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[RDxAnon] The Train (Full Story) [Candles]

By DashPosterAndArchiver
Created: 2021-05-12 22:03:02
Expiry: Never

  1. The Train:
  2. Day 1:
  4. >Chaaaf….
  5. >The Ponyville Express pulled into Canterlot with a soft hiss of steam and the whine of a rustic but still outdated whistle.
  6. >Well the two of you had made it to Canterlot. All that was needed now was to get halfway across the city to another train that left in five minutes.
  7. >You stepped off, ignoring the stares from the various ponies around you. Yes they were still surprised at the appearance of a human.
  8. >”Yawwn! Oh boy… Canterlot.” Dash blearily stepped off beside you, leaning against your leg for balance. You smiled and patted the top of her head.
  9. “Yep. Aaand now we need to run!”
  10. >The two of you bolted down the street, twisting left, right, into cramped tunnels and over small bridges. Making a long winding path towards the new train station.
  11. >Dash had been excited to take this new train. Apparently it was their most advanced model yet and could circle almost the entire country in just under three days.
  12. >It was basically a cruise ship disguised as a train and powered by magic.
  13. >It was also incredibly expensive.
  14. >So you took her, being the great boyfriend that you were. Also because she’d been through a rough couple of days after receiving a letter from her abusive father.
  15. >After a few nights of tears you figured she needed a vacation, something to take her mind of things. What’s better than a super fast train? With sleeping compartments, gourmet food, and a pool?
  16. >Yes the train had a pool.
  17. >You stopped in front of the station, out of breath while Dash chuckled and did a midair flip. “Tired Anon?”
  18. “Yeah sorry I don’t have Equine lungs…”
  19. >She giggled and touched down beside you, “Well at least we made it on time.”
  20. “Do you have your ticket?”
  21. >Her face went from a smirk to a panicked stare, her pupils shrinking as she racked her mind, checked her hooves, saddle bag, and at one point her tail. “Uh oh…”
  22. >You burst out laughing, holding out her ticket. “You left it on your seat, now let’s get some seats before they’re all taken up.”
  23. >”Anon the train can hold over two thousand ponies. I doubt we will have trouble finding seats.” She swiped her ticket and walked into the platform only to be stopped by her saddlebags! They had gotten caught on on the gate. “Augh! I’m uh stuck!”
  24. >You walked over, trying not to laugh as you unstuck her bag and watched her trot past. “Thanks Anon!”
  25. “Uh no proble- Whoah!”
  26. >Your attention was finally brought to the train, gleaming and majestic. A sleek silver goliath, its wheels gleaming from the magic that powered it. It was emitting nothing more than a soft hum. It didn’t even have smokestacks.
  27. >Honestly… It looked kind of like a giant silver penis.
  28. >But you didn’t bother your mind with such immature thoughts. Well you tried not to.
  29. >The doors opened with a futuristic hiss and a puff of steam. “Apparently the train is vacuum sealed so that the ponies inside can live happily.” Dash explained, pulling you inside after her.
  30. “You’re uh… starting to sound like Twilight now.”
  31. >She blushed, stammering. “N-no it’s not that! I just read a ton about this train before we… Ok so I read about the train whatever!? It’s no big deal!?”
  32. “You’re the only one making a deal of it.”
  33. >She shook her head in protest, “No! I’m just really excited about this train!”
  34. >You looked around at the sleek silver walls, here it looked like a spaceship airlock. Maybe it was a spaceship airlock?
  35. “Does the whole train look like a tin can?”
  36. >Dash shook her head, opening a compartment door. “Not at all! Check out this place!” The door revealed a luscious train car, with velvet curtains, soft carpets, and oak panelling. It was beautiful. The windows clear without even the slightest spot of dirt or scratch.
  37. >Dash pulled away one of the curtains, showing a pair of beds with a table in the middle and small compartments above for holding your bags. “Wanna stay here? It’s private, cozy… warm.”
  38. “Yeah definitely!”
  39. >You put your bag into the compartment and helped Dash get hers up as well, her ears turning a soft pink when she realized she wasn’t tall enough and flying wasn’t allowed.
  40. >After that you sat on one bed and she sat on the other. “Sooo… Now what?”
  41. >”Tickets!” The curtain moved, there was somepony behind it. Dash yelped and you tried to put on a brave face, opening the curtain to see a… very tired looking Pony in uniform.
  42. >”Tickets…” He mumbled, holding out a small hole punch and clicker. You held yours out, Dash following suit as he punched a hole in each ticket before walking off with a huff.
  43. >As he left, you felt the train below vibrate, slowly humming to life as it pulled out of the station and picked up speed. Getting faster and faster. Dash who was now sitting beside you, resting her head hopefully against your chest gave an excited squeal. “This train is so cool!”
  44. >You nodded, brushing the back of her head and lying down beside her as she got herself a bit more comfortable against you. “A-anon… Mind if I take a nap? O-on you… here?”
  45. “I’m sorry?”
  46. >Her ears drooped. “Uh… well I don’t want to sleep over there and we got up early. S-so I was wondering if I could sleep on you? You’re… comfy.” She gave you a smile, her chin just below your collar and her hooves draped over your shoulders.
  47. >You brushed her back, at the soft spot between her wings where her coat was always a bit more on the fluffy side. She gave a soft sigh and closed her eyes.
  48. “But Dash… I always thought you hated this kind of stuff in uh… public settings.”
  49. >She stiffened a bit, but then relaxed as soon as you brushed her mane away from her eyes. “W-well… this is private. We can be alone together…”
  50. “That’s true.”
  51. >She burrowed herself into your arms, quickly falling into a deep sleep while you stared up at the ceiling absentmindedly. Sleep was hard to come by right now, it was late afternoon and you had a lot on your mind.
  52. >Mainly what you had planned for the next few train stops. Each one at a different tourist attraction.
  53. >”Mhnm…” She mumbled, smacking her lips and rolling over. You smiled and brushed her forehead.
  54. >Roughly an hour later you blinked and looked around, you had been drifting off to sleep as well.
  55. >”E-Excuse me?!” The curtain was thrown open, showing a pair of elderly bespectacled unicorns. A male and female both with looks of absolute horror. Dash sat up sleepily, rubbing her eyes and looking around. “Ano- Who the hay are you guys!? Get out!”
  56. >The husband pushed up his horn rimmed glasses. “Look at you two! On top of each other like a pair of animals! This is a distinguished train car! Show some class!”
  57. >Rainbow Dash quietly clambered off of you, sitting on her bed. “...Sorry.” She squeaked, hiding her head in her hooves.
  58. >The wife gave a “harumph!” and the two of them walked off. You could faintly hear other doors opening and closing.
  59. >Dash let out a soft “Eep!”, as you sat up, readjusting your shirt and rubbing the back of your neck.
  60. “Sooo….”
  61. >She snorted, quietly giggling and pretending to hold up a monocle. “Show some class!” She mimicked in a mock british accent.
  62. >You burst out laughing and stood up, motioning for her to follow you.
  63. “Come on let’s get some dinner.”
  64. >She stopped you, her hoof around your leg. “Wait! We might need to sneak past them!”
  65. “Dash they were walking in the opposite direction. I’m sure they will be several cars away by now.”
  66. >She shrugged. “Yeah whatever I’m hungry. What time is it?”
  67. >You checked the ornate clock that was installed above each door.
  68. “About 5:30ish…”
  69. >”Sweet I’m hungry!” The two of you walked towards the ornate dining car.
  70. >The car was mostly quiet save the occasional clink of cutlery as the various Equestrians ate their meals. Some whispered in small groups, sipping glasses of wine in fancy clothes.
  71. >”I feel really underdressed.” Dash whispered to you as you got a table in the back together. It was small and cozy, almost private like your train car.
  72. >Not long later a waitress walked over, carrying a pair of menus which she held out. “Would you like to hear the specials for this evening?”
  73. >A while after that, late into the night you stumbled back into the train car in a flurry of kisses and soft moans, your hands massaging deep into the base of her wings as she groaned against you.
  74. >The two of you had split a bottle of wine.
  75. >Ok maybe it was 3.
  76. >Honestly you lost count.
  77. >”Mmn… Anon, c-can we maybe finish this tomorrow?” She was panting against you as your one hand continued on her wing and the other slowly went between her legs, cupping the warmth now emanating there.
  78. >She let out a groan, grinding herself against your palm, lubricated by her juices. “O-or we could maybe continue th-this for a bit longer.”
  79. >You grinned, massaging a bit more, watching her squeals being poorly muffled by her hoof, her fluid dripping past your palm and onto the mattress below.
  80. >She was in ecstasy, as you inserted a finger, causing her to cry out, running your thumb up and down her lower lips. “A-Anon I… I’m about t-to…” She trailed off, lost in pleasure.
  81. >Not long after she ground herself faster against your hand, letting out small squeaks until she went silent, your hand getting a lot wetter as she shuddered against you.
  82. >But you kept going, still working her wing slowly, until she was all worked up again.
  83. >She was panting, groaning, huffing against you, her breath hot as she got closer and closer.
  84. >Her eyes were squeezed shut as she pulled her tail, her wings straighter than a ruler.
  85. >You added a second finger, curling them towards her G-spot.
  86. >She gasped, arching her back and crying out, slumping against you with shudders. Half passed out, her eyes closed as she slowly came off her high.
  87. >”Haaf…. Haaf… Holy cow…” She panted into your ear, her coat covered in sweat. Her legs were shaking as she pushed herself up from your chest. “I uh… Wow.”
  88. “You doing ok?”
