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[EQG] I Dare You (O///O)

By RealDash
Created: 2021-05-24 19:46:44
Updated: 2023-07-22 03:07:46
Expiry: Never

  1. >It's Friday night, and the night is young.
  2. >Oh, and you're Anonymous.
  3. >Anyway, the school week has finally come to an end, and you're spending it with your friends.
  4. >Who just so happen to all be girls.
  5. >You met them back in eighth grade, and despite some shortcomings—which may or may not have had something to do with talking horses—all of you have remained the best of friends.
  6. >In the last couple years, the girls invited Sunset Shimmer into the group.
  7. >You were against it at first, considering she was the reason all of you split apart for a while to begin with, but after enough time she'd more than proved she'd changed for the better.
  8. >For the last year since the Battle of the Bands, the eight of you have spent every Friday evening hanging out at Sunset Shimmer's apartment.
  9. >You didn't have much on your side to gossip about whenever that topic came around, but for the most part you would all eat pizza, play video games, and maybe even indulge in a few family-friendly games.
  10. >On some rare occasions, Applejack might sneak over some cider from her family's cellar and you'd all get drunk, but nothing too extreme ever came of it.
  11. >Except now you've seen Pinkie's tits, so you got that going for you.
  12. >It was only fair to assume tonight would be more of the same.
  13. >Right?
  15. ----------------
  17. >It was another Friday night, and you and the girls were all relaxing at Sunset's place for another night of antics.
  18. >You, Sunset, and Twilight were sitting on the main couch, while the others sat on either the love seat or the floor.
  19. >The television was on and was playing the last few minutes of an episode of Sailor Moon, a special request from Fluttershy.
  20. >She had her arms wrapped around her legs and sitting all bunched up on the floor watching the TV intently.
  21. >Just being adorable as usual.
  22. >And apparently focused enough to tune out a discussion between Applejack and Rainbow Dash about Wind Sparrow's dick size.
  23. >"I swear to God and Celestia, Applejack," Rainbow said aggressively, "his dick is seriously a foot long!"
  24. >If Rainbow was swearing on Sunset's god, then her claims had at least some weight.
  25. >"And Ah'm telling you Rainbow, there's no way you could've fit that whole thing in your mouth!"
  26. >"Not all of it! Just most of it! I'm serious!"
  27. >You don't really know how or even when they started talking about dick size, but you didn't get between them only because it was really funny to listen to.
  28. >A few minutes later, the credits began to roll for Sailor Moon.
  29. >"Okay Sunset," Fluttershy said turning to Sunset, "the TV's all yours now... thank you for letting me watch."
  30. >"No problem, Fluttershy," Sunset replied with a smile as she grabbed the remote. "I knew you wanted to catch up before you forgot, so I figured why not tonight than later?"
  31. >Fluttershy smiled and shuffled her way over, resting her back over the legs of the couch.
  32. >She pulled out her phone and started browsing whatever caught her interest.
  33. >You saw plenty of animals, so no surprise there.
  34. >Sunset navigated a menu on the TV and turned on the Pandora app.
  35. >The first song to start playing was some good old Post Malone.
  36. >The atmosphere felt a bit more relaxed to you, despite Rainbow and AJ still talking about dicks.
  37. >You took another swig of cider and nibbled on your inner cheek as you sighed.
  38. >Despite there being a few extra cases of cider, nobody was really drunk.
  39. >Then again, it was still a bit light outside, so that'll probably change when the sun goes down.
  42. >Setting your cider on the stand nearby, you leaned over on Sunset's arm and closed your eyes.
  43. >"Getting tired already?" you heard her ask in a smug tone.
  44. "Me? Tired? No way," you say very convincingly.
  45. >"Well, the pizza's gonna be here in a few minutes. If you want, I can wake you up then."
  46. >You took a moment to mull it over.
  47. >With a shrug, you held up your hand in a thumbs up gesture to her.
  48. "Sure, just give me a tap."
  49. >Adjusting your position on the couch, you leaned yourself further into Sunset.
  50. >Sunset didn't mind being your pillow on these nights.
  51. >Mostly because it gave her the opportunity to play with your long hair.
  52. >Fluff, man.
  53. >The feeling of her hands running through your hair put you at more peace, and soon enough you were falling asleep.
  56. ...
  59. >"Anon?" you heard a voice call out to you and someone shaking you awake.
  60. >You mumbled an incoherent answer and opened your eyes to see Sunset standing over you with a smile.
