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LunArch and Celestia (2018 Princest tickling, foot fetish)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 21:39:42
Expiry: Never

  1. "Agghhh...*yawn* what has happened to us..."
  3. A certain midnight blue alicorn awoke from her slumber. Upon blinking twice, stretching her sleek, nude body, and looking out the window, she discovered that it was the middle of the day.
  5. She felt as cheery as ever, when she realized what happened between her and her sister last night. As she got out of bed and set her feet on the carpet, she felt quite a tingle. Her feet were still slightly reddened, and quite sensitized from their earlier abuse.
  7. Disregarding the slightly ticklish sensations on her soles, she put on her fluffy Angel Bunny slippers given to her by Fluttershy, and took a quick shower. When she got out, feeling refreshed, she decided to check out how her older sister fared during her night shift. Surely she did better than Luna, right? She's had a millennium to practice this.
  9. Luna walked down the enormous hallways of Canterlot Castle in her bathrobe, greeting each guard she passed. They looked at her very strangely, for obvious reasons. When was the last time Princess Luna was awake during the day?
  11. She eventually arrived at the throne room, and was slightly unsettled by what she saw.
  13. Her sister, her beautiful, usually-sunny sister, was alone, and slumped over. The bags under her eyes had bags themselves. Her mane was no longer gently flowing. She was covered in banana peels and the remnants of cake. Overall, she just looked messed up. However, her eyes were somehow open. Was she awake?
  15. "Sister? We have arisen for the day, as well as for the night. Thou may take a rest," Luna said.
  17. Celestia just stared off into space. It was that thousand-yard stare one has when one was not used to pulling all-nighters. Luna then remembered, over the past eight years she'd been back, Celestia was able to rest once more at night. She had lost her skill in staying up.
  19. "Sister?" she asked again. Finally, Celestia raised her head slightly, waving her hoof dismissively.
  21. "No, that's ok, the cat's got it with the salad..."
  23. "Sister, thy eyes need their rest..." Luna said, "thou may take to thy bedchambers until dawn..."
  25. "I already pu-I-um-the Prench toast..." Celestia babbled out, and then slumped over on her throne, snoring softly. As hilarious as this was to the midnight-blue princess, she needed to get her sister to her bed. Faust only knows what the media would say the next day...
  27. As Luna grabbed her sister's legs to attempt to drag her back to her bedchambers, she couldn't help but glance down at her pure white feet, stuck in those obtrusive golden heels of hers.
  29. Princess Luna never liked when her sister wore high heels. Plenty of research showed that they slowly destroy both the foot and the back. In a fit of rage mixed with arousal, she quickly grabbed the shoes and freed Celestia's feet from their imprisonment.
  31. Now that she got to gaze at her sister's curvy, supple feet, Luna grabbed both of them, and slowly forgot about what she was really here to do. She quickly locked the throne room door, sat back down next to the sleeping sun princess, and grabbed her left foot, holding it in her lap. Up and down her palm went on the silky white sole, her fingers running along the gentle curve of her arch.
  33. Luna smiled widely, excitedly bringing both of Celestia's feet together, the soles side-by-side. They just looked so divine, so inviting...Luna pushed her face against the direct center of both of Celestia's bare soles. She nuzzled them up and down, holding the backs of them to keep her face as tightly pressed to them as possible.
  35. As she pulled her face away from the heavenly warmth of her sister's large feet, opting to press them both against her cheeks instead, Luna's head began to fill with ideas. It was nice to have these soles all to herself, with absolutely no need to reciprocate to her sister, but she wanted more.
  37. She wanted Celestia to be conscious of the lewd acts Luna was committing.
  39. After hesitating for a little while, she dropped the sun princess's feet onto the floor with great care. She couldn't stand the thought of ruining their beauty in any way. Luna then stood up tall, and her horn lit up. She then closed her eyes, concentrating hard, and connecting their horns via magic. She sat down, laid close to her older sister, and successfully teleported herself into Celestia's mind.
  41. Now that she was inside her sister's head, there was no stopping her. Luna spread her wings and soared up, down, and all around the bubbles of thought rising from the cloudy void of the dream. She saw memories of her fillyhood, when the royal guards would have to break them out of their ticklish attacks on one another to attend to their duties, she saw Celestia's desires to tickle so many of her subjects (in very graphic detail) and was able to look at memories of Celestia's day (or lack thereof) today.
  43. After staring through a telescope most of the night, though, most of it was the signing of documents, the greeting of stuck-up, unfriendly Canterlot ponies, and attending of mundane events.
