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Solestia and Luna (2018 princesses foot fetish/tickling)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 21:29:48
Expiry: Never

  1. The noble, kind, and gentle Princess Celestia awoke in her bedchamber, fresh as a daisy, at 5:59 A.M. sharp, as per the usual. After exactly one minute of waiting, at 6:00 A.M., Celestia did as she always did for the past millennium: raise the sun, so all in Equestria were able to grow food, and witness the beauty of daylight.
  3. She waved hello to the birds flying past her window, which overlooked the southern half of Equestria, and got of bed. Celestia stretched out her tall, sexy figure, and pranced her way happily into the bathroom, humming the song Mother Faust taught her when she was just a filly, and the same music she's heard Fluttershy sing, as well as ponies playing it on a piano in Manehattan.
  5. "I used to wonder what friendship could be..."
  7. Celestia turned on the shower, and was able to step right in. She slept completely nude, so there was no need for stripping involved. She began washing herself thoroughly, her soft skin rippling slightly with every scrub of the sponge and soap.
  8. Due to all of the spa treatments Celestia got during her rule, her skin had become the most supple, most yielding in the world, and this applied to every part of her body.
  10. "Until you all shared its magic with me..."
  12. Celestia paid special attention to making sure her feet were flawless, worthy of admiration and desire by any who laid eyes on them. But she would only ever give access to her feet to one pony, and she wanted them to always be at their best for her.
  14. Her younger sister, who tries to act evil and ferocious, but in actuality is a delicate little filly.
  16. Princess Luna.
  18. She finally turned off the steamy shower, dried herself off, and combed her multichromatic hair back to its naturally flowing state. Celestia then put on her fuzzy purple-trimmed yellow bathrobe. She didn't want the guards outside her room to see her nude, absolutely ravishing figure! That would only lead to continued attempts to get her to give them some love.
  20. The cheerful, yet rather lazy (nowadays, since she had Twilight and the others to delegate work to) strolled down the hallways of Canterlot Castle, happily greeting any guards she walked past, and into the kitchen. Canterlot royalty had castle cooks, but she enjoyed cooking for herself and her night-owl sister, especially the most important meal. She hummed and sang to herself as she searched through the ingredients in the fridge. She stroked her flowing pastel mane as she thought about cooking up some beet bacon for breakfast.
  22. "The most important meal of the day, serving it up, Luna's way...BLAH."
  24. She cringed at the sight of the rotting beets, and tossed them into the trash. What else would make any pony happy in the morning? Eggs were boring, she couldn't get Luna to eat carrot sausages in multiple alicorn lifetimes, and they were out of waffle mix...
  26. Celestia then got an idea.
  28. "Pancakes!" Celestia exclaimed, flicking on a light switch.
  30. So Celestia began cooking away, chopping fruit to decorate the pancakes, and making the dining room both look AND smell nice, for her sister was likely on her way home.
  32. Princess Luna walked down the halls of the enormous, well-protected Canterlot Castle, among walls decorated with lavender bouquets. Pfft. Her sister barely even noticed her decorations that allowed her such a restful night.
  34. She'd fought off a timberwolf attack, conquered over fifty awful nightmares that her subjects were having, and stood vigil at the top of the castle with her telescope for the rest of the night. Her eyes had bags, and she knew the sun was finally up. She could at last go to sleep, but not before having at least some breakfast.
  36. She stumbled into the castle dining room, like she'd had one too many dragon-brewed onyx stouts, where her loving, caring older sister, Celestia, was waiting. "Oh, good morning, Luna, how was your night?" Celestia asked, with a bright, contagious, and sunny smile that could light up a room. However, Luna was immune to THAT ailment today. She fell asleep for a few seconds, then woke up in surprise, not bothering to acknowledge the pancakes with fruit versions of her visage wobbling in front of her face with her sister's magic.
  38. Luna unpeeled a banana, ate the peel and threw the actual fruit away, walking away from the dining room table. "Luna? What's wrong?" Celestia asked, "Don't you want some of my freshly made pancakes?"
  40. "Why can we not have an easy job like yours? All you have to do is sit around and sign papers and look pretty and stuff..." Luna yawned. Celestia giggled and dug into her pancaked, beckoning Luna to sit by her side. Luna trudged her way over to the seat next to her sister, resting her head on her elbow, fighting to stay awake and listen to her sister.