  61. >"Pizza's here," she said while motioning over to the kitchen area—and by kitchen, more like mini fridge and microwave—where three boxes of pizza stood on the computer desk looking pretty enticing to you, with the girls already getting dibs on the best pieces.
  62. "Oh... alright."
  63. >You opened your legs and and arms outward and began stretching them as far as they could go.
  64. >After a few relaxing cracks, you stood up a bit sluggishly and walked over to the dining room table.
  65. "How long was I asleep?"
  66. >"Like, twenty minutes," Sunset estimated.
  67. >Wow, only twenty minutes?
  68. >By how you felt, it felt like hours.
  69. >Oh well, pizza time.
  70. >You grabbed two slices each of pepperoni and cheese, then sat down back on the couch next to Sunset and chowed down.
  71. >Spritzy's Pizzeria was no doubt the best pizza place in Canterlot, if only for the thickness of the cheese alone.
  72. >Twilight offered you and the others soda she'd brought over with her, but you kindly refused not wanting to let your cider go to waste.
  73. >While you ate, Rainbow and AJ shared their gameplay stats on Fallout Stable.
  74. >Fluttershy was still watching cute gifs of dogs barking at the camera.
  75. >Twilight, no surprise, had brought her homework over to study and do in preparation for Monday.
  76. >Three days away.
  77. >Rarity was testing out some Snapchat filters and seemed genuinely entertained.
  78. >Pinkie Pie was... adding whipped cream to her pizza.
  79. >You scooted away from her.
  80. >Sunset was the only one who seemed to be doing what you were doing, which was eating pizza and listening to the music on TV.
  81. >Eventually, whenever you had something on your mind, you sparked up a conversation with her.
  82. >It was nothing too important, whether it was about zombies or school or weekend plans.
  83. >Granted, it was easy to talk to her now that you were kind of buzzed.
  84. >But now the sun was going down, and the pizza's getting low.
  85. >And there's still plenty of cider to go around.
  87. --------
  89. >An hour passes.
  90. >All of you are drunk.
  91. >Again.
  92. >Twilight was probably the least drunk, but was still fairly intoxicated enough to enjoy the party.
  93. >Rainbow was sitting on Applejack's back and trying to ride her like a horse.
  94. >Heh.
  95. >"Rainbow," AJ shouted, "will ya get off me?!"
  96. >"Hey now, horses don't talk."
  97. >You saw Sunset giving you a side eye.
  98. >You returned the gesture.
  99. >With enough force, Applejack shoved Rainbow off her back, forcing the latter to fall on hers with a shit-eating grin on her face.
  100. >"Grk," she snickered, "did that get you all excited?"
  101. >Applejack sighed heavily and rolled her eyes.
  102. >You were back to resting on Sunset Shimmer's shoulder and taking sips from your bottle.
  103. >Mr. Brightside played on Pandora.
  104. >The air smelled of pizza grease and cheese, along with the intoxicating scent of hard cider.
  105. >And now Sunset's perfume was infiltrating your nostrils.
  106. >God, she smelled nice.
  107. >But saying that out loud would just sound weird, wouldn't it?
  108. >It was just past 10PM, and everyone here was plastered, yet sober enough to continue through the night.
  109. >"Alright," Rainbow Dash said with a slight slur in her tone, "I'm bored. What do we do now?"
  110. >Many of the girls gave out "uhs" and "ums" as a response, until Twilight spoke up.
  111. >"Maybe some of us have any good stories to tell?"
  112. >"Stories? What is this, camp scouts? Stories are boring!"
  113. >"But y'all were perfectly fine with talking about a boy's packer for twenty minutes straight," Applejack said with a deadpan tone.
  114. >"That was a FACT, not a story. There's a difference! Stories are about things that AREN'T true!"
  115. "What about when Snips pissed himself in class last month?" you brought up, slurring yourself. "That's a story AND a fact."
  116. >"Ugh. Okay, FINE, I'm wrong. But I still don't feel like talking about stories when we are literally drunk! There's a million things we could be doing right now that's better than talking about going to the mall or how a certain someone broke a nail!"
  117. >That last part was definitely aimed at Rarity, who drunkenly scoffed at the statement.
  118. >"Well then, miss I-Have-Perfect-Nails," Rarity replied in a sarcastic manner, "please indulge us in these "million things" we could be doing instead."
  119. >"Thought you'd never ask."
  120. >Rainbow Dash turned to Twilight and smirked.
  121. >"Twilight: Truth or Dare?"
