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[RDxAnon] Good Old Rainbro [WNrite]

By DashPosterAndArchiver
Created: 2021-06-01 06:14:14
Expiry: Never

  1. Good Old Rainbro part 1
  3. >Day way too long in Equestria
  4. >The sun is poking into your room as your woken up by a loud pounding on the window in your room.
  5. >Last night was fun as hell partying with AJ and all, but now you're paying for it.
  6. >Swear to god if fluttershy is out there, you're going to kill her.
  7. >Slowly stand up and go to the window to find none other than rainbro. Open the window quickly.
  8. >She flies in, "Anon, why'd you lock your door? I know you hate mornings and everything, but somep0nys got to come wake you up for the run".
  9. >Some shit about forgetting to set your alarm. Tell he to grab some food while she waits for your slow ass.
  10. >"Alright, you want anything?"
  11. >Man, your Rainbro always helpin you out like that.
  12. >Request toast with jam.
  13. >Rainbow rushes downstairs to make breakfast as you put on a pair of sweatpants and a light tee.
  14. >You make your way downstairs right on time as the toast gets finished.
  15. >"So, you gunna tell me why you had to lock your door or not?" dash asks with a slight look of concern on her face. "You know no one around here would take anything."
  16. >Fuck, how do you tell dash that one of her best friends has recently creeped you out. Whats with the fetish guessing gag now anyways?
  17. >You realize your already sitting at the table instinctively. Dash sets the plate with the toast and jam in front of you and you realize there's no way getting around this.
  18. >"Well?"
  19. >You start stammering a ton.
  20. >"Come on, just spit it out. We need to get out there and start."
  21. >Just been acting weird lately. Nothing serious.
  22. >Last thing you need to do to your bro is make her help you again. You can handle this on your own.
  23. >"Ok Anon, whatever you say. Just hurry up and eat, we're behind schedule already."
  24. >Ask if she’s Twilight now.
  25. >She stares at you.
  26. >"Yah right, don't even try to give me that. I have to go to work today so I don't have a lot of time to goof around. Hurry up."
  27. >Rainbow heads outside and you slam your toast and quickly follow.
  28. >As you're near the end of your morning run in p0nyville, dash stops you for a second.
  29. >"Hey Anon, we should race back to your house."
  30. >Question if she’s going to use wings or not.
  31. >"You'll just have to find out." she says with a smirk.
  32. >She’d smoke you either way. Fuckit.jpg
  33. >Her face lights up after hearing you accepting her challenge.
  34. >"We'll race from that tree over there back to your house. Winner gets two bits."
  35. >Two bits ain't shit, and to see your bro happy about doing something she loves, it's worth all your bits. Plus, she loves having motivation for putting in her all.
  36. >Both of you walk up to the tree.
  37. >"Ready..."
  38. >Your legs get a little tense.
  39. >"Set..."
  40. >Maybe with all the running you've been doing, you could beat her if she doesn't use her wings.
  41. >"GO!" she yells as she bursts off at astonishing speeds.
  42. >Of course she would use her wings. It's a challenge and she's going to use her all to make sure she comes out on top even if she didn't need them.
  43. >This makes you push yourself as you run as fast and hard as you can to your house. Gotta at least put in your all as well.
  44. >As you get to the house, you can see her standing there waiting for you with that same smirk on her face.
  45. >"HA! Where's my two bits Anon?"
  46. >Gasping for air, tell her to wait a sec.
  47. >"Good to see you gave it your all at least."
  48. >You walk slowly inside to grab your bits for the wager you lost. Breath is finally returning to you. You get the bits you owe and jog very slowly back outside.
  49. >Complement her on her speed. Wonderbolts ain’t got shit on her.
  50. >A slight blush creeps up onto her face and her wings rise slightly. "Yah I am."
  51. >Laugh at her lack of modesty.
  52. >You laugh harder at the pouting look she puts on "Oh, just shut up".
  53. >Remind her she has to get to work as do you.
  54. >"Oh! I almost forgot I had to be in a half an hour early! Catch yah later Anon."
  55. >Dash turns and flies off into the sky.
  56. >Your turn to go back into your home and take a nice, relaxing shower.
  57. >As the water begins to pour on you, you think about your time here in p0nyville.
  58. >Celestia was the best of the best. From hooking you up with all that sweet cash and a house to helping you adjust with friends.
  59. >First up, Twilight Sparkle. Pretty brainy and what you would have guess would have been a shut-in, but pretty informative about almost anything you needed to know and had plenty of friends to meet.
  60. >Pinkie saw you walking toward your home after talking with Twilight that first day. Needless to say, she freaked you out, but you made a promise to show up at your welcoming party.
  61. >At the party, you met your best rainbro. Wasn’t the best first meeting you ever had, with her tackling you and all. Also yelling in your face and questioning you about everything. After a month of hanging around you, she couldn’t get enough of you.
  62. >Rarity was kind of a bitch, but at certain times, she was amazingly awesome.
  63. >Fluttershy was too much of the same moe shit you remember from home. She was nice and all, but you tried to avoid her as much as possible.
  64. >Last but not least, AppleJack. Another one of your bros. Dash, AJ, and you partied like there was no tomorrow and had chill days of watching TV and movies at your house. Shit was great.
  65. >Finish up the shower and change into your work cloths.
  66. >Another perk of knowing a p0ny who loved fashion.
  67. >You make your way out the door and towards p0nyville. God damn, Mondays sucked balls. Oh well, at least your job was fun and got p0nies a little more used to you being an alien and everything.
  68. >Everything slowly got calmer as the year went on. You’re halfway through the second and you really only get a few odd looks if you went outside of p0nyville.
  69. >You finish setting up the cart just as a few other p0nies make their way to their respective carts.
  70. >See Bon Bon setting up her stand. She turns and sees you there.
  71. >She finishes setting up her stand before quickly coming over to you. “Glad to see you up and alive! Didn’t think you and AJ would even make it home last night, hehe.”
  72. >Berry punch is no lightweight, that’s for sure.
  73. >”Oh god! I don’t know how you drank her under in the end. Well, glad to see you alive, I gotta get back to the stall.” She says as she gallops away.
  74. >You look at the stall to see a customer standing, looking around for Bon Bon.
  75. >Tell her that you should hang together some time again.
  76. >”HEY ANON!”
  77. >A loud boom happens behind you and scares the living shit outa you.
  78. >Fuckin’ pinkie.
  79. >Confetti covers you as she pushes her party canon off to the side.
  80. >What’s todays celebration?
  81. >”Every day’s a party when I’m working! Best way to draw in the crowds!”
  82. >”Every day’s a party when I’m working! Best way to draw in the crowds!”
  83. >This mare never frowns. It makes no god damn sense. Well, at least with all her energy she draws people to her cart and by proxy yours as well.
  84. >Pinkie skips off to her stall a few feet away from yours. Ponies begin wandering into and through the center square.
  85. >The day went as regular, Pinkie doing the normal shouting and attracting and you getting some customers selling your apple based products.
  86. >Thank Celestia that AJ helped you out by offering a job selling their products in the square while the apple family bucked.
  87. >The day goes by relatively fast and it feels good to finally get to go home.
  88. >Stop off at AJ’s farm to see how the day apple bucking went and to see if she wanted to hang.
  89. >”Got a lot done t’day, so it was good. Sorry Anon, I got a few plans tha’ need to be taken care of t’night.”
  90. >Well at least rainbro might be interested still.
  91. >Say bye to your brojack and make your way back into town to find dash.
  92. >Run in to her fairly quickly and offer to watch movies at your house tonight.
  93. >”Buck yah Anon! I’d never miss a chance to watch some movies.”
  94. >Tell her to show up around 8pm.
  95. >Make your way to the only open alcohol stand after shops close in the main square.
  96. >”Oh god Anon, how in Equestria did you beat me last night?”
  97. >Hey berry. Easy mode because this shit is nothing compared to stuff on Earth.
  98. >”I wish I could try it. So, what brings you here?”
  99. >Looking for something to spice up the movie night.
  100. >”Oh, that just reminds me I got a special shipment from Los Pegasus. Guaranteed to pack a good punch.”
  101. >Don’t think you can afford that.
  102. >Idea springs into your head. You have a few bottles of stuff left from all your shit that got transported with you. Offer her a taste of some for a discount.
  103. >”Oh Celestia! Sign me up for that!”
  104. >You make your purchase and head home.
  105. >Dash arrives at 9:30.
  106. >”Sorry Anon, kinda was taking a nap and…”
  107. >Doesn’t matter. What kind of movie you up for? Action? Comedy? Romance?
  108. >”Action all day!”
  109. >Pick out Inception.
  110. >Half way through the movie, dash is already a little beyond tipsy. Berry wasn’t lying.
  111. >”Anon, this isn’t action at all! I’m so lost and confused about what the buck is going on.”
  112. >Tell her you would have picked something a little less complicated if you would have known she was going to get so trashed.
  113. >”Oh whatever Anon! That reminds me, how could you even afford this stuff?”
  114. >Tell her you told Berry she could try a little of what’s left of your supply.
  115. >”No fair! You won’t even let me or AJ try and of it and here you are, giving it to BERRY!”
  116. >Calm your shit bro. You can try some too. Want to make sure it’s a special moment though.
  117. >”GOOD! That’s more like it.”
  118. >With that, you turn your attention back to the movie.
  119. >You’ve seen the movie before, how the hell are you lost after that little outburst.
  120. >Oh well, fuck it.
  121. >As the movie is nearing the end, dash reached her limit and is leaning against you. Can only assume she passed out seeing as she drank more in the second half of the movie and she was already a little drunk at the halfway point.
  122. >When it ends, you decided to let your bro stay as is and carry her up to your bed. You set the alarm next to her for the regular jogging time and figure she’ll wake you.
  123. >Couch is too comfortable.
  124. >Feel a hoof poking your face. Freak the fuck out.
  125. >As your vision unblurs, realize it’s dash.
  126. >”You big baby. What was with that?”
  127. >Mutter something about a horrible dream with fluttershy in it.
  128. >”Oh, sorry…”
  129. >No need to apologize, it’s fine.
  130. >”No, I heard why you’re so freaked out about fluttershy, so I know why I shouldn’t have poked you in the face to wake you up.”
  131. >Wait, who told you?
  132. >”Fluttershy did. She came up to me yesterday and asked if I knew what your fetish was because we hung out so much.”
  133. >Oh, what did you tell her?
  134. >”Nothing, just said no.”
  135. >noneshallknowmysecret.jpg
  136. >”What?”
  137. >Nothing. Mind hooking me up with some more of that amazing toast making skill?
  138. >”Oh god yah!”
  139. >Sitting and eating the glorious toast.
  140. >”So Anon, why exactly did I end up waking up in your bed?”
  141. >Notice her wings lift slightly off her back. Gotta ask what’s up with that some time.
  142. >You passed out leaning on me during the movie so I put you in my bed and crashed on the couch.
  143. >”Oh, ok…”
  144. >Seems a little sad with that answer.
  145. >”Just can’t remember what happened last night. Sucks not remembering fun times with you Anon.”
  146. >Brofist her. Any time, even if not remembered, is a great time with you, rainbro, and brojack.
  147. >After mentioning AJ as well, dash seems to get even sadder.
  148. >”Yah Anon, yah.”
  149. >About to ask her what’s up.
  150. >She cuts you off before you can speak.
  151. >”Ready for the run?”
  152. >Nope, not at all. Can’t do it.
  153. >Another look of sadness and you quickly reassure her you are joking.
  154. >After the run, you end up back at your house as usual and wave Rainbro goodbye.
  155. >Realize you forgot to lock your door and it’s open. Fuck.
  156. >Slowly creep your way into the house looking for any fetisshys. Make your way past the kitchen and upstairs with no signs.
  157. >Get to your room and find AJ.
  158. >Ask brojack what’s up and why she snuck into your house.
  159. >”Anon, Ah’m tired. Tired of wait’n on you ta do somethin. So Ah’m going to take matter into my own hooves.”
  160. >Ask what she means.
  161. >”When Ah said Ah had somethin ta do yesterday, Ah went to Twilights to check out a book.”
  162. >Great, what’s that got to do with you and what she was talking about?
  163. >”Have a look fer yerself.”
  164. >She grabs the book out of her saddlebag and slides it to you.
  165. >You read the cover.
  166. >Interspecies Intimacy: A Guide to Interspecies Dating.
  167. >No. Nope. Nuuh. No way. Fuck that.
  168. >You back up and notice she was going for something else in her bag.
  169. >”Thought yah might be a might bit iffy on this so Ah bought extra insurance.”
  170. >Out comes a rope. Need to get to the door asap.
  171. >You just realize that while looking at the book, brojack, no wait, you can’t all her that anymore with this twist. You realize that applerapest has positioned herself in front of the door.
  172. >”Can’t let yah get out that easy Anon.”
  173. >She begins to twirl her lasso and walk towards you.
  174. >You kick at her as she shoots the lasso towards your feet.
  175. >Fuck, you got caught.
  176. >”Anon, Ah’ve tied up stuff a lot bigger than ya’ll. Ah’m sure yah won’t be any trouble at all.”
  177. >She finishes tying up your legs and goes to tie your wrists as well.
  178. >Oh god, getting raped by a p0ny. Probably will just have to kill yourself after this. Not just having sex with one, but getting raped by one.
  179. >Just then, the door to your room opens up.
  180. >”Hey Anon. Just forgot my saddle bag here so I came to.. pick… it…. up…..”
  181. >Dash’s wings rise so fast you barely catch them.
  182. >”What the buck is going on here!”
  183. >Tell dash to help you quick. AJ is attempting to rape you.
  184. >”Shut up Anon.” AJ delivers a smack to your face.
  185. >”Don’t worry none about this rainbow. Just grab yer bags and go.”
  186. >The amount of rage you see on dash’s face is astonishing.
  187. >”Let. Him. Go.”
  188. >”What are you going to do Rainbow? Sit there and be passive while everything you want slips slowly through your hooves?”
  189. >With that comment, Rainbow smashes into AJ knocking her over and into your dresser. There goes the lamp.
  190. >”Ah see how it is Rainbow. Willing to fight at the last moment fer what ya want? Fine, just remember ya’ll have ta keep up yer guard now cause Ah’m done playing around.”
  191. >With that AJ storms out of the room.
  192. >What in the flying fuck just happened? All that shit about being serious, dash fighting? It’s like you’re watching inception again. Shit, everything is so confusing.
  193. >Dash quickly unties you. “You alight Anon?”
  194. >Confused as fuck and sad that you just lost a good bro, but unharmed physically.
  195. >”I’m sorry Anon…”
  196. >Your bro apologizes too much. None of this was her fault. Who knew AJ was going to go batshit crazy and try to rape you?
  197. >”I guess, but still.”
  198. >You tell her she can make you feel better by going to the bar with her tomorrow night. Need to buy your hero a drink for that rescue.
  199. >”You’re on. Why not tonight though?”
  200. >Tell her you need a rest to recover from that shit.
  201. >You brofist rainbro and thank her again for helping you out. With that, she takes her saddle bag and heads for the window.
  202. >”Hey Anon, if she is going to try that now, we should probably hang even more than we used to.”
  203. >You agree and say your goodbyes as you both need to get ready for work.
  204. >Go to clean up the broken lamp.
  205. >While cleaning, you remembered something. How will you stay protected when your attempting rapist is your boss?
  206. >Looks like you need a new job. Damnit, the day just got worse.
  207. >Head toward the bustling city square where the apples cart is. Your head is like a security camera all the way there, checking everywhere to make sure your rapist is not near you.
  208. >You reach the cart and begin setting up.
  209. >”HEY ANON!”
  210. >You almost shit yourself. Damnit pinkie, this is the worst day to be breaking laws of physics to appear behind you.
  211. >”Awe Anon, what’s wrong. You look so sad. Any and everyp0ny and person should have a smile on their face! Just makes the day go by quicker.”
  212. >Fuck it, you know what? Why not tell pinkie about the whole ordeal.
  213. >”Anon, why would you continue working for her if she treats you like that?”
  214. >Explain you don’t have a second job and don’t know anyone who was hiring at the current time.
  215. >”Don’t worry silly! Let Auntie Pinkie Pie take care of that! We just so happen to need someone to watch the stall. I need to be in the kitchen full time with the amount of sales we’re getting and Mr. and Mrs. Cake have been looking for another p0ny, but I’m sure a person will do just fine.”
  216. >Talk about a lucky break. Well, today is starting to look up a little bit.
  217. >”You should go tell AJ after today that you’re done working for a meanie mean pants like her. You would be the meanie mean pants if you didn’t tell her anyone was selling apples for her.”
  218. >And there goes that great feeling. Having to face AJ makes you just think of what could happen if no one else was around.
  219. >ohgodwhy.jpg
  220. >Looks like you and your rainbro will be hanging out tonight.
  221. >After you’re done with work, you thank pinkie again for the help and set out once again in search of rainbro.
  222. >Can’t find her anywhere in town so you head to her place.
  223. >You hear a small rustle in the bushes next to you.
  224. >Your jimmies reach maximum rustle-ige immediately as something jumps out and onto you.
  225. >Fucking day, just gets worse and worse.
  226. >Fluttershy is on top of you with some rope in her mouth.
  227. >”Ish ghettirng rhaped yehr fhetish?”
  228. >Holy shit, fuck this world to hell/tartarus/whatveryouwant and back. Now Fluttershy was talking to AJ about this.
  229. >You ask Fluttershy to get off you immediately.
  230. >She complies. One positive is that she’s not anywhere near as forceful as AJ.
  231. >Tell her that is not your fetish and that she should just stop trying to do this.
  232. >”But Anon, if I guess it right, then I might be able to uhm, you know…”
  233. >You tell her it won’t work like that.
  234. >”That’s what you say, but I won’t know for myself until I try.”
  235. >And with that, she’s off to come up with a plan for whatever fetish she thinks of next.
  236. >Oh god life, why did you get so shitty in the past week?
  237. >Finally get to rainbro’s house. Start yelling for her.
  238. >After a minute or two of waiting, your bro comes out with a slight blush on her face and her wings look like stone.
  239. >She somehow manages to move them enough to fly down to you. You explained how pinkie hooked you up with a new job and how you had to go tell AJ you were quitting.
  240. >”So you’re too weak and afraid to handle AJ alone. Bahahahah!”
  241. >Man, all this shit you have to take today. She should be glad she’s still your bro or you’d be pissed at her.
  242. >”Don’t worry Anon, I’m just joking with you. I’ll come along.”
  243. >At this point, dash’s wings have returned to their normal state.
  244. >You both make your way towards the farm and discuss the best way of going about quitting.
  245. >You reach the farm and find AJ. You tell her that you quit.
  246. >”Anon, yer makin this hard on me. Ah won’t be able ta find another worker for at least two weeks.”
  247. >Tough shit bitch. Maybe you should have thought of that when you tried to rape me.
  248. >”Don’t pretend yah didn’t like it none. Maybe next time Ah tie yah up, Ah can convince dash ta join in on the fun instead of ruinin it.”
  249. >No way a REAL bro would do that to his/her bro, right rainbro?
  250. >Look back at dash for backup on this. See her wings rising to that same form again. What the fucks up with that. You gotta ask Twilight about it.
  251. >Rainbro still says nothing and you kinda look at her and ask the same question a little louder.
  252. >”Uhh.. Oh, yah. Right.”
  253. >”Have fun with Anon, rainBRO.”
  254. >Dash seems to get a little mad at that “Whatever applerapist”.
  255. >That shut her up quick.
  256. >You try not to drink so much, but for today you’re just going to go with good old DGAF.
  257. >Invite your rainbro over again for more alcohol and bad movies.
  258. >She accepts and you both walk back to your house.
  259. >You ask your rainbro if she remembers last night when you told her you would share some of your liquor from earth with her on a special moment.
  260. >”Yah, why?”
  261. >You tell her her heroic feats of helping you against the menace applerapist earned a little bit of it.
  262. >Her eyes light up. “You really mean it?”
  263. >Would you joke about booze?
  264. >”No, never. So, what are you going to let me try?”
  265. >It’s a surprise.
  266. >Being a somewhat heavy drinker left you with some mixers as well as the alcohol from when you got teleported to Equestria.
  267. >Time to see if your tolerance for the stuff has dropped. Who knows, it might not take you much to get drunk off your own stuff.
  268. >The terrible movie chosen for the night was Silent Hill. But it mattered less what was on the TV than what was going on with the drinks.
  269. >You decided that you would let rainbro try some jager bombs. She is drunk off her ass and you are not far behind. Seems your tolerance for it has decreased with all this pony alcohol.
  270. >”Hey Anon, re ther people on Earth who look like tht?”
  271. >She points to pyramid head on the screen.
  272. >Just to fuck with her, you tell her most humans are like that, but the ones who look more like you in the movies are oddities, so they get in them.
  273. >”Noh way Anon, horse apples.”
  274. >You act like she totally believed it.
  275. >”Shut up Anon, I totally didn’t.”
  276. >Nah, just fuckin with yah bro. Did I tell you how awesome you are yet this hour?
  277. >With that she blushes slightly.
  278. >You ask her if she wants a bro hug for being so awesome.
  279. >She nods her head very quickly.
  280. >The hug lasts a little longer than you like, but whatever it takes to make your bro happy.
  281. >When you pull out, you see her wings are fucking stone again.
  282. >You tell your bro you’re going to help her out with the tense wings.
  283. >”Hower you going to do that?”
  284. >You tell her you’re going to rub them. Maybe it will make them loosen up.
  285. >Her head practically explodes into a deep shade of red, but you just blame it on the alcohol making her flush.
  286. >As you reach your hands toward her back, she doesn’t protest so you continue.
  287. >You start by rubbing the base of the wing and slowly move up on the outside bone all the way to the tip. You don’t notice rainbow practically biting into the arm of the couch.
  288. >You move your fingers through her feathers all the way back down to the base of her wings and continue this process.
  289. >Soon you hear a muffled moan and the wings go limp. You look at rainbros face to see it asleep. Must have passed out from the alcohol finally.
  290. >You look back at the TV and see a girl with barbed wire coming out of her everywhere. Why the fuck did you even buy this horrible movie.
  291. >You shut off the TV and head upstairs for bed, prepared for a lazy day of learning the ropes from pinkie.
  292. >It’s rainbros turn to sleep on the couch anyways. You reach your room and fall straight onto your bed.
  293. >Slumber takes you away.
  294. >You wake up to the sun pouring in your living room. Hope off the couch and do a quick stretch which rewarded you with some pops in your back.
  295. >Guess the couch wasn’t as good as you thought for sleeping. At least you can take your hangovers like a champ.
  296. >See rainbro in the kitchen. Make your way over to see what she’s doing.
  297. >Makin you some breakfast is all. Shit, she’s too good for you.
  298. >She turns to see you awake. “Thought you were going to sleep the whole day away.”
  299. >Laugh and say that your tired of eating toast right now.
  300. >Her face shows a little bit of a frown. “Oh, ok…”
  301. >Tell her it’s all good and that you’ll treat her to breakfast today for the help yesterday as well.
  302. >”First a taste from your very limited booze, and now a breakfast for free? Did I ever tell you how buckin awesome you are anon.”
  303. >Laugh again and suggest going to sugercube corner for some pancakes and to thank pinkie again for the help with getting a new job.
  304. >”Sounds good to me. We’ll just do a short run today.”
  305. >On the way out the door when your rainbro stops you.
  306. >”Do you… Do you remember anything about last night?”
  307. >Tell her it was a bit hazy, but just that it was a good time hanging with your rainbro.
  308. >Her face shows a both happiness and sadness with that answer.
  309. >”Oh, ok. Just wondering if you remembered anything about what happened in the movie because I.. uh.. forgot.”
  310. >Run your asses to sugarcube corner.
  311. >”Hey dashie! Hey Anon! what brings you guys here so early.”
  312. >Bubbly even before she reached the cart in the square, how does that mare do it?
  313. >Tell her you’re there to repay your rainbro for the help yesterday in confronting AJ in quitting.
  314. >”Yah! Should have seen the look on her face when she realized she would have a tough couple of weeks ahead of her trying to find a new employee. Hahah.”
  315. >For the first time in… ever, pinkie shows a slight frown.
  316. >”It’s not funny that AJ is going to have a hard time, but she kinda deserves it for how mean she was to Anon.”
  317. >Think about the fact that AJ might be in a little bit of financial trouble because of you. Also think about her face when she was about to rape you. Yep, you don’t have any fucks to give about her anymore.
  318. >You and dash order your pancakes and start to dig in. Damn pinkie was like some kinda magician with cooking.
  319. >Another thought comes to your mind about what your bro said earlier about AJ being busy.
  320. >Tell rainbro that you guys won’t have to worry about her trying anything funny for a week or two cause she’ll be too damn busy.
  321. >”Yah! That means I don’t have to keep her from-“
  322. >You start slamming back into those heavenly pancakes.
  323. >”-taking you from me…”
  324. >Pinkie hears this as she walks by doing her daily things getting ready to sell in the square and giggles.
  325. >You ask your bro what she said because you were too busy eating.
  326. >”Oh, uh nothing. Don’t worry about it Anon” she replies with a blush on her face.
  327. >You both finish up your food and walk with pinkie to her stall chatting it up about last weekend’s parties.
  328. >Rainbro brofists you and pinkie and says her goodbyes as she flies off to work.
  329. >You pull out your wallet to get the bits to pay for the meal at sugarcube corner .
  330. >Pinkie puts a hoof on your hand as you reach to take out the bits. “Don’t worry about it Anon. I got you and dashie covered. The least I can do for you two.”
  331. >Holy shit, this mare just gets better and better. She’s a hardcore partier, she can handle booze pretty well from what you’ve seen, she helped you get a job, and now she’s hooking you up with food.
  332. >Maybe you can get over the whole really loud and insanely upbeat thing. Pinkie could even help you fill that void of a lost bro.
  333. >You brofist her and thank her once again for all she’s done in the past 2 days.
  334. >You leave her stall thinking of what you could do. AJ really had you on a tight schedule that left for almost no downtime other than weekends, so you’ve never adventured around ponyville during the day.
  335. >Now that you think about it, almost everyone you knew was working right now normally.
  336. >Shit, perfect time to go see the egghead who’s job it was to study. She should have time to talk to you.
  337. >Make your way to Twilights and knock on the door.
  338. >As per usual, spike answers the door.
  339. >”Hello, welcome to the Sparkle library, how can I…”
  340. >He looks up to see you and stops his speal immediately.
  341. >”Anon! Bro! What’s up!” He extends a fist for you.
  342. >You return the gesture. Seem to be doing that a lot lately.
  343. >Tell him not much. He lets you in.
  344. >Ask him where Twilight is.
  345. >”Oh, just doing some experiments downstairs. Need me to go grab her?”
  346. >Ask him if he’d be so kind as to do that.
  347. >As he is getting Twilight, you just look around the library and find a book that might be of a little interest to you.
  348. >The Physiology of Pegasi.
  349. >Gotta ask Twilight if it might contain something about rainbros wings getting all tense and maybe a cure.
  350. >Twilight comes up the stairs with spike following just behind.
  351. >”Oh hello Anon, how are you doing after well…”
  352. >Tell her it’s ok to say it, and that you’re doing fine considering.
  353. >”Well, that’s good to hear. So Spike said you needed me?”
  354. >Tell her you were going to ask her about whats up with dash’s wings getting so rigid, but you saw a book over on a shelve about it. So now you were wondering if you could borrow the book.
  355. >”No need to read all that boring stuff Anon. I know you’re not much into reading, and it would take forever to find it in that book.”
  356. >Reply that it did look pretty big and you weren’t really looking to read something that would be as dry as that to find out info.
  357. >”Don’t worry Anon, there’s nothing wrong with that happening.”
  358. >Ask her why they do.
  359. >Twilight tenses up slightly at this.
  360. >”Oh, uhm… it’s just when pegasi might be uhhh… under stress. Yah, stress. Their wings may extend like that.”
  361. >Tell her that if it had been anyone else, all the stammering would have made you think they were lying. But with her being, well her, she would want everyone to know the right info on something they had questions about.
  362. >See her let out a sigh. The fuck?
  363. >”Yep, no problem giving you the info you need. Speaking of rainbow, you know how they use clouds as their home?”
  364. >Nod your head.
  365. >”Well, I know you and dash hang out a lot. What if I told you I had a way to let you walk on clouds?”
  366. >Shit, that would be awesome. Drinking at your bros! Not to mention clouds would probably be comfy as fuck.
  367. >”Hehe, well, I happen to have finally perfected my cloud walking spell in a liquid form.”
  368. >Oh god, tell Twilight you could almost kiss her.
  369. >”You can save that for someone else. All I need is a little thanks.”
  370. >Thank her repeatedly. Think of one snag, how are you going to test it without possibly killing yourself.
  371. >”Oh, that’s easy. Rainbow can just bring down a small bit of cloud for us to test it on.”
  372. >Shit, that is easy. Excited as fuck for when rainbro to get off of work to try this out.
  373. >Tell Twilight you’ll be back later with rainbro to test out the potion.
  374. >Find rainbro around lunch time and tell her to meet back at Twilights after work. Tell her you have a surprise for her.
  375. >Spend the rest of your afternoon walking around, talking to p0nies that you are acquainted with. Make your way over to Berry’s stand as most are starting to pack up.
  376. >”Hey Anon! How was it?”
  377. >Tell her that it knocked rainbro on her ass and that it packed enough of a punch that you didn’t need much to get tipsy. Thank her again for providing it on the cheap.
  378. >”Don’t forget the deal Anon, you have to let me try some of your personal stock.”
  379. >Yah, you didn’t forget. You’ll have her over one night.
  380. >Wave her a goodbye as you make your way back to twilights.
