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Nightmare on Babs Feet (2017 Halloween Babs Seed foot fetish)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 21:11:00
Expiry: Never

  1. Walking out of your tiny Manehattan apartment that costs 5000 bits a month, you grab the hand of the tan Ponx-accented girl in a big, bad wolf costume. Your name is Anon, and this is most of your life now. Taking care of Aunt and Uncle Orange’s daughter, Babs Seed. A man like yourself, having to babysit some girl like she’s his sister. It’s ok though, her parents kindly paid your rent for you, for an apartment almost directly across the hall.
  3. Tonight was your favorite night of the year as a kid (or rather, a younger kid than you are, you suppose) Halloween...or as they say, Nightmare Night. But this girl, she was pretty damn rude. Your first Nightmare Night, experiencing this the horse-obsessed multicolor humans way, is going to be ruined.
  5. “C’mon Anon-a-miss, ya gonna be slowin me down! I want mah candy!” she shouts, gripping your hand like an auto-junkyard crusher. You wince at the pain, running along with her. “Ya really gonna be weak on me now? Imma get what I want, and we’re gonna be done with it, yeah?” Babs asks, feeling you cringe. “Alright alright, we’re going to Central Track, calm your tits...or mostly lack thereof,” you respond, chuckling. You’re so fucking clever.
  7. Babs doesn’t dignify you with a response, and simply takes the elevator with you out of the building. She runs in front of you, and obviously, you lag behind. Seriously, she’s an eternal dynamo of fuel. But you don’t mind, your brain is clouded with images of her rump, in those tight jean shorts she usually wears, and the toe outlines in her ankle socks. Come to think of it, you’ve never seen her barefoot before...
  9. You and her travel to Central Track, there’s a huge Nightmare Night party going on. Since Babs is so independent, and you can’t get her to do what you say anyway, you let her go off on her own. She spots three younger-looking kids in the distance, and runs towards them. One has red hair and a bow, one has two-toned purple swirly hair, and the last one has short maroon hair. By the looks of it, they’re her friends.
  11. So you walk around the party in your epic handmade Flash Magnus costume, shield included, and grab as much candy as you can, from whoever is giving it out. You go towards the spider-throwing competition, and grab one of the spiders to throw onto the web. You spot some girl looking at you just as you look at her. She has dark purple hair, lavender skin, and she’s a bit thicker than most girls around here.
  13. “Can I help you, miss?” you ask politely, but she looks at you in contempt. “That costume is so drab...like, c’mon, are you that poor?” she asks, a bitchy high-school prep scoff coming from her disrespectful mouth. “I’m the one who actually was able to come in costume, you couldn’t,” you shot back, “what’s your name, anyway?”
  15. “Like, c’mon, you haven’t heard of me? I’m Suri Polomare,” she says. “I don’t think so...and I hope no one else does. I guess I’ll be going,” you reply, turning to walk away. You don’t want this to end in a roast-fest. You feel a hand on your shoulder, and turn around.
  17. Suri has caught up to you, a curious look in her eyes. “Did you just...insult me? The great Suri Polomare? Like, I can’t even...let’s go get a drink or something.” You’re utterly confused, but then again, who can understand women? You just nod your head, knowing what sort of trouble girls like this are, and go with her to the drinks table, grabbing a few shots of Chateau Cervidas.
  19. After one small drink, which became two, then perhaps another few, you’re both giggling and recounting stories while listening to the Ponytones performing on stage. You put your arm around her and try to hold off the buzz the alcohol gives you, but you can feel it. Suri, on the other hand, is completely wasted. “S-sho, I...I triedta steal one’a Rarararara’s lines...she got alllll mad, and she still beat me...maaaaan, prob...woulda beat her if i uhhh...did it all myself...hahahaha...” she tells you, giggling at her failure. You stand up, smirking at her, but stumbling slightly.
  21. “I’m gonna go get some water...gotta be nice n’ awake for Babs...” you say, walking towards the drinks once again, but she grabs your hand and burps far too loudly for a Manehattan high class lady. “Nah...nah nah, let’s...you’re a cool guy...so...” Her face is red, but she clumsily wraps her arms around you, pressing her lips onto yours and pushing her tongue against your lips.
  23. Your eyes pop open in complete surprise, but the time slowly slips from your mind, as you grab her behind and return the kiss with equal intensity, rubbing and wrapping your tongue around hers. You continue to feel each other up, until Suri breaks the kiss, gasping for air, staring into your eyes and smiling coyly. “Luh...let’s go fuck at my *hic* house...big boy...” she mutters, her speech heavily slurred by the vast amount of alcohol, “I-I’m just acrossh the shtreet...” You grab her hand and steady yourself, following her directions.
