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[SFW] Anonymous the Mr. Wolf - Chapter 6 - Werewolves in Canterlot

By GreenReaper
Created: 2021-05-29 22:40:27
Expiry: Never

  1. >The van finally reachs it's destination.
  2. >You hear a few footsteps, and the lock of the doors being removed.
  3. >When they open the back, you trash and shake as much as you can, but the people were already expecting resist.
  4. >Quickly, the net gets heavier as they throw more ropes, and even using a tool to grab you by the neck.
  5. >They carry you to the building, put a muzzle on you, and trap you inside a metal cage.
  6. >You try to remove the muzzle, but there's no luck. It's pure steel.
  7. >"Stop bothering buddy. Your mouth may has been replaced with a safe. Only one key can open it, and the guy who has it won't come until tomorrow. Just quiet down."
  8. >You aren't listening. You are still trying to get the muzzle off.
  9. >30 minutes later, you finally stop. Still, you haven't given up. You look at the iron bars.
  10. >While they are thick, they are worn out. Nothing a good clawing can't fix.
  11. >You launch your paw with all your might, but all you did was hurting your hands.
  12. >Where are your werewolf powers? What is going on?!
  13. >"Hey dude, look, this wolf is trying to slash his way out."
  14. >"You wish puppy, it's reinforced. You won't be able to even scratch it."
  15. >You don't listen. You still try to break the bars, but no luck.
  16. >You finally stop. If you keep going, your claws will break.
  17. >Ramming your body against the metal won't work. It will only hurt your body.
  18. >You only rest at the corner of the cage, awaiting whatever faith is coming. You only hope they let you leave.
  19. -----
  20. "Please... where are you?"
  21. >You are Fluttershy.
  22. >It's a bit late into the night, but you are still waiting.
  23. >You are already in big troubles: you lied to your family about having a sleepover at Pinkie's, and you even told anon's mom the truth.
  24. >You are waiting for her at the Animal Care Center.
  25. >You already gave her directions to come here, and the information you discovered doesn't look very promising.
  26. >Finally, after the 3rd bus, she comes walking straight to you.
  27. >"You... I knew you would bring problems to my son."
  28. "Please, ma'am, I never intended to-"
  29. >"Silence! Where is him?"
  30. >You show him the collar. She looks at it with anger and disgust.
  31. >"You didn't... have you ANY IDEA of what YOU JUST DID?!"
  32. "I-I'm sorry! I never knew he was your son!"
  33. >"Enough! Give me the collar."
  34. >She doesn't wait for you to give it to her. She just yanks it from your hand.
  35. >She looks at it, and then gives it a smell.
  36. >"You are already involved. Did he told you everything?"
  37. "No?"
  38. >Anon's mother looks at the sky. It's a full moon.
  39. >"Then this will be horrifying to you."
  40. >Her eyes are turning from brown amber to blood red.
  42. >"Hey, did you made the call?"
  43. >"I already did, and it turns out it won't be pretty. The guy who needs to be here to authorize the release won't be back in town until next month."
  44. >"Shit, I'm already scared just by watching it, and now we have to put him down? The injection will be enough?"
  45. >"It has to. We are still on probation after that cat torturer asshole."
  46. >"That guy was sick. Anyway, while City Hall tortures him bureocratically as he did with those kittens, we can't use bullets or knives. Only dosage... I'm not getting close to that thing."
  47. >"Really? It's only a big wolf, so?"
  48. >"If you think is that simple, then you do it."
  49. >"Whatever pussy, it won't know what happened."
  50. >The man goes to a cabinet, and takes a syringe with a green substance.
  51. >"The wolf has been moving recently?"
  52. >"No."
  53. >"Great, it's asleep. This will be quicker."
  54. >The man, confidently, opens the iron gate and enters the cage.
  55. >Slowly, he gets closer to the big beast, the needle dripping a few drops of the dangerous poison.
  56. >He gets closer to the animal, ready for the kill.