  381. >If this potion works, it’s going to be sooo damn good.
  382. >As you’re approaching Twilights, you see dash there already talking to her.
  383. >She better not ruin the surprise.
  384. >You see dash kick her hooves in the ground slightly with a blush on her face. She then hugs twilight.
  385. >What’s up with that? Well, whatever. Time to blow your bros mind.
  386. >”Oh! Uh h-hey Anon.” Dash says sheepishly as you walk up to them.
  387. >”Welcome back Anon. Here’s the potion.”
  388. >She waves with her hoof to bend over. “Don’t worry, I didn’t ruin the surprise.”
  389. >Ask your rainbro if she could go grab a cloud for you.
  390. >Her face dons a questioning look. “Sure, why though?”
  391. >Tell her that she should trust her bro and not ask questions.
  392. >With that, she turns away and jets into the sky to get a bit of cloud.
  393. >”Ok Anon, it may not taste the best, but just drink this and you should be able to walk on clouds for a day according to my calculations.”
  394. >At least you won’t have to test in on a cloud in the sky.
  395. >You take the vial and quickly chug it. Tastes like well water. Whatever.
  396. >”One more thing, you sure call dash rainbro a lot. She told me that it gets a little irritating sometimes. Maybe you should try calling her by her real name instead of your nickname for her?”
  397. >You’ll take that into consideration. If it’s bothering her enough to tell someone else about it, you should probably lighten up on the nickname.
  398. >”Here she comes. Also, I wouldn’t tell her you’re doing that. I don’t want to get her mad at me for telling you.”
  399. >You thank her for all the info today and tell her you won’t let dash know.
  400. >Dash sets the cloud hovering a few feet off the ground.
  401. >”So, what did you need with this cloud?”
  402. >Well, here goes nothing.
  403. >With that question, you proceed to belly flop onto the cloud. You can see rainbows face freak out as you’re falling.
  404. >You hit the cloud with a soft poof. Rainbow stairs at you in awe.
  405. >”Ho-. Wha-. I don’t even understand.”
  406. >Start laughing your ass off with Twilight.
  407. >After dying of laughter for a few minutes at rainbows shocked face, you pull you the vial and explain to her.
  409. >She looks like she may have just died and gone to p0ny heaven.
  410. >Tell her it’s cool and all, but she doesn’t need to be this excited about it.
  411. >She tackles twilight in a fierce hug.
  412. >”I don’t know how I could every repay you Twilight.”
  413. >That makes two of us.
  414. >”Don’t worry about it Dash, we’re friends. After all, that’s what friends are for.”
  415. >The next few days go by uneventfully. Same old routine. Body needs to take a break from drinking every night because you’d rather not take a chance of showing up for training with pinkie with a massive hang over.
  416. >The runs with dash are the same rout as usual, except when you run past sugarcube, pinkie would join you.
  417. >Fluttershys newest guess on your fetish was dominatrix. She showed up on your door with some leather on and a whip in your mouth.
  418. >You almost laughed at her when she told you to come over there or she would whip you in her normal shaky, scared voice.
  419. >Instead you promptly slammed the door in her face and went back to your morning routine while waiting for dash to arrive.
  420. >But finally all that waiting is over and the weekend is here! It’s time to meet dash at the local bar.
  421. >You invited pinkie along, but she said she had a few things she needed to get done. Completely forgot that she still works on the weekends. Must be how she affords her room at the cakes.
  422. >You get to the bar and make your way inside. You instinctively look around for dash.
  423. >”Hay there sugarcube. Yah look like ya’ll could use some company.”
  424. >Fuck, not seeing AJ for the whole week since the incident made you completely forget about her. You three normally drank here on Fridays.
  425. >Repressed memories and shit.
  426. >She saunters her way from the bar towards you. Her steps are a little wobbly. Must have started early.
  427. >When she reaches you, her hoof starts sliding up and down your leg.
  428. >”Yah know Anon, Ah could really use some’n to take a little stress outa me after a week like that. See’n as how ya’ll were the cause of it, Ah think it’s fair if’n ya’ll were the one who gave me that stress relief.”
  429. >You realize she slowly cornered you to the back of the bar.
  430. >You start sweating bullets. Fuckin shit, no one around really seems to notice the happening in the corner of the bar.
  431. >Times like this you wish they weren’t as used to you so someone would notice what’s happening.
  432. >”So, let’s say you and me get on outa this place, head back to the orchard an’ get to a little bit of-“
  433. >Just as she was about to say it, dash outa nowhere. AJ gets knocked into a table nearby with a loud clatter.
  434. >That got everyone’s attention. Every p0ny in the bar is now staring at the three of you.
  435. >”Get outa here AJ, can’t you see Anon doesn’t want that from you.”
  436. >”Oh, an’ like he wants it from yah?”
  437. >You look over at the bartender and see that he’s pissed.
  438. >Look back to see that dash is just as angry and her wings are up again.
  439. >Tell dash that you and her should probably just leave before you make too big of a scene and get kicked out of the bar for good.
  440. >AJ turns to you two as you walk out. “Pushing aside more issues just like yer feelings for Anon, eh dashie?”
  441. >With hat last comment, you have to carry your bro thrashing in your arms out of the bar.
  442. >Ask her what was with that comment AJ made about her feelings are concerning you.
  443. >”Ah, she was just jealous that me and you are such… bros.”
  444. >She flinches when she says the word bros.
  445. >Tell her that you can hang at her place. Also mention that berry will be there as well.
  446. >You don’t like to owe people if you don’t have to, so you minus as well have her over for a drink from your stash.
  447. >Dash looks disappointed at this, but you tell her that you’ll hang at her place tomorrow. Her attitude pulls a 180 at this.
  448. >You both go to berrys stall and see that she is just closing up.
  449. >”Hey Anon, hey RD.”
  450. >Ask her if she is interested in coming to your house to sample some of the booze you promised her.
  451. >”Buck yah I am.”
  452. >Tell her that you have a collection of movies from your universe/planet /whatever.
  453. >You three make your way back to your house. Both her and rainbow jump to the couch.
  454. >Ask berry what she wants.
  455. >”Hardest thing you got.”
  456. >Oh boy, is she in for a surprise at how assy the taste will be for this.
  457. >You pour a straight shot of everclear. This mare is in for the surprise of a lifetime.
  458. >For you and rainbow, you bring out 2 glasses of applejack daniels. Don’t want to run yourself dry of your limited supply.
  459. >You whisper to RD to watch what is going to happen.
  460. >Hand the shot to berry and watch in anticipation as she readies herself to drink it.
  461. >Down goes the shot, up comes the gag face.
  462. >Dash is practically rolling on the floor.
  463. >”Hahahaha. Anon, that was too good.”
  464. >The look of disgust on berrys face was apparent.
  465. >”Oh god Anon, are you trying to kill me?”
  466. >Tell her that she asked for the hardest stuff you had, and you made it even worse for her.
  467. >”Jesus, if that’s what it all tastes like where you come from, I don’t think I need anymore.”
  468. >After the little prank you pulled, you mixed her something a little nicer. A white russian.
  469. >You make your way back to the room with the mixed drink and hand it to berry.
  470. >”So Anon, what is on tonight’s viewing?” Dash asked attentively as she sipped from her glass.
  471. >Tell them that making that white russian put you in the mood for that good old classic. You throw The Big Lebowski into the DVD player and start the show.
  472. >When the group is first shown, Dash makes a comment that they look similar to a few stallions who hang out at the bowling alley as well.
  473. >Going to have to make a mental note of that and talk to them one day.
  474. >Once the movie was over dash and berry turn to you.
  475. >”So, all that happened because the dude has his rug peed on?” rainbow asks.
  476. >”It really did tie the room together” replies berry.
  477. >You just start laughing your ass off.
  478. >”Oh well, thanks for the fun time Anon and Rainbow, but I should probably get going. Got something I gotta do in the morning. Thanks for the sample from your personal collection, it was great other than that first drink.”
  479. >You see berry out the door and return to the couch with your rainbro.
  480. >What to do now?
  481. >”Just make some popcorn and I’ll pick out another movie from your box” rainbow says as she hovers over to the cardboard box on the side of the TV.
  482. >You move your ass to the kitchen and begin to make popcorn.
  483. >Come back with the bowl mounded full of popcorn to see the movie that dash has picked.
  484. >”So, can we watch this one, looks like it might be interesting.”
  485. >Drop the popcorn and not realize that you never destroyed the copy of Snakes on a Plane you owned.
  486. >What have you done?
  487. >”Wow dude, you alright?”
  488. >Explain to her that that movie there is probably the worst movie you have ever seen and will ever see. It should be broken right now so no copy of it exists in all of Equestria.
  489. >”Oh, you know that means we gotta watch it now, right?”
  490. >Fuck this shit.
  491. >About a quarter of the way through the movie, rainbow is absolutely board.
  492. >”Hey, I have an idea. What about whenever someone says the word snake, we take a drink.”
  493. >You agree knowing this is pretty much suicide. Anything to get the memories of this movie out of your head.
  494. >Half way through the movie, you don’t think you can take anymore and realize that dash is just as gone as you are.
  495. >Once again, she’s leaning up against you. What better way to leave this world than with your best bro.
  496. >Her wings are like stone once again. Didn’t twilight say something about stress or whatever?
  497. >You put your arm around her and pull her in for a bro hug. You see her smile and say something, but you can’t hear her very well.
  498. >You try to form a complete sentence, but all that comes out is gibberish.
  499. >Ah, whatever.
  500. >You pass the fuck out with dash hugged up against you.
  501. >Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy.
  502. >Actually more like feeling like shit. Holy god, it’s been a long time since you felt like this after a night of drinking.
  503. >You’re in your bed? When did you get here? Guess the biggest question is how.
  504. >Something moves around next to you.
  505. >Oh fuck, god damn. What the fuck happened last night? The last thing you remember is the drinking game with dash.
  506. >”mmmpphhmm”
  507. >Dash rises from where she was and begins to stretch without opening her eyes.
  508. >Ask dash what she’s doing in her bed.
  509. >Her eyes fly open. “Oh!” she squeaks out.
  510. >”Well uh, you see, you passed out so I brought you up to your bed.”
  511. >Tell her that still doesn’t explain why she was in your bed.
  512. >She gives you a sheepish look. ”Well, I must have just passed out too after I got you up here. Sorry.”
  513. >Oh well, tell her as long as nothing happened between you two, everything is alright.
  514. >Her face droops slightly.
  515. >”Yah, wouldn’t want that would we.”
  516. >Tell her that you’re going to have to pass on the morning run. Your head is pounding.
  517. >”Oh, ok. Don’t forget tonight you’re coming over to my place.”
  518. >With that, she flies out the window and you collapse back onto your bed.
  519. >You wake up about half way through the day.
  520. >Shit, feel so much better than earlier that morning.
  521. >Go through your morning routine. Feels weird doing it during the afternoon.
  522. >So glad fluttershy didn’t come around this morning.
  523. >You make your way out the door and towards p0nyvillie
  524. >It’s such a nice day out right now. You reach town and head for twilights house to grab some of the cloud walking potions.
  525. >You make your way out towards the outskirts of p0nyvillie to find where dashs house has floated to.
  526. >Oh look, its right over the-
  527. >”Hello sugarcube. After gettin away last night, Ah sure as heck ain’t gunna let yah get away now.”
  528. >She lasso’d your arms together and now is working on tying your legs.
  529. >”Ah think Ah know a place a little quieter we can go.”
  530. >As she drags you off, you yell for rainbow.
  531. >Nothing comes out of the cloud. You feel like your soul is about to be crushed.
  532. >You slowly get dragged to the apple orchard and into a cellar near the main house.
  533. >Every bump that slows you down going down the stairs is like a godsend even though it hurts like hell.
  534. >Anything to delay the time that would be coming ahead would be great.
  535. >”Now then, where to start”
  536. >AJ turns around and begins to cut off the shirt you’re wearing. Anything to make sure she won’t have to untie you.
  537. >You ask her why she would do this all of a sudden. Why she chose to betray your friendship. Why she stopped being your bro.
  538. >”Cause Anon, Ah realized Ah had to take the first step inta this in order to get yah to open yer eyes. Rainbow just didn’ have the guts.”
  539. >You spit back that your rainbro would never do something like this.
  540. >”It don’t matter anymore if she would or wouldn’t, Ah’m doin it for her.”
  541. >She moves to take your pants off. Takes her a few seconds before she gives up and uses the shears in the same way she did to your shirt.
  542. >”An’ look who will win in the end.”
  543. >You’re left in your boxers. Holy shit you really hope you can stall for more time.
  544. >Ask her how long she’s wanted to do this for.
  545. >”Oh, plum near the whole time Ah knew yah. Something about being a predator lured me in. Now enough talking.”
  546. >With that, she cuts the last of your garments off leaving you nude on the floor.
  547. >You see the slight blush creep on her face and her eyes go half closed.
  548. >She puts the shears back on the wall and turns to you again.
  549. >”After waitn almost two years, Ah finally get my prize.”
  550. >You can’t hear her at this point. All that fills your ears is the sound of somep0ny whistling Singing in the Rain.
  551. >Just as she reaches down to give you a little stroke, the cellar door busts open.
  552. >You look up to see who it is, the whistling you heard stopping.
  553. >It’s your savior, your best bro, rainbow dash.
  554. >You see her look down at the scene, you nude and AJ hovering over you.
  555. >Her face turns an impossible shade of red and her wings fly up. Her expression turns to one of pure hatred.
  556. >”Rainbow, yer just in time. The offer is still on tha table if yer willin.”
  557. >AJ gives a wink to rainbow and all she does is look dumbfounded.
  558. >You lay there praying your rainbro will come down here and help you out.
  559. >All of your fear and rage would be all you need to take out AJ if you were just untied.
  560. >Rainbow says nothing and walks slowly down the stairs towards you and AJ.
  561. >”Ca-Can we really do this AJ?”
  562. >”Of course we can. Just gotta make sure nop0ny else knows about it and that Anon won’t tell anybody. Now be a good girl an’ go shut that cellar door.
  563. >All of your what. You couldn’t be more saddened or pissed at both of your now ex-bros discussions. How could rainbow do that to you. Your closest and best friend, the person who you knew like the back of your hand.
  564. >Rainbow goes and shuts the cellar door and returns over to you and AJ.
  565. >You thought you could trust her. That you would be bros until the end. Guess that you were wrong.
  566. >You let out a deep sigh and except your fate. You are to be a rape toy of two mares in a colorful land of talking animals.
  567. >Wow, that’s one shitty fate.
  568. >Shutting your eyes, hoping to possibly black out during this for some reason.
  569. >You hear a noise and here AJ yell.
  570. >When you open your eyes, you see Dash has AJ pinned down.
  571. >”What’re yah doing dash! Let me up!”
  572. >”Quick Anon, grab that wooden mallet on the wall!”
  573. >Holy shit, it’s like M. Night Shyamalan took over this shitty writing.
  574. >You try to get up a few times, and finally succeed. Damn it’s hard to move around while tied up.
  575. >You somehow manage to get the mallet with your hands tied behind your back and do small hops over to dash.
  576. >She takes the mallet from your hands with her mouth and smacks AJ hard in the head.
  577. >Damn, that could be the next ass beating of the week.
  578. >Dash turns her attention back to you after she’s sure that AJ is knocked out.
  579. >She realizes once again that you’re completely naked.
  580. >Her head goes up in a fire of red. Her wings go from half way standing to straight up.
  581. >”Whe-Where are y-your clothes?” She asks as she turns her head away.
  582. >You laugh and say that she cut them so you need some new one. Ask her if she’s going to keep you tied up or help you out.
  583. >She undoes the ropes while trying to keep her eyes off of you.
  584. >”I’ll uh, I’ll go get you some cloths from your house.”
  585. >Tell her that you’re going with her because there’s no way you staying here next to AJ knowing if she woke up, it might not be pretty.
  586. >”Oh, uh, yah. How are you going to get to your house without anyone seeing you.”
  587. >She is still turned away from you. Nothing really to hide from your bro though. Oh well.
  588. >Tell her that she should go grab a branch with a bunch of leaves on it.
  589. >You both leave the cellar and realize that Macintosh is right off to the side of the cellar.
  590. >”Oh uhh, hey Big Mac.”
  591. >Dash rushes off a few trees down to find some cover for you to walk home.
  592. >You explain to Big Mac what happened. Ask him if he could go help AJ.
  593. >As much as you didn’t like her, you couldn’t be that cold hearted not to make sure she didn’t suffer any serious damage from the mallet.
  594. >”Eeyup”
  595. >Big Mac goes down into the cellar just as rainbow returns with some coverage for you.
  596. >”Here Anon, use this.”
  597. >Cover most of yourself but your backside. Oh well, no one will see anything unless they’re walking behind me.
  598. >Tell rainbow that she should go grab the vials of cloud walking potion from your ripped pants in the cellar.
  599. >Begin walking figuring it won’t take long for your rainbow to catch up.
  600. >About a quarter of the way to your house, you hear rustling in a bush nearby. Fuckin shit, what now.
  601. >Fluttershy pops out with a blush on her face. She seems very excited though.
  602. >”OH! I know now. Your fetish is exhibitionism.”
  603. >She rushes off with a squee. Fucking fluttershy.
  604. >Just before you reach your house, you turn around to see if your bro is coming or not.
  605. >You see her slowly walk up behind you with those stone wings. They’re becoming like a permanent feature on her.
  606. >Ask her what took so long.
  607. >”Oh, just talking to Mac for a minute.”
  608. >Bullshit. Oh well, won’t push the subject further. Doesn’t matter anyways.
  609. >Tell her you will be right out ready to relax and watch some movies that dash has. When you come back out, she gives you one of the vials.
  610. >You chug it, she lifts you up by the armpits and away you go.
  611. >Time for test number two, this is the make or break your whole body test.
  612. >Rainbow tenses up as she lets you drop onto her porch.
  613. >You scream HOLYSHITFUCK and fall as flat as you can trying to trick rainbow into thinking you were falling through.
  614. >This just ends up pissing her off a little bit.
  615. >”Anon, don’t do that kinda stuff. Not sure if I could catch you can slow you down enough for you not to get hurt.”
  616. >Laugh hard.
  617. >Ask Dash to show you around her house.
  618. >She lets you in still a little pissed, but the fact that you’re here in her house for once makes her almost abolish all anger.
  619. >She shows you around her house. The main spots of interest are her bedroom and kitchen.
  620. >Ask her if she’ll give you her room if you get trashed here like you do for her.
  621. >”Sure Anon, anything you need.”
  622. >You body slam into her bed and sink in.
  623. >Holy shit, this is the softest surface you’ve ever been on.
  624. >You wish you didn’t have to drink that tap water to live in clouds and wouldn’t have to worry about falling through.
  625. >You open up the cloud cabinets and drawers looking at everything she’s got in the kitchen.
  626. >If you can hang out here, you probably should know where all the food and alcohol is.
  627. >You both go back to her living room and you jump on the couch.
  628. >And here you thought the couch wouldn’t compare to the bed. You thought wrong.
  629. >You would trade this out for your bed any day. Even if it was just a little to small.
  630. >”Glad to see you like the furniture, much better than your couch right?”
  631. >Way to rub it in bro.
  632. >”I’mma go grab my favorite movie and some booze for us, need any snacks?”
  633. >Request peanuts. Gotta get that protein somehow.
  634. >”Ok, be right back.”
  635. >After a few minutes of you looking around the room at some of the wonderbolts merchandise, dash flutters in.
  636. >She’s carrying two drinks in her hooves and balancing the DVD with the peanuts on her back.
  637. >Oh god, that balance.
  638. >You see she’s about to lose her shit and grab the bowl of peanuts and DVD off her back.
  639. >”Thanks dude.” She says as she regains her balance of the glasses.
  640. >You read the title while she sets down the drinks.
  641. >Daring Do and the quest for the sapphire stone.
  642. >From the cover, it looks like some kind of Indian Jones rip off.
  643. >She flops down on the couch next to you. “You should read the back of the box and tell me what you think.”
  644. >She is really excited about this.
  645. >Yep, the back definitely confirms it as an Indian Jones movie.
  646. >Well, whatever. As long as you’re watching it with your bro, it’ll be a good night.
  647. >She grabs the case out of your hands and goes to put the DVD in the player. “Oh my god, I’m so excited to show you this!”
  648. >When the intro starts, you think you hear rainbow squee.
  649. >You swear whoever came up with this movie had to have taken it from Indian Jones. They have the same snakes and darts out of the wall.
  650. >If someone asked you if you were into the movie, you would have to say yes even though you’ve seen Indian Jones too much.
  651. >”Oh my god!” rainbro yelled as the boulder dropped from the ceiling and began rolling after Daring do.
  652. >At this point she was hugging tightly to you in anticipation and you were doing the same. You notice your bros wings are hard as rock yet again. Must be the tension from the movie.
  653. >Both of you release the hug and let out a sigh of relief as Daring Do dusted herself off after getting away from the boulder.
  654. >Near the end of the movie, you realize that you are both significantly less drunk than on a normal movie night.
  655. >The movie ends and rainbow immediately turns to you.
  656. >”You wana know the best part Anon?”
  657. >Shrug your shoulders. Sure, why not.
  658. >”There’s a whole series of books written for the character. Even better, I have all of them so you can borrow them!”
  659. >You tell her that you’ll think about it.
  660. >Apparently she doesn’t like that answer because her expression now looks like someone shot her turtle.
  661. >You reassure her that you will read them at some point, but it may take a while.
  662. >”Ok, good. Wouldn’t want you to miss out.”
  663. >If your bro thinks their great, there must be at least something worthwhile in them.
  664. >Tell Rainbro that you have a great idea.
  665. >Since you didn’t get to go running in the morning because you felt like such shit, ask if she wants to go with.
  666. >”Heck yah! I didn’t go either this morning.”
  667. >With that, she carries you by the armpits back to the ground.
  668. >”So, you wanna race again today? Promise I won’t use my wings this time.”
  669. >Man, this is the best chance to show your bro what you got. Maybe even beat her and laugh.
  670. >Reply that you’re going to beat her all day.
  671. >”Oh, you’re on Anon. No way you’re going to beat me, nowhere near as fast as me.”
  672. >Fuck, you’re going to make rainbow eat those words.
  673. >You both get ready and once again, you can feel your legs tensing as you call out the ready, set.
  674. >Yelling GO! Late at night might not have been the best idea. P0nies asleep and whatnot.
  675. >It’s been a few minutes and you’re a quarter through the run. Rainbow turns back to you.
  676. >”Hehe, you’re keeping up pretty well right now. Let’s see if you can keep up with this.”
  677. >With that, she starts to pull ahead quickly.
  678. >Time to pour in all yah got.
  679. >That ain’t shit captain. Not helping at all.
  680. >Rainbow pulls out of site. Oh well, she’ll just lord it over you when you finally reach your house.
  681. >Not like she doesn’t deserve to anyways. Your bro is probably the fastest thing around.
  682. >You realize in the final stretch that it’s pretty dark out. Can’t see your house very well.
  683. >Look up and see it’s a new moon. Must be the reason.
  684. >When you reach your house, you can’t see rainbow around. Must have got tired waiting for your slow ass.
  685. >Oh well, she’ll be over tomorrow morning for the regular run time.
  686. >Make your way into your house and do your regular routine before bed.
  687. >In your room, you begin to change into your pajamas.
  688. >For some reason, you feel like you’re being watched. Finish changing and go to look out the window.
  689. >Holy shit, fucking pegasus flying outside the window. Whoever it was flies away quickly.
  690. >Only one mare, Fluttershy probably saw you running past her house.
  691. >Fluttershy must have thought you liked to be part of voyeur as well now.
  692. >Fucking Fluttershy.
  693. >Pull down the shade and hit the sac.
  694. >When you wake up, you wake up to a room of darkness.
  695. >You really need to remember to pull the shades down more often. So much better than ten tons of light when you first open your eyes.
  696. >You do your morning rutine and hear a knock at the door.
  697. >Open it up and see your rainbro.
  698. >”Hey Anon, how are you this morning?”
  699. >Tell her you’re feeling pretty good. You then ask her where she went last night.
  700. >”Oh, I had to uh, go check on tank. I forgot to feed him before the movie last night.”
  701. >Tell her that it’s cool. She destroyed you anyways.
  702. >As you two jog into town, you tell her about Fluttershy last night.
  703. >A small blush forms on her face and her wings look like they are tensing up again.
  704. >”Oh really. Man, that Fluttershy is pretty crazy…”
  705. >Laugh about it and tell her you’re just going to have to keep your guard up.
  706. >You two head to sugarcube corner. Probably a good idea to give your new employers your business now anyways.
  707. >Dash walks in ahead of you.
  708. >”HEY DASHIE!”
  709. >The all pink mare runs up to dash with that regular full of energy style. Not a day in your life here have you not seen her like that.
  710. >”So tell me dashie, you finally say anything to Anon?”
  711. >Dash just nudges pinkie hard and leans over to say something in her ear.
  712. >”Oh Anon! Didn’t see you hiding back there.”
  713. >Ask her what see was saying about dash not telling you something.
  714. >”Oh, nothing silly filly. Let’s get you two something to eat.”
  715. >It’s like pinkie can read your mind.
  716. >You and rainbow sit at a table off to the side and get your regular pancakes.
  717. >Too much heaven in these.
  718. >Ask “dashie” what pinkie was talking about.
  719. >Her head nearly goes up in flames from you calling her dashie and her wings went full stone now.
  720. >”U-uh, don’t worry about it Anon. Doesn’t really matter.”
  721. >Whatever you say bro.
  722. >The silence hangs in the air as you finish your meals.
  723. >You both get up to leave.
  724. >Ask her if she’s got any new tricks that she needs someone to judge.
  725. >”Buck yah I do! We can go to the park and I’ll show you one or two.”
  726. >With that, you both head off to the park.
  727. >A nice day to sit around in the park and watch your best bro do her thing.
  728. >Those wonderbolts are insane not to let her in yet.
  729. >She barrel rolls and lands in front of you.
  730. >”So what did you think Anon? I tried to use my filly flash for the first time.”
  731. >Ask her why the wonderbolts haven’t taken her yet.
  732. >She blushes once again and the wings stay up. That’s been happening way too much lately.
  733. >”Thanks Anon. I dunno why.”
  734. >Ask her if she wants to go out to eat instead of eating the garbage at your house.
  735. >”Yah, where to?”
  736. >Tell her you want to change it up. Not the regular bar food.
  737. >Offer to go to a nice sit down place.
  738. >”I-I guess so.”
  739. >You make your way back in to two with her, the silence is hanging in the air.
  740. >To break it, you ask her how many times she’s set in tape of her flying to the wonderbolts.
  741. >”A ton. But recently, I’ve been sending less in.”
  742. >Ask her why. Normally she tries her hardest to get what she wants.
  743. >”Oh, I’ve just kinda been distracted.”
  744. >Must be getting tougher at work. From her place, it looks like she’s doing fine financially though.
  745. >Finally, you reach your destination. They seat you and you both get the salad to start.
  746. >You order the vegetable stir fry.
  747. >”I’ll get the same too.”
  748. >After the waiter leaves, you ask your bro whats up with the choice in food.
  749. >”I got tired of heyburgers and wanted to try something new. Sue me.”
  750. >Light chat through dinner that really didn’t matter.
  751. >Near the end, you tell your rainbro she should come over and watch some movies again.
  752. >”Sure, sounds great.”
  753. >You pay for the meal because you owe your bro from all the help she’s given you in the past week.
  754. >”Thanks Anon.”
  755. >Both of you jog back to your house to make up for the round way trip that you didn’t do this morning.
  756. >You let rainbow pick the movie that you’re going to watch while you go to make popcorn.
  757. >Make popcorn and get some sodas to drink.
  758. >Doesn’t feel like a drinking night unless your bro wants some.
  759. >You make your way back to the living room to see what she picked out.
  760. >Mother fucking Juno?
  761. >Ask your bro why she picked some mushy shit to watch. You thought she wasn’t into that stuff.
  762. >”Kinda like dinner. Just wanted to try something new for a change.”
  763. >Eh whatever. You throw it in the DVD player and start it up.
  764. >As the movie plays on, you notice your bro starting to lean on you. Must have been more tired than you thought.
  765. >You see that her wings are once again in the upright most position.
  766. >Fuck it, maybe you can help your bro out.
  767. >You check to see if she is awake and oddly, her eyes are wide open with pink touching her cheeks.
  768. >Tell her that you were talking to twilight a few days ago about her wings.
  769. >”O-oh. And what did she say?”
  770. >Continue that she said it was because of stress. You also tell her that when someone on your planet/universe had stress, they usually got a massage because it wasn’t a good thing to keep muscles tense.
  771. >Tell her that if she’s comfortable with it, you could hook her up and help relax her wings.
  772. >The heat coming off her face could rival Celestias sun.
  773. >”O-oo-k”
  774. >With that, she turns her back to you and you begin to rub her wings.
  775. >Didn’t you do this one other time? Well, whatever. Main reason is to help your bro.
  776. >The fucks given about the movie are 0 at this point by both of you.
  777. >As you move your hands gingerly up and down the wings outer bone, you notice that she’s actually getting tenser.
  778. >Ask if you’re doing something wrong.
  779. >There’s just silence from rainbow. Guess that means you should stop.
  780. >”W-why’d you s-stop?”?
  781. >Maybe not.
  782. >Continuing your work, you rub the base of the wings with your thumbs. You swear you hear a moan or two as you move your fingers delicately through her feathers.
  783. >Then, just as you’re about to give up, rainbow whimpers and her whole body goes slack dropping her to the couch.
  784. >Ask if she’s alight.
  785. >”Y-yah. Just-just that around here, massages like that aren’t usually as inten...”