  124. >Twilight almost immediately recoiled.
  125. >"What? Dash, no no, I don't think we—"
  126. >"Come oooon, this game's awesome, and you guys chickened out every other time I tried to get us playing it!"
  127. >"That's because the last time we actually played it," Applejack recounted, "you made Pinkie flash her breasts to us!"
  128. >"Yeah, that's the point of the game! To make people do that kinda stuff!"
  129. >...
  130. >"I mean... -I- thought it was fun!"
  131. >Everyone turned to Pinkie, who only shrugged her shoulders and smiled sheepishly.
  132. >"See? Pinkie's got the right idea!" Rainbow said to Twilight. "Come on, you're not scared of a quick game, are you?"
  133. >Twilight hesitated to answer, but eventually let out a sigh.
  134. >"Fine. I'll play. -BUT- promise me we won't be too extreme on any of the dares or questions. Please?"
  135. >"I promise on the ashes of my late uncle Nimbus, this will be the most family-friendly drunk game of Truth or Dare we'll ever play!"
  138. ------
  141. >Unfortunately for all of you, Rainbow's uncle was an asshole, so such a promise didn't last more than ten questions in.
  142. >But all of you had gotten so drunk that even Twilight stopped caring.
  143. >"I dare you to flash Anon!"
  144. >Especially since she was more than welcome to show you her knockers.
  145. >She didn't really have much there, but you honestly didn't care about the size.
  146. >Tits were tits.
  147. >"Yo Anon, why don't you take a pic?" Rainbow jester. "It'll last longer."
  148. >You opened your mouth in silence and looked between Rainbow and Twilight.
  149. >Twilight gave you a nervous smile and a blush.
  150. >"It's okay. You can take a couple pics. Just promise me you won't show them to anyone?"
  151. >That was the confirmation you waited for.
  152. "Yeah, of course," you say to her as you reached into your pocket and took out your phone.
  153. >It took a few extra moments given how drunk you were.
  154. >But you were successfully able to open up your camera and snap a few clear-as-day shots of Twilight Sparkle's tits.
  155. >God, you were gonna jerk off so hard to these later.
  156. >"Perv," Rainbow said smugly while Twilight pulled her shirt back down.
  157. "Says the girl who dared another girl to flash herself to the only guy in the room."
  158. >"Yeah yeah..."
  159. >You'd all been playing the game for well over forty minutes now, and with each passing minute the questions and dares got more raunchy.
  160. >Of course, there was a -FINE- limit, but it was getting pretty lewd now.
  161. >"Alright, Pinkie's turn," Rainbow said.
  162. >"Yes!"
  163. >Pinkie fist-bumped the air weakly, nearly falling over herself.
  166. >"Truth or Dare, Pinks?"
  167. >"Hmm... truuuuth...?"
  168. >Rainbow gave a devilish little intoxicated giggle.
  169. >"Have you ever given a blowjob, and if so, to who?"
  170. >"Yep! Sandalwood!" Pinkie answered, fist-bumping the air again to add emphasis. "Under the bleachers during lunch. He was -really- rough with me, heehee..."
  171. "Sandalwood?" you spoke out with bewilderment. "You could've picked any dude in school, and you chose -that- guy?"
  172. >"Jealous, Nonny?" Pinkie says with a wink.
  173. "Pfft. Yeah, -totally- jealous that you sucked off the dude who wears diapers to "feel more attuned to his free form" and uses cow manure mixed with strawberries as a form of soap."
  174. >"PffHAAAHAAHAhaaha... Good one, Nonny!"
  175. >You chuckled along with her.
  176. "Thanks," you replied with another swig.
  177. >You weren't joking, by the way—he really does do that shit.
  178. >She definitely caught him on a day he wasn't wearing the fucking things.
  179. >You've seen them, goddammit.
  180. >The next few dares were some of the tamest you've seen, at least by lewd standards.
  181. >When it fell back to Twilight, Pinkie Pie made her twerk.
  182. >She had no idea how to do so, so she spent a good minutes moving her back in such a way that you thought she would break it.
  183. >But you weren't gonna rain on her fun.
  184. >When any dares fell on Fluttershy, most of you tried your best to keep it as safe as possible, per her request from the last few hangouts.
  185. >But tonight, she was as out as the alcohol would let her.
  186. >"I dare you," Rainbow Dash said to Fluttershy, "to take of your shirt and shout "I am Flutterbunny!" at the top of your lungs."