  89. >She nodded still panting and ground herself against you. “About paying you back… Any chance that can w-”
  90. “It’s fine Dash. I got another surprise when you wake up tomorrow.”
  91. >She gave a small smile, still exhausted. “I uh… wow. I’m weirdly tired now.”
  92. “Side effect of orgasms probably.”
  93. >She nodded again before collapsing against you closing her eyes and nestling herself in your arms. “Thanks…”
  94. >You smiled, ignoring the pain in your groin from not being able to finish.
  95. >Eventually you fell asleep as well, the two of you snuggled under a soft blanket as the train sped across the Equestrian Countryside.
  97. END OF DAY 1:
  99. DAY TWO:
  100. >You woke up with a soft groan, your headache throbbing.
  101. >Ok maybe you drank a tad too much last night.
  102. >It felt like something was pressing down on your chest some sort of- Oh right it was a pegasus passed out on top of you.
  103. >She was emitting soft snores, a small smile to contrast her drooling.
  104. >Kinda gross.
  105. >Everything else hurt.
  106. >Your hand and lap were both sticky from Rainbow Dash’s juices. She shifted and mumbled something, her voice muffled against your damp shirt.
  107. “Ugh…”
  108. >You reached into the compartment above the bed, feeling around for a small bottle. It was the Equestrian version of Tylenol… Ibuponyfin or something like that.
  109. >You swallowed two tablets dry and lay back, feeling the medication quickly work its effects on you.
  110. >Oh yeah, your morning wake up call for Dash.
  111. >But then again, she was probably hungover.
  112. >Crap. What to do, what to do…
  113. >Ah whatever if she’s hungover she can ask you to stop or something.
  115. >You brushed the soft muscle of her wing, right at the base while your other hand reach up just past your ears to gently grasp her hoof.
  116. >Once both of your hands were in place, you began massaging with your thumbs in small circular motions.
  117. >She shifted a bit, emitting a soft sigh. Her wings slowly extending and pushing off the blanket.
  118. >you figured this would be a great way to wake her up.
  119. >She let out another sigh, wriggling a bit more as your pressed your thumbs into her hoof and wing joint.
  120. >Slowly she was starting to wake. But you needed her to be feeling better before that happened.
  121. >You rubbed your thumb faster against her wing, removing your hand from her hoof and gently stroking her thigh. She let out a soft groan, stretching her hind legs and settling again, her breathing speeding up.
  122. >You massaged more vigorously, your thumbs rubbing the inside of her thigh while your fingers trailed on the top and outside.
  123. >She let out a louder groan, stretching and blinking. Thats when you cupped between her legs, like last night and began to rub.
  124. >She was quite wet. Dripping actually.
  125. >Listening to her soft cries, you inserted a finger and positioned your hand so your thumb would rub her clit every time you pushed towards yourself.
  126. >This caused her to let out a soft squeak with each motion, more and more fluid pooling on your lap as you continued the motions.
  127. >She was building up quickly.
  128. >Most ponies did when it was the first thing in the morning. That was when they were at their best.
  129. >Her tail was thrashing about as she ground herself into your hand, awake now.
  130. >She was watching you with half lidded eyes, a smile that was at one point seductive but had now collapsed into pleasure as she toed the crescendo.
  131. >A few seconds after that her squeals were cut off, she went silent, arching her back, her walls throbbing against your fingers as she came.
  132. >Once she regained her senses she looked at you with a grin. “Morning!”
  133. “Good morning Dash. Feeling alright?”
  134. >She smirked, sitting up on your lap. “Well I feel like I was hungover… Now I feel like I owe you.”
  135. “Hmm?”
  136. >She undid your pants and yanked them down, exposing your hardened member. “What do we have here?”
  137. “Do we really need the dialog- Whoah!”
  138. >She had begun grinding her lips on your shaft, pressing it between her and your stomach as she wriggled back and forth. “Feel nice?”
  139. “Y-yeah!”
  140. >”Good.” She was trying to show her arousal but it was pretty obvious. “Now time for the next part.” She grabbed your dick and slipped it inside her, lubricated by her previous juices and the fresh ones that were now leaking out.
  141. >God she felt incredible.
  142. >God she was incredible.
  143. >You had fucked her before, but not like this, this was different. She was different this time, slamming her hips against your as she bounced on top of you, her wings sticking out and brushing the wood panelling.
  144. >Speaking of wood, you were getting close to your limit, so was she.
  145. “Dash I’m a-abo-”
  146. >She cut you off in a flurry of kisses, lying on top of you now but still slamming her hips against you. “J-just go a few more seconds. I’m s-so close.”
  147. >Your grabbed at her wings massaging them as she cried out and shuddered against you, at the same time you exploded in her, her walls rippling and milking you dry.
  148. >You fell back panting as she collapsed in exhaustion against you.
  149. “Way to take control Dash…”
  150. >She chuckled, running her hoof lazily against your chest. “Figured I owed you after you got me of… three times now?”
  151. “We should uh… clean up.”
  152. >She nodded, rolling off of you and looking around. “This place has showers right?”
  153. >You hoped it did, you both smelled of sweat, cum, and alcohol.
  154. >Dash clapped her hooves, “Oh right! In Between the sleeping compartments there’s bathrooms with showers in them!”
  155. “Alright let’s head there!”
  156. >You grabbed the clean laundry and put your pants back on, ignoring the squelch they made and the wet spot from Dash’s juices.
  157. >”Ahem!”
  158. >You both jumped as the curtain was pulled back showing the elderly couple from yesterday.
  159. >The wife scowled at you two, a vein bursting in her forehead. “Learn some dignity this is a train! We could hear you at it last night like a pair of wolves. Then again today! Show some self pride, this is a train after all!”
  160. >”Oh go away!” Dash groaned, hiding her lower half under a blanket. “Also are there showers in the bathroom over there?”
  161. >The old woman gave a huff, holding up a pair of small reading glasses. “Yes there are washrooms over there now go clean yourselves up!” And with that she walked off, muttering “ingrates” and followed by her husband who only scowled.
  162. >”I can’t stand them…” Dash groaned and pulled the blanket off. “Alright let’s get cleaned up. Then breakfast, I’m starving.”
  163. >You followed her out of the sleeping compartment, walking into the bathroom beside her. She popped her head out confused. “What? Don’t wanna share?”
  164. “I figured we should just focus on getting cleaned and now get uh… distracted.”
  165. >The realization dawned on her and she gave you a sly grin. “Got it… Good idea.”
  167. >About 10 minutes later you walked out of the washroom, wearing clean clothes and no longer sticky from a mixture of yours and Dash’s fluids. Dash still wasn’t done judging by the sound of running water and muffled singing.
  168. >She sang in the shower?
  169. >A few minutes later she walked out in a cloud of steam, her mane sticking out all over the place from where she had dried it. “Alright breakfast?”
  170. “Lead the way!”
  172. >She sat down across from you, looking at the breakfast spread the waitress had put out. “Wow…”
  173. “Yeah.”
  174. >”I didn’t even know that many types of melon existed.” She prodded at the fruit bowl before taking a bagel and spreading cream cheese. “Welp dig in!”
  175. >You grabbed some cereal and milk, watching Dash with a smile as she chomped down on her bagel. “This train has awesome food!”
  176. “Yeah I can’t believe the train has been going all night now. Where are we?”
  177. >She tapped her chin which was flecked with some sesame seeds. “Uh… I checked a map earlier, we’re gonna be making our first stop in like 5 hours. Can’t remember what the town was called.”
  178. “Huh. Wanna get off the train then? Walk around town and whatnot?”
  179. >”Yeah definitely! Oh hey doesn’t the train have a pool?”
  180. “I believe so.”
  181. >”Sweet! After breakfast we’re going swimming!” She beamed and finished her bagel, following it with a swig of juice.
  182. >You finished your breakfast and followed her out of the dining car.
  183. “So, where’s the pool?”
  184. >She walked over to the maps that hung between each of the cars. “Uh its two cars that way? Yeah cuz the pool is in the middle of the whole train.”
  185. “Alright mind if I meet you there? I gotta grab my swim trunks.”
  186. >She smirked, “I still don’t get why you humans always wear clothes.”
  187. “I still don’t get why you ponies spend all your time naked.”
  188. >Her mouth curved in a sexy grin. “It’s cuz we get to show off that way.”
  189. >She walked off, swaying her hips and tail to give you a bit of a view.
  190. >Goddamn she was gorgeous.
  191. >You ran to your compartment, wasting no time in getting changed before hurtling back towards the pool.
  192. >By the time you got there, Dash was already swimming, doing laps back and forth across the narrow pool.
  193. >Made sense seeing as this was still a train.
  194. >You slid into the water, making as little noise as possible in order to sneak on Dash who had now stopped.
  195. >She was resting her head on the edge of the pool as you slowly approached.
  196. >When you got close enough, you splashed her!
  197. >She jumped with a squeal, spinning around red faced and surprised. “Ahh! Anon!”
  198. “Hey! So what do you think of the pool?”
  199. >”It’s actually really nice. Like the water is perfect.” She smiled before doing a backflip and splashing you!
  200. “Hey!”
  201. >She burst out laughing before swimming up and sitting on a pool bench beside you. “So… This trains pretty cool huh?”
  202. “Yeah. It’s pretty sweet.”
  203. >She rested her head on your bare shoulder. “Hey Anon? Mind helping me with something after we’re done swimming?”
  204. “Of course. What is it?”
  205. >Her cheeks pinked a tiny bit as she extended her wing. “I need some help with preening.”
  206. >You had helped her preen before. It wasn’t that hard.
  207. >Except they usually ended in the same fashion.
