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G&P Trixie, Feeturing Starlight (2018 Starlight x Trixie foot fetish)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 21:14:54
Expiry: Never

  1. It'd been a year since Starlight and company had fought off the nasty lovesuckers of the badlands, the Changelings. Now, you'd expect Starlight to be running something like a multiracial friendship school due to the directon the show has gone, but hey, what's more credible, a writer on the internet, or the concept of canon? You guessed it: the writer.
  3. But that's not what she did. Instead, she got rather acquainted with her magician friend, Trixie, and decided to travel with her around Equestria and help her perform her magic shows. The two of them would get showered in bits and/or jewels every time they ended their performance. And it was definitely NOT just because they were the gold standard of humans.
  5. The two were traveling in Trixie's magical wagon, which was somehow bigger on the inside, and stocked with things such as fireworks that formed into her egotistical (yet elegant and smooth) face in the sky, which she sold in back alleys in Canterlot. There was also a chest full of things such as decks of cards, feathers, forks, and obviously, your typical never-ending hanky.
  7. The wagon also had a rather comfortable couch, a tiny bed that was just big enough for the two to sleep squashed together, and a little stove. A cozy little place to live in and travel.
  9. Trixie awoke to a new winter's day with a yawn, and stretched hard, the ache of sleeping so close to Starlight making itself apparent from last night. She stepped from her wagon, and nodded as she realized that she had arrived at her next destination: the capital city of Panthera, in Abyssinia, where felines roam free.
  11. She stepped back into her wagon and looked over Starlight, smiling, and listening to her snore adorably. And then she shook her hard, pulling Starlight from the clutches of slumber abruptly. "Wha-Trixie, c'mon, five more minutes!" Starlight said, burying her face into the pillow and grumbling.
  13. Trixie wasn't about to take no for an answer. She dug her expertly-manicured nails into the soft skin on the ribs of her sleepy magical assistant, and vibrated them rapidly. "Tickle tickle, Glimmy, can't stand Trixie's ticklish fingertips?" she teased. Starlight was struggling, unable to hold back gales of laughter. After only a minute of Trixie's magical tickling, Starlight's sleepiness had worn off completely.
  15. "Gah...haha...hah...Trixie...we have...hours..." Starlight gasped, wiping tears from her eyes. "Sorry, Glimmer, but Trixie will not be late for this magic show for the ever-so-impatient cats," Trixie replied, donning her star-adorned cape, and matching wizard hat, "now come, as nearly-good-as-Trixie a figure you have, you need to get dressed."
  17. Starlight blushed slightly, but nodded, changing into her magic-show gear, consisting of a dark teal robe top with a maroon coloring at the belly, matching leggings with lighter-teal shins, matching gloves and boots, and a necklace that had a three-pronged swirl pattern, with dark green at the top, red on the left, and teal on the right. The outfit hugged her body tightly, showing off her natural curves in all the right places.
  19. Trixie smiled at her, commanding her cart to move the final few blocks to the site of her show, in Panthera square. "Now, we wait...for the citizens to come and see THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!!!" she shouts. Trixie excitedly looked outside the one-way window inside her cart, and waited.
  21. As the hours passed, more and more bipedal cats began to show up in the square. Most of them seemed to have bags of bits at the ready, in case the show was extraordinary. Trixie readied her magical equipment, and snuck out of the back of her cart, nodding to Starlight, signalling that the show was on. Starlight cast a fog spell, as Trixie kicked her cart, extending it out to look like a stage. The mist then poured off the stage as Starlight stepped out to announce her presence.
  23. "And now, ladies and gentlecats...you've all been waiting for this...please welcome-" she was cut off by a loud, egotistical voice. "THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRRRRRRRIXIE!!!!" Trixie leapt out onto the stage, setting off many fireworks and did a few elegant poses.
  25. The crowd burst into cheers, meowing, purring, and squealing in pure joy. Trixie began her show, calling up volunteers, asking Starlight to do certain things. The crowd was totally wowed by this amazing showoff of Equestrian magic, something they'd never seen before.
  27. Two hours passed, and Trixie was getting ready to finish up. But she had one final trick up her sleeve, one Starlight wasn’t quite expecting…
  29. “And for my final trick, a classic of Trixie’s…I will cut my assistant, neatly, into two parts!” she exclaimed, wheeling out a rectangular wooden box, just the right height for Starlight to get into. Starlight cringed in fear when she saw the size of the saw that Trixie was holding, but she complied, knowing how well she does during her shows. She’s endured this trick many times before, why would it be different now?