  786. >Plus one for having fingers and thumbs.
  787. >You look at your bros face and see that she is asleep and in a state of pure bliss.
  788. >You carry her up to your room and put her in the bed. Can’t let her realize how shitty the furniture is in your house compared to hers.
  789. >You pull out the extra blanket and pillow and retreat to sleep on the couch.
  790. >You are woken out of your sleep by the feeling of something light on top of you.
  791. >Don’t freak out, if it is Fluttershy, you can catch them with the element of surprise.
  792. >You crack one eye open to see… rainbow??
  793. >Her eyes are closed.
  794. >You watch as she leans her face in towards you. What is she doi…
  795. >She kisses you very lightly on the cheek.
  796. >All of your what.
  797. >You swear to god that your life just wants to flip everything upside down right now.
  798. >You notice tears in her face. She starts to whisper.
  799. >”Why can’t you just notice. How come you don’t realize.”
  800. >She plants a second kiss on your lips this time.
  801. >Your mind is going insane.
  802. >She flutters off of you and looks back as she returns to the bed upstairs.
  803. >Well, there goes sleeping for the rest of the night.
  804. >Every day with hanging with your rainbro is going to be awkward as fuck for you now.
  805. >God damn it, you swear if Celestia did have powers to control the universe, she was just doing this to fuck with you.
  806. >Morning takes forever to arrive.
  807. >”Morning Anon. Wow dude, you don’t look so good.”
  808. >Yah, didn’t really sleep very well last night.
  809. >”Does that mean you don’t want to run today?”
  810. >Tell her that you’re not really in the mood right now. You just wanna go to sleep.
  811. >”Ok, don’t sleep through work.”
  812. >With that, she’s off.
  813. >You gotta go tell pinkie that you’re not feeling well and that you won’t be able to work today.
  814. >You have some sleep to get and some thinking to do.
  815. Continue on to Good Old Rainbro part 2.
  817. Good Old Rainbro Part 2
  819. >Your tired ass finally gets back from the long walk to ponyville.
  820. >Feels real bad man.
  821. >You pack away the extra pillow and blanket and head upstairs for your bed.
  822. >Out like a light as soon as you fall on it.
  823. >Wake up in the night feeling like… you can’t do it kid.
  824. >Go downstairs and reheat the leftovers from the night before.
  825. >While sitting there, you start thinking back on everything.
  826. >All those blushes, the leaning against you during movies, the stress of being around you and not being able to do anything even though she wanted to.
  827. >Must be why her wings are getting all tense around you all the time.
  828. >But you’re still not into p0nies that way, so this could get very awkward.
  829. >With your meal over and you done cleaning up, you retreat into the living room.
  830. >Turn on the TV for some background noise while you continue to think things over.
  831. >How will you hang with your Rainbro now knowing what you know.
  832. >All those things in the past week that AJ was saying, that didn’t make any sense. They do now.
  833. >Then it hits you like a ton of bricks. Your godsend, the easy way out.
  834. >Just deny that last night ever happened. Pretend that nothing has changed.
  835. >The only issue is, hanging out with Rainbow will still be weird.
  836. >You’ll have to be on your guard at all times. Even if she is your best bro, it doesn’t mean she won’t try anything with you like AJ did.
  837. >This makes you realize that you have to watch how much you drink around her.
  838. >Now that you think about it, why didn’t Rainbow just team up with AJ in the cellar instead of tricking her.
  839. >Whatever, guess that’s one positive to look at in this whole mess.
  840. >Alright, the plan is to deny and stay on guard around your bro.
  841. >Now that that is out of the way, it’s time to go for your daily run that you missed this morning.
  842. >When you open up the door, you find Rainbow flying in front of it.
  843. >Kinda didn’t want to deal with this shit for the rest of the night.
  844. >”Oh hey Anon, just came over to see how you were feeling. Pinkie said you weren’t feeling well. Where you off to?”
  845. >Going for a quick run. Didn’t go this morning and it’s like a habitual thing.
  846. >”I can join you if you want.”
  847. >Tell her thanks, but you’re looking to run solo tonight.
  848. >She gives you some puppy dog eyes.
  849. >Gotta stand firm.
  850. >Give her some excuse about needing to talk to Pinkie and that it may take a while so you don’t want your bro having to stand around.
  851. >”I don’t mind waiting around for a little bit.”
  852. >Making this hard. Just to get her off your back, you tell her that you don’t really want to hang tonight and that she should just come over tomorrow.
  853. >She gives a dejected sigh and you feels are activated.
  854. >”Oh, alright.”
  855. >Feels bad turning down a bro and making her feel bad, but you need this space.
  856. >Especially with all that has happened.
  857. >She flies off and you start your run.
  858. >It’s been a week since you hung out with Rainbow other than the morning runs.
  859. >Where they used to be filled with chatter between you two about some movies or p0nies around town, they are now nothing but silence.
  860. >It’s like a new routine for you. After every run, you make up some lame excuse as to why you wouldn’t be able to hang out that night.
  861. >You’re not sure how she buys all or any of them, but they work.
  862. >Sure, the ones that involved Pinkie and working late or needing to be taught something made sense. But how could she let the ones about you being sick go?
  863. >Oh well, makes it easier on your brain even if your heart has to suffer a little every time you see her face with a sad frown on it.
  864. >This morning’s run is going a little different than you planned.
  865. >”Anon, I asked Pinkie why she had you working so much.”
  866. >The look on her face. She’s going to kill you.
  867. >Tell her that it’s because you don’t know the prices of some of the stuff they sell at the stall that’s a little rarer.
  868. >”Oh really? Then how come when I talked to her last night, she said she never had you come in after hours?”
  869. >Fuck, you’re so fucked now.
  870. >Stammer out something about how you didn’t want to let her know that you didn’t want to hang out with her.
  871. >”WHAT THE BUCK is up with you recently. You’ve been acting really weird since last Monday mor…”
  872. >She trails of and her face is one of thought for a brief moment.
  873. >She flies up next to you.
  874. >”A-Anon, when you said you were having a hard time sleeping last Sunday, do you remember anything about me?”
  875. >Try and reply, but nothing comes out.
  876. >”Well…”
  877. >Try again, but it’s like your throat is the Sahara. Looks like the cat is out of the bag. Now you’re going to have to deal with this.
  878. >She flies up and pushes you against your house. Damn these ponies and their unfathomable amount of strength for their size.
  879. >The tears are welling up in her eyes.
  881. >She notices that your facial expressions are ones of pure terror right now. You’re practically shitting yourself.
  882. >She releases you and stares off into space.
  883. >”Why. Why the buck did I do that. What was I thinking? I ruined everything.”
  884. >She looks at you and sees the same look of terror you had when she saved you from AJ in the cellar.
  885. >Before you can say anything, she flies off practically doing a sonic rainboom.
  886. >You lay there stunned on the ground for a moment trying to collect your thoughts.
  887. >Your bro just went ape shit on you and you couldn’t say anything.
  888. >The more you think about it, you really have been a pretty shitty bro lately.
  889. >Keeping secrets, lying to her, making her sad.
  890. >Not very bro-ish in your book.
  891. >But you had to in order to keep her from trying to do anything weird.
  892. >Didn’t you make a plan last week to not let any of this shit change the way you two hung out.
  893. >Not even following your own plans, you ass.
  894. >Now you damaged your falling apart relationship with your bro even further because you thought she was going to rape you.
  895. >The flinch away from her in fear was the last hit to the relationship.
  896. >You swear you saw her heart break in her eyes.
  897. >How the hell did you even have a chance to fix this.
  898. >You take your dumb ass inside to shower and then mope your way to work.
  899. >Familiar smells invade your senses as you walk into sugarcube corner.
  900. >”Hey Anon! Having a super duper good morning?”
  901. >Just shrug her off.
  902. >”Oh don’t be like that silly filly. I can see something’s wrong, so why don’t you just talk about it with good ol’ auntie Pinkie Pie. Maybe she can help.”
  903. >Try to shrug her off once again.
  904. >”Come on Anon, you can trust me.” She flutters her eyes at you.
  905. >How do you know she won’t just go and tell everyone?
  906. >”I Pinkie Pie promise I won’t tell a soul.”
  907. >With that promise, you spill your guts to her. You tell her everything that’s happened in the past two weeks in full detail. Maybe your new bro has some ideas.
  908. >”So what’s wrong Anon, why won’t you return her feelings. You both are awfully close and alike in some ways. You even like to do the same things.”
  909. >Say that it’s just not that easy.
  910. >”Why not? You’re attracted to females, right?”
  911. >Nod your head yes.
  912. >”Then, I don’t see any problem to make it hard.”
  913. >Explain that where you’re from, no one has ever been with something outside your species without being ridiculed and possibly even arrested.
  914. >”You’re not on your home planet right? Then why should it matter? You’re not going back anytime soon are you?”
  915. >Tell her that you just aren’t attracted to p0nies like that.
  916. >”Don’t we look the same as humans?”
  917. >What? No, just look at me.
  918. >”I didn’t mean like you, I meant our ehh… you know.”
  919. >Brain to idiot. Come in. You know what she really means.
  920. >Haven’t really taken the time to look.
  921. >”Well, when I was greeting you, I found something of yours that showed me they are the same.”
  922. >Recall that when you first moved in, Pinkie came to annoy you and rummaged through your shit.
  923. >That dirty bitch.
  924. >”Well Anon, it’s time to get to work. Remember that if you don’t give it a try, you may never see Rainbow again. Hope Auntie Pinkie Pie was helpful for you Anon.”
  925. >With that, you are sent on your way with enough sweets to rot all teeth in p0nyville.
  926. >Time to start selling and stop thinking.
  927. >Of course, today of all days was the one where almost no one was coming to your cart.
  928. >Must be able to feel the bad vibes coming off of you or some shit.
  929. >You ponder about the things Pinkie said. If this were Earth and Rainbow were a human, it’d be all too easy to make this decision.
  930. >Where you are now, it’s more of just the mental connection to your Rainbro that makes you feel great.
  931. >And who even knows if interspecies relationships are frowned on in Equestria.
  932. >Sure, Twilight had that book on it, but it doesn’t mean you can’t go into a regular library on Earth and find out info on mating rituals of jaguars.
  933. >And there’s far more than enough information on sexual encounters with other species on the internet.
  934. >Fucking squash soup.
  935. >Fuck you internet.
  936. >But if you don’t try to do anything, nothing will change and Rainbow will probably not talk to you.
  937. >So, will you abandon your morals, possibly go against most of Equestrias view, and attempt to make this work?
  938. >At this point, losing your best bro, and for the most part, your only bro and real friend in this place seems pretty bad.
  939. >You have to go talk to Twilight after work. Dropping one of those issues off the list would at least be a start.
  940. >Close up shop, head to return unsold goods to Sugarcube corner, and head off to Twilights.
  941. >You knock on the door and stand there.
  942. >You can hear the sound of claws coming to the door as usual.
  943. >”Welcome to P0nyville library, I’m Spike, how can I be of assistance?”
  944. >Tell him he should look before he says that whole speech, it’s a waste if it’s a friends.
  945. >”Hey Anon! What’s up? Lemmie guess, you have to talk to Twilight right?”
  946. >Exactly.
  947. >”You never come here to talk to me bro, what’s up with that?”
  948. >Feel bad man. Tell him you heard he can give a good tour of Canterlot, so you two should head up there one day and check it out.
  949. >”Awww yah, that’s what I’m talking about. I’ll go grab her real quick.”
  950. >With that, he’s off to get Twilight for you.
  951. >”Hey Anon, need some more of those cloud-walking potions?”
  952. >No, you have plenty left, you had a question or two you needed to ask her.
  953. >”Oh, how can I help you then?”
  954. >Ask her how interspecies relations are viewed in Equestria.
  955. >Her eyes light up at this question.
  956. >God damnit, what have you done.
  957. >”Oh! I have just the book for you!”
  958. >She hands you a book.
  959. > Interspecies Intimacy: A Guide to Interspecies Dating.
  960. >God fucking damnit. Is it time to pause the repeat?
  961. >Magic seems a lot harder to fight off than a rope.
  962. >Tell Twilight you’re not interested in her, you just wanted to know.
  963. >”Oh! I didn’t mean it that way, I was just giving it to you as a reference guide.”
  964. >Still didn’t answer your question about the views of Equestria on that type of relationship.
  965. >”Oh, for the most part, no one really minds. Just a few of the crazies out there who care about keeping gene pools clear.”
  966. >Alright, I guess Equestria has its insane p0nies too.
  967. >So does that mean it’s alright here?
  968. >”Yep. Now I have a question for you Anon. Are you asking these questions because you’re interested in Rainbow?”
  969. >You’re more interested in saving your relationship with her over everything else.
  970. >”What do you even mean by that?”
  971. >Sorry Twilight, you gotta get going. Have some thoughts to collect.
  972. >You leave the Library and Twilight with a confused look on her face.
  973. >Thinking is way too hard. It’s time to get drunk.
  974. >Here you sit in your home, all alone, getting wasted and watching garbage movies on your TV.
  975. >Never realized how shitty this is without anyone else around.
  976. >You finally drink enough to black out for one of the first times since appearing here.
  977. >Oh fuck, worst morning ever.
  978. >Wake up to the sun hitting your face and penetrating your brain like a knife.
  979. >Do your morning routine.
  980. >You wait around for your Rainbro to come over to run so you can talk to her.
  981. >She doesn’t come.
  982. >Take your sorry ass to the shower and head off to work.
  983. >Head off to work for another day of thinking and feeling bad.
  984. >”OOOOHHHH Anon! Did you talk to Dashie yet?”
  985. >Still thinking on what you talked about yesterday.
  986. >”I believe you’ll make the right choice. And after you do, we can throw a PARTY!”
  987. >She sends you on your way with your daily dose of sugary confections to sell.
  988. >The first half of the day goes by uneventfully, but near the end of the shift, Berry walks up to the stand.
  989. >”Hey Anon! What’s got you down? Every time I’ve seen you in the past week, you’ve looked depressed.”
  990. >Tell her you in deep shit with your Rainbro.
  991. >”Lemmie tell you something. Over time, minds can change opinions, but the heart is always the way to follow.”
  992. >Corny shit. So how did she know kinda what you’re going through.
  993. >”Rainbow came to my stand yesterday after she was done with work. She looked pretty sad as well. She bought some of the strongest stuff I’ve got. You know, the same stuff I sold you a few weeks ago.”
  994. >Seems like your bro is having a hard time with this too.
  995. >Knowing you’re the cause of it, you really have to get off your ass and make a decision.
  996. >Tell her thanks for the info.
  997. >”No problem. It’d just be better for me to see two of my customers happy and drinking together again.”
  998. >Say goodbye as she leaves. Continue the day knowing your final answer.
  999. >You’ve got to borrow Twilights balloon tonight. This has to be taken care of.
  1000. >You get off of work and march to Twilights house.
  1001. >You’re a man on a mission and nothing’s going to stop you.
  1002. >Knock on the door and surprisingly Twilight answers.
  1003. >”Hello Anon. How are you today?”
  1004. >As soon as this talk with Dash is over, you’ll feel much better.
  1005. >”So, what are you doing here then?”
  1006. >Remind her that you have no actual way of getting to Dash.
  1007. >”OHHH. So you need to borrow my balloon then?”
  1008. >Yes, if that is possible.
  1009. >”Anything to help a friendship be repaired, just follow me to the back yard.”
  1010. >She walks out of the door and to the backyard as you follow.
  1011. >You see the air balloon tied to a fence.
  1012. >You make your way into the basket and untie the rope.
  1013. >”Ok Anon, I’ll give you a quick lesson in flying this.”
  1014. >You ignore her and untie the balloon. Off you go.
  1015. >She’s chasing after you as you begin ascending.
  1016. >”Wait! Anon, you won’t be able to…”
  1017. >You can’t hear her anymore. You don’t care though because nothings slowing you down.
  1018. >You need to finish this.
  1019. >Fuck, you should have taken those lessons.
  1020. >You’re kind of aimlessly floating around, being carried by the wind.
  1021. >You hope sooner or later you will hit Dash’s house.
  1022. >Finally, after what seems like hours, you see Dash’s house.
  1023. >Try your best to work the contraption to float towards the flying mansion.
  1025. >The balloon lands right next to Dash’s porch.
  1026. >As you climb out of the basket and set your first foot on the cloud, it sinks right through.
  1027. >Wow, you’re dumb as shit. Hop back into the basket and drink a cloud walking potion quickly.
  1028. >Jump full force over the rim of the basket and on to the cloud.
  1029. >If the potion didn’t work, at least you wouldn’t have to confront your bro.
  1030. >Land just fine on the other side.
  1031. >You walk up to her door and begin knocking loudly.
  1032. >Some sounds of things moving around can be herd and then you hear her.
  1033. >”Wh-who’s there? I swear Fluttershy, if you’re here to ask about An- that guys fetish, I have no idea what it is.”
  1034. >Tell her you’re here to talk. You need to sort this out.
  1035. >She opens up the door slowly to see you standing there with the most serious face you can muster.
  1036. >Her face is one of fear and sadness.
  1037. >”I guess I should ask if you’d like to come in then?”
  1038. >With that, you and Rainbow head into her living room and sit on the couch.
  1039. >Ask her why she didn’t come to the regular morning run.
  1040. >”I just didn’t feel like it.”
  1041. >Tell her to quit bullshitting, you’re here to have a heart to heart talk and her lying about it isn’t going to help.
  1042. >”I don’t know. I just felt like you might not want me around anymore. Especially after yesterday.”
  1043. >What does she mean by that? Your morning runs were never skipped unless one of you was not feeling well.
  1044. >”Just, the way you looked when I pushed you against your house demanding answers. It-It reminded me of the look when I found you in AJ’s cellar.”
  1045. >You really regret yesterday. The way you acted and the expressions you gave.
  1046. >”I just thought you were lumping me in with Fluttershy and AJ. That’s the only thing I could get when I tried to talk with you about it yesterday.”
  1047. >Ask Dash how long she has felt this way about you.
  1048. >”When we first started hanging out, there was nothing there. But after a while, it just felt like you could have been my other half.”
  1049. >Has she ever tried to rape you?
  1050. >”WHAT! No way! I wouldn’t do that, that’s just too low.”
  1051. >Then what was with those two kisses in the middle of the night?
  1052. >Her face turns a deep red at this question and her wings rise slightly.
  1053. >”I-I told you yesterday, it was a stupid mistake and I feel bad about it. I wish I had never done it.”
  1054. >Realize there’s shit tons of empty applejack daniels laying around. What’s up with that?
  1055. >”I felt really really bad about yesterday. I kinda drank myself into a coma.”
  1056. >That blackout regret, you know it well.
  1057. >”A-Anon, do you really think we can still be bros, even after all of this is in the open?”
  1058. >You give her a slow shake of the head no.
  1059. >You swear to god that your bro is about to burst into tears, he face showing an infinite amount of sadness.
  1060. >”O-Oh, oo-ok” she says through light sobs.
  1061. >You get up off the couch and look at her.
  1062. >Starting telling her that you could never put your Dashie through that much suffering.
  1063. >That keeping you around with her having feelings for you is just like taunting her with what she can’t have.
  1064. >She flutters up and starts to lead you to the door as slowly as possible.
  1065. >You continue on that she is and will forever be the best bro you ever had. No one will take her place in that respect. She was even willing to hide her feelings so you would enjoy being around her.
  1066. >She start to usher you out the door.
  1067. >Standing on the porch, you turn around to her once more.
  1068. >And you embrace her with one of the strongest hugs ever. You’re surprised it didn’t knock her out with lack of air. Her hooves come around and meet behind your neck.
  1069. >You whisper to her that because of those reasons, you will try to be something more. Something that she wants.
  1070. >She was so willing to give that you feel it’s your turn. That mentally, you are attracted to her for her personality and lifestyle as well as common interests.
  1071. >That she could be so loyal to friends, she would sacrifice for them even if it meant hurting herself.
  1072. >Slowly, that might be able to help build a stronger bridge towards physical attraction to her as well.
  1073. >That you realized that even though you are taking the next step, every day will still be the same as it was. You two hanging out and having fun.
  1074. >Once you’re finished with your speech, she releases and those magenta eyes look straight into yours.
  1075. >”Y-You’re not joking, are you?”
  1076. >Tell her you were completely serous.
  1077. >She has such a pissed off face right now. You think you’ll be having nightmares about it for the rest of your life.
  1078. >Her hoof swings and smacks you right in your face.
  1079. >”WHAT! WHAT WAS THAT?”
  1080. >You thought she liked pranks.
  1081. >The hoof comes in again, this time you’re quick on your feet and avoid it.
  1082. >”YOU IDIOT! Here you come to my house and pretend to tell me that we can’t hang out anymore and make me sad. Then you say all that?” Dash looks so angry right now.
  1083. >You shrug your shoulders and start to laugh.
  1084. >”I kind of want to push you off the edge of my home right now.” She flies very close to you.
  1085. >Her expression of anger melts away to one of relief.
  1086. >She puts her hooves around your neck and her face moves towards yours until your lips meet.
  1087. >She pulls out of the kiss after a few seconds, her face now revealing a huge smile.
  1088. >”We’ll call it even now.”
  1089. >Slightly stunned at the moment do to her forwardness in the matter, but for putting her heart through that rollercoaster, it could be her reward.
  1090. >You both start laughing.
  1091. >”So, you going to come in and watch some bucking movies or what?”
  1092. >With that, you and your Rainbro Dashie make your way back into the house to do what you’ve always done.
  1093. Continue onto Rainbro Dashie
  1095. Rainbro Dashie
  1097. >It’s been two month since the day you decided that you didn’t want to lose your bro.
  1098. >Back then, before you took the leap, you felt that if you did take the leap, you would just lose everything you had going with your bro.
  1099. >You felt that you could never hang out the way you did and do the same things.
  1100. >How very wrong you could be.
  1101. >”It’s Friday night Anon! Time to relax, watch some movies, and get drunk!”
  1102. >Reply that you’ll grab a drink for the two of you.
  1103. >”Ok. Hurry up though, I want to get this one started.”
  1104. >Slip into the other room and grab something that you and Dashie hadn’t had in a while.
  1105. >It’s the same thing you drank a glass of on the night that you told her you wanted your Rainbro, but for her, you could want your Dashie too.
  1106. >You pull out your bottle of Chateau Petrus and pour it into the two wine glasses you got out.
  1107. >Oh god, all the money you had to spend on this on Earth. Saving it for a special moment that you knew would come sooner or later.
  1108. >At this point, you don’t regret using it when you did. You also don’t regret using it tonight either.
  1109. >You slip an envelope into your pocket as you make your way back into your living room.
  1110. >”Ready to start?” She asks as you hand her the glass.
  1111. >She takes a quick sip to see what it is.
  1112. >”Wait, why did you use more of that expensive wine that you have. I thought it was for special-OH!”
  1113. >You pull out the envelope.
  1114. >Ask her if she remembers that you told her you had a surprise for her tonight.
  1115. >”Yeeeaaahhh. So, what’s in the envelope?”
  1116. >Explain that you feel bad that you haven’t taken her anywhere outside of a few small restaurants in P0nyville.
  1117. >Pull out the tickets.
  1118. >”Are those… Wonderbolts tickets?”
  1119. >Tell her that you and her have a hotel booked in Cloudsdale for the weekend to go see the Wonderbolts.
  1120. >Her mouth hangs open as she looks from you to the tickets a few times.
  1121. >After regaining her composure, she sets her glass down on the table and flies in front of you.
  1122. >Those Magenta eyes stare into yours. It feels like a lifetime goes by before she makes her move.
  1123. >In a quick fluid motion that you would miss if you blinked, she pushes you down on the couch. Her eyes close.
  1124. >She is on top of you, hooves around your neck, mouth on yours.
  1125. >Her tongue forces its way into your mouth with very little resistance. You can taste the hint of the wine on her tongue as it slowly explores your mouth.
  1126. >You feel the warmth of her body as it slowly pushes up against you and…
  1127. >My mind, my mind’s telling me no. But my body, my body’s telling me yes.
  1128. >There ain’t nothing wrroooonng with a little bump and grind.
  1129. >Oh god, fucking R. Kelly.
  1130. >But, as much as your body wants this, and god it wants this, something in your mind just continues to scream at you. That you can’t do this, the bridge isn’t complete.
  1131. >You lift her off of you with a slight struggle and look at her.
  1132. >Damn, she is really upset right now.
  1133. >”Anon, you’re such a dweeb.”
  1134. >Ask why’s that?
  1135. >”You ruin everything fun.”
  1136. >Pick up the remote and start the movie. Grab Dash from the air and pull her into your chest.
  1137. >Can’t use up all the fun tonight Dashie, there’s still the whole vacation weekend ahead of us.
  1138. >She sighs and pushes back into you as you both lay there watching the movie, sipping the wine.
  1139. >Once the movie ends, you tell Rainbow that you both need to be up early to pack and get some more cloudwalking potion from Twilight for the weekend.
  1140. >”Oh, yah. So, how are we going to get you up there? You can’t exactly fly.”
  1141. >Tell her that you have two tickets for the airship that leaves from p0nyville if she wants to hang with you in there.
  1142. >”Pfff, and miss a chance to stretch my wings and fly to Cloudsdale? Yah right!”
  1143. >Shit, that ride is going to suck balls now. You were hoping to hang with her throughout the whole weekend.
  1144. >You see her on her way out the door.
  1145. >”See yah tomorrow Anon, we can do our run to Twilights to get more potions. Then I’ll walk you to the airship station.”
  1146. >With that, Rainbow flutters off towards her home.
  1147. >You shut the door and turn to make your way to your room.
  1148. >There’s some clattering coming from your kitchen.
  1149. >God damnit.
  1150. >Grab the bat that you have near the door and head towards the kitchen.
  1151. >Fortunately when you reach the kitchen, you see the window open and AJ upside down, knocked out on the floor.
  1152. >You drag her out of the house and leave her on your doorstep.
  1153. >Bitch doesn’t even get a blanket, needs to learn not to try this shit.
  1154. >Make your way to your room and start packing before going to sleep.
  1155. >Holy shit, what was that!?
  1156. >You’re woken up by a loud slam from downstairs.
  1157. >Look out the window and see that the sun is just coming over the horizon.
  1158. >You hear another slam from downstairs and the sound of a loud thud as something heavy hits the floor downstairs.
  1159. >”Oh Anon! Ah’m home!”
  1160. >Don’t think she’s been this adamant about trying to get you since those first two weeks.
  1161. >Sure, some small things here and there. A few comments, but nothing as far as breaking down your...
  1162. >You hear hooves running up the stairs.
  1163. >Now is probably not the best time to be thinking about this.
  1164. >”Anon! Where are yah?”
  1165. >You hear the bathroom door being broken down and her walking into it.
  1166. >Shit, you have to grab your bag and get out of her.
  1167. >You make a sprint with your backpack and duffle bag past the bathroom hoping to get by without being seen.
  1168. >”OH! There yah are, yah tease.”
  1169. >Fuck, fuck, fuck. Run down the stairs at the speed of light.
  1170. >Got places to go, gotta find my Rainbro.
  1171. >Speed the fuck out the door and start running in the direction Rainbows house usually is.
  1172. >”Anon! Why yah running away so fast?”
  1173. >Look behind to see AJ right on your heals, twirling her lasso.
  1174. >Brain to legs, let’s get the fuck going.
  1175. >Your legs agree and start kicking into overdrive.
  1176. >You look back to see her falling behind a bit and put the lasso into her saddlebag.
  1177. >No need for the regular morning run anymore.
  1178. >Shit, you can see Dashie’s house only about 50 yards left.
  1179. >”Oh sugarcube, Ah got yah now.”
  1180. >And all that work is put to waste as you see her catching up behind you, pulling out the lasso again.
  1181. >25 yards!
  1182. >The sound of it twirling begins again.
  1183. >10.
  1184. >You hear a somewhat muffled sound that you can barely make out as I gotcha now.
  1185. >2.
  1186. >And you feel the rope slip around your right leg, bringing you down as she tugs.
  1187. >The dirt is fucking rock hard.
  1188. >”And now comes the fun part.”
  1189. >Shit brain, now what? Scream like a bitch for your Rainbro? Yah, scream like a bitch.
  1190. >You start yelling for your Dashie as AJ walks up to you.
  1191. >”Ah think it’s time Ah return the favor for tha’ nice smack yah gave tah me back in the cellar.”
  1192. >Her face shows a flair of anger as she smacks your jaw upwards, forcing it shut.
  1193. >You bite the shit out of your tongue.
  1194. >”So Anon, how do yah like the pain? Don’t worry, there’ll be more for yah where that came from.”
  1195. >With a strong smack to the temple, your vision blurs and you black out.
  1196. >Your eyes open to see nothing but darkness.
  1197. >Can’t even think straight without having your brain go into intense amount of pain.
  1198. >You taste metallic-ness of blood in your mouth from your tongue.
  1199. >You attempt to struggle but realize that your arms and legs are tied up and you’re lying on something.
  1200. >Feels like wood. Also seems like you have no cloths on because the feel of the table reaches your entire back. Also feels like you’re almost standing.
  1201. >Your brain gives out and just shuts down once again, the black getting blacker.
  1202. >You wake up again, in the same position. Your head hurts a little less. Time to think things out.
  1203. >So, which cellar did AJ take you to this time?
  1204. >Are you ever going to make it out of here?
  1205. >Did Dash hear you when you were screaming? Could she even guess where you were?
  1206. >AJ hadn’t really done very much in the past 2 months. Who could guess that she would do something now?
  1207. >She even said to Dash that she would not try to make you hers after she found out you and Dash were together.