  57. >"Sorry buddy."
  58. *Growl* (No, I'm sorry.)
  59. >"Huh?"
  60. >You push the man against the metal bars, knocking the air out of him.
  61. >The other tries to react, but a simple slap is enough to knock him out.
  62. >Looks like your survival instincts finally kicked in.
  63. >It's hard to keep your mind focused, but you have the basics.
  64. >Leave building, run far enough, go back home.
  65. >Side mission: get off the muzzle.
  66. >You look around, seeing anything to locate you inside this place. Luckily, there's an fire procedure map in the room.
  67. >You are on the west wing, the place closer to an exit to the city, but in your feral state, it would be a suicide if the cops get involved.
  68. >The only safe exit is at the east wing, closer to the forest. You can hide until you can recover your human state.
  69. >It's tricky, but you manage to open the door. Before stepping out, you smell the air. There are a few persons in the building, but the cameras will see you easily, getting this place on lockdown.
  70. >Better hurry up then.
  72. >You leave the room, and go quickly under a row of seats. You check the hall.
  73. >Sadly, looks like you already wasted your only cover: the entire hallway it's empty, and there's a camera pointing to the exit.
  74. >The camera moves in a pattern, so when it's looking at the exit door, it isn't looking at the hallway.
  75. >You also see an open window. If you remember the plan correctly, there's a small gap to the other side, and it isn't a window, but a small balcony.
  76. >You look at the camera slowly rotating to the exit, patrolling the hallway.
  77. >The moment is no longer seeing the hallway, you run all the to the window, and jump!
  78. >Your calculation was good. Way too good in fact. You hit the other glass door at the balcony.
  79. >You did your best to hide. but there's only a small plant pot. Not even filled.
  80. >Luck, funny enough, is still on your side. Nobody came.
  81. >You once again play with the door handle. Jesus, how you miss your long fingers and thumbs.
  82. >*Click!*
  83. >You move the door to the side, and enter the new room. This one is much better, lots of tables and seats.
  84. >You see your surroundings better: it's a cafeteria!
  85. >Looks like it was used recently: the small moving table is still filled with food and sodas.
  86. >Well, you haven't eaten at all, so you try to take it off your muzzle.
  87. >No luck sadly, so you won't be able to eat yet.
  88. >Looking around, you find a very thin knife. Those cheapskates really bought these for personnel.
  89. >You use one to open the lock.
  90. >While, in every form, you are a wolf, your human intelligence hasn't abandoned you. You unlock the muzzle.
  91. >In one quick move, you remove it and drop it in the trash.
  92. >You quickly return to the mobile serving station, and eat up the meals.
  93. >"Hey? Who's there?"
  94. >Looks like your loud rustling got noticed.
  95. >Nobody can understand you, but nobody understands a full mouth.
  96. "Hmmm hmpft!"
  97. >"Oh, are you one of the guards? Dude, I said it was cool if you take a bite or two, but don't eat everything please."
  98. "Hmm hum hmpft!"
  99. >"I know, but that is something for the syndicate. Did you talk with the union?"
  100. "Hmmm..."
  101. >"Yeah, they kick our assess too hard. You know what? Just eat, but don't make a mess."
  102. "Hmpft!"
  103. >You finish quickly, and even leave with a bottle of water.
  104. >In a more secluded area, you open it (more like bite the head off), and drink in peace (well, lick it off the ground).
  105. >With confidence, you walk all the way to an elevator and select the lower floor.
  106. >This escape is as easy as pie. If the road is filled with many incompetent guys, this will be a breeze.
  107. >A sounds advices you. You reached your destination.
  108. >The door opens.
  109. >"... and seriously, he said it was cool to eat."
  110. >The guards look at you.
  111. "Ehhh... woof? (hi?)"
  114. >The alarms roars in every corner of the building, and all guards are searching for you.
  115. >You managed to evade the guards at the elevator, but it's nothing compared to now.
