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Maudy Feet (2017 Maud Pie foot fetish)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 21:05:23
Expiry: Never

  1. Clang, clang, clang. That's all you ever heard nowadays, because mining on a rock farm is better than unemployment, and living under Ponyville bridge, addicted to crack. Plus, it keeps you in shape.
  3. Anon is your name, and you work with Pinkie's crazy sisters and her parents in midwest Equestria. You're a complete failure as a soldier and an adventurer, so you must stay somewhere. What better place than to sleep on the farm on which you work?
  5. Today you were assigned to work with the middle sister of the three, Maud. She was your favorite one to work with. A stoic, expressionless face, a calming, monotone voice, and somehow, she also did stand-up comedy on the side. You had a good chuckle on the days you worked alongside her.
  7. You did wonder what caused her to be this way. Was it a life of a whole lot of nothing? Her life didn't rock as much as yours did, you could tell...Ore it was just the influence of her parents rubbing off on her. Either way, you don't mined her personality at all. Of quartz, her looks weren't half bad either.
  9. She wore a plain blue, curve-hugging dress most of the time, and a pair of very old, worn boots. You could just about see the toned muscles of her abdomen through the dress, and it made you think of her quite a lot. What was inside the boots though, you've never seen, and would love nothing more to rip them off her tough, stone cold legs, and hold what was inside.
  11. You were adamant about doing one thing to her, even if you got fired for it.
  13. Tickling her so much, her will of iron breaks, and a smile is forced out of her.
  15. You have a tindency to be a feel-copper around any ladies you see, and it's gotten you smacked, punched, or yelled at many times. Nowhere in Ponyville were you able to cop a feel of some feet, or tickle a girl senseless. Regardless, those little feels of the breasts, or a hand brushing across the butts of a minty green girl and a cream colored girl...you sometimes get sedimental for those moments. But enough about the past.
  17. Today, you and her were to excavate more of the cave full of magenta crystals, where an incident occurred between the Pies and the Apples two Hearth's Warmings ago. Evidently, the Pies and the Apples weren't able to mix traditions well for the first time around. It was like easterners trying to celebrate Christmas with westerners back on your home planet.
  19. Heaving your red metal pickaxe over your head, and exclaiming "Smashing!" You pick the biggest crystal you could find, and start chipping away at it. It's strange...whenever you do what you just did, and say that, you somehow feel better able to mine. You somehow can't use that technique more than once every five minutes.
  21. Maud always wondered where you got this strange pickaxe, so you told her what you tell everyone. You distracted a dark cloud with six tentacles in the Everfree, while Pinkie and her friends destroyed it before it entered Ponyville. You called dibs on the pickaxe it dropped.
  23. Maud starts to sing in her most wonderful voice, "Rocks. These are my rocks. Sediments make me sedimental. Smooth and round, asleep in the ground. Shades of brown, and gray."
  25. "What a beautiful song!" You say to Maud. She looks over at you, as happy as Maudalina Daisy Pie could possibly be. Or she could just be being polite. It's kind of hard to tell.
  27. "Thank you. I wrote it myself," she says, continuing her work. She drops her pickaxe and cracks her knuckles, not breaking a single sweat or straining, as she yanks the magenta crystal off the wall.
  29. "But...that wasn't even...what..." You stammer, flabbergasted at her amazing feat of physical strength, despite working here for weeks now. Not even the most powerful pickaxe on planet Equis, namely yours, could strip such a heavy chunk off the wall, not even halfway mined through.
  31. You think you should stop wondering what the hell she's taking to lift things like that without snapping her spine. She's just boulder than you are....
  33. Maud carries the enormous crystal over to the large mine cart on the tracks, dumping it in just as you finish cracking one crystal not even half the size of hers off the wall. It takes quite a bit out of you to heft this one into the cart.
  35. You wipe your forehead in exhaustion, while your stone cold colleague gazes at her watch. "It's lunchtime. We've filled the cart like Mom and Dad asked." You nod in agreement, your stomach is sounding like the howl of a werewolf from the belly of Hades.
  37. Attaching your pickaxe to your toolbelt once again, you follow the second oldest Pie sister to the little wooden house the family of six (or five, if you count Pinkie being gone) share. Upon stepping inside, Maud leaves her work boots on, and begins to walk somewhere into the house.
  39. "Maud? Where are you off to? I thought we were going to the dining room," you try to say, but she's gone already, so you sit on a wooden chair, politely waiting for your host and coworker to return.
  41. It takes several minutes, but she returns to the living room where you now sit, carrying a big picnic basket, along with a gray blanket, in her arms. "The day is warm. I thought we'd eat outside."
  43. You nod your head, slightly surprised, as the Pies normally all eat together. "That sounds nice. Where outside though?" You question. She beckons to you with one finger. "Follow me. I know a spot."