  208. “Now is this gonna be me helping you preen? Or me getting you off?”
  209. >She giggled, giving you a peck on the cheek. “Anything could happen Anon.”
  211. >You toweled yourself dry, tired but also satisfied after a good swim. Beside you, Rainbow Dash was trying to untangle her mane. “Hey Anon?”
  212. “Hmm?”
  213. >You looked down to see she had pulled it back into a ponytail. She was blushing furiously. “Wh-what do you think of my mane like this?”
  214. >Fuck it was the cutest thing you had ever seen.
  215. >Like cuter than that time Fluttershy dumped a box of kittens onto you.
  216. >Shit you might actually have a heart attack.
  217. “I think it’s uh…”
  218. >You strived to find a word that both admitted how adorable it was without making her self conscious and undo it.
  219. >”It’s very dapper.”
  220. >She cocked an eyebrow. “Dapper?”
  221. “Ok that’s not the right word. Uh it’s nice Dashie. You should keep it like that.”
  222. >She kept blushing, pulling at it gently. “It’s nice having less of it in my eyes. But… It’s too girly I think.”
  223. “I disagree.”
  224. >She looked up, puzzled again. “Really? H-how?”
  225. “Well everyone knows you’re not girly. So I think it wouldn’t change anything if you wore it like that.”
  226. >She shrugged, but kept it tied up before leaning in close and whispering into your ear. “I’ll keep it like this when you’re around.”
  227. >You both grin and she leads you into the next part of the train. It was a sauna.
  228. >Seriously this train was a swiss army knife. It had everything. All you needed was an arcade… >Oh wait the last car had an arcade built in.
  229. >The main room was steaming hot but there were also several smaller doors leading off of it.
  230. “Hey Dash, what are those doors there?”
  231. >She opened one and motioned for you to follow her in. Which you happily did. “They’re private saunas incase you want to be left alone.”
  232. >She closed the door behind you and locked it.
  233. >That can’t be safe.
  234. >What if you had heatstroke?
  235. >She noted your concern as you sat down on the bench. “All of the staff have a universal key so if they notice something is wrong they can come check on you. Anyways, I believe you owe me a preening.”
  236. “Yeah sure but why the sauna?”
  237. >She plopped down in front of you on the stone floor, her back facing you as she outstretched a wing. “The steam and heat can help with preening. Loosens up the feathers and muscles.
  238. “Ah I see.”
  239. >You raised her wing so you could get a better reach and began kneading the muscle, getting her a bit more loosened up and feeling nice.
  240. >Figured it would help before you started yanking out feathers.
  241. >Now how did she explain it again?
  242. >Run your fingers through the feathers giving them gentle tugs. The dead feathers would just fall right out then.
  243. >As you pulled away at her feathers, you noticed several of them were bent. Even one of her primaries was bent about halfway up.
  244. “Hey Dash. You have some bent feathers here… What should I do about them?”
  245. >Your hand brushed the bent primary and she cried out, flinching and pulling her wing away from you. “Ah!”
  246. “Oh shit sorry Dash! Didn’t mean to hurt you.”
  247. >She took a deep breath, holding her wing and looking at the bent feather forlornly. “Sorry. Bent primaries always kill... I must have messed it up towelling off.”
  248. >She reextended her wing, gritting her teeth and squeezing her eyes shut. “Y-you need to pull it out.”
  249. “You sure Dash? I can’t straighten it or anything?”
  250. >She shook her head. “The feathers already half dead. It’s like that time when you broke your toenail.”
  251. “Alright so you’re sure you want me to pull it out?”
  252. >She nodded, gritting her teeth, her eyes beginning to tear up as your gently pinched the feather. “J-just do it quick.”
  253. >You nodded and gave a quick yank, ripping the bent feather off and causing her to cry out.
  254. >The end of the feather had a tiny bit of blood on it.
  255. >Her eyes were still locked shut as you patted her back gently.
  256. “Dash?”
  257. >She nodded, taking a few deep breaths and slowly opening her eyes. “Sorry… It just really hurt.”
  258. “Do you want me to finish preening you? I still have the rest of your first wing and your entire other wing to do.”
  259. >She nodded again, looking up at you, her eyes still watering. “Yeah just… are there any more bent primaries?”
  260. >You shook your head and she breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh thank Celestia. They hurt so much.”
  262. >Eventually you finished with her first wing, noticing her panting and her eyes slightly unfocused..
  263. >Seriously what didn’t turn her on?
  264. “Really Dash? You said the steam wouldn’t leave you like this.”
  265. >She crossed her legs, her entire head going crimson and she protested wildly. “I-it’s not my fault! I was born like this! I’m sure other ponies are also super sensitive!”
  266. >She continued to protest as you shrugged and gently extended her other wing. Eventually you cut her off mid sentence by pressing your thumb deep into the muscle, causing her to give a soft squeak.
  267. “It’s fine Dashie. I think it’s cute.”
  268. >”....Cute.” She grumbled, crossing her forelegs. You pushed your thumb in deeper, running your fingers against her feathers, brushing and tugging out the dead ones.
  269. >”Hngh…” She groaned, her other wing began to slowly unfold. The one in your hands got stiffer.
  270. >As you continued to brush her wing clear, she panted harder, trying to hide it with fake coughs, sneezes, and stuffing her hoof in her mouth.
  271. “Dash you’re gonna have to try harder than that to hide it.”
  272. >”Sh-shut up…” She grumbled again, her mouth hanging open a bit.
  273. >You finished brushing her wings clear of dead feathers and did a once over. Making sure you didn’t miss any before pulling your hands clear and leaning back.
  274. “Alright it’s done. Your wings are no longer filled with dead feathers.”
  275. >She smiled, but was still focused on her arousal. “Thanks Anon.”
  276. >Time to mess with her a bit.
  277. “Alright Dash I’m gonna head out cuz this is getting pretty sweltering.”
  278. >”Wait!” She cried out, holding onto your leg. “W-what about me?”
  279. “What do you mean?”
  280. >She scowled at you. “Y-you’re gonna make me say it?”
  281. “Yup!”
  282. >”What about… Th-this? Can you help me?” She gestured to her still extended wings. She looked at you hopefully, expectantly.
  283. >Man you had to mess with her.
  284. “Sorry Dash, I’m not really feeling up for it right now.”
  285. >She gave a whine of protest as you unlocked the door and opened it, sitting crestfallen on the floor. “Oh come on Anon!”
  286. >You turned and grinned at her.
  287. “Sorry Dash but ya gotta earn it.”
  288. >She gave another whine and stood up, “You suck Anon.” She pushed past you as you tried not to laugh.
  289. >Man if only she knew what you had in store.
  290. >She was still fuming, her wings slowly deflating as you met her outside of the sauna.
  291. “Something the matter Dash?”
  292. >She shuffled her hooves, examining them and avoiding eye contact. “I feel… Like I held in a sneeze. This sort of unfulfilled type of thing.”
  293. >You smirked, patting her back and motioning for her to follow you.
  294. >”This stinks Anon…” She mumbled, desolately walking beside you.
  295. “Don’t worry Dash, I got something for you later.”
  296. >Her ears perked up, a small smile dotting her face but she tried to hide it with a forced scowl. “Really Tha- Ahem… Whatever.”
  297. >At least she’s trying to not care.
  299. >Roughly an hour later, Rainbow Dash was shaking against you, letting out soft squeaks. Every time you curled your fingers towards her G-spot, she shuddered and your hand got wetter.
  300. >”Hng… A-Anon.” She groaned, squealing and crying out. But you kept going, smalling your fingers into her pussy, your thumb brushing against her clit with every stroke.
  301. >As you sped up, her breathing and cries sped up as well.
  302. >Each thrust of your arm causing small spurts of her fluid to hit your palm.
  303. >Eventually she tensed up, biting down on your shirt with a muffled scream, fluid spurting into your hand.
  304. >You waited for her to calm down before starting up again with more thrusts, this time kneading the muscles at the base of her wing at the same time.
  305. >She finished a lot faster that time with another scream, more fluid pooling on the ground.
  306. >Three orgasms later, she pulled away from you, on the verge of passing out. “Haaf… Huhn… No more Anon. I’ I’m uh spent.”
  307. >You grinned, wiping your drenched hand on the blanket.
  308. “So, still mad at me for not finishing you off earlier?”
  309. >She shook her head, her mouth hanging open as she rested on your chest. “N-no…”
  310. >You looked down at your pants, soaked from her fluids.
  311. “I’m gonna need to change before dinner. You feeling hungry?”
  312. >She nodded, with a wince. “Yeah… Man everything is super sensitive down there now.”
  313. “Think another shower might be in order?”
  314. >”Y-yeah. She got up on shaky legs, wobbling out of the sleeping compartment.
  315. >A few seconds later, you could hear the shower running.
  316. >In the meantime, you changed clothes, putting on a nice shirt for dinner.
  317. > A while later, she came out, her mane pulled into a ponytail again. She gave you a sweet smile and sat beside you on the bed, snuggling herself against your shoulder and chest. “Thanks for that.”
  318. >You kissed the top of her head. “You’re welcome Dashie. It’s the least I could do. Now let’s get some dinner.”
  320. >You sat across from her giggling as she finished her story. “Yeah it turned out it was some plant called poison joke! So that was a weird day.”
  321. >She took another drink, motioning to the lit candles. “This is a nice addition.”
  322. “This is a nice train.”
  323. >She tipped her glass to you with a nod. “This is a nice train!”
  325. >A while later you walked back to your sleeping compartment with her. You were both full and tired. She sat down on the bed waiting for you. “Come to bed Anon I’m tired.”