  116. >Many of the exits were locked, and the authorities have been called. Soon enough, they will have the area closed.
  117. >You leave your hiding spot, trying to search for an exit.
  118. >No luck. Many doors are already barricaded with steel blinds, and the ones who don't are being protected.
  119. >You find another window. You remember that this one points to the open inner yard.
  120. >Not your best choice, but you can't complain in your situation.
  121. >You jump out, not checking for any danger. This was a mistake.
  122. >"Hey, it's here!"
  123. >Many guards surround you at the middle of it.
  124. >They throw ropes and chains, managing to stop you.
  125. >You struggle with the binds, but they are too heavy.
  126. >Before you know it, the muzzle is back, and one man has the lethal injection.
  127. >"Quickly! Before he gets rid of us!"
  128. >"Don't worry, I got it!"
  129. >The man quickly reaches you, and you feel a sting around your side.
  130. >The poison works quickly, covering your entire body.
  131. >Your strenght is leaving you, and everything is going dark.
  132. >As you wish to go back home, only one dim light is consoling you.
  133. >The protective shine of the full moon.
  134. -----
  135. "But officer, I need to go to the Animal Control HQ!"
  136. >"I'm sorry miss Fluttershy, but only because you are showing me your Volunteer ID, I can't let you pass. There's a wild animal loose, and we were ordered to close the area."
  137. >The policeman's radio starts to sound. He picks it.
  138. >"Car one here, over."
  139. >>"Car one, call backup, we are under attack!"
  140. >"Hold on, base, explain your situation, over."
  141. >>"Cut the procedure! There's a- QQQGGGGHHHHHHHTTTT....."
  142. >"Base, do you copy? Base?"
  143. >The cop realizes what happened, but when he was about to request backup, Fluttershy takes the radio and runs to a distance.
  144. >He pulls out a stun gun.
  145. >"Miss, if you don't give me back the radio, I will shot!"
  146. "Only if you let me pass!"
  147. >"I can't let you!"
  148. "If you don't, my friend will be angry!"
  149. >"What friend?"
  150. >The noise of the cop car being crushed is heard.
  151. >The officer turns back, only to be paralized by fear, dropping his weapon.
  152. "Officer, say hi to my friend."
  155. Just moments ago
  156. >"Is it gone?"
  157. >One man pokes at the big body.
  158. >"It is not moving?"
  159. >"What about a pulse, or breathing?"
  160. >The man checks both. No reaction.
  161. >"Nothing. We put him down."
  162. >"What do they put in that stuff?"
  163. >"Whatever they put, it worked. Let me get these things off it."
  164. >Many guards remove the binds.
  165. >Now one is about to remove the muzzle, but it wasn't necesary.
  166. >Suddenly, the beast opens his eyes again, but the eyes are no longer gold. They are red.
  167. >The beast stands in two legs, as his size increases.
  168. >"Holy fuck."
  169. >"Quickly, go for the guns!"
  170. >The wolf loses his animal shape, as musculature forms.
  171. >His paws no longer resemble dog or human claws, and his nails grow larger.
  172. >The muzzle fights it's hold, but quickly loses by breaking it's metal binds
  173. >The guards return armed, but even if they shot, they know it wouldn't do anything to it.
  175. >"Someone call the cops bef-"
  176. >The monster runs to the man, and it's launched with just being slapped away.
  177. >"Oh fuck!"
  178. >"Kill that thing!"
  179. >"You call the cops, go!"
  180. >One man runs inside the building, as others go against the big creature.
  181. >He finds a radio.
  182. >"Please work..."
  183. >*Kgggg... *click* "Car one here, over."
  184. >"Car one, call backup, we are under attack!"
  185. >"Hold on, base, explain your situation, over."
  186. >"Cut the procedure! There's a-!"
  187. >*Crush!*
  188. >The man looks at the transmissor. It's destroyed.
  189. >The monster grabbed it and crushed it with it's bare hands.
  190. >"Ahhh..."
