still surprised you've never been"
  6712. >Ouch. That stung
  6713. >Dash: "So how do you think we're doing?"
  6714. "Well seeing as how my only competition was Flash, I don't think I've got anything to worry about"
  6715. >Dash: "What about me?"
  6716. "Honestly, I don't even know who else is on the ballot. That's probably a good sign. And at the very least you've got Rarity's and Pinkie's votes"
  6717. >Dash: "Pinkie doesn't vote either"
  6718. "She doesn't? Why not?"
  6719. >Dash: "She's not allowed to either, she's the one who counts the ballots"
  6720. "So why don't we just ask her to tell us how we're looking-"
  6721. >Pinkie: "-Not a chance Nonny"
  6722. >With lunch almost half over, the other half of your group shows up
  6723. >Pinkie: "I'm only supposed to count them twice, first after lunch then again after school. I couldn't tell you now even if I wanted to"
  6724. "But can you at least tell me who else is on the ballot besides Dash?"
  6725. >Pinkie: "Well there's you, first off"
  6726. >Dash: "I think he means who's MY competition"
  6727. >Pinkie: "... oh yeah. Well for starters Diamond Tiara is on the list, she probably paid someone to nominate her. Trixie's on there too, but just between you and me I don't count on her getting many votes"
  6728. >She lists off a few other names that you don't even recognize
  6729. >You've got this win in the bag
  6731. >English class
  6732. >You get a text from Pinkie telling you to meet her at the bathrooms
  6733. >You're sure the teacher is getting sick of you asking to go to the bathroom every other day
  6735. >After making sure the coast is clear, you quickly slink into the girls bathroom, where Pinkie is inside waiting for you
  6736. "No one else is here, right?"
  6737. >Pinkie: "Nope, just me and myself"
  6738. "Good, so what'd you need me down here for?"
  6739. >Pinkie: "I just finished counting the votes so far, and thought you'd like to know how the election is turning out"
  6740. "How is it?"
  6741. >Pinkie: "Well I'm sure you know you've pretty much won, but..."
  6742. "But?"
  6743. >Pinkie: "I'm not supposed to say anything definitive, but it's looking good for Dash too"
  6744. "Can't say I'm surprised"
  6745. >Pinkie: "Don't tell anyone I told you this though, okay? I could get kicked off the committee"
  6746. "Alright I won't-"
  6747. >Piknie: "-You gotta promise me you won't tell"
  6748. "Alright Pinkie, I promise. And thanks for the heads up"
  6749. >Pinkie: "No prob. I'm probably gonna head to the nurse's office after this, I need to lie down for a bit"
  6750. "You okay?"
  6751. >Pinkie: "Yeah, just exhausted. Counting those things is always tiring, but with all the hype we've caused it's just made this job that much harder-"
  6752. >*CREAK*
  6753. >Pinkie shoves you in the nearest stall as the bathroom door slowly opens
  6754. >You stand up on the toilet and crouch down, desperate trying to hide yourself from plain sight
  6755. >"Hey, Pinkie, what's up?"
  6756. >You never thought you'd say this, but you wish you didn't just hear her voice
  6757. >Pinkie: "Oh, hey Dash. Nothing really"
  6758. >Dash: "Is someone else in here?"
  6759. >Pinkie: "Nope, just me and myself"
  6760. >Dash: "But I just heard you talking"
  6761. >Pinkie: "Yup, just talking to myself"
  6762. >Dash is probably thinking the same thing you are: "With Pinkie, that actually makes sense"
  6763. >Pinkie: "Anyways I gotta head back now, see ya tonight at the dance-"
  6764. >Dash: "-Pinkie, wait"
  6765. >Pinkie: "Hmm?"
  6766. >Dash: "How's the election going"
  6767. >Pinkie: "Looking pretty good for you, definitely for Anon"
  6768. >Dash: "Alright... just wondering"
  6769. >Pinkie: "You okay Dash? You look a little down"
  6770. >Dash: "Yeah, just maybe a little nervous"
  6771. >Pinkie: "About what?"
  6772. >Dash: "I just kinda want this night to be awesome for all of us. But especially for Anon since it's really his first dance, and the first thing he and I have really done together. You know, not counting the fight"
  6773. >That's actually really sweet of her
  6774. >Make a mental note that you're not supposed to know any of this
  6775. >Pinkie: "Hey, if you're nervous... take this with you. It'll help"
  6776. >You can't see what "this" is but you gotta wonder what it could be, seeing as it's coming from Pinkie
  6777. >Dash: "Wait, seriously? Where'd you get this?"
  6778. >Pinkie: "I've got a few, I sneak one in to every dance. That one's small so it shouldn't be too hard to hide. But me, I always bring a bigger one"
  6779. >... That doesn't sound too good
  6780. >Dash: "I don't know Pinkie. Are you sure?"
  6781. >Pinkie: "Trust me, it's great if you're nervous... or just want to have a little fun
  6782. >Okay, that's REALLY not good
  6783. >Pinkie: "I've gotta get going, see ya tonight!"
  6784. >Pinkie skips out of the room, leaving you alone in here with Dash
  6785. >... fuck
  6786. >Your heart starts racing, hoping to God that she doesn't try to come into your stall
  6787. >... *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK*
  6788. >Shit! What do you do
  6789. >Do you try to imitate a girl's voice? Do you try to stay silent? Do you swallow your guts and step out and hope for the best?
  6790. >... after a brief wait, she knocks on the next stall. Then the next, then the next
  6791. >Dash: "... hello? Anyone in here?"
  6792. >Once she confirms that the bathroom is "empty", she takes a seat in the stall next to you
  6793. >First her shorts drop, then her panties
  6794. >If you thought you weren't supposed to hear what just happened, then there's no way this could be good
  6795. >...
  6796. >...
  6797. >... nothing
  6798. >Just Dash breathing... breathing heavily
  6799. >You can hear the toilet seat rattle back and forth, like she's struggling
  6800. >Listening closely you can make out a faint shlicking sound
  6801. >There's no way she's really doing it
  6802. >Her breathing escalates into a quiet moan, as the shlick gets louder
  6803. >Yup... she's doing it
  6804. >Note: You're not supposed to know any of this
  6805. >Admittedly, this whole situation actually turns you on. Of course you can't do anything without her hearing you
  6806. >Dash: "mmh.... D-Dashie"
  6807. >She tries to imitate your voice and moan out her own name
  6808. >After trying a few more times she lets out a deep sigh
  6809. >Dash: "...ugh, damn it. Just not the same..."
  6810. >She pulls her clothes back up and slams the stall door on her way out
  6811. >You wait a few minutes, making sure that Dash doesn't change her mind and come back
  6812. >When the coast is clear you hurry out
  6813. >Pinkie never showed up, she must really have gone to the nurse's office to rest
  6815. >Seeing Dash after class, you try not to think about everything you heard in the bathroom
  6816. >Dash: "Almost time for the dance. You excited?"
  6817. "Yeah, a little. How about you Dashie?"
  6818. >She tenses up as you said that, tightening her grasp on your hand
  6819. >It was too hard to resist
  6820. >Dash: "Do you got a plan to skip out of gym today?"
  6821. "Yeah, why?"
  6822. >Dash: "... just wondering"
  6824. >It's a little after 6pm, the dance doesn't begin for another hour
  6825. >You all agreed to meet up at the same cafe you went to yesterday
  6826. >And of course, you showed up before everyone else
  6827. >You patiently wait for the girls... okay, impatiently waiting
  6829. >You are Rainbow Dash
  6830. >Taking a quick peek in the window, you notice Anon is already there, all by himself
  6831. >... crap
  6832. >You quickly sneak in and hurry off to the bathroom
  6833. >Run the sink. Splash your face. Dry yourself off. Get over these nerves
  6834. >You do all of them except that last one
  6835. >Get a hold of yourself. This night's going to be awesome. You and Anon are going to have a great time, he'll walk you home, you'll invite him in, then you'll do it all night then fall asleep together. And in a few months he'll ask you out to the Spring Fling and repeat it all over again
  6836. >Yup, that's how this night is gonna work out, so get a hold of yourself
  6837. >... nope, not happening
  6838. >Falling back on your last resort, you pull out the small flask Pinkie gave you earlier today and take a quick drink
  6839. >You're not really a drinker, maybe only a few times before, but what the hell
  6840. >Pinkie called this "The Good Stuff"
  6841. >Whatever it is, it burns
  6842. >Slipping it back into your pocket, you take a deep breath, then head out to meet Anon
  6844. >You are Anon, patiently tapping your finger on the table like a madman when Dash shows up
  6845. >Dash: "Hey Anon, sorry I'm late"
  6846. "No worries, just glad to see you"
  6847. >She sits across the table from you
  6848. >Dash: "To be honest I'm usually the first one here"
  6849. "I figured as much, do they always take forever?"
  6850. >Dash: "You know how Rarity is"
  6851. >The two of you laugh, hers with a hint of awkwardness
  6852. >Dash: "So, you excited?"
  6853. "How many times have you asked me that today?"
  6854. >Dash: "A lot I guess. Since it's your first dance I'm just trying to make sure this night's awesome"
  6855. "Well the past two minutes haven't been so bad"
  6856. >Dash: "Don't worry, it'll get better. A lot better-"
  6857. >Pinkie: "-How much better?"
  6858. >Pinkie and Rarity seemed to show up out of nowhere
  6859. "Hey guys, about time you showed up"
  6860. >Rarity: "There's nothing wrong with being fashionably late"
  6861. >The two of them sit around the table
  6862. >Pinkie: "Hey Dash, you..."
  6863. >Pinkie winks, Dash nods
  6864. >Rarity: "... oh boy. Not her too"
  6865. >Seems like you're the only one out of the loop here
  6867. >As the time for the dance draws closer, you all get up and head to the school
  6868. >You're stopped on the steps by a familiar voice
  6869. >Nurse: "Hey Anon! What's up!"
  6870. >Nurse Redheart runs up from behind, wearing a formal dress with her usual labcoat over it. Vlad follows behind her in what looks like his old military uniform
  6871. >And once she reaches you, she does the most unlikely thing
  6872. >She hugs you. It's one of those tight, bone-crushing hugs where she actually lifts you up. After dropping you on the ground, she does the same to Dash
  6873. >Rarity and Pinkie head in without you
  6874. >Vlad: "She's a strong one. Strong like bear"
  6875. "Y-Yeah..."
  6876. >Struggling to regain your breath, you reach out to Vlad for a handshake. At least he's more sensible than-
  6877. >He lifts you up off the ground, in a tight man-hug the same way Redheart did... just a lot harder
  6878. >You plop down on the floor when he lets you go
  6879. "Y-You're... both strong ones"
  6880. >Vlad: "Don't worry little man. You'll be strong one day too"
  6881. >His words are almost encouraging as he helps you up off the ground
  6882. >Nurse: "You know, I never thought I'd see you two together. I can still remember how much you two used to hate each other back in your freshman year"
  6883. >You and Dash stare at each other awkwardly
  6884. >Dash: "Yeah, but that was a long time ago. We're good now"
  6885. >Nurse: "Well I'd rather have you making out in my office than killing each other in it. Anyways, we gotta get going, Luna wanted us to check in with her when we showed up. Good seeing you two"
  6886. >She waves goodbye, and turns to head inside. Vladimir salutes you like a soldier, which would have been dorky had it been anyone other than him
  6887. >But in that uniform of his, everything looks badass
  6888. >Nurse: "Oh, and Dash?"
  6889. >She turns around
  6890. >Nurse: "... don't drink too much"
  6891. >Dash: "What?"
  6892. >Nurse: "Don't try to deny it kid, I know. You're too much like me"
  6893. >With that, she heads inside
  6894. "What was she talking about?"
  6895. >Dash: "No idea"
  6896. >Dash puts one arm around you, and stuffs the other in her pocket like she's trying to hide something
  6897. >You really are the only one out of the loop
  6898. >As soon as you enter the gymnasium you're deafened by combined sound of awful, blaring music and cheers for the "new prince and princess"
  6899. >Dash: "I'm guessing that's a good sign, right Anon... Anon?"
  6900. "Huh? Oh yeah, right"
  6901. >Dash: "Everything okay?"
  6902. "Yeah... it's just that I really, really, hate this song"
  6903. >She takes a second to really listen to it
  6904. >Dash: "I've heard this song so many times but I can never remember the name of it"
  6905. "It's called Sandstorm, by Darude"
  6907. >Once the music changes you actually find yourself in the mood to dance
  6908. >Even so, Dash has to forcefully drag you out to the dance floor
  6909. >But admittedly, it's fun. Really fun
  6911. >After a while, Dash suggests heading to the snack table for some punch
  6912. >That would have been nice to know there was food here, you've been starving since you got here
  6913. >You head to the snack table with Dash. Pinkie and Rarity were there
  6914. >Pinkie: "Well well well, where have you two been, huuuuh~?"
  6915. "You're the one's that ditched us"
  6916. >Rarity: "We just though you two would like some alone time"
  6917. >Pinkie: "Yeah, aloooone~ time"
  6918. >There's something off about Pinkie, she's giggling a lot more than usual
  6919. "Pinkie are you okay?"
  6920. >Pinkie: "Me? Of course I'm okay why wouldn't I be? Are yoooou okay?"
  6921. >She laughs with a loud snort
  6922. "Is it just me or is she drunk or something-"
  6923. >Dash: "-I'm not drunk I swear!"
  6924. "Not you, Pinkie"
  6925. >Pinkie: "Well, looks like THAT one's out of the bag"
  6926. >Strapped to her thigh is a small pouch, and from it she removes a flask and takes a big gulp
  6927. "Well that explains a lot"
  6928. >Pinkie: "Hey, don't judge me! You know, I also gave one to-"
  6929. >Dash: "-Well, we're just here to get some punch, so we should really be on our way"
  6930. >She grabbed a cup and ran off
  6931. "... yeah, I should probably go with her"
  6932. >You grab a cup for yourself and follow her
  6933. >Rainbow Dash. That's who you are
  6934. >Pinkie: "Hey, don't judge me! You know, I also gave one to-"
  6935. "-Well, we're just here to get some punch, so we should really be on our way"
  6936. >Grabbing a cup you hurry away before Pinkie outs you
  6937. >While Anon is still behind you, you quickly add a hit of "The Good Stuff" into your punch
  6938. >Holding the container up to your ear, you give it a shake. About half empty
  6939. >Gotta be careful from here on out
  6940. >Anon: "What's that?"
  6942. >You are Anon
  6943. >Dash stuffs something in her pocket
  6944. >Dash: "Oh that, just my... cell phone. I thought I heard it go off"
  6945. >She downs the rest of her punch in one drink and tosses the cup in the trash
  6946. "Dash, are you and Pinkie up to something?"
  6947. >Dash: "Whaaat?! Get outta here!"
  6948. >She awkwardly laughs, the dead giveaway for a lie
  6949. >Before you can question her any further, the usual dance music shuts off, and a slow song comes on
  6950. >Dash looks over at you, like she wants to say something but isn't sure how
  6951. >Dash: "So..."
  6952. "Yeah?"
  6953. >You know where she's going with it. You pretend not to
  6954. >Dash: "Usually I just stand against the wall during these slow songs... you know, cause I usually don't have a date"
  6955. "Uh huh"
  6956. >Dash: "But like, you're here, and I'm here-"
  6957. "-The sooner you stop talking the sooner we can dance"
  6958. >Putting your arms around her waist you pull her towards you. She doesn't really seem know what to do
  6959. "Just put your arms around me"
  6960. >Draping her arms around the back of your neck, she leans in really close to you
  6961. >Naturally, you take this opportunity to get a quick hint of her scent.The smell of her sweat with her usual Skittle-scent is nothing but intoxicating
  6962. >With her head resting on your chest, she lets out a long sigh. She looks up at you with her glazed, almost tired eyes
  6963. >Dash: "... so is this all slow dancing is? We just stand here?"
  6964. "Pretty much"
  6965. >She rolls her eyes
  6966. >Dash: "... What do you say we sneak out of here for a bit"
  6967. "Where?"
  6968. >She quietly laughs to herself
  6969. >Dash: "I can think of a few places"
  6971. >Technically you're not supposed to be leaving the gym. Then again you're not supposed to fuck on campus but you do it anyways
  6972. >And you're about to do it now
  6973. >The two of you make your way towards the door. As far as you know, no one saw you slip out
  6974. "Alright, where to now?"
  6975. >Dash: "Where else?"
  6976. >She takes your hand and runs down the hall, pulling you with her
  6977. >You have no idea where she's taking you, but she's eager
  6979. >She has you running down a familiar hall, looking for a specific room. Once you find the room in question she quickly drags you in
  6980. >Luckily the door was unlocked
  6981. >She takes you into a familiar classroom
  6982. >Room #402
  6983. >A.K.A: Your history class
  6984. >Not bad Dash. Not bad at all
  6985. >Dash: "Do you remember?"
  6986. "You mean remember all the times you fell asleep in here?"
  6987. >Dash: "Not that"
  6988. >She leads you back you your desks, pushing them together like she does every class
  6989. >But instead of sitting in the seat, she sits up on top of the desk, pushing her dress up just enough for you to get a good view of her thighs
  6990. >Dash: "This is the first place you ever... you know"
  6991. >That's right. This is the first place you ever actually touched her
  6992. >She reaches her arms out for you to embrace her
  6993. >You slowly approach her, apparently too slow for her taste
  6994. >She grabs your tie and jerks you closer, unable to wait any longer, pulling you into a passionate kiss. Even after she lets go you don't back away
  6995. >One kiss becomes another, then another
  6996. >While her hands caress your head, her fingers running wildly through your hair, yours find themselves around her waist, slowly drifting down towards her thighs
  6997. >When she opens her mouth hoping for your tongue, you don't disappoint
  6998. >Her tongue forces past yours and starts exploring your mouth. She tightly pulls your head towards hers, pressing your face against hers
  6999. >There's something off about the taste of her mouth. A bitter flavor you recognize but wouldn't expect from her
  7000. >After a bit of a struggle you manage to pull away
  7001. >Dash: "Everything okay?"
  7002. "Dash, have you been drinking?"
  7003. >She looks down at the floor
  7004. >Dash: "I guess that's out of the bag"
  7005. >She pulls the flask from her pocket and presents it to you. You don't even have to ask; you're 90 percent sure she got it from Pinkie. In any case, she seems almost ashamed to admit that she's buzzed
  7006. >Dash: "You know, if you want to stop we can"
  7007. >You grab the flask from her and take a drink
  7008. "And if I don't want to"
  7009. >Dash: "... then hand it over"
  7010. >She grabs the small container from you and downs what was left, tossing it on the floor
  7011. >Pushing you back, she climbs down from the desk, turns around, and bends over with her ass out
  7012. >She wiggles her ass, showing off the black thong she's wearing
  7013. >Dash: "Go ahead, do whatever you want"
  7014. >You lean over her, sliding your fingers up and down her dripping crotch... then just a little bit higher. Her legs tremble just as you brush over her secondary hole, as if expecting you to push your finger inside
  7015. "Whatever I want?"
  7016. >Dash: "Whatever..."
  7017. >With a quick move, you pull her panties down and press your member against her anus
  7018. >Trying to be gentle clearly isn't working, she's too resistant. You give a little more force, but to no avail
  7019. "Maybe not after all-"
  7020. >Dash: "-No! G-Go for it!"
  7021. >She reaches back and grabs her cheeks, spreading them for you. Her little hole twitches with anticipation
  7022. >Deciding to go easy on her, you give her a countdown
  7023. "3... 2... 1..."
  7024. >Dash: "AAH!"
  7025. >She gasps out loud as you lowly penetrate her backside. You slowly slide in further and further until you're all the way in, and her butt is pressed against your chest
  7026. >Her breathing rapidly increases and gets much louder. you hold still, giving her time to get accustomed to you
  7027. >The moment you try to move, she clenches down, making it tough to move a single inch
  7028. >Eventually, she loosens up and lets you pump in and out of her
  7029. >Between her gasps of breath, you can hear her call out what vaguely sounds like your name, but usually just moans
  7030. >Putting your hands on her ass, you start squeezing. Due to her being an athlete, there's not much there, but damn, what is there is soft as a marshmallow
  7031. >You can feel every twitch and contraction of her ass, seeming to be in synch with her gasps
  7032. >Looking at her face, you see her eyes have rolled back and her tongue hanging out. The dripping saliva from her gaping mouth is almost matched by her dripping crotch
  7033. >You continue thrusting into her, losing yourself in the moment. Memorizing every little bump of her insides, feeling every twitch and contraction of her body. It seems like this hole is even hotter inside than her vagina
  7034. >You lean over her and begin kissing the back of her neck. Sliding your fingers into her other hole, you feel it twitch just as much as the other side
  7035. >She must be getting close, but then again, so are you
  7036. >Dash: "N... N-Nonn... ah... Ah...AH- NONNY!!"
  7037. >She screams out your name, clenching down too tightly for you to move
  7038. >But not that you need to
  7039. >That last contraction put you over the edge, brought you to the big finish, and every squeeze after that seemed to milk more and more out of you until you've gone dry
  7040. >Dash collapses, her legs gone limp. You catch her in time to keep her from falling. She clings to your chest, relying on you to hold her up
  7041. "Do you need a minute?"
  7042. >Dash: "Y-Yeah... j-just a few minutes"
  7043. >You lay your jacket on the ground so that she has a semi-warm spot to lay down on the ground, before laying down next to her
  7044. >First the bathroom floor, and now this
  7045. >The two of you really can cuddle anywhere
  7046. >...
  7048. >... *RIIIIIING*
  7049. "... Hello?"
  7050. >Pinkie: "NONNY! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!"
  7051. "What-?"
  7053. >*CLICK*
  7054. >She hangs up, pretty stressed about the whole situation. Dash groans, apparently having actually fallen asleep
  7055. >Dash: "... what's going on?"
  7056. "If we don't hurry back to the gym we're going to lose the race for prince and princess-"
  7057. >Dash: "-What?!"
  7058. >Dash jumps to her feet before helping you up, though barely able to stand on her own
  7059. "Dash, are you sure you're okay to walk?"
  7060. >Dash: "Regardless, we have to get down there! I didn't put you on the ballot and go through the whole campaign for nothing"
  7061. >She takes your hand and hobbles over to the gym as fast as she can
  7062. "Dash, get on"
  7063. >You kneel down for her to jump on your back, and you carry her piggyback all the way back to the gym
  7064. >So she's the one who put you on the ballot after all
  7065. >Forget about that now, you gotta hurry
  7067. >It wasn't until after you decided to carry her that you remembered how heavy she can get
  7068. >By the time you reach the doors to the gym you're nearly dead
  7069. >You let her down so you can catch your breath
  7070. >... *rattle rattle*
  7071. >Dash: "Um... Anon"
  7072. "Yeah?"
  7073. >Dash: "The door's locked"
  7074. >No way
  7075. >You check the door yourself just to be sure
  7076. >Sure enough, it won't budge
  7077. >Dash puts her ear to the door, beckoning you over to do the same
  7078. >Pressing your ear against the cold door trying to listen in
  7079. >Pinkie: "... so are you guys ready to find out who your new prince and princess is? Cause I'm ready, I'm soooo ready! Like, more ready for this than I've ever been ready for anything..."
  7080. >It's hard to tell if she's stalling for time, drunk off her ass, or just being herself
  7081. >Probably all three
  7082. >Celestia: "Well, thank you for that... interesting introduction, Pinkie Pie"
  7083. >Dash: "Crap, sounds like Celestia has the microphone. She's the one who announces the winner"
  7084. >You back away and take out your cell phone
  7085. >Dash: "Who are you calling?"
  7086. "Rarity"
  7087. >... damn. No answer
  7088. >You try Pinkie. No answer either
  7089. "Damn it"
  7090. >Dash: "I tried Applejack and Fluttershy. Nothing"
  7091. "Anyone else?"
  7092. >Dash: "... I think so"
  7093. >She makes a call
  7094. >Dash: "... hey, we're outside... long story, I'll explain later... no, we didn't, I swear... okay, we did. Can you just come open the door for us?... yes I'll tell him... alright, thanks a bunch"
  7095. >*CLICK*
  7096. "Who was that?"
  7097. >Dash: "Nurse Redheart"
  7098. "Why do you have her number?"
  7099. >Dash: "Long story"
  7100. >After a moment, the door opens just a crack, and an arm pops out calling you in
  7101. >You and Dash slip through the crack of the door, and it quickly slams shut
  7102. >Dash: "Thanks Nurse, we owe you-"
  7103. >Nurse: "-Don't bother, you're too late"
  7104. >Like Pinkie said, if you're not there to accept the crown they hand it over to the runner-up
  7105. >And she was right
  7106. >You showed up just in time to see the runner up, Flash Sentry, being crowned the prince of the Winter Ball
  7107. >Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Pinkie storming up to you, Rarity struggling to hold her back
  7108. >Rarity: "The two of you might want to run-"
  7109. >Pinkie: "-What took you so long!"
  7110. "Sorry, we tried-"
  7111. >Pinkie: "-If you had showed up just two seconds later you would have won!"
  7112. >Rarity: "Calm down Pinkie, it's not their fault"
  7113. >It kind of is
  7114. >Pinkie: "You had almost two hundred votes Anon. Do you have any idea how may Flash had?"
  7115. "How many?"
  7116. >She holds up four fingers
  7117. >Ouch
  7118. "Isn't there something you can do?"
  7119. >Pinkie: "Nope"
  7120. "Anything at all?"
  7121. >Pinkie: "Nu uh"
  7122. >Dash: "Look guys, let's just forget it"
  7123. >She had been clinging onto your arm, but she tries to stand up on her own
  7124. >Pinkie: "Forget it? After everything we went through to get him elected?!"
  7125. >Dash: "Yeah, I mean, it's too late now right?"
  7126. >Pinkie: "Yeah but-"
  7127. >Dash: "-And regardless, it was all fun. We should be glad we even managed to get him to come down here"
  7128. >Rarity: "She's got a point there"
  7129. >Pinkie: "I guess"
  7130. >Half-drunk, just-got-laid Dash seems so relaxed
  7131. >Dash: "And I'm sure Anon had lots of fun tonight, right"
  7132. "Yeah, lots"
  7133. >She goes back to hugging your arm again, nuzzling your shoulder
  7134. >The girls get what she meant almost instantly
  7135. >Rarity: "Come now Pinkie, you can't argue with that, can you?"
  7136. >Pinkie: "... eh, I guess you're right. But you owe me for this Nonny"
  7137. "Yeah, sure"
  7138. >She'll forget by tomorrow
  7139. >Dash: "Come on, the dance is pretty much over now, let's go-"
  7140. >Celestia: "-And your new princess for the Winter Ball is... Rainbow Dash!"
  7141. >Dash: "What?!"
  7142. >And there goes her relaxation
  7143. >Everyone in the crowd starts glancing around trying to find Dash. She tries to hide behind your back
  7144. "Well Dash? What now"
  7145. >Dash: "What do you mean, we're leaving remember?"
  7146. >Rarity: "Really? But you won"
  7147. >Dash: "Yeah, and I only agreed to do it with Anon. I don't wanna be HIS princess-"
  7148. >"-There she is! Over there!"
  7149. >A spotlight hanging on the ceiling aims directly at you and Dash
  7150. >There's no way out for her now
  7151. >Dash: "... will you at least walk me up?"
  7152. "I'll do you one better"
  7153. >You grab at her legs and scoop her up, carrying her princess style
  7154. "How's this?"
  7155. >You got her to smile
  7156. >Dash: "Better. Let's go"
  7158. >Be Rainbow Dash
  7159. >Anon gingerly carries you up the stage
  7160. >Principal Celestia, holding the fake plastic crown in her hands, awaits your arrival
  7161. >As you approach her, she beams a warm smile
  7162. >Once close enough, she reaches out and places it on your head
  7163. >Celestia: "Congratulations, Rainbow Dash!"
  7164. >The crowd starts cheering, almost too loud to drown out Anon whispering in your ear
  7165. >Anon: "Way to go, princess Dashie"
  7166. >He kisses you on the ear
  7167. >Celestia: "Do you have anything you'd like to say"
  7168. "Nope, I'm good"
  7169. >Celestia: "How about you Flash"
  7170. >Flash: "As a matter of fact I do"
  7171. >He takes the microphone
  7172. >Flash: "I just want to thank all those who voted for me..."
  7173. >All four of them
  7174. >Flash: "... and I want you to know it was the right choice. Anon over there may talk big, but clearly didn't have the courtesy to even show up until now..."
  7175. >Oh hell no
  7176. >Nobody talks shit about your Nonny
  7177. >Anon: "Come on Dash, let's-"
  7178. "Put me down"
  7179. >Skeptically, he lets you down
  7180. >Your ass still hurts and you struggle to stand, but you gotta do it. You walk over and grab the mic from him
  7181. >Flash: "... it really makes you wonder whether he even deserved to be nominated in the first- hey-!"
  7182. "-You know Flash, I'm really happy for you, and imma let you finish... but Nonny is the best prince of all time!"
  7183. >You toss the mic over your shoulder. The crowd erupts in applause
  7184. "Come on, let's go home"
  7185. >Anon: "... yeah, sure"
  7186. >He scoops you back up like before and carries you off
  7187. >With that, Celestia announces the dance officially over, and after rejoining the girls you head out together
  7189. >Still carrying Dash in your arms, you and the girls head towards the exit
  7190. >At the doors, several staff members, Nurse Redheart included with Vlad be her side, are directing the leaving students out the door, and ordering those who aren't
  7191. >Your passing by seems to halt the process
  7192. >Nurse: "Hey you guys, congratulations! ... well, one of you at least. What the hell happened?"
  7193. "It's a long story"
  7194. >Nurse: "Well that narrows it down"
  7195. >Unfortunately that was no sarcasm. There's really no hiding it anymore
  7196. "And just for the record it wasn't my-"
  7197. >Nurse: "-Kid, I don't need to know the details, just promise me that she won't show up someday with another little 'you' running around"
  7198. >Dash: "Relax, that won't be happening. For sure"
  7199. >Nurse: "Dare I ask what that's supposed to mean?"
  7200. >You look at Vlad. He looks back at you
  7201. >Vlad: "Serbian handshake?"
  7202. "Serbian handshake"
  7203. >Rarity is the only one who seems to get it
  7204. >Nurse: "I have no idea what that means, but I feel like I probably don't want to-"
  7205. >Celestia: "Redheart"
  7206. >The principals calls out to her and nods her head towards the exit
  7207. >Nurse: "Alright, alright... listen, you kids don't have to go home, but can't stay here. Go on"
  7208. >The four of you make your way out
  7210. >By the time you reach the parking lot, you couldn't carry Dash any longer. You set her down, letting her use your shoulder for support. Pinkie was leaning on Rarity in a very similar fashion
  7211. >Rarity: "Will we ever know peace from this?"
  7212. "Only when we're dead"
  7213. >This is where the four of you go your separate ways
  7214. >Rarity: "We're heading off now. She lives nearby my house, so I'll be taking her home"
  7215. "You sure she'll be okay?"
  7216. >Rarity: "Yeah, I think so. If necessary she can stay at my place"
  7217. >Pinkie: "Good idea, party at Rarity's place!"
  7218. >Rarity: "Not happening"
  7219. >Pinkie: "What? Come on, when do the four of us ever hang out together"
  7220. >Rarity: "What about school?"
  7221. >Pinkie: "That doesn't count"
  7222. "What about tonight?"
  7223. >Pinkie: "That doesn't count either"
  7224. >Rarity: "Forget her, do the two of you need a ride?"
  7225. >You look at Dash, she's in no condition to be walking especially at this time of night. Even if you walked with her, it's no good
  7226. "Pinkie didn't give you anything to drink, did she?"
  7227. >Rarity: "I'm probably the only one. Come on"
  7229. >Deciding to drop you off first, she pulls up at your place, a decent enough apartment complex
  7230. "Thanks again for the ride Rarity"
  7231. >Rarity: "No problem. See you Monday"
  7232. "Alright, see ya"
  7233. >Rainbow Dash gives you a kiss before you get out of the car
  7234. >Dash: "See you later Anon"
  7235. "Later? Don't you want to come in with me?"
  7236. >She's thrown off by your offer. So is everyone else... including you
  7237. >You hadn't planned on it, that just kind of slipped out, but hey. It's out there now
  7238. >Pinkie: "Ah, what the hell, party at Anon's place!"
  7239. "Not you, just Dash"
  7240. >Pinkie: "Ugh, come on you guys! We never get to hang out!"
  7241. >You help Dash out of the car and shut the door before having to go through this again
  7242. >Both you and Dash wave to Rarity as she pulls out and rives away
  7244. >Leading her over to your apartment, you notice your neighbor just leaving
  7245. >Dash: "Does she always go out this late?"
  7246. "Yeah, she always runs off to that park across the street late at night. It's a favorite place for the stoners"
  7247. >She seems disheartened by that
  7248. >Dash: "You don't do that stuff, right?"
  7249. "Relax, of course not"
  7250. >Okay, only once, and it didn't count
  7251. >You unlock your door and invite her in
  7252. >It's nothing awful, not grand but not a shit hole either
  7253. >Dash: "Is it just you here?"
  7254. "Pretty much. You thirsty or anything?"
  7255. >Dash: "Not really, mostly just tired"
  7256. >Figures. To be honest so are you
  7257. >You take her back to your bedroom
  7258. >Dash: "hey Anon"
  7259. "Yeah?"
  7260. >Dash: "Do you have something that I could wear for tonight? This dress is kind of uncomfortable"
  7261. >Shoot, you actually hadn't thought of that
  7262. "Hold up, I might"
  7263. >You start rummaging in your dresser while she glances over your shoulder
  7264. >You find something that just might fit her
  7265. "How's this"
  7266. >Her mouth curves into a sweet, child-like smile
  7267. >Dash: "Perfect"
  7268. >She happily takes the sweater you handing her and changes into it
  7269. >This isn't the first time you've given her that same sweater
  7270. "I'll keep looking, I might have some sweats or something you can-"
  7271. >Dash: "-No, this is just fine"
  7272. >Seeing as how it was already a little big on her, it nowhere near fits her. It reaches past her butt, about halfway down her thighs, and sleeves stretch all the way down to her fingertips
  7273. >You're inclined to let her keep it from now on
  7274. >You quickly change into a t shirt and some sweats, making sure to hang up Vlad's comrade's suit up nicely in your closet
  7275. >Pulling the covers aside on your bed, you let her lay down in your bed
  7276. >Dash: "Where are you going to sleep?"
  7277. "... Scoot over"
  7278. >You nudge her to the side and lay down next to her. You're bed's pretty small but it's enough for the two of you
  7279. >Dash: "Are you sure it's not too cramped?"
  7280. "I'm fine, are you?"
  7281. >Dash: "No, I'm okay"
  7282. "Then there's nothing to worry about"
  7283. >Dash: "Are you sure?"
  7284. "Positive"
  7285. >Dash: "I just want to make sure you're comfortable. It is your place after all and-"
  7286. "Shut up an hold me"
  7287. >Falling silent, she puts her arm around you
  7288. >You pull the covers over the two of you
  7289. >Dash: "G-Goodnight Nonny"
  7290. >She nestles her face in your chest, letting out a deep yawn
  7291. "Night Dashie"
  7292. >Between the dancing, the sex, and carrying her around, you're exhausted. You fall asleep almost instantly
  7295. Chapter 3: The Ole Razzle Dazzle
  7298. >Your alarm clock goes off at 7AM as usual. For obvious reasons, you forgot to turn it off
  7299. >With Dash between you and the clock, you can't quite reach it
  7300. >*SLAM*
  7301. >With the swing of her fist she shuts off the alarm, probably permanently
  7302. "Thanks"
  7303. >She groans as her eyes slowly drift shut
  7304. >...
  7305. >* RIIIIING*
  7306. "I think that's yours"
  7307. >Dash: "Ugh... damn it"
  7308. >She crawls out of bed and finds her dress still lying on the floor
  7309. >She removes her phone from the pocket. Answering it seems to be a struggle for her, still trying to wake up
  7310. >Dash: "yeah?... I'm at Rarity's place, I spent the night... I went to the dance, remember?... yeah, I'm okay, just tired... alright, I'll be home later"
  7311. >She hangs up, then turns her phone off for good measure
  7312. "Rarity's place?"
  7313. >Dash: "You wanna call my grandpa back and tell him we slept together?"
  7314. "... my lips are sealed"
  7315. >She lets out a yawn before crawling back into bed
  7316. >...
  7317. >Dash: "You can't sleep, can you"
  7318. "Nope"
  7319. >Dash: "Me either"
  7320. >Well so much for getting your rest
  7321. >You have to climb over her to get out of bed
  7322. >Dash: "Where are you going?"
  7323. "I'm going to take a quick shower. I'll leave the door unlocked, so if you need anything just come get me"
  7324. >Dash: "Alright, I'm going to try and get some rest"
  7325. >She pulls the covers over herself, gets comfortable, and falls back asleep
  7327. >You close the bathroom door, get undressed, and turn on the shower
  7328. >The water usually takes forever to heat up, you end up getting in while it's barely tolerable
  7329. >After about five minutes you hear the door creak open. You can't see through the curtain but you can assume who it is
  7330. "Dash? Is that you?"
  7331. >Dash: "Yeah, it's me"
  7332. "Need something?"
  7333. >Dash: "Kind of... I need you"
  7334. "What for?"
  7335. >Dash: "..."
  7336. >When she doesn't respond you peek out from behind the shower curtain
  7337. >She's standing there rubbing her arm, awkwardly staring at the ground like she's looking for something to say
  7338. >Oh yeah, and she's naked
  7339. >.... Oh, that was her trying to be playful and sexy
  7340. >Either you're completely oblivious or she's just really awkward
  7341. >Probably both
  7342. "Come on, get in here"
  7343. >She carefully steps into the shower
  7344. "The water's not too cold, is it?"
  7345. >Dash: "No, it's fine"
  7346. >She'd be more convincing if she wasn't already shivering
  7347. "Don't worry, it'll heat up in a minute"
  7348. >She snuggles up against you, acting like she's doing it out of love and not to use you as a shield from the water
  7349. >Well, you're used to cold water so you let her
  7350. >Dash: "hey Anon..."
  7351. >She looks up at you and whispers "maybe we can make it a little hotter on our own"
  7352. >Her second attempt at seduction, much more effective
  7353. "What did you have in mind?"
  7354. >She just winks
  7355. >Pressing her body against you, she slips one leg between yours. You can feel her prickly pubic area rubbing against your thigh
  7356. >Does it still count as "dry-humping" if you're in the shower?
  7357. >Whatever you call it, it's working
  7358. >Even an ice bath couldn't stop you from rising to the occasion
  7359. >Dash: "A little too excited aren't you?"
  7360. "You're one to talk, I bet there's more than just water running down my leg"
  7361. >Dash: "Not if you're going to make me do all the work here"
  7362. >Realizing she's got a point, you consider your options
  7363. >Something new
  7364. >Something she's not expecting...
  7365. >Got it
  7366. >You start kissing her on the lips, putting your arms around her. Just as she opens her mouth, hoping for your tongue, you move your kisses down to her neck. She starts running her fingers through your hair. Slowly, you start kneeling down, not ceasing kissing her body, pausing just as your face is between her breasts. She instinctively pushes your head downward, waiting for you to move to her crotch
  7367. >But that's not happening
  7368. >Instead, you move over towards her breast and kiss her erect nipple, before gently sucking it
  7369. >They were already erect from the cold water, making it easier for you to o your job
  7370. >She gasps out loudly, probably from surprise and not because she liked it that much
  7371. >She starts playing with her other side, roughly groping herself and flicking her nipple around. With her other hand, she presses your face into her like she's trying to suffocate you
  7372. >Okay, maybe she did enjoy it that much
  7373. >You push her active hand away and do exactly as she was, letting yourself take full responsibility of pleasing her
  7374. >With nothing else for her hands to do, she slips her fingers between her legs. Even with her own fingers inside herself, she still humps your leg, using you to push them in an out
  7375. >The water has to started to reach a reasonable temperature
  7376. >Dash: "Anon..."
  7377. "Yeah?"
  7378. >Dash: "I want you to- AAH!"
  7379. >You gently bite her nipple, which seems to cut her off
  7380. "You were saying?"
  7381. >Dash: "I want- mmh!"
  7382. >You do it again
  7383. >She seems to really like it
  7384. "Sorry what was that"
  7385. >You gently nibble her tit, while she struggles to speak through her gasping
  7386. >Dash: "I-I want you t-to fuck me!"
  7387. >The fact that she was able to say it out loud like that means she must be desperate
  7388. >You can feel the steam rising in the room
  7389. >You move the wet clumps of hair from her face before kissing her once again. This time, you welcome her tongue into your mouth, and your hands find their way back to her chest
  7390. >As her hand starts massaging the growing appendage between your legs, yours do the same with her soft breasts. Though admittedly small in size, there's a certain attractiveness to them that you can't resist
  7391. >Between toying wit her tongue in your mouth and her small nipples with your fingers, you seem to get lost
  7392. >It throws you off when she breaks away from the kiss
  7393. >Dash: "Anon, please"
  7394. >She grabs your hand and guides it down her wet body and between her legs
  7395. >Oh yeah, she has a vagina too
  7396. >Her body eagerly and gladly welcomes your intruding fingers
  7397. >Once you start pumping your fingers in and out of her, she resumes the kiss, even letting out a quiet moan under her breath
  7398. >The again, since it only takes one hand to finger her, you continue groping her with the other
  7399. >Every part of her body seems to be enjoying this moment
  7400. >Her pussy tightens around your fingers every time you try to pull them out. Her tongue wrestles with yours like an aggressive puppy. Her nipples poke out in a way that almost begs you to play with them
  7401. >Dash's grip on your dick loosens. She steps back towards the wall of the shower, turns around, and sticks her ass out, resting on the wall with her hands
  7402. >Dash: "I can't wait any longer"
  7403. >You approach her, gently grabbing her from behind before thrusting your cock into her
  7404. >A little abrupt but it worked
  7405. >As you pump in and out of her, dripping water splashing between your hips with every impact. You're cautious not to move too fast, you've slipped on this shower floor one too many times to not know your lesson
  7406. >Of course, that goes out the window pretty quickly. Once you start to move faster you can feel her start to wobble. At first you think it's the slippery floor, but then you realize she's only balancing herself on the wall with one hand
  7407. >It's not unheard of for her to touch herself during sex, rubbing her clitoris while you fuck her
  7408. >But her hand isn't anywhere near her crotch
  7409. >It's at her chest
  7410. "You okay Dash?"
  7411. >Dash: "Y-Yeah, just don't stop"
  7412. >You lean over her a little more to get better look, and sure enough, she's playing with her own breast, squeezing and flicking her nipple. And she's enjoying it
  7413. >You should let her carry on in peace. To bring it up now would most likely embarrass her, and that's no way to treat the girl you love
  7414. >Dash: "... h-Hey! What are you doing?"
  7415. "Nothing, Dashie"
  7416. >You reached for the other side of her chest, teasing it the way she is doing to herself
  7417. "Should I stop?"
  7418. >Dash: "...."
  7419. >No response
  7420. >So you continue to play with her tit. Leaning over like this makes it a struggle to keep your balance, but Dash sure loves it, and that's what matters
  7421. >Dash: "A-Anon... stop for a sec"
  7422. >Well you thought she did
  7423. >You pull your hand away and back away so you're no longer leaning over her, but you continue moving
  7424. >Dash: "I meant stop everything"
  7425. >You stop moving and pull out, and she turns to face you
  7426. "Did I do something wrong?"
  7427. >Dash: "No, of course not. It's just that... do you really like my boobs THAT much?"
  7428. "Well, yeah. Kind of"
  7429. >When a girls asks that, there's really no good answer
  7430. >But to your surprise, she's happy with your response. Otherwise she wouldn't have that embarrassed half-smile of hers that always gives you a heart attack from cuteness
  7431. >Dash: "W-Well, do you wanna do more with them?"
  7432. "More like what?"
