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Corrupted Cadance (2018 Chrysoleis bonus story, foot fetish)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 21:37:58
Expiry: Never

  1. Six years ago...
  3. The Changeling Queen cackled madly at Princess Cadance, her terrifying, ugly visage visible in the reflection of the cave walls. Cadance backed into a corner, firing a beam of powerful cornflower blue magic at her captor. Unfortunately, it just ricocheted around the walls of the prison cave and almost struck her in the head.
  5. "No one...is going to know that you're missing, 'Princess'. And once I marry your idiot of a brother, then I will be able to feed my subjects FOR CENTURIES," Chrysalis teased, "I will kidnap Twilight Sparkle and her five IRRITATING friends, to be used as love-vessels...and NOPONY will suspect it's me, because in their minds, I DON'T EXIST."
  7. "But...but why did you put ME down here if you wanted love energy? If you want some, I'll GIVE YOU some to leave us alone!!" Cadance shouted.
  9. Chrysalis chuckled. "So subservient. But don't fret, 'Princess', I'll be back to suck the love dry from you in no more than a week. Until then, MI AMORE CADENZA."
  11. With a faded-out villainous laugh, the holed horse was gone.
  13. Days passed, and Cadance was alone. Since she was an alicorn, she had no need for food or water, and her curvy pink figure experienced no negative effects.
  15. Weeks passed, and the Princess was starting to get scared. Why had no one come for her? Did Chrysalis succeed? If she did, why was she left sitting in this dungeon?
  17. Then came a month, two months, four months. Still, Cadance was kept here, with absolutely no way out. Not being able to see the sun would have taken its toll on her mind, but alicorns have a very hard time losing it.
  19. Years had passed. Still, Cadance was trapped. She was supposed to be married, and was supposed to have a happily ever after. Why did this happen to her? Where was her husband-to-be? Where was anyone?
  21. And now...
  23. "I almost WISH I could go insane..." the Princess of Love groaned, as she opened her eyes. She rubbed her head to relieve it of the pain that the rock she used as a pillow gave her. Her royal pink gown was tattered and filthy, her multicolored mane was frizzy and full of gray dust, and her golden heels shone no more. They felt awfully uncomfortable, so Cadance had never worn them for the last few years.
  25. Even though the floor of her cave-prison was made from extremely smooth, cool stone, her soles were still cracked, calloused and dusty.
  27. Princess Cadance had been trapped underground for six years, thanks to Chrysalis's evil efforts. Why was she never found? Did anyone even know she was gone? Did anyone survive Chrysalis's planned invasion? Why hadn't the changelings killed her yet?
  29. These were all questions that plagued her from day one, all the way up until now. Every day was a struggle, both to get up and to fall back asleep on the hard stone floor. She hadn't used her magic for the better part of her entrapment, as she knew it would only lead to exhaustion, and potentially backfire at her.
  31. As she often did, she stood up, paced around her small prison for a little while, and then decided to look at herself in the reflective cave walls.
  33. "Yep...that's me...day 2,191...not a free pony...like anyone probably out there..." Cadance shrugged. She then sat back down against the wall to think. About herself, about her fiancee, about how and why it led up to this.
  35. But then she heard a noise, something hat sounded like cracking. It began to grow louder and louder, and seemed closer than ever. She pressed her twitching ear against the wall, listening curiously, and the wall burst inwards, knocking her back.
  37. Cadance rubbed her head, groaning in pain, and looked up in front of her. Inside the hole in the wall was a small force of ferocious-looking changelings...and they looked like they were glowing with health. But Princess Cadance noticed something odd about them.
  39. She could feel something VERY similar to the magic of the former unicorn she used to foalsit, Twilight Sparkle. Sure enough, the little purple unicorn walked through the tunnel and into Cadance's prison.
  41. The bookish pony was wearing absolutely nothing but a pair of specialized boots, that seemed locked around her feet firmly. She looked sexually crazed, like she'd been teased half to death for a long time. Her ladyhood showed obvious signs that Cadance was right. But what had they done to her?
  43. When Twilight began to realize who they had just led her to, a male changeling with blue armour on leaned in close to Twilight's ear, muttering, "You, little foot slave...you're going to help us with this one, or we tease your soles carefully for a month. No release."
