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Mix up match up

By MT88
Created: 2021-05-30 00:42:26
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon, and your best friend is Incog.
  2. >Not only are you two the best of friends, like, for your whole lives, you were both born in the same hospital, and share a birthday!
  3. >If that wasn't enough, your mom Chrysalis knew Incog's mom Celestia when they were in highschool together. Although back then they were in different circles, they've since become good friends as they love to catch up together.
  4. >You both became best friends in kindergarten and have been friends ever since.
  5. >Incog also lives a few streets away from you!
  6. >The best friends who do everything together and share everything...
  7. >Even your porn mags
  8. >One day not long ago whilst you were in Incog's room 'discretely' watching a porn with Milfs, you let slip an off-handed comment about how hot Incog's mom was.
  9. >Celestia was seriously smoking hot! Curvy, busty, thick in the right places. Everything you liked in a milf.
  10. >Incog initially weirded out, also confessed that he took a particular fancy to your mom Chrysalis, and her thin petite frame, small bust and tight hips.
  11. >You both joked how good it would be to have sex with each other's mothers....
  12. >Then one day it happened.
  13. >Today actually.
  14. >It was sudden. When you came over Incog quickly excused himself, but before he left, he told Celestia
  15. >"Mom, Anon's got the hots for you. He jerks off thinking about you every night!" and quickly ran out the door, leaving you shocked and embarrassed.
  16. >You're not sure what happened, but Celestia is now riding your cock. Hard.
  17. >She pulled you into her bed, ripped your clothes off and felated you like you wouldn't believe.
  18. >She was basically an animal and before you could resist she had taken your virginity.
  19. >She, like your mom, had divorced shortly after you were both born and as such she hasn't had a man in years.
  20. "Oh god Celestia, I'm g-gonna~" The pleasure from your dick becoming too much for you to finish your sentence.
  21. >"Go ahead! Do it inside me~!" She begins moving faster trying to increase both your pleasures ten fold just before you release.
  22. >You both moan loudly as she succeeds in making you explode inside her.
  23. >She collapses onto your chest, still holding your hands from when she pinned you down.
  24. >You both enjoy the after glow as she rolls over onto your side, tucking herself into your underarm as you drape your arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to you.
  25. "W-wow Celestia... that was...amazing."
  26. >"Mmm~" Celestia giggles happily and satisfied. "That was really good for your first time, Anon." She pecks your cheek with a kiss, then lays her head down on your bare chest.
  27. >You're about to fall asleep when Celestia says something.
  28. >"Anon? What's that?" Pointing at your birth mark just behind your nipple. It's more on your rib than chest so many don't notice it.
  29. "Oh, that's some birth mark I've had since I was born."
  30. >Celestia says nothing more but looks at it for a few more moments before laying back down on you and soon you both fall asleep.
  32. >A few days later you catch up with Incog. Man does he looks worn out.
  33. "Hey man, how's things?"
  34. >"Duuude..." He exhales. "Your mom is a freak!"
  35. >You chuckle heartily.
  36. >You did to Incog what he had done to you that day and left him with your mom as you went to ravage Celestia some more.
  37. >"So, how was mom?"
  38. "Dude... everything I dreamed of. And more."
  39. >"Yeah man, I get that." He fist bumps you. "Man... your mom... mm-mm" He makes a gesture and you chuckle as well.
  40. >You make it back to your home and are surprised to see another car in the driveway.
  41. >Waiting for you are both your moms in the living room, sharing tea and they stop and welcome you both home.
  42. >"Welcome home boys." Celestia greets you both casually.
  43. >Mom walks up and gives you a hug and kiss on the cheek, then gives Incog a kiss on the lips.
  44. >Celestia comes up and pulls you into a hug burying your face in her cleavage before she slips her tongue into your mouth for a deep french welcome kiss.
  45. >They look at each other and nod.
  46. >"Boys, have a seat." They say in unison.
  47. >You both look at each other confused, but oddly sexually aroused.
  48. >Incog's face says the same thing you're thinking.
  49. >'Orgy?' Telepathically you say to him.
