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A Nightmare Afoot (2018 Rainbow Dash Halloween foot fetish)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 21:44:11
Expiry: Never

  1. OH YES. Tonight was Nightmare Night. The one night a year when a zebra could wear a mask and not get arrested for it.
  3. Anyways, you, Anon, are excited like a little colt in a candy store. Which is basically the case for you. It’s beginning to get dark, so you’re getting all dressed up in your costume. You were a large, fearsome white salamander, who threw bolts of lightning, fragments of crystal, and acid. You read about this salamander in a fairytale about adventurers climbing a mountain, and going down into a cave filled with sub-bosses to find a pair of bloody red fighting claws.
  5. But enough reminiscing about your books. You’re most excited because your friend, Rainbow Dash, invited you to go pranking with her. Why would you ever turn it down? It’s not like you’d get to keep your candy anyway, according to this town’s stupid sacrificial tradition. Besides, Rainbow had a different kind of candy. Eye candy.
  7. Those slender, cyan soles.
  9. You never asked her to be any…closer to you, because you know she hates that kind of sappy stuff. And according to her five friends, she hated having them touched. You decided to take their word for it, and leave it at that.
  11. You checked yourself out in the mirror, decided that you looked good, and zipped up your salamander costume. As soon as the mask was sealed, you shook your head, beginning to sweat.
  13. “Oh sweet Celestia, it’s so fucking hot in here, I can’t breathe…”
  15. At that moment, the doorbell to your tiny home on the outskirts of Ponyville rang, and you rushed to get it. After fumbling with the knob for a few seconds, you finally manage to get it open, and there stood your sexy blue friend, Dashie. Good thing she didn’t see your jaw drop in amazement. Maybe the mask wasn’t so bad after all.
  17. RD was in very RPG-like armour for women. Your spiky metal bikini, absolutely no realistic protection for the rest of her body except her rapier and small buckler shield. But what caught your eye was the ancient-looking sandals she wore. They covered a lot of her lower shin, but somehow left her slim, flexible-looking feet almost completely bare. You thanked your mask silently once again, for allowing you to catch a peek.
  19. “Well what’re you standing there for, lizard weirdo? We got suckers to prank!!” she shouted, happily beckoning you along. You grabbed your biggest, sturdiest bag, just in case any of the prank victims dropped lots of candy. You really had to strain to keep up with your friend, because she was a Wonderbolt, and obviously the fastest person in town. Well, just ahead of that weirdo who tried to force Scootaloo into a death-trap stunt a month ago or so.
  21. Eventually, you both make it to town, running past the large party and concert stage. To avoid being spotted, both of you hid in an alleyway next to Quills and Sofas. You turned to Dashie and look into her raspberry eyes for a moment.
  23. “So who do we go for first, RD?” you asked. Dashie winked at you, and pointed at a certain pink girl with squiggly hair, dressed as a lollipop. You recognized her, and you harshly whispered, "No. Not again."
  25. "Anon, trust me, there's no WAY we could fail to prank Pinkie this time...just watch me..." RD giggled and rushed out to the dance area where Pinkie was. With a few careful maneuvers, she was behind the logic-defying anomaly, and had prepared a whoopee cushion from the prank store, laying it at her feet, when suddenly...she turned around. Dash stood up so fast you could barely see it happen.
  27. "Hiya, Dashie, whatcha doin'?" she chirped. RD desperately looked for a way out of this, but you were snickering to yourself behind the dumpster. You took another peek, and Pinkie held out her hand. Dashie made the mistake of not looking down...
  29. "C'mon, dance with me Dashie, I won't take noooo!!" Pinkie shouted, and nervously, Rainbow grabbed her hand. You then heard a fart sound so loud, even the local DJ, Vinyl Scratch, heard it over her mixtape.
  31. "Teehehehehe!! The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick...it's ALLLLWAYS funny! Sorry Dashie!" Pinkie giggled. An embarrassed Rainbow Dash stepped the exact wrong way, and one of her sandals met the whoopee cushion that she herself prepared. As the crowd laughed, Dash bolted back to you, with a reddened face, and a cheap prank toy attached to her right sandal like an old can.