  45. It didn't take too long to arrive where Luna sensed her sister was. She landed on a floating platform, surrounded by clouds, and made herself unable to be sensed even by Celestia, so she could take in the sights without ruining the surprise.
  47. She found herself in a sunny field, with a wall of clouds completely surrounding the edges. The sky was blue, birds were chirping, and Luna could see an enormous tree directly in the center of the field. She knew she was in a dream, and was excited to exact her revenge on Celestia. So she grew a pair of yellow bunny ears, and galloped swiftly towards the central tree.
  49. There, she was able to see four fillies playing together, and she recognized them as the infamous Cutie Mark Crusaders. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Babs Seed. She giggled softly, but then she noticed her dear sister, sitting in front of the tree by herself. She didn't look too happy...
  51. But Luna knew the feeling of loneliness well. Just like Celestia, she wasn't exactly accepted by ponies her age, just because she happened to be royal. She didn't like this, though, and by Faust she was going to change her sister's mood.
  53. Princess Luna appeared out of thin air directly in front of her sister, causing her to nearly jump out of her skin. When she saw the evil look on Luna's face, she backed up against the tree.
  55. "L-luna?!? What are you doing here?!" Celestia stuttered. Princess Luna walked closer to her sister, her shorter body allowing her breasts to press up against the sun princess's face.
  57. Celestia's eyes widened, her adorable face flushing red, but Luna had a trick up her sleeve...this was to be more than just a simple feel-up session between sisters. That trick up her sleeve was now out and about, because Luna magically removed all of her own clothing, down to the last little thread of fabric.
  59. Luna was able to control this dream with unprecedented ease, but where would the fun be if she didn't do some of the stuff on her own? A small struggle ensued between her and Celestia, but Luna overpowered her significantly, because she had the element of surprise on her side. She created a magical set of cuffs and a chain, grabbed Celestia's arms, and shackled them behind the tree.
  61. "Luna, what are you...why are you h-ohhh, oh no..." Celestia said, "really, Luna, I'm not up for this right now..."
  63. But the night princess's wiggling fingers told Celestia that she was going nowhere. Luna had to think of something better, though, if she was going to really get undet Celestia's skin. A lightbulb appeared above her head (literally, because it was a dream) and Luna had a great idea.
  65. "Siiiiister, we have something to 'CHAIR' with you..." Luna teased, snapping her fingers and conjuring all the parts of a large wooden-and-metal lawn chair-throne hybrid, made by Caroo Industries, Inc. Wickedly, Luna grinned at Celestia and began slowly building the torture device with her magic, just to build up anticipation of the sun princess's doom.
  67. The throne was outfitted with a pair of oaken, padded stocks, five rings on each side reinforced with adamantite to capture the foot and restrict its movement further. It featured, as well, two bracelets directly to the sides of where the captive's head would be, a comfortable cushion for the victim's backside, and two small holes below the stocks for a pair of sharp, dragonlike metal hands to pop out.
  69. Now, despite the princess of the night's power over dreams, she could feel Celestia beginning to break out of the magical chains holding her arms to the tree. Luna had to act fast. When she finished building the throne, she morphed Celestia's dream of the sunny field into an area that looked like a deep, isolated dungeon, where no one would hear her cries for help...
  71. Luna quickly grabbed her sister's curvy white body, pinning her to the ground and skittering her nimble fingers up one side of her torso. Celestia cracked a smile very quickly, and the giggles began to pour forth from her maw.
  73. As one of Luna's arms kept itself occupied by holding onto Celestia and tormenting her, the other one was busy unzipping her tight, curve-hugging white dress behind her back. Celestia didn't feel it, because Luna's fingernails were historically able to tickle through any fabric, and this time was no exception.
  75. When Luna unzipped her dress fully, she leapt up onto her feet and yanked the obstructive white garment off her sister's body, exposing the shiny, smooth white skin to the dream realm. Princess Luna's jaw dropped slightly in amazement at Celestia's figure. Despite so many years of tickling each other senseless, completely nude, she was just as amazed at her sister's form now as she ever was.
  77. Celestia, however, wasn't going to take it lying down. While Luna was distracted by her soft, ticklish midriff, she stood up and tackled her sister down to the prison floor, pinning her by sitting on her lower torso. She brandished her expertly-manicured fingernails so Luna could see, and she began to regret invading her sister's dream...