  25. And then, just as you leave the park into the street, Babs notices you, her friends gone. “Hey Anon, where ya goin’?! I gotta get home, yeah?!” she yells, her tough little form looking quite angry. You groan, letting go of Suri’s hand, and storm over to her. “Babs, what’s the deal?! I was about to get some there!!” you whisper harshly at her, hearing Suri call out for you, and looking in the complete opposite direction. She steps on your foot with her wolf-paw boot, with her full weight. You clench your teeth and hold back a screech as she says, “Look, Mom says I gotta get back to your house by 10, so we gotta do what we gotta do, ok? You get me?”
  27. You suddenly remember that it was rather late, and this is enough to sober you up completely. You, Babs, and her bag of candy travel back to the apartment building and up the elevator, and you enter your tiny, one-bedroom place. Your bacon-haired ball of Ponx toughness goes into your bedroom, throwing off her mask, gloves, boots, top and leggings that pass her off as a wolf. She then enters your living room with her candy bag, her normal tight jean shorts and red tank top on. You briefly steal a look at her breasts, and her heels as they rise from the carpet when she steps anywhere. Babs begins to enjoy her loot from that night.
  29. Sighing depressedly, you sit on your couch to watch her. She takes notice of this, and eats one last chocolate bar, sitting across from you. “Look, man, I know I screwed up your first chance at a bit of...well, any girl, but I had to get home first, you know? These streets are hell at night,” she says. You facepalm, saying, “Yeah yeah, I know, don’t worry about it...least I won’t be blueballed from jerking off tonight...Babs, you still there?” You look up from your facepalm, and see one of the greatest sights you’ve ever seen.
  31. Babs Seed is barefoot, right in front of you. One leg crossed over the other, and her signature smug smile. “How bout I be your girl tonight, huh? You, me, and my feet, hows that sound?” she asks, flexing her strong-looking toes. Your face is glowing red from embarrassment. “Wait what? You know about my thing for...well...” you trail off.
  33. “Feet? Toes? Tootsies? Walkers? C’mon, did you really think all those missing socks that ended up here was an accident? Look, I knew it all along, I was just gonna wait till I had to make somethin’ up to you,” Babs explains. Her small, yet muscular feet push into your chest, making your heart race.
  35. Babs beckons you along. “Hey, now c’mon, I don’t keep these babies nice for nothin’! Grab em!” You instantly oblige, wrapping both your hands around her little feet. Slightly calloused, firm as hell, and high arches. Her feet also had a thin coat of sweat from running around all evening. They were every bit as amazing as you imagined them.
  37. You begin to rake your fingers up and down her bare, vulnerable soles, holding each one as tight as you can. This elicits no response from Babs, so you take one of the feathers from the wing on your costume, and saw it back and forth between her toes. Babs looks at you confusedly and annoyed, and grabs the feather with two of her toes, tossing it away.
  39. You pull back the toes on her left foot and scribble your fingers along the arch as fast as you can, but not even thirty seconds pass before you feel another tough foot kick you in the stomach, right in a weak spot in your costume’s armor (your entire stomach). “Gosh, would ya stop that?!?” Babs shouts, as you double over in pain. You hold out a hand, trying to catch your breath and recover. This girl didn’t fuck around.
  41. Once you finally recover, Babs speaks again. “I said GRAB em, quit tryin’ to tickle them. Doesn’t work. I’ll let you try when I feel like it, but for Celestia’s sake, lemme do the damn work,” she sighs. “O...k....” you gasp, pressing the soles together.
  43. You grab each one tighter and rub the small soles together to warm them up, and Babs forces them onto your cheeks. You lock eyes with her, she knows exactly what she’s doing. She licks her lips and rubs her soles up and down on your cheeks, her toes occasionally gripping your hair. The smell of them is divine, a hint of sweat and a faint scent of apples, likely from the perfumes her older cousin Applejack sends her.
  45. Babs blows a bit of hair out of her face. “Get your armor off, huh? Can’t miss a spot with these puppies,” she says. No seduction, she just says it like it’s nothing. Something’s oddly sexy about it...so you do what she says and strip off your helmet and brassard, and toss the fireproof shield aside. “That’s more like it,” Babs nods.
  47. She jerks her feet from your grip and wraps them around your neck, although you’re a bit bigger than her, so they can’t cover it all without choking you. The feeling of her foot sweat rubbing all over you is driving you wild. You let out a long moan when she drags her right foot down your chest. This seems to annoy her, so she shoves her left foot into your mouth, all five toes wedged firmly between your teeth.
  49. “Can’t just keep your moans to yourself, huh...ya gotta shut up if ya dont wanna be walked in on. Are you gonna keep your mouth shut?” she asks. You nod slowly, swirling your tongue around each toe firmly, as to enjoy her taste. “Good, now I gotta work with one foot, thanks to you,” she says.
  51. Her right foot rubs in circles around your abs, tending to the wound she gave you earlier. You moan softly onto the foot in your mouth, nibbling the toes carefully. Your stomach already feels better with her warm, welcoming foot touching it. She then jerks her left foot from your mouth, the toes covered in a copious amount of saliva.