  42. "Luna, do you actually think my job is easy? At least, for you...you like your alone-time, and your wake-up 'sessions' with me..." Celestia murmured into her sister's ear, her bare foot resting on top of Luna's. Luna blushed, sweating a bit, but pried herself away from her sister's touch. She was too tired to be doing that right then
  44. "Signing papers and walking around the city is far easier than our job of fighting off nocturnal attackers, sister...thy job is easy and fun," Luna groaned out. She'd seen Celestia during the daytime, it looked nothing BUT easy for her. Talking and signing papers versus engaging in epic battled against ponies' horrid dreams, night after night...she knew which was harder.
  46. "In that case, Luna, why don't you prove it? I'll go spend the day by myself, and return to lower the sun...all you have to do is raise the moon, and then your day is done!" Celestia said. Luna nodded in agreement, her confidence and happiness returning for a moment. And then she realized how tired she was once again, and stumbled around on the floor.
  48. "Perhaps we can start tomorrow, I think..." Celestia said, lifting her sister and carrying her to her bedroom, bridal style. Luna always enjoyed being carried that way. They did it since they were just fillies, and they did it with more...passion, ever since they confessed their true feelings for each other, a year after she recovered from Nightmare Moon's corruption.
  50. Celestia laid her little sister into her bed, and sang her a soft lullaby that she learned from the Element of Kindness (with a little twist added by Celestia herself). She used it instead of the seven-minute lullaby she came up with years ago, as it was much more comforting, much more concise, and didn't make her sister cry like a filly.
  52. "Hush now, quiet now, it's time to lay your sleepy head.
  53. Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed...
  54. Drift, drift off to sleep, your sister's feet are on your face...
  55. Drift, drift off to sleep, be in your happy place..."
  57. It didn't take long for her precious little sister to fall asleep. Celestia kissed Luna's soft lips, and then walked out of her bedchamber to do her royal duties for the day, turning out the lights.
  59. The next day...
  61. Luna slept in for quite a while, so she could have enough energy to work through the entire day. This would be easy for her, she just had to wake up and follow a list of instructions that her sister gave to her. Celestia had gone off to the secret royal spa in a back alley in Canterlot, so it was up to her to do this task list.
  63. She walked over to the dining room, where a hearty breakfast was laid out for her by her loving sister, along with a photo of her appealing white soles and a note.
  65. "'Enjoy your breakfast, sister, I could not let you nibble on what you enjoyed most, so I left you a photo. -With love, Celestia'" Luna read out loud, and she couldn't help but smile. She sat down for breakfast, and unrolled the scroll of tasks she needed to do. To her horror, it stretched down to the floor, and past her feet, in a very cartoonish manner.
  67. "Hmm....oh no...we didn't realize...it was THIS much..." Luna muttered, reading through the ninety-two tasks on the list, "no matter, WE SHALL PROVE TO SISTER THAT WE ARE MORE THAN CAPABLE OF HANDLING THESE MEAGER DUTIES!!!" she shouted in the Royal Canterlot Voice. She blushed and shut her mouth when she saw the chandelier above her shake.
  69. Most of the day was awful. There was a very fast-paced schedule that Celestia somehow kept to every single day. Most of the royal duties were mundane and involved a lot of smiling and calmness, such as solving disputes, smiling for photos, opening up a new lemonade stand, and judging a cupcake contest.
  71. And those were just the morning duties.
  73. From afternoon to night, she was sitting in the same place, barely even able to eat lunch. She was on the throne, signing documents that didn't mean anything to her. And posing for more photos. The poor princess of the night could barely bring herself to smile or speak. The constant swarm of ponies in her face was killing her inside. The only comfort she had was maybe, MAYBE getting to see her sister's feet when she was done, for a few minutes.
  75. Meanwhile, her older sister was having a far better time than her. She was relaxing in a hot tub, eyes closed, and with a mud mask on her face. Her mind drifted to how her younger sister was doing, and she didn't think Luna would be able to take another day of this. She knew her too well. So she got an idea.
  77. "Girls?" Celestia called out, lifting her legs out of the water, her agile toes curling for a moment. The ponies working at the secret spa rushed to her side. Celestia winked at them, saying, "The usual treatment, please. I have someone who'll thank me for it."
