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[RDxAnon] F1 Anon [Serrated]

By DashPosterAndArchiver
Created: 2021-06-01 05:07:44
Expiry: Never

  1. Chapter 1
  2. -Authors note-
  3. The first few chapters of this story were written pre AiE thread 100. The quality improves later on.
  5. *As of November 11th, 2015. New chapters have been added, continuing the story of F1 Anon.
  7. ====
  12. >The anticipation,
  13. >The adrenaline,
  14. >That’s what you feel staring at those start lights hanging above the track.
  15. >At any moment, those lights will signal the start of the United States Grand Prix
  16. >It’s November, and you’ve been racing in Formula One all this season.
  17. >But the feeling never changes; this is what you live for.
  18. >The speed
  19. >The power
  20. >The gravitational forces pulling on you at every turn
  21. >It never gets old.
  22. >Sitting in the car, qualified 4th, you start thinking to yourself.
  23. >You’re sitting in a marvel of human engineering
  24. >0 to 100 kph in 1.7 seconds
  25. >Oh god, that feeling of immense acceleration
  26. >You couldn’t wait for it.
  27. >Aerodynamics that make it seem like you’re driving on a rail
  28. >…until you punch the throttle too hard coming out of a turn.
  29. >Make sure not to do that today.
  31. >Looking around, you observe the drivers beside and in front of you on the grid.
  32. >Red Bull got another one-two start. Fucking Vettel
  33. >Webber is alright in your book, but Seb just gets on your fucking nerves.
  34. >You’d love to sacrifice your front wing on his tire to blow it out, make it look like an accident.
  35. >Nah, that’s just childish.
  36. >You have a race to win
  37. >And going in the pits on lap 2 to get a new front wing would shatter that chance.
  38. >You look to the car beside you, an exact copy of the car you’re driving.
  39. >Looks like you and your teammate are starting 3rd and 4th.
  40. >How he got a faster lap time than you in qualifying you’ll never know.
  41. >You then look at the rear wing of his car and chuckle to yourself.
  42. >You two, being the bronies you are, placed small decals of your favorite p0nies’ cutie marks on each side of your rear wings.
  43. >The top corner of his wing sporting three small diamonds, top corner of your wing showing off a very badass looking greyscale thunderbolt.
  44. >They’re small enough so the television cameras can’t catch them that well. but big enough to see if you know where to look.
  45. >Other drivers have noticed before, chastised you for it, but you couldn’t seem to find a fuck to give.
  47. >In your mirrors, you notice an impressive sight.
  48. >Ferrari, McLaren, and Mercedes cars are situated behind you.
  49. >How your team, brand new to Formula 1 in 2012, is faster than Ferrari, McLaren, and sometimes Red Bull, still baffles everyone who follows the sport.
  50. >Is it the cutie mark decals?
  51. >Yeah, it’s not the hours upon hours of car designing, wind tunnel tests, and simulator time.
  52. >It’s the fucking p0ny stickers.
  53. >Speaking of car design, your team didn’t go the way of the platypus like the majority of the teams did.
  54. >Thank fuck.
  55. >Fucking duckbill nosed F1 cars.
  56. >Yours and McLarens cars are the only ones on the grid that look normal.
  57. >Suddenly, red light.
  58. >Oh shit here we go.
  59. >The inaugural Grand Prix at the Circuit of the Americas is about to begin
  60. >little do you know, you’re not even going to complete one lap.
  62. >700+ HP V8 engines start revving up.
  63. >You rev yours a few times, shuddering at the feeling of such insane power.
  64. >and it’s all yours to unleash when the lights go off.
  65. >The second of five lights light up
  66. >The third
  67. >Fourth
  68. >Your teammate gives you a thumbs up
  69. >You return the gesture
  70. >All five lights are blazing
  71. >You rev close to the red line, getting ready to let go of the clutch
  72. >As does everyone else as the entire grid screams with power.
  73. >A few more agonizing seconds, and the lights go off.
  74. >You blast forward
  75. >Towards a stalled out Webber
  76. “SHIT”
  78. >Lightning quick reflexes take over your arms and you successfully swerve past the immobile Red Bull machine
  79. >Barely missing the right rear tire by centimeters
  80. >No one else hit him either, lucky guy.
  81. >Like the pro racer you are, that little predicament is instantly forgotten as you focus on the first turn ahead of you.
  82. >You speed ahead and… ah there it is, that feeling of acceleration you are so in love with.
  83. >No woman could please you like this car could.
  84. >First turn coming up an… Holy shit, your teammate got inside of Vettel!
  85. >Go you glorious bastard go!
  86. >He brakes late, takes the turn smoothly, and guns it out of the corner in a wide arc that almost cuts Seb off into the grass.
  87. >You see this coming out of the corner.
  88. >“I bet he didn’t like that.”
  89. >You start to catch up to the two cars in front of you as you navigate the esses with precision.
  90. >All of a sudden, a large piece of front wing emblazoned with “Red Bull” fly’s past your helmet.
  92. >No fucking way…
  93. >They both go off the racing surface, your teammate spinning dramatically with a blown right rear tire and Vettel with insane under steer.
  94. >That fucking twat took out your teammate in the same exact way you thought that you would take him out just before the race started!
  95. >You’re so enraged that you don’t realize that the lead has been handed to you on a silver platter.
  96. >That is until you reach the turn leading to the longest straight on the circuit.
  97. >Holy fuck you’re leading the race
  98. “Holy fuck I’m leading the race”
  99. >That’s going to make this long straight so much more amazing
  100. >Out of the corner, ease on the throttle, and hold on!
  101. >The engine sings its powerful song as you shift though the gears.
  102. >This feeling.
  103. >This fucking feeling right here.
  104. >It’s so glorious you almost hate the corner coming up for taking the feeling away from you.
  105. >But you’ll be back here at least 50 more times, so it’s not that bad.
  106. >So you think…
  108. >Here comes your braking point
  109. >Smoothly press th… wait… FUCK…
  110. >You’re not stopping, your brakes have gone out…
  111. >”SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT”
  112. >Your throttle seems to be stuck too…
  113. >”AW FUCK ME!”
  114. >You’re hoping to god that the gravel runoff area will slow you down enough to where your neck doesn’t snap when you hit the wall.
  115. >HAHA LOL NO, don’t you remember? This is a Hermann Tilke designed track! This runoff area is solid asphalt!
  116. >Fucking Tilke…
  117. >Speeding towards the wall you don’t notice that the cutie mark decal you placed is starting to… glow?
  118. >Yeah you’re too focused on imminent death speeding at you at over 200 mph.
  119. >Fuck, this is it then huh?
  120. >You brace yourself, hoping that all the safety features in the car at least allow you to live.
  121. >You can kiss your legs goodbye if you do live though.
  122. >This is gonna fucking hurt
  123. >Just then, the decal glows intensely
  124. >just before you hit the wall, an outside force completely envelopes your car
  125. >And in an instant you disappear, machine and all, off the face of this planet.
  127. Chapter 2
  129. >...
  131. >Okay, what the hell is going on here?
  133. >You fully expected to go from 200+ to 0 in a split second.
  134. >But you’re still going.
  135. >Where? Fuck if you know.
  136. >it’s very dark
  137. >did you actually die? Is this what death is like?
  138. >If it is then death fucking sucks.
  139. >Just then, COLOR EVERYWHERE.
  140. >Your expensive racing machine, apparently materializing into this world a few feet up in the air, STILL going over 200 mph, lands on its wheels on a long straight dirt road.
  141. >In that short time in the air, you determine that you have just gone through a portal of some kind.
  142. >You remember what you learned about portal physics when playing “Portal” during the F1 off season:
  143. >Speedy thing goes in, Speedy thing comes out.
  144. >Well shit.
  145. >The sudden hard landing takes you by surprise. You’re thrown about your seat violently. The 6 point harness doing its best to keep you situated.
  146. >This car isn’t a 4X4. It’s not designed for this at AaAaaAAaaAaaAaALLL!
  147. >In your quite literally shaken state, you manage to try for your brakes again.
  148. >Holy shit they work now!
  149. >And they better. You’re about to fly through the main street of a fucking town!
  150. >You slam on the brakes as hard as you possibly can.
  151. >All four tires lock up.
  152. >Throttle must have come unstuck too, that’s good.
  153. >But now you’re power sliding through the middle of this quaint little town.
  154. >and you’re still shaking around pretty violently as this is a damn dirt road.
  155. >This can’t be good for the suspension
  156. >Still sliding.
  157. >Come on, please don’t hit anything.
  158. >Your speedometer on the wheel shows your speed rapidly declining.
  159. >140 MPH, 100, 75, 45, 10, 2.
  160. >Slowly, you come to a stop right in front of the doorway to a building. Allowing you to finally breathe a loooong sigh of relief.
  161. >Holy shit what a ride.
  162. >You actually made it out of that whole ordeal unscathed, well besides a few bruises you know you are going to feel tomorrow.
  163. >Calmed down a bit, you look up and to the right to see the building you almost creamed to oblivion.
  164. >But you are instantly dumbfounded as you read a sign giving the name of the structure.
  165. >”wha… fu… su-SUGARCUBE CORNER!?!?!?”
  167. >Yeah. You died. There is no explaining this shit.
  169. ---
  171. >At the spot on the road where you came into existence, the mane 6 are sitting there, staring at Twilight, all holding their ears in pain, all wondering what the hell just happened.
  172. >Well, besides Rainbow, she’s just staring down the road in awe.
  173. >The noise apparently didn’t bother her either.
  174. >Oh yeah, did I mention that Formula 1 cars are LOUD AS FUCK?
  175. >The more you know
  177. >TS: “WHAT?”
  178. >AJ: “AH SAID, WHAT IN…”
  180. >RD: “Will you weaklings calm down? Just give it a few minutes; you’ll be able to hear again.”
  181. >RA: “WHAT?”
  182. >RD: *sigh...*
  184. >A few minutes pass by as they each regain their hearing.
  186. >AJ: “Okay, as ah was sayin. Twilight, WHAT IN TARNATION WAS THAT!?”
  187. >TS: “I’m actually not sure, I’ve never seen anything that looked like… whatever THAT was. This spell I was showing you guys was supposed to just teleport something that was moving at a normal speed, like a carriage or something, to make travel between cities faster. I must have used a little too much magic.”
  188. >FS: “Oh my, why did it have to be so loud? That was just unnecessary and painful!”
  189. >RD: “So? Did you see how FAST that… THING… was going!? That was so awesome! I might finally have some competition in this town!”
  190. >Applejack stares daggers at Dash.
  191. >RD: “heh… WE might have some competition?”
  193. ---
  195. >Back to you being confused as fuck.
  196. >Is this real? This cant be really happening.
  197. >You poke a bruise that has already formed from your wild ride just to make sure.
  198. >”Fuckin OW! Yeah this is real.”
  199. >That’s going to take a while to heal.
  200. >The engine rumbles to a stop as you hit the killswitch. Allowing you some relative quiet to think clearly.
  201. >Alright, so, lets process whats going on here.
  202. >You are in P0nyville. In Equestria.
  203. >You know this because, as mentioned before, you’re a brony.
  204. >On any given race weekend, when you and your teammate weren’t out on the track, you both were in the paddock watching the latest episode on YouTube. That little ritual spawned the idea for the cutie mark decals on the rear wing.
  205. >You were a little apprehensive at first. Because if anyone noticed them, the entire world would know that you, a world class racing driver in the highest class of auto racing, watched a show for little girls.
  206. >All it took was for your teammate to say this:
  207. >”So?”
  208. >He was right, so what? So you told him “Fuck it, put em on there”.
  209. >They’ve been on your cars since the Monaco Grand Prix, and no fucks have ever been given to anyone.
  211. >Ok, time to get out and look over your car, any damage?
  212. >Oh yeah there is, the left front wheel isn’t supposed to tilt that way.
  213. >Good thing you actually paid attention to your team when they fixed something you broke.
  214. >you can fix that.
  215. >you think…
  216. >at this point you look around; this place is a ghost town.
  217. >Then you remember, the citizens of Ponyville hide in their homes when something scary shows up. duh.
  218. >It’s then that you look down the road where you came
  219. >along with the gouges in the ground from your sliding, you notice 6 p0nies heading your way looking to investigate.
  220. >Oh shit. Is that really… them?
  221. >”Okay Anon, Brain here. Listen to me, keep calm. You’re about to meet the Mane 6. Don’t geek out like you know a lot of people might do.”
  222. >”I know brain. I mean come on; I’m a world famous Formula One driver. I know how to keep my composur- Holy shit there’s Rainbow Dash.”
  223. >”God dammit”
  224. >”Shut up.”
  225. >You think to yourself as they are walking up the road towards you:
  226. >”Ok, It might be a good idea to NOT let them find out that you know who they are already. That could cause some problems”
  227. >That means Dash cutie mark decals come off
  228. >Damn it.
  229. >You go to take them off both sides of the rear wing but you quickly find out you can’t.
  230. >what the hell?
  231. >the decals aren’t decals anymore; they are actually part of the paint job now.
  232. >underneath the clear coat and everything, how the fuck…?
  233. >well, there goes that.
  234. >you turn around and notice that all 6 p0nies are staring at you from a distance.
  235. >seems like they thought there would be another pony in this car. When they saw you, well…
  236. >They had no clue what to do, other than stare.
  237. “Uhh… Hi?”
  238. >PP: “HI!!!”
  239. >”WOAH!”
  240. >You’re surprised when suddenly Pinkie appears right outside your helmet visor.
  241. >Should have seen that one coming.
  242. >TS: So you do speak our language! My name is Twilight Sparkle. May I ask what your name is? and what exactly are you and what is this thing here?
  243. >You take off your helmet as you answer her questions
  244. >” Well I am a human, My name is Anonymous, You can call me Anon if you like. And this beast of a machine is a Formula One race car. We humans use this for the sport of racing.”
  245. >A wave of “oooooo”s flood your ears
  246. >Dash is literally drooling at the sight of the car
  247. >you see twilight taking down as many notes as she can.
  248. >Fluttershy is clearly afraid of it, just bracing for it to roar alive again.
  249. >Rarity apparently appreciates the paintjob, you can clearly see her thinking up new fashion designs by the way she follows the curves of the car.
  250. >Pinkie is just happy to see a new creature in P0nyville.
  251. >and AJ: “Well ah for one aint never seen a Formulea One car before. But ah have seen carriages, and I know the wheels aint supposed to tilt that way on those.”
  252. >You all look at the left front wheel, the top of the wheel awkwardly tilting inwards.
  253. >”Yeah, that. I can fix it, just need a few hours”
  254. >TS: “lemme take a look”
  255. >Twilight goes to the front of the car, studies the undamaged right front suspension system.
  256. >takes a few notes
  257. >goes to the left side, studies the damage.
  258. >few more notes
  259. >Then a wave of magic flows through her horn, picks the front of the car up slightly, moves a few things around and then sets it down.
  260. >Holy shit its fixed!
  261. >”How did you do that?!”
  262. >TS: “Magic, duh. That and it’s a simple structure really, I just copied what I saw over on the right side to the left and fixed the damaged portions!”
  263. >Huh. This p0ny is smarter than you thought.
  264. >Wait… an F1 suspension system simple? My ass…
  266. Chapter 3
  268. >After the rest of the Mane 6 introduce themselves to you, you kinda want to know how the fuck you got here.
  269. ”Which one of you guys can tell me how I got here and why?”
  270. >5 of them in unison, “Twilight can.”
  271. >TS: “Yes well, I was trying to show everyp0ny here a new spell I learned yesterday. The spell was meant to teleport slow moving vehicles for faster travel between cities. I must have focused my energy a tad too hard. None of us were expecting something that fast and LOUD to fly out.”
  272. >Hehe yeah, high performance internal combustion engines. They’re loud as shit.
  273. >TS: “As to why YOU are here, I just tried to focus on a random moving carriage somewhere in Equestria.”
  274. >Somewhere in Equestria huh? Good job nailing that one Twi.
  275. ”So I’m here by accident?”
  276. >TS: “Eeyup”
  277. “Neat”
  278. >PP: “I’ve never heard of ‘humans’ before. What part of Equestria are you from?”
  279. >Oh boy, time to blow their little fucking minds.
  280. “I’m not from here”
  281. >RD: “…What the shit?”
  282. >AJ: “…Say what?”
  284. >Oh yeah their minds are definitely blown.
  285. >And you’re slightly taken aback at what Dash said, didn’t see that coming.
  286. >TS: “What do you mean you’re not from Equestria!?”
  287. “I mean just that. I’m not from this world; you pulled me from a place called Earth.”
  288. >RD: “Earth? Never heard of it.”
  289. “Didn’t expect you too. Look, Twilight, I’m thinking your spell might have crossed dimensions here.”
  290. >Might have? You’re in a place where p0nies can talk, fly, and perform actual magic. Pretty sure it fucking did.
  291. >Shut up brain, no one asked you.
  292. >TS: “You know, I was starting to suspect that. Definitely focused too hard. My magic must be more powerful than I thought!”
  293. >You would think she would be more shocked at the thought of other dimensions actually existing.
  294. >No, wait a sec. Tartarus, right. They’re used to this kind of shit.
  295. >Over next to the car, Applejack quizzically looks at your sponsors.
  296. >AJ: “Hey Anon. What does um… ‘Tag Heeuwer’ and all these other words mean?
  297. >you chuckle at her pronunciation of “Heuer”
  298. “Oh those? Those are my team’s sponsors. Different companies, organizations and what not. They give us money to race and in turn we put their logo on the car”
  299. >RD: “Wait, so driving this thing is your JOB?”
  300. “Yeah kinda.”
  301. >RD: “That’s got to be the BEST job ever.”
  302. >Yeah, it is isn’t it?
  304. >TS: “Judging from the speed that you were going when I teleported you here, I think it’s safe to say that you were in the middle of one of these races?”
  305. “Yes I was, only in the first lap too. I was in the lead coming up to a turn when my brakes failed and my throttle stuck at the same time.”
  306. >TS: “As is to be expected. That’s part of the spell. When I locked on to your position I had to keep you at the same speed you were going for the spell to work.”
  307. >That explains a lot.
  308. >PP: “What’s this handle thingy with all the buttons all over it?”
  309. >You walk over to the car and get in to better show off the device.
  310. “This here, Pinkie, is the steering wheel. It’s basically the brain of the car. It can do everything from making aerodynamic changes on the fly…”
  311. >You press the DRS (Drag Reduction System) button and a panel on the rear wing raises up. It then goes back down when you tap the brakes.
  312. >RD: “Whoa”
  313. “to steering the car.”
  314. >You turn the wheel back and forth, moving the front tires.
  315. >Not that fascinating, but that is the main point of a steering wheel.
  316. >RD: “Hey, what do ya say you fire it up again?”
  317. >Fluttershy lets out a very loud “EEEP” and hides behind Rarity.
  319. >Flutters is definitely afraid of the car.
  320. “Don’t worry Fluttershy, starting up this thing is a very long process. You have to warm up the engine which takes a bit of time. That and I don’t even have a starter motor to get the gearbox going.”
  321. >Come to think of it, everything you need for this car to function was left back on Earth: Starter motor, spare tires, replacement engines, gas.
  322. >Sure you have a full tank, and it’s meant to last over 170 miles with the engine going at full power, but sooner or later this thing is going to become a very expensive paperweight.
  323. >RA: “Um, Twilight dear. What exactly are you doing?”
  324. >Looking over at Twilight, you see an aura around her horn and a look on her face like she’s… feeling around for something?
  325. >Suddenly, the car roars to life, startling the fuck out of everyone, including you.
  327. >Twilight is showing her satisfaction of getting the car to start by displaying a shit eating grin.
  328. >F1 cars at idle are still kinda loud, but not deafening. You are able to talk with slightly raised voices.
  329. >TS: “Long process huh?”
  330. “In a world without MAGIC it is.”
  331. >You notice that crowds are starting to form, the car drawing attention to itself.
  332. “Hey Twilight, you got a spot where I can park this thing besides the middle of town?”
  333. >TS: “Yeah, there is a small spot next to the library where you can put it. It’s down the road to the right, look for a large tree. We’ll talk about more important stuff there.”
  334. >You put your helmet back on and shift the car into first.
  335. “Alright, I’ll meet you guys there. Cover your ears.”
  336. >A couple of very loud revs and you let go of the clutch, rolling your way towards the library.
  338. >Loads of p0nies start lining the dirt road you’re travelling, all giving varying looks of curiosity.
  339. >With all of them watching you drive towards the library, you have the sudden urge to give em a little show.
  340. >But you decide against it. This thing is still new to them, the best a few donuts would do is just frighten them even more.
  341. >Rainbow might dig the fuck out of it though.
  342. >Eh, later.
  343. “Ah, there it is.”
  344. >You pull up to the spot next to the library, shut off the V8 engine, take off the steering wheel and climb out.
  345. >Taking off your helmet you wonder just what the hell is going on right now back on Earth.
  346. >The race, like all others, was televised and shown all around the planet.
  347. >And being the first race at the brand new Circuit of the Americas, you knew the ratings would be high.
  348. >A shitload of people saw what happened and you know it.
  349. >Have they called off the race? Is your team worried? How many times have they replayed you disappearing just before creaming that wall?
  350. >It’s probably made world news by now.
  351. >Your thoughts are interrupted when an overly excited Dash lands next to you.
  352. >RD: “I just can’t get over how cool your car is Anon. Not quite as cool as The Wonderbolts are, but it’s up there.”
  353. “You’re a p0ny that appreciates speed and agility; it’s just natural that you would like something like this.”
  354. >RD: “Yeah you’re right. It’s like you know me or something.”
  355. >You have no idea.
  356. >RD: “Hey, what’s this?”
  357. >She walks over to the tail end of the car… uh oh, she didn’t notice it did she?
  358. >RD: “Um… why is my cutie mark on the tail here?”
  359. >… Fuck.
  361. Chapter 4
  363. >Well Anon, you heard the mare. Why is her cutie mark on the rear wing?
  364. >You could go ahead and tell the truth, reveal to her that this whole world here is a tv show back where you’re from.
  365. >Or you could lie out your ass and keep everyone nice and calm.
  366. >That sounds good, let’s go with that.
  367. “I… honestly have no idea. That wasn’t there before I got teleported here.”
  368. >RD: “Really? How do you suppose it got there?”
  369. >Her tone indicates that she bought it. No sarcasm there.
  370. “I guess it appeared there during the teleportation. We’ll have to ask Twilight about it.”
  371. >RD: “Yeah good idea, cause this is just buckin weird. There isn’t even any color. It’s just a gray outline.”
  372. >Back when you and your teammate where buying the decals, you opted for a grayscale version as to not attract attention.
  373. >That and on an F1 car, it just looked more badass than the original one would have in your opinion.
  374. >looking at it, you still have no clue how the decal became part of the paint job. That’s just not normal.
  375. >Then again, neither is this whole situation.
  376. “Wait a minute.”
  377. >You then get an idea as the rest of the Mane 6 walk up.
  378. “Hey Twilight.”
  379. >”Yeah?”
  380. “I want you to do something real quick. Try and focus on the car like when you were teleporting it here.”
  381. >“Why?”
  382. “Because I want to see something. Don’t actually teleport it anywhere, just lock on to its position.”
  383. >“Alright. Don’t know what that’ll prove but here goes.”
  384. >She closes her eyes. A faint purple aura forms around her horn as she locks on to the car.
  385. >Then, just what you thought would occur, does.
  387. “There it is, I figured that would happen.”
  388. >The cutie marks on the rear wing begin to glow, signaling that Twilight has locked her energy on the car.
  389. >You hear reactions varying from “Whoa” to “Shiiiiiineeey”.
  390. >That’s why they aren’t decals anymore; magic has fused them to the car.
  391. “Okay, you can stop now.”
  392. >Twilight ceases her magic. She opens her eyes quickly enough to catch the glow from the mark just fading out.
  393. >TS: “Wow, that’s interesting.”
  394. “I thought I noticed something bright in my mirrors when you teleported me here.”
  395. >TS: “But why is it in the shape of Dash’s cutie mark?”
  396. “Coincidence maybe?”
  397. >Twilight walks over to the door of the library and opens it.
  398. >TS: “That’s one helluva coincidence. Anyway come on in. We’ll discuss your living accommodations. You might be staying here for a while.”
  399. “Why is that?”
  400. >TS “…I’ve lost the location of where I pulled you from. ‘Earth’ was it? Only until I can find that location again is when I can teleport you back.”
  401. “…So if you can’t find it, I’m stuck here forever?”
  402. >TS “I’m afraid so. Don’t worry, I’ll try my hardest.”
  403. >You walk into the library silent, shocked to say the least.
  404. >You might never see Earth again. All your fans, teammates, friends…
  405. >Suddenly a small dragon that you instantly recognize runs into the room holding a scroll.
  406. >SP: “Twilight! Finally you’re here! You got an urgent letter from Celestia!
  407. >Oh shit.
  409. >Twilight picks up the scroll with her magic and unravels it, reading aloud.
  410. >TS: “My dearest student Twilight Sparkle. I couldn’t help but overhear a frightening noise from P0nyville just now. I’m arriving soon to investigate. Princess Celestia.”
  411. >Damn, She heard that from there?
  412. >Twilight seems to be slightly hyperventilating.
  413. “You alright Twi?”
  414. >TS: “Oh yes I’m fine hehe. Don’t worry about me. Spike, when did you get this letter?”
  415. >SP: “About 30 minutes ago.”
  416. >TS: “AHH, She will be here any minute!”
  417. >You lean towards Rarity.
  418. “Is she sure she’s ok?”
  419. >RA: “Twilight always gets like this when the Princess is to make an appearance. She will be just fine.”
  420. >Just then, a knock at the door.
  421. >TS: “There she is!”
  422. >She quickly gallops to the door and opens it. A very royal looking pony walks into the library accompanied by two guards.
  423. >Everyone in the room bows, you get the hint and quickly follow suit, respectfully kneeling.
  424. >She quickly looks to you, clearly puzzled.
  426. >CE: “Oh hello, may I ask who you are?”
  427. “Your hig-”
  428. >You are immediately interrupted by Twilight who answers for you.
  429. >TS: “This, your highness, is Anonymous, Anon for short. He is a Human from ‘Earth’. The noise you heard earlier was his For-mule-a One car that appeared with him on account off a spell I was performing.”
  430. >You need to remind them soon that there is no ‘mule’ in formula.
  431. >Well, there is. The sound is there but it’s not spelled that way.
  432. >CE: “Is that all that was? Well, I’m glad it was nothing threatening.”
  433. >You’re glad it wasn’t either, otherwise Celestia would be asking you if you like bananas right now.
  434. >CE: “Anon, what is the purpose of that car out there?”
  435. “Racing, Your highness”
  436. >CE: “Really? How very interesting. Oh, and you don’t have to be so formal.”
  437. >Her tone represented a genuine interest in the subject.
  438. “Yes your hi- I mean Celestia.”
  439. >She lets out a small giggle.
  440. >CE: “Tell me more about this form of racing. The annual Running of the Leaves is a personal favorite of mine to watch. If it is anything like that I might have to incorporate it into Equestria’s activities.”
  441. >O rly.
  442. >You spend a good hour telling her all about Formula 1: The history, the technology, the tracks, the safety features implemented in the tracks such as chicanes and soft walls. You go into so much detail that someone could recreate anything in the sport on your words alone.
  444. >CE: “May I take a closer look at the car out there”
  445. “Yes, go right ahead.”
  446. >You lead the Princess to the car outside, everyone else follows.
  447. >CE: “Do you mind if I inspect it?”
  448. “Uh… sure?”
  449. >Just then, the car is enveloped in a light pink aura, slowly starting to levitate.
  450. >You see everything that can be adjusted on the car move, like the wings, tires, and suspension, as she undergoes her inspection.
  451. >As she completes her task, she lets the car down gently, the field of magic fading away.
  452. >CE: “This is quite the complex machine.”
  453. “What exactly did you do?”
  454. >CE “I got a full understanding of how it works is all. Now, I must go, royal business and such. One thing though.”
  455. >She levitates a map up to you.
  456. >CE: “I want you all to meet me at this location in one week.”
  457. >As she goes off back to Canterlot, you look at the map. The Mane 6 appear behind you to grab a peek.
  458. >TS: “That’s just an empty area right outside of P0nyville”
  459. >AJ: “Why does she want us to go there?”
  460. “Dunno.”
  461. >You have an idea but… nah, one week? That’s not enough time for that.
  463. Chapter 5 (flashback)
  465. >”Come on, It can’t be that bad out there!” your teammate says to you as the crew members strap wet tires to your cars.
  466. >It had been raining all Saturday morning in Austin, and the qualifying session was starting.
  467. >It was not going to wait for your indecisive ass.
  468. “Dude, I don’t want to ruin the car out there. I’m not good in the wet bro.”
  469. >”Quit your bitchin and man up. Besides, the rain has stopped. A dry line will form soon enough”
  470. >He was right; you’ll only have to deal with slippery conditions for a few laps. Then it’s just smooth sailing from there.
  471. >As the crew set your cars down and fires them up, your teammate says to you over the radio:
  472. >”Slowest lap time buys drinks for the entire crew tonight!”
  473. >With that, he sets off.
  474. “Oh, it’s on.”
  475. >Without hesitation, you let go of the clutch and pull out of the garage…
  476. >Nearly spinning out in the wet pit lane.
  477. “WHOA SHIT. Okay… Okay we’re good.”
  478. >”I saw that.”
  479. “Shut up.”
  481. >Okay, checklist:
  482. >Fuel,
  483. >Check.
  484. >Wet tires,
  485. >Check.
  486. >Engine settings,
  487. >Quick turn of the knob and check.
  488. >Let’s go!
  489. >You reach the end of pit lane and hit the pit speed limiter button, allowing your engine full power.
  490. >Holy fuck its wet out here.
  491. >It must have literally just stopped raining because there are stagnant puddles everywhere.
  492. >TM: ”Yeah, don’t get too friendly with the throttle just yet.”
  493. “Like how you were getting too friendly with your Rarity plushie last night?”
  494. >TM: “You’re just jealous that you don’t have a Dash plush.”
  495. >While that was true, you weren’t gonna let him win that easily.
  496. “Well I’m not the one who just got passed!”
  497. >Going into turn 6 you get under him and hit the throttle as much as you can without losing grip, passing him just before the next turn.
  499. >TM: “Haha, come back here.”
  501. >Coming up to turn 11, the turn just before the longest straight, he manages to get on your inside.
  502. >Oh you little faggot.
  503. >TM: “Now we will see who really is the best p0ny. First one to turn 12 proves it!”
  504. >Rarity better than Dash? Nah.
  505. >DRS engaged. KERS Engaged. Throttle floored.
  506. >Small wobble from the torque and like a bat out of hell you thrust forward.
  507. >You time your shifts just right to get maximum power out of the engine.
  508. >Because of that, your teammate slowly starts creeping backwards from beside you.
  509. >You got this shit.
  510. >TM: “NO Dammit!”
  511. >You both brake as late as you can, but he hits them a little harder allowing you and your smooth ass braking to get clear of him and cut him off just before the apex.
  512. “YES! Dash will always be the best and you know it!”
  513. >TM: “You’re still buying drinks for everyone!”
  514. “You wish!”
  515. >Your crew chief comes in over the radio. It sounds like he just finished laughing.
  516. >”Just letting you guys know, that entire exchange was broadcasted on television just now, Conversation and all.”
  517. “HA!”
  518. >TM: “Neat, How’d it look?”
  519. “The internet is going to have fun with that one!”
  521. >Later that afternoon, the final session of qualifying is upon you.
  522. >So far you’re the 5th fastest.
  523. >Your teammate is 4th.
  524. >20 minutes is all you have to change that.
  525. >Otherwise you’re going to spend hundreds of dollars on alcohol tonight.
  526. >The track now dry, you two waste no time getting out there.
  527. >A few laps to get your tires and engine up to optimal temperature and you just let loose with all you’ve got.
  528. >This has to be all you’ve got. With time running down, once you cross the finish line it’s over, that’s where you start.
  529. >You hit every corner exactly as you’re supposed to carrying the momentum of the car to the edge of the track.
  530. >This is it, you can feel it.
  531. >You hit the throttle at all the right points at just the right pressure, all the gear shifts are perfect.
  532. >Final turn
  533. >You used up all your KERS on the main straight. No matter.
  534. >Smoothly get the throttle to full and engage the DRS.
  535. >Gear 2, 3, 4…
  536. >And finish line.
  537. “How was it?”
  538. >”1:49.001 Good enough for third.”
  539. >Wat…
  540. “Who got faster than that!?!?”
  541. >”Both Red Bulls, Vettel with a 1:48.835, and Webber with a 1:48.880”
  542. >God dammit
  543. >Well at least your teammate is buying the entire team drinks tonight.
  544. >You’re gonna make sure to find the most expensive bottle of whatever that this place has.
  545. >”Wait, strike that, your 4th. Your teammate just crossed the line with a 1:48.995.”
  546. >GOD
  547. >FUCKING
  548. >DAMMIT.
  549. >TM: “HAHA! Looks like you’re buying tonight.”
  550. “Oh shut the hell up.”
  552. Chapter 6
  554. >Fuck where were we?
  555. >Oh yeah, library.
  556. >After Celestia came and left, everyone is in the main room discussing your situation and where you’re going to stay.
  557. >RD: “OOH OOH, You can stay with me! My house is just down the road and…”
  558. “Up in the air?”
  559. >RD: “heh, yeah.”
  560. >TS: “I’ve got a cloud walking spell that will allow you to stay there without any trouble.”
  561. >That’s all fine and dandy, but having to go through a huge procedure to get back on the ground just to go on a joy ride seems like too much trouble to you.
  562. “Thanks for the offer but I’d like to stay on the ground.”
  563. >TS: “Alright, then how about here at the library? I’ve got a guest room over down the hall there that you can use.”
  564. >That’s convenient. Also, you won’t be bored with all these books lying around. There’s bound to be a good read around here.
  565. >But there’s just one thing.
  566. “I’ll take that offer, thanks Twilight. One thing though, is there a gym anywhere near by? If you manage to find Earth again I don’t want to be in bad physical condition.”
  567. >RD: “Yeah there is one a few blocks down from Sugarcube Corner. They’ve got tons of equipment.”
  568. “Great! Let me know when you go down there, Im gonna need a workout buddy.”
  569. >RD: “You got it!”
  572. >Okay, living conditions are set.
  573. >There is a place to work out.
  574. >There is a spot for the car.
  575. >Everything seems to be taken care of.
  576. >Wait…
  577. “Rarity”
  578. >”Yes?”
  579. “Could you make some regular everyday clothes for me pretty please? This fire suit is getting uncomfortable.”
  580. >Fluttershy looks to you with wide eyes.
  581. >FS: “f..f…fire suit?”
  582. “Crashes in F1 are very common Fluttershy, and sometimes the fuel line can rupture in an accident. Either that or the engine can just blow suddenly. We have to wear these to protect ourselves from the fire that may result.”
  583. >Her mouth is wide open, obviously shocked at how dangerous the sport is.
  584. “I explained this to Celestia when she was here.”
  585. >FS: “Oh, I went to the bathroom sometime during that. I guess I didn’t catch that part.”
  586. >Welp.
  587. “Anyway, Rarity do you think you could do that for me please?”
  588. >RA: “Absolutely Anon, All I need are your measurements and we’ll be good to go.”
  589. >Neat, you can’t wait to get out of this thing.
  590. >Your usually in it for only 2 hours, but it’s been about twice that long now.
  591. >AJ: “Well it was very nice getting to know you Anon. but ah need to be getting back to the farm. It’s getting kinda late.
  592. >FS: “I agree, I need to go feed Angel anyway”
  593. >Everyone says they’re goodbyes and head out except for Rarity.
  594. >RA: “Come on Anon, I’ll take you to my boutique where we can get your clothes made.”
  595. “Yes Ma’am, right behind you.”
  598. >One week later.
  599. >Thanks to Rarity, you now have a full wardrobe of nice, comfortable, everyday clothes.
  600. >Quite possibly the best you have ever worn, that p0ny sure is good at what she does.
  601. >Living at the Library is nice. Great place to relax and read a bit.
  602. >Among all the literature there you managed to find many p0nyfied versions of your favorite books.
  603. >The similarities on most of them are uncanny.
  604. >and of course, working out with Dash has been very beneficial.
  605. >Damn is she strong, she can bench more than you can with her fucking wings!
  606. >You guess they have to be that strong to be able to break the fucking sound barrier.
  607. >Alright, so, todays the day.
  608. >Time to find out what Celestia plans to show you all.
  609. >You and the Mane 6 are walking toward the spot where she said to meet up with her last week.
  610. >Applejack is the first to speak up.
  611. >AJ: “So why exactly did we have to come out here?”
  612. >TS: “Celestia said to meet here a week ago. I wonder what she’s got in store for us.”
  613. >PP: “Maybe she’s throwing us a party!”
  614. >TS: “I doubt it Pinkie. Maybe if we were going to Canterlot, but not on the outskirts of P0nyville where there is NOTHING here.”
  615. >From up high, you hear dash yell out:
  616. >”That nothing you’re talking about sure looks like something Twilight!”
  617. >There are tons of trees around you; you can’t see what Dash can.
  618. >TS: “What do you see Dash?”
  619. >RD: “Stands, lots of em. But it’s not a stadium. They look like they’re around a long black road.”
  620. >…
  621. >Wait…
  622. >WAT
  624. >Holy fucking shit what?
  625. >WHAT?
  626. >A track?
  629. >IN ONE WEEK?
  631. >Following Dash’s lead, you slowly start to see the stands come into view from behind the trees.
  632. >That’s when you all see it.
  633. >TS: “Oh, there's a banner over there, look.”
  634. >”Welcome to P0nyville Circuit.”
  635. “She built a race track. In one week.”
  636. >RD: “Didn’t you say that those take months to build?”
  637. “Like I told Twilight when she turned on my car last week; in a world without magic it does.”
  638. >You come up to the entrance of the Welcome Center, it’s absolutely beautiful.
  639. >Definitely a high class facility. The landscaping looks great, flowers of all colors line the sidewalk leading up to the double glass doors of the building. Celestia sure didn’t slack off.
  640. >Entering the facility you all are in awe of how amazing the place looks.
  641. >The walls are a solid white with racing flags artistically placed. The corners of the walls are rounded so everything looks as sleek as possible.
  642. >Up above there are skylights letting natural light in.
  643. >Everything just looks so pure.
  644. >AJ: “Ah haven’t seen anything this fancy since ah was in Manehattan.”
  645. >RD: “So… Awesome…”
  646. “This is nicer than anything back home.”
  647. >You all branch off to different areas taking a look at the various pictures on display.
  648. >TS: “Oh hey, this must be the track itself here on this poster.”
  649. >You walk over to Twilight.
  650. “Okay, let’s see what this track looks… like….“
  651. >…
  652. >Dude.
  653. >WHAT.
  655. >Monza.
  656. >Its fucking Monza
  657. >P0nyville Circuit is a PERFECT recreation of a racing circuit in fucking Italy.
  658. >On EARTH.
  659. >You didn’t even describe to Celestia the shapes of the tracks you race at.
  660. >Seriously, how the shit did she do this!?
  661. >Speak of the devil; the Princess then walks in to the facility.
  662. >CE: “Ah I see that you all made it here just fine.”
  663. “Did you do this on purpose?”
  664. >You ask pointing to the track map.
  665. >CE: “Do what on purpose?”
  666. “The shape of the track.”
  667. >CE: “Yes, I had Canterlot’s finest engineers design a track specifically for raw speed. Then taking into account the safety features you mentioned a week ago, this is what they came up with.”
  668. “Neat.”
  669. >CE: “Quite, can’t wait to try it out huh?”
  670. >She can read you like a book.
  671. “You have no idea.”
  672. >CE: “Then let’s not waste any time, Follow me to pit lane everyone.”
  674. >You all head outside towards the front straight.
  675. >Oh wow.
  676. >the track looks glorious.
  677. >Even though the pavement is freshly laid out, it’s nice and rough to provide grip for the tires.
  678. >Damn she even got that right.
  679. >The starting grid markers, the start lights, the Grandstands. It’s all here.
  680. >The only thing that isn’t here is the old oval.
  681. >Considering that this place has just been built, there is no historical oval. It’s just the current Grand Prix layout.
  682. >Now over on pit lane you walk towards the one garage stall that is open.
  683. >Celestia calls out to you.
  684. >CE: “Anon, did you bring your car with you?”
  685. “Nope, I didn’t think I would be needing it.”
  686. >You weren’t expecting to be surprised with a track by the princess. So the car is still in the spot next to the library.
  687. >Shit, now you’re gonna have to walk all the fucking way back over there to-
  688. >CRACK
  690. >TS: “There it is!”
  691. >Your car appears out of fucking nowhere in the garage, cutie marks on the tail glowing.
  692. >Twilight and her teleportation spells.
  693. “Little warning next time Twi? I almost pissed myself.”
  694. >TS: “Heh, sorry!”
  695. >CE: “Well, now that that’s taken care of. Care to demonstrate the sport of Formula 1 to us Anon?”
  696. >Fuck yeah.
  697. “With pleasure your highness.”
  698. >You quickly get changed into your fire suit and put on your helmet, both conveniently teleported along with the car, and have Twilight fire it up.
  699. >You head out onto P0nyville Circuit for the first time, or Monza for the millionth time as you see it, with Celestia and the Mane 6 watching on.
  702. Chapter 7
  704. >Oh yeah.
  705. >This is perfect.
  706. >Monza was always one of your favorite tracks, and now with a recreation right outside P0nyville, you can have a go whenever the hell you feel like it.
  707. >As you pass the front stretch for the umpteenth time, you decide that its time to call it a day.
  708. >You've lost count by now, but you think you've done more laps than a standard Grand Prix.
  709. >Pushing the radio button on the wheel, you relay your next move to Celestia back at the garage.
  710. "Hey I'm pulling in this time by."
  711. >"Gotcha Anon."
  712. >Going around Curva Parabolica for the final time today, you slow down and turn in to pit lane hitting the pit limiter button, restricting your car to 34 mph.
  713. >Approaching the garage stall, you slow down further, turn right, then left, situating your car to be backed into the stall.
  714. >And you wait.
  715. >.......
  716. >Oh right, oops.
  717. >TS: "Why did he do that? What is he waiting for?"
  718. >AJ: "Dunno."
  720. >This does look pretty dumb without your crew team to push you back into the garage.
  721. "Haha, this thing cant go backwards by itself guys. My pit crew is supposed to push it back in."
  722. >All 6: "OOOOOOOhhh"
  723. "Care to lend a han- um... Hoof?"
  724. >They all take places beside the car and begin to push.
  725. >You notice Fluttershy and Rarity are dangerously close to the front tires.
  726. "Watch out for the wheels guys"
  727. >They notice and take more care in protecting their hind legs.
  728. >You turn the wheel to the right to get it straight and bam, mission accomplished.
  729. >With your car backed in, you get out and just hug Celestia as tight as you can. Throwing her off guard.
  731. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU. This is all just awesome."
  732. >CE: "'re welcome Anon." She giggles lightly. "I think we should be thanking you though. I believe that was one of the most exciting things we've ever witnessed."
  733. >Everyone nods in agreement.
  734. >PP: "Yeah! You were all like NNEEEEEEEOOOOWWWWWWW! And I was all like WOAH!"
  735. "Oh you should see it when there is more than one car out there."
  736. >CE: "Indeed, Which is exactly why I had these made."
  737. >Wut
  738. >Suddenly the six garage stalls to your left open up.
  739. >You all walk over and are rightfully surprised at what you see.
  740. >Inside each stall is a brand new spec F1 machine.
  741. >Each one wearing paint jobs resembling the color schemes of the Mane 6
  742. >Dash is drooling, wingboner a go. The rest are giving confused looks.
  743. >Wait, fuck.
  744. >This is not good.
  745. >These things are NOT easy to drive AT ALL. If you don't know what your doing you could seriously get hurt.
  746. >Does Celestia really expect that these p0nies can pilot them?
  747. >Fluttershy is still getting used to the noise for fuck sake.
  748. >On a more obvious note, how the shit did she get the materials for all this?
  749. >Carbon Fiber exists here? They have this kind of tech?
  750. >Eh, just chalk it up to magic and worry about it later.
  751. "Um.. Celestia, I dont thin-"
  752. >CE: "Congratulations everyp0ny, you all are the newest drivers in-
  753. "CELESTIA."
  754. >CE: "Oh! Yes Anon?"
  755. "Bad idea"
  756. >CE: "What? Why is that?"
  757. "Putting an individual in these cars with no prior experience is a recipe for disaster."
  758. >PP: "Really? You make it look so easy out there though."
  760. "Yes, it looks easy. but holy fuck balls it isn't. Trust me."
  761. >RD: "Aw come on Anon, quit being such a killjoy. How hard could it possibly be?"
  762. "Well Dash, Lets find out. Get in your car. Twilight, Fire it up."
  763. >Rainbow eagerly walks over and gets herself situated in the seat. Hooves on the custom made wheel designed for p0nies.
  764. >RD: "Well Twilight what are you waiting for? Start it u- WAHH!"
  765. > (Not exactly what happens in this story, just use this for noise reference)
  766. >Dash's cyan F1 car comes alive.
  767. >Sitting at idle, her eyes are wide as they can be as all her senses are attacked from this new feeling.
  768. "Alright Dash, the throttle is at your right rear hoof. Thats what gives the engine power and allows you to move forward. The other pedal is the brakes, use that one to slow down. Now give the throttle a small push."
  769. >Not knowing how sensitive the throttle is, she presses it nearly halfway to the floor.
  770. >The sudden rev is enough to startle her and she quickly releases the throttle.
  771. >Thus causing a thunderous backfire that could be heard for miles.
  772. >RA: "Oh my! I felt that!
  773. "I said small push!"
  774. >RD: "SORRY! I know!"
  775. >Alright, lets mess with her a bit shall we?
  776. "Now, see if you can get it to go."
  777. >She nods. and more carefully this time, eases on the throttle.
  778. >All she does is fill the air with engine noise.
  779. >RD: "Wha.. Why am I not going anywhere?"
  780. "You're still in neutral"
  781. >RD: "Oh, what do I do?"
  782. "You see those paddles behind the wheel there?"
  783. >RD: "Yeah."
  784. "The bottom ones are your clutch, you have two but you only need to worry about one right now. Pull that paddle back and hold it."
  786. >She does so as you point to the right clutch paddle.
  787. "Now the paddles above the clutch are your gear shifters. You have seven gears, right is shift up, left is shift down."
  788. >RD: "Right up, left down, seven gears, got it."
  789. "Shift up into first"
  790. >Dash pulls the shifter and a metallic click rocks the car.
  791. >RD: "Woah!"
  792. >You have no idea how she did that with hooves.
  793. "Ok, you're in gear, and for the love of fuck keep holding that clutch. Everyone! help me push this thing over there (You point over to pit lane itself) so if Dash does get this thing to go shes not heading towards that wall."
  794. >Because she is still in the garage, her car is pointing towards the pit wall.
  795. >You all push Dash's car so its lined up with the road.
  796. >You're now finally getting to the point of showing how hard this is.
  797. "Alright, listen. First, Slowly let go of your clutch paddle until you hear the revs going down, then pull it back."
  798. >As she does this you hear the engine decrease in pitch slightly, then the revs go back up.
  799. >RD: "Like that?"
  800. "Yes like that. That is your bite point, where the gears start to engage. That is where you want to ease on the throttle so you can go. Also, when you shift, you don't need to pull the clutch in each time, its all sequential."
  801. >RD: "Ok. I think I got it."
  802. "You sure?
  803. >RD: "Yeah."
  804. "Alright, go for it."
  805. >RD: "Ok, Here goes nothin!"
  806. >Who didn't see that coming?
  808. >RD: "What gives? Why does it keep doing that?"
  809. "You're stalling it out, thats all. 'Slowly' let go of the clutch, don't just dump it. And give it a little more power."
  810. >RD: "Ok."
  811. >She gives it one more go.
  812. >and with that shes... off!
  813. >She actually did it!
  814. >Oh fuck... she did it.
  815. >Welp, lets hope this ends well...
  816. (Rainbows perspective)
  817. >Oh Celestia what the fuck.
  818. >Hey, I did it! I'm moving!
  819. >I'm actually going!
  820. >Haha! This is so cool!
  821. >Ok remember, right shift up, left shift down.
  822. >And going by what I've heard Anon do, I have to shift when the "revs" as he called them, get high enough.
  823. >Yeah, This is easy!
  824. >I got this.
  825. >Ok, lets see what this thing can do, push the throttle and-
  826. >WO-!
  829. >OH FUCK.
  830. >TURN
  831. >AHHHH!
  833. >(Back to you)
  834. >Alright, going a bit slow. Shes gonna need to speed up if she wants any grip.
  835. >Turning left and right slightly, guess shes getting a feel for it.
  836. >Ah, found the throttle, there she goes. Shes shifting a bit earlier than needed but hey, beginners.
  837. >Whoa, RD Slow down! Turn coming up!
  838. >Uh oh. Fuck.
  839. >You all then hear screeching tires as she looses control of her car.
  840. >You cringe, just waiting to hear the crunch of carbon fiber on whatever she hits.
  841. >But that never comes. Thank fuck.
  842. >She just spun herself out.
  843. >Everyone gives a simultaneous sigh of relief.
  844. "Twilight, can you get her back here?"
  845. >TS: "Sure thing."
  846. >CRACK
  847. >And shes back, right where she started.
  848. >Shes sitting there, hooves with a death grip on the wheel, breathing heavily.
  849. "You alright Dash?"
  850. >RD: "W- wwuh wu wu wuh"
  851. "DASH!"
  852. >RD: "AHH! Y-yeah! yeah im- im fine."
  853. >She is shaking badly, the sudden rush of adrenaline showing its effects.
  855. "Come on, lets get you out of there. AJ can you go get some water for her?"
  856. >AJ: "Can do Anon, I'll be right back."
  857. >Flutters, Rarity, and yourself help Dash climb out of her car and walk her over to the garage to sit her down.
  858. "Dash, relax, breathe."
  859. >"That. was. awesome." she says in between breaths, laying her head back against the wall.
  860. "Was it really? You can fly at supersonic speeds. I thought you would be used to this kind of thing."
  861. >RD: "Its not the same AT ALL. When I'm flying, I don't notice the G forces because I'm accelerating my own body forward, nothing is pushing me from behind. But in THAT thing. Dude, That made me feel acceleration like I have never felt it before."
  862. >Applejack comes back with the water and passes it to Rainbow.
  863. >RD: "Thanks Applejack."
  864. >AJ: "You're welcome sugarcube. You gave us all a mighty scare just then."
  865. >RD: "Yeah I know, My bad."
  866. "Not as easy as you once thought huh?"
  867. >RD: "Yeah, no. Not easy at all. I couldn't think fast enough when the turn came up."
  868. >Ha. You said the exact same thing to your father when you were little, just starting out in motor sports.
  869. >What he said to you that day will be forever etched into your memory.
  870. "Dash, let me tell you something my father told me.
  871. 'Racing is all instinct. Thinking will get you killed.'"
  872. >RD: *Spit take*
  874. Chapter 8
  876. "The latch should be... there, got it."
  877. >You say to yourself as you remove the front wing assembly of Dash's car.
  878. >Its now evening at P0nyville circuit, Luna's light illuminating the paddock outside.
  879. >You are currently inside the garage stall housing Dash's F1 machine, working on it.
  880. >She managed to beat up the front wing pretty bad after her very short track session earlier.
  881. >A whole bunch of aerodynamic elements are missing. Must have hit the curb pretty hard.
  882. >Good thing you found where Tia stored the spare wings, these cars are impossible to pilot if those are damaged.
  883. >Car up on jacks, you get the replacement wing in place.
  884. "Set... there, and push."
  885. >*click*
  886. "Alright. That's fixed, now to set it up to where it's balanced."
  887. >Getting to work adjusting the aerodynamics for better front end grip, you begin to notice how peaceful it really is here in Equestria.
  888. >Normally at this time back home on a race weekend, the paddock is alive with activity.
  889. >Pneumatic wrenches going off, engine test fires, crew members carrying items to their respective pit stalls and sharing small talk.
  890. >But here its serene. You could get used to this.
  891. >You set the final adjustments on Dash's front wing, then get to work replacing the tires.
  892. >All fucking four of them.
  893. >Her spin put massive flat spots on each tire, the ride would be unbearable if they were left on.
  894. >Ugh, do I have to?
  895. >Yes you lazy fuck, get to it!
  896. >Fine brain, jeez.
  897. >You grab a pneumatic off of the wall and begin getting the left front wheel off.
  898. >And PULL. Whew, its on there good.
  900. >"Hey Anon!"
  901. "AHH!"
  904. >Rainbows abrupt entrance throws you off balance and you land on your ass. Wheel landing on your stomach.
  905. "GUH"
  906. >"Anon! You ok?"
  907. >You grunt as you roll the wheel off of you.
  908. "Oh I'm fine, just took 25 pounds of car tire to the gut, no worries. Whats up?"
  909. >"Just wanted to check out what you're doing. Fixing up my car for me?"
  910. "Yep, needs new tires. Your little spin earlier today trashed all of them."
  911. >You show her the massive flat spot on the tire, it's so worn that the wire is exposed.
  912. >"Hehe, oops. sorry about that."
  913. "It's no big deal, you're learning. we just need to tell Celestia to get more materials for you to practice on."
  914. >"Actually, You may not have to. None of the others wanted their cars, especially Fluttershy. I guess after my little stunt it discouraged them a bit."
  915. >That's unfortunate.
  916. "It didn't discourage them from the sport altogether did it?"
  917. >"No, not at all. They'll still come out and watch. They just don't want to participate."
  918. >Neat. That means more spare parts for you.
  919. "Yeah, I could tell from their reactions that they didn't want to in the first place. What about you? Do you still want to try to get this thing down?
  920. >"Hells Yah!"
  921. "Cool. Hey, since you're here you can help me out. Can you grab a front tire from that stack over there?"
  922. >"Yeah"
  923. >She floats over to the stack of tires, grabs one, and rolls it back to your position.
  924. >"Hey, I was thinking about what you told me today."
  925. >You'd thought so. When you said it, it was enough to make her spit water all over your face.
  926. "Yeah?"
  927. >"Have your kind really... 'Died' in this sport?"
  928. >Welp...
  931. "Unfortunately Dash, yes they have. Too many. Idols and friends alike. Its a dark fact of the sport that you just have to deal with."
  932. >"Oh my gosh. Im so sorry."
  933. >You place the left front tire on its mount.
  934. "It's alright. But if you cant face it and move on by race day, you have no business being in this sport anyway."
  935. >You torque the wheel nut back into place.
  936. >And not wanting for this situation to become awkward. You move on, like you said.
  937. "And speaking of what I told you, remember, instinct. Think of it like when your flying, what do you do?
  938. >"I do what just comes naturally."
  939. "Exactly, that's what your mind set needs to be when you're behind the wheel. Don't think about whats gonna happen if you take the corner wrong, the moment you think is the moment you fuck up. You need to go into that corner with confidence and focus, no hesitation."
  940. >"Right, and how do I do that if I'm not used to the car?"
  941. "Practice, practice, practice. If you just do lap after lap, soon everything will become second nature."
  942. >The pneumatic whirrs as you loosen the right front wheel nut.
  943. >"Ok, I'm off from weather duty for the next few days, mind if I come over and get a few laps in tomorrow?"
  944. "Absolutely, I was just getting ready to ask you if you were free tomorrow for that."
  945. >"Awesome! Here, I'll take that"
  946. >Dash grabs hold of the right front tire and goes for a replacement.
  947. >What a bro.
  948. >Coming back with a new front slick, she slides it into place as you bolt the wheel nut back on.
  949. "Alright, two more to go."
  951. >"So are there other kinds of racing back where your from? or is F1 the only one?" Dash asks as she sets the left rear wheel up on the axle.
  952. "No it's not only F1, and not all the cars are open wheel like this one either. There's all different kinds: Rally, Indycar, Nascar, FIA Gt1, V8 Supercars, Star Mazda. The list just goes on and on."
  953. >"Do They all race like you do? like on a track like this?"
  954. >The wrench whirrs as you screw the wheel in place.
  955. "Nope, A few racing series do share most tracks. But in rally, You race along different roads from point A to point B, and in Nascar, they race along ovals hundreds of laps at a time and in tight packs of cars."
  956. >"Nascar sounds like something Applejack would enjoy alot."
  957. >Oh my fucking god wow.
  958. >You cant help but laugh a bit.
  959. >"What's so funny?"
  960. "Nothing, nothing. I think I can say AJ would like Nascar too."
  961. >"Right, Ill go get the last wheel."
  962. "Quick! The car is coming in for a pit stop! We need to be fast! GOGOGOGOGO!!!
  963. >With that, She quickly grabs a rear wheel in a rainbow colored blur.
  964. >She slaps it on and you tighten the wheel into place, both of you raising your arms mimicking what the pit crew does during a stop.
  965. "Haha! Nice. That's probably a record. Thanks for the help."
  966. >"No problem, thanks for fixing up this bad boy for me."
  967. "My pleasure."
  968. >You raise your fist for a bump, without question she completes the gesture.
  969. >Fuck yeah.
  970. >"Well I'm gonna call it a night, need to get some rest. See you tomorrow Anon."
  971. "See ya."
  972. >She lifts off heading in the direction of her home.
  973. >And with that, you grab your things and start towards the library for some well needed sleep.
  975. "You look good in that fire suit Rainbow." you say with a hint of sarcasm.