  1208. >Moving your wrists again, you feel the burns from the rope rubbing against them your last struggled attempt to get out of the binding.
  1209. >Nothing left to do but wait now, and hope that someone other than AJ will find you.
  1210. >After what feels like years, you hear something opening and see a very dim amount of sunlight pour into the area.
  1211. >You quickly glance around the area to get a feel for where you are.
  1212. >You realize it’s a design of a basement like the one you were in last time AJ captured you.
  1213. >And there’s the mare of the hour, AJ herself trots down the stairs, shutting the doors behind her.
  1214. >”Oh Anon! Good tah see yah awake. Thought yah were in a coma or somethin.”
  1215. >Ask her how she could lie to Dash about not coming after you.
  1216. >She smiles at this.
  1217. >”Ah never said nothin about giving up on getting what Ah want. Only said Ah wouldn’t try to make yah see me as somethin more.”
  1218. >This sneaky bitch.
  1219. > You see her pull something out of her saddle bag.
  1220. >Some apples and a bottle of water.
  1221. >She starts to give you some water, but you spit it back into her face.
  1222. >”Oh, gunna play hardball on this’n too eh Anon?” she asks as she begins to frown.
  1223. >A hoof comes flying up and hits you in the cheek.
  1224. >”Are we gunna have any more problems?”
  1225. >Nodding no, she gives you a piece of sliced apple.
  1226. >Once again, you spit it back at her and try to wriggle free of the bindings.
  1227. >No good captain, we’re stuck.
  1228. >Her face becomes a mix of sadness and anger.
  1229. >”Oh Anon, why’d yah have to go and do tha’.”
  1230. >She turns back to the saddlebags on the floor and grabs out a rather particularly sharp knife and sets it next to the bags.
  1231. >Oh fuck, what did you just get yourself into.
  1232. >”Now Ah have ta show yah what happens when you lie.”
  1233. >She picks the knife back up with her mouth and walks over to you.
  1234. >The blade touches against your ribs on the right of your chest. A slow searing glide downwards draws blood and leaves a small cut.
  1235. >She sets the knife on the ground and goes to get something else from her bag.
  1236. >”See, we dun have ta do that. As long as yah don’t lie to me or do something that deserves it.”
  1237. >You can feel a small trail of blood running further down your body and notice that AJ grabbed a towel and some more water out of her saddle bag.
  1238. >She returns to you and washes the cut ever so slightly as well as dries it.
  1239. >”So, Ah’m gunna ask again if yah are going to spit the food back in mah face.”
  1240. >Hey brain, this is your body. Stop being an idiot and just go along with it. Hurting at all sucks.
  1241. >You nod to her once again.
  1242. >This time you take the water and food generously when she gives them to you.
  1243. >Once you finish eating, the smile creeps back onto her face.
  1244. >”Alright big boy, now that yer fed and taken care of, it’s time to get on to takin care of me.”
  1245. >She walks back over to you and slowly strokes your body all the way down to your privates.
  1246. >Brain to dick, don’t fuck me over here.
  1247. >She smiles even wider, “So Anon, yah do like a mares touch. Remind me later to punish you for saying you didn’t.”
  1248. >Oh god dick, you really are a dick.
  1249. >Ok, think of nothing but puppies, football, nuns, the whole 9 yards.
  1250. >And, now you’re fine.
  1251. >AJ’s face is now nothing but frustration.
  1252. >”Playin hard to get, eh Anon?”
  1253. >The rubbing down below is a little more furious, but she still can’t get anything moving.
  1254. >”Ah see how it is. Ah’ll teach yah ta act like that.”
  1255. >She stops and goes back to get the knife. She cleans it off with the towel she used earlier for your cut.
  1256. >When she turns around, she brings the knife to your right shoulder and pushes as she glides across to your left leaving a slightly deeper wound than the first one.
  1257. >She spits the knife onto the floor again.
  1258. >”Don’t worry none Anon, Ah know someone who might be able to help me for yer ‘problem’.”
  1259. >With that, she collects all of her tools and objects she brought down here and leaves you to yourself in the pitch black again.
  1260. >The feeling of a few blood trails connecting as they slowly dribble from your new wound is one you wish you never had to feel.
  1261. >You hope to Celestia that someone finds you within the next day, before AJ comes back.
  1262. >Some time you fell asleep and you are awoken again by the sound of the door opening.
  1263. >The soft light floods into the basement again.
  1264. >Please not AJ, please not AJ.
  1265. >AJ comes trotting down the stairs with a smile on her face again.
  1266. >”Oh Anon! Good thing yer awake!”
  1267. >She sets her bags down and moves her way over to you.
  1268. >”Good to see tha’ cut closed up. Would have been a little sad if yah would have bled to death down here.”
  1269. >You watch as she intently turns back and walks to her bag. She pulls out a small amount of some powder and puts it into the water bottle.
  1270. >After giving it a quick shake, she comes back to you and begins to try and feed you the water.
  1271. >You spit it up almost immediately.
  1272. >The bottle gets set on the ground and she turns to you with a sigh.
  1273. >”Oh Anon, always making this so hard. Didn’t Ah teach yah yesterday what happens when yah do that.”
  1274. >Next thing you know, she bucks you on the left side of your chest.
  1275. >Out comes a scream as you feel what you think is a few of your ribs breaking.
  1276. >Holy shit, when you first got here, you never would have guessed anything like this would ever happen here.
  1277. >AJ raises the bottle again to your mouth for you to drink.
  1278. >You keep your mouth clenched shut and a hoof smacks you in the temple again.
  1279. >”Just drink it Anon. If it was gunna kill yah, why wouldn’t Ah just do that myself right now.”
  1280. >Brain not thinking very well right now. Fuzzy from all this pain.
  1281. >Fuck it, just drink the drink, no more pain.
  1282. >With that, you gulp down some of the foul tasting liquid.
  1283. >”Ah sure hope Zacora wasn’t lyin to me.”
  1284. >After what feels like an hour has gone by, you feel your dick betraying you once again.
  1285. >The devilish smile returns to AJ’s face and the darkness from outside starts to affect the lighting in the cellar.
  1286. >All you can see of her facial expression is the smile and her eyes. Everything else is dark.
  1287. >”Now even if yah can control yerself, Ah have a way to make yer body betray yer mind.”
  1288. >She moves her way up to you and you can feel yourself penetrate her.
  1289. >As she starts rutting you like there’s no tomorrow, your mind just tries to remember how it used to be.
  1290. >You, your Rainbro, and AJ. Going to the bars together, staying over at your place having a party, just chilling together and watching movies.
  1291. >In every single one of these memories that floods back to you, AJ’s face is replaced with the face you saw but just minutes ago.
  1292. >Tears begin to roll down your face as you realize that the loyalty that Rainbow had for you was never going to help her find you.
  1293. >AJ would continue this for who knows how long, until your body finally became withered and you passed away?
  1294. >”Hello? Sugarcube, yah in there?”
  1295. >AJ waves a hoof in front of your face in an effort to get a response.
  1296. >”Talk ta me Anon.”
  1297. >Your body just sits there, limply looking off in the distance. Not even blinking.
  1298. >Once again, her face flips from smiling to anger in a matter of seconds.
  1299. >”Ah said talk ta me or Ah’ll make yah talk.”
  1300. >Nothing, just silence.
  1301. >With that, she picks up the knife again and makes a deep cut across your stomach.
  1302. >”Why won’t yah say anything! Why won’t yah make any noise!”
  1303. >She splashes some clean water on the fresh cut and wraps the towel tightly around your stomach to try to slow the bleeding.
  1304. >”C’mon Anon, anything!”
  1305. >Another hoof to the head and your eyes shut.
  1306. >You wake up again to see AJ there.
  1307. >Just let her go about her work cleaning your wound. Making sure she doesn’t kill you, you guess.
  1308. >Everything is fairly fuzzy, but you could give no more fucks about this.
  1309. >She feeds you more of the water and apples along with the powder and ruts you.
  1310. >Every day is the same, at least you think it’s been more than a few days. You can’t tell at all.
  1311. >AJ comes down, cleans up previous issues she caused the night before, fucks you, hurts you again in some ridiculous way, and leaves.
  1312. >Through everything, you just try to cling to any happiness you can. Most of it was thinking about your Rainbro Dashie.
  1313. >Today seemed a bit different though.
  1314. >Tells you something about whatever, you don’t give a fuck. She looks nervous.
  1315. >Then, you hear the sounds of someone else outside the door.
  1316. >There’s some commotion and you hear the sound of a door being broken down.
  1317. >You hear the sounds of wings as you see Rainbro come into view.
  1318. >She looks at you, then back at AJ who is reaching into her bag for a knife.
  1319. >The face that Rainbow has at this moment is beyond angry.
  1320. >At speeds you can’t even imagine, Rainbow slams AJ into the wall of the cellar.
  1322. >Her hoof rises and slams into AJs face.
  1323. >Once, twice, three times, four, five, six…
  1324. >You feel the ropes loosen around your arms and legs as you are slowly teleported to the ground.
  1325. >You continue to watch as Dash beats on AJ. You can barely recognize her because of the abuse her face is taking.
  1326. >For some reason you tell her to stop. When she doesn’t, your weakened body crawls its way over to Dash and you put your left arm over her.
  1327. >She immediately stops and looks over at you, her eyes full of tears.
  1329. >You pull yourself even closer to Dash. You whisper to her that no one deserves to be beaten like that. Even if she did what she did to you, no one should be hurt in such a manner.
  1330. >With that, she just turns her attention to you and cradles you in her hooves.
  1331. >You look back to see that both Twilight and Pinkie are here, horrified at what they see. Pinkies hair has lost its normal bright color and poof and Twilight is just staring.
  1332. >The world goes black as you hear Rainbow calling for someone to get some medic ponies over here.
  1333. >Wake up again, thankfully this time not in that dreaded cellar.
  1334. >A faint beeping sound can be heard to your left and you feel something in your arm.
  1335. >You look yourself over and notice that you have a cast on your leg, as well as quite a few bandages around your body in various places.
  1336. >In the hospital, eh? What could you expect with all of what happened.
  1337. >Hopefully all of this can be taken care of quickly. Unicorn magic and all.
  1338. >You lay and look at your surroundings, resituating yourself and getting comfortable in the bed.
  1339. >Taking time to also feel all the sore spots and bandages on you.
  1340. >Oh Celestia, there are so many.
  1341. >You apply slight pressure all over your body. Everything aches and hurts.
  1342. >You get to your ribs and push. Immediately, you start coughing and eventually it evolves into wheezing.
  1343. >Fuck you brain.
  1344. >Time to play the waiting game to find out everything that happened while you were in zoned out land.
  1345. >After a while, a nurse comes in. You ask her what has been going on.
  1346. >”Oh, I’ll leave that for Rainbow Dash. She knows everything that’s happened to you. She should be hear any minute. She’s been coming by every day around this time to see if you’re awake.”
  1347. >Look at the clock on the wall and see it’s only 6 am. Why the fuck would she come at 6 am?
  1348. >”I don’t know. All she told me is it was something about a ritual you two had.”
  1349. >Fucking running. Thank the nurse for the information as she heads out the door after checking your machinery. Ask her for her name.
  1350. >She turns back to you with a smile.
  1351. >”Oh, it’s Redheart. And don’t worry about it dear. I’m here to help you in any way I can.”
  1352. >With that, she trots out of the room, presumably off to another patient.
  1353. >More of the waiting game, oh joy.
  1354. >Your Rainbro Dashie gets here on time, just like Redheart said she had been doing every day.
  1355. >So, ready for a great morning run.
  1356. >”Hehe, yah right! With you like that, you couldn’t even stand up let alone go for a run.”
  1357. >She flies up to you and situates herself at the edge of your bed. The sadness is coming off in waves.
  1358. >”Why couldn’t I have found you sooner? Why did I help you quicker?”
  1359. >Tears begin falling down her face.
  1360. >You pull her in closer against you, even with your ribs complaining and tell her it isn’t her fault and you know 100% for sure that she was doing her best like she always did to find you.
  1361. >The tears start to slow and she nuzzles slightly into you making you wince.
  1362. >”Oh, sorry! I forgot for a second that you’re not completely healed yet.”
  1363. >Tell her it’s alright and you understand she was just trying to seek some comfort.
  1364. >”Th-thanks Anon.”
  1365. >Finally ask her if she’s willing to tell you what she’s heard about your condition as well as what happened while in the cellar.
  1366. >Gotta ask before she starts how long you were down there and how many days you’ve been out since.
  1367. >”We-we didn’t find you for a week and a half and you’ve been out for about 2 days.”
  1368. >You tell her to start.
  1369. >”When I went to your house, I saw the door broken down. I kinda freaked out and started rushing around town looking for you.”
  1370. >Ask her if she heard you yelling for you that morning.
  1371. >”I didn’t hear anything…”
  1372. >Oh, you kind of figured if she did, your Dashie would have been out there so fast, the Wonderbolts would be jealous.
  1373. >She blushes, “You’re dang right I would have been!”
  1374. >The somber mood returns after a second as she continues on.
  1375. >”Well, I was asking anyone if they had seen you lately. Everyone kept saying no. I kinda guessed at that point that AJ might have known where you were.”
  1376. >”I flew over to the apple family house and asked Granny Smith if she’d seen you. She told me she hadn’t. I knew for sure that meant AJ had you somewhere so I flew to find her working in the fields.”
  1377. >So she kept working every day?
  1378. >”Yah, but when I found her, I asked if she had done anything bad to you. She said she hadn’t. I knew she was behind it though, but I wasn’t sure how she lied about it.”
  1379. >Tricky way to not lie, but not tell the whole truth. She hadn’t done anything bad in comparison to what happened in that cellar.
  1380. >”I guess so. But I asked all of our friends to tell me if she did anything suspicious.”
  1381. >”A few days later, Zecora told me she had been by for a special kind of herb. She didn’t ask AJ what she wanted it for, but I kinda guessed that too.”
  1382. >”I started to follow her after I got off of work to see where she went every night. Every time, I would chase after her, but she would weave into some heavy group of apple trees. I’d land and try to find her, but she would be gone.”
  1383. >Tell her that that is a surprise to you. Didn’t think someone could throw Rainbow Dash off their trail.
  1384. >Her face droops even more. “I-I wish I would have been able to find you sooner.”
  1385. >Don’t worry, you know she was trying to help as much as she could.
  1386. >”I tried to tell Twilight what was going on, but she wouldn’t believe me. Neither would Rarity.”
  1387. >Figures, never on the greatest of terms with her.
  1388. >”But Pinkie believed me because of what you told her a while back. So she helped me convince Twilight. We all went to find Applejack 2 nights ago and found a tree with a door in that small group of apple trees she kept disappearing in.”
  1389. >”That’s… That’s when we found you in the cellar. Twilight was in such shock, all she could do was release you with her magic, and Pinkie rushed off to get some help for you.”
  1390. >”Why. Why did you stop me Anon. After all she did, why did you stop me.”
  1391. >You vaguely remember telling her to stop.
  1392. >Explain that it was probably because you feel even if AJ did all of that to you, she didn’t deserve to die because of it. Also, you didn’t want your Dashie to have blood on her hooves and have regret.
  1393. >”That’s a stupid reason Anon! She did so many bad things to you! She-she should be punished.”
  1394. >Tell her that it doesn’t matter, because you’re here still. You pull her in tight and she quiets down.
  1395. >After situating herself out of your hug, she continues.
  1396. >”So, I don’t think you’ll be able to run with me in the mornings for a while anymore.”
  1397. >Tell her that she still has to keep you company.
  1398. >”Heh, you know I will.”
  1399. >Ask her what the doctors told her about your condition.
  1400. >”Nothin you and the magic bandages can’t handle. Just a few broken ribs, a leg, and a TON of cuts and bruises.”
  1401. >Reply that you don’t think you could ever be as strong as your Dashie.
  1402. >Ego boosts always get to her.
  1403. >Her face changes a nice shade of red.
  1404. >”Sh-shut up.”
  1405. >A hoof comes out and punches you in the shoulder.
  1406. >You yelp in pain.
  1407. >”OH! Sorry!”
  1408. >Say it’s alright. Tell her you’re feeling pretty tired and kinda wana rest.
  1409. >”Alright. Do you mind if I stay here with you a bit?”
  1410. >Sure, why not. She is your special somep0ny. Can do whatever she wants.
  1411. >With that, Rainbow has a huge smile on her face as she snuggles into you between all the wires and bandages.
  1412. >She sets her head on your stomach and you put your arm around her.
  1413. >Both of you fall into a nice light slumber.
  1414. >Stir from your sleep to Rainbow gone.
  1415. >Must have had to get to work. Damn she sure is giving up all her free time for you.
  1416. >Dat special somep0ny
  1417. >Her loyalty is really damn strong, but you can’t help but feel something is out of place.
  1418. >Oh well, shove it out of your mind for now.
  1419. >Call in the nurse to get some food delivered to your room.
  1420. >”Oh, sure Anon, no problem. Is there anything specific that you wanted?”
  1421. >Tell Redheart that you would love just a simple salad with a little bit of seasonings and some peanuts.
  1422. >”I’ll just check your records to see if there’s anything you can’t eat and send those up if allowed.”
  1423. >Thank her again for her help.
  1424. >She turns from opening the curtains with a smile on her face.
  1425. >”Think nothing of it Anonymous. I’m here to help anyone, p0ny or otherwise.”
  1426. >With that she’s off.
  1427. >After about a half an hour, a try arrives with the peanuts and salad. There’s a note on top of a covered tray.
  1428. >The note reads ‘Thought I’d send you a little something sweet along with your meal for a change. Redheart’.
  1429. >Lift up the cover to see something you haven’t in quite some time.
  1430. >While cakes are good and all, you can’t remember the last time you had this.
  1431. >Mother fucking jello!
  1432. >You stop in realization that jello is made with horse hooves.
  1433. >Really hope they have a substitute for them in this jello.
  1434. >You eat your food and realize that after that sleep, you feel a shit ton better.
  1435. >Lay around for a while looking between the clock and the window. Dashie wasn’t lying when she said a stay at the hospital is boring as hell.
  1436. >The clock couldn’t move any slower. You swear it’s going backwards.
  1437. >One o’clock, only 4 hours till your Rainbro came back to visit you.
  1438. >The door to your room creaks open and you see a little medical hat poke through.
  1439. >Glad that someone is finally coming around here. Feel bad about how you’re going to be wasting the nurse’s time with trivial small talk.
  1440. >”Oh, umm… Anon? Um… Are you up?”
  1441. >Tell her yes and that she can come in.
  1442. >Well, worst mistake you ever made.
  1443. >Fluttershy flies into the room with a nurse outfit.
  1444. >”Oh dear, you really are hurt. Is there any way I umm, could help?”
  1445. >Dem bedroom eyes.
  1446. >She flies right up to your face.
  1447. >”So, Anon, are nurses your fetish?”
  1448. >Swear to Celestia you break your finger on the call nurse button.
  1449. >”No? Oh… Well I might have one more thing for you.”
  1450. >She pulls out a small smooth metal rod.
  1451. >”Umm, is sounding your fetish?”
  1452. >Sounding? Are you fucking kidding me?
  1453. >Please nurses, can you get in here.
  1454. >Tell Fluttershy that sounding is not your fetish.
  1455. >”But have you ever tried it? Maybe you would like it.”
  1456. >Just then, nurse Redheart enters the room.
  1457. >Oh Celestia, you are so happy to see her.
  1458. >”Fluttershy? Why are you here?”
  1459. >Fluttershy drops the rod and gives a sheepish grin.
  1460. >”Oh, umm, I was just going to take care of Anon.”
  1461. >Redheart starts moving Fluttershy towards the door.
  1462. >”Oh, it’s ok dear. I think we can handle this on our own.”
  1463. >Fluttershy stops for a second and turns to you and Redheart.
  1464. >”Oh, I was actually uhh, just coming to visit my good friend Anonymous.”
  1465. >She puts on the biggest fake smile ever.
  1466. >”Anonymous has already told us that he doesn’t want you anywhere near his room.”
  1467. >”Oh, but he said it was alright just this once.”
  1468. >Redheart turns to you and you can tell she’s pissed that Fluttershy won’t just leave.
  1469. >Yah fucking right, you want her out of here ASAP.
  1470. >With that, Redheart continues walking out, pushing Fluttershy ahead of her.
  1471. >Redheart, the lifesaver.
  1472. >After the commotion of almost being forced into an unsavory situation dies down, you notice a book on your night stand with a sloppy note on it.
  1473. >’Thought you could use something to kill the boredom. -Dash’.
  1474. >Look at the cover and realize it’s the same series of books she’s been trying to get you to read forever.
  1475. >’Daring do and the Sapphire Stone’. Same one she read while she was in the hospital.
  1476. >Fuck it, nothing better to do.
  1477. >Time flies when reading a rip-off of Indiana Jones.
  1478. >”Hey Anon, see you finally got into it eh? I knew you would.”
  1479. >Turn your attention from the book to see Rainbow flying, reading over your shoulder.
  1480. >Try to grab her out of the air.
  1481. >Totally miss.
  1482. >Fuck, that hurt like hell. Still, feels a lot better than it would have earlier this morning.
  1483. >These Unicorns know their shit.
  1484. >”What the buck was that Anon?”
  1485. >She shouldn’t be reading over your shoulder. It’s rude.
  1486. >She flutters over and in front of you.
  1487. >”Didn’t I tell you its super boring in here.”
  1488. >Reply no lie, you’d been staring at the clock and you thought it went backwards at one point.
  1489. >A smile light up on her face.
  1490. >”I KNOW! When there aren’t visitors, time goes by super slow.”
  1491. >Don’t even get you started on visitors.
  1492. >”Pinkie come by to talk you to death today? That pony doesn’t know when to stop.”
  1493. >Tell her it was someone ten times worse.
  1494. >Rainbows attitude does a 180.
  1495. >”D-Did Applejack come by?”
  1496. >Wait, AJ isn’t in pony jail or something.
  1497. >”No, but I’ll tell you about that in a bit. So who came here that was that bad if it wasn’t AJ?”
  1498. >Explain that Fluttershy came by trying to see if you had a thing for nurses.
  1499. >Dash facehoofs at this.
  1500. >Continue saying she even brought a metal rod and asked if you were in to sounding.
  1501. >”What the heck is that?”
  1502. >Don’t worry about it Dashie.
  1503. >”Oh well.”
  1504. >Her sly smile returns.
  1505. >Ask her why she’s smiling like that.
  1506. >”Don’t worry about it Anon. You’ll find out later. Now back to Applejack. I don’t think she’ll have the confidence to ever show her face around you without anyone else around.”
  1507. >What’s to stop that crazy mare from coming after you again if she isn’t in a pony prison or something.
  1508. >”Let’s just say what kept her out was Princess Celestia and what’s keeping her away from you is her as well.”
  1509. >Ask her to elaborate. Still not convinced that AJ would never come around you again.
  1510. >”Probably shouldn’t be telling all of this to you, but you deserve to know. All the elements were summoned to the castle after AJ was taken in. It was pretty hard being in the same room with her after what she had done, but I thought Celestia would be able to help her if anyone could. You know what part of harmony we all represent, right?”
  1511. >You nod listening intently.
  1512. >”Well, Celestia got AJ to in all ways say she was not going to try to do anything to you ever again. Her being the element of honesty and saying she wouldn’t means she won’t Anon.”
  1513. >Still not comfortable being around her.
  1514. >”Don’t worry Anon, if she for some reason does try anything, I’ll save you.”
  1515. >That’s your Rainbro Dashie.
  1516. >With that, you attempt to grab her again and succeed this time.
  1517. >She returns the embrace wholeheartedly.
  1518. >You lay there with her for a few minutes.
  1519. >”Ahem…”
  1520. >Realize that nurse Redheart is in the room.
  1521. >Dash flies off of you quickly.
  1522. >”OH! Looks like your food is here, I’ll just go get something from the cafeteria hehe.”
  1523. >With that, she’s out the door.
  1524. >”Hello Anon, how are you feeling?”
  1525. >You reply with a much better and ask her how much longer she thinks you’ll be in here.
  1526. >”Well, we’ll have to do another x-ray tomorrow, but from the way the magic has been working on you so far, I can guess that you should be out in a day or two. But for now, I have your meal.”
  1527. >Thank her for the meal and ask her how they make jello around here.
  1528. >”Not 100% sure on that one. Why do you ask?”
  1529. >Explain to her that back on earth, one of the main ingredients of jello is gelatin which you herd is made sometimes with horse hooves.
  1530. >”OH MY! Well I can assure you that there isn’t anything like that in the jello here.”
  1531. >She turns to the door.
  1532. >”Just push the button if you need anything Anonymous.”
  1533. >With that, she is walks out of the room and leaves you to your food.
  1534. >You wait around for a few minutes until Dash returns with a tray in her hooves.
  1535. >Some idle chitchat about her job and whatnot. At this point, you were too focused on the hunger of your stomach.
  1536. >Finish eating and tell her that Redheart said the healing was going well and you should be good to go in a day or two.
  1537. >”Oh man, can’t wait to start running in the morning again!”
  1538. >Wait, she hasn’t been running in the morning?
  1539. >”Just not the same without you.”
  1540. >Tell her she’s getting too soft.
  1541. >”You’re one to talk. Just look at you.”
  1542. >She punches you in the shoulder.
  1543. >Take the opportunity to grab her and cuddle up.
  1544. >”Ugh Anon, you’re so sappy.”
  1545. >Shut up. She’s enjoying it as much as you are.
  1546. >She pushes her back into you ever so slightly to make sure she doesn’t hurt you.
  1547. >”Whatever. So, how far are you in the book?”
  1548. >Grab it and open up to a marked page.
  1549. >Tell her that you just got to the part with snakes coming out of the spikes and sand pouring in.
  1550. >”OH! This part! I love this part! Can you read it out loud?”
  1551. >Deal, but only for a little while, need to make sure you rest enough to heal quickly.
  1552. >”Fine, fine. Such a wimp.”
  1553. >You look at her face before you begin reading and see nothing but content.
  1554. >Considering you were raped and beaten for a week and a half, you couldn’t be happier right now with your Rainbro Dashie in your arms.
  1555. >You wake up the next morning with the book still in your hands and Dash cuddled up next to your chest.
  1556. >See the sun just barely peeking over the horizon outside the window.
  1557. >Shit, must be pretty early still. Feeling a shit ton better though.
  1558. >Even with Dash pushed up against you like this, can’t feel any pain.
  1559. >You move the arm around here ever so slightly away so you can set the book down on the stand.
  1560. >You turn on your small alarm clock that Dash brought you yesterday to 7 AM so she can get to work on time.
  1561. >With that, you turn your body slightly and move your arms around her and pull her in a little closer.
  1562. >That warmth too good.
  1563. >She shifts and re-adjusts herself in her sleep and you think you see a smile creep onto her face.
  1564. >Close your eyes and fall asleep.
  1565. >Unfortunately, your next wakeup wasn’t as peaceful.
  1566. >The alarm goes off and Dash shoots out of bed and into the air, wings flapping like a humming bird and he head shifting back and forth.
  1567. >”Who-Wah-Huh!”
  1568. >You calm her down and she lands on the bed next to you.
  1569. >”What’re yah trying to do, kill me?”
  1570. >Explain that you just set the alarm so she wouldn’t be late for work this morning.
  1571. >”Oh, I told them that I was taking some personal days till next week.”
  1572. >Ask why she would do that.
  1573. >”I just wanted to make sure I was there to help you out in the next few days if there’s any issues.”
  1574. >Tell her that’s really nice of her, but you think you can take care of yourself.
  1575. >”Doesn’t mean I can’t be there in case anything is wrong for my special somep0ny.”
  1576. >Guess she can win this battle.
  1577. >Agree with her and ask if she is planning on staying at your house then.
  1578. >”Of-bucking-course! It’ll be great, me and you can watch movies all day!”
  1579. >Tell her whatever she wants.
  1580. >”Ok, awesome!”
  1581. >She squees and then moves over and nuzzles into your face.
  1582. >Nurse Redheart walks in and Dash backs up from you quickly with an embarrassed look on her face.
  1583. >”Hello Anon, hello Rainbow. How are you both today?”
  1584. >”We’re both good! Nothing going on in here, right Anon?”
  1585. >She looks pretty nervous.
  1586. >Reply that you’re feeling great, barely anything is hurting anymore.
  1587. >Redheart turns to you, “Good to hear Anon. We’ll just have to do a few x-rays to insure that everything is in order and once you’re checked and prepped for release, you’ll be free to go.”
  1588. >She walks up to your bed and reads some charts.
  1589. >”It looks like the type of medication they have on you may have some delayed effects or issues after you cease taking them. You may need someone around to help you if any issues arise.”
  1590. >Rainbow pipes up as if that were her queue.
  1591. >”Don’t worry nurse Redheart, I got ya covered on that.”
  1592. >”Oh? Are you going to be staying with Anonymous for a few days then? The medicines side effects should ware off in about 4 days.”
  1593. >She nods to Redhearts question.
  1594. >”Ok, I’ll send some breakfast up for you Anonymous. Unfortunately Rainbow Dash, you’ll have to get your own from the cafeteria. Is there anything you would like specifically?”
  1595. >Ask her if they serve eggs here.
  1596. >Most of the places around P0nyville aren’t very supportive of eating an unborn chicken.
  1597. >”Actually we do.”
  1598. >She checks your charts once again.
  1599. >”Seems like there’s not very much on the menu you can’t eat. I’ll send it up for you in a few minutes. After breakfast, we’ll have another x-ray taken so we can try and get you out of here by mid-day.”
  1600. >With that, she leaves the room.
  1601. >”Shoot Anon! You here that? You’re probably going to get out of here today!”
  1602. >Tell her that she doesn’t need to be that excited about it.