  45. Queen Chrysalis kept Twilight as a source of love energy for the better part of a decade. The unicorn's feet had been tickled, tormented, and teased for so long, and given orgasms as a reward for obedience, that she had developed a strong fetish for being tickled. Her feet needed to be seen to regularly for her not to go completely mad.
  47. To keep her feet stimulated when it was time to travel, or to hunt, and no one could attend her, the changelings created a special pair of boots with all sorts of tiny tools of torment. If they completely shut off the boots...Twilight Sparkle couldn't bear to think of how she would live.
  49. "Twilight, oh Twilight, I thought you were dead! Sunshine, sun...shine..." Cadance stopped short, when she realized that the sexually-frustrated unicorn ran up to her to tackle her. Twilight's changeling guards also sprinted forward to help.
  51. Cadance managed to stand up, adopting a defensive position. Unfortunately for her, years of being trapped underground had made her forget how to use her magic for a few seconds. These few seconds were all the changelings needed to overpower her, pin her down, and wrap a cloth of a certain...chemical around her head. Twilight's powerful horn lit up with lavender energy, to speed up the chemical's effects on her former foalsitter.
  53. It didn't take long for Cadance to pass out.
  55. When Princess Cadance came to, she found herself in a foul-smelling, dark prison. She fully opened up her eyes, and discovered that she was barely able to move at all. Her wrists, and by extension, her forearms, were kept in strange, glowing green tubes, attached to the arms of a reclining chair. Her ankles and lower legs fared no better, and were stuck in very similar restraints. A thin, but strong, strap of material, pressed directly under her C-cup breasts, kept her belly from moving as well.
  57. When the princess attempted to use magic to free herself from her tight bindings, she found that the energy within her dissolved into the air as soon as she cast the spell. Again and again she tried to melt the strange crystallised goo keeping her arms and legs in place, but there seemed to be a strange magical drain cast upon the hive. She cut it out once she got exhausted.
  59. Cadance called out for help, but anyone who could have possibly helped her would have to go through a set of strong-looking cage bars as well as free her from her dreadful bonds. But she heard the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway to her cell. She shouldn't have hoped for help, though.
  61. On the other side of the bars was Twilight Sparkle and her entourage of two female changeling bodyguards, as well as one male, a large bucket of water, and a heavy-looking bag.
  63. "Twilight...what's happened to you? Why are you doing this? Don't you...don't you recognize me?" Cadance said, as the group unlocked the cell door. The bookish little unicorn under complete sexual control obviously recognized her old foalsitter, and wasn't really willing to do this. But she was property of the hive, and if she refused to obey...Celestia knows what they would do to her feet, WITHOUT letting her cum.
  65. "Ahh, Princess Cadance...don't even try to reason with this one..." the male of the guards said, starting to unpack the bag. The two females of the group pulled a lever on the side of Cadance's chair, reclining her so she lay flat and completely defenceless.
  67. "Just like Twilight here, you exist to be a love source for the hive. And we're going to MAKE you want to give us love energy, like it or not," the female on the right harshly said, very close to Cadance's face. The female on the left continued, "You're going to feel exactly what we did to Twilight Sparkle..."
  69. Cadance tried to thrash back and forth, while the two female changelings clawed at her already-ruined garments. They performed the stripping slowly, sensually, carefully tearing into her gown. This exposed more and more of her curvy pink body, exposing both her cleavage and her sexy, toned midriff.
  71. Meanwhile, the male changeling and his property unpacked the bag, which was full of brushes, various lotions, and moisturisers. Both he and Twilight Sparkle took a good look at the princess's soles, which were cracked and calloused, and covered in a thick layer of gray dust, due to the ravages of time and the lack of carpet in the cave.
  73. The female changeling guards were done tearing off Cadance's clothing, and their eyes traveled all over her royal form. Unlike her poor, worn-out soles, the rest of her body was glowing with health. Her supple breasts hung free, the modestly-sized masses practically begging to be touched. The two female changelings decided to lay their soft hands on Princess Cadance's bare breasts, and rake their deviously sharp claws in circles around her nipples.
  75. Cadance bit her lip and began to giggle. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to block out the sensations, but the evil little buggers had a firm grip on her tight, sensitive body. She was able to partially block out some of the awful tickling the females were forcing upon her, but she had no idea what was to come.