  976. >Its almost noon at P0nyville circuit. You and Dash suited up for her F1 training day.
  977. >"Shut your face. How can you stand to be in this thing? It's so uncomfortable."
  978. >You can see why the cyan fire suit is uncomfortable for her. No sleeves for her wings.
  979. "I don't have wings that are restricted from movement that's how."
  980. >"Couldn't they at least give me some sleeves for them or something?"
  981. >You can see her try to move her wings, bulging the sides of her suit out.
  982. "Maybe, but if you flared them out during a race, I'm sure it might cause some drag."
  983. >"Oh no! Not drag! How will I ever go on with something as horrible as that!" she replies, very sarcastically.
  984. >You chuckle lightly, saying:
  985. "At least it'll save your hide if your in a fiery accident. Now come on, lets start your training.
  986. >Grabbing your helmets, you two head out onto the paddock from the dressing rooms.
  987. >Its a beautiful, warm day today. the track temps should be good.
  988. >you look to Dash, though still uncomfortable, she is beaming with excitement.
  989. >You can tell she cant wait to get behind the wheel again.
  990. >Finally reaching your respective pit stalls, you give her a pre-drive briefing.
  991. "Alright, here's your task for today. You're gonna follow me around the track. Each lap we do, our speed will increase slightly. All the while I'll give you your braking points and show you the racing line. Sound like a plan?
  992. >"Roger that!" she replies with a salute.
  993. "Good. So, since Twilight isn't here, I'm gonna have to start these things the old fashioned way. Gimme a few minutes and we'll be heading out.
  995. >You finally get both of the machines started up and signal to Rainbow to start strapping in.
  996. >She puts on her rainbow adorned helmet, slides into the seat, and fastens her 6 point harness. All the while you do the same over on your end.
  997. "Radio check. One, two."
  998. >She looks to you, raising her hoof in confusion.
  999. "Purple button Dash."
  1000. >"Oh, hehe. I read ya Anon."
  1001. "Awesome. You head out first. Ill catch up to ya."
  1002. >"Ok"
  1003. >You're fully expecting her to stall it out again. But to your surprise she gets it going like a pro.
  1004. >Damn that p0ny learns fast.
  1005. >You quickly follow suit, heading out onto the track.
  1006. >Catching up to Rainbow, you immediately notice something that you didn't notice before.
  1007. >The heat waves from Dash's exhaust have a rainbow colored hue to them. Extremely faint, but its there.
  1008. >You think its probably because its fucking Rainbow Dash. She leaves a trail of that shit everywhere she goes.
  1009. >Wait, no.
  1010. >You then remember what Celestia said when you asked about the fuel yesterday.
  1012. (Yesterday)
  1013. "Hey Tia, why is the fuel... the color spectrum?"
  1014. >CE: "My engineers had no idea what the fuel in your car consisted of. So they made their own out of pure liquid rainbow, the skin of a zap apple, and a few other combustible elements."
  1016. (Present)
  1017. >Apparently that combination of materials yields the same properties of 102 octane race fuel.
  1018. >Damn, that stuff is more volatile than Pinkie led you to believe in that 'Sonic Rainboom' episode.
  1019. >You look in your mirrors to see if your exhaust does the same thing. Having burnt though the entire tank of the fuel you came into Equestria with yesterday. You had to fill it up with this new solution.
  1020. >Well son of a bitch, it is the fuel doing that. The heat waves from your exhaust do the exact same thing.
  1022. >"I see you in my mirrors Anon."
  1023. "Alright. I'm heading up front."
  1024. >You hit the throttle and accelerate forward, getting ahead of Rainbow just before the first turn.
  1025. "Follow my lead."
  1026. >You two turn into the first chicane using the racing line, hitting each apex. Dash following your every move perfectly.
  1027. "Very nice."
  1028. >"Thanks, but can we go a little bit faster than the speed of smell please?"
  1029. >You answer in the form of flooring it through the sweeping right hander that is turn 2.
  1030. >"Thats more like it!" She says as she too floors the throttle on her machine.
  1031. >You see her wobble a bit when she hit the throttle.
  1032. "Be careful, you have no traction control. If you hit the throttle too hard you'll spin the thing."
  1033. >"Gotcha."
  1034. >Shouldn't be too hard for her to keep it in check though, you set up her car yesterday to where even in the heaviest rain, it'll have more than enough grip.
  1035. >Had to sacrifice some straight line speed for that. But hey, shes not exactly ready for race pace just yet, and just to be fair, you put the same setup on your car.
  1036. >Here comes turn 3.
  1037. "Dash. Brake... NOW."
  1038. > (Imagine that but with 2 cars)
  1040. >You take Dash through each turn successfully, giving her tips along the way.
  1041. >Around the 5th lap though, her confidence has increased a bit.
  1042. >Shes trying to fucking pass you on the front straight!
  1043. >Side by side, you two fly past the grandstands at the fastest speed you've gone today: 200 mph.
  1044. >Shes on your inside, so coming up to the first turn, you have no choice but to give up your position.
  1045. >"Got you Anon! Looks like the student has passed the master!"
  1046. >Not quite.
  1047. >She doesn't know where her KERS button is yet.
  1048. >Going into turn 2. You activate KERS and fly past Dash on her outside like she was standing still.
  1049. >"Wha.. how..."
  1050. "See that yellow button? Thats your KERS button, stands for Kinetic Energy Recovery System. Its basically a boost button giving you 80 extra horsepower. But you only have 6 seconds worth each lap, so use it wis-"
  1051. >Dash then passes you like a bat outta hell coming out of turn 3.
  1052. >Looks like she found it.
  1053. >"WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!"
  1054. >Haha. This mares a natural.
  1055. >You two spend the next 10 laps duking it out for the lead. A few close calls with front wings and tires, but all together no problems.
  1056. >On lap 16, Along the backstraight, Dash radios in.
  1057. >"Hey I'm gonna pull in, my neck is starting to hurt."
  1058. "Yeah go ahead, you deserve a break."
  1060. >Thats the one thing new drivers always complain about. Neck pain.
  1061. >Taking turns at over 5 g's constantly can definitely put strain there.
  1062. >You know that feeling all too well.
  1063. >After your first full Grand Prix, which was 58 laps at Melbourne, you could barely look around the next day.
  1064. >All in all, you are absolutely impressed with Rainbow. Impressed enough to give her a little show.
  1065. "Dash, when you park it, go over to the front stretch. I've got something to show you."
  1066. >"Alright"
  1067. >You drive along the front stretch, finally seeing her behind the pit fence.
  1068. >When you reach her position, you slow down, turn the wheel to the left, and floor it.
  1069. >You can hear Rainbow cheer you on as you finish, heading back to the entrance of pit lane.
  1070. >Pulling into the garage, you see her just beaming with happiness.
  1071. >"DUDE. THAT WAS SO COOL!"
  1072. "That was your present for making so much progress in one day. You honestly surprised me at how well you can pilot the car with very little experience."
  1073. >"Oh stop it you" She says, blushing.
  1074. "No I'm serious, that was fucking impressive. I'm proud of you. If there was a tournament starting tomorrow, Id have no doubt that we would be the top contenders."
  1075. >CE: "Would you like to backup that statement?"
  1076. >Oh shit its the Princess.
  1078. "Hey Celestia! When did you get here?"
  1079. >CE: "I was watching the whole time up in the VIP suites. Very impressive driving Ms Dash."
  1080. >RD: "Thank you your highness."
  1081. >CE: "About what you said Anon, I've taken the liberty and organized a Championship. There will be 3 races. The winner at the end will be crowned the F1 World Drivers Champion of Equestria."
  1082. >Neat.
  1083. >CE: "Also, for the driver who wins the championship, their team will receive 200,000 bits as a reward.
  1084. >Holy fuck! Isn't one bit worth like 5 Euro or some shit? Probably not.
  1085. >You might wanna pick up your jaw off of the floor there Rainbow.
  1086. >Wait...
  1087. "3 races? Are they all going to be here?"
  1088. >CE: "Nope, I have two other circuits under construction as we speak. Here's the info on them.
  1089. >She levitates a sheet of paper over to you and Dash.
  1090. >CE: "Circuit Villepony, A fast street circuit in downtown Fillydelphia. No room for error here as the walls are right next to the track in some places. The next is The EquineRing Grand Prix circuit. A true drivers test of skill.
  1091. >Welp. That's indeed Circuit Gilles Villeneuve and Nurburgring respectively. Again, perfect recreations.
  1092. >Either Celestia can read your mind or the author of this story is an unoriginal fuck.
  1093. >Whichever one, you don't mind one bit. These tracks are fuckin fun as hell to drive.
  1095. >CE: "So what do you say? You two interested?
  1096. "Eeyup"
  1097. >RD: "Eeyup" you both say in unison.
  1098. >CE: "Great. The first race is scheduled 4 months from now at EquineRing, that should be enough time to find sponsors for your cars, get them painted up and set up for the race."
  1099. >Oh great. Finding sponsors is ALWAYS fun.
  1100. >Rainbow, seeing the annoyed look on your face, says something that calms you down a bit.
  1101. >"Don't worry Anon, I'm positive the Cloudsdale Weather Factory would just jump at the chance for this kind of advertising."
  1102. "You sure?"
  1103. >"Dude, I work there, I know how the leaders operate. Yes I'm sure."
  1104. >Awesome, there's your main sponsor right there.
  1105. "Two questions, Will the races be broadcasted?"
  1106. >CE: "Worldwide."
  1107. "And where is the EquineRing Circuit at?"
  1108. >CE: "Right outside Baltimare."
  1109. >Thats odd, you half expected it to be somewhere like "Germaneigh" or something. Cause you know... Nurburgring is in Germany... horse puns.
  1110. >Anyway.
  1111. >CE: "I'm still looking for individuals willing to drive the cars for the championship. When I finally get a grid of suitable drivers, I'll let you know who your competitors will be."
  1112. >Shouldn't be that hard with a reward as big as 200,000 bits. Somep0ny will find a new found talent with that amount of money on the line.
  1113. "Sounds good. You ready for this shit Rainbow? This is the real deal."
  1114. >RD: "You fucking know it."
  1116. Chapter 9
  1118. T-3 months and 25 days till the Baltimare Grand Prix.
  1120. >So, Celestia has started an F1 season.
  1121. >That's pretty fucking cool really.
  1122. >Only 3 Grand Prix in all though, so getting a good points finish in each race is absolutely paramount.
  1123. >You crash and you're fucked out of the championship pretty much.
  1124. >Nothing like what your used to.
  1125. >Usually a season lasts 18 to 20 races long, spanning a good part of the year.
  1126. >You could put in a DNF in the first race and still go on to become World Champion.
  1127. >But not this time.
  1128. >Celestia sent you a letter earlier today listing the race schedules. Just like back at home, each race is spread two weeks apart.
  1129. >First race at EquineRing (Nurburgring GP Circuit) 60 laps.
  1130. >Second at Circuit Villep0ny (Circuit Gilles Villeneuve) 70 laps.
  1131. >And the final race at P0nyville Circuit (Monza) 53 laps.
  1132. >Celestia stated that EquineRing should be completed by the end of the month. That's when you and Dash should start packing your bags and head to Baltimare.
  1133. >Early birds get the worm so they say. If you guys get there just as its cleared for racing, you can get Rainbow familiar with the track before any other team can.
  1134. >Speaking of other teams, who the hell are you gonna be racing against?
  1135. >If Rainbow is any hint, your competitors will most likely be pegasi, they seem to have a natural talent for this racing thing.
  1136. >Then again, Money makes people do crazy things. Well, p0nies in this case.
  1137. >With 200,000 bits as the championship winnings, You might see some unicorns and earth p0nies in the mix.
  1138. >Granted they might not be that great at driving, but good on them for trying.
  1140. >You're forced out of your train of thought as a irritated Rainbow Dash, coming back from work at the Weather factory, loudly slams the door of the library.
  1142. >Uh oh, the sponsorship talk might not have gone well.
  1143. >She said she was sure that the Weather Factory would happily agree upon being the main sponsor of your F1 team on account of the massive advertising boost they would gain.
  1144. >You were even going to name the team "Cloudsdale Weather Racing"
  1145. >But her mood upon entering the formerly quiet library doesn't seem too promising.
  1146. "That 'ugh' didn't sound too good."
  1147. >RD: "They said they'll THINK about it."
  1148. "Are you serious..."
  1149. >RD: "Yes unfortunately, jeez you'd think they would be like AW HELL YEAH! Fuckin hard-asses..."
  1150. "That is like all executives though, every aspect needs to be thought out, pros and cons weighed, stuff like that."
  1151. >RD: "Whatever. They need to get on with it."
  1152. >So, while we mull over that situation, lets go ahead and go down the rest of the checklist.
  1153. >Cars?
  1154. >7 cars. 2 main, 5 spares. More than enough for a 3 race season.
  1155. >Tires?
  1156. >Plenty.
  1157. >Fuel?
  1158. >Enough to fill an Olympic swimming pool.
  1159. >Crew personnel?
  1160. >...FFFFuck, negative on that one.
  1161. >OK, To start off, we need a crew chief. Were gonna need somep0ny smart, somep0ny who can form successful race strategies, somep0ny who knows the drivers well.
  1162. >Hmm...
  1163. >TS: "Afternoon Anon."
  1164. "Hey Twilight"
  1165. >.......
  1166. >WAIT
  1167. "Twilight!"
  1169. >You catch Twi just before she heads out of the door to run some errands.
  1170. >TS: "Yeah?"
  1171. "I have a favor to ask of you. Our team needs a crew chief, and I honestly think you would be the perfect mare for the job."
  1172. >TS: "You think so? What would I have to do?"
  1173. "Form race and pit strategies, keep track of the cars telemetry, relay information to us during the race. That kind of stuff."
  1174. >TS: "Now that's definitely more my kind of thing. No idea what Celestia was thinking when she made me a car. I'd love to be your crew chief!"
  1175. "Awesome! Now read this. It's the FIA F1 rules and regulations. Vital info on the cars and races."
  1176. >You hand her a folder containing the 2012 FIA rules.
  1177. >TS: "Will do Anon."
  1178. >She heads out, folder neatly placed in her saddlebags to study later on.
  1179. >RD: "Now that that's taken care of, what about our actual pit crew?"
  1180. >Right, who are we gonna get to do that?
  1181. >*Fiery dragon belch*
  1182. >And there's Spike.
  1183. >SP: "It's for you Anon."
  1184. >Spike hands you the letter. Lets see what this says.
  1185. >You roll out the scroll and read aloud.
  1186. "To Anon and Rainbow Dash, If you were thinking that you would have to go out and hire your own pit crew, you don't. I have that taken care of. Every team who enters will have a full trained pit crew waiting for them at each race."
  1187. >RD: "Nice!"
  1188. "Theres more." You say,
  1189. "Here's an update on the competitors. 2 teams have signed up in the past week.
  1191. Bass Cannon Racing:
  1192. #3 Octavia
  1193. #4 Vinyl Scratch"
  1195. >RD: "The Musicians?"
  1196. >What did I tell ya, earth p0ny and unicorn right there.
  1198. "And Wonderbolts Racing:
  1199. #5 Spitfire
  1200. #6 Soarin"
  1202. >RD: "NO WAY!"
  1203. >Cue wingboner.
  1205. "One more thing, The points system has been finalized. With 25 points being awarded to the winner, placing first in a Grand Prix is even more important for the championship."
  1206. >Yep, just like back home as well.
  1207. >If we get a repeat winner, whoever that is will be the champion hands down.
  1208. >The racing is definitely going to be hectic with these rules in place.
  1209. >You just quietly hope no one gets hurt in this.
  1210. >Yes, the cars are as advanced in safety as they have ever been, but there is always that one variable that will be there to fuck everything up.
  1211. >You hope it will happen to you before it happens to anyp0ny else.
  1212. >But we'll get there if we get there.
  1213. "Hey Dash, you hungry?"
  1214. >RD: "Starving"
  1215. "Lets go over to Sugarcube Corner and get our fat on."
  1216. >Rainbow starts to laugh at your term for eating, then responds.
  1217. >RD: "Oh that sounds perfect right now, lets go."
  1219. >After you guys pig out on some of the best made from scratch cupcakes you've ever had, like holy fuck they're amazing, you two head over to the gym to work all that shit out.
  1220. >A few pounds packed on before the race can add on a couple hundredths of a second per lap time.
  1221. >With the cars weighing around 1400 lbs including the driver, every pound counts.
  1222. >Come qualifying that could mean the difference from pole position to 7th place.
  1223. >Fuck that noise.
  1225. >RD: "The first 6 places were nose to tail?"
  1226. "Yeah, the last few laps of that Grand Prix were insane."
  1227. >RD: "Who ended up winning?"
  1228. "Mark Webber, he was just on it that day, absolutely superb driving."
  1229. >You converse about your prior experiences in F1 with Dash as you walk back to the library from the gym.
  1230. >You crashed out of the Monaco GP in the first corner, slamming straight into Romain Grosjeans right sidepod after he spun out.
  1231. >Disappointing? very. But you live and learn.
  1232. >Finally reaching the library, you open the door and let Dash in.
  1233. >*Yawn* A nap sounds good right about- GRAPHS.
  1235. >TS: "Oh hey guys!"
  1236. >Holy shit, when this p0ny is serious about something, she gets shit DONE.
  1237. >DAYUM
  1238. >Engine performance mapping, tire degradation charts, aero settings, a map of each track.
  1239. >Oh you've got this shit in the bag.
  1240. >RD: "Wow Twilight! Did you make all this?"
  1241. >TS: "Yep! Neat huh?"
  1242. "More like fucking awesome!"
  1243. >TS: "Thanks! Oh! I remembered what I was going to tell you. Nothing in the rules states that each car has to be uniform, so I went ahead and drew up plans for a new front wing that will allow better handling through the fast corners at EquineRing."
  1244. >Shes already finding loopholes. A true F1 engineer right here.
  1245. >She hands you the blueprints to your new front wing.
  1246. >It looks very similar to Mclaren-Mercedes front wing, not an exact carbon copy but you can see the similarites
  1248. "How do you know this will work better than the existing one?"
  1249. >TS: "That's what testing is for right? When the circuit opens in a month we'll conduct tests to see which wing will allow better lap times."
  1250. >Not gonna argue against that.
  1252. T-3 Months and 4 days till the Baltimare Grand Prix
  1254. >EquineRing opens for testing tomorrow.
  1255. >Twilight, Dash, and yourself have traveled to Baltimare just for this occasion.
  1256. >It's around lunchtime, bright and sunny. So the three of you are sitting in an outside area of one of the many restaurants downtown, each enjoying a salad, discussing the letter Celestia sent you a day earlier.
  1257. >RD: "Aloe and Lotus? The Spa P0nies!? They entered!?"
  1258. >TS: "They never even seemed like the racing type."
  1259. "Maybe they need the money for the spa itself, you never know."
  1260. >RD: "Maybe, but still, I really didn't see that coming."
  1261. >Yep, The final three teams have signed up for a grand total of 12 competitors including you and Dash.
  1263. >Hurricane Force Racing
  1264. >#7 Cloud Chaser
  1265. >#8 Flitter
  1267. >Team Thunder
  1268. >#9 Thunderlane
  1269. >#10 Blossomforth
  1271. >SPA Racing
  1272. >#11 Aloe
  1273. >#12 Lotus
  1275. >TS: "Did Celestia say how they were able to enter?"
  1276. "Yeah, it said in the letter that she made a driving simulator, accurate to the point. Who ever could get up to a certain lap time within 5 laps was eligible to enter."
  1277. >Good thing she did that instead of letting random p0nies loose in the real things.
  1278. >Oh god you don't wanna even think about it...
  1283. >You fucking thought about it. Good job.
  1284. >RD: "Well knowing Thunderlane, hes just going to get sick before the Grand Prix, so nothing to worry about there."
  1285. >Dohohoho.
  1286. >TS: "I think our biggest worry might be the Wonderbolts, They race for fun constantly."
  1287. "Yeah they seem like they're going to be pretty annoying come race weekend."
  1288. >You then hear somep0ny yell in your direction from behind.
  1289. >"Your biggest worry the Wonderbolts? HA! You haven't even seen us out there yet!"
  1290. >Turning around you see a white unicorn with blue striped hair, a stone colored p0ny right next to her.
  1291. >Ladies and gentlmen, Bass Cannon Racing as entered the building.
  1292. >RD: "What makes you think you're gonna be faster than the Wonderbolts!?"
  1293. >VS: "Numbers don't lie. We both got faster lap times than them in the simulator. Why do you think we have numbers 3 and 4 while they have 5 and 6?"
  1294. >TS: "Because you signed up earlier than them."
  1295. >VS: "See? We are quicker!"
  1296. "Faster lap times or not, a simulator has nothing on the real thing, good luck controlling the car under 5+ g's"
  1297. >VS: "Whatever, You guys are still going down. That prize money is so going to be ours!"
  1298. >With that they start heading on their way, you hear Octavia scold her teammate while they head off.
  1299. >OCT: Vinyl, What did I say about sportsp0nyship? We almost got banned from participating because of that appaling behavior a month ago."
  1300. >The ego is massive on that DJ.
  1301. >RD: "OOOO that p0ny is gonna get it when we get out on the track!"
  1302. "Rainbow don't let her get to you. Just stay calm okay?"
  1303. >RD: "Ill try... *sigh*"
  1304. "Thank you"
  1306. >You quickly cover up her mouth, but it might have been too late.
  1307. >Vinyl stops in her tracks, slowly turns around, and heads over to your table again.
  1308. >Yep, too late.
  1309. >VS: "Whoa whoa whoa, hehe. Um, What was that?"
  1310. "NOTHING! Nothing!"
  1311. >VS: "Right... I'm watching you two, Don't even begin to think I'm gonna let 'Cloudsdale Weather' by me easily."
  1312. >A few moments of staring each other down, then she heads back on her way.
  1313. "Dash... That is the easiest way to get wrecked. Don't rile up your competitors."
  1314. >RD: "Okay okay I'm sorry, I just got a little offended when they said they were faster than the Wonderbolts."
  1315. >TS: "Well flying and driving are two completely different things. You might even be faster than them."
  1316. >RD: "Really? You think so?"
  1317. >That got her spirits up a bit.
  1318. >Oh yeah! speaking of what Vinyl said, The weather factory eventually agreed to being the main sponsor of your team.
  1319. >So you are officially Cloudsdale Weather Racing.
  1320. >After that eventful stint, You each finish your lunch, then head back to the hotel to get ready for tomorrow.
  1322. T-3 Months and 3 Days till the Baltimare Grand Prix
  1324. >Here it is, The grand opening of EquineRing.
  1325. >And it looks like you three weren't the only ones to make the trip to Baltimare for this either.
  1326. >The entire grid of drivers are waiting at the front gate. Eager to get their hooves wet on this new track.
  1327. >So much for being early
  1328. >You three pick your spot among the crowd, waiting for the gates to open.
  1329. >After a few minutes of standing around chatting about Twilight's new front wing design, You are approached by Spitfire herself.
  1330. >SF: "So you must be the individual who sparked this whole thing. The names Spitfire."
  1331. "Anon, and yep that would be me."
  1332. >SF: "I was going to ask you, what was your best time at P0nyville? That was the track we had to run the simulator on. I just wanna get a glimpse of what we're up against."
  1333. >Oh wow, what was that time again? Oh yeah.
  1334. "I managed a 1:23.024"
  1335. >As soon as you utter that time, everyone just turns and stares at you. A look a disbelief spread throughout.
  1337. "What? What did I say?"
  1338. >Thunderlane speaks up from over next to the gate.
  1339. >TL: "That's a full five seconds faster than the time we had to beat to even enter!"
  1340. >Oh, damn.
  1341. >"How were you able to even manage that!?" Flitter exclaims.
  1342. "I dont know, I just drove. I've been driving these kinds of cars for years."
  1343. >VS: "So you have more experience!? Now how is that even fair!?"
  1344. >CE: "Its fair because I disabled DRS and KERS in the simulation."
  1345. >Just in time Celestia. That felt like it was getting hostile.
  1346. >Cloud Chaser speaks up: "But why did you do that?"
  1347. >CE: "To get your pure driving skill out of you, no speed assists. Which means all of you here, out of thousands of applicants, are the best drivers Equestria has to offer. Don't worry, with DRS and KERS enabled, you would easily match Anons time."
  1348. >That pleased everyone. Now you don't have to worry about getting taken out in turn one later on today.
  1349. >CE: "And with that, I welcome everyp0ny to Pre-season Testing at EquineRing! Get out there, find your vehicles limits, and most of all, have fun and enjoy yourselves!"
  1350. >The gates open up and you all start to make your way to the paddock.
  1352. >As you approach pit lane, the first 12 garage stalls open up revealing all 12 fire breathing 700+ horsepower machines, ready for competition.
  1353. >Along with them, a full trained pit crew for each team, already getting to work prepping the cars for testing.
  1354. >Garage stalls correspond to the number of your car, thus you and Dash have the first 2 stalls to yourself.
  1355. >They even put your names above the garage openings
  1356. >RD: "Oh now this is cool."
  1357. >Since you mentioned to Celestia that Twilight is going to be your crew chief, her name is over on the seat in the Cloudsdale Weather pit wall gantry.
  1358. >TS: "This, This is all mine?"
  1359. "Yep, any and all info about everything will be displayed to you here. Telemetry, live race feeds, lap times of every car, everything."
  1360. >TS: "Oh this is glorious!"
  1361. >Twilight is definitely in her element here.
  1362. >RD: "So when do we start?"
  1363. >TS: "Right, here's the plan. First, of course, get used to the track. Once you guys are comfortable, you are both going to keep the current wing on and run 5 laps on Options going for the best time you can. Then come back in, replace the wing with the new one, and run 5 more laps, again going for your personal best."
  1364. "Sounds good"
  1365. >RD: "Yep"
  1366. >Twilight turns her attention to your new pit crew.
  1367. >TS: "Did you guys hear that!?"
  1368. >You hear one of them yell out "Yes ma'am!"
  1369. >Awesome. A cooperative pit crew is the best thing you could ask for.
  1370. >You and Dash walk into your garage as the first waves of engine fire ups echo through the paddock.
  1371. >Sounds like some of the other teams are going out there right now.
  1372. >From inside the garage, you see two blue and yellow f1 machines roll down pit lane. Wonderbolts Racing is wasting no time getting out there.
  1373. >Dash looks on with admiration as they go by.
  1374. >Directly following them are both Hurricane Force machines. The track is finally live with the song of high performance Ferrari engines.
  1375. >If Celestia modeled them after the engine in your car, technically every one of these cars are Ferrari powered. That was your teams engine provider back on Earth.
  1376. >You and Rainbow quickly get suited up and signal the pit crew to start up the cars.
  1377. >Strapping yourselves in, Rainbow gets to the radio button before you can.
  1378. >RD: "Radio check!"
  1379. "I read you."
  1380. >Twilight comes in from the gantry.
  1381. >TS: "And I can hear you guys as well."
  1382. "Alright we're off."
  1383. >With that, you let go of your clutch and head down pit lane, Dash close behind.
  1385. >10 laps in
  1386. "You getting comfortable with the track back there Dash?"
  1387. >RD: "I'm still a little iffy in the chicane, but everywhere else feels really good"
  1388. >There has already been one incident today, Blossomforth put too much throttle into turn 9 and spun it.
  1389. >She didn't hit anything or anyone. just launched herself into the gravel pit. Still getting used to no traction control you guess.
  1390. >TS: "Everything is looking perfect out there guys, I think its time to start the front wing testing. Both of you pit in and switch to options."
  1391. "Roger, pitting now."
  1392. >You two pit your cars in, quickly switching to the softer "Option" tire compound.
  1393. >Those stickier tires give way more grip than the standard "Prime" tire you were using to get used to the track.
  1394. >You head back out and start your 5 lap stint. Dash heading out shortly after.
  1395. >TS: "I'm predicting lap times around 1:30.800 with the current setup. When you switch to the new wing, I'm expecting those times to reach the lower 1:30.000's. maybe even hit 1:29.900."
  1396. "We'll do our best."
  1397. >Coming up to the final turn on your warm up lap, you engage KERS and DRS, attacking these next 5 laps as hard as you can.
  1399. >After 5 laps, your best lap time is a 1:30.547. Dash coming in with a 1:30.601.
  1400. >TS: "Nice! better than predicted. keep that up!"
  1401. >You pit again. Both Dash and yourself fit Twilight's new wing on the front of the cars, then set up the rest of the car for the change in aero attitude, and repeat the 5 lap stint.
  1402. >Immediately going into turn 2 coming out of the pits, you notice a huge increase in grip. Like holy shit.
  1403. >RD: "Woah! I didn't have to slow down as much there. Twi this thing is great!"
  1404. >TS: "Yes! It works! Give these next laps no mercy."
  1405. >Following her order you both tackle each turn as hard as you can.
  1406. >Maybe a bit too hard.
  1407. >Going into the Schumacher S on your 3rd lap, you test out the limits of this new setup by flooring it through the sweeping turn.
  1408. >Bad idea.
  1409. >As you yank the wheel to the left, the weight shift becomes too much for the rear tires to handle.
  1410. >They break traction and start to overspin, you go to correct but because the cars wheel base is so long, your move is futile.
  1411. >Spinning around you see Dash speed by. holding her hoof up.
  1412. >You finally come to a stop in the gravel pit. Rainbow coming in over the radio.
  1413. >RD: "You come out of that alright?"
  1414. "Yeah I'm fine, got a whole bunch of rocks in my seat now though."
  1415. >TS: "Those two laps you completed were enough to prove this wing is going to be used in the Grand Prix. So not all is lost, just that set of tires."
  1416. >A tractor comes over to help you out of the gravel pit. Once your out, you wait for Twilight's signal to rejoin the track.
  1417. >TS: "You've got a Aloe and Soarin coming up, after he goes past you've got a big opening in between cars."
  1418. >The pink and blue SPA Racing machine fly's past, quickly followed by the #6 of Soarin. You hit the throttle and rejoin the track on your way to the garage.
  1419. >You pit in and back in to the garage. Pit crew getting to work replacing the spent option tires.
  1420. >Knowing Twilight got what she needed with those two laps, you decide its time for a break and climb out of your car.
  1421. >Looking out for cars coming down pit lane, you cross over to the pit wall, sitting next to Twilight at the gantry.
  1422. >Dash's live feed from the TV pod on the car is on the screen in front of Twi. Looks like shes got a bit of traffic ahead.
  1423. "Who is that in front of her?"
  1424. >TS: "Vinyl."
  1425. "Figured as much with the tire lockup."
  1426. >Still need to work on that braking there scratch.
  1427. >You then look over to the screen above you and see the lap times each driver has achieved.
  1429. >1. Anon - 1:29.990
  1430. >2. Rainbow Dash - 1:30.242
  1431. >3. Soarin - 1:30.451
  1432. >4. Octavia - 1:30.776
  1433. >5. Thunderlane - 1:30.871
  1434. >6. Spitfire - 1:31.001
  1435. >7. Vinyl Scratch - 1:31.132
  1436. >8. Cloud Chaser - 1:31.399
  1437. >9. Lotus - 1:31.405
  1438. >10. Flitter - 1:31.478
  1439. >11. Aloe - 1:31.677
  1440. >12. Blossomforth - 1:31.900
  1442. >Wow. were all within 2 seconds of each other.
  1443. >That's pretty close actually.
  1444. >If Twi didn't engineer that wing, Soarin would be a bit faster than both you and Dash right now.
  1445. >TS: "What exactly was that out there? Was it the wing that made you spin?"
  1446. "Oh no it wasn't. I just did a little experiment to see if the car could handle turn 9 at full throttle. Turns out it cant."
  1447. >TS: "I could have told you that, look what happened to Blossomforth."
  1448. "I know, I know. Still, didn't hurt to try."
  1449. >Twilight sees you eyeing the lap times.
  1450. >TS: "Those are only going to get closer together you know."
  1451. "You think?"
  1452. >TS: "I know, look over there."
  1453. >She points down the pit wall and you see p0nies at their respective gantrys, mostly unicorns.
  1454. "What about them?"
  1455. >TS: "Those unicorns are crew chiefs as well. I saw them react to your fastest lap time. Its a matter of time before they make modifications to their machines as well to match us."
  1456. "That's the beauty of the sport Twilight. I'ts continuously changing. You have to be on top of your game at all times, even off season, in order to be successful."
  1457. >TS: "Right"
  1458. "So don't stop planning even for a second, always improve, always innovate, keep looking for those loopholes. The moment you are content with where you are is the moment teams start passing you."
  1460. >Looking at Dash's live feed, you can see shes starting to lose patience trying to pass Vinyl.
  1461. >Vinyl is a tad bit slower, holding Rainbow up.
  1462. >You can tell this is just a disaster waiting to happen.
  1463. >Out of the chicane, Dash looks inside of Scratch's #4 machine.
  1464. >Vinyl quickly responds with a block forcing Dash to keep behind her.
  1465. >Coming out of the last turn though, Dash gets a nice run on her through the front straight.
  1466. >She successfully gets on Vinyls inside again, but the #4 is moving over.
  1467. >Scratch forces Dash to the edge of the track. Then it happens.
  1468. >Oh god fucking dammit.
  1469. >RD: "THAT FUCKING CUNT!!!"
  1470. >TS: "Dash, listen, This is just a testing session, you're not even racing. Don't worry about her, just nurse the car back to the garage okay?"
  1471. >RD: "I swear to Celestia...."
  1472. >Suddenly a message appears in front of everyone sitting at each pit wall gantry.
  1473. >"Incident involving car #2 and car #4 is under investigation by The Stewards."
  1474. >ooooooooo someones in troooooubllllllle.
  1475. >I wonder who that could be?
  1476. >As Dash rolls up to the garage, you can see the extent of the damage.
  1477. >The left side of the front wing has been sheared off, looks like we're not using that one anymore.
  1478. >A second message appears on the screens before you.
  1479. >"Car #4 is to be parked for the remainder of the day for unnecessary aggressive blocking, Driver VINYL SCRATCH will subsequently receive a 5 place grid penalty in Qualifying for the Baltimare Grand Prix."
  1480. >Oh shit! These Stewards don't take rough driving at all!
  1481. >Vinyl then gets to her garage. Looks like she found out about her penalty on the way here.
  1482. >She is visibly livid.
  1483. >Getting out of the car, she throws her steering wheel clear across the garage stall nearly hitting a few p0nies including Octavia.
  1485. >Temper Vinyl, temper.
  1487. Chapter 10
  1489. T-1 week till the Baltimare Grand Prix
  1491. >Pre-season testing ended 1 month ago
  1492. >By the time it had ended, no two teams cars looked the same.
  1493. >Twilight was right, everyone had ended up making modifications to the front wing.
  1494. >Some even modified other parts of the car, its a wonder how they stayed within the car specification rules.
  1495. >Because of this, lap times between the 12 drivers have become increasingly competitive.
  1496. >During the final testing session, you were no longer the fastest around the track.
  1497. >It got to the point where everyone was within 1/2 of a second from each other.
  1498. >For instance, these were the times from the final testing session:
  1500. >1. Soarin - 1:29.453
  1501. >2. Octavia - 1:29.461
  1502. >3. Rainbow Dash - 1:29.497
  1503. >4. Spitfire - 1:29.512
  1504. >5. Anonymous - 1:29.537
  1505. >6. Vinyl Scratch - 1:29.560
  1506. >7. Flitter - 1:29.579
  1507. >8. Lotus - 1:29.583
  1508. >9. Thunderlane - 1:29.638
  1509. >10. Cloud Chaser - 1:29.660
  1510. >11. Blossomforth - 1:29.701
  1511. >12. Aloe - 1:29.705
  1513. >Yeah, you're all that fucking close.
  1514. >The race is pretty much going to come down to qualifying and pit strategy.
  1515. >Unfortunately for Vinyl, her penalty is still in effect.
  1516. >Because of her aggressive blocking maneuver that costed your team a front wing 3 months ago, no matter where she qualifies, she will be forced back 5 grid positions.
  1517. >Shes been a whole lot more friendly around the track ever since that day.
  1519. >With all the testing here, Baltimare has started to become Formula 1 central.
  1520. >Throughout the last month, p0nies have been claiming their favorite teams and drivers left and right.
  1521. >Banners showing off favorite teams have been displayed proudly at the front of some of the shops downtown.
  1522. >There are ALOT of Wonderbolts Racing fans.
  1523. >You can see that they're becoming the Equestrian equivalent of Ferrari. Most well known with the most passionate fans.
  1524. >This started when the last couple of testing sessions were open to the public to view for free.
  1525. >You remember walking out onto the paddock and seeing the usually empty stands filled to the brim with spectators.
  1526. >Every driver was on top of their game that day, pumped to show off their skills.
  1527. >Apparently the last testing session was also televised across the globe.
  1528. >You figured so when word reached you that the town of Cloudsdale was behind your team 100%.
  1529. >Obviously because of the sponsor your team has, most of your fans reside there.
  1530. >You two do have a few fans here in Baltimare though. You cant walk the streets without somep0ny asking for both you and Dash's autographs.
  1531. >Fan mail has started to come in as well. Some pics from mares addressed to you that were a little... um...
  1532. >Lets just say that socks must be their form of lingerie.
  1533. >God what would your old teammate back home think if he saw these pictures?
  1534. >"DUDE GO FOR IT!"
  1535. >Yeah, that's about right. But this is his fetish, not yours.
  1537. >Pre-season testing had a few scary moments.
  1538. >One incident is the reason why Cloudsdale Weather has 6 cars instead of 7 now.
  1539. >Rainbow was in a battle with the #7 of Cloud Chaser for a few laps practicing for the Grand Prix
  1540. >Dash got around her on the outside but started to turn into the curve before she was clear.
  1541. >Wheels touched and the rear end of Dash's #2 catapulted off of the ground, the car sent flipping multiple times.
  1542. >The sound of suspension rods snapping and rocks banging against the bodywork was all Dash could hear during her wild ride.
  1543. >You came up to the turn a few moments after the wreck occurred to see Dash's machine resting upside down in the gravel pit, wheels dangling from their former positions. Instantly your heart sunk.
  1544. >Worried would be an understatement for how you felt.
  1545. >You quickly pulled over, got out, and sprinted to Rainbow's mangled vehicle.
  1546. >Only to see her crawl out under her own power unhurt when you got there.
  1547. >Thank fuck she was alright. You don't want to see ANYONE hurt in this, let alone Dash.
  1548. >She was a little shaken up though, nothing too bad.
  1549. >Instead of waiting on a shuttle to get back to the paddock, she pulled a Senna and hitched a ride on the back of your car.
  1550. >Track marshals didn't like that but they'll get over it.
  1551. >By the end of the day one of your spare cars was transported to the track painted up in the Cloudsdale Weather livery and ready to go. So Dash didn't go long with out driving.
  1553. >The one other scary moment came during the final testing session.
  1554. >Thunderlane had a bad habit of hitting the rev limiter first before shifting. Thus ragging out the engine.
  1555. >That came to bite him in the ass on the front stretch near the end of the day.
  1556. >He was all by himself coming down the front stretch in front of thousands of spectators when his engine finally gave out on him.
  1557. >Halfway down the stretch, a loud *BOOM* echoed throughout the track.
  1558. >The #9 machine had a rooster tail of smoke and fire behind it as he came to a stop at the the first turn.
  1559. >Looked a lot like Jenson Button's engine failure at Melbourne in 2006:
  1560. >Car still on fire, he quickly got out of his machine as marshals with fire extinguishers got to work putting out the flames.
  1561. >The track had to be placed under a red flag because of all the oil and engine parts littering the front stretch.
  1562. >He stopped that rev limiter shit when they replaced his engine a few hours later.
  1563. >Most likely got coached by his crew chief after destroying that expensive powerhouse.
  1564. >You only have a limited amount of engines throughout the season, good thing it blew in testing and not in the season itself.
  1566. >But other than those two incidents and a few tire punctures, everything else has gone smoothly.
  1568. >In the month of down time between testing and the race weekend, Rainbow, Twilight, and yourself traveled back to P0nyville to see everyone again.
  1569. >Turns out you have a massive following of fans here as well.
  1570. >Cloudsdale Weather Racing banners as far as the eye could see.
  1571. >Of course you have a following here, this is basically your home town.
  1572. >During the mandatory Pinkie Pie welcome home party, you and Dash passed out premium grandstand tickets for the Baltimare Grand Prix to everyone.
  1573. >You think you made Scootaloo's year with those tickets.
  1574. >That filly was by far the biggest F1 fan you saw there.
  1575. >Rainbow being a driver probably helped in that aspect.
  1576. >She nearly fainted when you told her that you see a lot of driving potential in her.
  1577. >Shes gonna be one tough pegasi to beat if she can pilot one of those cars as well as she can ride that scooter.
  1578. >Rarity strangely declined the offer for the tickets though.
  1579. >You guessed the sport just isn't her thing. To each their own you suppose.
  1580. >But then she told you she already bought Arena seats for herself, Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy.
  1581. >The Element of Generosity showing off her true colors.
  1583. >And now with the Grand Prix a week away, everyone is back in Baltimare getting ready for the event.
  1584. >Restaurants and sports bars have huge race day events planned.
  1585. >Banners saying "Baltimare - Home of the EquineRing" line the city streets.
  1586. >Like what was said before, Formula 1 Fever has hit Baltimare hard.
  1588. >At EquineRing Circuit
  1589. >It's quiet, peaceful, and sunny. Birds singing their melodic songs off in the distance.
  1590. >You are currently inside the Cloudsdale Weather garage as you do your personal tradition of sitting on the right front tire of your machine, just taking it all in.
  1591. >You've been doing this since you graduated from karts on to real open wheel racers.
  1592. >It helps you relax.
  1593. >Seeing as an F1 Grand Prix is in all a very hectic, demanding, and dangerous event. Relaxation is paramount.
  1594. >RD: "What are you doing?"
  1595. >Oh look, Rainbows here.
  1596. "Thinking."
  1597. >RD: "Hmm. About what?"
  1598. "The race coming up, what else?"
  1599. >RD: "Oh I don't know, maybe about the mares who sent you those pics."
  1600. "... You saw those eh?"
  1601. >She lets out a giggle as she replies:
  1602. >RD: "Oh yeah. You should call em up. That red maned one was a real looker."
  1603. >Nope.
  1604. "No thanks, I haven't warmed up to the thought of having a p0ny as a girlfriend yet."
  1605. >RD: "Girlfriend? Whats that?"
  1606. >Oh right.
  1607. "Oh um, What do you call it? Special Somep0ny?"
  1608. >RD: "Oh I gotcha. Cross species relationships aren't uncommon Anon. I mean look at Spike, he has the BIGGEST crush on Rarity right now."
  1610. "Eh, I'm still not comfortable with it, maybe in due time."
  1611. >Rainbows ears droop slightly, you don't notice as you still look outwards from the garage.
  1612. >RD: "Yeah, so why are you sitting on the wheel?"
  1613. "Its something that started years ago when I graduated into Formula 3. Before my first race I just plopped myself on the right front and relaxed, thinking about happy things. That race ended up being my first victory in F3. I've been doing this little ritual every race since."
  1614. >You look over to Rainbow to see shes now doing the same thing.
  1615. "Hehe. It helps doesn't it?"
  1616. >RD: "Yeah actually."
  1617. >You two sit there quietly listening to your surroundings for what seems like an hour.
  1618. >Until your butt starts to hurt.
  1619. >F1 tires aren't the most comfortable seat in the world.
  1620. >As you and Rainbow get up, Twilight comes into the garage.
  1621. >TS: "Hey guys. The others finally came to Baltimare. Come on, were gonna go meet them at a restaurant downtown."
  1622. >Oh yes. Food sounds amazing right about now.
  1623. >You three leave the quiet garage to head downtown, both sleek machines still sitting there.
  1625. >Like sleeping beasts, each are patiently waiting to be unleashed once more in a frantic battle one week away, all for the elusive taste of victory.
  1627. Chapter 11
  1629. T-23 hours till the Baltimare Grand Prix
  1631. >Come on, Come on.
  1632. >Turn hard through the curve.
  1633. >Exit and nail the throttle down the hill.
  1634. >This lap has to count.
  1635. >Scream down the backstretch at insane speed.
  1636. >Brake late and HARD into the chicane.
  1637. >Decelerating from 185 MPH to 65 MPH in one second
  1638. >Only way to slow down faster than this is to hit a tree.
  1639. >Stomach searing in agony as it tries to stay in your body.
  1640. >Smoothly hit each chicane apex.
  1641. >Gradually floor it to the final right hand turn.
  1642. >Brake smoothly and ease the car into the last curve.
  1643. >Hit the apex
  1644. >Push the throttle
  1645. >Sweep outwards and clip the kerb entering the front stretch for maximum traction.
  1646. >A few up-shifts and...
  1647. >Finish line.
  1648. >TS: "Congratulations Anon. A 1:29.334 puts you on P1. You made it into Qualifying Two.
  1649. >Fuck yeah.
  1651. >Qualifying Two. Final qualifying session of the day.
  1652. >Back home there were three qualifying sessions to decide the field of 24 competitors.
  1653. >There are only two here.
  1654. >Mainly because the grid has half the amount of drivers.
  1655. >Here, in Qualifying One, All twelve drivers are out fighting to participate in Q2.
  1656. >At the end, the 6 slowest are knocked out. Forced to start at those grid positions.
  1657. >The 6 fastest however, they are pitted against each other for the elusive position of Pole.
  1658. >P1, as Twilight said before.
  1659. >You made it, but this is where strategy begins to play its role.
  1660. >As per the rules, You are forced to keep on the tires you used in Q2 at the start of the Grand Prix.
  1661. >You have to be smart about this.
  1662. >You only have one shot.
  1663. >One lap.
  1664. >One chance to get on Pole.
  1665. >You screw up your one good lap and you'll see yourself mid pack.
  1666. >A group of pilots behind you fitted with fresh rubber.
  1667. >Not a good way to start off.
  1668. >You drive up to your pit stall. Crew team backing the machine up into the garage.
  1669. >Looking to your right to see Rainbow sitting in her car. She backed in a few moments before you did.
  1670. >Looks like she made it into Q2 as well.
  1672. >A crew p0ny attaches a computer screen to your car in front of your face.
  1673. >This screen gives you vital info on you, your car, and your competition.
  1674. >Thus allowing you to see everyone's current position.
  1676. >The 6 p0nies knocked out of participating in Qualifying two:
  1678. 7. Octavia
  1679. 8. Spitfire
  1680. 9. Aloe
  1681. 10. Lotus
  1682. 11. Blossomforth
  1683. 12. Flitter
  1685. >So the six driver showdown for pole consists of Cloud Chaser, Soarin, Vinyl Scratch, Thunderlane, Rainbow Dash, and yours truly.
  1686. >Vinyl is a non issue concerning her penalty.
  1687. >However, Soarin is another matter completely.
  1688. >Good god is he quick.
  1689. >You got P1 in Q1 on account of him slipping up slightly at the chicane.
  1690. >He will more than likely not do that again.
  1691. >Q2 starts in 5 minutes. You take this opportunity to relax and take a drink of water.
  1692. >The car up on jacks, you can feel the pit crew strapping brand new options on for the final session.
  1693. >These same tires will follow you onto the Grand Prix.
  1694. >Don't fuck em up too bad.
  1696. 4
  1697. >As Q2 starts, the crowd roars.
  1698. >EquineRing is a packed house surprisingly.
  1699. >Its not even the big race. Yet thousands upon thousands have paid tickets to see you all qualify.
  1700. >10 minutes is all the time allowed for this final session. But.
  1701. >No one has gone out yet.
  1702. >That's part of the strategy.
  1703. >You want to make sure there is NO ONE around you to fuck up your lap.
  1704. >9:30 and counting.
  1705. >In your peripheral, you see Dash's racer lowered to the floor.
  1706. >Shes gonna go ahead on out there.
  1707. >Godspeed Rainbow.
  1708. >Her machine being the first to exit pit lane triggers another cheer from the stands.
  1709. >You hear her engine speed off through the curves. Tires warming up for her main lap.
  1710. >Then another engine roars to life. Sounds like from the garage beside yours.
  1711. >Vinyl is heading out as well.
  1713. >(A few minutes ago In Bass Cannon Racing's garage)
  1714. >OCT: "Oh buck it all. Almost made it."
  1715. >VS: "Hey, you wanna know a little secret to how I got my lap time?"
  1716. >OCT: "Lemme guess, your car is powered by wubs or something?"
  1717. >VS: "I wish! But no seriously, just make this tiny little adjustment to your front suspension. It'll help with grip."
  1718. >OCT: "Are you sure it wont throw my car off balance?"
  1719. >VS: "No way. If anything it will make it 'more' balanced. Now hurry up and do that adjustment before they park firm your flank."
  1720. >OCT: "That's parc fermé, and alright. Nothing bad better come out of this."
  1721. >VS: "Just trust me on this one."
  1722. >OCT: "Ok. Like how I trusted you with naming our team?"
  1723. >VS: "Whats that supposed to mean?"
  1725. >8:23 left in the session.
  1726. >You hear Rainbow scream past the front straight at full power. Her payoff lap starting.
  1727. >You eye the screen patiently awaiting your teammates lap time.
  1728. >A few seconds later, a second machine flys past the paddock.
  1729. >You gotta give it to Vinyl, going out there anyway with such a penalty enforced on her.
  1730. >Then again if you think about it, any place is better than last place.
  1731. >So shes doing the smart thing.
  1733. >Time left: 7:07
  1734. >Here comes Dash to the finish line. A time popping up beside her name on screen.
  1735. >Rainbow Dash - 1:29.324
  1736. >Very nice. Faster than your time in Q1.
  1737. >But here comes Vinyl. Lets see what she has for us.
  1738. >Vinyl Scratch - 1:29.370
  1739. >Woah. That was a close one.
  1740. >As soon as Vinyl goes past, an engine erupts further down pit lane.
  1741. >You find out it belongs to Soarin when he rolls past your garage stall in his blue and yellow #6.
  1742. >The crowd goes wild. Cloud Chaser heads on out about 10 seconds later.
  1743. >You though, are still waiting the session out.
  1744. >You want to be absolutely alone out there.
  1745. >No one in front to slow you down. No one behind to put pressure on you.
  1747. >You have 5:50 left.
  1748. >Waiting for Soarin and Cloud Chaser to finish their laps.
  1749. >Rainbow has since come back into the garage from her qualifying attempt.
  1750. >She is currently holding down P1.
  1751. >A wide smile across her face was shown when she got out and removed her helmet.
  1752. >May not last long though, Here comes Soarin to complete his lap
  1753. >Soarin - 1:29.329
  1754. >By the skin of her fucking teeth she keeps P1.
  1755. >Dash jumps up and down in celebration.
  1756. >The one p0ny we all thought would take the pole has come up ever so short.
  1757. >Here comes Cloud Chaser down home straight.
  1758. >Cloud Chaser - 1:29.412
  1759. >Ooo, not gonna cut it.
  1760. >Time left: 4:28
  1761. >Shit, time to get out there.
  1762. >You signal to your pit crew to fire up the car and get you on your way.
  1763. >Rainbow walks over to your machine and motions a hoofbump for good luck.
  1764. >Returned.
  1765. >The machine rumbles as your engine roars alive, and you are set down from the jacks.
  1766. >You waste no time getting the thing going.
  1767. -----
  1768. >By the time you've done your warm up lap, the tires and engine are at optimal temps.
  1769. >When you exit the final turn to start your qualifying lap, something inside you clicks.
  1770. >You have entered a heightened state of awareness.
  1771. >A trance like state almost
  1772. >You have no fear in this mode, nothing phases you.
  1773. >Time itself slows down.
  1774. >You're true competitive nature shows itself.
  1775. >Taking the turns like the G forces aren't even there.
  1776. >Sorry Dash, maybe next race.
  1778. >Completely focused,
  1779. >Unhindered,
  1780. >Hitting each mark with absolute precision.
  1781. >You complete your lap...
  1782. >Anonymous - 1:29.301
  1783. >...Successfully taking pole position.
  1784. >Again, Fuck yeah.
  1785. >The crowd roars at this new development. Bringing you out of your focused state.
  1786. >Instantly you back off the throttle in order to save the tires for the race.
  1787. >Twilight sees you from the pit lane gantry with your fists in the air.
  1788. >TS: "Don't celebrate just yet"
  1789. "Why?"
  1790. >TS: "Thunderlane hasn't completed his lap yet and the track temp just went down a degree."
  1791. >Oh shit, fucking clouds with their shade.
  1792. >One degree of temperature down on a racing surface can increase grip actually.
  1793. >Yes, the cars are really this sensitive.
  1794. >Any change in anything can make a drastic difference in handling, for better or for worse.
  1795. >Here he comes past the finish line.
  1796. >TS: "Thunderlane got a 1:29.295. You're starting on P2 tomorrow."
  1797. >Fuck.
  1798. >Oh well, You're still on the front row. So it's not that bad.
  1800. >Official Qualifying results for the Baltimare Grand Prix
  1802. 1. Thunderlane
  1803. 2. Anonymous
  1804. 3. Rainbow Dash
  1805. 4. Soarin
  1806. 5. Cloud Chaser
  1807. 6. Octavia
  1808. 7. Spitfire
  1809. 8. Aloe
  1810. 9. Lotus
  1811. 10. Vinyl Scratch - -5 grid penalty from qualifying position of 5th
  1812. 11. Blossomforth
  1813. 12. Flitter
  1815. >Returning to the garage you notice Dash at her vehicle, an air of disappointment around her.
  1816. >She was just knocked down from Pole to 3rd.
  1817. >Not like you helped or anything.
  1818. >Getting out of the car, you walk over to her.
  1819. >Reassuring her that drivers starting from dead last have won a race before.
  1820. >You'll just have to drive your flank off.
  1821. >She can do it, no problem.
  1822. >There's a smile.
  1823. >You walk over to Team Thunders garage a give your congratulations to Thunderlane.
  1824. >You also give good luck wishes to Blossomforth.
  1825. >No reason not to be a good sport.
  1826. >Shortly afterwards, all the cars are moved and parked in the paddock.
  1827. >Parc fermé has gone into effect.
  1828. >During the time between Q2 and the Grand Prix, the cars are not to be touched.
  1829. >A few things you can do is check tire pressures and refuel the car.
  1830. >Doing anything else will force a penalty.
  1831. >Don't want that.
  1833. >Before you now is the day you've been waiting for.
  1834. >Race day.
  1835. >You've only been in Equestria for five months now.
  1836. >But look at what you've started.
  1837. >Who knew Celestia herself would get so into this?
  1838. >Having three racing circuits constructed for a Formula 1 racing season.
  1839. >Supplying cars, crew, tires, fuel, facilities... pretty much everything really.
  1840. >Don't ever underestimate the will of a sun goddess.
  1841. >They will get shit done.
  1843. >Up next, Finally.
  1844. >The Baltimare Grand Prix.
  1846. Chapter 12 (grand prix pt 1)
  1848. >Bright.
  1849. >That's the first thing you notice as you come out of your deep slumber. It's fucking bright as hell.
  1850. "Ugh... dammit Celestia..."
  1851. >The sun is 93 million miles away, but still has perfect aim to your retinas. Giving out an annoyed grunt, you roll over facing away from the window.
  1852. >Who left the fucking curtains open?
  1853. >You did dumbass. You're the only one in the room.
  1854. >...
  1855. >Shut the fuck up brain.
  1856. >Wait... What time is it?
  1857. >You groggily bring your attention to the clock on the end table next to your bed.
  1858. >9:45 AM. Whew, still have plenty of time to get ready.
  1859. >The race isn't until 2:00 PM. So you could sleep in.
  1860. >The more you think about it though, the more that seems like a bad idea. There is still shit that needs to be done before hand.
  1861. >Pre race driver meetings, interviews, autograph signings, etc. Busy day today.
  1862. >Reluctantly you force yourself out of bed and head to the shower.
  1863. >The track here provides personal rooms for every driver and crew member for the race weekend.
  1864. >Think of a hotel in the middle of the facility. Convenient as fuck right?
  1865. >Right, back home after every qualifying and practice session you would have to go all the way to a hotel miles away from the track.
  1866. >It's definitely a nice change of pace. You can wake up, get ready, and just walk over to the garage instead of waiting in traffic on the way to the track itself.
  1868. >Drying off from your shower, you reach for your Cloudsdale Weather team polo shirt and pants.
  1869. >As you fit the shirt on, a familiar branding on the tag catches your attention.
  1870. >"Made at Carousel Boutique"
  1871. >The tags on your new firesuit say the same thing.
  1872. >Rarity ended up scoring a deal with Celestia to fashion up the team shirts and the very expensive firesuits for each and every team.
  1873. >That's how she was able to pay for four Arena seats for today's Grand Prix.
  1874. >As you would've guessed, Tickets for these things are expensive as shit.
  1875. >Those premium grandstand tickets you passed out for free at the party a month ago? 500 bits each.
  1876. >Yeah, that'll put a dent in a wallet.
  1877. >Rarity bought slightly less expensive ones at 350 each. But she still spent 1400 bits on herself, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and AJ.
  1878. >But hey, shes making some serious money with this new deal. She can spend as much as she wants it looks like.
  1879. >Just as soon as you get finished tying the laces on your shoes, there's a knock at your door accompanied by the voice of your teammate.
  1880. >RD: "Hey you awake yet? I'm hungry."
  1881. >Sounds like its time for breakfast.
  1882. >Walking towards the door, you reply.
  1883. "Hold on fatass, just got dressed."
  1884. >Dash, wearing her team shirt as well, giggles and gives you a playful punch in the side as you exit your room.