  1603. >”You need to be more excited about it! It’s going to be great to go back to normal. Plus, we’ll have tons of fun for the next few days.”
  1604. >Ask her if she’ll be able to handle the problems that might arise from the medication.
  1605. >”You’re talking to the one and only dash aren’t you? I can handle anything!”
  1606. >Tell her you’re sure that she’ll do a great job if anything happens.
  1607. >She perks up with that.
  1608. >”Buck yah I will!”
  1609. >She flutters up from the chair and towards the door.
  1610. >”I’ll be back in a few minutes, gunna go grab my food.”
  1611. >With that, she’s off to get her food.
  1612. >After a few more minutes go by, your food and Dash both arrive at the room.
  1613. >You both dig in and chat for a little bit.
  1614. >”I’ll go grab a few things from my house when you go in for x-rays and drop them off at your house. Then, I’ll come back here and get you to take you home.”
  1615. >Tell her that it sounds like a plan.
  1616. >After your meal, you continue reading out loud to Dash while you wait for Redheart to come back for x-rays.
  1617. >Just as you hit the end of the book, nurse Redheart enters the room.
  1618. >”Hello once again Anonymous and Rainbow Dash.”
  1619. >Both of you reply hello.
  1620. >Ask if it’s time to get your x-rays.
  1621. >”Yes it is. It should only take about half an hour if there are no problems.”
  1622. >Rainbow points her hoof out the window. “Ok Anon, I’ll be back in a little bit after getting that stuff and dropping it off at your house.”
  1623. >With that, she shoots off out of the window.
  1624. >”I’ll help you into a wheelchair so we can get you checked out.”
  1625. >Redheart helps you with a little bit of magic into the wheelchair.
  1626. >Damn, after not moving much for almost two weeks, you’re weak as hell.
  1627. >You barely make it in the chair without falling down on the floor.
  1628. >Redheart wheels you down to an elevator and into a room with what you could guess was a CAT scanner and a doctor sitting in a chair waiting for you.
  1629. >”Hello Anonymous. My name is doctor hooves. I’m sure you don’t remember me when you first came in here. You were a bit of a mess then, but you look like you’re doing much better.”
  1630. >Reply that you’re actually awake for this one, so you must be doing better.
  1631. >”Hehe. Yes, I guess that would be true. Well, onto business. I just wanted to give you a rundown of how this works. Pretty much, we’re going to set you up on this table. You’ll be set back and forth through this hoop here-”
  1632. >He’s pointing his hoof at pieces on what you can guess is a CAT scanner.
  1633. >”-and the magic-ey stuff stored in a crystal in here-“
  1634. >He pats a square box off to the side.
  1635. >”-powers the whole thing. It will scan your body and give us photos of the insides of you. I don’t question how it works, I just use it and review the x-rays it produces to determine if there are any issues with you.”
  1636. >You tell the doctor that he talks way too fast.
  1637. >Almost reminds you of pinkie.
  1638. >”Yah, I’ve been told that. Now, on to the business at hand. Up onto the table with you.”
  1639. >With a little more help from Redheart, you lay on the table with your legs hanging off the edge.
  1640. >”Oh, I forgot about this little issue.”
  1641. >The doctor is moving your legs up and down at the end of the table.
  1642. >”Guess we’ll do as before, take sections.”
  1643. >The doctor flips a switch on the power box.
  1644. >A hum begins and the machine starts glowing including the table part you’re on.
  1645. >”AH YES! Marvelous! I don’t think I’ll ever get over how amazing this magic is.”
  1646. >The table slowly moves back and forth a few times.
  1647. >The doctor flips the switch off.
  1648. >”Alright, assistant Redheart, I’ll be needing a little help here from you. If you could just levitate his body flat while we get x-rays of his lower half.”
  1649. >Redheart rushes up.
  1650. >”Ok dear, if you could just sit up and scoot your body back till your backside is on the back end of the table.”
  1651. >You do as instructed.
  1652. >”This may feel weird, but you’re going to want to lean back. Don’t worry, my magic will hold you up.”
  1653. >Feels awkward as fuck. You lay back slowly and reach the point where you’re entire body is flat and your upper half is just floating over the edge.
  1654. >Once again, the doctor flips the switch. The table slides back and forth through the hoop a few times again.
  1655. >He flips the switch off once again.
  1656. >”There you go Anonymous. Assistant Redheart, if you could help Anonymous back to his room? I’ll check these scans out and get back to you as fast as possible.”
  1657. >With that, RedHeart helps you back into the wheelchair and starts to push you back to your room.
  1658. >Tell her that that doctor is one weird pony.
  1659. >”Oh yes. He may act a bit strange at some times, but he really is a nice man and pretty fun.”
  1660. >Seemed like an alright guy.
  1661. >Redheart deposits you back in your room.
  1662. >With a cheery smile she says, “Next time I come back here, hopefully it will be to set you up to leave.”
  1663. >And she moves her way quickly out the door.
  1664. >You already finished that book Dash lent you. Not much left to do but play more of the waiting game.
  1665. >After what feels like forever, your favorite p0ny flies back through the window grinning ear to ear.
  1666. >Ask her if she got everything she needed for the couple of days she was going to spend with you.
  1667. >She moves to a chair next to your bed.
  1668. >”Yep. All set up for a sweet weekend. So many movies!”
  1669. >Tell her that you’re waiting for Redheart to bring the results.
  1670. >Speaking of Redheart, she enters the room at that moment.
  1671. >”Good timing Rainbow Dash. It looks like Anonymous is ready to go. Everything other than some cuts and bruises are healed and he should be ready to leave. Just have to take a few things down and then you’ll both be free to leave.”
  1672. >Redheart goes over to the machine that was monitoring you and hooks a few things up to do some last minute checks.
  1673. >”Alright Anonymous, you’re free to leave.”
  1674. >With that, you slowly make your way into the wheelchair.
  1675. >Redheart turns to Dash with a serious demeanor.
  1676. >”Remember Rainbow, there may be a few complications with the spells and medicine we had to give Anonymous. We’re not sure what exactly will happen to him, but if there are any serious issues, don’t hesitate to bring him back in.”
  1677. >Rainbows face changes to a smug look.
  1678. >”Thanks for everything nurse Redheart, and I think I’ll be able to handle it from here.”
  1679. >With that, Rainbow Dash pushes you towards your house.
  1680. >”Oh man, I’m so EXCITED! This is going to be sooo awesome!”
  1681. >Holy shit, her face is too damn cute.
  1682. >You finally reach your house.
  1683. >You can feel the excitement radiating off of Dash.
  1684. >Tell her you think you can at least walk around in your own house. No need for the wheelchair anymore.
  1685. >”Whatever you say Anon. I know how weak you can be sometimes.”
  1686. >Ask her if that was a challenge.
  1687. >”Only if you want it to be.”
  1688. >”You pretty much fly out of the chair. Not your best idea.
  1689. >You almost fall to the ground as your legs wobble under you like jello.
  1690. >Dash is instantly flying next to you, steadying you with her hooves to make sure you don’t fall.
  1691. >”Whoah Anon, don’t rush it. Don’t want any issues coming up because of that. I was just messing with you.”
  1692. >With that, she slowly flies alongside of you all the way inside.
  1693. >You crash on the couch almost immediately.
  1694. >”Wiped out already? Didn’t think my special somep0ny would be that quick to crash.”
  1695. >Tell her to shut up and give you a break.
  1696. >”Hahaha- You’re too serious Anon, I’m just messing with you. You need to lighten up.”
  1697. >With that, she flies over to the stack of movies you presume she brought over earlier.
  1698. >”So Anon, what do you want to watch? Pony on Fire? Speed? Magik Kombat?”
  1699. >Tell her whatever is fine for you, just something to watch.
  1700. >”Ok, speed it is.”
  1701. >She pops in the DVD and goes upstairs to grab a blanket.
  1702. >When she gets back, she sits on the couch and throws the blanket over both of you.
  1703. >You grab the remote and hit the play button.
  1704. >Half way through the movie, it seems the same as the speed you remember. Only difference was that it was on an airship.
  1705. >Swear that the p0nies here are somehow stealing the movies from your old world and making slight variations.
  1706. >At the end of the movie, Rainbow is up against your side and you have your arm around her pulling her into your side.
  1707. >The credits start rolling. You look outside to see it’s almost dark. The sun is close to setting.
  1708. >”So, what movie do you want to watch now?”
  1709. >Tell her that you have a better idea.
  1710. >”What could be better than watching so-“
  1711. >You cut her off giving her something she probably missed in the past weeks.
  1712. >You press your lips to hers and her wings start slowly rising off of her back.
  1713. >She pushes back with just as much ferocity as you and moves her hooves around your back.
  1714. >Your lips part for a few seconds to gain your breath back.
  1715. >”You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for that.”
  1716. >Reply that it was the same for the time you’ve been awake.
  1717. >She pushes her lips back on yours again and after what seems like hours, she pulls back once again.
  1718. >Ask her why she stopped.
  1719. >She backs up a little from you with an ashamed look.
  1720. >”Uhm Anon. I haven’t been quite honest with you.”
  1721. >What the fuck is going on. Why now?
  1722. >Ask her what the problem is.
  1723. >She points back at her wings which are practically pulsating right now.
  1724. >”Well- what did Twilight tell you about my wings when you asked her a while back.”
  1725. >Can’t remember completely. Something about stress and whatnot, but it never really made any sense to you.
  1726. >”She was kind of telling the truth to an extent. She just left out a small part…”
  1727. >Ask her what it was that Twilight left out.
  1728. >”Well-uh-Itkindofisanerogenouszoneforpegasi.”
  1729. >Tell her to slow down and say it a little more clearly.
  1730. >”Wings for pegasi are… an erogenous zone. They unfurl when under stress or sexual arousal.”
  1731. >You’re kind of dumbfounded. All those times that you massaged her wings and she pretty much collapsed, it was almost like you… well, fingering her.
  1732. >That’s a bombshell.
  1733. >She gives you a sad look as she continues to back away.
  1734. >”I can understand why you wouldn’t want to be around a liar.”
  1735. >Every time you weren’t sure if you wanted to take it to the next step, you had been without even knowing it.
  1736. >Well, this is an odd corner to be in. She’s supposed to be your help for the weekend, but here she is, telling you she has been lying to you for your entire relationship.
  1737. >Not lying, but not being very truthful.
  1738. >How to handle this. Should you not give a fuck because it really didn’t hurt anyone and Dashie enjoyed it?
  1739. >Or, give a fuck because it was being a bit sneaky.
  1740. >Ask her why she didn’t tell you any sooner.
  1741. >”I-I just wasn’t sure how you would take it. I was kind of afraid you would leave me and I would be alone again.”
  1742. >How can you not be comforting that sad face?
  1743. >Tell her as much as you don’t like the idea that she has been lying to you, it doesn’t matter too much to you because you were still helping your Dashie like you wanted to.
  1744. >Even if it was in a way that you weren’t interested in doing yet.
  1745. >Tell her what’s done is done. No point in worrying about things that happened in the past.
  1746. >”So… you’re not mad then?”
  1747. >You shake your head no.
  1748. >”Uhm… would you still be willing to massage my wings?”
  1749. >Quickly grab her and resume the make-out session.
  1750. >You begin to massage her wings and she moans into your mouth.
  1751. >Pull back and ask her if that answers her question.
  1752. >”Why’d you stop?”
  1753. >Continue back to massaging her wings while you’re lips meet hers and her hooves start rubbing your back.
  1754. >You run your fingers up and down her wings and through the feathers.
  1755. >After about 15 minutes of this, Rainbow shutters and collapses.
  1756. >Little to say, you are a bit ‘heated’ yourself. But you’ll save that for another day. Not ready to take that leap.
  1757. >”Anon, did I ever tell you that you’re awesome?”
  1758. >Tell her hell yah you are.
  1759. >With that, you get to your feet and go change to a different movie.
  1760. >When you hit the couch again, you lay on it and Rainbow climbs onto your chest.
  1761. >”Dang it Anon, going and making me tired. Now I’m going to fall asleep during the next movie.”
  1762. >Reply that it’s alright.
  1763. >She nuzzles into your chest and you wrap your arms around her.
  1764. >She lets out a sigh and you both fall asleep during the movie.
  1765. >At some point in the middle of the night, you wake up to the sound of something crashing onto the floor in the other room.
  1766. >Sweating like fucking crazy.
  1767. >You throw the blanket off of you and get up to go into the kitchen to see what Dash is doing and grab a glass of water.
  1768. >Fuck, feels like a desert in here.
  1769. >You walk into the kitchen and see the fridge door open.
  1770. >Ask Dash what she’s doing as you go to grab for a cup for water.
  1771. >As your reaching into the cupboard, the fridge door shuts.
  1772. >”Howdy Anon, how’d yah sleep?”
  1773. >Tell her she does one hell of an Applejack.
  1774. >Turn laughing to her.
  1775. >”Well, that would make sense considering Ah am Applejack.”
  1776. >Open your eyes to see her standing there with a coy smile on her face.
  1777. >The glass slips out of your hand and shatters on the floor.
  1778. >”That a way to great an old friend?”
  1779. >Stumble over your words saying that she shouldn’t be anywhere near you alone like this.
  1780. >Demand to know where Dash is.
  1781. >”Ah wouldn’t be worrin about her in yer current predicament.”
  1782. >She slowly advances towards you, her smile not wavering.
  1783. >Scream that she can’t. She wouldn’t dare.
  1784. >”Ah can, and Ah will. Just like before Anon, yah can’t stop me.”
  1785. >She’s inches from you. She seems a bit taller, her head reaching up to your mid chest when she would normally only be a little above your waist.
  1786. >Not taking a second longer, you pick up a plate in the drying rack on the counter and smash it into her face.
  1787. >Her body slumps to the floor, her face showing nothing but agony.
  1788. >Fucking bitch deserves it.
  1789. >Go in to give her a swift kick.
  1790. >Almost immediately after the kick to her side, she rises to her hooves, back to her regular height.
  1791. >”Yer gunna pay for that one. Remember what Ah did to yah back in the cellar. Image that, ten fold.”
  1792. >Fuck, this bitch isn’t fucking around.
  1793. >Run out the door faster than lightning.
  1794. >Not sure how, but your legs which were wobbly just hours ago are now sending you flying towards p0nyville.
  1795. >Shouting for someone to help you. Anyone.
  1796. >See what you can guess is Pinkie in the darkness ahead bouncing toward you.
  1797. >You keep getting closer and when your feet away and can finally get a good view of her, you realize its Applejack.
  1798. >”Hay there Anon.”
  1799. >The smile is reminiscent of Pinkie, but it’s fucking Applejack.
  1800. >Not sure how the fuck she got ahead of you.
  1801. >”Where yah goin so fast Anon. Don’t yah wanna stay and tell me what’s wrong?”
  1802. >Grab a branch from the side of the dirt road and throw it at her.
  1803. >Hits her square in the head. 1000 points.
  1804. >Scream at her to fuck off. Book it into the woods on the right side of the road.
  1805. >You’re jumping in-between and around branches and trees, the sound of Applejack trailing off.
  1806. >Hopefully you can lose her through all the foliage.
  1807. >You got so close to P0nyville, why’d she have to be there.
  1808. >After what you feel is far enough into the forest, you sit down for a breather.
  1809. >You’re not sweating, but you’re still feeling hot as fuck. Take your shirt off and use it as a pillow.
  1810. >Feels like Celestia sent you to the moon.
  1811. >The cool ground against your skin feels amazing.
  1812. >You pray to Celestia that someone will figure out that AJ had done something to you and Rainbow and will get ahold of the same princess you’re praying to.
  1813. >Look up at the moon and contemplate how you should stop trying to pray to Celestia, she never helps anyways. Maybe Luna would be better.
  1814. >Your eyes slowly shut and you fall into slumber.
  1815. >The morning sun greats you shining through some of the branches.
  1816. >Guessing by the point it is in the sky, it’s a little before noon.
  1817. >Should probably find some water and try to make your way back to P0nyville.
  1818. >Dying of thirst right now.
  1819. >Seems pretty dark considering the time of day.
  1820. >You wander about for a little bit and find a small river.
  1821. >You scream water, precious water!
  1822. >You drink and drink, so much that you even throw some of it up.
  1823. >But the heat, the heat won’t leave. Why is it so god damned hot.
  1824. >”Ah think Ah herd somethin over here!”
  1825. >You hear AJ shout to someone else and some nearby branches begin rustling.
  1826. >Gotta go fast.
  1827. >The heat issue can wait, you need to get the fuck away from that crazy mare.
  1828. >You think you hear Fluttershy calling your name somewhere off in the distance.
  1829. >Running as hard as you can in the direction that you think is p0nyville.
  1830. >After what feels like hours and probably is hours, you reach a castle in the forest.
  1831. >Walk in the front door. No one is around.
  1832. >After exploring for a little while, you find what you would guess is the throne room.
  1833. >There’s a large throne sitting at the far end of the room.
  1834. >No one is around, why not feel like a real boss.
  1835. >Take a seat on the throne and look about the courtroom.
  1836. >You take this time to think about why the hell there would be a castle in the middle of the forest like this.
  1837. >After a little bit of contemplation, you realize you remember Twilight telling you about this place at one time.
  1838. >She said it was a broken down old castle that used to be the castle of the royal pony sisters.
  1839. >She also said that it was where she and her friends confronted Nightmare Moon.
  1840. >Guess that bitch was Clestia level powerful.
  1841. >Wait, that would mean that this castle belonged to…
  1842. >You need to leave, obviously someone did a lot of work to fix this place up.
  1843. >Just as you stand up from the throne, you hear a zapping sound and see Nightmare Moon standing in front of you.
  1844. >”I’m glad I found you Anon. You-”
  1845. >Not even going to listen to what she has to say, you bolt out of the door next to her.
  1846. >All this running is really going to fuck you up bad if you don’t cool down.
  1847. >Continue running for what feels like forever until you reach another river.
  1848. >Fuck it, this time you’re going to cool down the best way.
  1849. >You just straight into the river.
  1850. >Bad idea, feels as if your skin is being peeled off.
  1851. >Swim off to the shore and curse the crazy as river next to you.
  1852. >The moon is beginning to rise in the sky.
  1853. >Can’t hear anyone around, should probably get a little rest before Nightmare Moon, or worse, AJ , finds you again.
  1854. >Grabbing what little you can from your surrounds, you once again make a makeshift pillow and rest your head.
  1855. >You wake up to the sound of branches being broken nearby.
  1856. >Please, please Luna, don’t let it be Applejack.
  1857. >You look in the direction of where the noise is coming from and see AJ pop out of some bushes.
  1858. >Fuck you too Luna.
  1859. >She sees you and her face goes from frustrated to happy in a split second.
  1860. >She slowly advances towards you.
  1861. >”Anon, please. Don’t run this time. Ah’m just here ta help yah.”
  1862. >She gives you a wink.
  1863. >That’s it. You’re fucking done.
  1864. >As she is inching closer, you move your hand ever so slowly towards a large branch you picked out last night.
  1865. >”Please Anon, all Ah want ta do is help.”
  1866. >When she’s about a foot away, you take the stick and raise it above your head.
  1867. >You scream and swing the branch down onto her head. There’s a sickening crack as she falls to the ground.
  1868. >You get to your feet and bring the branch up again.
  1869. >You swing once again screaming fuck you as the branch collides with her ribs.
  1870. >You swing and swing and swing, yelling the whole time as you do, cursing AJ non-stop.
  1871. >In the middle of the 6th swing, you feel someone buck you in the side and knock you over, causing you to drop your stick.
  1872. >They plant another kick to your head and you go out cold.
  1873. Dash PoV
  1874. >You wake up in the middle of the night, laying on top of Anon.
  1875. >He is so warm. Nuzzle lightly into his chest.
  1876. >Your stomach begins to growl and you realize you both didn’t eat anything last night.
  1877. >Slowly and quietly move off of Anon, making sure to not wake him.
  1878. >You trot your way to the kitchen and look around at the possible things you can do.
  1879. >Grab a pan from the cupboard and put it on the stove. Well, almost.
  1880. >The pan hits the floor with a clatter.
  1881. >Smooth one Rainbow, Anon is probably awake now.
  1882. >Oh well, guess you can try some of the eggs that he says are so good with him.
  1883. >Open up the fridge and begin rummaging around for the eggs.
  1884. >”Hey dash, what are you doing in the fridge.”
  1885. >You shut the door and ask him how he slept.
  1886. >”Heh, nice impression of Applejack.”
  1887. >He looks over at you laughing.
  1888. >An awkward smile forms on your face.
  1889. >Ask him what he’s talking about.
  1890. >Anon opens his eyes and a horrified look dawns his face. He drops the glass he’s holding and it shatters all over the floor.
  1891. >Question if he’s feeling ok.
  1892. >”Y-you shouldn’t b-be anywhere… you can’t be near me, thi-this isn’t possible.”
  1893. >”Where is Dash, and what did you do to her?”
  1894. >Say you are Dash, and you should be able to be around him, he’s your special somep0ny.
  1895. >You slowly start flying towards him.
  1896. >Your now flying just inches from him.
  1897. >See him reach for a plate. What’s he gunna do with-
  1898. >The plate comes down over your head and you fall to the gorund.
  1899. >Buck, that hurts.
  1900. >Feel Anon’s foot connect with your ribs. Take it in stride.
  1901. >You jump up to your hooves.
  1902. >”Why the BUCK would you do that!?”
  1903. >With that, he bolts out of the front door.
  1904. >Stand there in complete shock as you try to piece together what just happened.
  1905. >Also to recover from what Anon just did.
  1906. >It dawns on you that it must be because of the medication. Nurse Readheart said he may act a little weird or there may be issues in the next few days.
  1907. >After you realize that Anon thought you were Applejack, you fly out the door after him as fast as you can.
  1908. >You’re pumping your wings so hard it felt like you were about to do a sonic rainboom.
  1909. >You see a dark slumped figure on the road fast approaching so you decide to slow down.
  1910. >Notice it’s pinkie.
  1911. >Ask her if she’s seen Anon.
  1912. >”Yah, but he’s crazy! Not like the fun kind of crazy, but the crazy kind of crazy if you know what I mean.”
  1913. >Question her on what he did.
  1914. >”He yelled “AppleJack fuck off!” and then dashed off into the woods.”
  1915. >Explain to her what Nurse Redheart told you when you check him out of the hospital.
  1916. >”Oh, I guess I can forgive him then. Oh, that means he really is a crazy kind of crazy! Sure hope he shows up to the party tomorrow.”
  1917. >Ask what way he dashed off to.
  1918. >Pinkie points her hoof in the direction of the everfree forest.
  1919. >Tell Pinkie that you have to find him or there may be no Anon to have a party for.
  1920. >”Oh, ok. Let’s hurry and get the girls. They should be able to help us find him!”
  1921. >Tell her everyone except AJ.
  1922. >You and the girls search all night into the morning for him.
  1923. >Hear what sounds like him yelling in the woods.
  1925. >You yell that you think you herd him near you.
  1926. >Pinkie screams, “ANONYMOUS! COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!”
  1927. >A few seconds later, you find his shirt laying next to a river.
  1928. >All of you regroup.
  1929. >”I think I may know a spell that can help us find Anonymous, but I have to go get a few supplies from my home.”
  1930. >Twilight the lifesaver.
  1931. >”I just need a piece of Anonymous in any way shape or form and I should be able to teleport to him. The issue is that I can only do it once because it takes so much effort.”
  1932. >Ask what will happen if he just runs away from her again.
  1933. >”That’s why I brought these along.”
  1934. >She levitates out walkie talkies for all of you.
  1935. >”When I teleport to him, if I can give you a good idea of where you are, you can all meet up with me there.”
  1936. >Tell her it sounds like a plan.
  1937. >After what feels like a lifetime, you finally hear something.
  1938. >”Girls, the spell worked! He’s in the old pony sisters castle!”
  1939. >Just a few minutes away.
  1940. >You, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity rush off to the site.
  1941. >All of you reach the broken down front door of the castle and see Twilight walking out with a sad look on her face.
  1942. >”I couldn’t do anything. I was so drained from the spell I couldn’t keep him here. He just ran off as soon as I teleported in.”
  1943. >Dang it Anon! Snap out of this!
  1944. >You shout about how stupid Anon was being to all of your friends.
  1945. >”It’s not his fault silly willy. I’m sure he’d want to if he knew what he was doing.”
  1946. >Rarity weighs in as well, “Yes dear, it’s not like he has much control at the moment.”
  1947. >Twilight chimes in. “Well, I don’t think we’re in any shape to be chasing after him right now anyways. We’re all too tired and slow. We should head home for the night and get a good rest so we can start looking again in the morning.”
  1948. >Ask how she could think of just leaving you in the forest with all the dangers that are around.
  1949. >”We might even have issues if we run into anything out here right now. If Anon could handle himself last night, I’m sure he can again today.”
  1950. >With a little struggling and pushing, the girls convince you to go home with them and get some rest for the search tomorrow.
  1951. >The night is spent doing very little sleeping. A lot more time spent worrying about Anons safety and missing his warmth, just thinking about what if something happened to him.
  1952. >In the morning you and your companions continue the search.
  1953. >You find some broken branches, please Celestia or Luna, let it be Anon.
  1954. >Climb through a few small bushes to find Anon laying there, looking at the bush you just came out of.
  1955. >Relief fills you and your sure your face shows it as well. You found your Anon.
  1956. >Now comes the tricky part, how to get him to not flee?
  1957. >Decide to go for the direct route and tell him not to run, you’re here to help him.
  1958. >He doesn’t say anything and you inch closer to him.
  1959. >Whisper to him that your just there to help him.
  1960. >You think you finally got through to him. He’s not resisting or fleeing.
  1961. >All you want is your special somep0ny back.
  1962. >Just as you hit the foot mark her jumps into the air.
  1963. >”FUCK YOUUU!”
  1964. >Before you can react, the branch he had in his hand slams down on top of your head.
  1965. >You fall to the ground, your view turning a painful white.
  1966. >”Fuck you Applejack, fuck everything about you”
  1967. >The stick connects with your side.
  1968. >”You are the worst p0ny ever.”
  1969. >And again.
  1970. >And again.
  1971. >And again.
  1972. >”I FUCKING HATE YOU!”
  1973. >You’re not sure how you haven’t passed out, but you’d be the worst liar if you said this wasn’t the worst pain you’ve ever had.
  1974. >The stick comes down again and you see Pinkie come through the bushes.
  1975. >As he raises the stick above his head, Pinkie kicks him in the side knocking him over.
  1976. >You worlds starts to blur as you see her deliver another kick to his head.
  1977. >You beg Pinkie not to hurt him too badly.
  1978. >”But look what he did Dashie!”
  1979. >Tell her it’s alright, it wasn’t his fau-
  1980. >Your body finally gives up and you pass out.
  1981. Continue on to Healing Relationships
  1983. Healing Relationships
  1985. >You’re eyes crack open slightly scanning your surroundings.
  1986. >Holy fuck, your head is pounding.
  1987. >Damnit, you didn’t want to see this place again.
  1988. >Through the low glow of the lamp to your right, you can see that you’re back in the hospital.
  1989. >At least it just seems like your head is the only issue this time. No wires or cords attached to you.
  1990. >And it seems like you’re not alone this time, the curtain on your left being drawn shut.
  1991. >You look back at the stand with the lamp on it and notice a small card on it.
  1992. >Grab it and turn up the light slightly so you can read it.
  1993. >It’s a plain white card with Twilights writing on the front of the card.
  1994. >’To Anon’.
  1995. >Open the card and continue reading.
  1996. >’I’m sure you’re slightly confused with what is going on right now and I figured if I wasn’t around, this would be the best way to explain to you.’
  1997. >’All of the other girls are probably not going to tell you very much or treat you kindly, so it’s best if you just talk to me about this for now.’
  1998. >Well, that’s a great way to start it. The past day or two are kind of a blur. About the only thing you can remember is AJ chasing you.
  1999. >’The doctors weren’t sure how much you would remember about what happened while you were in the ‘hallucination’ from the after effects of the magic and medicine given to you from your first stay at the hospital.’
  2000. >Answering all your questions as you think of them. Damn Twilights good.
  2001. >’I can’t guess exactly what you did while you were running around everfree forest, but I can tell you what happened when you were around us. Most of it was just told to me so I’m not sure if the girls have any bias added onto it.’
  2002. >Wait, everfree forest. Definitely weren’t in your right mind. Try to avoid that place at all times. Shit will fuck you up.
  2003. >Must be why the girls are really pissed at you. You put them all at risk by making them come out there and find you.
  2004. >You’d be pissed at you too.
  2005. >’On Friday morning, Dash says you woke up and started yelling that she was Applejack and that you hit her with a plate, kicked her, and ran out of the house.’
  2006. >You feel your stomach drop and are afraid to read on. For some reason, you know this is going to be bad.
  2007. >’You ran into Pinkie afterword and when she was trying to find out what was wrong, you picked up a stick and threw it at her yelling more about Applejack. She says you ran into the woods towards everfree forest after that.’
  2008. >’Then everyone except Applejack was woken up and we went on a search for you. We herd you yelling about water. When we went that way, you just ran. I suggested I go home and preform a spell that would teleport me to you.’
  2009. >’It worked, but when I got to you, you were in the old pony sisters castle. When I teleported in, you looked at me and ran right past me.’
  2010. >For some reason, you can’t shake the thought of Nightmare Moon out of your head.
  2011. >’I said we should all return home for sleep so we could search in the morning without any issues with the local wildlife.’
  2012. >’When morning came, we went back out and Dash managed to find you. Although, she probably should have waited for us to come over as well. You really did a number on her. No one except Dash is certain why you decided to attack her-‘
  2013. >And there goes the extremely bad news. No reason to read anymore, you understand why they would despise you right now. You set Twilights card down on the table.
