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Feet Caked in Seed (2018 commission, Mrs. Cake mindbreak)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 21:31:25
Expiry: Never

  1. An old, despicable mare known as Temperance Flowerdew had started a riot in the peaceful town of Ponyville. She despised sugar, and wanted to see it eradicated. And she had somehow gotten the entire town behind her. What was WITH the ponies of this town, seriously? It was like newcomers can make them all think with a hive mind. If Zecora, Trixie, and the Flim Flam brothers weren't enough proof, then this mare was.
  3. The one hit hardest by this awful boycott was Mrs. Cup Cake. It didn't take longer than a week of no business for her and her husband to separate under pressure, and he took the two somewhat-grown up fillies they had together.
  5. However, there was a certain unicorn that had taken a liking to Mrs. Cake. His name was Anonymous. He was always ready to take what he wanted. Several times, he asked the sexy baker out on dates, and she rejected him each time for two reasons: she didn't like having her feet touched, and she had a husband.
  7. So he planned on a way to take the love of his life by force, and learned a spell that renders the subject unconscious, but painlessly. He may have wanted to touch the sweet baker any way he desired, but he wasn't the violent sort.
  9. With Sugarcube Corner shut down, and no one inside, he saw his opportunity to use the spell without being a suspect. While the ponies were rioting about the nonsensical myths of sugar, he climbed into the bakery through one of the windows on the roof.
  11. Meanwhile, Mrs. Cake was pacing around the floor of the confectionery she and her husband had built from the ground up over many years. "Oh dear...oh dear...no customers in weeks...what can we do? Dear Celestia, I hope those six are making prog-"
  13. Mrs. Cake stopped short. She felt a massive tingling in the back of her head, and a noticeable dizziness. She groaned and held her head, sitting down in one of the booths before she collapsed and hurt herself. She was now sound asleep, laying on her side. "It worked...I did it..." Anon muttered, a visible bulge already straining against his black pants. The soft, squishy mare was all his now.
  15. "Heh heh heh...let's see what you look like...without those slip-ons...little tickle slave..."
  17. _____________________________________________
  19. Slowly, Mrs, Cake awoke to find herself bound to a chair. The plump, soft mare was confused to find that her legs were on display, ankles tied together, right on top of the counter where transactions were made. What's more, her electric-blue feet were as bare as the rest of her body.
  21. "Wha-what's going on?! Why am I..." she stopped short when she noticed the unicorn step into view, READY as he ever was. "Anonymous?! Did YOU do this to me?!" she shouted angrily, and he sat down on top of the counter.
  23. "Heh, of course I did, Mrs. Cake...I grew tired of you rejecting me, so I did what I had to. And you know EXACTLY what I want from you..." he said, with a large grin on his face. Mrs. Cake thought back for a bit, and then the horror of realization came onto her face.
  25. "No...nonono, no, NOT that..." Mrs. Cake begged, but Anon was already on her feet like an ice-using wizard on a treasure hunter with only a shovel in his backpack. Ready grabbed the back of Mrs. Cake's right foot, and eagerly started to scrape his fingers up and down the highest point of the arch. Mrs. Cake squirmed and clenched her teeth, trying to resist the intense ticklish sensations. Her feet were incredibly sensitive, too sensitive for her liking. She hated when they were touched or tickled with a passion.
  27. Unfortunately for the poor baker, feet that jolted at even the slightest touch was exactly what Anon liked. He scratched at the upper part of her right sole, keeping his eyes locked on the sexy, wriggling set of toes. Mrs. Cake's face was red, both from blushing and from holding in her laughter, and she couldn't take it anymore. The floodgates burst open, as a steady stream of angelic laughter poured out from her.