  79. And then said nails met Luna's ribs.
  81. Up and down, side to side they stroked, scratching deeply into her midnight-blue flesh, forcing Princess Luna to giggle. Adorable chortles escaped her mouth as Celestia grinned, becoming more forceful with the raking over her sister's ribs.
  83. "I bet you'll think twice before trying me, sister..." Celestia giggled, as Luna began to scream and struggle to escape. Celestia was a bit heavier than her sister, however, so she gave her what she knew would put her into submission best: a passionate, rough raspberry to the belly.
  85. Luna knew this was her greatest weakness, and as soon as she felt it, she squealed out with unrelenting gales of laughter. She couldn't help herself, her giggles were overtaking anything else that was happening.
  87. That's when Celestia took the opportunity to lift up her dear younger sister, and strap her into the very throne that Celestia was meant to be contained in. First, obviously, came the padded stocks and the toe rings. She didn't want Luna's feet moving anywhere, they were hers to play with.
  89. The sun princess then held up Luna's wrists, locking them beside her head. To make sure her sister was kept unable to tell what was happening outside of her little ticklish fit, she squirmed her left forefinger up and down in her navel. This brought forth enough giggles for Celestia to work with, and she was able to lock her horn into the anti-magic shackle, preventing even the princess of the night from manipulating herself free.
  91. Celestia allowed Luna to calm herself down a little, and helped her wipe a tear from her eye.
  93. And then Luna realized what sort of predicament she was in.
  95. Her bare blue soles were completely exposed, the toes were bound to further restrict movement, and her horn didn't work for some reason. She looked at her sister, menacingly, and she shouted in the Royal Canterlot Voice.
  99. Celestia didn't glorify her sister with a response. Instead, she used her own magical dream skill to slowly remove Luna's bathrobe. Shackles may have prevented the complete removal of clothing in the real world, but the robe slipped right through everything keeping it wrapped around Luna.
  101. Even though Luna was giving her sunny older sister a hateful, menacing look, she was only just holding back a fearful smile. Celestia ran her expertly-manicured nails over Luna's right arch, forcing her to crack that smile she was so desperately trying to keep concealed. Princess Luna tried to cast a spell to release herself, but she found that her magic didn't work anymore, and she was restrained to the point of no mercy.
  103. "Poor widdle Woona..." Celestia teased, tracing two of her fingers on Luna's left arch, "did her li'l attack not go as planned?"
  105. Suddenly, Celestia's fingers all concentrated their collective ticklish power on Luna's right foot, from the ball to the heel, causing her to burst out laughing.
  107. "SH-SHUHUHUT UPPPPP!!!" Celestia's sister cried out through her forceful chortles. The long, slender toes of the night princess attempted to curl to lessen the awful torment, but the rings holding them back were far too strong. Therefore, Luna's right foot was forced to feel every last torturous minute of the scratching.
  109. As much as Celestia liked to see Luna's toes wiggle, and struggle to escape her greedy grasp, she knew that she would have been treated the very same way by her younger sister. There was no way she would let up on this. So she sat down by Luna's barely-quivering soles, and began wildly scribbling her nimble fingers over the left sole, and traced more of her fingers up and down the side of Luna's other foot.
  111. This gave the night princess two separate ticklish sensations, each one worse than the other. The slow, relentless teasing to a very weak area on her right foot was driving her crazy with both arousal and ticklishness, but the wild, unrestrained scratching on her left didn't allow for her to concentrate on the sexy side of all this.
  113. Eventually, Celestia decided that Luna's right foot wasn't being 'taken care of' enough, and gently pressed the tip of her horn directly into the high, curvy arch of her sister. She moved her head in figure eights, running the end of her horn on Luna's sole. This, coupled with the insanely precise tickling on the outer side of her right foot, caused her to moan uncontrollably once. She blushed brightly at the pleasurable feeling, but the older sister smiled and amped up the wild tickling on her left foot.
  115. Luna screamed with wild abandon, tears forming in her eyes. This simple, yet highly effective, foot tickling lasted for over half an hour, and by the time Celestia got bored of her sister's feet (well, not really bored) both of her plush, vulnerable soles were blushing a deep red. They were sweating profusely, giving them a sexy, glossy look, that just made Celestia feel like they were BEGGING for more tickling.
  117. And Celestia gladly obliged. She pressed a button on the throne, allowing the aforementioned metal dragon claws to pop out of their respective openings. To her surprise, however, there were TWO claws per opening, not one. This may have shocked Celestia, but she was pleasantly surprised.