  187. >You could catch a glimpse of the word "slut" on her tongue before she said "bunny".
  188. >Nonetheless, Fluttershy giggled and removed her shirt without much effort, revealing her cute white bra holding back her breasts.
  189. >And wow, what breasts they were.
  190. >"I A M F L U T T E R B U N N Y !" she screamed as promised, before breaking out into a fit of drunken giggles and snorts almost reminiscent of Pinkie.
  193. >You felt Sunset move beside you, and you turned to see she'd just finished recording the whole thing.
  194. >Fluttershy noticed this and stuck her tongue out at Sunset.
  195. >"-You-," she said, pointing a finger at her. "Truth or Dare?"
  196. >Sunset took another drink of her own cider.
  197. >"Truth."
  198. >"Laaaame!" Rainbow exclaimed almost immediately. "You've done Truth like ten times already!"
  199. >"Truth is fun, though," Sunset said defensively. "I mean... maybe not as fun as Dare, but—"
  200. >"Ah Ah Ah, you just said Dare's more fun! That means you gotta do it now!"
  201. "That's true," you reply with a smirk, but looking towards the TV. "It's the law, you know."
  202. >"C'mooon," Rainbow tried to goad her on, "you know you wanna~"
  203. >You did however turn to gauge Sunset's reaction.
  204. >As drunk as you all were, you didn't want to force her into anything she didn't want.
  205. >A redness grew on Sunset's face, no doubt from checking out the others and thinking about everything that could possibly be expected of her.
  206. >Then she turned to you, and she saw the way you looked at her.
  207. >Sunset saw you as a close friend, and she always knew when to trust you.
  208. >"Screw it. I'm in. Dare."
  209. >"Now you're talking," Rainbow cheered with a fist bump and a hefty gulp of cider.
  210. >Fluttershy giggled.
  211. >"I dare you to take off -your- shirt, then scream "I am Bunset Shimmer!" at the top of your lungs like me."
  212. >Sunset started to laugh softly, but it grew in a nervous tone.
  213. >She held a hand up to her mouth to hide it, then cleared her throat.
  214. >The girls all seemed to chant "do it" in order to encourage her.
  215. >You didn't cheer, ready to step in if she didn't want to do it.
  216. >Instead, Sunset refused to back down, and began removing her upper wear starting with her jacket.
  217. >She set it on your lap, giving you a drunken wink while she grabbed the hems of her shirt.
  218. >With a slow and careful pull, she smoothly lifted her shirt over her stomach, then her chest, and finally over her head.
  219. >As she threw it on the floor, the girls all let out a wild cheer, and Sunset's smile grew into a grin.
  220. >She breathed in.
  221. >"I A M B U N S E T S H I M M E R !"
  222. >You and the girls cheered just as loud before quickly dying down into fits of drunken laughter.
  223. >All of you grabbed your bottles of cider and clinked them together before taking another sip.
  224. >Your face was hot now, but you weren't sure if it was from the alcohol, or the fact that Sunset Shimmer was sitting next to you wearing nothing on top but a bra.
  225. >You snagged a few glances at her busty chest.
  226. >She was only second-third in size behind Fluttershy and Rarity.
  227. >You'd be willing to say she was a perfect size.
  228. >Nice and plump.
  231. >You bet her nipples were hard right now—
  232. >"See something you like?" you heard her say, and you looked up to see her staring back at you with a smug grin.
  233. "Hell yeah," you said without hesitation.
  234. >Sunset laughed and blushed.
  235. >Well, blushed -more-.
  236. >"Your turn, Sunset!" Rainbow pointed out.
  237. >Sunset cleared her throat and looked around at the group.
  238. >The last person she picked was Twilight when she asked if she was a virgin.
  239. >No, by the way.
  240. >"Hhhmmmmmm, Rainbow Dash. Truth or Dare?"
  241. >"Uhhh... Dare!"
  242. >Seemed like Dare had become the popular choice tonight.
  243. >"I dare you and Applejack to make out."
  244. >... Not that you were complaining.
  245. >"Pfft. Alright."
  246. >Not.
  247. >At.
  248. >All.
  249. >Without wasting much time, Rainbow and Applejack closed the gap between them and began to make out per the dare.
  250. >Being drunk, it was more sloppy than anything, but they had enough coherence to keep a proper grip on each other, hips and shoulders.
  251. >Occasionally, Rainbow Dash would nibble on AJ's lip, eliciting a moan from the cowgirl as she forcefully pulled Rainbow's hair in response to make her moan, as well.