  45. You stand up and follow her close behind, since Maud is a fast walker. Her strong legs could carry her for many miles before needing a rest. Before long, after taking many glances at her ass through her dress, she arrives at a shady, and surprisingly grassy, spot on a hill.
  47. Maud unpacks everything, laying out the blanket, and taking out a few wrapped-up bowls of Cloudy Quartz's famous adamantite casserole. Crunchy, but very nutritious. You unwrap both of the bowls, and try to hand one to her, but you stop for a second when you see what she's doing.
  49. She's taking off her boots. In front of you. You try very hard not to do anything stupid.
  51. "Is something the matter, Anonymous?" She inquires, but you shake your head and just hand her the food. Your eyes keep wandering to Maud's feet, which were evidently completely bare in those worn boots.
  53. As Maud eats, and you dive into your crunchy meal, you take the time to study them in detail.
  55. Her gray toes, they were slender, looked flexible, and were unpainted. There's nothing like the original look. From her toes, your eyes travel down both of her feet, noting that she had slightly smaller feet than you'd expected. They were very smooth-looking, like stones you would find at the bottom of a river.
  57. Maud suddenly sits cross-legged, her left sole facing your leg, so you quickly note down the details of it.
  59. Assuming it's just like the right, her soles were able to scrunch forward a good amount, though when stretched, there would be no scars or blemishes to them. The arch was high, and when joined with the other arch, would make a perfect hole to have a certain part of yours pressed between.
  61. You could smell her newly-free feet from your position, but they don't smell at all like musk, or sweat or what you'd expect. They smell like...earthy, or like rocks. How fitting.
  63. "It's nice to eat in a quiet place. It makes me happy," Maud remarked. "Oh? How come you aren't smiling then? Smiling as much as Maud can, of course," you responded. Maud turns to you.
  65. "I just don't smile. That's just how I've lived, never showing emotion."
  67. Knowing you aren't going to get a real reason for something out of a Pie sister (you learned not to question Pinkie) you lay back on the blanket, deep in thought, when an idea strikes you.
  69. "I can make someone as stoic as you smile," you told her, "it's foolproof." Unamused, Maud blows a bit of smooth, purple hair off her forehead. "They all say that."
  71. You can tell this won't be easy, but you don't tell her how you'll do it. "And I mean what I say. I'll even make you laugh."
  73. Maud looks at you, locking eyes with yours. "Then do it." You nod, stretching your fingers for the task ahead, and make sure your pocket feather is still there.
  75. You sit across from her on the blanket, marveling at the fact that you're going to get your hands on a beautiful pair of feet, and grab them, setting them in your lap.
  77. Maud raises an eyebrow.
  79. "You're going to do something with my feet?" She asks. You don't respond, and begin to trace figure 8's on her right foot, using your index finger. You note down the tough, barely-yielding skin on her soles, and the shiny layer of sweat, an indication of her hard work today.
  81. You notice that she isn't even cracking the slightest of smirks, so you take it up a notch, grabbing the back of the firm, muscled foot being tickled, and raking your fingers deeply into the bottom of her foot.
  83. "This isn't working, Anonymous. Give up. This is weird, even for you," Maud says dryly.
  85. You think 'hell no' to yourself, and start to scratch at her arches, more aggressively. At best, her foot twitches a little. Your sharp eyes spot the little twitch her foot made, and you attack her slick, glistening right foot more viciously, making sure you get from the tips of her toes down to her heels.
  87. She still looks completely unfazed, yet her right foot is giving resistance now. It's pulling away a little into your hand. You smirk to yourself, reaching into your pocket and grabbing the feather you keep in there, just in case, and begin to attack her free left foot with it. Up and down, side to side, the bristles of the soft, flexible feather tease Maud's bare foot.
  89. Looking up, you see her lips sealed tightly, and her left foot curls up, creating many wrinkles on her sweating peds...plenty of nooks and crannies for you to explore to your heart's desire. But the downside...her foot can't feel as much of it. You take your feather and begin to saw it back and forth through each of Maud's toe spaces on her left foot.
  91. Not forgetting about her firm, unyielding right foot, you lock your fingers between all of her toe spaces, connecting your palm to her sole. You feel...complete, and satisfied doing this. And a little...horny. You didn't realize how tight your trousers were. However, there's a duty you need to focus on, and that's to make Maud laugh.
  93. You remove your fingers from the toe spaces and scribble your fingers aggressively up and down her right sole, nails sliding very easily across the slick surface from the ball of the foot to the heel. All this is done while you try to push and pull your feather between the curling toes on the left foot. This aggression is taking its toll on her poor feet...because you hear something from her.
  95. "Hmhmhmhmmm...."
  97. It's working! Her left foot pulls away from your grasp and tries to shield her right foot from your nerve-titillating attack, but that leaves her other sole helpless against your deft fingers. You take the opportunity to use one hand to pull her toes backwards, stretching the skin on the bottom of her foot as you drive your fingers into the sensitive flesh.