  77. The male changeling at Cadance's feet gave Twilight a rough scrubbing brush, and retrieved another for himself. "You know what to do, little unicorn," the male told her, over Cadance's giggling. She felt the tiny feathers in her boots begin to move, the light stimulation of her arches motivating Twilight to speed it up.
  79. "My my, Cadance, y-your...your feet r-really need to be cared for," Twilight stammered out, her toes curling at the feeling of feathers all making figure 8's across her soles. She dunked the scrubbing brush in the bucket of warm water, mixing a healthy amount of soap into the bristles. The male changeling followed suit, and before she knew it, Cadance's feet were being ferociously scrubbed by two rough brushes. Right then and there, the floodgates of laughter burst from her maw.
  81. Twilight felt slightly guilty for doing this to one she knew so well...but she had to get her feet tended to or else she felt like she would die. So she smiled deviously, held the back of the perfectly-proportioned right foot, and pressed the bristles deep into the gray, dusty surface. Up and down, left and right, the brush cleaned up Cadance's right sole VERY thoroughly. The harder Princess Cadance's royal foot was scrubbed, the more ticklish pink skin it exposed.
  83. Meanwhile, her left sole was doing no better. Cadance curled her toes as tight as she could to lessen the tingling torment on her dusty, calloused foot. The male changeling didn't like that, however, and briefly gave her left sole a break from its bath to collect a bit more goo from the corner of her cell. He spread this around the bases of her toes and between them, and used his magic to crystallise it. Now Cadance's left foot was completely immobilized, helpless to the changeling guard's tickling.
  85. "We're going to keep tickling you, Cadance, and you WILL submit...every bit of love you have, will be ours..." she barely heard one of the females say.
  87. Just when the Princess of Love thought things couldn't get any worse for her, one the two females attending her breasts flew upwards, and then her shiny, jet black bare feet landed on her face. Her unrelenting gales of laughter were muffled by a pair of slim, toned soles covering her mouth, and her vision was now obscured.
  89. The other female guard noticed that the male guard and Twilight Sparkle were doing a much better job at tormenting their captive than she was. She then grabbed a toothbrush out of the bag, dunked it in water and soap, and helped Twilight with the cleansing of Cadance's right foot. In between every toe space, right on the tips of them, she scrubbed delicately, causing pinpoint ticklish sensations to the vulnerable flesh. Twilight, in turn, held all five of the toes back so the changeling could scrape away all the cave dust effectively.
  91. Each of her feet were given a very generous half an hour of soapy washing. Even an experienced, strong alicorn like her was susceptible to extended periods of tickling, and she was almost completely out of breath. The pair of firm, yet smooth changeling feet on her face, as well as the unrelenting washing of her now-sparkly soles, was taking a heavy toll on her.
  93. And then suddenly, all of this heavy tickling finally ceased. The female changeling who was gracefully balancing on the princess's face finally leapt off, to allow Cadance to breathe properly. The other female decided to grab hold onto her breasts once again, because she thought they were just that lovable.
  95. The captive love princess gasped like her life depended on it, and tears were streaming from her eyes. Her cheeks were a deep red, both from the forced laughter and the fondling of her supple breasts, and they were covered in a slight coat of changeling sweat. On the bright side, however, her lovable pink feet were all clean, with not a speck of dirt left behind.
  97. Twilight Sparkle ran her palm up and down Cadance's blushing right sole, softly, sensually. "Oh, Cadance...you're nice and clean now...but your skin doesn't feel like a princess..." Twilght remarked, digging her nails into a small crack on the princess's sole, "can we pleeease make them nice and soft now?"
  99. All three of her bodyguards chuckled. When she was finally forced under the changelings' complete sexual influence, the hive assigned her a task, in order to be allowed to orgasm at all. She was to help the changelings break each and every one of her former friends, one by one, until they were all nothing but subservient ticklish receptacles.
  101. At first, Twilight felt guilty about doing this to them, but after doing it a third time, specifically to Rainbow Dash, she began to understand why the changelings enjoyed tickling her so much, why they wanted her feet in the first place, and why they loved forcing their feet onto her to be worshipped.