  53. “Man, you’re weird...how bout taking off that skirt of yours, huh? Lemme get to doin’ what I gotta go here...” she says, her big toe tapping the belt holding up your plateskirt. You comply immediately, tossing the clanky legwear away, and sitting back down in only your underwear. Babs smirks, pulling on her own toes, back and forth, so they crack. She makes sure that you see every little detail of her appealing-looking feet as she stretches out.
  55. She cracks her knuckles and grabs your boxers, yanking them off like they were a tablecloth under a feast. You wince at the friction, but now your painfully-erect member is exposed to her. “About time...now, we gotta be sure this feels good for ya...” Babs says, pressing her feet together, and interlocking her toes together. She stares at you, a relaxed smile on her face as she rubs her firm, unyielding soles together, spreading your saliva from only her left set of toes, to evenly all over the bottoms of her wonderful feet.
  57. “Now that they’re all warm and stuff, let’s get to it, ready?” Babs asks, “of course ya are.” She doesn’t give you a chance to respond, and presses her small, but warm, left foot against your leaking cock, sandwiching it between her sole and your belly. She firmly rubs it up and down, the slickness from your saliva earlier allowing it to easily glide up and down the underside of your length. While her left sole rhythmically pleasures your shaft, her right foot moves its way to your sack, the toes grabbing onto the lowest part.
  59. You want to moan, you need to so badly, but you need to follow what Babs says, or you risk breaching these thin walls with your voice. Unfortunately, when both of her firm arches engulf both sides of your cock, you let out a loud moan and spurt a bit over both of her feet, making them glisten slightly. Babs sighs and facepalms, saying, “I knew ya were gonna be trouble...my foot ain’t enough, huh?” She gets up, abandoning the footjob she was giving you, and goes into your bedroom. Your body is crying for the attention from her feet, it needs it so bad now that she’s started.
  61. Babs returns from your bedroom, and before you can say anything, stretches out one of her socks far, and ties it around your head, like a facemask. “There, now you’re gonna shut it, I’m gonna keep going,” she says, sitting back down, “hold up a sec, my feet have gotta be slick again...”
  63. Her strong hand suddenly grabs your heavily-leaking dick, beginning to jerk it hard and fast. You squeal through your rudimentary gag, she’s way too rough. Even though you enjoy both the smell and taste of your facemask, your package is going to be damaged if this goes on.
  65. Babs finally lets go of your twitching member, her hand covered in your precum. She smirks once again at you, rubbing her hands together and massaging your precum into her soles, making sure you can see that she didn’t miss an inch. When she’s done, she sits back and crosses her legs, flexing her toes back and forth. “NOW I can get on with it,” she says, wrapping both feet tightly around your cock, forcing a muffled moan out of you.
  67. Her feet stroke rapidly in opposite directions on the sides of your length, one goes up while the other goes down, the warmth and firmness of her adorable feet driving you wild. She then grabs your shaft between her big and second toes on both feet, slowly and teasingly dragging them up and down at the same time. You’re shaking and clenching your fists, you can’t take much more of her expert skill with her feet.
  69. All ten of her toes grab onto your cock, running up and down faster and faster, and you’re unable to stop yourself from grunting, and jolting every time her big toes reach your tip. She notices that you’re close, and holds up one finger. Her soles’ warm and loving embrace leaves you once again, but it returns very quickly.
  71. Babs rolls onto her belly, setting her feet in your lap once again, the rather soft heels of hers pointing outwards towards your tip, and her lovable toes pushing against your balls. She looks back at you and chuckles, her feet kept even tighter around you, and she glides them back and forth on your cock, her toes curled permanently to give you maximum pleasure.
  73. You grab onto both her feet, holding them in a bone-crushing grip, grunting into your gag and finishing painfully hard between Babs’s soles, turning them to face upwards after the second spurt, so her feet catch all of your load. After holding them in place and thrusting between them for around a minute, you feel better than you ever have in your entire life.
  75. “Sheesh, ya done now? Are ya gonna quit lookin’ at my feet like they’re Nightmare Night candy?” Babs says, playing with your seed briefly between her feet, before grabbing a paper towel and wiping them off. You slip off your Babs-sock facemask to speak.
  77. “Maybe for now, Babs...maybe...for...now...” you pant, putting your clothes back on. She facepalms, but smiles. “I guess I can see why...whateva, I’m gonna go see if I can stay the night here, back in a sec,” Babs says, leaving your apartment barefoot. Sheesh, she didn’t even ask to stay. Rude bitch. You smile though, you’d have no problem with her staying now.
  79. She comes back after a moment, grinning. “Mom said I could stay, you want me to sleep on the couch?” Babs asks, as you grab some popcorn and the movie ‘The Mare Witch Project’. “Hell no, Babs, don’t you think it’s nice to offer someone to sleep with you after you have at their feet?” you reply. She chuckles, sitting on the couch with you as you sit. The rest of the night was spent sharing candy, popcorn, and watching movies with this Bad Seed.
  81. Nightmare Night, what a fright, you got something sweet to bite. Ten of them.
  83. The End

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