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Teacher Torment (2017 Cheerilee tickling/foot fetish)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 21:07:03
Expiry: Never

  1. Our three little heroes, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, were on their first day of school. And school, for them, meant trouble. What was that trouble, you ask? I thought you would never ask...
  3. Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were just waiting. Waiting for this day of drudgery to end. But it wasn't even lunchtime yet...and show-and-tell was occurring at the moment. Miss Cheerilee had informed all of the kids before summer vacation began to bring something of importance to yourself or your group. The Crusaders wanted to share their crazy, wild memories with the class. So they worked together on the last day before school to bring their exhibit.
  5. This exhibit happened to be a second vial of the 'love-poison' the three had brewed one Hearts and Hooves day. It caused Applebloom's brother, Big Mac, and their teacher, Cheerilee, to fall madly in love with one another. It took quick thinking, hijinks, and a hell of a lot of wedding planning to cure them both. And a lot of pushing to bring that one house back to its normal spot. But it wouldn't happen again, Big Mac is obsessed with Sugar Belle of Our Town.
  7. "Applebloom? I believe it's your turn to show what you brought?" Cheerilee called out. The young half-Apple, half-Pear stood up, along with her two friends. "Miss Cheerilee, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle worked on this too, can they come help me here?" she asked.
  9. Cheerilee gave a happy smile and beckoned them all up in front of the board. Applebloom began to speak, holding the vial of poison up for the classroom to see. Cheerilee gasped. "That's...I've seen that before. Applebloom, why did you bring...THAT to show-and-tell?!" she snapped.
  11. "Nonono, Miss Cheerilee, I promise, nothing will go wrong! It won't be anywhere NEAR you, and as soon as we're done, we'll throw it away! Honest!" the brains of the group, Applebloom, pleaded. Cheerilee rolled her eyes, sighing. "Well alright, just be VERY careful with it." Sweetie squee'd happily, as Scootaloo and Applebloom began to tell their story of what happened on that fateful day.
  13. The giant card, the stallion-hunting, the song that made a small colt lose six hours on a game, the theft of one of Twilight's books, the making of the poison...all of that, every detail, was told to the small audience of classmates.
  15. "...and so finally, after rescuing Big Mac and Miss Cheerilee from looking like they're getting married at the bottom of a pit, we were made to do all of Big Mac's chores for the day. Man, was that miserable..." the brawn of the group, Scootaloo, finished. The class burst out into laughter, but clapped wildly at the Crusader's story. They knew when it came to their adventures, nothing was too strange to be believable. Cheerilee facepalmed, her face turning a bright red, as she rested her head on the desk.
  17. What happened next would probably go down as the single unluckiest thing to ever happen in history.
  19. Sweetie Belle, the beauty of the group, took the poison in her hands, and began to walk back to her desk. However, in the middle of the Crusader's exhibit, a guy with a green, bald head and no face, wearing a suit, had dropped a pencil in his laughter, causing it to roll forward. Sweetie Belle slipped on said pencil, causing the poison to fly into the air.
  21. The poison did a few flips, and just as Cheerilee was lifting her head back up from her desk, she gasped, her mouth wide open. The vial of poison shattered on her desk, splashing the strange liquid everywhere. "NOOOOO!!!" screamed Sweetie, as she tried to save the vial.
  23. A few of the droplets made their way into her mouth, where they were swallowed by mistake, and much of the rest of the poison flowed toward her, dripping off her desk, and flowed down her legs. The fluid pooled around both of her feet, which were tightly held together, soles inward, and her flip flops were left empty on the floor.
  25. Cheerilee looked stunned, and quite frankly, afraid. The other children got out of their desks to help, unsure what to do...until the lunch bell rang. In less than a second, all of the students except for the Crusaders were outside, playing.
  27. "What're we gonna do, what're we gonna do..." Applebloom nervously asked over and over again. Scootaloo put a hand on Applebloom's shoulder. "Calm down, Applebloom...no one else drank the poison...and I don't think it works on the same gender..." she reassured, looking at Cheerilee. Something was wrong with her, but she wasn't staring at the Crusaders like they were her sexual outlets.