  103. By the time Twilight moved onto Fluttershy's feet, the last of her friends to be broken, she'd found that she loved to do the sensual massaging part the most: softening the soles and making them more desirable, more sensitive. So the guards allowed her to indulge in that role, and it squeezed even more love energy from her as she did it.
  105. Since the changelings had not bound Cadance's flexible, slim toes on this foot, she was able to wiggle it out of the way of Twilight's nimble fingers, steeling herself against the brief ticklish torment.
  107. The male changeling growled angrily at the disobedient princess, grabbing her curled foot with his strong hands. He pulled back her toes and kept them there himself, making sure Cadance was able to feel everything Twilight was about to do to her.
  109. Twilight smiled at her guard gratefully, and then rummaged around in her bag of supplies. She took out the best moisturiser the changelings were able to retrieve from Equestria, and opened up the bottle. Cadance then felt a cold, slimy sensation drip down between her toe spaces and down her calloused soles.
  111. She cringed at the moisturiser being poured all over her left foot, but she was unable to move her soft, vulnerable foot even a single inch, due to the guard's death grip on it. Cadance then started to feel a warm, pleasant sensation travel across her worn, abused soles.
  113. Twilight grinned happily, barely able to focus on her own foot stimulation. She was more intent on giving her old foalsitter's feet love and care, because they needed it badly. The changelings obviously wanted this to happen, because the smoother and softer the victims' soles are, the more sensitive they are. This would break them much quicker.
  115. Cadance moaned softly, legitimately enjoying the massage. Twilight must have been a professional, there's no way she was able to undo so much tension THAT quickly. Twilight Sparkle made doubly sure to get the lotion between Cadance's toe spaces, and to attend to every blemish her soles had developed over the years. Gently, sensually, she felt up the princess's peds, spreading expensive lotion around every inch of them, and making them slippery and easy to glide fingers over.
  117. After a good forty-five minutes of rubbing, Twilight had cum over five times. The boots that were locked onto her feet were made to hold her toes slightly apart, and her guards increased the ticklish intensity slowly but surely as Twilight did things to Cadance's feet. The more thorough she was, the more orgasms she was allowed to experience.
  119. They knew that Cadance, being an alicorn, wouldn't be broken so easily. So the changelings planned to have Twilight and her guards tickle and massage her for set amounts of time each day. The moisturisers wouldn't just work overnight on her feet, they needed to apply it daily for a while until her feet were too sensitive to endure any more torture.
  121. And when the massage was over...the heavy amounts of torment began again, and didn't cease for the rest of the day. This schedule of ticklish torment started out by focusing on every area of her body, but didn't take long to be solely focused on, well, her soles. At the end of each day, they told her to allow them to drain her of love energy, but she always refused. She, of course, endured the tickling forever and ever.
  123. -End
  125. Actually, not really, because weeks later, after many attempts on her sanity, and a whole lot of tools used to their absolute limit…
  127. The changelings and Twilight knelt before their Queen, the one who devised the strategy to capture such abundant sources of love.
  129. "What do you mean, 'you can't break her down'? All this time, enduring all of that tickling...even when her feet are as soft as butter...you STILL can't drain her?!" Chrysalis shouted. She slammed her fist into the arm of her throne.
  131. "B-but my Queen, Cadance is an alicorn pony...she...she's enduring all of our tickling at once...we don't know what else to do..." Twilight stuttered, kneeling as low as possible.
  133. "Hmph...you four are utter failures. I will see to your punishment in due time, but for now, it seems that I, Chrysalis, must see to this breaking myself..." she muttered, tapping her fingers.
  135. Twilight and her entourage stood there, fearful of what awful things Chrysalis had in mind.
  137. "GO GET THE PRINCESS OF LOVE, NOW," Chrysalis ordered, pointing towards the hive dungeons. They immediately scampered off towards her cell, before Chrysalis destroyed something in her rage.
  139. Meanwhile, Cadance's arms and legs were completely exhausted. For weeks, they'd been held still, completely at the mercy of her changeling captors, and her old friend. Why did this happen to her...? She much preferred being locked up in that cave...at least she wasn't being tickled to death.
  141. Every night, though, they at least let her toes wiggle freely. Each night, when she rubbed one of her feet over the other, she discovered that her soles were getting progressively softer, with each tickling session that went by. She smiled slightly, she did like the feeling of being massaged, and the feel of her skin going back to its soft, delicate state. If only it didn't come with demands of love energy or so much tickling...