  2014. >Even you hated yourself right now for not being able to fight what happened yesterday.
  2015. >The headache you had is dying off a little so it’s time to get a drink and wallow in your own self-pity.
  2016. >As you open the door to leave the room, you turn around to see the p0ny in the other area of the room is obscured by numerous balloons.
  2017. >Can only guess that Dash is behind those. There is no way you could even dare look at what you did to your special somep0ny.
  2018. >Well, ex-special somep0ny after this.
  2019. >When you get to the front counter, nurse Redheart is waiting there.
  2020. >Does she do everything in this hospital?
  2021. >When she sees you walking up, her face changes to a grimace.
  2022. >”Hello Anonymous.” She says sourly.
  2023. I’m here to check myself out.
  2024. >With that, she levitates some papers for you to sign and sends you off without a word.
  2025. >You drag your sorry ass to the nearest bar and begin to drink.
  2026. >At bar close, you make your way out the door and head off for home.
  2027. >After what feels like hours of stumbling slightly around you finally make it there and hit you’re bed like a rock.
  2028. >The sun hits your eyes through the window that you forgot to shut the shades on.
  2029. >Nice one, dumb ass.
  2030. >You get out of your bed and remember today is the first day back to the regular routine of running with your rainbow.
  2031. >After grabbing some eggs, you get on your running shoes and head out.
  2032. >A light jog to Rainbows and you’re ready to start the day.
  2034. >That should catch her attention.
  2035. >”Yah yah, one second.”
  2036. >You see the small blue thing flying down, with a headband?
  2037. What’s up with the stupid headband?
  2038. >”Stupid!? Yah right! This thing is the champion of coolness!”
  2039. If by coolness, you mean idiotic.
  2040. >”Whatever Mr. cool guy. I could ask the same about those ridiculous shorts you wear every day to this.”
  2041. Ok, whatever. Let’s just get on with the run.
  2042. >With that, both of you are off.
  2043. >Of fucking course, she starts really putting in her all and speeds so far ahead of you it’s not even funny.
  2044. >You keep up your regular pace until you see Pinkie in town.
  2045. Hey Pinkie, how’s it going?
  2046. >She turns to you, her hair falling flat and her color draining slightly.
  2047. >”Oh, it’s you.”
  2048. What’s that supposed to mean?
  2049. >”I think you know.”
  2050. >She starts following close behind you.
  2051. >Weird as shit, but don’t let it get to you.
  2052. >As you make your way through the rest of p0nyvillie, it seems like all of the elements of harmony are following you now except for Dash.
  2053. >You finally decide to stop and find out what’s going on.
  2054. So, is there a reason you’re all following me?
  2055. >They give you a look of distaste and you now realize they all have a stick of some shape or form.
  2056. >After what feels like minutes of silence, Pinkie lunges at you with the stick.
  2057. >”I’ll show you why you don’t hurt Dashie!”
  2058. >With that, the other 4 also start charging at you.
  2059. >Caught off guard, the first blow hits you and you go down.
  2060. >“How does it feel darling?” Rarity askes.
  2061. >They all begin smashing you with the sticks in various places, each saying small comments here and there.
  2062. >As you feel your vision beginning to blur, you see Dash flying toward you.
  2063. Dash, please. Get me out of here.
  2064. >She gives you a deadpan look.
  2065. >”I don’t think so Anon.”
  2066. >Her back hooves rise in the air right above your head and start falling rapidly.
  2067. >Just as the hooves are about to make contact, you wake up.
  2068. >You’re shaking and drenched in sweat.
  2069. >Fuck, can’t even escape the guilt in your dreams.
  2070. >You lay there starring at the ceiling questioning what you should do today.
  2071. >Head is pounding, body is sore, heart still aching.
  2072. >Man up baby.
  2073. >Well, all of these ailments can be cured by one thing.
  2074. >More booze?
  2075. >Yep, more booze.
  2076. >Stumble your way to the bathroom and do regular rituals.
  2077. >When was the last time you went on a run anyways?
  2078. >Fuck that, it’s not changing today.
  2079. >Grab some eggs and toast and a little bit of Whiskey. Because that’s a perfect combo, right?
  2080. >Oh well, fuck it.
  2081. >After you finish your breakfast, you head out towards town.
  2082. >You notice that a very few select p0nies are giving you a nasty look as you walk through towards berry’s cart.
  2083. >She sees you approaching and her face is one of shock.
  2084. >”Whoh Anon, you look horrible!”
  2085. Yah, it’s been an interesting few days that’s for sure.
  2086. >”Are you already drinking?”
  2087. Yep, no reason not to be.
  2088. >She gives you a concerned look.
  2089. >”So, something wrong?”
  2090. No, just here to pick up some more Applejack Daniels.
  2091. >”Whatever you say Anon. Remember I like my customers happy and drinking, not drinking to get ride of depression. If you want someone to talk to, I’m always here.”
  2092. Thanks Berry.
  2093. >With that, you pay for the booze and head on home.
  2094. >You make your way home and turn on Requiem for a dream. Why not feel worse?
  2095. >Such a bitch.
  2096. >Drowned yourself in the bottle.
  2097. >You’re now just sitting and staring at the static on your TV wondering what to do next.
  2098. >You hear a light knock on your door.
  2099. >Slowly walk over to it and check who’s there.
  2100. >Through the peephole, you see a blur of blue and rainbow.
  2101. >Fucking mind, getting your hopes up.
  2102. >You open the door just to be sure.
  2103. >If your mind isn’t playing tricks on you, Dash is pissed as hell right now.
  2104. >She’s got on a robe from the hospital and still looks pretty beat up.
  2105. >”ANON! Where the BUCK have you been? Is this how you repay me for visiting you all day!” she sputters all of this through slight coughs and pauses.
  2106. “I… uhm…”
  2107. >”No excuses you JERK!”
  2108. >She attempts to fly and gets off the ground for a few seconds while coming towards you.
  2109. >You get knocked onto the floor by her weight slamming into you.
  2110. >Her coughing fits get longer and stronger than before.
  2111. >”You’re such a BUCK JERK! Do you even know what time it is?” she asks after gaining her breath back.
  2112. >You take another glance outside and notice that it’s pretty dark out.
  2113. “Wha-Wait, shouldn’t you still be in the hospital?”
  2114. >”I should be, but you never showed up to keep me company so I’m here to tell you off.”
  2115. “I didn’t think you’d want me ar-“
  2116. >She pretty much collapses in another small coughing fit on your chest. Her breaths become slightly more shallow.
  2117. >”You treat your special somep0ny like thi-“
  2118. >She faints with that sentence.
  2119. >You quickly but gently lift her off yourself and get up.
  2120. >Cradle her in your arms and begin a quick jog back to the hospital.
  2121. >You walk through the main doors to see Redheart behind the desk.
  2122. >She gives you another displeased look but it melts into a look of concern as she realizes Dash is in your arms.
  2123. You should probably beef up the staff here. She made it all the way to my house without anyone noticing in the hospital.
  2124. >She makes a quick call to someone to bring a stretcher.
  2125. >Redheart turns back to you.
  2126. >”How did she end up with you?”
  2127. That’s what I’m wondering. Heard a knock at my door and she was there.
  2128. >The stretcher arrives and Redheart levitates Dash from your arms into it.
  2129. >”Well, she was asking all day where you were. Maybe you should have come around.”
  2130. When I left yesterday, you gave me the dirtiest look I’ve ever gotten. Plus, I don’t think we should be busy talking about this now.
  2131. >With that she gives you a huff and races Dash back to her room.
  2132. >You sit down in the waiting area while you wait for Dash to get set up in her room again.
  2133. >Oh man was she pissed at you.
  2134. >Guess the positive is that she still wanted to see you. And she might have still called you her special somep0ny.
  2135. >But you don’t really deserve that title. Could go get a drink and avoid this whole mess before she wakes up again.
  2136. >Nope, fuck that. Gotta see this through.
  2137. >You stare blankly at whatever was on the TV while you wait for Nurse Redheart to come give you the ok to go see Dash.
  2138. >”Um, are you mister Anonymous?”
  2139. >Turn to see a small filly dressed in a nurse outfit.
  2140. Not in the mood to play pretend kid.
  2141. >Her face puffs up in anger.
  2142. >”That’s not a nice way to treat a nurse in training.”
  2143. >Didn’t even know there were more than 3 p0nies working here. You always see the same three when you’re here.
  2144. Sorry. Yes I am Anon, what did you need.
  2145. >”Rainbow Dash is all set up and nurse Redheart said she didn’t want to talk to you so she sent me to tell you. She said that I shouldn’t tell you right away and make you wallow in your sorrow. Whatever that means.”
  2146. >Why yah gotta be like that Redheart.
  2147. Thanks kid. I appreciate you letting me know right away.
  2148. >The filly trots off in some random direction, probably to take care of another patient.
  2149. >You walk slowly dreading what Dash is going to say to you.
  2150. >Sure, when she was at your door, she called you her special somep0ny.
  2151. >What if that was just because of the exhaustion from flying to your house?
  2152. >What if she just had a lapse of judgment and doesn’t want to be around you?
  2153. >What if she just kicks you out as soon as you open the door?
  2154. >Fuck, you told yourself you were going to see this through and you will.
  2155. >You slowly open the door and peek your head through. The balloons were moved off to the side and you can see Rainbow lying peacefully in her bed.
  2156. >You slowly walk in and see a blanket with a note on it by the chair next to her bed.
  2157. >Walk up to the chair and read the note.
  2158. >’Sorry Anonymous for being so rude to you. Had you actually wanted to harm Dash that badly, you wouldn’t have brought her back in. - Redheart’
  2159. >There’s one person who’s a little less pissed at you.
  2160. >Setting the blanket on the table next to the chair, you sit down and scoot it a little closer to the bed.
  2161. >Take the moment to look at her face. It’s so much calmer than her normal emotional expressions that she wears.
  2162. >You move your hand in and lightly run it across her face. A small smile forms and her head moves slightly toward where your finger was.
  2163. >Too damn cute.
  2164. >You grab the blanket and throw it over yourself.
  2165. >Time for some rest. You close your eyes hoping for the best in the morning.
  2166. >Wake up to the feeling of hooves shaking you.
  2167. >”Anon! Wake up!”
  2168. >You open your eyes covered in sweat again. If this keeps happening, you’re going to get real sick of it real fast.
  2169. >Oh shit, Dash is awake.
  2170. >”You ok?” she asks in a concerned tone.
  2171. Yah, just a bad dream.
  2172. >You look at her leaning over the bed and see a tube stuck in her foreleg. Kinda makes you cringe.
  2173. >She’s leaning in close to you.
  2174. >”Ok, so what the buck is up with you? You don’t come to visit your best friend and special somep0ny in the hospital!”
  2175. I was just -
  2176. >”Just what? Scared? Afraid that I was going to yell and scream at you?”
  2177. >She’s inching even closer getting louder and angrier every second.
  2178. You are -
  2179. >”That I would tell you I never wanted to see you again!”
  2181. >Dash backs up from you in surprise.
  2182. >”Why would you think I wouldn’t want to see you again?”
  2183. >Fuck, those sad eyes are too much.
  2184. After what I’d done to you, I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t want to see me again.
  2185. >She shoots you a glare of anger.
  2186. >”Why the buck would I hold that against you you idiot?”
  2187. I-I don’t know why. I was just worried and all I could think of is the bad side of things.
  2188. >Good to see her expression turn to one of relief.
  2189. >”First off Anon, I know that you weren’t completely in your right mind. When you were talking to me, you thought I was AJ. “
  2190. >She gives you a cocky smile.
  2191. >”Plus, I’m the bearer of the element of Loyalty. How un-cool would I be if I let something like this get in the way of us? And it was kind of my fault for insisting to take care of you at home.”
  2192. I’m glad you can forgive me so easily. From what I can tell from a letter twilight left me, the others are going to be a bit hard to get forgiveness from.
  2193. >She flutters out of her bed and towards you.
  2194. Shouldn’t you not be flying?
  2195. >”Oh shut up and hug me you idiot.”
  2196. >She goes for a hug and reaches around your neck.
  2197. >Grab her from the air and pull her in tight.
  2198. >She starts coughing “Trying to kill me Anon?”
  2199. >You release her.
  2200. Heh, sorry about that. May have gotten a bit carried away.
  2201. >She flutters back to her bed and lays down again.
  2202. >You chat the morning away with Rainbow and leave her to go to talk to Pinkie.
  2203. >On your way out, you give her a peck on the cheek.
  2204. >Nurse Redheart doesn’t really pay any attention to you as you walk out the door.
  2205. >As you approach the stand, you can see Pinkie giving you the stink eye.
  2206. Look Pinkie, I just wan-
  2207. >”NO! You hurt Dashie! That’s just unacceptable.”
  2208. >Ok, getting a little pissed over people talking over you.
  2209. Pinkie, it wasn’t my fault. I know it’s still bad that I did it, but the medicine and magic had some issues with me. I was hallucinating.
  2210. >”I don’t want to hear it Anon. I can’t even look at you right now. Please, just go.”
  2211. >There goes your job.
  2212. >Oh well, I’m sure if you have Dash with you, it will be easier to calm Pinkie down and maybe she’ll reconsider.
  2213. Ok, I just wanted to say how sorry I was that I hurt your friend. I’m not sure if you’ll ever forgive me, but I just wanted to let you know that.
  2214. >With that, you leave back towards the hospital. Not much else you have to do around here.
  2215. >You make your way back to Dash’s room with almost no resistance. Glad to see that Redheart really meant it.
  2216. >You get close to the room and can hear someone talking.
  2217. >”Darling, you must ask for more pillows. These ones are flat and can’t be good for you. Plus they don’t match anything at all.”
  2218. >Well here comes round two.
  2219. >You push your way through the door. Both Rarity and Rainbow pause their conversation and turn their attention to the door to see who came in.
  2220. >Unfortunately Rarity is quick to act and is already marching up to you.
  2221. >”YOU BRUTE! How dare you show yourself around here after what you did!”
  2222. >She’s almost on top of you now.
  2223. >”Rarity, it’s fi-“
  2224. >”NO! It is not fine Rainbow, even though he was your special somep0ny, he was the one that put you in here! He should be allowed nowhere near you!”
  2225. >”RARITY!”
  2226. >This got her to shift her attention from her to you.
  2227. >”It wasn’t his fault. Plus, I was the one who went to go get him when he was being too much of a baby to come visit me.”
  2228. >”It still doesn’t excuse that it happened Rainbow. I see no reason as to why you would forgive such a brute for doing what he did to you.”
  2229. >You take this opportunity to slip past her and go sit down on a chair.
  2230. >She turns her attention back to you.
  2231. >”And what do you have to say about all this, hmm? Are you going to say anything to defend yourself?”
  2232. >You shrug and look at her.
  2233. “Not like you would believe or trust anything I say anyways. It seems pretty useless to try and defend myself when you’re just going to write everything I say off.”
  2234. >”So you’re just going to give up like that?”
  2235. “I’ll let my actions speak for me. If that isn’t enough for you guys, then I guess I don’t know what will be.”
  2236. >Rainbow looks angrily at you.
  2237. >”So you are going to just give up like that like Rarity said? That’s really lame Anon.”
  2238. “I’m not going to give up, I’m just going to go about it differently. From my talk with Pinky earlier, it seems like no one is going to listen to me anyways.”
  2239. >Rarity trots her way over to the door.
  2240. >”Well, I must get back to work Rainbow. If you have any issues with this one-“
  2241. >She nods her head in your direction.
  2242. >”Be sure to tell me.”
  2243. >With that, she was on her way.
  2244. >Rainbow rolls her eyes at that and turns in her bed to you.
  2245. >”I can only guess that from what you were saying, this kind of thing happened with Pinkie too?”
  2246. >You nod and Rainbow lets out a sigh.
  2247. >”Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll get them to come around sooner or later.”
  2248. >You sit down and pull your backpack in front of you.
  2249. >Dash excitedly moves to the edge of the bed to try and get a glimpse into your backpack.
  2250. >”Soooo, what did you sneak in for me?”
  2251. >You pull out a book.
  2252. >”Oh it’s just that…” she says as she lies back down in her bed.
  2253. “What’s that supposed to mean? I thought you really wanted me to read these and enjoyed them.”
  2254. >”I guess it’s better than nothing.”
  2255. >With that, you begin to read out loud ‘Daring Do and the Griffons Goblet’.
  2256. >”So, are you ready to eat right now Rainbow?”
  2257. >Nurse Red Hearts voice snaps you and Rainbow out of the focus you both had on the book.
  2258. >”Oh, uh sure…” she says rubbing a hoof behind her head with an embarrassed look on her face.
  2259. “I guess I’ll go grab something too. Be back in a bit.”
  2260. >Shit, you need a little time away from your Rainbro. As fun as she is to be around, you don’t want it to get stale.
  2261. >When you get to the cafeteria, you see Fluttershy sitting in the corner staring at her food. Seems she’s concentrating on something.
  2262. >You grab and pay for your food and make your way over to Fluttershy.
  2263. >Probably not your best move, but what was she going to do in such a public place?
  2264. “Hey Fluttershy.”
  2265. >”OHH”
  2266. >She looks up at you and stops shaking.
  2267. >”Oh, it’s just you Anon…”
  2268. >You sit down next to her. She seems a little odd compared to her normal self.
  2269. “So what’s up Fluttershy, you seem a little off today.”
  2270. >She turns to look at you.
  2271. >”Oh, nothing’s wrong at all Anon.”
  2272. “You’re not trying to guess my fetish, there is something definitely wrong.”
  2273. >She gives a little squeak and a blush shows up on her face.
  2274. “Is it because you’re mad at me as well for what happened in the forest?”
  2275. >”Uhm, no. I see you two together all the time and the love and kindness that you share…”
  2276. >You hold what you were going to say, waiting for her to continue.
  2277. >A few small tears form in her eyes.
  2278. >”It’s just that after thinking about it, I’ve been trying to ruin that with everything I’ve been doing.”
  2279. >The tears start coming a little harder and faster and begin streaming down her face.
  2280. >”I’ve be-been thinking that I wasn’t sho-wing very mu-ch kindness to you b-both.” She chokes out between the sobs.
  2281. >”And I’m not sure if Ra-Rainbow would ever for-forgive me for being so me-mean to her.”
  2282. >With that she starts full-on crying. You lean over and grab her into a hug to try and comfort her.
  2283. “I don’t think Rainbow is going to hate you for that. Sure, she may have been a little angry about that, but there’s no way she would never forgive you.”
  2284. >The crying subsides slightly and she leans slightly out of your hold.
  2285. >”A-Are you s-sure?”
  2286. “Trust me, if she can forgive me for what I did, I’m sure she can get over it and stay loyal to you.”
  2287. >”Y-our not trying to ge-get back at me by tric-king me, are you?”
  2288. “Seriously, as Rainbow would say ‘That would be so uncool’. Just go up there and visit her. I’m sure she’ll love it.”
  2289. >You give her a little smile of encouragement.
  2290. >”A-Alight Anon! Thanks!”
  2291. >A small smile forms on her face and she gets up and takes her tray with her.
  2292. >Doubting that Rainbow will be too hard on her. They’ve been friends for years. Plus, come on, it’s Dash.
  2293. >You finish eating your food and throw the garbage away.
  2294. >Exiting the hospital, you make your way back to your home. The nights are becoming a little cooler. You can see the breath in front of your face at night now.
  2295. >Going to need a few cloths fixed up soon. Shitty that your main provider for clothing hates you now.
  2296. >For some reason the bush you just passed has some steam coming out of it. Should probably just ignore it unless something happens.
  2297. >After entering your home, you make your way to heat up some water on the stove. A nice cup of hot tea would be great right now.
  2298. >You throw something you haven’t watched in a long while in the DVD player, some mindless anime.
  2299. >It just wouldn’t feel the same watching a movie without your Rainbro for some reason.
  2300. >You sit on the couch contemplating a few different ways that you could try and gain the 2 other ponies trust back.
  2301. >That tea was too good. You end up lying down without even realizing it and drifting off to sleep.
  2302. >Must have been more tired than you thought.
  2303. >After what must have been a few hours, you wake up and quickly rush to the window.
  2304. >It’s pretty dark, but fortunately for you, the moon is illuminating pretty much anything that isn’t covered by foliage.
  2305. >You can guess it really has been a few because the DVD is on the main title screen.
  2306. >Shit, you hope if Dash is still awake, she won’t be too pissed at you for not coming back. Just needed a little time to yourself.
  2307. >You make your way back to the hospital after shutting off everything in your house and grabbing a coat.
  2308. >”Welcome to Ponyville General Hospital”
  2309. >It seems like the younger filly who came to get you yesterday is behind the counter.
  2310. >”Oh! Anon! Rainbows been looking for you for a while. It seemed a little important and she seemed a little worried.”
  2311. >Doesn’t sound too good. You start jogging a little towards her room while turning to look at the filly on your way by the desk.
  2312. “Thanks!”
  2313. >You approach the door and see it slightly cracked.
  2314. >As you get closer, you see a little card tapped to the door with a smiley face on it and the words ‘Get Well Soon!’.
  2315. >You push open the door to see Rainbow sleeping soundly in the bed and the light down low.
  2316. >Taking your place in the chair, you pull the blanket that you were provided last night up and lean back a little.
  2317. >The blanket is a little scratchy, but that’s just fine. It does its job just fine.
  2318. >You drift off to sleep once again.
  2319. >”ANON! ANON! Hurry, get up!”
  2320. >You feel hooves shaking you, trying to get you to move.
  2321. “Wha-Why are you yelling Rainbow?”
  2322. >”Please, just hurry and get up!”
  2323. >You open your eyes. Dash is in front of you, scared beyond belief.
  2324. >You start to stand up and she pushes you immediately.
  2325. >”We have to go! Right now!”
  2326. >You start moving the way she wants you to.
  2327. “What’s going on? Why are you being so frantic Dashie?”
  2328. >”We need to get you hidden. Somewhere where they won’t be able to find you.”
  2329. “Still not making any sense.”
  2330. >She rushes both you and her out of the hospital quickly.
  2331. >”Twilight and the others sent a letter to the princess about what’s been happening in the past few weeks. She’s sending guards to get you right now!”
  2332. “What? I thought Twilight understood.”
  2333. >You see a chariot carrying a small platoon of armored ponies near the hospital you just vacated.
  2334. >”I don’t know everything that’s going on, we just need to get you out of here!”
  2335. >You begin to run as she picks up her speed and you both make your way out of Ponyville.
  2336. >”Hold it right there, Anon!”
  2337. >You feel a force hold you in place and see a purple aura surrounding Rainbow as well.
  2338. >”Twilight! Let us go! Why would you do this!”
  2339. >“Don’t you see Rainbow, Anon has corrupted Fluttershy, Apple Jack, and you! Three of the ponies who control the elements of harmony.”
  2340. >You turn your head to look at her, the grip of her spell making it very difficult to do so.
  2341. “How did I corrupt them? By being friends with them? Weren’t you just fine with the way things were Twilight?”
  2342. >”I don’t know how I didn’t see it before. You are discord. You are the worst enemy the elements have had to face yet! And you were right here under our noses!”
  2343. “Discord? How in the hell am I discord?”
  2344. >”I don’t want to hear it! I’m going to end this before it can get worse.”
  2345. >Rainbow is looking at you frightened.
  2346. >You feel yourself lift off from the ground.
  2347. >”What are you going to do Twilight!”
  2348. >She continues to raise you. You struggle to be released from the grab before you get too high.
  2349. >”Something I should have done from the start. It’ll save Celestia some time as well.”
  2350. >Rising faster and faster, the wind rushing past you, you can no longer hear what Rainbow and Twilight are saying to each other.
  2351. >Then, in a small burst, you feel the telekinetic grab dissipate from around you.
  2352. >The rush of the wind in the opposite direction, you’re plummeting to the ground.
  2353. >”ANON!”
  2354. >Rainbow yells to you and you see her still in Twilights grab as you rush closer and closer to the ground.
  2355. >You wake up right before hitting the ground. Your heart is pounding and sweat is pouring all over your body.
  2356. >Looking over to the bed, you see Rainbow still asleep.
  2357. >If this shit keeps on happening, you’re going to have to see someone about it. Having to deal with that often doesn’t seem very fun.
  2358. >Probably won’t be a positive step towards your relationships with the others of the main 6.
  2359. >You move your chair closer to the bed.
  2360. >Your heart slows down to its regular beating pattern as you look on at your Dashie sleeping contently.
  2361. >After what feels like hours, you get up and make your way down to the cafeteria to grab some breakfast.
  2362. >Would be a bad idea to go home right now. From what the filly said last night, Rainbows got something important to tell you.
  2363. >Fortunately there is no one you know who wants to talk to you in the cafeteria. You finish eating your eggs and toast and make your way back to her room.
  2364. >”Where were you Anon? Thought you were coming back after eating.”
  2365. >You push the door open the rest of the way. How she could tell it was you, you had no idea.
  2366. “Eh, I talked to Fluttershy in the cafeteria last night and thought I would give you two some time to yourselves.”
  2367. >”So that’s why she came up here? Because you told her to? Man Fluttershy, that’s so lame.”
  2368. “No no, she wanted to visit you, I just helped her along a little. She was afraid you wouldn’t want to see her because of the whole fetish thing.”
  2369. >”Pfff, sure it makes me a little annoyed at some times, but she really hasn’t done very much past that.”
  2370. “Good to hear. Told her you wouldn’t be the one to hold a grudge. So, what was it that you were so frantic to talk to me about yesterday?”
  2371. >”Well, AJ stopped by for a few minutes…”
  2372. >>You tense up at this.
  2373. “And what did she have to say?”
  2374. >”She said that she was taken to the Princess. She said she was threatened with jail time if she tried to do anything to you.”
  2375. “Well, I guess that’s good to hear. One issue with that is on my way home last night, I saw someone in a bush on the side of the road.”
  2376. >She smiles at this and chuckles lightly.
  2377. >”You had me worried there for a second Anon. That could have been anything! Quit being such a wimp.”
  2378. >You take a seat on your chair/bed and lean back a little.
  2379. “Go through what I did and you wouldn’t be saying that.”
  2380. >”Pfff, I know you’re made of tougher stuff than that Anon. Couldn’t be my special somepony if you weren’t.”
  2381. >Whatever, just going to let this one go.
  2382. “So, any word when you get out of here?”
  2383. >You look over at Rainbow and see her frown lightly.
  2384. >”Um, about that. They said that I should be good to leave today, but I am supposed to keep from doing anything straining for a week or two.”
  2385. “So, what’s the problem.”
  2386. >”Well, that includes flying.”
  2387. “Still don’t see any issues here.”
  2388. >That made her a little angry.
  2389. >”Anon you dope. That means I need to find a place to stay for a while. And that means I can’t work for that time either.”
  2390. “Easy, you’ll just stay at my place. Not like you haven’t done that before.”
  2391. >She gets a little more irritated.
  2392. >”You’re forgetting something else Anon. How are we going to buy anything when we both suck at saving out bits and don’t have jobs?”
  2393. >Shit, she got you there.
  2394. >She might not know that you get a weekly ‘allowance’ from Celestia, but you’re not sure if that would be enough for the both of you to live on for those few weeks.
  2395. >And you know that you and Dash both couldn’t accept help in that form from anybody else. Too much crappy pride and whatnot.
  2396. “We’ll make it work. I never really had a reason to tell you, but I get an ‘allowance’ from Celestia every week. If we bit-pinch it should be enough to last us until you get back on your feet.”
  2397. >A wave of relief washes over her face.
  2398. >”Well, I guess we just can’t go out and get drunk like we normally do for those weeks. Easy enough.”
  2399. “We’ll just have to make a budget when we get back to my place.”
  2400. “So, you want me to read some more of Daring Do out loud while we wait for Red Heart to take you for your scans?”
  2401. >She begins nodding at the speed of light.
  2402. >You pull the book out of the backpack that you left there and begin reading where you left off the day before.
  2403. >In no time, Red Heart is there and takes Dash off to get x-rayed and get the ok to be released.
  2404. >You begin wheeling Dash out the door.
  2405. “Ready to leave?”
  2406. >”You kidding me? I’ve been in a hospital for the past 2 weeks! Sure, it wasn’t all for me, but it’s still being here that sucks.”
  2407. >You’re still not sure why they make you wheel her out. She’s fine enough to walk on her own.
  2408. >As soon as you get outside the doors, Dash hops out of the chair and turns to you.
  2409. >“So, what do you have planned for us to do?”
  2410. “Figured that you wouldn’t want to go to my house and stay cooped up all day and your friends want to hang with you after you got out, so Twilight is having a picnic in the park for us.”
  2411. >”Sounds pretty boring.”
  2412. >You hear a little excitement in her voice.
  2413. >Oh Dashie, always trying to seem too cool for everything.
  2414. “Sure it does. I guess they’re waiting for us, so we better get a move on.”
  2415. >You’re not really excited about this all that much.
  2416. >Having to deal with Pinkie, Rarity, and AJ all at the same time. It’s like you’re in one of those nightmares.
  2417. >As you both approach the park, you can everyone sitting underneath a tree near the center of it.
  2418. >”Oh man, I’m starving! Looks like they have a ton of food too!”
  2419. >Dash’s pace picks up slightly.
  2420. >Dash was right, from the looks of it, it seems like this is a mini Pinkie party.
  2421. >”DASHIE! Happy ‘release from the hospital day’!”
  2422. >Pinkie comes barreling up to both of you.
  2423. >”Whoa, you did all this for me Pinkie?”
  2424. >”Yep, you’re just that special to us, we had to! Friends are ‘always’ nice to other friends.”