  1885. "Ow. What?" You say looking down at her with a cheeky smile.
  1886. >RD: "You know exactly what, asshole! Anyway, They're serving food in one of the rooms at the race control building. Everyone is in there waiting for us."
  1887. >Everyone being Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy.
  1888. "The race control building? How were they able to get in there without pit passes?"
  1889. >RD: "Being personal friends of the drivers have their perks, ya know?"
  1891. >The both of you exit the hotel-like drivers quarters and head towards the control building situated next to pit lane. About a 5 minute walk away.
  1892. >But before you can walk two feet forward from the doors, a mob of p0nies, griffons, and many other creatures crowd towards your position.
  1893. >Impromptu autograph session in 3, 2, 1, Go!
  1894. >They all surround you two with sheets of paper, die-cast cars, and photographs in hand/mouth/paw.
  1895. >Taken aback only slightly, You both quickly pull out pens and get to signing.
  1896. >These must be a group of your biggest fans, every one of them are decked out in Cloudsdale Weather apparel.
  1897. >As you and Dash sign the first few items, she gives you an overwhelmed look. So you quickly notify the crowd that your kind of in a hurry.
  1898. >It is race day after all.
  1899. "Okay everyone, We can only sign a few more. we've got a prior engagement to take care of."
  1900. >P0nies further back in the crowd give an audible groan of dissapointment. You hate doing that to your fans, but there's always next time.
  1901. >Signing the last photo for a very enthusiastic muscular ...pegasus? You two head off.
  1902. >Small wings on that p0ny. If he is one even.
  1903. "Alright, enjoy the race everyone!"
  1904. >The group cheer and exclaim good luck wishes for you two as you walk away.
  1905. >"GO GET EM ANON!!!"
  1908. >A bewildered Rainbow looks up to you as you both head towards race control.
  1909. >RD: "Ah honashee..." *ptoo*
  1910. >Dash spits out the pen she was holding.
  1911. >RD: "I honestly didn't see that coming."
  1912. "Better get used to it, you're famous now."
  1914. >Finally reaching the Race Control center, you both walk up one flight of stairs and enter a large room housing VIP's and race officials.
  1915. >Immediately after opening the door you are slapped in the face with one of the most amazing aromas to ever grace your presence.
  1916. >There is a temporary buffet along the wall to the right as you walk in, displaying culinary delights from every corner of Equestria.
  1917. >All of this for breakfast? Nice!
  1918. >Walking up to the buffet you notice there is... Holy shit. Meat! Fuck yes! You've gone 5 months without it. The carnivore inside you is going crazy now that it's in front of you.
  1919. >You both grab plates and start to pile on the food. Not too much though, still got a race to participate in.
  1920. >A plate of steak and eggs with a side of veggies for you, Dash grabs up a standard salad and a few pastries for herself.
  1921. >You see the others waving you over as you and Dash walk to their table with full plates.
  1922. >Twilight got here from her room way before you guys did.
  1923. "Morning everyp0ny!"
  1924. >"Morning!" They all reply.
  1925. >You and Dash take your seats at a round table on the other side of the room from the entrance.
  1926. >Where you are sitting at said table faces you in the direction of large windows over looking the front straight.
  1927. >Whoever sits here during the Grand Prix has front row center seats in air conditioning. You'd be envious if you weren't a driver.
  1928. >RD: "You guys enjoying the day so far?"
  1929. >AJ: "You bet! There is so much stuff tah do here."
  1930. >FS: "They even have earplugs! Sweet, glorious earplugs."
  1931. >Flutters is still not used to the engine noise apparently.
  1932. *grumble*
  1933. >The sound from your stomach elicits a small giggle from your friends here. Must be hungrier than you thought.
  1934. >You cut into your steak, taking a juicy bite size bit into your mouth.
  1935. >Hohohoho my god. Medium rare, the perfect way to prepare a cut of meat like this.
  1936. >To your surprise, your friends aren't looking at you in shock.
  1937. >Considering cows are sentient here, you'd expect them to at least be looking at you funny.
  1938. "You guys don't mind this do you?"
  1939. >TS: "What, you eating that? Not at all Anon. I figured you would be a carnivore by your teeth. Sharp canines are a dead giveaway."
  1940. >Everyone nods in agreement.
  1941. "So it doesn't scare you?"
  1942. >"Nope." they all say.
  1943. >With that you eagerly continue digging in, everyone else eating off their plates as well.
  1944. >RA: "Oh those shirts you two have on look absolutely stunning if I do say so myself."
  1945. "We have you to thank. Thinking about selling some more to our fans?"
  1946. >RA: "Already have! Even some of the other teams apparel. Wonderbolts Racing shirts make up half of my income at the moment."
  1947. >RD: "I might need to get me one of those."
  1948. >Wat.
  1949. "Seriously?"
  1950. >RD: "What? Its the Wonderbolts were talking about here! I'll always be a fan of them even if were racing against em. I still dream of being in their flight demo team some day."
  1951. >Once a Wonderbolts fangirl, always a Wonderbolts fangirl.
  1952. >Finished with breakfast, you take a look at your watch. Its time to head out, got to get to a quick meeting with your sponsor to talk about a possible bonus.
  1953. "See you guys after the race. And we'll see you on the grid Twi, Have fun guys!"
  1954. >They all wave as you and Dash exit the room.
  1956. >It's now 11:25 AM. This meeting has to be quick. As soon as your done talking with the Cloudsdale Weather spokesp0ny its straight to the garage to get the cars prepped.
  1957. >You both walk up to an overhang with the Cloudsdale logo. This looks like the place.
  1958. >"There you two are! How are you guys?"
  1959. >You are greeted by a fairly middle age looking p0ny all dressed up in standard weather gear, This must be the guy.
  1960. "Good. You wanted to talk to us about a possible bonus today right?"
  1961. >"That would be me! Now I know you guys are busy so I'll cut right to the chase. Where do you think we want you to finish today?"
  1962. >Oh gosh, I dunno. Seventh?
  1963. "I'm guessing you want us to win."
  1964. >"Precisely! We would love to see a one-two finish from you guys in today's Grand Prix. But I'll make it a bit easier for you. If the both of you can finish in the top 5, we'll throw in 5000 bits as a bonus to both of your race winnings."
  1965. >Fucking nice. You'd be stupid not to take up that challenge.
  1966. >RD "Awesome! thanks mister... uh.."
  1967. >"Just call me Joe."
  1968. "You wont be disappointed Joe."
  1969. >JOE: "I better not be! Good luck today you two!"
  1970. >Successful meeting out of the way, now to pit lane to get this thing started.
  1972. "Everything looking good Twi?" you say as you strap on your helmet
  1973. >You all are in the garage giving the cars a final check for today.
  1974. TS: "Everything passed inspection with flying colors, tires are a little worn from qualifying but that's a given. Be careful off of the start line today. Both of you."
  1975. >T-35 minutes till the start of the Grand Prix. The pit lane exit will be open in 5 minutes.
  1976. >That's when you need to cover a reconnaissance lap and head to your position on the starting grid.
  1977. >You and Dash are fully decked out in your fire suits and helmets, the pit crew getting the cars ready.
  1978. >Just before you strap in to your machine, You suddenly hear the Grand Prix pre-race promo over the loud speakers outside.
  1981. *We're not P0nyville.*
  1983. *We're not Fillydelphia.*
  1985. *And we're certainly not Canterlot*
  1987. *In Baltimare, we do things differently.*
  1988. *Which suits us fine.*
  1989. >The home crowd cheers at that line.
  1991. *It means we don't follow.*
  1992. *We lead.*
  1994. *We don't go by the rules. We make our own*
  1996. *And we don't worry as much about convention as we do about defying it*
  1998. *The Formula 1 Baltimare Grand Prix is coming*
  2000. >The stands loudly erupt in the biggest uproar you've heard all weekend.
  2001. >...
  2002. >...That promo sounded oddly familiar...
  2005. >T-30 minutes till the start.
  2006. >A horn sounds signaling that pit lane is now open. Everyone heads out of their respective garages in the order of qualifying.
  2007. >Short loud revs fill the air as a slow moving convoy of multicolored racing machines exit pit lane, causing yet another eruption from the stands.
  2008. >You radio over to your team mate to get her ready for today. Shits about to get hectic.
  2009. "Rainbow do you read me?"
  2010. >RD: "Roger that"
  2011. "You ready for this?"
  2012. >RD: "Do you even need to ask? If I wasn't ready I wouldn't be here in this car right now."
  2013. "That's what I like to hear. Just remember our training. Good luck out there."
  2014. >RD: "Same to you. I uh... nevermind."
  2015. >Hmm. odd.
  2016. ----
  2017. >Coming up to the starting line, you get yourself in position on the starting grid.
  2018. >Starting P2 today, so you're on the right side of the straightaway, giving you a perfect opportunity to get on the inside of Thunderlane's black #9 machine going into the sharp right hander of turn 1.
  2019. >As a refresher, here is the starting grid for the Grand Prix. Odd numbers are on the outside of the row, even numbers on the inside. The track is run in a clockwise direction.
  2020. -Row 1
  2021. 1. Thunderlane
  2022. 2. Anonymous
  2023. -Row 2
  2024. 3. Rainbow Dash
  2025. 4. Soarin
  2026. -Row 3
  2027. 5. Cloud Chaser
  2028. 6. Octavia
  2029. -Row 4
  2030. 7. Spitfire
  2031. 8. Aloe
  2032. -Row 5
  2033. 9. Lotus
  2034. 10. Vinyl Scratch - -5 grid penalty from 5th
  2035. -Row 6
  2036. 11. Blossomforth
  2037. 12. Flitter
  2040. >T-15 minutes till the start, another horn sounds signaling that pit lane is now closed until the start.
  2041. >Every teams crew climbs over the pit wall and heads to their respective cars.
  2042. >Immediately you are put up on jacks and tire warmers are placed on the tires in order to conserve some heat at the start.
  2043. >Twilight looks over both cars attentively. Making sure there is nothing out of place.
  2044. >With these cars as aerodynamically sensitive as they are, nothing can be in the way of airflow.
  2045. >Closing your eyes, you allow yourself one final chance to relax. You're gonna need it.
  2046. ----
  2047. >T-1 minute.
  2048. >The last 14 minutes have gone by like a blur. Deep thought overtaking your being as you sit with eyes closed in the marvel of engineering that is your open wheel racer.
  2049. >The sudden jerk of engine ignition was what brought you out of your state of mind.
  2050. >Tire warmers removed, car lowered to the ground, helmet visor shut, engine shifted into first. Yours being the first to do so on the grid.
  2051. >To your left is Thunderlane, his car ready to make the one last recon lap before the main start.
  2052. >In your mirrors you catch Rainbows machine lowered to the racing surface. You see that signature mean look in her eyes before she confidently and swiftly closes her visor.
  2053. >Directly behind you is Soarin. Like you didn't need anymore pressure today.
  2054. >By far the coolest head on the grid. He hasn't made a single costly mistake in either the 3 months of testing or this race weekend.
  2057. >T-15 seconds, every crew member leaves the track surface to make way for the standard recon lap.
  2058. >You stare at the start lights hanging above the track awaiting the signal.
  2059. >Just then, two green lights are displayed before the entire grid. Everyone smoothly letting go of their clutches to start the one recon lap around EquineRing.
  2060. >You quickly start your own standard tire warm-up procedure by weaving left and right, enhancing the friction on each tire.
  2061. >Many others follow your lead down the front straight eventually heading into turn one.
  2062. ----
  2063. >Halfway around the recon lap, Dash unexpectedly chimes in on the radio. Her tone for some reason, somber almost.
  2064. >RD: "Anon... There's something Iv'e been wanting to tell you, for a while now actually. I know you might think this is bad timing, but I wanna get this out if and before one of us gets hurt... badly... today or the next 2 races.... I want you to know that I kinda l-"
  2065. "Save it."
  2066. >With two simple words you stop whatever that was dead in its tracks.
  2067. >Where in the hell did that come from? What was she gonna say?
  2068. >The fucking Grand Prix starts in literally less than 30 seconds. You don't have time to think about that now.
  2069. >It sounded like she was about to...
  2071. >A violent shock forces the car upwards as you unknowingly hit the large chicane curb directly with your right front tire.
  2072. >Because of the rigid suspension, all four tires are off of the ground for a split second. The car tossing you about as you land. Ow.
  2073. >So much for staying in focus.
  2074. >Luckiest driver on the grid, you come away with no damage what so ever after going over a speed bump from hell at 55+ mph.
  2075. >RD: "sorry..."
  2076. >Yep, she saw that. Fuck, this Grand Prix is gonna be harder than you wanted it to be.
  2078. >Forget about it. Just forget about it dude...
  2079. >Was she going to-?
  2081. >Down the front straight, the car responds to your sudden outburst in the form of a short controlled burnout as you floor the throttle in anger. You scream in between your teeth along with the engine as it hits 18,000 rpm.
  2082. >The rage maybe a bit much right now. But getting thrown about in the car like that, plus the fact that you cant focus on the race at the moment kind of set off a wave of anger through you.
  2083. >Laying off of the throttle, you allow yourself to breathe once more.
  2084. >Ah... that felt good.
  2085. >The car makes its way to grid position #2. No crew members on the grid any longer. Just you and 11 other drivers. Each looking for the exact same thing at the end of the day. Victory.
  2086. >A drone of engine noise makes its way through the air as each vehicle is in their respective grid positions, each idling at 6000 rpms.
  2087. >The start lights above the track have the drivers, the spectators, and the TV viewers full undivided attention.
  2088. I I I I
  2089. I I I I
  2090. •I I I I
  2091. >This is it.
  2092. >As soon as that light displayed itself, the grid screams in power, each car and driver alike chomping at the bit to get going.
  2093. •I•I I I
  2094. •I•I•I I
  2095. •I•I•I•I
  2096. >A crescendo arises from the stands as what everyp0ny has been waiting for is merely seconds away.
  2097. >Right foot ready to bury the throttle, you prepare yourself to give your all in every lap and every corner for the next hour and a half.
  2098. •I•I•I•I•
  2099. •I•I•I•I•
  2100. •I•I•I•I•
  2103. I I I I
  2106. End part 1
  2108. Chapter 13 (grand prix pt 2)
  2110. Tip for this chapter:
  2111. Normal speech: "Hello."
  2112. Radio speech: "*Hello.*"
  2116. •I•I•I•I•
  2117. •I•I•I•I•
  2118. •I•I•I•I•
  2120. I I I I
  2122. Lap 1/60
  2123. >Like a slug from a shotgun you blast forward from your stagnant position in a mix of power and control.
  2124. >All 12 cars start successfully. Soarin getting the best start out of everyone. Unfortunately for him it's not enough to pass you.
  2125. >He's able to get ahead of Rainbow though, much to her dismay.
  2126. >Your helmet is glued the the headrest behind you as your car accelerates from 0 to 60 MPH in less than 3 seconds.
  2127. >9000 combined horsepower scream down the front straight at an insane speed. Every car literally inches from one another.
  2128. >You brake HARD going into turn one, forces of over 5 G's push you into the 6 point harness wrapping around your torso. It takes all your strength just to keep your head looking forward.
  2129. >To your left, Thunderlane takes an early risk and immediately cuts you off before the apex.
  2130. "WOAH"
  2131. >Those lightning quick reflexes return and you swerve right slightly, narrowly avoiding contact with the Team Thunder machine.
  2132. >Its the first fucking lap, there is no need for such risky moves right now.
  2133. >Carefully easing on the throttle coming out of turn one shifting up efficiently, you follow directly behind the black #9.
  2134. >You match his speed perfectly going through the sweeping left turn of turn 2. Tires at their limit of traction as you jockey the throttle.
  2135. >Back further in the pack, the first incident today is a small one.
  2136. >Aloe makes wheel to wheel sidepod contact with Spitfire. No real damage apparent, but it sent Spits in a short 4 wheel slide through the first turn. She quickly regained control and rejoined the race.
  2138. >Powerful winds beat against your helmet as you reach turn 7, a 180° right hander.
  2139. >Quickly you shift down to third gear after reaching your braking point and direct the car towards the apex.
  2140. >Because of your setup into the turn, you exit the corner carrying more momentum than Thunderlane did.
  2141. >You maneuver to the right and slowly ease up his right side heading toward-
  2142. >SHIT! back off!
  2143. >Lifting off of the throttle slightly, you give the lead back to Thunderlane.
  2144. >There is no room for two cars side by side through the esses of turns 8 and 9 at these speeds. If you stayed beside him this would have all ended in tears and shards of carbon fiber on the first lap.
  2145. >If you wanted to make a move it would have to be at the end of the back straight coming up to the chicane.
  2146. >DRS isn't going to be enabled till lap 3. Still though, its worth a shot.
  2147. >You wrestle your machine through turn 11, the "Bit Kurve" as its called back home, pushing the vehicle to its absolute limit.
  2148. >Successfully carrying more momentum than Thunderlane once more, you look to the left of his machine going down the backstretch.
  2149. >Thunderlane veers to the left to block your incoming move, instinctively you jink right and get on the inside of him going through turn 12, the kink in the back stretch.
  2150. >Side by side you both head towards the chicane. If this pegasus wants to play hard this early, might as well give him both barrels.
  2152. >Braking harder than when you were going into turn 1, along with shifting down quickly from 7th to 2nd gear allowing the engine to slow down the car even further, you let Thunder once again take the lead.
  2153. >But not for long.
  2154. >Because of your sudden braking, you broke his concentration and made him miss his braking point only slightly.
  2155. >Going through the chicane at a higher speed than recommended, his right rear tire clips the savage curb and throws the car off balance a tad.
  2156. >He loses all of his momentum power-sliding through the exit of the chicane. Easily giving you the lead.
  2157. >Heh. they fall for it every time.
  2158. ----
  2159. Lap 3/60
  2160. >TS: "*DRS is now enabled.*"
  2161. >Fuck.
  2162. >That and Soarin is behind you.
  2163. >Double fuck.
  2164. >The Drag Reduction System detection point is just before the back stretch. If you want to have any chance of staying in front of the Wonderbolt you need to put a gap of more than a second between you and him.
  2165. >Don't understand whats going on? Here:
  2166. >Right now going down the front straight hes half a second behind.
  2167. >It would be considered a miracle if you could gain a half second lead in half a lap. But now is not the time to doubt yourself, go for it!
  2168. >Navigating each turn perfectly like you're guided on a rail, you ask Twi how far behind he is just before you reach the DRS detection zone.
  2169. >TS: "*He's still half a second behind.*"
  2170. >Oh god dammit.
  2172. >Exiting the Bit Kurve onto the back stretch, his DRS flap on the rear wing lifts up.
  2173. >His down force drastically decreases, thus allowing his cars top speed to increase.
  2174. >You're pretty much helpless as he screams past you heading towards the chicane.
  2175. >The stands erupt in celebration across the entire facility. You cant hear them over your engine, but you can see eveyp0ny jumping up and down.
  2176. >TS: "Don't worry, let him take it. We don't need you stressing out those tires even more. Come time for pit strategy is when we'll retake the lead."
  2177. >You silently hope shes right. Because of that slingshot, Soarin has already gotten a full second in front of you.
  2178. ----
  2179. Lap 14/60
  2180. >Piloting the Bass Cannon Racing #3 machine is Octavia, currently shes at a comfortable 5th place after she passed Cloud Chaser a few laps earlier.
  2181. >Considered one of the dark horses (no pun intended) of the grid mainly because shes only known as a classical cellist. Shes surprised most with her driving abilities recently.
  2182. >Unfortunately, her race today isn't going to last for much longer.
  2183. >While under braking at the chicane, she feels a sudden small shock from the right front wheel area. Followed by a small vibration.
  2184. >Knowing this isn't normal, she radios to her crew chief.
  2185. >OCT: "*Hey, I'm just now getting alot of feedback from my right front. Is the telemetry saying anything?*"
  2186. >CC: "*Nothing too out of place, You probably just have a flat spot on your front tire. We'll get it fixed when you come in for new tires in a few laps.*"
  2187. >All while her crew chief talks to her, the vibration gradually gets worse.
  2188. >OCT: "*Uh... I dont think the cars gonna hold up until-*"
  2189. *SNAP*
  2190. "WAHH!"
  2192. >Octavia's right front suspension literally explodes going into turn one.
  2193. >Her hooves are forced off of the wheel as it violently snaps to the right by itself. Shards of suspension arms bounce off her car and litter the track behind.
  2194. >She careens past the first turn almost colliding with Dash. After sliding into the gravel pit, she gradually comes to a grinding halt in front of the Arena stands.
  2195. >CC: "*Octavia! You ok!?*"
  2196. >OCT: "*Fine.* That is the last time I LISTEN TO A BUCKING DJ!!!"
  2197. >She tosses the steering wheel out of the car to the gravel below in frustration.
  2198. >As she gets out of the car though, the crowd in front of her cheers for her well being. She looks up and cant help but smile and wave with everyp0ny happy that she made it out ok.
  2199. >Turns out Vinyls little suspension adjustment decision didn't quite work out with Octavia's setup.
  2200. >As Vinyl herself passes by Octavia's crippled car, she instantly realizes she caused her teammates downfall.
  2201. >VS: "oops..."
  2202. ----
  2203. Lap 15/60
  2204. >At the Cloudsdale Weather pit wall telemetry station, Twilight gets instant intel on the situation which she immediately relays to both you and Rainbow.
  2205. >TS: "*Waving yellow in sector 1, Octavia's out.*"
  2206. "*Woah really!? What happened?*"
  2207. >TS: "*Her front tire just disconnected itself from her car. No idea how.*"
  2208. >RD: "*I saw it in my mirrors. She almost ran into the back of me.*"
  2209. "*Sounds like you made it out alright though.*"
  2210. >RD: "*Yep, still goin strong...*"
  2211. >There's that tone again. You'll have to ask whats eating her after the race.
  2212. >Right now, getting passed Soarin is top priority.
  2214. Lap 22/60
  2215. >TS: "*Soarin has come in to fit a set of prime tires. This is it, come in next time by. Push as hard as you can this next lap!*"
  2216. >Following her order, you give this lap everything you've got.
  2217. -
  2218. >The strategy is when Soarin comes in to pit, you take one lap around to get a little bit of ground on him.
  2219. >He'll then come out of pit lane on brand new and very cold tires, giving you a huge lead on him.
  2220. >That's when you pit in, Get a perfect pit stop, and head out. Hopefully putting you ahead of Soarin.
  2221. -
  2222. >Here's your chance, Exiting the chicane you ease immediately right to the entrance of pit lane.
  2223. >Over at your pit stall the entire pit crew scrambles to their places, pneumatic wrenches and tires at the ready.
  2224. >You Shift down into first and hit the pit speed limiter button, making your way to the pit stall very slowly.
  2225. >"Dont fuck this up" you think to yourself as you swerve into a spot with barely enough space for your machine to fit in between all the p0nies to either side of you.
  2226. >The car is lifted up on the jacks once more, and at lightning speed each Option tire is replaced with brand new Prime's.
  2227. >In less than 4 seconds you are placed back down on the ground with the car shifted into first.
  2228. >TS: "*Go go go!*"
  2229. >The engine screams as you drop the clutch, launching forward with tires spinning from the pit stall.
  2230. >Here's where you find out if it was a good enough pit stop.
  2231. >You roll down the remainder of pit lane at an agonizingly slow pace. Thumb hovering over the pit limiter button awaiting the end of pit lane.
  2233. Lap 23/60
  2234. >Come on, economy cars go down the highway at a faster speed than this.
  2235. >You can hear him coming down the front straight behind you as you pass the line indicating pit exit.
  2236. >Pressing the limiter you slam the throttle towards turn one staying on the inside line.
  2237. >You yank the wheel to the right, machine following your order entering turn one.
  2239. >It takes you till the middle of turn 3 to notice there is no blue and yellow F1 car in front of you.
  2240. >You did it!
  2241. "YES!!!"
  2242. >The celebration though is short lived once you glance at your mirrors.
  2243. >Soarin is breathing down your fucking neck heading into turn 5. You swear hes staring into your eyes through your mirrors.
  2244. >That isn't menacing at all...
  2245. >OK! focus. You're going to have to save all 6 seconds of your KERS for the back stretch to hopefully counter his DRS.
  2246. >He'll still gain ground on you, but maybe not enough to get completely past you.
  2247. >...
  2248. >Wait...
  2249. >Why not just do this?
  2250. >You move aside exiting turn 7 letting Soarin past you. Instantly you get right back behind him staying in his slipstream.
  2251. >TS: "*Anon!? What the hell are you doing!? You were in front!*"
  2252. "*Calm down, I got this.*"
  2253. >Letting him in front of you again did give him the lead momentarily, but he didn't slingshot past you like he did in the DRS zone at the beginning of the race. You have turned the tables and are now breathing down his neck through turns 8 and 9.
  2255. >And you plan to keep it this way until DRS detection at the start of the back stretch.
  2256. >But Soarin quickly catches on to your plan. Must have wondered why you just went up and gave the lead to him out of nowhere.
  2257. >Going into turn 10 he brakes earlier than you were ready for, forcing you to swerve inside him to avoid destroying your front wing on his diffuser.
  2258. "Oh no you don't." You say as you slow down a bit, realizing what hes doing.
  2259. >Its a race to the DRS Detection line, the only race ever where you wanna cross the line 2nd.
  2260. >You both turn down the Bit Kurve side by side a tad bit slower than race pace trying to keep behind each other. This must be an odd sight for all the spectators here.
  2261. >Crossing the DRS Detection line nose to nose you each floor the throttle, activate KERS, and press the DRS button on the wheel hoping that your rear wing was the one that flipped up and not his.
  2262. >After pressing the button though, you felt a small click from the rear of your car.
  2263. >Seeing the Wonderbolt shrink in your mirrors was all the proof you needed that you were granted DRS.
  2264. >Your engine, with 300 horsepower per litre, propels the car forward no longer hindered by massive downforce. Marking the highest speed any car has reached so far today.
  2265. >That speed before you hit the brakes clocked in at 203 mph. By comparison, the car could only reach a top speed of 190 mph without your Drag Reduction System engaged.
  2266. >Soarin is definitely out of range as you glance at your mirrors entering the front straight.
  2267. >TS: "He's a second and a quarter behind, Nice move Anon!"
  2268. >Now with a nice buffer in between you and 2nd, you can focus on just hitting your marks not having to worry about anyone near you.
  2270. Lap 42/60
  2271. >That same trance like mode you were in yesterday during qualifying has taken you over once more.
  2272. >You have been in this state for about 20 laps now, perfectly hitting each mark and apex every lap.
  2273. >Your last 20 lap times rival the consistency of robots as each time is within .5 seconds of each other. That consistency has allowed you to put another 2 seconds in between you and Soarin.
  2274. >Word also reached you that Dash is working on passing the Wonderbolt right now. Must be pretty close behind.
  2275. Current Driver Positions:
  2276. 1. Anonymous
  2277. 2. Soarin
  2278. 3. Rainbow Dash
  2279. 4. Thunderlane
  2280. 5. Spitfire
  2281. 6. Cloud Chaser
  2282. 7. Vinyl Scratch
  2283. 8. Flitter
  2284. 9. Lotus
  2285. 10. Blossomforth
  2286. 11. Aloe
  2287. 12. Octavia - Out: Suspension damage.
  2288. >Another round of pit stops should be coming soon. You can feel the tires losing their performance slightly. Especially around the chicane; the car is getting gradually more unstable there.
  2289. >TS: "*You've got slower traffic coming up, watch out.*"
  2290. >Oh wow you're lapping somep0ny? You didn't expect this at all.
  2291. >No seriously, everyone was within half a second of one another. You shouldn't be lapping a driver for the entirety of the Grand Prix.
  2293. >Something must be wrong with this drivers machine for it to be falling back like this.
  2294. >Getting closer, you see the machine has a bright pink and blue livery. That's definitely a SPA Racing car.
  2296. (Aloe's perspective)
  2297. >Are you kidding me...
  2298. >Around 7 laps ago your third gear failed, became obsolete, and now it feels like the engine itself is on its last legs.
  2299. >This is a brand new engine and gearbox combo! What gives?.
  2300. >Oh wait. That turn one incident with Spitfire. Right...
  2301. >The shunt didn't feel like it was that bad! Must have screwed everything up internally.
  2302. >Your crew chief then comes in on the radio.
  2303. >CC: "*It doesn't look like the car is going to make it till the end. I'm sorry but you're gonna have to bring it in if you want to avoid littering the track with engine parts.*"
  2304. "*Cant we just get it replaced? There might just be enough time left to do that.*"
  2305. >CC: "*Negative Aloe, against the rules. Engine and/or suspension failure both qualify for automatic DNF's. Again sorry. Box now.*"
  2306. >You haven't been this dissapointed in a long time.
  2307. >As the leaders pass by, lapping you, you pull into pit lane hitting the engine killswitch allowing the car to just coast to the garage.
  2308. >The scream of still operating machines and cheering fans fill your ears as you enter your garage stall nose first. Your day officially ending.
  2309. >As you climb out, some of your pit crew give you a pat on the back. There was definitely nothing you could do about this. It was a racing incident. Shit happens.
  2310. >With a low sigh you take off your helmet and Nomex balaclava allowing your long, shiny blue mane to get some fresh air.
  2311. >You notice some of the male crew members from Lotus' pit crew are staring while you flip your mane out of your face. With a smile you give them a playful wink in their direction.
  2312. >Some flustered stallions quickly put their focus back on the TV monitor. Heh, Flirting was always a spirit lifter.
  2313. (End Aloe's perspective)
  2315. Lap 50/60
  2316. >Up in the circular "Mercedes Grandstand" as its called back home. Three of your most loyal fans are deeply enjoying themselves as they watch the Grand Prix go into it's final laps.
  2317. >The forth, being Rarity, went to the bathroom about 15 minutes ago.
  2318. >Up in one of the upper rows of the grandstand, their seats give them a very nice view of the raceway:
  2319. >PP: "Any idea how many laps are left? I lost count."
  2320. >AJ: "Ten. It says so on that video-board over yonder." she says as she points over to the end of pit lane. A large video-board is setup there displaying to the grandstands live footage of the race along with race positions and lap times.
  2321. >PP: "Now where was THAT this whole time!?" She exclaims throwing her arms forward.
  2322. >AJ: "Right there Pinkie, never moved." She says giving out a laugh.
  2323. >RA: "I'm back! And with snacks!"
  2324. >Funnel cakes for everyone! She passes them down the row as she asks:
  2325. >RA: "Did I miss anything?"
  2326. >PP: "One of the SPA Racing cars left the race for some reason."
  2327. >Fluttershy, wearing a set of noise cancelling headphones with a noticeable antenna, chimes in.
  2328. >FS: "Aloe retired from the race with a malfunctioning gearbox. Her engine was also about to blow so they decided to pull it in as to not bring out the safety car."
  2329. >Everyone looks at her with a kind of "How the fuck do you know that?" look.
  2330. >FS: "Radio broadcast." She says pointing to her right ear.
  2331. >PP: "Oh well duh! That's why shes been quiet the entire race!"
  2333. >FS: "Oh OH! Anon's coming in to pit again!"
  2334. >AJ: "Come on boy don't screw this up!"
  2335. >They all eye the Video-board as the cameras are trained on your car.
  2336. Lap 51/60
  2337. >As they lower your car, Soarin retakes the lead.
  2338. >Nearly everyp0ny around the four of them cheers as he does so. Rarity though, gives an opposite exclamation.
  2339. >RA: "NO!"
  2340. >FS: "It's ok Rarity, Soarin still needs to pit as well. Just look at em."
  2341. >Soarin is visibly having trouble keeping the car steady with heavily worn tires. The rear end keeps threatening to come out from under him every time he touches the throttle exiting a turn.
  2342. >You exit pit lane a few seconds behind the Wonderbolts Racing machine. Half a second behind you is Rainbow Dash. Thunderlane just now went in leaving you three ahead of the field by a large margin.
  2343. >PP: "AWESOME!! There's Dashie right there!"
  2344. >FS: "Hopefully she can get out ahead of Soarin and Thunderlane after her next pit stop. Twilight just told her to pit in."
  2345. >You and Dash speed out of view towards turns 5 and 6 as Thunderlane exits pit road. The rest of the field of 10 cars has also come in to replace their tires. Thus putting a huge 10 second gap in between the first 4 cars and 5th.
  2347. FS: "There he goes. Soarin's in."
  2348. >Soarin pulls his #6 blue and yellow racing machine into pit lane.
  2349. >2.5 seconds later you fly past both the entrance of pit lane and Soarin giving you the lead once more.
  2350. >As you tackle the "Coca-Cola Kurve", Dash enters pit lane as well with her heavily blistered tires.
  2351. >PP: "YEAH!!! GO ANON GO!!!"
  2352. >You've pretty much got this race in the bag, just don't mess up any of the next turns for nine laps.
  2353. Lap 52/60
  2354. >Soarin successfully pulls into his pit stall. His pit crew getting to work replacing the tires.
  2355. >Rainbow passes by him on the way to her pit box at the end of pit lane. But just before she goes to turn in, she kinda, maybe, fucks up a tad. Just a little bit.
  2356. >Only slightly.
  2357. >RA & FS: "Oooooo"
  2358. >AJ: "Oh what the buck Rainbow." She says as she facehoofs
  2359. >PP: "WOW! How do you spin out going that slow? Seriously!?"
  2360. >As Soarin speeds off on fresh rubber, Rainbows pit crew get the car turned around as quickly as they can.
  2361. >They replace the OBVIOUSLY spent tires with new Options as its only a 8 lap stint now, and send her off.
  2362. >Thunderlane has retaken 3rd place because of Dash's incident. Making a 4 second gap between 3rd and 4th.
  2363. >But as Rainbow exits pit lane and tries to get back in the groove of things, she is greeted in her mirrors with an all too familiar sight.
  2364. >The #4 machine of Vinyl Scratch.
  2366. >AJ: "Wasn't Scratch all the way back in seventh a few laps ago?"
  2367. >FS: "Yes, She got a really good pit stop last lap. Like really, really good."
  2368. >PP: "Come on Dashie! You can hold her off!"
  2369. >Going into turn two Vinyl gets on the inside of Dash after she goes a little wide. Taking 4th position just before turn 3.
  2370. >PP: "Oh um... Well buck."
  2371. >RA: "The poor mare is just falling apart out there."
  2372. >FS: "Its just cold tires, she was pushing them too hard too early. Vinyls pressure didn't help at all either. Once they warm up I believe Rainbow will easily take her position back."
  2373. >AJ: "You sure?"
  2374. >FS: "Positive."
  2375. ----
  2376. (Rainbows perspective)
  2377. TS: "*Focus Rainbow. You've only got-*"
  2379. >Cant focus with somep0ny talking into your ear. Fuck that's annoying.
  2380. >Whats even more annoying is that YOU SPUN AT WALKING SPEED IN PIT LANE.
  2381. >You don't even know how the hell you did that. All of a sudden the car was just like "NOPE".
  2382. >Celestia Dammit.
  2383. >Now this blue maned cunt has just passed you cause these damn tires aren't warmed up yet. FUCK.
  2384. >If you haven't noticed yet, You're mad as shit. Seriously. Like "The rage of a thousand white hot blinding suns of hateful fury" mad.
  2385. >Vinyls fucking right rear tire isn't going to have air in it for much long-
  2386. >ANON: "*Rainbow.*"
  2387. "Wha-"
  2388. >His voice flipped something like a light switch inside you. One second you're willing to take out another driver along with yourself, the next second, you're calm. Like nothing even happened.
  2389. >Something about that mans voice...
  2390. "*Yeah?*"
  2391. >ANON: "*Don't do anything stupid. Just pass her.*"
  2393. Lap 56/60
  2394. >You caught back up to Vinyl a lap ago. Getting past her has been a different story.
  2395. >Needless to say, you're not calm anymore.
  2396. >Shes blocked every attack you've given her frustrating you to no end.
  2397. >And with the laps winding down, you need to make a move that works. Like now.
  2398. >Following inches behind the black and neon blue Bass Cannon Racing machine, you jink right just before the braking point of turn 7.
  2399. >You slam on the brakes very late, immediately going past Vinyl.
  2400. >The down side is that the right front tire locked up. Forcing you to the outside of the turn.
  2401. >Vinyl capitalizes and turns inside you. She hits the throttle and easily takes back 4th.
  2402. >Ok... Lets try this AGAIN.
  2403. >Again you are right behind her heading out of the esses of turns 8 and 9. You can use the DRS against her now coming up to the back stretch.
  2404. >Exiting the Bit Kurve for the 56th time you hit the KERS and DRS buttons on your steering wheel.
  2405. >As you move to the left to pass Vinyl she again swiftly moves to block.
  2406. >Knowing this was coming you instantly turn right getting on the inside of her. But to your surprise she keeps veering right heading towards the turn 12 kink.
  2407. "Woah! WOAH!"
  2408. >Wanting to avoid wheel to wheel contact you run half of your car off the track and over the curb of turn 12.
  2409. >Numerous mini shocks score through your body as you run over the rumble strip.
  2410. >During this, the floor pan of the car makes contact with a rise on the curb itself. Sending a sudden painful jolt straight through your spine.
  2411. "AHH-!"
  2412. >There is no cushioning in the drivers seat. You are literally sitting on a carbon fiber mold of your equine form centimeters from the ground. Yes that hurt like a motherfucker.
  2414. >You head back onto the racing surface biting your lip through the pain, focusing on the chicane ahead of you.
  2415. >Side by side you both head into turns 13 and 14. You are NOT going to make this easy for her. Not after THAT bitch move.
  2416. >Shifting down from 7th to 2nd you begin to turn left. As you do, you gently force Vinyl towards that savage speed bump from hell designed to deter corner cutting.
  2417. >Her left front makes contact with the curb and sends the left side of her car airborne.
  2418. >As Vinyl lands though, she doesn't give you any room coming up to the other turn of the chicane forcing you to hit the second curb with your right front. Thus sending the right side of your car airborne.
  2419. >The landing only amplifies the pain in your back from just a few moments before.
  2421. >Filled with a new found rage you manhandle your machine towards the last turn of the circuit forcing your car back to the inside of Vinyls car.
  2422. >At the same time you hit the apex of turn 15, Vinyl gets her car right next to yours trying to force you into the wall.
  2423. >Oh hey look, Your tires are perfectly lined up side by side!
  2424. >You veer left making just enough contact to not cause any damage but to get your damn point across.
  2425. >That point being:
  2427. (End Rainbows perspective)
  2429. >Back track about 30 seconds to before Dash was forced off the road at turn 12. We return to the Mercedes Grandstand where every individual is at the edge of their seat watching the video board as Vinyl and Rainbow fight for position.
  2430. >The entire facility is enthralled with this battle for 4th. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions are pretty much decided for unless something happens out of their control. So this battle is the most exciting thing happening on the circuit at the moment.
  2431. >PP: "There she goes! There she goes!! Shes got her now!" Pinkie cheers as Dash makes her move heading towards turn 12.
  2432. >AJ: "Whoa!" she exclaims as everyone sees Dash forced off by Vinyl.
  2433. >A thick cloud of dust and sparks form behind Dash. A wave of "OH!"s echo through the grandstands.
  2434. >Shortly following that you could hear a few boos and jeers directed towards Vinyl. Seems like everyone is taking Dash's side on this fight.
  2435. >The exclamations from the stands only become louder as both drivers violently bounce through the chicane.
  2436. >RA: "Oh my!"
  2437. >At the same time that happens, you make your way through turn one marking lap 57/60. None the wiser of the events unfolding.
  2438. >Your friends watch intently as Rainbow regains control of her car and gets on the inside of Vinyl once more. The quick and sudden movements of her machine tell how angry shes getting.
  2439. >The crowd notices Vinyl trying to force Dash into the wall and begin to jeer, harsher this time.
  2440. >Boos quickly turn to enthusiastic cheering and applause when Dash bumps into Vinyl at the apex of turn 15.
  2442. >Vinyls car is forced wide following the wheel to wheel contact allowing Rainbow to take 4th position for herself. Dash puts a huge gap between her and 5th on account of Vinyl spinning her tires in anger trying to make up for lost ground.
  2443. >No traction control on the car remember?
  2444. >As Dash eases into turn one, her friends all cheer for her.
  2445. >AJ: "WOOO! Now that there was some racin! GO RAINBOW GO!!"
  2446. >RA: "Did anyone else happen to get an adrenaline boost from that?"
  2447. >PP: "Oh you've got to be kidding me!"
  2448. >AJ & RA: "What?"
  2449. >FS: "That." She says as she points towards the video board.
  2450. >A graphic on the screen says "Incidents involving car #2 and car #4 are under investigation by The Stewards."
  2451. >Rarity's next words pretty much describe what everyone is feeling after seeing that.
  2452. >RA: "Oh great."
  2453. ----
  2454. Lap 60/60
  2455. >Finally. The last lap.
  2456. >You're tired and thirsty. Arms feel like jelly right now.
  2457. >Come on dude you can do one more lap. JUST DO IT.
  2459. >As you guide the car through turns 5 and 6, you see the spectators up in the stands cheer you on.
  2460. >Heh. This feeling never gets old.
  2461. >The feeling of success. Working hard and earning it. That, along with the sensation you get during acceleration, is what you live for. Ever since you plopped yourself down in a go kart at age 4.
  2462. >Alot has happened since then. You've raced in many different leagues, made scores of friends and rivals alike.
  2463. >Now you're in a completely different dimension filled with pastel colored equines. But competition is all the same, no matter where you go apparently.
  2465. >Here it is. The final turn.
  2466. >You hit the brakes. At the same time you pull the downshift paddle twice shifting down from 5th to 3rd gear.
  2467. >Twisting the wheel to where its upside down, you turn your car through the right hander of turn 15.
  2468. >Hitting the apex you ease back on the throttle gradually shifting up in gears as the car makes its final scream down the front straight.
  2470. >Finish line.
  2472. >You raise your fist to the sky and yell in celebration. Your pit crew hanging from the pit wall fence at the end of pit lane pumping their hooves in your direction.
  2473. >You direct the car next to the pit wall to give your team a celebratory "fly by".
  2474. >After that Twilight comes in over the radio. This next conversation is broadcasted all through Equestria for everyone to hear.
  2475. >TS: "*YES! YES YES YES YES!!!! YOU DID IT ANON!!! The first Grand Prix EVER in Equestria and you can claim it as yours! Well done!*"
  2476. "*WHOOOO! YEAH! We all earned this one Twilight. You guys did a fantastic job back there. Thank you! YES!*"
  2477. ----
  2478. Baltimare Grand Prix final results + points standings:
  2479. 1. Anonymous - 25
  2480. 2. Soarin - 18
  2481. 3. Thunderlane - 15
  2482. 4. Rainbow Dash - 12
  2483. 5. Vinyl Scratch - 10
  2484. 6. Spitfire - 8
  2485. 7. Cloud Chaser - 6
  2486. 8. Lotus - 4
  2487. 9. Flitter - 2
  2488. 10. Blossomforth - 1
  2489. 11. Aloe - 0
  2490. 12. Octavia - 0
  2492. >As you drive down pit lane for the final time today, each team is applauding you as you go by each respective garage.
  2493. >You enthusiastically respond by revving the engine sharply a few times. You love that noise, but holy shit you cant wait to get out of this thing.
  2494. >Up ahead of you is the area marked off for the first 3 finishers of today's Grand Prix.
  2495. >You park the car directly in the center of the area where a sign displays a large number "1".
  2496. >Soarin's blue and yellow machine joins you to your left, his spot marked "2".
  2497. >And claiming the 3rd place spot is Thunderlane as he positions his vehicle to your right.
  2498. >A massive crowd has formed around the three cars, flashbulbs going off like strobe lights capturing the sight.
  2499. >You unbuckle your 6 point harness and squeeze your way out of the cramped drivers seat.
  2500. >Ahh, sweet relief. It feels good to be able to freely move your limbs again.
  2501. >You do a mix of celebrating and stretching as you raise your fists to the sky. Seeing the Cloudsdale Weather team right next to the rope guarding the area, you run over to them.
  2502. >They all hug the ever-loving shit out of you when you run into the team of p0nies. A few seconds more of that and they let you go.
  2503. >You walk back over to the car and notice the rear wing. There they are.
  2504. >Even though your car, the one that was brought into Equestria along with you, has been repainted with a new livery, The grayscale Rainbow Dash cutie mark logos still remain.
  2505. >When the car was repainted, they repelled every bit of paint sprayed on. Seems like they're there for a reason now.
  2506. >You tap that area of the wing a few times and head on to the drivers podium. You've got a LONG night of celebrating ahead of you.
  2508. >Its now a couple hours after the race ended. Everyone who is a part of Cloudsdale Weather Racing is celebrating your win in the ball room of the driver and crew quarters building.
  2509. >You are sitting over at the bar enjoying a nice drink. Cant help but feel that something is missing though.
  2510. >Suddenly the Cloudsdale Weather spokesp0ny you talked to before the race greets you with a pat on the back.
  2511. >JOE: "There you are! The man of the hour! Congratulations on that win there son."
  2512. "Thank you sir."
  2513. >JOE: "Yes now. concerning your bonus."
  2514. >Oh yeah!
  2515. >JOE: "Rainbow managed to get fourth. We wanted to see a one-two finish, but as a stallion of my word, 5000 bits will be deposited straight to both of your bank accounts today as you both did finish in the top 5."
  2516. >Fuck yeah.
  2517. "Wow. Again thank you. Seriously."
  2518. >JOE: "Don't mention it boy. You earned it."
  2519. >As he walks off, it hits you. Rainbow! That's whats missing!
  2520. >You get up from your seat and hurriedly look around for a visible light spectrum.
  2521. >A few minutes pass by and you've searched all throughout the ball room. Not a sign of your team mate anywhere.
  2522. >Is she dissapointed? She shouldn't be. 4th is a respectable finishing position.
  2523. >No wait... She started 3rd, spun out in pit lane, had to deal with Vinyl. Yeah never mind that last thing you thought.
  2524. >As you continue to look for her, you spot Twilight over talking with a few crew members.
  2525. "Hey Twi! You seen Rainbow anywhere?"
  2526. >TS: "The care center. She got escorted there after the race was over complaining about back pain. It looked like she was hurting pretty bad. Like, she needed help out of her car."
  2527. >Uh oh...
  2529. End part 2
  2531. Chapter 14
  2533. "Where is the care center?"
  2534. >TS: "Next door."
  2535. >Oh. Duh.
  2536. "Come on, lets go check up on her."
  2537. >You leave the ball room heading towards Rainbows position. Twilight immediately following behind you.
  2538. >Back pain after a race is never a good sign. Either the custom seat was bad or she hit something. Hard.
  2539. >Her scuffle with Vinyl might be the cause of it.
  2540. >You don't know what exactly happened yet. Haven't been able to catch up on any play-by-plays of the race.
  2541. >So you do the next best thing and ask the p0ny who had every bit of info at her hoof tips during the Grand Prix.
  2542. >Yeah that one, the one walking next to you.
  2543. "Any idea what might have caused the pain?"
  2544. >TS: "On her telemetry, the suspension showed a spike when she went off at turn 12 on lap 56. I think her floor pan hit the curb itself."
  2545. >Holy fucking shit OW.
  2546. >You know exactly what that feels like. Not fun.
  2547. >To compare it to anything, it would be like an MLB player taking a baseball bat to your lower back.
  2548. >Shes gonna be sore all the way to the Grand Prix in Fillydelphia 2 weeks from now.
  2549. >TS: "Her bouncing at the chicane after that probably didn't help."
  2550. "Yeah no. Shes hurt."
  2551. >Exiting the drivers quarters you both make the short walk to the care center.
  2553. >You two enter the care center and inquire to an assistant to where Dash might be.
  2554. >The p0ny directs you to the room shes in. The second down the hall on the right.
  2555. >You both enter and see her sitting along side a doctor.
  2556. >In a wheelchair.
  2557. >Twilight gasps as you yell:
  2558. "Oh my god! Rainbow!"
  2559. >RD: "Calm down you drama queen, It's not as bad as it looks like."
  2560. >Well that's a relief.
  2561. "Okay, one: Fuck you, and two: How bad is it?"
  2562. >RD: "I'm not paralyzed so it isn't that bad. It just hurts to walk and fly right now. That's why I'm in this thing."
  2563. >The doctor then speaks to you.
  2564. >DOC: "It's only a mild back sprain. She should be fit for racing again before the next Grand Prix."
  2565. >He then turns to Rainbow.
  2566. >DOC: "Rainbow, You will still be a bit sore, so be careful going around that circuit in Filly. I heard the chicane there is even more treacherous than this one is."
  2567. >RD: "You're kidding me."
  2568. "No he's right. The curbs are bigger and a wall sits right next to the track at the exit."
  2569. >RD: "Fuck."
  2570. >Couldn't have said it better yourself. That "Wall of Champions" is notable for a reason.
  2572. >After saying goodbye to the doctor, you three begin to leave the care center when Dash calls out to you.
  2573. >RD: "Oh Anon! Guess who's in charge of pushing me around now."
  2574. >You can see from a mile away where this is going.
  2575. "Yourself. You have arms. Use em."
  2576. >RD: "But I'm tired. I Just did an hour and a half of racing."
  2577. "Uh... Me too?"
  2578. >RD: "Just fuckin push me."
  2579. >Fuckin lazy ass Rainbow Dash.
  2580. ----
  2581. >Its time to pack up and get ready to start heading out. You three head out of the care center, You yourself assisting Rainbow in her chair of course.
  2582. "Twilight. How will we get our cars to the next grand prix?"
  2583. >TS: "Everything for every team is teleported to the next circuit by Celestia herself. Shes the only one who can perform that large of a task and do it right."
  2584. "Ok, neat. All we need to worry about is our own personal stuff."
  2585. >TS: "Yep. That and transportation to the next circuit."
  2586. >Entering the very 'Embassy Suites' like lobby of the drivers quarters, You three head to each of your respective rooms.
  2587. >Conveniently, you're all on the same floor. On the elevator ride up, Dash asks.
  2588. >RD: "What is the name of the next track again?"
  2589. "Circuit Villep0ny."
  2590. >TS: "Nope! Not anymore. They changed it."
  2591. "What? What is it now?"
  2592. >TS: "Fillydelphia Street Circuit. Seems like they figured out that the old name is literally 'P0nyville' switched around."
  2593. >HA! Holy Shit it is! So much for that.
  2595. >The Elevator doors open up, top floor. Twilight turns toward her room as you guys head on to yours.
  2596. >TS: "I'll see you guys in a few."
  2597. "Later."
  2598. >On the way to your room, Dash looks up to you.
  2599. >RD: "You know I'm gonna need help packing right?"
  2600. "What? Dash needing help? This is a first!"
  2601. >The sarcasm coming out of you is palpable.
  2602. >RD: "Oh fuck you I'm injured."
  2603. "Only kidding. I'm not just gonna leave you at your door." You say as you ruffle up her mane. Rainbow quickly batting your arm away.
  2604. >You reach Dash's room and she hands you her room key.
  2605. >*Swipe*
  2606. >*Beep*
  2607. >*Click*
  2608. >Equestria has definitely gotten a bit more modern since you've shown up about 5 months ago.
  2609. >You walk in and begin helping her pack her things.
  2610. >As you would expect, not alot to pack. Unlike human females she doesn't have a plethora of clothes, shoes, and accessories she has to take with her.
  2611. >RD: "I'll get my toiletries from the bathroom. It takes a lot to keep a mane looking this good."
  2612. "How do you mean? Do you color it?"
  2613. RD: "HA NO! Wow, that would a BITCH to maintain. This shit is all natural. I just have to use a lot of shampoo & conditioner which I need to keep track of cause it's very expensive. Rare mane color and all that."
  2615. >Expensive eh? Guess we should tell her the good news.
  2616. "Things being expensive might not be a problem anymore. Remember that spokesp0ny that talked to us before the race?"
  2617. >She speaks to you from inside the bathroom.
  2618. >RD: "No... Wait, ye- HOLY SHIT DID WE GET IT!?"
  2619. "Well I won and you got fourth right?"
  2620. >RD: "FUCK. YES. DUDE. If I could get out of this chair I would hug the shit outta you right now."
  2621. "Think about this for a second" You say as you pack the last of Dash's things in her bags. "If I win the next Grand Prix, Its pretty much guaranteed that we'll both be splitting that 200,000 bits."
  2622. >50 championship points will put you so far in the lead, all you'd have to do at the Grand Prix of P0nyville is start the car and the championship is yours.
  2623. >RD: "As amazing as that sounds, Don't think that's your ticket for me to go easy on you next race. I wanna win just as badly as you do."
  2624. "Yeah, so do 10 other drivers."
  2625. >RD: "Forget them. This is our show! Cloudsdale Weather at the top baby!"
  2626. >As you two finish packing up, There is a knock at the door.
  2627. >RD: "Who is it?" She yells out.
  2628. >??: "Just open the door."
  2629. >Oh god, you know exactly whose voice that was.
  2630. >You get up and cautiously open the door to reveal...
  2631. >RD: "-You-"
  2633. >VS: "Look, I didn't come here to stir up trouble okay? I'm already in deep shit with my team, I don't need more on top of that."
  2634. >RD: "Then what is it?" She says still in that flat tone. You go over and take a seat on the bed.
  2635. >VS: "I came to apologize. When I saw you get pulled out of your car by three other p0nies I knew something had happened. And seeing you here like this proves it."
  2636. >RD: "Yeah."
  2637. >VS: "So I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you injured."
  2638. >Not such of a cunt after all eh?
  2639. >RD: "Ok, Even though that was a real bitch move out there, you're forgiven. For now.
  2640. >Vinyl nods.
  2641. >RD: "I still have to deal with this pain though. So as long as this hurts, don't expect me to be nice to you."
  2642. >VS: "Fair enough."
  2643. >She begins to walk out as you ask:
  2644. "So does this mean you'll race us cleaner next time?"
  2645. >VS: "Buck that."
  2646. *Slam*
  2647. >Welp.
  2648. >A few moments of silence pass by as Vinyl walks away.
  2649. >...
  2650. >RD: "Shes still a cunt."
  2651. "Eeyup."
  2653. ----
  2654. >A few hours later. Its now getting close to sundown. You, Dash, and Twilight are at the Baltimare train station, luggage in hand/hoof, patiently awaiting the next train to P0nyville.
  2655. >It's two weeks till the next Grand Prix. So no need to travel to Fillydelphia yet. Track doesn't open for activity till that Thursday.
  2656. >All you would do for a week and a half is look at the circuit. How fun.
  2657. >Plus it would be good to get back to the library. The one place that feels like home here to you.
  2658. >Sure it's not your luxury condo overlooking the coast of Monaco. But it has the same feel.
  2659. >A place where you can wind down, relax, have a nice drink, and read a good book.
  2660. >Ah, It's soothing just thinking about it.
  2661. >You need to thank Twilight soon for her hospitality. You've been living along side her and Spike for a while now. No need to come across as a mooch.
  2662. >RD: "Hey look! The race highlights are on!" She exclaims as she points over to the other side of the room.
  2663. >Sure enough there was a large flat screen up in the corner of the waiting area. Race highlights in full view.
  2664. >Of course, what do they show first out of everything? You launching yourself off of that curb before the race even started.
  2665. >Jeez you got some air! Travis Pastrana would be proud.
  2666. >What made you do that again? Oh yeah! Rainbow was getting ready to tell you something.
  2667. >Before you stopped her...
  2668. >Oh fuck.
  2669. >You look over to Rainbow. Her ears are folded down and shes looking away from you. Blushing lightly.
  2670. >She remembers too, and it very well might be what you think...
  2672. >You are not ready for it.
  2674. Chapter 15
  2676. >Fuck.
  2677. >Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.
  2678. >This is about as awkward as anything can get right now.
  2679. >What do you do? What do you say?
  2680. >You're an F1 Driver! You had women crawling all over you back home! Why is this so hard for you!?
  2683. "So..."
  2684. >...
  2685. >RD: "Yep..."
  2686. >...
  2687. "What... was that all about anyway?"
  2688. >RD: "...What?"
  2689. "What you said before the race."
  2690. >RD: "Oh THAT haha! ...Um."
  2691. >Nervous laughter. Shit.
  2692. >You really don't wanna hurt her feelings by saying no. However, You don't wanna be considered a horse fucker either.
  2693. >Well lets not get ahead of ourselves. It might not be that.
  2694. >She probably was going to say something completely different back there.
  2695. >RD: "I was gonna say that I like you...?"
  2696. >WELL. She just went out and fucking said it. Didn't she?
  2698. >TS: "Hey guys, the trains he- Whats wrong?"
  2699. >Couldn't you have come back just a few seconds before hand Twi? Geez...
  2700. >She comes back seeing you with a wide eyed, straight ahead stare, and Rainbow with a look of ever growing dissapointment.
  2701. >You shake your head to break yourself out of that state. Then you look to Twilight.
  2702. "Nothing. Lets just go. Trains gonna leave with out us."
  2703. >Even through the current situation, you grab Dash's chair and push her towards the train car you're scheduled to board.
  2704. >TV: *Anonymous ends up taking the victory at EquineRing by a large margin. Everyp0ny in Cloudsdale Weather Racing are probably living it up right now as we speak!*
  2705. "..."
  2706. >RD: "..."
  2707. >TS: "...?"
  2709. ----
  2711. >30 minutes have passed by.
  2712. >30 silent, awkward, mind numbing minutes. Cant this train go any fucking faster?
  2713. >Sitting on the left side of the train car. You stare out of the window gazing at the constellations in the night sky, trying to forget everything.
  2714. >Dash, across from you on the other side, is making that hard for you.
  2715. >Twilight sensed something going on, so shes further back in the car to give you two some space.