  143. Her train of thought was abruptly derailed by the Twilight and the guards opening up her little cell, and the crystallised goo around her arms and legs shattering. She jumped up happily, stretching her tired limbs, but promptly fell back down into the chair, unable to keep herself upright.
  145. "The Queen wants to see you, prisoner. You're coming with us..." said the two females, who grabbed Cadance while she was disoriented. They led her to the throne room at spearpoint, forcing her to kneel in front of Queen Chrysalis.
  147. "So, my subjects have been unable to extract love energy from you...pathetic as you are, 'Princess', they couldn't manage it..." Chrysalis said, shaking her head, "perhaps I need to be a bit more forceful..."
  149. "Wait...what do you mean b-MMMPH!!!" Cadance screamed. Her head was forced forward by the Queen's magic...directly into her pitch-black arch, large enough to completely cover a horny stallion's face. Another few changelings flew over to assist their Queen, flipping Princess Cadance's body to be face-up, so her totally-nude frame was unable to be hidden. Seven female changelings surrounded her body, each of them standing on one foot and placing the other somewhere on her torso.
  151. Chrysalis chuckled, feeling the sexy pony princess writhe and wiggle beneath the sole of her foot. She'd always enjoyed holding her captives down by force, rather than using shackles or ropes. She then shoved her foot harder into Cadance's face, and called two more changelings to sit at the sides of her head, pressing their feet up against her ears. Now, no matter where Cadance thrashed her head, she would be kissing a pair of soft, slick changeling soles.
  153. Chrysalis snapped her fingers, and two passing male changelings stopped what they were doing. They ran over to the smothered pink alicorn, and each grabbed one of her ankles, hoisting them high enough for each of their respective duties. The one on the left began to tickle the now-silky soft sole, immediately driving Cadance insane with laughter. The changeling attending her right foot placed his hardened cock between two of her toes and began thrusting.
  155. As soon as Cadance felt that warm, throbbing mass make contact with the skin on her toes, something clicked within her. Each twitch of the pole of flesh against the sensitive sole was starting to make her horny...perhaps being forced to pleasure someone against her will was doing things to her? The fact that her feet were hypersensitive due to the weeks of spa treatments didn't make the arousing sensations any easier to block out.
  157. Chrysalis heard a few pleasured moans between the howls of laughter coming from her captive princess. She grinned maliciously and placed her other foot over the tormented princess's face, loving the feel of her lips tracing all over her large, soft soles.
  159. And then she felt it. Love energy was pouring out of Cadance faster and faster, the more her feet were used. The males understood what to do, and the one on her left foot ceased tickling immediately. He began to take out his painfully-obvious urges by holding her sole facing upwards, rubbing his shaft up and down, across the deep pink arch.
  161. After her extremely hard laughter settled down, Cadance was moaning and panting like she'd just run a marathon. Chrysalis then signaled for the males to slow it down, and they began thrusting themselves along her helpless feet firmly, but less frequently. This caused Cadance to whine, scrunching her toes to firmly grip the male using her right foot.
  163. "Is the princess all horny now? Well, it's certainly too bad she REFUSES to worship the soles of her new Queen...perhaps then she would be able to cum..." Queen Chrysalis teased, dragging her gently-curved arch down Cadance's blushing face.
  165. Cadance was reluctant at first, but a firm thrust between two of her toes, as well as a drop of changeling essence on the ball of her foot, motivated her enough to begin the embarrassing act of worshiping her captor's feet.
  167. When she felt the dicks rubbing on her feet start to thrust quickly again, she managed to free her arms long enough to grab onto Queen Chrysalis's feet, and she held them onto her face. Her tongue hung out as she moaned out loudly, and Cadance began to lap at the space between the arches like a dog.
  169. Her cheeks dragged up and down the soles as she took in the taste of the elegant, yet evil feet of the Queen. Chrysalis nodded in approval, curling her toes and moving her soles to the sides of the princess's head temporarily. She bore a toothy, smug grin upon observing the reddened face of her captive.