  50. >'Dude... maybe!' He replies.
  51. >You both sit on the sofa and the ladies approach you.
  52. >"Boys, take off your shirts."
  53. >Yes this is it! Orgy time!
  54. >You both couldn't take your shirts off fast enough and are now standing topless in the living room to the admiration of two hot older women, one of whom is your mom.
  55. >Celestia examines Incog closely as mom does for you. Both not saying anything.
  56. >You and Incog just stand there, not sure what's going on.
  57. >Mom and Celestia go back to standing in front of you both.
  58. >"What do you think Chryssy?"
  59. >"I think you may be right Celly."
  60. "What's going on? What are you talking about?"
  61. You and Incog ask
  62. >The ladies take a breath and sigh.
  63. >"Boys... We think there may be a problem." Mom says cupping her cheeks.
  64. >Celestia nods.
  65. >"Mom?! Did we do something bad? Is it about having sex-"
  66. >"No honey, it's not about that. The sex is amazing." Celestia glances your way and licks her lips as she quickly eyes you up and down before continuing. "As I'm sure Chryssy has told you numerous times."
  67. >Mom blushes deeply at that remark.
  68. >"Sweetie, we're happy to be having sex again, but we think maybe we need to stop."
  69. "Mom, if it's about us being friends, we're alright with each other dating you guys! We want you to be happy and we both love you two dearly!"
  70. >Incog nods his head
  71. >"No, this is far more serious. We think there may have been a mix up, so we're going to the hospital. Together."
  72. >You and Incog look at each other.
  73. "Oh shit, you're not pregnant are you?! C-can you even tell this early?"
  74. >"Language young man!" Mom chews you out.
  75. >Incog was thinking the same thing with that expression of his.
  76. ~~~~
  77. >All four of you are at the hospital now. Mom and Celestia have been in consultation with the doctor for a little while now.
  78. >You and Incog are sat in the waiting room nervously and anxiously trying to distract yourselves with your phones, magazines, and even the TV in the corner, but nothing helps.
  79. >You tap your foot nervously as Incog jitters in his seat.
  80. >"Dude, what do you think they meant by 'mistake'?" he whispers to you.
  81. "I don't know man. Did we fuck up? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all?"
  82. >Incog buries his face into his hands, shaking.
  83. >"Man we fucked up! We shouldn't have done it! What if they're pregnant?! What the hell are we gonna do?!"
  84. >Just then mom's voice echoes through the quiet room
  85. >"Boys, come with us."
  86. >Both of you obey without a sound and follow mom and Celestia and a doctor to another room.
  87. >Every one sits.
  88. >Celestia sits next to you as mom sits next to Incog.
  89. >She /is/ your girlfriend now... you guess. You'll have to clear that up after this whole ordeal is over.
  90. >The doctor is explaining a few things about needles and blood, you're not listening as you're being distracted by Celestia putting her hand on your thigh and massaging it in various spots.
  91. >That's gotta be a good sign she's not mad at you, right?
  92. >Her hands wanders about your leg as she doesn't break her concentration on what the doctor is saying.
  93. >Her hand finally finds your and you both instinctively interlock fingers and hold hands.
  94. >A quick glance at Incog and it looks like he's having the same thing happen to him.
  95. >"- So, if there are no further questions, we'll get started."
  96. >Start what? The doctor leaves the room and just as the door closes Celestia pounces on you, giving you a deep intimate wet kiss.
  97. >Seems mom had the same idea with Incog.
  98. >A moment later the door clicks and quickly mom and Celestia go back to their sitting positions as if nothing had happened.
  99. >A nurse wheels in a table with some needles and sample jars amongst other things.
  100. >"What's going on?" Incog asks nervously.
  101. >"We're just going to take blood samples from all of you." The nurse kindly answers.
  102. >Everyone does as instructed and the nurse collects blood samples from all of you, then sends you all on your way.
  103. >You're riding in the car with Celestia, sitting in her passenger seat holding her hand.
  104. >Incog is in mom's car presumably doing the same thing.
  105. >Celestia occasionally glances at you, giving you a cute smile.