  2716. >Not a word has been said by anyone since you boarded, and there is still a couple hours left before you reach P0nyville.
  2717. >The gentle rocking of the train going down the tracks is relaxing. Enough to almost send you into a deep sleep.
  2718. >Almost.
  2719. >RD: "Am... Am I supposed to take this as... a no?"
  2720. >God dammit.
  2722. >Careful bro. This is your teammate here.
  2723. "No. Dash. It's not a no."
  2724. >RD: "Then what?"
  2725. >...
  2726. "I don't know. I..."
  2727. >Shes looking at you with a worried expression. Ears perked up awaiting a response.
  2728. >...
  2729. "I just need time to think about it okay."
  2730. >...
  2731. >RD: "So... Does that mean there is still a chance?"
  2732. "There might be. Don't count on it though."
  2733. >...
  2734. >...
  2735. >RD: "Can I just say something?"
  2736. >...
  2737. "Shoot."
  2738. >She exhales from holding her breath after asking you that.
  2739. >RD: "...These past five months have been absolutely amazing. I've never had anyp0ny come into my life that had such an impact on everything."
  2740. >...
  2741. >RD: "You have changed my life Anon. If you never showed up here, I would probably be sitting in my room right now, looking out the window, dreaming of the day that I was accepted into the Wonderbolts or something."
  2742. >Yep, Shes letting her feelings pour out.
  2744. >RD: "It's because of you that I am traveling across Equestria doing something that is fun as hell, and not sitting back at home just day dreaming. That, I feel, is why you mean so much to me. Over the months I've slowly begun to get feelings for you. Every moment we spend together. Every time we make fun of each other. Even every lap we drive out there, those feelings grow. I think we have a strong connection, you know? More than just teammates in a racing league."
  2745. >You stare out the window as she continues.
  2746. >RD: "But if you don't feel the same way... I understand. I was foolish to think that I could get with someone like you."
  2747. "Don't be like that."
  2748. >...
  2749. "I haven't said no. Like I said before, I just need to think about it."
  2750. >RD: "Why?"
  2751. "The cross-species thing... It's looked down upon where I'm from."
  2752. >...
  2753. >RD: "Is that it? That's the only thing stopping you?"
  2754. "Pretty much yeah."
  2755. >...
  2756. >RD: "You are aware that I'm sentient right? I can talk to you. I'm not some mindless animal. I mean come on! I can Fucking drive a Formula One car Anon."
  2757. "I know, I'm aware."
  2759. >RD: "What more do you need then?"
  2760. "Time."
  2761. >RD: "How much?"
  2762. >...
  2763. "Give me until the next Grand Prix. Two weeks should be enough time to wrap my head around this."
  2764. >After that sentence. You go back to closing your eyes. Not another word was said the whole trip back.
  2765. >You've never seen this side of her before. You mean alot to her apparently.
  2766. >Usually shes brash and has a take-no-prisoners attitude. But this.
  2767. >You get the feeling that this side of her isn't even seen by the other Elements of Harmony.
  2769. >*She truly cares about you. She just poured her heart out all over the floor for you. And you're gonna deny her just because she happens to be a p0ny?*
  2771. >That's pretty much the idea brain.
  2773. >*You heartless fuck.
  2774. >Lets look beside the fact that she is a p0ny.
  2775. >Behind this multicolored equine, there is a human-like personality.
  2776. >Horses back home aren't intelligent beings, of course. They cant hold a conversation with you.
  2777. >But Rainbow Dash here can. She can form complex thoughts. Convey emotions.
  2778. >And like she said. She can pilot a fucking F1 car, and damn good at that. A feat only a select few humans can even accomplish.
  2779. >Also, to be honest, she isn't that bad looking either.*
  2781. >Ok brain, Now you're creeping me out.
  2783. >*Listen you. Has Twilight given you any indication that she found your old home yet?
  2784. >No? Exactly. Lets be honest here, She has no idea where to begin to look. She pulled you out of your dimension by accident. It was a fluke.
  2785. >The odds of you seeing another human female in your life are slim to none.
  2786. >You were lucky that Celestia basically became the next Bernie Ecclestone so you didn't have to lose your precious sport.
  2787. >But if you want any kind of companionship in the near future, you're gonna have to make some sacrifices.
  2788. >It has been close to half a year now. You have to be at least getting a little lonely? Right?*
  2790. >Yeah...
  2792. >*You do enjoy spending your time with her. Do you not?*
  2794. >Yep.
  2796. >*I'll leave you with those thoughts Anon. The P0nyville stop is coming up. Enjoy the Pinkie victory party.
  2797. >You have two weeks to decide, and let me tell you something.
  2798. >Shes not gonna wait forever.*
  2800. >Your eyes open.
  2801. >...
  2802. >Was that a dream?
  2804. >You rub your eyes and groan, you apparently dozed off for a couple of hours.
  2805. >Oh hey look, we made it to the P0nyville stop. Your dream was right about that.
  2806. >...
  2807. >You look over to your right. Dash has dozed off as well.
  2808. >Shes leaned over to the left in her chair. Breathing in a soft, calm pattern. A single strand of drool dripping to the floor.
  2809. >That's honestly pretty fucking adorable.
  2810. >You stand up and grab your belongings, then walk over to Rainbows wheelchair.
  2811. "Dash." you whisper, nudging her arm lightly.
  2812. >RD: "*snort* Huh wuh?"
  2813. "We're home."
  2814. >RD: "Oh, ok."
  2815. >Man she looks tired.
  2816. >Twilight walks over to you from the back of the car and says to you after yawning.
  2817. >TS: "I know this might not be the best option right now. But because Rainbow can't fly home, shes going to have to stay with us at the library till she can fly without pain, or until we leave for Fillydelphia. Whichever one comes first."
  2818. >Oh god. This is going to be a long week.
  2820. >You three depart from the train station heading on back to the library.
  2821. >Dash has dozed back off again. The Grand Prix must have taken alot out of her.
  2822. >Dude, shes in a wheelchair. No shit it took alot out of her.
  2823. >That and it is pretty late. You can hear that bed calling your name.
  2824. >After everything that has happened today, you could use a good 10 hours of sleep.
  2826. >After a fairly long walk along the main street of P0nyville. You three finally reach the library. Twilight begins to look in her saddlebags for her key.
  2827. >While she does, you remember what you thought just before the race highlights back in Baltimare interrupted your night.
  2828. "Hey Twi." You whisper, as to not disturb Rainbow.
  2829. >TS: "Yeah?"
  2830. "Thanks for, you know, giving me a place to call home this whole time I've been here. You really didn't have to."
  2831. >TS: "Oh you're welcome Anon. It's no problem. Now if I could just find this damn key."
  2832. >Hmm... Thinking back to that dream. Didn't it say something about a party?
  2833. >TS: "Found it."
  2834. >Specifically a Pinkie Pie-
  2835. >*creak*
  2836. >"SURPRIIIIIIIIIIISE!!!!!!!!"
  2837. >-victory party... Holy shit what the fuck?
  2838. >The surprise startled Dash awake. Twilight didn't fair any better.
  2839. >They both quickly regain their composure though, after recognizing all of your friends in attendance.
  2840. >This is cool and all but, that dream. It told you about this.
  2841. >It told you about arriving at the P0nyville train station too.
  2842. >Does that mean-? All those other things-?
  2843. >...
  2845. Chapter 16
  2847. >It's now the morning after Pinkies victory party.
  2848. >Well, afternoon really.
  2849. >The library is a mess. Cloudsdale Weather banners and other random shit litter the floor.
  2850. >You are in your bed still sleeping, even though somep0ny ended up spilling some kind of red wine on it last night.
  2851. >Giant red splotch at the foot of the bed.
  2852. >You would've cared, but after 4 hours of a Pinkie Pie party ON TOP OF everything else that happened yesterday, there were no spare fucks lying around anywhere.
  2853. >At the stroke of 1:00 PM, your eyes finally decide to pry open. Awesome, you slept through half of the day.
  2854. >Why is it that beds are so goddamn comfortable when you wake up?
  2855. >You feel like you could lay in here forever. You want to at least.
  2856. >This soft thing you're spooning at the moment just makes it even more comfortable.
  2857. >Wait. Soft thing? SPOONING!?
  2858. >Suddenly panicking out of your mind, you frantically flip your comforter away to reveal...
  2859. >Another one of your pillows.
  2860. >Hooooooooly shit. Okay, breathe. Breathe.
  2861. >You flop back down from your sitting position, deciding at the same time that 2 more hours of sleep doesn't seem like such a bad idea.
  2863. >Right as soon as you decide that, your door swings open.
  2864. >TS: "Hey Anon."
  2865. "Yeah?" You say in a slightly annoyed tone.
  2866. >TS: "You up?"
  2867. >Really?
  2868. "No."
  2869. >TS: "Then why are you-? Nevermind. We need help cleaning up this place. Come on."
  2870. >You might as well. It's not like shes given you a home your whole time in Equestria.
  2871. "Sure. Gimme a sec to get dressed."
  2872. >You flip the comforter away again, toss the pillow across the room, sit up, and head towards your closet.
  2873. >RD: "Hurry up you slow ass piece of shit!" Dash yells from the other room.
  2874. >Rainbow's up too, and back to her old self it sounds like. Cool.
  2875. >It doesn't have to be awkward as fuck now apparently.
  2876. "Did you really just call ME slow? Who finished fourth yesterday?" You say with a shirt over your head.
  2877. >Dash pokes her head through your door.
  2878. >RD: "Come say that to my face. Right now."
  2879. "Later. Getting dressed."
  2881. >Now fully clothed, you exit your room entering an utterly destroyed library. Like holy shit.
  2882. >Not structurally destroyed, no. There is just stuff everywhere. Cups, streamers, spilled snacks.
  2883. >Must have been an awesome party.
  2885. >TS: "There you are. Go ahead and just start picking things up off the floor."
  2886. >And you do just that, getting as much as you can in your arms and heading over to the trashcan.
  2887. >Twilight is using her magic to clean up the stains from spilled drinks.
  2888. >Rainbow is walking around grabbing up all the banners and streamers from the walls.
  2889. "Hey no wheelchair! Back feeling better eh?"
  2890. >RD: "Yeah! I can walk without any problem now. Just needed a good nights sleep I guess. Still hurts to fly for more than 5 seconds though."
  2891. "It's improving at least."
  2892. >RD: "Feels like it. Here, hold these for a second."
  2893. >She drops her pile of banners and streamers into your arms, then walks away.
  2894. "Wait, what? Where are you going?"
  2895. >RD: "What? Why are you just standing there? Throw that shit away." She says, giving you a sly smile.
  2896. >Oh you sneaky little...
  2898. >An hour later, you three have finished cleaning up the entire library. The place looks spotless now.
  2899. >TS: "Thanks guys. This would've taken forever to do by myself. How does lunch sound right now?"
  2900. "Amazing."
  2901. >TS: "Be right back, I'll go fix something up for us."
  2902. >Twilight heads off into the kitchen, Dash then looks up to you as you both head to the dining room table.
  2903. >RD: "Crazy party eh?"
  2904. "Yeah, Pinkie is scary with that cannon of hers. Pulling it out of fucking nowhere, seriously, the fuck?"
  2905. >RD: "HA! That's Pinkie for ya."
  2907. "You seem a little too normal right now concerning what we went through last night."
  2908. >RD: "What part of last night? The train ride home?"
  2909. "Yep. That part."
  2910. >The both of you take your seats at the table.
  2911. >RD: "Anon, listen. Just because I happened to confess my feelings for you doesn't mean I'm going to act any different from now on. We're adults, this isn't high school."
  2912. >Makes sense. This next week all of a sudden doesn't seem like its going to be as long anymore.
  2913. >RD: "I know that it was awkward as shit last night. But that was mainly because you didn't say a damn word for 30 minutes after we got on the train."
  2914. "Well yeah. What about you're nervous stuttering? You even said "I was gonna say I like you" Like it was a question."
  2915. >RD: "Of course I was a nervous wreck at first! Anyp0ny is when you're about to say you like someone to their face. But during the party I decided: You know what, Im not gonna act like Fluttershy for the next two weeks. I'm gonna be like the way I've always been."
  2916. "I'm perfectly fine with that."
  2917. >RD: "I knew you would be."
  2918. >Twilight then comes back with some delicious looking salads for the three of you, along with a rolled up poster.
  2921. >Using her magic she levitates each of you your plates. All while unraveling the poster on the table.
  2922. >TS: "Look familiar?"
  2923. >Both you and Rainbow bring yourselves closer to the center of the table in order to get a better view.
  2924. >RD: "Is that the next circuit?"
  2925. "Looks like it."
  2926. >TS: "Yes, This is the map of the Fillydelphia Street Circuit. Felt like this would be the best time to study it and get ourselves ready."
  2927. >RD: "Looks fast as hell."
  2928. >You have no fucking idea Dash.
  2929. >At the end of that straightaway before turn 12. Speeds can reach 208 MPH. Yeah.
  2930. >Those speeds combined with the fact that the walls are right at the edge of the track at most places create a fast, tight, and even more hectic race.
  2931. >It's no Monaco, But fuck is it still challenging. Every corner except 2, 6, and 10 are fast corners.
  2932. >Yes, turns 12 and 13 are fast. Even though that's a chicane, the car is capable of going through there at triple digit speeds.
  2933. >Whatever you do going through that corner, don't look straight ahead. You will shit yourself.
  2934. >There is a wall there, not a runoff area, a solid fucking wall. You fuck up that chicane and your car wont have four wheels anymore.
  2936. >TS: "The DRS detection zone is right here before the hairpin, the activation line right after at the beginning of the back stretch. Making the hairpin and backstretch the two prime overtaking spots on the track."
  2937. >She says as she points to those spots on the map.
  2938. >RD: "Question. If you're behind someone at the detection line and then pass them going through the hairpin, does that mean we still get DRS at the activation line even though we're ahead of em?"
  2939. >TS: "Yeah. You should."
  2940. "I've done that before, Its hilarious."
  2941. >TS: "Also, The circuit is a tad bit shorter in length so there are 70 laps this time around. I was thinking for tire strategy we would go ahead and do Options at first, then Primes the rest of the way."
  2942. "Sounfds gud." You say with a full mouth of food.
  2943. >RD: "Any good tips from the F1 master himself?" Dash says looking to you, resting her head on a hoof.
  2944. "Keep your eyes on the road here."
  2945. >RD: "Well no shit." She says, rolling her eyes.
  2946. "No, I'm serious." You say, pointing your fork at her. "Don't look at the walls unless you wanna hit em. There is barely any room for error here."
  2947. >RD: "Alright, Ill take your word for it. *sigh* Well now I'm bored. What do you guys wanna do?"
  2948. >TS: "I dunno."
  2949. >Hmm...
  2950. >Idea. You just got one.
  2951. "How quickly can you get into contact with Celestia?" You say looking to Twilight.
  2952. >TS: "A few minutes, why?"
  2954. One hour later.
  2956. >RD: "*Cant catch me!*"
  2957. "*Bullshit I can't!*" You reply shifting to seventh gear.
  2958. >You two are flying down the backstretch of P0nyville Circuit well above 200 mph. Racing for the hell of it.
  2959. >Because you fucking can.
  2960. >You told Celestia that the team needed to do some "Research and Development." That's how you were able to get your cars teleported back here.
  2961. >But yeah, there's none of that happening right now. Just straight up balls-to-the-wall one-on-one racing.
  2962. >You couldn't believe what kind of challenge Dash put into place before you two drove out.
  2963. >She said "10 lap race, loser buys drinks tonight!"
  2964. >That was your old teammates challenge EVERY weekend. Heh, good times.
  2965. >But now there are two laps to go, and shes well ahead of you.
  2966. >You're not losing this challenge this time.
  2967. >Directly behind Dash in her slipstream, DRS and KERS engaged, you hit 219 MPH heading to the braking point of turn one.
  2968. >Oh yeah. The cars are set up properly for the track this time around. High speed, low downforce.
  2969. >You brake late, but its only enough to get just a bit closer to Rainbow. Not enough to pass.
  2971. >Both machines scream through the sweeping right of turn 2, Dash just ahead of you heading into turn 3.
  2972. >You quickly jink left, looking inside of her coming towards the second chicane. But immediately get back behind her. Not overtaking yet.
  2973. >You stay right behind her like a nagging mother through turns 4, 5, and 6. Never letting up.
  2974. >Now's your chance.
  2975. >You plow through turn 7 using every bit of track available to keep your momentum up.
  2976. >It works, and you're now gaining ground on your teammate.
  2977. >She veers right to block, So you go left to keep yourself from slowing down, successfully getting on the outside of her.
  2978. >You two are side by side for a few moments speeding in excess of 205 mph.
  2979. >DRS and KERS are engaged as you fly down the backstretch slowly getting ahead of Rainbow.
  2980. >Thinking you've cleared her, You begin to veer right to get ready for Curva Parabolica.
  2981. >Just as you do, a jolt rocks you in your seat.
  2982. >Suddenly you're spinning down the backstretch uncontrollably at an insane speed. You see Dash's car also going sideways down the racing surface beside you.
  2983. >You two just fucking crashed into each other. Good job you dipshit.
  2984. >Entering the gravel pit backwards, bouncing violently, you come to a stop just before you cream the ARMCO barrier. That was close.
  2985. >Dash grinds to a halt right beside you almost making contact with your left sidepod. You look to your left and you two are face to face. Shes close enough that you could reach out and touch her car.
  2986. >You both kill your respective engines, open up your helmet visors, and at the same time yell.
  2991. >Accident loosely based off of this one:
  2993. Chapter 17
  2995. >If you just tuned in with us, Both Anon and Dash collided at 205 MPH going down the backstretch of P0nyville Circuit a few moments ago.
  2996. >Wheels touched, Anon's tire blew, Dash's front wing disintegrated, there was spinning. Oh it was a mess.
  2997. >So let us take you now to the turn 8 gravel pit where they are standing beside their cars, peacefully discussing what just took place.
  2999. >RD: "What do you mean I hit you!? You're the one who turned into me!"
  3000. "Well gee Dash, THERE WAS A TURN COMING UP. You shouldn't have crowded me on the edge of the damn track!"
  3001. >RD: "Oh my CELESTIA, you're an imbecile. YOU HAVE MIRRORS! USE THEM!"
  3002. "What? And get forced off the track by a pony who knows full well that shes slow as shit?"
  3003. >RD: "Excuse me!? Who was leading the first 8 laps here!?"
  3004. "Only the last lap counts you cyan fuck!"
  3005. >Oh, that line struck a nerve. She rears back, getting ready to jump tackle the fuck out of you, but just before she does...
  3006. >*CRACK*
  3007. >Enter, stage left: Twilight Sparkle.
  3008. >TS: "ENOUGH! What the HELL is wrong with you two!?"
  3009. >RD: "Well nothing would be wrong if Anon here wasn't such an IDIOT."
  3010. "Oh my fucking god."
  3011. >TS: "I SAID ENOUGH, BOTH OF YOU. Seriously, you're teammates. You should not be acting like this."
  3012. >Twilight then walks over next to your cars giving out an annoyed groan after noticing the damage.
  3013. >TS: "This is going to take FOREVER to fix."
  3014. >The initial wheel to wheel impact caused your right rear tire to explode along with shattering a few carbon fiber suspension rods back there. The rim is still attached to the car, albeit barely.
  3015. >Dash's car suffered a shattered front wing and fractured left front suspension rods.
  3016. >Other than all that, everything else on the cars are alright.
  3017. >"What do you mean forever? Can't you just magic it all fixed right here?"
  3018. >TS: "I could if the parts were still here! Your rear suspension is half gone Anon. I can't create matter."
  3019. >Well shit.
  3020. >TS: "At least you guys are ok." She says, sighing. "I'm taking the cars back to the garage with me. You two can walk back."
  3021. >Three successive cracks of magic and Twilight is gone with both of your cars. Leaving you two by yourselves in the gravel runoff area.
  3022. >RD: "This is so your fault." Dash says, looking straight ahead.
  3023. "Please. It's at least 60-40."
  3024. >RD: "The 60 percent being?"
  3025. "You. duh."
  3026. >Dash sighs as you two grab your helmets off the ground and begin your trek back to pit lane.
  3027. --
  3028. >God damn this track is longer than it seems.
  3029. >Well, not going around it at breakneck speed will make it seem that way.
  3030. >The entire ribbon of asphalt is 3.6 miles long. That's fairly big for a circuit. In the amount of time that you could do one lap in the car, you two haven't even gotten past all of turn 8 yet.
  3031. >Walking along the tracks racing line, you notice Rainbow is having a bit of trouble walking while holding into her helmet.
  3032. >Shes holding it under her front leg. Grunting every other step just trying to walk like that.
  3033. >Back must be acting up again. High speed accidents are never good when you have an injury.
  3034. "Want me to take that helmet off your hooves?"
  3035. >She then looks up at you with those mean eyes.
  3036. >RD: "Iv'e got it, thank you very much. I can walk fine as a tripod."
  3037. "You sure? I mean I'm positive that you would be more comfortable if I-"
  3038. >RD: "Just take the stupid thing." Dash says as she tosses it to you.
  3039. >You clumsily catch her helmet by the chin strap while trying to hold on to your own as well.
  3040. >Having a firm grasp on it now, you hold it by the chin bar while having yours tucked under your left arm.
  3041. >RD: "If we're not able to race in the next Grand Prix because of this, I'm gonna murder you."
  3042. "If worse comes to worst, we'll just be racing in one of our FOUR spare cars. There is no way we'll miss it."
  3043. >RD: "Oh yeah, I forgot we had those."
  3044. >A few more moments of silence pass by as you reach the end of turn 8. Entrance of pit lane in view.
  3045. >
  3046. >RD: "Look, I'm willing to not be as mad at you if I can see a replay of what happened."
  3047. "No one was filming us."
  3048. >RD: "Don't the cars have cameras on them?"
  3049. "Well, that T shaped camera pod, yeah."
  3050. >RD: "Why don't we just look at the feed from those?"
  3051. "We could if Twi recorded us. I highly doubt she did though."
  3052. >RD: "Dude, she took you seriously when you said we were doing Research and Development."
  3053. "Oh. Ok. Lets go see what happened then."
  3054. >RD: "You're gonna see that you turned straight into me. I know what I saw."
  3056. >After what seemed like a 30 minute walk, you and Dash have arrived back at the garage.
  3057. >The two of you standing just outside, You see Twilight over at the rear of your car repairing the suspension as sparks of magic fly through the air.
  3058. >Dash's F1 machine is over on the other side of the garage completely fixed. Apparently it didn't have any parts missing other than the front wing.
  3059. >That's an easy fix in itself. Just put a new one on and bam, done.
  3060. >RD: "Ha. Looks like I'm racing at Filly!" Dash says, sticking her tongue out at you.
  3061. "Oh shut up, I am too. Look at her go."
  3062. >The sparks cease as Twilight stops what shes doing, apparently finished with the repair. She gives out a long exhale, then lifts the car up about a foot off the ground with her magic.
  3063. >Damn, That's 1300 pounds she just lifted. That is some strong magic ability.
  3064. >The car, enveloped in a light purple aura, fires up as she gives the car one final look over.
  3065. >The cutie mark "decals" on your rear wing glow brightly as Twi gives the engine a few good revs to see if the rear tires are spinning freely. They do.
  3066. >For good measure, she gives the car full throttle for a few seconds checking to see if her repair job can take it. A thunderous backfire echoes through the facility as she releases the throttle.
  3067. >Shes her own fucking dynamometer. Holy shit this mare.
  3068. >Content with her work, Twi gently sets the car back down after shutting the engine off. She then looks to you two.
  3069. >TS: "All fixed!"
  3070. "That didn't take forever." you say as you set both yours and Rainbows helmets down.
  3071. >TS: "I may have exaggerated a bit. But still, don't do that again."
  3072. "Sorry Twi."
  3073. >RD: "Yeah sorry. Also, we were wondering if there was anyway where we could see a replay of the crash."
  3074. >TS: "That's no problem, follow me. I can tell you right now that it looked like it was just a racing incident. You're both equally to blame."
  3076. >You two follow Twilight over to the pit wall gantry and grab a seat in front of the wall of monitors.
  3077. >Typing in a few things, Twi pulls up both of your on-board camera feeds at the same time for you to see.
  3078. >The feeds begin showing both of you speeding through turn 7. A surprised Dash quickly notices the way you drove the car through the corner.
  3079. >RD: "So THAT'S how you were able to get past me."
  3080. >TS: "Shh. Watch."
  3081. >You watch as your car creeps past Rainbow's left side going down the back stretch at over 200 mph.
  3082. >Rapidly approaching turn 8, Dash is right up beside you forcing you to the left edge of the track, almost putting you into the grass.
  3083. >You turn in causing your rear and Dash's front tire to make contact. Blowing your tire and destroying Dash's front wing.
  3084. >In hindsight, you did turn in a bit early. About 50 feet before you needed to.
  3085. >TS: "See Anon? You began your turn a tad too early. But nothing would have happened if you didn't crowd him at the edge of the track Dash."
  3086. >RD: "Yeah."
  3087. >She looks over to you.
  3088. >RD: "You're still an idiot."
  3089. "And you're still a bitch."
  3090. >*Punch*
  3091. "Ow!"
  3092. >That was your ARM!
  3093. >TS: "Are we good!?" Twi says as she glares at the both of you. "Cool. I'm locking down the cars now. No more driving till we're in Fillydelphia. Got it?"
  3094. >Fuck.
  3095. >RD: "How do we decide who buys drinks tonight now?"
  3096. "Rock, paper, scissors?"
  3097. >They both look at you with quirked eyebrows.
  3098. >RD & TS: "What?"
  3099. >Oh, right. Hooves. Fucking duh.
  3100. "Nevermind. I'll buy, it's no biggie. Iv'e got 5000 bits to spend."
  3101. >RD: "Sounds good to me!"
  3102. >Of course it does.
  3105. >Toiletries, check.
  3106. >Shirts, check.
  3107. >Pants, check.
  3108. >Socks & underwear, check.
  3109. >Looks like you're all good to start heading to Fillydelphia.
  3110. >Oh wait, yeah, should mention the time skip.
  3111. >Its now the next Wednesday from when you and Dash had your accident. The track opens up for the first practice session tomorrow.
  3112. >Unfortunately, because the track itself is downtown on an island in the middle of a river, there isn't a driver and crew exclusive hotel in the infield. You ended up having to book a hotel yourselves.
  3113. >The hotel your staying at is a nice one at least. Fucking five star suites with an overlook of the river and the track itself. Each of you having your own rooms.
  3114. >Dash really wanted to share a room. Like, REALLY wanted to. But you declined for obvious reasons.
  3115. >Your excuse was that if anything happened between you two out on the track like what happened last week, Dash would most likely not even let you in the room.
  3116. >She replied with a "Good point. That sounds like something I would do."
  3117. >Yeah fuck that. During a Grand Prix weekend, you want your own damn bed.
  3118. >A relationship between two drivers can get real shitty real quick if they wrecked each other.
  3119. >Yeah...
  3120. > ...Not that you two are in a relationship or anything.
  3121. >Nope.
  3123. >Well, not yet at least.
  3125. >OK. Yeah, quite honestly the mare has started to grow on you over the past week. Shut up.
  3126. >Shes just like the kind of girl you wanted back home. A confident and badass woman who appreciates your sport.
  3127. >Back home those kind of girls were so few and far between that you didn't have the chance to get to know anyone like that.
  3128. >But right there is that kind of girl, and she likes you, ALOT.
  3129. >But shes a p0ny.
  3130. >
  3131. >Slowly but surely you're beginning to look past that. Because other than that shes pretty much the perfect girl for you. The fact that shes a driver makes it just that much better.
  3132. >Oh, and how you're planning on letting her know, cause she thinks you're still not ok with it, is going to be the perfect form of payback.
  3133. >Remember how she almost slipped the then shocking news to you just before the damn Grand Prix a week ago? Making you send yourself into a curb? Yeah.
  3134. >You're going to do the same thing to her, just a little bit more directly than she did it.
  3135. >Right before you two strap in to your cars this Sunday, you're gonna walk up to her, not saying a word, and just plant one right on her lips in front of Celestia and everyp0ny. Then walk away like nothing happened.
  3136. >Shes either gonna channel that giddy energy she'll get and put it to good use, or crash into the pit wall.
  3137. >RD: "Ready Anon? Twilight and I are." Dash says through the door of your room.
  3138. "Oh. Yeah, all set."
  3139. >RD: "Then lets go. We have 30 minutes to get to the train station before our ride leaves us."
  3140. >So you three depart from the library. A very eventful weekend ahead of all of you.
  3141. >In more ways than one.
  3143. ----
  3144. >Hey look, another time skip because Fuck you that was a boring train ride.
  3145. >RD: "That ride was boring as hell."
  3146. >TS: "No kidding. Glad we're finally here."
  3147. >See?
  3148. >It's around 8:00 PM. You have arrived in Fillydelphia at the train station situated in the middle of downtown, and the first thing you notice is holy shit are they hyping this Grand Prix up!
  3149. >Banners and flags by the hundreds line the streets advertising the upcoming race. It's like the way Baltimare was but tenfold.
  3150. >Twilight noticeably gets an uneasy feeling looking around.
  3151. >TS: "Uh... We should get to the hotel before anyone sees us."
  3152. >RD: "Good idea. Where is it?"
  3153. >TS: "Few blocks down this street. Lets go."
  3154. >With a sense of urgency, you three start down the busy street hoping that no one notices you.
  3155. >If you are noticed, there is a good chance you three are going to get swamped.
  3156. >Somep0ny has to recognize you at least. Being the only human in this world, you kinda stick out.
  3157. >You winning the last Grand Prix definitely isn't helping the current situation at all either. Everything knows what you look like.
  3158. >RD: "Coast is clear so far."
  3159. >How? No idea.
  3160. >Huh, this city looks alot like one you would see back home. There is even a Starbucks at the first intersection you cross.
  3161. >Apparently they didn't need a horse pun for that one. Buck is already in the name. Heh...
  3162. >Uh...
  3164. >...Everyp0ny sitting in the outside area of that Starbucks is wearing Cloudsdale apparel...
  3166. >"Hey look! Its Anon and Rainbow Dash!"
  3167. >Fuck.
  3168. >"Oh my gosh it is!"
  3169. >AAAAAnd they're all coming at you now.
  3170. >TS: "RUN!"
  3173. >Successfully outrunning the large crowd of caffeinated fan mares, the three of you enter the revolving doors of your hotel, breathing a sigh of relief.
  3174. >RD: "Whew! That was a close... Whoa..."
  3175. >Whoa is right. The lobby of this place is modern and sleek as fuck. There are even interactive TV monitors in the walls.
  3176. >IN the fucking walls.
  3177. >For 250 bits a night, it better look like this.
  3178. >Twilight looks at both you and Rainbow with your jaws agape and lets out a laugh.
  3179. >TS: "Hehe. I knew you guys would like this place. Come on, lets go check in."
  3180. ---
  3181. >Alright. All of you each have your own rooms for the weekend. Up on the top floor, of course.
  3182. >Twilight, Dash, and yourself have rooms 1504, 1505, and 1506 respectively. The view should be really nice up there.
  3183. >From the front desk, you look to your right noticing that interactive TV again. So you decide to take this opportunity to walk over and check the weather forecast for this weekend.
  3184. >You hit the "Weather" button on the touch screen pulling up the forecast for the next 7 days.
  3185. >Thursday: Sunny, 83° F. Light wind.
  3186. >Nice.
  3187. >Friday: Partly cloudy, 80° F. Light wind.
  3188. >Practice will go smoothly. Now what about qualifying?
  3189. >Saturday: Heavy rain, 73° F. Windy.
  3191. >RD: "What?" Dash says walking up to you, noticing your pissed expression.
  3192. >All you do is point to the monitor. Dash fully understanding the situation.
  3193. >RD: "Celestia dammit."
  3195. >If there is one thing that you two absolutely HATE about this sport. Its the rain.
  3196. >Yeah. A team that's sponsored by a weather factory hates racing in wet weather. Who would've thought?
  3197. >Anyway. In the dry, You're a great driver. You can make that car do things that barely anyone else can.
  3198. >But in the wet? Your skills seem to go out the damn window. It's like being in a completely different fucking car, and you have no idea how to drive it.
  3199. >It just has to rain on the day of fucking Qualifying no less. Fuck.
  3200. >There goes your pole position hopes. How does Sunday look?
  3201. >Sunday: Sunny, 85° F. Calm. The perfect day pretty much.
  3202. >RD: "I guess we have a reason to use those wet weather tires now."
  3203. "I'm not looking forward to it."
  3204. >RD: "It cant be as bad as that testing session in Baltimare a few months ago."
  3205. "Just you wait, shits gonna get scary real quick."
  3206. >Street circuit = Walls. Barely any runoff areas here. You're piloting skills have to be top notch.
  3207. >A car that weighs so little and has that much power is extremely sensitive and twitchy in the wet. More so than it already is in favorable weather.
  3208. >So you're going to have to be ABSOLUTELY PERFECT with your inputs in order to just survive the session at this track. One wayward twitch of the foot and your careening into the nearest concrete barrier.
  3209. >You sigh as you walk over with luggage in hand and hit the UP button for the elevator. Teammate and crew chief right behind you.
  3210. >*Ding*
  3212. >*Ding*
  3213. >Here we are, fifteenth floor.
  3214. >You step out and take a left from the elevator down the blue carpeted hallway, heading toward your room.
  3215. >Looking at how far apart the doors are spaced in this hallway kinda give you a hint at how big these suites are gonna be. Pretty damn big.
  3216. >1508, 1507, ah there's yours, room 1506.
  3217. >As you swipe the room key, Dash passes by you on the way to her room.
  3218. >RD: "See ya tomorrow then eh?"
  3219. "Yeah, later."
  3220. >You open the door to a dark room, so you flip the swit- DAMN!
  3221. >Slowly walking in, you look around yourself in awe. It's like you stepped into a fucking house! Kitchen, living room, bedroom, everything!
  3222. >The first thing you notice when you enter the living room is the massive flat screen television staring back at you. That's gotta be at least 55 inches. Fuck yeah.
  3223. >You eventually break your attention away from the TV remembering that you're on the top floor of the building. So you walk over to the closed curtains and swiftly pull them apart.
  3224. >The view that reveals itself is one that literally takes your breath away.
  3225. "Wow..."
  3226. >Equestria sure is a colorful place. This view just exemplifies that. That sunset is fucking beautiful.
  3227. >And there is the massive circuit down below. Sitting off shore of the river going through the city.
  3228. >Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, the track this one is a perfect recreation of, is definitely in your top 5 favorite tracks list. You cant wait for tomorrows first practice session.
  3229. >RD: "Nice view isn't it?"
  3230. "WHOA!"
  3231. >You just got startled so bad that you nearly fell over.
  3232. "How the fuck did you get in here?"
  3233. >Rainbow, lounging on your couch, replies.
  3234. >RD: "We got connected rooms! All of us did. Twilight's connects to mine too."
  3235. >Who the fuck designed this hotel!?
  3237. Chapter 18
  3239. "Connected rooms eh?"
  3240. >RD: "Yep!" she says as she scoots herself into the cushions of your couch.
  3241. "And I'm guessing you're not going back to yours."
  3242. >She puts a hoof to her chin and looks up to the ceiling. Contemplating the thought.
  3243. >RD: "Nah."
  3244. >Well isn't that great...
  3245. "Alright, I'm going to bed. Have fun in here!" you say, beginning to walk towards the bedroom.
  3246. >RD: "Wait, what? Why are you going to bed now? It's only 9 o' clock."
  3247. "Because. Practice session. Tomorrow morning. I'd rather be rested than WO-"
  3248. >Before you could finish your sentence. Dash has flown from the couch, grabbed you, and sat you down on said couch.
  3249. >Rainbow, sitting herself down next to you on your left, pokes you in the arm and says "You are not allowed to go to bed yet."
  3250. >Oh boy.
  3251. "Oh yeah? why not?"
  3252. >RD: "Because. Massive television. In front of you. We are watching whatever is on."
  3253. >Massive television does make for a good argument.
  3254. "Fine." you say rolling your eyes.
  3255. >RD: "Good. Here you go!"
  3256. >Dash passes you the remote.
  3257. >Well not really 'pass', more like 'throw'.
  3258. "Fuck!"
  3259. >*catch*
  3260. "...Right."
  3261. >You get yourself comfortable by putting your arm up along the backrest of the couch and crossing your legs in a reclined position.
  3262. >As you hit the power button. Rainbow snuggles into your side getting herself comfortable.
  3263. >...
  3264. >Whatever.
  3266. >*Good evening, you're watching the EBC world news.*
  3267. >RD: "Ugh. what else is o-"
  3268. >*Formula One's penalty enforced on driver Vinyl Scratch at the end of last weekends Grand Prix has been met with some criticism. Were the Stewards too harsh?*
  3269. >That piqued both of your interests.
  3270. "Scratch got another penalty?"
  3271. >RD: "I would fucking hope so! But what do they mean by 'too harsh'?"
  3272. >*During the final laps of the Baltimare Grand Prix, Scratch battled with fellow competitor Rainbow Dash for fourth place. Tempers escalated and contact was made multiple times on lap 56. Although Rainbow came out of the scuffle out in front of Vinyl, she suffered a minor back sprain.*
  3273. >RD: "We know what happened. Get on with it!"
  3274. >*Because of the incident, Bass Cannon Racing received a 4000 bit fine. Additionally, Vinyl Scratch has been warned that if she were to cause another accident in the upcoming Fillydelphia Grand Prix resulting in the harm of a driver, A two year ban from competing in the sport will be placed on her racing licence."
  3275. >Holy shit. Yeah that's a bit much.
  3276. >RD: "What the hell? I wasn't hurt that bad."
  3277. >*Much of the outcry has come from fans of Bass Cannon Racing, along with a few others. Soarin of Wonderbolts Racing had this to say a few days ago:*
  3278. >*S: "I would understand the penalty if Rainbow was hurt worse than she actually was. But a 4000 bit fine for something that minor? I feel like I need to line my car with pillows if this is how bad the penalties are going to be."*
  3279. >*Click*
  3280. >Annoyed slightly, you change the channel.
  3281. "Enough of that. I was never one for watching debates."
  3282. >Rainbow looks up to you from your side.
  3283. >RD: "But that concerned us dude. We're drivers."
  3284. "You want to avoid unreasonable penalties? follow the fucking rules. It's that simple. Vinyl knows that rough driving is heavily frowned upon."
  3285. >RD: "Yet she still drives like that."
  3286. "Some drivers are just naturally stubborn. I've seen some stubborn pilots before and trust me, that p0ny is one of the worst."
  3287. >No one back home had such a disregard of the rules. I mean, fuck dude. Two penalties and a ban warning. That's gotta at least tell you something about her.
  3288. >Although, you might have to have a chat with Celestia about these Stewards. Rainbow wasn't maimed, the most Vinyl should have gotten was a 10 second penalty and MAYBE a one race disqualification.
  3289. >RD: "Alright, I don't feel like watching a deep sea documentary. Keep going."
  3291. >*Click*
  3292. >RD: "No."
  3293. >*Click"
  3294. >RD: "Nope."
  3295. >*Click*
  3296. >RD: "Daring Do! YES! Keep it here!"
  3297. >Daring do?
  3298. >Oh yeah! You remember now. This got Dash into books, yeah.
  3299. "Hmm. You know, she kinda looks like you."
  3300. >RD: "Everyone says that. I'm thinking about going as her for this years Nightmare Night."
  3301. "That'd be c-"
  3302. >RD: "Shhhhh. Its starting!" she says, jabbing you in the side.
  3303. >Ow.
  3305. --
  3307. >*DD: "You won't get away with this Ahuitzotl!"*
  3308. >*A: "Oh, but I already have!"*
  3310. *zzzzzz*
  3311. >RD: *zzzzzz*
  3313. >Yep. No matter how exciting this movie may be. You both have fallen asleep right there on the couch.
  3315. ----
  3317. That morning.
  3319. >Twilight, being the early bird that she is, Got up and began to search for you two.
  3320. >You're not in Dash's room so the only other place would obviously be yours.
  3321. >Twilight peeks her head in through the door linking the rooms.
  3322. >TS: *Yawn* "Hey you guys in here? OH MY!"
  3323. >Twilight quickly retreats back into Dash's room upon seeing the both of you sleeping there.
  3324. >Only it doesn't quite look like you two are sleeping.
  3325. *Snort* "Wha-?"
  3326. >TS: "IMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRY! I didn't mean to walk in on you!"
  3327. >Walk in? On what?
  3328. >You look down.
  3329. "Uhhhhhh..."
  3330. >Over the course of the night, Dash somehow got positioned in a way to where she is face down in your crotch.
  3331. >That explains alot.
  3332. >Okay. Slowly take the p0ny off of your lap, and...
  3333. >*Thud*
  3334. >Onto the floor. Smooth.
  3335. >Well, shes a heavy sleeper if anything.
  3336. >Personal check. Clothes are still on, zipper is still up. So nothing happened. She just slipped down. Alright.
  3337. "It wasn't what it looked like Twi."
  3338. >TS: "I bet."
  3339. >You walk over to the door connecting the rooms and peek your head in.
  3340. "Seriously, my zipper was still up. Were good. She got like that while we were sleeping apparently."
  3341. >Twi exhales, then says "And here I thought she was giving you a quickie."
  3342. >Damn, were all a bit blunt with each other this morning. Aren't we?
  3343. "No, we fell asleep watching the Daring Do movie. Then we got like that somehow. Lets just drop it okay, whats for breakfast?"
  3344. >TS: "The hotels got a huge breakfast buffet down stairs. Wanna go?"
  3345. "Yeah."
  3346. >TS: "Then get Rainbow Dash up."
  3347. >Challenge accepted.
  3348. >You walk back into your room to see Dash still sleeping like a log on the floor.
  3349. >Getting down on one knee, you begin to try to get this equine awake.
  3350. "Hey Dash." You say while shaking her shoulder.
  3351. >Nothing.
  3352. "Dash."
  3353. >You shake her a little harder.
  3354. "RAIN BOW."
  3355. >Fast asleep. Snot bubble forming from her snout.
  3356. >Gross.
  3357. >Alright, Time to bring out the big guns.
  3358. >You walk over to the kitchen in your room, grab a cup, and fill it to the brim with water.
  3359. >Then you walk back to where Dash is laying, and while standing over her, proceed to pour the entire contents of the cup on her face.
  3360. >RD: "WA- Pfftftfffftf. Ptoo- What the hell!?"
  3361. "Mornin' sleepy head."
  3362. >RD: "Geez, couldn't find another way to get me up or something?" she says shaking herself dry.
  3363. "Yeah, exactly."
  3364. >RD: "And why am I on the floor?"
  3365. "You fell off the couch last night. Come on lets go to breakfast. Twilight and I are starving."
  3366. >RD: "Okay, okay. Lemme get dry, dick."
  3368. ---
  3370. >Fast forward 30 minutes.
  3371. >After having enjoyed a nice breakfast in the hotels very sophisticated cafe, the 3 of you have hailed a taxi carriage, and are on your way to the Fillydelphia Street Circuit.
  3372. >Slowly.
  3373. >Very slowly.
  3374. >TS: "Sweet Celestia. Can't you get this thing going any faster!?"
  3375. >The frustrated cab driver replies "I'm trying ma'am but the traffic is insane right now!"
  3376. >TS: "Find a shortcut or something! We have 45 minutes before practice starts."
  3377. >CD: "On it!" He pokes his head out the window. "WHERE'S YOUR TURN SIGNAL ASSHOLE?!"
  3378. >Carriages have turn signals?
  3379. >TS: "I completely forgot that this city is notorious for its traffic."
  3380. "I bet we're not helping in the slightest."
  3381. >RD: "Probably not, no."
  3382. >A Formula One event does have a tendency to bring in a whole lot of people, p0nies in this case, to one location at the same time.
  3383. >Whats even better is that the track is on an island, and there is only one bridge linking it to the mainland.
  3384. >Granted, it does have 3 lanes on each side, but that apparently still isn't enough.
  3386. ---
  3388. >35 minutes have passed by and you haven't even gotten 3/4 of the way there.
  3389. >Right now, you are halfway across the bridge. The track is in sight, but you're still pretty fucking far away.
  3390. >Traffic is moving. But to be honest you could probably walk faster than this.
  3391. >Dash, with her head in her forearms, says "Don't tell me we're going to miss the session."
  3392. >TS: "We might be able to get there with 40 minutes left. That'll be enough to get some info on how the cars act here."
  3393. >*CRUNCH*
  3394. >Immediately after Twi finishes her sentence, Something forces the carriage forward.
  3395. >All of you get thrown into the front seats pretty hard.
  3396. "Shit. Ow."
  3397. >RD: "What the fuck was that?"
  3398. >The cab driver exclaims "Bucker just rear ended me."
  3399. >Great. Car accident. Perfect. Just what an F1 team in a hurry needs this morning.
  3400. "Everyone alright?"
  3401. >TS: "Yeah."
  3402. >RD: "I'm good."
  3403. >CABBIE: "I'm used to this shit." he says as he opens the door to exchange info with the guy who hit you.
  3404. >You all give unsure glances at one another, realizing your one way to get to the track has all of a sudden been rendered useless.
  3405. >RD: "Now what?"
  3407. Chapter 19
  3409. >Everything is silent.
  3411. >You're concentrating. Thinking positive thoughts.
  3413. >Calming your mind.
  3415. >Soothing the senses.
  3417. >Preparing yourself for today.
  3419. >Breathe in.
  3421. >...
  3423. >And out.
  3425. >...
  3428. >Holy hell that's loud!
  3429. >So much for trying to relax.
  3430. >Note to self, remember to ask when the engine test fires are next time.
  3431. >You fold your ears down and cover them up with your hooves. The volume is getting a little bit too high. A musician never wants to damage their hearing.
  3432. >As one of the engineers check over your black and neon blue F1 machine. You look over to the other side of the garage to see your teammate sitting by herself.
  3434. >Vinyl.
  3436. >She got herself into some deep shit. Just had to play rough last weekend.
  3437. >Because of her getting the team fined, we weren't able to improve the cars in any way.
  3438. >Wonderbolts Racing got a brand new front wing and a floor pan redesign, and Team Thunder was able to reformat and improve their DRS system.
  3439. >On top of that, who the hell knows what Cloudsdale Weather did with their winnings. They've probably refined their entire machine.
  3440. >We'll find out in about 10 minutes...
  3442. >Wow. You can feel the backfires from the engine in your chest.
  3443. >Throttle response is good! You can stop pumping it now!
  3444. >Damn that thing is fierce.
  3445. >You get to control every ounce of power that thing has in a few moments. Today is going to be fun.
  3446. >To think a pony as refined and sophisticated as yourself enjoys such a thing? That would baffle anyone. You think.
  3447. >When you first saw this sport, you honestly thought it was barbaric. That there was absolutely no point at all.
  3448. >Oh boy, going unnecessarily fast in a repeated loop!
  3449. >If it wasn't for Vinyls persuasiveness, you would have never tried out that simulator Celestia herself made several months ago.
  3450. >As it turns out, you're actually kind of good at driving one of these machines. Good enough to compete.
  3451. >That and adrenaline is one hell of a drug. You changed your mind about Formula One REAL quick after your first drive.
  3452. >"Octavia!"
  3453. >What?
  3454. >Oh, it's your crew chief.
  3455. "Yes sir?"
  3456. >CC: "Ready for this weekend?"
  3457. "As ready as I'll ever be."
  3458. >CC: "Alright. Over here is your goal for today. The team wants to see if you can beat it within about 10 laps."
  3459. >The unicorn directs you over to the main computer monitor at the center of the garage. You look at the time listed in fairly big font on the upper corner of the screen.
  3460. "1:17.500. Seems reasonable. One question though."
  3461. >CC: "Shoot."
  3462. "My suspension isn't going to spontaneously explode out there, is it?"
  3463. >CC: "No. The car should be in tip top condition."
  3464. >You look over your shoulder to Vinyl in the corner strapping her helmet on. Raising your eyebrows slightly.
  3465. >CC: "Don't worry about her. She knows what she did. That and shes not allowed to touch anything except for her steering wheel until further notice. Now get that helmet on and lets get you out there."
  3466. >With your helmet fitted on, you gradually slip into the cramped drivers compartment.
  3467. >While feeling for the pedals with your rear hooves, a crew member helps you fix the 6 point harness so you're absolutely strapped in. No movement.
  3468. >A sudden surge rocks your senses as this purpose built hypercar's V8 engine fires up with the help of another crew p0ny. Controlled explosions within the forged aluminum block send vibrations throughout the chassis.
  3469. >Smiling to yourself, you shudder at the feeling of such raw power.
  3470. >A horn sounds signaling the start of Practice 1. Your crew chief then turns his attention to you, addressing both you and Vinyl over the radio.
  3471. >CC: "*Alright you two, Remember your target time as you only have 10 laps to reach it. Also, we've got a packed house here in Filly, so try to keep it interesting for the fans.*"
  3472. >He turns to look at Vinyl straight in the eyes.
  3473. >CC: "*But don't get carried away.*" He says in a low, serious tone.
  3474. >VS: "*Understood.*"
  3475. >The chief nods, turns back to his monitor and says.
  3476. >CC: "*You two are cleared hot. Be safe out there."
  3477. >With that, your machine is stripped of its tire warmers and gets set down on the ground from the jacks. You shift it into first, and pull out of the garage onto pit lane.
  3478. >Woah. He wasn't kidding when he said this place was packed. The stands are filled to the brim with spectators!
  3479. >It's only Practice 1, why are there so many p0nies here?
  3480. >Breaking your attention away from the stands, you look to the left at Cloudsdale Weather's garage.
  3481. >The cars are there, but no drivers. Not a sign of Anonymous or Rainbow Dash anywhere in there. Hmm...
  3482. >Maybe they're just waiting until later to start up. Yeah.
  3483. >The end of pit lane comes quickly and you push the pit speed limiter button on the steering wheel, allowing you unrestricted access to every bit of power your machine has.
  3485. "WOOOOOOOOOO!"
  3486. >You yell in pure excitement as you speed down Fillydelphia's turn 5.
  3487. >Nothing has ever made you feel this alive before. The G-forces, the sensation of acceleration, being literally on the edge. Nothing gets better than this.
  3488. >Well, except maybe winning. Yeah, you should do that this weekend.
  3489. >You take a few laps to get yourself used to this new track. To be honest, these walls being so close to the racing surface itself makes you feel a little uneasy.
  3490. >You force those feelings down remembering that if you want to win, you have to give it your all. Don't hesitate, just go.
  3491. >Flying through the front straight on your 4th lap, you inquire to the chief what your lap time was.
  3492. >CC: "*1:18.334. Keep going Octavia, your times are improving with each lap.*"
  3493. >What!? A 1:18? This is going to be a bit harder than you thought.
  3494. >You get yourself ready to push even harder, you've only got 6 laps to improve a full second to your time.
  3495. >But just as you exit turn 2.
  3496. >VS: "*Hey Tavi.*"
  3497. >Oh what the hell does she want.
  3498. "*Yes, Vinyl?*" You say looking into your mirrors, she just happens to be right behind you.
  3499. >VS: "*I have an idea.*" she says in a surprisingly serious tone.
  3500. "*Don't you remember what happened last time you had an idea?*"
  3501. >There's a few seconds of radio silence until Scratch speaks up again.
  3502. >VS: "*Just hear me out ok?*"
  3503. >Hear her out? Now THAT's a good idea...
  3504. "Why should I?*"
  3505. VS: "Lemme say this, If I accidentally crash both of us out right here in today's session. I will put my steering wheel down, tear up my racing licence, and walk away from this sport never to return; and you know that is the LAST thing I want to do.*"
  3506. >Yeah, you know shes right about that.
  3507. >...
  3508. >Still a little hesitant, you decide to hear what she has to say.
  3509. "*What is this idea?*"
  3510. >VS: "*I'm having trouble getting to that time as well. If we want to reach our goal, We're going to have to work together. I was thinking along the backstretch we could use each others slipstream to give the one behind a boost and take turns doing that each lap. Sound good?*"
  3511. >That actually sounds like a good plan. We'll be able to get to our target time. There are a few risks to take into account though.
  3512. -
  3513. >Being behind another F1 car at high speed causes you to experience high turbulence due to the severely disturbed air left behind by the cars aero package.
  3514. >Staying in that turbulent air forces your front wing to lose most of its downforce. Bad for cornering, but amazing for straightaways. Stalling the front wing gives you a huge boost in speed.
  3515. >The other risk is that the engines in the car are naturally aspirated. No fans to cool the powerhouse down.
  3516. >The wake of a Formula 1 car is high in temperature due to its exhaust. If a car is behind another, it gets no fresh air to keep the engine at optimal temps. The car is fed hot and dirty air heating the engine up fairly quickly, potentially resulting in a total engine failure.
  3517. -
  3518. >Yeah, fairly risky, but if the whole procedure is done just right, the reward is well worth it.
  3519. >You need to get the job done, so why the hell not?
  3520. "*Lets go for it.*"
  3521. ---
  3522. Start both videos at the same time. Read along with the sound.
  3523. ---
  3524. >VS: "*Alright, I'm already right behind you, so I'll sling past first.*"
  3525. "*Ok.*"
  3526. >The both of you go through this lap about 4 car lengths from each other as to not hinder your aerodynamics in anyway throughout the technical portions of the circuit.
  3527. >You want as much aerodynamic grip as possible through the corners to get a good lap time.
  3528. >After navigating the first 2 sectors of the circuit, you steer the car through the sharp hairpin of turn 10. Scratch following 2 seconds behind.
  3529. >VS: "*Hit it Tavi.*"
  3530. >You depress two buttons on your steering wheel, KERS and DRS, and accelerate hard down the straightaway.
  3531. >Behind you, Vinyl presses the same two buttons and starts to catch your slipstream.
  3532. >Scratch begins to experience extreme turbulence as the wake from your car disrupts the airflow over her machine.
  3533. >Her front wing stalls out taking away most of the downforce. Thus she begins to speed up.
  3534. >Heading up to the braking point for the chicane, your 6 seconds of KERS run out. You're now travelling at over 205 mph down this straightaway.
  3535. >With the help you've given Vinyl though, she speeds completely past you at 209 mph heading into the chicane.
  3536. >You both brake hard and shift from 7th gear to 4th, careening through the chicane at over 100 mph.
  3537. >Vinyl powerslides her hypercar as she floors the throttle entering the home stretch going for the target time. Almost clipping the Wall with the right rear tire.
  3538. >As you both cross the start/finish line, the crew chief reveals both of your times.
  3539. >CC: "*A 1.17:281 for Vinyl, and a 1:17.840 for you Octavia. Whatever you two were doing, keep doing that.*"
  3540. >It worked!
  3541. >VS: "See? What'd I tell ya? Your turn!*"
  3542. >Repeating the same process as last lap, you fly through the twists and turns of Fillydelphia setting yourself up for that target lap time.
  3543. >Ahead of you at the beginning of sector 3, Vinyl turns into the turn 10 hairpin. You follow like she did last lap, two seconds behind.
  3544. >As soon as you see the DRS flap lift up on her rear wing, you hit the DRS and KERS buttons yet again. You start accelerating down the backstretch hitting 60 mph in 2.7 seconds.
  3545. >"There's Vinyls slipstream." you say to yourself as your car begins to rattle and vibrate violently.
  3546. >You can feel yourself accelerate up a little more than normal. The front wing must be starting to stall out now.
  3547. >Halfway down the straight catching up to Vinyls machine, the heat from the engine begins to reach your backrest seeing that it isn't getting any fresh air to keep it cool.
  3548. >Buck, that's getting a bit hot!
  3549. >Here's the braking point. You jink right to get inside of Scratch's #4 machine and fully pass her as she begins to slow down.
  3550. >The violent rattling ceases and fresh clean air enters the 3 air intakes cooling the engine back down. Sticky racing slick tires guide your car like a rail through the chicane at amazing speed.
  3551. >You get back on the throttle hard pointing the vehicle straight towards the finish line.
  3552. >After ascending up to 6th gear, you cross the line, immediately followed by your teammate.
  3553. >...
  3554. >Come on, what was it?
  3555. >CC: "*You got a 1.16:995 Octavia, and Vinyl got a 1.17:162.*"
  3556. >YES! haha!
  3557. >CC: "*We got the info we needed, you can pull em in now.*"
  3558. >Weird. You and Vinyl actually worked together to- wait what? Pull them in? The session just started!
  3559. "*You're kidding right?*"
  3560. >VS: "*These tires have at least 20 more laps in them.*"
  3561. >The radio goes silent for a few moments.
  3562. >CC: "*Don't wreck the damn things.*"
  3563. >Buck yeah!
  3565. ---
  3567. >After around 23 laps you both decide to take a break, so you turn your beast of a machine onto pit lane.
  3568. >Synchronized to the point, the both of you position your cars to be backed into the team garage.
  3569. >You both are pushed backwards into your respective garages by your team. A very happy crew chief waiting inside.
  3570. >CC: "Outstanding! Good job out there. With this I know full well we're going to be competitive on Sunday."
  3571. >Taking her helmet off in the car, Vinyl asks: "Competitive enough to win?"
  3572. >CC: "I wouldn't doubt it."
  3573. >VS: "Sweet."
  3574. >The crew members set the machines back on their jacks and reset the tire warmers on the rubber.
  3575. >Just as you take off your Nomex balaclava. A Wonderbolts Racing car on its first lap screams past the garages out on the front stretch.