  171. Cadance's eyes, however, were not paying attention to Chrysalis's. They were rolled back in unbelievable pleasure, and the sexual feeling in her was still on the rise. When the tip of the left changeling's length pressed against a sweet spot on her arch, Cadance let her mouth hang wide open as she grunted in bliss. This gave Chrysalis the leeway to shove both of her big toes into the warm, inviting mouth of the Princess of Love.
  173. Cadance's sensitive toes scrunched once again, causing the right male changeling to groan in pure pleasure. The two of them were very close, judging by their rapid twitching and their heavy leaking of semen on the princess's feet. But Chrysalis grinned, removing her toes from the warm, moist heaven that was Cadance's mouth. Again, she signalled the two males using her royal pink feet for pleasure to slow down, to deny her an orgasm. That is, until Cadance did what she said...
  175. "Say that you belong to the hive, slave..." Chrysalis ordered. Cadance's immobile, sweaty form tried to struggle out of the ped prison it was held in, and shook her head. She had to resist and escape. But, if she didn't...she wouldn't get to cum...
  177. The males slowly, teasingly dragged their dripping cocks along the smooth surfaces of her soles, to keep her edged, JUST out of orgasm's reach. It didn't take too long for Cadance to break under all of the orgasm denial, and the knowledge that she was being watched by almost everyone in the hive. She couldn't take it anymore.
  179. "I...I...belong to the hive. There, I said it, PLEASE, PLEASE, LET ME-NNNGHH!!!" Cadance's sexual frustrations were relieved, after barely a few seconds of the changelings doing things to her feet. She bit down carefully onto both of the big toes of Chrysalis, crying out in unthinkable amounts of pleasure.
  181. Every little thrust, every drip of semen, all of it, she could feel racing through her privates. Her soles were just that silky and sensitive, after so much abuse. She had never came this hard in her entire life, and she never expected her single best orgasm to be when she was held captive by an enemy.
  183. Soon enough, both of the male changelings released their loads. Both of her supple pink feet, left and right, were covered in immense amounts of changeling cum. Both males had a death grip on her feet as they came, to make sure they couldn't dodge any of their spurts.
  185. Chrysalis jolted in surprise. She had never felt such a taunami of love come from anyone in her life...not even Twilight when she first brought her here. She made sure to absorb every bit of the energy, both for herself and for her hive. She felt incredibly powerful and healthy, and quite satisfied with herself.
  187. Cadance barely managed to catch her breath when the Queen removed her toes from her mouth once again, and she lay on the floor of the hive, collapsed and in the afterglow of all the stimulation. The males flew away to get back to their business, and Chrysalis stood up out of her throne, grabbing Cadance by the arm.
  189. She just barely managed to get herself up, when Queen Chrysalis ordered Twilight and her bodyguards to escort Cadance back to her cell. She was to become the hive's new love-slave, and Twilight Sparkle was going to stay in Cadance's cell with her. It made sense to put the two sexiest love dispensers together.
  191. Chrysalis followed the group, just to feel the satisfaction of seeing her two greatest enemies nude and locked up together. But, it'd taken weeks for her to be able to see this...her minions were not able to get this done.
  193. "You failed me, Twilight, and you three did as well. It's time for you to feel punishment for your mistakes..." Chrysalis chuckled, snapping her fingers. The tickle boots that Twilight was forced to wear dissolved, leaving her small purple feet bare and exposed once again.
  195. "You, Twilight, are not to orgasm for a week...no foot stimulation, no tickling, no worship, nothing. You do not deserve it. And if you orgasm even once during this week...I will force you to endure a YEAR instead. Understood?" Chrysalis said harshly, and Twilight gulped and nodded.
  197. "Good...and as for you three..." Chrysalis continued. The three guards stepped back a bit, fearing what was to come. Queen Chrysalis led them back to her throne room. She then ordered them to stand against one of the cocoon-like structures on the wall.
  199. When they did this, Chrysalis shoved each of them backwards, so most of their bodies went though the bubbly surface. Each of them were completely trapped inside, except for one part of each of them. Queen Chrysalis yanked off each and every one of the guards' armoured boots, exposing their small, yet firm and curvy, changeling feet to the air.
  201. A bead of sweat dripped down each of their faces. They knew exactly what was coming when Chrysalis laid her hands on their feet, and beckoned quite a few more members of the hive over.
  203. That is what happens when you fail the Queen.
  205. -Real end

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