  29. Cheerilee was blushing and rubbing her feet together for some odd reason. "What's going on...?" Sweetie asked. "What's with her feet?" She waved a small, white hand in front of Cheerilee's eyes. Their teacher seemed...unaware of anything else, but the sensations on her soles. Like she loved something about it.
  31. Meanwhile, Applebloom was quickly searching her desk. "What're you doing?" Scootaloo asked, but she got her answer very quickly. Applebloom pulled out the very same book that got them into so much trouble all those years ago.
  33. Strangely enough, though, the years that have passed haven't changed their figures or youthful looks at all. In fact, it seemed like NO ONE ever aged on this planet. Anon Y. Mous, their classmate, pointed this age stagnation out to them, because he was the only one who was growing up.
  35. "You kept that book for all this time?! Didn't you return it to Twilight?!" Sweetie yelled. Applebloom silenced her with a finger to her lips. "There's a section here about single drinkers...it says if fully ingested, you gotta put your thing in her...if any spills onto the drinker, they must have that area stimulated until satisfaction is achieved..." Applebloom read.
  37. Scootaloo's eyes widened. "A whole bunch of it got on her feet...does that mean we have to...to tickle her?!" Sweetie and Applebloom nodded. "I think so...let's just hope we...don't get in trouble..."
  39. They all sighed, and worked together to lay an entranced Cheerilee onto the floor. They looked over her body once again, and noticed that a splash of the poison soaked through, and dissolved, parts of her clothing. "Her entire body...? But that means we..." Scootaloo started.
  41. "Have to take her clothes off..." Applebloom finished. Sweetie and Applebloom began to pull off Cheerilee's modest brown vest and unbutton her white collared shirt, revealing her bikini-worthy, toned belly, and uncovering a bra keeping two very soft, supple C-cups hidden from the world.
  43. Scootaloo pulled down Cheerilee's floral green skirt reluctantly, tossing it away quickly, and revealed the upper part of their teacher's delectable pink legs, completely smooth and very warm. A set of skimpy panties kept her nethers from being exposed.
  45. "Well..." Sweetie said. "Let's get started," Scootaloo sighed. At that moment, she realized how good it was that she allowed herself and Applebloom to get their nails manicured last week. They were now nice and sharp, very suited for the task of tickling.
  47. Scootaloo began by raking her fingernails up both of Cheerilee's soft, pedicured soles. This caused immediate, uncontrollable giggles from her, the two nicely sized, sensitive peds trying to wriggle out of Scootaloo's grasp.
  49. Applebloom started by holding both of her teacher's arms up, dragging her fingers in circles in the middle of Cheerilee's soft, vulnerable armpits. She began to laugh louder, her entire body quivering under the torment of two of her students.
  51. Sweetie decided to add to the torment by sitting at her sides, using both her smooth, silky hands to softly tickle Cheerilee's belly and breasts, feeling under her bra and squeezing very tiny amounts of them just enough to make it feel absolutely maddening. Tears began to stream from Cheerilee's eyes as she thrashed around, her body unable to stand the torturous tickling.
  53. Unfortunately for the Crusaders, Cheerilee's body, while soft and touchable, was far stronger than the three of them combined. She managed to kick herself out of their grip, trying to catch her breath.
  55. "How are we gonna tickle her if she keeps throwing herself around like this?" Sweetie asked. Applebloom thought for a bit, then appeared to think of something. She ran around the room, grabbing ribbons and streamers from the 'Welcome Back' party for the school.
  57. An entranced Cheerilee laid perfectly still for the three girls, as they tied both of her feet around one leg of her heavy desk. They couldn't have her feet move away, they took the brunt of the poison.
  59. The Crusaders worked together and got her arms tied above her, so she was unable to move them from the chalkboard, which was bolted to the ground. She was now completely restrained and open for tickling.