  7433. >Dash: "You know..."
  7434. "Actually I don't know"
  7435. >Dash: "Well you should, I found it on your computer earlier"
  7436. >What
  7437. >Dash: "... and a whole lot of it"
  7438. >You really need to start hiding your porn folder
  7439. >She kneels down, beckoning you closer and closer until your penis is pressed up against her, right at chest level. After a few nudges and adjustments, little Anon finds a snug home right down her cleavage
  7440. >Pressing her small breasts together with her hands, she quickly realizes that this is nothing like one of your Japanese animes
  7441. >Not with those small (but still perfect) B-cups of hers
  7442. >Regardless, she follows through with her plan, bouncing her breasts up and down, trying to squish your dick between them
  7443. "I'm not sure that-"
  7444. >Dash: "-Shush! I can do this!"
  7445. >Her eyes are filled with a lustful determination,a look that you can't help but find irresistible. And you doubting her only seems to make her try even harder
  7446. >The hot water raining down makes her already warm body that much warmer. Sliding between her soft, slippery breasts feels pretty good
  7447. >But the look in her eyes, the determination, the desire; it's absolutely irresistible, it makes the sensation all the more amazing. Hell, you might actually be getting dizzy
  7448. >Realizing that she's doing something right, Dash decided to be a little more adventurous
  7449. >She holds your dick out in front of her and pokes it into her left breast, rubbing it around until you run over her nipple
  7450. >Your cock twitches when you feel the little bump
  7451. >Dash: "So are you enjoying it so far?"
  7452. "Just keep going"
  7453. >You barely manage to stutter that out
  7454. >She smiles triumphantly, continuously rubbing your head over her tits, taking extra time teasing you with her nipples. It's hard to tell how long this has been going on, because the shower rinses off any traces of precum you left trailing across her chest
  7455. >Mental note: Do this again outside of the shower
  7456. >It must have been a while though
  7457. >Your legs start to tremble, feeling weak
  7458. >You feel a far-too-familiar tingle building up, and the more your dick twitches in anticipation, you don't even have to give Dash a heads-up. She can just tell
  7459. >You've trained her well
  7460. "Dash..."
  7461. >Dash: "I know"
  7462. >Immediately, she returns your cock to it's position between her breasts and begins massaging you
  7463. >Though you missed the feeling of her little bumps rubbing against your head, she substitutes it for her tongue gently lapping at you
  7464. >She takes as much of you into her mouth as she can, though not flexible enough to really get past the head
  7465. >It's all you really need
  7466. >The warmth of her mouth, the rough texture of her tongue slowly swirling around your cock, her slippery breasts massaging you on either side
  7467. >You can tell you're at your limit, so you do the most sensible thing at the moment
  7468. >You pull away
  7469. >You pull away, letting your cock pop out of her mouth, spraying strand after strand of your cum onto her face and with a little careful aim, onto her tits
  7470. >She flinches as if you just shot at her
  7471. >Then again, you kind of just did
  7472. >It was really the most intense orgasm you've had in a long time. You feel your legs getting weak, no, your whole body getting weak...
  7473. >Then you black out
  7475. >Dash: "... Anon? Are you awake?"
  7476. >Dash is standing over you, wearing the sweater you gave her last night
  7477. "... I think so. What happened?"
  7478. >You struggle to get up, but she urges that you stay lying on the bed
  7479. >Come to think of it, when did you get to your bed?
  7480. >Dash: "I take it you're not used to exercising in the heat"
  7481. "Why? What happened?"
  7482. >You remember doing it in the shower, and the heat making you dizzy, but not much... other than it being awesome
  7483. >Dash: "You passed out from exhaustion after you... you know, on me"
  7484. >You do recall catching a glimpse of Dash looking up at you, the water slowly rinsing your cum from her face before everything went dark
  7485. >Mental note: Do this again outside of the shower. Take pictures
  7486. "Did you carry me to bed?"
  7487. >Dash: "Yeah. I had to dress you too"
  7488. >All you're wearing is your boxers
  7489. "This is what you call dressed?"
  7490. >Dash: "W-Well I had to make sure you stayed cool, didn't want to wrap you up too much. Heat exhaustion, you know?"
  7491. >... yeah, sure
  7492. >She's gotten better at bullshitting
  7493. "So can I ask you one quick question?"
  7494. >Dash: "Sure"
  7495. "When you came into the bathroom, was doing all that part of your plan?"
  7496. >Dash: "No, not really. I was going to do something else, but then you did that thing with your mouth, and it just... got me in the mood"
  7497. "So what we're you going to do?"
  7498. >Dash: "... I'll save it for another time"
  7499. >She crawls into bed next to you, her still damp hair feeling providing a relieving coolness against your skin as she hugs you tightly
  7501. >And just now, it occurs to you
  7502. >She went through your porn folder at least once, and most likely again while you were passed out
  7503. >She knows all of your fetishes
  7504. >All of them
  7506. >You wake up several hours later, after having fallen back asleep
  7507. >Dash had taken the liberty to snuggle up next to you under the covers while you were asleep, though you can’t really say against your will
  7508. >You try to sit up without disturbing her, but she still wakes
  7509. >She rubs her eyes as she slowly gets up. She’s still wearing that baggy old sweater you let her borrow, which is way too big on her. Her hair is a mess, which is perfectly normal seeing as how she just woke up, but it still surprises you
  7510. >The fact that the sporty, athletic, tomboy Rainbow Dash could be so adorable
  7511. >Dash: “Morning Nonny”
  7512. >You glance over at the alarm clock
  7513. >1pm
  7514. “I’d hardly call it morning”
  7515. >She looks at the clock
  7516. >Dash: “True. At least I got some sleep though”
  7517. "Yeah, about half a day's worth. Didn't you tell your grandpa this morning that you'd be home a long time ago?"
  7518. >Dash: "Yeah, kind of"
  7519. >She lays back down
  7520. "Still tired?"
  7521. >Dash: “No, I just don’t feel like going home yet”
  7522. "Then don't, stay as long as you like"
  7523. >Dash: "Really?"
  7524. "Sure, why not"
  7525. >Deciding to take you up on your offer she sits up next to you
  7526. "Though maybe you should at least stop by at home for a bit and change clothes. You've been wearing nothing but my sweater since last night"
  7527. >Dash: "Don't worry. I'll make sure to wash it before I give it back-"
  7528. "-Don't worry, keep it"
  7529. >Dash: "You sure?"
  7530. "Yeah, it looks good on you"
  7531. > Her reaction is delayed
  7532. >First nothing. Then a little smile. Then a little blush.
  7533. >Then all at once, she tackles you into a hug tight enough to suffocate you, loudly thanking you over and over again. You fall back onto the bed
  7534. >As cute as she is, it doesn't change the fact that she's strong, really strong.
  7535. >And it doesn't change the fact that she still doesn't have clean clothes to wear
  7536. >Finally, she jumps up out of the bed, taking the sweater off to get dressed
  7537. >She puts her dress back on and ties the sweater around her waist
  7538. >After throwing some other clothes on, you walk with her to the front door to see her out
  7539. "You know your way back home right?"
  7540. >Dash: "Pretty sure. What do you want to do when I get back?"
  7541. "I was thinking that maybe we could have lunch or something, seeing as how it's already afternoon and we haven't eaten all day"
  7542. >Dash: "I like the way you think. What are you going to make?"
  7543. "Actually, I was thinking we could go out somewhere. There's a lot of really good restaurants nearby"
  7544. >Dash: "Go out to eat?"
  7545. "That's what I said"
  7546. >Dash: "You mean like... like a date?"
  7547. >It never really occurred to you until now, but you've never really taken Dash out on a date, just the two of you
  7548. >Unless of course asking her to the dance counted, which it didn't
  7549. >What the hell kind of boyfriend are you
  7550. "Yeah, just like a date"
  7551. >Dash: "... Sure, sounds fun, See you in a bit"
  7552. >She waves goodbye and heads off down the street
  7553. >Looking down at yourself, you realize you should probably get dressed in something better too
  7554. >For some reason, you expected a lot more spaghetti dropage from her just now
  7555. >Maybe she's getting over awkwardness
  7556. >Good for her
  7558. >Be Rainbow Dash
  7559. >As soon as you round the corner out of sight from Nonny's apartment you take your phone out and turn it back on
  7560. >Nonny just asked you out on a date. Like, a real date with just the two of you. The dance didn't really count, all your friends were there. But this time, it's no friends. Just you and him...
  7561. >You're about to have a heart attack
  7562. >Once your phone is on you call Rarity
  7563. >You're going to need some advice
  7565. >Be Rainbow Dash
  7566. >As soon as you were done on the phone with Rarity you hauled ass back home
  7567. >Not fast enough for gramps apparently
  7568. >Gramps: "Where the hell have you been? I thought you were coming home hours ago"
  7569. "Sorry, I meant to come home sooner but I was so tired"
  7570. >Gramps: "You're dad would kill you if he knew you were out all night"
  7571. "Well it's not like I was sleeping in the streets or anything, I was at Rarity's place"
  7572. >Gramps: "Well hurry and clean yourself up. You reek of sweat and you look a total mess"
  7573. >He's never really been a gentle talker
  7574. >Then again, he does have a point. You're wearing the same dress you wore last night; the only difference is it's more wrinkled after spending the night thrown on the floor. Not to mention how you hurried home in it today, you petty much mixed in fresh sweat in with the old sweat from last night's dancing and drunken sex
  7575. >Don't exactly look like a rainbow or smell like a bowl of skittles
  7576. >First thing's first, you take a shower
  7577. >The shower at Anon's place didn't really get you any cleaner
  7579. >While in the shower, gramps starts calling out your name. When he doesn't stop you double-time getting yourself cleaned up
  7580. >After drying yourself off you step out of the bathroom, with nothing but a towel around you to cover up
  7581. "Alright alright, what do you want?"
  7582. >Gramps: "The commie's here to see you"
  7583. >Rarity steps out from behind him
  7584. >Rarity: "Is this a bad time"
  7585. >Yes it is, you're naked. But you do need her help, and you did ask her to come by...
  7586. "No, it's fine. Come on"
  7587. >You take Rarity back to your room
  7588. >When you get to your room, Rarity sits on your bed
  7589. >Rarity: "He's never going to warm up to me, is he?"
  7590. "Don't take it personal, he doesn't like anyone"
  7591. >You drop the towel and start getting yourself dressed. As you put your bra on you're interrupted by Rarity jumping up and groping you from behind. Your boobs are a little sore from earlier
  7592. "What the hell are you doing?"
  7593. >Rarity: "Hmm... "
  7594. >She pulls her hands away and sits back down
  7595. "I think you need to size up again"
  7596. >Damn it, you just did a month ago
  7597. >Ignoring it, you continue getting dressed
  7598. >Rarity: "So does your grandpa know about your date today?"
  7599. >You shush her
  7600. "he doesn't even know that I have a boyfriend"
  7601. >Rarity: "really? why not?"
  7602. "if he knew about me and Anon he'd kill him. especially if he knew about... everything"
  7603. >Rarity makes a zipper motion across her lips
  7604. >When you're finished dressing you present yourself
  7605. "So, how do I look?"
  7606. >She says nothing
  7607. "... What?"
  7608. >She shakes her head
  7609. "Too casual?"
  7610. >She sighs
  7611. >Maybe you should have asked Fluttershy for help
  7612. >Rarity: "Well, its... nice. But if this is for Anon you ant to look better than nice, right?"
  7613. "Yeah, I guess, but-"
  7614. >Rarity: "-No excuses! It's my job to make sure you look absolutely perfect!"
  7615. >Well, she's got enthusiasm
  7616. >After rummaging around in your closet, she picks something out
  7617. >Rarity: "Here, try this"
  7618. >After trying it on she decides it's not "perfect" either, so she puts you in something else
  7619. >She puts you through a whole damn fashion show, turning your closet inside out before deciding on an outfit for you, a nice red blouse, not too fancy but still nice, with black shorts, and long black socks up to your knees
  7620. "You're sure I look good in this?"
  7621. >Rarity: "Trust me darling you look magnificent. Or 'awesome', as you'd probably put it"
  7622. >You look at yourself all over, really getting a sense of what you're wearing. You do look pretty damn awesome
  7623. "Yeah, you're right"
  7624. >For once her picky sense of fashion may save you
  7625. >Rarity: "So where is the date going to be?"
  7626. "We haven't even decided yet. He just told me there's some nice places around"
  7627. >Rarity: "Well do you have an idea of where you might be going?"
  7628. "Nice try, you're not coming along"
  7629. >Her pout says you hit the nail right on the head
  7630. >On your way out, you grab Anon''s sweater, which was balled up by your pillow
  7631. >Rarity: "Dash, wait"
  7632. "What?"
  7633. >Rarity: "Don't you have a sweater that's not so... worn out?"
  7634. "This is Anon's sweater, but he told me this morning I could keep it, so I thought I'd wear it"
  7635. >She doesn't seem pleased at all
  7636. >Rarity: "I'm sure it means a lot. It's just so old and faded, it makes your whole outfit look a little... well, no offense, sloppy"
  7637. "Well tough luck, I'm taking it. Besides, it's actually really warm and comfy"
  7638. >You quickly put it on, unzipped and open. The sleeves are long enough to cover up your hands to your fingertips. Then you head out, showing Rarity out with you
  7639. >As far as gramps is concerned, you're heading back to her place
  7642. "Sorry for the wait Anon, I didn't take too long did I?"
  7643. >Anon: "No, not at all"
  7644. >He's waiting for you outside his front door, tapping his finger on the wall with the same expression he had when you met him at the cafe last night
  7645. >Yup, he's lying
  7646. "Are you sure?"
  7647. >Anon: "Well you did kind of take two hours, but it was worth it"
  7648. >The second half of that statement was almost sweet enough to make you ignore the first half
  7649. >He tries to take your and, but ends up with a handful of sleeve. So instead, he puts his arm around your shoulders
  7650. "So anyways, where are we going?"
  7651. >Anon: "What are you in the mood for?"
  7652. "Doesn't matter, whatever you have in mind"
  7653. >Anon: "We can go anywhere really, it doesn't matter to me"
  7654. "Anywhere's fine with me too"
  7655. >The two of you are stuck in this situation, the whole "I don't know where do you want to go" endless loop, and you both realize it
  7656. >You start walking together towards no specific place, figuring you'll decide on the way
  7658. >He's awkwardly staring at you the whole way there. You decide to ask him about it
  7659. "Is everything okay?"
  7660. >Anon: "I'm fine. You just look great today"
  7661. "Even with your old worn-out sweater?"
  7662. >Anon: "Looks a lot better on you than it did on me"
  7663. >You put your arm around his waist and pull yourself closer to his side
  7664. "Thanks. You look great too"
  7665. >He smiles
  7666. >Victory
  7667. >Anon: "Thanks Dashie"
  7668. >Sometimes you wonder if he calls you that just to gauge your reaction... jokes on him, that just makes it a double victory
  7670. >Not far down the street there's a big outdoor plaza with a bunch of different restaurants, like a big food court
  7671. >There's a sushi bar that looks closed at the moment, probably having something to do with the big red board nailed to the door, with bold letters that read "PUBLIC HEALTH NOTICE"
  7672. >Next door is an Italian place with a window sign that boasts having the best spaghetti in town, claiming it's "out of this world"
  7673. >A little further down there's a barbeque place with an intoxicating scent wafting over
  7674. >In the middle of the parking lot is a Mexican food truck, with a long line being held up by a blue-haired girl at the front loudly demanding more tacos
  7675. >There's a McDonald's too, don't they have a dollar menu?
  7676. >Anon: "See anything in particular?"
  7677. "Well... "
  7678. >You wouldn't mind getting dirty with some BBQ ribs... but that Italian place does make an interesting statement
  7679. >Yup, you've made up your mind
  7680. "How do you feel for some spaghetti?"
  7681. >Taking each other's hands you head into the Italian restaurant, Ampliare Pene
  7682. >The host is a young looking guy, probably just a few years older than you and Anon. He tells you that the wait shouldn't be long, they're clearing up a table now
  7683. >The two of you stand against the wall waiting for them to call you up. There's another couple waiting outside the restaurant
  7684. >Before you can really think too much, the host calls you up and takes you to your table
  7686. >You got a booth along the wall by a window. A minute or two later the waiter shows up to take your drink orders
  7687. "Just water is fine"
  7688. >Anon: "I'll have coffee"
  7689. >He leaves and the two of you look over the menu
  7690. >Anon: "You have an idea of what you're getting?"
  7691. "Not sure, do you?"
  7692. >Anon: "The pasta's definitely worth trying. It's what I usually get"
  7693. "So you come here often?"
  7694. >Anon: "Sometimes, but not usually with another person... scratch that, never with another person"
  7695. "You mean you go out to eat alone?"
  7696. >Anon: "Yeah, I was THAT guy. At least I got a few free sympathy deserts out of it though"
  7697. >Damn, you actually feel bad for him
  7698. >Even before you had him, you would go out to eat with the girls, never by yourself
  7699. "Well you don't have to be that guy anymore"
  7700. >You reach your hand out across the table for his. A simple gesture, but it gets a smile out of him. Out of both of you
  7701. >Just then, the waiter arrives with your drinks and a basket of complimentary breadsticks, just in time to ruin the moment
  7702. >Then he takes your orders. You order the spaghetti and meatballs in a four cheese tomato sauce, sounds really good right about now. Anon simply says "make that two"
  7703. >Once the waiter's gone, you try to think of a way to restore that moment, that feeling of happiness that makes you forget that anyone else was even in the room, like the rest of the world doesn't even matter
  7704. >...
  7705. >Nope. Nothing. He ruined the moment
  7706. >Someone's not getting a tip
  7707. >Less than a minute after he's gone Anon had emptied his cup of coffee
  7708. "Already?"
  7709. >Anon: "I needed it. Had to skip my morning coffee because someone kept me busy"
  7710. "Hey, just for the record that was all your idea"
  7711. >You know just as much as he does how wrong that is
  7712. >Anon: "Pretty sure it was yours"
  7713. "That's not how I remember it"
  7714. >Anon: "Are you remembering the same morning?"
  7715. >Initiate damage control
  7717. "Let's just agree that it was a mutual idea"
  7718. >Anon: "But it was all you-"
  7719. "-So anyways have you tried these breadsticks? They look good"
  7720. >You immediately grab one and stuff it in your mouth, trying to change the subject
  7721. >He's quietly laughing
  7722. >Anon: "Regardless, I'm sure the next time it will be all my idea"
  7723. "Next time?"
  7724. >Anon: "Of course. Let's face it that was too awesome to be a one-time thing"
  7725. >You nearly choke on the last of the breadstick, but manage to force it down
  7726. "... so that good, huh?"
  7727. >He smiles
  7728. >Anon: "Dashie, everything you do is awesome"
  7729. >You can't tell if he's teasing you again or being sincere, so you have no idea how to respond
  7730. >He reaches across the table for your hand again, lacing his fingers with yours
  7731. >Yup, it's sincere
  7732. >You try to come up with a response
  7733. >You know, something sweet, something romantic
  7734. >...
  7735. >*BUMP*
  7736. >Anon: "Did you just kick me?"
  7737. >Yeah, that's the best you got
  7738. "It was more of a tap"
  7739. >He quietly chuckles. He knows what that 'tap' means
  7740. >An acceptable substitute for punching him in the arm
  7741. >It's really something special that such a small gesture can mean so much between-
  7742. >*BUMP*
  7743. "Hey!"
  7744. >Anon: "What? It was just a tap"
  7745. >Forget love
  7746. >He just declared war
  7747. >The two of you spend the rest if the time waiting for your meals kicking each other under the table
  7748. >There's probably a lot of people staring at you
  7749. >But fuck it, you're having fun
  7750. >The kick fight halts when the waiter came by to refill Anon's coffee
  7751. >After assuring that your food should be out shortly, he leaves you be, and as soon as he's gone Anon makes the first shot
  7752. >Go time
  7753. >In your attempt to retaliate you accidentally kick the table stand. The table rattles, nearly making his coffee almost spill over and knocking your utensils on the floor
  7754. >Maybe you shouldn't have left them on he edge
  7755. >Anon: "Smooth"
  7756. >You get down to pick them up, and while peeking under the table, you notice he's sitting with his legs abnormally wide open, even for a guy
  7757. >...
  7758. >Target locked
  7759. >You toss your utensils on the opposite corner of the table against the wall, making a mental note to ask for new ones. God knows when the last time they cleaned this floor
  7760. >When you sit back down you try your best to conceal your smile as you discretely kick your shoes off
  7761. >You lean back and extend your leg forward, caressing his shin with your toes a lot more gently than you have been. He notices the change in mood
  7762. >Anon: "Dash, what are you up to?"
  7763. "Nothing"
  7764. >So you say as you slide your foot up to is thigh, gently rubbing him up and down as if massaging him. It's hard to tell if he's actually liking it at first, he's too good at keeping his cool; it's a little nerve-racking You hate to rush these things, but you need to know. Your foot makes it's way between his legs, gently enough to not hurt him but quick enough to catch him off guard
  7765. >And it's still a little unclear, but there's something going on in there
  7766. >You give him a little pressure
  7767. >Anon: "Nothing, huh?"
  7768. "Is it working?"
  7769. >He doesn't say anything; his body speaks for itself
  7770. >Something's rising in there
  7771. >Victory
  7772. >Even between his pants and your socks, you can make out the shape of his thing, so you start stroking it the best you can. It seems easier than you thought it'd be
  7773. >Just one of the many things you learned about while looking through his computer
  7774. >You can feel his leg shaking
  7775. >You're doing something right, so you move just a little faster
  7776. >He always seems has the same expression when you do this stuff- trying, and failing, to not look like he's loving it
  7777. >Anon: "Hey Dash"
  7778. "Yeah?"
  7779. >Anon: "Having fun?"
  7780. "Maybe"
  7781. >Anon: "How far are you planning on taking this?"
  7782. "As far as you want to go"
  7783. >That was a sexy response right?
  7784. >He grabs your foot, sliding his thumbs between you and his body
  7785. >Maybe not so sexy after all
  7786. >He squeezes you with his thumbs, rotating them around the ball of your foot
  7787. >He's massaging you
  7788. >Maybe that was sexy after all
  7789. >You slide your heel up and down his length, a feeling you've missed for so long
  7790. >You're not quite as good at hiding your expression as he is
  7791. >You feel a tingle in your foot, that eventually spreads up between your legs
  7792. >There's no real way to explain why having your feet touched has always been so exhilarating
  7793. >Through his pants you can feel a little twitch every now and again. It makes you want to giggle every time
  7794. >He stops rubbing your foot, much to your dismay
  7795. >You try pouting, hoping to get him to continue
  7796. >A smile spreads across his face... you're not sure how you feel bout it-
  7797. "Ah- mmh!"
  7798. >You quickly stuff your face with another breadstick, trying to stifle your voice. His foot just pressed between your legs
  7799. >Part of you wishes he'd given you a heads up. Another part of you is wishing you were wearing a skirt
  7800. >He must have taken his shoes off too, because you can feel each toe rubbing your crotch up and down
  7801. >This is what, the third time you've done it in the past two days?
  7802. >And yet, this is the most exciting
  7803. >You scoot in closer and gently grind into his foot. Damn it, if only he could move his toes like his fingers
  7804. >Nevertheless, you can feel your underwear getting more and more damp by the minute
  7805. >.... And far too soon, he pulls his foot out from between your crotch, and pushes yours away
  7806. >There's no way he finished yet, you would have felt it
  7807. >But regardless, it seems he's done for now
  7808. >Damn it, you're still wet, and it's uncomfortable, really uncomfortable
  7809. >Maye you should run to the bathroom. You can't finish yourself off, but you can at least clean up a little
  7810. >Anon: "Hey Dash, the-"
  7811. "Just a second, I'll be right back"
  7812. >You jump out of your seat
  7813. >Anon: "Dash wait-"
  7814. *CRASH*
  7816. >Be Anon
  7817. >Dash had started some foot play with you, so you returned the favor
  7818. >But sooner than you'd have liked, you catch the waiter coming back with the two plates of spaghetti
  7819. >You had to break off the foot play, you don't want to risk getting caught in public, especially not in a good restaurant like this
  7820. >Since he's coming towards you, Dash doesn't see him approaching
  7821. "Hey Dash, the-"
  7822. >Dash: "Just a second, I'll be right back"
  7823. >She jumps out of her seat
  7824. "Dash wait-"
  7825. *CRASH*
  7826. >... just in time to collide with the waiter
  7827. >Dash stumbled back, managing to catch herself on the table
  7828. >The waiter tripped forward, falling onto his knees
  7829. >The spaghetti plates fell from his hands, making a perfect 10/10 landing
  7830. >One in your lap, the other on your head
  7831. >Both spaghetti-side down
  7832. >This could have gone better
  7834. >Be Rainbow Dash
  7835. >You just bumped into the waiter. He fell over but you managed to catch yourself
  7836. >Waiter: "You okay ma'am?"
  7837. "Yeah, I'm fine"
  7838. >The waiter gets to his feet and apologizes, to you first but mostly to Anon
  7839. >And that's when you glance over at Anon, his face covered in spaghetti
  7840. >...
  7841. >Well consider yourself single from now on
  7842. >The waiter rushes off to get some towels, leaving you and Anon alone together at the center of attention
  7843. >The whole restaurant is watching you trying to find the right words to say for a sincere apology
  7844. "... u-umm"
  7845. >He looks at you without saying a word. You've never seen him mad before so it's hard to tell if he is or not
  7846. "I-I didn't mean to, I'm sorry"
  7847. >Anon: "Don't be"
  7848. "I didn't do it on purpose I just-"
  7849. >Anon: "-Dash, please"
  7850. >He puts his hand up to shush you. At first, you can't tell where he's going with this
  7851. >Your palms are sweaty. You knees are weak. Your arms are heavy
  7852. >He lets out a sigh. He closes his eyes as if trying to think...
  7853. >Then, as he puts his hand down, he quietly chuckles
  7854. >Anon: "It's not the first time I've dropped my spaghetti here"
  7855. >His chuckle bursts into a full on laugh, which you awkwardly try to join in on
  7856. >After wiping off all the noodles off himself and onto one of the plates, he gets up and puts his hands on your shoulders, as if hugging you from a distance
  7857. >Anon: "It's no big deal alright?"
  7858. >He gently strokes your cheek, and you nod in acceptance
  7859. >You don't care about getting messy, you collapse into his chest and hug him tightly
  7860. >Naturally he smells like spaghetti
  7861. >At least the food smells good
  7862. >The waiter shows up with an armful of towels and starts cleaning up. He hands one to each of you, before offering to comp your meals
  7863. >You and Anon clean yourselves up as best you can, then take your seats on opposite sides of the booth
  7864. >Everyone else carries on with their business, save for the occasional awkward glance
  7865. >Anon: "Hold still"
  7866. >Not long after the heads up, the waiter comes back out with two identical plates of pasta, putting one in front of each of you, assuring you it's on the house
  7867. >It looks much more appetizing on a plate rather than in Anon's hair
  7868. >As hungry as you are you find yourself having a hard time managing your fork, your nerves still calming down
  7869. >Anon: "You okay?"
  7870. "Yeah, I think"
  7871. >He silently shakes his head, then gets up to sit on the same side as you. Taking your fork from you, he twirls it on the plate then holds it up to you
  7872. "Are you trying to feed me?"
  7873. >Anon: "Aren't you hungry?"
  7874. >You silently lean forward and take the bite
  7875. >....
  7876. >Anon snickers
  7877. >Yeah, you're probably smiling like an idiot right bout now, but damn is this the best pasta you've ever eaten. And suddenly you feel well enough to feed yourself. You take your fork back and start stuffing your face
  7878. >After a minute or two you catch Anon watching you in astonishment, which is when it suddenly dons on you that you've been eating rather... aggressively. "Uncouth" as Rarity often describes it
  7879. >In front of Anon it is a little embarrassing. As if dropping the spaghetti wasn't awkward enough
  7880. "I swear I'm not usually such a messy eater"
  7881. >Anon: "Save it Dash. I'm actually impressed"
  7882. "What?"
  7883. >Anon: "A guy's gotta love a girl who knows how to appreciate good food. Remind me to take you to that barbeque place down the street, they've got some damn good ribs"
  7884. >And Rarity said you'd never get a real date when acting so unladylike
  7885. >Suck it
  7887. >You both finish your food pretty quickly, and the waiter comes back with the desert menus
  7888. >Looking through it your eyes light up. Everything on here looks so delicious, even if you can't pronounce half of it
  7889. >Anon: "... I think she wants one of everything"
  7890. >He's actually right, so you close it and set it down
  7891. "You pick something Anon"
  7892. >Anon looks at you, then back down at the menu, then back at you, then back at the menu
  7893. >He holds it up to the waiter and points at something, which you can't see, and asks for two
  7894. >Anon: "And can we actually get then to-go?"
  7895. >The waiter nods, takes the menus, and heads away
  7896. "Why to-go?"
  7897. >Anon: "Sorry, but I don't want to be eating desert covered in spaghetti"
  7898. "So... does this mean that-"
  7899. >Anon: "-Yes, you're coming back to my place"
  7900. >All of a sudden you feel giddy about going back to his place
  7901. "So what did you end up getting?"
  7902. >Anon: "You'll find out"
  7903. >The waiter comes back with a small white box. He tells you everything is on the house, as an apology for earlier
  7904. >A fun date, a little under-the-table action, and now free food?
  7905. >This day just keeps getting better and better
  7907. >The walk back to Anon's place was pretty quick. He carries the box the whole way
  7908. >He puts the box in the fridge, then takes you back to his bedroom. The sweater seemed to get a little messy, so you take it off and you're fine. Anon, on the other hand, needs a shower
  7909. >Anon: "Oh, and Dash, try not to ambush me in the shower again"
  7910. "I'll try not to"
  7911. >He smiles
  7912. >Perhaps you finally got the whole "playful and sexy" thing down
  7913. >Anon: "And don't peek in the box either"
  7914. >With that, he heads to the bathroom, and as soon as you hear the shower running you head straight for the kitchen
  7915. >Just one peek wouldn't hurt
  7916. >Inside are two slices of cake, with white frosting and topped with a strawberry syrup and sliced strawberries
  7917. >It makes your mouth water just thinking about it
  7918. >You quickly close the box and put it back where it was, making sure it was facing the same direction and everything
  7919. >Don't want to leave any evidence
  7920. >You hurry back to his room and plop down on the bed, the way he usually does when he comes over to your place
  7921. >Your phone rings
  7922. "... Hello?"
  7923. >Rarity: "Hey Dash, hope I'm not interrupting anything"
  7924. "No, you're good. Just chilling"
  7925. >Rarity: "So what's the word, how was your date?"
  7926. "It was great, I'm at his place now-"
  7927. >"-Damn girl, are you about to get some ass!?!"
  7928. >You hear Pinkie shouting in from a distance
  7929. >You must be on speakerphone
  7930. "No no, we're just hanging out, going to have desert in a bit. Who else is there anyways?"
  7931. >Rarity: "Just me and her. So what's all this about desert?"
  7932. "It's not what you think, Anon just ordered something from the restaurant. A little strawberry cake"
  7933. >Rarity: "From that Italian place down the street?"
  7934. "Yeah, how'd you know?"
  7935. >Rarity: "Oh, I've been there plenty of times. Trust me, that cake is absolutely divine, you'll love it"
  7936. "That good, huh?"
  7937. >Pinkie: "Yeah, that good? Why didn't we pick some up earlier-"
  7938. >Rarity: "-shh!"
  7939. "What? You were there too?"
  7940. >Rarity: "Yeah, Rarity told me about your date so we went down there to check up on you. Sucks about the spaghetti thing, but don't worry we won't tell-"
  7941. >Rarity: "-Pinkie!"
  7942. "You guys were spying on us!?"
  7943. >Rarity: "Well... it was your first date and all, and we were curious. You're not... too upset are you?"
  7944. >... eh, who cares. Today was the best day ever. And at least they DID leave you two alone. Knowing that isn't going to ruin your day
  7945. >Still tough, you really need to find a way for some privacy
  7946. "You're not still following us, are you?"
  7947. >Rarity: "Of course not"
  7948. "Then it's fine, just don't tell anyone about the spaghetti thing alright?"
  7949. >Rarity: "Don't worry, our lips are sealed"
  7950. >You'll probably hear about this at school on Monday
  7951. "Good, I've got to go"
  7952. >You hang up, and quickly go through the apartment, making sure all the windows and curtains are closed just in case
  7954. >While checking on the windows you hear the shower shut off, and Anon steps out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist
  7955. >Anon: "Why's it so dark in here"
  7956. "Had to make sure no one is watching us"
  7957. >Anon: "Uh huh... well I'm going to get dressed. I'll check my closet for an extra tin foil helmet"
  7958. >You have no idea what that means, but you assume it's a joke. He retires to his room to get dressed
  7959. >Come to think of it, it is pretty dark in here. The only light in the whole building was coming in from the windows, and even now the sun is starting to set. You flip the light switch in the kitchen, and a single bulb flickers a few times before turning on
  7960. >Anon: "Hey it actually worked"
  7961. "Huh?"
  7962. >Anon comes back in, fully dressed
  7963. >Anon: "I swear that bulb's been half dead for almost a week, I've just been too lazy to replace it. Can you get the box from the fridge?"
  7964. >You take the box out while he grabs two plates and two forks, setting them down on the table. You set the box down
  7965. >Anon: "Go ahead, open it"
  7966. >Pulling up the lid of the box, you're just as excited to see it now as the first time
  7967. >Anon: "So what do you think?"
  7968. "Looks okay I guess..."
  7969. >You hold back your laugh and wait for his response. As soon as he looks visibly disheartened, you let yourself giggle
  7970. >Now you get why he teases you so much. It's fun
  7971. >After serving each plate with a slice of cake, you dig in. It's so delicious, the first bite makes you want to jump out of your seat. You rock back and forth in your chair, nearly falling over several times
  7972. >Anon: "So is it good?"
  7973. "The best!"
  7974. >Anon: "I had a feeling you'd like this one"
  7975. "Well your feeling was right!"
  7976. >All this excitement, all this energy, it's got you acting like a small child
  7977. >And you only took one bite
  7978. >You don't even wolf it down the way you did the pasta. With this, you slowly savor every last bite
  7979. >And yet, you still finish yours sooner than you'd have hoped
  7980. >But glancing across the table, Anon still has a few bites left
  7981. ... hey Nonny?"
  7982. >Anon: "Yeah?"
  7983. "So I was thinking, today was so much fun"
  7984. >You give him your best bedroom eyes, which probably aren't very good in the first place, mostly awkward
  7985. "A-And once we're done here, we could go back to the bedroom. Maybe we can have a lot more fun... i-if you know what I mean"
  7986. >Anon: "I think I get what you mean Dashie..."
  7987. >He leans in real close to you, looking right into your eyes
  7988. >Anon: "... one bite. That's it"
  7989. >He slides his plate closer to you
  7990. >Well... it kind of worked
  7991. "For real?"
  7992. >Anon: "Yeah, for real, go ahead"
  7993. >You take just a small bite
  7994. "Thanks, you really are awesome Anon!"
  7995. >Anon: "Hey, I thought I was 'Nonny' "
  7996. >That catches you by surprise
  7997. "Well yeah, but I mean like, not always you know"
  7998. >Anon: "So then I'm not always your 'Nonny' ?"
  7999. >Where is he going with this... wait a second
  8000. "Are you saying you want me to call you that all the time?"
  8001. >Anon: "If you do then you'll always get to be my Dashie"
  8002. >... damn, he drives a hard bargain
  8003. >You scoot your chair over next to him
  8004. "Deal... Nonny"
  8005. >His arm swings around your shoulders
  8006. >Anon: "Right back at you, Dashie"
  8007. >It makes your heart skip a beat every time he calls you that
  8008. >You'll be dead by the end of the week
  8009. >There's one last bite of his cake, and you decide to let him have it. He scoops it up on his fork and raises it up... to your mouth
  8010. >You happily take that last bite
  8011. >The two of you, Dashie and Nonny, snuggle on the couch watching t.v. Or rather, flipping through the channels looking for something to watch
  8012. >Before you even realize it, the sun has gone down
  8013. >Anon- scratch that, Nonny had turned the lights on, so you had no idea how dark it had gotten
  8014. "Crap, it's getting late. I gotta get going"
  8015. >Nonny: "Do you have a ride?"
  8016. "Not really"
  8017. >Nonny: "Can't you call someone? What about your grandpa?"
  8018. "He doesn't drive. I can walk, it's fine-"
  8019. >Nonny: "-Like hell you're walking. Not this time of night"
  8020. "It's not that dark outside, I'll be fine"
  8021. >He stares at you, waiting...
  8022. >...
  8023. >... you feel a yawn coming in that you can't hold back
  8024. >Nonny: "I knew it, you're too tired to walk even if you wanted to"
  8025. "So what should I do?"
  8026. >Nonny: "Let me know when you're ready for bed, that's what you'll do"
  8027. "Wait, I'm spending the night again?"
  8028. >Nonny: "Yup"
  8030. >Part of you is saying you shouldn't. You can't be spending every night here, gramps is going to get pissed; not to mention it's am imposition on him. Plus, being under the same roof alone with him, with your lack of self-control it's only a matter of time before you do lewd, inappropriate things; things you shouldn't be doing
  8031. >Yeah, part of you is saying that
  8032. >The stupid part
  8033. >You call gramps again, letting him know that you're "spending another night at Rarity's place"
  8034. >As much as you hate it, you're tired already, so Anon takes you back to the bedroom
  8035. >He tells you to go ahead and get yourself comfortable, so you strip to your underwear. It's how you've been sleeping lately, it ensures maximum coziness.Realizing it, Nonny does the same
  8036. >He gets in bed first, then you get in with your back to him. After taking your position as the little spoon, he pulls you closer against him
  8037. >The warmth of his skin against yours and the rhythmic beating of his heart, which you feel strongly thumping against your back, helps lull you to sleep
  8039. >You are Anon
  8040. >Waking up, you notice another warm body next to you nestled in your arms, her face buried your chest
  8041. >Dash spent another night at your place
  8042. >A routine you could get used to
  8043. >Burying your face in her hair, you close your eyes, taking in her sweet scent
  8044. >She still smells like skittles, even before showering or anything
  8045. >...
  8046. >The calm silence of the room is broken by a quiet groan
  8047. >Dash: "... Nonny?"
  8048. "Yeah?"
  8049. >Dash: "Are you sniffing me?"
  8050. "Of course not"
  8051. >She looks up, her eyes meeting yours
  8052. >Dash: "Why not? I feel weird being the only one doing it"
  8053. >She quietly laughs to herself
  8054. "Have it your way"
  8055. >You press your face down into her head, taking in a deep, loud, exaggerated inhale. It gets a laugh out of her, just as you intended
  8056. >Dash: "Alright alright, I get it"
  8057. >She gently pushes you away and sits up
  8058. >Her lips have just the slightest curve, forming a half-asleep smile
  8059. >Dash: "So what's the plan for today?"
  8060. "Plan?"
  8061. >Dash: "Well yeah. We weren't just going to stay in bed all day were we?"
  8062. "That's my usual Sunday plan"
  8063. >Dash: "Somehow that doesn't surprise me"
  8064. >She's right you know
  8065. "Alright, just give me a minute to have some coffee"
  8066. >The two of you crawl out of bed
  8067. >Somehow, you managed to forget that she was still in her underwear
  8068. "... Yeah, maybe we should get you a change of clothes first off"
  8069. >Dash: "Tell you what, let's do it after breakfast"
  8070. >Oh yeah, breakfast
  8071. "Breakfast, huh? What'd you have in mind?"
  8072. >Dash: "Anything, I'm starving"
  8073. >She's got a point; all you really ate yesterday was the pasta and the cake. You could really go for some breakfast too
  8074. >And you know exactly what you're going to make
  8075. "Hope you're in the mood for pancakes, Dashie"
  8076. >Her eyes light up, and she quickly jumps to your side to kiss you on the cheek
  8077. >Dash: "I have been waiting so long for a guy to say those words"
  8078. >Looks like you made the right choice
  8079. >You head to the kitchen and get started on cooking up some pancakes, while Dash watches eagerly
  8080. >After taking out two plates, you serve a small stack on each of them, topped with butter and syrup
  8081. >You take them to the living room, and you and Dash spend the morning eating pancakes while watching whatever makes up Sunday morning television
  8082. >Basically, nothing
  8084. >After a long pause of silence between the two of you, the only sound coming from the television, Dash speaks up
  8085. >Dash: "... hey Nonny, what the hell are we watching"
  8086. "No idea"
  8087. >You had completely zoned out long ago while channel flipping
  8088. >You were on some random channel, some cartoon about talking vegetables and Jesus or something
  8089. >Weird stuff
  8090. >Dash: "Well, there's pretty much nothing on television, want to see if there's anything worth doing around town?"
  8091. "First off, we have to get you some clean clothes"
  8092. >Dash: "Yeah, good point. Then again, I really don't feel like walking all the way home though"
  8093. "Hell, if you want I could just wash the clothes you have here. I don't have my own washing machine, but there's a laundromat about a block down the street. I have quite a bit of laundry to do for myself, so I might as well"
  8094. >Dash: "So should I wait here while you go?"
  8095. "Nah, you could come with me if you want"
  8096. >Dash: "In my underwear?"
  8097. "... now that you mention it, we should wash your underwear too"
  8098. >Dash: "What? Then what am I supposed to wear?"
  8099. >After thinking for a moment, you get an idea
  8100. "You ready?"
  8101. >Dash: "I... I think so"
  8102. >You wait outside your bedroom door for it to open, and when it does, out steps your Dashie wearing your clothes. An old baggy t shirt and jeans that barely fit her, even with a belt
  8103. >She looks like a Mexican drug dealer
  8104. >A really cute one
  8105. >Dash: "I look ridiculous, don't I?"
  8106. "That'd be saying I look ridiculous, seeing as how they're my clothes
  8107. >Dash: ""Well... no offense Nonny but-"
  8108. "-Okay let's go before you turn full Rarity on me"
  8109. >Throwing her clothes in a bag with yours you head over to the laundromat
  8111. >It's usually pretty empty this time of day, and today is no different; come afternoon this place gets packed
  8112. >When you arrive, you promptly throw all the clothes into an available machine
  8113. >Not long after, your druggie neighbor comes in with what looks like a surprising amount of laundry
  8114. "Damn, you actually have clothes?"
  8115. >Neighbor: "What the hell is that supposed to mean"
  8116. "I just figured you wore the same thing every day"
  8117. >She just rolls her eyes
  8118. >Seriously, the only clean part of her wardrobe is that stupid hat she wears every day. Other than that, it's the same ripped jeans, same faded t shirt every single day
  8119. >Like every stoner
  8120. >At the back of the laundromat there's a notice board with flyers for local events, charities, numbers for local call girls, etc.
  8121. >Like an old-school Craigslist
  8122. >You usually don't bother with it, but Dash seems to be interested in something
  8123. >Dash: "Hey Nonny, come check this out"
  8124. >Neighbor: "Pfft, Nonny?"
  8125. >Ignore her and go over to see what Dash wants
  8126. "What's up Dashie?"
  8127. >Dash: "Take a look at this"
  8128. >There's a flyer for some kind of music festival down at the strip mall. All kinds of bands, street performers, and guitar-playing art students thinking they have talent will be there
  8129. "Sounds interesting. You want to check it out later?"
  8130. >Dash: "Yeah, it looks fun"
  8131. >When you agree to it, she pulls you into a hug
  8132. >You take the opportunity looking over Dash's shoulder to shoot a taunting stare at your neighbor
  8133. >A reminder that she's still single and you're not
  8134. >Your neighbor just rolls her eyes again
  8135. >Once the clothes are finished you quickly hurry home, shower, fool around a bit, shower again, and head to the mall for the music festival
  8137. >There's a big plaza at the center of the strip mall, mostly for people to relax and hang out
  8138. >But today, there's a big stage set up with performing musicians, flyers all around detailing a lineup of performers throughout the afternoon
  8139. >As you and Dash approach the stage you hear the sound of a banjo, ultimately cut off and concluded by a round of applause
  8140. >The performer descends from the stage and comes directly towards you
  8141. >"Hey y'all, long time no see!"