  79. Many hours later....
  81. Luna was all stressed out. She had just tried to prove to her sister that she was more than capable of her so-called 'easy' duties. However, she didn't exactly realize she had to SMILE and TALK to people all day long...
  83. She finished up in the shower, dried herself off, and didn't bother to get dressed. She turned left out of the bathroom to get to her bedchamber, and she sat at the foot of the bed, completely nude, looking down at the floor shamefully. She didn't notice the large lump in her blankets, however...
  85. Suddenly, a large white foot popped out of the covers, curling its five perfect toes on her left shoulder. This didn't even faze Luna. She loved her sister's feet, and Celestia loved hers, but she was too down on herself to think about that.
  87. "Sister...?" Luna asked.
  89. Her bored expression turned angry as the solar princess's foot pressed against her left cheek. "Sister?! What are you doing, cease this at ONCE!" Luna shouted, careful not to use the Royal Canterlot Voice.
  91. Celestia giggled softly, slowly working her toes up the side of her sister's head. As her toes pinched on Luna's twitching left ear, she asked, "What's the matter, Luna? You don't hate my feet, do you?" and grinned knowingly.
  93. "O-of course not! But-" Luna was cut off by her sister's other foot poking its way out of the blankets, the upper sole covering her mouth and two toes pinching her muzzle. "Mmmmpphhh..." Princess Luna moaned out.
  95. "Shhh, hush now, Luna. Just relax and breathe," Celestia cooed, in an angelic, motherly voice. Luna took a deep breath of Celestia's bare, pure white foot. Her hands began to feel up the top of her older sister's divine feet, making Celestia giggle softly and curl her toes when Luna's nails pressed into the sides of it.
  97. When Celestia started dragging her right foot along Luna's face, up and down rhythmically, she felt the younger princess's tongue slather up and down on the sole, but in opposite directions of its movements. Luna was thoroughly enjoying the fresh taste, the pedicure had done wonders for her older sister. When the warm, lovable sole moved up, and Celestia's big toe tapped on the tip of her sister's horn, Luna's head and tongue traveled downwards, and vice versa.
  99. Celestia grinned, moaning quietly as she felt Luna's tongue explore every little ridge of her royal right sole, and in the midst of her absentminded movement of her leg, up and down, she began to think of what would come next. Since today had been rather stressful for Luna, and as kind as could be to herself, Celestia decided to let Luna indulge in her love for her feet without having to reciprocate...
  101. For now.
  103. "Come on, sister, why don't you get into bed with me? It's a lot comfier..." Celestia said in a sultry tone, using her toes to effectively beckon Luna into bed with her. Luna squealed in excitement, unable to maintain the mask of elegance and royality any longer, and eagerly leapt into bed with her sunny, outgoing sister. She took some pillows and laid her head at the opposite end of the bed, greedily grabbing her sister's ankles.
  105. Celestia responded by delicately weighing her soles on Luna's cheeks, the balls of her feet obscuring her vision. Luna moaned out loud, her face turning a deep red. Celestia could feel the warmth of her sister's cheeks under her soles, and she smiled softly. Her slickened, glistening right foot, which had received a tongue bath earlier, pulled itself off Luna's face temporarily, much to Luna's displeasure.
  107. Celestia had to jerk her ankle out of Luna's grip in order to press the sole on her sister's large, soft left breast, spreading Luna's saliva on her skin. Luna was about to begin nibbling on Celestia's left set of toes to satiate her desire for her loving sister, but when she felt her right big toe carefully circling her nipple, she cried out softly in pleasure and dropped Celestia's other foot, her mind going weak.
  109. The older sister took this opportunity to greedily grab Luna's left foot, passionately kissing the highest part of the arch. Luna's eyes popped open in shock, but the dampness that was slowly growing between her legs was more than enough consent for Celestia to continue. The sun princess pulled her nocturnal sister's other leg close, so her feet were held side by side, and rammed her lips against the space in between them. Celestia's tongue swirled around the sensitive curves of the younger sister's feet, full-on Prench kissing the dark blue, sensitive soles.
  111. Luna's toes scrunched and she covered her mouth, trying to stifle the giggles forming in her throat as she felt Celestia's magical tongue swiping all over her adorable arches. She got an idea not long after, however, and brought Celestia's feet side by side in the same fashion. Luna's makeout skills were far more rudimentary than Celestia's, and her kissing of her older sister's soles was more like her lapping at them like a dog, rather than true kissing.