  2425. >She looks at you for a split second with a frown.
  2426. >That little emphasis on ‘always’ didn’t help either.
  2427. >This was going to be a long day.
  2428. >You three make your way to the rest of the group.
  2429. >”Hey guys. I’m really happy you threw this party for me.” Dash says.
  2430. >Fluttershy and Rarity are sitting next to one another with Twilight on their right.
  2431. >Apple Jack is sitting a little off and away from everyone.
  2432. >Both Rairty and Apple Jack are giving you dirty looks.
  2433. >You take a seat next to Twilight and Dash sits down next to you.
  2434. >Pinkie follows by sitting on the right of Dash.
  2435. >Twilight turns to you.
  2436. >“So Anonymous, how are have you been?”
  2437. “About as good as it’s going to get right now.”
  2438. >Rarity turns her attention to you and Twilight.
  2439. >”Well yes, considering what you have done, I’m surprised Rainbow even wanted to see you again. If I were her, I would-“
  2440. >And here we go. You give an apologetic look to Twilight.
  2441. >”What’s that supposed to mean! I would never abandon Anon for something that he couldn’t control.”
  2442. >Rainbow rises from where she was sitting and talking to Pinkie and moves a little in front of you.
  2443. >”I’m just saying Rainbow Dash that it is quite gruesome what he did to you. I’m just confused on why you would be willing to be so forgiving for something like that.”
  2444. >Pinkie jumps up as well.
  2445. >”Yah! What he did to you Dashie was so mean. He’s such a meany mean pants, I don’t know why you would want to be friends with him anymore!”
  2446. >Fluttershy starts to whisper something, but stops when she sees Twilight standing up.
  2447. >Twilight moves in between both Rainbow and Rarity.
  2448. >”Girls! Please stop fighting over this. Can’t we just have a nice quite picnic?”
  2449. >”Hmph. I guess we can focus on the more joyous thing at hand here. We can have a more proper discussion about this at a later point.”
  2450. >Rarity takes her seat back by Fluttershy.
  2451. >”I guess the party should be more about celebration that Dashie is feeling better. Sorry Dashie.”
  2452. >Pinkie hugs Dash before she sits down and Dash and Twilight follow suit.
  2453. >The whole way through the picnic, AJ just sat off to the side not saying much. She gave you a few glances that chilled you to the bone, but you figure she won’t try anything if she promised to the Princess.
  2454. >Fortunately, anything about why Rainbow was still with you was not brought up. Thank Celestia for that.
  2455. >As the sun starts to set, you all clean up and go about your way. You follow alongside Rainbow as you both make your way to your house.
  2456. >”Well, I’m still pretty mad about what Rairty said, but at least the rest of the day was good.”
  2457. >Both of you collapse on the couch from the hectic day.
  2458. >You lay your head down into a pillow and mutter through it.
  2459. “So Dash, why are you still with me after what I did?”
  2460. >Suddenly, you’re jerked around by Rainbow and she is beyond pissed.
  2461. >”You IDIOT!”
  2462. >A punch to the shoulder.
  2463. >”Why would you even think that would matter? Don’t let them get to you!”
  2464. “But they’re right. I did do something horrible to you.”
  2465. >She’s in your face now.
  2466. >”Just shut up! Stop talking so stupid! It was my fault, I insisted I could take care of you!”
  2467. “It doesn’t change the fact that I did what I did.”
  2468. >She backs up a little bit.
  2469. >”Stop blaming yourself for something that you didn’t mean to do! You’re being so lame right now! I said I forgave you didn’t I?”
  2470. “Yeah, but-“
  2471. >”No buts. Quit worrying about it. If I had cared that much, I probably wouldn’t be here right now.”
  2472. “You said it yourself earlier that you needed a place to stay while healing. That you’d have nowhere else to go.”
  2473. >”Wow, you can be even more thick-headed than me sometimes Anon.
  2474. >Good to see her smile again. She pulls you into a hug.
  2475. >” I could have easily stayed at Twilights, Pinkies, Fluttershys, or Rarity’s houses had I not wanted to be around you. I only said that so you would let me stay over here for the two weeks.”
  2476. >Wow, really not thinking today, are we?
  2477. >After a few seconds, she releases you from the hug.
  2478. >”So no more stupid talk like that, OK?”
  2479. >You nod your head in agreement.
  2480. >She yawns loudly.
  2481. >”Wow, lot more tired than I thought. Mind if we go to bed now?”
  2482. >You both stand up and you smile at her.
  2483. ”Sure, I guess you can have the bed. I’ll just crash on the couch.”
  2484. >”Yah right, get up those stairs.”
  2485. >She begins pushing you towards the stairs and you both start laughing.
  2486. >Morning greats the two of you through the curtain-less window.
  2487. >When are you going to be smart enough to put a damn curtain on that thing?
  2488. >”Mhhh.”
  2489. >Rainbow pushes her face into your chest a little more and her grip tightens around you.
  2490. >She’s really making it hard to get up without waking her.
  2491. >Once you finally get out of the vice that is Rainbow, you make your way downstairs.
  2492. >Usually she gets up before you, not even sure how, and ends up making something for the two of you. Figure it’s your turn to do it for her.
  2493. >You open up the cupboards to find them almost bare. Fortunately there’s something good for breakfast left.
  2494. >You grab out the pancake box, grab some eggs from the fridge, and a measuring cup for water and get to work.
  2495. >After a few minutes of mixing and waiting for the pan to heat, you get to pour some batter on.
  2496. >The aroma from the cooking pancakes hits you like a brick and your mouth starts watering. Probably didn’t help that you didn’t have anything to eat last night.
  2497. >”Smells good, what is it?”
  2498. >The sudden voice from behind you makes you jump slightly.
  2499. >”Phaha, such a chicken.”
  2500. >You turn and look at Rainbow who’s smiling back at you.
  2501. ”Yah, yah. Real funny. Just making some pancakes for us.”
  2502. >She rummages through more of your cupboards at a lower level until she finds the syrup.
  2503. >”Man Anon, these cabinets are so bare! We need to go shopping.”
  2504. “Well, we won’t be getting too much considering I don’t get bits from Celestia for two more days.”
  2505. >”Oh, yah…”
  2506. >Shit, way to bring Rainbow down.
  2507. “But don’t worry, cause we can just use some of the small amount of booze I have left from Earth. That’ll cut down on costs.”
  2508. >Her smile returns. You’d rather have that over anything else any day.
  2509. >”Buck yah! I’ll get a chance to drink some more of that sweet everclear stuff.”
  2510. >She makes a gagged face at you.
  2511. “It’ll be sooo great.”
  2512. >You both sit down and eat the pancakes made by you and go out for your morning run as per usual.
  2513. >Instead of the normal route, you end up running past Twilights library and stop for a moment.
  2514. >It takes a few seconds for Dash to realize you’re not behind her anymore and come back to where you’re standing.
  2515. “Hey, want to stop and give Twilight some company?”
  2516. >”Sure, that’s if she actually got to sleep at some real time last night.”
  2517. >You both head to the front door and you knock.
  2518. >As per the normal, even at this early time, spike answers the door.
  2519. >”Sorry, but the library’s closed at the mom-“
  2520. >Both you and Dash push your way past the baby dragon.
  2521. >”Oh, hey guys. What’s up?”
  2522. >You turn your head back.
  2523. “Just wanted to talk with Twilight for a minute.”
  2524. >You two make your way back to the kitchen with spike following close behind.
  2525. >Twilight is standing by her stove cooking something that smells great. She turns to great both of you.
  2526. >”Hey guys, what are you doing here so early?”
  2527. >”Watch ya’ cooking Twi?”
  2528. >”Oh, just some eggs. Would you two like some?”
  2529. “Hell yah we would!”
  2530. >”Ok, just grab some plates down for all of us.”
  2531. >You and Rainbow set up the plates and glasses for all four of you.
  2532. >”So, you going to tell me why you showed up here so early now?” Twilight asks as she uses her magic to scrape eggs evenly onto all the plates.
  2533. “Just on the morning run and thought we would pay a visit.”
  2534. >”Oh, well thanks. I really appreciate it.”
  2535. >All four of you sit down and begin to eat. A stagent silence falls over the table.
  2536. >After a few minutes, you can’t take it anymore. You have to break the quiet.
  2537. “I just wanted to say thanks for yesterday Twilight.”
  2538. >She looks up from her plate to you, somewhat confused.
  2539. >”For what?”
  2540. >Dash stops eating as well and looks up at Twilight.
  2541. “Well, you stood up for Dash and I even though there has been a lot of crazy stuff going on recently.”
  2542. >She smiles back at you.
  2543. >”Anonymous, it’s not like I could sit back and watch a bunch of chaos overtake my friends. You know, elements of harmony and all.”
  2544. “Still, I want to thank you for it.”
  2545. >”Yah Twi, that was pretty cool of you.”
  2546. >”Uh, what are you guys talking about?”
  2547. >Everyone turns to spike, surprised to hear him speak up. He was so quiet everyone forgot he was there.
  2548. “Nothing to worry about really, it’ll sort itself out.”
  2549. >”Allllright then…”
  2550. >With that, everyone returns to eating and light chatting..
  2551. “By the way Twilight, I kind of lost my job with Pinkie, and chance you might have some work I could do around here?”
  2552. >She slowly shakes her head.
  2553. >”No, I can’t really think of much at the moment. If I do think of anything, I’ll let you know.”
  2554. >Dash looks up from her food and sees you’re done as well.
  2555. >She stands up and gives you a look that says you should follow suit.
  2556. >”So Anon, think it might be time to go get some supplies from town.”
  2557. “Ya, thanks for the food again Twilight. Hit us up if you’re looking to relax and have a drink some time.”
  2558. >You both start seeing yourself out as Twilight calls from behind you.
  2559. >”Sure thing and it was my pleasure. See you guys later.”
  2560. >Both of you make your way around the market, pinching every last bit you have to make sure there’s enough food for the next few days.
  2561. >Almost feels like your back home and trying to stretch all your dollars. Only difference is that the food here is a little healthier than something like instant noodles.
  2562. >Fortunately, you don’t see any of the other girls around town and you two both make your way back home for a slow day.
  2563. >Well, it was starting out to be a slow day.
  2564. >”So, why did you do it Anonymous? Was it just a ‘human thing’?”
  2565. “No, how many times do I have to tell you that it was an issue with the medicine.”
  2566. >Another colt shoves a microphone under your nose.
  2567. >”What about the pony you hurt? Is she still your friend?”
  2568. >Dash rushes up in front of you and begins to push people back.
  2569. “Does that answer your question?”
  2570. >Rainbow pushes the reporters out of the doorway and proceeds to slam the door in their face.
  2571. >”Jeeze, do they ever not go crazy like this?”
  2572. “Well, wasn’t really expecting all this. I figured it would have just been a personal fight against getting you back, not against a bunch of ponies from the media.”
  2573. >You both head back to the couch and fall on it.
  2574. >”Well, think about it, I am the coolest pony in ponyville. Of course they would want to find out information about it.”
  2575. “Sure it’s not because you’re the element of loyalty?”
  2576. >She turns and smirks at you.
  2577. >”That’s like third or fourth on the list.”
  2578. ”Lemmie guess, radicalness and awesomeness are higher up than that?”
  2579. >”Buck yah.”
  2580. >You click the play button for the DVD player and continue the movie trying to drown out the sound of knocking at your door.
  2581. >The movie finishes and Dash gets up to stretch.
  2582. >”So, ready to eat some light supper?”
  2583. >You nod and you both make your way to the kitchen for some sandwiches.
  2584. >Pulling out the bread while she grabs the various flowers for herself.
  2585. >As she’s fixing up her sandwich, you grab out a few slices of pre-cooked fish and toss them on yours along with a little lettuce.
  2586. >Shit’s fortunately cheap considering most of the ponies in ponyville won’t touch the stuff.
  2587. >Both of you sit down and start eating.
  2588. >”So, what are we going to drink tonight out of your secret stash?”
  2589. “Remember there’s not a ton of it left. Don’t want to use it all in a night, do we?”
  2590. >She flutters her eyes in a way you don’t think you’ve ever seen her do before.
  2591. >”But Anon, can’t you make up what you did to me by giving me something to drink?”
  2592. >You groan and lean back in your chair slightly.
  2593. >”Hehehe, it’s too easy Anon. Too easy.”
  2594. “Whatever you say Dash. I guess we can try whatever you want tonight.”
  2595. >She pumps her hoof in the air.
  2596. >”YES!”
  2597. >You both finish eating rather quickly and make your way to your liquor cabinet.
  2598. >”Hmm, this one looks like it could be good.”
  2599. >Her hoof reaches in and grabs a bottle of bourbon.
  2600. “Good choice.”
  2601. >You usher her back into the kitchen.
  2602. “Fortunately, I tend to have mixing materials and don’t really use them for anything else.”
  2603. >Making your way to the fridge, you twist the top off of the bottle.
  2604. >You set the bottle down and get out the sugar and fill a small bag with it.
  2605. >Turning your attention to the fridge, you open it and grab a bottle of lime juice and close the door. Holding all of these ingredients, you return to the counter Dash is sitting at.
  2606. (Start of clip-clop)
  2607. >”Ohhh, this is going to be good.”
  2608. “Actually, better idea, you grab the glasses and get your flank into the living room.
  2609. >After setting the stuff down on the table in front of you, you quickly set up another shitty movie that won’t matter. Time to get shitfaced and forget all about the reporters until tomorrow.
  2610. >Dash makes her way back with the glasses and sets them on the table next to the bottles.
  2611. >”So, what are you going to make for us Anon?”
  2612. “Something simple, classic, but awesome. It’s called a whisky sour. Used to drink them all the time back home.
  2613. >After setting up the first drink, you hand it to her and start the movie for background noise.
  2614. >You pour yourself a glass and lean back into the couch. Rainbow follows suit, but instead of leaning back into the couch, she leans back into you.
  2615. >Damn, this feels pretty good. Just sipping you drink and getting cozy with Dash.
  2616. >A few more drinks go by and the movie is about three-fourths the way done.
  2617. >You feel Dash’s right hoof moving down your stomach. You really are too relaxed from the drinks to give fucks.
  2618. >The hoof continues its slow movement towards your mid-section.
  2619. >You also notice her other hoof moving its way down her chest and towards her lower section.
  2620. >She stops moving her left hoof and moves to push your free hand down.
  2621. >”So, Anonymous, you ready to show me how far you were willing to go for me to apologize?”
  2622. >You nod behind her and she continues to move your hand down her stomach and her free hoof moves down to touch you lightly through the cloth of your pants.
  2623. >You feel a slight warmth and wetness on your fingers. Dash flips around and presses herself against you. She pushes your hand a little harder against her and her lips meet yours. The world is quickly heating up around you.
  2624. > Well, now is the time. Do you go all the way or do you piss Dash off beyond belief?
  2625. >Well, your body obviously is ready for this, and it’s now or never. Not like you’re ever getting home or any other pony showed much interest in a relationship.
  2626. >You start to rub your fingers lightly over het slit.
  2627. >”Mhhm”
  2628. >Dash’s pushing against you intensifies as your fingers continue moving up and down lightly on her. Her mouth opens and her tongue pushes its way into your mouth. Her eyes are closed now.
  2629. >Her hoof begins pushing a little harder against your pants and her movements are a little bit fast.
  2630. >You move your hand that isn’t occupied down and push her hoof away.
  2631. >She leans off of you, confusion and frustration drawn across her face.
  2632. >”Wh-what are you doing?”
  2633. >You fumble a second with undoing your pants.
  2634. >”Ohh…”
  2635. >You hover your waist slightly off the couch and Rainbow takes the opportunity to move your pants and boxers down while still laying on you.
  2636. >Returning to your sitting position, Rainbows tongue is back in your mouth.
  2637. >You feel her slit push up against you.
  2638. >She starts grinding against you, working up a good pace.
  2639. >”A-are you still disappointed Anon?”
  2640. >All you can do to reply is a moan.
  2641. >Her hooves move down to your member as she guides it slowly into her.
  2642. >2 years. Why did you wait two years for this?
  2643. >She begins to slowly glide back and forth. You move your left hand down and you’re right to her wings.
  2644. > You begin to rub the base of her wings and her clit simultaneously.
  2645. >Her eyes go wide at the new sensation.
  2646. >”Y-your fingers. Your f-fingers are amazing!”
  2647. >You continue rubbing harder and faster as her thrusts against you do the same.
  2648. >She suddenly and abruptly pauses and you feel her contractions as she squeezes around you and begins to moan.
  2649. >Continuing where she left off, you begin thrusting into her, not neglecting the special treatment you were giving her prior to her pause.
  2650. “Y-your eyes are practically rolling back in your head.”
  2651. >”Shut - uhhh…“
  2652. >She pauses mid-sentence and starts moaning again as another wave of contractions squeeze you again.
  2653. >It pushes you over the edge and you press your lips against her as you orgasm and moan into her mouth.
  2654. >She rides it out with you.
  2655. >You both collapse and she moves her fore hooves around you and pulls you into a hug.
  2656. >”Told you it would be awesome.”
  2657. >You nod against the top of her head as you turn sideways and lay both of you down.
  2658. >She nuzzles into you and you both fade into sleep on the same couch you shared your first kiss.
  2659. (End of clip-clop)
  2660. >You wake up to the feeling a light warm feeling against you.
  2661. >Seems like in your tired haze at some point last night, you grabbed a blanket and returned to the couch.
  2662. >Her forelegs are between your chests, the rise and fall of hers pushing them slightly into you.
  2663. >Slowly, the thought of what happened last night comes to you.
  2664. >Looks like the bridge was finally made. No going back now.
  2665. >Although, this extreme softness against you is something that you could definitely get used to.
  2666. >But, you really can’t stay here forever. Should probably get up and check to see how bright it is outside.
  2667. >You try to get up as quickly and quietly as you could as to not wake Rainbow.
  2668. >Other than the minor shuffle and annoyed grunt, you’re successful in your mission.
  2669. >You throw on the pair of pants you had on last night and make your way to the front room and peak around the curtains
  2670. >Still seems pretty dark. From what you can tell, looks like the sun is just popping over the horizon.
  2671. >Fuck yah, still feel pretty tired anyway.
  2672. >You walk back to the couch and see that Dash is up.
  2673. >Looking at the way her hair is slightly ruffled, you feel like you’re going to die from the overdose of cuteness. The added drowsy-ness on her face makes it even better.
  2674. >”Hmm? Whatrya doin?”
  2675. “Just checking to see what time it was. We have a little bit of time to nap.”
  2676. >You quickly make your way over to her and scoop her up in your arms.
  2677. >”He-Hey! What are you doing!”
  2678. >She struggles slightly as you make your way towards the stairs and begin heading up to your bedroom.
  2679. “Just relax. I figure it’ll be more comfortable on the bed.”
  2680. >She calms down at that.
  2681. >”Duh! Dunno why I didn’t think of that.”
  2682. >She nuzzles into your cheek causing you to blush a slightly.
  2683. “Still don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over you showing affection like that.”
  2684. >She punches you on the shoulder.
  2685. >”Shut up, you know you like it.”
  2686. >After waking up at the correct time, the morning goes somewhat smoothly.
  2687. >Living off of toast and other cheap substitutes isn’t the greatest, but hell, at least you have something to eat.
  2688. >You begin clearing the table as Dash rushes upstairs to grab something.
  2689. >She comes down sporting a sweatband and giving you a competitive look.
  2690. >After glancing quickly and noticing the sweatband around her head, you turn your attention back to the few dishes.
  2691. “What’s with the dorky getup?”
  2692. >”Oh ha ha. We’ll see who’s laughing when I kick your butt in a race this morning.”
  2693. “Really?”
  2694. >You finish drying the dishes and turn to her. No way she can beat you without wings.
  2695. “Want to make a bet on that?”
  2696. >You watch her features go from slightly annoyed to a huge smile. Seems like she thinks she already won.
  2697. >”Don’t know why you would want to make a bet you’re just going to lose. Seems kind of dumb, but let’s hear it anyways.”
  2698. “Ok. Whoever loses does the chores around here for a week? That sound fair?”
  2699. >”Oh, you’re on!”
  2700. >You throw on your shoes and make your way with her over to the door.
  2701. >Once outside, you both line up at the usual point.
  2702. “Ok, so one lap around Ponyville and back to this spot. First one here wins.”
  2703. >”Sounds good to me. You want to count down?”
  2704. “Sure.”
  2705. “3”
  2706. >She crouches down slightly as you bend to prepare for running.
  2707. “2”
  2708. >You can tell by a quick glance at her that she’s excited to race you. It’s been a while since you actually challenged her to a race. There usually was no point because her wings just gave her too much of an advantage.
  2709. “1”
  2710. >Both you and her tense up slightly.
  2711. “GO!”
  2712. >With that, you are both off running as fast as both of you can.
  2713. >At points here and there, you and she trade positions.
  2714. >Feels nice to actually be winning for once.
  2715. >You both begin to push and give it your all as you near the finish line.
  2716. >”Pfff, should just give up now Anon!”
  2717. >She starts to pull ahead once again. Fuck, this plan is totally going to backfire on you.
  2718. “Won’t give up that easily!”
  2719. >You muster all of your energy you have left in you to push yourself as hard as possible.
  2720. >Nosing ahead slowly, your foot crosses the finish line before her hoof does.
  2721. >And with that, both of you slow to a walk and make your way towards the house.
  2722. “Ha! Finally beat you and your cheating wings!”
  2723. >”Yah yah, you got luck is all. The meal we had is making my stomach a little bit upset. Don’t get too cocky.”
  2724. >You sit Indian style and lean back against the wall and Rainbow sits down in your lap leaning back against you as you both try to reclaim your breath.
  2725. “Nice excuse, but it’s not going to get you out of the bet.”
  2726. >She turns her head slightly to try and look at you, seeming a little angry.
  2727. >”You really think I would try to get out of a bet that you won fair and square? Thanks a lot for that trust Anon.”
  2728. >You run your hands along the top edges of her wings, making her shudder underneath you.
  2729. >Her eyes close shut as she gets lost in the feeling.
  2730. >You continue the motions a few more times.
  2731. “Come on now. You know I’m just messing with you.”
  2732. >Her eyes snap open again at hearing the sound of your voice.
  2733. >”Well, if this is what you’re going to do every time you joke with me, you should kid around more often.”
  2734. >You pull her in and holder her there. Both of you spend a while looking into the sky as the sun begins its journey, the clouds floating by and the wildlife flying through the sky.
  2735. >”I really can’t wait to be able to fly again. It’ll be nice to feel the wind rushing through my mane and wings.”
  2736. >You lean forward and rest your head against her mane, the guilt once again rising to the top.
  2737. “I’m sorry Dash. You really should just hurt me back.”
  2738. >She seems to get angry at this.
  2739. >”Anon, just shut up and listen to me ramble. I don’t need you feeling guilty about it. When I can fly again, just promise me you’ll come up there with me.”
  2740. >You nuzzle your face into her mane even deeper.
  2741. “I promise.”
  2742. >After what feels like it could have been hours, you both get up and head inside to get ready for the day.
  2743. >Just because both of you want it to pause and give you a rest doesn't mean it will.
  2744. >You both take you’re respective turns in the shower and then sit down on the couch.
  2745. "So, what are we going to do today?"
  2746. >She turns away from the TV to look at you.
  2747. >"Pinkie said she wanted to hang out today, so I figure why not try to fix what she thinks broken."
  2748. "You mean you want me to come along?"
  2749. >"Pff, what would she do anyways. It's not like you can avoid her forever, so you minus as well try to get this out of the way now."
  2750. >You shrug at her.
  2751. "Alright, whatever you say Dash."
  2752. >With that, you both get up, go outside, and head towards Ponyville.
  2753. >Unfortunately, you're confronted by dozens of reports that you'd rather not talk to.
  2754. >One of them shoves a microphone under your nose.
  2755. >"So, what did you do to the Loyalty bearer to make her stay?"
  2756. >The mare reporter looks at you anticipating an answer.
  2757. >Fortunately for you, Dash is with you and it makes it a little easier to deal with everything.
  2758. >She pushes her way between the two of you and moves towards the mic.
  2759. >"He didn't do anything, I'm still with him because I want to be here."
  2760. >The mare moves back as well as the rest of the crowd of reporters.
  2761. >She leans forward a little and crouches down, putting on her best tough guy act.
  2762. >"And if you don't get out of here, you don't want to see what I'll do to you."
  2763. >With that, quite a few of the reporters leave and the ones that do stay far enough away that they don't get in your way.
  2764. >You both continue your walk to Sugar Cube Corner.
  2765. "It's really weird getting all this attention on us. It doesn't seem like it's always been this way for you."
  2766. >"Yah, it's just that occasionally when we do things with Twilight and whatnot, they show up and are a lot more interested in us. Not really the publicity I want anyways."
  2767. "Oh yah? And what kind of publicity do you want?"
  2768. >"When I'm in the Wonderbolts, I'll be admired instead of questioned. They'll ask me about training and ask for tips and praise me, not ask a bunch of personal questions."
  2769. >Heh, if the paparazzi is anything like it was on Earth, Dash is in for a big surprise when she gets into the Wonderbolts.
  2770. >Just before you enter Sugar Cube Corner, you pause for a moment.
  2771. "Are you sure we should do this?"
  2772. >She turns from the doorway and smirks at you.
  2773. >"Come on you baby, just get in here."
  2774. >The smell of freshly baked muffins enters you senses.
  2775. >Oh how much you've missed this place in the few weeks that you haven't been here.
  2776. >You can see Pinkie pop her head up from behind the counter to see who just entered the store.
  2777. >"Dashie! I'm glad you came by!"
  2778. >She rushes into the back for a moment and returns with some muffins on a tray.
  2779. >"You just have to have one of these! Straight out of the oven, they're soooo good."
  2780. >She sets the plate down on a table nearby and invites the two of you to join her.
  2781. >You both take a seat next to her and reach for a muffin.
  2782. >If a look could kill, you would be dead because Pinkie starts staring daggers at you.
  2783. >She speaks with a cold and harsh tone.
  2784. >"I didn't say they were for you Anonymous."
  2785. >You quickly set the muffin back down, not really wanting to deal with this at the moment.
  2786. >Dash sets her muffin down as well.
  2787. >"Come on Pinks, why you have to be like that? Aren't these for both of us?"
  2788. >"They're for you, not for friend hurters."
  2789. >She pulls them towards her and as far away on the table from you as she can.
  2790. >You lean over to Dash close enough so Pinky can't hear.
  2791. "Just drop it, I'd rather not deal with this right now."
  2792. >She sighs and Pinkie stares at you again.
  2793. >"What did you just tell her?"
  2794. >She's starting to irritate you now.
  2795. "You really want to know Pinkie? I said I didn't want to deal with this shit right now."
  2796. >Apparently she didn't like that because she jumps to her hooves, her hair deflating in that odd way.
  2797. >"Then just leave!"
  2798. >Before you say or do something you might regret, you get up and head for the exit.
  2799. >Dash gets to hooves as well and starts to trot behind you towards the exit, giving Pinkie a sad look.
  2800. >"If you're going to be like that Pinkie, I don't need to be here either."
  2801. >Pinkie sits there stunned as you both make your exit.
  2802. >Once outside, Dash catches up to you and taps you on the shoulder.
  2803. >"Hey Anon, gimmie a second. I have an idea."
  2804. >You turn to her and give a nod.
  2805. >She rushes off back into Sugar Cube Corner.
  2806. >After a minute or two, she's back outside and next to you.
  2807. "So, what's your plan?"
  2808. >"Wanna go to your place, grab a towel, and head down to the lake? It's been a while since I've been there."
  2809. "Is that it? Why'd you go back and talk to Pinkie."
  2810. >She smirks at you and lets out a little laugh.
  2811. >"Don't worry about it, you'll find out."
  2812. >Damn, you hate when she does stuff like this.
  2813. >You sigh in defeat.
  2814. "Whatever you say Dash."
  2815. >The two of you head for your home.
  2816. >"So, do you want to pack a small picnic with the little that we got?"
  2817. >You nod.
  2818. "Sure, why not. Spending the whole day at the lake sounds fun. Nothing better to do anyways."
  2819. >"Ok, I'll get started on that, go grab the towels and stuff from upstairs."
  2820. >Walking upstairs, you grab the towels and get the two folded up chair from storage and make your way back to the kitchen to see Dash is just putting everything into the basket.
  2821. >She looks and sees all the stuff in your hands.
  2822. >"Looks like your all ready. Maybe I'll be nice and carry the basket. Well, actually, I'm sure you can handle it."
  2823. >You roll your eyes.
  2824. "Uh huh."
  2825. >She just laughs a little to herself and picks the basket up in her mouth and trots towards the door.
  2826. >You both make a quite walk down to the lake.
  2827. >When the lake comes into view, you're relieved to see that no one is there.
  2828. >Then again, who would be there in the middle of a work day?
  2829. >Guess there's one positive to neither of you two working. You get some privacy and some of the nice places in Ponyvillie.
  2830. >Setting up the two chairs, Rainbow sets her basket down and grabs the picnic cloth from you.
  2831. >Throwing it out over the ground somehow perfectly, she goes and grabs the basket and sets it on top.
  2832. >"Not too shabby if I don't say."
  2833. >She looks up to the sky and pauses for a second, thinking about something.
  2834. >"Hey Anon, wanna eat now or in a little while?"
  2835. "Eh, I'd rather wait."
  2836. >"Alright, I'm going to catch a few zzz’s."
  2837. >She plops herself down on one of the chairs, relaxing and basking in the sun.
  2838. >Screw it, no one is around.
  2839. >You strip down to your boxers, seeing Dash open her eyes to see what you’re doing.