  252. >Rainbow Dash rested her hands on AJ's hips beneath her shirt, and AJ would weakly grab Rainbow's neck.
  253. >The longer it went on, the less sloppy it got.
  254. >By the end of the first minute, they were making out because they wanted to.
  255. >And everyone was watching.
  256. >Like, really intently.
  257. >You saw Twilight shuffle around on the floor, holding her arms up around her breasts and trying hard to hide her clearly erect nipples.
  258. >Sunset's bra was a hard cover, but even she was trying to hide the fact that she was definitely aroused.
  259. >You just used Sunset's jacket to cover your erection.
  260. >She wouldn't mind, right?
  261. >After two minutes, Rainbow and AJ pulled away from each other and tried to catch their breath, but they never let go of each other.
  262. >This wasn't much of a surprise to you; you knew they liked each other, it was just a matter of them having a moment to do it.
  263. >"Nice," Sunset said before clearing her throat and letting out a chuckle.
  264. >"Uh... Uh huh," Rainbow replied in a daze. "Laugh all you want, Shimmer."
  265. >Once she was composed enough, Rainbow scouted the group.
  266. >It didn't take long for her eyes to lock on you.
  267. >"Anon," she said in a pant. "Truth or Dare?"
  268. >Well, you got this far.
  269. "Dare."
  270. >"I dare you to jerk off on Sunset."
  271. >A rush of childish "oohs" filled the room.
  272. >Along with a fresh supply of blood to your already hardening dick.
  273. "Jerk off... -on-?" you asked to clarify.
  274. >"Yep. Climb over her, whip it out, and beat it till you cum. Maybe even fuck her tits, if you're eager enough."
  275. >Unsure of what to say, you look over to Sunset.
  276. >She was beet red in the face, and her breathing was unsteady.
  277. >She looked right back at you and swallowed, then laughed nervously.
  280. >"I-I mean... a dare's a dare... right?"
  281. >Oh, so you were really doing this?
  282. >The way she looked at you, it was as if she said "I'm okay with it."
  283. >She bit her lip nervously and scooched further back into the couch.
  284. >There was a chanting of "do it" from Rainbow Dash and surprisingly Twilight, maybe even Pinkie.
  285. >The rest just seemed curious to know if you'd do it.
  286. >That's when Sunset looked at you and motioned her head over to her lap, enticing you to follow.
  287. >Well... if she's okay with it...
  288. >Removing her jacket from your lap, the bulge was now visible to everybody in the room.
  289. >Rainbow whistled at the site, earning a few laughs from the group.
  290. >You laughed too, but you were more nervous than anything.
  291. >It didn't mean you wanted to stop, though.
  292. >"Oh God, we're really doing this, okay..." you heard Sunset say softly to herself with a nervous smile on her face.
  293. >After some careful maneuvering, you were able to stand on your knees just over Sunset's lap.
  294. >Her bra'd chest sat just in front of your crotch as your bulge poked outward.
  295. >She looked up at you and after a moment of hesitation, she gave you a little nod.
  296. >You nodded back and began to slowly undo the button on your pants, followed by your zipper.
  297. >Your pants slid down your legs until they were stretched out enough to stop.
  298. >The bulge was far more noticeable through the boxers.
  299. >You pulled them down too.
  300. >With nothing to hold it back, your hard cock flopped out in front of Sunset, just inches away from her chest.
  301. >She shuddered as her hands fell to her sides.
  302. >"Fuck..." Rainbow whispered.
  303. >Your cock throbbed as you gauged Sunset's reaction.
  304. >She swallowed the spit in her throat and sat further up in her seat on the couch.
  305. >She was nervous by the look in her eyes, but she had no intention of stopping now.
  306. >And honestly, neither were you.
  307. >You lifted one of your hands to rest on Sunset's left shoulder for balance; the other firmly gripped your shaft.
  308. >After a few tense moments, you started pumping your hand up and down at an already fast pace.
  309. >Sunset raised her own hand to meet yours on her shoulder.
  310. >Her eyes were fixated on your jerking.
  311. >And surely enough, so were the others, with a quick glimpse over to them.
  312. >Many of them were staring at your dick.
  313. >Fluttershy wasn't sure whether to watch or to look away.
  314. >Rainbow Dash and Applejack watched while their hands explored each other's bodies.
  315. >Pinkie was just enjoying the show.
  316. >So was Twilight—except one of her hands was massaging her breast beneath her shirt, and the other was inching dangerously close to the hem of her skirt.