  33. "See, Dash, I told you so...it NEVER works...why can't you just leave Pinkie Pie alone for once?" you asked, and Dash sat down, extending her leg out to you with an expectant look in her eye.
  35. "What?"
  37. Dash's eyes couldn't meet yours. She growled and demanded, "Just get this stupid whoopee cushion off my foot, then we can try again somewhere else..."
  39. You thanked your precious mask once again for hiding your blush. You were not about to turn down an offer like that, but you had to make it seem like it was no big deal. So you knelt down, your hand slowly wrapping around the back of her slender blue foot to hold it in place.
  41. As soon as you felt the warm, smooth skin on her foot, you wanted to just keep feeling it up, and giving the foot all of your affection. But as soon as you realized you were taking too long, you grabbed the prank and yanked it off the bottom of her footwear.
  43. The whole time, though, Dash was looking at you funny. And the blush was still on her face. You prayed she didn't suspect anything.
  45. You and Dashie got up, and nodded to one another. You knew this was going to be an epic night, despite the first...failure. Both of you ran all the way across town, right past Fluttershy's cottage. Obviously, though, the lights were off, and both you and Rainbow knew not to disturb her on this night. A shame, really. But you two were not going to Fluttershy's place.
  47. You were going to the supposed 'evil enchantress, who does evil dances', Zecora. You always wondered why she was obsessed with zebras, and why she did those one-off rhymes. It was not important now, though, you and Dashie had to keep your eyes on the prize.
  49. Her hut was obviously decorated for Nightmare Night, with all the usual pumpkins, ghosts, and spooky, scary skeletons. But you had to make sure she was HOME first, and not in the town scaring little kids, like the first Nightmare Night with Luna back.
  51. Both of you peeked into the window, then sat down underneath it, making sure she couldn't see you. You began to whisper to Dash.
  53. "Ok, so she's in there making something, what's the plan this time, genius?"
  55. Dash scoffed at you. "The 'plan' is that you're gonna help me put this little shaker of Poison Joke plant in her tea. Got it?"
  57. You knew about that plant. The last time you touched it, it replaced your tongue with a grown man's forearm. Talk about a wild makeout session.
  59. "How do you know it's tea she's making? And isn't that really dangerous?" you asked, genuinely concerned for the zebra-lover's life.
  61. "One, cause I've smelled this type of tea before, she makes it all the time. Two, Poison Joke is harmless if it's a real small dose."
  63. You shrugged and nodded. She knew Zecora a lot better than you did. So you two stood up, hiding the little shaker of Poison Joke powder, and knocked on her door.
  65. When she answered, you immediately said, "Nightmare Night, what a fright, gimme something sweet to bite!" like a little kid. Zecora smiled warmly, beckoning you both inside.
  67. "Come, come inside, it's a delight! I wish you both a wonderful Nightmare Night," she said, and both of you walked into her strange, tribal-ish cottage. You signaled to Dash while Zecora's back was turned to get the candy, and she dumped the tiny shaker into the exotic-smelling brew. She finished just in time, as Zecora brought out candy for you both.
  69. "Sweets for Anon, and sweets for Dash, don't eat too much, or later you may crash," Zecora said, handing you both some of the best candy for tonight. You almost felt bad about helping Dash with this, but the night must go on.
  71. The bubbling cauldron suddenly created an unusually large bubble, and it popped, splattering on Dashie's legs, and dripped down to her sandals. She gave you a look of horror, so you decided to bail.
  73. "Thank you Miss Zecora, we will see you later, happy Nightmare Night!" you said, quickly, grabbing Rainbow's hand. Zecora waved goodbye to you both, and you stopped briefly to wave back. You could never be rude to someone as great as Zecora.
  75. As soon as you both left the house, you sat down with Dash by the window like before. She looked straight at you, fear in her voice as she spoke.
  77. "Ohhhh no, I think it's gone all wrong...some of it...got on me..." Dash said. You didn't notice anything different about her though.
  79. "What're you talking about? Do you feel any different?" you asked. She shook her head.
  81. "Well, no, but the last time this happened, it took about a day to work on me...and when we needed Fluttershy to sound like a guy-"
  83. "Uhhh, what in Equestria would you need that for?"