  3576. >Immediately after, a loud snarling growl echos throughout the circuit. This takes the entire Bass Cannon Racing garage by surprise.
  3577. >Still sitting in the cars, you look over to Vinyl as she looks to you. Both of your jaws are agape at the absolutely brutal noise that entered your ears.
  3578. >CM 1: "What. The hell. Was that?"
  3579. >CM 2: "Sounded like a pissed off timber wolf!"
  3580. >No car has ever made that noise this season. The Wonderbolts definitely tweaked something.
  3581. >Your crew chief looks to you and Scratch with a confused look on his face.
  3582. >CC: "What in Equestria did they do to their car?"
  3584. -----
  3586. >Practice 1 has now gone on for 80 of 90 minutes.
  3587. >In the given amount of time, everyone has figured out that your team has altered the car in some way.
  3588. >In order to get what the crew chief wanted out of it, The engine mapping was changed and an all new exhaust system had to be fabricated. In turn, it makes a lot more noise.
  3589. >That noise isn't for nothing though, it serves a purpose. But that will be explained later. Right now, There are 10 minutes left in the session, and you are not at the top of the time sheet.
  3590. >Your teammate is.
  3591. >SF: "Well? Are you going to go and try to beat my time Soarin?" She says while you stare at the session times on the monitor.
  3592. "Try? hehe. Enjoy being the second fastest Spits." You say as you fit your helmet on.
  3593. >Circling your hoof in the air signaling the pit crew to start getting the car ready, you slip into the machines seat.
  3594. >Because of how highly trained your pit crew is, you are out and going in no time.
  3595. >Nearing the end of pit lane, you look into Cloudsdale Weather's garage stalls.
  3596. "Finally." You say to yourself.
  3597. >In there are both Anonymous and Rainbow Dash, frantically getting ready to make the most of the rest of this session.
  3598. >They've been missing all day and are just now heading out on track. Wonder what took them so long.
  3599. >Anyway, lets try and beat this time shall we?
  3600. >You floor the throttle exiting pit lane. The engine reacts to your input and sends all of its pure unadulterated power to the wide rear wheels.
  3603. >3 laps...
  3604. >3 laps you've attempted.
  3605. >You still cant beat Spitfires time!
  3606. >Only 10 seconds are left in the session as you cross the start/finish line. Which means this is your final lap. Only one more chance.
  3607. >As you let off the throttle and brake into turn one, fuel is injected into the exhaust system itself.
  3608. >Modified high octane liquid rainbow ignites on the hot exhaust pipes. The loud and numerous backfires created blow more air into the diffuser at the rear of the car, pulling the car down onto the road and giving the rear tires more grip.
  3609. >Using that extra grip, you power through turn 2 jockeying the throttle as to not spin the tires.
  3610. >Yeah, You've got this shit. You can feel it.
  3611. >You guide the car perfectly through turns 3 through 9. That precision and speed through there had to put you ahead of Spits by at least a quarter of a second.
  3612. >Exiting turn 9, the car flies towards the hairpin hitting 180 mph just before the braking point.
  3613. >You decelerate from 180 to 40 mph in less than 3 seconds and turn right taking the sharp turn as quickly as you can.
  3614. >After attacking such gravitational forces, you floor the throttle once more and accelerate down the backstretch.
  3615. >KERS and DRS give you a combined additional +100 horsepower as you hit those respective buttons on the wheel, accelerating you further down the very long straightaway.
  3616. >Eventually hitting a top speed of 210 mph, you let off the throttle and lay on the brakes hard for the upcoming chicane. Machine growling as the blown exhaust performs its magic.
  3617. >Thinking you've slowed down enough, you yank the wheel to the right while still holding the brakes a tad and turn in to the swift right/left bend.
  3618. >Only, you've made a slight miscalculation.
  3619. >You're going into the corner too fast and you oversteer. The back end of the car sliding out to the left slightly as the rear tires break traction.
  3620. >Lightning quick reflexes from years of combat flight training kick in and you go to correct.
  3621. >Unfortunately it isn't enough in the space your given. The still sliding rear tires hit the other curb and go airborne a bit.
  3622. >With no traction from the rear for that small moment. Your correction situates you to where you are looking directly at the Wall of Champions instead of the home straight.
  3623. >You slam the brakes to the floor, locking up the tires in a futile attempt to avoid the Wall.
  3624. >*Impact*
  3625. "Ow."
  3628. >Celestia bucking dammit! You were -that- close!
  3629. >CC: "*You alright Soarin?*"
  3630. "*Yeah. I'm fine. The car is a tripod now though.*"
  3631. >The front right suspension system is clearly toast. The wheel is not supposed to face that direction.
  3632. >CC: "*That's an easy fix. Just unbuckle yourself and come on back to the garage.*"
  3633. >As you unbuckle the 6 point harness, both Rainbow Dash and Anonymous speed past your crippled machine, finishing their respective laps.
  3634. >You take off the steering wheel, climb out of the cockpit, reattach the wheel to its mount, and begin to walk back to your garage on the other side of the pit wall.
  3635. >You won this round, Spits.
  3637. ----
  3639. >As your car is backed up into the garage, you take off your helmet and look to Twilight, laying your head on the headrest behind you.
  3640. "How'd we do?"
  3641. >TS: "You and Dash both got 7th and 5th respectively. Not bad for only 10 minutes out there."
  3642. >Dash, taking her Nomex balaclava off in her car, says. "I feel we could have done better."
  3643. "If our taxi wasn't rear ended and we got here on time then yeah we could have."
  3644. >TS: "Still. I was able to get some good info on how the cars act here. We'll be fine."
  3645. >The car felt great to you. Although some improvements here and there would never hurt.
  3647. >That reminds you. The fucking Wonderbolts.
  3648. >Yeah, you heard their car. Yeah, you know exactly what they did to it.
  3649. >And yeah, you know that Blown Exhausts have been outlawed since the 2011 Formula One season.
  3650. >When Twilight teleported you here, a copy of the 2012 FIA rules and regulations came along with you.
  3651. >You have no idea how. Maybe it was in the car for some reason?
  3652. >Anyway, This Equestrian F1 season is based on those rules. It says exactly that any form of blown diffuser, hot or cold, is forbidden from use.
  3653. >This just shows that they didn't check the rule book before they altered their machine.
  3654. >You thought about heading over to the Wonderbolts garage to confront them, but that's the Stewards job. After todays session, Celestia should be there to tell them that their car is now illegal and cant participate.
  3656. >A few minutes later, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and yourself are over at the side of the garage looking over the rule book.
  3657. >TS: "Whats it called? A blown diffuser?" She asks flipping through the pages of the book.
  3658. "Yeah."
  3659. >TS: "Do you know how it works?"
  3660. "Yep. So you know how the exhaust pipes on our car exit at the end of each sidepod right?"
  3661. >TS: "Yes."
  3662. >You grab a pen and a sheet of paper with a side profile of your machine.
  3663. "The Wonderbolts have theirs going down along the floor pan ending just before the rear tire. That forces exhaust gasses to get blown into the diffuser adding more grip. Hence the term."
  3664. >You scribble a rough sketch of what it looks like on the sheet of paper.
  3665. >RD: "Is that what makes their car snarl like a raging timber wolf?"
  3666. "No, that comes from fuel being injected into the exhaust pipes themselves. When you let off of the throttle on our car, the exhaust stops blowing. They tweaked their engine mapping to allow the exhaust to keep blowing air into the diffuser even while braking. This gives them a major grip advantage in the corners."
  3667. >TS: "Interesting."
  3668. >RD: "What? How do we even compete with that? That's not even fair!"
  3669. >It really isn't. Spitfire and Soarin were a full second faster than any of the other competitors today. Seems they've made their system as effective as Red Bull's back in 2010.
  3670. >Also, if Soarin didn't cream that wall, he would have gotten an even faster time than Spitfire.
  3671. >TS: "I don't see anywhere in here that it's illegal Anon."
  3672. >Surprised, you reply "Bullshit! Did you look through the whole thing?"
  3673. >TS: "Every page. Here."
  3674. >Twi levitates the book over to you and you begin to flip though the pages.
  3675. >Page 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42, 43...
  3677. >Wait.
  3679. >38 to 41?
  3681. >There is a page missing.
  3682. "Well shit."
  3686. Practice 1 Lap Times:
  3687. 1. Spitfire - 1:15.444
  3688. 2. Soarin - 1:15.528
  3689. 3. Octavia - 1:16.995
  3690. 4. Vinyl Scratch - 1:17.162
  3691. 5. Rainbow Dash - 1:17.271
  3692. 6. Thunderlane - 1:17.409
  3693. 7. Anonymous - 1:17.453
  3694. 8. Lotus - 1:17.830
  3695. 9. Flitter - 1:18.247
  3696. 10. Cloud Chaser - 1:18.733
  3697. 11. Blossomforth - 1:19.632
  3698. 12. Aloe - 1:19.876
  3700. Chapter 20
  3703. >It's Saturday in Fillydelphia, and if today was anything like yesterday, there would be vivid blue skies and bright sunshine.
  3704. >Unfortunately, that's not the case.
  3705. >Dark clouds obstruct the usual warm sunlight and thick sheets of rain pelt the racing surface outside the garage.
  3706. >Better yet, today is qualifying day. Oh joy.
  3707. >You knew this was coming. Weather forecast told you so.
  3708. >Doesn't make it any less annoying though. Racing in the wet is a fucking chore.
  3709. >TS: "Where are you expecting to be when this is over with?" Twi asks while she fits the final new part on your machine.
  3710. "In bed, sleeping."
  3711. >TS: "No, grid position, smart ass."
  3712. >You softly chuckle to yourself as Twilight rolls her eyes.
  3713. "Don't expect a pole out of me today. I'll be lucky if I get into Q2 in this weather."
  3714. >TS: "Alright, What about you Dash?"
  3715. >Rainbow, over at the garage's entrance looking outward, replies "No idea. It's getting real heavy out here."
  3716. >Twilight just nods, then continues to place your cars new rear body panel back on.
  3717. >Once that is finally attatched, your car will have a full functioning blown diffuser system.
  3718. >These parts just came in today with about an hour to spare before qualifying is set to start.
  3719. >Any later and you would've been out of luck, It has taken just about 55 minutes to fit all the new parts on to both of the Cloudsdale Weather machines.
  3720. >Each Cloudsdale Weather car now has a brand new exhaust system, a new floor pan/diffuser, and new rear body panels to accommodate the different pipes.
  3721. >TS: "There. Finished. Not too bad if I do say so myself!"
  3722. >RD: "Looks good Twilight. Do you know if it'll work?"
  3723. >TS: "If my calculations were correct then yes it should. I don't know if you'll notice it due to all the rain though."
  3724. "We should, Remember the third week of testing at EquineRing Dash?"
  3725. >RD: "Oh Celestia, don't remind me."
  3726. >Massive thunderstorm rolled in during a testing session back about a month ago. It was everyone's first taste of wet weather driving.
  3727. >There were a lot of damaged cars that day.
  3728. "Yeah, We know how these cars feel in the wet. It should be noticeable."
  3729. >TS: "Ok then. Get ready, you guys have two minutes."
  3731. ----
  3733. >Man, your heart is beating faster than usual. You know you're nervous but holy shit.
  3734. >You've already got adrenaline pumping through your system and the car hasn't even ignited yet.
  3735. >Deep breaths, calm down.
  3736. >You have been strapped in for a couple of minutes now. Session started 30 seconds ago.
  3737. >Currently you're eyeing the computer screen mounted in front of your face on the monocoque, waiting for an open spot on the track to merge.
  3738. >There is a big one coming with plenty of room. just need to wait about a minute.
  3739. >If you, a well versed Formula One driver, are getting this worked up. You gotta wonder just what the hell Rainbow is feeling right now.
  3740. >You look over at her for a second. That same confident look is showing through her visor as she sits in her machine, monitoring the screen in front of her.
  3741. >If she's feeling anything, she knows how to hide it well. Not even an ounce of fear in those eyes.
  3742. >Now. Wonderbolts Racing, Team Thunder, and Bass Cannon Racing have implemented the Blown Exhaust system onto their cars along with you. So they are your main competition.
  3743. >Unfortunately for SPA Racing and Hurricane Force Racing, they either didn't have the funds for the conversion or couldn't design one in time for this weekend. Which means those four drivers have no chance to be competitive.
  3744. >Pretty much going to be scrounging for points tomorrow. Such is life on the F1 grid.
  3745. --
  3746. >TS: "*Go go go!*"
  3747. >Dropping the clutch, your car lurches forward out into the cold, wet, slick track. Rainbow following shortly after you.
  3748. >The water collecting on your visor is already hindering your vision. Need to get up to speed quick before you're completely blind.
  3749. >You turn onto turn 2 and press your pit speed limiter. You punch the throttle hard for a split second to gauge how much traction you have.
  3750. >The engine hits 14,000 rpm, but the rear tires just spin with zero acceleration.
  3751. >No traction. Great. Awesome. FUCK.
  3754. >TS: "*Remember Anon, this is it. Q1 time ran out. Push push!*"
  3755. >SLOWLY you get on the throttle exiting the hairpin. Once you're at a good set momentum, you press your KERS button and the car accelerates at a more rapid pace.
  3756. >KERS runs out just before your braking point for the chicane. The car reaches a top speed of 197 MPH before you slow down. Pretty fucking fast for no DRS and in the wet.
  3757. >You guide the twitchy vehicle through the treacherous bend, exiting smoothly. Crossing the finish line 5 seconds later, Twilight reveals your place on the grid.
  3758. >TS: "*You barely made it into Q2. 6th place. Congratulations.*"
  3759. >Hell. 5 other drivers are crazier than you are. That's impressive.
  3760. >You let out a long exhale happy that this is over. Fuck driving in the rain.
  3761. >TS: "*It's not over yet, get back to the garage so we can set the car up for the next session.*"
  3762. "*Negative Twi. I'm not coming back out here again.*"
  3763. >TS: "*Wu- WHAT? We could easily get a better position than this!*"
  3764. "*I'm not risking the car for a chance at a better spot Twilight. Just look what happened to Blossomforth. I'll do just fine from 6th tomorrow.*"
  3765. >Speaking of Blossomforth, you come up to the crash scene again just before the hairpin.
  3766. >Must have lost the rear end. She's fine, but that car is trashed.
  3769. >Now back at the garage, you unbuckle yourself and wriggle your way out of the seat.
  3770. >Twilight, with her headset around her neck, walks up to you and says: "Do you not trust yourself out there?"
  3771. >Removing your helmet, you reply:
  3772. "No I don't. Back home I wrecked 90% of the time in wet weather. We got lucky, I don't want to risk the car anymore than I have to."
  3773. >RD: "90 percent? Damn Anon."
  3774. >Dash walks up behind you from her car in a soaking wet fire suit. Just like you.
  3775. >RD: "You need to work on that shit. Anyway, I got 7th. So since I'm not going back out there, where's the food. I'm starving."
  3776. >TS: "Hospitality tent is on the other side of the track in the infield."
  3777. "You are always fucking hungry! What the hell?"
  3778. RD: "I'm a pegasus, DUH!"
  3779. "Still! You've eaten three times today and it's only noon."
  3780. RD: "Being an awesome ass F1 pilot is hard work. So shut up. Tummy need food." she says as she begins to walk to the hospitality tent.
  3781. >Just before you can say another word, your stomach says one for you.
  3782. *gggrrrrrrrruuummmbllllleeee*
  3783. >Rainbow turns back you with a smile forming. Twilight holds in a giggle off to the side.
  3784. "Shut up. This'll be the first I've eaten today."
  3785. >RD: "Yeah yeah. You want me to bring something back? That thing sounds angry."
  3786. "Nah I'll come along."
  3789. >Over in the infield of the circuit, you and Dash are sitting at one of the tables set up under the large white hospitality tent.
  3790. >RD: "Nothing like racetrack food eh?" she says in between bites of her sandwich.
  3791. "I'll say. Tell you what though."
  3792. RD: "What?"
  3793. "Back home, a trick me and my old teammate did was this. On race day, everyone who is camping in the infield usually cooks their own food. So we would walk through all the camp sites, and because we were drivers, EVERYONE would offer a plate of what they were making."
  3794. >RD: "Dude."
  3795. "There is nothing better than free homemade food. Scored some of the best fried fish I've ever had in my life doing that."
  3796. >RD: "We have to try that tomorrow."
  3797. >Just then, a grey pony notices you two sitting there. Shes decked out in Cloudsdale Weather apparel so she must be a fan.
  3799. >Hey its Derpy! This is the first time you've seen her since you arrived here in Equestria.
  3800. >RD: "Hehehe, hey Derpy. Staying out of trouble?"
  3801. >DH: "Yeah. Haven't broken anything too expensive today."
  3802. >Don't go anywhere near the cars then.
  3803. >RD: "Oh. I heard that you tried out for the grid back when this thing started a few months ago. Right?"
  3804. >DH: "Thats right!"
  3805. >Hoooooly shit. What?
  3806. "Uh. How did that go for you?"
  3807. >Derpy puts a hoof to her chin thinking back to the simulator tryout sessions.
  3808. >DH: "I think I did pretty well!"
  3809. >Right.
  3810. >Suddenly, a horn blares signaling the start of Q2. Immediately after, growls of fire breathing engines fill the air.
  3811. >DH: "Oh! I better get back to my seat. Wouldn't wanna miss Spitfire out here.
  3812. >What?
  3813. "Spitfire? Why her?"
  3814. >DH: "Did you not see her in the last session? She is SPECTACULAR in the rain!" She says as she hurries back to her vantage point.
  3815. >You and Dash look to each other. Then simultaneously get up from the table and hurry back to the garage.
  3816. "Spectacular huh? did you see what kind of lap times she got last session? I didn't look."
  3817. >RD: "I saw them, but I don't think you'll like em."
  3818. "Cant be too far off from ours, we got close to breaking 1:20.000"
  3819. >The short silence that follows worries you.
  3820. >RD: "She got a 1:18.101"
  3821. >Wu-
  3822. >Wuh-
  3823. >FFFFFuck that's quick.
  3826. >Passing Bass Cannon Racing's garage, you look inside to see everyone staring at the monitor.
  3827. >Octavia and Vinyl's expression tell it all. Something amazing is happening out there.
  3828. >You and Rainbow sprint the short distance left to your garage. eventually joining everyone else in watching the television screen on the left wall of your stall.
  3829. >...
  3830. >WHAT.
  3831. >RD: "Sweet Celestia..."
  3832. >Someone tell Spitfire that this is Formula One, not Formula Drift.
  3833. >Shes DRIFTING the thing through Turn 5 like a rally car on dirt, and she's in complete control! How is this faster than driving it smoothly!? HOW!?!
  3834. "Is this how she got her lap time last session?"
  3835. >Mouth still wide open, Twi replies: "Uh huh."
  3836. "That shouldn't be possible. She can't be able to do that in this kind of car."
  3837. RD: "She's doing it right in front of our eyes Anon."
  3838. "Holy shit."
  3839. >That was Spitfire herself passing down the front stretch beginning her hot lap.
  3840. >Shortly following her pass, the other four cars set to qualify in Q2 exit out onto the track. Octavia, Soarin, Thunderlane, and Vinyl.
  3841. >Dash and yourself however, are still fixated on Spitfires performance. All of Equestria watching along.
  3843. TS: "This is looking like her fastest time yet, her Sector One and Sector Two times are already faster than last sessions."
  3844. >Derpy was right. This is spectacular. That car is finding every bit of traction out in those horrid conditions and using it to it's fullest potential.
  3845. >Just like Senna's driving style. Wow.
  3846. >Even your thoughts are rendered speechless as Spits crosses the finish line.
  3847. >As her time is displayed on the screen in front of you, Most of your crew in the garage exclaim "Woah!", as do most of the spectators outside.
  3848. >TV: "My Celestia! A 1:17.989! A time faster than some of the practice session times set in dry weather yesterday! This should definitely cement her spot on pole for tomorrows Grand Prix!"
  3849. >Good fucking god. You couldn't even break a 1:20. How the FUCK are you going to win tomorrow?
  3850. >RD: "Uh Anon?"
  3851. "Yeah?"
  3852. >RD: "We're boned aren't we?"
  3853. "Eeyup."
  3855. 9/9
  3858. Fillydelphia Grand Prix Starting Grid
  3860. 1. Spitfire - Q1: 1:18.101 - Q2: 1:17.989
  3861. 2. Soarin - Q1: 1:19.434 - Q2: 1:19.151
  3862. 3. Vinyl Scratch - Q1: 1:20.001 - Q2: 1:19.411
  3863. 4. Octavia - Q1: 1:19.798 - Q2: 1:19.793
  3864. 5. Thunderlane - Q1: 1:19.557 - Q2: 1:20.136
  3865. 6. Anonymous - Q1: 1:20.266 - Q2: -No time set-
  3866. 7. Rainbow Dash - Q1: 1:20.490
  3867. 8. Cloud Chaser - Q1: 1:22.778
  3868. 9. Flitter - Q1: 1:23.111
  3869. 10. Aloe - Q1: 1:23.602
  3870. 11. Lotus - Q1: 1.24.005
  3871. 12. Blossomforth - Q1: -Crash-
  3874. Spitfire drifting in the wet was inspired by these amazing drivers from the 80's. (minus the green car)
  3876. Chapter 21
  3878. >Saturday night. The eve of the Fillydelphia Grand Prix.
  3879. >The three of you have returned to the hotel to rest up. Got a big day tomorrow.
  3880. >Twilight is already asleep, Rainbow is most likely reading a book, and you are lying in bed watching television.
  3881. >For most of the night, you've been contemplating how tomorrow might turn out.
  3882. >If you manage to pull the victory out of your ass, the World Drivers Championship is yours. So is 200,000 bits for everyone in the team.
  3883. >Wonderbolts Racing plans to make achieving that win as difficult as possible though. Spitfires performance today was just absolutely fucking...
  3884. >Well, there's no other way to describe it. She kicked ass out there.
  3885. >The EBC sport channel hasn't stopped talking about her all night. Spitfire this and Spitfire that. And yes, the "fire/water" jokes have already been overdone.
  3886. >Noticing the time at the bottom left of the tv screen, 10:35, you switch the television off. Need to get as much rest as possible. So you flip over onto your side and get real comfortable. The soft support of the mattress drawing you into a nice, deep sleep.
  3887. >*knock knock*
  3888. >Oh for fucks sake.
  3889. "Who is it and what do you want?"
  3890. >Peeking through the door of your bedroom, the individual disrupting your rest replies:
  3891. >RD: "It's me. I cant sleep."
  3892. >You exhale as you situate yourself to a seated position in the bed.
  3893. "And? Why is this my problem? We've got a Grand Prix tomorrow you know."
  3894. >RD: "No shit asshole." She exclaims with a slight raised voice. "Can I please just come in here for a minute?"
  3895. >That was a sharp reaction.
  3896. >Taking a closer look at her as she walks in, you notice her ruffled mane and baggy eyes. Tell tale signs of restlessness in bed.
  3897. >Your mood goes from annoyed to concerned quick.
  3898. "Are you ok Rainbow?"
  3899. >RD: "Can we talk?"
  3900. "Yeah, come on up" You say patting the area next to you.
  3901. >Slowly she climbs upon the bed, taking a seat to your right.
  3902. >RD: "Anon?"
  3903. "Yeah?"
  3904. >With a slight waver to her voice, she asks: "Do you ever get scared? Out on the track?"
  3905. "Uh. Yes. Yes I do. More often than you would think. Why? What's wrong?"
  3906. >Dash exhales as she says: "...You remember that flip I had during pre-season testing, right?"
  3907. "Yeah. You came out of it ok though."
  3908. >RD: "That's what I thought too, and later on that day when my replacement car arrived, I went back out there no problem. But that night."
  3909. >Dash puts her hooves to her head, rubbing her eyes.
  3910. >RD: "I had this dream. A nightmare. I woke up screaming in my hotel room at 3 in the morning shaking and covered in sweat."
  3911. >Whoa.
  3912. "Is this why you wanted to come in here?"
  3913. >RD: "Yeah..."
  3914. "Did you have another one?"
  3915. RD: "mm hmm."
  3916. "What happened?" you say in a more serious tone.
  3917. >Dash exhales, then continues on.
  3918. >RD: "Well, I was at this random track in a Grand Prix, and I was in last place. A huge group of cars were ahead of me, and they were going a lot slower than usual."
  3919. >Already, you can kind of tell where this is going. This is sounding very similar to one you've had before.
  3920. >RD: "Anyway, they were making it really hard to pass. I got a good run on one of them after a chicane so I tried to get by him. But he blocked me at the last second and I couldn't react in time. so, I ran into the back of his car. "
  3921. >You begin to notice signs of fear etched on her face.
  3922. >RD: "I went in the air and everything turned upside down. Then I hit the ground -hard- and just kept flipping over and over and over."
  3923. >She takes a second to breathe. Her wavering voice more obvious.
  3924. >RD: "When I finally stopped, the top of my car was leaning against the wall. I was pinned in, I couldn't move."
  3925. >The room is silent for a few seconds. All of your attention is focused on Rainbow. Tears start to form under her eyes as she continues.
  3926. >RD: "Then... I felt something pouring all over me. I looked around and... I was covered in fuel..."
  3927. >Oh god. Not that nightmare.
  3928. >RD: "the next thing I knew, the car just... ex..."
  3929. >Her eyes are wide, tears flowing, hooves shaking. Her blue coat a few shades paler than normal. That flip fucked her mentality up bad.
  3930. >Without hesitation you bring Rainbow into a tight hug, surprising her. She cant help but to give out a soft yelp.
  3931. >Slowly, she starts to return the hug, sobbing softly into your shoulder.
  3932. >RD: *inhale* "It was so real..."
  3933. "Rainbow. Its alright. It's over."
  3934. >Those words set it off, she just lets everything go. Months of held up feelings pour outward into your arms.
  3935. >Keeping up a fearless attitude after a traumatic incident like that could only go on for so long, you guess.
  3936. >You've had the same exact dream before, and it fucked you up too. But nowhere near this bad.
  3937. >You sit there for several minutes as you comfort Rainbow in your embrace. Letting her get out everything shes been holding in.
  3939. >Eventually, Dash regains her composure. So you break the hold.
  3940. >RD: "Oh man. *sniff* Sorry about that."
  3941. "You have no need to be sorry. I know how you feel. I've had more than enough nightmares like the one you described. Some even worse."
  3942. >RD: "Really?"
  3943. "I've been racing since I was 4 Rainbow. Yes, really."
  3944. >RD: "Yeah. Gotcha."
  3945. >She then turns to you with a hoof pointed at your face.
  3946. >RD: "Not a word to anyone about this. Got it? I've got a reputation to hold up."
  3947. "Lips are sealed."
  3948. >RD: "Good."
  3949. >She lies down on her back.
  3950. "You feel better?"
  3951. >RD: "Yeah. A little."
  3953. >Suddenly, light bulb.
  3955. "Hang on."
  3956. >RD: "What?"
  3957. "Is this why you acted the way you did during the Baltimare Grand Prix?"
  3958. >RD: "To tell you the truth, yeah, that's exactly why. The thing was, I forgot to tell you what I wanted to tell you all day until we were strapped into the cars. That's also when the images from my dream came rushing back at me, when we were on the grid. Because of that, I panicked, and when I panic, I tend to blurt things out without thinking. That's why I said what I said, when I said it."
  3959. "Uh huh. That explains a lot."
  3960. >RD: "Yeah."
  3961. "Same thing at the train station?"
  3962. >RD: "Yep, panicked there too."
  3963. >That's why she was so damn blunt with her answer.
  3965. >A few moments of silence go by.
  3967. "Right, well. I hope this talk helped you out. You don't need to be scared on raceday."
  3968. >RD: "It has. Thank you Anon."
  3969. "No problem."
  3970. >Dash suddenly rises from her former position, and gets right up into your face.
  3971. >RD: "No, really. Thank you."
  3972. >You can tell were the fuck this is going.
  3973. >And it does go there. Your lips meet and stay there for a good few seconds.
  3974. >She then breaks away, turns to go back to her room, and says to you:
  3975. >RD: "I'll let you think about that. You've got a choice to make tomorrow remember?"
  3976. >Oh yeah. right. You knew that, because you fucking PLANNED to do that tomorrow. Except you were supposed to kiss her. Not the other way around.
  3977. >
  3978. >Eh, why wait. As she walks away you yell out:
  3979. "I was going to say yes anyway."
  3980. RD: "Fucking knew it." Is all you hear from the other room.
  3981. >Fucking Rainbow Dash.
  3983. -
  3985. >"*I'ts the last lap Anon. You need a fifth place finish if you want to retain the championship.*"
  3986. "*Yeah? Where am I now?*"
  3987. >"*Seventh*"
  3988. >Its go time then.
  3989. >With a little more than half a lap left you charge forward. Gotta make up two positions or a years worth of hard work earns you a second best.
  3990. >Taking a chicane the best you have all day, you gain tons of ground on the sixth place driver.
  3991. >Passing him is a cinch, and with the slipstream he gave you, the fifth place driver is coming up quick.
  3992. >You go on the inside to dive bomb him into the next corner.
  3994. >But he moves in front at the last second.
  3995. "Oh SHIT."
  3998. -
  4000. "*GASP*!"
  4001. >You're back in your bed. Thankfully. Sitting instead of lying down now though.
  4002. "Holy shit." you say as you rest your head in your hands.
  4003. >You didn't fucking need that.
  4004. >
  4005. >Its the first time you've had a nightmare like that in a few years.
  4006. >Strange as well, it was eerily similar to the one Dash described.
  4007. >Just without the explody bit.
  4008. >
  4009. >Whatever, you've got a race to compete in and it's not going to wait for you.
  4010. >From the other room you hear Dash call out to you.
  4011. >RD: "Hey Anon. You up?"
  4012. "Yeah I'm up."
  4013. >Dash then pokes her head through your door.
  4014. >RD: "Good, Twilight and I are all ready to go. Hurry up."
  4015. "Gotcha."
  4017. >Within a span of 10 minutes, you're dressed and on your way to Fillydelphia Street Circuit.
  4019. -----
  4021. >RA: "Look girls, there's the track."
  4022. >From the bridge going over the racing circuit, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell look in awe.
  4023. >CMC: "Oooooooooooh"
  4024. >PP: AHHHHH I'm so excited! I hope Anon or Dashie wins today.
  4025. >S: "Is that where we're going to be sitting over there?" she says, pointing to the stands to their left.
  4026. >AJ: "'Fraid not Scootaloo, We're sitting further down that way at the hairpin."
  4027. >There is an ounce of dissapointment on Scootaloo's face.
  4028. >S: "But that's the slowest part of the circuit."
  4029. >AJ: "They're going mighty quick when the come in from the straight though. It wont be as bad as you think Scoot."
  4030. >S: "I hope not."
  4031. >AB: "Cheer up Scootaloo, Rarity got us pit passes remember? You might see Rainbow Dash before she goes out."
  4032. >S: "Oh yeah!"
  4033. >And that's going to be their first stop, The paddock.
  4036. >About 10 minutes later, The entire group is standing in front of the garage doors of Cloudsdale Weather's stall.
  4037. >SB: "Do you see them anywhere in there?"
  4038. >AB: "Nope. They're probably not even here yet."
  4039. >AJ: "The race isn't for another 2 hours. They're probably still at the-"
  4040. >S: "There they are!" She exclaims as Twilight, Dash, and Anon enter through the back of the garage."
  4042. -
  4044. >TS: "Remember, both of you are starting mid pack. Need to be at the top of your game today guys."
  4045. >RD: "You act like I'm not always like that."
  4046. "Don't get cocky Dash."
  4047. >RD: "There is a difference between cockiness and confidence."
  4048. "Sure. Don't let all that confidence get to your head."
  4049. >Rainbow just rolls her eyes.
  4050. >TS: "Here we are, Lets get these cars ready.
  4051. >Twilight opens the door to your pit stall where your pit crew are getting the cars prepped for inspection.
  4052. >Another group notices your entrance and grabs your attention pretty quick.
  4054. >RD: "Hehe, Hey squirt!"
  4055. >You look over and see a familiar sight. Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie along with Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Bell.
  4056. >TS: "Hey guys! You actually came again!"
  4057. >RA: "Wouldn't miss it for the world dear."
  4058. >AJ: "You got that right. Ever since the last race y'all were in, we were hooked. Little Applebloom here watched that race on TV and couldn't get enough of it."
  4059. >Applebloom nods furiously with a huge smile on her face. She does look excited as fuck to be here.
  4060. >RD: "Where's Fluttershy?"
  4061. >PP: "She said that after watching a replay of the last race on tv, she preferred that over actually being there."
  4062. >RA: "Something about how its much more pleasant. Guess she never did get used to how loud the cars are. Poor girl."
  4063. >That makes sense concerning her. Unfortunate that she cant get used to it.
  4064. >TS: "So where are you guys sitting?"
  4065. >AB: "The Hairpin!" she exclaims, jumping into the air.
  4066. "Nice, those are good seats."
  4067. >PP: "Yep, we're over on the side where you FLY into the turn. Like this."
  4068. >Sound effects and all, Pinkie recreates the action that the cars make at turn 10, her legs spinning in a circular fashion.
  4069. >As she passes by in a pink blur, a huge gust of wind nearly throws you and everyone else on your collective asses.
  4070. >Then as quickly as she started, she returns to her original position like nothing happened.
  4071. >PP: "See? It's going to be AWE-SOME!"
  4072. >TS: "Right..." she says as she resets her mane. "Well we need to get going. Vehicle inspection is in a few minutes."
  4073. "Have fun today guys."
  4074. >AJ: "Same to you, part."
  4075. >RA: "Oh, and please do be safe out there you two."
  4077. "Dont worry. We'll be fine."
  4079. Chapter 22 (The Fillydelphia Grand Prix)
  4081. "The Fillydelphia Grand Prix"
  4083. Map of the Fillydelphia Street circuit for reference:
  4089. >Formula One. The pinnacle of motor sports. The melding of sophistication and brute power.
  4090. >In just a few short minutes, twelve beautifully crafted and surgically precise machines will battle relentlessly for nearly an hour and a half. Fighting for rank.
  4091. >Each car guided by a lone individual sitting in the center of a maelstrom of carbon fiber and metal, seemingly unfazed by fear.
  4092. >Even when the possibility of catastrophic accidents are very high. They go forward, reaching for that victory they are so hungry for without hesitation.
  4094. >Sometimes though, a driver can get spooked. That driver in question is you unfortunately.
  4095. >You, sitting on the grid in sixth, force yourself to push back the jarring nightmare you had last night to the back of your head.
  4096. >A preferred finishing position will not be possible if there is something holding you back. You proved yourself this a few years ago in GP3.
  4097. >Didn't even finish in the top twenty that day. A nightmare haunted your mind that entire race and made you extremely gun-shy. Completely afraid to even attempt a pass for fear of launching yourself off the rear of your competitors car.
  4098. >Today though, You will not allow this. Not again.
  4100. >Two green dots flare alight on the signal array hanging above the circuit. The entire grid moves forward beginning the mandatory recon lap.
  4101. >And you breathe.
  4102. >You breathe deep, long breaths to calm your nerves as you slowly head on into turn one. Keeping in line with your respective position.
  4103. >Just ahead of you, again, is Thunderlane. From what you gathered in the last Grand Prix, He likes to race hard early. Getting past him isn't going to be easy.
  4104. >Then again, neither are the rest of the pilots in front of him.
  4105. >In fourth: Octavia. Crashed out of the last race on account of a spontaneously exploding right front suspension. Her main goal is to beat her teammate who caused the fault in her machine in the first place. Should be easy enough, shes starting just ahead.
  4106. >Third: Vinyl Scratch. Scorned by literally everyone in the past couple of weeks. Her extreme aggression and inflated ego ended up being her main downfall. After a two year ban from competing in the sport was threatened on account of her nearly crippling your teammate, Rainbow, she straightened up a bit. But that aggressiveness is still there, and she still wants to be the racer to beat in the field.
  4107. >In Second: Soarin. Since the start of pre season testing 3 months ago, this driver has had only one costly accident. Even then, it was only during practice one, three days ago, while he was trying to beat his teammates time. Nothing phases this pegasus. Except for maybe the driver sitting in front of him.
  4108. >Starting on Pole: Spitfire. It was this mare who changed the flow of the sport in one race, who went to her crew chief after finishing sixth in the last Grand Prix and said she didn't want to finish anywhere near that low again. She was the one who sparked the use of blown diffusers. Using exhaust gasses to increase grip while cornering, turning an already mean sounding machine into something that sounded as if it was uncontrollably angry. Thus boosting herself and her teammate Soarin to the top of the time sheets.
  4109. >Eventually most of the teams caught up and designed their own blown exhaust system in time for the race today. So Wonderbolts Racing, even though they qualified fastest, are still going to have to earn that victory.
  4110. >The field comes up to the straight before the turn 10 hairpin. Knowing that your friends are sitting up somewhere in the stands to your left, you wave hoping they see you.
  4111. >They do, you made them go crazy with that, but you cant tell. This place is housing 100,000 spectators spread throughout the entire facility. It'll be impossible to pick them out in that sea of various color.
  4113. >Rainbow Dash is sitting behind you in seventh. While you two are now officially a thing, that doesn't mean you are going to be nice to one another. There is no 'oh no you go ahead'.
  4114. >When it comes down to it and you two are fighting for the same spot, you're going to make each other
  4115. earn it.
  4116. >That's going to be near the end of the race though. Now you just need to worry about you and getting your car to the end in one piece.
  4118. >Heading down the start of the front stretch, Dash comes in over your radio. while you listen, you swerve your car side to side as to keep heat in the tires for grip.
  4119. >RD: "*You ready Anon? There are a lot of cars ahead of us."
  4120. "*Just take it one lap at a time Rainbow. We can do this if we're methodic about it.*"
  4121. >RD: "*If you say so. That bonus challenge Joe gave us is really putting the pressure on.*"
  4122. >Right. That fucking guy.
  4123. >Last race he gave you a reasonable thing to do, put both cars in the top 5 to get a bonus in your pay check.
  4124. >Not today though.
  4125. >Both Cloudsdale Weather machines need to finish in the top 2 today if you're to see ANY bonus winnings.
  4126. >If it was the same amount of prize money you wouldn't have even worried about it. But they laid down 20,000 bits this time. That's quite a large sum of cash compared to the 5,000 bit reward two weeks ago.
  4127. "*Like I said Rainbow. One lap at a time.*"
  4128. >Your machine rolls to the sixth place starting marker on the front straight, coming to a complete stop.
  4129. >As the rest of the field behind you gets into place, you focus all your attention on the light signal array above, psyching yourself up.
  4130. "It's just another race. Nothing special. Just do your job and do it well." You say to yourself in the car.
  4131. >You depress the clutch paddle on the back of the steering wheel and shift to first gear. A loud metallic click rings from the gearbox as the engine idles at 6500 rpm.
  4132. >That's "idle" ladies and gentlemen.
  4133. >In position, ready to go. The signal array shows the first red light and you rev the engine up to 14,000 rpm. The entire grid screams as each sequential light becomes emblazoned.
  4135. >To your right is the main grandstand, and to the left of turn one is another set of spectator seating areas. In those respective areas are two race fans who have decided to bring out their cameras to record the start of this race. This is their view.
  4138. - RACE START -
  4145. -Lap 2/70
  4146. >The field has gotten to its usual single file running order by the time you complete the first lap. Rainbow Dash is still behind you after surviving that crazy start.
  4147. >Just ahead, Thunderlane is already hounding Octavia going into every corner. She's doing a pretty good job holding off all of his attacks though.
  4148. >RD: "*So whats the plan Twilight?*"
  4149. >TS: "*Hold your ground until the first round of pit stops in about 25 laps.*"
  4150. "*Patience Rainbow. No need to attack now.*" You say as you shift down two gears into 4th, throwing your vehicle through turns 8 and 9.
  4151. >RD: "*Whatever. Just to let you know now, I might get bored back here.*"
  4152. >Oh great. Hopefully that doesn't end up biting both of you in the ass.
  4155. -Lap 10/70
  4156. >The last ten laps was your usual single file racing. Nothing has gotten out of hand and the positions haven't changed at all. It's all been pretty smooth.
  4157. >For the past few laps though, Dash has been slowly creeping up on your rear. You're afraid that she might have flipped her fuel mixture to "rich". Doing so this early in the race guarantees that she'll run out of fuel by the end.
  4158. ---
  4159. >Fuel mixture.
  4160. During the race, the drivers can change the amount of fuel being injected into the cylinders at anytime on the fly. These mixtures range from "Lean" to "Standard" to "Rich".
  4161. Because refueling is banned, this makes it an active strategy point for teams and drivers. Save fuel till the end? Or gun it from the start and hope you have enough to run the rest of the way?
  4162. I personally would go with whatever your crew chief says. They have access to a fuel gauge. You don't.
  4163. ---
  4164. >Exiting turn 7, you look in your mirrors to see how close Dash has gotten to you.
  4165. >Surprised, you cant see her anywhere behind.
  4166. >You radio in worried that something might have happened.
  4167. "*Dash, where are you? did you pit alre-* what the hell!"
  4168. >To your immediate right is the other Cloudsdale Weather machine. Both of you hurtling down the short straight side by side before turns 8 and 9.
  4169. >As if it was a replay from your incident at Ponyville Circuit, Rainbow forces you nearly off the racing surface before you turn into the corner.
  4170. "*DASH WHAT THE FUCK.*" Is all you can voice before you're forced to give your position away.
  4171. >She doesn't reply to your exclamation. Which is weird. She usually would've said something by now.
  4172. >Heading towards turn 10 you jink right to the inside of your teammate and accelerate hard.
  4173. >You're not going to let her pass you that easily, or that forcefully for that matter. So you brake late into the hairpin trying to get your position back.
  4174. >But you brake a bit too late.
  4175. >You depress the brake pedal harder as you sense you're going a bit too quick. As a result, your left front tire locks up.
  4176. >Smoke fumes out from under the immobile tire and you slide directly into where Rainbow Dash is going to turn in.
  4177. >Huge mistake, this might hurt a bit.
  4178. >Only there is no impact you were expecting.
  4179. >Because of Dash's alertness, she doesn't turn in until you slide past.
  4180. >You going wide through the corner allows Rainbow to take the inside line and pass you for sixth.
  4181. >Twilight, seeing the live feed of the whole thing, voices her displeasure of that near incident while you rapidly accelerate down Casino Straight.
  4182. >TS: "*Sweet Celestia Anon! Calm down! What was that?*"
  4183. "*That was a counter attack gone wrong. Sorry.*" You reply with a slight angry twinge in your tone.
  4184. >TS: "*What happened to not attacking so early?*"
  4185. "*You should fucking ask that to Rainbow!*" you exclaim navigating though the chicane. "*I wouldn't have done what I did if she didn't almost wreck me out trying to pass!*"
  4186. >TS: "*I saw her radio light come on right when she made her move. She told you she was coming up on you didn't she?*"
  4187. "*No.*"
  4188. -Lap 11/70
  4189. >TS: "*Great, that means shes having radio issues.*"
  4190. >That explains why shes quieter than usual.
  4191. >TS: "*Coming from a crew chief standpoint though Anon. Dash is posting faster lap times than you right now. let her go.*"
  4193. >Ouch.
  4195. >Reluctantly, you reply: "*Roger that chief.*"
  4196. >Those words, to a racing driver, literally feel like a searing hot dagger though your gut.
  4197. >But, when a team has two cars, you focus most of your attention on the current fastest. The the slower teammates job is then to help out the other.
  4198. >Apparently, right now, you're that teammate.
  4199. ----
  4200. -Lap 14/70
  4201. >For a few laps, nothing has been communicated through the radio. It's just been you and the sound of a 700+ HP V8 engine rising and falling though the gears.
  4202. >As you guide the car through turn 2 though, a familiar voice rings through your headset.
  4203. >RD: "*Testing, Testing. For the millionth time, can you guys hear me?*"
  4204. "*There you are.*"
  4205. >RD: "*FINALLY.*"
  4206. >TS :"*Good. That's fixed. Just as a precaution though, does anything else feel wrong with your car Rainbow?*"
  4207. >RD: "*Nope, I think that's the only thing I've had go wrong. Also. What the fuck Anon?*"
  4208. >You audibly sigh in your helmet. Here we go.
  4209. "*I didn't like the way you passed me, that's what.*"
  4210. >RD: "*Oh. Sorry dude, I didn't think it was that bad.*"
  4211. >TS: "*Hindsight is always 20/20 you guys. You can apologize after the race. Focus on whats ahead of you.*"
  4212. >Point taken. Focus. Focus on the prize.
  4213. >Wait.
  4214. >There is one thing you need to ask Rainbow real quick though.
  4215. "*Are you running a rich fuel mixture Dash?*"
  4216. >RD: "*No, I've still got it on standard. Why?*"
  4217. >Oh god dammit.
  4218. "*Just wondering.*"
  4219. >Fuck. She is faster than you. You don't know whether to be proud or dissapointed in yourself.
  4221. -Lap 15/70
  4222. >On board with Anonymous. Rainbow Dash just ahead with Thunderlane and Octavia in front of her respectively.
  4225. -Lap 26/70
  4226. >The tires on you car have turned to fucking bubble gum. There is no grip in these damn things.
  4227. >Rainbow also complained about her tires about half a lap ago.
  4228. >Luckily for you guys, It's your scheduled pit in.
  4229. >TS: "*Rainbow Dash. Box now.*"
  4230. >Just ahead of you at the chicane, Dash continues straight instead of turning to the right. She enters pit lane as you pass by down the front stretch.
  4231. -Lap 27/10
  4232. >Just one more lap that you have to deal with these worn out wheels. You can literally see just how torn up they are as you turn through the first few corners.
  4233. ----
  4234. >You're probably wondering why Dash went in to pit yet Anon didn't.
  4235. >That's simply because a teams garage makes up one pit box, Which can only fit one car at a time for a pit stop.
  4236. >If you both went in, there would be a cue into your pit box. Which isn't good. You would be blocking pit lane which could result in a penalty.
  4237. ----
  4238. >Over at the Wonderbolts pit area, Soarin is released with four brand new Prime compound tires.
  4239. >A little more than halfway across the track, Spitfire has an immense lead over Octavia during this stint of green flag pit stops.
  4241. >The drivers who came in to pit: Dash, Vinyl, Soarin, Thunderlane, Cloud Chaser.
  4242. >Drivers who still need to pit: You, Spitfire, Octavia, Blossomforth, Flitter.
  4243. >SPA Racing went in early on lap 20 so they have no need to come in.
  4245. -Lap 28/70
  4246. >Here goes. You shift down from seventh to first while braking hard going into pit lane at the end of the long straightaway. Don't want to trip the pit road speed limit. That would effectively end your day.
  4247. >Pit speed limiter is engaged and you creep down pit lane at a mere 60 mph.
  4248. >Spitfire and Octavia are visible ahead of you at their pit boxes. Crew's working on switching the tires out at lightning speed.
  4249. >Before you even get close to them, they are gone. Off to fight to reclaim their positions.
  4250. >Eventually, you reach your pit box at the end of pit lane. Crew ready for you as you guide your car in.
  4253. >Ahead of you, Spitfire has rejoined the race side by side with Soarin. This causes a sudden eruption from the crowd here at Fillydelphia.
  4254. >The team with the most fans per square mile are battling each other for the lead. This is the best thing ever for some spectators.
  4255. >The both of them accelerate as hard as they can get their machines to go before turns 3 and 4.
  4256. >Engines screaming at 17000 rpm, They shift down rapidly from 5th to 2nd and begin to turn in.
  4257. >Sidepods are literally inches from colliding as they go through the bend at nearly triple digit speeds.
  4258. >Surprisingly, They're still side by side as they exit the corner!
  4259. >Both Soarin and Spitfire swiftly look to each other to see exactly where they are. They then bury the throttle simultaneously and rocket towards the next series of turns.
  4260. >Spits would have the advantage through turn 6 if she can stay on Soarin's side. But turn 5 gives Soarin a massive advantage. He's situated on the inside of the long, fast, sweeping corner.
  4261. >That inside line ended up helping him more than he predicted. Soarin has taken the lead over Spitfire before turn 6. Exiting turn 7 he manages to keep his teammate behind him.
  4262. >The crowd, watching from all of the jumbotrons scattered throughout the facility, roar in excitement over this development.
  4264. Current Positions on lap 28
  4266. 1. Soarin
  4267. 2. Spitfire
  4268. 3. Octavia
  4269. 4. Thunderlane
  4270. 5. Vinyl Scratch
  4271. 6. Rainbow Dash
  4272. 7. Anonymous
  4273. 8. Cloud Chaser
  4274. 9. Blossomforth
  4275. 10. Flitter
  4276. 11. Aloe
  4277. 12. Lotus
  4281. -Lap 32/70
  4282. >Contrary to the first 20 laps of the race, the last few laps have been pretty exciting.
  4283. >Just two laps ago, both you and Dash managed to get by Vinyl with ease.
  4284. >She didn't really put up a fight though. Either she has an issue with her car or she just doesn't want to get in trouble again. Which makes sense.
  4285. >With the both of you staying on each other like this, that one two finish actually seems like it could be done.
  4286. >You still have half of a race to finish though. It's nowhere near over yet.
  4287. >TS: "*Alright Anon. Everything on the car is good and your pace is good. Keep this up and we- HOLY SHIT!!"
  4288. >The fuck?
  4289. "*What!? What happened!?*"
  4290. >TS: "*HUGE CRASH IN SECTOR THREE! Oh my Celestia! I hope she came out of that okay...*"
  4291. >You have no idea whats going on. Twilight has a live feed of the race so until she tells you, you're in the dark.
  4292. >But, you do know what sector three means. Main straightaway. Which probably meant some kind of high speed accident occurred.
  4293. "*Who was it? Is the safety car coming out?*"
  4294. >TS: "*Safety car is already rolling out so be prepared for that. Flitter was the one who crashed. Watch out for debris on the backstretch.*"
  4295. >The "SC" lights lining the circuit on the fences are flashing brightly. Yeah, must have been a big accident.
  4296. >Coming up to turn 8, you're going slow enough to catch a video board broadcasting a replay of the accident to the fans sitting there.
  4297. "Oh shit."
  4298. >Fuck, that was bad. You really hope you did not just witness a driver get decapitated. Holy shit.
  4299. "*Can you see if she made it out alright?*"
  4300. >TS: "*No I cant. They're not showing her on the screen.*"
  4301. >Damn.
  4302. >Those Safety Car lights mean that the field is now under a full course caution. But you do have to catch up to the safety car itself in order to begin to slow down.
  4303. >With Dash just ahead of you, you begin to drive through the crash scene.
  4304. >The top of the concrete barrier has loads of scratches and gouges where the car tumbled over. No explicit signs of the driver getting severely injured though. So that's a comforting thought.
  4305. >You still don't know if she actually got hurt or not.
  4306. >Weaving side to side to avoid the scattered carbon fiber on the racing surface, you radio in to Dash.
  4307. "*You know what to do in a safety car situation right?*"
  4308. >RD: "*I think so.*"
  4309. "*Alright. Remember what I taught you at Ponyville. Don't pass anybody, and don't hit the throttle until you see the little LEDs on your wheel flash green ok?*"
  4310. >RD: "*Gotcha*"
  4311. >This is the first safety car that the field has gotten behind all year. And only You and Rainbow have actually practiced being under these conditions. Everyone else only had briefings on the subject.
  4312. >This restart is going to be fun.
  4314. -Lap 34/70
  4315. >The entire field is now bunched up behind the safety car. All that progress fighting to stay in your position from before goes away.
  4316. >The safety car turns off but the field continues through the chicane, waiting for the signal to restart, itching to get going again.
  4317. >As you look straight ahead, the LEDs on the top of your steering wheel flash bright green.
  4318. >Instead of flooring the throttle, you gently but quickly ease onto it. Dash does the same in front of you.
  4319. >Because of your training with Dash, she doesn't end up the same way as half of the field. several drivers end up spinning their tires making for a absolutely horrible restart.
  4320. >Some of those drivers include Octavia, Scratch, and even Spitfire.
  4321. >No grip goes to waste on either of the Cloudsdale Weather cars, and you each blast forward gaining on the cars in front of you.
  4322. >Before you even get to turn one, you both have overtaken Octavia dropping her down two positions.
  4323. >Your next target: Spitfire.
  4324. >By now, shes been able to regain her race pace, but that doesn't stop Rainbow from attacking.
  4325. >Exiting turn two, Dash stomps on the throttle and fully engages her KERS system out accelerating Spitfire exponentially. Dash passes her cleanly before they reach turn 3.
  4326. >Now its your chance.
  4327. >You go through turns 3 and 4 swiftly, gaining some ground on the Wonderbolt.
  4328. >Through turn 5, you maneuver yourself to the inside of the corner at an attempt to pass. But Spits quickly moves inside and blocks your oncoming move.
  4329. "FUCK."
  4330. >The engine loses revs as you let off the throttle in order to keep from plowing into the rear end of her car.
  4331. >That move cut off all the momentum you had and Spitfire speeds forward. Placing herself in between you and Dash.
  4332. >Dammit. That just made chasing that bonus a lot more difficult.
  4334. -Lap 43/70
  4335. >Spitfire has slowly been easing ahead more and more as the laps go on. You're worried about her catching up to Rainbow. Dash doesn't do well under pressure.
  4336. >Fortunately for the both of you, Dash is faster than Spits right now. She in fact set the fastest lap time of the day just a few laps ago with a 1:18.334.
  4337. >Just ahead of Rainbow. About 4 seconds ahead to be exact. Thunderlane is proving to be a major annoyance for the current race leader.
  4338. >Soarin has had to do everything in his power to keep the Team Thunder #9 behind him. Thunderlane is about to get the best of him though.
  4339. >Thunderlane brakes extremely late and hard towards turns 8 and 9 diving inside of Soarin. He cuts the corner only a little bit, allowing him to get on the right side of the Wonderbolts Racing machine.
  4340. >They both careen down the short chute heading into the hairpin. Thunderlane slams on the brakes a little harder this time causing right front to shortly lock up, forming a puff of smoke.
  4341. >Side by side, they each power their way through sharp right hander. Thunderlane gets out ahead of Soarin, but he apparently forgot to take DRS into account.
  4342. >With Soarin only a half of a second behind, he hits the DRS button on his steering wheel as he passes over the DRS line on the main straight. Combined with KERS, Soarin rockets down the straight getting closer to the car in front.
  4343. >Thunderlane being the overly competitive driver he is though, puts a late block on the Wonderbolt as he rapidly speeds toward him to the right.
  4344. >Unfortunately, Soarin couldn't react in time. His front wing makes contact with Thunder's right rear tire, ripping both the tire and wing to shreds.
  4345. >The entire facility goes into an extreme uproar as they all witness the leaders effectively knock one another out of the victory.
  4346. >Both cars jerk to either side as a result of the impact. Thunderlane instantly gets out of the throttle in order to keep from spinning out uncontrollably.
  4347. >Soarin however speeds ahead straight into the pit area. He knows full well you cant pilot one of these things with a damaged front wing. Trying to do so would just end horribly.
  4348. >You have no idea whats happened just a few hundred meters ahead of you, but the sudden presence of wing debris and shredded rubber on the track definitely gets your attention.
  4349. "*Did the two leaders just do what I think they just did.*"
  4350. >RD: "*They did! I saw it! They just gave me the fucking lead!*"
  4351. "Well I'll be damned." You say to yourself seeing Thunderlane's crippled machine head into the pits.
  4352. >TS: "*Stay focused Rainbow. You've got a good gap between you and second.*"
  4353. >The only thing now keeping you from that one two finish is your ability to catch up to Spitfire. Or lack there of.
  4354. >Its going to take a miracle to pass her.
  4357. -Lap 53/70
  4358. >At turn 10, AKA The hairpin. Your friends have been absolutely enjoying themselves all day today.
  4359. >For the past ten laps, every one of them have cheered as loud as they could as Dash passed by leading the field of 12 cars.
  4360. >They were especially loud during the second stint of pit stops 5 laps ago. Rainbow managed to keep her lead ahead of Spitfire.
  4362. >Just a few rows above them, another colt with a camera films the view that he has.
  4364. -Lap 54/70
  4365. >S: "You were right. These seats are awesome!"
  4366. >AJ: "Told ya." She says with a smile.
  4367. >AB: "And you thought they were gonna go slow."
  4368. >S: "Hey, I didn't know they would be going this fast here ok?"
  4369. >Just then, Rainbow flies into view. Everyone screams and cheers as loud as they can as the leaders go past.
  4370. >S: "GO RAINBOW DASH GO!!!"
  4371. >PP: "Come on Anon! Pass the Wonderbolt! Pass the Wonderbolt!"
  4372. >Pinkie wants to see a one two finish just as much, maybe even more than you do.
  4374. >A few more laps of the same pass by, each time you surprisingly manage to get just a bit closer to Spitfire.
  4376. >Here's a quick recap of the race standings.
  4377. Current Positions
  4378. 1. Rainbow Dash
  4379. 2. Spitfire
  4380. 3. Anonymous
  4381. 4. Octavia
  4382. 5. Vinyl Scratch
  4383. 6. Cloud Chaser
  4384. 7. Aloe
  4385. 8. Lotus
  4386. 9. Blossomforth
  4387. 10. Soarin
  4388. 11. Thunderlane
  4389. 12. Flitter - Out. Terminal damage.
  4391. -Lap 56/70
  4392. >With the race coming to a close, Everyone's heartbeat begins to heighten in pace. The adrenaline flowing just as much in the spectators veins as the drivers.
  4393. >You're catching up to Spits, at a snails pace however. The laps are running down and you don't have much time.