  8142. >It's that friend of yours, Applejack
  8143. >Remember her, the one with thee apples?
  8144. >Yeah, her. It's her
  8145. >Dash: "Hey AJ, it's been a while. What have you been up to lately?"
  8146. >Applejack: "Well, lately me and Fluttershy have been..."
  8147. >She stops and contemplates her next words
  8148. >Applejack: "... heh, if I told you I reckon you wouldn't believe me"
  8149. >You and Dash look at each other in confusion
  8150. >Applejack: "So anyways, what brings you two lovebirds down here?"
  8151. "Nothing, just came for the event. It was mostly Dashie's idea-"
  8152. >Applejack: "-Dashie? Haven't heard that one in a while"
  8153. >She throws her arm around Dash like a bro and laughs and Dash tries to change the subject
  8154. >Dash: "I see you got the banjo back out. You put up your bass for good this time?"
  8155. >Applejack: "Nah, I just missed the old thing. Why?"
  8156. >Dash: "Just asking"
  8157. >Applejack: "You're not thinking of getting the old band back together are you?"
  8158. "Band?"
  8159. >Dash makes a throat-cutting motion with her hand towards Applejack
  8160. >Applejack: "Didn't you know? Me and Rainbow Dash used to have a band. I was on bass, Dash sang and played guitar"
  8161. "Holy crap, how have I not heard about this?"
  8162. >Dash: "Because we were never really that good. We played at the talent show, and it was kind of a disaster"
  8163. "Damn, I wish I could have seen that"
  8164. >Dash: "Trust me, you don't"
  8165. "Still, seeing you performing on stage like that would have been pretty awesome"
  8166. >Dash: "Well sorry, but the Rainbooms aren't getting back-"
  8167. >Pinkie: "-You guys are getting the band back together!? It's about time!"
  8168. "Where'd you come from?"
  8169. >Dash: "Yeah, are you still following us?"
  8170. "Still?"
  8171. >Dash: "... It's a long story. So what are you doing here?"
  8172. >Pinkie: "Are you kidding? This whole event is like one big giant dance party. I wouldn't miss it for the world!"
  8173. >Dash: "Is Rarity here too?"
  8174. >Pinkie: "Nah, she didn't want to come, something about the whole festival being 'uncultured' or something. But anyways, now would be the perfect time for the Rainbooms to make a comeback, what with the big musical showcase at school coming up"
  8175. "Musical showcase?"
  8176. >Pinkie: It's a big competition at the school where all the student musicians and bands can join in and showcase their skills. There's even a prize for the winner"
  8177. "And anyone can join? No matter what kind of music?"
  8178. >Pinkie: "Yup. We get everything from post-avant jazzcore to progressive dreamfunk. So what do you guys say, get the band back together?
  8179. >Dash and AJ exchange glances
  8180. >Applejack: "Well, what do you say? We were Canterlot's fourth most popular guitar-based folk duo"
  8181. >Dash: "... Ah, what the hell, why not. I'm in"
  8182. >Pinkie explodes into a fit of cheering
  8183. >Pinkie: "WOOHOO!!! That's great! I'll go let everyone know, and I'll sign the Rainbooms up first thing on Monday. See ya then!"
  8184. >Before she even finishes talking she runs off
  8185. >Dash: "But if we're going to compete we're going to need a fuller band. I don't think the two of us can really make it on our own"
  8186. >You'd offer to join the band and help out
  8187. >Too bad you can't play any kind of music
  8189. >Pinkie ran off and AJ went home to see if she could still find her old bass, so you and Dash are left alone to enjoy the festival together
  8190. >That is, until a familiar figure comes running out from one of the stores, calling out to you in her usually cheery voice
  8191. >Cadence: "Hi Anon!"
  8192. >Cadence is dressed as skimpy as ever, yet not in her regular work uniform. She's wearing a commemorative t shirt from the festival that's clearly two sizes too small
  8193. >She pulls you both into a big hug, almost making certain that you're suffocating in her chest, letting you go just in time for you to hold consciousness
  8194. >It's times like this that you're glad Dash is small
  8195. >Cadence: "Haven't seen you two in a while. Congrats on winning princess"
  8196. >She pinches Dash's cheek, like a mother would to a small child
  8197. >Dash: "How'd you know"
  8198. >Cadence: "Rarity and I keep in touch, she's been telling me all about you lately. And speaking of 'lately', where have you two been? Haven't seen either of you in forever"
  8199. >Dash: "Sorry, we just haven't been down here in so long"
  8200. >Cadence: "Well you're here now, why not stop by sometime. Shoot, I'll even give you a little discount on any purchase, today's special"
  8201. >A thinly veiled shill for her own store
  8202. >Nice try Cadence
  8203. "Sounds good, maybe we'll stop by"
  8204. >Cadence: "Alright, maybe see you two later!"
  8205. >She runs off back to her store, the same perky bounce in her step she always has
  8206. "... well?"
  8207. >Dash: "Well what?"
  8208. "You wanna go?"
  8209. >Dash: "I don't know, I still have to get home and look for my old guitar, see if it still in good condition. Plus, it's getting kind of late already"
  8210. "Yeah, you're right. We should probably get going"
  8211. >The two start to leave
  8212. >Dash: "... okay, maybe we could stop by really quick. I do want a few things"
  8213. >Yup, you saw that coming
  8215. >After a quick stop at Cadence's Closet -okay, you were there for quite a while- Cadence give's Dash her personal cell phone number
  8216. >She offers it to you too, so she can keep you updated on special offers and new inventory, and so you can keep her updated on your relationship (her words)
  8217. >You turn her down, but then immediately change your mind
  8219. >Afterwards, you decide to walk Dash home
  8220. >Standing on her porch illuminated by a single light by her door, you just now realize how dark it's gotten
  8221. >You really should be getting home, but Dash won't let go of your hand
  8222. >Not that you mind
  8223. >She turns to face you, and takes your other hand
  8224. >Dash: "So, umm... thanks for everything. These past few days, prom night, it was all really fun"
  8225. "I thought so too"
  8226. >Dash: "Except for the whole spaghetti thing"
  8227. "Nah, that was pretty fun too"
  8228. >She lets go of your hand just to bump you in the arm with her fist, really gently
  8229. >Dash: "Come on, how was that anything but a disaster?"
  8230. "I'm still here aren't I?"
  8231. >Dash: "Well yeah but-"
  8232. "Then there's nothing to argue about. I'm here, that's what matters"
  8233. >Unable to think of a response, she leans into your chest
  8234. >She looks up at you with those magenta eyes of hers and smiles
  8235. >Not an excited smile, not a lewd smile... a calm smile. An "I'm just happy to be here right now" smile
  8236. >Then, her eyes close
  8237. >She slowly inches forward
  8238. >You mirror her actions
  8239. >Your arms wrapped around her
  8240. >Her hands gently placed palms down on your chest
  8241. >After what felt like an eternity, your lips meet
  8242. >She pulls away just as slowly as she went into it
  8243. >Dash: "... Nonny?"
  8244. "Yeah Dashie?"
  8245. >She giggles quietly
  8246. >Dash: "Just wanted to hear you say it again"
  8247. >Well, you walked right into that one
  8248. >But it's no big deal really, especially if it makes her happy
  8249. >She opens the door and heads inside, not breaking eye contact as the door slowly creaks shut
  8250. >You wait on her porch for a moment before leaving
  8251. >Just savoring the moment here
  8252. >The next day
  8253. >Monday
  8254. >After a long, eventful weekend, things are finally back to normal
  8255. >You wake up early, a little disappointed that Dash isn't there this time, and get ready for school
  8256. >You still make it on time, and long before Dash
  8257. >After waiting for a while, Rarity shows up
  8258. >Rarity: "Morning Anon, how was your weekend?"
  8259. "Eh, it was alright"
  8260. >Rarity: "Anything interesting happen while Dash was-"
  8261. "-Yes, we went out on a date"
  8262. >Somehow, you knew she'd have found out by now
  8263. >You're just thankful she hadn't heard about the spaghetti thing
  8264. >Dash shows up shortly afterwards
  8265. >She looks at Rarity. Rarity looks at her
  8266. >Rarity: "I should probably get going, let you two have some privacy. Catch you later Anon"
  8267. >She heads inside
  8268. "What did she mean by 'letting us have our privacy'?"
  8269. >Dash: "Long story"
  8271. >After biology, you and Rarity meet up with Dash as usual
  8272. >This time, Applejack had the courtesy to join you
  8273. "Wait, you mean to tell me this whole time you've had your before-lunch class right next door to us?"
  8274. >AJ: "Yeah, I'm surprised y'all didn't notice before"
  8275. >Neglecting a friend like that, way to be an asshole Anon
  8276. >That's not the way your early childhood cartoons raised you
  8277. >From across the cafeteria, you immediately notice something wrong
  8278. "... guys, we've got a situation at our table"
  8279. >Dash: "What do mean, what is- oh..."
  8280. >There's someone already sitting at your table, alone. Someone you don't recognize
  8281. >The girls seem to know what's going on
  8282. "You guys know her?"
  8283. >Dash: "Well... kind of. Remember how we told you about the Fall Formal being destroyed by a demon from another world, who then tried to turn the entire school into her own personal zombie slave army to take over an alternate universe?"
  8284. "Yeah?"
  8285. >Dash: "That's her"
  8286. "What?!"
  8287. >Dash: "Yup, in the flesh"
  8288. >Hell, you don't care if she is a demon, she could be the Loch Ness monster and you wouldn't think twice
  8289. >But she's invading your table
  8290. >And that's just not right
  8291. >Your inner Vlad senses are awakening, filling you with a primal desire to remove her
  8292. >Dash: "Anyways, we were supposed to be looking out for her after the whole disaster, and we all agreed that it'd be best if she started sitting with us at lunch, you know. Getting used to being normal"
  8293. >There's hardly anything normal about hanging with your group, but you'll allow it
  8294. >For now at least
  8295. >It's weird to think you're going to think you're going to be eating lunch with a demon from another world
  8296. >But regardless, you all make your way to the table
  8297. >The new girl perks up when she sees the girls, and almost deflates when she sees you
  8298. >Already off to an awkward start
  8299. >Dash gently nudges you in the side, trying to get you to break the silence
  8300. "Hey there, I'm Anon"
  8301. >You put your hand out for a shake, but she just lifts her hand straight up in a half-assed wave
  8302. >"Sunset Shimmer. You can call me Sunset. Hi girls"
  8303. >That's about all she says as you all take your seats, you between Sunset and Dash
  8304. >Not long after Pinkie and Fluttershy show up too
  8305. >Pinkie: "Hey Sunny, glad to see you here today"
  8306. >Sunset: "Glad to see you too Pinkie Pie"
  8307. >Seems like you're the only one who hasn't gotten to know her
  8308. >Pinkie: "So Dash, what's the word on the band?"
  8309. >Sunset: "Band?"
  8310. >Rarity: "Oh great, not THIS again. I thought you were done for good"
  8311. >Dash: "Nope, we're going to be competing in the showcase. Speaking of which, when is it Pinkie?"
  8312. >Pinkie: "A couple weeks"
  8313. >Dash: "Good, we still got time. We still need more members if we're going to compete, there's no way we could do it on our own.... "
  8314. >They trail off on their discussion about the band, leaving you and Sunset as the only ones with no idea what they're talking about
  8315. >Sunset, or whatever her name is, seems to have that expression of someone who always has something to say, but never says it
  8316. >You might as well use this opportunity to get to know her better
  8317. "So... you always this quiet?"
  8318. >Sunset: "Huh?"
  8319. "Nothing"
  8320. >Well this is going well
  8321. >Sunset: "Oh, sorry, I'm not usually this quiet. Your name's Anon, right?"
  8322. "Yeah"
  8323. >Sunset: "Yeah, I remember you. You were prince of the Winter Ball with Dash, right?"
  8324. "Nope didn't win. I was supposed to, but I kind of missed it"
  8325. >Sunset: "Sorry, I didn't know"
  8326. "No big deal. It was a last second kind of thing at the dance"
  8327. >Sunset: "I didn't actually go to the dance"
  8328. "I know, Dash told me how you're ban-"
  8329. >Dash's elbow deliberately bumps into your ribs, cutting you off
  8330. >Apparently she's keeping an eye on your conversation as well
  8331. >Sunset seemed to notice
  8332. >Sunset: "I take it they told you not to talk about... me"
  8333. "I'm not very good at doing what I'm told"
  8334. >Sunset: "Well, relax, it's no big deal. I've gotten used to being THAT person. You know, the one who almost destroyed the school"
  8335. "Believe it or not, we've got a lot more in common than you think"
  8336. >Sunset: "Like?"
  8337. "You tried to bring up an entire army to take over the world. I hired a guy who nearly destroyed the cafeteria"
  8338. >Sunset: "One guy is hardly an army"
  8339. "You'd be surprised"
  8340. >She seems like an okay person
  8341. >You'll allow this girl in your group for now
  8342. >(Implying you're even the alpha dog in the group)
  8343. >Lunch ends and you all start heading to class
  8344. >Sunset walks with you and Dash, since her next class is in the same direction. On the way you catch a lot of awkward stares and whispers, but no one really makes a scene
  8345. >Sunset: "I've been getting that since I came in here today. This kind of thing comes with being the school monster"
  8346. >She stuffs her hands into her pockets and shifts her gaze to the ground
  8347. >Sunset: "Ugh, I'm never going to live this down"
  8348. >Dash: "Don't worry, you will"
  8349. "Yeah, this school goes through gossip like a machine gun. Don't let it get to you"
  8350. >You speak from experience
  8351. >Sunset: "It's not, I've learned to just ignore it"
  8352. >The expression on her face, the slight twitch of her eye, and the biting of her bottom lip say otherwise
  8353. >One person you pass by actually has the balls of a tough guy
  8354. >"Hey Sunset, you trying to get into Anon's harem too?"
  8355. >Her fists clench. Dash notices it as soon as you do
  8356. >Dash: "Sunset, you good?"
  8357. >She lets out a loud sigh and lets go of the tension in her hands
  8358. >Sunset: "Yeah, I'm fine. I've gotten better at controlling my temper and just letting things go-"
  8359. "-Then it's a good thing you've got a friend like me"
  8360. >You pat her on the back and turn your attention to the other guy
  8361. >"No wait, let me guess: you had to brainwash him to let you in"
  8362. "There's actually no room in my harem, your mom just took up the last spot"
  8363. >Yup, classic "your mom"
  8364. >Works every time
  8365. >"You want to say that to my face?"
  8366. >He steps forward, and Dash gets between you and him
  8367. >Sunset: "Guys, please, just forget-"
  8368. >Dash: "-You got something you want to say, you're saying it to the both of us"
  8369. >"Please, I could take the both of you down with my arms tied behind my-"
  8370. >*BANG*
  8371. >Sunset slams her fist on a locker, but the sound is almost snuffed out by the boom of her voice
  8372. >Sunset: "Everybody shut the fuck up!"
  8373. >Everyone not involved instantly floods out. Sunset aggressively pushes you and Dash aside, getting right into the other guy's face, her glare powerful enough to burn through a man's skull
  8374. >Sunset: "Listen here, mess with my friends and you're messing with me to, got it?"
  8375. >"Hey bro I was just-"
  8376. >Sunset: "Got it!?"
  8377. >He silently nods his head
  8378. >Sunset: "Good. Now get your ass out of here"
  8379. >He runs off down the hall, probably pissing himself
  8380. >Once he's gone, the hallway goes silent
  8381. >After a brief moment of silence, Sunset turns back around to you, once again looking down with her hands in her pockets
  8382. >She clears her throat, then speaks up
  8383. >Sunset: "... yeah, still need to work on controlling my temper"
  8384. >Note to self: Never piss off the new girl
  8385. >After silently agreeing to not talk about this incident ever again, you all head to your classes, eventually going your separate ways
  8386. >Once your alone, Dash pulls you over and quietly tells you something
  8387. >Dash: "Hey Nonny, just a reminder: we're trying to keep Sunset Shimmer OUT of trouble"
  8388. "I'll keep that in mind"
  8389. >No promises here though
  8390. >Causing drama is what you're best at
  8392. >History class
  8393. >As always, you and Dash push your desks together
  8394. >In doing so, you catch a small sparkle in the corner of your eye
  8395. >Behind your desks there's a bookshelf against the wall, and wedged between the shelf and the wall is something that clearly doesn't belong. Something shiny and metal
  8396. >And everyone knows there's nothing more distracting than a shiny object
  8397. >You immediately go over to inspect
  8398. >Dash: "What happened?"
  8399. "I think there's something down here"
  8400. >It's stuck in there pretty tight, but you manage to pull it out
  8401. >Dash: "What is it?"
  8402. "... I think you forgot something Friday night"
  8403. >A small metal flask with the initials 'PP' nicely engraved, and a smiley face crudely scratched in next to it
  8404. >Dash: "shit, I completely forgot about this"
  8405. >She brings her voice down to a whisper so as to not draw attention as she stuffs it into... your backpack
  8406. >then again, she does know you have Pinkie in your next class so it makes sense
  8407. "thank God no one found it until now"
  8408. >You each take your seats, and class goes on as normal
  8409. >... well not so normal
  8410. >Your mind is all over the place now
  8411. >More specifically, one place
  8412. >You whisper over to Rainbow Dash, who has her head down, looking like she's falling asleep
  8413. "hey Dashie, seeing that thing again got me thinking"
  8414. Dash: "about what?"
  8415. "you think these are the same desks as from prom night"
  8416. >She instantly picks her head up
  8417. >Apparently she had forgotten
  8418. >Dash: "they're not, mine had a wobbly leg that night"
  8419. >She shakes her desk; stable
  8420. >Dash: "see? it's different"
  8421. >So somewhere in this room is a pair of desks that you and Dash had sex on, and whoever is sitting at it is none the wiser
  8422. >You're not sure whether to laugh or feel bad for that person
  8424. >After class
  8425. >You're joined by Pinkie on the way to English
  8426. >You reach your classroom, with Dash's being right across the hall from yours
  8427. >Time for you to go your own way for now
  8428. >You give Dash a quick hug before going
  8429. "See you in gym"
  8430. >Dash: "See ya Nonny"
  8431. >You head into class, Pinkie following behind
  8432. >You take your seat, and Pinkie takes hers next to you
  8433. >She stares at you with a huge grin, like she's got a joke to tell but is trying not to prematurely laugh
  8434. >And knowing Pinkie that could very well be the case
  8435. >Or not
  8436. >There's really no predicting anything with this girl
  8437. >Pinkie: "So Nonny, care to explain?"
  8438. "Explain what?"
  8439. >Pinkie: "Looks like I'm not the only one calling you Nonny now"
  8440. "Oh yeah, she and I started doing that"
  8441. >Pinkie: "When we first met you spent a whole month saying not to call you Nonny, I thought you hated that name"
  8442. "And yet you still do it"
  8443. >Pinkie: "Well duh, it's fun. But what'd she have to do to get you to be okay with it?"
  8444. "Nothing... it's just cuter when she does it. Oh, and by the way, here you go"
  8445. >You hand her the flask, as discretely as possible
  8446. >Pinkie: "I was wondering where I'd lost this one. Did Dash still have it?"
  8447. "Nope, she left it in the classroom. Luckily I found it before anyone else"
  8448. >Pinkie lets out a loud, disappointed sigh
  8449. >Pinkie: "Should have known the good stuff was too strong for her..."
  8451. >After class you and Dash walk to gym together as usual
  8452. >Pinkie: "See ya tomorrow Nonny, bye Dashie-"
  8453. >Dash: "-Pinkie, what'd I say about calling me Dashie?"
  8454. >Pinkie: What? But Nonny does it all the time"
  8455. "... it's cute when he does it"
  8457. >Gym class
  8458. >You sit out on the bleachers as usual, finding some creative way to get yourself injured
  8459. >Not long later, Dash comes limping up to you, an expression of pain on her face
  8460. "Holy crap, what happened?"
  8461. >Dash: "I think I sprained my ankle pretty bad"
  8462. "Are you going to be okay?"
  8463. >She takes a seat next to you and her expression of pain goes away as she stretches out her legs to relax
  8464. >Dash: "I think I'll be fine" she says with a wink
  8465. >Holy shit
  8466. >Fooling the coach is one thing but she even managed to play you
  8467. "Damn Dashie, not bad"
  8468. >Dash: "Learned from the best"
  8469. >The two of you laugh at what a bad influence you've been on her
  8470. >Remember kids, habitual lying is no laughing matter
  8471. "So how's the band looking?"
  8472. >Dash: "Eh, still looking to expand. Rarity's joining on piano, and Fluttershy said she'd help out however she can. We still need a drummer though"
  8473. >You'd offer to help but you've got no musical talent whatsoever
  8474. >Maybe you could be a groupie or something
  8475. "And you're singing, right?"
  8476. >Dash: "Yup, and guitar... well I WAS on guitar anyways"
  8477. "What happened? Couldn't find it after all?"
  8478. >Dash: "Oh no, I found it, just not all in one piece. We're actually going down to the music store to find a new one. Want to come along?"
  8479. "Wish I could, but I've got an essay due in English tomorrow that I haven't even started yet"
  8480. >And you thought procrastinating was devoid of consequences
  8481. >Dash: "No worries, maybe next time"
  8482. >She looks like she's trying to hide her disappointment
  8483. >Way to go Anon
  8485. >Later that day, after school
  8486. >You're home alone working on that essay
  8487. >You've been in a slump for the past hour, but you finally think you've gotten into the groove of tings, and you start typing away
  8488. >*RIIIING*
  8489. >And there's your phone, the perfect distraction to ruin your train of thought
  8490. >It's a message from Dash
  8491. >"Sorry you couldn't make it, but check this out! Badass, isn't it?"
  8492. >Attached is an image, a selfie of her and her new guitar and what looks like a pair of wings attached to her back. Must be part of the new band costume or something
  8493. >Undeniably, it looks adorable on her
  8494. >You send her a quick reply, and then get right back to your essay
  8495. "The... "
  8496. >Good start
  8497. >Only 799 words to go
  8499. >The next day, Tuesday
  8500. >You barely got any sleep last night from working on that essay, but you got it done
  8502. >After biology, you meet up with the girls as usual
  8503. >Dash: "Umm... hey Nonny, wait up for a second"
  8504. "Huh?"
  8505. >Dash put her hand on your shoulder to stop you
  8506. "Is everything okay?"
  8507. >She looks over her shoulder at Applejack, who just shakes her head. She shifts her gaze to Rarity
  8508. >Rarity: "Oh no, you're not pinning this off on me"
  8509. >Dash: "Come on, a little help here"
  8510. >AJ: "You're the girlfriend, it's your business"
  8511. >Applejack pats Dash on the back before leaving with Rarity to the cafeteria, giving you and Dash some awkward alone time
  8512. >Dash: "... so, umm... can you do me a little favor?"
  8513. "Yeah?"
  8514. >Dash: "Okay, so, you know I love you right Nonny?"
  8515. "Of course I do"
  8516. >And you also know that when a girl says those words, it's never followed by good news
  8517. >Dash: "Okay, so do you think that... maybe you could sit somewhere else at lunch for a while"
  8518. "... what?"
  8519. >Seriously, what?
  8520. >Dash: "I-It'd just be for a few days, I'll explain everything in due time I swear"
  8521. "And you can't explain now?"
  8522. >She starts rubbing her arm, idly staring at the ground
  8523. >Dash: "Well... look, I promise I'll make it up to you, it's just that we've got band things to discuss, and I kind of want to keep it secret. It's just for lunch, I swear"
  8524. "I get it, but why do you need to keep it a secret from me?"
  8525. >Dash: "Because... it's a surprise"
  8526. "What's a surprise?"
  8527. >Dash: "That's the secret. Come on, it's just for a few days, please?"
  8528. >She looks nervous enough to die right here and now
  8529. >You decide to just let it go. Like she said, it's only a few days, and it's just during lunch. Not like she's asking you to switch out of all her classes and move out of town
  8530. "Alright sure-"
  8531. >She tackles you hard enough to almost knock you over, swinging her arm tightly around you
  8532. >Dash: "Thank you so much Nonny, I swear it'll be worth it!"
  8533. >She happily plants a kiss on your cheek before running off
  8534. >Dash: "See you after lunch!"
  8535. >Well, looks like you've got to go back to your old table
  8536. >Not like you burned any bridges last time you sat there, right?
  8538. >In the cafeteria, there's a table for just about everyone: there's the jocks, the hippies, the nerds
  8539. >And then there's the 'other' table
  8540. >The table of all the average Joe's, the people who don't really stand out, the people who you'd forget after graduation
  8541. >The table you sat at before you started hanging with the girls
  8542. >After taking your seat, you look around the table, recognizing a few faces
  8543. >The 'other' table is actually two tables locked together making it the biggest sitting area in the cafeteria, and yet there's still always an available seat
  8544. >You take one last look back at the girls in time to catch Dash looking back at you
  8545. >...
  8546. >This is going to be a log few days
  8548. >Be Rainbow Dash
  8549. >You just got out of that awkward situation with Nonny
  8550. >You're glad he understood, but you still feel bad about it
  8551. >You plop your food tray down at the table
  8552. "Thanks a lot guys for leaving me alone back there"
  8553. >AJ: "Well what were we supposed to do?"
  8554. "I don't know, at least a little back up? I nearly died out there"
  8555. >AJ: "Yeah, but you didn't. Besides, this was your idea"
  8556. >Rarity: "And don't worry darling, once you reveal it he'll understand"
  8557. >You take one last look back at him sitting at the big table and catch him looking back at you
  8558. "Yeah... you're probably right"
  8560. >Gym class
  8561. >You sit out on the bleachers as usual, finding some creative way to get yourself injured
  8562. >Not long later, Dash comes limping up to you, an expression of pain on her face
  8563. "Holy crap, what happened?"
  8564. >Dash: "I think I sprained my ankle pretty bad"
  8565. "Are you going to be okay?"
  8566. >She takes a seat next to you and her expression of pain goes away as she stretches out her legs to relax
  8567. >Dash: "I think I'll be fine" she says with a wink
  8568. >Holy shit
  8569. >Fooling the coach is one thing but she even managed to play you
  8570. "Damn Dashie, not bad"
  8571. >Dash: "Learned from the best"
  8572. >The two of you laugh at what a bad influence you've been on her
  8573. >Remember kids, habitual lying is no laughing matter
  8574. "So how's the band looking?"
  8575. >Dash: "Eh, still looking to expand. Rarity's joining on piano, and Fluttershy said she'd help out however she can. We still need a drummer though"
  8576. >You'd offer to help but you've got no musical talent whatsoever
  8577. >Maybe you could be a groupie or something
  8578. "And you're singing, right?"
  8579. >Dash: "Yup, and guitar... well I WAS on guitar anyways"
  8580. "What happened? Couldn't find it after all?"
  8581. >Dash: "Oh no, I found it, just not all in one piece. We're actually going down to the music store to find a new one. Want to come along?"
  8582. "Wish I could, but I've got an essay due in English tomorrow that I haven't even started yet"
  8583. >And you thought procrastinating was devoid of consequences
  8584. >Dash: "No worries, maybe next time"
  8585. >She looks like she's trying to hide her disappointment
  8586. >Way to go Anon
  8587. >Later that day, after school
  8588. >You're home alone working on that essay
  8589. >You've been in a slump for the past hour, but you finally think you've gotten into the groove of tings, and you start typing away
  8590. >*RIIIING*
  8591. >And there's your phone, the perfect distraction to ruin your train of thought
  8592. >It's a message from Dash
  8593. >"Sorry you couldn't make it, but check this out! Badass, isn't it?"
  8594. >Attached is an image, a selfie of her and her new guitar and what looks like a pair of wings attached to her back. Must be part of the new band costume or something
  8595. >Undeniably, it looks adorable on her
  8596. >You send her a quick reply, and then get right back to your essay
  8597. "The... "
  8598. >Good start
  8599. >Only 799 words to go
  8601. >The next day, Tuesday
  8602. >You barely got any sleep last night from working on that essay, but you got it done
  8604. >After biology, you meet up with the girls as usual
  8605. >Dash: "Umm... hey Nonny, wait up for a second"
  8606. "Huh?"
  8607. >Dash put her hand on your shoulder to stop you
  8608. "Is everything okay?"
  8609. >She looks over her shoulder at Applejack, who just shakes her head. She shifts her gaze to Rarity
  8610. >Rarity: "Oh no, you're not pinning this off on me"
  8611. >Dash: "Come on, a little help here"
  8612. >AJ: "You're the girlfriend, it's your business"
  8613. >Applejack pats Dash on the back before leaving with Rarity to the cafeteria, giving you and Dash some awkward alone time
  8614. >Dash: "... so, umm... can you do me a little favor?"
  8615. "Yeah?"
  8616. >Dash: "Okay, so, you know I love you right Nonny?"
  8617. "Of course I do"
  8618. >And you also know that when a girl says those words, it's never followed by good news
  8619. >Dash: "Okay, so do you think that... maybe you could sit somewhere else at lunch for a while"
  8620. "... what?"
  8621. >Seriously, what?
  8622. >Dash: "I-It'd just be for a few days, I'll explain everything in due time I swear"
  8623. "And you can't explain now?"
  8624. >She starts rubbing her arm, idly staring at the ground
  8625. >Dash: "Well... look, I promise I'll make it up to you, it's just that we've got band things to discuss, and I kind of want to keep it secret. It's just for lunch, I swear"
  8626. "I get it, but why do you need to keep it a secret from me?"
  8627. >Dash: "Because... it's a surprise"
  8628. "What's a surprise?"
  8629. >Dash: "That's the secret. Come on, it's just for a few days, please?"
  8630. >She looks nervous enough to die right here and now
  8631. >You decide to just let it go. Like she said, it's only a few days, and it's just during lunch. Not like she's asking you to switch out of all her classes and move out of town
  8632. "Alright sure-"
  8633. >She tackles you hard enough to almost knock you over, swinging her arm tightly around you
  8634. >Dash: "Thank you so much Nonny, I swear it'll be worth it!"
  8635. >She happily plants a kiss on your cheek before running off
  8636. >Dash: "See you after lunch!"
  8637. >Well, looks like you've got to go back to your old table
  8638. >Not like you burned any bridges last time you sat there, right?
  8639. >In the cafeteria, there's a table for just about everyone: there's the jocks, the hippies, the nerds
  8640. >And then there's the 'other' table
  8641. >The table of all the average Joe's, the people who don't really stand out, the people who you'd forget after graduation
  8642. >The table you sat at before you started hanging with the girls
  8643. >After taking your seat, you look around the table, recognizing a few faces
  8644. >The 'other' table is actually two tables locked together making it the biggest sitting area in the cafeteria, and yet there's still always an available seat
  8645. >You take one last look back at the girls in time to catch Dash looking back at you
  8646. >...
  8647. >This is going to be a log few days
  8649. >Be Rainbow Dash
  8650. >You just got out of that awkward situation with Nonny
  8651. >You're glad he understood, but you still feel bad about it
  8652. >You plop your food tray down at the table
  8653. "Thanks a lot guys for leaving me alone back there"
  8654. >AJ: "Well what were we supposed to do?"
  8655. "I don't know, at least a little back up? I nearly died out there"
  8656. >AJ: "Yeah, but you didn't. Besides, this was your idea"
  8657. >Rarity: "And don't worry darling, once you reveal it he'll understand"
  8658. >You take one last look back at him sitting at the big table and catch him looking back at you
  8659. "Yeah... you're probably right"
  8660. >You are Anon again
  8661. >After a bit of awkward but desired eye contact you carry on with the business at your table
  8662. >Sitting across from you is someone who looks familiar, but you've never seen her at the school before
  8663. >You try to wave to her to get her attention but she's so lost in her lunch like she's never eaten before
  8664. >You tap on the table in front of her to get her attention, which finally works
  8665. >"Hmm?"
  8666. "Sorry to interrupt, but you look familiar"
  8667. >She swallows the food in her mouth before responding
  8668. >"Couldn't be, I just transferred in today"
  8669. "Maybe I've seen you around town or something"
  8670. >"I dunno- wait a sec, weren't you at the big restaurant plaza the other day?"
  8671. "Yeah"
  8672. >"Oh my gosh, I recognize you, you're the spaghetti guy!"
  8673. >... shit
  8674. "You were at the restaurant"
  8675. >"Well, kinda. I was at the taco truck until the guys running it made me leave, and they threatened to call the cops if I didn't. I was just passing by and took a quick peek in the window and saw you. But dude, that was hilarious!"
  8676. >She bursts into laughter, regaining her composure to introduce herself
  8677. >"The name's Sonata, nice meeting ya"
  8678. "I'm Anon"
  8679. >You spend the rest of lunch listening to her laugh about an embarrassing story about you
  8680. >It's like Pinkie is still here with you
  8681. >When the bell signaling the end of lunch rang you weren't sure what to do
  8682. >You weren't sure if Dash was done with her secret business or not and you'd rather not interrupt, so you headed to class without her
  8684. >You got there a little while before Dash did
  8685. >Dash: "Sorry I'm late Nonny, things took a little longer than I thought. On the bright side I think I finally found myself a drummer"
  8686. "Who?"
  8687. >Dash: "Pinkie"
  8688. "Really? I didn't even know she could play"
  8689. >Dash: "Me either, but she's definitely got the energy of a drummer. Believe me, you're lucky you weren't at the table today. She was a hell of a lot more crazy than usual today"
  8690. >You instantly think back to that Sonata girl
  8691. "I think I know how you feel"
  8693. >After school that day, Dash had band practice, so you went along home
  8694. >By yourself
  8695. >It's only a few days... right?
  8697. >The next day, Wednesday, at lunch
  8698. >You had walked into the cafeteria with Dash and your friends as usual
  8699. >After getting your food you go your separate ways
  8700. >Dash: "Hey Nonny"
  8701. "Yeah, I get it, no big deal"
  8702. >Dash: "Thanks"
  8703. >The two of you hug, interrupted by a hard slap on the back
  8704. >Sonata: "Hey Anon, wassup"
  8705. "Oh hey Sonata"
  8706. >Thanks for interrupting
  8707. >You introduce her and Dash
  8708. >Dash: "Hey, weren't you at the restaurant plaza on Saturday?"
  8709. >Sonata: "Yeah, I was there. You must have been the girl with spaghetti guy over here"
  8710. >She points over at you
  8711. >Dash and you laugh
  8712. >Something about the way she brought it up makes the whole memory void of awkwardness
  8713. >Dash: "You were there too?"
  8714. >Sonata: "Nah, I'm not big on Italian food. That taco truck though, it's to die for"
  8715. >"Sonata! Come on!"
  8716. >Two girls walk by, one of them calling out to her
  8717. >Sonata rolls her eyes
  8718. >Sonata: "See ya later Anon, nice meeting you Dash"
  8719. >She heads off to get in line for her food with the other two girls
  8720. >Dash: "Hey Nonny, wait for me after lunch this time, alright"
  8721. >She gives you a quick kiss on the cheek, and you head your separate ways
  8722. >Not long after taking your seat, Sonata hurries over and sits across from you
  8723. >Sonata: "Hey Anon, sorry about that. Aria's not really the friendliest person around. So who was that, your girlfriend?"
  8724. "Yeah, why?"
  8725. >Sonata: "Just wondering. You two seem close"
  8726. "We are"
  8727. >Sonata: "I mean like, reeeeaally close"
  8728. "Yeah... sure"
  8729. >Just what the hell is she getting at?
  8730. >Sonata: "So then, how come you're not sitting with her now? Is something going on between you two?"
  8731. "No, she's just busy... why?"
  8732. >She starts fiddling with the small pendant around her neck
  8733. >Sonata: "No reason... just wondering"
  8734. >Those friends of hers come by and sit on either side of her
  8735. >They stare at her, then at you, before carrying on with lunch in silence
  8736. >Even Sonata goes quiet, the only time she's done so in the past two days you've know her
  8737. >Just dead, uncomfortable, silence
  8739. >After lunch you meet up with Dash by the doors of the cafeteria
  8740. >Dash: "So how was your lunch?"
  8741. "...interesting. So how's the band looking?"
  8742. >Dash: "Good, better than I expected. I think we're almost done"
  8743. "Done with... ?"
  8744. >Dash: "With the surprise"
  8745. >Damn. Still not telling you
  8746. >Dash: "Okay, I'll give you a hint but that's it"
  8747. >Better than nothing, score 1 for Anon
  8748. >Dash: "We're working on some new music, and I don't want you to hear it until it's perfect, you know?"
  8749. "Yeah, I get it"
  8750. >Dash: "Don't worry, we should be done tomorrow for sure. Then everything'll be back to normal"
  8751. "Sounds good"
  8752. >In truth you're relieved as all hell to hear that
  8753. >Sonata's pretty chill and all, but those friends of hers seem... off
  8754. "So what's the deal with Pinkie? Is she your drummer for sure?"
  8755. >Dash: "Yeah, you should see her. She's insane"
  8756. "I knew that, but how's she at drumming?"
  8757. >Very funny Anon
  8758. >History
  8759. >Once again, Dash is focused and taking notes
  8760. >Which is how you know she's up to something
  8761. >She's trying to cover up what she's writing, but you manage a peek over at her notebook
  8762. >It looks like poetry... or maybe song lyrics
  8763. >As soon as she catches you peeking she slides her notebook to the far end of her desk, leaning over it to cover it up
  8764. >Dash: "Nice try"
  8765. >Well you're not getting anywhere there
  8767. >Once again after school today, she's got band practice, so you head home
  8769. >Thursday morning before school
  8770. >While waiting for Dash as usual, you see her come up with her usual guitar case, but a second one in her other hand
  8771. "Hey Dash, carrying Applejack's guitar too?"
  8772. >Dash: "No, they're both mine"
  8773. "Why'd you bring two today?"
  8774. >Dash: "Because"
  8775. >You know that's the only answer she'll give you, so you accept it
  8776. "Need a little help?"
  8777. >Dash: "'Yeah sure"
  8778. >She hands you a case, and together you walk to the music room
  8779. >The two of you set the instruments in the corner of the room for the day, until it's time for practice
  8780. >Dash said it's safer and easier to leave them here rather than carrying them around
  8781. >Not long after, Rarity comes in carrying a similar case
  8782. >Rarity: "Oh hey Anon, didn't expect to see you here"
  8783. "I'm just helping Dash with these cases"
  8784. >Dash: "By the way Nonny, we've got band practice again today after school, you should stop by"
  8785. "What?"
  8786. >Rarity: "Yeah, what?"
  8787. >Dash: "I think he should come by and see what the wait was for"
  8788. >Rarity: "But Dash, are you sure it's ready?"
  8789. >Dash: "Of course it is. I've been practicing non-stop"
  8790. >Rarity: "Don't you mean we?"
  8791. >Dash: "Yeah, well, you know what I mean. So what do you say Nonny, want to come by?"
  8792. "Sure why not"
  8793. >You try to play it off cool. Truthfully you've been anticipating this since she brought it up
  8795. >Lunch time
  8796. >The last lunch you'll be spending alone
  8797. >And thank God for that
  8798. >Lunch time
  8799. >The last lunch you'll be spending alone
  8800. >And thank God for that
  8801. >As always you take your seat, later to be joined by your new friend
  8802. "Hey Sonata, how's it going?"
  8803. >Sonata: "Not bad, just tired. How about you?"
  8804. "I've been good"
  8805. >Sonata: "And Dash?"
  8806. "Yeah, she's fine. I'm actually going to meet her in the music room after school today, finally going to find out what she's been up to the past few days-"
  8807. >"Hey Sonata, who's your new friend?"
  8808. >The two girls from yesterday show up
  8809. "Hey there, I'm Anonym-"
  8810. >"-Did I ask you?"
  8811. >Sonata: "Ugh, why do you always have to be so rude Aria?"
  8812. >Aria: "Why do you have to be-"
  8813. >"-Knock it off, both of you"
  8814. >The poofy-haired one shuts them up, and her and Aria- pretty sure that's the other one's name, you've heard Sonata say it a few times- sit on either side of Sonata
  8815. >Poofy-hair: "Sorry about them, just ignore them"
  8816. >Sonata: "Don't tell him to ignore me, he's my friend-"
  8817. >Poofy-hair clasps her hand over Sonata's mouth
  8818. >Poofy-hair: "Anyways, I'm Adagio, you've already met Sonata, and she's Aria"
  8819. >Aria just trolls her eyes
  8820. "I'm Anonymous. Just call me Anon"
  8821. >Adagio: "Nice to meet you Anon"
  8822. >Adagio's smile seems friendly... and creepy
  8823. >Really, really creepy
  8824. >Adagio: "So is this your usual spot?"
  8825. "No, I usually sit somewhere else. My girlfriend's just working on some kind of surprise and asked for privacy, so I'm sitting here for a while"
  8826. >Adagio: "Sounds like the two of you are having some kind of trouble"
  8827. "Nah, we're fine. Sonata and I went through all this yesterday"
  8828. >Aria: "Doesn't sound fine to me"
  8829. >Adagio: "Knock it off Aria, they're surely doing okay. After all he said he's still meeting her... where was it, the music room?"
  8830. "Actually, no. We're meeting by the front of the school. We always walk home together"
  8831. >Yeah, you lied
  8832. >For some reason, you feel the need to keep these girls away from you and Dash
  8833. >You have enough people getting in your business with Dash as it is
  8834. >Adagio: "Well regardless, it's great that the two of you are still strong together"
  8835. >Adagio leans over the table, getting closer to you
  8836. >Adagio: "After all, we'd hate for anything to come between the two of you, wouldn't we?"
  8837. >If you thought her smile before was creepy, her expression now is horrifying
  8838. >It leaves you with a sick feeling in your gut
  8839. >She starts fingering the pendant around her neck, identical to the one Sonata has, and come to think of it, Aria too
  8840. >Out of the corners of your eyes you notice all of them doing the same as Adagio with theirs
  8841. >You silently nod
  8842. >Nothing would ever come between you and Dash... right?
  8843. >Adagio: "Good"
  8844. >Finally she backs away
  8845. >Adagio: "Come on girls, we should get going. There's a lot we have to do"
  8846. >Sonata: "But I haven't finished lunch-"
  8847. >Adagio: "-Bring it with you"
  8848. >Sonata: "... alright, fine. See ya later Anon"
  8849. >She picks up her tray and starts walking off
  8850. "Hey Sonata"
  8851. >Sonata: "Hmm?"
  8852. >You push your tray over to her
  8853. >That sick feeling in your gut doesn't seem to be going any time soon
  8854. >During gym, Dash took a page from your book and got injured to go to the nurse
  8855. >A.K.A. She sneaked off to the music room
  8856. >In all honesty you feel the need to see the nurse yourself, your stomach still felt upside down
  8857. >Regardless, after class you head straight to the music room
  8859. >Dash: "Hey Nonny, glad you made it!"
  8860. "Wouldn't miss it for anything"
  8861. >Not even this churning in your stomach
  8862. >Everyone is there, Dash and Applejack with their guitars, Pinkie on drums, Fluttershy holding a tambourine, and Rarity on, of all things, a keytar
  8863. >You never thought you'd say this, but... Based Rarity
  8864. >Sunset is sitting on the side, the only one not actually in the band, so you take a seat next to her
  8865. >Sunset: "Hey Anon, where've you been lately?"
  8866. "I've been sitting with the new girls, Sonata... Adagio, and..."
  8867. >You're drawing a complete blank on the other girl's name
  8868. >Sunset: "Aria?"
  8869. "Yeah, her. You know them?"
  8870. >Sunset: "I was supposed to show them around the school tomorrow, but I've never met them. What are they like?"
  8871. "... it's hard to say"
  8872. >As soon as the two of you quiet down, they get to practicing
  8873. >...