  113. Celestia broke the kiss with her younger sister's touchy, sensitive feet. Luna couldn't tear her face away from Celestia's soles, however, and she once again had to pull them away from her greedy sister. Luna soon understood why that was happening, as this had been her favorite part of the lovemaking.
  115. Celestia threw off her purple-trimmed gold bathrobe and pulled Luna so they were laying alongside each other. The older sister wrapped her arms around Luna's slick, sweaty torso, and brought her into a kiss more heated, more passionate than the treatment her soles got.
  117. Luna and Celestia's tongues slid and swirled against each other, swapping the tastes of each other's feet with one another. Both of them moaned loudly into each other's mouths, their lips pressed together so tightly, nothing in the world could break their intimate contact.
  119. Their large, supple breasts, subject to candid photos by many ponies, rubbed against each other as they kissed each other harder, Luna's tongue just as wild as it was on Celestia's soles. Luna's toes started to rub on Celestia's, and they spread to allow her younger sister access. Luna understood, and quickly shoved her slightly shorter, but adorable toes into Celestia's longer and smoother ones, interlocking both Luna's feet with Celestia's.
  121. The two princesses could take no more kissing, and they had to break for air. They did this after a few more seconds of rubbing their feet together, gasping desperately for sweet oxygen. As much as they loved mixing the tastes of their royal soles together, they needed to breathe to be able to enjoy the concoction of flavors.
  123. "Sister...let us...keep going..." Luna gasped out, the bedsheets now quite wet from her juices, and Celestia was happy to oblige. She pulled Luna's soft thighs, wrapping her legs around Celestia's waist. The younger sibling dove in for another heated kiss, and her arms wrapped around her older sister's torso. Celestia happily allowed Luna to kiss her lips with vigor, but then smiled deviously to herself. One of her wings sneakily unfolded, tracing the very tips of the feathers against her sister's right sole.
  125. Luna snorted, trying to maintain focus on the kiss. She explored the inside of her sister's mouth with her tongue to try to distract herself from the sensations, but Celestia was an expert at tickling. Without even needing to see where the midnight blue feet were squirming, Celestia's wings followed with very little error.
  127. Luna yanked herself away from the kiss, so she was finally able to breathe. However, the breathing was interrupted by Celestia's delicate, yet ferocious touch of her wings. "Sihihihihister, we demand that thee cut it out!!" Luna laughed. She attempted to unwrap her legs from Celestia's waist to escape the tickling, but her sister's magic was more powerful than hers, and kept her ankles sealed in mystical shackles.
  129. The midnight blue alicorn fell backwards onto the bed, tearing up from her hysterics. This gentle tracing of feathers on her feet drove her absolutely wild with laughter, and her soles couldn't do a thing about it. During a momentary break in laughter, Luna opened her eyes and gasped hard. Celestia's feet were right by her head.
  131. Unprotected.
  133. Luna seized the opportunity, gripping her sister's left ankle like a vice, using her nimble, agile fingers instead of her wings like Celestia was. Celestia burst out into fits of giggles as she felt her younger sister torment her curvy, uncalloused white feet. All the pedicures Celestia had gotten over her millennia of life were a double-edged sword: while they made her soles more desirable, more lovable, they also served to make her feet easier for things to glide over, and more sensitive.
  135. Celestia wasn't going to take this lying down. She released her sister's feet from her magical shackles, and promptly grabbed Luna's right foot, keeping her left securely under her thigh. Over the years she'd been alive, she knew all of Luna's weakest spots on her feet. Shakily, and through fits of laughter, she began to use her long, sharp nails to scratch deeply at the cute, wriggling sole in front of her, driving Luna insane with her precision.
  137. Luna squealed out in laughter, her midnight blue soles beginning to turn purplish from the stimulation, but she refused to let go of her sister's feet. She only scribbled her fingers over Celestia's feet faster and more wildly, scraping at the arches with much less precision than her sister, as Celestia's feet were equally ticklish all over. They had no real 'weak spots', the whole foot was tender and vulnerable.
  139. Celestia couldn't take the assault on her feet anymore. She forced herself to get up, and flipped her sister onto her belly, her squeezable, curved behind poined upwards. She wasn't doing this just to admire her sister's lovable butt, however, and Celestia sat down on it before Luna could react. She made sure her feet were pointed away from Luna's dastardly fingers, and grabbed hold of her two soles, bringing them up to eye level.