  4394. >Luck proves to be just as good as skill in some situations. One driver though, is about to get a bit of particularly bad luck.
  4395. >As you speed down the Casino Straight, The wake of air that you left behind manages to grab a shard of wing debris from the grass next to the track.
  4396. >The sudden gust of wind flings the jagged edged piece of wing right into the racing line of the straight away.
  4397. >It lands in a way to where a razor sharp edge sticks straight towards the sky.
  4398. >Octavia speeds past the shard. Just mere millimeters away from the soft and squishy rubber compound of her tires.
  4399. >It then gets thrown down the straightaway about 50 meters due to the force of her car merely passing by it.
  4400. >Finally, it stops right in the path of the driver next in line. Landing the same way as it did before.
  4401. >Every spectator within earshot suddenly hears something like a bomb going off at the straight.
  4402. >The shard embeds itself into the front right tire Of Vinyl Scratch's car. The sudden pressure difference causes something like an explosion and the tire rips itself apart.
  4403. >At the rate of speed Scratch was going, her car violently whips around and she spins multiple times.
  4404. >Miraculously, she spins in a straight line down the racing surface. Never touching any barriers.
  4405. >Finally slowed down enough, she somewhat regains control and nurses the car to pit road. Shes kinda lucky it didn't happen anywhere else on the circuit.
  4406. >Vinyl is not out of the race, but shes pretty shaken up. A quick change of tires and shes back out again. A few positions behind of course.
  4408. - 13 particularly non interesting laps go by.
  4410. -Lap 69/70
  4411. >TS: "*The lap times show that you're just a quarter of a second faster than Spitfire. If you're going to do something, do it quick.*"
  4412. >You're now only a second behind Spits, which means you can finally use DRS against her. Exiting the hairpin you floor the throttle down as far as it can go.
  4413. >Situated behind the blue and yellow #6, you catch the slipstream of her car. Your machine moves around significantly more in the disturbed air left behind by the car in front.
  4414. >Unfortunately, an issue has come up with your KERS half a lap ago. That is now unusable. But DRS is still a major help.
  4415. >Passing the line on the main straight, you engage DRS and start creeping up behind Spitfire. She knows you're back there and she is going to do everything in her power to keep you there.
  4416. >Reaching the braking point, You brake and shift swiftly from 7th down to 2nd gear, throwing the car through the chicane at 102 miles per hour.
  4417. >You crawl ever closer to the Wonderbolt, but shes still just out of reach as you cross the start/finish line.
  4418. -Lap 70/70
  4419. >Final lap
  4420. >After this entire ordeal, Rainbow has held her position up front in 1st, from a starting position of 7th no less.
  4421. >The team is only one position away from receiving a 20,000 bit bonus. That could help immensely in the next Grand Prix.
  4422. >You NEED to pass Spitfire though. You need to pass her right fucking now.
  4423. >Up ahead, Rainbow is freaking out in her seat, as you had kind of expected. Shes leading the race on the final lap. You hope she doesn't lose it going through the circuit one final time.
  4424. >Over your radio, you hear her call out to you.
  4425. >RD: "*Anon! How's she lookin back there?*"
  4426. "*Nowhere near you! Just keep focusing, you've got this Dash. Leave Spitfire to me.*"
  4427. >Giving it your all, you hit every single mark on the circuit perfectly in the first few corners.
  4428. >Then, Just exactly what you needed happens. Spitfire goes a bit wide in turn 6! Her tires are probably so worn by now that she couldn't help it. As a result, you gain some ground on her coming out of turn 7, not enough to pass her though.
  4429. >Time is fucking running out. If you're going to make a move, you need to make it soon. Only three corners left.
  4430. >Going into turns 8 and 9, Spits brakes abnormally hard, allowing you to attack accordingly.
  4431. >Your friends up ahead at the hairpin begin cheering the loudest they have all day seeing you about to pass for second.
  4432. >Carrying the momentum out of turn 9 to the edge of the track, you get up along the right side of the blue and yellow #5, setting yourself up for a perfect opportu-
  4434. >Spitfire suddenly veers right.
  4435. >Tire sidewalls touch. Your left front, her right rear.
  4436. >The lateral energy transfer is small, but enough.
  4437. >Going from asphalt to grass at this speed sends the nose of your car airborne, disabling your ability to correct.
  4440. >Your only reaction is a sudden gasp as a solid concrete wall hurtles toward you at over 180 MPH.
  4455. .........
  4456. >RD: "*Anon! You there dude?*"
  4457. .........
  4458. >RD: "*Uh, Twilight? Is Anon ok?*"
  4459. >TS: "*I don't know, I'm getting the live feed now an- Oh my... Anon. Can you hear me?*"
  4460. .........
  4461. >TS: "*Anon?*"
  4462. .........
  4463. >TS: "*Anon! Do you read me?!*"
  4464. .........
  4465. >TS: "*He's not responding.*"
  4468. >RD: "Oh no..."
  4470. Chapter 23
  4472. *Jan 12, 2016 EDIT - Eliminated script format from chapter*
  4477. >Formula One Car: A single-seat, open cockpit, open-wheel racing car with substantial front and rear wings, and an engine positioned behind the driver, intended to be used in competition at Formula One racing events.
  4479. >Momentum: The product of the mass and velocity of an object.
  4481. >Concrete: A composite construction material made primarily with aggregate, cement, and water.
  4483. >Deflection: The event where an object collides and bounces against a plane surface.
  4485. >Inertia: The resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion or rest.
  4488. >75 Gs
  4489. >Seventy Five times the force of gravity.
  4490. >The speed at which the car was traveling when you made impact was clocked at exactly 186.49 MPH. The wall you hit nearly shattered from the force.
  4491. >Your car. The one that came along with you into Equestria: Totaled. Completely destroyed.
  4492. >The only thing remaining was the monocoque and a rear tire. Everything else was scattered across the hairpin in pieces.
  4493. >That car isn't going anywhere anymore.
  4494. >You however, came-to shortly after you were put into the ambulance heading towards Fillydelphia Regional Hospital.
  4495. >The wreck knocked you out, yes. But only for a brief period of time. Luckily for you, there are no severe lasting injuries.
  4496. >When you were admitted to the hospital, the doctor just told you that you received a light concussion and a sprained ankle. Relatively light injuries for a crash so dramatic.
  4501. >Its 2 hours after the race has ended.
  4502. >You're in a reclined seated position on a bed in a hospital room.
  4503. >"Sore" would be an understatement for how you feel right now.
  4504. >You look miraculously ok. Not a visible scratch on you besides that sprained ankle. But, everything hurts.
  4505. >It definitely feels like you hit a wall going top speed.
  4506. >looking around, you notice your room has a television. On it, the EBC Sport channel is giving a play by play of the highlights of the race.
  4507. >The ratings for this channel have to be through the roof, you think. Concerning what all took place earlier.
  4508. >You don't remember anything after the initial impact of your crash, so you're genuinely interested in what it looked like.
  4509. >*Rainbow Dash has claimed victory today in the dramatic Fillydelphia Grand Prix.* The announcer on TV states.
  4510. >Huh. She did win. Fuck yeah Rainbow!
  4511. >Of course you got crashed out of the race that she wins. Hopefully shes not too worried about you.
  4512. >The replay of the incident begins as the news anchor continues.
  4513. >*Cloudsdale Weather driver Anonymous is in a stable condition in the Fillydelphia Regional Hospital following this horrific crash on the final lap of the race. His machine struck another car before flying straight into a concrete wall, narrowly missing several other drivers.*
  4516. >...
  4517. >That was eerily similar to another drivers accident years ago back on earth. If you remember correctly, it was a guy named Kubica. Wow.
  4518. >It's almost the same exact fucking crash.
  4519. >*Hurricane Force driver Flitter escaped without injury after her frightening accident on the Casino Straight earlier in the race. Launching off of the rear of Blossomforth's car, she careened into the air and rolled across the top of a retaining wall. Blossomforth would go on to finish 9th.*
  4520. >Thank fuck. You were worried about that one. Good to hear she made it out alright.
  4521. >*In the championship standings, Rainbow Dash leads over Spitfire by 11 points.*
  4522. >Shes leading the championship. Holy shit.
  4523. >Dash is gonna fucking kill you for crashing out of this one.
  4525. >You lay your head back into the cloud like pillow. Exhaling as you stare at the ceiling.
  4527. >All that training. All that preparation leading up to her first win, and you crash out on the final lap. Laying in the back of an ambulance as she stands on the top step of the podium.
  4528. >At least you think she went to the podium. Knowing Rainbow, she probably left the track as soon as she could to come here. Maybe she's even here already.
  4529. >"Where is he?"
  4530. >A faint raspy voice from down the main hallway of the wing you're in confirms that last thought.
  4531. >Dash rounds the corner then stops at the entrance of your room.
  4532. >Still in her racing suit, she looks in with a hesitant and almost fearful expression. From the way she looks at the moment, messed up hair and tears down her cheeks, it would be safe to assume that she genuinely thought you were gone.
  4533. >"Anon?"
  4534. "Hey." You say reassuringly clear.
  4535. >Her expression changes exponentially from worried to absolute joy. The tears however keep flowing.
  4536. >"Anon! You're ok!!" Dash says galloping to your bedside, surprised to see you awake and alert.
  4537. "Define ok." you say as you give a soft laugh. Ribs twinge with pain as you do so.
  4538. >"You're not dead you idiot. That qualifies as ok to me."
  4539. >She reaches over the side of your bed and happily puts her lips to yours. You two stay locked for what seems like an eternity before she finally breaks away.
  4540. >Suddenly you feel loads better than you did before.
  4541. "You look like a mess." You say as you glide a hand through her scattered mane.
  4542. >"Like you look any better!" She says, batting your hand away. "What all happened to you?"
  4543. "Light concussion and a sprained ankle."
  4544. >"That's it!?"
  4545. >She looks at you from your legs to your head, surveying the relatively good state you're in.
  4546. "Yeah."
  4547. >"Huh." She looks to you. "I could have sworn you were much worse off than that."
  4548. >Yep, you're lucky. The front structure of your car was so damaged that your feet were exposed out the front of the monocoque. That sprained ankle should have been a shattered leg.
  4549. "Everything feels like its broken though. I'm so goddamn sore."
  4550. >"I'd fucking bet. That was a vicious crash you had Anon. Have you seen it yet?"
  4551. "Yeah. They just showed it up there a few minutes ago."
  4552. >You point to the television up in the corner. Dash looks up as it shows a few more highlights from the race.
  4553. "Wait. Is that Thunderlane and Soarin?"
  4554. >"Yeah. They kinda got into a fight."
  4555. >In the garage area, both drivers ended up getting into a shoving match as a result of their incident earlier in the race. Their respective teams had to pull them away from one another, otherwise the scuffle could have gone over the edge.
  4556. >Then the screen switches to the drivers podium where the first three drivers get awarded their trophies. Only, there are just two drivers up there instead of three. The top spot in between Spitfire and Octavia is vacant.
  4557. "So you didn't go to the podium?"
  4558. >Dash exhales, then looks up to you.
  4559. >"I was so fucking worried Anon. I couldn't go up there after everything I saw."
  4560. "After everything you saw? What all happened after the crash?"
  4562. >"It went like this."
  4565. ----
  4567. -2 hours ago-
  4569. >"*Anon! Do you read me!?*"
  4570. ........
  4571. >"*He's not responding*"
  4573. "Oh no..."
  4574. >You quickly drop down into 2nd gear and floor the throttle from turn 7.
  4575. >Halfway across the track is Anon in a mangled heap of aluminum and carbon fiber. Not responding.
  4576. >The race is over, and you won, but you're travelling down the short straight before turns 8 and 9 like you're still battling for position.
  4577. >Without thinking you navigate the esses with ease and come to the scene of the crash.
  4578. >The sight that greets you can be described as completely unsettling.
  4579. >Easing the car to a safe area away from the debris, you park just to the right of the racing surface.
  4580. >The wall is what you notice first after all the scattered shards of F1 car littering the track. You then follow the debris to Anons vehicle.
  4581. >Oh shit...
  4582. "Oh no. No no no no no no no!" You exclaim as you frantically undo your 6 point harness, detach the steering wheel, and remove your helmet. Eyes locked on a machine sitting on its side with only one wheel still connected to the monocoque as you exit your vehicle.
  4583. >Everything around you goes silent as you run towards Anon. Galloping past the springs, the tires, and the shards of bodywork on the track around you, all you're focusing on is to see if he's ok.
  4584. "Please be ok. Please." You say between breaths.
  4585. >If it wasn't for this damn racing suit, you could have flown there and been by his side already.
  4586. >Suddenly, you're stopped just before you can get to the car by a track marshal.
  4588. >"Sorry but I cant let you over there."
  4589. "WHAT? WHY NOT?!"
  4590. >Oh man this guy is pissing you off.
  4591. >The paramedics then arrive on the track. They jump out of the back of the carriage and begin to attend to Anon.
  4592. >"That's why. They're the only ones who can get him out."
  4593. "I just want to see him! Please!"
  4594. >The marshal then puts a hoof to his ear trying to better understand his radio.
  4595. >"Rainbow Dash, They need you over at the garage for post race inspection. I suggest you go now."
  4596. "NO. I'm not leaving without seeing-"
  4597. >What you see next shocks you to the core.
  4598. "A- Anon?..."
  4599. >The medics manage to get Anon out of his car, but there appears to be no life in him. As they try to place him on a stretcher, you notice his limbs are abnormally limp.
  4600. >The medics then give all of their attention to Anon after they place him in the back of the ambulance.
  4601. >To you, it looks like they're trying to revive him.
  4602. >Your heart drops, an overwhelming feeling of loss begins to overtake your being.
  4603. "No..."
  4604. >The doors to the ambulance close, and with Anon inside, it heads towards the nearest hospital downtown.
  4605. >That marshal saw everything along with you. He can only leave you there as he has no words to console you.
  4606. >Walking away, he speaks through his radio.
  4607. >"Rainbow Dash will be there soon."
  4608. >Still standing in the middle of the racetrack staring at Anon's destroyed machine, you're left there feeling lost. The only thing that brings your attention back is the sound of the rest of the field heading down to your position.
  4609. >With tears streaming down your face, you head off the track and start to walk back to your vehicle.
  4610. >As you stare down to the grass, and as the low hum of the other machines go past you. The image of Anon being put into the ambulance keeps replaying in your mind.
  4611. >Fuck the podium, your next stop is the fucking hospital. He can't die. Not like this.
  4612. >Just then, right as you reach your car, something in the grass catches your eye.
  4614. >Going to the left side of your machine, you see a familiar emblem on a small jagged edged chip from Anon's car.
  4616. ----
  4618. >"That's when I found this."
  4619. >She reaches in a pocket on her racing suit and pulls out a credit card size shard of, what looks like, carbon fiber.
  4620. >Getting a closer look, you realize just what that is.
  4621. "Ho- ly- shit."
  4622. >That right there, is the cutie mark decal you put on the rear wing of your car. Reduced to a single serrated shard no bigger than the palm of your hand.
  4623. >Damn your car got fucked up.
  4624. >>"Hits you hard doesn't it?"
  4625. "The wall? Yeah."
  4626. >"No, you fucking..." She says, slapping a hoof to her head. "I mean, seeing that there. In your hands."
  4627. "I know what you mean." you say while giving a small laugh.
  4628. >You silently sit there for a while just holding the shard in your hands. Thinking about everything you and that car went through.
  4629. >An entire years worth of racing, reduced to this.
  4631. >"But yeah. After all that, I couldn't do anything else unless I knew you were ok."
  4632. "Did you at least get your car to post race inspection?" you say raising an eyebrow
  4633. >"Duh. They wouldn't have given me the victory otherwise. I left to come here immediately after that though. Didn't even stop for interviews."
  4634. >Wow, she would rather be by your bedside than celebrate her first win in front of millions. She genuinely fucking cares about you.
  4635. >Guess she's not the element of loyalty for nothing.
  4636. >Smiling, you reply.
  4637. "Wow Rainbow. Tell you what. When we get home, I'll give you a proper celebration. Hows that sound?"
  4638. >"I think I like the sound of that." Dash says, giving you a sly look.
  4639. >Uh oh, you know exactly what shes getting at with that. Unfortunately, that can't happen.
  4640. "Hold up. Hold up. I can't do that."
  4641. >Rainbow is taken aback. A look of stunned confusion coming off her face.
  4642. >"W- What? I thought you said- That we were-"
  4643. >You put your hand up.
  4644. "No no no. It has nothing to do with that."
  4645. >Relieved but still confused, Dash looks at you with a quirked eyebrow.
  4646. >"What is it then? Huh?"
  4647. "Well, because of my concussion, the doc said 'No strenuous activity for three weeks'. Which means 'that' certain activity is a no go. For a while at least."
  4648. >"Oh."
  4649. >Yeah, she looks pretty dissapointed now.
  4650. >"Dammit Anon, Why the fuck did you have to go an- wait."
  4651. >Rainbows expression falls flat.
  4652. >"Three weeks? But the final race is two weeks from now."
  4653. "Yeah. I know."
  4654. >Your crash has effectively knocked you out of competition for the season. You're kind of ticked off about it, but Dash here. She looks royally pissed.
  4655. >"I'm gonna fucking kill Spitfire."
  4657. >Holy shit.
  4659. Chapter 24
  4661. *Jan 11, 2016 EDIT - Eliminated script format from this chapter.
  4667. >The race day hustle and bustle of the garage has long since gone. The spectators have made their way home and the cars all have been teleported to the next venue; Ponyville Circuit.
  4668. >The few that are still at the track are some of the different teams, most notably, Wonderbolts Racing. It has not been a good day for them.
  4669. >Sure Spitfire achieved a nice second place finish, but Soarin plummeted to 8th after his contact with Thunderlane near the end of the Grand Prix. Which subsequently hurt him in the points standings.
  4670. >That and Spitfires finish wasn't too well received with any of the spectators. The fans of Wonderbolts Racing were a quiet minority next to all of the booing and jeering race fans as Spits was presented her second place trophy on the podium.
  4671. >One can assume that it could be because she injured Anonymous at the hairpin. The crew chief of the team, Fleetfoot, knows full well that's why.
  4672. >At the tail end of the Wonderbolts cargo truck, she helps some of the crew pack up the pit wall gantry. With a grunt from each pony, the hefty box full of monitors and computer hardware is put into place and strapped down tight.
  4673. >"That's the last of it. Next stop, Ponyville, gentle-colts." Fleetfoot says as she looks to each of them.
  4674. >"Roger that chief." One of the crew members states. "Lets just hope we can get there with out being ambushed by bucking Cloudsdale fans."
  4675. >Another Crew pony pipes up. "Don't you remember? Anonymous is from Ponyville. Were heading straight into the damn hornets nest for the final race."
  4676. >Fleetfoot raises her hoof.
  4677. >"Don't worry yourselves too much. I think whatever the Marshals have in store for Spitfire will please all of em before we get there."
  4678. >The three crew members begin walking back towards the open garage stall.
  4679. >"I hope so. No one looked happy with any of us." A crew pony says as he grabs the keys to the truck hanging on a hook on the wall.
  4680. >Fleetfoot grabs her belongings, then turns to the crew members again.
  4681. >"Well I'm going to have a talk with Spitfire and Soarin at the hotel before they leave. I'm going to see if she did it on purpose or not."
  4682. >"On purpose? That doesn't sound like her at all. I think it was just an accident." says a crew pony walking towards the truck.
  4683. >"That's what I'm hoping it was." Fleetfoot says.
  4684. >She opens the rear access door of the garage and begins to head out as the others climb into the hauler.
  4685. >"Alright. We'll see you at Ponyville ma'am!" One of them yells out into the garage.
  4686. >"Yep! See you then."
  4688. >She silently thinks to herself as she closes the door and heads down the hallway.
  4689. >*Telemetry doesn't lie. I just hope Spitfire doesn't either.*
  4691. ---
  4693. >In the middle of downtown sits a brand new hotel. Widely regarded as the fanciest hotel in Fillydelphia, if not all of Equestria.
  4694. >Because of its presence as a high class establishment. the hotel has attracted nearly all of the Formula One teams to be used as their temporary home for the race weekend.
  4695. >Most of the drivers have already packed their bags and left seeing as the weekends events have concluded. A few though, have stayed behind to enjoy the nice atmosphere of the lobby.
  4696. >Contemporary is the word you could use to describe the look of the place. Everything is sleek and modern.
  4697. >Scattered around the lobby are seating areas for parties to sit and chat. At one of those seating areas is none other than Soarin and Spitfire.
  4698. >Their shared mood is one of anxiousness however. Knowing that whatever penalty gets enforced on Spitfire will have no benefit to the team what so ever.
  4700. >"So you didn't do it on purpose?" Soarin asks.
  4701. >With her head back on the couches backrest, Spitfire looks to the ceiling as she answers her teammate.
  4702. >"No. I didn't. Why can't anypony see that when you're battling for second place on the final lap, you will do anything to keep whoever is behind you, back there."
  4703. >"Even send them to the hospital with a concussion?"
  4704. >Spitfire closes her eyes and lets loose an long annoyed exhale.
  4705. >"Ok. You know I did not intend for that to happen."
  4706. >"In the eyes of the Stewards, that doesn't matter." Soarin states. "Whatever they give you isn't going to be pretty. Remember the penalty they gave Vinyl Scratch in pre-season testing? All she did was block a driver. You sent one to the hospital. I'm thinking you'll be lucky if you still have a racing licence by the end of the day."
  4707. >Spitfire hops off of the couch, worried.
  4708. >"That's not right! They can't take that away from me!"
  4710. >"I'm afraid they can." Says a voice from behind them.
  4712. >Startled, both Wonderbolts turn to the direction of the voice.
  4713. >"Oh, hey Fleet." Soarin says holding a hoof up.
  4714. >"Good evening."
  4715. >"What do you mean they can?" Spitfire inquires in a worried tone.
  4716. >Fleetfoot walks up next to the table in the middle of their seating area.
  4717. >"The Stewards have the power to enforce whatever penalty they see fit, ranging from ten seconds added to your total time, all the way to a complete ban from competing, forever."
  4718. >Spitfire gulps at that last word.
  4719. >"Is there anything we can do? Do we have a say on the matter?" Asks Spitfire.
  4720. >"It's limited, but there is one thing we can do." Fleetfoot states
  4721. >Interests piqued, the Wonderbolts lean in.
  4722. >"And that would be?" Soarin asks raising an eyebrow.
  4724. >"To file an appeal."
  4726. >This statement makes Soarin audibly sigh out in annoyance and flop back into the backrest of the couch.
  4727. >"We would have to go to court?!"
  4728. >"Only if the penalty is outrageous." Fleetfoot exhales. "Judging from before, there is a very good chance that it might be."
  4729. >Off across the room from the trio, a news report catches their attention. It's faint, but they are able to hear it from their position
  4730. >*At the top of the hour, Formula One Management will hold a news conference in regard to Spitfire's consequences after today's Grand Prix in Fillydelphia. Be sure to tune in here on EBC Sport to hear the full report.*
  4731. >Spitfire turns to the direction of the clock to her left. It shows 6:30 PM on its face.
  4732. >"Well, we'll know my fate in 30 minutes."
  4733. >The crew chief then turns to Spits.
  4734. >"If it is bad, we will meet up Tuesday at Canterlot to get this mess sorted out. Alright?"
  4735. >"Roger that chief."
  4736. >Fleetfoot chuckles a little. Having her squad lead answer to her in that way feels pretty nice.
  4737. >"Heh, I could definitely get used to that."
  4738. >"Like I told you. All F1 related operations are under your jurisdiction Fleet. Everything military related is still under my control."
  4739. >"I'm aware. And don't worry. I'm going to make sure you're racing in Ponyville two weeks from now."
  4740. >Fleetfoot turns to leave, but stops after a few steps. Turning back to Spitfire, she asks the question shes been pondering about since the incident occurred.
  4742. >"Before I forget, there is one thing I wanted to ask-"
  4743. >"No, it wasn't on purpose Fleet." Spitfire interjects.
  4745. >That firm answer surprised her crew chief, it's obvious Spitfire knew that question was going to come up.
  4746. >Fleet knew in the back of her mind that that was the answer she was going to get, but, this explanation set her at ease.
  4747. >"I did jink right to move into a defensive line, yes. I didn't know he was that far beside me though. There wasn't any malicious intent in that move. It was simply a racing incident. Swear to Celestia."
  4748. >That was enough to help her feel a little better. But even with that, she knows for certain that this will be a long week for Wonderbolts Racing.
  4749. >"Right, I think that answers my question. Have a good night you guys."
  4750. >"We'll try. See ya Fleetfoot." Soarin says as the chief heads on out of the lobby.
  4752. >Sitting back down, Spitfire inquires to Soarin.
  4753. >"How did I know she would ask that question?"
  4754. >"It's on everypony's mind. I would've been surprised if you didn't think she would ask you."
  4755. >"Of course."
  4756. >Spits sets her head back on the backrest and exhales. Overwhelmed with everything that has come up as a result of single botched racing maneuver.
  4759. >"I wonder how he feels about you." Soarin says talking about Anonymous, looking at his teammate with worry.
  4760. >"I don't know. But to be honest with you, it's not Anon's feelings I'm worried about."
  4761. >Soarin raises an eyebrow, thinking that she can't be talking about his teammate.
  4762. >"I don't understand. Rainbow Dash idolizes you Spits. Why would she hold any animosity toward you?"
  4763. >Spitfire lifts her head up to look at Soarin.
  4764. >"Apparently you didn't hear."
  4765. >"Hear what?"
  4766. >Spits pauses for a second, choosing her words.
  4767. >"Those two are kind of a... thing. Now." she says motioning her arms.
  4768. >Soarin's eyes go wide. The situation becoming crystal clear.
  4769. >"If she sees you. You're dead."
  4770. >"Now you get it."
  4772. ---===---
  4774. >"Concussion huh?"
  4775. "Yeah."
  4776. >"Well that just throws a wrench into our season." Twilight states.
  4777. >"Tell me about it." Rainbow adds
  4779. >Twilight arrived at your hospital room about 30 minutes after Rainbow did. She of course couldn't be happier that you made it out of that horrific crash with so few injuries. After hearing that you couldn't continue the season though, that put a damper on her mood.
  4780. >Still, you're alive. Twilight saw everything happen to you before her eyes and it got to her. She told you that she hasn't felt that much dread and fear in years. It's all she could ask for in the current situation to see you alright.
  4781. >From Rainbow's facial expression though, you can tell shes putting the full blame of your accident on the driver who took second today.
  4782. >"Whatever penalty the stewards give that shit for brains Wonderbolt is gonna be too good for her."
  4783. >"I'm thinking they might suspend her from competing in the final race." Twilight states.
  4784. >Disagreeing, you shake your head.
  4786. "I don't think they're going to be that 'lenient'." you say, making quotation marks with your fingers.
  4788. >Twilight raises an eyebrow.
  4789. >"You don't think they'll take away her license, will they?"
  4790. "That's what I'm thinking they're going to do to her. If the past says anything, it says the Stewards are brutal when it comes to punishments. They're not gonna take this lightly."
  4791. >Rainbow then adds "Good. The quicker they can get her kicked out, the better."
  4792. >Ok, that shit is getting annoying. What the hell is up with this mare?
  4793. "You do realize I'll be fully recovered in a few weeks right?" you inquire to Dash.
  4794. >"I know that." she says
  4795. "So, whats with this whole shitting on Spitfire now?"
  4796. >Rainbow walks over to your bed and looks dead in your eyes.
  4798. >"Look. We had this shit. The whole thing. Cloudsdale Weather was going to be the top team, better than any of the others! Then this happens."
  4800. >She points her hoof over to the television monitor which happens to be displaying yet another replay of your crash.
  4801. >Its hard to believe that you were sitting in there when that happened. Jeez.
  4802. >"I go through a roller coaster of emotions so quickly that I'm left exhausted. All the way from winning the damn Grand Prix to thinking my new special somepony is dead. Er.. someone, you know what I mean."
  4803. >The look Dash is giving you tells all. You don't think you've ever seen anyone that pissed off.
  4804. >"She took away our glory, and she almost took your life. I think I have a valid reason as to why I dislike that fucking pegasus at the moment."
  4805. >Without missing a beat, you reply.
  4806. "Just because she took away 'our' glory doesn't mean she took away yours."
  4807. >"That's not the point." Rainbow replied, equally as quick.
  4808. "Babe, you-"
  4809. >"Don't 'babe' me. You heard what I said."
  4810. >You only huff through your nose in frustration. You knew she was stubborn but god damn.
  4811. >"Look. I'm not going to throw away everything we've worked for this season just to get back at her. That would be dumb. I'm just not going to feel any bit sorry for her when she gets what she deserves."
  4812. >Rainbow trots over to a nearby chair and sits herself down. You look over to her as a thought enters your mind.
  4814. "Dash, let me play devils advocate here for just a second."
  4815. >"Ok."
  4816. "Lets just say, what if it really was just a racing incident. That, in the heat of competitive racing, she had not a single clue that I was next to her. and thinking that I was further back, decided at that exact moment to take the defensive inside line on approach to the turn. Only to feel a sudden bump."
  4817. >Rainbow looks around in thought, contemplating the scenario in her head.
  4818. >"In the off chance that was what actually happened. She still almost killed you."
  4819. >Yeah, her mind is made up. Dash wants to see Spitfire burn.
  4821. ---
  4823. >12 minutes later, Dash and yourself are eyeing the television, awaiting the Steward's decision on Spitfire's penalty.
  4824. >Returning from her trip to the restroom, Twilight asks this to you.
  4825. >"How long are they gonna keep you here for?"
  4826. "I think I heard one of the doctors say that I'll be released tomorrow morning."
  4827. >"Oh thank goodness." Rainbow says from her chair.
  4828. "What?"
  4829. >"I thought we were gonna be here for alot longer than that."
  4830. >Twilight then continues "How do you think you'll be on that ankle?"
  4831. "I'm sure it wont be too bad. I will be limping for a couple days though I think."
  4832. >Not to mention about the only thing you'll be doing for several days is resting. Concussions aren't fun at all.
  4833. >"Well Rainbow, do you think we should head back to the hotel and pack up?"
  4834. >"After this." she says motioning towards the tv.
  4835. >EBC Sport has just begun broadcasting the news conference. Luna herself has walked up to the table and taken a seat in front of a microphone.
  4836. >"Huh. Luna must be speaking on behalf of Celestia." Twilight says
  4837. >"Shh!" Rainbow orders
  4838. >Setting a few sheets of paper down in front of her, Luna begins speaking to the countless race fans in Equestria.
  4840. >"As a result of the incident involving cars number 5 and number 1 on approach to turn 10 on the final lap, sending Anonymous to the hospital. The penalties awarded to Spitfire are as follows."
  4841. >"Penalties?" Twilight worriedly states, noticing the words plural form.
  4843. >Oh shit. Here we go.
  4844. >"Immediate expulsion from all future Formula 1 events, racing licence revoked, and a 30,000 bit fine."
  4845. >Damn...
  4846. >Luna then continues "Wonderbolts Racing may file for an appeal later on this week at the F1 Headquarters in Canterlot."
  4847. >With that. Luna lifts the paper from the desk and begins to walk off. Reporters ask their questions in unison and flash bulbs go off in rapid succession as she leaves.
  4848. >The EBC announcer then comes in through the broadcast, "Welp. You heard it here. Spitfire is an F1 pilot no more. The field ready for Ponyville reduced to 10 drivers within the course of just a few hours. We'll be back with more on this development after a commercial break."
  4849. >You look around your hospital room at your two friends. Twilight looks pretty stunned, as you'd expect. Dash however, displays a smirk as she looks toward the television.
  4850. >"Heh. Sucks to be her."
  4852. >You know what. Fuck that.
  4854. "I'm helping them out with the appeal."
  4855. >"WHAT!?!?"
  4856. >Birds sitting in a tree just outside the hotel get startled and fly away. Ponies sitting outside enjoying the day look around wondering where the hell that outburst came from.
  4857. >That's the first time you've seen Twi jump that hard.
  4858. "You heard me. No driver deserves that. Especially if the incident wasn't intentional. Spitfire is not getting banned from competition. Not if I can help it."
  4859. >Rainbow just stares at you, mouth agape. She cant believe what she just heard.
  4860. >A few silent seconds pass. Twilight shifts here eyes looking at you two, anxiously awaiting whatever comes next.
  4861. >Dash then closes her eyes. She gets up from her chair and looks dead at you.
  4862. >"Fuck you too, Anon."
  4863. >With that, she storms out of the room with a huff.
  4864. "See you tomorrow." you reply as she leaves.
  4865. >"FUCK OFF." Her voice echoes from down the hall.
  4866. >Twilight hurries to the entrance of your room and sticks her head out from the door.
  4867. >"Rainbow! Come back!"
  4868. "Let her go, she'll be fine."
  4869. >"Ugh. I don't think this week is going well for anyone." Twi says walking back up beside your bed.
  4870. "I know." you say, exhaling.
  4871. >"Are you really gonna help them?"
  4873. "Yes I'm going to help them. There isn't anyone else on this planet who can better convince these corrupt stewards that this is unreasonable. I'm going to Canterlot, whether Rainbow likes it or not."
  4875. Chapter 25
  4877. "In F1, too many things overshadow the racing. There is too much politics" - Kimi Raikkonen.
  4881. >It's been 6 hours since the Fillydelphia Grand Prix ended. After the news report of Spitfire's literal banishment from Formula 1, and the ensuing conflict between Anon and Rainbow Dash over Anon's intentions of helping the Wonderbolt get her licence back. The Cloudsdale Weather #2 driver and her Crew Chief have since made it back to the hotel. Rainbows head a little cooler from before, having had time to think about the whole situation.
  4883. >*At the top of the hour, Stay tuned for new details on how Wonderbolts Racing plans on fighting the ruling that banned Spitfire from competition.*
  4884. >"Can you turn that off Twilight?" Rainbow asks over from the kitchen area of her hotel room.
  4885. >Twi, sitting on the couch, clicks the television off. Then tosses the remote to the other side of the seat.
  4886. >"Thanks." Dash says, pouring herself a cup of the complimentary cider given to all Formula One teams who stayed at the hotel for the weekend.
  4887. >"This is exactly what I need right now." Dash quietly mutters to herself.
  4888. >"Can you pour me a cup?" Twilight says, rising from the couch.
  4889. >"Sure. Nothing beats Sweet Apple Acres eh?"
  4890. >Twilight replies "You got that right." as Rainbow finishes pouring into the cup
  4891. >Now at the counter, Twilight grabs her cup and motions for a toast by raising the glass to the air. Dash slowly follows suit.
  4893. >"To your first win." Twilight says.
  4894. >"And to many more." Rainbow adds. Glasses klang and you both down your drinks in one go.
  4896. >"Ahh. Love this stuff." Twilight says, setting her empty glass down.
  4897. >"Want another?" inquires Rainbow.
  4898. >"No thanks. One is enough for now." Twilight exhales, "I wish Anon could be here celebrating with us."
  4899. >"Yeah. If it wasn't for that damn-"
  4900. >"Stop." Twilight interjects. "You really need to get over Spitfire. You're gonna lose your shot at the championship if this attitude continues over into the final race at Ponyville."
  4901. >"Sorry." Rainbow rolls her eyes, "I've just gone through alot today."
  4902. >"We all have Rainbow. This Grand Prix today took a ton out of every team. Some more so than others."
  4903. >Rainbow walks to the couch and flops over to lie down. After a silent few moments, she asks: "Where did everyone finish? I didn't even catch the results at all today."
  4904. >"Here." Twilight grabs her personal After Action Report and gives it to Rainbow. Situating herself to a reading position, Dash flips to the last page displaying the final results from today's race.
  4906. -----
  4908. *Official results of the Fillydelphia Grand Prix*
  4910. 1. Rainbow Dash
  4911. 2. Spitfire
  4912. 3. Octavia
  4913. 4. Cloud Chaser
  4914. 5. Aloe
  4915. 6. Vinyl Scratch
  4916. 7. Lotus
  4917. 8. Soarin
  4918. 9. Blossomforth
  4919. 10. Thunderlane
  4920. 11. Anonymous - - - Out - Crash
  4921. 12. Flitter - - - - Out - Crash
  4925. Drivers Championship Standings
  4927. 1. Rainbow Dash - - 37
  4928. 2. Spitfire - - - - 26
  4929. 3. Anonymous - - - 25
  4930. 4. Soarin - - - - - 22
  4931. 5. Vinyl Scratch - 18
  4932. -- Cloud Chaser - - 18
  4933. 7. Thunderlane - - 16
  4934. 8. Octavia - - - - 15
  4935. 9. Aloe - - - - - - 10
  4936. -- Lotus - - - - - 10
  4937. 11. Blossomforth - 3
  4938. 12. Flitter - - - - 2
  4940. -----
  4943. >"Well at least he isn't dead last." Rainbow says, closing the folder and giving it back to Twilight. "Why did it have to be him? Of course the guy who starts this whole thing has to have a horrible accident two races in!"
  4944. >"I'm just happy he's ok." Twi says, sitting down at the foot of the couch, "Yes he's out of commission for three weeks, and yes that does hurt our team standings. He's alive though. You gotta put things into perspective Dash."
  4945. >Rainbow huffs. "Yeah. I guess you're right."
  4946. >lying there silent in thought, looking out the window at the colorful Fillydelphia sunset, Dash speaks up after a few moments. "You have no idea how happy I was when I walked into his room and he looked straight at me. I was happier than when I won the race earlier just seeing him there awake."
  4947. >"You were just as much of a mess as he was." Twilight laughs. "Dirty and sweaty in that fire suit from the race, and that helmet head? Ugh."
  4948. >"Oh shut up, we had a hell of a moment." Dash says, smiling.
  4949. >The two share a short giggle before Twilight turns to gaze out the window at the huge island below housing the circuit.
  4950. >"What will you do if Anon manages to get Spitfire's licence back before the final race?"
  4951. >"Punch him. Hard." replies Rainbow without missing a beat.
  4952. >"Not too hard I hope. Remember, he'll still be recovering from that concussion."
  4953. >"He'll be fine. I'm not gonna cripple him." Dash grabs the remote. "I'm just going to show him how much I didn't want her to be in the final race with a solid strike to the arm." Dash says pointing the remote to her friend. "He'll be lucky if it doesn't fracture."
  4954. >"Don't hit him that hard!" Twilight pleads, "I still need him for next season!"
  4955. >"I'm kidding Twilight." says Dash showing a small smirk. Twilight looks at her with an eyebrow raised.
  4956. >"Are you sure you're kidding?" says Twilight, "Judging from when you stormed out of his room earlier, you seemed like you would have been willing to break anything that got in your way."
  4957. >"Yeah." Dash says. "Now that I've had time to think though, I think I reacted a little over the top back there. I'm still frustrated with him, I'm just really not 'that' mad at him."
  4958. >"Well that's good." a relieved Twilight states. "I didn't want to see you guys break up already after what, half a day?"
  4960. >"I was never going to do that in the first place. Why would I break up with him over something as asinine as a simple disagreement?" Rainbow says, trying to balance the tv remote on her nose.
  4962. >"I don't know. I've just never seen you that irritated. I had every reason to expect the worst." Twilight says giving out a laugh.
  4963. >"Eh, I guess I'm just unpredictable." Dash states, before immediately losing balance of the remote. "dammit."
  4964. >Just then, a worrying thought crosses Rainbows mind.
  4965. >"You don't think he'll immediately want to go to Canterlot, do you?"
  4966. >"I wouldn't think so." Twi replies. "I think Wonderbolts Racing said that they were going to appeal on Wednesday anyway. So I don't see why he would."
  4967. >Rainbow continues "I don't know why I thought that. It's probably because I haven't really spent any real time with Anon yet since last night. You know, just sitting around and chatting. Enjoying each others company."
  4968. >"He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would do that anyway Rainbow. Trust me, he'll come home with us. For at least a couple days."
  4969. >"I sure hope so." Dash says staring up at the ceiling.
  4970. >"Well what say we start packing up for tomorrow?" says Twi, getting up from the couch and heading towards her room.
  4971. >"Sounds like a plan." Dash yawns. "Lemme stay here for a while though. I'm absolutely exhausted and this couch is heavenly."
  4972. >"Sure." agrees Twilight, "I'll see you in the morning then."
  4975. ----
  4978. >Ah, fresh air. Finally outside in the Fillydelphia sun.
  4979. >Twilight is on your left, Rainbow hovering to your right, all of you carrying your respective luggage heading toward the train station.
  4980. >Ankle feels like shit, but you can stand on it at least. Twilight insisted to get your luggage for you, but you declined. This is nothing you haven't been able to handle before.
  4981. >Even though you only spent a night in that hospital room. You could have sworn it felt like 2 solid years went by.
  4982. >Considering everything that happened, yeah, of course it would feel like that. Also, not being allowed to sleep because of your injury didn't help matters.
  4983. >You had pretty much the worst incident of your racing career yesterday. Your prized racing vehicle is no more.
  4984. >Fuck, you really had a soft spot for that thing. Had a chance at clinching the actual F1 Drivers Championship back on Earth with it.
  4985. >Was the best car you ever drove. By far.
  4986. >But oh well, you gotta move on. That's just life sometimes.
  4987. >At least you've got the thunderbolt cutie mark shard that Rainbow recovered for you. That's gonna be a hell of a good luck charm you bet.
  4988. >Speaking of Rainbow, she is a bit more calm today compared to when you last saw her. Seems like her and Twilight had a talk last night.
  4989. >She doesn't want to hurt you as much now it looks like, but you're sure there is still some animosity towards that Wonderbolt.
  4990. >As the three of you enter the foyer of Fillydelphia's main train station, Twilight speaks up.
  4992. >"So. Are you gonna go to Canterlot or are you coming home with us?"
  4994. >Ah ok. That's why Dash has been quiet this morning.
  4995. >Looking at her, you can tell that she wants you to come home. Doing anything else, with what happened this weekend, would just be horrible, you think.
  4996. >"I would really like to go home. I can go in and state my case in Canterlot at any time. Besides, Everypony in Ponyville needs to know I'm ok."
  4997. >With that, Dash slowly approaches and hugs you. "Thank you." She replies with a relieved sigh.
  4998. >As you return the embrace, Twilight walks over and purchases 3 tickets to Ponyville.
  5000. >You can deal with those stewards later. For now, friends and... Family... are your top priority.
  5003. ------
  5005. Chapter 26
  5009. >Ponyville. Dawn. Overcast with light showers. 71 degrees.
  5011. >The soft pitter-patter of the rain outside is allowing for a very tranquil atmosphere right now.
  5012. >The majority of the day yesterday was spent travelling from Fillydelphia to Ponyville by train. Nearly a 10 hour trip.
  5013. >So when you finally arrived back to the library. All you could think of was "Bed". Which was expected. Since you're concussed, you couldn't really sleep for the first 24 hours after your accident.
  5014. >But now, we're here. You've woken up just after sunrise, although slightly dark because of the rainy overcast.
  5015. >Rainbow is curled up next to you, head laying on your chest, still asleep.
  5016. >You look down at her ruffled mane and smile to yourself, then rest your head back into your pillow.
  5017. >When you think about it. This is probably the one and only time you've actually been 100% comfortable since arriving here.
  5018. >You've pretty much been going nonstop since, hell, even before you came to Equestria. You were on the tail end of a Formula One season with championship contention on the line.
  5019. >Then ZAP, you're here all of a sudden and the whole sport pretty much follows you. Then, again, business continued as usual.
  5020. >This is your first actual break from constant anxiety and worry in an entire years time. It feels fucking fantastic.
  5021. >Had to hit a wall at 186 miles per hour before you could feel this way though. Definitely not a pleasant process, that.
  5022. >So just savor this moment. You've got someone who cares about you in your arms. A place to sleep, a place to eat, a place to rest.
  5023. >Just relax.
  5024. >You close your eyes and doze off once more. Enjoying all the calm ambiance that the library provides.
  5026. 45 minutes later
  5028. >"Hey" says a soft raspy voice.
  5029. >You open your eyes to see Dash looking up at you from where she was resting.
  5030. "Morning" you reply, sounding a little groggy.
  5031. >"How are you feeling?" She asks. checking on your condition.
  5032. "Like a million bits."
  5033. >"Awesome." she replies as she lays her head back down on you, smiling.
  5034. "How's my championship leader doing this morning?"
  5035. >"Never felt better in my whole life."
  5036. >You could say the same. That's being 100% honest too.
  5037. >"Mind if we stay like this for a while?" she inquires. Hugging you tighter.
  5038. "Well, it's not like we haven't been like this all night."
  5039. >"Just a little while longer. Please?"
  5040. "Heh. Your wish is my command."
  5041. >"Oooh, don't give me that kind of power. You probably won't last long~" She says, giving you a suggestive look.
  5042. "Really now? After I recover fully, You're gonna have a hard time keeping up with someone like me."
  5043. >"Is that a challenge?" She says, giggling.
  5044. "Maybe."
  5045. >Dash bites her lip and you ease toward one another. but, just before face contact is made...
  5046. *KNock KnOCk KNOcK*
  5047. >Oh god dammit.
  5049. >And woah, was it just you or did those knocks sound weird? Amplified almost.
  5050. >Yeah, you definitely have a concussion, shits fucking with you.
  5051. >*sigh* "Yeeeessss?" Dash calls out, annoyed.
  5052. >The door opens and Twilight peeks her head in.
  5053. >"Hey guys, am I interrupting anything?"
  5054. >"What kind of question is that?" Dash retorts.
  5055. >"Right, well. I just wanted to let you know that, um, Wonderbolts Racing is in Canterlot. As we speak."
  5056. >Well shit.
  5057. >There goes helping them out initially. You didn't think they'd be there that quickly.
  5058. "I had no idea they were going to be there this early, and leaving for Canterlot is not an option right now."
  5059. >"Yeah, Anon needs his rest and he needs me to look after him anyway." Dash adds.
  5060. >You look to rainbow and say "Well, the concussion didn't require surgery so I mean-"
  5061. >"Shhhhhhhhhh" Dash says as she puts a hoof to your mouth.
  5062. >Twilight continues: "No I understand. You do need rest. I'm just wondering. What's your plan gonna be now?"
  5063. >Good question.
  5064. >After a quick thought, you say "Let's see what happens when they're on their own. If their appeal gets denied, I'll head up there on Saturday and see if I can do anything about it."
  5065. >"Good luck." Twilight states. "Once an appeal is denied they almost always never go back on it."
  5066. "There's always a first time for everything."
  5067. >"Alright, whatever you say Anon. If you guys need anything, just say so." Twilight says as she closes the bedroom door.
  5069. >"I don't think she believes you're gonna be able to help them." Rainbow says propping herself up on her arm.
  5070. "It's gonna be tough, but I feel I'm the only person here that will have any chance at helping them." you say while lying your head back down.
  5071. >"I believe you can."
  5072. "Huh."
  5073. >That's a change. Two days ago you could've sworn she wanted Spitfire gone.
  5074. "You think so?"
  5075. >"Duh. But we'll save that for Saturday." Dash says as she positions herself to where shes on top of you, looking down directly into your eyes. "Now, where were we?"
  5076. "Not too far now Rainbow, Don't fry my brain already."
  5077. >"If you think making out is a 'strenuous activity', I don't even want to know what you think racing out on track is."
  5078. "Good point, don't expect alot out of me just yet though."
  5079. >"No worries, Just relax and I'll take care of the rest." Dash says as she leans in and puts her lips to yours.
  5082. ----
  5085. >Canterlot. Morning. Partly cloudy with distant overcast. 80 degrees.
  5087. >Soarin is sitting outside the F1 Court of Appeals building in the center of Canterlot. Waiting.
  5088. >And waiting.
  5089. >For what seems like an eternity.
  5090. >He knows court processes take forever usually, having been present for many in his military service, but this.
  5091. >This has been something else.
  5092. >After having yet another young filly approach him for an autograph, He notices his teammate and crew chief exiting the front doors.
  5093. >*Well, here we go.* He thinks to himself.
  5094. >Spitfire looks pretty annoyed. This gains Soarin's interest as he was expecting either relief or disappointment.
  5095. >This is definitely weird.
  5096. >Spitfire and Fleetfoot walk up to Soarins position. "So what was the verdict?" Soarin asks.
  5097. >"Apparently" Fleetfoot starts. "Something came up that required the Princesses attention at the Crystal Empire."
  5098. >"What does that mean for us?" Soarin says.
  5099. >"They're going to have to get back to us on Saturday." Spitfire states.
  5100. >"Well that's bullshit." Says Soarin. "Is the situation something that we need to be worried about as a squadron and not as a racing operation?"
  5101. >"They didn't disclose that information with us. So it's obviously not of dire importance." Says Spitfire.
  5102. >Soarin continues. "So they just took our appeal and filed it away for Saturday?"
  5103. >"Pretty much." says Fleet.
  5104. >"That does not bode well for you Spits."
  5105. >"I know Soarin. I know."
  5106. >Fleetfoot takes in a large breath, exhales, and says "Welp. I know you probably don't want to hear this Spitfire, but just in case, we're gonna need to start talking about a replacement driver. I cant afford only having one car out there at Ponyville."
  5107. >Spitfire closes her eyes. Wincing at the thought. But, an operation is an operation and it has to go on.
  5108. >"I know of a promising cadet from the academy. She's a bit volatile, but we could channel her energy." says Spitfire.
  5109. >Soarin, worried, says "You're not talking about Lightning Dust are you? I don't see how that is a good idea."
  5110. >"Do you want this team to win or not?" Spitfire bites back.
  5111. >All Soarin does is sigh. He says to himself *Not if it might cause one of the biggest accidents we have yet to see.*
  5112. >"Fleetfoot, give Lightning Dust a call. Put her in a car on Thursday at EquineRing for a test session. If I'm not gonna be able to race, she is our only shot at that 200,000 bits." says Spitfire.
  5113. >"Roger that ma'am" Fleetfoot says.
  5116. ----
  5119. >Back in Ponyville
  5121. >Both you and Rainbow finally exit your bedroom about an hour and a half after you awoke.
  5122. >After a shared yawn, You look to her while scratching your head and say:
  5123. "Thanks for the um, breakfast, Dash."
  5124. >"It was my pleasure Anon. literally."
  5125. >Yeah, things might have escalated back there.
  5126. >okay, not "might have". Did escalate.
  5127. >Overhearing you, Twilight walks in from the next room and says "Oh hey, you guys ate already?"
  5128. >You share a quick glance with Dash, the both of you smiling, then you both look back to Twi.
  5129. "Yeah sure."
  5130. >"Alright cool, that's less groceries I have to buy this morning. I'll be back in a bit."
  5131. "Wait! Wait a second." You call out before Twi exits. "Go ahead and get something anyway. It was a very... 'low impact' breakfast."
  5132. >Rainbow stifles a laugh.
  5133. >Well, it was. You are concussed after all.
  5134. "We might be hungry later."
  5135. >"ooookay. More food, got it." Twi says as the door shuts behind her.
  5136. >Rainbow looks to you and says "Really? 'Low impact'?"
  5137. "What? It worked didn't it?"
  5138. >"Yes. But wow."
  5139. "Think you could have come up with something better?" you say as you go to the table and take a seat.
  5140. >"Oh I dunno. I probably would have gone with something more subtle, like we had a 'light' breakfast?"
  5141. >That... might have been better.
  5142. "Whatever. We had the breakfast of champions this morning anyway, so today is starting off well I'd say."
  5143. >"'Breakfast of champions.'" Dash says to herself. "I like that. I like that alot."
  5144. "You do?" you say, smiling with a quirked eyebrow.
  5145. >"I want that embroidered on my racing suit. Yours too. When you're back of course."
  5146. >Ho boy. Are we gonna be James Hunt-ing this shit?
  5147. >Yeah. We're gonna James Hunt this shit.
  5150. Chapter 27
  5152. >Friday. One week before the final race weekend this season.
  5153. >Recovery is going well. You can go out and walk around town whenever you feel like and not have any problems.
  5154. >So you've decided to go and give Rarity a visit at her boutique. Seeing as she might be the best pony to get some patches made.
  5155. >Yes, those patches. The James Hunt ones. Rainbow wasn't kidding when she said she wanted them.
  5156. >After entering her boutique, Rarity stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of you. Then promptly ran over and hugged you.
  5157. >She and a few others were pretty much front-row-center for your accident. This is the first time Rarity has seen you since then.
  5158. >The others came by and visited the library while you were bed resting, so everyone did get a chance to see you.
  5159. >Along the way though, you learned that Rarity is actually pretty busy with being the whole "Official apparel provider" for Formula 1.
  5160. >You kinda knew that before, but didn't realize the scale. Her boutique has expanded. Exponentially.
  5161. >She still does dresses by han- uh, hoof. But she now has a showroom and a store for all F1 team apparel. She had to hire employees.
  5162. >Yeah, that big.
  5164. >"Oh my gosh! I'm so happy to see that you're up and walking!" Rarity says.
  5165. "Yep. I'm pretty lucky." you say, nodding your head.
  5166. >"You are not kidding. We all thought..." she pauses "We all thought the worst."
  5167. "Yeah. Sorry about that."
  5168. >"Oh don't be darling. Please. You're here to live another day."
  5169. "Eh. Still."
  5170. >Judging from how Rainbow acted that day, Rarity and the others probably fared no better. You don't even want to think about it.
  5171. >"Anyway, you must be here for something other than to see moi, I imagine. How can I help you?" Rarity asks.
  5172. "Well. Rainbow wants some patches made for our suits."
  5173. >Rarity smiles "Well you've come to the right place! Do you have a design?"
  5174. "Yeah."
  5175. >You take a folded sheet of paper out of your pocket and hand it to her. She takes it with her magic, and unfolds it.
  5176. >"Ok, lets see what we ha- Oh my."
  5177. >Rarity glances up at you. Back down to the sketch. Back up to you.
  5178. >"Do I... want to know?"
  5179. >You let out an "uuuhhhh" then proceed to let out a small laugh.
  5180. "Do you?"
  5181. >"aaaahhh, not right now. hehe. Um, question."
  5182. "Answer."
  5183. >Rarity points to the center of the design. "Is the bicep supposed to look like a butt?... and the X supposed to look like its goin-"
  5184. "Yeah." You quickly interrupt. "Yeah it's- it's supposed to look- jus- Can you just make 4 of them please?"
  5185. >Rarity gives a small giggle, and says "Sure. I'll have them done in about 2 hours."
  5186. "Cool. Thanks. See ya in a bit."
  5187. >As you turn to head out and go get some food. Rarity says, smiling "I suppose Rainbow Dash has been taking 'very' good care of you? hmm?"
  5188. >You stop dead, and point a finger up.
  5189. "...No comment."
  5190. As you exit the boutique, Rarity turns back to the sketch and says to herself "Ill take that as a yes. *giggle*"
  5193. 2 hours later
  5195. >You come back to the library with 4 new patches in hand. Setting them down on the table, you call out for your teammate.
  5196. "Hey Dash! Your sex patches are done!"
  5197. >...
  5198. >... No response. Weird.
  5199. >Twilight definitely would have said something, but shes not here right now, so.
  5200. "Dash?"
  5201. >Still nothing.
  5202. >Time to scout out the library. Who knows where Rainbow went.
  5203. >The first room you come up to though, the tv room, you see her sitting on the couch.
  5204. >Leaning on the door frame to the room, you state:
  5205. "Dash, I got the patches made"
  5206. >She immediately goes "SHH" paying attention to the television screen.
  5207. "Don't 'SHH' me. What the he-"
  5208. >"Shut up and look." She says to you. Still looking at the screen.
  5209. >Walking in, you see that EBC Sport has footage of an authorized one car test session at EquineRing.
  5210. "That's a Wonderbolts car. What were they doing at EquineRing?"
  5211. >"They found a new driver." Dash says. Almost in a fearful tone.
  5212. "Shit."
  5213. >The appeal must have gotten denied. They wouldn't be looking for a new driver if it didn't.
  5214. >*Though the Wonderbolts appeal hearing won't happen until tomorrow afternoon. The team has already found a replacement driver just in case it doesn't go their way.* is what you hear out of the television.
  5215. "It got rescheduled for Saturday!?" You say, pleasantly surprised. "I can actually help them out!"
  5216. >"You fucking better." Says Dash.
  5217. "Ooookay, something happened, what?"
  5218. >"Look at who those idiots got to replace Spitfire" Dash says, pointing to the screen.
  5219. >A pegasus climbs out of the Wonderbolts machine. You can tell by the bulges from the wings in her racing suit.
  5220. >Taking off the helmet reveals a seafoam green pony with a blonde mane- Oh shit.
  5221. >Like, holy shit.
  5222. >They got fucking Lightning Dust. Oh this not good.
  5223. >You remember the stories Dash told you about her when she was in the Academy. If that pegasus finds her way on the grid, there 'will' be an accident worse than yours next week. Fuck that.
  5224. >"You better go to Canterlot tomorrow and you BETTER get Spitfire back in her car." Dash demands. "Or she will kill someone."
  5225. "I know. I'm going to make my case heard. Ill leave first thing in the morning."
  5228. ---Yesterday---
  5230. >"*Alright Lightning Dust. Pull the car in.*" Fleetfoot says over the radio.
  5231. >"*How did I do?"* Lightning inquires as she enters pit road.
  5232. >After a few seconds of radio silence, she hears "*Better than... Expected.*"
  5233. >"YES!" says lightning Dust to herself in the cockpit. This second chance has finally gotten her into F1. Hopefully.
  5235. >She was one of the better drivers during the simulator sessions back before the season started. Not the fastest but she was ok.