  29. Anonymous realized that his captive's left foot hadn't gotten any sort of love. He switched his hands, now making sure the squirming left foot stayed still. Mrs. Cake's toes curled to try to lessen the tickling plaguing her body, but Anon was just too good at what he did. His fingers raked up and down her blue sole firmly and deeply, leaving reddish trails in their wake. "STAHAHAHAP PLEEASE!!! NO MOHOHOHORE!!" she begged of him. To her great surprise, he did stop tickling her so aggressively, but he was still running his fingers up and down her trapped sole slowly and sensually.
  31. "It's only been ten minutes, why would I stop now? What could you offer me in exchange for mercy...for now?" he asked.
  33. "Offer you?!" the unfortunate baker gasped out, "I shouldn't even BE here in the first place!" Mrs. Cake started to scream to the outside for help.
  35. "Save your breath, little tickle slave, the rioters won't hear you..." Anon said, sternly. She was taken aback at being called that, but Anon dug his nails right back into her left sole, scratching from heel to toe, heel to toe. Mrs. Cake shook wildly in her bindings, and her left foot desperately tried to escape the torment it was stuck in. All she could do, however, was scrunch her toes, and this barely did anything to stop him.
  37. Anon slowly got bored of using his fingers on his slave's feet, though he enjoyed the silkiness of them thoroughly. It was time to move on to a new form of punishment for her rebellion. Without giving her poor left foot a break from his dexterous fingers, he pulled a lot of feathers from one of his pockets, and used his magic to direct every single one of them to her right foot. The gentle, but precise teasing of her toes, as well as the dragging of the bristles in the spces between, drove her absolutely wild with laughter.
  39. "OHOHOHOKAY I GIVE I GIVE I GIHIHIVE!! MERCY!!!" Mrs. Cake screamed out when she felt the quills of the feathers carefully pressing their tips into her ultra-sensitive soles. Anonymous heard her loud and clear, and stopped the storm of tickling raging through her body.
  41. "I...I'll...do...anything...please, no more..." Mrs. Cake gasped out, trying to catch her breath.
  43. Anon perked up at the sound of that, responding, "Anything, hmm? Alright...either you put those feet to good use between my legs...or I just tickle you until you do..."
  45. Mrs. Cake's eyes went wide with shock. "How DARE you even ask tha-AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" She was interrupted by a Swifter feather duster brushing up and down her abused left foot, as well as two fingers carefully tickling her right heel up to her right arch, and five feathers sweeping up and down from under her toes to her upper arch.
  47. Despite Mrs. Cake's constant begging for mercy, and her pathetic attempts at bargaining with her tormentor, all of this unrelenting teasing and titillation of her soles went on for hours and hours. Not one pony outside was able to hear her extremely hard laughter or her cries for help. In the middle of her torture, Anon even decided to keep her soles completely still using magic, forcing her to endure every little stroke.
  49. "OKAHAHAHAOKOKOK!!! I-I'LL GIVE YOU A F-BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Mrs. Cake screamed out, truly unable to take any more. Once again, Anon put his own enjoyment on hold to listen to Mrs. Cake's negotiation.
  51. "I-I'll give you your footjob...j-just let me go after...please..." she begged, and Anon nodded, sitting on top of the counter, his legs hanging over on Mrs. Cake's side.
  53. "You'd better do a good job of it, slave."
  55. Mrs. Cake was very seductive, very agile, when she needed to be, despite her looks. So she gave Anonymous a false seductive smile of desire, and was still able to move her feet through the ropes enough to grip the zipper of Anon's pants. She undid the zipper and pulled down his pants, using only her feet, and after a bit of staring and blushing, managed to wrap her silky, warm feet around his cock.
  57. Anon moaned quite loudly, closing his eyes and enjoying the sensation. Deep inside, Mrs. Cake hated this, but she decided to put her best foot forward, squeezing his throbbing length between two of her toes on her right foot, gliding the left sole up and down the side of his shaft.
  59. Mrs. Cake dragged her big toe from the tip of his cock down to the base, and then hugged his dick tightly between her arches, sliding both soles up and down the sides in opposite directions. Anon started to groan, the constant leaking of pre from his tip allowing her feet to slip up and down without any chafing. Her soles were smooth enough to do that without any lubricant, but his precum certainly helped.