  106. >Both cars park outside a diner and you all take a seat at a table.
  107. >It was an awkward dinner but after it was over mom started to talk.
  108. >"Anon, sweetie, tonight you'll be staying with Celestia, and Incog will be staying with me."
  109. >She looks a little sheepish saying that.
  110. "W-what? Why?" Incog reacted the same way.
  111. >"Don't you want to stay with me?" Celestia teases you, making you blush. "Hehe. We both know how much you two love us, and since we're technically 'dating' we should get to know each other a little better, don't you think?"
  112. >Mom nods.
  113. >"So we thought we'd like to get to know you two a little.../better/." Celestia eyes you again and this time bites her lip.
  114. >"And what better way than to start spending time together?" Mom adds
  115. >"Exactly! So this weekend you'll be staying with me~"
  116. >You and Incog look at each other surprised, but go along with it. After all you're both young and sex is still sex, right?
  117. >"So... you're both not mad then..?" Incog nervously asks.
  118. >They both just laugh. "Mad? Heavens no! We couldn't be mad at our little studs."
  119. >It was getting late and everyone agreed it was time to go.
  120. >You hugged mom and kissed her cheek, whispering "I love you, mom." as you broke the hug. Incog did the same to Celestia.
  121. >You and Incog say your goodbyes as you get into Celestia's car.
  122. >On the ride back to her house, you two talked about a few things.
  123. >As soon as you got to her place, Celestia wasted no time 'getting to know you'.
  124. >She ushered you both into the bathroom and insisted you bathed together.
  125. >You'd be lying if you didn't enjoy it. You enjoyed it a LOT.
  126. >Seeing Celestia's full curvy figure right in front of you, spooning her in the bath tub as you talked about yourselves.
  127. >It was really nice and romantic, especially considering you never even had a girlfriend before.
  128. >You both make it to her bed and crawl in.
  129. >Celestia disrobes and crawls in next to you, hugging your side.
  130. >Her smooth skin and warmth was just so nice and felt so good you couldn't help but get hard down there.
  131. >She giggles and her hand begins stroking you. You look down at her beautiful eyes and see hunger in her eyes.
  132. "Celly, what're you-Oh man!" He tingertip was rubbing the sensitive tip of your cock.
  133. >She keeps looking at you with that innocent yet seductive look as she feigns ignorance.
  134. >"What's the matter Anon? Want me to stop?" She teases you further.
  135. "No, don't stop. It feels sooo good!"
  136. >"Then... how about this?"
  137. >Suddenly you feel a wetness you're well accustomed to. Her mouth slowly takes your length. She stops at you head to swirl her tongue around your tip and glans.
  138. >Slowly teasing you with her tongue as she takes you slowly deeper into her mouth.
  139. "Oh Celly!" You thrust hard into her mouth making her gag, but she powers through it and keeps sucking.
  140. >You start to finger her and she positions herself over your face.
  141. >"I wanna feel good too!" She practically begs.
  142. >And you oblige your girlfriend.
  143. >You bury your mouth in her sopping wet slit and lap all her juices with your tongue.
  144. >You gently bite, nibble, lick, suck and tug at her folds with your mouth.
  145. >Each action making her moan loudly.
  146. >Not to be out done, she ups her game and does amazing things to you.
  147. >Very quickly it becomes a power struggle as you both vie for dominance with your mouths.
  148. >You would eat her out til she started working you harder, making you stop to catch your breath, and vice versa.
  149. >You were both pushing each other to the edge. The loser would be the first to cum.
  150. >Celly was good. She was a pro. Her techniques felt amazing and you could feel yourself tensing down there.
  151. >You were going to come soon unless you upped your game.
  152. >You spread her pussy open with your fingers and slid your tongue in as far as you could go.
  153. >"AAnnH~" She slid your dick out of her mouth to moan as you continued to tongue her.
  154. >As she became a moaning mess you flicked at her clit, fingered her and ate her out like your life depended on it.
  155. >She all but stopped working on you, instead too focused on the pleasure you were giving her. She did try to suckle on your shaft or balls but you were relentless.