  5236. >The only thing that kept her from getting in was her "extreme" racing methods.
  5237. >If it wasn't for her inability to keep her head cool when someone over-took her, and the overly aggressive blocking that caused a few accidents, she might have had a seat for the start of the season.
  5239. >Lightning parks the car nose first into the garage, turns off the engine, and climbs out.
  5240. >"You've improved. I'm impressed" Says Fleetfoot. Knowing Lightning's past driving history.
  5241. >Dust just completed 40 race pace laps in a row. Ran a little wide in a few corners, but maintained control.
  5242. >"But, you were by yourself." Fleet continues as Dust takes off her helmet "We have yet to see how you do in traffic."
  5243. >"Are we gonna do that today or what?" inquires Dust. Setting her helmet down on the car.
  5244. >"Hold up. Not today. That will happen only if our appeal gets denied."
  5245. >"Ok, Why are you going for the appeal then? If I'm faster, why go through the trouble of keeping a slower driver?" Dust says, arrogantly.
  5246. >That statement did not get her on Fleetfoot's good side.
  5247. >"Seriously?" Fleet retorts "Your fastest lap was .7 seconds away from Spitfires 'slowest' GP time."
  5248. >"WHAT!? That cant be possible!" Lightning states, flabbergasted.
  5249. >"I TOLD YOU. You are only here because we might lose Spitfire for good to this penalty. If we had to choose between you and her, you might as well just pack your bags now."
  5250. >"Let me back out there! I'm sure I can find another line somewhere!" Dust demands.
  5251. >Fleetfoot denies her request. "40 Laps was plenty of time to get used to the track and put in a reasonable lap time. Which you did. Compared to S.P.A. Racing anyway."
  5252. >Ouch.
  5253. >Lightning pleads: "Come on, 10 more laps? I bet I can-"
  5254. >"Enough!" Fleetfoot slams her hoof down. "We will call you after Saturday if, and only if, a spot is open."
  5255. >A frustrated Lightning Dust replies "Yes ma'am."
  5256. >Fleetfoot exits the garage and leaves Lightning there with the car. As Dust looks over the sleek and powerful Wonderbolts Racing vehicle, smiling, she thinks to herself:
  5257. >*I will be driving this car at Ponyville. They want Spitfire back? Too bad, their appeal will be denied. I'll make sure of it.*
  5260. ----Back to present----
  5262. "Huh, Look at her times."
  5263. >Dash examines the fastest laps that she put down during her 40 lap stint.
  5264. >Surprised, Rainbow states "Wow. She wouldn't have even beaten Lotus with those times! Let alone Blossomforth."
  5265. "Why do you think Wonderbolts Racing is even investing in her then?"
  5266. >"More than likely because of her 'potential' energy." Dash says making "quotation" motions with her hooves.
  5267. "Yeah, potential to destroy everything. Literally."
  5268. >"No kidding." Dash agrees. "I don't feel good about this Anon."
  5270. >A few moments go by. Then, more footage from yesterday appears on the tv. Some troubling footage.
  5272. "Why is she laughing? and why is she alone in that garage?"
  5273. >The footage was captured from a camera across the front stretch from the garages. Lightning had no idea she was being filmed.
  5274. >"Okay. Now I really don't feel good about this." says Dash.
  5275. >Putting 2 + 2 together, you suspect that she cannot be up to any good with that demeanor. You look to Rainbow and say:
  5276. "I think you should come with me tomorrow. You know, just in case."
  5277. >"Do you think shes gonna do anything?" Dash inquires.
  5278. "With lap times like those? If Spitfire gets her licence back, shes gone, and she knows it. I think shes going to try, somehow, to get their appeal denied for sure so she has a guaranteed seat."
  5279. >"You got all that just by seeing her laugh?" Rainbow asks.
  5280. "I've been around some desperate people in my motorsports career. I've seen alot, and that is not a good sign."
  5281. >"Ok. One more question then."
  5282. "Yeah?"
  5283. >"How is she gonna do that? I don't think she has the power to convince Celestia or Luna on her own." states Rainbow.
  5284. >You think for a moment. Only one thing shows up in your mind.
  5285. "I'm thinking the stewards are just going to deny it anyway. That is, if I'm not there. Lightning might just hang around and keep anyone from trying to interrupt the hearing. By any means necessary."
  5286. >"Oh shit." says Rainbow. "Yeah. I'm coming with you. We'll get Spitfire's license back together."
  5287. >Awesome.
  5288. "That's what I like to hear. Be ready. We'll leave at 6 tomorrow morning."
  5289. >"You got it Anon."
  5296. "Oh. By the way. Um, I got us those sex patches you wanted."
  5297. >"Haha! YES."
  5299. Chapter 28
  5301. it isn't in the pastebin
  5303. Chapter 29
  5305. >Often, you wonder what it would be like to be out of the world spotlight for at least one day.
  5306. >It's got to be nice, you think. Not having a large number of individuals knowing what you did or who you had lunch with.
  5307. >Here you are however; Anonymous, world class Formula One driver. Busting into the appeal hearing of fellow competitor Spitfire, whom crashed the shit out of you, and saved her from certain doom.
  5308. >That made headlines. Not just locally either. The entire, fucking, world. What Celestia stated afterwards about the change in how penalties will be handed out from now on just fueled the interest. No longer will they be so harsh.
  5309. >"Why does this attention surprise you though?" You ask yourself. You drive a hypercar on television for a living. By nature you are a god damn celebrity. This is just the way it is for you.
  5310. >The simple life just seems attractive after dealing with so many dick shitting interview requests. Those get old QUICK.
  5312. >Because of all this, sometimes a lazy day is in order; and guess fucking what. Today, the Monday before the Grand Prix, is going to be that day.
  5313. >You aint doin SHIT today. Participating in the final Grand Prix is not an option for you any longer, so you can afford it.
  5314. >Even though Rainbow is going to be in the race, she decided to join you in your plans today. Her excuse being that shes driven Ponyville Circuit so many times with you that she'll be ready for this weekend no matter what. Which is a solid excuse.
  5315. >The both of you must have done 4 digits worth of laps there in preparation for this season. Way back before EquineRing opened up for testing.
  5317. >Hearing the front door of the library opening from your room, you get up and make your way down the hall. The door closes as Rainbow Dash, back from the store, floats over to the table setting down a couple six packs. One being cider, the other an interesting looking ale.
  5318. "Whats this?" You say, taking an ale bottle from the pack and inspecting it.
  5319. >"I dunno." Dash says. "Never seen it before. Thought it would be fun to try something new."
  5320. "Looks crafty. What if it sucks?"
  5321. >"That's what the cider is for. Just so were not stuck with something that tastes like blechhh."
  5322. >Makes sense. If it tastes anything like paint thinner, that shit is going in the garbage immediately.
  5323. >Dash walks over to one of the cabinets in the kitchen and grabs two glasses as you take a seat. She eyes them to make sure they're spotless while she comes back.
  5324. "Whoa, we're drinking now? It's only noon."
  5325. >Quirking an eyebrow, Dash says "... And?"
  5326. "Fuckin. Okay, I guess we're drinking now." you say, shaking your head.
  5327. >With the flick of a hoof, Dash pops the caps off both bottles at the same time.
  5328. "That was neat as shit."
  5329. >"I know right?" Dash replies.
  5330. >She pours yours first. Holding the glass at an angle getting as much of a frothy head as possible.
  5331. >You take the glass after she finishes and look at it through some light. Nowhere near an amber but its not light either. Might be good.
  5332. >After Rainbow pours her own, you both tap your glasses together for a toast.
  5333. "To a lazy day."
  5334. >"Here here."
  5335. >...
  5336. >...
  5338. >...What the fuck is this shit?
  5340. >The ale still in your mouths, you look to each other unsure at exactly what the hell you're drinking.
  5341. >Reluctantly, you gulp down your mouthful and shiver in response. Dash however just lets hers fall out of her mouth back into the glass.
  5342. >"This tastes like pool water mixed with laundry detergent." Rainbow says, sticking her tongue out.
  5343. "Shit tasted like feminine hygiene products. Fuck."
  5344. >"*snort* What the fuck Anon?" Dash says, laughing.
  5345. >At the top of the stairs, Twilight steps out from the upper story room holding a letter.
  5346. >"Hey guys, I just got a letter fr- You're drinking now!? It's only Noon!"
  5347. "Well we were going to but this ale is shit."
  5348. >"Complete waste of 10 bits." Rainbow adds.
  5349. >"How unfortunate. Listen, I just got a letter from Celestia requesting both of you to come to Ponyville Circuit for a televised announcement later today. You guys don't need to be intoxicated."
  5350. >Oh for fucks sake. So much for your lazy day.
  5351. >"Televised announcement? Whats going on Twilight?" Rainbow asks.
  5352. >Twilight walks down the stairs as she answers.
  5353. >"She didn't say. But seeing as you are the current Championship leader, and Cloudsdale Weather Racing is at the top of the team points standings, it's probably something important."
  5354. "Should we head that way now?" you ask.
  5355. >"We can. Might be a good idea actually. Get your racing suits on as well. You're gonna need to wear those while on camera." Twilight responds.
  5356. >"Alright. Let me put our cider in the fridge, and let me throw THIS lame excuse for an ale away before we go." Rainbow states.
  5357. "Good idea."
  5358. >Fuck whatever the hell that was. Wasn't the worst drink you've ever had but it was up there. Fucking craft beers sometimes, goddamnit.
  5359. >Anyway. Time to get suited up and head on over to the track you guess. Thrusted back into the spotlight yet again.
  5362. ---------
  5365. >Okay. EBC sport, the Ponyville Herald, AND the Foal Free Press are here. Just what in the hell has Celestia got going on?
  5366. >The letter sent to Twilight stated to avoid the main facility entrance at all possible. You can see why. If you're seen by any of these journalist ponies, you will not be left alone.
  5367. >"Right there is where we need to go." Twilight states pointing to a side door far away from all the news commotion.
  5368. >Rainbow, Twilight, and yourself make it over to the door unnoticed. Once inside, Celestia and Luna are there to greet the three of you.
  5369. >"Thank you so much for agreeing to come help with this." Celestia says as you all walk down the hall towards the garages on pit lane.
  5370. "You're welcome Celestia, but, what exactly are we helping with?"
  5371. >"Yeah." Rainbow adds. "What's this big announcement?"
  5372. >"There is not just one announcement today." Luna states. "There will be two."
  5373. >Wow. Two? You start to get the feeling that today might be huge.
  5374. >"Okay then. What are the announcements?" Rainbow asks again.
  5375. >Celestia opens the doors out of the main facility. She leads you to the foot bridge over the circuits racing surface, answering as you all cross over to pit lane.
  5376. >"Well, the lesser announcement will be next seasons schedule in detail. The big one though..."
  5378. >You then see it, but you can't really believe it.
  5379. >Sitting further down on pit lane is an open wheel race car. Cloaked in fabric.
  5381. "We're doing a car reveal today aren't we?"
  5382. >"Correct, Anonymous." Luna says.
  5384. >Holy fuck! The Princesses are constructing new cars now! Shit, these girls move quick!
  5385. >Whatever is hiding under that blanket is 100% Equestrian made. Not a copy of your Milton Keynes built vehicle from the UK.
  5386. >Sure, your car might have influenced it. But that doesn't take away from the fact that Sunbutt and Moonbutt here have built a car. Probably from the ground up.
  5388. >"OH MY GOSH! Is that a new F1 car!?" Rainbow says leaping into the air in excitement.
  5389. >"Not F1, no." Tia says.
  5391. >What? No, wait. Like. For real? What?
  5392. >If this isn't a Formula 1 car. That means... Holy shit. Shes created a new series altogether. You have to ask her anyway to be sure. Because seriously, this is too good to be true.
  5394. "Lemme get this straight. That's not a new Formula 1 car for us out there?"
  5395. >"Right." Tia says.
  5396. "Are we going to be announcing that you've created a new racing series?"
  5397. >Tia smiles. "Good guess Anonymous. That is exactly what we are doing today. The reason why you're here, Cloudsdale Weather Racing, is so you two can perform the unveiling of our new junior formula car, the "JF-01". Its series set to start alongside the second season of Formula 1."
  5399. >Well, if this is the reason your lazy day got cut short. You don't mind all of a sudden.
  5400. "How long has this been in development?" you ask.
  5401. >Luna walks past you as she answers. "Since pre-season testing ended 2 months ago."
  5402. >"Oh wow. Good job keeping this a secret." you say as you all reach the position of the cloaked car.
  5403. >Tia then continues while walking around to the other side of the car. "Since then Anonymous, our team of engineers back in Canterlot took what they learned about your car and made a smaller, slower, yet more streamlined version for younger rising talents."
  5404. >Fantastic job Celestia. This is exactly the kind of thinking that will keep this sport alive here in Equestria. Not like it was going away in the first place but still. This is great.
  5406. "I can already tell you which young filly needs a chance in one of these things."
  5407. >Smiling up at you, Dash says. "I think I know exactly who you're talking about too."
  5408. >"And who would this be?" Celestia inquires.
  5409. >Rainbow and yourself, in unison.
  5411. "Scootaloo"
  5412. >"Scootaloo"
  5413. *hoof/fist bump*
  5415. >"Alright then." Tia states with a smile. "She will be the first one on the list for tryouts."
  5416. >Sweet. You just know that girl has some skill in her. Hell, She might even graduate into F1 while you're still racing.
  5417. >"There is just one thing though." Luna says. "We haven't been able to come up with a good name for the series yet."
  5418. >Celestia continues. "Yes. Nothing we came up with fit well enough. We were hoping you would be able to help us with this as well."
  5419. >Well this is going to be easy as fuck.
  5420. "Id say, just call it what the F1 feeder series was back where I'm from. "GP2". I mean, we're already using "Formula One". So why not?"
  5421. >The princesses look to one another. Luna shrugs and says "That'll work."
  5422. >Tia nods. "Very well. "GP2" it is then. Thank you Anonymous."
  5423. "Not a problem." You say giving a small informal salute.
  5425. >"Alright everyone. Places. Anonymous, Rainbow, take a spot on each side of the car and wait for my signal." Celestia orders.
  5426. "What about Twilight?"
  5427. >"It's alright Anon." Twilight states. "You guys are the stars of this show. You two do your thing, Ill be over off to the side."
  5428. "You sure?"
  5429. >Twi nods. "Yeah, don't worry about it."
  5431. >With that, Rainbow and yourself quickly get in place and stand at attention, ready for this momentous news conference.
  5434. ----------------------------
  5438. >"Good afternoon and welcome to EBC world news"
  5440. >"Let us quickly go now to Ponyville Circuit where our affiliates at EBC Sport are just now entering the facility."
  5441. >EBC Sport takes over
  5442. >"Thank you. Were here where Celestia has issued a surprise news conference in the circuits pit lane. It looks like she is getting ready to start the announcement, and by the looks of what is sitting behind her, we can only imagine how big this will be. So we will stay back and let you, the viewers at home, hear and see everything."
  5444. >The camera focuses on the scene in pit lane. Celestia standing at a temporary podium with Luna behind and to the side of her. Anonymous and Rainbow Dash from Cloudsdale Weather Racing standing in their racing suits, next to a cloaked vehicle.
  5446. >"Thank you all for coming." Celestia starts. "Today, we will be making two major announcements. The first one, being next seasons Formula One schedule."
  5448. >Flashbulbs rapidly fire off from cameras capturing the moment. Anonymous and Rainbow Dash can be seen twitching there eyes slightly in response.
  5450. >"All three Grand Prix from this year will carry over into the next, and in the same order. However, instead of the Ponyville Grand Prix being the final race of the season. It will be the third, of seven."
  5452. >A couple journalists can be heard cheering to themselves in response to this.
  5454. >"The four new tracks are as follows in order of scheduled appearance."
  5456. "Manehattan Park"
  5458. "Trottingham Street Circuit"
  5460. "Las Pegasus Raceway"
  5462. "And the season finale being held at Canterlot Circuit."
  5465. >Each circuit layout was displayed on a screen hanging from the top of the garages. Anonymous can be seen acting what can only be described as perplexed.
  5467. >Celestia continues on.
  5469. >"With that out of the way, I am very excited to announce this next one. Anonymous, Rainbow Dash, If you would please."
  5471. >Both Cloudsdale Weather drivers take hold of the cloak from the front of the car and slowly reveal a sleek, streamlined machine.
  5473. >"I am pleased to announce the creation of a new junior racing series, "GP2", which will feed potential new drivers into Formula One."
  5475. >The sound of apertures opening and closing at this current moment can only be described as machine gun like. The news broadcast would probably need an epilepsy warning right about now.
  5477. >Celestia then motions toward the car.
  5478. >"This here, is the JF-01. A car my team of engineers created to display and showcase amazing young driver talent."
  5481. >"To all young aspiring drivers out there in Equestria. Tryouts for a seat in competition will take place at EquineRing 3 months from now. We all look forward to seeing you there."
  5483. >With that, both Celestia and Luna begin to walk away from the speech podium. The major announcement done.
  5485. >The EBC Sport commentator speaks up again.
  5487. >"Well I for one am ecstatic with this! Seven Grand Prix next season with a second racing series going along with the big league-ers. I didn't think it was possible, but motorsports in Equestria has gotten even more exciting. We will be back after a short commercial break with further discussion on these developments."
  5491. ---------------------------------
  5495. >Okay. Okay. What in the hell. Today suddenly has just taken a turn.
  5497. >Was it just you or did the rest of those circuits look EXACTLY LIKE ONES BACK HOME. YET AGAIN.
  5498. >This can't be a coincidence. This... FUCKING SUZUKA! MONACO!!!
  5500. >There can only be one explanation. Celestia knows where your home is. That has to be it. She can see each track from your home dimension and create them accordingly.
  5501. >Seriously, Even the car looked like a goddamn Japanese Formula Nippon car.
  5503. >You might just be able to see all your old friends again.
  5505. >You motion to Dash as if to say "This way." She notices and you both begin to walk away allowing the journalists and photographers to give full attention to the car.
  5507. >With the princesses further down pit lane, Twilight meets back up with the two of you again.
  5508. "I need to ask Celestia something."
  5509. >"What?" Twilight says as Dash jogs up to your right side.
  5510. "Every single track that has been built here, is a perfect recreation of a racing circuit from my home world."
  5511. >"Really?" says Rainbow. "So I've been racing on tracks you've raced on since before you came here?"
  5512. "Yes Rainbow, yes you have."
  5513. >"No wonder you were so good here when this place was first built."
  5514. >"Wait." Twilight starts. "How is that possible? Unless... Do you think she knows where your home world is?"
  5517. "That's exactly what I'm getting ready to find out."
  5520. >You begin to run towards the princesses. Dash, suddenly gets a worried look on her face. Scared of what you might choose to do.
  5521. >"Anon! Wait!" Dash says, beginning to run after you.
  5523. "Celestia!"
  5525. >She stops and turns around to see you running towards her.
  5526. >"Anon? Is everything ok?" says Tia as you reach her position.
  5527. "I need to ask you something."
  5528. >"Yes?"
  5529. >You exhale, then continue.
  5530. "Before I ask, I want to inform you that all seven tracks you have built to date, are perfect recreations of tracks from my home world. Exact recreations."
  5531. >Both Celestia's and Luna's eyes widen at this revelation. Either they know, or they don't. It's time to find out which fucking one it is.
  5532. "Are you able to-"
  5534. >"ANON!! DON'T!!"
  5536. >Dash catches up to the three of you. You look to her and see that she is very worried about this situation for some reason. She then, pleads to you. Beads of tears forming in her eyes.
  5539. >"Anon. Don't you dare leave us behind. Don't leave me... please..."
  5542. >Oh. Fuck... That just ripped a hole in your heart.
  5544. >Regardless, You have to know. You have to know if they have access to your old home. You will not be able to stop thinking about it until you know.
  5546. "Dash. Let me just ask this. Please."
  5547. >Rainbow just stares at you. Her eyes begging you to not want to go back.
  5550. "Celestia. Can you see my old home? Is that how you were able to recreate tracks from Earth?"
  5552. >Celestia looks to Luna, unsure of what to say. After a moment, she then turns to you.
  5555. >"I don't know what to tell you Anon, but I've never seen your home world. The only thing I can see is that the circuits we've designed in Canterlot, looking like circuits from where your from, is a massive coincidence. I'm sorry Anonymous."
  5557. "This is kind of a bit too much to be all a coincidence. Seven tracks Celestia. All from where I hail. I'm sorry but that's hard to believe."
  5559. >"Anon." Twilight says. Having walked up to the group.
  5561. "What Twilight?"
  5563. >"My magic brought you here, and it happened to be a freak event, I know. However, Celestia's magic is so far ahead of mine that it's astronomical. She is a goddess after all. If she says she can't see your home. Then no pony can. It really is just a coincidence."
  5565. >Fuck.
  5567. >Fucking Fuck.
  5570. >You honestly... thought you had a chance to see everyone again.
  5571. >Who knows how the hell your original team, let alone the entire racing community back on Earth, are coping with your freak disappearance.
  5572. >If only you could let them know you're still alive.
  5575. >Cautiously, Rainbow walks up to your side. She begins to speak to you as you rest your hands on top of your head.
  5577. >"Anon?" Rainbow starts "Let's go back to the library, ok?"
  5578. >You look down to Rainbow and nod, running your hand through your hair as you reply.
  5582. "Yeah, ok... I need a drink anyhow..."
  5587. --------
  5589. Chapter 30
  5591. >"You were really gonna go back weren't you?" Rainbow says to you as you sit at the foot of your bed.
  5592. >Head resting in your hands, you reply.
  5593. "Honestly... I don't know."
  5594. >"What the hell do you mean you don't know!?" Rainbow snaps back.
  5595. >Silence. Neither you nor Dash say a word for a few moments. Eventually you look up and see Rainbow just staring at you. A look of scared confusion across her face. The mere fact that you even thought about wanting to go back has messed her up.
  5596. >You can see why, fucking clear as day. Shes afraid she might lose you forever if you do somehow go back. Which is a very real possibility that might just be out of your control.
  5597. >Because you know, the whole "probably not able to be brought back to Equestria afterwards" situation is a thing that could happen.
  5599. >"Well?" Rainbow says, breaking the silence.
  5601. >Before you do anything else, there is just one thing you have to make sure of. That all of this is indeed real and not just a coma dream; and there is only one good way to find that out.
  5602. "Rainbow. Come here for a sec."
  5603. >Confused, she asks "What? Why?"
  5604. "Just come over here"
  5605. >She walks over to you as you hold your arm out head level to her.
  5607. >You really hope this hurts. Having this be a dream would just be shitty, completely and forever shitty.
  5609. >Looking at Rainbow directly in the eyes, you give the order.
  5611. "Bite my arm. As hard as you can."
  5613. >She doesn't even ask why, nor does she hesitate. Dash bites the shit out of your forearm. The resulting vivid and real pain you feel confirms that you are in fact here and not lying somewhere in a coma.
  5614. >Surprised at the rapid chomp plus the resulting pain, you give out a scream while gnashing your teeth.
  5615. >She lets go after one more hard bite on you for good measure. Looking at the mark left behind, you can see she did not restrict herself. She fucking broke skin.
  5616. "Fucking OW!!!"
  5617. >"What? You asked for it!"
  5618. >She's got you there. You did.
  5619. >Rainbow continues "That felt great and all, but why did you want me to do that?"
  5620. >You exhale holding the wound with your other hand, and say:
  5621. "Just to make sure all this is real and I'm not in a fucking coma dreaming everything."
  5622. >"Yes this is real! I could have just told you that!" Rainbow exclaims.
  5623. "Do you think I would have believed that ms. 'figment of my imagination'? But no, this..."
  5624. >You look down to your now bleeding arm.
  5625. "This is fucking real as shit. I need a bandage. Bad."
  5627. ----
  5629. >Inhaling through your teeth at the pain, Dash tends to your arm by wrapping a treated bandage tightly around it.
  5630. >"What in the world makes you think you would be in a coma right now?" Rainbow asks as she bites off a section of wrapping, finishing up the bandage job.
  5631. "It has to do with how I got here in the first place."
  5632. >"Yeah?" Rainbow says jumping up on the bed, sitting beside you.
  5633. "I mean, you were there when I appeared. Remember how quick I was going through that portal Twilight made?"
  5634. >"I do." Dash recalls. "You were going pretty fast there."
  5635. "Yeah. That's how fast I was going towards a wall in the runoff area of a straightaway. The MOMENT I would have hit that wall was the moment I was teleported here."
  5636. >"OH. oh wow. ok- Wait. Aren't runoff areas full of gravel? How did you maintain that speed?" Dash asks.
  5637. "This fucking track designer by the name of Hermann Tilke thought having solid asphalt runoff areas were a great idea."
  5638. >Rainbow forces air from her mouth, baffled at this. "That's fucking idiotic!" She says.
  5639. >Thank you! You knew there was a reason you liked this girl.
  5641. "But yeah, this fucking bite from hell you just gave me? This lets me know that I actually did get pulled into a portal back then, instead of diving head first into a barrier at over 200 miles per hour. I felt every bit of that bite."
  5643. >"Yeah, I see. You thought for a sec that you had just hit the wall back there huh?"
  5644. >Understanding as fuck. Wow.
  5645. "Yeah, that's exactly what I thought. The fact that all of the tracks Celestia has built aren't new original tracks either, to me at least, really made me think that. Especially since Tia didn't pluck them from my home world."
  5646. >"That is weird though." Dash says. "All seven tracks? Not even a little bit of difference?"
  5647. "There are a few differences here and there, but the layouts are extremely similar. Like, At my version of Ponyville Circuit, It's really called "Monza" for one; and two, Ponyville here doesn't have this giant old oval track going across the circuit. Because of that, I keep looking for a bridge at the dip before the final chicane, yet it isn't there."
  5648. >"Wow. Anything else? You've got me curious." Rainbow says letting out a small laugh.
  5649. "Well, EquineRing is really called Nurburgring."
  5650. >"Fucking seriously? How did they get the "Ring" part right?"
  5651. "Your guess is as good as mine Dash. But, whats missing from EquineRing is this additional 12 mile long track connected to the GP circuit."
  5652. >"12 MILES?! How long does a lap around that thing take?"
  5653. "Our cars could do it in around 6 minutes probably."
  5654. >"Sweet Celestia that's a long course. Okay, just stop. You're making me want to go back there with you."
  5656. "Wait. Really?" You say surprised.
  5658. >"Yeah. If it wasn't for the fact that Twilight might just lose us forever. You remember how she instantly forgot where she pulled you from. Right?"
  5659. "How could I fucking forget?"
  5661. >Rainbow shakes her head. "Yeah that was a stupid question. But still."
  5663. >She re-positions her seating so she's facing you. You turn slightly towards her in response.
  5665. >"Even if they were able to find your old home, I don't trust them enough to be able to bring you back ever again after that. That's why I was so scared earlier. I thought they knew where your home was too. I fully expected you to just leave us without a second thought."
  5667. >Great. Now you feel bad. That was probably what you would have done in the heat of the moment back there on pit lane.
  5668. >You can imagine yourself saying "Don't worry, I'll be right back!" thinking that you would, then never being able to return.
  5669. >Fuck. That's scary to think about. Damn your lack of impulse control.
  5672. >Rainbow then continues after setting her front hooves on your shoulders, her gaze looking directly into your eyes.
  5675. >"Basically Anon, I just don't want to lose you. I understand you want to let everyone you know back home that you're ok. But, if you go back there, and Twilight says "I've lost him." That's fucking it."
  5677. >Aw fuck, shes tearing up now.
  5679. >"There's no bringing you back. You're just fucking... Gone, and there is nothing I can do about it. And... That's something that I don't think I could handle."
  5683. >Fuck. Yeah that's pretty close to what you thought she would say, but hearing her actually say that herself hit you hard. Really hard. The waterworks didn't help at all either. All you want to do now is hold her.
  5686. >And that's exactly what you do. You scoop her up from in front of you and she happily wraps her arms around your neck, then she gives out a yelp as you fall down to a laying position on the bed, taking her with you.
  5688. >"Okay, whatever that was." Rainbow says giggling while the bed absorbs the impact of you two falling on it.
  5689. >After wiping a tear from her face, she asks "Well, was that convincing enough?"
  5690. >Moving her hair away from her eyes, you reply:
  5691. "Yeah, you could say that."
  5693. >That made her smile, but what you say next probably made her the happiest mare in Equestria.
  5695. "And, I think it's safe to say, that anywhere with you would be home in my eyes."
  5697. >That did it, Dash cant help herself but to bring you in for a hard kiss. Like a really hard one, good lord. Alot of emotion behind it.
  5698. >At least she isn't biting the fuck out of you this time.
  5699. >No not that kind of biting perv, the literal ouchy kind.
  5701. >After what seemed like forever, she finally breaks away to say two simple words.
  5702. >"Thank you."
  5703. >You exhale and smile. Then say:
  5704. "Don't mention it. I mean, I would have to explain why I've been gone for almost half a year anyway. The fact that I was transported to an alternate dimension with talking ponies and actual magic, ON TOP OF claiming one of those said ponies as a lover, would nnnnnnnnot go over well."
  5705. >"I can imagine. Your kind were the only intelligent beings right?"
  5706. "Right."
  5707. >"Yeah. Makes sense why it wouldn't go well." she says, laughing.
  5709. >As you roll over onto your back, Rainbow drags herself up to your side and keeps on holding onto you. Her head resting on your shoulder.
  5711. >"You know, for only being officially together for a little over a week, we've been through alot already."
  5712. "A dangerous and exciting occupation will do that to you."
  5713. >"True." Says Rainbow. "I wouldn't have it any other way though."
  5714. "Well of course. You're Rainbow Fucking Dash. I would not expect anything less out of you."
  5715. >"You better not!" She says jabbing you in the side. Kinda hard.
  5716. "ACK! What is it with that jabbing!?" You say forcing Dash on her back and grabbing her by the sides just under her wings, tickling her.
  5717. >"AH! Okay okay OKAY! AHHAHA STOP IT!" She says while laughing and extending her wings out. Hooves flailing in the air.
  5719. (stop song)
  5721. >When you let go of her, you try to get up so you can go get a drink. Dash however has different plans. The moment you try to lift yourself up, she jumps on top of you, forcing you back down.
  5723. >Looks like the tickling was enough to get her engine revving at a full 18,000 rpm. If you know what I mean.
  5726. >"Just where do you think you're going? Getting me all excited then trying to leave, huh? Thought you said you weren't going anywhere!" Dash says, giving off a sly smile.
  5727. >You raise an eyebrow while giving an equally sly smile back.
  5728. "Caught me red handed I guess. I was just going to get a drink."
  5729. >"Likely story. You've just earned yourself a sentence to serve for trying to leave me hanging. First order of punishment, take off that shirt and let me see that sculpted midsection of yours."
  5730. >Oh boy. She really digs the Formula 1 physique you've got.
  5731. >You sit up and grab the top of your shirt from the back and slowly pull up. Dash then follows the shirt tail up with her tongue, licking you from your midriff all the way up to your neck.
  5732. >This causes you to inhale involuntarily at this unexpected sensation.
  5733. >"Yummy." Dash says, wiping her mouth with the back of her hoof.
  5734. "Holy fuck Rainbow. You keep that shit up and I'm gonna have to be the one punishing you." you say, throwing your shirt to the side.
  5735. >Flaring her wings out, Dash says "Yeah?"
  5736. >She then tackles you, forcing you to your back and pinning you down on the bed.
  5737. >"I'd like to see you try Anon."
  5739. >Welp. This is gonna be a long afternoon. Why do you both have to have competitive personalities and endurance trained staminas? jeez.
  5741. ----
  5743. >Looks like you better get used to this place, not just temporarily anymore. You have now passed the point of no return. You're in this for the long haul buddy.
  5745. >Time to show Rainbow here the same loyalty that shes been giving you ever since you arrived.
  5750. ===== ---------------- === ----
  5751. ===== ------------------- ===== ---
  5752. ++++-------------------------------------
  5753. ===== ------------------- ===== ---
  5754. ===== ---------------- === ----
  5759. >Alright. Enough of the lovie-dovie shit. It's time for some on track action!
  5761. (Same drill as before, start both at the same time and read along.)
  5764. >It's a bright sunny Thursday afternoon at Ponyville Circuit. The track is hot, the stands are full, and right now a pack of 5 cars are huddled close to one another speeding down towards the final turn on the circuit. Curva Parabolica.
  5766. >In the middle of it all sits Rainbow. Guiding her car through each corner effortlessly. Half a lap ago, she was a second behind this group of cars. Now shes caught up to the front runner of the group, The #5 of Soarin.
  5767. >At the exit of the corner, Dash balances her car right on the outside edge of the racing surface getting as much momentum going as she can possibly get to set up for this lengthy straightaway.
  5769. >Because of the early setup, Rainbow soars past Soarin on the outside. With DRS and KERS enabled, The Wonderbolt can only helplessly watch as Rainbows car just gets smaller and smaller. Eventually hitting a top speed of 215 MPH before she has to brake for the first of 3 chicanes. The blown exhaust growling mercilessly as she downshifts through the gears.
  5771. "*DAMN Rainbow!*" You say over the radio. "*You just set a record lap time! It's only the first practice session, calm down!*"
  5772. >Because you cant race this weekend, you decided to join Twilight at the pit wall gantry to view everything and be Rainbows coach for what may be her first championship victory.
  5773. >If this performance carries over into the race though. There is no doubt that shes gonna win. Her lap times are FOUR SECONDS FASTER than any other driver out there currently.
  5774. >FOUR SECONDS.
  5775. >She knows this track like the back of her hoof thanks to you, you trained her here. She knows everything you know about this place.
  5776. >Watching her onboard video feed, her line is flawless. Without hesitation she screams past a slower SPA Racing car at the exit of a corner. No letting up.
  5777. >"Good lord" Twilight says to you. "I know you guys trained here and all but I never expected for her to get this good!"
  5778. >You look to Twilight as Rainbow flies past you down the front stretch. "It helps that shes a natural born racer. This is what she lives for."
  5779. >Just then, you hear Rainbow come in from her car "*Hey, I'm pulling in this time by.*"
  5780. >"*Copy that*" Twilight says. "Come on, lets go in the garage, we'll meet her there."
  5781. "Gotcha. Right behind you." You say hopping from your seat.
  5783. (end videos here)
  5787. >As Twilight and yourself walk across pit lane to the garage, Twi notices the rather substantial bandage wrap on your right forearm.
  5788. >Curious, she asks "Woah! What did you do to yourself Anon?"
  5789. "Oh this? I didn't do that, Rainbow did."
  5790. >"WHAT!? What did she do!?"
  5791. "She bit me pretty damn hard."
  5792. >"Whu- Why!? What happened!?"
  5793. "Oh its nothing, I wanted her to do it anyway."
  5794. >"Woah, ok... Let's just stop there and forget I asked. I don't need to know what kind of kinky shit goes on in your bedroom."
  5795. "What? No. That's not... Whatever. Here she comes."
  5796. >Jeez, Twilight can be quite the closet perv sometimes.
  5797. >Well she is a unicorn. Just perpetually horny at all times. Get it?
  5799. >Bad joke? Bad joke. Yeah, sorry.
  5801. >The two of you stand aside as Dash brings her fire breathing car in nose first. A few crew members get the car up on jacks and take off the tires as to get a better view of how the brakes are doing.
  5802. >Long and fast straightaways mean that your brakes have to perform flawlessly. Cant be having shoddy stopping power, especially here.
  5803. >You walk over to the side of Rainbows machine as she takes her helmet off.
  5804. "Have you seen everyone elses times yet?"
  5805. >"Nope." She says handing you her helmet. "How'd I do?"
  5806. "Well, 2nd fastest out there right now is Spitfire with a 1:26.4"
  5807. >"Ok. I'm guessing since you're telling me that, I got first fastest then?" Dash says hopping out of her Cloudsdale Weather emblazoned vehicle.
  5808. >"You did Rainbow. By alot! You got a 1:22.9!" Twilight states.
  5809. "That's faster than any lap time we ever did when I was training you here."
  5810. "Holy SHIT! Are you serious!? I wasn't expecting that lap to be THAT quick!" Dash says bouncing up and down in excitement, a wide smile on her face.
  5811. "Yeah. The only problem is now everyone knows how quick you can go around here, and they're probably gonna catch up earlier now."
  5812. >Dash stops bouncing, looks over to her car and just goes "Crap."
  5813. "That's why I said to calm down." You say while laughing.
  5814. >Just then, your attention is grabbed my someone yelling outside of your garage. You three hear this statement among the engine noise, coming from pit lane:
  5817. >"Get in there and check over that car! There is no way she can be going that fast legally!"
  5820. >What!? Someone actually thinks you're cheating? Seriously?
  5821. "Who the fuck said that?" You say walking towards the garage opening, Twilight and Rainbow right behind you.
  5822. >Four Formula One Official ponies then enter your garage and surround Rainbows vehicle giving it an official FIA inspection.
  5823. >After them comes none other than Bass Cannon Racing's driver Vinyl Scratch.
  5825. >Oh not this bitch again.
  5827. >"Vinyl!" Rainbow yells out. "Are you really that much of a sore loser that you would try to see if I'm cheating!?"
  5828. >"How else in the hell are you FOUR SECONDS FASTER THAN EVERYONE!?" Scratch exclaims.
  5829. "Maybe because shes that good? Have you ever thought of that?" You snap back.
  5830. >"You stay out of this Anonymous! You're not even driving this weekend!"
  5831. >"Like that matters!" Rainbow screams. "If it wasn't for him none of us would even be drivers right now!"
  5832. >"Oh, so that's why your bucking him huh?"
  5834. >WOAH! Okay. That was uncalled for.
  5836. >Unfazed by how clearly Scratch crossed the line there, Dash comes right back at her. "Yeah? He's a better fuck than anything you'll ever get in your fucking life you sad sack of SHIT!"
  5837. >THAT got the attention of everyone around you. Fucking Christ.
  5838. "Okay! So! I'm gonna go back in the garage now!" You say making your way over there as Vinyl and Dash stare daggers at one another. Twilight way ahead of you, already just standing by the car watching the inspection.
  5840. >At that same moment, the four Official ponies then begin to exit your garage.
  5841. >"Vinyl Scratch." One of the officials state "For wrongfully accusing Rainbow Dash of cheating, Your team will be fined 2000 bits."
  5843. >"THEIR CAR IS LEGAL!?" Scratch screams out. Unable to comprehend the findings.
  5844. >"To the tee. Rainbow is just faster on pure skill alone." The official then states.
  5845. >"HA! GO FUCK YOURSELF!" Rainbow then exclaims to Vinyls face.
  5847. >Jaw agape, Scratch just stands there baffled, looking at Rainbows car in awe. You then speak up to her from the entrance of your garage.
  5848. "Vinyl, you need to just fucking go. You are by far the worst sport I've ever seen. Either get good, shut up, or both. Take your pick."
  5849. >"Oh get bucked, you two legged asshole." She says as she begins to walk back to her pit stall.
  5851. >Was that racist? Was that Equestrian racism? Do you think you could pull the race card on that one? That was probably racist.
  5853. >You don't think Vinyl is gonna last much longer in this sport. With the whole GP2 thing starting up next season, Bass Cannon Racing might just look for a new driver halfway through. She has costed the team money nearly every weekend.
  5855. "See what I mean though?" You say to Rainbow as she walks back in. "You gotta be reserved in free practice. Show them what you got in Q2, but before that, keep em guessing."
  5856. >"Yeah, good idea." Dash says "If I had known how much of a sore loser Scratch could be, I definitely would've been more reserved."
  5857. "The way she raced you in the first Grand Prix wasn't enough to tell you that?"
  5858. >"Hey, I thought she changed at Fillydelphia! Forgive me for giving her the benefit of the doubt!" She says setting her racing gloves down on the side pod of her car.
  5859. "Good on you for that Dash, but yeah, She hasn't changed a bit. Matter of fact, I think she got worse."
  5860. >After Rainbow finishes downing an entire bottle of water, she looks to you and says "She did get worse. That shit that just happened out there? I'm not letting that go lightly.
  5862. >Oh boy. Well. If anything, this Grand Prix is sure gonna be interesting on Sunday. Fuck.
  5865. ---
  5867. >Randomly, a thought runs across your mind. Sitting over at a desk next to the car, you get Rainbows attention away from Twilight by motioning for her to come over.
  5869. "Rainbow?"
  5870. >"Yes?" She says walking up to you.
  5872. "I'm... curious. Did you mean what you said to Vinyl? About me?"
  5873. >"Heh. You would like to know that, wouldn't you? Well. I guess I can tell you this."
  5875. >Smiling, she walks up closer so that what she says next, doesn't get in earshot of anyone else.
  5877. >"You're the only guy who has ever made me 'finish'. So yes, I did mean it."
  5879. >Zip a dee doo dah, Zip a dee yay. My oh my, what a wonderful day.
  5881. ---
  5883. Chapter 31
  5885. "To drive an F1 car you have to be a little mad. On the morning of a race there's a mix of excitement and fear. If it's a wet track, then it's worse as you're not in control most of the time, which is the thing all drivers fear the most." - Jenson Button.
  5889. Ponyville Circuit. Friday, Free Practice 3. Heavy Rain, 70 degrees.
  5892. "Rainbow?"
  5893. >"Yes Anon?"
  5895. "Are you sure you want to go out in this?"
  5896. >"Positive."
  5898. >Visibility is down. Way down. It's possible that this is the worst rainstorm Ponyville has seen in almost a decade. Even better, the final practice session of the season is just about to begin in a few moments.
  5899. >Twilight walks in from the rear entrance of your teams garage. She looks around and notices the both of you sitting in fold out chairs next to each other, while the rest of the crew gets Rainbow's car prepped, watching one of the worst torrential downpours seen recently occur just outside.
  5901. >"I don't have a good feeling about this guys." Twilight says, walking over and looking at the radar. "This storm isn't going to let up until an hour after the session even ends."
  5902. >"Sounds right on schedule to me." Rainbow replies, her gaze still fixated outside.
  5903. >"Of course it does." Twilight retorts. Remembering Dash's earlier profession.
  5905. >The session start horn blares down pit lane. Rainbow jumps from her chair and yells "Fire her up colts!" to the pit crew. The sound of other machines coming to life echoes through the soaked paddock. Spectators out watching the event huddled underneath roofs and overhangs roar at the sound.
  5906. >You take that as your cue to run through the pelting rain over to the Pit wall gantry, Twilight right behind you. You two reach your seats over next to the track completely soaked from head to toe/hoof. The extended roof of the gantry providing extra cover from the rain.
  5908. >"*Just a few more laps and I'll be ready for qualifying.*" Dash says through the radio, strapped snug in her car.
  5909. >Twilight replies after placing her headset on. "*Be careful Rainbow, visibility will effectively be zero if you're behind someone.*"
  5910. >"*Nothing I haven't experienced before. Don't worry, I'll be fine.*"
  5911. "*Still.*" You say, getting your headset on and looking over at her in the car, "*Be careful ok?*"
  5912. >Rainbow nods as her car is set down to the ground from the jacks. A full set of heavily treaded wet tires fitted to each wheel hub.
  5913. >The V8 roars to life, Rainbow releases the clutch, and she sets off.
  5914. >Looking over to Twilight after setting up the screen in front of you to show Dash's onboard footage, you say:
  5916. "Let's just hope today goes by smoothly."
  5919. ----
  5922. >Rainbow's competitors have gotten faster.
  5924. >Four seconds was the gap in the first practice session. By the next session, that gap was reduced to just one second.
  5925. >Now? Well, they say that rain is the great equalizer in racing. Everyone is now on a level playing field pretty much.
  5926. >Even more so with the amount of rain being dispensed out on track right now. You're surprised that the session wasn't called off to begin with.
  5927. >This is straight up borderline suicide.
  5929. >Rainbow is starting to think that as well. Very low grip. Almost extremely low. Every corner the rear end threatens to swing out.
  5930. >However, knowing how fast the other competitors were able to reach her time set yesterday, she pushes forward. Trying to get as much practice in as she can.
  5932. >She pushes so hard in fact, that shes caught up to two of the faster drivers out on track right now. Octavia and Soarin
  5934. >Its then that vision becomes an issue. Shes catching up to the large rooster tails of water being flung out by the two cars ahead of her. Those tails not created just by the tires either. The aerodynamic nature of Formula One cars allow them to literally pull water off the ground without touching it, throwing it high into the air.
  5936. >"Maybe going this fast wasn't such a good idea." Rainbow says to herself as she loses her visual bearings for a second. Slowing down in order to hit the next corner apex accurately.
  5938. >"What am I saying? I need to get past them. They're in my way."
  5940. >Dash eases her light and powerful machine through the wide final turn avoiding the urge to gun the throttle. The full wet tires displacing as much water as they can to provide grip.
  5941. >Exiting the corner, she depresses the throttle to the floor. Shifting higher through the gears down the front straight away catching up to the drivers in front of her.
  5942. >Visibility gets worse the further Rainbow ventures into those rooster tails. All she can see now are the blinking red lights on the diffuser of each car, indicating where the cars are in front of her.
  5943. (stop video)
  5947. >Those lights. A sudden feeling of Deja-vu. Memories begin to flood back.
  5950. >Fear.
  5953. >It's then at this moment, that Rainbows past nightmare surges overwhelmingly through her mind. The one she has tried to forget. The one that has haunted her ever since pre-season testing.
  5955. >The one that made her afraid of racing itself.
  5958. >Visions of being thrown into the air after wheel to wheel contact. Tumbling across the ground, slamming the wall, pinning her into the seat, soaked in fuel.
  5961. >Fire.
  5964. >Spooked out of her mind, Rainbow lets off the throttle early down the straight moving slowly towards the inside line.
  5965. >*"Something wrong with the car Rainbow?*" Twilight immediately inquires over the radio. Dash gives no response. She's frozen, unable to think straight.
  5968. >Unknown to Rainbow was the fact that Spitfire, Thunderlane, and Cloud Chaser were all following close behind her. Scrapping for position.
  5970. >Spitfire was making a move on the inside of both the other racers who were also side by side, creating a 3 wide situation down the front stretch.
  5972. >What she didn't prepare for was a slower car to appear right ahead.
  5974. >"WHAA!!!" Spitfire screams in her helmet. She takes evasive action, releasing the throttle and turning hard left. Narrowly missing Dash by centimeters. The rear of her car then whipping back to the right as she slams the brakes to stop the high speed spin.
  5976. >Rainbow felt the change in air pressure caused by Spitfire passing by so close, thus startling her out of her frozen state.
  5978. >Both Thunderlane and Cloud Chaser fly forwards from that event at full throttle then begin to brake for the first corner. A now out of control Wonderbolts machine however, slides down the raceway sideways in full four wheel brake lock. The water on track acting as a lubricant, hydroplaning the doomed car straight towards the two other racers at near full speed.
  5980. (stop video)
  5982. >Rainbow has herself one terrifying front row seat for something that she did not want to see.
  5984. >The second biggest accident yet in Equestrian F1 history.
  5988. ---
  5990. "HOLY SHIT!!!" You exclaim, watching the crash occur live on the screen in front of you.
  5991. >Twilight, gasping, can only put a hoof up to her mouth. Speechless at what just occurred.
  5992. >You're situated close enough to turn one that you actually heard that crash outside. The sound of crunching carbon fiber and metal is one that you will never get used to. That was scary as shit.
  5995. >Red Flag. Fuck.
  5998. "*Rainbow they've stopped the session. You gotta bring it in.*"
  5999. >"*Copy.*" Is all she says after a few seconds of radio silence.
  6001. >28 minutes was all this session lasted. You're honestly surprised it went on for this long.
  6003. "Come on Spitfire."
  6004. >Eyeing the live feed, Twilight and yourself watch while the marshals and on-track medics rush to Spitfires mangled vehicle.
  6006. >The both of you then release a huge sigh of relief seeing the Wonderbolt lift herself out of her car. Shes okay.
  6007. >Cloud Chaser and Thunderlane made it out alright too. All three cars are pretty much trashed though.
  6009. ----
  6012. "She's not herself." You say to Twilight, looking down pit lane.
  6013. >Rainbow leads a line of 5 other cars heading through pit lane, moving towards the Cloudsdale Weather garage at a slower pace than usual.
  6014. >The look in her eyes, changed. Her usual confident stare replaced with one of shock.
  6015. >"Do you think there's just something wrong with the car?" Twilight asks you while watching Dash gradually come closer.
  6016. "I hope so."
  6018. >Rainbow turns the carbon fiber wheel to the right, bringing her car to a rest in the garage; and she just sits there.
  6019. >No attempt to release the 6 point harness or remove her helmet.
  6020. >You notice this walking up to the cars left sidepod. Leading you to ask:
  6022. "Rainbow? You ok?"
  6024. >"Is Spitfire hurt?" she says through her helmet. Still looking directly ahead.
  6025. "No, she walked away under her own power."
  6026. >"And the other two?"
  6027. "They're fine."
  6028. >Taking a knee and resting an arm on the sidepod, you continue.
  6029. "This wasn't your fault Dash."
  6030. >"Yes it was."
  6031. "No it wasn't. They had no business going 3 wide in a fucking soaked practice session. That was completely out of your control. We saw your loss of power, there was nothing you could do."
  6032. >You reach in and click the fastener to her harness, releasing the belts from the central hub.
  6033. "Now get out of the car. They've red flagged the track until further notice."
  6034. >Rainbow sighs, moving the belts to the side and lifting herself out of the seat.
  6036. >After taking off her helmet, she steps out of the car and proceeds to just fall into you, grabbing your shoulders and burying her face in your chest. Reactively, you put an arm around her.
  6037. >This throws you off guard at first. Surely she shouldn't be this worked up over an incident like this.
  6039. >"I didn't lose power." She whispers to you.
  6040. "What?"
  6041. >"It happened again."
  6042. "What happ- Oh... oh shit."
  6044. >Her nightmare is what happened. The one she shared with you the night before the Fillydelphia Grand Prix.
  6046. >That explains the sudden cease of throttle down the front stretch. Fuck, Spitfire's crash did not help. At fucking all.
  6048. "Look at me." You say moving Dash away from you, grabbing her at the shoulders.
  6049. >Messy mane, watery eyes, and all. She looks up at you obviously spooked.
  6051. "Where are you right now?"
  6052. >She darts her eyes side to side, then says "Our garage?"
  6053. "Okay, what track are we at?"
  6054. >"Ponyville."
  6055. "What color are my eyes?"
  6056. >"What are you even doing?" She asks you, shaking her head lightly.
  6057. "I'm getting your mind off of things. Okay? Now what color are my eyes?"
  6058. >"Green... with a bit of... They're hazel."
  6059. "Okay. Take this, drink it, then breathe." you say, handing her a water bottle from the table.
  6061. >She downs the whole thing in one go, then exhales slowly. Twilight walks over to check on Rainbow.
  6063. >"Feeling okay?" Twi asks.
  6064. >"Yeah, I'm... a little better."
  6065. "Are the stewards reviewing what happened at all?" you say looking to Twilight.
  6066. >"They did and they didn't give anyone anything. It was just an accident because of inclement weather." Twilight states.
  6068. >Thank goodness. You were wondering if Rainbow here might have earned herself a grid spot penalty for the race Sunday. Looks like Celestia kept her word about the whole outrageous penalty shit.
  6070. >There is one thing though. Once a driver is spooked this bad, their performance drops. Her driving in qualifying tomorrow might just have taken a hit. We will just have to wait and see.
  6076. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6078. The next day.
  6084. Ponyville Circuit. Saturday, Qualifying 1. Sunny, 82 degrees.
  6087. >"That's it. We didn't make it." Twilight says as you both look at the time sheets.
  6089. >Fuck. 8th place.
  6091. >Time ran out in Q1 as soon as Rainbow crossed the finish line. So that last lap was her best of the first session.
  6092. >A full two seconds slower than normal.
  6093. >Yeah, what happened yesterday really hindered her performance. This isn't good.
  6096. Qualifying 1 Results:
  6097. 1. Spitfire - - - - - - - 1:23.194
  6098. 2. Octavia - - - - - - - 1:23.428
  6099. 3. Soarin - - - - - - - - 1:23.510
  6100. 4. Cloud Chaser - - - - - 1:23.872
  6101. 5. Vinyl Scratch - - - - 1:24.219
  6102. 6. Thunderlane - - - - - 1:24.455
  6103. 7. Blossomforth - - - - - 1:24.912 - Out
  6104. 8. Rainbow Dash - - - - - 1:24.926 - Out
  6105. 9. Aloe - - - - - - - - - 1:25.318 - Out
  6106. 10. Flitter - - - - - - - 1:25.515 - Out
  6107. 11. Lotus - - - - - - - - 1:25.850 - Out
  6110. >After Rainbow brought her car back in, its set aside as per Parc fermé rules. No touching until the Grand Prix tomorrow.
  6111. >At the very least, she does get a fresh set of tires to start on. If you don't make it into Q2, you've got some new rubber to play with for the race.
  6112. >Looks like Spitfire was able to get her car working again as well. Shes topping the times, effortlessly. That's only gonna make it harder for Rainbow to keep her points lead.
  6115. --- 20 minutes later ---
  6118. >Qualifying two is now underway. It's looking like Spitfire is going to keep her top spot for the race. Crap shes fast here.
  6119. >Times are altogether a little faster, but Octavia is getting nowhere near her. Soarin might just take the 2nd spot away for a Wonderbolts one/two start.
  6120. >As you eye the time sheets while sitting in the garage, Rainbow sits next to you. Her car moved to the Parc fermé area on the opposite side of the building. So it's not in the garage right now.
  6121. >She looks like shes beating herself up on the inside. As would be expected. However, that spooked look doesn't look like it's gone away either.
  6123. >Looking at her, you feel like you gotta do something. Otherwise her hopes of becoming Equestria's first Formula One World Drivers Champion just aren't going to be realized.
  6125. "Hey Rainbow, follow me, move your chair over here" you say pointing to the back corner of the garage, away from everyone inside.
  6126. >"Uh. Okay." She says, getting up and following you. Both of you grabbing your seats and placing them so that you're facing each other in the corner.
  6127. >Once seated back down, you begin to give her a pep talk. Because honestly, she needs one right about now.
  6129. "Lemme ask you something. Do you remember how you got your cutie mark?"
  6130. >She raises an eyebrow.
  6131. >"Duh? How could I forget something like that?"
  6132. "What were you doing when it appeared?"
  6133. >"Well." she says, looking down in thought. "I was racing these two losers from flight camp. One of them knocked me out of the way and that set off something inside me, so I went right back after him. I was able to catch up to him so quickly that I performed my first sonic rainboom, then my cutie mark appeared. That was when I found my love for speed, winning, and-"
  6135. "And Racing." you interject.
  6136. >"Yeah, and racing."
  6139. >She looks like shes starting to get a hint at what you're doing.
  6141. "See Rainbow? This is straight up who you are. You're a fuckin purebred racer. It's in your blood."
  6142. >"I know. I know." She says looking up to you.
  6143. "You know what us racers do? We race. No matter what the risk. Because it's something that we love to do more than anything. It can be scary at times yes, but what you yourself have inside you" You say pointing to her. "is what separates the good racers from the great ones."
  6145. >"And whats that?" She asks.
  6147. "You're fucking fearless Rainbow."
  6148. >"I'm clearly not."
  6149. "The Rainbow Dash that I know? Fearless as fuck. The Rainbow Dash that I care about more than anything? The single most bad ass pony I've ever seen."
  6151. >You can see a smile start to appear. Like a beam of light out of the clouds. It's working.
  6153. "You're even the fastest flier in Equestria. Do you know how awesome of a title that is?"
  6154. >"Yeah." she says, looking off to the side, flattered.
  6155. "I mean for fucks sake! You're capable of supersonic flight! You can fly faster than your car can even go!"
  6156. >You bring her chin up with your hand, making her look you in the eyes.
  6158. "And you're just gonna let that car scare you into submission? You're gonna let that car beat 'you'?"
  6161. ...
  6163. >She stares at you, taking in what you just said.
  6165. >Something clicking inside her yet again.
  6167. >An up shift straight to her confidence.
  6169. >A piece of machinery? Beating Rainbow? Never.
  6171. ...
  6173. >"You know what? No. I'm not." she says, sitting up tall in her chair.
  6174. "There's the Rainbow Dash I know. Welcome back. Hold on one sec, I want you to have something."
  6176. >You then reach into your pocket and pull something out, keeping it out of view in your closed fist.
  6177. >Taking Rainbows right fore hoof in your other hand, you hold her hoof in between your hands.
  6179. "You deserve to have this more than I do. Keep it as a good luck charm. Don't even think about giving it back."
  6181. >Opening your hand, out drops the carbon fiber cutie mark shard from your crash into the palm of her hoof.
  6182. >Rainbow gasps at the sight of it. Surprised that you would want to give something like this away.
  6183. >"I cant keep this! It's yours!"
  6185. "Not anymore. You keep this, and you will always have a part of me with you even when I'm not out there. If you're ever feeling scared out on track, just look at it and think about this: Just like your wings, your car is an extension of yourself. You have the ability to make that thing do what you want it to do. So don't be afraid of it. Just go."
  6186. >Rainbow nods, taking the shard into her hoof and holding it tight.
  6188. >With her cutie mark on that shard, your hoping what you just told her has more of an impact on her. It should, but only her performance in the Grand Prix tomorrow will let you know if it did.
  6190. "You're gonna make it through this. You've got what it takes, I know you do. Let me see you win that championship tomorrow Rainbow. Don't let anyone, even your own car, beat you. Okay?"
  6192. >"Okay." She says, nodding once with enthusiasm. That signature confident look is back in her eyes. Looks like shes ready to take on tomorrows GP.