  8874. >It could be that you're just irritable from the stomachache, but maybe Rarity was right
  8875. >This music does need more work... a lot more
  8876. >Still, it's a hell of a lot better than you could ever do
  8877. >After getting through a few songs, Dash puts her guitar down
  8878. >Dash: "Tell you what guys, let's wrap up band practice a little early today"
  8879. >Pinkie: "Really? I was just starting to have fun"
  8880. >Applejack: "She probably just wants some alone time with her little Nonny over there"
  8881. >Dash doesn't deny it. No one does
  8882. >Regardless, they all agree to wrap up band practice early, and they all make their way out
  8883. >Just as you get up, she sits you back down
  8884. >Dash: "Hey Nonny, wait up a second"
  8885. >She gets up and grabs that second guitar case she brought with her today and opens it, pulling out an acoustic guitar
  8886. >She pulls up a chair facing you and sits down
  8887. >Dash: "So I've got this new song I wrote, and I want to know what you think. I admit it's not the usual kind of song I write, but... I don't know, I'm really feeling this one- whoa, you okay there Nonny?"
  8888. >She seems to have just now caught how sick you look
  8889. >You've been holding it in, but it's slowly feeling worse and worse
  8890. >But it's just a little longer, you assume you'll be fine
  8891. "Yeah, I'm good. Just go on Dashie, I've been waiting to hear this for a long time"
  8892. >She smiles, looking down at her guitar only to avoid embarrassing eye contact
  8893. >She strums the first chord of the song... and you lose it
  8894. >You fall out of the chair, clenching your stomach
  8895. >Dash: "Nonny, you okay!?"
  8896. >What you want to say: 'Don't worry Dashie, it's just a stomachache; I've been really eager to hear your music, and I hope this in no way insulted you'
  8897. >What you did say: 'BLARRRGHH'
  8898. >You throw up on the floor, and your vision goes black shortly after
  8900. >...
  8901. >You slowly open your eyes, awakening in Nurse Redheart's office
  8902. >Nurse: "You know what fascinates me? The one time, the ONLY time you're sick and should come down here, you don't"
  8903. "I had more important business"
  8904. >You slowly pick yourself up, feeling a little better
  8905. "Sorry about that Dashie, I really did want to hear your song"
  8906. >Dash: "Oh on, forget it Nonny. It' fine. You just worry about getting your rest"
  8907. >Nurse: "Whoa whoa whoa, you're not getting your rest here. I should have been home over an hour ago"
  8908. >Dash: "But Nurse, he's sick"
  8909. >Nurse: "And that's my fault?"
  8910. >She looks at you,struggling to stand up from the bed
  8911. >Nurse: "... alright, tell you what. Since you can't stay here, I'll drive you home. Come on"
  8913. >Redheart's car is parked on the far end of the parking lot
  8914. >When you finally reach her car, she unlocks it and opens the back door for you
  8915. >At first it you think she's actually being polite, opening the door for you and all, but then you catch her rolling a bunch of empty beer cans under the seat
  8916. "Are you sure you're okay to drive?"
  8917. >Nurse: "Better than you are to walk. Besides, those are from at least a few days ago"
  8918. >Wow, what a slob
  8919. >Dash gets in the front so she can give her directions, and though she doesn't say it, just in case you throw up again
  8921. >You unlock the door and invite the others in
  8922. >Nurse: "Damn kid, got your own place already?"
  8923. "Yeah"
  8924. >For some reason you feel a little more proud of it, like you just proved to Redheart that you're more of a man than she thought
  8925. >Nurse: "How the hell did you manage that?"
  8926. "My dad's a realtor, and he owns the place""
  8927. >Okay, so maybe you don't have that much to be proud of, but still
  8928. "He said so long as I keep my grades up and stay out of trouble I could stay here"
  8929. >Nurse: " 'Stay out of trouble' my ass, you're nothing but. But still, I have to admit, it's not half bad"
  8930. >He claims it's so you could "learn some responsibility", which is just his way of getting you out of the house
  8931. >But hey, you still have your own place nonetheless
  8932. >You sit down on the couch with the girls sitting on either side of you
  8933. "Thanks again for the ride Nurse Redheart"
  8934. >Dash: "Yeah, thanks, see you tomorrow at school-"
  8935. >Nurse: "Whoa, hold up. I'm not going anywhere just yet. You still have to tell me what happened"
  8936. "I thought that I wasn't your problem once school hours were over"
  8937. >Nurse: "That was before Dash had to drag you into my office half dead. And now that I'm here you're pretty much my responsibility whether I like it or not"
  8938. >You could always kick her out, this is YOUR place after all
  8939. >Theoretically, you could
  8940. >Realistically, she's here whether you like it or not
  8941. >She grabs your wrist to check your pulse
  8942. >Nurse: "So come on, what happened"
  8943. "I just wasn't feeling well, I'm fine now"
  8944. >Nurse: "When did it start?"
  8945. >She puts her hand to your forehead
  8946. "At lunch"
  8947. >Nurse: "Was it something you ate?"
  8948. "Not that I know of, I hardly ate anything"
  8949. >And if it was something you ate, Sonata is probably dead by now
  8950. >Nurse: "Well, you seem normal for now, so just take care of yourself alright?"
  8951. "Yeah, sure-"
  8952. >Nurse: "-I mean it kid. I don't want to see you getting any worse"
  8953. "I will, alright, I promise"
  8954. >She stares you in the eye, not so much threatening but more like a concerned mother
  8955. >Well, kind of a combination of the two
  8956. >She lets out a long sigh before getting up from the couch
  8957. >Nurse: "Good, you better"
  8958. >She makes her way to the door
  8959. >Nurse: "I should probably get going, it's already pretty late. You want a ride Dash?"
  8960. >Dash: "No, I think I'll stick around a little longer. Just to make sure-"
  8961. >Nurse: "-Yeah yeah, I don't need the details. I know what's happening as soon as I walk out that door. Just don't wear him out, remember he's not as fit as you"
  8962. >She hesitates, giving you one last look before heading out the door
  8963. >Nurse: "Oh, and Anon? Now I know where you live"
  8964. >It's hard to tell if that was a threat or not
  8965. >But you'll assume that it was
  8966. >Once she's gone, Dash pats her legs inviting you to lie down
  8967. >You lay your head in her lap, which is more comfortable than you thought
  8968. >Dash: "You feeling better?"
  8969. "Mostly"
  8970. >Dash: "What happened to you anyways? Do you remember?"
  8971. "No idea. I was feeling bad for a while, and when you started playing I just completely lost it. No offense by the way, you're a great singer, and the band's coming along nicely too. It just came up out of nowhere. I wish I could have heard that last song in full"
  8972. >Dash: "If I hadn't left my guitar at school I could have played it for you now"
  8973. >She sighs
  8974. >Dash: "Damn it, and I was really looking forward to playing it for you"
  8975. >She's not really trying to guilt trip you, but it's happening anyways
  8976. "Sorry I kind of ruined everything"
  8977. >Dash: "Relax Nonny, it's not ruined, jut postponed for a bit"
  8978. >She pats you on the head
  8979. >Dash: "Besides, it's not like I'd let something like this come between us"
  8980. >Adagio's voice echoed in your head... "We'd hate for anything to come between the two of you, wouldn't we"
  8981. >Damn it
  8982. "Hey Dashie... you remember Sonata, right?"
  8983. >Dash: "You mean that girl you were sitting with these past few days? What about her?"
  8984. "I was just wondering what kind of impression you got from her"
  8985. >Dash: "I dunno, she seemed friendly"
  8986. "Did you get a chance to meet her friends?"
  8987. >Dash: "Nu uh, why?"
  8988. "No reason, they just seemed... weird"
  8989. >Dash: "How weird?"
  8990. "Hard to say"
  8991. >Dash: "Is one of them trying to steal my Nonny?"
  8992. >She says it as a joke, but there's always a hint of seriousness when a girl says that
  8993. >You reach up and gently stroke her cheek
  8994. "Don't worry Dash, I'm still yours"
  8996. >Friday
  8997. >You're feeling better, no stomach issues today
  8998. >But just in case, you stop by the local drugstore on your way to school and bought a bottle of Tums
  9000. >You get to Biology
  9001. >You take your seat
  9002. >Immediately it begins
  9003. >Rarity: "So, how was it?"
  9004. >You know what she means
  9005. >You pretend that you don't
  9006. "You mean the band? You guys sound better than I expected"
  9007. >Rarity: "I mean the song Dash wrote for you"
  9008. "I know what you mean"
  9009. >She rolls her eyes. Clearly she should have saw that coming
  9010. >Rarity: "So then how was the song? She wouldn't play it in front of us, not even to practice, so I have no idea what it sounds like"
  9011. "I didn't get to hear it either"
  9012. >Rarity: "Huh? Why not?"
  9013. "... long story"
  9014. >Rarity: "Let me guess, she was going to play but you ended up doing 'something else' instead"
  9015. >She makes air quotes when she says 'something else'
  9016. "What do you mean by 'something else'?"
  9017. >You mimic her air quotes
  9018. >Rarity: "You know exactly what I mean"
  9019. "Alright fine. I should start off by saying that there was a hell of a mess for the janitor to clean up-"
  9020. >Rarity: "-Okay okay, just stop me before you ruin the music room for me and make me want to skip out of band practice today"
  9021. >She immediately goes back to her work
  9022. >What she doesn't know is that she'd be probably be more grossed out by knowing what really happened than what she's probably thinking happened
  9024. >You're focused on school work when someone comes in with a note from the principal's office
  9025. >It's for you
  9026. >That can't be good
  9027. >Rarity: "What's that for Anon?"
  9028. >You look over the note
  9029. "... It says Nurse Redheart needs to see me immediately"
  9030. >You hurry over to the nurse's office
  9031. >Nurse: "Oh hey, you were quick"
  9032. "The note said to come down here immediately, is there some kind of emergency"
  9033. >Nurse: "Well there's no emergency. I just wanted to make sure you were okay today. You were still half dead when I left yesterday"
  9034. "Seriously? That's it?"
  9035. >She silently nods
  9036. "Well then yeah, I feel fine. If that's all I'm going back to class"
  9037. >You start to make your way out but she grabs your hand
  9038. "What? I told you I'm fine"
  9039. >Nurse: "And you expect me to believe a word you say? Sit down"
  9040. >She's not letting you go, so you might as well get this over with
  9041. >She does all the typical stuff
  9042. >She checks your temperature
  9043. >She checks your pulse
  9044. >She even breaks out the old stethoscope, which gets a chuckle out of you
  9045. >Nurse: "What's so funny?"
  9046. "Nothing. It's just cute how you think you're an actual doctor"
  9047. >She doesn't respond
  9048. >Then again, you really shouldn't be talking to her like that now that she knows where you live
  9050. >Once she concludes that there's nothing physically wrong with you, aside from a couple of her usual petty insults thrown your way, she sends you on your way
  9051. >You are on your way back to class, hurrying down the hall
  9052. >You're not really paying attention to where you're going
  9053. >*BAM*
  9054. >And apparently neither is the person you just walked right into
  9055. >Sunset: "Ugh... "
  9056. >She starts rubbing her forehead, and she looks pissed
  9057. >Sunset: "Damn it, you moron! Would it kill you to watch where the hell you're going! ... Oh, hey Anon"
  9058. >She seems to get embarrassed as soon as she realizes it's you
  9059. >You help her up, and she brushes herself off
  9060. "You okay?"
  9061. >Sunset: "Yeah, you?"
  9062. "I've had worse. So what's got you in such a hurry?"
  9063. >Sunset: "I was just showing the new girls around a few minutes ago, but then they took off out of nowhere. Did you see them come by?"
  9064. "Nu uh"
  9065. >Sunset: "Damn..."
  9066. "But now that you mention it, what did you think of them"
  9067. >Sunset: "The new girls? They were... well, they were different"
  9068. "So I'm not the only one who thinks so"
  9069. >Sunset: "Yeah, it's like there's always something they're not saying but want to... do you think someone already told them about us?"
  9070. "What about us?"
  9071. >Sunset: "About me being a demon from another world, and about you being in with the mafia"
  9072. >Oh yeah, that stuff
  9073. "Sonata told me they just transferred in. I doubt they already-"
  9074. >*RIIIING*
  9075. >The bell cuts you off before this conversation before it could go any further
  9076. >Sunset: "Isn't that the lunch bell?"
  9077. "Yeah. I usually meet Dash and Applejack after class, I'm going to try to catch up with them"
  9078. >Sunset: "Care if I tag along?"
  9079. "Not at all"
  9080. >The two of you hurry back to your class
  9081. >Sunset: "Oh, and can I ask you for one last favor?"
  9082. "Sure"
  9083. >Sunset: "About me getting pissed off back there... you know, losing my temper and all"
  9084. "Don't worry, I'll keep it between us"
  9085. >You catch Dash, Rarity, and Applejack on their way to the cafeteria
  9086. >Thank God Rarity has your backpack, you didn't even realize you'd forgotten it
  9087. >Dash: "Nonny, there you are! Rarity told me you went to the nurse's office, is everything okay?"
  9088. "Yeah, she just wanted to check on me, make sure I was okay after yesterday"
  9089. >Rarity: "Are either of you going to tell me what happened"
  9090. >Dash: "Do you really want to know?"
  9091. >Even Dash knows how to handle Rarity now
  9092. >You've taught her well
  9094. >You get to the cafeteria, a good deal later than usual
  9095. >Even now, Sonata and her friends haven't shown yet
  9096. >Applejack: "Seriously Anon, if ya wanna sit there again we won't judge"
  9097. "Nice try. You're not getting rid of me that easily"
  9098. >Still though, you do wonder what the deal with them is
  9099. >As you take our seats, the girls immediately turn to Sunset, asking about Sonata's gang
  9100. >She looks at you, and you return the gaze
  9101. >You both have the same thought going through your heads
  9102. >"How the hell do I explain this"
  9103. >The best explanation that she can give is that they're "kind of off"
  9104. >Not that you could say much better
  9105. >*BANG*
  9106. >The conversation is interrupted by the slam of the cafeteria doors
  9107. >But not closed... they were bursting open
  9108. >A gentle hum starts to echo through the cafeteria, which at this point has fallen silent
  9109. >All attention turns to the source...
  9110. >Sonata and her friends
  9111. >Quite the dramatic entrance
  9112. >Then, to your surprise, music starts playing from the intercom, and the poofy-haired one- Adagio, if you recall correctly- starts singing
  9113. "Hey Dash, is there another dance thing going on?"
  9114. >Dash: "Nu uh... not that I know of. Pinkie?"
  9115. >Pinkie: "Nope. I'm as stumped as you guys"
  9116. >The continue on with their spontaneous music number
  9118. >The crowd gets riled up
  9119. >The energy of the room is building
  9120. >...
  9121. >You feel the it getting to you
  9122. >The new girls come to the end of their song
  9123. >You had no idea Sonata and her friends even sang, but the fact that they would go so far as to challenge the whole school to a battle of the bands..
  9124. >And in a song no less
  9125. >Now that's cheeky
  9126. >The cafeteria was left in chaos, and Sonata's gang is basking in the moment
  9127. >The crowd looks like they belong at a concert for some edgy metal band you outgrew in middle school
  9128. >Everyone but your friends is going crazy
  9129. >Once again you feel sick to your stomach
  9130. >Dash: "A battle of the bands?"
  9131. >Pinkie: "They can't change the musical showcase like that! It ruins the whole idea!"
  9132. >Dash: "You're not going to let them do it, are you?"
  9133. >Applejack: "Are you hearin' that crowd? It may be out of your hands"
  9134. >None of them seem as excited as the rest of the students
  9135. >Dash: "Hey girls... "
  9136. >Dash directs everyone's attention towards you, now hunched over and clutching your gut
  9137. >Applejack: "You okay there Anon?"
  9138. >"Don't you know that if you ever have to ask that then the answer is no"
  9139. >Is what you want to say
  9140. >But you know it's just the pain talking, so you bite your tongue and hold back the sass
  9141. "Not really"
  9142. >Dash: "Do you need to see the nurse?"
  9143. "... yeah, I think so"
  9144. >You get up and, accompanied by Dash, you start head across the cafeteria
  9145. >"Anonymous! Good seeing you again!"
  9146. >From amongst the commotion a hand reaches out and grabs you, and it takes you a moment to find just who it was
  9147. >The creepy one
  9148. "Not now Aria"
  9149. >Adagio: "Actually I'm Adagio"
  9150. >Oh right, Adagio was the creepy one
  9151. >Not your fault, you're not thinking straight
  9152. >Dash: "Look, now's not a good time, alright- hey, weren't you one of the girls singing?"
  9153. >Adagio: "That's right, I'm with the Dazzlings"
  9154. >Not the name you would have chosen, but okay
  9155. >Adagio: "Are you two leaving so soon?"
  9156. >Dash: "I said now's not a good time"
  9157. "A horrible time"
  9158. >Adagio: "What's the matter? Are you sick again?"
  9159. >She's looking you in the eye again, that same smile on her face as before
  9160. >Like she's looking into your soul
  9161. >Fuck it
  9162. >You jerk your arm free and run off as fast as you can
  9163. >Dash: "Nonny, wait!"
  9164. >Adagio: "Damn it, still nothing..."
  9165. >You ignore the both of them, hauling your ass out of there
  9167. >You know you can't make it all the way to the nurse's office
  9168. >Just like you know you can't hold down your stomach contents
  9169. >So you head straight to the bathroom
  9171. >Once you've finished emptying the contents of your stomach, you wait around in the stall for a minute just in case
  9172. >You weren't really self-conscious about it until you hear someone else enter the room
  9173. >The person comes straight to your stall and knocks, and a voice you really should be more surprised to hear in the men's bathroom calls out
  9174. >Pinkie: "Nonny? You okay"
  9175. "Yeah, I'm fine now. I think"
  9176. >Pinkie: "The other girls went to the nurse's office looking for you, but somehow I knew you'd be here"
  9177. >You stumble out of the stall
  9178. >Pinkie: "Come on, I'll help you over there"
  9179. >She puts her arm around you for support, and you lean on her as you shamelessly walkout of the bathroom together and head to Redheart's office
  9180. >Nurse: "God damn it not again. What the hell is up with you!"
  9181. >Redheart helps you lay down with a gentleness that doesn't match the tone of her voice
  9182. >The girls are there for you; thankfully, it's just your friends, none of those Dazzlers, or Dazzlings, or whatever they're called
  9183. "I don't know-"
  9184. >Nurse: "-Oh no, we're not doing this crap again. Tell me what happened, and tell me now"
  9185. >She wheels her chair over to block the door
  9186. >Nurse: "I'm not letting any of you out until I get an answer, so someone talk"
  9187. >She looks directly at you, making sure you know you're on the spot
  9188. >Thankfully, Dash saves your ass
  9189. >Dash: "We were just sitting at lunch, and again, out of nowhere he got sick"
  9190. >Nurse: "Anything unusual happen before?"
  9191. >Dash: "Nothing, aside from the Dazzlings"
  9192. >Nurse: "Who?"
  9193. >Dash: "The new girls. They came in and started singing, and that's when he got sick"
  9194. >Nurse: "Singing, huh? Weren't you at their band practice when you threw up last time?"
  9195. >Rarity: "You what"
  9196. "Yup, that's what happened. I puked in the music room"
  9197. >She seems mildly disgusted, probably not enough to be skipping band practice
  9198. >Nurse: "Anon, do you get migraines?"
  9199. "No, why?"
  9200. >Nurse: "Sometimes people with chronic migraines are overly sensitive to sound. Listening to constant loud music could have set you off"
  9201. "Sounds more like a hangover to me"
  9202. >Nurse: "Is that it?"
  9203. >You give her a "are you serious?" look
  9204. >... okay, she is serious
  9205. "No, I don't have a hangover. It's probably just the stomach flu or something"
  9206. >Nurse: "If that were the case, you wouldn't have felt so fine this morning"
  9207. "Then what else could it be?"
  9208. >Sunset: "Weren't you sitting with those Dazzling girls yesterday too?"
  9209. "Yeah, why?"
  9210. >Sunset: "... nothing"
  9211. >There's something on her mind that she's not saying
  9212. >Redheart: "Well regardless, you should stick around for a bit Anon. At least until you're feeling okay. I'll get something for your stomach"
  9213. "Don't, I've got stuff in my backpack"
  9214. >Once again, Rarity saved your backpack
  9215. >You open it and take out the bottle of Tums from the front pocket of your backpack-
  9216. >...
  9217. "Hey Rarity, were you watching my bag the whole time?"
  9218. >Rarity: "Not the whole time, but for the most part. Why, are you missing something?"
  9219. "... no, never mind. I found it"
  9220. >You pretended to look for something for a moment
  9221. >Nurse: "You should head back to class before your all late. I'll keep an eye on him"
  9222. >Dash: "I can stay behind too if you want-"
  9223. "-Don't"
  9224. >She seems surprised, almost shocked
  9225. "Go ahead and go, I'll be fine"
  9226. >Dash: "You sure?"
  9227. "Don't worry Dashie, I'll be okay"
  9228. >Skeptically, she sighs and kisses you on the forehead
  9229. >Dash: "I'll come back and check on you after class, alright"
  9230. "I'll be waiting"
  9231. >Applejack: "Come on y'all, he probably needs his rest"
  9232. >They all head out
  9233. >Just as you'd expect, Dash is the last one lingering behind
  9234. >Redheart carries on with some paperwork, and you pull the privacy curtain aside
  9235. >Once you're concealed, you open up the front pocket of you bag, and pull out a white envelope with your name scribbled on the front
  9236. >You found it earlier while looking for the Tums and it threw you off
  9237. >Inside the envelope is a folded up paper with a message written inside
  9238. >There's no name or signature, just the message
  9239. >"Sonata and her sisters are trouble. Stay away from them"
  9240. >To whoever wrote that note: No freaking duh
  9241. >Obviously all of your friends know that
  9242. >Which means that there's someone else out there who knows that the Dazzlings are up to no good
  9243. >For now, you crumple up the note and stuff it in your pocket
  9244. >You are still a little queasy, so you close your eyes to get some needed rest
  9245. >...
  9247. >...
  9248. >Upon waking you feel a big pressure in your gut
  9249. >You don't feel anything coming up, not even a dry heave
  9250. >Then, you realize the pressure's coming from outside your body
  9251. >Dash is on her knees beside the bed, resting her head on you and using your body as a pillow
  9252. >She seems to catch you as soon as you wake
  9253. >Dash: "Hey, how you feeling?"
  9254. "Fine. Is class over already?"
  9255. >Dash: "Yeah, I came in just a second ago to check on you-"
  9256. >Nurse: "-Bullshit"
  9257. >Nurse Redheart pulls the curtain aside
  9258. >Nurse: "She came back like, five minutes after she left, claiming she wasn't feeling well"
  9259. "Seriously?"
  9260. >Dash: "Of course not!"
  9261. >Nurse: "I tried to get her to leave but she said she wouldn't leave your side until you woke up. She's way too worried about you"
  9262. >Dash: "Am not!"
  9263. >Dash's face flushes bright red
  9264. >Redheart is getting her worked up in a way you haven't done in a long time
  9265. >Nurse: "You should have seen her a minute ago Anon, she was crying that you wouldn't ever wake up"
  9266. >Dash: "Wh-what? Nonny, you don't believe her do you?"
  9267. >Now that you know for sure is bull
  9268. >... but screw it, you can't resist
  9269. "Your eyes are still watering"
  9270. >Dash: "B-But I wasn't even... you're screwing with me aren't you?"
  9272. >Nurse Redheart bursts into laughter
  9273. >Nurse: "Damn Anon, now I get why you keep her around"
  9274. >She teasingly pinches Dash's cheek
  9275. >Nurse: "Relax kid, we're just messing with you. We both know you weren't really crying"
  9276. >Dash: "And that other stuff didn't happen either!"
  9277. >Nurse: "Yeah, sure, whatever you say. Anyways, you're almost late for your next class. Take this before you go"
  9278. >She hands you a piece of paper
  9279. "What's this?"
  9280. >Nurse: "It's to get you out of gym for a while. I think you actually should be sitting out for once, at least for a while"
  9281. >The note details your stomach issues over the past couple of days, with her signature at the bottom
  9282. "Really? I didn't lose a toe this time?"
  9283. >Nurse: "It was either that or herpes"
  9284. >She's not as good at excuses as you are, but to her credit no one would really question her
  9285. >You stuff the note in your pocket and leave the office
  9286. >Dash: "Just for the record, I wasn't really crying over you"
  9287. "I know, I was just messing with you"
  9288. >Looking back, maybe you did take it just a bit too far
  9289. "You're not mad, are you?"
  9290. >Dash: "Of course not Nonny, but... I have been a little worried lately"
  9291. >She gently punches your arm
  9292. >Once again, something she hasn't done in a long time
  9293. >Something you've missed
  9294. >Dash: "And trust me, when I'm mad you'll know"
  9295. >Well that's... reassuring
  9296. >Maybe
  9298. >Gym class
  9299. "Hey coach, I have to sit out today"
  9300. >Coach: "What is it this time?"
  9301. >You reach in your pocket and pull out the paper, handing it to him
  9302. >Coach: "... 'Sonata and her sister are trouble'? What's this?"
  9303. >Crap
  9304. >You shouldn't have put both of them in the same pocket
  9305. >You quickly fish out the other note and trade them off
  9306. >Coach: "... Stomach issues huh? Alright, go on"
  9307. >He holds on to the note from the nurse while you stuff the one about the Dazzlings back into your pocket
  9308. >You feel like you should hold onto it just in case... hell if you know, but anything could happen
  9309. >But you've got to be a little more careful with it
  9310. >Especially if you're going to continue keeping it a secret
  9312. >Dash insisted on skipping band practice and walking you home, but you assured her that you'd be fine
  9313. >And for the rest of the day, you were fine
  9314. >In fact, you were fine for the rest of the weekend
  9316. >Monday
  9317. >You decided it's best to leave that note pinned on the fridge
  9318. >It's more of a mini-fridge really, but it came with the place
  9319. >The note in itself isn't exactly fridge-worthy work, but you've never aced a test and you don't have any kids with shitty arts and crafts projects, so it's better than nothing
  9321. >As soon as Dash sees you waiting for her in front of the school, she asks if you are okay
  9322. >You assure her that you are
  9324. >In Biology
  9325. >As soon as rarity sees you in your seat, she asks if you are okay
  9326. >You assure her that you are
  9328. >At lunch
  9329. >As soon as you sit down at the table, you assure everyone that you are okay before they even ask
  9330. >At least you've got friends that care
  9332. >You go all day without throwing up
  9333. >That's a win as far as you're concerned
  9335. >Tuesday
  9336. >Lunch time
  9337. >To your surprise, Pinkie is the last one at the table, and she is irritable
  9338. "What's the matter Pinkie?"
  9339. >She pulls out a piece of paper
  9340. >Pinkie: "THIS is the matter"
  9341. >It's a flyer, one that looks a lot like her old flyer for the musical showcase, but with the title replaced with "Battle of the Bands"
  9342. >Pinkie: "And I'm guessing you all know who's behind this one. Nonny, you're friends with one of them right? Can't you try and talk to her or something?"
  9343. >Sunset: "I don't know Pinkie, those girls seem like trouble. If anything we should be staying away from them"
  9344. >... nearly a direct quote
  9345. >Still, you have to be sure
  9346. "When I spoke to Sonata by herself, she seemed normal. It's those sisters of hers that seem to cause trouble"
  9347. >Sunset: "They're sisters? I thought they were just friends"
  9348. >... the note specifically said 'Sonata and her sisters'
  9349. >So much for that lead
  9350. "Anyways, Pinkie's right. I should at least try to talk to her about all this. Maybe she can talk some sense into them"
  9351. >Applejack: "Speak of the devil"
  9352. >Applejack turns your attention across the cafeteria, where the Dazzlings just took their seats at the big table
  9353. "I guess there's never a better time than now"
  9354. >Dash: "Hang on, I'm coming with"
  9355. >She joins you as you get up to head towards them
  9357. >Sonata: "Anon? What are you doing here?
  9358. >Aria: "Yeah Ass-non, what are you doing here?"
  9359. >That's actually the first time you've heard that one
  9360. >Clever
  9361. "Look, we need to talk about last week"
  9362. >Adagio: "You weren't in the mood to talk then"
  9363. "Yeah, I'd been sick the past few days"
  9364. >Sonata: "Really? Are you-"
  9365. "-Yes, I'm fine. That's aside from the point. You need to call off the whole 'Battle of the Bands' thing"
  9366. >Adagio: "Call it off? We didn't even start it. We just took the musical showcase and spiced it up"
  9367. "I know, and Pinkie Pie's not cool with it. It kind of ruins the whole idea of the showcase"
  9368. >Dash: "It's supposed to be a fun event, not a hardcore competition"
  9369. >Adagio: "... I see what the problem is here. You don't think you and your band can hold up to the competition"
  9370. >Dash: "I'm saying there shouldn't be any competition at all"
  9371. >"Of course you'd say that"
  9372. >One of the other girls sitting at the table calls out
  9373. >You don't really know her but you've met her; she's the one you always run into at the vending machine
  9374. >Trixie was her name, if you recall correctly
  9375. >Dash: "Excuse me?"
  9376. >Trixie: "Admit it; you're scared of the competition"
  9377. >Dash: "As if. You think I'm really-"
  9378. >You stop her before she escalates things any further
  9379. >Dash: "Look, all I'm saying is that this isn't the best idea"
  9380. >Another familiar, more annoying voice speaks up
  9381. >Snips: "And what do you know about good ideas?"
  9382. >Snails: "Yeah, what do YOU know?"
  9383. >Adagio: "Well well well, look like majority rules. The Battle of the Bands is on"
  9384. >She and the other girls get up from their seats and leave
  9385. >On her way out, Adagio walks past Trixie, caresses her face and whispers something in her ear
  9386. >Aria does the same to Snips and, after a stare from the others, Sonata does to Snails
  9387. >The table gets more rowdy with excitement, and you and Dash make your way out before things get any worse
  9389. >Applejack: "Nothing, huh?"
  9390. "Nope, it's like they didn't hear a word we said"
  9391. >Pinkie: "What did you tell them?"
  9392. >Back at your table you and Dash describe the situation- everything, even the little whisper at the end
  9393. >Sunset, once again, looks troubled
  9394. "You know something Sunset?"
  9395. >Pinkie: "Come on Sunny, let it out"
  9396. >Sunset: "... I'm not sure. I'll get back with you on that"
  9397. >She gets up and leaves, despite lunch being just about half over
  9398. >Applejack: "Okay, am I the only one not sure if she can be trusted"
  9399. >No one speaks up, but they all seem to silently agree
  9400. >But not you
  9401. "Give her time, she might know something we don't"
  9402. >Dash: "If she knew something why doesn't she just tell us?"
  9403. "Sometimes you need to be absolutely sure before you say anything"
  9404. >They all accept your answer; they may not agree but they accept it
  9406. >After lunch you and Dash start heading to history
  9407. "Hold up, I think my textbook is in my locker"
  9408. >Dash: "Alright, I'll meet you in class"
  9409. >You hurry off to get your book
  9411. >You open your locker
  9412. >You take out your book
  9413. >You see another envelope fall out
  9414. >... another one, looking just like the last one
  9415. >You take it and, after making sure no one's around (maybe you're a little too paranoid, but what the hell) you read the note
  9416. >"Quit the band"
  9417. >... motherfucker
  9418. >It's one thing to sneak into your backpack while you're in the bathroom throwing up, but to actually come to your locker...
  9419. >You're sure this won't be the last one, and you've got nothing to lose
  9420. >You tear a page out of your notebook and write down "I'm not in the band"
  9421. >You fold it up and write "Whoever You Are" on the outside, and leave it right in the middle of your locker, where it's sure to be seen
  9422. >Thinking you can actually respond to this person is admittedly stupid and irrational
  9423. >But there is nothing about this situation that isn't
  9425. >You get to class a few minutes after the bell
  9426. >Dash: "What took you so long?"
  9427. "Nothing, I just walk slowly"
  9429. >After school, you meet up with Dash outside the locker rooms as usual
  9430. >Dash: "So are you coming?"
  9431. "To what, band practice?"
  9432. >Dash: "Didn't you get the message?"
  9433. >...
  9434. >Oh
  9435. >Shit
  9436. "So you know?"
  9437. >Dash: "Yeah, she sent it to all of us"
  9438. "Who sent it?"
  9439. >Dash: "Sunset, did you not get her text?"
  9440. "... okay, back up. I'm missing something here"
  9441. >Dash: "Sunset sent out a mass text for us to meet her by her locker after school"
  9442. >... never mind
  9443. >Dash: "Wait, did you ever actually give her your number?"
  9444. "Nu uh"
  9445. >Dash: "That explains it. Now that you know, you might as well come along, I'm sure she meant for you to come too"
  9446. "Yeah... sure"
  9448. >You meet the girls at Sunset's locker
  9449. >Sunset: "Okay, so something's been bugging me about the Dazzlings since I first met. There's something... different about them"
  9450. >Dash: "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
  9451. >Sunset: "Yup, I think they're from my world"
  9452. >This kind of thing should really come as more of a shock to you
  9453. >But lately, otherworldly creatures seem to be the norm around here
  9454. >She opens her locker and pulls out a fancy looking book
  9455. >Sunset: "This book is magic, I can use it to communicate with the world I came from"
  9456. >Great, you're dealing with otherworldly creatures and an inter-dimensional transmitter communication device
  9457. >Yup, your friend is an alien
  9459. >After writing... something in the book, she stuffs it back into her locker and leads you all outside to the front steps of the school by the big statue
  9460. "So what exactly are we waiting for?"
  9461. >Sunset: "Hard to say. Don't worry, it'll all make sense in a moment"
  9462. >You seem to be the only one out of the loop, so you wait
  9463. >... and wait
  9464. >... and wait some more
  9465. >Long after school hours, the sun had already started to set
  9466. >Pinkie helped you break into the school to grab dinner from the vending machines
  9468. >After enjoying a lovely art-school dinner, you wait some more
  9469. "... yeah, this all makes sense"
  9470. >Sunset: "I don't know, maybe she just-"
  9471. >Sunset abruptly stops and gets up
  9472. >You quickly realize what's caught her attention
  9473. >A bright light radiates from the big statue out front
  9474. >A strong breeze kicks up
  9475. >There's a loud, thunderous boom, and the light becomes blinding
  9476. >When you get your vision back, you see a girl sitting on the floor in front of the statue dazed and confused
  9477. >Yup... makes perfect sense
  9478. >Less than seconds later, a small dog follows her out through the statue
  9479. >The girl on the floor picks herself up and the others embrace her in a big group hug
  9480. >Without you
  9481. >Statue girl seems to notice and breaks away from the group to introduce herself
  9482. >"Hi there, I'm Twilight Sparkle"
  9483. "I'm Anon"
  9484. >You take her hand for a handshake, but stop when you realize how limp her arm is, flopping around like a wet noodle
  9485. >Like she's never had a handshake before or something
  9486. >Twilight: "Nice meeting you Anon"
  9487. "You too. So do you always come out of statues or did you just miss the bus today?
  9488. >Nothing like a little smartass-ery to break the ice
  9489. >The joke seems to have gone over her head
  9490. >Twilight: "Right, the statue. Now I'm sure you're probably wondering just what's going on here and there's really no easy way to say this so I'm just going to say it"
  9491. >She lets out a long sigh
  9492. >Twilight: "You see, the truth is I'm actually-"
  9493. "-I know, you're an alien"
  9494. >Twilight: "Alien?"
  9495. "Yeah, an alien from another world. Sunset too"
  9496. >Twilight: "Okay, now I'm the one confused here"
  9497. >Dash: "Maybe you should just let her explain Anon"
  9498. >She's got a point
  9499. >You cut the comical genius for just a moment to let her carry on with her explanation of recent happenings
  9500. >So it turns out that Twilight is actually a princess in her world, not that it means anything here
  9501. >But wait, there's more
  9502. >She seems to have it all figured out
  9503. "... Sirens?"
  9504. Twilight: "That's right, sirens. They're mythical creatures who once roamed the land of Equestria- where I'm from- until they were banished. They must have found their way to this world"
  9505. "Banished? If they're so evil why not just kill them?"
  9506. >Twilight: "That's not how we do things in Equestria. We don't just go around killing each other willy-nilly, even with reason"
  9507. >You really ought to thank Twilight for checking your edginess
  9508. >Twilight: "Even if we wanted to, their magic was too great. There's no way they could be defeated in their most powerful state. Thy seem to be wakened here, but the more conflict and anger between everyone, the stronger they get"
  9509. "And what happens when they reach their strongest state?"
  9510. >Sunset: "As I'm sure you've noticed, they have a way of making people act not like themselves, making them angry and aggressive"
  9511. .Twilight: "Yes, and with enough power they're capable controlling the minds of others, forcing them to do their bidding"
  9512. >Dash: "None of us have been affected by it yet"
  9513. >Twilight: "It might have to do with what happened the last time I was here. Some of my magic may still be inside you"
  9514. >You struggle to not make any sexual joke about that out loud
  9515. >Twilight: "We may be protected from it now, but if they get any stronger there's no telling what will happen"
  9516. >Rarity: "But what about Anon? He didn't receive any of the magic when you were here last, but he doesn't seem to be under their spell either... are you?"
  9517. "Not that I know of"
  9518. >They've probably tried to cast their spell on you before though
  9519. >That would explain all that stuff about coming between you and Dash last week
  9520. >And when she tried to keep you from leaving the cafeteria after their song
  9521. >... and how you puked each time afterwards
  9522. "At least, not entirely under their spell"
  9523. >Rarity: "What do you mean?"
  9524. "I think their magic may have something to do with how sick I've been the last couple of days. Every time I got sick, it was after speaking to Adagio"
  9525. >Dash: "But you didn't throw the first time until I started playing"
  9526. "And I didn't throw up the second time until you started pulling me away from Adagio"
  9527. >Dash: "Where are you going with this?"
  9528. "Adagio said something to me when we first met: 'It'd be a shame if something came between you and Rainbow Dash'. Maybe this is part of their spell. You're protected by magic and they're too weak to make me do anything. Trying to make me sick around you is their way of pushing us apart"
  9529. >Dash: "... that's almost crazy enough to make sense"
  9530. >Twilight: "I think so too"
  9531. >She starts eyeing you up and down
  9532. >Twilight: "And now that you mention it, I do feel something coming from you, something magical"
  9533. >You always knew you were special
  9534. >Twilight: "But first things first, we need to figure out a way to defeat the Dazzlings"
  9535. >"What we need is some kind of counter-spell against them"
  9536. >... did her dog just talk?
  9537. >It seems to look straight at you
  9538. >"Yes, I just talked. The name's Spike"
  9539. >Apparently it reads minds too-
  9540. >Spike: "No I can't read minds. I just get that look every time I come to this world"
  9541. "What the hell kind of dog are you?"
  9542. >Spike: "I'm not a dog, I'm actually a freaking dragon-"
  9543. >Twilight: "-Spike! Language!"
  9544. >The dog snickers and sticks his paw out like some kind of animal bro-fist
  9545. >You just bro-fisted with a dog
  9546. >Fuck anybody who says you didn't
  9547. >Twilight: "Anyways, for a counter-spell to work we'd need everyone under their spell to hear it. That way we can ensure that no one is left under their control"
  9548. "What you should do is write it in the form of a song and perform it at the Battle of the Bands"
  9549. >Twilight: "... all the students will be gathered in one place, Anon you're a genius!"
  9550. "Yeah, sure"
  9551. >You're no genius
  9552. >You're just a cheeky asshole, wanting to see the Dazzlings get beaten at their own game in front of the whole school
  9553. >Twilight: "If I'm going to have that spell ready in time, we have to get started immediately. Come on Spike"
  9554. >She starts heading towards the school until Pinkie stops her
  9555. >Pinkie: "Wait, where are you going?"
  9556. >Twilight: "Usually I sleep in the library when I come here"
  9557. >So SHE'S the hobo who made that bed up there
  9558. >Pinkie: "Not tonight, you're sleeping at my place"
  9559. >lol she's gonna get raped
  9560. >Pinkie: "WAIT! I've got a great idea... slumber party at my house!"
  9561. >lol they're all gonna get raped
  9562. >Pinkie: "See you girls later. You too Nonny-"
  9563. "-Wait, me too?"
  9564. >Pinkie: "Well duh. Can't have a band slumber party without our only groupie present"
  9565. >...
  9566. >You're gonna get raped
  9568. >When you get home you throw some stuff in a backpack for the slumber party
  9569. >Pajamas and a change of clothes for tomorrow
  9570. >A tightly sealed travel cup of coffee for the morning just in case Pinkie doesn't have any at her place
  9571. >You consider putting on three pairs of underwear for protection in case SOMEONE gets frisky (you know who, the one who's been demanding a sex party since you've met)
  9572. >But then you change your mind, in case someone ELSE gets frisky (you know who, the one who's actually willing to push through three pairs for you)
  9573. >Not long after you've gotten ready Dash picks you up and you head over to Pinkie's place
  9575. >Pinkie: "Dash, Nonny, you're late!"
  9576. >She takes one of your hands and one of Dash's and drags you inside and up to her bedroom
  9577. >Well she cuts right to the chase
  9578. >Much to your relief, you get there and find the others already arrived and are still conscious and fully clothed
  9579. >As soon as you step in the room Rarity smushes her face up against yours
  9580. >Rarity: "Say cheese!"
  9581. "What-"
  9582. >*CLICK*
  9583. >You haven't even been here five minutes and you just got selfie raped
  9584. >Applejack: "Relax Anon, she does that to all of us"
  9585. >Dash: "Yeah, and I can guarantee more than once"
  9586. >This is going to be a long night
  9588. >Okay, this is actually a lot more fun than you expected
  9589. >Aside from the typical girly girl stuff like makeovers and gossip (to which you've heard your name a few times), the girls are actually pretty fun
  9591. >You're sitting at the foot of the bed watching Dash and Applejack play some vidya when Twilight comes by and sits next to you
  9592. "Hey Twilight finished already?"
  9593. >Twilight: "No, just taking a break. I'm having a hard time coming up with anything. What are they playing?"'
  9594. "No idea, but it's still fun to watch"
  9595. >Twilight: "Why?"
  9596. "Wait for it..."
  9597. >3
  9598. >2
  9599. >1
  9600. >*SLAM*
  9601. >Applejack: "Hey! I was just about to win!"
  9602. >Dash: "I dunno, it seemed pretty close to me"
  9603. >Dash hit the reset button on the console... again
  9604. >Dash: "Of course, if you wanna go again"
  9605. >Applejack: "... You're on"
  9606. >And they immediately start playing again
  9607. >There's no stopping the competition between them
  9608. >Twilight: "How long have they been going at it like this?"
  9609. "Since we got here"
  9610. >Twilight: "Wow..."
  9611. "Yeah. Wow"
  9612. >They continue playing
  9613. >...
  9614. >*SLAM*
  9615. >Once again, Dash #NoScopes the console
  9616. >Applejack: "You did it again!"
  9617. >Dash: "It was an accident, I swear"
  9618. >This seems to be the final nail in the coffin, and Applejack rage quits
  9619. >Applejack: "So Twi, how's that spell coming along?"
  9620. >Twilight: "... it's a work-in-progress"
  9621. >Applejack: "How much progress are we talking?"
  9622. >Twilight: "Quite a bit. Magic can be really tricky sometimes. Like how Anon somehow managed to get himself enchanted"
  9623. >Applejack: "Yeah, how did that happen anyways?"
  9624. "No idea. Maybe it's just because I've been hanging out with you guys more lately"
  9625. >Twilight: "Maybe... I don't know, magic is usually a little more intimate than that"
  9626. >You prepare for the shitstorm as soon as you hear the word 'intimate'
  9628. >Rarity: "Oh, he and Dash have been VERY intimate lately"
  9629. >Dash catches on and immediately tries to play it down
  9630. >Dash: "Yeah, he and I have been going out for a while now"
  9631. >Rarity: "You've been doing a lot more than that"
  9632. >Twilight: "What do you mean?"