  31. The Great and Powerful Trixie helped her lavender-colored assistant into the box, closing it and locking her in place, so that only her head and feet were exposed. The trick began, the arrogant magician’s saw cutting through the box with unprecedented ease, as it had done many times in the past. When the box was finally split in two, the crowd watched in amazement, as Trixie’s assistant was somehow unharmed.
  33. “And so, ladies and gentlecats…Trixie has once again succeeded with her trick. However, Trixie knows that you Abyssinians have never seen this before, and may not believe me. Therefore, Trixie will prove this is real!” she said, walking over to Starlight’s exposed magical boots. She began to remove them both slowly, and teasingly, for both herself and the crowd.
  35. “I am going to prove to you that my lovely assistant still responds to touch!” Trixie exclaimed, smiling at Starlight, who was looking to the other part of the box, confusedly. Once the boots came off, next came her tight, arch-hugging socks. Tribe’s delicate hands peeled both socks off, revealing Starlight’s pedicured, uncalloused feet to the eyes of the crowd. “Hey, Trixie, what are you doing? Why are my feet bare now? Isn’t the show over?” asked Starlight, her face turning slightly red.
  37. Trixie ignored her assistant, admiring her newly trapped playthings, and sliding her hands up and down the smooth surfaces of her soles. Starlight cringed at the sensation, her feet trying to wiggle away. A realization struck Starlight when she felt how sensually Trixie was rubbing her feet. Trixie’s little tickling bit she used to wake her up on many a morning went far beyond just to wake her up. Throughout her life, Trixie always said to herself that if it’s ticklish, then it deserves to be tickled.
  39. The crowd was enraptured by Starlight’s reaction, utterly amazed that she still responded to touch. She rubbed her hands together, losing focus on the crowd slowly, and began to rake her nails up and down the soles of her assistant. This caused an immediate reaction, the two smaller, smooth peds writhed around in front of each other, attempting to block out the awful, ticklish sensations.
  41. “TRIXIE!!! Stahahahap that!!!” Starlight shouted, bursting into fits of laughter, unable to block out the tickling plaguing her body. This fell on the deaf ears of Trixie, and the crowd of felines, enjoying the show of a lavender-colored magical human being tormented. Trixie held the back of Starlight’s left foot, scribbling her index and middle finger between two of her vulnerable toes. Starlight was screaming and laughing, her other foot attempting desperately to kick away Trixie’s evil hands.
  43. Trixie stopped the tickling for a minute, standing up in disappointment. “Awww, Starlight…don’t you know that the show must go on for the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRXIE? Must you always try to fight the tickling…? Oh, that’s it!!” Trixie snapped her fingers, making a lightbulb appear above her head for the crowd. She pointed her finger at Starlight’s bound peds, and magical strings began to take hold of her slender, flexible toes, pulling them back so that Starlight’s soles were stretched out, and unable to move an inch.
  45. “No more adorable toe wiggling, a disappointment…but…” Trixie laid her hands back on Starlight’s restrained soles, now they looked like they were BEGGING to be tickled to oblivion, “it’s better that you feel all of this.” The magician grabbed two forks out from under her cape, pressing the points into Starlight’s right foot. “NO!! STO-“ her assistant started, but her protests were reduced to nothing but torturous, joy-filled laughter.
  47. “Trixie needs a volunteer…WHO will be the lucky cat to assist Trixie in proving my trick to be legitimate?” she asked, looking over an entire crowd of raised paws. Trixie wanted Starlight to laugh, she wanted her to be her tickle toy, and she wanted both of those feet coated in sweat and blushing a deep red. Cat claws were the perfect thing to help.
  49. The magician pointed to a taller Abyssinian, with black stripes on his gray back, white fur on his belly, and deep blue eyes. “You, sir, come up!” Trixie called out, not stopping with the forks scraping all over Starlight’s foot, in order to keep her laughing and not protesting. He rushed up to the stage, nodded to Trixie, and Trixie stood back up, ceasing her own tickling of Starlight’s immobile soles, and resorted to holding one of them for pleasure. The Abyssinian knelt down as soon as Trixie stopped, immediately continuing what Trixie had started on her assistant.
  51. Now that Starlight’s feet were exceptionally slick and sweaty, the cat’s claws snuck out of his paws, and every time his fingers would slide between Starlight’s toes, the claws would attack a weak spot of hers: directly underneath the toes, exactly where they meet the sole. Starlight’s laughter could be heard for blocks, as tears streamed down her eyes.
  53. “You’re doing a great job, Mr…” Trixie began. “Chummer,” he responded, running his coarse tongue up Starlight’s left arch. “W-WHAHAHAHAT WAS THAHAHAHAT?!?!” she shouted, shaking violently in her bonds. Trixie of course ignored her, refusing to give her a break, even when Starlight’s laughter went silent. “Alright, Mr. Chummer, you focus on the left, Trixie focuses on the right,” she said, to which Chummer agreed.
