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[RDxAnon] The Mailbox [Candles]

By DashPosterAndArchiver
Created: 2021-05-12 22:08:15
Expiry: Never

  2. By Candles/Anunymau5
  4. >She sighed, resting on the mailbox. In the distance, she could see his house.
  5. >If only Anon would notice her.
  6. >She was at the perfect distance. Not so close that she would be the first thing he saw. But close enough so she could run over if he came outside.
  7. >As she rested there, images flew through her head. Them dancing together.
  8. >Her doing tricks and him watching from the ground with a smile.
  9. >Him holding her gently as she snuggled against his chest.
  10. >But... She could never admit that to him.
  11. >She wasn't girly like that.
  12. >She was strong, serious, independant.
  13. >She was Rainbow Dash.
  14. >As she leaned, a small blush creeped into her cheeks. A tinge of pink.
  15. >Hopefully he would show up soon. They could maybe get breakfast together. Then Lunch.
  16. >After that some dinner?
  17. >Then maybe she could spend the night?
  18. >Suddenly the door opened and he emerged, sleepy with his hair sticking out all over the place.
  19. >He was awake!
  20. >She bounded over to him, trying to hide her smile. "Hiya Anon!"
  21. >She couldn't wait to spend the day with him.
  23. >This repeated for several days, each day she would wait by the mailbox, hoping to see him and each day he would arrive. Sleepy, but happy to see her.
  24. >One day, she found herself dozing off exhausted from her recent string of stunts. Anon was sitting beside her, reading a book, not really paying attention to anything around him.
  25. >She crossed her hooves and scowled. He should have noticed she was tired and offered to get her a drink or something.
  26. >It would be the gentlecoltly thing to do after all.
  27. >B-but if he did that. Would that mean he cared about her? Would that be him showing affected.
  28. >She turned away to hide the blush creeping on her face.
  29. >Maybe he didn’t notice she was there? Could she somehow get his attention?
  30. >She let out a loud and obviously fake cough, followed by a quick gasp.
  31. >Please notice. Please notice. Pleas- Ah! He’s looking at me!
  32. “S-sorry… Ahem.”
  33. >She cleared her throat, but in the process, choked on some saliva!
  34. >Coughing violently, she didn’t notice him putting his hand on her shoulder with a concerned look.
  35. >At least not at first.
  36. >When she did notice, she reacted like any pony with anxiety issues. Gave a choking yelp sound and dove away from him.
  37. >His hand retracted and he looked almost terrified. “I uh… Sorry? Is everything alright?”
  38. >She was still coughing but managed to nod, wheezing. “Yeah uh Ihavetopeebye!”
  39. >Then, in a blur of rainbows, she was gone.
  40. >That night she buried her face in her pillow, groaning and trying to ignore her face blushing.
  41. >She said she needed to pee? Before running off? Really?!
  42. >Of all the excuses she came up with, a full bladder was the one she chose.
  43. >But, Anon. He didn’t flinch or bat an eye. Just sat there watching her confused as she ran off.
  44. >She looked around, her house was empty after she moved all her stuff to Derpy’s.
  45. >Apparently there was going to be a storm tonight so she didn’t want to risk losing anything if her house got blown apart.
  46. >It was lonely and outside it was now dark with grey clouds in the distance.
  47. >I should probably make sure he isn’t weirded out, she thought, brushing her mane out of her eyes and looking outside.
  48. >But then again, he was probably asleep.
  49. >Better go check anyways.
  51. >She touched down in the tree outside his house, resting on a branch and looking through his bedroom window.
  52. >Sure enough, he was asleep, holding a book with his forearm resting over his eyes.
  53. >He looked cool when he slept!
  54. >She thought she was the only one who slept like that!
  55. >Then she remembered what she was doing, lying on a tree branch watching him sleep through his second floor window.
  56. >This was so weird! It was so messed up!
  57. >She didn’t even like him!
  58. >He was a weird and uh… Something! Something was wrong with him, she was sure of it!
  59. >She sighed, rolled onto her back, and crossed her hooves behind her head. Still watching him.
  60. >This was wrong on so many levels.
  61. >Imagine how weirded out he’d be if he found out!?
  62. >But she couldn’t leave.
  63. >Suddenly she heard a low rumble and felt the plop of something wet hitting her neck and running down her back.
  64. >She shivered. Great, it was raining, which means I gotta leave.
  65. >With a groan, she began climbing out of the tree.
  67. BOOOOM!!!
  69. >She yelped and hid under the branches, looking up at the sky terrified.
  70. >Crap! It was really coming down now.
  71. >Taking a deep breath, she pumped her wings, taking off.
  72. >Only to be caught by a powerful gust and spiral out of control. Taking a hard dive into a hill with an oof!
  73. >Ok flying, not the best idea right now.
  74. >Seriously where did this storm come from?
  75. >Groaning, she stood up, drenched and beginning to shiver.
  76. >I gotta find shelter! She thought, pushing her soaked mane out of her eyes and looking around.
  77. >She stopped, seeing Anon’s house.
  78. >He would let her in, he was nice.
  79. >Maybe he would even share the bed with her, holding her and comforting her as she hid from the thunder. Warm blankets wrapped around the two of them.
  80. >Maybe after all that, he would stare deep into her eyes, holding her quivering chin and speaking soothing words while candles burned softly in the background.
  81. >Then, when the time was right, he would press his lips against her, shattering her fears of storms and reminding her that she was safe as long as she spent time with hi-
  82. >Augh! She shook her head.
  83. >Now wasn’t the time for that, she needed to focus.
  84. >Step one was to get out of the storm. Her best bet was Anon’S.
  85. >Step two was to stop blushing amidst the rain and complete that before step one.
  86. >Lists are overrated.
  88. BOOOOM!!!!
  90. >She squealed and ran for his house blindly, shaking away what may have been water, or possibly tears. She wasn’t sure.
  91. >She stopped and his door and slammed her hooves against it desperately. Anything to get away from the loud thunder.
  92. >Eventually she saw a light turn on. Followed by the sound of the door unlocking.
  93. >He yawned, shirtless and looked down at her blearily before his confused face quickly changed to recognition then concern.
  94. >”Dash?”
  95. >She gave a sheepish grin, ignoring the thudding of her heart and the screams of embarrassment. She was soaked to the bone after all.
  96. “Uh is it ok if I stay here?”
  97. >He nodded vigorously and motioned for her to come inside.
  98. >Which she did, happily.
  99. >But before he closed the door, she took one last look outside and saw the mailbox fly past. Torn out of the ground.
  100. >The mailbox which she had waited against every morning.
  102. THE END

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