  326. >You nodded lying down beside her. She rested her head on your chest, tracing a line lazily with her hoof. “Mmm… Tomorrow, I have a surprise for you.”
  327. “Ooh I’m looking forward to that.”
  328. >She curled up against you, tail wrapped around your legs, wing wrapped across your stomach.
  329. >It was then that you noticed her shoulders were shaking.
  330. “Dash?”
  331. >She was crying.
  332. “Dash!”
  333. >You put your hand on her shoulder as she quietly sobbed against you.
  334. “Dash, what’s the matter?”
  335. >She sat up, wiping her eyes and looking at you, her face a mixture of adoration and embarrassment. “I-I’m sorry it’s just… nevermind.”
  336. “No Dash tell me, was it something I did? Said?”
  337. >She nodded.
  338. >Shit what did you do?
  339. >”It’s all this!” She gestured around at the train car. “It’s this whole thing! You do so much for me… A-and I don’t know how I can repay you! It’s frustrating!” Her shoulders dropped as she continued to sob.
  340. >You pulled her in a tight hug, causing her to give a squeak of surprise.
  341. “Dash, you don’t need to repay me. This isn’t like some I owe you, you owe me type of deal. I want you to be happy.”
  342. >She pushed a bit away from you, her nose inches away from yours. “But why? Why so much?”
  343. “Because, after everything the last few weeks with the letter. I figured you needed a break, a place to relax and I knew you liked this train. I hoped you would love it.”
  344. >She gave a smile, tears still slowing. “I do love this place. But, I feel weird. No pony has ever treated me like this.” She blushed with a weak chuckle. “Sorry, no human.”
  345. >You smiled brushing the back of her mane.
  346. “Dash, I just want you to be happy. I know this is different. For both of us I mean.”
  347. >She nodded, snuggling herself against you. “Thanks Anon. I’m sorry for being this way. I’m not the best at relationships.”
  348. “You’re doing fine sweetie.”
  349. >But she sat back up again. “Hey Anon, can you roll over?”
  350. “Uh sure… But can we both lie like this? I’m worried you might fall off the bed.”
  351. >She smiled, nestling herself into your arms facing you, her hooves curled up against your chest. “Well then you’re gonna have to hold me.”
  352. “I suppose so.”
  353. >You could make out her beautiful luminous eyes in the dark as she stared adoringly at you.
  354. >She gave a cute yawn, burrowing her face into the gap of your shoulder. “Good night Anon, I love you.”
  355. “Night Dashie. I love you too.”
  357. END OF DAY 2 PART 2
  359. DAY 3 PART 1
  361. >”Mhnm…” She was mumbling, stirring in your arms, waking you softly.
  362. >You made sure not to jump or make any sudden movements.
  363. >She was having a bad dream. You could make out her her brow furrowed, eyelids twitching in the dim early morning light.
  364. >You arms were loose around her, at some point you had somewhat separated from each other during the night.
  365. “Shhh Dash…”
  366. >You pulled her tighter against you, slowly as to not wake her, giving her a kiss on the forehead.
  367. >She calmed not long after, her entire body relaxing as she subconsciously pushed herself even closer.
  368. >This was a sort of periodical event. She never talked about the nightmares but you knew she remembered them, and you comforting her.
  369. >She was a pony with her fair share of demons. Some you had heard such as her relationship with her father.
  370. >Others were deep down, stuff she would probably never reveal. Stuff she may not even be able to discuss with herself.
  371. >She was your beautiful, happy albeit somewhat broken, Rainbow Dash.
  372. >And you loved every aspect of her.
  373. >She fell back into a deep sleep.
  374. >You could feel her cheeks curled up in a smile as she returned her snout to the space between your neck and shoulder.
  375. >She always gravitated to that spot when she slept beside you.
  377. >The next day you woke up to her gently shoving your chest. “Anonnn…. Wake uppp.”
  378. >You groaned, weakly pushing her hooves away but she pressed on. “Come on Anon. We got a big day today!”
  379. >You finally opened blinked yourself awake, immediately being greeted by a pair of giant excited rose coloured eyes. Her face was centimetres away from yours.
  380. >She gave you an excited smile, kissing your nose and rolling out of your arms. “About time!”
  381. “Mnm… Someone’s happy. What’s goin on?”
  382. >You sat up and she was almost bouncing with excitement. “I just got some stuff we can do today! We’re stopping in town later!”
  383. “What town?”
  384. >”It’s some small beachside town. A lot of old ponies go there after retiring.” She explained, still quivering with excitement.
  385. “Oh cool. So what are we gonna do?”
  386. >She gave you a cheeky grin. “Not telling! It’s gonna be a sea of surprises! Which works seeing as we are heading for a beach town!”
  387. “Alright alright. I’m intrigued now. So what first?”
  388. >She smiled again. You could have sworn she was made of smiles. “Well the train isn’t gonna stop for another few hours so we should find something to do on here before then.”
  389. “We should have slept in.”
  390. >She shrugged. “Yeah that seems like it would have been nice actually. Anyways, what should we do?”
  391. >You stood up, throwing on a cheap t-shirt and checking the map.
  392. “There’s a spa/massage parlour. Wanna check that place out?”
  393. >She stiffened a bit, looking nervously as her hooves and wings. “R-really? I’m not sure how much fun it could be. I’m a bit too sensitive for those things.”
  394. >You held out your hand, a confident smile on your face.
  395. “Why don’t we check it out and if it’s not up your alley, we can find something else?”
  396. >”Alright sure!” She fell into step beside you, the pair of you navigating your way past other ponies and staff through the train.
  397. >Until you came to a wooden door with the word “Spa” stamped into a brass plate above.
  398. “Well here we are. Wanna try it out?”
  399. >She looked around nervously, making sure there were no other ponies in the traincar. “Uh yeah.”
  400. >You opened the door showing. Actually you weren’t expecting what you saw. A steamy room with several small pools, some benches, a waterfall, and a large mosaic on the ceiling.
  401. >You were surprised all this could be fit into the traincar. It almost seemed to be bigger on the outside than on the outside.
  402. >Up examination of the room size in relation to the rest of the car, it turned out you were right.
  403. >Magic man.
  404. >It can do some crazy stuff.
  405. >You both stepped in, somewhat in awe as a pair of young ponies ran over. Both bearing large smiles.
  406. >Hello! Are you interested in a massage or spa treatment?”
  407. >Dash looked at you nervously. “Uh… I don’t really know.”
  408. >One of the ponies, a pale cream unicorn ran over, looking her up, down, all over. “Lets see, you could do with a full cleanse!”
  409. >”What’s that supposed to mean!?” She looked both embarrassed, and furious. Her self consciousness quickly rising to the top. “You saying I’m dirty?”
  410. >The unicorn shook her hooves and head, panicking slightly. “Not at all miss! You’re just quite tense and could do with the works! A full massage with a coat cleanse and some work done on your mane.”
  411. >Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong with my mane?”
  412. >She tapped her chin. “Well it’s clear that you use cheap shampoo. We would just mix in some nice herbal shampoos. It would be refreshing and would make your mane silky smooth. The same goes for your coat and tail.”
  413. >You watched Dash go over it in her head. “Uh… I don’t know. I’m not much of a spa pony.”
  414. >”It’s not gonna cost you a thing.” The unicorn held out a hoof. “How about we just start with the coat scrub and if you want to stop, we won’t have any problem with it.”
  415. >Dash looked at you apprehensively and you kneeled down infront of her as she stepped a bit closer.
  416. >”I-I don’t know about this Anon…” She whispered into your ear.
  417. >You grinned, patting the top of her head and scratching her gently behind the ears.
  418. “It’ll be fine, I’ll be right here if you get worried or uncomfortable.”
  419. >She nodded, giving your cheek a soft nuzzzle. “A-and what are you gonna be doing?”
  420. “I might get a backrub or something. Who knows.”
  421. >You smiled and she calmed a bit before turning back to the unicorn. “Uh alright let’s do the coat thing.”
  422. >She unicorn clapped her hooves excitedly. “Wonderful! And my partner is there if you need anything Mr?”
  423. “Anon.”
  424. >”Mister Anon then. Would you like the backrub?” She offered, motioning to a table.
  425. “Uh in a bit. Mind if I just sit here and read?”
  426. >She nodded and you sat down on one of the comfy couches, pulling a book out of your back pocket. The Yellow King by Robert W. Chambers.
  427. >As you read, your attention was repeatedly drawn to Dash, lounging in one of the pools. It was filled with a pinkish translucent liquid while she drank absent mindedly through a straw from a coconut.
  428. >She seemed to be enjoying herself so far. Occasionally paddling her back legs as she rested her chin on the edge of the pool.
  429. >You returned to your book.
  431. >About 20 minutes later Rainbow Dash came over to you, her coat recently dried off and a tad fluffier. “H-hey Anon?”
  432. >You looked up from your book.
  433. “Yeah?”
  434. >She wriggled her hooved nervously, flitting her eyes between you and the two unicorn sitting waiting for her. “They want to do some work on my hooves and give me a wing massage.”
  435. “Oh really? That seems like it would be good for your muscles.”
  436. >She nodded. “Yeah but… What about.” She dropped her voice to a whisper. “Me being all sensitive and stuff? I can’t get a wing massage or a hoof massage.”
  437. “Well ask tell them that!”
  438. >She gave you an incredulous look, like frogs had just started climbing out of your eyes. “I can’t tell them that!”
  439. >”Umm Miss Dash, if you have sensitive hooves or wings, we have a lotion we can use that will avoid any uncomfortable situations.” The cream unicorn called out.