  61. Sweetie Belle decided to sit at her feet this time, while Applebloom and Scootaloo opted to take care of her upper body. They all laid their manicured nails onto her body, and nodded at each other. They all began to tickle her like mad.
  63. Sweetie's flexible, agile fingers skittered their way across Cheerilee's vulnerable soles. She immediately burst out laughing, trying to struggle away from her unrelenting, sharp nails.
  65. Applebloom attended to Cheerilee's belly, driving her fingers into her belly button, causing her to squeal in laughter, and Scootaloo carefully tickled her way under her teacher's bra, hitting all of Cheerilee's sensitive spots.
  67. Sweetie held the back of Cheerilee's right foot and scraped her nails up and down her arch, a sly grin making its way onto her face. She began to find this...tormenting her teacher...fun. All the times she gave the Crusaders trouble, they were paying her back for. As she looked up from titillating the nerves of Cheerilee's blushing red left foot, she could tell her two friends felt the same way.
  69. Scootaloo decided to unhook Cheerilee's bra and let her rather large breasts fall free, helpless to her aggressive tickling of them. Tears fell from Cheerilee's eyes as Applebloom sat on her legs, holding her still enough so her belly was helpless to Applebloom's tormenting.
  71. Cheerilee was beginning to groan, and Applebloom felt the area beneath her backside start to grow wet. Her teacher was insanely aroused by her students' heavy tickling all over her body. This told Applebloom to double down on the tickling, as she went down and blew a raspberry onto her teacher's flat, toned belly.
  73. Cheerilee cried out with unrelenting gales of laughter, and it only became louder as Sweetie decided to work her precise tickling skills on, and under, her teacher's adorable, wiggling toes. Sweetie giggled a bit herself, satisfied with her handiwork on her teacher's two reddened feet, but did not end her torment. She didn't want to finish this up just yet.
  75. Scootaloo, meanwhile, was focused on getting this job done before the end-of-lunch bell rang. She began to scribble her fingers across the soft surface of Cheerilee's breasts more and more quickly and firmly, forcing extremely hard laughter out of her teacher.
  77. As Applebloom raked her fingers up and down her sides, Sweetie Belle used her finger to focus her magical ability onto the entire surface of Cheerilee's tender, desirable soles, and Scootaloo almost clawed at Cheerilee's breasts, digging deep into them to make it tickle, Cheerilee grunted in sheer pleasure as her orgasm finally hit her, her face completely red like her feet.
  79. At that moment, Cheerilee began to speak again. "Hunh...? Where am I...?" she asked, as her three students quickly got off her and tried to quietly sneak out the door.
  81. "GIRLS."
  83. All three of them turned around quickly, their faces full of fear, as Cheerilee's eyes glared directly into theirs. "Why don't you explain to me why I'm tied up with ribbon, I'm half naked, and I'm all sweaty?" she demanded. Applebloom stepped forward. "W-well, it's a long story..."
  85. The Crusaders went at length, explaining what happened to her desk, why she was unconscious (somewhat) for a time, and why her feet tingled so much. Cheerilee wasn't happy.
  87. "I think you girls need to be punished. The first day of school, and you do this? Do you not understand how humiliating this is?" she asked, angrily.
  89. "W-we're sorry, Miss Cheerilee...w-we'll go start on Big Mac's chores again..." Sweetie stuttered softly, her face red as she and the girls walked off to go outside, to enjoy the rest of their lunch.
  91. "No. That's not what I meant," Cheerilee said firmly. The Crusaders looked back at her, curiously. "Then...what is it, Miss Cheerilee...?" Applebloom asked nervously, fearing what her family would say.
  93. "Meet me after school in three days. You're all going to have a special detention to fit your little accident," Cheerilee asserted. All three girls nodded sadly, and walked outside after cutting their teacher free from her bindings.
  95. "What did she mean by 'special detention'?" Sweetie asked her friends.
  97. -not the end

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