  85. "It's a long story...anyways, it worked on her almost instantly. Maybe nothing will happen? I didn't SEE any of the actual plant on me...who knows..."
  87. "WHAT, WHAT, MY SKIN IS RED AND BLUE, HOW CAN THIS BE TRUE??" you and Dash heard. Both of you peeked through the window, and could barely hold back your laughter.
  89. All of Zecoras areas that were previously white were now a shade of cyan, and all the formerly gray areas were a bright red. This included her mohawk. Both of you ran away, busting guts laughing.
  91. Once you two had gotten back into town, you and Dash high-fived at your success. But then something started to happen to your friend.
  93. "Nngh...for some reason, both my feet are starting to itch..." she complained, bending down occasionally to scratch at her feet. But you saw no marks, no bites, nothing but flawlessness on them.
  95. "Maybe it'll go away soon...let's keep pranking," she said, with a determined look on her face. You nodded, marching across town, scaring the living daylights out of anyone who looked unsuspecting enough, and other times, setting up booby traps for them to walk into.
  97. The whole night, though, the itching got worse. Poor Dashie constantly had to stop to scratch her own feet, and she blushed every time she did it. You wondered, why was she moaning each time she did that? It couldn't be THAT satisfying for her, considering the itch kept returning...
  99. Finally, though, after squirting an unsuspecting Octavia Melody with whipped cream and silly string, she had had enough. "Gaaaahh!!! A-Anon...just...take me home, I need help...this won't stop..." she begged.
  101. "Alright, alright, let's go to my house, see what's going on..."
  103. You had to pick her up and carry her half way, as well as both of your bags of candy, to your house, so she could keep scratching her pristine blue feet. As hot of a sight that was, you didn't think your body was nearly as fit as hers, and you collapsed as soon as you got her onto the couch.
  105. When you got yourself back up, she was struggling to get her sandals off. You decided to take action, pulling her legs into your lap.
  107. "Now listen, Dash, I know you don't like having your feet touched...but just let me help, ok? I promise...soon, they'll be just fine, and I won't ever have to put my hands on them again," you explained, and her eyes darted from side to side. She nodded, though, upon feeling the itchiness again.
  109. You undid her sandals, and exposed he glorious, slim feet they partially hid. But you had more important things to do than marvel at their awesomeness. You inspected each one, from heel to toe, making sure there were no bugs, no cuts or anything. When you found none, your friend groaned in frustration.
  111. "Sorry, sorry, itchy, I know..." you said, scratching at the top of her left foot. To your surprise...she let out an extremely satisfied groan.
  113. You stared at her in amazement and concern, and she bit her lip, crossing her legs. "U-um...it...feels so much better now, that someone else is scratching it...try the right one!"
  115. You complied, raking your fingers up and down the top of her right foot. She closed her eyes and moaned, your scratching fingers working like a charm on her ferocious itch. When you were done scratching away the itching on the tops, her feet started to rub against one another, her slender toes running across her soles.
  117. It was the single hottest sight you'd ever seen. Dashie's feet rubbing up against one another. Something of yours was twitching much too hard to go unnoticed any longer, so in a fashion similar to hers, you crossed your own legs.
  119. You could tell her precious soles needed relief too. You turned her over onto her belly, holding her right ankle like the foot attached to it was a treasure. The sole was slick, free of any blemishes, and had a lovely arch...and tiny flecks of Poison Joke stuck to the sides. No wonder her feet were so itchy!
  121. You didn't want to get infected yourself, so you left the couch briefly, grabbing your rough hairbrush from the bathroom, and quickly returned, placing Rainbow's cyan, modestly sized feet in your lap. Crossing your legs once again to hide your insane hardness, you press the bristles into her soft soles.
  123. "W-wait, wait, what are you..." Dashie stuttered, looking back at you. She was biting her lip, and barely holding back a grin. Her toes curled up tightly.
  125. "Sorry, Dashie...this is going to tickle...but it'll also scratch nice and deep for you..." you said, a frown on your face to hide your excitement.
  127. RD gulped, nodding in understanding.
  129. You immediately grabbed her right ankle again, and brought the coarse bristles up and down on her sole, mainly focusing on the edges. This was easily able to sweep away all of the Poison Joke in seconds. Unfortunately for Rainbow, you weren't going easy on her.