  6196. >Suddenly, she jumps up and wraps her arms around your neck in a surprise hug, saying this in your ear:
  6198. >"I fucking love you, you know that?"
  6201. ...
  6203. >Did she just?
  6204. >Yeah she did.
  6205. >Well. Today just got better! Holy Shit!
  6209. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6211. Starting Grid for the Ponyville Grand Prix
  6213. ----- Row 1 -----
  6214. 1. Spitfire
  6215. 2. Soarin
  6216. ----- Row 2 -----
  6217. 3. Octavia
  6218. 4. Vinyl Scratch
  6219. ----- Row 3 -----
  6220. 5. Cloud Chaser
  6221. 6. Thunderlane
  6222. ----- Row 4 -----
  6223. 7. Blossomforth
  6224. 8. Rainbow Dash
  6225. ----- Row 5 -----
  6226. 9. Aloe
  6227. 10. Flitter
  6228. ----- Row 6 -----
  6229. 11. Lotus
  6230. 12. -N/A-
  6232. Chapter 32
  6235. >"Hello and welcome to the post qualifying press conference from Ponyville Circuit. Joining us today, we have Spitfire of Wonderbolts Racing, Rainbow Dash from Cloudsdale Weather, Octavia from Bass Cannon Racing, Aloe of SPA Racing, Cloud Chaser from Hurricane Force. And finally, Blossomforth of Team Thunder."
  6237. >The drivers each nodded and waved while they were introduced to the crowd attending the conference.
  6238. >Now for the fun part, answering questions.
  6240. >"So, first question will go to Spitfire. It's looking like you've bounced back well from your crash in FP3 yesterday. Pole position, congratulations."
  6241. >"Thank you." Spitfire replies to the press announcer.
  6242. >"How were you able to bounce back so quickly after such a horrible accident? And do you think you'll be able to take the championship over Rainbow Dash from this position?"
  6244. >"Well if it wasn't for the Wonderbolts crew getting to work and tirelessly putting my car back together overnight, I wouldn't be on pole right now. They did a fantastic job rebuilding it and I was honestly surprised how well the chassis stayed intact after my roll. I do want to say this though."
  6245. >Spitfire looks to Rainbow sitting right next to her.
  6246. >"I want to let you know Rainbow that that was not your fault, it was mine. I was too ambitious and the track was too wet, so don't beat yourself up too bad over it."
  6247. >Rainbow nods to her saying "It's okay.".
  6248. >"As for beating you however..." Spitfire says slyly with a raised eyebrow.
  6249. >"Hey!" Rainbow interjects, causing a small wave of laughter to ring out from the press room.
  6250. >"All I can hope for is that Rainbow here stays in the back of the pack. If she finds her way to the top 3, even if I win, the championship is hers. But if everything works in my favor, I do believe I have a shot at becoming World Champion tomorrow."
  6252. >"Rainbow Dash? Response?"
  6254. >"Yeah I kinda had a little hiccup today, 8th place was not where I wanted to end up. But if you're thinking I'm just gonna stay back there the entire time, think again! I don't know if you saw me in the first practice session, but the time I set then was still faster than what Spitfire got on pole with today. There's no doubt I'm the fastest driver here! So you better look out Spitfire, I fully intend to keep my points lead tomorrow."
  6256. >"OOOooo. Fighting words from Rainbow Dash here. Thank you. Now, Octavia. How do you feel about the fact that many Formula One fans have given you the title of 'Fastest Musician in Equestria'?"
  6258. >"Well!" Octavia says, flattered. "This is the first I've heard of that honestly! Don't tell Vinyl."
  6260. ---
  6262. >Way in the back of the conference room sits Soarin and yourself, watching this press conference from the last row of seats.
  6263. >No one else around you.
  6264. >Quite bored.
  6266. >"How long do these things usually last?" Soarin asks, quietly.
  6267. "About 40 minutes give or take."
  6268. >"Alright. Well, at least there's not anything else going on today."
  6269. "Speak for yourself."
  6270. >"Heh. Busy day for you guys, huh?"
  6272. >Autograph sessions, special meet ups, and a fucking commercial filming is what awaits you and Dash today. woo hoo hoo.
  6273. >Busy as SHIT.
  6275. >"I'm not surprised." Soarin says shrugging. "We're always that busy during our air show weekends. So I know how you feel."
  6276. "Yeah. I still need to see one of those. Haven't yet."
  6277. >"Well shit!" he says, throwing a hoof out in front of him. "Just come to the next one and we'll get you in VIP status, free."
  6278. "Seriously?"
  6279. >"Of course, after what you did for us last week? It's the least we could do."
  6280. "As long as Rainbow can tag along then yeah. I'll take you up on that offer."
  6281. >"Sure, shes in our reserves anyway. So that's no problem."
  6283. >Neat, free airshow. It's not gonna be anything like watching the loud F-18s of the Blue Angels, but it should still be pretty cool.
  6285. >"Speaking of Rainbow..."
  6286. "Yeah?" you say, raising an eyebrow.
  6287. >"What's with the uhhh, 'Sex, breakfast of champions' patch, on her suit? With the obviously human looking arm?"
  6289. >Here we go. Only a matter of time before that was noticed.
  6291. "Yeah, that thing. She wanted that shortly after I came back from the hospital after the last race."
  6292. >Soarin begins to sport a sly smile.
  6293. >"Ah. So the rumors I heard are true."
  6294. >Wait... what?
  6295. "Rumors? What rumors?"
  6296. >"What else? That you two are banging like rabbits. Gettin' biz-ay."
  6298. >Okay. How the fuck does this shit get out? Swear to cock.
  6300. >"Im curious" He says, putting a hoof to his chin. "What's she like?"
  6301. "Soarin, buddy, I don't know you like that." you say, crossing your arms.
  6303. >"Come on, the whole grid knows about you two. Can you at least give me one thing?"
  6304. "I'm not giving you ammo for your alone time later."
  6305. >"Do you even like, pull out?"
  6306. "Fuckin..."
  6308. >He just fucking ignored the shit out of you, didn't he?
  6310. >"You two being different species and all, I'd imagine you wouldn't have to even worry about that kinda thing."
  6311. "Soarin. Listen."
  6313. >Bastard is just looking at you with that fucking eyebrow raised and that goddamn smile. Piece of shit.
  6314. >Might as well just fucking tell em. He's obviously not gonna leave you alone about it.
  6315. >Leaning over in his direction as to not let anyone else hear what you're about to say, you look right at him.
  6317. "She doesn't let me."
  6318. >"Holy shit!" *cough*
  6320. >Going back to your normal sitting position, he continues after getting himself re-situated:
  6321. >"So, no worries about foals then I guess?"
  6322. "Nope. Chromosomes don't match up."
  6323. >"You lucky son of a gun."
  6324. "Yeah. You happy now?"
  6325. >"That's all I wanted to know really." Soarin says, looking up innocently and holding a forearm out.
  6326. "Good, cause that's all you're getting. Fucker."
  6327. >"Pretty sure the only 'fucker' here is you."
  6329. >Oh really now?
  6331. "Oh what? You and Spitfire don't have anything going on? That's surprising."
  6332. >"Well..." he says, looking up. "Occasionally. But not as much as before."
  6333. >Hellooooo.
  6334. "Are you guys in a relationship or is it just a 'friends with benefits' kinda deal?"
  6335. >"It's... weird. Were co-workers first, partners second. Ever since this Formula One thing started up its been nothing but business. Spitfire saw it as a good way to keep the Wonderbolts funds up, so this has been our main focus for the past four months. Not much has gone on other than training and driving."
  6336. >Interesting. Sounds efficient as hell. At the expense of a little fun that is. Poor guy.
  6338. "Well you guys are 1 and 2 tomorrow so that training seems to be paying off." you say shrugging.
  6339. >"Yeah. Cant wait till the season is over though, just so we can get back together for at least a little while. I've missed that fun and frisky side of her these past few months. You and Rainbow are making me a little envious, I have to admit."
  6340. "I would say sorry Soarin, but I never wanted this to get out as much as it has."
  6341. >"Why not?" Soarin says looking over to you. "Rainbow Dash is a fucking catch dude. Literally the only pegasus to perform a Sonic Rainboom in recent memory. I'd be singing at the top of a mountain if I were you."
  6342. >You roll your eyes.
  6343. "Well you're also a pony, so, I mean yeah. That makes sense."
  6344. >"Seriously? Dude, I've dated griffons and, hell, even a young dragon girl once. What you two have is normal as hell around here. Don't be ashamed of it."
  6345. >Shrugging, you reply:
  6346. "If you say so."
  6348. >Still doesn't help the fact that apparently the whole grid knows Rainbow and yourself are active as fuck.
  6349. >Again, it's just part of the territory being a world famous F1 driver. If you're seeing someone, people are gonna find out.
  6350. >If that someone happens to be another driver, The interest will just amplify. Guess that's what happened. Especially since you two are teammates.
  6351. >Oh well.
  6353. >"I mean hey." Soarin then continues. "If you're not that interested in her, there are MANY other stallions out there willing to take her off your hands."
  6355. >Fat chance of that shit ever happening. Not on your or Rainbow's watch.
  6356. "They can keep dreaming. She's mine. She'll tell you that herself too. Right before she beats the shit out of you."
  6357. >"Heh alright, just making sure." Soarin says. "Don't take what you've got for granted though. To have a girl like Rainbow Dash be infatuated with you like that? You are one lucky guy. Just remember that."
  6360. ============
  6363. "And that concludes the Post-Qualifying Press Conference here at Ponyville Circuit. Good luck to all of you in tomorrows Grand Prix."
  6365. >With that, the television cameras are shut off and the rooms attendees begin to file out. You stand up and wave your arm to get Rainbows attention as she gets up from her seat.
  6366. >She sees you and waves back. Smiling, she heads over to your position from the front of the room.
  6368. >"Hey! I didn't know you were still here! I thought you fucked off and went home with Twilight." She says trotting up to you.
  6369. "Did you already forget that we have shit to do here later?" You say as you both exit the conference room and make way for the main facility exit.
  6370. >"Wha- Oooooohhhhh right. The autograph and commercial stuff."
  6371. "So you did forget." you say smiling at her.
  6372. >"Shut up. I remember now!"
  6374. >Heading down the sunlit hallway, Rainbow notices the two Wonderbolts drivers walking along together up ahead.
  6376. >"You know. I've always wondered if they ever got together. Like, as a couple."
  6377. "Yeah?"
  6378. >"They seem like they're perfect for one another. I dunno, I guess it's just my inner fangirl wishfully hoping for something saucy."
  6380. >Should you tell her?
  6381. ...
  6382. >Yeah, you should tell her.
  6384. "They are, Rainbow, and they've done it before."
  6385. >"Wait are you serious?!" She says looking up to you, surprised. "How the hell do you even know?"
  6386. "Soarin sat beside me during the press conference over in the back. We had an extensive, and, quite revealing chat while you guys were answering questions."
  6387. >"How did you get him to tell you about something like that? Did you-?"
  6388. >Rainbow then gives this look:
  6390. >"You talked to him about us, didn't you."
  6391. "Well, to be fair, he asked first. Your little idea for that patch on your suit is mostly to blame. Miss 'subtle'."
  6392. >You tap the patch on Rainbow's suit just above her right foreleg. She then looks down at the patch, then looks straight ahead.
  6394. >"You know what? Because of me wearing this patch. I've found out that my two idols are having sexy fun times. I like wearing this now more than I did before."
  6395. "Of course you do." you say, rolling your eyes and smiling.
  6396. >"You gotta admit, those two make a hot couple."
  6397. "Yeah. Fucking fast couple too."
  6398. >"We're faster and you know it!" Rainbow says, playfully bumping into you.
  6399. "Heh. Right." you say in a disagreeing tone.
  6400. >"What?" She asks as you two exit the main facility and head over into the infield of the circuit.
  6401. "Not in our current state, we're not. I'm crippled and you had an existential crisis yesterday."
  6402. >"I didn't get that bad." She says, squinting up at you. "If anybody had an existential crisis it was you. Mr. 'Bite my arm so I know I actually exist here'."
  6404. "...Touche."
  6406. >"How's that arm by the way?" Rainbow asks.
  6407. "It's healing. You did quite a number on it, but it's not too bad."
  6408. >"Damn, didn't bite down hard enough then." She says kicking at the ground.
  6409. "I beg your fucking pardon?"
  6410. >"HA! Joking Anon. Jokes."
  6411. >You roll your eyes, exhaling in response.
  6412. "It's like you want me to kick your ass or something."
  6413. >"Eh. More like slap, bite, ravage. Stuff like that really."
  6414. >Fucking WOW.
  6415. "Good lord Dash." You say while laughing. "Put a filter on that mouth, we got kids in line for autographs over here. Look."
  6416. >A HUGE line of your fans are waiting in an organised roped off area behind the garage building. In front are a couple tables set underneath a blue canopy, that's where you two are supposed to be sitting.
  6417. >A loud cheer can be heard from the crowd just now. Seems like they've noticed the both of you walking towards them.
  6419. >Wait a fuck...
  6420. "Dash. Take the sex patch off." You whisper to Rainbow, trying not to move your lips too much.
  6421. >"What?" She whispers back.
  6422. "Take the goddamn sex patch off."
  6423. >"OH! shit." She says, grabing the patch and ripping it off her suit. Immediately stuffing it into a side pocket.
  6424. >"That was a close one!" Rainbow whispers to you.
  6426. >Just for occasions such as this, you had Rarity put velcro on the back of those patches when they were made.
  6427. >Because the last thing you need to hear is a tiny impressionable foal going "HEY MOM I WANT SEX FOR BREAKFAST."
  6428. >Yeah, nah. Fuck that.
  6431. ==========
  6434. >The commercial filming wasn't exactly what you thought it was.
  6435. >As far as you knew, you were going to do some cheesy infomercial type deal with some fucking 'insert brand here' product.
  6436. >No, far from it. The track organizers didn't have anypony who could carry a camera into the air to film a flyby of the circuit.
  6437. >So guess what, Rainbow is flying around Ponyville Circuit Right now grabbing raw footage for a promo video. Which leaves you here, sitting outside the circuit on a bench, alone.
  6438. >And bored as FUCK.
  6442. >At least whenever shes done with that, you two can go home and prepare for the Grand Prix tomorrow.
  6444. >"Hey! Stud! Over here."
  6446. >Who the absolute fuck just called you that? That was not Rainbow's voice, and it better not have been who you think it was.
  6447. >After looking left toward the direction of the call, it's definitely who you thought it was. What the hell?
  6449. "May I help you Vinyl?" you say, leaning forward and resting your elbows on your legs.
  6451. >"Hey, yeah. Um." she says, walking up next to you. "What kind of music do you listen to? If you don't mind me asking?"
  6452. >You do mind, and you want to know why the hell shes asking.
  6453. >The look on her face makes this seem suspicious as shit. She's never approached you this cheery before. Or with a smile like the one shes displaying. 'Playful' would be the word.
  6454. >Might as well play along. Just to see where the fuck this decides to go.
  6456. "Eh, I'm open to most things. I do like a little electronic music here and there." You say, knowing that would get a reaction.
  6457. >"Oh really! Awesome!" Vinyl says, ears perking up.
  6459. >A faint aura of magic begins to emanate from her horn. Looks like shes grabbing for something.
  6460. >Out from behind her, she produces a ticket of some sort. After looking it over herself, she quickly presents it to you in front of your face.
  6462. >"I actually have a show tomorrow night. Way after the race, at a big venue just outside of Ponyville. You should come!"
  6464. >That's a VIP backstage pass right there, and there is only one. Why the hell does she want you to come to her show? By yourself?
  6466. "VIP access huh?" You say, taking the ticket from her magic. "You're just gonna give this to me?"
  6467. >"Yep."
  6468. "Wow, okay. Thanks! Um. How many of these have you sold even?"
  6469. >"I'm gonna be honest with you Anon. That's the only one I've got for this event."
  6471. >Ho-kay. Let's see. Pony who has been a straight up asshole to you and Rainbow, all of a sudden wants you as her only backstage VIP concert goer. For no clear discernible reason. What the fuck is going on?
  6473. "Alright. I'm gonna be honest with you." You say, pointing at her. "This is a little weird."
  6474. >"Yeah it is a little bit. Me just coming up out of nowhere and giving you something like that. But, think about it this way..."
  6476. >Vinyl slowly begins to walk closer, lowering her glasses to reveal those magenta eyes looking directly at you. Her hips swaying from side to side a little more than before.
  6478. >"I'm one of the hardest partying artists in Equestria, and you seem like you could use a night of fun. I wanna show you what a real party mare can do..." She says walking past you, her blue tail running along under your chin.
  6480. >...
  6481. >Did that just happen? Please say that didn't just happen. That just fucking happened, didn't it? Again, what the hell?
  6482. >As she walks away, she turns her head and says:
  6484. >"Doors open at seven. Hope to see you there. I'll be waiting~."
  6486. >Just before she rounds a corner, her tail moves-
  6489. >...
  6491. >So THAT just happened. What the FUCK.
  6493. >In your mildly shocked/confused state, you look back down to that... heh... "VIP" ticket in your hands.
  6494. >Fuck. Guessing if Vinyl cant beat Rainbow in the racing world, she thinks she can beat her when it comes to you.
  6496. >Fucking... No...
  6498. >Ok, for one. What kind of person would you be if you were all of a sudden unfaithful to the literal element of fucking loyalty?
  6499. >And two. Good christ the ego on that DJ. Did Vinyl honestly think you would just be all "Dur hurr okay!" after giving you this ticket?
  6500. >What does she think this is? Some kind of bad Formula 1 themed fan-fiction? Fuck that.
  6501. >And quite honestly, DJ bitch doesn't have a single thing on Rainbow that would make you leave her behind. No other mare does really. A girl as awesome, as fast, and as fun to be around as Dash is, is one of a kind. Irreplaceable.
  6502. >You would be an absolute imbecile to leave her for someone else. Especially someone like Vinyl.
  6504. >Anyway, sounds like Rainbow is done. You can hear something flying towards you.
  6506. >"Hey asshole! I'm done with that filming thing." Rainbow says after touching down next to you. "Kinda looking forward to how it came out."
  6507. "Hey cool and stuff but you're not gonna FUCKING believe what just happened right here."
  6508. >"Oh gosh. What'd I miss?" She states after giving out a laugh.
  6509. >All you do is hold out your hand showing Rainbow the ticket you received from Vinyl.
  6511. >"A ticket to Vinyl's show tomorrow? How did you even get one of those? That's been sold out for months!" She asks after looking it over.
  6513. "So basically Vinyl just walked over, handed me this, and told me that it was the only VIP ticket for this show of hers. Then proceeded to further tell me that I am in for a 'good time'-" You say making quotation fingers. "-If I show up."
  6515. >Ho boy. The look on Rainbow's face right now. That mouth is wide open and those eyes have flames shooting out of them.
  6516. "Seems like what you told her about me on Thursday put quite the impression on her."
  6517. >"Yeah? Well she can forget about THAT shit!"
  6518. >Rainbow then takes the ticket, rips it in half twice, throws it to the ground and stomps hard on it with her fore-hooves, leaving quite the dust cloud behind.
  6520. >"Fucking whore. Trying to steal you from me. Who the fuck does she think she is?!"
  6521. "'The hardest partying artist in Equestria'." You say, making more quotation movements.
  6522. >"Oh alright. She better put 'hardest CRASHING driver' on that fucking resume."
  6523. >Uh oh.
  6524. "Hey. You still have to win a championship tomorrow! Don't throw that shit away because of this."
  6525. >Rainbow just looks to you with a smile forming. A sinister expression coming from her eyes.
  6526. >"Oh I'm not gonna wreck her out. Shes gonna do that herself. All I need to do is apply the right amount of pressure at the right time. She doesn't do well when there is someone faster than her, behind her. And guess where I just happen to be."
  6527. >Uh huh.
  6529. "Right. Well make it quick. 53 laps goes by pretty fast here."
  6530. >"She won't even make it to DRS activation. Mark my words Anon. Nopony tries to steal something from me and gets away with it. That and I've had about enough of her bullshit for one season."
  6532. >Yeah, Vinyl will indeed be lucky of she even finishes tomorrow. With Rainbow's skills? She could even pressure you into the wall if she wanted to. This girl is fucking QUICK.
  6534. >You've never wished harm on another driver, but, seeing Scratch careen into a wall tomorrow might feel pretty good to watch. Especially if Rainbow causes it.
  6535. >What Vinyl did just now was pretty damn despicable. A good crash might just be what that pony needs to set her straight. We'll just have to see.
  6539. =============
  6543. Tomorrow. The first Equestrian Formula One Season draws to a close. Who will win? Who will lose? Whose day will end early? Only time will tell.
  6545. But, there is one thing that will be for certain. This race is going to be a firefight from start to finish.
  6547. Up next. The Ponyville Grand Prix.
  6550. Chapter 33 (Finale)
  6557. >This is it. The day has finally arrived. Racing fans from all over Equestria have made the trek to Ponyville for this one special event. The main event.
  6559. >The season finale of Equestria's first ever Formula One season. It's today. And oh boy is it gonna be a good one.
  6561. >11 drivers will start today. Sans you. As per doctors orders, No racing this weekend. Which sucks. Big time.
  6562. >You had the perfect chance to seal this championship within two races. Driving directly into a concrete wall changed that real fucking quick. Now? It's all on your girl Rainbow Dash. Leading the championship going into this race by 11 points over Spitfire.
  6563. >The catch? Dash is starting 8th while Spitfire is sitting nice and pretty on the top spot, her teammate Soarin right behind her in 2nd.
  6564. >Not a game-breaking catch, though. The math says that if Spitfire wins today, and Rainbow can make it to at least to third place, she will be ahead of Spitfire by one point. That's all you need really. Dash makes it to the podium and the championship is hers.
  6566. >However, on another note. A certain driver managed to get Rainbow's full undivided attention after what she tried to give you yesterday. Spitfire is on the back-burner to deal with later as far as Dash is concerned.
  6567. >Something always happens when you get that funny feeling in your gut. Thinking about what might happen to Vinyl today is giving you that feeling. Rainbow is not going to let her finish this race if she can have anything to do about it. Knowing how good Rainbow is behind the wheel? Especially at this track, the fastest on the damn calendar. Rainbow can make it look like a complete accident without even trying.
  6568. >As long as Vinyl doesn't get injured, you are actually pretty excited to maybe see her get stuffed into a wall today. That shit she tried to pull yesterday did not sit well with you, and it DEFINITELY didn't sit well with Dash. For obvious reasons. We'll see what ends up happening when the lights go out. All you can feel though is that it will not end well for the DJ.
  6570. >The only other driver worth mentioning today besides the championship runners is Octavia. Her skill has blossomed throughout each race. Progressively getting better and better every time she gets behind the wheel of a car. She has an exceptional chance of pulling an upset victory over the two Wonderbolts drivers today. Unless of course, Rainbow is able to fight her way up and take that away. Which is an almost guaranteed possibility.
  6572. >There is no hiding that Rainbow is the fastest driver here. No one was able to beat her time set in the first practice session all throughout the weekend. Within 5 laps, she set the world lap record here in Equestria. Faster than even you could ever hope to achieve around here. Her skill has indeed surpassed your own.
  6573. >Not surprising, no. Rainbow's pure competitive nature just wouldn't allow anything less. She was born to race, to compete, to be the best at whatever she does.
  6575. >That mettle will be tested today. If she manages to pull this off and win it all, you will be looking at a true Formula One legend in the making.
  6581. >Track temperature is high today. You can just feel it out here while surrounded by all the cars sitting in their spots on the main straightaway. Respective crews readying them up for the start.
  6582. >No chance of precipitation all race long. The track is going to be hot and the action fierce with the sun beating down as hard as it is.
  6583. >"How long until we can go? It's getting a little hot in here." Rainbow says to you through her helmet. Sitting in her open wheel hypercar.
  6584. >Standing next to her vehicle on her right surveying the competition up ahead, you look to her and say:
  6585. "Just a few more minutes until your recon lap. I know it sucks, just don't think about it."
  6586. >Dash then flips open her helmet visor and wipes the sweat out of her eyes with her gloves.
  6587. "Yeah, you might wanna leave that open until you start moving."
  6588. >"I figured that, thanks." She says after blinking her eyes a few times.
  6589. >Twilight, with a clipboard suspended in front of her, walks around the rear of the car in-between some crew ponies then stops next to you.
  6590. >"Rainbow. By my calculations, these tires should last you about 32 laps. We're going with a one-stop pit strategy so we can help you get as far ahead as possible."
  6592. >One of the plus sides to starting as far back as you are today is fresh rubber. The first 6 cars have to use the tires they qualified in as per the rules. Since Rainbow never made it out of Q2, four sleek new Prime compound tires are fitted to her car. Each currently wrapped in hot tire warmers to help with initial start grip.
  6594. >"Of course," Twilight continues "They might not last as long if you go too hard. Try to be at least a tiny bit conservative on them for a while."
  6595. >"I'll try but I can't promise anything Twilight." Rainbow states looking over to Twi.
  6596. "Well, do what you can." You say, squatting down near head level to Rainbow. "All you have to do is finish third or better. That's it."
  6597. >"And what's stopping me from going for the win?" Dash says as she places her hooves on the steering wheel in front of her.
  6598. "We will get there if we get there. Just focus on third place for now." You say, moving to stand back up.
  6599. >"Yeah alright." Rainbow says as her crew whips the tire warmers off the fresh tires. "I've got a little thing to take care of before that, though."
  6600. >As soon as Rainbow finished saying that, a horn sounds. Rainbows car swiftly gets lowered from the jack stands and the V8 engine is set alight. Same goes for the ten other race cars around you. The roar from the cars is equally met with a roar from the spectator stands as fans watch the event unfold.
  6601. >The crew, Twilight, and yourself move over to the side of the racing surface, as do all the rest of the teams. Rainbow snaps her visor shut and clacks the gearbox into first, awaiting the signal to go.
  6603. >Two green lights become emblazoned on the signal array above the start/finish line and the cars set off. When the last one exits the main straight, all crew ponies make their way back to pit lane.
  6604. >On the way over to the Cloudsdale Weather pit wall gantry, Twilight asks you something.
  6606. >"Anon. What did she mean by 'a little thing to take care of'?"
  6607. "Twilight. Don't worry about it. It's just a thing. Nothing big." You say, trying not to get Twi worked up over nothing.
  6608. >"Uh huh. She better not damage that car." Twi says, obviously in doubt of your words.
  6609. "Like I said. Don't worry about it."
  6611. >The two of you take your seats at the gantry and each crew member takes theirs in the garage. Eventually, Each racer makes their way back to their respective starting positions. Spitfire and Soarin wasting no time getting into their top spots.
  6612. >Short controlled bursts of revs ring out from cars further behind, warming up their tires for the start.
  6614. >Rainbow gets into her 8th place grid spot. Her wait there is short as the three cars behind her quickly get into position.
  6616. >The lights begin to show themselves. One by one until 5 rows are blazing. Engines scream with power as each driver prepares to blast forward as quick as they can.
  6618. >The battle begins...
  6622. >Now.
  6626. *RACE START*
  6630. Lap 1/53
  6631. >In her best start yet, Rainbow shoots forward utilizing the clutch for maximum acceleration. Zero tire spin. The engine's high torque is not wasted in the slightest.
  6632. >In the crowded scramble toward turn one, Dash manages to get in-between and soar past both Blossomforth and Thunderlane, placing her in 6th position not even five seconds into the Grand Prix.
  6633. >That impressed the fuck out of you and made the Ponyville fans cheer the hardest you've heard a crowd cheer in a while.
  6634. >Up ahead, Spitfire pretty much leaves the field behind with a healthy margin between her and her teammate. That lust for the championship, helping her along.
  6635. >Unfortunately for Vinyl Scratch, however, her start wasn't optimal. Cloud Chaser was able to get by her before the first corner with ease. Which means...
  6637. >Oh boy.
  6639. "Oh FUCK. Already?" You say out loud, getting the attention of your crew chief next to you.
  6640. >"Anon what!?" Twilight frantically says to you. Shifting her attention back and forth between you and the data presented in front of her. Worried she might have missed something about the car.
  6641. >With Rainbow's perfect start and Vinyl's not-so-perfect start, the two are placed one right after the other exiting turn one.
  6644. >Just as Rainbow wanted.
  6646. >"There you are." Rainbow says to herself accelerating through turn three. Her target directly ahead.
  6647. >Scratch has taken notice of who is behind her and reacts accordingly. Aggressively blocking Rainbows path at any cost.
  6648. >Little does she know, overtaking is not Rainbow's plan.
  6650. >You look over to Twilight just as most of the cars enter into the second chicane on the circuit.
  6651. "If Rainbow is still behind Vinyl by the time they get back to the front stretch, I would suggest ducking."
  6652. >"Oh don't tell me that! What the hell is Rainbow gonna do!?"
  6653. "You'll see."
  6654. >"I'll see what!? I don't like how you're talking right now Anon!"
  6656. >The pressure level Rainbow is putting on Vinyl Scratch at this moment can only be described as astronomic. She is getting so close to the Bass Cannon racers rear diffuser that Vinyl is starting to feel uneasy.
  6658. >It's at this moment that Dash makes her intentions known.
  6660. >Going down the straightaway before the Ascari Chicane. Rainbow makes slight contact with Vinyls rear crash structure giving her a noticeable push. Not enough to damage or wreck, just a small love tap.
  6661. >Then, Rainbow floors her throttle down and makes contact again. This time, though, not letting up.
  6662. >Rainbow is forcing Vinyl forward towards the chicane at full blast, pushing her as hard as she can. The DJ, eyes wider than ever, holds on for dear life. As that's all she can do.
  6663. >Vinyl starts to think there's a good possibility that Rainbow found out about her plan for Anonymous later tonight.
  6665. (continue playing song while video plays)
  6667. >*"RAINBOW WHAT IN CELESTIA'S NAME ARE YOU DOING!?"* Twilight exclaims.
  6668. >Rainbow just ignores her. She is locked onto her target and nothing will stand in her way.
  6670. >Throwing her car through the Ascari chicane as hard as she can, Vinyl desperately tries to get away from the obviously ill-willed Cloudsdale car behind her.
  6671. >Scratch's navigation through the chicane was able to get her away for a few moments. However, Dash grabs Vinyls slipstream heading towards Parabolica just in time to make up some ground, and make up ground she does. Rapidly.
  6672. >Vinyl was also able to catch Cloud Chaser's slipstream while flying down the back straight. This, in turn, starts to create a sandwich effect. Vinyl getting pinched in from both the front and the rear.
  6674. >If everything goes according to plan here, Rainbow has done all she needs to do, and she knows it.
  6676. >Noticing that space is becoming limited, and not wanting to risk being bump drafted yet again, Vinyl whips to the outside of Cloud Chaser. Flying into the final corner after braking hard, attempting to pass on the outside.
  6677. >Rainbow, feeling satisfied with the pressure applied, backs off to let what's going on ahead of her, happen.
  6679. >Exiting turn 8 at full throttle, Vinyl and Cloud Chaser are side by side fighting for 4th position.
  6680. >From the momentum of the slipstream and effective late braking, Scratch is easing ahead of her competitor to the right of her.
  6681. >However, in her rushed state, she makes an early mistake.
  6682. >Thinking that she has cleared the Hurricane Force vehicle to the right. Vinyl checks her left mirror instead of the right one, looking for Rainbow's position instead of Cloud Chaser's.
  6683. >This error makes her unable to see that she has not yet cleared the car beside her. So in turn, wanting to get away from Dash as fast as possible, she veers right.
  6685. (end song)
  6687. Lap 2/53
  6688. >Tires lock. Vinyl is thrown about in her seat violently as the right side of her car shoots upward from the initial contact. The left front tire, now facing sideways relative to the direction of motion, gets ripped from the bead of the alloy rim and explodes.
  6689. >That tire grabs enough, however, to whip the front of the car around. Flipping it over and sending it sliding down the straightaway on its top.
  6690. >The front end of Vinyl's inverted car smashes up against the inside wall, sending a huge chunk of the front wing flying toward your and Twi's position at pit lane. The loud snap of the wing hitting the fence merely 2 feet from you causes you both to almost jump out of your seats.
  6691. "HO- SHIT!"
  6695. >*"WHAT DID I SAY!? WHAT DID I SAY!?"* Rainbow screams through the team radio while flying past Vinyls crippled machine. *"I TOLD YOU SHE WASN'T GONNA FUCKING MAKE IT TO DRS!* EAT SHIT YOU SLUT!"
  6697. *"Dash, it's scary how good you are at that."*
  6698. >*"It's easy to do when you're the fastest driver out here Anon! FUCK I'm pumped! WOO HOO!!!"*
  6699. >*"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?"* Twilight yells out in confused frustration.
  6701. >Rainbow is ecstatic. She just issued a pure form of revenge without even making it look like she did anything, bump draft pressuring not-withstanding.
  6702. >To the untrained eye, that was a simple racing incident.
  6703. >Although you should go ahead and, you know, fill Twilight in with what's happening here.
  6704. >"ANON!" Twilight says, throwing her headset back so it sits around her neck.
  6705. "Yes, Twi?" you say, sporting a smile.
  6706. >"Care to explain to me why SHIT IS HITTING THE FAN ONE LAP IN!? What was that!? I've never seen Rainbow race somepony that hard so early before!"
  6707. >After watching Vinyl crawl out from under her flipped car unscathed on the live feed, you look to Twilight, explaining what's going on.
  6709. "I'm gonna be blunt as fuck here Twi. Yesterday, Vinyl gave me a VIP ticket to her concert later tonight because she straight up wanted to fuck after the show. I told Rainbow this, and well. You saw what just happened, so. Yeah."
  6710. >"Holy shit, are you serious?!" Twilight says, turning her head in Vinyl's direction, watching her walk back to her garage. "Yeah ok. She deserved that. That's messed up."
  6712. >Now that that's taken care of. The team can focus on getting Rainbow up to the front. This Safety Car should bring Spitfire back to a reachable distance seeing that Dash is now in fucking 4th place after one lap.
  6714. *"Know where you are Rainbow?"*
  6715. >*"Fuck yeah I know where I'm at! 4th place! I've caught up to the three behind the Safety Car now."* Rainbow says while swerving back and forth to keep the tires at a good temperature.
  6716. *"Alright cool. Commence business as usual you glorious asshole."*
  6717. >*"Roger that fucknugget."*
  6719. >*"You two have just the cutest pet names for one another."* Twilight says in a heavy sarcastic tone.
  6723. *RESTART*
  6724. Lap 6/53
  6727. Lap 9/53
  6728. >Octavia has proven to be quite the driver. For the past 3 laps, she has held off every one of Rainbow's attacks left and right.
  6729. >This has taken you by surprise. With Rainbow's faster lap times, she should have been able to get past the 3rd place car by now.
  6730. >The cellist turned racer knows how to make her car as wide as possible. Defending her line has become one of her better skills. However, there is only so much one can do when it comes to someone who is even more relentless.
  6731. >Speeding towards Parabolica, Rainbow sets her car up for a late apex exit. Allowing for even more room to accelerate out of the increasing radius corner.
  6732. >Having taken the defensive line into the corner, Octavia is at an immediate disadvantage for the over kilometer long front straight.
  6733. >Rainbow turns in late, gets into position, and eases the throttle to the floor ducking to the inside of the wide running Bass Cannon machine. Accelerating hard, Dash easily roars past Octavia crossing the start finish line.
  6735. Lap 10/53
  6736. >One thing, though. Dash goes for her DRS button on the wheel, yet nothing happens. She passed Octavia well before the DRS detection line, which gives Octavia another chance to take back the 3rd spot.
  6737. >Doing what she does best in situations like this, Rainbow begins to squeeze the musician closer to the left edge of the racing surface as she gets along side. Octavia manages to hold her ground for a little while, that is until the left side of her car catches some dirt, jerking the wheel to one side as the left front tire receives a sudden shock.
  6738. >That was all it took for her to let off the throttle slightly and surrender the position to Dash. Albeit reluctantly.
  6740. *"Good job Rainbow, keep that position and you're coming home a champion!"*
  6744. ---MEANWHILE---
  6746. -- Ponyville Circuit - VIP suite #1 --
  6751. >"He finds out, Luna, and we can kiss all of this goodbye."
  6752. >"But sister... We feel he deserves to know."
  6753. >"That he deserves to know these circuits are indeed carbon copies of ones from his world? Do you have any idea what that would cause?"
  6755. >"We are certain that it is harmless."
  6756. >"Unfortunately, no."
  6758. >Celestia steps up from her seat and paces back and forth in front of the window overlooking the front stretch.
  6760. >"This phenomenon here in front of us is probably the best thing to happen to Equestria in its history. Tell me sister, have you noticed how peaceful it's been since we started this?"
  6762. >"Now that you have mentioned it, yes. We have seen."
  6764. >"There haven't been any catastrophes requiring the use of the Elements of Harmony since Anonymous arrived. Even Discord has halted his nefarious schemes and became probably the biggest fan of Formula 1. My guess is he appreciates how chaotic this form of sport can be."
  6766. >"But sister." Luna interrupts. "What does this have to do with Anonymous having the knowledge of our access to his home world?"
  6768. >"When Twilight opened that portal, I instantly felt it's presence. I managed to keep the portal open and move it to Canterlot to further investigate where Anonymous had come from. During this investigation, I found out that if Anonymous himself somehow goes back through the portal, it closes. Forever."
  6770. >"Oh." Luna replies as Celestia gazes down at the Grand Prix in full swing.
  6772. >"I brought Formula 1 to Equestria as an incentive for Anonymous to stay and keep the portal open. Seeing the benefits that motorsports have brought us, now requires that he stays with us further. We did not have the technology his people have, and even with what we have now, we're still behind. If we lose the source of this knowledge and information because of him going back, we lose our ability innovate Formula 1 any further. Thus, losing the sport altogether, and the peace that it brings."
  6774. >"We now see where you are coming from, sister."
  6776. >"We must continue to play dumb. As a precaution, no new tracks for a few seasons. I should have known Anonymous would become suspicious over us plagiarizing his home track designs." Celestia states, giving out a sigh. "I did notice something peculiar, though."
  6778. >"And what is this?" Luna asks.
  6780. >"F1 on Earth has gone into a direction that I am not willing to take here. V6 engines and quieter cars.*** They've gone towards a cost saving route. I have discovered a concept for a car that an earth team has created for a future season. 'Ferrari' I believe the team was called. We will instead be using this car."
  6782. >Celestia levitates schematics for this new concept over to Luna, who is surprised by the power output predicted.
  6784. >"Do you want Equestria to stay peaceful Luna?"
  6785. >"Of course, sister."
  6786. >"Then you know what to do."
  6788. (***-Because of wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey shit with dimensional portals n stuff. Half a year in Equestria is a year on earth. That would put earth time at the end of 2013, with the 2014 F1 rules being brought to light.)
  6791. ---------------
  6795. Lap 16/53
  6799. >So, context. That was Aloe and Flitter getting together in turn 3, sending Aloe tumbling end over end and nearly into the fence.
  6801. >"SWEET CELESTIA! What is it with this track and cars just flipping?!" Twilight yells.
  6802. "Twilight when you're going that fast, shit happens. Physics can be a bitch."
  6803. >*"Rainbow, Safety car is out. Do not pit in, I repeat, do not pit in."*
  6804. >*"Copy"* Replies Rainbow.
  6806. >You guys are still too far away from the scheduled pit in to successfully perform a one pit stop race. If you tried right now during this Safety car the tires will lose all grip 7 laps away from the finish line. If Rainbow can make it to at least lap 31 with these tires, she's golden.
  6808. "How are Rainbows tires looking?" you inquire to Twilight.
  6809. >"They're a little more worn than I'd like, but were still ok as of right now." Twilight then types a few things into the computer. "*Dash, make sure you're on a medium fuel setting before this restart. Conserve a little now so you can go full blast later.*"
  6811. >"*Done.*" Rainbow confirms.
  6813. >Looks like Aloe and Flitter are ok. Both of them managed to exit the cars without any visible injuries, judging from the live feed at least.
  6814. >That's just one of the hazards of open wheel racing. The cars are prone to flip if wheel to wheel contact is made. Especially if it happens down a high speed straight away. This track configuration happens to be the fastest on the whole calendar. Even back on Earth. Flips happen all the time here.
  6815. >You just hope Rainbow doesn't become the next one to go airborne.
  6818. Lap 20/53
  6819. >Upon restart, Rainbow Dash immediately passes Soarin for 2nd place. Spitfire managed to launch another huge lead from the rest of the field and gain an advantage heading out of turn 1. Just out of reach of Dash.
  6822. Lap 25/30
  6825. >"*I see dust up ahead. Who was that?*" Rainbow chimes in after a long bout of radio silence.
  6826. "*Lotus. Rear end locked up, it looked like. Went straight into the wall.*" You say as the live feed shows a replay of what happened just before the Ascari Chicane.
  6828. A substantial accident, enough to almost flip her over. Lotus escaped unharmed as she exits the car and quickly jumps the wall to safety away from the active racing surface.
  6830. >"*Safety car coming out?*" Rainbow inquires. Hoping that one is indeed getting released.
  6831. >A safety car would mean an easy game of catch up towards Spitfire. Her restart was so good a few laps ago that shes 3 seconds ahead. Negating Rainbows DRS use.
  6832. >Twilight looks over to her right. The SC light mounted on the fence just a handful of meters away is not flashing. "*Negative Rainbow. Keep going. Tires are a little worn, so keep that in mind.*"
  6833. >Rainbow then says *"Ill keep that in mind until I get within DRS range on Spits.*" much to your dismay.
  6834. >Great. That could ruin everything because fucking Rainbow Dash and her super competitive nature.
  6837. Lap 29/53
  6840. >Dash is now within DRS range of Spitfire.
  6842. *"Rainbow, your tires are beginning to overheat. Calm down for a sec."*
  6845. >Twilight gives her attention to the car's telemetry as you and Dash have your little radio conversation, noticing that if she pushes any harder, she would have to pit in sooner. Which in turn, could ruin the team's one pit stop strategy.
  6846. >Which isn't good.
  6847. >*"Listen to Anon, Rainbow. You need to stay out for at least a few more laps. If you try to catch up to Spitfire you'll risk a puncture."*
  6848. >*"I know how to conserve my tires."* Rainbow replies while flying down the front stretch at 210+ MPH. *"I'll make them last, just watch me."*
  6850. "I swear to fuck." You say, facepalming. "I love the girl, but she can be stubborn as shit sometimes."
  6851. >"You two are already saying 'love'? This early?" Twilight replies.
  6852. "Hey, she started it. And I sure as hell am not gonna say no to that."
  6853. >"That's sweet and all, but still, you guys are moving kinda fast, I feel."
  6854. "We're Formula 1 drivers, what the hell do you expect?"
  6856. Twilight opens her mouth getting ready to say something, then stops with a hoof up.
  6858. >"... Touche."
  6860. >Just then, A loud bang can be heard off in the distance, immediately followed by a *"OH COME ON!!!"* over your radio.
  6861. >A quick look at the live world broadcast shows that Rainbow has, in fact, gotten a right rear tire puncture. Fucking amazing.
  6862. >Luckily she's on the backstretch heading towards Parabolica, so she shouldn't damage the floor pan too much on the short run back to pit lane.
  6863. >Then again, this is Rainbow were talking about here.
  6865. *"What the fuck did I tell you Dash?"*
  6866. >*"It's not my fault these tires are GARBAGE!"*
  6868. >"*THE LAST THING I NEED RIGHT NOW IS YOUR SMART-ASS MOUTH."* Rainbow exclaims flying into the pit stall behind you.
  6870. Lap 30/53
  6872. >To everyone's dismay, the tire completely shredded and flew apart while out on the track. The crew pony in charge of changing the right rear tire gets the rim off and examines the area around the tire, to see how severe it is.
  6873. >"This whole area is fucked back here!" He exclaims towards Twilight. Hearing this, you jump from your chair and sprint across pit lane to check the car.
  6874. >Arriving at the rear of Rainbows car, you see the full extent of the damage.
  6875. >"That's not good." you say under your breath, holding a hand to your head.
  6877. >The floor pan surrounding the wheel is demolished. The carbon fiber air intakes for the brakes are just gone. Also a large hunk of rubber has apparently punched a dent into the top of the rear wings side panel. Not to mention another impact on the suspension arms themselves.
  6879. >Welp, you can say goodbye to at least 10 mph of her top speed.
  6881. >Still standing there, you activate your headset to speak to Rainbow in the car.
  6882. "*Rainbow you've straight up fucked yourself out of the race*"
  6883. >"*It cant be that bad can it!?*"
  6884. "*Oh it's bad.*"
  6885. >"*No! Am I out? Is that it!? Please don't tell me that's it!*"
  6887. >You don't want to risk her getting hurt, but you would hurt her more by calling the race right here and ending her chance for the championship. The car looks like it can still drive. Albeit barely.
  6890. >Times ticking, make a decision fucker.
  6893. >Shaking your head, you signal to the pit crew to give her a full set of new tires and send her back out.
  6894. >The wheels are put on and the car zooms off before you can get seated back into your chair at the pit wall gantry.
  6896. >Rainbow has dropped from 2nd to 6th, which is now last place, because of this set back. She also no longer has the fastest car on track. Everyone knows any damage to the cars aerodynamics is devastating to performance. That suspension worries you though. Still, it might hold. Shes going to have to drive her heart out if she wants to be the World Champion now.
  6898. >As soon as you sit down, Twilight immediately starts asking questions. "How bad was it? I saw you shake your head. Can she drive it like that?"
  6899. >Taking your own experiences into account, you immediately take charge over the radio.
  6900. "*Rainbow. Increase front brake bias. That right rear brake is not getting air anymore. Don't let it fail.*"
  6901. >"*Done*" She confirms.
  6902. >The telemetry also confirms that shes made the change. You continue to bark orders however.
  6904. "*Listen. Take it easy until you know how the rear of the car acts. Remember, from this position you only have to make up 3 spots to win the championship. You've got 33 laps left.*"
  6906. "*Make them count. I know you can.*"
  6908. >*"Roger that.*"
  6910. (end song)
  6913. -------
  6916. Lap 43/53
  6917. >Rainbow Dash successfully passes Blossomforth for 5th.
  6922. Lap 47/53
  6924. >"Welcome back to our coverage of the Ponyville Grand Prix right here on EBC Sport."
  6926. >"So as it stands right now. We have Spitfire, Octavia, and Soarin in our top 3 spots. You have to be thinking Spitfire is breathing easy in that car as Rainbow hasn't been able to make a move on 4th place Thunderlane as of yet. All shes got is 7 more laps to become the first F1 World Champion. And she is sailing towards that victory right now."
  6928. >"Here they are now heading down the back stretch towards Parabolica. Spitfire has a substantial gap in between Octavia, about 3 seconds it says there on the graphic on screen. Aaaaand wait here we go, there is a bit of action there in the background.
  6930. >"Looks like Rainbow Dash attempted yet another unsuccessful pass on Thunderlane. She's had to have been doing this for the past 4 laps now hasn't she?"
  6932. Lap 48/53
  6934. >"You are correct. The damage she sustained from that puncture halfway through the race has definitely hurt that car of hers. She's been slightly off the pace ever since then. It's a wonder that shes been able to even keep up with the front runners here."
  6936. >"Oh boy check it out! Rainbow now has DRS heading into turn one! She goes to the inside of Thunderlane through the exit of the chicane. Does she make it stick? She Does! Will Thunderlane fight it back in the next corner however?"
  6938. >"He certainly has the car to make it happen. But will he pull the trigger is the question? Rainbow Dash is making the best out of what she's got and is doing it quite well. I don't know many other pilots that can drive a car that is that damaged that fast.
  6940. >"Oh here we go, Thunderlanes looking to respond here. DIVING into the turn 3 chicane, he takes back 4th place fro-woah! Hold on! An Impressive over and under maneuver from Rainbow Dash closes the door to Thunderlane to defend that attack, and she takes 4th place right back! That was phenomenal driving!"
  6942. >"Rainbow refuses to give up and she knows time is running out. Soarin is up ahead by about 4 seconds. I don't know if she'll be able to make it to him in the given time however."
  6944. >"Don't count her out just yet. Even with all that damage to the car, she just posted a purple sector 2 time. Shes on pace with Spitfire!"
  6946. >"You're kidding."
  6949. ------------
  6952. >Holy fuck she might be able to do it.
  6954. *"That's it Rainbow!!! Just one more!!!"* you scream through your headset.
  6955. >Rainbow has now passed Thunderlane for 4th place. Somehow Rainbow has found speed. Insane speed. Soarin is now 2 and a half seconds ahead, but with 5 laps left, time is not on her side.
  6957. >Within 3 of those 5, and with the help of a couple ill timed lock-ups from Soarin, Dash miraculously catches up to the tail of the Wonderbolts Racing machine ahead of her.
  6959. Lap 51/53
  6961. "Come on. You can do this." Dash says to herself while the world watches her and Soarin fight out this epic battle.
  6962. >Rainbow's first chance comes at the entrance to Parabolica, the final turn on the circuit, where she brakes late attempting to pass on the outside. Soarin defending his position by staying on the inside line.
  6963. >Both of them scream through the corner at the edge of control. At the DRS line, Rainbow goes for the DRS button on her wheel.
  6964. >To her and everyone's surprise, however, Soarin was granted DRS instead of Dash. Which completely threw that attempt down the drain.
  6966. Lap 52/53
  6968. >The damage to the right rear not helping in the slightest, Soarin pulls further away from Rainbow the more they careen down the front stretch.
  6969. >Both of these cars have tires that are 30+ laps old. Braking points are further up from the chicane than before because of this, even so, Rainbow still brakes as late as she can, reaching near along side of the Wonderbolt at the entrance to Turn 1.
  6970. >Soarin again has taken the defensive inside line preventing Dash from capitalizing in any way. Side by side through the chicane, Soarin speeds out of the exit with tires screaming, the Cloudsdale Weather entry following suit. The crowd roaring from the electric excitement of what is taking place out on track.
  6972. >*"You have enough fuel and tires are looking alright. Switch to rich fuel and GO FOR IT!"* You advise. Picking a time where Rainbow wouldn't be making an important maneuver so you don't mess her up.
  6973. >Rainbow adjusts the knob on the wheel and pushes harder in response, However, the next chicane plays out similar to the first.
  6974. >Even with the extra fuel in the cylinders of her engine, Soarin eases away out of the exit of turn 4.
  6976. >With the damage to Rainbow's car from the tire puncture, doubt begins to enter her mind.
  6978. >How can she do this with a sub-optimal car? There's no way this could be done. That Wonderbolts car is but without a scratch.
  6981. >This would take a miracle for her to overtake a racer as skilled as Soarin, in a car obviously in better shape than her own.
  6984. >Heading towards the final chicane. Rainbow looks to her right inside the cockpit of the car, to the shard of rear wing you gave her a couple days ago, taped along the inside wall of the monocoque.
  6988. >A greyscale thunderbolt. Resembling her own cutie mark.
  6989. >The words you told her, leaving an everlasting mark in her mind.
  6993. "Just like your wings, that car is an extension of yourself. You can make that thing do whatever you want it to do. Don't be afraid of it."
  6997. "Just go."
  7002. >Remembering an instance one month ago. An instance where you and Rainbow had an incident at this very track during a "research and development" session. She remembers the move you made through the chicane ahead, allowing you to catch up and almost pass her. It was a near perfect execution of the corner.
  7005. >She replicates this move you made through the Ascari Chicane, that allowed you to make up an insane amount of ground...
  7007. >with flawless precision.
  7010. "Oh my god she did it!" You exclaim watching her maneuver the car effortlessly around the curves.
  7011. >"ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" Twilight mutters in response to this development.
  7012. >She mastered the chicane! She's gaining on Soarin at an insane rate! This might be it!
  7013. >"This is your chance! GET HIM! PASS THE FUCKER!!!" You scream while Twilight watches on with her eyes as wide as they can be.
  7017. >Coming up to Curva Parabolica.
  7019. >Rainbow makes her move.
  7022. *Red Bull - - Rainbow*
  7023. *Mclaren - - Soarin*
  7025. (end song after video^)
  7036. >She did it.
  7038. >She actually did it.
  7045. -EBC Sport-
  7047. >"Across the line is Spitfire in her first career win at the Ponyville Grand Prix!"
  7049. >And in an amazing run! Octavia takes second putting the lone Bass Cannon Racing car on the Podium.
  7051. >However! The day belongs to Rainbow Dash! As she Crosses the line a half of a second ahead of Soarin for third place! Giving her enough points to keep her lead in the standings! AND THUS, BECOMING EQUESTRIA'S FIRST WORLD DRIVERS CHAMPION!!!!
  7054. ---
  7056. >You are ecstatic. As soon as she crossed the line just that much ahead of Soarin for 3rd place, you shot your fists to the air and yelled the loudest you could. Twilight next to you was probably even more happy. She almost fell out of her chair.
  7058. >After you and Twilight hugged each other in celebration for Rainbows Championship Victory, you hear your champion over the intercom.
  7059. >*"Anon! Twilight! Is this really happening!?! Did I get it!?!"*
  7060. >Fuck yeah you did.
  7067. >Tears streaming down her face, Rainbow is at a loss for words.
  7068. >She looks up out of her car to the stands. Up at the Fans waving 'Cloudsdale Weather' flags jumping and cheering as she drives by.
  7070. >Seeing this, Rainbow thinks back to just a few months ago. At this very track. You training her one on one. Saying to her "If there was a tournament starting tomorrow, Id have no doubt that we would be the top contenders."
  7072. >Even though Rainbow ended up being the sole Cloudsdale Weather driver to finish the season. You were right about her. She was indeed the top contender. She overcame all trials with you by her side.
  7074. >She has you to thank. For pushing her to become the best. For driving her to succeed. For never giving up on her.
  7079. >*"Thank you Anon. I wouldn't have been able to do this without you. You're the best. Ever.*"
  7080. "*Yeah, yeah. Hurry up and get to Parc Ferme so I can hug the shit out of you already.*"
  7081. >"*Heh, Roger that!*"
  7085. Final Race Results
  7087. 1. Spitfire
  7088. 2. Octavia
  7089. 3. Rainbow Dash
  7090. 4. Soarin
  7091. 5. Thunderlane
  7092. 6. Blossomforth
  7093. 7. Lotus*
  7094. 8. Flitter*
  7095. 9. Aloe*
  7096. 10. Cloud Chaser*
  7097. 11. Vinyl Scratch*
  7099. *Crashed out
  7102. Final Equestrian Formula 1 Championship Standings
  7104. 1. Rainbow Dash - - - - - - - 52
  7105. 2. Spitfire - - - - - - - - - 51
  7106. 3. Soarin - - - - - - - - - - 34
  7107. 4. Octavia - - - - - - - - - 33
  7108. 5. Thunderlane - - - - - - - 26
  7109. 6. Anonymous - - - - - - - - 25
  7110. 7. Cloud Chaser - - - - - - - 19
  7111. 8. Vinyl Scratch - - - - - - 18
  7112. 9. Lotus - - - - - - - - - - 16
  7113. 10. Aloe - - - - - - - - - - 12
  7114. 11. Blossomforth - - - - - - 11
  7115. 12. Flitter - - - - - - - - - 6
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  7159. 1 week after the Ponyville Grand Prix
  7161. "How's my world champion driver doing this morning?"
  7162. >"Oh you've said that all week. Shut up. You're wearing it out." Rainbow says with a smirk.
  7163. >Both your and Rainbows prize money have arrived in each of your bank accounts today. Which means you two are going house hunting. Twilight has been extremely gracious in allowing you a home in her library for this entire season. But, now that you can afford to move out, that is just what you two are going to do. So as you both sit at the kitchen table in the library, you discuss on where to go.
  7165. >"I cant wait to finally get our own place. Just the two of us." Rainbow says. "I was thinking maybe somewhere li-"
  7166. "Trottingham."
  7167. >"Oh my Celestia why there?" Dash says with an eyebrow raised. "That's just a harbor town. You wanna hear fog horns all day?"
  7169. >Just a harbor town eh? She apparently hasn't read up on it.
  7170. "So. Here's the thing. They've turned what was just a 'harbor town' into what is probably the nicest place in Equestria to live right now."
  7172. >Rainbow squints her eyes. "When was this?"
  7174. "When they announced the town was going to host the Trottingham Grand Prix next season."
  7175. >"Okay yeah, I remember that. But what did they do to make it the nicest place to live?"
  7177. >Time to learn her a thing.
  7179. "The Trottingham Grand Prix Circuit is, well, a recreation of Monte Carlo. Where I used to live back before I was teleported here to Equestria."
  7181. >Rainbow eyes suddenly widen.
  7183. "Whoever constructed the track didn't just stop there. I did some research and they even brought the luxury aspect of Monaco to Trottingham. Completely renovating the entire town. Instead of freight ships and tug boats in the harbor. Its now a docking jewel for yachts and speedboats."
  7185. >You pause for a second. Only to choose your next words carefully.
  7187. "If we can find something there that resembles what I remember as 'home', I would be very grateful."
  7190. >Without a second thought, Rainbow's response was "If you just told me that at the start I would have said yes. I would do anything to make you more comfortable here! You know that."
  7192. >This mare just keeps proving herself time and time again.
  7194. "Yeah I know." You say. "But to be quite honest, you would fucking love it there. There's a reason why I missed living in Monaco so much."
  7196. >"It better be everything your making it out to be! These houses look expensive!"
  7198. "Oh it's worth it. Trust me."
  7208. F1 Anon: Season 1 - End

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