  119. Before she fully activated the claws, however, Celestia stepped forward, staring into her giggly younger sister's eyes.
  121. "I'd say don't try that again, dear sister, but if it means I get to lock you up like this...give your ENTIRE body the attention it so desperately craves..." the sun princess started, squeezing one of Luna's ample breasts, "then I'm all for you trying."
  123. "We...will not take...this kind of abu-heheheHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Luna screamed. Celestia activated the mechanical claws, and all four of them were working now on keeping her poor soles occupied. Due to the amount of sweat from earlier still covering her feet, it was a lot easier and quicker for the claws to glide and rake them up and down. In turn, this made the already awful torture much worse for Luna.
  125. Luna's older sister, however, now wanted more than just her feet. She simply couldn't stand having her sister only locked up and tickled. So she leaned down and pressed her lips against her younger sister's, forcing her tongue into the giggling younger mare's mouth. While she was forcefully making out with Luna, Celestia decided to dig her evil fingers deep into her underarms.
  127. Princess Luna screamed into Celestia's mouth, and she tried to shake her head side to side, thrash her body away from the claws poking at her toes, or Celestia's fingers having their fun in those awfully sensitive crevices.
  129. Celestia's adventurous hands groped Luna's body as she climbed up onto the throne, locking her into a deeper kiss. The older of the two rubbed her pristine body up and down on Luna's sweaty, messy body, their breasts pressing up against one another. The loud, forced chuckles of Luna slowly began to turn into slight moans into her more skilled sibling's mouth.
  131. Princess Celestia finally pulled herself away from Luna's mouth, allowing her to gasp for air, even though she didn't really need it. She decided that Luna's upper body had enough of a break, and drove her fingers directly into her sensitive sides.
  133. Luna screamed out incomprehensible words in the Royal Canterlot Voice, but that didn't stop Celestia from grabbing onto her sister's hips and thighs, and scratching deeply into the skin down her body. Up and down her fingers went, to Princess Luna's midnight blue belly, to her lower thighs and her behind. No place on her younger sister's body was to be left behind.
  135. "PLEHEHEASE, SISTER, WE B-BEHEHEG!!!" Luna finally managed to sputter out. One of Celestia's ears twitched, and she perked up slightly while she slowed down the ticklish torment to allow Luna to speak.
  137. "Yes, sister? What were you saying? You'll have to beg me, and promise not to do that again, if you want me to let you go..."
  139. Through her tearful giggles, Luna coughed and choked a bit, and finally managed to catch her breath. She clenched her teeth, though, as her older sister's fingers were still very lightly running back and forth on her exhausted body, and she could still feel the sharp mechanical claws exploring her feet to their heart's (or lack thereof) desire.
  141. "S-sister...we beg of thou...please, allow us mer-BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Princess Luna suddenly screamed out. At the very last moment, before she could beg for release from her predicament, Princess Celestia dug her fingernails into her sister's breasts. She swiped all of her fingers towards the nipples, over and over, making sure to give them a greedy squeeze at the beginning of each repetition.
  143. By the time the sun princess was done with Luna's breasts, each of the soft, squeezable mounds of flesh were partially covered on little red trails from the scratching. Luna was choking, her upper chest was covered in sweat and drool, and looked like she was going insane from Celestia's revenge.
  145. "Tell me again, my dear young sister...what were you saying?" Celestia asked, trying to hide her evil smile. The poor tortured alicorn caught her breath after a few minutes, her feet barely even able to squirm out of the grip of the claws. Finally, though, she managed to get her voice back and speak up.
  147. "We....beg you, sister...to allow us...mercy..." Princess Celestia's unfortunate sister stuttered. Celestia wasn't too satisfied by that, though, and she wanted to hear more.
  149. "And?" Celestia ushered, plucking a single feather from her own right wing, holding it menacingly close to her sister's belly.
  151. "And...and we promise...not to t-EEEEEEHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Luna was once again cut off by Celestia's desires overtaking her normally merciful attitude. The large, robust feather she plucked from her wing dragged its wispy, yet sturdy tip up and down Luna's navel, while the four claws held and poked their sharp fingers all around Luna's abused, yet still just as vulnerable, soles.
  153. Luna couldn't stand the tickling anymore. Her body was out of breath, despite the dream it was in. The tickling had been going on for unknown amounts of time, and Celestia didn't seem ready to end it anytime soon. All she had to do was say those magic words.