  141. Luna was helpless, her fingers couldn't reach Celestia's ticklish soles, her wings couldn't flex enough to tickle her sides, and her sister was simply too heavy for her. Her extra weight was due all that cake, too many bananas, and a very inappropriate amount of candy necklaces.
  143. Celestia's horn lit up, creating magical cuffs attached to a rope, and tied the rope around a beam on the ceiling. She then grabbed her sister's defenseless feet and forced them into the cuffs, not hesitating to tickle her silly.
  145. "You know, Luna, you shouldn't be trying to tickle your older sister..." Celestia teased, as her forefingers traced in shapes of the Cutie Marks of ponies she knew, "I'm the big sister, and little sisters are supposed to happily let big sisters tickle them. Maybe I should just do this for days now, since you're such a bad sister..."
  147. "HAHAHAHASHUHUHUHUTUPPPPP!!! CEASE THY EVIL TIC-BAHAHAHAHA!!" Princess Luna screamed. She couldn't take this. Her biggest weakness, besides her arches, was verbal teasing from her sister. But Celestia was determined to kick it up a notch, because her sister made her feet turn slightly red. She didn't like using magic to tickle, it felt like cheating. However, if she was holding a few tools with magic...that would be different. So she plucked a good amount of weakly-attached feathers from her fluffy white wings.
  149. As Luna pounded her fists into the bed, and tried to force herself off her belly, she felt a swarm of feathers drag up and down both of her precious soles, now sweating profusely along with the rest of Luna's body. This was enough to make her scream in hilarity, and bought Celestia enough time to bind Luna's arms behind her back.
  151. Celestia smiled gleefully, allowing the feathers to do their work on her little sister's midnight blue, squirming feet. No matter which way they wriggled and writhed, they never even came close to escaping the soft, yet brutally teasing sensations.
  153. Much of Luna's body needed a good amount of tickling, so she kept the feathers' focus on her soles, and started dragging her evil, teasing claws she had for fingers, up and down Luna's hips and sides.
  155. "NOHOHOHOT FAIR!!" Princess Luna protested, her entire body thrashing in her bindings. Celestia teased, "Awww, but Woona, you're smiling SO much, you must LOVE all this tickle tickle tickling, DON'T you?" as her fingers spidered their way to her breasts and armpits, carefully scritching every inch of skin exposed.
  157. Luna screamed with wild abandon, as Princess Celestia had summoned two scrubbing brushes and added them to the torment of Luna's poor little feet. They were now blushing a deep reddish-purple, and she was running out of breath. Despite Luna's torture, however, the liquid stain on the bed was a sign that she was absolutely loving this from her dear sister.
  159. The cunning sun princess decided to finish off the long, hellish tickle session by lifting her sister up, attaching a magical rope to the bindings around her wrists, and tying her arms to the ceiling as well. The midnight blue alicorn was now suspended in the air just above the bed, and barely aware of what was happening because she was so lost in laughter.
  161. Celestia'a fingers gripped her sister's sides greedily, raking their way back and forth, and she placed her mouth on Luna's toned belly, blowing a loud, long raspberry. Luna screamed at the top of her lungs, and Celestia's lower legs got covered in a warm liquid as her sister came hard.
  163. At this point, all of Luna's torment had stopped, to allow her to breathe and to ride out her intense orgasm. Celestia cut her down, and she landed on the bed in a sticky, sweaty and abused heap. But Celestia knew her sister well, she wouldn't just go down after one orgasm.
  165. Her arms pulled Luna's ankles back, and held her feet up right in front of her face. She dove in for a long, lustful lick up Luna's right arch, enjoying the feeling of the curve on her tongue. Luna shouted in surprise, dropping the two royal feet in her grasp. It was so easy to shock her...
  167. Luna glared at Celestia, and grabbed both of her ankles. She scratched and scribbled her fingers over the smooth, lovable white soles, but what she just went through weakened her more than enough so that Celestia only had to endure a few giggles here and there.
  169. The sun princess wrapped her soft lips around each of Luna's toes. Her tongue swirled around each individual digit, collecting as much of the sweet taste as it could. More of it was left over due to the harsh tickling session her sister just endured, and Celestia lapped up every bit of it.