  440. >Dash flinched, her face a mixture of embarrassment with a hint of relief.
  441. >She liked the spa. She just couldn’t admit that.
  442. >”Uh really?” She asked.
  443. >The unicorn came over, holding a small bottle. “Yes this is a mild numbing agent. It will turn off some of the more active nerves so we can finish the spa treatment without you feeling aroused.”
  444. >Dash blushed furiously. “H-how did you know that?”
  445. >”You’re not the first pegasus in here Miss Dash.” She gave a sweet smile. “Now would you like for us to give you the massage?”
  446. >She gave you one last look before walking over. “Uh I guess so. One question, is the numbing thing any dangerous?”
  447. >She shook her head. “It may leave you without some feeling in your legs for a bit afterwards but don’t worry it will wear off quickly.”
  448. >”Ok… You can massage my wings I guess.” Dash climbed onto the bed, lying on her belly.
  449. >”Delightful!” The unicorn and her friend both poured some onto Dash’s wings, making sure to cover all of it in a thin layer before applying some to her hooves as well.
  450. >”Now we will just wait for that to take effect. It should only be a few seconds.” She washed her hooves clean and grabbing another bottle of lotion.
  451. >Rainbow Dash in the meantime had shuddered a few times before relaxing. “My wings and hooves feel funny.”
  452. >You watched with a grin as Rainbow Dash recoiled to the unicorn applying the massage oil. But eventually she succumbed and lay still, a small smile on her face as she worked her wings.
  453. >The other unicorn, (she was a pale red) had begun rubbing some different lotion all over her hooves. Leaving them glistening.
  454. >She was calm, collected, and at one point actually asked for a drink.
  455. >You were surprised at how effective that numbing agent was.
  456. >Like she wasn’t showing signs of being worked up at all!
  458. >Eventually, the two unicorns stepped away, showing a relieved and clearly less tense Rainbow Dash.
  459. >Her hooves, coat, mane, wings, everything seemed softer from where she was standing. You stood up and walked over to her, she was smiling. Almost a big giddy. “Hiya.”
  460. “You look…”
  461. >”Like a fluffy freak.” She hung her head.
  462. “So beautiful…”
  463. >She blushed, looking back up at you. “R-really?”
  464. >You nodded and she gave you a bashful smile, her mane flowing over her shoulders.
  465. “Alright wanna get headed back to our room?”
  466. >”Aren’t you hungry?” She asked.
  467. >You shook your head.
  468. “I munched on some fruit while you were in the bath. You?”
  469. >She shook her head as well. “No they gave me breakfast. So yeah lets go back to our room.”
  471. >You both left together, waving the two spa unicorns bye. But as soon as you closed the door, you noticed Rainbow Dash was wobbling. Her step unsteady.
  472. “You ok there?”
  473. >She nodded lifting a hoof to examine it before falling on her belly with an oof!
  474. >When she picked herself back up, she furrowed her brow. “My hooves are still numb so it’s pretty hard to walk right now.”
  475. >She rolled her eyes at your grin. “You’re not carrying me Ano- Whoah!”
  476. >You had grabbed her in one swoop, holding her against your chest with a firm grip while she protested against you. Trying weakly to push away.
  477. “Sorry Dash, but you're incapacitated. It’s my job as a citizen and as a gentlemen to provide aid.”
  478. >She rolled her eyes, giving you chest one last shove before giving up. “Fine whatever…”
  479. >You opened the door, showing your sleeping compartment, placing her on the bed where she tried to give you a scowl.
  480. >You sat down beside her, running your hand along her coat.
  481. “If I might add, your coat is incredibly soft.”
  482. >She shook her head. “N-no it isn’t!”
  483. >You grinned again, pulling her against you so you were leaning against the pillows side by side. Your hand inched down and rested on her torso, fingers gently brushing against her soft coat.
  484. >She tried not to giggle as your hand brushed her chest. “S-sorry, a bit ticklish there.”
  485. “Oh ok.”
  486. >You started rubbing her belly, causing her to let out an eep.
  487. “Sorry Dash, but you can’t fight it.”
  488. >She giggled, kicking her legs as you stroked, kissing the top of her head.
  489. >It was adorable, seeing her give these little kicks as you ran your hand across her flat stomach.
  491. >Eventually you had your hands all over her, you couldn’t handle how soft and cuddly she was. By this point she was lying on top of you, her eyes closed as kissed each other furiously.
  492. >You couldn’t get enough of her.
  493. >Just, she was so soft!
  494. >She was giggling the entire time, occasionally one of her legs would give a little kick
  495. >.Not as much as first, but it was still there.
  497. >Suddenly she sat up, looking at you puzzled. “Hey… The Train is slowing down!”
  498. >You looked out the window and sure enough a town was moving by! You could faintly see the beach in the distance.
  499. “Awesome!”
  500. >She grinned, rubbing her hooves together. “I’m excited!”
  501. “Yeah me too! Alright so what do you have planned?”
  502. >She shook her head. “Not telling till the train stops! Then we’re gonna be getting onto the Rainbow Dash Train! Oh and there are no breaks on this train.”
  504. END OF DAY 3 PART 1
  506. >You pushed shut your cabinet, trying to ignore the scream of deja vu within your mind as Rainbow Dash sat idly on the bed, lazily swinging her legs.
  507. “You sure you have your ticket?”
  508. >She nodded, holding it up for you to see.
  509. >Outside the train had finally slowed to a stop in a town whose name you still did not know.
  510. >But Dash was planning something for you so who cares about that.
  511. >You grabbed a small bag, stuffing in your swim shorts, two towels, and your book.
  512. “Think we need anything else?”
  513. >She shook her head, a huge grin on her face as she peered inside. “Nope! Everything else will be waiting for us!”
  514. >What the hell did she have planned?
  515. >You were filled with intrigue and (due to her athletic and brash nature) terror.
  516. >All that was on your mind was figuring out what her plan was so you could prepare in advance and, having her cuddle against you like the night before.
  517. >It was mostly the second one.
  518. >”Anon? You’re staring at me…” She was blushing, doing that thing with her head where she tried to hide in her shoulders. She gave you a shy smile. “You ok?”
  519. >God you loved her eyes.
  520. “Oh uh yeah sorry. Bit distracted.”
  521. >Her face curled in a smirk. “Like whatcha see?” She did a little twirl, flicking you lightly with her tail.
  522. >But you caught her tail, running your fingers through the strands before giving it a slight tug.
  523. >She squeaked and you let go, looking away as though it wasn’t you.
  524. “That was a strange sound Dashie. Anyways the train’s been stopped for a while so let’s get going.”
  526. >The doors opened before you with a hiss of steam, the blast of air rushing in and actually surprising you.
  527. >The Trains air had been filtered repeatedly, making it scentless and barely noticeable. But this air… this air was alive. Fresh.
  528. >You had no idea how much you missed it. Rainbow Dash as well because she took several deep breaths before hopping off. From there she waved her hoof for you to follow her.
  529. >You did so, your level of apprehension still growing with every step.
  530. >She was excited though, she hadn’t stopped being excited since the train began to slow.
  531. >All around the two of you, ponies swarmed. Most of them were elderly, wearing colorful shirts and sunglasses.
  532. >It was clear that this place was a resort. Possibly also a retirement home.
  533. >Some of these ponies looked like they were alive when Celestia was first crowned Princess.
  534. “Alright Dash, what do you have planned?”
  535. >”Lunch! Then the Beach! And maybe some stuff in between!” She put on a pair of sunglasses that she produced from… somewhere.
  536. >You swear the ponies had some hidden pocket like a kangaroo where they kept stuff.
  537. >But you didn’t mind, you were just happy to be with her in this town.
  538. “Alright so where are we eating?”
  539. >She tapped her chin with a recently massaged hoof. “Uh, I heard about a nice cafe we could go to.”
  540. “Where is it?”
  541. >She shrugged, stretching and looking around. “No idea, I’ll go ask somepony. Uhh wait here.”
  542. “Ok.”
  543. >You sat down on a nearby bench, finally getting a chance to look at the down around you.
  544. >It was on a hill, with the train station at the top, each building lower than the last as the whole town sloped towards the beach. It actually look a lot like San Francisco. Cobblestone roads, rounded windows and doors with brightly coloured slate roofs.
  545. >Palm trees decorated every corner, with a large emphasis on rooftop gardens and pools.
  546. >At the end, of the downward slope, you could see the beach, dotted with a few umbrellas and ponies.
  547. >The beach was surprisingly sparse. Maybe because everyone was busy eating lunch or something.
  548. >”Anon! I found the place!” Dash bounded over, her sunglasses barely staying on her head. She grabbed you by the belt, dragging you with her. “It’s just over here!”
  549. “Oh uh ok Dash! I’m sure I can walk by m- Fine lead the way.”
  550. >You turned a corner, showing a small intimate cafe in front of you. It was one of those family run places.
  551. >The places that always had great coffee and biscuits.
  552. >She stopped turning around and facing you with an apprehensive look on her face. “S-so what do you think?”
  553. >You smiled, patting her head.
  554. “It looks great!”
  555. >She brightened, having a minor confidence boost and opened the door. The place had a nice cozy lighting, mostly lamps.
  556. >The air hung with the smell of baked goods and roasting coffee beans.
  557. >”Hi, would you like to see a menu?” A young pegasus appeared in front of you two, holding a pair of menus. She seemed nervous around you, wary of your height.
  558. “Oh thanks! Can we sit anywhere?”
  559. >She nodded and Dash dragged you to a seat in the back corner by a window. Sitting across from you with a smile.