  155. "WE PROMISE WE WILL NEVER, EVER, EVER TRY TO TICKLE THEE WITHOUT PERMISSION AGAIN!!!!" Luna screamed through her laughter. Slightly disappointed, Princess Celestia deactivated the claws that were hitting all the right spots on her poor peds, and ceased the soft, yet excruciating torture caused by her feather.
  157. It took a few more minutes for Luna to be able to soak in all this tickling. While she was busy recovering from her sister's attack on her ultra-sensitive body, Celestia was working to get her out of the tickle-throne.
  159. It took quite a lot of work. Princess Celestia always liked to read Luna's sex-toy catalogues, and she knew quite a bit about this brand. Caroo-brand tickle devices were always easy to put the victim in, but very difficult to get them out of. Not that Princess Celestia was complaining.
  161. She gave her sister's reddish, tender feet one last little scratch. And then Luna lost control of her dream magic, resulting in everything in their dungeon-like world fading to black. They separated and got sucked into the void, and then both of the sisters woke up in the throne room.
  163. Unlike Celestia, who was feeling much better than she did earlier, Luna's exhaustion in her dreams seemed to carry over into the physical realm. She was sweaty, panting, and her eyes were barely open. The sun princess giggled at her sister's blushing face, hoisting her up into her arms and pecking her on the lips softly. Luna was too exhausted to respond.
  165. Or so Celestia thought.
  167. She carried the younger alicorn all the way through Canterlot Castle, back into her bedchambers, where she'd just woken up....not even an HOUR ago?
  169. As Luna was laid into her bed and tucked in, Celestia looked very closely at the clock, confirming that they actually spent very little time in the dream, and the hours they felt were merely illusions. She shrugged, and she made the mistake of not making sure Luna was asleep. And that's exactly when Princess Luna leapt out of bed, and wrapped her hands around her older sister's torso, groping her larger, softer breasts.
  171. Celestia turned around in complete shock. "SISTER?! What are-" and then she realized what was happening. Princess Luna wasn't tired at ALL, she'd been baited. But by that point, it was too late. The midnight princess managed to force Celestia into her large, crescent-decorated bed, climbing up quickly and sitting on her older sister's thighs. Unfortunately for Celestia, she was also able to cross her legs under her own thighs, trapping both her legs in place.
  173. Luna was all too eager to scoot down so she was sitting on her ankles instead. She wasn't about to make the mistake of taking too long to start tickling her captive sister. So she took no time at all to start scratching her smaller fingers all over Celestia's bare, exposed soles.
  175. Instinctively, Princess Celestia's feet kept wiggling out of the way, and she was keeping her mouth tightly shut. If she wanted to win this little battle her sister insisted on having, she was going to have to endure a lot of her relentless, erratic torment. But she realized that once she was in an ankle-lock of Luna, there was no escape normally.
  177. With sheer willpower, she managed to lean upwards, since Luna forgot to lock her arms in place. As Luna's fingers skittered over the silky surfaces of Celestia's larger soles, her older sister jammed her fingers directly into her ribs, from behind. This took the younger alicorn mare completely by surprise.
  179. She squealed loudly, and Celestia felt her thighs loosen slightly on her ankles. Luna trembled, quivered, thrashed, anything to escape this retaliation. She mentally cursed herself for not making sure Celestia couldn't fight back. But for now, all she could do was come up with an even more unexpected move.
  181. Through her gales of laughter, she jerked herself out of her sister's side-tickling grip, leaned down quickly, and held both of her shiny white feet in place. She let her tongue hang out and explore liberally between Celestia's rather weak, sensitive toe spaces. This caused the sun princess's long, slender toes to go wild.
  183. Every time either of her feet curled up to lessen the assault on her nerves, Luna would just exploit the curvy arches of Celestia's soles instead with her wild, adventurous fingers. While Celestia was in hysterics, her hands were not able to hold onto her sister's sides. So Luna reached back quickly, plucking another feather from Celestia's wing. As a sign of her complete submission, Luna explored the delicate toe spaces of her older sister with her own feather.
  185. "HOW DOES IT FEEL, PRECIOUS SISTER? DOST THEE LIKE THY OWN FEATHER?" Luna bellowed out. Unfortunately for the princess of the night, the slow tickling, using only one feather, wasn't enough to stop Celestia from regaining focus.
  187. Celestia took advantage of her sister's lesser experience. If only she could focus long enough to use her devastatingly powerful magic...she had to get the upper hand. She needed her feet to escape, to be hidden. To beat Luna, she had to be better ar BEING Luna.