  319. >Rarity would brush a finger or two against one of her breasts and then the other, but didn't do much else.
  320. >That'll probably change in a couple minutes.
  321. >You looked back to Sunset to see how she was doing.
  322. >She was breathing much faster, far shakier than before.
  323. >Sometimes she would look up at you and smile awkwardly before returning her gaze down below.
  324. >You jerked off at a pretty slow pace, enough to keep you hard but not enough to make you cum, at least not yet.
  325. >It gave you time to really check her out.
  326. >A black bra was all that held back her tits.
  327. >She had some muscle in her arms, but not much to be noticed.
  328. >Her belly was firm yet had a bit of pudge to it, something you honestly liked.
  329. >She still sported a pair of jeans, but she sat down barefoot.
  330. "You okay?" you asked softly to her.
  331. >She nodded her head, and you could barely make out a "yeah" from her, not even a whisper.
  332. >You felt her squeeze the hand on her shoulder and sigh.
  333. >The hot air brushed against your dick, and it made you just want to stick it in her mouth so badly.
  334. >But a dare's a dare.
  335. >Everybody had forgotten about the game though, as nobody was asking Truth or Dare.
  336. >Nobody was texting or sleeping or even drinking.
  337. >They were all watching you just jerk off over Sunset, -to- Sunset.
  338. >The fact they were watching you do it... honestly made it that much hotter.
  339. >You sped up the pace a bit, earning a throb from your cock and a tinge of pleasure.
  340. >A ding could be heard from behind you.
  341. >You turned for just a moment to see that Rainbow had her phone camera turned on and pointed at both of you.
  342. >Between the drinks and just what you were doing at the moment, you could hardly give anymore of a fuck.
  343. >Sunset glanced in the direction of the phone, then looked away with flushed cheeks.
  344. >"You like it, Sunset?" Rainbow Dash asked Sunset.
  345. >Sunset didn't answer; she was too focused on -you-.
  346. >Rainbow laughed and kept filming.
  347. >Twilight's hand finally slid beneath her skirt and into her panties, and she began to play with herself as she watched you.
  348. >You saw the outline shape of her hand pinching her nipple under her shirt, and she moaned every time she did it.
  349. >The atmosphere was becoming increasingly sexual, but you weren't complaining.
  350. >Fluttershy even finally joined in, slipping her hand beneath her skirt and rubbing a finger against her panties.
  351. >Rarity tried to distract herself by browsing on her phone, but she'd still exchange glances between you and the others.
  352. >Pinkie, Rainbow, and Applejack weren't as active, mostly watching with Rainbow filming.
  355. "Mmmh..." you sighed as you picked up the pace.
  356. >Sunset bit her lip and smiled faintly as she shuffled in her seat slightly.
  357. >Once she was closer, you moved your hips forward and pressed the tip of your cock in the space between her breasts, just above the strap connecting the cups.
  358. >Her skin was smooth to the touch.
  359. >While you jerked off, you rubbed your tip up and down her chest, lathering it with small amounts of pre-cum.
  360. >You could feel her skin forming goosebumps from her shoulders to her chest.
  361. >Sunset's face grew redder, and her squeeze on your hand tightened.
  362. >Suddenly, she pushed forward, nearly hotdogging you between her tits.
  363. >Her hand left yours as they both reached behind her back.
  364. >A second later, you heard a clicking sound, and Sunset grabbed her bra and hastily tossed it behind the couch.
  365. >Sitting before you were Sunset Shimmer's tits, front and center for all to see.
  366. >They were plump, not so round but not flat, either.
  367. >They jiggled slightly whenever she moved around.
  368. >But the thing you noticed right away was that her nipples were really erect.
  369. >You saw Pinkie's and Twilight's nipples, and they were nowhere near as hard as Sunset's.
  370. >Sunset glanced up at you and then looked back down.
  371. "Can I...?" you whispered to her, looking at her breasts.
  372. >She nodded, uttering a quiet "yeah."
  373. >Using your free hand, you grabbed her left tit and played with it.
  374. >Sunset let out a small whine of pleasure but otherwise didn't move.
  375. >Your thumb brushed against her hard nipple in a circular motion before giving it a light pinch.
  376. >"M-Mmh," Sunset moaned, squeezing her legs together.
  377. >Looking downward, you could see one of her hands trailing downward into her pants.
  378. >Her eyes closed tightly for the first time as her fingers met her pussy, and your assault on her nipple continued.