  9633. >Wow, does Twilight really not get it?
  9634. >Rarity: "Let's just say they've been exchanging lots of magic lately"
  9635. >Twilight: "Huh?"
  9636. >Rarity: "Come on, do we have to spell it out for you"
  9637. >Pinkie: "S-E-X"
  9638. >God damn it Pinkie
  9639. >Even after that it takes Twilight a moment to register the meaning of that
  9640. >And once she does she releases a spaghetti storm
  9641. >Twilight: "... O-Oh! That would... work I guess. C-Can't really say from experience but it's a reasonable hypothesis"
  9642. >Applejack: "Judging by the way you talk Rarity, sounds like you're speakin from experience. Care to eplain?"
  9643. >Rarity: "What? Who told you about us-"
  9644. >You and Dash: "-RARITY!"
  9645. >Too late
  9646. >Applejack is already laughing her ass off
  9647. >Fluttershy is already blushing in second-hand embarrassment
  9648. >Pinkie is already swearing on her life that she didn't tell
  9649. >And Twilight still doesn't get what that means
  9650. >You never thought having an M-F-F threesome would be something you'd want to live down
  9651. >Then again, you never thought you'd have such gossipy friends
  9652. >*DING DONG*
  9653. >Thankfully, you're saved by the bell. The doorbell to be exact
  9654. >Pinkie: "Pizza's here!"
  9655. >Thank God for pizza
  9657. >Later that night
  9658. >Everyone's all partied out and agree that it's best you hit the sack
  9659. >Or rather, the floor for most of them
  9660. >Somehow you and Dash manage to find room to fall asleep spooning
  9661. >With everyone sprawled out wherever there's room you all drift off to sleep
  9662. >... okay, they all do
  9663. >Your eyes are closed but you're wide awake
  9664. >You know that as soon as you let your guard down Pinkie's gonna take out a sharpie and draw a dick on your forehead
  9665. >You're not going to let that happen
  9666. >You hear a quiet rustling, and you crack your eye open just a bit to catch Twilight sneaking out of the room
  9667. >Looks like you're not the only one awake
  9668. >No one else seems to notice
  9669. >And you don't really care, so you bury your face in the back of Dash's head and close your eyes
  9670. >... more rustling, and this time Sunset leaves
  9671. >Busy night
  9672. >Probably working on that spell thing of hers
  9673. >Again, none of your business
  9674. >...
  9675. >Dash: "hey Nonny, you awake?"
  9676. >She whispers just barely enough for you to hear
  9677. "yeah"
  9678. >Dash: "same here, can't really sleep. are you worried about the Dazzlings too?"
  9679. "not really. what's got you worried?"
  9680. >Dash: "are you sure you're able to resist their spell?"
  9681. "for the most part, why?"
  9682. >Dash: "... I don't know"
  9683. "Dashie, what aren't you telling me?"
  9684. >She turns around to face you
  9686. >Dash: "things could get bad. like, really bad. and I just want to make sure your safe, and-"
  9687. "Dashie, I'm going to be okay"
  9688. >Dash: "but what if you're not? what if somehow the Dazzling's spell gets to you"
  9689. "it won't"
  9690. >Dash: "but what if it does"
  9691. "it never will"
  9692. >Dash: "Nonny, please..."
  9693. >She struggles to find the words to say
  9694. >Dash: "all I ask is that we keep your involvement with the band to a minimum, at least until we find out what they're really capable of. if they are capable of controlling people's minds then the last thing I want is for you to be a target. I'm not saying we should stop hanging out altogether, but you are in more danger than any of us. it's for your own protection"
  9695. >You pull her as close as you can, your face just inches from hers
  9696. >Close enough for you to see her eyes start to water
  9697. "look, Adagio is clearly trying to cause a rift between the two of us. now I just watched you slam the reset button at least five times earlier when you were playing against Applejack, and if there's anything I can say for sure about you, it's that no one has ever beaten the one and only Rainbow Dash. are you really going to let Adagio be the first?"
  9698. >Dash: "of course not, but I don't want anything happening to you either"
  9699. "tell you what. if things get too real I'll back off like you asked, but until it they do you're stuck with me, got it?"
  9700. >Dash: "... promise?"
  9701. "promise. and if I don't and I somehow fall under their spell I'm giving you my blessing to smack the sense back into me"
  9702. >That got a giggle out of her
  9703. >Dash: "deal"
  9704. >She wipes her eyes
  9705. "got something in your eyes?"
  9706. >Dash: "y-yeah"
  9707. >She turns her back to you again and wiggles into a comfortable position
  9708. >You drape your arm over her and pull her close
  9709. >For the first time tonight, you feel like actually getting some sleep
  9710. >As you wake up the next morning you take a minute to figure out where the hell you are
  9711. >... Oh yeah, the slumber party
  9712. >Man, you slept surprisingly good last night
  9713. >"Morning Nonny"
  9714. "Morning Dashie"
  9715. >"Try again"
  9716. "... what?"
  9717. >You pick yourself up and rub your eyes, still struggling to wake up
  9718. >Dash is lying next to you clinging to your arm, but still asleep
  9719. >Pinkie Pie, on the other hand, is sitting up in bed wide awake
  9720. >She climbs down from the bed and sits next to you, careful not to step on anybody, then gives you a big hug
  9721. "What's that for?"
  9722. >Pinkie: "I thought you'd need it. You and Dash sounded upset last night"
  9723. "... You heard that?"
  9724. >Pinkie: "All of it. I was wide awake the whole time. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone"
  9725. "Thanks Pinkie. But everything's fine, you don't have to worry about us"
  9726. >She tries to hug you again
  9727. >Pinkie: "As long you're okay that's what matters. Did you at least get some sleep?"
  9728. "Yeah I did. What were you doing up that late anyways?"
  9729. >Pinkie: "What do you think?"
  9730. >You really don't want to think about what she was doing while everyone was asleep
  9731. "Dare I ask?"
  9732. >Pinkie: "I had to dish out the new guy treatment"
  9733. "And what pray tell is the 'new guy treatment'?"
  9734. >From across the room, Sunset yawns and stretches
  9735. >Sunset: "Morning guys"
  9736. >You stare blankly at her
  9737. >Sunset: "... what's with that look?"
  9738. "You got a little something up there"
  9739. >You point to her forehead, where someone wrote the 'EVIL' in black marker
  9740. >She takes out her phone and checks her reflection
  9741. >Sunset: "Damn it, who did this?"
  9742. >Pinkie: "Nothing personal Sunny, it's the new guy treatment"
  9743. >You weren't sure if she'd be angry or if she'd take it well
  9744. >To much relief, she laughs
  9745. >Sunset: "I really should have known better"
  9746. >Pinkie: "Took you long enough to finally fall asleep"
  9747. >She tries to rub it off, which only serves to smear it around but still keep its shape
  9748. >Pinkie: "Relax, it'll wash off with soap"
  9749. >Twilight slowly wakes up next
  9750. >Twilight: "What's with all the commotion?"
  9751. "... good morning egghead"
  9752. >Twilight: "E-Excuse me?!"
  9753. >Sunset: "Your chest"
  9754. >She looks down at herself
  9755. >Her shirt is halfway buttoned down, and just beneath her shoulders she has 'EGGHEAD' written on her chest
  9756. >On a side note, someone really needs to get her a bra
  9757. >Twilight: "What? Who would do..."
  9758. >She figures it out pretty quickly
  9759. >Pinkie: "Consider it a compliment, you're one of us now"
  9760. >Twilight: "I'll never understand some of these human traditions"
  9761. >You take this opportunity to look yourself over, but you appear to be clean
  9762. "Did you forget something?"
  9763. >Pinkie giggles
  9764. >Pinkie: "You got a very special treatment"
  9765. "Is that just your way of saying you molested me in your sleep?"
  9766. >It was just a little more than a joke
  9767. >Pinkie: "Sorry Nonny, you haven't earned that privilege yet. Play your cards right and maybe next time"
  9768. >Note to self: don't play your cards right next time
  9769. >Fluttershy: "morning everyone"
  9770. >You had no idea she was even awake
  9771. >Fluttershy: "you know, it's almost-"
  9772. >Rarity: "-Good morning"
  9773. >She covers her mouth as she yawns
  9774. >Even waking up for her is polite, graceful, and fancy-ass
  9775. >She takes a moment to glance over those of you who were awake
  9776. >Rarity: "... you guys got the new guy treatment pretty hard"
  9777. >Twilight: "Yup. Apparently I'm a... an 'egghead'"
  9778. >She struggles to let out even a basic insult like that
  9779. >Stick around and you'll teach her the finer arts of bitchiness
  9780. >Fluttershy: "umm, girls-"
  9781. >Rarity: "What about you Anon?"
  9782. "Apparently I got a special treatment"
  9783. >Rarity: "The what?"
  9784. >Pinkie: "If you ask me it's my best work of art"
  9785. "-What the hell does that mean?"
  9786. >Pinkie: "Well I've never had a guy over here before"
  9787. >You don't like the sound of that
  9788. >Pinkie: "The problem with girls is that their boobs get in the way. A guy's chest is flat, a perfect canvas for a work of art"
  9789. "My chest?"
  9790. >You lift up your shirt and behold Pinkie's 'work of art'
  9791. >Sunset: "Pfft- HAHAHA!"
  9792. >Sunset erupts into a laughter that awakens the others
  9793. >Dash: "What's the big deaOH my God!"
  9794. >Dash joins her in the laughter, and once Applejack notices she does the same
  9795. >Dash: "Sorry Nonny but that's freaking hilarious!"
  9796. >You have to admit, it was pretty good
  9797. >And fitting for you
  9798. >Fluttershy: "girls I think-"
  9800. >Pinkie: "Come on in... oh hey Maud"
  9801. >"I heard a loud noise. Is everything-... That's hilarious. Good one Pinkie Pie"
  9802. >It's hard to tell if that was sarcastic or not because everything she said was so monotone
  9803. >Fluttershy: "girls, we're-"
  9804. >"You should all get going. School started half an hour ago"
  9805. >You check the time
  9806. >... shit
  9807. >Dash: "Why didn't anyone say anything?"
  9808. >Fluttershy: "I was trying"
  9809. >You really ought to listen to Fluttershy more
  9810. >Before leaving she looks over at you
  9811. >"What's your name"
  9812. "Anon"
  9813. >"Anon, there's a large drawing of a penis on your chest"
  9814. "I noticed"
  9815. >"You probably shouldn't have a drawing of a penis on your chest"
  9816. "I'll keep that in mind"
  9817. >Everyone hurried home so they could at least make it to school in time for the second class
  9818. >You took extra time in the shower to wash off the sharpie dick drawn on your body
  9820. >You make it to school and find Dash waiting out front for you
  9821. "You're waiting for me?"
  9822. >Dash: "You always do for me. And besides it's not like we're getting any less late"
  9823. >True that
  9824. >Dash: "Did you at least manage to get the drawing off?"
  9825. "Yeah, I scrubbed it until it got off"
  9826. >Pun intended
  9827. >Dash: "All of it?"
  9828. "Is this your way of trying to get me to take my shirt off?"
  9829. >Dash: "What? No, I'm just asking"
  9830. "And that's all you gotta do if you want me shirtless, just ask"
  9831. >Your first class was almost over, you didn't even bother going
  9832. >Instead, Dash took you to the back of the school where no one would catch you having sex
  9833. >When you asked her why she was so eager today she said that she was 'just surprised you didn't do anything to her last night'
  9834. >Which is Dash-speak for 'disappointed that you didn't do anything to her last night'
  9836. >Lunch time
  9837. >You, Dash, Applejack, and Rarity takes your seats at the lunch table
  9838. >The Dazzlings occupy their usual seats at their usual table
  9839. >It's weird thinking that they're actually monsters from another world
  9840. >Just when you least expect it Adagio winks at you
  9841. >... reeeeeaally creepy
  9842. >Dash: "Anon!"
  9843. "Huh?"
  9844. >Did she just use your regular name?
  9845. >Haven't heard that in a while
  9846. >Dash: "I said your name like five times, are you okay?"
  9847. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just zoned out for a minute"
  9848. >She looks over in the same direction you are
  9849. >Dash: "... Nonny, you remember the deal right?"
  9850. "Yeah"
  9851. >Dash: "Good"
  9852. >About half way through lunch a call comes in over the intercom
  9853. >Celestia: "All bands performing in the Battle of the Bands please report to the gymnasium immediately"
  9854. >Dash: "What's that all about?"
  9855. >Pinkie: "No idea"
  9856. >All the performers clear out of the cafeteria in a hurry, which to your surprise is nearly half the cafeteria
  9857. >Pinkie: "Whoa, we've never had this many people performing before"
  9858. >Applejack: "That's because we've never had monsters from another world brainwashing everyone before"
  9859. >Except for Sunset... you don't dare say that out loud
  9861. >You arrive at the gym the same time as the Dazzlings
  9862. >Adagio: "Fancy meeting you all here. What a coincidence"
  9863. >Applejack: "Hardly"
  9864. >Adagio: "Not you girls, I mean you Anon. I had no idea you were even in the band"
  9865. "I'm not"
  9866. >Adagio: "You may as well be, what with the way you all are so inseparable"
  9867. "It's called having friends. Try it out sometime"
  9868. >The girls laugh; even Sonata and Aria snicker a bit
  9869. >Adagio rolls her eyes
  9870. >Adagio: "We'll see how long that lasts"
  9871. >The three of them head inside together
  9872. >You let your friends go in before you, and as soon as you step inside you meet awkward encounter #2
  9874. >Flash: "Well well well, look who it is"
  9875. >Damn it not this again
  9876. "Look Flash, I don't want any trouble with you so just back off"
  9877. >Flash: "Hey, I don't want any trouble either"
  9878. "Then why are you talking to me?"
  9879. >Flash: "Just to wish you good luck. I mean, let's face it, you guys are no competition for me, but the Dazzlings, now they're the ones to beat"
  9880. "Yeah, and WE will be the one's to beat them"
  9881. >Flash: "For once, I actually appreciate that attitude of yours. I heard you giving it to Adagio out there. And it's like that old saying goes... "
  9882. >He reaches out for a handshake
  9883. >Flash: "The friend of my enemy is an enemy of my friend... or something"
  9884. >Not even close
  9885. >You return the handshake, not sure what to expect
  9886. >... nothing. Just a friendly handshake
  9887. >Has science gone too far?
  9888. >Celestia and Luna enter the gymnasium and make their way to the center
  9889. >Celestia: "Can we have everyone's attention please?"
  9890. >No one seems to hear her
  9891. >Luna: "WE SAID BE SILENT!"
  9892. >Luna and her trusty megaphone get the job done
  9893. >Celestia: "Thank you all for coming, we have something important to announce regarding the Battle of the Bands. There are far more entries than we could have ever anticipated, so we've decided to hold a preliminary audition this Friday after school. We do appreciate the enthusiasm from you all, and we're glad to say that we've had the opportunity to extend the event. To make sure we make time for everyone, please see the commissioners of the Battle of the Bands to sign up for your spot in the auditions"
  9894. >She directs the attention of the room to a table towards the front, where the 'commissioners' are seated
  9895. >And who else would it be
  9896. >Pinkie: "The Dazzlings?! Are you kidding me!"
  9897. >It takes all of Applejack's strength to hold back Pinkie from going on a rampage
  9898. >After assuming it'd be best if Pinkie stayed as far away from them as possible, Dash makes her way to the table, with you following behind her
  9899. >Dash: "Maybe you should sit this one out"
  9900. "You think I'd let you go up to them alone? You're just as dangerous as Pinkie"
  9901. >Dash: "As long as you remember-"
  9902. "-Yeah yeah, the deal. Got it"
  9903. >The two of you maneuver your way through the crowd towards the table
  9904. >The Dazzlings perk up as you approach the table, as if they've been waiting for you
  9905. >Dash makes sure you're behind her- not by her side, but actually behind
  9907. >Sonata: "Hi Anon, long time no see!"
  9908. >She sends you an excited wave much like Pinkie Pie and you give a simple wave back
  9909. >Adagio: "Well would you look at that. What a surprise that we keep bumping into each other"
  9910. >Sonata: "Not really, you were just saying a minute ago how certain you were that they'd show"
  9911. >Aria: "Ugh, ever hear of sarcasm, Sonata?"
  9912. >Sonata: "Have YOU ever heard of not being a-"
  9913. >Adagio: "-Knock it off, both of you"
  9914. >It's like watching the Three Stooges
  9915. >Adagio: "So what's it going to be Rainbow Dash? Here to talk us out of it again?"
  9916. >Dash: "Fat chance. Someone's gotta take you down"
  9917. >Adagio: "And what makes you so sure that you'll be the one to win?"
  9918. "Because no one wants a bunch of demons from Ponyland winning the Battle of the Bands"
  9919. >Adagio's eye twitches
  9920. >Got her
  9921. "You know, it's cute how you think that little spell of yours would have worked on me"
  9922. >Aria: "You know what's even cuter? You thinking is hasn't"
  9923. "I know it hasn't"
  9924. >Your stomach is feeling a little upset, but you're sure you can hold it for now
  9925. >Dash: "If the rest of them knew the truth, do you really think they'll still support you? This school has a bad history with brainwashing monsters. I don't think they'd take too kindly to three more invading our school"
  9926. >Adagio: "They don't seem to mind us now. And sooner or later, neither will you"
  9927. >Dash: "Please, we'll never be good in my book"
  9928. >Dash signs her name on the form
  9929. >Adagio: "We'll see about that. Nice seeing you again Anon"
  9930. "Not really"
  9931. >Dash steps between you and her before leading you away
  9933. >You regroup with the others just in time to catch Twilight stumbling into the gym
  9934. >Twilight: "Sorry I'm late, what'd I miss?"
  9935. >Dash: "There's going to be a preliminary audition tomorrow"
  9936. >Twilight: "What? But the spell isn't even close to being ready yet!"
  9937. >Dash: "Relax, the actual competition isn't until Saturday"
  9938. >Applejack: "Assuming we'll even make it that far"
  9939. >Dash: "You're not naysaying on us already, are you?"
  9940. >Applejack: "No, I'm saying they've been pulling the strings of this event for long time now. What if this is just a plot to get us kicked out before we even have a chance to perform? I mean, they already hijacked the event, who's to say they didn't rig it too?"
  9941. >Pinkie: "No way they'd do that... would they?"
  9942. >Applejack: "Anon, you know them better than any of us. Do you really think they'd go this far just to keep us out of the competition?"
  9943. "...I dunno. By the way, where have you been hanging out Twilight, seeing as how you don't have class and all?"
  9944. >The most reassuring thing you can do here is change the subject
  9945. >Wonderful
  9947. >You went with Dash to sit in during band practice after school
  9948. >She kept practice going extra late today, wanting to be sure that they'd make it in the qualifiers tomorrow
  9949. >After practice you made a quick stop at your locker
  9950. >There's no new note, and the response you left the other day looks like it hasn't been moved
  9951. >Looks like your response wasn't even read
  9952. >Looking back, it was kind of a dumb idea
  9954. >You get home and unlock your door
  9955. >As soon as the lock clicks your neighbor bursts out from her place
  9956. >Neighbor: "Hey Anon, this came for you"
  9957. >She hands you a stack of papers
  9958. "Damn it, what did I tell you about going through my mail?"
  9959. >Neighbor: "It was different this time. Look at the one on top"
  9960. >At the top of the stack is a white envelope
  9961. >No postmark
  9962. >No address
  9963. >Just your name
  9964. >Shit
  9965. >Neighbor: "I came back from the park and saw it taped to your front door. I thought I was just seeing shit again, but for sure it was real"
  9966. >You quickly tear it open, just to be sure it's one of THOSE letters
  9967. >....
  9968. >'The Rainbooms will qualify. It's all part of the plan'
  9969. >Yup, this is the real deal
  9970. "Who put it there?"
  9971. >Neighbor: "No idea, it was there when I got here"
  9972. "You didn't see anything?"
  9973. >Neighbor: "Nope"
  9974. "Nothing at all?"
  9975. >Neighbor: "I already said no. What the hell is going on?"
  9976. >She takes the note out of your hands and reads it
  9977. >Neighbor: "I don't get it?"
  9978. >You snatch the note back from her and take it with you inside, locking the door behind you
  9979. >First thing's first, grab a knife from the kitchen
  9980. >Are you paranoid? Damn right
  9981. >After clearing the apartment, making sure no one else is in here with you, you call Dash
  9982. >...
  9983. >Dash: "Hey Nonny, what's up?"
  9984. "You need to get own here"
  9986. >When she arrives, you have all three notes laid out on the coffee table in the living room
  9987. >She reads over them, one at a time
  9988. >Dash: "... and this last one came directly to your place?"
  9989. "That's what my neighbor said"
  9990. >She holds the final note, silently staring at it
  9991. "Don't worry about me Dashie, whoever this is can't even-"
  9992. >Dash: "I'm not worried, I'm pissed"
  9993. >She immediately turns to you, a scowl on her face
  9994. >She crumples up the note and throws it at your face
  9995. >There's no way it would have hurt even with a throw from her, but it's the thought that counts
  9996. >And it is not a good thought
  9997. >Dash: "Damn it Anon, don't you think we needed to know about this sooner?"
  9998. "I didn't want to involve any of you until I was sure it was legit"
  9999. >Dash: "And it wasn't legit when they put their spell on the whole school? Or when we found out that they are actually monsters from another world? And this new one is a treat against all of us! Were you going to keep this one secret too?!"
  10000. >Even back before you were dating and you used to tease her, she never raised her voice at you like this
  10001. "It's not really a threat, all they said is they've planned for you to be in the competition"
  10002. >Dash: "Exactly. We're all a part of their plan. Especially you"
  10003. >She takes out her phone
  10004. "Who are you calling?"
  10005. >Dash: "Backup. As much as I hate to admit it right now I'm worried about you"
  10006. >You can't tell who she's calling. She speaks in one word sentences mostly consisting of "Yeah" and "Uh huh"
  10007. >Once she's done, she sits back down on the couch, leaving as much distance between you two as possible
  10008. >She won't even look at you
  10009. >Dash: "Is there anything else, you're not telling us?"
  10010. "No, this is it"
  10011. >Dash: "Swear?"
  10012. "I swear"
  10013. >Dash: "Alright. They're on their way"
  10014. "Why do we need backup?"
  10015. >Dash: "Because the Dazzlings know where you live now"
  10016. "How do you know it's them?"
  10017. >Dash: "Come on Anon, who else would it be?"
  10018. "Yeah, you're probably right"
  10019. >Hardly a reason, but you really shouldn't argue with her right about now
  10021. >You wait together for a while in silence until she finally breaks it
  10022. >Dash: "Sorry about all that Anon. I'm not mad at you or anything"
  10023. "You're not?"
  10024. >Dash: "... okay, I kind of am"
  10025. >Like she said, you'd know it
  10026. >Dash: "But this is serious stuff we're dealing with here, you should have told us sooner. We can't afford to have you getting hurt"
  10027. "We can't afford any of us getting hurt"
  10028. >Dash: "We have magic protecting us. You're special"
  10029. "Doesn't the fact that I'm not magic mean I'm not special"
  10030. >Dash: "You're still special, just in a different way"
  10031. >She finally makes eye contact with you as she scoots over towards you
  10032. >Dash: "You may piss me off sometimes, but other times you're actually worth all the trouble"
  10033. >She quietly chuckles
  10034. >Calm enough to make a joke, maybe calm enough for snuggling...
  10035. >Success
  10036. >You get your arm around her without resistance
  10037. >Dash: "No more secrets, got it?"
  10038. "Promise"
  10039. >She slowly leans forward to kiss you on the cheek
  10040. >Never have you anticipated the feel of her lips more than-
  10041. >*BANG*
  10042. >"HANDS IN THE AIR, NOW!"
  10043. >Your door slams open as two soldiers in uniform rush your living room, assault rifles in hand and gas masks on their faces
  10044. >You quickly get up and try to block Dash from them as best you can
  10045. >You know that old saying ' I'd take a bullet for you' ?
  10046. >Sometimes it actually means something
  10047. >One of them aims right at you
  10049. "What the fuck's it to you-"
  10051. >The barrel of his gun presses against your temple
  10052. >Now's not the time to be a tough guy
  10053. >Dash: "-Anonymous! His name is Anonymous!"
  10054. >The man slowly lowers his gun, and the other follows suit
  10055. >"... Anonymous?"
  10056. >He takes off his mask and calls out to the door
  10057. >"Is this the one?!"
  10058. >From the doorway, in steps Vladimir donning a matching uniform with the rest of these men
  10059. >Vlad: "That's him. That's the little man"
  10060. "... you called in the big guns?"
  10061. >Dash: "Hey, it's you versus the sirens. Those aren't very good odds"
  10062. [spoiler]>With odds like these, should have called in John Cena[/spoiler]
  10064. >Vlad and his two comrades sit around your living room as you and Dash explain the situation
  10065. >The guy who nearly blew your head off identified himself as Ivan. The other guy has yet to remove his gas mask or give his name
  10066. >Vlad: "So these ladypeople. You say they're not really people?"
  10067. "That's right. And if what we think is true, they may now know where I live"
  10068. >Vlad: "... this is bad. Bad times indeed"
  10069. >Ivan: "Reminds me of the old days of war. Reminds me of Sergei"
  10070. >Vlad: "I will never forget..."
  10071. "What happened to Sergei?"
  10072. >Vlad: "He was good soldier. Always knew how to put a smile on one's face just before he killed them. One day, he meet a woman. She was just innocent civilian... or so we thought"
  10073. >Ivan: "Turns out, she was undercover spy sent to take down the motherland. Sergei fall in love with her, and they leave motherland together"
  10074. >The three soldiers bow their heads in silence
  10075. "I'm sorry to bring it up... did you ever see Sergei again"
  10076. >Vlad: "Yes. I saw him when I killed him"
  10077. "Oh"
  10078. >More silence, this time out of awkwardness rather than respect
  10079. >Dash: "Anyways, I'm going to be looking after Anon for a while. I just want to make sure we can call on you guys if they ever do make a move"
  10080. >Vlad: "Worry not ladywoman. Once a comrade, always a comrade"
  10081. >His sense of honor is admirable
  10082. >Almost makes you feel guilty he's protecting an ass like you
  10083. >The least you could do is shake their hands and thank them
  10084. "Thanks Vlad. You too Ivan"
  10085. >As you shake the masked man's hand he says nothing
  10086. "Sorry, I never got your name"
  10087. >He just gives off a deep, Darth Vader-like breath
  10088. "What's up with the mask anyways?"
  10089. >After another deep breath he responds
  10090. >"... No one cared who I was until I put on the mask"
  10092. >Once everything is sorted out, the soldiers see themselves out
  10093. >By now Dash seems to have fully calmed down
  10094. "By the way, what was all that about you looking after me for a while?"
  10095. >Dash: "You're coming home with me"
  10096. "What?"
  10097. >Dash: "You heard me. Pack up whatever you need for a few days, cause you're staying at my house"
  10098. "Why?"
  10099. >Dash: "Do I have to spell it out for you? They know where you live now"
  10100. >She walks over to your side
  10101. >*punch*
  10102. >Dash: "... And I can't have you at risk like that"
  10103. >Good old loving Dash is back
  10104. >Let's never make her angry again, agreed?
  10105. "How are you going to convince your grandpa to be okay with this?"
  10106. >Dash: "You leave that to me, just hurry up"
  10107. >You quickly do as she says
  10108. >While doing so, your door opens just a crack and a familiar face pokes in
  10109. >Your neighbor
  10110. >Neighbor: "... is it safe? Are the feds gone?"
  10111. "They weren't feds. And yes, it's safe"
  10112. >Neighbor: "What the hell was all that?"
  10113. "Long story... by the way, can I ask you something?"
  10114. >After getting a good look at her, you mentally compare her to Vlad and notice something you've never noticed before
  10115. "You remind me of someone I know. Are you related to Rarity in any way?"
  10116. >Something about her just looks like she's part of the family... pretty sure it's the hair
  10117. >Neighbor: "Related to who?"
  10118. "... nevermind. I think the feds are back"
  10119. >Neighbor: "Shit"
  10120. >She quickly retreats, slamming the door behind her
  10121. >It's fun messing with a paranoid high person
  10123. >You dredge an old backpack from your closet and stuff five days' worth of clothes into it, along with some other general stuff you'll need
  10124. >You toss your stuff in the trunk of Dash's car and head off to whatever the next few days has in store for you
  10126. >Upon arrival at Dash's house, it seems her grandpa is still asleep
  10127. >It's been so long since you've been here that you almost forgot how cute her bedroom is
  10128. >Dash: "Go on, make yourself at home. I'll be back in a minute"
  10129. >As she heads out, you set your bag of stuff in the corner and patiently wait sitting on the bed
  10130. >You hear an exchange of words... some arguing...
  10131. >Before long Dash returns, quickly closing the door behind her
  10132. "What did he say?"
  10133. >Dash: "Doesn't matter. The point is you can stay"
  10134. >She tosses your clothes bag into her closet
  10135. >Something's not right, she's too nervous
  10136. "Again, what did he say?"
  10137. >Dash: "He said it's okay if you stay"
  10138. "He did?"
  10139. >Dash: "Well, kind of... look, what he doesn't know won't hurt him, so just don't let him find out"
  10140. "He said no didn't he"
  10141. >Dash: "Yup"
  10142. "And you're going to keep me here regardless"
  10143. >Dash: "Uh huh"
  10144. "And you wouldn't let me stay somewhere else even if I wanted"
  10145. >Dash: "No chance in hell"
  10146. >Not that you want to stay anywhere else
  10147. >Dash: "Don't worry, you shouldn't have to be here more than a week. It's just to keep you safe until this all blows over"
  10148. >Well then
  10149. >This should be one hell of a week
  10151. >Friday morning
  10152. >You're just now waking up
  10153. >Your eyes slowly crack open and you try to stretch
  10154. >Of course, that's not easy to do with your girlfriend halfway clinging to you
  10155. >Last night, even by the time you went to bed she seemed a little ticked with you
  10156. >She fell asleep with her back to you hugging a pillow, saying you're lucky she's not making you sleep on the couch
  10157. >... fair enough
  10158. >So you went to sleep back to back, hoping she'd feel better in the morning
  10159. >But sometime during the night you felt her slender arm wrap around you and her face buried in your back
  10160. >Still holding that pillow wedged between the two of you, but hey, snuggling is snuggling
  10161. >And as much as you'd like to savor this moment, you have school
  10162. >Damned if you're going to be late, especially on the first day of the Battle of the Bands
  10163. >You give Dash a gentle nudge, then another, and another
  10164. >She is one hell of a deep sleeper
  10165. >Finally, you see those magenta eyes of hers open
  10166. >Dash: "... Non.. what are you... *yawn* oh right... you're here now..."
  10167. >She's unable to form a coherent sentence, which is natural seeing as how you just woke her up
  10168. >Dash: "so what's up?"
  10169. "We should get ready for school soon"
  10170. >Dash: "what... already?"
  10171. >She yawns again and slowly gets up
  10172. >Dash: "It's still really early isn't it?"
  10173. "Not that early"
  10174. >You glance over at her alarm clock
  10175. >7:32 AM
  10176. >This is actually normal for you, but this is Dash we're talking about and she's barely on time every day
  10177. "Okay, maybe a bit"
  10178. >Dash: "Exactly"
  10179. >She lays back down and gets herself comfortable again
  10180. >With nothing else to do, you get yourself resettled in
  10181. >You can't really fall back asleep but at least you can relax
  10183. >At 8:30 her alarm clock goes off
  10184. >After making sure the coast is clear the two of you hurry off to the bathroom and take a quick shower together
  10185. >You did it together solely so you could get it done faster, absolutely no sexual implications or intentions here
  10186. >At least, none outside your head
  10187. >After the shower she quickly throws some frozen waffles in the toaster
  10189. >You ended up leaving the house with about fifteen minutes to spare before school starts
  10190. >And yet you still somehow made it on time
  10191. >In a way, it's impressive that she does this every day
  10193. >At lunch, you decide (with a little persuasion from Dash) that it was best to come clean and tell everyone about the notes
  10194. >You had brought them with you for everyone to see
  10195. >The reactions were mostly shock and confusion
  10196. >Twilight was not happy at all
  10197. >Twilight: "And you kept this a secret? This kind of thing is really-"
  10198. >Dash: "Relax Twilight, I already gave him the lecture. I think he got the message"
  10199. >Yup, you sure did
  10200. >Twilight grabs the most recent one and reads it again
  10201. >Twilight: "This is not good. Not good at all"
  10202. >Dash: "Relax Twilight, I'm sure we can handle whatever they throw at us"
  10203. >Twilight: "But what if it's not us they're throwing it at? All these messages came directly to you, Anon. You're not in the band, you don't have any magic. Why you?"
  10204. >Applejack: "Maybe that's exactly why. They see him as the weakest link here"
  10205. >Ouch
  10206. >Applejack: "And if that's the case, we need to find a way to keep him safe"
  10207. >Dash: "Don't worry, I've got that covered. He's going to be staying with me for a while, and just in case we arranged for Vlad to keep an eye out for anything suspicious"
  10208. >Twilight: "Who"
  10209. "... long story"
  10211. >You find yourself having to explain several concepts to Twilight that she seems to be unfamiliar with
  10212. >Apparently her world doesn't have mercenaries, trained assassins, or vodka
  10213. >Twilight: "So this Vlad guy is some kind of bodyguard?"
  10214. "In a way, yeah'
  10215. >Twilight: "And you're sure he's... safe right?"
  10216. "Hasn't killed any of us yet"
  10217. >Your little joke doesn't seem to reassure her any bit
  10218. >*RIIIIIING*
  10219. >Thank God for the bell, always seems to know when the conversation gets too awkward
  10221. >Gym class
  10222. >You're stepping out of the locker room
  10223. >For once, Dash is already out waiting for you
  10224. >Dash: "Hey Nonny, you got a plan to skip out today?"
  10225. "Don't I always?"
  10226. >Dash: "Think you can get me out too?"
  10227. "Sure, shouldn't be too hard. We're playing dodgeball today"
  10228. >You don't even have to explain it anymore, the nod of her head tells you that she gets exactly what you mean
  10230. >Moments later you find yourself leaving the gym and heading over to the nurse's office
  10231. >She got the message
  10232. >She REALLY got the message
  10233. >It was the usual plan: she aims her throw at you, you purposely take a dive, you get hurt, both of you have to sit out
  10234. >The usual
  10235. >But she got you good today
  10236. >The sheer look of terror on Redheart's face when you reach her office speaks for itself
  10237. >Nurse: "Jesus Christ, get in here"
  10238. >She quickly drags you in and sits you down
  10239. >Immediately she puts on some latex gloves, grabs some wet paper towels, and starts dabbing away the almost dried blood coming from your nose
  10240. >Nurse: "Alright kid, don't lie to me. Tell me everything"
  10241. "About what?"
  10242. >Nurse: "I haven't seen you this banged up since Flash kicked the shit out of you"
  10243. >For the record it was a mutual shit-kicking
  10244. >Nurse: "Spill it. Tell me who did this to you. If not I'll figure it out myself sooner or later"
  10246. >She notices Dash staring at the ground not saying anything, then she notices you avoiding eye contact with both her and Dash
  10247. >Nurse: "Don't tell me... oh my God no way!"
  10248. >She takes no effort to hold back her laughter
  10249. >Apparently she forgot that you're still here, and in pain... and bleeding
  10250. "Hello? I'm kind of dying here"
  10251. >Nurse: "Right right"
  10252. >She goes back to dealing with your face
  10253. >The bleeding seems to have stopped at this point, it's just matter of cleaning up a bit
  10254. >Nurse: "So what's the story here, whose ass was he staring at for this?"
  10255. >Dash: "W-What? No one's! It was just a plan that went... a bit wrong"
  10256. >Yeah, only a bit
  10257. >Nurse: "Plan, huh? The usual?"
  10258. "The usual"
  10259. >Nurse: "Thought so"
  10260. >Even Redheart is accustomed to your usual nonsense
  10261. >She tosses the towel she used to clean up your face in the trash along with her gloves
  10262. >Once she's done she hands you a little paper cup of pills for the pain
  10263. "And you're sure it's not broken or anything?"
  10264. >Nurse: "As sure as I'll ever be"
  10265. >You don't really feel comfortable with that answer, but hey... this is Nurse Reheart we're talking about here. It's the best you'll get
  10266. >So you take the pills and leave it at that
  10267. >Nurse: "So what now? You got a plan or are you ditching just to ditch"
  10268. "Not really, just-"
  10269. >Dash: "-Yeah, we got a plan"
  10270. >...
  10271. >Well this is the first you're hearing of this 'plan'
  10272. >Nurse: "Well don't let me hold you any longer. You're free to go whenever you want"
  10273. >With that, Dash takes your hand and leads you out
  10274. >She turns back to her desk and starts doing some paper work you must have interrupted
  10275. "Where to now?"
  10276. >Dash: "Just follow me"
  10277. >She takes out her phone and starts texting faster than any teenage white girl you could ever imagine
  10279. >Eventually you find yourselves at the music room
  10280. >Dash: "I asked the others to come down here too. Thought we should get in one last rehearsal before we have to go up toady"
  10281. >Makes sense, but you remain silent on account of your nose still throbbing
  10282. >Dash: "I didn't knock you out too bad, did I?"
  10283. >She takes a seat next to you and examines your face
  10284. >You haven't gotten a chance to look in a mirror yet, but you're sure you won't be winning any beauty pageants anytime soon
  10285. "Nah, it's fine. It could be worse"
  10286. >Not from a dodgeball
  10287. >A chainsaw, maybe
  10288. "But I gotta ask, what kind of anger did you tap into to muster a throw like THAT?"
  10289. >Dash: "..."
  10290. "You're still ticked about the notes, aren't you?"
  10291. >Dash: "Well, there's that..."
  10292. >Wow
  10293. >You really messed up big time with this one
  10294. >Dash: "... but I mean, that's not really that big of a deal"
  10295. "Then what was it"
  10296. >She replies with a timidness you don't usually see in her
  10297. >Dash: "... I guess you just got the bad end of a lot of pent up stress. Sorry about that"
  10298. >She tries to kiss you gently so as to not hurt you... it still hurts
  10299. >But that much stress?
  10300. >You had no idea...
  10301. "What's got you stressed?"
  10302. >Dash: "I guess worried would be a better way of putting it"
  10303. "About what?"
  10304. >The door slowly creaks open
  10305. >Dash: "I'll tell you later"
  10306. >Twilight was the first to show up
  10307. >Twilight: "What's up, I thought you had class?"
  10308. >Dash: "Yeah, but we're ditching"
  10309. >Twilight: "What? Are you serious?"
  10310. "Yeah, why not? No one's going to stop us?"
  10311. >Twilight: "What about the teachers, or the principals? What if you get caught or something?"
  10312. >She has a lot to learn
  10313. >Dash: "Relax, we do it all the time"
  10314. >She looks just about ready to faint at the thought of skipping class
  10315. "My face is fine by the way, thanks for asking"
  10317. >Finally, the girls have all arrived
  10318. >Applejack: "So what's the deal Rainbow Dash?"
  10319. >Dash: "I just thought it'd be a good idea to get one last rehearsal in before tryouts"
  10320. >Applejack: "Why? I thought that note Anon got said we'd be gettin in for sure. Like it was rigged or something"
  10321. >She has a point
  10322. >Dash: "Or someone wants us to think we're safe so we don't really try"
  10323. >Okay, they both have a point
  10324. >Applejack: "Don't you think you're being a little bit paranoid?"
  10325. >Twilight: "I don't know, I'm with Rainbow Dash on this one"
  10326. >The others all nod their heads as if her word was law
  10327. >Lastly, and reluctantly, Applejack agrees
  10329. >The band practices while the fan club (a.k.a. you and Sunset) sits to the side and enjoys the music
  10330. >Their whole fan base consists of two people
  10331. >Still more than Flight of the Conchords
  10333. >Practice was very brief, not even lasting all the way to the bell
  10334. >They all agreed that it was best that they not wear themselves out before the big moment
  10336. >When the bell rings, you and the girls exit the music room, only to find the hallway flooded with other participants making their way down there
  10337. >Naturally you ran into some familiar faces, some more welcome than others
  10338. >Flash: "'Hey Anon, cool seeing you again"
  10339. >A VERY unwelcome face
  10340. "What do you want this-"
  10341. >Flash: "-Oh hey Twilight, didn't think you'd be showing up too"
  10342. >Twilight: "Y-Yeah, I'm... well, you know"
  10343. >You look to her
  10344. >Then back to Flash
  10345. >... you recognize spaghetti when you see it
  10346. >So THAT's what this is about, he's trying to bone pony girl
  10347. >Jesus, were you and Dash this cringingly awkward?
  10349. >Snips and Snails approach you from behind
  10350. >Snips: "I wouldn't be talking to him if I were you"
  10351. >Snails: "Yeah, if you ask me he can't be trusted"
  10352. >Pinkie: "And like you two can be trusted any better?"
  10353. >Snips: "You know what Pinkie, if you think we're still afraid of you then you really-"
  10355. >The British girl with the violin thingy pushes you all aside with a force that would even give Redheart a run for her money
  10356. >Twilight: "The spell got her pretty hard, huh?"
  10357. "Nah, she's always like that"
  10358. >Snips: "Come on Snails, we're going to be late too"
  10359. >They head off
  10360. >With no more interruptions, you enter the gymnasium
  10361. >There's a large poster board on a stand with an itinerary for the afternoon
  10362. >There's more than thirty entrances in the competition, and by the end of the day they're going to narrow it down to sixteen for tomorrow's competition
  10363. >The Rainbooms perform second to last, right before the Dazzlings
  10364. >Who do you think arranged that?
  10366. >The audition goes on without a hitch
  10368. >Snips and Snails do the most cringe-worthy rap performance you've ever seen
  10369. >You overhear Celestia whispering that they'll probably go through anyways
  10371. >Next up: Trixie and the Illusions
  10372. >2015, still putting the lead singer's name in the band... seriously
  10374. >Flash and his band were admittedly better than you thought
  10376. >There's one performance you can say for sure won't be making it
  10377. >Some edgy metal band, they call themselves 'The Songfag Experience'
  10379. >Celestia: "Next up: The Rainbooms"
  10380. >Dash takes a deep breath, and they all get up
  10381. >Applejack: "Come on y'all, it's time"
  10382. >Sunset: "We'll be right here when you get back"
  10383. "Good luck Dash"
  10384. >Dash: "Won't need it"
  10386. >Dash and the girls begin playing
  10387. >...
  10388. >Celestia: "Alright, stop. We've heard enough"
  10389. >They only got through about half the song
  10390. >They aren't the only ones Celestia stopped early, so that's either really good, or really bad
  10391. >But the expression on Dash's face is making you worry
  10392. "Hey Sunset, wait here. I'm going to go see what's going on"
  10393. >Sunset: "Gotcha"
  10395. >You manage to catch up with them backstage
  10396. >Dash is obviously downtrodden
  10397. >Dash: "Okay, we weren't that bad, were we?"
  10398. "You were one of the best if you ask me"
  10399. >Dash: "Yeah, but we were the shortest"
  10400. >She's letting it get to her pretty hard
  10401. >Dash: "So much for that extra rehearsal..."
  10402. >You try to hug her for comfort, but it doesn't seem to work
  10403. >Rarity: "Everything okay?"
  10404. "Yeah, could you just give us a minute?"
  10405. >Rarity: "Yeah, sure. Take your time. We'll be back at our seats"
  10406. >At least they seem to be taking it better than Dash
  10407. "Dashie, you okay?"
  10408. >Dash: "I'll be fine... still though, I can't shake the thought of what'll happen if we don't make it"
  10409. >You desperately try to think of something comforting to say, something more than a silent hug
  10410. >But as much as you hate to admit it... she may be right
  10411. "Look, Dashie, everything going to be okay. I'm sure of it-"
  10412. >"-With that performance, I wouldn't be"
  10413. >Adagio approaches with her two lackeys following closely behind
  10415. >Aria seems to have noticed the bruise on your face
  10416. >Aria: "What the hell happened to your face?"