  189. She reached up and grabbed her sister's bouncy, soft breasts, yanking her down onto her back, so she was laying on top of Celestia. Princess Celestia took the wild, unpredictable route that her sister always took, frantically scribbling her fingers all over her already-tormented lower torso. And to an extent, it worked. Luna's thighs were even looser on her ankles now, and she wouldn't be able to hold on much longer with Celestia's fingers ravaging her armpits and sides as well.
  191. Luna realized, through her forced, almost silent laughter, she was going to be punished again if she wasn't able to put her sister out of commission. Luckily, her body was slick and sweaty, so she was able to kick herself free of her older sister's grip, and slip off the bed. She ran quickly to the other side of the room, backed against a wall.
  193. "You will not take this away from us, sister...you will be our tickle slave, for a loooong time...." Luna said, with a suppressed giggle. Celestia had just as big a grin. They were both slightly apprehensive about trying to make a move, because neither wanted to be on the receiving end of the torture (or, in Luna's case, again).
  195. Celestia made the first move. She leapt out of bed, chasing her sister around her bedroom. Luna stood still, pretending to be exhausted after the chase. When the sun princess approached, Luna moved aside at the very last second, tripping her sister so she would fall on a pile of extra pillow that she liked to keep there.
  197. Luna dropped herself down on her big sister, grabbing her arms and holding them above her head with one hand, and squirming her wild, adventurous fingers into Celestia's right armpit. Tears fell from the poor alicorn mare as she screamed, squirming her soft, touchable body as much as she could under her sister's weight. All this did, however, was rub their ticklish breasts and the rest of their upper bodies together. Luna's sweat rubbed off onto Celestia, making it easier for Princess Luna's hands to glide along her older sibling's sexy, ticklish white breasts.
  199. Celestia soon realized, however, that it was very easy to break out of her sister's grip, since she'd only grabbed her wrists by one hand. She took a huge gasp of air, breaking her arms out of Luna's grip, and then squrimed out under the pillows. Princess Luna turned around in shock, but by that time, it was too late for her.
  201. Her older sister flipped her onto her belly, and placed herself on top of Luna, laying on her belly and facing the pampered pair of midnight blue feet. Celestia placed all of her fingers on each foot, mistakenly reverting to her style of masterful, precise tickling.
  203. As Princess Luna laughed herself until she was hoarse, she noticed Celestia made an amateur mistake. Her soles were facing upwards and exposed, right next to her head...and her devilishly wild hands.
  205. Luna managed to grab at Celestia's feet, keeping her mouth closed long enough to ravage the pristine white, yet blushing soles, with her ten unrelenting instruments of torture.
  207. This little foot tickle-contest between the two didn't last for long. Celestia caved to Luna's tickling long before the reverse happened. Surprisingly, she began begging for mercy, much like Luna did earlier.
  209. "I GIVE I GIHIHIHIVE!!! TRUCETRUCETRUCE!!!!" Celestia screamed, her slick, blushing feet desperately jerking away from Luna's evil claws. Surprisingly though, Luna nodded, a wave of tiredness suddenly rushing through her. Real tiredness, she wasn't faking anything this time.
  211. As soon as the elder of the two was able to think clearly again, without the prominent tingle in her soles, which took quite a while...she hatched a plan. A dirty, unethical trick, but one she was more than willing to use.
  213. "Luna...hah...we...we need to get back to our duties...I don't know how long we've been at this..." Celestia panted out, knowing full well what Luna would ask. She always did.
  215. "Sleep...sleep with us, dear sister...? Please...? That was so fun..." the younger alicorn begged, giving Princess Celestia her best puppy eyes. She appeared to think about it for a moment, and then nodded.
  217. "Only for you, my dearest ticklish sister..."
  219. She helped Princess Luna up off the pile of pillows, then slowly led her to bed. Once she tucked her younger sister into bed, she lit up her horn and cast one of her strongest spells: a restraining spell, using magical shackles. Luna's wrists and ankles were now totally immobile.
  221. "Wh-sister?!? We thought you called a truce??" the night princess shouted. Celestia nodded, walking into Luna's bathroom and grabbing every single tool that could possibly be used for tickling, placing them on a side table at the foot of the bed.
  223. "Indeed I did, dear Luna...however, I changed my mind as soon as you were off guard..." Celestia smirked, tossing off all of the blankets covering Luna up. Every sexy little inch of her body was exposed once again, and ready to be put through whatever Celestia desired.
  225. Perhaps the younger should respect their elders in the future.
  227. -End

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