  99. This finally causes Maud to break out in laughter, a beautiful, adorable grin spreading across her normally stoic face. "A-Alrihihight! You got mehehehe!! Enough!!" She pleads with you. However, you don't want to stop, you're having too much fun.
  101. While she's helplessly giggling at your attack, right foot trying to kick your hand away, you wrap your arm around both of her ankles and tease both her feet with the feather, making long, slow, and deliberate strokes between the smooth, tough arches.
  103. Her giggling calms down, but the dam has already burst. She can't put on a stoic face again. She brushes her hair out of her face, a tear staining her cheek, and speaks up, feet trying to wiggle away, but they're firmly trapped together. "Hehehehe...stahap! I said you win!!"
  104. You shake your head, continuing to torment the defenceless feet under your arm.
  106. Maud finally kicks free of your arms, crawling away on the blanket to keep her feet safe from you. You can't have that. You pounce on her, quickly rolling her over onto her belly, and sit on her thighs, pushing her rapidly-kicking feet to the ground, fingers scratching across both of the sweaty, blushing soles in front of you.
  108. She's pounding the ground in ticklish defeat, begging you to stop. "N-NOHOHO MORE!! I'LL DO ANYTHIHIHING!!" So you slow down the tickling to more of a firm, teasing-like motion on your objects of affection, just so she can feel it, but not enough to destroy her ability to respond. "Anything at all, Maud? If not, I'll just tickle you again...and I'll do it until you enjoy it..."
  110. Maud pants, gasping for air, then manages to muster up a response, between a few frustrated giggles. "Ye...yes...anything, Anonymous...just...let my feet go..." she begs. You get off of her thighs, and sit back, starting to take off your bottom layer of clothing.
  112. "What are you doing...?" Maud asks you. You reach out and run a hand up and down one of her peds, still sensitive from their torture earlier. You spread your legs slightly, removing your undergarments and revealing your hot, throbbing length to her, not caring if you get fired or not.
  114. "I want your feet to give this a little bit of attention...delicate, slow, and loving. Otherwise...more tickling," you say. Maud finally gets over her giggles, surprisingly complying with you and setting her sweaty, blushing soles in your lap. With her trademark stoic tone, she simply says, "One time."
  116. You nod to her. "Then begin, and do your best." And so, the soles of her feet position themselves on either side of your member, allowing it to feel how smooth, how firm, and how warm they really were. You let out a moan at such a heavenly feeling.
  118. Maud locks eyes with you, her surprisingly-agile feet moving up and down your cock, forcing it to leak on her arches and covering your bits in her sweat. You clench your teeth, trying to keep yourself from cumming so fast, but Maud is persevering.
  120. She uses her right foot on your dick, fitting it in between each of her four toe spaces, while the left set of toes runs up and down you smoothly. This causes you to spurt a bit of pre, and it lands on the balls of her feet.
  122. When she's done feeling your length between all of her toes, she joins her feet together, beginning to massage your sensitive tip with only her big toes. The urge to unload is beginning to take over, but you resist for a bit longer. You NEED to enjoy this as long as possible.
  124. Maud's big toes leave your tip, and her soles glide up and down your shaft some more, before they lower even further. Each of her ten flexible toes are rubbing somewhere on your sack. You let out a groan, signifying your rapidly-approaching orgasm.
  126. While your eyes are still locked with hers, Maud blows you a kiss, her face still as expressionless as ever, and she brings her precious soles back up to your needy, throbbing member, arches hugging it tightly, and yet...your length fits perfectly between her feet. Her squeeze holds it in place as it twitches hard.
  128. You can take no more of this, and grunt loudly, spurting an enormous load all over Maud's dexterous, warm, perfect feet, thrusting between her soles with every spurt. Your essence travels everywhere, from on the blanket, to on the grass...and to all over Maud's strong toes.
  130. Maud makes sure to lovingly stroke your dick between her blushing feet until you're all done cumming, and then pulls her feet off your softening cock. "There. You unloaded," she says as she rubs her soles together, feeling the warm fluid travel over every inch of her peds.
  132. "Yeah...I...I did...thanks..." you stammer out. You've never felt so satisfied in your life. You use the napkins Maud brought to clean yourself up, and Maud wipes her semen-covered feet on the grass to get them clean.
  134. After the cleanup session, you redress yourself, your mind now clear as day, and Maud hides her beautiful feet once again in her boots. "We should go. More work ahead of us," Maud says. You nod, helping her clean up the picnic, and following her back to the house.
  136. By the time you got back, all of the Pie family were done with lunch and back to work. Limestone is going to be so mad...
  138. Whatever trouble you get into, this day certainly rocked.
  140. -end

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