  156. >"ANon~ Please! Too much!" She mews between moans, but you ignore her.
  157. >She taps your thighs as you feel her lower body tense up. She must be on the edge.
  158. >Just a little more.
  159. >You work your tongue harder and fight through the strain on it and your jaw. You won't lose damnit!
  160. >Erratically your tongue does what ever elicits the loudest moans from her.
  161. >Celly stops tying to make you stop and goes back to sucking you off, her technique becoming sloppy and her frequent stops means she's losing herself in the pleasure.
  162. >Just... a little...more
  163. >You plant your lips on her clit and suck as hard as you can, constantly swirling and flicking her love bean with your tongue.
  164. >"ANON!!" She screams as she tenses up and starts spraying all over your mouth and face. Her body spasming uncontrollably.
  165. >You don't stop though, swallowing what you can and licking her clean after she had already collapsed onto your body, breathing heavily.
  166. >After a moment to catch her breath she turns back around and gives you the deepest kiss as her hand goes back to stroking you.
  167. >"That was amazing Anon"
  168. >"Now it's your turn~" She jerks you hard and fast, then slow and softly. Alternating between different speeds and grip pressures to tease you.
  169. >It works. Every time you feel ready to cum she slows down or backs off completely, leaving you wanting release.
  170. >She gets back into position between your legs and starts to suckle at your balls.
  171. >The sensation of her using just enough jaw strength to feel good but not hurt is just expert and you throw your head back into her bed.
  172. >She continues to stroke and suck you until you can't take it anymore.
  173. >When you tell her you're about to cum she increases in speed and suction. Almost to the point that it hurts, but it doesn't. It just feels incredibly good.
  174. >Your eyes are about to roll back into your skull as she brings you closer and closer.
  175. >She bobs her head faster and faster, her hand keeping pace.
  176. >She takes you into her throat and that's when you tense completely and groan as you shoot deep into her throat.
  177. >She tries to slide off but you hold her head down as you try to thrust deeper into her throat.
  178. >She sucks harder now, almost making you pass out from the pleasure.
  179. >Your body goes limp as you finally empty your balls.
  180. >Celly swallows loudly so you can hear it then shows you her clean mouth before kissing you.
  181. >She lays down next to you as you both pant heavily.
  183. "Wow... you're so good Celly." You pull her closer. "It felt REALLY amazing."
  184. >"Hehe" She giggles like a school girl. "I've never came like that either Anon."
  185. >Both of you just stare into each other's eyes for a while, when you notice a little sadness in her eyes.
  186. "Oh, I've been wondering, why did we have to do the blood test today?"
  187. >Celestia sits up and faces away from you.
  188. "What's the matter Celly?"
  189. >"Nothing. It's nothing." She wipes a tear away.
  190. "You can tell me."
  191. >After a little hugging and cuddling you finally persuade her to tell you.
  192. >"Is what we're doing.... are you okay with this? With me?"
  193. >"Of course I am." You instantly answer. "I love you, Celly. You're everything I want in a woman."
  194. >"But... our age gap..."
  195. >Pulling her closer to you you spoon her and whisper into her ear.
  196. "I wanted you Celly. I chose you and I haven't turned you down once, have I?"
  197. >She holds your hands wrapped around her closer to her chest as she whispers something.
  198. >"How long have you been in love with me?"
  199. >It takes a moment of thinking for you to answer.
  200. "I guess, for a while now. Although I always thought you were cool it wasn't until recently I started to think about you in different ways."
  201. >"Really?"
  202. "Yeah, really. What about you?"
  203. >"Same. Lately when you come over I've been thinking about how manly you've become from that little boy to such a fine man."
  204. >Celly wipes away another tear.
  205. "What's the matter?"
  206. >"Do you think... you'd stop loving me?"
  207. "Of course not! What are you talking about?"
  208. >"It's just... if things changed between us... would you me?"
  209. >Hearing her ask this pains your heart and you hug her tightly to you.
  210. "I will always love you, Celly." You lean over to her and kiss her cheek.
