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Colourful Friendship (2016 Applejack x Coloratura foot fetish)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 20:48:07
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Countess Coloratura.
  2. >Rara for simplicity.
  3. >You are your own manager now, ever since Svengallop quit.
  4. >Seriously, why did he hate those charity events?
  5. >They would have benefitted him too…
  6. >Anyway, your show in Los Pegasus ended very well.
  7. >Your assistant, camp partner and longtime friend Applejack is now travelling with you.
  8. >She has helped you immensely along the way, with her immense strength.
  9. >You know she’s looked a particular part of you.
  10. >For some reason, it’s your feet.
  11. >it amuses you greatly.
  12. >You pretend to know nothing, and smile as you get in the limousine to the hotel.
  13. >You can tell she’s looking at your feet, halfway out of your sapphire heels.
  14. >You wiggle them a bit, grinning while looking out of the window.
  15. "Hey AJ, want to stop at the spa on the way to the hotel room? I’m a bit tired…"
  16. >”Ah’d love ta, Rara, ah’m kinda tuckered mahself…”
  17. >You can tell she’s blushing and sweating behind you.
  18. >You direct your chauffeur to the hotel, and AJ helps with getting your bags from the limo.
  19. >You slip your heels back on, and an employee offers to take your bags to the room, which you gladly accept….but you slip a small handbag out of the pile.
  20. >The bag contained some….specific tools, which were included in your surprise for your friend.
  21. >She has been a great help to you, and she refused any sort of pay.
  22. >You and AJ head over to the spa in the hotel.
  23. “The usual, Mare-intil, please.”
  24. >She stepped from behind the counter and directed you into a door.
  25. >”Of course, Countess, right this way.”
  26. >AJ follows closely behind you as you both make your way to the massage tables.
  27. >You carefully undress yourself, as does your friend.
  28. >You’re careful not to show anything just yet.
  29. >Mare-intil and Clopdragon always did such a good job easing tension.
  30. >You can tell how tired AJ is…
  31. >If only she knew…
  32. >After your lovely massage, the spa-siblings directed you to the hot tub.
  33. >You both take a relaxing soak in the warm, steamy water.
  34. >The muscles in your entire body relax, as you stretch your legs out.
  35. >Your feet happen to land on AJ’s lap.
  36. >You try to hold back a giggle.
  37. “Something wrong, AJ?”
  38. >”N-nothin’, Rara, yer feet are on me though…”
  39. “Oh, sorry AJ.”
  40. >You pull them off quickly.
  41. >Her face is bright red now, and her legs seem tense.
  42. >Half an hour of awkward silence later, you leave the hot tub, as does AJ.
  43. >Clopdragon approaches you both.
  44. >”Shall we get you ladies in the sauna?”
  45. >You nod to him.
  46. >”Very well, come with me.”
  47. >He opens a large door for you.
  48. >”Take your time, ladies.”
  49. >You enter the sauna, as does AJ.
  50. >Once the door is shut, you sit down on a bench.
  51. >AJ tries to make a little bit of friendly talk to catch up.
  52. >You are listening and responding like normal, but letting your towel fall ever so slightly with every second.
  53. >”….And then Twi…and then Twi met Starlight in a w…u-um…Rara? Yer towel is…”
  54. >The towel covering your breasts falls to the floor.
  55. “Surprise, AJ…just for you…”
  56. >”B-but but but…wha…”
  57. “You think I don’t pay attention to you?”
  58. >The corners of your mouth curl up into a sultry grin.
  59. >AJ is stunned at this point, and silent.
  60. “What’s the matter AJ? Do you…like what you see?”
  61. >You lift one foot up onto your thigh, wiggling your flexible toes.
  62. >You reach into your special little bag you snagged earlier, and pull out a little bottle of lotion.
  63. “Fleur Allure, AJ. Your skin smooth, or your bits back.”
  64. >She watches, unable to look away, as you slowly squeeze some lotion from the bottle, and begin firmly rubbing your right sole.
  65. >You make sure she sees as your now-glistening foot gets lotion slowly and carefully spread between your toes.
  66. >You scoot over to her, offering her the bottle.
  67. “Say, AJ….my feet are tired from being in those heels all day….mind giving me a foot rub?”
  68. >”Ah-ah’d love ta, Rara, but y-ya can’t do this, we’re friends…”
  69. “Friends…with a lovely pair of feet, just for you…”
  70. >You set your smooth, well-kept left sole on her lap, pressing between her legs gently.
  71. >You can feel the wetness under her towel as she begins spreading lotion all over your lower extremities.
  72. >Even you must admit, you have quite nicely-shaped feet.
  73. >AJ starts to knead and squeeze your foot firmly, relieving it of any tension.
  74. >She pulls your toes back and forth slowly, cracking them.
  75. >You can see the red on her cheeks as she leans down and plants a kiss on your sole.
  76. >A giggle from you is all it takes for her do to it again.
  77. >And again.
  78. >And then, she cannot help herself, and drags her tongue up your left sole, prolonging it as much as possible.
  79. >It tickles slightly, and you snicker softly, curling your toes over her face and pinching her nose.
  80. >She moans as she snakes her dexterous tongue all around your toes, in between the spaces, directly under them.
  81. >But you have another ace up your sleeve.
  82. >While she’s distracted with your left foot, you rummage in the bag discreetly.
  83. >She does not notice when you press your right set of toes into your red inkpad.
  84. >To her great surprise and embarrassment, you press your inked toes on her cheek.
  85. >You utter this one word with your utmost effort at seduction.
  86. "Footsies…”
  87. >You feel a warm trickle on the ball of your left foot, and smell a faint apple scent.
  88. >AJ is completely speechless.
  89. >You nonchalantly put your right foot next to your left one on her quivering leg.
  90. >She tries to pretend that did not happen and continues rubbing both your feet with great care.
  91. >You could get used to this…
  92. >You felt your feet were sufficiently slicked up about 5 minutes later, and remove them from your friend’s grasp.
  93. >AJ looks disappointed she had to let go of your feet.
  94. “Just sit back and relax, AJ…I think you deserve this.”
  95. >”…Ah don’t underst-“
  96. >Your right foot finds its way under her towel, and your big toe wriggles into her spot.
  97. >She lets out a loud moan, and her juices run down your slickened sole.
  98. >One at a time, your toes enter her, and then exit.
  99. >She lets her tongue hang out, sweating heavily as you run the blade of your foot down her entrance.
  100. >You stare into her eyes like a master seductress as you push your left foot between her breasts, allowing her to reach it as you slowly but firmly rub her spot.
  101. >She lets her tongue run wild on your foot, holding it on her face tightly.
  102. >A groan from her, and some squirming around, signifies that she’s close.
  103. >Your toes enter her once again and dexterously grab at her clit.
  104. >She lets out a scream, muffled by your sole, as she climaxes incredibly hard.
  105. >Your foot strokes her softly until she completes her orgasm.
  106. “Heh…AJ, are you alright? Did i get you too hard?”
  107. >Aj weakly smiles at you, then falls asleep, your foot still on her face.
  108. >You smile serenely and chuckle, picking her up and leaving the spa, but not before rewrapping your towel around yourself.
  109. >You make it to the hotel room with her and tuck her into bed, relaxing with both your soles on her face.
  111. -End

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