  55. Trixie’s sharp, manicured nails resumed their assault on Starlight’s right foot. The sole was blushing and red. But this wasn’t enough for Trixie. She decided to wrap her mouth around all five of Starlight’s toes, nibbling on the lower parts of them. Starlight gasped for air, hard, but her laughter continued.
  57. As Trixie thoroughly enjoyed her taste of her assistant’s delicate toes, Chummer was having his own fun with Starlight’s left foot. His rough tongue gave Starlight an intensely tickling and slimy sensation, and his sharp fangs tracing up her sole as he lapped up the sweat coating her arch. Starlight’s voice was becoming hoarse, though, and Trixie noticed this, so she decided to finish her show off with a grand, ticklish finale.
  59. Trixie signalled to Chummer to cease his activities, and he nodded, reluctantly standing back up, and in his eyes was the longing to hold the foot again. Starlight took an enormous gasp of air, trying to shake the tears of laughter out of her eyes. She could do nothing about the awful tingling in her soles, unable to rub away the after-effects of two expert ticklers ravaging her nerves. “Ladies and gentlecats, the show is nearly over, but fear not! Trixie has one final bit of proof for you all that my ticklish assistant can still feel every bit of touch!” Trixie proclaimed, earning a few cheers from the audience.
  61. She began to whisper to Chummer, who nodded at everything she said. “Is it over…? Trixie…? Let me out, or I swear to Celestia, I’ll-“ Starlight was cut off by two hands and two paws roughly handling her blushing, restrained feet. Trixie turned Starlight’s soles inward, using her magic to keep them in that position. “No no no no!!! I’ve had enough of this, the show’s over already!!” Starlight protested, still panting for breath.
  63. Trixie was already getting down to business, though. She grabbed a large amount of feathers from under her cape, as well as a bottle of lotion. Unfortunately for Starlight, she could not move her feet out of the way as Trixie poured a generous amount of skin-smoothing lotion over them. Starlight groaned in frustration, but started to sigh in relaxation as she felt Chummer’s warm, furry paws rub the lotion into her abused soles firmly.
  65. This sense of bliss did not last long though, as Trixie used her magic to direct all of the feathers she held to attack every inch of Starlight’s curvy, desirable feet. Chummer joined into the finale, shoving his long and coarse brushlike tail between poor Starlight’s arches, and began to flick it up and down, left and right. Starlight squealed and desperately tried to pull her feet apart, steel herself, shut her eyes, anything to block out the horrible tickling.
  67. Trixie did not hesitate to put her own handiwork into the heavy tickling session. She slid her fingers up and down the sides of Starlight’s feet, making sure they got to feel the sensations as well. Chummer joined her, still swirling his tail between the two vulnerable, slick feet in front of him, using his sharp claws and dexterous fingers to skitter across her left sole. Starlight laughed incredibly loudly, sweat and tears pouring down her face.
  69. As Trixie’s feathers swarmed Starlight’s heels, Chummer’s fingers explored her left foot and toes, and Trixie’s fingers ran up and down her restrained right foot without mercy, the two of them looked at each other. They both realized Starlight wasn’t laughing anymore.
  71. Trixie took a quick look at her assistant, and it confirmed her suspicions. After an entire hour and half of tickling, near-nonstop, Starlight Glimmer fell asleep, unable to take anything anymore. The magician and Chummer looked at each other briefly, then bowed to the crowd. The crowd burst into uncontrollable cheers that could be heard for miles around. They tossed bits, flowers, kibble, and even jewels at Trixie and the Abyssinian. Chummer stepped off the stage with an armful of riches, and Trixie set off huge amounts of fireworks again.
  73. The fireworks created enough smoke for the cart to roll away in the confusion. Trixie and her assistant were finally gone.
  75. Starlight finally came to, a few hours later. She yawned widely, the tingling in her feet much weaker, but still present. Trixie immediately took notice. “Did you have a nice nap, my ticklish assistant?” she asked. Starlight growled and attempted to get up to knock the living daylights out of Trixie. But…she realized, she was still trapped in the box. With just as many restraints on her as before. The only difference is, her body was back together.
  77. “Ah ah ah, Starlight…you’ve been hiding those pretty little feet from me for too long. I’m not finished with them yet…” Trixie grinned widely, and maliciously. Starlight’s face turned from anger to fear as she realized, she would be in that box for a while. The last thing she saw before laughter spilled out of her once again was Trixie’s adventurous hands grab at her trapped soles.
  79. -End

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