  2840. >A small smile forms on her face.
  2841. >"Aren't you afraid that someone might come here and see you like that.
  2842. "Nah, it's the middle of a work day. Everyone's too busy to come out and look at my sexy form."
  2843. >You strike a stupid looking pose and both you and Rainbow start laughing.
  2844. >You throw yourself on to the remaining open chair and relax, basking in the sun and just feeling all around good.
  2845. >You're woken up from your nap by a hoof pushing into your side anxiously.
  2846. >"Hey Anon, let’s go for a dip."
  2847. >Rainbow looks up at the sky and back down to you.
  2848. "What's with waking me up all of a sudden?"
  2849. >She smiles at you playfully.
  2850. >"Just wanted to see if you can still beat me in swimming."
  2851. "Oh you're on!"
  2852. >You jump up and out of your chair, racing her to the lakes edge, both hers and yours towel in your hand.
  2853. >Tossing them on the ground, you start to remove your boxers.
  2854. >Rainbow looks over at you, her face heating up and a blush coming to the surface.
  2855. >"Wh-What are you doing?"
  2856. >You pause, the boxers around your ankles.
  2857. "What does it look like? Can't get these wet, I didn't bring a second pair."
  2858. >She averts her eyes slightly.
  2859. >"But she might..."
  2860. >You toss the boxers off to the side by your towel.
  2861. >Making an exaggerated action of looking around for people, you spot no one and turn back to Rainbow, walking closer to her.
  2862. "I don't see anyone around, plus it's not like you haven't see me like this."
  2863. >She still has her gaze averted from you and is stammering slightly.
  2864. >"Well I know, but..."
  2865. >You crouch, pulling her head into your chest, her body pushing against yours.
  2866. >She finally just accepts it, her body relaxing against you, her fore hooves reaching around your back.
  2867. "See, doesn't that feel a lot better than sitting there and resisting?"
  2868. >She nods against your body.
  2869. >After a minute, she pulls back from your body, a visible flush on her face, but her stutter seems to be gone and her voice is back to its confident self.
  2870. >"Don't try and distract me from whooping you butt in a swimming contest."
  2871. >She runs into the water, you following right behind.
  2872. "Yah right, if you're the princess of the sky, I'm the prince of the water."
  2873. >The two of you swim towards the middle of the lake, your form helping you pass her almost immediately.
  2874. >You hit the middle of the lake and tread water, waiting for her to catch up.
  2875. >The way she swims is kind of funny in a cute way. There's a determined look on her face and her hair being wet sticks to it. Her swimming is a little like a dog, bobbing up and down in the water.
  2876. >Just makes you laugh that she's so determined to show up everyone and anyone, but there's still a sweet side down there.
  2877. >Slightly panting, she finally reaches you.
  2878. "Took yah long enough."
  2879. >You smile at her.
  2880. >"Sorry Mr. Hands, for some of us it's a little tougher, and without my wings, it's even worse."
  2881. "I thought you were going to beat me here?"
  2882. >Suddenly a hoof swipes right above the water sending a small wave crashing into your face.
  2883. >You spit out some water and laugh smiling at her.
  2884. "So, that's how you want to play it?"
  2885. >Cupping your hands, you throw some water back.
  2886. >After a lot of laughing and splashing back and forth, you can see Dash is getting a little tired.
  2887. >Guess it's just because it takes so much for her to stay afloat.
  2888. "Hey Dash, you alright?"
  2889. >Through huffing and panting, she manages to speak.
  2890. >"Y-yah, I'll be fine."
  2891. >Seems like she's slowly sinking, little by little every few paddles her head lowers closer to the water.
  2892. "Do you want a little help back to shore?"
  2893. >She looks at you getting a little mad.
  2894. >"I think I can handle this Anonymous."
  2895. >Oh well, you'll just swim next to her until you reach the shore or until she needs help.
  2896. "Alright, whatever you say. Let's get back to shore, I'm getting pretty hungry."
  2897. >"Yah, good idea."
  2898. >You begin to swim slightly ahead of her, adjusting your speed to hers.
  2899. >"Why are you going so slow? I thought we were racing."
  2900. >Have to come up with some excuse so she doesn't think you're here to help her.
  2901. "I'm pretty tired myself. Just taking it slow."
  2902. >"Heh, baby."
  2903. >She starts sinking even more, her mouth touching the water.
  2904. >And you're only half way to shore yet.
  2905. >You pause, letting yourself lower slightly in front of her, your back to her.
  2906. >She's concentrating so hard on staying afloat she doesn't even notice you stopped and runs into you.
  2907. >"Wh-What are you doing?"
  2908. "Please Dashie, we're there for each other when we really need it right? I'd just rather not take any chances of you slipping under the water."
  2909. >"I'm not going to slip under."
  2910. >Furrowing your brow, you put a little more force in your words.
  2911. "Alright, look at it like this. I accepted your help when I got out of the hospital, now accept my help with something like this. It's trivial in comparison to what you did."
  2912. >She sighs and hangs her fore hooves around your neck and brings her hind hooves around your body, clinging up to you.
  2913. >You’re not too sure if it's the sigh of defeat or the sigh of relief from being able to rest. Probably both.
  2914. >Her warmth is really nice though.
  2915. >You continue swimming towards shore at a slightly faster pace, feeling her relax against you.
  2916. >After a few more minutes, you reach the wading spot and stand up.
  2917. >Rainbow still hangs onto your body until you reach the shore.
  2918. >Before standing up and revealing yourself, you check to see if anyone is around.
  2919. "Ok Rainbow, you can get off now."
  2920. >She mumbles something to you that you can't quite make out and doesn't get off.
  2921. "Rainbow?"
  2922. >"I don't want to get off."
  2923. "Let me at least dry myself..."
  2924. >She nuzzles her face into your back.
  2925. >"There's no one around and you've been taunting me the whole time, are you really going to take this away from me?"
  2926. >You chuckle.
  2927. "I didn't know you were so, well, so into romantics."
  2928. >She moves her head up and over your shoulder, giving you a light kiss on the cheek.
  2929. >"Does that help prove it?"
  2930. >You grab a towel with Rainbow still clinging to you and make your way over to one of the chairs, pointing at it.
  2931. "Could you at least lay down on that first?"
  2932. >She jumps off and lies down on the chair, making room for you to fit as well.
  2933. >You wrap the towel around your waist and join her.
  2934. >Lying next to her on the chair, the two of you cuddle up.
  2935. >You both wake up after a while and sit down to eat the lunch Rainbow packed for the two of you.
  2936. >Of course, this is after you put your cloths back on. You have a feeling that some ponies who got off of work early today might come down to the lake and see you and that's something you really don't want.
  2937. >"Ready to head home Anon?"
  2938. >You nod and start to pack up the chairs while Dash stuffs the towels into the basket, picking it up with her mouth.
  2939. >"Rrety to gew?"
  2940. "Yah."
  2941. >You both make your way back to your house, the sun beginning to set.
  2942. >You run upstairs to pack away the chairs and return back downstairs.
  2943. >Dash is finished with putting away her stuff and is headed out the door.
  2944. >You jump on the couch with the remote, ready to veg out and relax even more.
  2945. "Where you off to?"
  2946. >She turns back, looking at you on the couch.
  2947. >"Oh, just to go talk with Pinkie for a while. I asked her if she wanted to hang out tonight."
  2948. "Alright, see yah later."
  2949. >With that, she shuts the door and is on her way.
  2950. >Wonder what she's doing with Pinkie?
  2951. -- Rainbow Dash Point of View --
  2952. >Walking down the road, you think over how much fun you had today.
  2953. >Even if you really hate relying on someone.
  2954. >Oh well, at least you might have gotten Pinkie to see the light.
  2955. >You make your way across Ponyville and to Suger Cube Corner, knocking on the door.
  2956. >Can't just walk into the bakery at night like you could during the day.
  2957. >Mr. Cake answers the door.
  2958. >"Oh hello Rainbow Dash. What can I do for you tonight?"
  2959. "Hey Mr. Cake. Pinkie knows I'm supposed to drop by, mind if I come in?"
  2960. >He backs up from the door slightly, ushering you in.
  2961. >"Oh, not at all."
  2962. >You trot past him and up the stairs towards Pinkies room.
  2963. >Pushing your way in, you see Pinkie wrapping the last of a row of packages on her bed, putting a small bow on top.
  2964. >She turns to see who entered her room and rushes over to you, hugging you really tightly.
  2965. >"Oh Dashie, I'm so sorry that I didn't listen to you! I really should have."
  2966. >You pat her back trying to let her know it's alright.
  2967. "It's ok Pinkie. Another example that everyone makes mistakes, right?"
  2968. >"Yah, but mine was a super duper mean mistake. I feel so bad."
  2969. >She spontaneously starts crying.
  2970. >You pat her back once again.
  2971. "Well, would I be here if I didn't like you anymore?"
  2972. >The crying slows to a stop.
  2973. >"I-I guess not."
  2974. >Pulling back from her, you look her in the eye.
  2975. "So are you alright with Anonymous now?"
  2976. >She nods, a few tears still hanging on her cheeks.
  2977. "Alright, good. Now let’s go do something fun! Want to go prank Twilight?"
  2978. >She shakes her head vigorously.
  2979. >"Hehe, yah Dashie! We haven't done anything like that in a while! Just don't forget to tell me to give you these to take home!"
  2980. >She points her hoof at a dozen baskets, all the same shape and size.
  2981. "Uh Pinkie, how am I going to get all those home?"
  2982. --Anon PoV--
  2983. >After a few hours, the door busts open with a loud bang sending you flying off the couch.
  2984. >You make your way to the door to see who it is, seeing both Pinkie and Dash carrying a giant amount of baskets with them.
  2985. >You walk up and grab a few of the baskets on their backs.
  2986. >After you three make your way to the kitchen and set the baskets down, you sit down at the table.
  2987. "So what brings you around here Pinkie? I thought you hated me?"
  2988. >She looks at you and starts laughing.
  2989. >"Oh Anon! You're such a kidder."
  2990. >She's already getting on your nerves.
  2991. "No, really. Just this morning you kicked me out of Sugar Cube Corner and now you're here letting yourself into my house?"
  2992. >She just giggles more at you.
  2993. >Rainbow, realizing you’re getting mad, tries to defuse the situation.
  2994. >"A-Anon, maybe we should just hear her out."
  2995. >You sit there, waiting for her to calm down enough to hear what she has to say.
  2996. >"S-Sorry Anon. Maybe I should explain. Rainbow invited me to hang out at the lake today during my lunch break. When I got there, you were both laughing and playing in the middle of the lake."
  2997. >She pauses to take a breath.
  2998. >"And how could you to have so much fun and share so much laughter if you're that bad of a guy. So I thought about it and realized I maybe was treating you too harshly. Everyone makes mistakes, right?"
  2999. >She finally stops and gives you a huge teeth showing smile.
  3000. >You would have to be the devil to stay made at a face like that.
  3001. >"So, do you accept my aplogy? Oh and I brought all these to help say sorry."
  3002. >She swipes her hoof over all the baskets on the table.
  3003. >You laugh a little, the tension leaving you.
  3004. "Trying to bribe me Pinkie?"
  3005. >"Mmmaaaaayyyybbbeee."
  3006. >You smile back at her, any little bit of anger you have left against her flowing out of you.
  3007. >"Damnit Pinkie."
  3008. >The rest of the night is spent together celebrating and getting pretty drunk with Pinkie.
  3009. >You wake up on the couch with Dash sprawled out on top of you and Pinkie clinging to your legs.
  3010. >Them being all over your legs, it's going to kind of hard to get up. Oh well.
  3011. >You grab the remote and turn on the TV pushing the volume down button as much as possible, the sound going from a loud roar to a quite whisper.
  3012. >Doesn't seem either of them woke up other than stirring.
  3013. >Adjusting your head into a comfortable position, you turn to watch the TV.
  3014. >"Is it true that the elements are in contact with this other being?"
  3015. >Princess Celestia is standing behind a podium, microphones everywhere.
  3016. >God damn, all this shit that's happened in the past couple of months really drew some negative attention to you and your friends.
  3017. >She looks out into the crowd, not very please.
  3018. >"Yes, the elements are in contact with the human, but I can assure you he is nothing to be afraid of."
  3019. >A yell comes from the crowd.
  3020. >"But how can you explain some of the elements odd actions?"
  3021. >She lets out a sigh before answering.
  3022. >"Just because they are the elements does not mean that they don't act like any normal pony. Sure, they have specific traits that they rarely deviate from, but for the most part, they are just average ponies in terms of personality."
  3023. >There are flashes from pictures being taken and another voice calls out from the crowd.
  3024. >"So who's to say he won't make any more issues with the elements or harm them?"
  3025. >"I can assure you that Anonymous the human would not hurt anyone willingly."
  3026. >Someone replies almost immediately.
  3027. >"Princess, why would you choose to ignore the fact that he already sent one of the barers to the hospital? Do I have to remind you that Rainbow Dash had to be hospitalized?"
  3028. >She shakes her head.
  3029. >"As I said, willingly. I have talked with both Rainbow Dash and the pony in charge of both of them while they stayed at Ponyville Hospital. They both have told me that there were some complications with the medication he was given."
  3030. >"But that still proves he's capable of doing something crazy to them!"
  3031. >"As I said, I can assure you that the elements will be able to handle themselves and that Anonymous is no threat to them. Does anyone have a question not pertaining to this?"
  3032. >The crowd is silent no one wanting to anger Celestia any further.
  3033. >"Then I shall see you all next week, same time."
  3034. >Celestia turns and walks off the stage into a back room as the crowd explodes.
  3035. >You flip the TV off, not wanting to hear everything they'll probably say about you.
  3036. >Moving as slowly and delicately as you can, you get up and off of the couch somehow managing to not wake the two mares on top of you up.
  3037. >You get to the fridge and pull out some eggs as well as some salad makings.
  3038. >Getting to work frying the eggs, you hear the front door shut and the sounds of hooves making their way up the stairs.
  3039. >After a minute or two, you hear the water start to run as the shower turns on.
  3040. >You end up finishing your meal before Dash even starts coming down the stairs. You relax in the chair as she makes her way into the room.
  3041. >You observe as she swoops in, figuratively, and grabs the sandwich in her mouth, turning and trotting back towards the front door not even uttering a word to you.
  3042. "What's the hurry?"
  3043. >She pauses and turns to look at you, the sandwich hanging out of her mouth.
  3044. >"Mfffmmfff. Mfffmffmm."
  3045. >And with that, she makes her way out the door.
  3046. >Well, that was something a little different.
  3047. >Oh well, she doesn't have to spend all her time with you.
  3048. >It'll give you some time to go and talk with Pinkie and Mr. & Mrs. Cake about setting you back up with your old job.
  3049. >Even if the Cakes might be wary about you, with Pinkie there, you should be good to go.
  3050. >After cleaning up what little there was to be cleaned, you go upstairs and clean yourself up, getting ready to go to Sugar Cube Corner.
  3051. --Dash PoV--
  3052. >You trot through town slowly getting a lot of looks while eating the sandwich and making sure it doesn't drop from your mouth.
  3053. >Man, maybe it's just because Anon makes these, but there's just something about them that is so good.
  3054. >Stay on focus Dash. You've got a job to do.
  3055. >You continue to make your way towards your destination.
  3056. >After a few more minutes of trotting about the town, you reach Carousel Boutique.
  3057. >Perfect timing too, you're not sure how happy Rarity would have been if you would have knocked on her door with a mouth full of sandwich.
  3058. >You reach your hoof up and start to pound on the door.
  3059. >"Hey, yo! Rarity!"
  3060. >After a second, you hear a click of a lock on the door and it opens, Rarity still in her night robe.
  3061. >She starts to talk through a yawn.
  3062. >"Why, what are you doing here so early in the morning Dash?"
  3063. "Well, I was thinking about something and I thought with your line of work, you might be able to help."
  3064. >She smiles warmly at you.
  3065. >"Oh Rainbow Dash, of course I can help you. Come in, come in."
  3066. >She raises a hoof and opens the door a little more.
  3067. >You walk in with the door shutting behind you as Rarity moves to lead the way.
  3068. >The both of you make your way back behind the counter and to the back of the store, reaching her kitchen.
  3069. >"Do sit down dear."
  3070. >She finishes getting whatever was in the pan out and onto a plate, moving back to the table and sitting across from you.
  3071. >"So, what can I do for you Dash."
  3072. >She start to eat her food slowly and delicately.
  3073. "I was wondering if you could help me out with an outfit."
  3074. >Her face lights up even more at this.
  3075. >"Oh! With you being, well, you, I wouldn't have guessed that's what you meant when you asked for help."
  3076. "Don't get too excited there Rarity."
  3077. >She doesn't seem to notice what you were saying and gets up and starts to walk towards you.
  3078. >"Oh, it'll be so wonderful, Rainbow Dash, showing some class and style!"
  3079. >She pauses and moves closer to you, her left eyebrow rising.
  3080. >"Wait, what do you need this for? What are you looking for dear?"
  3081. >You rub a hoof behind your head.
  3082. "Well, now that Anon has a job again, I figured we should go out and celebrate."
  3083. >"Humph! For that brute Anonymous? I wouldn't do a thing to make him happy! What has he ever done other than hurt you? Don't you remember just a year ago when he wouldn't take any hints and left you out in the cold? Not to mention the incident a week ago."
  3084. >You sigh, smiling inwardly as you knew exactly how this was going to go.
  3085. >"Well, he has been pretty nice to me if you're going to bring that up."
  3086. >She looks at you with disbelief.
  3087. >"How so?"
  3088. >"Well, there's the fact that he's letting me stay with him right now while I can't get to my house easily. And the fact that he has been there for me forever, even if it wasn't always in the way I wanted it."
  3089. >You scootch off your chair and move a little closer to her, getting ready to utter something you really don't like to talk about.
  3090. >"And I'll let you in on a little secret. Even though Anon really was doubtful about being with a pony a while back, he was willing, just for me, to give it a chance because he didn't want to lose me as a friend. He was willing to go against everything he was taught and all of his morals just to try and make me happy."
  3091. >You lean away from her slightly.
  3092. >"And I'd say that's pretty generous considering."
  3093. >You smile at her as she stands there, staring off into the distance processing what you just told her.
  3094. >"R-Really? I didn't know that's why he never was with somepony."
  3095. >"Yep."
  3096. >She stands there for a second, contemplating on what you just said.
  3097. >"Well then, I may have to re-evaluate my stance against Anonymous."
  3098. >Moving back to her spot at the table, she sits down and begins to eat again, regaining her delicate posture that was missing moments ago.
  3099. >"Now Dash, please do tell me what you were thinking of for the dress."
  3100. >"Well..."
  3101. --Anon PoV--
  3102. >It's been a few days, and while everything isn't really back to normal, it's pretty close.
  3103. >Dash's wings were good to go after another checkup with the doctor. They said there shouldn't be any complications.
  3104. >You're now getting ready for a night out on the town with Dash.
  3105. >Drying off, you grab some boxes and go for the suit that Rarity made you as an apology for treating you so poorly the last week or two.
  3106. >Really, this isn't normally your style, but Rarity insisted that she needed to do more for you, so she got the two of you a reservation at the fanciest place in Ponyville.
  3107. >You probably couldn't even pronounce the name if you tried.
  3108. >Rainbow thought it would be a jerk move to decline, so here you are getting ready to go.
  3109. >It seems like whenever you go to a fancier place in Equestria, mainly Canterlot, you get a lot more odd stares and cold shoulders than normal.
  3110. >Here's to hoping tonight isn't like that.
  3111. >You hear the front door slam shut and quickly finish getting yourself dress.
  3112. >You decent down the stairs to see Dash sitting somewhat awkwardly on the couch trying not to wrinkle her dress.
  3113. >It's really odd to see her dressed up like this. She has her hair done differently, what looks like a laurel on her head, a necklace, and some kind of shoes.?
  3114. >She looks over to see you coming down the stairs.
  3115. >"Looking pretty snazzy there, lover boy."
  3116. "Says the mare in the dress she's not trying to wrinkle."
  3117. >She sticks her tongue out mockingly.
  3118. >You stride up to her, putting out your arm like any true gentlemen would do.
  3119. "Ready Madam?"
  3120. >You both laugh at this.
  3121. >"What are you doing with your arm?"
  3122. >You relax it at your side.
  3123. "Just a custom back in my dimension. Some couples would walk arm and arm."
  3124. >She frowns slightly at this while getting up to leave.
  3125. >"Well, whatever. Let’s get this over with. Going to be annoying enough with everyone commenting on our table manners and stuff."
  3126. >With that, the two of you head out and towards your destination.
  3127. "Hi, we have a table reserved under Anon."
  3128. >The unicorn behind the podium looks over the two of you and replies with slight annoyance.
  3129. >"One moment sir."
  3130. >The pages begin to turn as he searches through the book for your name.
  3131. >"Ah yes, here it is. For a Mr. Anon and Ms. Rainbow Dash."
  3132. >"That'd be us. And you really don't need to call me Miss."
  3133. >He gives Rainbow an irritated look.
  3134. >"Yes, well then. If you would follow me, I'll show you to your table."
  3135. >The unicorn takes you through a doorway and into the dining hall.
  3136. >Looking around, you can tell this is something that you wouldn't normally be able to go to.
  3137. >Rarity really must have pulled some strings.
  3138. >There are ponies all around at various tables, mostly couples. There is a large space towards the back of the hall with a chandelier above it and what seems to be a stage for performers.
  3139. >About half of the tables are occupied, but something tells you tonight is going to be a busy night here.
  3140. >"Here you are sir and madam."
  3141. >You turn your attention back to the unicorn ushering you in and almost walk into him not realizing that he stopped.
  3142. >Rainbow takes a seat and you follow.
  3143. >"Your waiter will be here momentarily. Is there anything else I can assist you with?"
  3144. >Rainbow shakes her head.
  3145. >"No, I think we're ok."
  3146. >Your too busy looking around at everything. You finally noticed that each of the tables, including yours, that are for two have a very uniquely designed tablecloth, dinner wear, napkins, and an intricately designed glass container holding a candle.
  3147. >"Rarity really went all out for us."
  3148. >You snap back to reality and look at Rainbow, whose looking around wide-eyed at everything.
  3149. "Yah."
  3150. >A moment of silence passes before she breaks it again, giggling
  3151. >"Did you see the way that guy rolled his eyes at us?"
  3152. >You start chuckling along with her.
  3153. "Yah, he totally didn't think someone like us would be here."
  3154. >"Heh, I saw us getting a few strange looks on the way to the table too. It's like they've never seen you before."
  3155. "Who knows, maybe they haven't."
  3156. >You try to change the subject away from how odd the two of you might look here to try and make it a little more comfortable for the both of you.
  3157. "So, how long have you had that dress? It looks really cute on you."
  3158. >She blushes slightly and turns her head.
  3159. >Dash really was never much for public affection, even when it's semi-private like this.
  3160. >"This is the same way I went to the Grand Galloping Gala a few years back with the group. You remember me telling you about that, right?"
  3161. >You take a second to recall the story.
  3162. "Oh yah, where you all ended up having a terrible time?"
  3163. >You chuckle at the story replaying snippets of itself in your head.
  3164. >She laughs long with you.
  3165. >"Yah, that's the one. Man, that was some crazy night. Stinks that I really didn't get to talk to the Wonderbolts much though."
  3166. >The name Wonderbolts jogs your memory.
  3167. "So, have you heard back from them yet about joining."
  3168. >She pauses for a second, frowning.
  3169. >"No, they haven't sent anything.
  3170. >Smooth move Anon. Now she's going to be pissed.
  3171. >Fortunately, it goes a little better than you expected. A little light chat through an amazing dinner.
  3172. >This place even had meat!
  3173. >It's been so long since you had it and it was beyond godlike.
  3174. >Rainbow gave you some odd stares and you definitely got odd looks from the tables around yours when you were eating.
  3175. >Rainbow being the adventurous mare she is decided to try a little too to see what the big deal was.
  3176. >Ended up spitting it back out into the napkin, much to the dismay of the waiter.
  3177. >"God Anon, I don't even know how you could ever eat that stuff!"
  3178. "Because I'm not a herbivore."
  3179. >"Herba-what?"
  3180. "Doesn't matter."
  3181. >The place seems to have gotten much busier and it a band started playing some music.
  3182. >You're both sitting back, enjoying the sounds of the band.
  3183. >You’re really enjoying the big band music, something that wasn't really heard very much anymore back on earth.
  3184. >You look over to the band stand and see ponies on the dance floor.
  3185. >Odd way to dance, neck to neck. Guess there's really no other way for them to do it.
  3186. >For some reason, after listening to a song or two, you get the urge to do something you almost never did back home.
  3187. >You get up and out of your chair, Dash not even noticing.
  3188. >When you get next to her and she doesn't notice you, you tap her on the sholder.
  3189. "Care to dance?"
  3190. >Another light blush pops on her cheeks.
  3191. >"A-Are you kidding?"
  3192. "What, is someone afraid?"
  3193. >Best way to get her to do something is to goad her along.
  3194. >She practically jumps out of her chair and flies into your face, her face getting all scrunched with anger.
  3195. >"No! I can dance!"
  3196. >A few ponies look over at the sudden outburst and Dash flutters down to the ground.
  3197. >You smirk at her.
  3198. "Then why don't we?"
  3199. >"H-How are we even going to do that? We definitely can't dance like anyone else out there."
  3200. "Just trust me on this one Dashie."
  3201. >Her blush gets a little redder at you calling her by her nickname in public.
  3202. >You both make your way out on the dance floor, ponies moving out of your way.
  3203. >The song sounds like it's about to end.
  3204. >Now’s the time.
  3205. "Alright Dash, I want you reach up and put your fore hooves here."
  3206. >You pat on your shoulders.
  3207. >"Are you trying to play a joke on me?"
  3208. "Just trust me."
  3209. >She slowly rises onto her two hind legs, using you as a support until her fore hooves are up to your shoulders.
  3210. "Ok, now move a little closer to me and try to just move along with the music and my movements."
  3211. >She shuffles slowly closer into you, her face practically on fire.
  3212. >You put your hands around her back, hugging her a little closer.
  3213. >At this point, everyone is looking at the two of you.
  3214. >She yells at you in a whisper.
  3215. >"Anon, everyone’s staring! This is so uncool!"
  3216. >You move your head down a little to whisper into her ear.
  3217. "Don't worry about them. Think about how awesome it is that you'll be the first to dance like an alien. Plus, you're learning something about your special someperson. Isn't that cool enough?"
  3218. >After a few seconds of silence from the band, a pony walks up, mic in telekinetic grip. Must be a singer.
  3219. >A little faster pace than you hoped for.
  3220. >You start to whisk her slowly around the dance floor, speeding up as she gets a more used to the speed.
  3221. >In no time at all, you and her a flying about on the floor.
  3222. >"Anon! This is crazy!"
  3223. >You laugh a little as the song continues and ponies move out of your way.
  3224. >Your not the best, but you can at least handle yourself alright, plus she has no feet to step on.
  3225. >The music continues as the singer says something about himself and leaves the stage.
  3226. >Seems like Rainbow's too caught up in this to realize it though.
  3227. >The song starts to pitter out and there's a few seconds pause before the music begins again.
  3228. >Rainbow seems to be understanding your moves a little more and is starting to get into the flow.
  3229. >As you twist and twirl around the dance floor, her dress swinging about, ponies continue to watch in awe.
  3230. >After a few more slower songs, she stops leaning on you and goes back to being on all fours.
  3231. >"I need to rest for a second."
  3232. >You follow her back to the table.
  3233. >The rest of the night is uneventful other than a few whispers that are just loud enough for the two of you to hear.
  3234. >People were shocked about how you were dancing. While some were angry, there were others who were interested.
  3235. >You got a few questions about it and after what seemed like forever, you both finally get home.
  3236. >You make it to your room and start to get undressed and ready for bed.
  3237. -slight clippity clop-
  3238. >Suddenly, you’re tackled from behind by Rainbow.
  3239. >The only difference is the fact that you can feel something pressing against you that isn't her skin.
  3240. >You try to turn around to see what she has on.
  3241. "What's on you Rainbow?"
  3242. >She lets you turn around and you see something really odd, but somewhat familiar.
  3243. >There, wrapped around her upper chest and around her bottom is some kind of cloth.
  3244. >She's fluttering in front of you, on full display.
  3245. "What is that?"
  3246. >You point making a circular motion at her.
  3247. >She's blushing pretty hard now.
  3248. >"Th-They're clouds."
  3249. >You walk towards her, poking a finger through the soft cloud around her chest, running it along the cloud and her chest.
  3250. "But why?"
  3251. >"I-I just wanted to do something familiar for you. I was talking to Rarity about your worlds cloths and other stuff. She said I should do this."
  3252. >You chuckle lightly.
  3253. >"What's so funny, huh!"
  3254. >You run your finger down her and over the cloud panties she has on.
  3255. "Good thing you can touch through this.”
  3256. >Going to have to thank Rarity for this.
  3257. >You run your finger down her slit, getting a light moan out of her.
  3258. >"Please..."
  3259. >You grab her and carry her over to the bed.
  3260. >"You know I can walk, right?"
  3261. - end slight clippity clop -

[RDxAnon] Whatever I Want pt 1-3 [PastaFromSpace] [EQG]

by DashPosterAndArchiver

[RDxAnon] Bikini Beaches [Candles]

by DashPosterAndArchiver

[RDxAnon] Dash 1shot: What happened last night? [Candles]

by DashPosterAndArchiver

[RDxAnon] The Letter [Candles]

by DashPosterAndArchiver

[RDxAnon] The Preening [Candles]

by DashPosterAndArchiver