  191. "Grrr...."
  192. >"AHHHH!!!"
  193. >The man runs away.
  194. >The monster roars, and keeps going with it's rampage.
  195. -----
  196. >You are Fluttershy.
  197. >You can't believe everything you just did today.
  198. >You petted anon, lied to your parents, and now you are holding for dear life the hairy back of his mother, a giant werewolf.
  199. >In very huge jumps, she arrives to the entrance of the Animal Control Headquarters.
  200. >The entrance is locked, behind strong steel blinds.
  201. >*Slash! Slash!*
  202. >Not anymore. Her claws just teared them like butter.
  203. "Alright, Anonymous must be close. This place is still intact."
  204. >"Grrr..."
  205. "Don't worry, we will find him. Maybe we-"
  206. >"Miss, what are you doing here?"
  207. >A guard sees you.
  208. >"Lady, you must go befo-"
  209. >He sees the giant werewolf behind you.
  210. >"What the-?"
  211. >You cover his mouth.
  212. "Wait. If you tell us where is his cub, we will go."
  213. >He still looks at the giant monster.
  214. >*Grrr... Son... return... home...*
  215. >The man is surprised.
  216. "Where is him?"
  217. >"... He is fighting the guards at the east wing. Be careful, they are armed."
  218. "We will. Let's go."
  219. >You hope you reach anon before he gets hurt.
  221. *ROOOOAAAAAR!!!*
  222. >*Bang! Bang! Bang!*
  223. >The bullets hit your body, yet they barely manage to do serious impacts.
  224. >You are starting to get more angrier than hurt.
  225. >"Why isn't he coming down?! These can take out a bear!"
  226. *ROAR!*
  227. >Again, another guy is sent elsewhere by flailing your arms around.
  228. >"Alright, that's it!"
  229. >A man falls back, going to his locker.
  230. >"I reserved this one for the boss, but the asshole will live a few days more."
  231. >He takes out a .44 magnum revolver, and goes back.
  232. >"Eat this, you fuck!"
  233. >*Bang!*
  234. >*GROWL!*
  235. >Another werewolf pushes out of the bullet's trayectory in time!
  236. >Both growl and bark at each other.
  237. >In your feral state, you can't mantain your humanity, but for some reason, you feel you know this beast.
  238. >The guards keep shooting at you two, but everytime you want to fight back, the other werewolf stops you.
  239. >A girl is trying to stop the shootout.
  240. >"Please! Let them go!"
  241. >"Wha- what is doing a woman here?!"
  242. >"Don't shot them anymore, they just want to leave!"
  243. >You recognize that voice.
  244. "Flutter... shy...?"
  245. >"D-did that thing just talked?!"
  246. >"See? He is like us, let him go!"
  247. >"Are you crazy?! If we let them go, they are going to kill us!"
  248. >"No, it's not like that!"
  249. >He pushes her aside.
  250. >"I'm not letting these monsters go away!"
  251. >He points the revolver at the other werewolf, and Fluttershy gets in the middle.
  252. >"Please, hold your fire..."
  253. >"If you want to protect them, fine. Join them!"
  254. >He pulls the trigger, and in one instictive jump, you cover her.
  255. >*Bang!*
  256. >Your body lands heavily on the ground
  257. -----
  258. "Oh no... Anon... Anonymous!"
  259. >He took the shot for you.
  260. >a pool of blood forms quickly.
  261. "No... anon, resist!"
  262. >"Fucking bitch..."
  264. >The man realizes the other beast is still standing.
  265. >Before he even manages to aim, his armed arm is chopped off. And in one quick crunch, his life is taken. Not even a scream of pain before dying.
  266. >"Oh God..."
  267. >"He is gone..."
  268. >"Everybody run!"
  269. >The guards run away before the wolf hunts them down, but she isn't interested.
  270. >She goes back to her pup and the girl, taking them both far from the building.
  271. >When the police arrives, they are already gone.

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