  211. >She curls into a ball and soon stops crying. The feeling of being protected in your embrace putting her thoughts at ease.
  212. >At this moment you are wondering if Incog is doing the same thing with your mom, knowing how much he loves her.
  213. >"I love you Anon... I've fallen in love with you. I can't see you as that little boy anymore."
  214. "I love you too Celly."
  215. >She fell asleep first, leaving you to wonder what's going on. Maybe you shouldn't ask about the blood test again if it makes her so insecure.
  217. >Time flies and it's already been a few months since you and Celly officially started dating.
  218. >And Incog and your mom dating too.
  219. >You've really gotten to know her well, and been on double dates with Incog.
  220. >Honestly seeing mom so happy makes you happy, a notion shared by Incog.
  221. >You've been to movies, dinner dates and even the beach and many places together.
  222. >Your love for Celly surely is blooming.
  223. >Everything is going well.
  225. >"We're terribly sorry."
  226. >The doctor informs all four of you.
  227. >"How could this happen?!" Mom slams her hands on the table furiously.
  228. >You've never seen her this angry.
  229. >Celly tries to calm her down.
  230. >"I'm terribly sorry. It seems there was a mix up."
  231. >"What do you mean?!"
  232. >"There's no easy way to say it, so I'll just say it. You're not related to your son." He takes a deep breath. "Both of you..."
  233. >Those words hit hard. You feel the blood drain from your face. Your heart hurts.
  234. >The atmosphere in the room drops as no one makes a sound
  235. >Mom and Celly sit down and start crying
  236. >Both you and Incog quickly hug them to reassure them.
  237. "What do you mean? She raised me my whole life!" You raise your voice.
  238. >"It appears there was a mix up. Shortly after you were born you were placed in the nursery after your mothers went to sleep, as was normal practice back then. Now, we're not sure what happened but somehow the name cards got switched."
  239. >"So then..." Incog starts. "Does that mean we're not related to them at all? Then who are we related to?"
  240. >"Well... by some miracle, you're actually related to each other."
  241. "What?!"
  242. >"Look at these results. The doctor fans out the results on the table.
  243. >"Anon, your DNA matches Celestia's. And Incog, yours matches Chrysalis's."
  244. >"It's just as you suspected, Celly." Mom says quietly.
  245. >"Yeah, I was hoping I was wrong though." Celly wipes away her tears.
  246. "Mom... I still love you!" You hug mom and she hugs you tightly in return.
  247. >"Yeah mom, just because we were switched doesn't change that you're still my mom!"
  248. >You hug mom tightly reassuring her that she'll always be your mom, as Incog does for Celestia.
  249. >"Geez, these boys... right Chryssy?"
  250. >"Yeah, these sweet good boys of ours."
  252. >It's been almost a year since you found out your girlfriend was really your biological mother.
  253. >The silver lining being that your mother was really your best friends' biological mother as well.
  254. >You and Celly are still dating, as are Incog and mom.
  255. >At first it was confusing and emotionally stressful to work through, but both your families worked together and after a few months things started to come together.
  256. >Celly and mom threatened legal action against the hospital, but settled out of court for a small payout.
  257. >They won't tell you how much, but it was enough to buy a big house down by the beach for all of you to live in, as well as set you and Incog up for life and both mom and Celly don't need to work as much, leaving more time for them to spend with you.
  258. >You and Incog are playing games on the massive flatscreen TV.
  259. >Man, this is the life!
  260. >You're kicking his ass when both mom and Celly block your views.
  261. >Mom turns the system off and you both complain. "Boys, honestly now. That's enough playing video games."
  262. >They share a devilish glance before looking at you two.
  263. >"Wouldn't you rather play with us instead?"
  264. >They open their bathrobes and let them drop to the floor, then slowly walk towards you both in their lingerie.
  265. >You feel yourself get tighter in your pants and Celly certainly notices, by the way she licks and bites her lips.
  266. >You look at Incog who's sporting the biggest grin on his face.
  267. >You high-five him before opening your arms to hug your girlfriend Celestia.
  269. ~The end.

No title, first ever green. Re-write planned

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