  61. As Mrs. Cake curled her toes tightly onto the sides of his shaft, squeezing it with a loving, caring firmness, and slid her toes up and down, Anon grunted, unloading all of his pent-up sexual frustration onto his captive's beautiful blue feet, turning them partially white. Mrs. Cake hated this and hated him, but she had to admit, the warmth felt kind of nice.
  63. "Th-there...now...let me go..." Mrs. Cake demanded, her face blushing a bright red. Anon shook his head, pulling his cock away from the clutches of her toes and redressing himself. While he may have been more than satisfied with the job she did, he desired more from his captive.
  65. "What do you mean 'no', you said you would release me if I gave you a footjob! I don't owe you anything else, I fulfilled my part!!" she shouted angrily. Anonymous grinned devilishly at her, pulling a book of spells from his pocket.
  67. "Oh, but you don't have a choice, slave..." Anon chuckled, looking at his spellbook. His horn lit up, a beam of energy hitting his captive directly on her forehead. Her eyes widened, and she strained herself, desperately trying to free herself from the bindings with renewed vigor. Something was changing in her head...
  69. Her struggles got weaker and weaker, and her feet started to rub against one another. Something was compelling her to do this, she knew it, but she felt a very perverse desire for pony contact on her feet, tickling or otherwise. Mrs. Cake started to notice that the area between her legs was getting warmer...
  71. She let out a frustrated groan, the white fluids leaking down her feet spreading out over both of her soles. Anon watched this with glee, he knew the spell had worked. "Now, let's try this again...are you going to be my submissive, sexy tickle slave forever, or am I going to have to tease you until you agree?" he asked.
  73. He gave Mrs. Cake's left foot just the slightest little touch, enough to bring her halfway to an orgasm. She panted and gasped, she couldn't take all of this teasing. She didn't know magic, she couldn't call for help. There was only one way she could make the best of her situation.
  75. "Ngghh...y-yes...I...I-I'm yours...Ready...all yours...I NEED YOU TO TOUCH ME, TO TICKLE ME UNTIL I CAN NO LONGER TAKE IT. PLEASE," the baker pleaded with her captor. Anonymous gave her a seductive smile, using his magic to cut her free from her bindings.
  77. "Now stand up, and come over here, or I'll tease you for the next five days..."
  79. Mrs. Cake gasped, her sweaty, blushing form barely able to stand. Her cum-splattered feet hit the carpet behind the counter, and the soft bristles of it pressed against her tender, sensitized feet. She could barely hold back her strained giggles as she walked off the carpet onto the floor.
  81. "Now, take my hand, slave, you need a new home," Anon said to her. She blushed, but not wanting to be kept from cumming, she grabbed his hand tightly. Anon then teleported the two of them to his home. It was a cave out in the Everfree Forest, closed off by a rock that Mrs. Cake had no hope of lifting.
  83. Anon grabbed Mrs. Cake by the waist, and led her deeper into his cave, where a medium-sized cell was carved into the wall, with a comfortable-looking bed and a table with shackles. Anon opened up the cell and pushed his new captive into it firmly. "This is where you stay, tickle slave...and if you don't want to be teased and edged, you'll do anything I say..." Anon said to her, and she whimpered and nodded.
  85. Despite being the captive of a perverted unicorn with a love for her feet, he treated her somewhat kindly in the grand scheme of things. Every single day, Anonymous tickled her sensitive body in many different ways, and the spell he put on her wasn't about to wear off anytime soon.
  87. Enough time passed for the poor baker to get used to the constant stimulation of her feet, and being permanently naked, locked in a cell, to be used for pleasure at a moment's notice.
  89. Nopony ever came looking for Mrs. Cake. Ponyville now hated sugar, because of a senile old unicorn. This was perfect, because Anon was able to keep his tickle slave for as long as he wanted.
  91. And Mrs. Cake obeyed his every command, without question.

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