  10417. "What the hell happened to yours?"
  10418. >Sonata: "She looks the same as always"
  10419. "I know, it's horrible"
  10420. >Is she trying to make it easier for you, or just worse for Aria?
  10421. >Aria: "Whatever, we got a contest to win"
  10422. >Sonata: "Wish us luck guys"
  10423. >Adagio: "Not that we need it"
  10424. >They walk out onto the stage
  10425. "If that wasn't a confession of fixing the competition I don't know what is"
  10426. >Dash silently shifts her gaze to the ground, still shaken about the possibility of losing
  10427. "Don't worry Dashie, tomorrow it'll all be over, and we can finally put all this shit behind us"
  10428. >Dash: "... yeah, you're right"
  10429. >She leans back against the wall and drops down
  10430. >Dash: "Damn it..."
  10431. >She slams her fist against the wall
  10432. >Dash: "Damn it!"
  10433. >You cautiously take a seat next to her and put your arm around her
  10434. >You can feel her shaking
  10435. "Relax, everything's going to be fine-"
  10436. >Dash: "-You don't know that. What if this whole thing is actually fixed against us? What if there really is no chance of us ever making it? They may have us beat already, and with their magic and Twilight's counter spell not ready there's nothing we can do about it. Face it, the way things look now, we're screwed"
  10437. >You have never seen her so shaken up before
  10438. >You take a deep breath and search your mind for something reassuring to say
  10439. >...
  10440. >Nothing
  10441. >Okay, plan B
  10442. >Generic pep talk
  10444. "Look Dashie, I've known you for a while now, and I've never seen you so down like this"
  10445. >Dash: "Because I've never been unsure. I always know how to handle things, always. But this is... I'm just not used to putting up with this kind of bullshit"
  10446. "Then don't put up with it. Let the old Rainbow Dash out"
  10447. >Dash: "Do what?"
  10448. "Do you remember what you told me when we first became a couple?"
  10449. >Dash: "I said not to make a big deal out of it, but what does that-"
  10450. "And that's exactly what I did, I made a big deal out of it. You wouldn't even talk to me after that"
  10451. >Dash: "Where exactly are you going with this?"
  10452. "Where's that Rainbow Dash, the one who wouldn't talk to me? Where's the Rainbow Dash who made me carry her home and bathe her like a princess? The Rainbow Dash who stumbled on-stage at the dance, half drunk, and basically gave a big 'fuck you' to everyone? The Rainbow Dash who doesn't take bullshit from anyone. That's the one we need right now... the one I love"
  10453. >She cracks a small smile
  10454. >You get up and reach out for her hand
  10455. "Come on, are you as sick of their shit as I am?"
  10456. >She wipes her eyes before any tears can even escape
  10457. >Dash: "Probably even more"
  10458. >She takes your hand and you pull her up
  10459. >She throws her arms around you, hugging you tight enough to hinder your breathing
  10460. >You'll let her hold you as tightly as she least as long as you remain conscious
  10462. >You have no idea how long you were in each other's arms before the music picks up and the Dazzlings begin their performance
  10463. "Are they seriously just beginning now?"
  10464. >Dash pulls her face from your shoulder
  10465. >Dash: "Should we start heading back then?"
  10466. >You pull her back in
  10467. "Nah we got time. Take as long as you need"
  10468. >She hides her face once again in your shoulder
  10469. >She tries to say something, but it just comes out as muffled mumbling
  10470. "What?"
  10471. >Dash: "I said, how much time do you think we got?"
  10472. "I don't know, probably a while"
  10473. >With these girls taking as long as they did to get started you probably have all-
  10474. "Whoa, what are you doing?"
  10475. >Dash: "What do you think?"
  10476. >She pressed her body against yours and started dry-humping your leg
  10477. >Though it's not all that 'dry' if you know what I mean
  10478. >Honestly, how did you not see this coming?
  10479. "Are you sure-"
  10480. >Dash: "-Nonny please... I need this. Just a little bit"
  10481. >Well... she needs it
  10482. >What kind of guy would you be to deny her that?
  10483. >She takes your hand and places it between her legs and under her skirt, wedged right into her crotch
  10484. >You can already feel it getting a little damp
  10485. >She takes the initiative and starts rotating her hips, rubbing herself against your hand
  10486. >Holding her close, you let her do her business uninterrupted
  10487. >...
  10488. >Here's an idea: Stop making her do all the work
  10489. >You decide to give her a hand
  10490. >Get it? A HAND?
  10491. >... anyways
  10492. >You begin sliding your middle finger back and forth down the middle of her crotch
  10493. >She lets out a sigh of relief down your neck
  10494. >Apparently you kept her waiting longer than you even realized
  10495. >Quickly you let a second finger into the equation, then a third
  10496. >Before they can get sufficiently soaked as usual, she loses her shorts and underwear, not even pulling them down all the way, just enough until they drop on their own
  10497. >She kicks them aside and closes her legs again, trapping your hand in her crotch
  10498. >With nowhere else to go, your middle and ring fingers hide away in the her insides
  10499. >Her body reacts accordingly, clenching down on your fingers
  10500. >She gives your neck a little nibble, probably just trying to stifle her voice
  10501. >But as usual, to no avail
  10502. >Thank God the music is loud enough to cover up
  10503. >You turn your head to the side to kiss her right on her neck
  10504. >Her legs begin to tremble with excitement, a little more than usual
  10505. >Seeing as how she's loving it though, you continue with gusto, curling your fingers in and out of her hot insides and planting one wet kiss after another at the nape of her neck
  10506. >And, once again way earlier than usual, her knees buckle and you find yourself having to hold her up
  10507. "... already?"
  10508. >Dash: "... m-maybe, shut up"
  10509. >She takes a moment to find her strength again
  10510. >Dash: "It's just... you know... the stress and stuff. I needed this"
  10511. >So that's it
  10512. >And here you were thinking you were some kind of sexual tyrannosaur
  10513. >Dash: "Thanks again Nonny"
  10514. >She beams a big smile
  10515. >Not that nervous half smile from before, but her usual ecstatic smile
  10516. >It was worth it
  10517. >Dash: "Come on, they're probably almost done"
  10518. >Dash starts to leave the backstage area and head back to the seats with you following behind-
  10519. >...
  10520. >Before you forget, you pick up her discarded clothing and toss them to her. She gets redressed before you leave
  10522. >You sneak out the backdoor because it's a much better idea than walking out the from the stage right in the middle of the performance
  10524. >You and Dash regroup with the others just as the Dazzlings finish and leave the stage
  10525. >Rarity: "Everything alright?"
  10526. >Dash, still smiling, silently nods her head
  10527. >Pinkie: "Oh God, we all know what the means"
  10528. >You're unable to come up with a witty retort before the laughter starts, so you decide, fuck it and laugh along
  10529. >Sadly, the moment is ruined far too soon by the no-fun-allowed squad
  10530. >Adagio: "I sure hope you're not laughing at our performance"
  10531. >Aria: "Come on Adagio, let them have their fun. They won't be laughing much longer"
  10532. >So it's a gunfight they want? It's a gunfight they'll-
  10533. >Twilight: "Excuse me?"
  10534. >Twilight speaks up... oh no
  10535. >Twilight: "I'll have you know we have a surprise in store for you that you can't even imagine"
  10536. >Please Twilight just stop
  10537. >Aria: "The real surprise is that you even had music to perform"
  10538. >Twilight: "Are you kidding? We've been practicing for days!"
  10539. >Aria: "The crowd sure didn't seem to notice"
  10540. >Twilight: "They loved it, they were applauding when we left"
  10541. >Aria: "Yeah, out of pity"
  10542. >Twilight: "People don't cheer out of pity!"
  10543. >Okay this has gone on long enough, she needs your help
  10544. "People do all kinds of stuff out of pity, right Aria?"
  10545. >Aria: "What?"
  10546. >Twilight: "Anon what are you-"
  10547. >You put your hand up to shush her
  10548. "After all, that's really the only reason anyone still talks to you"
  10549. >The look on her face says she did NOT see that coming
  10550. >Now that's more like it
  10551. "And if they all knew what literal monsters you were, perhaps not even pity would make a difference"
  10552. >Sonata: "You wouldn't tell, would you?"
  10553. "Good question"
  10554. >The three of them exchange glances, then after letting out a long sigh Adagio speaks up
  10555. >Adagio: "Come on girls, let's go. I think they're about to announced the winners. Oh, and Anon? You ought to watch that mouth of yours, who knows when it'll get you into trouble"
  10556. >On that, they make their departure
  10557. >She's kind of right, you're a big mouth
  10559. >Twilight: "What- But- ... how did you do that?"
  10560. "It's called an argument, ever been in one?"
  10561. >Twilight: "Duh. I was captain of the debate team at Celesstia's Academy for the Gifted back in Equestria. How did YOU get them to leave when I couldn't? I had facts and logic and experience"
  10562. "Human arguments aren't based on logic. It's all about petty insults, baseless made-up facts, and buzzwords. Lots and lots of buzzwords"
  10563. >She'll be a wreck when you return her to her own world
  10565. >The principals take the stage and list off those who will be competing in the finals tomorrow
  10566. >Only sixteen bands will qualify
  10567. >One by one, names are listed off as the finals roster slowly fills up
  10568. >Then, you hear the name you've been waiting for
  10569. >The Rainbooms
  10570. >You're sure the Dazzlings were called next
  10571. >But you couldn't hear it over the sound of the girls cheering
  10572. >... who are you kidding, you were just as pumped
  10574. >On your way out, there were all kinds of reactions
  10575. >Some were disgruntled for obvious reasons
  10576. >Some were juiced for tomorrow
  10577. >Some took their fate with quiet dignity
  10578. >And then there's you and the Rainbooms...
  10579. >Probably the loudest of the winners, you could hear Pinkie's cheers echoing through the entire school. Hell, even Rarity let her inner Russian slip out
  10581. >Applejack: "I gotta admit even I had my doubts for a-"
  10582. >Pinkie: "WOO HOO!"
  10583. >Fluttershy: "looks like Pinkie's excited"
  10584. "And you're not?"
  10585. >Fluttershy: "oh I am, can't you tell? I can be more excited if you want"
  10586. >The fact that she actually speaks loud enough for you to understand her says something at least
  10587. >Dash: "And we owe this victory all to you, my Nonny!"
  10588. >She playfully gives you a smooch on the cheek
  10589. "Me? What did I do?"
  10590. >Dash: "Despite everything, you're the only one who never gave up hope, who never stopped believing"
  10591. >She takes your hands and stands in front of you
  10592. >Dash: "As long as you're with us we'll win for sure!"
  10593. >She gives you a big, excited, bear hug
  10594. >You're not sure your heart can handle this level of sweetness
  10595. >Applejack chuckles, but you're not going to let her ruin the moment
  10596. "Thanks Dashie, but it's really not me you have to thank. At least not entirely"
  10597. >Dash: "Huh?"
  10598. >Much to your dismay she lets you go
  10599. "I'm sure you would have won anyways, but you gotta give credit to whoever's been fixing it too"
  10600. >The girls don't respond
  10601. >None of them are looking at you, but rather around you
  10602. >...
  10603. "Celestia's right behind me isn't she?"
  10604. >They nod their heads 'no'
  10605. "Thank God-"
  10606. >Luna: "Don't speak so soon"
  10607. >Luna pats you on the back before walking away
  10608. >She doesn't even have to say it, you follow her to her office
  10609. >By yourself
  10610. >Once again, that big mouth of yours has screwed you over
  10612. >She takes you back
  10613. >She asks you about it
  10614. >You tell her what you know
  10615. >You show her the note (only the last one about the fixing of the battle, no reason to bring unnecessary drama)
  10616. >...
  10617. >She isn't sure
  10618. >You try to explain yourself
  10619. >...
  10620. >She makes her decision
  10622. >The girls waited for you outside, long after the other groups had left
  10623. >Pinkie: "What's the word Nonny? You busted?"
  10624. >You look around at your group of friends
  10625. >Dash in particular seems eager for an answer, the way she's nervously twiddling her thumbs
  10626. >Dash: "Go ahead, tell us"
  10627. >No more secrets
  10628. >No more secrets
  10629. >You promised no more secrets
  10630. "Everything's fine, I told her everything and she understands"
  10631. >Fucker
  10632. >... Does it still count if they don't believe you?
  10633. >Cause it looks like none of them do
  10635. "... alright alright, here's the truth"
  10636. >Dash: "I thought so"
  10637. >Ouch
  10638. >You made the right call
  10639. "So I tried to tell Luna about the note, I showed it to her and everything"
  10640. >Dash: "And?"
  10641. "... and she said that she believed me. She assured me that there was no cheating involved and that all decisions regarding the competition were made by her and Celestia without any outside motivation"
  10642. >Dash: "So... that's good right? She believed you?"
  10643. "For the most part"
  10644. >Applejack: "There's something else isn't there?"
  10645. >You let out a deep sigh, mentally preparing yourself for this next part
  10646. "Despite everything, she still doesn't believe me one hundred percent. And because she sees me as somehow involved in all this, she said it'd be best if I didn't attend the Battle of the Bands tomorrow. This is not a request, it's an order. She made that very clear"
  10647. >They're reasonably disappointed, but Dash is just a little bit more hurt... a lot more
  10648. >Dash: "What? She can't do that can she?!"
  10649. "I don't see why not"
  10650. >Hate to play the devil's advocate here but...
  10651. >Dash: "But you haven't done anything for this, why is she banning you?"
  10652. "Dashie, relax. It'll be fine"
  10653. >Dash: "Relax? How can I relax?"
  10654. >Applejack: "He's right Dash, we'll be fine. He's technically not in the band anyways"
  10655. >Dash: "But still..."
  10656. "Look Dashie, I'll still be rooting for you guys, don't get me wrong. I just can't be there in person"
  10657. >Dash looks at the ground, contemplating and defeated
  10658. >Then, her fists clench and she looks up with a newfound confidence in her eyes
  10659. >Dash: "Don't worry, we'll make sure to win"
  10660. >She pulls you into a tight hug
  10661. "I know you will"
  10663. >You pull away and turn to the girls
  10664. "All of you. Kick some ass for me tomorrow, got it?"
  10665. >There's a rising confidence in the group
  10666. >Pinkie: "You got it, sir!"
  10667. >Pinkie salutes you like a soldier
  10668. >Applejack: "For once I got your back Anon"
  10669. >Rarity: "We'll kill em just for you"
  10670. >Yup, that's her inner Russian
  10671. >Fluttershy: "..."
  10672. >She silently pumps her fist in the air
  10673. >Good enough
  10674. "You're all they've got for moral support now Sunset"
  10675. >Sunset: "I'll do my best"
  10676. >You look over at Twilight
  10677. "Good luck with that counter-spell"
  10678. >Twilight: "No problem"
  10679. >She gives off an awkward smile
  10680. >Twilight: "We'll kick some... s-some ass!"
  10681. >Well I'll be damned... she's learning well
  10682. >You extend your hand out to the center of your circle of friends
  10683. >Dash places hers on top of yours
  10684. >One by one everyone joins in on the giant hand cluster
  10685. >You give off one last cheer and throw your hands in the air
  10686. >You've always wanted to do that
  10687. >With a burning excitement for tomorrow, you all head home
  10689. >That night
  10690. >You crawl into bed, Dash's bed, first, and she gets herself comfortable next to you
  10691. >Dash: "Ready for tomorrow?"
  10692. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?"
  10693. >Dash: "Yeah, I guess"
  10694. "So... are you?"
  10695. >Dash: "... yeah, I guess"
  10696. >She wiggles closer to you
  10697. >Her hand starts caressing your thigh
  10698. >Dash: "By the way, I've been meaning to thank you for earlier backstage today"
  10699. "Save it"
  10700. >Dash: "Huh?"
  10701. "Save it for tomorrow, when you come home the champion"
  10702. >She giggles
  10703. >Dash: "Good idea. Night Nonny"
  10704. "Good night"
  10705. >Quite frankly, you're just not in the mood right now
  10706. >The Battle of the Bands is tomorrow
  10707. >If the Dazzlings win, who knows what will happen
  10708. >You're not even in the band, and you're just as nervous as them
  10709. >Everything these past two weeks has been building up to this one moment... and you probably won't even be there
  10710. >And Dash... she acts tough but she's really a nervous wreck
  10711. >Speaking of whom... she's already sound asleep
  10712. >At least she'll be sleeping tonight
  10714. >Saturday
  10715. >The big day
  10716. >You woke up that morning in bed, alone
  10717. >Glancing over at the clock, the red numbers blink 7:16 AM
  10718. >You consider getting up and looking for her, then you remember that you're supposed to be hidden
  10719. >What's the worst that could happen if her grandpa finds you
  10720. >Her crazy, angry, war veteran grandpa...
  10721. >Nah, you'll stick around in her room waiting
  10722. >She comes in moments later, her hair damp and dressed as if ready for school, carrying two plates of food
  10723. >Dash: "Well, so much for a surprise"
  10724. "You mean how you got up this early?"
  10725. >Dash: "Sounds like someone doesn't want breakfast"
  10726. >She turns around and heads back to her bedroom door
  10727. "Dashie wait, I didn't mean-"
  10728. >Dash: "Gotcha"
  10729. >She comes back to you and hands you a plate of waffles, keeping the other for herself, then, with a kind of shit-eating grin you usually have, sits next to you
  10730. >You feel a sudden urge to punch her in the arm
  10732. >After breakfast you quickly get yourself dressed
  10733. "So what time do you have to leave?"
  10734. >She glances over at the clock
  10735. >Dash: "Soon, probably. We have to get there early to check in and prepare and everything. But the doors don't open for the audience until a half hour before the competition, so you don't have to show up until-..."
  10736. >For obvious reasons, she doesn't finish that thought
  10737. >Dash: "... well, you know"
  10738. "Yeah"
  10739. >Dash: "Sorry, it slipped my mind for a-"
  10740. "No worries, let's just get going"
  10741. >You give her a quick but heartfelt hug before double-checking that she has everything she needs for the Battle of the Bands
  10742. >Then, you slip out her bedroom window with the grace of a flailing monkey
  10743. >Dash: "Where are you going?"
  10744. "The least I could do is walk you there. Meet you out front"
  10746. >Slipping out the window, that was the easy part
  10747. >Jumping the wooden fence of her backyard, now that was a real trick
  10748. >She's waiting for you on the sidewalk in front of her house, and you meet her with minimal injuries
  10749. >She seems like she wants to ask what took so long at first, but the scrapes and splinters seems to speak for themselves
  10750. >Hey, at least today can't get any worse
  10752. >The girls are all waiting at the front of the school
  10753. >Even on a non-school day, Dash is almost late
  10754. >Pinkie: "Nonny? What are you doing here? Are you sneaking in with us?"
  10755. "Nope, just making a delivery"
  10756. >You give Dash a playful pat on the back, then turn towards Twilight
  10757. "So Twilight, you ready?"
  10758. >Twilight: "Ready as I'll ever be"
  10759. "Ready for what?"
  10760. >Twilight: "The Battle of the Bands, duh"
  10761. "And?"
  10762. >Twilight: "... and?"
  10763. "You know I'm not leaving until you say it again"
  10764. >Twilight: "... ugh"
  10765. >She puts on a fake smile
  10766. >Twilight: "Ready to... to kick some ass"
  10767. >Hearing Twilight swear gets a smile out of everyone
  10768. >It's a good thing she's got such a negative influence like you
  10769. >Twilight: "Okay, before Anonymous gets out of control with the obscenities-"
  10770. "Ass is hardly obscene"
  10771. >Twilight: "-we should head in before we're late"
  10772. >Pinkie: "Hate to be a party pooper but she is right. We should get going"
  10773. >The girls funnel in through the doors waving goodbye to you
  10774. >Sunset: "See ya later Anon, I'll let you know when we win"
  10775. "I'll be waiting"
  10776. >After everyone's inside, Dash lingers around for a moment
  10777. >Dash: "... hey Nonny, think you can do me a favor?"
  10778. "Anything"
  10779. >Dash: "Wish me luck?"
  10780. "Come on, you don't need luck, you got skill"
  10781. >Dash: "I know I know, but still. For me?"
  10782. >The look in her eyes says she's desperate for this, and not in a good way, and you conclude that the best thing to do is to entertain her request
  10783. >You pull her close to you and kiss her on the forehead
  10784. >Then, you ruffle her hair like you would to a small child and say "Good luck Dashie"
  10785. >She giggles
  10786. >Dash: "Thanks Nonny"
  10787. >She gives you one more kiss
  10788. >When she breaks away from your embrace, she quickly heads inside
  10789. >Dash: "Don't worry, I'll keep you posted!"
  10790. >The door closes behind her, leaving you on the front steps of the school alone
  10791. >You can't exactly go back to her place, seeing as how you can't go in the front door and you're not going to bother with that damn fence again
  10792. >Looks like you have no other choice
  10794. >You stand at the front door of your apartment, cautious about entering
  10795. >The big day is today, so if the Dazzlings WERE the ones leaving the notes then you have nothing to worry about
  10796. >Just in case, you need some back up
  10797. >This isn't exactly a Vlad situation, so she'll be good enough
  10798. >You knock on your neighbor's door
  10799. >It slowly creaks open, and you're greeted not by the usual purple-haired woman you've come to know as neighbor, but rather, a little girl
  10800. >Girl: "Whaddya want?"
  10801. "Is, umm... "
  10802. >You try to ask, but you really don't know you're neighbor's name
  10803. "Is anyone else here with you?"
  10804. >"Hey hey hey, what did I tell you about opening the door!"
  10805. >From inside, your usual neighbor comes out from the hall and comes to the door, shooing the little one away like a mother to a small child
  10806. >You neighbor, a mother... huh
  10807. >Neighbor: "So what pray tell do you grace us with your presence for?"
  10808. "I need you for a moment"
  10809. >She steps out and closes the door behind her
  10810. >Neighbor: "Dare I ask what for?"
  10811. "Just watch my back for a moment, I need to make sure no one's in my apartment"
  10812. >Neighbor: "A bit paranoid aren't we?"
  10813. "Look it's just for a minute, alright?"
  10814. >Neighbor: "Fine, I got your back"
  10815. >You turn back to your door, put the key in the hole, open the door, and after what felt like years of being gone step into your apartment
  10816. >It looks exactly like it did before you left
  10817. >Still messy
  10818. >But an empty mess nonetheless, you clear every room in the apartment twice just to be sure
  10819. >Relieved, you plop down on the sofa and she sees herself out
  10820. >You turn on the t.v.
  10822. >After a while of looking for something interesting to watch but to no avail, your phone buzzes
  10823. >It's a selfie of Dash and the rest of the band, with a message that they're about to go on
  10824. >They all look excited at least
  10825. >You resume channel flipping, trying to find some more entertaining than the cooking channel...
  10826. >Nothing
  10827. >Damn it
  10828. >About five or ten minutes later, though quite frankly it felt like hours, you get another message, another image of Dash and the girls, and they look happy
  10829. >In the background you see angry cello girl, and judging by the look on her face she must have just lost
  10830. >About every ten or so minutes, you get another message or image, keeping you updated on who won and who lost, or just telling you about how much ass the Rainbooms have been kicking
  10831. >You let out a loud, winded sigh
  10832. >They're out competing in the Battle of the Bands
  10833. >Meanwhile, you're just here doing absolutely nothing
  10834. >At least they're probably having a better day than you
  10836. >Twilight: "Hey Dash, we're up"
  10837. >You are Rainbow Dash, and you're too distracted to listen to her
  10838. >You've been keeping Anon updated on what's going on
  10839. >Twilight: "Hello? We're up next, come on"
  10840. "Alright, just give me a sec-"
  10841. >Applejack: "Now Rainbow, you can talk to your little lover later"
  10842. "Alright alright! Jeez, lay off will you?"
  10843. >You roll your eyes and send Anon a quick message, making sure there's nothing conveying just how stressed you really are
  10844. >Between missing him and Twilight STILL not finished with her counter-spell, you're a bit of a wreck
  10845. >The girls don't seem to be as stressed out as you are, and you can take comfort in knowing that Anon is relaxing
  10846. >At least he's probably having a better day than you
  10848. >Once again you are Anon
  10849. >You're aimlessly zoned out on the couch when the door opens, and you jump to attention with ninja-like reflexes
  10850. >Neighbor: "Just me, checking in on ya. You were so paranoid when I left I have to make sure you're not about to blow the place up or something"
  10851. >She comes in, uninvited I might add, and takes a seat next to you, propping her feet up on the coffee table
  10852. >Hasn't she heard of manners?
  10853. >Rarity would tear her a new one
  10854. "Sorry, but since when has my table been a doormat for everyone's filthy shoes?"
  10855. >Neighbor: "Like it was clean before"
  10856. "You know, you're a horrible role model for that daughter of yours"
  10857. >Neighbor: "Daughter? The hell are you talking about?"
  10858. "The little one in your apartment"
  10859. >Neighbor: "Oh, her? No, she's my little sister. She insisted on coming with me when my parents kicked me out... well, it was more like she refused to NOT come. So they make me babysit her whenever they're out of town"
  10860. "Sounds awful"
  10861. >Neighbor: "No, my parents were right. I needed to get my life together-"
  10862. "No, I mean being forced to babysit your little sister
  10863. >Neighbor: "Oh, that. She gets tough to handle sometimes, but in general she's a nice girl"
  10864. >... this neighbor of yours is more mature than you thought
  10865. >Maybe she's not so bad a person after all
  10866. >*BUZZ BUZZ*
  10867. >Your phone, probably another Dash message
  10868. >You're actually looking forward to these now
  10869. >Neighbor: "Who's that, you're gay lover?"
  10870. >... take it back, she's the same bitch she's always been
  10871. >Regardless, you explain to her the whole situation
  10872. >The Battle
  10873. >The Dazlings
  10874. >The you getting kicked out
  10876. >Upon finishing the story she silently nods her head
  10877. >She believes your story about magic and monsters a lot easier than you'd expect
  10878. >Neighbor: "... these Dazzlings girls, what did you say they looked like?"
  10879. "One of them has hair like cotton candy, only more orange-ish. Aria has a perpetual bitch face kind of look. And Sonata, she's the not-very-smart one"
  10880. >Neighbor: "That's them"
  10881. "That's who?"
  10882. >Neighbor: "I saw them lingering around here the other day, when that message got stuck on your door. Didn't think anything of it, they were just standing across the street in front of the laundromat, just watching. I left before any of them did anything"
  10883. >Well... shit. So it was them. One of them at least
  10884. >Dash was right all along
  10885. >Neighbor: "So what's your plan anyways?"
  10886. "Plan? Plan for what?"
  10887. >Neighbor: "Plan for sneaking back into the school for the competition"
  10888. "I'm not"
  10889. >She seems unpleasantly surprised
  10890. "... What? What's with that look?"
  10891. >Neighbor: "You're freaking kidding me, right?"
  10892. "What are you talking about?"
  10893. >Neighbor: "Since when do you listen to what other people tell you, especially from school?"
  10894. "This time is different. It's more than just my ass on the line"
  10895. >Neighbor: "That never stopped you before"
  10896. "Maybe I'm finally thinking straight"
  10897. >Neighbor: "Maybe you just lost this one"
  10898. "... excuse me?"
  10899. >Neighbor: "Like you said, they've been trying to wedge you guys apart from the very beginning. Sounds like a win on their part"
  10900. >She's right
  10901. >She's definitely right, and you know it
  10902. >But damned if you'll admit it
  10904. "Look, I'm just using my head here. The way I see it, so long as my friends stop their plan, then it's a win for all of us"
  10905. >Neighbor: "Here's an idea: Use that head of yours instead to think of a plan to get in there"
  10906. "It's too much of a risk. I don't want to be reason they get disqualified if I'm caught"
  10907. >Neighbor: "And you think they will? I was there a few years before you, and unless things have drastically changed the staff there is a bunch of idiots"
  10908. "Nope, not much has changed"
  10909. >Neighbor: "So come on, throw on a cheap disguise and get your ass down there"
  10910. >Is this what a pep talk feels like? Is this how the girls feel when you build their excitement like you did yesterday?
  10911. >Cause you feel it now
  10912. >And there's no stopping you
  10913. >Neighbor: "I should be on my way, you look like you'll be fine"
  10914. >She gets up and makes her way out
  10915. "Before you go... thanks"
  10916. >Neighbor: "For?"
  10917. "For talking some sense into me"
  10918. >More like out of you
  10920. >You quickly throw on a disguise- a baggy sweater and a pain of sunglasses
  10921. >Not much, but it should be enough
  10922. >As you make your way out the door you catch your neighbor and her little sister waiting outside their front door, the former having her hands behind her back
  10923. >Neighbor: "I knew your disguise would be awful. Take this"
  10924. >She pulls out from behind her back a hat, and a fedora at that, and places it on top of your head
  10925. >Neighbor: "At least it kind of helps. Definitely makes people not want to look at you"
  10926. >You hate to admit it, but she's right, so you thank her
  10927. >Girl: "You look like a dummy!"
  10928. "You look like a dummy-"
  10929. >Neighbor: "-Don't talk to my sister like that!"
  10930. >She's right, arguing with a little girl just makes you look like a dummy
  10931. >Besides, there's no time
  10932. >You've got a band to battle
  10934. >You arrive at the school with a plan
  10935. >An elaborate execution for infiltrating the campus
  10936. >It's tough, it's risky...
  10937. >And it's serious overkill for a damn high school
  10938. >What the hell kind of security do you think they have?
  10939. >*RATTLE RATTLE*
  10940. >... well, they have locks on the front doors
  10941. >It's not much but it's certainly keeping you out
  10942. >Time to fall back on "the plan" after all
  10944. >You make your way around to the side of the school, checking every window for an unlocked entrance point
  10945. >None
  10946. >But there's at least one you know for sure you can get in
  10948. >You reach Redheart's office, or rather, the outside of her office
  10949. >It's a pretty high window, just barely at your shoulders
  10950. >It's going to take some serious ninja maneuvers to get in
  10951. >Peeking in the window like a creep, you catch her sitting at her desk with her head down
  10952. >She must be asleep
  10953. >The window is always unlocked, because she's always smoking in her office
  10954. >Maybe you shouldn't try sneaking in, you might wake her up
  10955. >And God knows you won't make it out alive if you do
  10956. >You take your chances
  10957. >She sleeps through the loud creak of the window which could really use some WD-40
  10958. >You manage to climb up, getting your left leg through the window
  10959. >Take a moment to carefully plan your next move, taking extra care not to have a repeat of Dash's backyard fence
  10960. >Straddling on the window frame, you've gotten past the hard part
  10961. >Now you've just got to get the rest of you in
  10962. >You single out a clear space on her desk where you won't step on any papers or her hair
  10963. >You calculate your step
  10964. >You envision your step
  10965. >Slowly... very slowly...
  10966. >You take your step
  10967. >"INTRUDER!"
  10968. >With the grace of a flailing monkey you fall through the window
  10969. >Just to add salt to the literal wound, the window closes on your leg
  10970. >Trying to free your leg, you twist it in ways you never knew your leg could even bend
  10971. >You free yourself, falling face first onto the desk then the floor
  10972. -
  10973. >Naturally the commotion causes Redheart to jump to her feet, just now waking up
  10974. >She wasn't the one who shouted
  10975. >No, the one who shouted was the man now lifting you off the ground by your collar
  10976. >A big, brawny, intoxicated Russian man
  10978. "St-Stop, it's me-!"
  10980. >Nurse: "The hell is going on here?!"
  10981. >Vlad: "This man- this dead man- tried to invade"
  10982. >Redheart rubs her eyes and takes a close look at you, then closer, then closer, before flicking the fedora from your head
  10983. >Nurse: "Relax Vlad, it's just Anon"
  10984. >Vlad looks at you much like Redheart just did, and then lets out a hearty laugh
  10985. >Vlad: "Little man! You crazy bastard!"
  10986. >His life-threatening grip on your collar turns into a life-threatening hug
  10987. >Vlad: "You managed to deceive even a mastermind like myself!"
  10988. >Much to your relief, he puts you down
  10989. >Well, more like drops you
  10990. >You must have hurt your ankle pretty bad in that fall, it's tough to stand on
  10991. >While picking yourself up you slip your hand on a wet spot on the floor
  10992. >That's when you notice the puddle of coffee and the two cups on the floor next to it
  10993. >Nurse: "So much for my coffee"
  10994. "Sorry about that"
  10995. >Nurse: "Nah, it's not your fault. Damn principals tell me to drag my ass here on a Saturday because 'someone might get hurt at the Battle of the Bands'. It's a not literally a freaking battle for Christ's sake!"
  10996. >She yawns, and judging by her ranting she seems to be mostly awake now
  10997. -
  10998. >Nurse: "So what's up with the whole, 'secret agent' act you got going on here?"
  10999. >She gestures towards you with her hands, probably referring to how you're dressed
  11000. "Well, I'm technically not supposed to be here today. I'm banned from attending"
  11001. >Nurse: "The hell are you guilty of this time?"
  11002. "Nothing. Just having a big mouth"
  11003. >She slowly nods
  11004. >Nurse: "Yeah, makes sense. And you know, Vlad technically isn't supposed to be here either. So... you know"
  11005. >The two of you nod, silently agreeing that if either of you snitches to Luna then you'll drag each other down
  11006. >Nurse: "Kudos on the disguise by the way. A hat and sunglasses, very original"
  11007. >Vlad: "And good idea of wearing ladies clothes. No one will suspect you"
  11008. "Whoa whoa whoa, what do you mean, 'ladies clothes'?"
  11009. >Nurse: "That's a girl's hat you had on"
  11010. "It's just a regular hat"
  11011. >Nurse: "It has a girl's name written on the tag"
  11012. >Do you really have time to be arguing about the gender of your clothing?
  11013. >This isn't tumblr
  11014. >Besides, you have more important stuff to do
  11015. "While I'm sure you'd love me to stick around, I did come here for a reason"
  11016. >Nurse: "And as much as I'd love to put up with more of your nonsense, we have work to do too"
  11017. >Sounds like someone's getting laid
  11018. >...
  11019. >No
  11020. >Get that image out of your head
  11021. >Besides, you've got your own booty to claim
  11022. >You put your hat back on, put your head down, and make your way out
  11023. -
  11024. >Your phone buzzes, another message from Dash. They're about to go up
  11025. >You hobble through the halls, trying to step as lightly on your bad leg as possible
  11026. >You've survived worse. Hell, you've self-inflicted worse to skip gym
  11027. >... maybe?
  11029. >You stand at the doors to the gym as if they're the gates of hell
  11030. >Remember: you go in there and you're in the same room as Vice Principal Luna, the one who made it explicitly clear that you can't be here
  11031. >But you've got a master disguise
  11032. >It may just be a hat and sunglasses, but it worked for the Unabomber and every robber ever
  11033. >Deep breath...
  11034. >Then you push the doors open and enter
  11036. >The gym is packed
  11037. >The bleachers are full, the folding chairs they put out for extra seating are full, there's even people having to stand
  11038. >The girls are still setting up, so you wait back by the doors and enjoy the performance
  11040. >They're good, but that should come as no surprise to you
  11041. >And apparently the crowd seems to share your sentiments
  11042. >Looks like they won this round
  11043. >Time to go congratulate your lover in person
  11044. -
  11045. >You manage to catch them just as they're walking off-stage
  11046. "Way to go guys, you kicked ass!"
  11047. >Dash: "Thanks dude"
  11048. >... that's it?
  11049. >She doesn't even look to you
  11050. >You expected a little more
  11051. >Perhaps she didn't really notice you
  11052. >Gotta make yourself noticed
  11053. >You spontaneously stop her in her tracks and try to hug her
  11054. >Dash: "Whoa, what the hell man?"
  11055. >She puts her arms up to keep you separated, and then steps aside so she can walk away
  11056. >The look on her face is one of confusion and disgust...
  11057. >Wait a second
  11058. >Once again, you forgot that you're still wearing a disguise
  11059. >Quickly, before she gets too far away, you discard the sunglasses and hat
  11060. "Dashie, wait up!"
  11061. >She turns around so fast you could have sworn her neck was going to snap
  11062. >Dash: "Nonny?!"
  11064. >By the time the other girls even notice it's you, your girlfriend is already dashing towards you
  11065. >You put your arms out and brace yourself for high impact
  11066. >When your bodies meet, you fall to the floor together, knocked down by the power of love
  11067. >And her tackle hug
  11068. >And to be fair, your injured leg probably played a part in it too
  11069. >But other than that stuff, power of love and what not
  11070. "I take it you're-mHmm"
  11071. >Before you can get a word in her lips lock with yours
  11072. >You were going to ask if she's glad to see you, but it's safe to say your question is answered
  11073. >Her immediate response is joy, but once she pulls away from the kiss and takes a moment to consider the situation, she gives you a good punch in the shoulder, just a little harder than her usual loving hits
  11074. >Dash: "Are you out of your mind?"
  11075. "What?"
  11076. >Dash: "You know you're not supposed to be here!"
  11077. "But I-"
  11078. >Dash: "You could get in serious trouble!"
  11079. "I just thought-"
  11080. >Dash: "Shut up"
  11081. >She kisses you again
  11082. >On the one hand, she's not letting you get a single word in edgewise
  11083. >On the other hand, she just wanted you to shut up so she can kiss you again
  11084. >Hard to tell if she's mad or happy
  11085. >Probably both
  11086. -
  11087. >Applejack: "Okay, just what the hay is this all about?"
  11088. >You were too distracted by Dash's assault to notice the others joined you
  11089. "Didn't you hear? She and I are dating now"
  11090. >Applejack: "I knew that smartass, I meant with her. You've been sour with us all day, and now he's back, and all of a sudden you're in a good mood again?"
  11091. >Dash: "No I wasn't!"
  11092. "Really? Were you?"
  11093. >She starts averting her eyes
  11094. >Dash: "Well... maybe just a little but it's not like I-"
  11095. "Sounds like a 'no' to me"
  11096. >Applejack: "Seriously?"
  11097. "She would never"
  11098. >In truth, you wouldn't put it past her being rude to the others, but hey- you're just glad to know you're not the only one putting up with bullshit today
  11099. >Plus, it's fun messing with her
  11100. >Pinkie approaches and kneels down beside your face and starts poking your face with her finger
  11101. "... nice seeing you too Pinkie"
  11102. >Pinkie: "I don't believe you"
  11103. "Believe me?"
  11104. >She pinches your cheek, gently stretching your face out as if trying to pull a mask off your face
  11105. >Pinkie: "You're not the real Nonny are you?"
  11106. "Why wouldn't I be-"
  11107. >Pinkie: "-Quick say something only the real Nonny would say!!"
  11108. >Dash: "Pinkie, knock it off"
  11109. "Yeah, keep it up and I won't invite you to my next sex party"
  11110. >She silently stares at you, before finally cracking a smile
  11111. >Pinkie: "Alright alright, maybe you're the real Nonny..."
  11112. >She grabs your hat and sunglasses from the floor
  11113. >After staring at the name tag on the inside of the hat for a moment, she hands them both to you
  11114. >Pinkie: "... maybe"
  11115. >You glance around the gym at the crowd
  11116. >Since they're currently in-between performances, there's nothing else for the crowd to focus on
  11117. >You notice more and more eyes drifting in your direction
  11118. "Hey Dashie, perhaps we should get up. People are starting to stare"
  11119. >You're not concerned about looking like you're banging on the floor here
  11120. >You're concerned about being seen without your disguise
  11121. -
  11122. >Dash gets up and grabs your hand
  11123. >She pulls you up to your feet, only for you to end up stumbling over and ultimately leaning onto her shoulder
  11124. >Since all the seats are occupied, you and the girls stand off to the side against the wall
  11125. >You explain everything to her that happened today since you left home
  11126. >Then she recounts the events of the day as if she hasn't been texting you every ten minutes all day telling you what's been going on
  11127. >But she loves flaunting her awesomeness, and you're not going to take that away
  11128. >You get a stern shush from someone standing near you and your friends
  11129. "What's going on?"
  11130. >Rarity: "I think the Dazzlings are about to go up. It's them against Flash and his band"
  11131. >Dash: "Nonny"
  11132. "Yeah, I know"
  11133. >You cover your ears
  11134. >You probably look like an ass, but if you start vomiting during their performance you'll just make an ass of yourself anyways
  11135. >It's a lose/lose situation
  11137. >If you've ever tried blocking out noise by covering your ears with your hands, then you know that it doesn't work
  11138. >But it helps... kind of
  11139. >At least you'll be holding down breakfast, but you're glad to hear the end of their performance
  11140. >On the downside, you're going to have to deal with the Dazzlings in the finals, but it's nothing you didn't see coming
  11141. >On the upside, you got to see Flash get butt-blasted by someone other than yourself
  11142. -
  11143. >Celestia: "The next band up is the Rainbooms"
  11144. >Rarity: "That's our call"
  11145. >Dash: "You going to be okay?"
  11146. "I'm fine"
  11147. >She lets you stand on your own. After a brief wince on pain, you find your balance
  11148. >She waits for a moment
  11149. "I'm fine, really. Get up there and kick some ass"
  11150. >She giggles and pats you on the shoulder
  11151. >Dash: "We'll win this one for you"
  11152. >She walks towards the stage with the other girls, a confident smile across her face
  11153. >A confident, preemptive victory smile
  11154. >It's really sweet to see her back to her old self again
  11155. >You lean back against the wall for support and decide to wait for them here
  11156. >Okay, mental note
  11157. >See a doctor about this later
  11159. >...
  11160. >So aside from a few mishaps during their performance, they rocked pretty hard
  11161. >And miraculously, they won
  11162. >You wave to them as they approach
  11163. >They almost didn't recognize you again at first
  11164. >It's amazing what a hat and sunglasses can do to a person
  11165. "Awesome guys, absolutely awesome"
  11166. >Applejack: "Well, we made it at least"
  11167. "Hey, a win is a win in my book"
  11168. >Applejack: "Can't argue with that logic"
  11169. >You give Dash a congratulatory hug, a sly excuse to lean on her for support
  11170. >Dash: "Whoa, you okay?"
  11171. >Apparently, not sly enough
  11172. "Yeah, I'm okay, just-
  11173. >Dash: "-Okay, let me rephrase that. What's wrong with you?"
  11174. "I may have fallen out a window or two in the process of getting in here, And since then my leg been a pain in the ass"
  11175. >Don't you mean a pain in the leg?
  11176. >Pinkie: "Yeah, breaking and entering is a risky business"
  11177. >Dash: "Maybe you should see Redheart about that, I think she came in today. Maybe she can at least give you some pain medicine or something"
  11178. "Nah, it'll be fine"
  11179. >Dash: "I'm not asking, now come on"
  11180. >Realizing she could forcefully drag you along if she wanted, you agree to go with her
  11181. >Dash: "Meet you all out front in a bit"
  11182. -
  11183. >You reach her office, Dash being the only thing holding you off the ground, and knock on the door, silently hoping you're not interrupting anything
  11184. >Hey, she's in there with Vlad, and it's not like no one's ever gotten frisky in that office
  11185. >The door opens, and thankfully she's still fully clothed
  11186. >Nurse: "You know the doors are open now, right? You don't have to re-climb out the window"
  11187. "It's not that"
  11188. >Dash: "Can you take a look at his leg? He's been barely standing since I saw him today"
  11189. >Nurse: "Yeah yeah, get on in here"
  11190. >She invites the two of you in
  11191. >Vlad is still here, sitting on the bed, so you take a seat next to him
  11192. >Nurse: "Which leg is it now?"
  11193. >You stick out your leg that got clamped in the window
  11194. >She fells it up for a moment, in a purely non-sexual way
  11195. >In a painful way
  11196. >Then, she stops, rolls up the leg of your pants, and continues feeling around
  11197. >You wince and grit your teeth, but bear the pain
  11198. >You wouldn't be caught dead showing weakness in front of Vlad
  11199. >It's a pride thing
  11200. >Nurse: "... oh boy..."