  560. >You looked down at your menu, at the sea of dishes that awaited you and chose something simple. A grilled cheese sandwich with fries and a coffee.
  561. >”So Anon, whatcha gettin?” Dash had put down her menu.
  562. “I think the Grilled Cheese. You?”
  563. >”I was thinking of getting the mashed potatoes or maybe the grilled vegetables. Which one do you think I should get?” She scratched her chin.
  564. “Uh vegetables?”
  565. >She nodded and waved to the waiter. “Hi can we have the Grilled cheese with fries and the Grilled Vegetables? Also can I please have a milkshake and what drink do you want Anon?”
  566. “Oh just a coffee please.”
  568. >A while later just after the waitress had returned with your dishes, you noticed Rainbow Dash eyeing your sandwich. She had taken a few bites of her vegetables before pushing them away.
  569. >Suppose now would be a good time to do the right thing.
  570. >You picked up one of the halves, taking a bite before holding it out to Dash.
  571. “Want some?”
  572. >She blushed, avoiding eye contact. “yhs...”
  573. “I’m sorry?”
  574. >She took the sandwich. “Yes please.” Before taking a bite and grinning. “Holy cow this is delicious!”
  575. >You ate the other half.
  576. >She was right, it was delicious. Probably one of the best sandwiches you ever had. The perfect amount of cheese, enough so that it was gooey and stringy, but not so much that it suffocated you.
  577. >Dash in the meantime had finished her half and took a swig from her drink.
  578. >She held it out to you. “Want to try my drink?”
  579. >You nodded and leaned forwards to take a sip. It was good, strawberries and fresh cream.
  580. >But she suddenly pulled the drink back, slamming her lips against your in a sloppy and somewhat unfocused kiss.
  581. >It was sudden and passionate. Surprisingly hot actually.
  582. >She pulled back about a second or two later, giggling and taking another drink.
  583. “That was uh… a bit sudden Dash.”
  584. > She chuckled. “Old bait and switch never hurt anypony. Oh yeah I’m paying.”
  585. “It’s fine Dash I can pay.”
  586. >She shook her head. “Nope! You bought the train tickets, I’m paying for lunch. It’s the least I can do.”
  588. >The two of you walked out of the cafe, now with full bellies and the taste of milkshake still lingering on your tongues.
  589. >The coffee turned out to be alright. It could have been better.
  590. “So where to next Dash?”
  591. >She put her sunglasses back on, stretching and cracking her neck. “Want to get some ice cream?”
  592. “Yeah that sounds great actually!”
  593. >”Awesome!’ She jumped and did a midair flip before touching back down beside you, wrapping her tail around your leg.
  594. >Apparently normally it would be the tails entwined with each other as a sign of affection. But since you didn’t have a tail, this was the best she could do.
  595. >It was nice though, seeing her like this, not embarrassed to be seen with someone else. Let alone a human.
  596. >Speaking of which.
  597. “Hey Dashie… How come no one is surprised to see me?”
  598. >She turned to face you, walking backwards. “Well I mean humans are pretty known here. Ever since the first one showed up out of nowhere.”
  599. “Oh yeah… I remember when Celestia told me about that. There’s what… Eight of us here now? Something like that?”
  600. >She nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah I think so. No wait. One of them died somehow. So 7?”
  601. “I still think it’s funny how they have no idea why we keep showing up. Or how we do.”
  602. >You both finally stopped in front of a small ice cream stand. Much closer to the beach now.
  603. >Sitting behind the cart was a tired looking Earth pony wearing a hat with a small icecream cone on top. “Can I help you two with anything?”
  604. >Dash slammed a few bits on the counter, making him jump. “Yeah we’ll have some ice cream please. Also have there ever been any humans here?”
  605. >The Vendor grunted, rubbing his cheek. “Yeah… Some schmuck human showed up about 3 months ago. Haven’t seen him since. Think he left for Griffon territory or something. Now what ice cream do ya want?”
  606. >Dash looked over the list, mumbling the different names under her breath.
  607. >You already knew what you wanted, Rainbow Sherbert. Or Sorbet if you were one of those people.
  608. >Dash in the meantime had chosen two scoops of something called Triple-Chocolate-Fudge-Awesome-Extreme-Cream.
  609. >The kind of ice cream 12 year olds with jean jackets got.
  610. >The Earth pony handed you the Sherbert, and Rainbow Dash her chocolate orgasm.
  611. >Honestly the only way you could describe it.
  613. >You sat down together on a nearby bench, both enjoying your frozen treats. Rainbow Dash had cocked an eyebrow when she saw what you had. “Really? Rainbow?”
  614. “I would think you’d be impressed. I got this in honor of you.”
  615. >She blushed, scootching over so she was somewhat pressed against your side. “Awww that’s sweet. I got mine cuz I like chocolate.”
  616. >She chuckled at that, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek before returning to her Ice Cream. “This is really good. Actually… Everything in this town is good! Whoah!”
  617. >She had dropped her ice cream. Watching it hit the sidewalk with a loud splat. “Aww man!”
  618. >You stood up, holding your sherbert out to her.
  619. “Here hold this, I’ll be right back.”
  620. >You walked over to the vendor and bought her another ice cream. Again you were doing the right thing.
  621. >You were on a roll today!
  622. “After the ice cream, where do we go next?”
  623. >She smiled, her face covered in ice cream. “The beach of course!”
  625. >You were lying on a towel, your toes buried in the sand.
  626. >Dashie was asleep, her top half resting across your middle as you finally finished your book. Absentmindedly stroking her back in the meantime.
  627. >Occasionally she would twitch, fluffing her wings or giving a slight jolt. But no nightmares.
  628. >She only seemed to get those at night, when she was in a deep sleep.
  629. >The worst were when it was storming outside. Then she would be waking up constantly, sobbing and shaking, nothing in her mind other than fear.
  630. >It was the hardest to calm her then, holding her, whispering soothing words into her ear, and gently brushing her.
  631. >She was wearing her swimsuit. A pair of bikini bottoms that just covered enough. with a hole in the back for her tail.
  632. >You remember when she produced it, her entire face a bright crimson, shaking with embarrassment until you told her it was both adorable and awesome.
  633. >Awesome was a key word in those situations. Confidence boosters if anything.
  634. >”Mhn… Anon. Did I fall asleep?” She sat up blearily, rubbing her eyes. She had the most adorable look of confusion on her face.
  635. >You leaned forwards and gave her a peck on the nose.
  636. “Yep! Now let’s go swimming.”
  637. >”Ok!” She ran towards the water with you chasing after her, both of you laughing.
  638. >The water wasn’t even cold, it was warm. Dash noticed this as well, diving with a large splash.
  639. >Before she popped up and splashed you!
  640. >“Water wrestling!” She yelled diving at you and throwing you on your back into the water. As you sank, you grabbed her foreleg and hind leg. Pulling her against you and trapping her wing under your arm.
  641. >From there you pushed up, breaking the surface again with her now trapped against you. Taking a deep breath.
  642. “Gotcha!”
  643. >You dove down as she sputtered, pushing against your chest. As you sank again, you kissed her neck, forehead, all over.
  644. >She wasn’t sure how to react until she slipped clear and swam back up to the surface, heading for shallower waters.
  645. >So that’s her plan.
  646. >You swam after her, making sure to stay at the same pace as her but with enough distance to give you a reaction window incase she tried anything.
  647. >She did, and you caught her again, this time lifting her with your forearm between her legs and your other arm around her shoulders. As you held her away from you, she inexplicably ground herself against your forearm, stopping for a very brief second with a slight “oh.”
  648. >Of course that was when you tackled her against the water again. Holding her down with your hand still between her legs.
  649. >She gave another slight moan.
  650. >You could feel her lips through her swimsuit, and the heat that radiated from between them. Warmer than the water pooled around the two of you.
  651. >You rubbed slightly, causing her to give another moan before taking your hand away.
  652. >She stood up, tackling you back into the water but it was clear she was distracted now. Less effort put into it this time.
  653. >But she was still putting on a brave face, teeth clenched as she pushed you into the water, both hooves on your chest.
  654. >It was too late, you knew her weak spot.
  655. >You had been shoved back under water into the deep part. Both of you underwater actually.
  656. >Now you could strike.
  657. >You reached up and resting your hand on her rear, giving it a gently squeeze before moving your hand lower. Giving another slow rub against the lips pushing through her suit.
  658. >You felt her shudder in the water against you as you grabbed her and swam back up, dragging her back into the shallow part.
  659. >She gave a soft grunt as your hand was back to being in between her legs, giving her another agonizingly slow rub.
  660. >She shivered the entire time giving a very faint sigh. Her eyes were unfocused as she lay below you, hooved curled against her chest.
  661. >When you finished the stroke and pulled your hand away, she looked up at you. She was a bit nervous as she looked around. “I-is… What about the other ponies?”
  662. >You looked off at the other ponies in the distance.
  663. “I doubt they would notice.”
  664. >She nodded taking a deep breath as you did another agonizingly slow stoke. Gently massaging her lips as you ran your hand across her slit. Still over her swimsuit.
  665. >”Hmn… Anon.” Her eyes were open and alert, giving you a pleading look.
  666. >But you wouldn’t let her get off that easy.
  667. “Dash, if you want me to finish, you have to admit that I just beat you.”
  668. >She shook her head defiantly, her hooves now crossed against her chest. “Nope!”
  669. >You pressed down with your index finger, pushing her suit against her moist folds. She shivered again as you took your finger away.
  670. “Admit it Dash. You lost to me.”