  171. Luna gasped as she felt her sister's tongue slither in between each of her toes, and decided to follow her sister's lead. She ceased her weak tickling, and lifted up Celestia's right foot by the heel. She marveled at the sight of the slight coat of sweat on it, and then rammed her face into the silky surface once again. Luna dragged her tongue all the way up her sister's sole, and opened her mouth wide.
  173. She greedily took all five of Celestia's flexible white toes into her mouth, nibbling and sucking on them without mercy. Luna and Celestia locked eyes with one another, smiling widely at each other and relishing the feeling of attachment to each other. Celestia winked at her sister, placing her other large, soft white foot on Luna's messy lap, the heel weighing down on her soaking slit.
  175. Luna moaned quite loudly once again, her tongue's wild and unrelenting thrashing starting to weaken somewhat. Celestia carefully dragged the blade of her foot back and forth, teasing her sister like the seductress she was.
  177. Luna's body was pouring sweat, and it was made even greater by the feeling of Celestia's nimble tongue slipping back and forth underneath her toes. Luna curled them tightly in her sister's mouth, and tried to hold back giggles. Celestia's big toe running in circles around her clit certainly helped turn the laughter into groans of satisfaction.
  179. Princess Celestia pulled Luna's legs forward, temporarily releasing her adorable toes from her mouth. She smiled, leaned down and planted five kisses on her sister's opening between her legs. Luna threw her head back, shutting her eyes and let out a grunt of pleasure. Celestia, being the kind and generous pony she was, extended her left leg towards her sister. Luna gladly took the opportunity, and held onto her older sister's foot, bracing herself for Celestia's magical tongue work.
  181. Celestia was swirling her tongue vigorously inside her sister's ladyhood, but she knew that wasn't enough to get her off. She needed her feet to be loved in order to orgasm. So Celestia's wings extended outwards, and since Luna's feet were behind her back, her wings accurately deduced where her sister's feet were. The main feathers all slipped directly between Luna's toes, filling all of the spaces nicely.
  183. As Celestia gave her loving, sexy younger sister a wild Prench kiss between her legs, the sun princess's wings began to flap a tiny distance at a time, just enough to stimulate Luna's toes and upper soles. Celestia felt her foot almost collapse in Luna's grip as she came once again, screaming out Celestia's name in the Royal Canterlot Voice. Thank Faust that both their bedchambers were soundproofed, and that she mashed her face into the curvy white foot first.
  185. Princess Celestia softly and lovingly lapped at Luna's spot the whole way through her orgasm, causing her whole body to convulse and twitch at each slick sensation. As the intense, utterly mindblowing orgasm faded, along with Luna's heavy blush, Celestia smiled. She knew she had done her job right. Luna looked considerably less angry, less tired, and looked like she would never let the older sister's foot out of her grip.
  187. Celestia was content with this, pushing Princess Luna to lay her head at the foot of the bed once again. She grabbed Luna's blushing, sweating feet, massaging both of them absentmindedly, and allowed her sister the same privilege. The younger sister took Celestia's other foot in her smaller hands, and she pulled them to cover her entire face, quite eagerly.
  189. "So, my dear little sister...do you still think you can do my job? I found yours quite easy for the thousand years I did it..." Celestia remarked, rubbing Luna's sexy soles against one another.
  191. "If it meant...we could...do this each and every night, we would be happy to take on our sister's awful duties..." Luna said between gasps.
  193. "So you would be willing to do my duties? All day, every day? I think I should retire, then..." Celestia said, chuckling.
  197. "Heh, I'm kidding, dear sister...you can go back to your normal duties," Celestia giggled, pulling Luna's toes back and forth. Luna sighed at the sensation, fighting against her sleepiness. But she was unable to stop herself from resting her head on the pillow. Celestia's masterful massage, soothing voice, and the heavy tickling she endured were taking their toll on her. Celestia noticed this, and slowed down her massaging to a very slow, steady squeezing of Luna's high arches.
  199. Not long after she slowed down, she heard Luna snoring adorably, a huge smile on her face. Princess Celestia slowly, and very carefully, pulled her soles off Luna's face, leaving the poor, exhausted little sister to rest. She then reluctantly got herself cleaned up and dressed. As much as Celestia wanted to stay and keep loving her sister's adorable feet, she had a long night shift ahead of her.
  201. -End

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