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[RDxAnon] The Preening [Candles]

By DashPosterAndArchiver
Created: 2021-05-12 21:56:48
Expiry: Never

  1. >”Uhn… Dammit….” The soft grunting was penetrating through your otherwise quiet household. The place had been unusually silent, not much other than the rustle of pages and occasionally the whistling of a tea kettle.
  2. >”Mmn! Horse apples!” The voice yelled out. You threw down your pen, the essay on human culture that Twilight wanted you to write as a debt payment would have to wait.
  3. “Dash? What are you doing in there?”
  4. >”N-nothing! Sorry if there’s any noise!” Rainbow Dash called back with a slight stammer. No surprise, she had been a bit shy ever since she moved in with you. After her house got blown apart because of storm weather and all.
  5. >You two had been having this sort of half relationship ever since she did move in a few days earlier after she fell asleep in your arms after confessing to being afraid of thunder.
  6. >It was a mixture of awkward, uncertain, and confusing. Neither of you were sure what to call yourselves.
  7. >You stood up, stretching and walking barefoot out of your room.
  8. “Dash?”
  9. >”I-Im fine Anon! Just doing some… work.” You turned a corner to find her sitting on the floor, feathers lying on the ground around her and her wing in her mouth. She had a frustrated look on her face as she pawed at her primaries.
  10. “Uh… What are you doing?”
  11. >She spat out her wing, a line of drool still connecting it to her mouth. “I’m preening. Y’know, it’s where you clean out the dead feathers from your wings. The whole problem is that normally Fluttershy and I preen each other, it’s easier that way. But Fluttershy’s in Cloudsdale right now so I’m stuck on my own…”
  12. “So how does this work?”
  13. >She tugged at the feathers, “Well normally, Fluttershy and I take turns pulling the dead feathers out of each others wings. It’s kinda hard to do on your own when your wings are situated on your back.”
  14. “Yeah I figured…”
  15. >You walked over to the sink, pouring yourself a glass of water. Dash watched you curiously as you drank, then walked back, crouching before her.
  16. “Sooo… Any way I can help?”
  17. >Her face turned into a mixture of disbelief and appreciation. “Uh r-really?”
  18. >You nodded, extending a helpful hand and gently brushing her wing. She flinched and pulled away. “Yeah I don’t m-mind if you help. Just give me a second.” She took a few deep breaths, wiping her forehead and lips before lying down and gingerly extending her wing towards me. “J-just be gentle is all. My wings are a bit sensitive.”
  19. >You took one, feeling the soft feathers under your fingers. The muscles flexed a bit under your touch as she took a deep breath.
  20. “Alright what am I supposed to be doing?”
  21. >She gestured towards her feathers, somewhat distracted. “You just give each feather a soft tug and by soft I mean really soft. The dead ones should just come out. Oh and try not to bend the feathers it hurts.”
  22. “Doesn’t seem too difficult.”
  23. >You ran your hand along the underside of her wing, still feeling the soft feathers before turning your attention to her primaries. Then you grasped the base of her wing with your other hand, causing her to let out a squeak and reactively fold her wing..
  24. “Shit you ok Dash?”
  25. >She nodded, taking a few more deep breaths and re-extending her wing back into your palm. “Uh huh. Sorry, not used to fingers on my wings. Feels uh… nevermind.”
  26. >You pinch her endmost feather and give it a soft tug but it doesn’t fall out. She tries not to laugh. “Sorry, it’s just the primaries generally fall out on their own. You can check if you want but the main issue is these feathers here.” She gestured towards the base and joint of her wing. The parts coated with dozens of small downy feathers.
  27. “Want me to just work on those?”
  28. >She nodded and shifted herself to allow you better access. But as you reach for her wing again, she stops your hand.
  29. >“One thing… Wings are pretty sensitive as a whole so someti- actually nevermind. Look promise you won’t tell anypony?” She asked nervously. You nod and return to gently tugging at the feathers.
  30. >Dash was panting, biting her lip as she watched you work her wing gently, the pile of dead feathers growing beside you. As you massaged the muscles, you ran your other hand along the top of her wing absent mindedly, tracing the flow of her feathers and tugging at them.
  31. >”Mhn!” She muffled her squeak, stuffing her face into a nearby pillow. Her chest rising and falling, a small bead of sweat rolling along the side of her face.
  32. “Dash? Is everything ok?”
  33. >She nodded, “Y-yeah… Uh just keep going if you want… please.”
  34. >You wait for her to relax before working your hands on the soft underside of her wing now, plucking away the dead feathers and massaging the muscle. She was still panting, her body beginning to shake as she stifled a few more squeaks.
  35. >You raised an eyebrow, watching her get more and more worked up as you continued to massage her wing. Forgetting the feathers entirely. She was lying flat on her belly, legs splayed and eyes unfocused. Panting, sweating, and almost drooling with excitement as you dug your thumbs deep into the muscles.
  36. “Heh…”
  37. >She squeezed her eyes shut, “Sh-shut u-” Trailing off, she arched her head with another squeal, again muffled by the hoof she jammed in her mouth.
  38. >Well if she seems to be enjoying this. Let’s take it up a notch.
  39. >You reach around her middle and pull her onto your lap, causing her to yelp. But she broke down into the squealing mess as soon as you began massaging each wing at the same time, writhing on your lap.
  40. >Eventually her squeals died down into small grunts interspersed with the occasional moan or cry. She went almost limp on your lap, her back slowly arching away from your stomach and her tongue hanging out. “Ahn… Ah…. Mmm…”
  41. >Your raised your hand higher, right against the base and began to twist and grind your fingers into the feathers. This caused her to arch her back entirely, silent as she squeezed her eyes shut, lost in ecstasy.
  42. >She gave a soft squeak, her whole body shuddering as she hung her mouth open, gasping for air.
  43. >She was spasming in your arms, giving soft cries as her eyes rolled back in her head. You took your hands off her wings and watched her come down from her high, collapsing against you. Panting, her mane matted to her forehead from sweat.
  44. >After a few seconds she exhaled loudly, wiping some sweat from her brow. “Th-that was… Uh”
  45. “Dash did you seriously just orga-”
  46. >”Uhm…” She cut you off, her face turning bright red as she clambered off your lap, took a few shaky steps and sitting down facing you. “Y-yeah… I did.”
  47. “Wow…”
  48. >”Yep…” She scratched the back of her mane nervously. “Well I guess my preening’s done? Oh hey did I ever thank you for letting me stay here?”
  49. “Uh yes. A few nights ago when you first arrived during that rainstorm? Soaking wet? You fell asleep in my arms remember?”
  50. >She nodded awkwardly, shuffling her hooves and avoiding eye contact, her face still bright red. “Oh yeah… Well thanks.”
  51. >She walked forwards and gave you a kiss. “I’m gonna go to bed, you should finish that essay. Don’t worry I can clean these feathers.”
  52. >You nod and leave the room, letting her pack up the feathers and sitting back down at your desk.
  53. >Still the words wouldn't come but that was alright because about 20 minutes later she came back in asking for a hoof massage.
  55. THE END
  56. -Candles

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[RDxAnon] The Preening [Candles]

by DashPosterAndArchiver