  381. >You picked up the pace again, jerking yourself rapidly over Sunset's bare tits.
  382. >Sunset's arm shook underneath you as she fingered herself.
  383. >"Nice," Rainbow said with a laugh.
  384. >You nearly forgot they were all there, but you didn't bother to turn back to any of them anymore.
  385. >Right now, your only focus was on Sunset.
  386. >She sank down into the couch, putting her chest at a closer level to your aching cock.
  387. >Sunset opened her eyes and watched how fast your hand flew up and down your shaft.
  388. >She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, almost like she wanted to reach over and suck it, then looked up at you with a pleading look in her eyes.
  389. >Was she teasing you?
  390. >If she was, goddamn it was working, because you were gonna cum soon.
  391. >With your dick still in your hand, you pressed it up between Sunset's tits and started to rub up and down.
  392. >Rainbow cheered you on while the others watched.
  393. >It felt so good, the way your dick rubbed up against her skin.
  394. >How could she be so soft?
  395. >You took your free hand and rested it back on Sunset's shoulder to keep yourself balanced while you continued to tease her breasts.
  396. >On occasion, you'd pull away just to rub your tip against one of her nipples, then move onto the next one, before going back in.
  397. >Sunset's arm moved rapidly and her head flew back into the crook of the couch.
  398. >She let out a strained moan and shut her eyes tightly.
  399. >"F-Fuckkk..."
  400. >Sunset let out a strained cry as she finally came.
  401. >Her breathing became labored, and the sensation sent her into a coughing fit.
  402. >The sight of her struggling to keep herself calm, whimpering beneath you, clenching her eyes shut.
  403. >God, it was fucking hot.
  404. >You were pressed against her body and jerking yourself hard without restraint, nearly on the verge of straight up fucking her tits.
  405. >The couch beneath you shook with every jerk of your or Sunset's hands, and a small but steady creak of wood echoed throughout the apartment.
  406. >Twilight whimpered beside you as she rose through her orgasm, no doubt.
  407. >Fluttershy was probably almost there judging from the sounds she was making alone.
  408. >Pandora still played on the TV behind you; the music was somewhat drowned out by the noise around you, but you could still make out the song at least.
  409. >The shivering girl beneath you was trying desperately to catch her breath as her orgasm subsided, but judging from the look on her face, she didn't want to be done.
  410. >It wasn't long before her arm started to shake again.
  411. >Her eyes, though hardly open at this point, were glued to your dick as it moved up and down her tits with little effort.
  412. >You were drunk beyond belief, but this was all enough to sober you right up.
  413. >A sigh escaped your lips as a familiar feeling started to build.
  416. "H-Hey... I'm gonna cum."
  417. >Sunset's head slammed back into the couch.
  418. >"Cum on me," she replied with a whimper. "I don't care where, just cum on me, please~"
  419. >How could you refuse?
  420. >You had seconds to decide.
  421. >Tits, face, or stomach?
  422. >Fuck it, why not all of the above?
  423. >Rainbow and Pinkie began chanting "cum, cum, cum" while the others regained interest.
  424. >Everyone was watching you.
  425. >Especially Sunset.
  426. >You pulled away from her tits and jerked off a few inches away from her, aiming at the area between her face and her chest.
  427. >In anticipation, she leaned her head forward closed her eyes and opened her mouth.
  428. >"Cum on me, please cum on me, please..."
  429. >Her voice was barely a whisper, but you could hear every word.
  430. >She was begging for it.
  431. >Over and over and over again.
  432. "Fuck..."
  433. >That was the only warning you could give her before you finally came.
  434. >Your hips jerked forward as the first shot of cum came out and struck her in the forehead, leaving a nice streak of white down to her nose.
  435. >The second spurt hit her chin and part of her neck, but you aimed lower.
  436. >A lot of your load shot all over her tits, in between, left and right, and even on her hard nipples.
  437. >You alternated between her face and breasts, each coming shot less powerful than the last.
  438. >For the last few shots, you aimed for Sunset's mouth.
  439. >Not much came out, but it was enough for her to have a taste.
  440. >Your mind was hazy, and all the sounds around you were muffled and hard to hear.
  441. >When your hearing returned to normal, it was only then that you heard some of the girls cheering in drunken joy.
  442. >You finally let go of the breath you hadn't realized you were holding and started to recuperate as best as you could.
  443. >Leaning back without accidentally falling off the couch, you took a look at what sat before you.