  671. >She shook her head again. Gritting her teeth and panting. “N-ngh. Nope!”
  672. >You pressed down again, rotating your finger and pressing your thumb against her clit which was now poking through her suit as well.
  673. >She cried out, muffling it with her hoof. “Mhn!”
  674. “Come on Dash. You know you want this. Just admit it.”
  675. >She was panting heavily now, her wings sticking out so hard they had pushed the sand away. “Ughn… Come on Anon.. St-stop teasing m-me.”
  676. >You shook your head, brushing the tips of your fingers against her before grabbing the crotch of her suit and pulling it out. Letting it snap back and making her cry out again.
  677. >You repeated this teasing until she finally broke. “O-okay wait. Hold on Anon. I uh… You cheated… B-but technically you won, I lost.”
  678. “Good girl.”
  679. >You cooed into her ear and pulled her suit to the side. She was drenched, you could almost see it flowing out of her. She was panting, desperate for release, looking up at your pleadingly, her tail swishing through the sand.
  680. >You put your hand between her legs, massaging her labia with the heel of your palm pressing against her clit with every movement.
  681. >Propping yourself on your elbow, the rest of your arm behind her, you began gently working the base of her wing, planting kisses all over her face.
  682. >She was crying out, groaning, and gasping all at the same time. She was quaking beneath you, her legs shaking as she squeezed her eyes shut.
  683. >You eventually got bored of rubbing and plunged your middle finger in, which she immediately clenched down on, her walls rippling against your knuckles.
  684. >She was so tight and wet at the same time.
  685. >You added a second finger plunging both of them faster, each thrust of your hand spurting out more of her fluids.
  686. >She was so close now, gasping for air, crying out, her hoof at one point having snaked up and was now wrapped around your neck. “Anon I-I’m a-about to…”
  687. >You cut her off with a kiss, forcing your tongue into her mouth, plunging your hand into her folds. When you pulled away, there was a stand of saliva connecting the two of you.
  688. “Yes sweetie, go ahead. Cum.”
  689. >You spoke into her ear, finishing with a soft nibble as she arched her back and screamed. She screamed until she ran out of breath, exploding in your hand with fluid. Spraying past your fingers and onto your arm.
  690. >You waited almost a full two minutes until she calmed down, finally pulling your fingers free and wiping them on her tummy. She was coated in sweat and shaking, her limbs twitching.
  691. .>She looked like she was about to pass out. She hadn’t even begun to speak again. Simply giving soft whimpers and continuing to lie still.
  692. >You had never seen her cum so hard before.
  693. >Eventually she weakly opened her eyes and you kissed her fully.
  694. “Shhh Dash. Just take a break.”
  695. >You took a handful of water and poured it on her belly, cleaning her gently and slowly. You washed down her chest, legs, and neck. Wiping the sweat away as she rested.
  696. >After that you scooped her up, walking back onto the beach and lying down resting her ontop of you.
  697. >She gave a happy sigh and snuggled her face against your chest, stretching her hooves past your shoulders. “Mhn… Thanks Anon.”
  698. “You feeling alright?”
  699. >She nodded weakly. “I-That was… I’ve never felt that before. It was a whole… new level.”
  700. “How was it?”
  701. >”Awesome.” She mumbled. Giving your chest a soft kiss and stroking the side of your face.
  702. “Good to know.”
  703. >She chuckled weakly, still shaking on top of you as you gently brushed her back and made a mental note to do that more often.
  704. >”Oh hey… We should get dinner in a bit.” She murmured, her eyes still closed.
  706. End of Day 3 Part 2
  707. DAY 3 PART 3
  709. >Dash’s legs flinched and she gave a squeak, stiffening up against you. You stopped gently brushing her back and looked down at her, concerned.
  710. “Everything alright?”
  711. >She nodded, taking a deep breath. “Y-yeah… Just got this sort of jolt… Down there.”
  712. >She motioned to her groin and flinched her one eye squeezed shut in a way that was both adorable, and worrying.
  713. “Does it hurt or anything?”
  714. >”No.. Feels nice actually.” She shook her head. “Anyways, you hungry?”
  715. “Yeah a bit. You?”
  716. >“Yup. Alright let’s go, I got a place.” She rolled off of you and stood up, fluffing her wings and stretching.
  717. >As you stood up beside her, pulling your shirt back on, you noticed her legs were shaking.
  718. “So where are we eating? Also you might want to fix your swimsuit.”
  719. >She squeaked and pulled it back over her groin, blushing furiously. “Uh it’s at a little diner I found. Follow me.”
  720. “Ok lead the way Dashie.”
  721. >She led you to the aforementioned diner. Another small family restaurant. Although it wasn’t empty like the coffee shop.
  722. >A few other ponies were there eating, several of which stopped upon seeing you enter but then quickly returned to their meals.
  723. >You sat down across from her, picking up a menu and flipping through it.
  724. >The Onion Soup seemed nice. Came with mashed potatoes.
  725. >A weird combination to be sure but then again this was Equestria. It was somewhat known to you for it’s differences in cuisine.
  726. >A waiter came by and took your orders. Dash had the spaghetti and you ordered the soup.
  728. >As you waited for your food, you looked out the window. Watching the waves and the few ponies dotted along the beach.
  729. >”Alright Anon, what do you think of this place?” Dash was playing with her spoon, staring at you curiously.
  730. “The restaurant? It’s nice!”
  731. >”Not just the restaurant, this whole town?” She put down the spoon.
  732. “Also very nice.”
  733. >She beamed and your heart exploded from the cuteness as the waitress returned with your steaming hot meals.
  734. >You shared your meals of course, standard romantic dinner dates and whatnot. Discussed each others lives, made googly eyes at each other, and split dessert. Cake, with coffee on your end and a milkshake on hers.
  735. >You would have gained a ton of weight if she didn’t have you chasing after her every day.
  736. >Anyways the date was surprisingly generic.
  737. >But at the same time, it was nice. Really nice.
  738. >Dash put down her spoon, wiping her mouth and giving you a smile. “Sooo, how was dinner?”
  739. “Delicious. You?”
  740. >She patted her tummy. “It was awesome!”
  741. “Good to know. So, what next then?”
  742. >She shrugged, “We could go back to the beach. O-or… I don’t know.”
  743. “Yeah let’s go back to the beach then!”
  745. >Almost half an hour later, the two of you were back on the beach. Rainbow Dash was giggling as you rubbed her belly. “Ack Anon stop!”
  746. “Sorry Dashie, no breaks on the belly rub train.”
  747. >She crossed her hooves and shrugged. “Fine. Go ahead.”
  748. >You continued rubbing her stomach, trying not to smirk at her legs giving little kicks.
  749. “Hey Dashie?”
  750. >She looked up at you with a smile. “Hmm?”
  751. “You’re adorable. You know that?”
  752. >She blushed, pushing her mane out of her eyes. “N-no I’m not!”
  753. “Yes you are…”
  754. >She rolled her eyes. “The word you’re looking for is awesome.”
  755. “I think it’s both Dash. You’re both awesome and adorable.”
  756. >She groaned, giving you a gentle headbutt. “You really know how to bend my feathers sometimes Anon.”
  757. >You smirked, still gently brushing her belly and giving the back of her head a soft kiss. Getting a good smell of the spas shampoo.
  758. >Fruity.
  759. “Soooo Dash, it’s your birthday coming up right?”
  760. >She nodded, turning around to give you a curious smile. “Yeah, got anything planned?”
  761. >You shrugged. You had a few ideas but you didn’t want to reveal anything yet. Mostly revolving around an intimate celebration after a much larger party thrown by her friends.
  762. >She jumped off your lap, doing a forwards somersault before turning around to face you and spitting out some sand.
  763. >”Anon! Wanna see some tricks?” She asked excitedly.
  764. >You nodded and she took off in a cloud of sand, leaving a faint rainbow trail. Once she got high enough, she called down to you, barely more than a silhouette at this point. “Hey Anon! Think you can catch me?!”
  765. >W-what? Oh shit!
  766. >She folded her wings and fell, plummeting to the ground.
  767. >Shit! Shit! SHIIIT!
  768. >You ran across the beach, diving towards the rapidly growing shadow on the ground, arms outstretched.
  769. >But she never hit you.
  770. >You never caught her.
  771. >She broke her fall, about five feet above you and sped back across the beach in a zigzag pattern before once again coming to a stop. “Anon! Think you can catch me this time?!”
  772. >Seriously not again.
  773. >She zoomed towards you, arms outstretched with a huge and rapidly growing smile on her face.
  774. >Hold on, she wanted you to catch her like this?!
  775. >Flying towards you at that blistering spe- Oof!
  776. >Bam!
  777. >She hit you with the force of a low yield warhead, flinging both of you into the lake with what you could have sworn was a sonic boom.
  778. >Honestly it was a miracle she didn’t go right through you leaving a pony shaped hole where your chest cavity used to be.
  779. >Anyways, there you were, flying back into the water with a pegasus in your arms and her lips mashed against yours.
  780. >You didn’t know whether to think it was hot, weird, or a combination of both.
  781. >SPLASH!
  783. >A few seconds later you surfaced, dragging her behind you. She was lying on her back, sunglasses back on with a bored look on her face while you towed her to shore.
  784. “Th-That was a little extreme Dashie.”
  785. >She smirked, “I beg to differ. Th-that was pretty tame.” She pretended to pant with a mocking look on her face.
  786. “Whatever. I still know how to always win against you.”
  787. >”What?! You could never beat me! At anything!” She protested, pulling her sunglasses off and giving you an incredulous look.