  11201. "What is it?"
  11202. >Nurse: "Tell me exactly what happened here"
  11203. "The window slammed on my leg when I fell through and-"
  11204. >Nurse: "-Shit"
  11205. >Dash: "What's going on?"
  11206. >Dash kneels down next to Redheart and feels your leg
  11207. "Dashie? Everything okay?"
  11208. >Dash: "... huh?"
  11209. "I said is it okay?"
  11210. >Dash: "O-Oh yeah, you'll be okay"
  11211. >That's not quite what you asked
  11212. >The looks on her and Redheart's faces weren't very reassuring either
  11213. "... guys?"
  11214. >Nurse: "Vlad, can you carry him back to the car?"
  11215. >Redheart starts gathering her stuff in a hurry, getting ready to leave
  11216. "Car?"
  11217. >Vlad: "You heard the lady, come on"
  11218. >He grabs you under the shoulders and by your waist and picks you up princess style
  11219. >Nurse: "And be gentle, we don't want him getting any worse. Dash, a little help?"
  11220. >Dash: "Got it"
  11221. >She gently grabs your bad leg and holds it stable
  11222. "Where the hell are we going?"
  11223. >Dash: "The hospital"
  11224. "Hospital?"
  11225. >Nurse: "Your leg's fucking broken, kid"
  11227. >They gingerly place you in the backseat of the car
  11228. >Dash gets in back with you
  11229. >It's just now starting to don on you that your fucking leg is broken
  11230. >Despite all the times you've gone and gotten yourself hurt, it's never been this bad before
  11231. >Quite frankly you should have known something was wrong
  11232. >This one's on you
  11233. >It's not that big of a deal though... okay, it's a pretty big deal, but you know it's nothing to worry about
  11234. >Dash: "Trust me, you'll be fine"
  11235. "I know"
  11236. >Dash: "I've been playing sports since I was walking, I've seen my fair share of broken bones before"
  11237. "I'm sure you have"
  11238. >Dash: "You're in good hands now. You've got nothing to worry about"
  11239. "Okay, the more you talk, the more I actually do worry"
  11240. >Dash: "... right, I'll stop now"
  11241. >Now you're actually worried
  11242. >Thanks Dash
  11244. >The county hospital is only a ten or so minute drive away, but it felt like at least an hour
  11245. >She finds an open parking space closest to the entrance
  11246. >Redheart gets out of the car and comes around to the back to help you out
  11247. >With one arm around Dash's shoulders and the other around Redheart's, you limp towards the building, keeping from stepping with your broken leg
  11249. >There were only a few other people there, and yet the receptionist looked not even the slightest bit motivated as you enter
  11250. >She slowly drifts her gaze towards you, then back to her desk, idly chewing gum with her mouth open
  11251. >From beneath she produced a clipboard with a few pieces of paper attached and a pen attached on a ball chain
  11252. >"Come here and fill this out and I'll tell the doctor when you're done"
  11253. >Dash: "His leg is broken-"
  11254. >"-Come here and fill this out"
  11255. >Dash: "What for? We already know what the issue is"
  11256. >"Just fill out the paperwork"
  11257. >Redheart: "Look, I know this kid's medical records like the back of my hand, so just get the damn doctor already"
  11258. >You're never taking Redheart for granted as a nurse again
  11259. >"And I'm telling you, just fill out the damn paperwork already"
  11260. >This is going to take a while
  11261. >Dash leads you over to the seating area and helps you sit down, then takes a seat next to you
  11262. >Meanwhile, the arguing continues
  11263. >Redheart: "If I have to take him back there and handle him myself I will, and I'm qualified so don't give me any shit"
  11264. >"Try it and I'll call the cops"
  11265. "Just bring me the paperwork already"
  11266. >As much as you support Redheart here, now's not the time
  11267. >Maybe later, when your leg is fixed and not throbbing in pain
  11268. >After coming to a "fuck it" conclusion, Redheart grabs the clipboard
  11269. >The two of them exchange a mutual flip of the bird before she brings you the clipboard
  11271. >You pretty much bullshit your way through the paperwork
  11272. >Are you allergic to any medication? - NO
  11273. >Are you a regular smoker? - NO
  11274. >Are you currently- NO
  11275. >NO
  11276. >NO
  11277. >NO
  11278. >NO to everything, cause you're the healthiest mother fucker around
  11279. >Probably not the best thing to do, but if you actually thought things through you wouldn't be here with a banged up leg, now would you?
  11280. >Redheart takes it as soon as you're done and slams it on the receptionist's counter
  11281. >Redheart: "Satisfied?"
  11282. >The receptionist snaps her gum
  11283. >"Sure, why not"
  11284. >She steps into a back room
  11285. >Dash pats you on the leg, your good one
  11286. >Dash: "We'll get you fixed up real soon"
  11287. >She's talking to you like a child who scraped his knee
  11288. >Then again, your eyes are starting to tear up despite your best efforts to hold back
  11289. >Just like a child with a scraped knee
  11290. >Dash: "And don't worry Nonny, I'll be right here"
  11291. >You try to speak without choking up... you certainly try
  11292. "What about the Battle of the Bands?"
  11293. >Dash: "Oh don't worry, the final round isn't until tonight. I'm not leaving your side until I absolutely have to"
  11294. >The receptionist comes back with who appears to be a doctor pushing an empty wheelchair
  11295. >Doctor: "I take it you're the one with a problem?"
  11296. >It sounded a lot more insulting than he probably intended it to be
  11297. >He and Redheart help you into the wheelchair, and they wheel you into the examination room, Dash following closely behind
  11299. >Upon reaching the room, they help you out of the chair and onto the bed
  11300. >It's not much larger than the one in the nurse's office at the school
  11301. >You tell him everything that happened, leaving out some of the finer details
  11302. >Such as how you were technically breaking and entering
  11303. >Once that is all cleared up, he begins examining your leg to assess the damage
  11304. >To your dismay, he's not quite as gentle as the girls were
  11305. >Doctor: "... hmm..."
  11306. "Is something wrong?"
  11307. >Redheart: "You know, aside from the obvious?"
  11308. >Doctor: "..."
  11309. >He's not saying anything
  11310. >That's totally reassuring
  11311. >Doctor: "... alright"
  11312. "Alright what?"
  11313. >He reaches under the bed and pulls out a hospital gown, nicely folded
  11314. >Doctor: "Possibly fractured, but we should take an x-ray to be sure. Put this on and I'll be back in just a minute"
  11315. >After handing you the gown he leaves the room
  11316. >You get your shirt off and with a little help from Dash you struggle out of your pants
  11317. >As usual she struggles with get your pants unbuttoned
  11318. >Despite the pain you have time to enjoy her cuteness
  11319. >You quickly get the gown on before Redheart can make a comment on the size of your dick in your boxers
  11320. >... shut up it's cold in here
  11321. >Redheart: "Adorable"
  11322. "Looks better on me than it does you"
  11323. >No matter how much pain you're in you can't stop your jackass-ery
  11324. >You wait in the room for the doctor to come back
  11325. >...
  11326. >...
  11327. >...
  11329. "How long have we been waiting?
  11330. >You glance around the room looking for a clock, but there's not a single one
  11331. >Dash: "A long time"
  11332. >Redheart: "Welcome to the Canterlot healthcare system, my tax dollars not at work"
  11333. >*RIIIIING*
  11334. >Dash's phone rings
  11335. >Dash: "Hey Pinkie what's up... where am I?"
  11336. >She glances at you
  11337. >You shake your head
  11338. >They got a competition to worry about, they don't need to be worrying about you in the hospital
  11339. >Dash: "... just at home, why? ... now? Like, right now right now?"
  11340. >She covers up the speaking part of her phone
  11341. >Dash: "They want to meet up early before the finals"
  11342. "Go ahead"
  11343. >Dash: "Sure?"
  11344. >You nod
  11345. >Not like anything is happening here anytime soon
  11346. >She uncovers her phone
  11347. >Dash: "Yeah sure, I'll be there in a bit"
  11348. >She hangs up
  11349. >You immediately start disrobing and get your shirt back on
  11350. >Dash: "Whoa, what are you doing?"
  11351. "You just said we're meeting up, didn't you?"
  11352. >Dash: "YOU'RE not going anywhere. In case you forgot your leg is still broken"
  11353. >How could you forget
  11354. >Redheart: "I'm with her on this one. As much as I'm entertained by your usual idiocy, you've got to stay"
  11355. "Come on, I've been here forever just waiting, they're not doing shit. Hell, you could probably help me more from your garage"
  11356. >Don't go putting any ideas in her head now
  11357. >Redheart: "Come on Dash, I'll take you wherever you need to go"
  11358. >Dash: "Don't worry Nonny, we'll win for you"
  11359. "And the sake of humanity, right?"
  11360. >Dash: "Yeah, that too"
  11361. >She gives you a gentle hug before heading
  11362. >Redheart: "Go anywhere, and I'll see to it you end up right back in here"
  11363. >She exits with Dash, not once turning her back to you
  11364. >As much as you hate to admit it, they're right
  11365. >All you can do is hope for them now
  11367. >You are Redheart
  11368. >The whole ride with Dash was silent and awkward
  11369. >Eventually, you pull up in a parking lot near big outdoor stage, where you see those other girls she's always hanging out with waiting
  11370. >How the hell the school could afford to rent this thing out for the Battle of the Bands you'll never know
  11371. >Dash steps out of the car
  11372. >Dash: "Hey Redheart, can you do me a favor?"
  11373. "Sure, what's up?"
  11374. >Dash: "Just... make sure he's alright, alright?"
  11375. "No problem"
  11376. >Dash: "Thanks"
  11377. >She shuts the car door ad hurries to her friends
  11378. >You should be hurrying back to the hospital
  11379. >But instead, you just sit here and think for a second
  11380. >... you've got a plan
  11381. >It's a stupid plan
  11382. >Like, "Anon" levels of stupid
  11383. >But damn it this is for the best
  11385. >You are Anon
  11386. >You have no idea how long it's been since Redheart left, but she's still not back yet
  11387. >Are you going to die here?
  11388. >Probably
  11389. >You're still half dressed in your shirt and boxers, the gown on the bed next to you
  11390. >To your relief, a nurse finally comes in wearing a cliché nurse's hat that you rarely ever see anymore and one of those masks worn by doctors and sick Asians
  11391. >It's a broken leg, not anthrax
  11392. >Nurse: "You're Anonymous, the one with the broken leg, right?"
  11393. "Yup"
  11394. >Nurse: "Alright, we're ready for you"
  11395. "... about friggin time"
  11396. >Nurse: "Excuse me?"
  11397. "Nothing"
  11398. >Didn't mean to say that out loud, did you?
  11399. >You know how they say waiters spit in your food if you treat them rudely?
  11400. >Well she's probably going to spit in your open wounds or something
  11401. >She grabs the clip board with all the paperwork
  11402. >Nurse: "This all of it?"
  11403. "Yup"
  11404. >Nurse: "No one came in and took anything off from here?"
  11405. "Not unless they were invisible"
  11406. >Nurse: "You're sure?"
  11407. "Absolutely positive"
  11408. >Nurse: "Alright"
  11409. >She takes the papers from the board, folds them up together into a neat little square, and slips them into her pocket
  11410. >Pretty sure that's not professional, but hey, nothing about this hospital screams "professional" or "competent"
  11411. "Should I get back into the gown?"
  11412. >Nurse: "No need, but we do have to hurry"
  11413. "Why?"
  11414. >Without answering you, she helps you back into the wheelchair, sets your pants on your lap and wheels you out
  11415. >Great, going into the lobby with no pants
  11416. >She wheels you down a few familiar halls
  11417. >As you pass the receptionist's desk, the nurse sets the empty clip board down
  11418. >Nurse: "Checking him out"
  11419. >...
  11420. >Receptionist: "You are?"
  11421. >She is?
  11422. >Nurse: "Yeah, he's fine. Just a really sore leg is all"
  11423. >The receptionist rolls her eyes
  11424. >Receptionist: "... whatever"
  11425. >The nurse continues to wheel you out the door
  11426. "I'm not fine, my damn leg is broken"
  11427. >Nurse: "Everything checked out fine"
  11428. "You people didn't check a god damn thing"
  11429. >Nurse: "You're overreacting"
  11430. >You realize these people will get you killed sooner or later, probably sooner
  11431. >You struggle your way out of the chair and try to stand
  11432. >It doesn't matter if you fuck up your leg as long as you survive
  11433. >The nurse grabs the back of your collar and yanks you back down into the chair
  11434. >She glances back at the hospital doors, as if making sure no one is watching
  11435. >Nurse: "Damn it kid, can't you sit still for five freaking seconds?!"
  11436. >...
  11437. >That temper sounds way too familiar
  11438. >...
  11439. "Thanks"
  11440. >She drops the mask and tosses the hat on the floor
  11441. >"No prob, kid"
  11442. >Turns out Redheart is just as much a master of disguise as you are
  11443. >Before long, Vlad pulls up in a dirty-looking pickup truck
  11444. >She helps you, chair and all, into the back of the flat bed
  11445. "Is this safe?"
  11446. >Redheart: "Nope"
  11447. >Great
  11448. >You're starting to rub off on her
  11449. >She gets in the car without another word
  11450. >You hold on for dear life as the car rides away
  11452. >They pull up in an empty parking lot for a supermarket down the street from the hospital, parking as far from the actual store as possible
  11453. >For some reason, you feel like you'd be safer back at the hospital
  11454. >Redheart steps out and comes around to you
  11455. >Redheart: "Glad to see you survived"
  11456. >You search your brain for a witty retort... nothing
  11457. >Redheart: "So here's the deal: I brought to the county hospital because it was closer, and I thought you'd get helped faster. Obviously a mistake. There's another hospital down the street where I know you'll actually get better treatment, but it's really down the street. We could probably get you there but-"
  11458. "-Hold on a second"
  11459. >Redheart: "What is it?"
  11460. >While she was explaining, you took the opportunity to wiggle your way back into your pants
  11461. "I'm out of the hospital, might as well milk the opportunity"
  11462. >Redheart: "Wherever you're going with this just spit it out"
  11463. "Come on, I think the final round of the Battle of the Bands will be starting soon"
  11464. >She sighs and rubs her forehead in frustration
  11465. >Redheart: "... and somehow I knew you'd say that... idiot"
  11466. >She sighs again
  11467. >Redheart: "Vlad, plan B!"
  11468. >Plan B?
  11469. >Vlad steps out the car and tosses Redheart a roll of duct tape
  11470. "Where exactly are you going with this-?"
  11471. >Redheart: "-Quiet. This is your idea"
  11472. >You don't recall getting kidnapped as part of any plan of yours
  11473. >He reaches back in the car, this time producing two thick rolled-up newspapers
  11474. >Redheart: "By the way, this never happened"
  11475. "What?"
  11476. >You feel Vlad's burly arms wrap around you from behind, restraining you to the chair
  11477. >Redheart: "This will probably hurt, but... you know, relax and stuff"
  11479. >Kneeling down in front of you, she ties her hair back into a ponytail
  11480. >Then, she pulls a long strip from the tape and sticks it to her side, saving it for later
  11481. >After making sure the newspapers are rolled tight and firm, she sandwiches your leg between them
  11482. >That gentleness she had when first examining you is gone
  11483. >The sudden pain would have made you jump from your seat if you weren't so... thoroughly restrained
  11484. >Redheart: "Sorry kid, gotta make sure it holds"
  11485. >Vlad: "Worry not little man, I've seen weaker men survive worse"
  11486. >Great... "you'll survive" is the best assurance you're getting
  11487. >She takes the strip of tape from her side and wraps it around the top of the two newspapers
  11488. >Another long strip about the same length goes around just beneath it, then a third at the bottom of the two rolls of paper
  11489. >If this is some kind of torture interrogation, you'd confess to just about anything right about now
  11490. >She gives it a gentle shake, then once she's sure it's tight enough, she stands up and backs away
  11491. >Redheart: "This is hardly a solution, so don't even try walking on it yet"
  11492. "Thanks for the reminder" you say through gritted teeth, finally getting your sense of sass back
  11493. >Redheart: "One last thing"
  11494. >She takes the folded up paperwork from her pocket
  11495. >Vlad takes it from her and holds it up over a burning zippo lighter, dropping it to the floor before the flame reaches his fingers
  11496. "A little paranoid don't you think?"
  11497. >Vlad: "You can never be too paranoid little man"
  11498. >Redheart: "Alright let's get this over with. Vlad, help him into the backseat, I'm driving"
  11499. >She folds up the wheelchair, something you didn't even know it could do, and puts it in the backseat with you
  11500. >Redheart: "And don't forget, this never happened"
  11501. "Why?"
  11502. >She turns around and looks at you like you're an idiot
  11503. >Redheart: "If I have to explain, then you probably don't need to know in the first place"
  11504. >You asked if Redheart had some kind of pain medication on her
  11505. >Vlad handed you a bottle of whiskey from the glove box
  11506. >Well... it helps, not ideal but it helps
  11508. >Eventually you pull into a parking lot near a huge outdoor bandshell
  11509. "How the hell did the school afford this?"
  11510. >Redheart: "Don't ask me"
  11511. >The final round must have already begun
  11512. >The Dazzlings are up performing
  11513. >No sign of Dash and the girls yet
  11514. >It's a good thing you're so level-headed and reasonable, otherwise you'd automatically assume that something's wrong
  11515. "...something's wrong"
  11516. >Redheart: "What is it now?"
  11517. >You scan the crowd as best you can from here, which isn't very good, but you do your best
  11518. >You don't see any of them
  11519. >... hold on
  11520. >Is that them... on top of a hill?
  11521. >Redheart: "Yeah yeah, I see them too"
  11522. "So are we going or what?"
  11523. >Redheart: "Came all this way, went through all this nonsense... hell, why not"
  11524. >She pulls out of the parking lot and finds a road that leads up to the hill
  11525. >On the way there, another car comes speeding past, seemingly going in the same direction
  11527. >There's a road that leads TO the hill, but not up it
  11528. >Redheart comes to your side of the car and opens the door for you
  11529. "You're not going to make me wheel all the way up there, are you?"
  11530. > Redheart: "As much fun as that'd be to watch, nah"
  11531. >That's cruel, even for her
  11532. >Redheart: "Hope you're not afraid of heights"
  11533. "Heights?"
  11534. >Vlad: "Hold on tight"
  11535. >He grabs you, and carefully lifts you out of the car, then up onto his shoulders
  11536. >Immediately you almost fall, but he skillfully saves you
  11537. >Redheart: "You never listen do you?"
  11538. >Vlad: "Relax, I've carried plenty of bodies away before. You're in good hands"
  11539. >It's a little uncomfortable being referred to as a "body"
  11541. >You make it to the top of the hill, holding on for your life as Vlad charged up like a mad viking and Redheart struggles to keep up
  11542. >The first thing you see at the top is what looks like a Transformer
  11543. >Upon closer inspection, it's that car that zoomed past you on the way here
  11544. >Redheart opens up the chair so Vlad can set you down
  11545. >Redheart: "Special delivery for Rainbow Dash"
  11546. >The girls all turn around, and upon seeing you, express varying degrees of shock
  11547. >Dash: "Nonny? What are you doing here?"
  11548. "You know, just in the neighborhood. Thought I'd wish you all good luck"
  11549. >Your jokes aren't helping, they're still shocked
  11550. >Pinkie: "Are you okay? Dash wouldn't tell us what happened to you"
  11551. "I'm fine, but you've all got a competition to win"
  11552. >Rarity: "Are you sure? No offense darling, but you look absolutely a mess"
  11553. "I said I'm fine"
  11554. >A little hurt in the feelings from that comment (and you know, physically too)
  11555. >Applejack: "Is... is your leg broken?"
  11556. "You guys-"
  11557. >Fluttershy: "Goodness, you shouldn't be here if you're hurt Anon"
  11558. "Seriously, you-
  11559. >Dash: "He's always doing this sort of thing"
  11560. "Alright guys, yes I broke my leg. And yes I also broke out of a hospital to come cheer you guys on in person. Yes, it was stupid, but damn it, that's just what do, isn't it?"
  11561. >A few nods, they seem to agree with you whether they like it or not
  11562. "Now don't make everything I went through be for nothing, hurry up and save the damn world already"
  11563. -
  11564. -
  11565. -
  11566. -
  11567. -
  11568. >Their expressions of worry turn into ones of growing excitement
  11569. >Pinkie: "Alright everyone, you heard Hot-Wheels, let's get this party started!"
  11570. "... What'd you just call me?"
  11571. >A few giggles around the group
  11572. >Applejack: "Hey Hot-Wheels, a little help here"
  11573. >Yeah, that's what you thought you heard
  11574. >Applejack: "Plug this in for me will ya"
  11575. >She hands you the end of an audio cable
  11576. >Somewhere on this giant mess of a machine is a port for this wire, and as soon as you find it you plug it in
  11577. >...
  11578. >Technically this mean you helped save the world right?
  11580. >They start playing right in the middle of the Dazzling's performance
  11581. >Starting shit from a safe distance?
  11582. >Dick move... you like it
  11584. >...
  11585. >The Dazzling's eyes start glowing
  11586. >Some giant spirit monster things arise
  11587. >The girls start shooting lasers and shit from their instruments
  11588. >The siren monsters destroy everything
  11589. >Sunset takes the mic
  11590. >Your friends start levitating
  11591. >There's a bright light
  11592. >A giant rainbow beam blasts the Dazzlings and their spirit monsters
  11593. >A bright flash
  11594. >A loud boom
  11595. >... Neat
  11597. >You can feel the magic surge through the air, tingling through your whole body
  11598. "Guys..."
  11599. >Twilight: "Did it work?"
  11600. >Sunset: "I think so"
  11601. "Guys..."
  11602. >A little too much magic
  11603. >Pinkie: "We did it! You guys we did it! We saved the world... again!"
  11604. >Pinkie pulls everyone into a giant group hug, even getting Vlad and Redheart in on the action
  11605. >Seeing as how you're not exactly at full capacity, you stay back for your own safety
  11606. "Guys..."
  11607. >You're feeling dizzy
  11608. >She and Dash stick out their arms, making a space for you, and your wheelchair, in the group hug
  11609. >Dash: "Come on Nonny, we couldn't have done it without you"
  11610. >Pinkie: "Yeah, get your butt in here Hot-Wheels"
  11611. "Guys..."
  11612. >You're feeling sick
  11613. >Dash: "... Nonny? You okay?"
  11614. >Sunset: "I think he's feeling the magic again"
  11615. >Redheart: "That's good, right?"
  11616. >Twilight: "Bad. Very bad"
  11617. "G-Guys..."
  11618. >Dash hurries over to hold you up in your seat
  11619. >Yup, you're losing consciousness
  11620. >...
  11622. >...
  11623. >*BEEP*
  11624. >There's a loud beeping noise that breaks you out of your sleep
  11625. >Your eyes open up to the blinding blur of fluorescent lights overhead
  11626. >Whatever this bed is, it's not comfortable
  11627. >Whatever you're wearing now, it's not yours
  11628. >*BEEP*
  11629. >Definitely not home
  11630. >Definitely not Dash's house
  11631. >Definitely not the hilltop where the finals of the Battle of the Band happened
  11632. >*BEEP*
  11633. >And that incessant beeping
  11634. >As tired as you still are, that'll probably keep you awake
  11635. >Once your eyes have adjusted to the light, you scan the room
  11636. >Your leg, which is now properly protected in a cast, is being elevated by some kind of suspension
  11637. >The beeping is coming from a machine next to your bed, a heart monitor
  11638. >You appear to be wearing another hospital gown, much different than the one they made you put on at the county hospital
  11639. >... you'd rather not wonder who dressed you
  11640. >Next to the bed is a small nightstand with your clothes neatly folded, your phone set on top
  11641. >Everything about this room just screams "hospital"
  11642. >The curtains on the window are closed and there's no clock in here, so you check your phone for the time
  11643. >3a.m.
  11644. >A little early for the lights to be on, isn't it?
  11645. >The bed has one of those buttons you can push to call in the doctor
  11646. >... nah, you'll make your way through it
  11647. >Close your eyes and try to-
  11648. >*BEEP*
  11649. >... try to go back to sleep
  11651. >...
  11652. >Somehow you manage to get some rest for the night
  11653. >Waking up this time isn't as hard on the eyes
  11654. >"I think he's awake"
  11655. >The blinding fluorescents are obscured by a grape cluster of heads, though it still takes a moment for your eyes to adjust and make out who they all are
  11656. >Yup, the girls are all here
  11657. >Fluttershy is leaning over your cast
  11658. >Fluttershy: "sorry, did I wake you?"
  11659. "Nah, you're good"
  11660. >You look around... almost everyone is here
  11661. >Pinkie, AJ, Rarity, Fluttershy, Sunset...
  11662. "Where's Dashie?"
  11663. >Fluttershy: "she stepped outside for a bit, she'll be back soon"
  11664. "Alright. What time is it anyways?"
  11665. >Fluttershy: "around noon"
  11666. >You were more tired than you realized
  11667. >The girls all step back, giving you some space to breathe
  11668. "So the gang's all here huh?"
  11669. >Applejack: "Well duh. Rainbow Dash never told us what happened to you, and you went and passed out before I could force the answer out of you"
  11670. >Rarity: "We just wanted to make sure you were okay"
  11671. >Pinkie: "And look, we all signed your cast already!"
  11672. >It's warms your heart that they'd all come to visit you, that they all care about you so much
  11673. >But let's not say that out loud, shall we?
  11674. >It looks like the majority of your cast is covered in doodles of cupcakes, balloons, and smiley faces- guess who THAT was
  11675. >Along the bottom edge, Fluttershy wrote something so small you'll need a magnifying glass to read it
  11676. >"Anonymous, get well soon. Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle" It's so formally and professionally punctuated, but the handwriting is a mess
  11677. >There's more all around, but you can't read it without having to get up
  11678. >Along the side someone wrote "You're welcome"
  11679. >...
  11680. "Who would write 'You're welcome' on someone's cast?"
  11681. >"Someone who deserves thanks"
  11682. >With perfect timing, Redheart enters the room with Dash by her side
  11684. >Dash: "Hey Nonny, when'd you wake up?"
  11685. "Just now... what do you mean by 'someone who deserves thanks'?"
  11686. >Redheart: "I'm the one who fixed up your leg there. Again, you're welcome"
  11687. >She takes a seat in the chair where the doctor usually sits, and Dash kneels beside you
  11688. "I didn't know you worked here too"
  11689. >Redheart: "I used to. The people here at Canterlot Memorial Hospital are just as incompetent as the other place, but at least here they knew not to get in my way when I brought you in"
  11690. "I'm pretty sure that violates all kinds of rules"
  11691. >Redheart: "Hey, they owed me"
  11692. "What for?"
  11693. >She glances at the door, then leans in really close to you and drops her voice almost down to a whisper
  11694. >Redheart: "Okay, so a few years ago when I still used to work here, a few of the head doctors got into a lot of trouble, and I mean a LOT. They were facing one hell of a lawsuit and in an attempt to save face they threw me under the bus instead"
  11695. >Dash: "Whoa..."
  11696. "And you let them get away with that?"
  11697. >Redheart: "At the time I didn't really have a choice. They promised that the medical board wouldn't revoke my license if I kept quiet. It's how I was still able to get my job at the school"
  11698. >Everyone goes silent as the door opens and a doctor enters
  11699. >Doctor: "Everything okay in here?"
  11700. "Yeah... sure"
  11701. >After Redheart's story you already don't like this guy
  11702. >Doctor: "That leg of yours was really messed up. Who even put that makeshift splint on you?"
  11703. >Redheart sits behind him, but looks directly at you while making a zipping motion across her lips
  11704. >With her reputation, if you told the truth it would definitely get medical license revoked... and probably get you killed
  11705. "I did it. Thought it'd work"
  11706. >Doctor: "Well, next time you should get professional help right away, don't try to handle things at home. I'm sure Miss Redheart advised you against it"
  11707. >She shakes her head, pretending to disapprove in case the doctor was watching
  11709. >Doctor: "And while you're at it, you need to lay off the alcohol. You were passed out drunk when she brought you in"
  11710. "I wasn't drunk, it was magic"
  11711. >Doctor: "Magic?"
  11712. >Redheart: "Yup, the magic knocked him unconscious"
  11713. >Pinkie: "It usually has that effect on him"
  11714. >Dash: "Sometimes he starts vomiting too, but that's only if there's a lot of magic involved"
  11715. >Doctor: "... you're all joking, right?"
  11716. "Nope. Magic"
  11717. >He looks dumfounded, like he doesn't believe in magic or something
  11718. >Doctor: "Right... well, I'm just checking in, making sure everything's alright. I'll see you later. Miss Redheart, will you please come with me?"
  11719. "What's the matter, forget how to put on a band-aid?"
  11720. >Redheart bursts into laughter, but the doctor is not amused
  11721. >You got payback on her behalf
  11722. >Doctor: "... I take it he goes to that school you work at now?"
  11723. >Redheart: "Don't blame me, he was like that when I met him"
  11724. >She follows the doctor out, giving you a thumbs-up behind her back
  11725. >Pinkie: "We're gonna run off too, gonna grab lunch. You guys want anything?"
  11726. >Dash: "Sounds good. I'll stick around here with Nonny"
  11727. >Come to think of it, you hadn't eaten since yesterday
  11728. "Sure, where are you-"
  11729. >Before you can even ask where they're going, they've all left
  11730. >... oh well, looks like you're getting a surprise
  11732. >Dash doesn't move from her spot beside the bed
  11733. >Dash: "So how's your leg feeling?"
  11734. >You start moving your good leg around
  11735. "Seems fine to me"
  11736. >Dash: "Not that one"
  11737. "Oh, you mean my other leg? Yeah, that's still broken"
  11738. >She can't help but laugh, but you can tell she's still worried
  11739. "Don't worry, it's fine. Hurts a bit but it'll be fine"
  11740. >Dash: "... good"
  11741. >She gets up and sits on the bed next to you
  11742. >Dash: "So... it's all over, isn't it"
  11743. "What's over?"
  11744. >Dash: "Everything. The Battle, the Dazzlings... we're finally done with it all"
  11745. "Yeah... it's finally over"
  11746. >She lets out a long sigh, and for the first time in weeks she looks relaxed
  11747. >Which means she let her guard down
  11748. "Hey Dashie"
  11749. >Dash: "Yeah?"
  11750. "... Watch out for my leg"
  11751. >Dash: "Watch out? Why- h-Hey!"
  11752. >You quickly wrap your arms just around her waist and pull her down next to you, snuggling her tightly like a body pillow
  11753. >She flails around at first, not sure what you were doing, and in the process nearly smacked you in the face
  11754. >Dash: "Jeez, warn me before you do that next time!"
  11755. >You heard the lady
  11756. >She wants there to be a next time
  11757. "I kind of did. You didn't hit my leg right?"
  11758. >Your leg was safe, but your shoulder was wide open
  11759. >*PUNCH*
  11760. "... Point taken"
  11761. >Despite all the BS you give her, she still finds it in her to snuggle you
  11762. >Thank God you found someone as thick-skinned as yourself
  11764. >Moments later, there's a knock at the door- not one of those, "asking for permission, I'll wait for a response to come in" knocks. No, it's a "heads up I'm coming in right now" knocks
  11765. >The kind that usually result in walking in on something you shouldn't be seeing
  11766. >Dash immediately sits up, not wanting to look like you were doing it
  11768. >Thankfully it's just Redheart, who upon seeing you can't help but snicker
  11769. >Redheart: "Oh boy, I should have known"
  11770. >Dash: "We weren't doing anything I swear"
  11771. >Redheart: "I'm sure you weren't"
  11772. >Dash: "Really, I mean it"
  11773. >Redheart: "I bet you do"
  11774. "You're only making it worse Dash"
  11775. >Redheart snickers again
  11776. >Redheart: "Whatever you do, just be careful, alright? This isn't my office, you don't want to be getting caught here. Plus, he's still pretty messed up"
  11777. "Don't worry, we'll be gentle"
  11778. >She walks across the room to grab her coat, draped over the back of the chair she was sitting in earlier
  11779. >Redheart: "Anyways, I'm just here to let you know I'm heading out. See you tomorrow at school Dash. And you, Anon..."
  11780. >She sternly points at you
  11781. >Redheart: "... You're supposed to be here a few more days. I better not see you anywhere else, are we clear?"
  11782. "Crystal clear"
  11783. >Redheart: "Good. See you both later"
  11784. >She heads out, stopping in the doorway
  11785. >Redheart: "... you look like you haven't had any alone time in forever. Enjoy it, you both deserve it"
  11786. >Deserve? Hell, you need it
  11787. >She shuts the door behind her on her way out
  11789. >The girls don't even bother knocking when they return
  11790. >Pinkie: "Are we interrupting something here?"
  11791. "Not this time"
  11792. >Dash sits up, and you pick yourself up best as you can
  11793. >The others come in behind her
  11794. >Dash: "So where's lunch?"
  11795. >Sunset: "Right here"
  11796. >She's holding her jacket by the sleeves like a basket, using it to carry a pile of assorted snacks
  11797. >The kind you'd get out of a vending machine
  11798. >The hoard of snacks is dumped out on the bed in your lap
  11799. >Sunset: "Pinkie told me it's your favorite Anon"
  11800. "... can't say she's wrong"
  11801. >The most unhealthy meal ever
  11802. >Who cares, you're already in the hospital
  11803. >Vending machine food
  11804. >Infinitely better than hospital food
  11806. >Hours later
  11807. >It was getting pretty late
  11808. >Redheart never came back, but then again you didn't expect her to
  11809. >She DOES have her own life, you know
  11810. >Most everyone had gone home already, save for Rarity and Dash
  11811. >And considering Rarity just yawned for the fifth time in the past fifteen minutes, it's probably about her time too
  11812. >Rarity: "It's getting late, I should probably get going"
  11813. "Mind taking her with you?"
  11814. >You direct her attention over towards Dash, who fell asleep sitting in a chair across the room
  11815. >Rarity: "Not at all. Come on"
  11816. >She grabs Rainbow Dash by the arm, gently but enough to wake her
  11817. >Dash: "H-Huh? I'm awake..."
  11818. >Rarity: "I'm sure you were darling, but it's time for us to get going"
  11819. >Even as Rarity leads her out of the room, her arm around Dash to help her up, Dash never fully opens her eyes
  11820. >Dash: "Don't worry Nonny... *yawn* I'll be back first thing tomorrow"
  11821. >She goes on mumbling about... you can't quite understand what
  11822. >Rarity gently shuts the door behind her as they leave
  11823. >It has been a pretty long day, and you're a little tired yourself
  11824. >... should have asked them to turn off the light before they left
  11825. >Regardless, you close your eyes and try to sleep
  11827. >You're awoken God knows how long later by the creak of the door
  11828. >Since there's still no clock in here you have no idea what the time is, but the light is off now and there' no light coming in through the curtains, so it's safe to assume it's still night/early morning
  11829. >It's probably just the doctor coming in to check up on you, so you just ignore it and try to get back to sleep
  11830. >The visitor comes in next to you, stopping right beside your bed
  11831. >They kneel beside you and say something quietly into your ear
  11832. "Hey Anon. Glad to see you're okay... well, mostly anyways"
  11833. >... that sure as hell wasn't the doctor speaking. In fact, it almost sounded a bit like...
  11834. >"Sonata, hurry it up!"
  11835. >"Just another minute"
  11836. >"Come on, he's probably not even conscious"
  11837. >"Both of you be quiet before someone hears us"
  11838. >"Alright alright, jeez!"
  11839. >How the hell did they get in here?
  11840. >How the hell did they find you?
  11841. >And more importantly, what are they doing here?
  11842. >All these questions, and you can't ask a single one while pretending to be asleep
  11843. >Sonata: "I hope we can still be friends after all this"
  11844. >You can hear her light footsteps back away, then the three girls hurrying down the hall
  11845. >Once the coast is clear, you peek to make sure they're gone, and then get up completely
  11846. >They left the door open, but that's the last thing on your mind
  11847. >What's on your mind now is the slip of paper you catch just out of the corner of your eye
  11848. >A little envelope left behind on the nightstand with all your other stuff
  11849. >And inside the envelope, a note just like the others
  11850. >"Thanks again for being so nice to me before. Sorry for all the trouble we caused"
  11851. >"-Sonata"
  11852. >She signed it this time
  11853. >...
  11854. >Maybe they're not so bad after all
  11855. >Maybe deep down, there's some good in them
  11856. >...nah screw that, they tried to take over the world
  11857. >Not to mention totally ruined your weekend
  11858. >Just forget it and get some sleep
  11860. >Monday
  11861. >The next morning
  11862. >You force down that plate of breakfast slop they call "food" here
  11863. >Once that's done and done, you sit back in bed
  11864. >There's a TV mounted from the ceiling in the corner and a remote next to the bed, so you aimlessly channel flip looking for something interesting while patiently waiting for Dash to show up
  11865. >She may have been half asleep, but she did say she'd be here first thing today
  11866. >So you wait
  11867. >... and wait
  11868. >And wait some more
  11869. >You're checking your phone about every fifteen minutes or so, wondering where she is
  11871. >A little bit after noon, and by now you've started to worry, you finally get a text from her
  11872. >"Hey Nonny, how you doing?"
  11873. "Fine. Where are you?"
  11874. >"Just got to the cafeteria"
  11875. "Cafeteria?"
  11876. >"Yeah. I bet those hospital meals are better than these school lunches lol"
  11877. >...
  11878. >Oh yeah, school is still a thing for them
  11879. >Put on your dunce cap
  11880. "At least I'm used to the school food"
  11881. >"Tell you what, I'll bring you something when I stop by"
  11882. "While you're at it can you stop by my place and grab me a change of clothes?"
  11883. >You've been wearing the same clothes since Saturday
  11884. >Not including the hospital gown, and you changed out of that as soon as you could
  11885. >"Sure, do I need to get the key from you to get in?"
  11886. "Just ask my neighbor, she can probably pick the lock"
  11887. >"Alright, sure. No prob. The girls say hi too, they're just want to know how you're doing"
  11888. "Tell them I'm dying"
  11889. >"Ha ha very funny. I told them you're just fine"
  11890. >In the midst of writing your reply, you get a message from Pinkie
  11891. >"HEY NONNY DID DASH TELL YOU I SAID HI? ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ IF NOT, HI!!!"
  11892. >Pinkie's texting is very... stylized. Yeah, stylized is a good word for it
  11893. >Much nicer than weird
  11895. >Later in the afternoon the doctor comes in and takes your leg down from the suspension that kept it elevated and brings in a new wheelchair for you
  11896. >That last one you had on Saturday was technically stolen from the county hospital (just like you)
  11897. >Finally you're mobile again, which means no more bedpans and sleeping with the light left on
  11899. >A little after 3pm, Dash shows up with a plus one- good old interdimensional princess girl
  11900. >Twilight: "Hey Anonymous, I heard what happened. The last time I came by you weren't awake, and it only seems right that I come to give my condolences face to face"
  11901. "Thanks for signing my cast Twilight. I liked your chicken scratches"
  11902. >Twilight: "Ch-Chicken scratches? I really tried my best handwriting this time"
  11903. >... kind of makes you feel like an ass now, doesn't it?
  11904. >Dash: "By the way, here's your clothes you asked for"
  11905. >She hands you a bag with a clean set of clothes. Also inside the bag are all your textbooks from school and a sticky note with all of today's homework assignments on it
  11906. >Twilight: "I also took the liberty to bring you your textbooks so you can get some studying done. I felt bad that you ended up having to miss school due to your injury"
  11907. "I didn't feel bad about it"
  11908. >Thanks a lot Twilight
  11909. >Dash: "Looks like you've gotten yourself a new wheelchair"
  11910. "Yup, old Hot-Wheels is back"
  11911. >Dash: "Need some help dressing?"
  11912. "You're just trying to take advantage of me now that I'm crippled aren't you?"
  11913. >She giggles
  11914. >Dash: "Nice try Nonny, not today"
  11915. >... damn
  11916. >You take the clothes out of the bag and start undressing
  11917. >Twilight: "Oh my gosh!"
  11918. >She covers her eyes backs away towards the door
  11919. >Twilight: "I'll give you some privacy, just call me in when you're done"
  11920. >Pssh, prude
  11922. >Once you're fully dressed you call Twilight back in
  11923. >She's hesitant to enter, even more so to uncover her eyes
  11924. >You stuff your dirty clothes into the bag with the books
  11925. >Let's face it, you weren't going to do your homework or study anyways
  11926. >Twilight: "... hey Anon, what's this here?"
  11927. >Across the room, Twilight seems to have found the new note
  11928. >Twilight: "Another note? When'd this come?"
  11929. "She brought it to me last night"
  11930. >Dash: "She?"
  11931. >Twilight: "It's signed Sonata. Isn't she one of the Dazzlings?"
  11932. "Yeah. She and I were actually sort of friends. You know, before they tried to take over the world and stuff"
  11933. >Dash takes the note and looks over it
  11934. >Dash: "... and you're sure it was them?"
  11935. "Sonata brought it in person. I heard her voice. The others were with her too"
  11936. >Dash: "What did she say?"
  11937. "She... I know this will sound crazy, but she apologized. She said 'I hope we can still be friends' "
  11938. >Twilight: "Were those her exact words?"
  11939. "For the most part"
  11940. >Twilight gazes at the floor, saying nothing
  11941. >Just thinking
  11942. >Dash: "What is it Twi?"
  11943. >Twilight: "... nothing. Just wondering"
  11944. >Under her breath, she mumbles, "maybe there's hope for them..."
  11946. >Realizing this is probably some magic stuff that you really shouldn't be getting yourself involved in, you change the subject
  11947. "So Dashie, did my neighbor manage to get my door open"
  11948. >Dash: "Yeah, she got it. How'd you know she could do it?"
  11949. "She'd done it a million times before. She's one of those 'paranoid when high' people"
  11950. >Dash: "She doesn't sound like a good role model for her daughter"
  11951. >Huh, so Dash met her too
  11952. "That's actually her younger sister. Kind of a brat, just like her big sis"
  11953. >Dash: "I know. She kept calling me a big dumdum"
  11954. "Yeah, she does that"
  11955. >Dash: "By the way, that reminds me- your neighbor was wondering when she'd get her hat back"
  11956. "Her hat..."
  11957. >... shit. You must have lost it
  11958. >You start wondering where that hat could be, or rather thinking up a good lie as to why it's lost
  11959. >Your train of thought is interrupted by the doctor coming in
  11960. >Doctor: "Sorry to interrupt, just here for a quick check-up"
  11961. "Hey doc, did you ever find a hat lying around since I got here? Like, in the halls or the parking lot or something?"
  11962. >Doctor: "Hmm... there was an old looking hat on the floor outside the emergency room the night we brought you in. I didn't think it was yours because there was another name on the inside"
  11963. "Do you know what happened to it?"
  11964. >Doctor: "I dropped it off in the lost and found that night. Let me check if it's still there"
  11965. >He makes his way out of the room in no hurry, though you wish he would
  11966. >Your neighbor isn't exactly the scariest person in your life, but she lives next door and has already proven she knows how to get in
  11967. >Getting on her bad side is not a good idea
  11969. >A moment later the doctor comes back with your neighbor's fedora
  11970. >It's a little beat-up, but within reason, considering you saved the world in it
  11971. >Doctor: "Is this one of yours'?"
  11972. >Dash and Twilight shake their heads
  11973. "It's my neighbor's"
  11974. >After handing it to you, he starts examining your leg and the cast
  11975. >Doctor: "I take it you two are close then, since you seem to care so much about her hat"
  11976. >Dash glares at you- the cold, brain piercing gaze of a jealous woman
  11977. >Damn doctor
  11978. "Hardly. I don't even know her name to be honest"
  11979. >Doctor: "Well, it's in there if you're curious. And you seem to be fine for now, so I'll leave you be. I'll check in with you later tonight, but it looks like you'll be good to go by tomorrow"
  11980. "Go? As in, free to leave?"