  444. >Sunset was completely drenched in your cum, with several globs coating and dripping down her tits and onto her stomach, and streaks of white painting her cheeks, chin, and nose amongst her blush.
  445. >You apparently even got one shot in her hair, but it wasn't big enough to be a problem.
  446. >At least, you hope.
  449. >With reality once more setting in, your knees started to buckle under you, so you grabbed Sunset's shoulders and fell beside her on the couch.
  450. >Your pants and boxers remained wrapped around your ankles, but you were too lazy to put them back on.
  451. >If the girls wanted to look, let 'em.
  452. >"You two alright?" you heard Applejack ask after a few moments of breathing and near silence.
  453. >You and Sunset weakly nodded your heads.
  454. >"I, uh... I think we all had enough to drink..." Sunset suggested before letting out a flustered chuckle.
  455. >You turned your head slowly and looked at the other girls.
  456. >Twilight sat in a silent afterglow.
  457. >Fluttershy pulled her skirt back down, apparently having finished in silence.
  458. >Pinkie laid on the floor next to Fluttershy and yawned, just mostly tired.
  459. >Rainbow Dash stopped recording and had gone back to making out with Applejack.
  460. >Rarity was playing with herself through her clothing, almost as if ashamed to even be doing so yet couldn't help it.
  461. >And Sunset... she was checking you out.
  462. "Yeah... maybe just a little."
  463. >It took you a second to realize Sunset asked you something during that time.
  464. >Something along the lines of, "Want me to help clean you off?"
  465. >Because now, she was leaning over and licking your shaft top to bottom.
  466. >She gave it a few nibbles here and there with her lips, but mostly cleaned off any leftover cum.
  467. >It didn't take long, but her lips felt -great- hugging your dick like that, and every groan let her know just that.
  468. >Once your dick was clean, Sunset pulled away and laid back on the couch, with her legs sitting over your lap.
  469. >You -really- wish you didn't cum a minute ago.
  470. >"I should probably go wash this off," Sunset said as she started to get up from the couch.
  471. "Want me to help?" you asked out of impulse.
  472. >She laughed weakly, but smiled warmly.
  473. >"Yeah. That'd be great."
  474. >The two of you excused yourselves from the group—but not without a whistle from Rainbow as you pulled your pants back up—and followed Sunset into the bathroom.
  477. >You shut the door behind you while Sunset ran the sink for a few moments allowing it to heat up.
  478. >She then grabbed a small cloth and dampened it before giving it to you.
  479. >"Truth or Dare?"
  480. >Confused, it took you a second to answer.
  481. "Uh... Dare?"
  482. >Sunset giggled through her nose.
  483. >"I dare you to wash me off."
  484. >Oh.
  485. >Alright.
  486. >You grabbed the cloth from her and held it up to Sunset, who prepared herself with her arms resting on the sink behind her and presenting her bare, cum-covered chest to you.
  487. >You pressed the warm cloth against her breasts and began to wipe them down slowly, eliciting a whine and moan from the still-sensitive girl, but she wanted you to keep going.
  488. >Her breasts took the brunt of your orgasm, so they took a bit longer to wipe off.
  489. >But afterwards, they were wet yet clean.
  490. >You ran the cloth back under the sink to wash off any hints of cum that stuck to the material before you went back to focus on Sunset's face.
  491. >You cleaned off her chin easily, then dabbed the cloth on the parts of her cheek nearest to her eyes.
  492. >She got ticklish and shied away for a moment before letting you finish.
  493. >The cum in her hair was something she was able to get out with a wet comb.
  494. >After washing everything off, she dried herself off with a towel and looked in the mirror.
  495. >She then turned back to you.
  496. >"How do I look?"
  497. >You smiled, tongue caught in your throat.
  498. "You look great."
  499. >She really did.
  500. >You raised your hand to brush a lock of her hair behind her left ear, then left that hand hovering over her check.
  501. >"Anon...?"
  502. >You didn't answer her.
  503. >Emotions overcoming you, you moved forward and pressed your lips against hers, holding her gently against the bathroom sink and being careful not to hurt her.
  504. >Sunset moaned into your mouth and gripped your shirt with her hands.
  505. >Your hands drifted down to her breasts and cupped them.
  506. >She smiled and moand again.
  507. >The two of you kissed and you felt the weight of everything lift around you, if only for just a few moments.
  508. >You knew you were drunk out of your mind, and so was she, but you were enjoying this while you still could.
  509. >And deep down, so was she.
  510. >But tomorrow was gonna be really awkward.
  512. END

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