  788. “Really? Not even earlier today!? I had you begging!”
  789. >She shook her head, faint signs of nervousness just beginning to appear. “N-no I wasn’t! Rainbow Dash never begs!”
  790. “Really third person? You’re not Trixie. Also, really wanna test that whole no begging thing?”
  791. >She rolled onto her back, giving your knee an awkward kiss. “No idea why I did that. Anyways, bring it on pal!”
  793. >A few minutes later, Dash was giving soft pants.
  794. >”Please Anon?” Her wings were standing out straight. “It felt so good last time.”
  795. >You shook your head, smirking.
  796. >She was lying spread eagled before you on her back in the shallow water, looking at you with pure desperation in her eyes. “Come on Anon! Pleaaaseeee?”
  797. “Nope! Not until you admit that you’re hooked!”
  798. >”Why? Can’t you just… Please?!”
  799. >You knelt down before her, running your finger gently down her belly and over the groin of her suit, causing her to shiver and wriggle a tiny bit.
  800. “Dash, I can’t believe you’re begging. After all that?”
  801. >You pushed gently against her groin, giving a slight rub with your thumb and she groaned, her eyes beginning to roll back into her head.
  802. >But then you pulled your hand away, grinning again as she scowled.
  803. “Dash it’s not that hard. Just admit you’re hooked on this.”
  804. >”No duh I’m hooked! I almost blacked out last time it was amazing!”She humped her groin into your hand. “Now go ahead and do it!”
  805. “Umm… I don’t know.”
  806. >She yelled in frustration before grabbing your hand and slamming it against her crotch, rubbing herself against your fingers and moaning.
  807. >You yanked your hand away, raising an eyebrow.
  808. “You sure you want this again?”
  809. >She nodded excitedly, a huge grin breaking out on her face as she rubbed her hooves in anticipation. “Yessss!”
  810. >Well, she did beg and you were a generous individual.
  811. >You grabbed her suit, tugging it until her lips poked around the sides, pulling it up against her clit.
  812. >She gave a soft moan, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.
  813. >You tugged again… and again. Until you had tugged five or six times.
  814. >Then you pulled her suit off entirely, tossing it into the sand behind you. She gave a soft coo in response and wriggled to get more comfortable in the water.
  815. >You gently brushed at her lips with your fingers, before running your middle finger up her whole slit, stopping to press at her clit gently.
  816. >She cried out but you silenced her with a passionate kiss, at the same time sticking your middle finger in and rotating before curling it up to her G-spot.
  817. >She groaned against your mouth, panting and soaked down below, each thrust of your finger spurting out more of her fluid into the water.
  818. >Eventually, she sat up, pushing your hand away weakly. “W-wait.”
  819. “Yeah?”
  820. >You pulled your wet finger out, wiping it on your shorts.
  821. >She took a deep breath, giving a sheepish grin there. “I was really close there… Whoah. Anyways, w-we should have sex.”
  822. “Really? I mean yeah sure definitely, but why’d you want me to stop?”
  823. >”Cuz I think the fact that we’ve only had sex once during this trip isn’t right. Like I think we may have broken a rule with that!” She smiled, reaching for your shorts and undoing the knot. “Now come on!”
  824. >You pulled your shorts off, exposing your rock hard dick. She grinned wolfishly and lay back down, spreading her legs for you. “Hurry up Anon!”
  825. “Jeez Dash, chill out.”
  826. >You lined yourself up with her and prodded at her entrance a bit. She groaned, sitting back up and grabbing your back, pulling you into her with a wet schlick!
  827. “Ughn Whoah! Coulda just said so!”
  828. >Panting, she pushed her mane out of her eyes as you thrusted into her. “Sh-shut up. You knew I was desperate so I took control of the situation.”
  829. “Pretty sure this isn’t what we should be saying during sex…”
  830. >She nodded, groaning against you.
  831. >God you had no idea how she stayed tight. Probably all the exercise and whatnot.
  832. >She felt amazing. Seriously.
  833. >”Ah-ah… Anon! I’m about t-to.” She moaned, you pinned her down against the sand and water, giving her another kiss.
  834. >About a second later, she locked all her muscles and cried out, her walls rippling against your shaft as some fluid gushed out, hitting your thighs.
  835. >Fuck you were close as well but you kept going, holding it in as long as possible.
  836. >She came again not long after, arching her back in a silent scream. A bit later that she could tell you were just about to blow.
  837. >She grabbed your hips, staring you deep in the eyes. “Inside me Anon.”
  838. “R-really? Hgnn..”
  839. >She grinned at your groaning. “Yep! Do it!”
  840. “F-fine!”
  841. >You exploded in her two thrusts later with a grunt as she came a third time just after you.
  842. >Following that you fell back exhausted beside her as she panted, eyes half open. She gave a weak chuckle and patted your stomach. “Awesome…”
  843. “Heh… Holy shit.”
  844. >She nodded and you could faintly make out some of your seed flowing out of her and pooling in the water.
  845. >Eventually you both regained your stamina and as you pulled your shorts back on, she washed herself clean in the water. “Y’know Anon, it kinda sucks males can only go one time then they gotta take a break. This would be so much cooler if we could just go at it all day.”
  846. >You smirked, tying the knot around your shorts and stretching your back.
  847. “With practice, I’m sure I could.”
  848. >She beamed. “Well I know what we gotta work on for the return trip then!”
  849. “Oh jeez…”
  851. >About an hour later, it was just the two of you on the beach.
  852. >The sun had almost set, illuminating everything around you in a deep red as you sat together on the beach. Rainbow Dash pulled against you by your arm around her shoulders.
  853. >You sat together, watching as the red slowly dwindled… and then died, leaving darkness.
  854. >You had never felt so isolated in your life.
  855. >There was nothing around you, just the water lapping against the shore, the gritty sand beneath you, and the pegasus snuggled against your side happily.
  856. >Just her and you, watching the night sky.
  857. >Then clouds slowly began to part. Lights glittering as the moon rose behind you, getting brighter every second.
  858. >Where once had been absolute darkness was now a sea of celestial bodies, galaxies and stars.
  859. >The entire universe spread out across the sky and reflected in the still ocean.
  860. >Dash pulled her head away from your shoulder and sighed. “Hey… Anon?”
  861. “Mmhmm?”
  862. >”D-do you ever wonder what would happen if you were about to die?” She was shivering a bit.
  863. “Occasionally.”
  864. >She nodded softly before continuing. “So then… What’s the point of us being alive?”
  865. >You pulled her back towards you, giving the top of her head a kiss.
  866. “We have asked ourselves that for thousands of years.”
  867. >”B-back in your world. You said that humans fought a lot of wars, so were you ever worried that it might be your last day?”
  868. >You looked back up at the sky, watching the stars and galaxies swirl around. Locking the pair of you in a cosmic void of pure light.
  869. “Dash, where I’m from… We fought a lot. Sometimes it was about which gods we believed in, other times it was about which countries got oil. Or food. Sometimes it was because of a miscommunication, or a simple mistake. But…”
  870. >You took a deep breath.
  871. “We were still happy. We found happiness in the little moments in our lives. When everything seemed to come together to provide a perfect harmony.”
  872. >Dash was staring at you as you continued.
  873. “It’s all about the moment Dashie. The point when you realize life is perfect, when you realize you could die tomorrow and it wouldn’t take anything away. You still had that moment in your heart. That… is the purpose of us being here. To find happiness in the world around us.”
  874. >She gave another sigh, and sat down beside you again, leaning her head back on your shoulder.
  875. >The two of you turned back to the ocean and watched. Watched the universe.
  877. >”Sniff…” Dash wiped her eyes, with a choked chuckle. She was crying.
  878. “Dash?”
  879. >She threw down her hooves. “I’m sorry! I-I’m not good at all this romantic stuff but… I don’t want to leave Anon.”
  880. “What do you mean?”
  881. >She gave another weak chuckle, tears streaming from her eyes as she watched the stars with a smile. “Eventually, we are gonna have to stand up, turn our backs to this… and go home.”
  882. “Ohh… I get it.”
  883. >She nodded, “I don’t want you to think I’m girly or anything… But this… this has been perfect.”
  884. >You pulled her into a tight hug, wiping her tears away and smiling down at her.
  885. “Dash…”
  886. >She grinned, her cheeks beginning to develop streak marks. “I don’t want this to end.”
  887. “Then don’t let it end.”
  888. >She gave you a confused look, cocking her head to the side.
  889. “Let the moment live on, not here.”
  890. >You gestured to the ocean.
  891. “But in here.”
  892. >You poked her gently in the chest and she squeaked. “R-really?”
  893. “Yeah. Why not? Let it live on in your memories.”
  894. >She nodded and you pulled her on your lap, her back pressed against your chest.
  895. >You wrapped your arms around her middle and sighed.
  896. >”Hey Anon?” She shifted a bit before settling back against you.
  897. “Yeah?”
  898. >”Thanks… For everything. I love you…”
  899. >You kissed the back of her head, gently brushing her belly.
  900. “I love you too Dashie.”
  902. >And with that, the two of you sat together. Enjoying the moment.
  903. The End

[RDxAnon] Whatever I Want pt 1-3 [PastaFromSpace] [EQG]

by DashPosterAndArchiver

[RDxAnon] Bikini Beaches [Candles]

by DashPosterAndArchiver

[RDxAnon] Dash 1shot: What happened last night? [Candles]

by DashPosterAndArchiver

[RDxAnon] The Letter [Candles]

by DashPosterAndArchiver

[RDxAnon] The Preening [Candles]

by DashPosterAndArchiver