  11981. >Doctor: "If you're ready"
  11982. >You feel like a condemned man just given a presidential pardon
  11983. >The doctor takes off, not joining you in your moment of rejoice
  11984. >To be honest, you never cared to know your neighbor's name, she's always just been 'your neighbor'
  11985. >But damn it, he got your curiosity piqued, so you flip the hat over and read the nametag on the inside
  11986. >... Well, at least now you can actually have a normal conversation with her name
  11987. >Emily
  11989. >The three of you spend the rest of the day just hanging out
  11990. >Since Dash is Twilight's ride home, they leave before it gets too late
  11991. >Twilight: "Before we go, can I ask you something Anonymous?"
  11992. "Sure"
  11993. >Twilight: "... how close were you and Sonata?"
  11994. >Why does everyone want to make Dash jealous today?
  11995. >And why are YOU always the target of her death stare
  11996. "She and I were just friends, nothing more. The only reason we seemed so close is because she didn't really have many other friends"
  11997. >It sounds so cruel to say it out loud, but it's pretty much true
  11998. >Twilight: "... Alright. See you tomorrow"
  11999. >She waves bye and heads out the door
  12000. >Dash gives you a quick kiss before leaving
  12001. >Dash: "Hey Nonny, can I ask you something too?"
  12002. >You already know where this is going
  12003. "I broke my leg for you Dashie. Not Sonata, not Emily, you. You're the only girl for me"
  12004. >She smiles, then kisses you again
  12005. >Dash: "I better be the only one"
  12006. >... Who knew a threat could sound so sweet
  12007. >Tuesday morning
  12008. >You woke up after the best night's sleep you've had in a long time
  12009. >And best of all: today is your last day stuck here
  12011. >The doctor comes in just as the assistant is leaving with your empty breakfast tray
  12012. >Hospital food is one thing you won't miss
  12013. >Doctor: "Good morning Anonymous, I take it you're feeling well?"
  12014. "Relatively speaking"
  12015. >Doctor: "Yeah, I suppose if you're in a hospital you're probably not on top of the world. If it makes you feel any better today should be your last day here."
  12016. "How much longer?"
  12017. >Doctor: "We could start wrapping tings up now if you'd like. It's just some paperwork, a quick examination, I'll write-"
  12018. "-Sounds good let's get started"
  12019. >Let's hurry this up
  12021. >One last examination to ensure that there's nothing you can later sue for
  12022. >You get a prescription for some pain medication, as well as a consultation from the pharmacist so that you don't accidentally overdose and try to sue
  12023. >You filled out some forms assuring that you were treated well and taken care of
  12024. >In other words, you legally agree to not sue
  12025. >And finally, you're free to go
  12027. >One of the hospital assistants wheels you out to the front by the pick-up/drop-off zone of the parking lot
  12028. >"We've got a shuttle service that'll drop you off back at your home. But are you sure you'd prefer the wheelchair?"
  12029. "Positive"
  12030. >"I could fetch you a pair of crutches from the pharmacy, it should only be a moment"
  12031. "No, the chair is fine. I've got a friend who started calling me Hot-Wheels ever since I ended up in one"
  12032. >"And that's a good thing?"
  12033. "Better than showing up at school in crutches and having her call me Peg-Leg"
  12034. >"Yeah... I suppose so"
  12035. >The assistant doesn't seem to understand
  12036. >"Oh look, the shuttle's here"
  12037. >She helps you into the back seat, sending you off with the chair
  12039. >The driver is a big guy, sort of looks like he could work restraining patients at a mental hospital
  12040. >"So where you headed off to buddy?"
  12041. >Go home, get some sleep, take a bath, get some decent food... or better yet
  12042. "You know how to get to Canterlot High from here"
  12043. >"Devoted student, huh? No problem, I'll get you there"
  12044. >After three days in the hospital, you just can't wait to get to school and get some studying done
  12045. >Which is Anon-talk for "bone your girlfriend in an empty classroom"
  12047. >He pulls up at the front of the school and helps you out
  12048. >"You sure you don't want any help getting to class?"
  12049. "Nah I'm good"
  12050. >You've had a few days in a chair, you know how to maneuver it by yourself
  12051. >"Alright. Take care of yourself now"
  12052. >He brofists you before getting back in the shuttle and leaving
  12053. >Hell, he's a pretty chill guy
  12054. >You might break another bone or two later just to say hi
  12055. >... okay, don't get carried away now
  12056. >Checking your phone for the time, it's almost noon
  12057. >Which means third period is almost over, and it's almost time for lunch
  12058. >Perfect timing
  12059. >Now just to get up there and get inside...
  12060. >Crap.
  12061. >Stairs.
  12062. >Gotta take the wheelchair ramp
  12064. >Well that took a lot longer than usual
  12065. >Something you'll have to get used to for a while
  12067. >You get inside just in time for the bell to lunch
  12068. >Maybe you can catch up with your friends before they leave
  12069. >So long as no one bothers you or gets in your way
  12070. >Quite frankly you'd rather not make a big deal out of yourself
  12071. >You don't want to be the center of any unnecessary attention-
  12072. >"Hey guys, look! Anon's in a wheelchair!"
  12073. >This damn school...
  12074. >The students surround you like you're some kind of celebrity
  12075. >You get asked a million times about what happened
  12076. >And you tell the story of what happened a million times
  12077. "Guys, go away"
  12078. >Well, you told them what they need to know
  12079. >Unfortunately, the hallway is too narrow to move around people
  12080. >And the crowd's too thick, so you can't build up enough speed to mow people down
  12081. >Yeah, you're trapped
  12082. >Somewhere in the commotion there's a few familiar voices slipping through
  12083. >Applejack: "What in tarnation is going on over there?"
  12084. >Pinkie: "I dunno, but it looks fun!"
  12085. >And there's your key to freedom
  12086. "Hey girls! Heeey!"
  12087. >You raise your hands as high as you can reach and wave them about to get their attention
  12088. >They can't seem to hear you
  12089. >Dash: "I don't know about you, but I'm hitting the cafeteria before everyone else gets there"
  12090. >Dash please...
  12091. >Eh, can't blame her. You'd do the same
  12092. >Hold on a sec
  12093. >One of them stayed behind
  12094. "Hey Pinkie!"
  12095. >Pinkie: "... Nonny!? Is that you!? Dash just left!"
  12096. "Yeah I know, a little help here!"
  12097. >Pinkie: "Don't worry, I'll get you out of there"
  12098. >Perfect
  12099. >If anyone can distract a whole crowd it's Pinkie and she's leaving
  12100. >... wow
  12101. >Should have seen that coming
  12102. >Before you have enough time to sufficiently complain-
  12104. >The fire alarm goes off
  12105. >And just like that the crowd disperses
  12106. >Pinkie you are one crazy genius
  12107. >Speaking of the devil, she returns just as fast as she left
  12108. >Pinkie: "Now how about we go and find Dash."
  12109. "Good idea."
  12111. >Before you can even make it round the corner, you're stopped by the principals
  12112. >Celestia has her hands on her hips, a subtle smile on her lips- she looks as gentle as ever. Good to see she's free of the Dazzling's spell
  12113. >Luna glares right into your eyes with a stern expression, hands stuffed in her pockets- cold as ice...
  12114. >Yup, she's probably back to normal too
  12115. >Celestia: "That's the fire alarm, both of you outside now."
  12116. >She grabs the back of your chair and pushes you out faster than you could have moved yourself, Pinkie and Luna following with you
  12117. >Luna: "We hope this isn't another one of your pranks again, Anonymous"
  12118. "MY pranks?"
  12119. >Luna: "It's your first day back, you don't want to be causing trouble already"
  12120. "Don't worry I won't. I'm fine though by the way, thanks for asking. The chair's nice and comfy"
  12121. >Luna: "We didn't ask"
  12122. >You didn't expect much sympathy but you're still hurt
  12123. >Celestia: "Well it's good to know you're okay regardless. What on Earth happened?"
  12124. "Nothing."
  12125. >Pinkie: "It was just a mishap during that whole 'Battle of the Bands' disaster."
  12126. >Celestia: "... Battle?"
  12127. >You give Pinkie a stern elbow to her side- a reminder that you weren't supposed to be there
  12128. >Pinkie: "... oh right, what he said. Nothing"
  12129. >The principals look at each other, almost confused
  12130. >Celestia: "Don't worry, we're almost to the exit"
  12132. >The crowd that surrounded you in the hall pales in comparison to the gathering outside the school, nearly taking up the whole front lawn
  12133. >And these are just the kids who didn't take the opportunity to ditch
  12134. >Celestia: "Are you two going to be okay?"
  12135. "Yeah, we're good from here. Thanks for the ride"
  12136. >Luna: "Just stay out of trouble"
  12137. >Jeez, will she ever cut you some slack?
  12138. >Pinkie: "Come on Hot-Wheels, let's go find Dash"
  12139. >She quickly hops down the stairs, leaving you in the dust, while you maneuver your way to the ramp
  12140. >It's definitely quicker going down than up, but by the time you make it down Pinkie is already lost in the crowd
  12142. >It takes forever for the staff to figure out that there's no actual fire, so everyone has to wait outside for the okay
  12143. >While maneuvering through the horde of students waiting, you hear the usual chatter
  12144. >"There's not really a fire, is there?"
  12145. >"Damn it, we're missing lunch because of this"
  12146. >"Screw it, I'm just gonna go home"
  12147. >"They let you out of the hospital already?!"
  12148. >Huh?
  12149. >You turn around just in time to catch Dash throwing her arms around you
  12150. >Just in time to get a suffocating face full of her chest
  12151. >Not even out of the hospital for an hour and already life is getting better
  12152. >Dash: "I heard people talking about some guy in a wheelchair but I didn't think it'd be you!"
  12153. "Who'd you think it was?"
  12154. >Dash: "I don't know, just not you"
  12155. "Who else would it be?"
  12156. >Dash: "Okay, are you going to keep talking and ruin the moment, or are you going to shut up and kiss me?"
  12157. >She's got a point
  12158. >After pondering the situation for a moment you realize a fatal flaw in her plan- you're sitting down
  12159. "Mind meeting me half way?"
  12160. >She kneels down in front of you, takes a hold of your hand, and slowly leans forward to lock lips with you
  12161. >... okay a little too slowly
  12162. >You grab her face and quickly pull her in for that smooch she's been waiting for
  12163. >An excited, passionate, loving kiss
  12164. >... and nothing happens. Not even the slightest twitch or moan
  12165. >Well, you tried
  12166. >When you try to break the kiss, her arms wrap behind your neck and quickly pull you right back in
  12167. >Now THERE's the reaction you were waiting for
  12168. >One kiss quickly became another, then another, then another
  12169. >And what started as a gentle stroke of her cheek with your fingers ended with your hands getting lost running through her hair, and the two of you getting lost in the moment
  12170. >...
  12171. >Rarity: "Excuse me lovebirds, I hate to interrupt but we should get going soon"
  12172. >Rarity broke you and Dash out of your little trance
  12174. >Dash: "H-Has everyone been watching this whole time?!"
  12175. >Pinkie: "Nah, they left after the first kiss few kisses. They let everyone back in for lunch, by the way"
  12176. >It's true- everyone's gone
  12177. >Turns out watching the hottest athlete girl in school make out with a cripple isn't as interesting as food
  12178. >A little insulting if you think about it
  12179. >Dash: "So... no one was watching us, right?"
  12180. >Applejack: "Nope, just us"
  12181. >Pinkie: "And as much as I'd love to see it escalate to some dry humping, lunch is almost over and I haven't eaten all day"
  12182. >Applejack: "Me too, I'm downright starving"
  12183. >Dash: "Nonny?"
  12184. "... to be fair, I haven't eaten since I left the hospital"
  12185. >Sorry Dashie, but lunch is the most important meal of the day
  12186. >Dash: "Alright, fair enough. Let's go"
  12187. >You and the girls head off back inside
  12188. >Dash whispers in your ear, "We'll finish this later when we're alone," even throwing in a little wink at the end
  12189. >This girl does not play games
  12191. >You all manage to get a quick bite to eat before the bell rang
  12192. >Up next, unless anything has changed since you left, is history class
  12193. >A.K.A Molest Your Girlfriend class
  12194. >Everyone was too busy talking about the fire alarm to care about you anymore
  12195. >Hot-Wheels is already yesterday's news
  12197. >In class, you realize something- since you came here straight from the hospital, you don't have anything with you
  12198. >All you've got are the clothes on your back and Emily's hat on your head and your phone
  12199. >No books, no supplies, no nothing
  12200. >... alright, you don't gotta do anything!
  12202. >You and Dash spend the entire class feeling each other up under the desks, as always
  12203. >Up next, English class
  12204. >You and Pinkie spend the entire class goofing off and looking up bad words in the dictionary, as always
  12205. >And finally, gym
  12206. >You spend the entire class doing jack shit, as always
  12207. >Yup, life is finally back to normal
  12209. >After school, Dash agreed to walk you home
  12210. >Not so much agreed, it was more of a "I'm doing it whether you like it or not" kind of thing
  12211. >You get inside and toss the hat on the table
  12212. >You'll give it back to her tomorrow...maybe... eventually... eh, you'll get around to it
  12213. >Dash: "Are you sure you're going to be okay here by yourself Nonny?"
  12214. "Nah, I'll probably die or something-"
  12215. >*punch*
  12216. "-I'm joking, I'm joking! I'll be fine, I swear"
  12217. >Dash: "You know, maybe I should actually stay here with you, just to keep an eye on you and stuff"
  12218. "Is that necessary?"
  12219. >Dash: "Just for a few days, to make sure you're alright. I don't want you getting yourself hurt or anything"
  12220. "When have I ever gotten myself- ..."
  12221. >You stop yourself when you realize how stupid that statement would have been
  12222. "Alright yeah, you can crash here for a while"
  12223. >Dash: "Alright, I'm going to run home really quick and get some stuff. I'll be right back"
  12224. >She hurries out the door, leaving you alone here in your apartment
  12225. >You've probably got at least half an hour to yourself, so you flip on the TV and look for something to watch
  12228. >She was gone less than ten minutes
  12229. >That must be some kind of record
  12230. >You wheel over to the door to let her in
  12231. "... the hell are you doing here Twilight?"
  12232. >Twilight: "Rarity told me I could find you here. May I come in?"
  12233. "Yeah, sure. Why not"
  12234. -
  12235. >You lead her inside towards the living room area
  12236. "Can I get you anything?"
  12237. >Twilight: "No no, I'm fine. We just have something to discuss"
  12238. "Something like what?"
  12239. >She takes a seat
  12240. >Twilight: "You said back at the hospital that you and Sonata were good friends, right?"
  12241. "I said we were sort-of friends, and that all changed when they tried to sort-of take over the world"
  12242. >Twilight: "I know, but she still came back to apologize, didn't she? That means there has to be some good in them"
  12243. "I suppose"
  12244. >Twilight: "I take it you know where I'm going with this"
  12245. "Not even in the slightest"
  12246. >Twilight: "They're magic is powerful, you've both seen it and felt it in action. It could prove as an invaluable resource here in your world if put to good use. And yet, they still have yet to learn about the most powerful magic of all"
  12247. "Fireballs?"
  12248. >Twilight: "Friendship"
  12249. "I don't know, fireballs are pretty powerful"
  12250. >Twilight: "It's not fireballs! And even if it was, you wouldn't be fit to be teaching them that kind of thing anyways"
  12251. "What? I'M teaching them?"
  12252. >Does she realize what she just asked of you
  12253. >Twilight: "Think about it- you already have their trust, and I can't be here 24/7 to watch over them and teach them myself. You are the perfect person to do this"
  12254. "Again, what?"
  12255. >Twilight: "It's really simple Anon, just show them that being friends has more merit than being evil"
  12256. "How exactly would I go about that?"
  12257. >Twilight: "You'll find a way, I believe in you"
  12258. "But I haven't seen any of them since the battle. Well, aside from that night at the hospital"
  12259. >Twilight: "I'm sure your paths will cross again soon, trust me. What do you say Anon, will you do it?"
  12260. "Look, Twilight, I appreciate the fact that you see me as a magical friendship wizard and all, but to be honest I was hoping everything could just go back to normal after this"
  12261. >Twilight "Please, Anon, you're the best chance at making the Dazzlings see the light of friendship"
  12262. -
  12263. >She seems desperate
  12264. >And to be fair, the Dazzlings seemed to be pretty chill when you first met them
  12265. >Weird, for reasons now obvious, but chill nonetheless
  12266. "... alright fine. Why not. But on one condition"
  12267. >Twilight: "Condition?"
  12268. "That's right, I don't work for free"
  12269. >Extortion- it does a body good
  12270. >Twilight: "What kind of condition did you have in mind?"
  12271. "If I do this for you, you owe me one favor"
  12272. >Twilight: "And that favor is...?"
  12273. "When the time is right, I'll tell you"
  12274. >Quite frankly you have no idea what you'll ask her for
  12275. >But back in her world she is a princess
  12276. >Maybe she can make you pope or a king something
  12277. >Eh, you'll figure it out later
  12278. >Twilight: "Alright deal. You do this and I'll owe you that favor"
  12279. >She extends her arm for a handshake
  12280. >Twilight: "I read in a book that this is how people make deals in your world"
  12281. "Oh Twilight, you have so much to learn"
  12282. >You grab her hand and close it into a fist, then bump yours against hers
  12283. >Twilight: "What was that?"
  12284. "It's called a brofist. Learn it"
  12285. >Training Twilight to be a badass mofo one day at a time
  12286. >Maybe you are cut out for this whole "teaching" thing after all
  12287. >Twilight: "Now that we've got that worked out, I need to get going back to Equestria. I've been in this world longer than I intended. Remember, I'm counting on you Anon"
  12288. >Thanks for laying on the pressure Twilight
  12289. >She makes her way out, leaving the door wide open behind her
  12290. >How rude
  12291. >Was she raised in a barn or something?
  12293. >Dash should be back any minute now
  12294. >You have to enjoy this night together, because it's the last normal night you're going to have for a while
  12296. Chapter 4
  12298. Okay, I haven't really been writing that much (or at all) lately and I'm sure you've all noticed. I'm just here to say that the story is not quite kill just yet. I haven't forgotten about pet/maid Dash and I haven't forgotten about canocorn, I'll get to that too, I'm a guy who keeps his promises. But yeah, the ride isn't over yet, thanks for all of you who have had faith in me this long. Updating in the Rainbow Dash thread/general
  12299. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12301. >Rainbow Dash will be back any minute now
  12302. >That's what you said an hour or two ago
  12303. >She's not the kind of girl who'd keep you waiting- if anything it's the other way around- so you decide to call her and see what's up
  12304. >"... hey Nonny what's up?"
  12305. >She took a few moments to pick up
  12306. "I was just about to ask you that"
  12307. >"Oh yeah, sorry. Didn't mean to take so long"
  12308. "No biggie, just making sure you didn't die or something"
  12309. >"I'm fine, don't worry. I'll be there in a bit"
  12310. "No rush, whenever you get here is fine so-"
  12311. >"Alright, great, see you in a bit"
  12312. >*click*
  12313. >Well that was abrupt
  12314. >Hopefully she's okay
  12315. >Of course she's okay
  12316. >She's always okay
  12317. >... right?
  12319. >Be Rainbow Dash
  12320. >Just a few hours ago, Anon agreed to let you stay at his place while he gets used to being... not so mobile
  12321. >Plus, and there's no way you'd ever say it to his face, the thought of getting to take care of him sounds kind of fun
  12322. >You grabbed some stuff from home you'd need and cleared the next week with Gramps
  12323. >Well, sort of cleared it with him
  12324. >You told him that you'd be staying with a friend for a few days, neglecting to mention that this friend is your boyfriend who lives alone
  12325. >Yeah, better leave that part out
  12326. >Before heading back to Anon's place there's one more thing you've got to do
  12327. >Give Rarity a call
  12328. >Rarity: "Hello?"
  12329. "Hey Rarity, I need a bit of advice"
  12330. >Rarity: "Okay, whats going on between you and Anon?"
  12331. "Wha- how'd you know this was about him?"
  12332. >Rarity: "Well what else would you need my advice about?"
  12333. "Good point. Okay, so I'm going to be staying with him for a while and I was-"
  12334. >Rarity: "Wait a second, you mean to tell me you're moving in with him already?!"
  12335. "No, I'm just-"
  12336. >Rarity: "I knew you two were close, but jeez, don't you think it's a little early?"
  12337. "Damn it Rarity, we're not moving in together!"
  12338. >Rarity: I know I know, it's just fun messing with you sometimes. So what's going on with you, and please, don't spare all the dirty details"
  12339. >Maybe it wasn't such a good idea asking her
  12340. >You tell her about everything, about you staying with him just to make sure he's okay
  12341. >Absolutely nothing dirty about your intentions
  12342. >... okay, chances are it's gonna get dirty but she doesn't need to know that
  12343. >Rarity: "That's really sweet of you to be taking care of him like that. I didn't know you had it in you"
  12344. "Thanks, I guess"
  12345. >Sounds a little like an insult but whatever
  12346. >Rarity: "So what do you need me for?"
  12347. "Well, you see, ever since the whole Battle of the Bands thing happened, we've been so busy. This is the first time he and I have had any real alone time in a long time"
  12348. >Rarity: "Sounds to me like the kind of thing you should be asking Pinkie Pie about"
  12349. "I'd actually much prefer to keep it just between us, and I'm pretty sure he would too"
  12350. >Anon's not the only one who's actually afraid to know what kind of sex things Pinkie's in to
  12351. >Rarity: "Then you need me for...?"
  12352. "I was going to ask if you had any tips or advice to make this time really special"
  12353. >Rarity: "And you're asking me?"
  12354. "Yeah, you've dated like, a million other guys before, you know way more about this than I do"
  12355. >Rarity: "Okay, first off, 'a million' is quite the exaggeration, and a little harsh. But I suppose I do have just a little more experience than you do. What kind of thing did you have in mind?"
  12356. "That's just it, I've got nothing"
  12357. >Rarity: "Hmm... I may have something in mind"
  12359. "Hang on, I've got another call"
  12360. >... crap. It's Anon
  12361. "That's him, I've gotta call you back"
  12362. >Rarity: "Don't worry about it, I've got a few things to take care of too. And trust me, I'll come up with something to make your time special"
  12363. "Thanks. And by the way"
  12364. >Rarity: "I know I know, keep it a secret. See you tomorrow"
  12365. >*BEEP*
  12366. >She hangs up
  12367. >Hopefully you haven't kept him waiting too long
  12368. "Hey Nonny, what's up"
  12369. >Anon: "I was just about to ask you that"
  12370. "Oh yeah, sorry. Didn't mean to take so long"
  12371. >*BEEP BEEP*
  12372. >Great, now someone's texting you
  12373. Anon: "No biggie, just making sure you didn't die or something"
  12374. "I'm fine, don't worry. I'll be there in a bit"
  12375. >*BEEP BEEP*
  12376. >Another one
  12377. >Why can't you just have one uninterrupted phone conversation today?
  12378. >Anon: "No rush, whenever you get here is fine so-"
  12379. "Alright, great, see you in a bit"
  12380. >*click*
  12381. >*BEEP BEEP*
  12382. >Sorry Nonny, but someone clearly has an emergency
  12383. >... scratch that, they're all from Pinkie, so it's safe to assume Rarity's gossip started already
  12384. >*BEEP BEEP*
  12385. >Okay, she needs to- wait, this one isn't from Pinkie
  12386. >It's from... Cadence?
  12388. >After making sure you've got everything you're going to need packed, you toss your bag into the trunk of your car and quickly make your way to his place
  12390. >You are Anon, still waiting at home alone
  12392. >Alright, Dash is back
  12393. >You maneuver your way to the door
  12394. >Just when you thought you had this whole "moving in a chair" thing down, your furniture proves to be a formidable foe
  12395. >But you get there in... reasonable time
  12396. >You only had to shout "Don't leave I'm coming" once
  12397. "Hey Dashie, sorry to keep you- ... oh, it's just you"
  12398. >Emily: "Yeah, just me"
  12399. >She takes no shame in welcoming herself inside
  12400. -
  12401. "Your hat is over there on the table. It shouldn't be too destroyed"
  12402. >Emily: "I actually came to check on you, but thanks for the reminder"
  12403. "Wait, you actually came to check on me?"
  12404. >Emily: "Yeah, I figured you could use someone to keep an eye on you for a while"
  12405. "Don't worry, Dash is gonna be here for a few days to make sure I don't die"
  12406. >Emily: "Rainbow Dash? She's your girlfriend, right?"
  12407. "Pretty sure"
  12408. >Emily: "Alright. Just keep the noise down. I've got a lot of stuff to do, and I'd rather not be kept up listening to you guys doing it all night"
  12409. "Yeah yeah, we'll try"
  12410. >Screw that, you'll be as loud as you want
  12411. >In fact, extra loud just because she asked you not to
  12412. >She takes her hat and promptly plants it on top of her head
  12413. >Emily: "See you around wheelchair boy"
  12414. "The name's Hot-Wheels"
  12415. >That gets a chuckle out of her
  12416. >Emily: "Gotcha. See ya Hot-Wheels"
  12417. >And she departs, once again leaving you to wait alone
  12419. >A few cooking shows later, which you only watch when there's absolutely NOTHING ELSE better on TV, there's another knock at the door
  12420. >First Twilight, then your neighbor, who is it this time? The Dazzlings come back for revenge? Redheart dropping by just to give you a hard time? Maybe it's one of those bike riding church guys?
  12421. "Oh hey Dashie, wasn't expecting you"
  12422. >Wow, perfect timing
  12423. >Dash: "Sorry I took forever, hope you weren't waiting too long. Anything happen while I was gone?"
  12424. "... nah, nothing. Just waiting. Anything with you?"
  12425. >Dash: "Nope. Nothing."
  12426. >There's something she's not saying, you can tell
  12427. >But hey, you didn't mention Twilight coming in and pretty much ordering you to teach the Dazzlings about friendship or whatever
  12428. >Meh, it'll come out eventually
  12429. >For now, just get ready to enjoy the peace, quiet, and calmness while you still can
  12431. >Dash: "So what have you been up to besides waiting?"
  12432. "Besides waiting? Just more waiting"
  12433. >Technically, you didn't lie
  12434. >You haven't done anything of value since you got home, aside from watching boring TV shows alone
  12435. >So you invite her to take a seat next to you on the sofa
  12436. >Or rather, next to the empty spot where you're going to sit just as soon as you maneuver out of this chair and onto the sofa
  12437. >...
  12438. >This is a little harder than you thought it'd be
  12439. >Dash: "Need some help?"
  12440. "Nah, I got it"
  12441. >...
  12442. >Okay, a lot harder
  12443. >Dash: "You sure, you look a little-"
  12444. "Trust me, I got this"
  12445. >...
  12446. >Your chair nearly tips over, but somehow you get your balance back
  12447. >Dash: "Okay, stop before you hurt yourself. Let me give you a hand"
  12448. >You tune her out because you know you got this... you totally got this...
  12449. >Ta-da!
  12450. "Told you I'd make it"
  12451. >Dash: "And it only took about twenty minutes"
  12452. >When she wasn't watching you struggle she was aimlessly flipping through channels for something to watch
  12453. "It's the principle that counts. Besides, I made it didn't I?"
  12454. >Dash: "Fair enough. Just don't hurt yourself again doing it"
  12455. >As she says that, she leans over onto your shoulder
  12456. >Dash: "You've been making me worry too much lately"
  12457. >... damn
  12458. >You put your arm around her and hold her tighter for comfort, searching for something to say
  12459. "With my leg the way it is there's not much trouble I can get myself in"
  12460. >Dash: "No offense, but I'm sure you can find a way"
  12461. "Then it's a good thing I've got you looking out for me, isn't it?"
  12462. >Dash: "Yeah, I suppose. And now that the Dazzlings are out of our hair, there shouldn't be any trouble"
  12463. >You have yet to tell her about Twilight's request
  12464. "Listen, about that-"
  12465. >Dash: "-Hold that thought"
  12466. >She stops on a sports channel in the middle of a baseball game
  12467. >Dash: "Oh my gosh, I didn't even know they were playing today"
  12468. >You don't really follow baseball, so you have no idea who "they" are, but her eyes light up
  12469. >Dash: "Sorry, what were you saying?"
  12470. "Oh, it's nothing"
  12471. >It can wait until tomorrow
  12472. >Today's been a long ass day, and right now you just want to relax
  12473. >Yup, just close your eyes, lean back, and relax...
  12474. >...
  12476. >And the next thing you know you're lying in bed, and judging by the color outside the windows it's night time
  12477. >The lights are off and you're tucked in under the covers with Dash is right next to you
  12478. >As you sit up, your new house guest seems to wake
  12479. >Dash: "mhh... what time is it"
  12480. >You look over her to see the alarm clock, the dim red lights seeming bright as hell to your still adjusting eyes
  12481. "About 2 a.m. I think"
  12482. >That's either a 2 or a 3, hard to tell
  12483. >Dash quietly groans and plops her head back on the pillow
  12484. >She must have brought it from home, since you don't have a spare pillow anywhere in the place
  12485. "How'd I get in bed anyways?"
  12486. >Too late, you can already hear her heavy breathing, the kind of breathing that usually means she's in a deep sleep
  12487. >Yeah, getting an answer out of her now is futile
  12488. >Nothing to do now but bury your face in the back of her head and go back to sleep
  12490. >The next morning
  12491. >*BEEP-BEEP-BEEP*
  12492. >... Damn, the alarm clock
  12493. >You were sleeping pretty comfortably too
  12494. >As you sit up you realize that with Dash between you and the night stand your alarm clock is sitting on there's no way you could reach it without climbing over her
  12495. >Thankfully she sits up not long after you do
  12496. >Dash: "I got it" she says through a well-rested yawn
  12497. >*CLICK*
  12498. >Thank God for having her around
  12499. >With the alarm stopped, you close your eyes and try to get a little more rest
  12500. >You always set your alarm really early so you always have time to get ready
  12501. >Even with a broken leg you should still have a good fifteen minutes to spare
  12502. >Dash: "Come on Nonny, get up"
  12503. >... or maybe not
  12504. >She gives your shoulder a gentle shake
  12505. >Dash: "Come on, we're gonna be late"
  12506. "Late? What time is it?"
  12507. >Dash: "8:30"
  12508. >... that gets you to sit up
  12509. "I thought I set my alarm to 7 a.m."
  12510. >Dash: "... I may have hit the snooze button once or twice"
  12511. "Once or twice?"
  12512. >Dash: "Okay, maybe three times, tops"
  12513. >You know for a fact that it had to have been like, at least six
  12514. >But screw it, you're going to be late
  12515. >Dash: "Don't worry, I usually get up right about now, and I always make it just in time"
  12516. "And did you take into account that you're with a guy with one working leg?"
  12517. >Dash: "... crap. I completely forgot about that"
  12518. >Can't really hold it against her, it's not like all of your plans have been solid 10/10s
  12519. >She quickly grabs some clothes from her bag and heads to the bathroom to take a quick shower
  12520. >You probably won't have time to take one before school, but you can always do it when you get back
  12521. >No one will notice, right?
  12522. >Right
  12523. >Just gotta change your clothes
  12525. >After getting back in the chair, which was much easier this time than with the couch, you go to your closet and grab some fresh clothes and quickly change
  12526. >Or at least as quick as you can
  12527. >By the time Dash comes back in, still drying her hair, you're almost done, just slipping your shirt on
  12528. >Dash: "Damn, that was fast"
  12529. "You too"
  12530. >It's about 8:40
  12531. >Normally you'd be okay on time
  12532. >Normally
  12533. >Dash: "Do you know of any shortcuts between here and the school that can get us there faster?"
  12534. "Yeah, it's called 'we hurry' "
  12535. >Dash: "Gotcha"
  12536. >You both grab your backpacks and leave without even checking if you have everything you need for school
  12537. >Let's be real, you hardly do anything at school anyways
  12539. >Once you get outside, she grabs the handles on the back of your chair
  12540. >Dash: "You know the way, right?"
  12541. "Of course I do"
  12542. >Dash: "Good, guide me"
  12543. "What do you mean by-"
  12544. >Dash: "-Hold on tight!"
  12545. >Before you can even finish your statement she starts running down the street at what you hope is her top speed, because any faster will probably get you killed
  12547. >She races you to school as you guide her along the way
  12548. >At the speed you're going you feel every single little bump and crack in the sidewalk like you're racing over speed bumps
  12549. >It's a good thing she gave you that last second warning to hold on
  12551. >Miraculously you both make it to school alive
  12552. >Dash is panting and gasping for breath while you sit comfortably in your chair
  12553. >Meh, you've got a little time to spare
  12554. >You pat yourself on the lap
  12555. "Come on Dashie, we've got time to spare. Take a rest"
  12556. >With no hesitation she plops her butt down in your lap, letting out sigh of relief through her staggered gasps
  12557. >Dash: "Thanks Nonny"
  12558. "It's only fair since you pretty much did all the work. Remind me to pay you back for this next time you end up in a wheelchair"
  12559. >Dash: "Better yet, let's just hope I don't end up in a wheelchair"
  12560. "Deal. By the way, how did I end up in bed last night anyways?"
  12561. >Dash: "You dozed off on the couch, so after the baseball game I carried you back to your bedroom and put you to bed"
  12562. >Great, that's another favor you owe her
  12563. >Why'd you have to fall in love with someone so awesome
  12564. >Dash: "When I did, I figured, it's getting pretty late anyways, might as well go to bed too"
  12565. "So you got in with me?"
  12566. >Dash: "Yeah, you're not bothered by that, you?"
  12567. "I'd be bothered if you didn't get in bed with me"
  12568. >She looks like she wants to say something, but can't
  12569. >Time to move in for the kill
  12570. >And by "kill", you mean "kiss her"
  12571. >As you slowly lean in, bringing your lips closer to hers, she gives up the search for words
  12572. >Instead, she lets her hands do the talking, bringing them up to either side of your face, cradling your face
  12573. >Her eyes shut and her lips part, steadily inching towards yours
  12574. >"So did you guys do it last night or not?"
  12575. >And there goes the moment
  12576. >As you pull back you see Pinkie and Fluttershy standing behind her, Pinkie stifling her giggles while Fluttershy silently waves
  12577. >Pinkie: "Well? I heard what you were saying about sleeping together last night, I bet you did a lot more than sleeping. You know what's up, right Fluttershy"
  12578. >She gives Fluttershy a wink and a nudge in her side
  12579. >Thank God Rarity's not here or this'd be a lot worse
  12580. >Dash: "He didn't mean what it sounded like, I swear"
  12581. >Fluttershy: "don't worry, I know what you meant by that. Rarity told us about you staying with Anon to look after him"
  12582. >Dash: "She did?"
  12583. >Pinkie: "Yup. And besides, we all know you guys do it like, all the time too, so it's no biggie"
  12584. >Dash: "It's not ALL the time"
  12585. >Pinkie: "Well it's a lot, and I mean a WHOLE lot. I bet that's why you guys were almost late today"
  12586. >Dash: "It had nothing to do with that"
  12587. >Pinkie: "Yeah, suuuuure"
  12588. >She gives you a wink
  12589. >Dash: "You believe me, right Fluttershy?"
  12590. >Fluttershy: "of course I do. you two have a distinct look about you after making love, and you don't have that look now"
  12591. >Pinkie erupts into laughter, while you struggle not to
  12592. >Initially, Fluttershy is clueless, and it takes a while for her to realize what she's just said
  12593. >Fluttershy: "... oh, sorry. I probably shouldn't have said that much"
  12594. >Dash: "Don't worry, it's not your fault. Let's just hurry and get to class before-"
  12595. >*RIIIIIIIING*
  12596. >Dash: "... never mind"
  12597. >Pinkie: "Well, no need to hurry. We're all officially late now"
  12598. "Not necessarily"
  12599. >Fluttershy: "what do you mean? the bell just rang"
  12600. "But if you all come in with me I'm sure I can get you out of trouble"
  12601. >Fluttershy: "how?"
  12602. "Think about it: you're just three friends helping their crippled friend get around. What kind of person would punish you for that?"
  12603. >Luna probably would
  12604. >Dash: "Alright, let's go"
  12605. >You stop Dash from getting up
  12606. "Dont worry Dashie, I'll give you a lift"
  12607. >Dash: "You sure about that?"
  12608. "Positive"
  12609. >Dash: "Fine, alright"
  12610. >She wiggles around a bit, readjusting herself to get comfortable
  12611. >Pinkie: "Room for one more on the Hot-Wheels Express?"
  12612. "-No"
  12613. >You answer her quickly
  12614. >You'd never say it, but Dash is heavier than you thought, and moving with her is hard enough
  12615. >But damn it you said you'd do it
  12616. >Can't back out now
  12617. >You walk with each of them to their respective classes- or rather, they do the walking, you follow along
  12618. >Once you got the wheels turning, it definitely helped move the weight of the two of you
  12619. >First Fluttershy, then Pinkie
  12620. >Their teachers all seem to buy your excuse about helping the crippled friend
  12621. >Lastly, you drop off Dash down the hall from her classroom
  12622. >Dash: "Thanks again for the lift"
  12623. "Just consider it thanks for helping me get here almost on time"
  12624. >She kneels down to give you a hug
  12625. >Now that she's on your level, you've got the perfect opportunity
  12626. "Hold up, don't move. You got something on your face"
  12627. >Dash: "What is it?"
  12628. >Catching her off-guard, you grab her and plant a big kiss right on her lips
  12629. >You hold yourself against her until her lips stop quivering and her hands stop shaking
  12630. >Then, you pull away
  12631. "Nothing, just me"
  12632. >Smooth/10
  12633. >Once again she's lost for words, but she's not without a reaction
  12634. >A good punch right on your shoulder, which from her is usually a good thing
  12635. >Dash: "You're just lucky I've gotta get to class, or there'd be more where that came from"
  12636. >In your book that sounds pretty unlucky
  12637. "See you later then"
  12638. >Dash: "Yeah, see you later"
  12639. >She walks over to her class, seemingly unable to walk straight, her legs wobbly and shaking
  12640. >And to think you've got at least another week of her living with you
  12641. >Another week of this
  12642. >Sounds fun
  12643. >You're on your way to class alone when a voice echoes through the hall, calling out to you
  12644. >"Halt, who goes there?"
  12645. >Either someone called in the Royal Guard or Vice Principal Luna caught you
  12646. >...yup, Luna
  12647. "Just me, heading to class"
  12648. >Luna: "This late? Are you just arriving?"
  12649. "Yup"
  12650. >Luna: "And why, pray tell, are you so tardy"
  12651. >You silently direct her attention to the wheelchair
  12652. "It's my first day in this thing, cut me a little slack alright"
  12653. >She sighs, unhappy with the choice she's about to make
  12654. >Luna: "Alright alright. We'll take you to your next class"
  12655. "Thanks. It's math, right down the hall over there"
  12656. >... making Luna your personal slave?
  12657. >Awesome
  12658. >Luna: "And Anonymous?"
  12659. "Yeah?"
  12660. >Luna: "This is the only time we will be 'cutting you any slack'. But do not take that tone with us again"
  12661. >Fair enough
  12663. >Later that day, Biology class
  12664. >Rarity had the courtesy of picking you up outside your previous class and walking you over with her
  12665. >That was nice of her
  12666. >If it wasn't for the fact that she only did it to pry some gossip out of you
  12667. >Destination: Your assigned seat next to Rarity in the back of the class
  12668. >Obstacle: Maneuvering between the desks to get back there in a wheelchair
  12669. >To your surprise, people are nicer than you thought, nice enough to move their desks aside to give you more room
  12670. >If this is how they treat you, you might consider making this whole "wheelchair" thing a permanent gig
  12672. >Teacher: "Alright everyone, settle down. Now I'm sure we're all glad to see your classmate is okay and out of the hospital. But we also have two new students joining our class today"
  12673. >The new kids enter the room
  12674. >...
  12675. >...
  12676. >... no way
  12677. >No freaking way
  12678. "Hey Rarity"
  12679. >Rarity: "I see them"
  12680. >Teacher: "They've just transferred into Canterlot High this week"
  12681. >The guy next to you leans over and whispers to you
  12682. >"Hey Anon, those new girls"
  12683. "Yeah?"
  12684. >"The one with the big hair's got a nice ass, don't you think"
  12685. "I guess, when she's not trying to steal your brain or something"
  12686. >"Uhh... yeah sure, whatever floats your boat. I'm more of an ass guy myself"
  12687. "Well, not if it's hers"
  12688. >"What's the matter, you know her or something?"
  12689. "Don't tell me you seriously don't recognize her"
  12690. >"Not at all"
  12691. >You turn to Rarity and exchange a glance
  12692. >She heard every word of your conversation, and she's just as concerned as you are
  12693. >Teacher: "Please give a warm welcome to our newest classmates, Adagio Dazzle and Sonata Dusk"
  12694. >The only empty seats available are in front of you and Rarity, so they end up coming towards you
  12695. >Neither of them dare make eye contact with you, not even Sonata
  12696. >Sooner or later you're going to have to talk to them... might as well make it sooner
  12697. >About five minutes into the teacher's lecture, you curl over and start groaning in pain
  12698. >Teacher: "Anonymous, is everything okay?"
  12699. "N-No... I'm..."
  12700. >... perfectly fine, just looking for an excuse to get out of here
  12701. >You grab at your leg cast like it's actually hurting and pretend to almost fall over
  12702. >Teacher: "Can someone escort him to the nurse's office, quick?!"
  12703. >With your good leg, you give Adagio's chair a stern kick
  12704. >Adagio: "Hey, what was that for?!"
  12705. >She jumps from her seat, just like you intended
  12706. >Teacher: "Oh, thank you Adagio, the nurse's office is around the corner and a down the hall. Anonymous should know how to get there. Sonata, can you go with them just in case?"
  12707. >Sonata: "Yeah, sure"
  12708. >As they wheel you out, you look back at Rarity, giving her a discrete nod
  12709. >She got the message
  12710. >Tell the girls
  12712. >They wheel you out the door and around the corner, you faking pain all the while
  12713. >Adagio: "Alright, where to now?"
  12714. >Time to drop the act
  12715. "Right here looks good"
  12716. >Adagio: "Wait a second, you were faking it? Why would you do that?"
  12717. >Sonata: "Yeah, what's going on here?"
  12718. "Maybe I should be asking you that"
  12719. >Sonata: "Huh?"
  12720. "Look, I'm no evil mastermind, but if you're still trying to take over the world, then you probably shouldn't hit the same school twice"
  12721. >Sonata: "... how much do you remember?"
  12722. "Everything"
  12723. >"Anon!!"
  12724. >Rarity's voice comes calling from down the hall, joined by all the other girls
  12725. >She got the word out fast
  12726. >Sometimes her gossip skills come in handy
  12727. >Applejack: "And what the hay are you two doing here exactly?"
  12728. >Sunset: "Does it matter why? Let's just throw them out right here and now"
  12729. >Fluttershy: "now girls, don't you think they deserve a fair chance to explain themselves"
  12730. "Hate to say it, but I'm with Fluttershy on this one"
  12731. >There's something weird going on, and you intend to find out
  12732. "Listen up you two, I'm the only thing standing between you two and the wrath of Applejack, which trust me, is not a good thing to be under, so you better start explaining before I step aside"
  12733. >The two Dazzlings exchange an awkward glance
  12734. >Adagio: "... alright. Just tell me where to begin"

[RDxAnon] Whatever I Want pt 1-3 [PastaFromSpace] [EQG]

by DashPosterAndArchiver

[RDxAnon] Bikini Beaches [Candles]

by DashPosterAndArchiver

[RDxAnon] Dash 1shot: What happened last night? [Candles]

by DashPosterAndArchiver

[RDxAnon] The Letter [Candles]

by DashPosterAndArchiver

[RDxAnon] The Preening [Candles]

by DashPosterAndArchiver