  131. After the plant was discarded, you held onto her right ankle as tight as possible and dug the bristles deep into the soft skin, swiping it up and down rhythmically. RD burst out laughing, her sensitive, ticklish soles unable to handle even the slightest touch. Even without Poison Joke involved.
  133. You grin maliciously as you witness the brush running along the gentle curve of her arch, causing the entire foot to blush slightly. Even though Dash was struggling to free her poor foot from the torment, you could still hear quite a few audible moans of satisfaction. You didn't hesistate to continue the process on her left foot.
  135. First and foremost, like the exactly-as-sexy right foot, you cleared away the tiny flecks of the cruel plant, so when the Joke wore off, it would not return. Dashie's adorable squeals filled the room as you made sure to press the rough bristles between and under her toes, scraping every tiny ticklish spot on her helpless foot.
  137. Suddenly, though, Dash's moans of relief heavily increased in length and in volume, right as you focused the evil bristles on the ball of her left sole. Her eyes were shut tight, her legs were clenched so tight, they could have become one. Her face was as red as the bottoms of her poor, tortured feet.
  139. And then you noticed a wet spot on your couch. Far too big not to have noticed earlier.
  141. You slowed your tickling to a standstill, allowing Dashie's left foot to fall free. As soon as Dash managed to wind down from her groaning and panting, she looked into your eyes, in terror.
  143. "I-I was j-just...um...I dunno what happened..."
  145. You chuckled. So that's what the Poison Joke did. She's now turned on by sensations in her soles and toes...this night could not possibly get better. What a treat.
  147. Dash immediately sat up, covering her face and trying to hide the fact that she just came, because of tickling. "Look, let this stay between us, ok? Please, please, I'll do anything...no one has to know...right? Please?" she begged you.
  149. You thought for a minute, and then let your legs loose. Dashie could see what this stuff was doing to you.
  151. "Two things, Dash...I won't tell anyone, IF, you be my 'special somepony' like you guys say...AND, you have to do something...for me...with your feet..." you said, pointing at the tent in your costume.
  153. "Wait...if you wanted to be my special somepony...I would've said yes anyway...you're awesome enough, but I was, uhhh, too awesome to ask! Yeah..."
  155. You facepalmed. All those stupid romance novels you read did have a point. You could have saved so much waiting by asking her out before all this. But you had to save face in front of her.
  157. "Uh huh...and don't forget the second part, RainToe Dash..." you smirked.
  159. "...Ok, fine, I'll do my best, but I get to do that sort of thing my way..." she mumbled, blushing madly, and her toes curling.
  161. "Fine by me, Dashie, just lemme know when you're ready."
  163. You walked to your bedroom, and sat down on your bed, counting all your candy you refused to give to that stupid statue, and therefore, candy you get to eat. About ten minutes in, however, your new girl walked into your room, stripped completely out of her skimpy costume, a confident, seductive smile on her face.
  165. "It's time for your treats, and it's no trick..." she said, sitting at the head of the bed. Your jaw dropped when you saw her perfectly toned hourglass figure, all completely bare and exposed.
  167. However, Rainbow's confident facade shattered as soon as she put her feet up onto the bed for you to see. Her eyes weren't locked to yours anymore, her smile was sheepish instead of confident...and there were various pieces of unwrapped candy between all of her toes.
  169. You cursed yourself for not having a camera.
  171. "So...um..." Dash started, as your hand ran across her right sole, "you'd better eat up, or you'll be...cursed..." She bit her lip as soon as she felt your lips kiss the ball of her curvy cyan foot.
  173. You could tell that she was trying not to scratch it, that the itching was starting to return. You made it a point to give her a nice foot bath after this, but for now, you were far too focused on getting your 'something sweet to bite'.
  175. It didn't take long for your costume to be thrown aside.
  177. You grabbed her left foot, and wrapped your lips around each of her digits, from little to big. In order, your tongue snatched from her toes: A Trotsie Roll, a Colta Cola gummy, a peppermint, and a piece of a Horseshey bar. The slightly sweaty taste of her sexy sole, mixed with the sweetness of the candy, danced across your tastebuds like the time you had your first Crystal Empire Ponsi soda.
  179. Dash was biting her lower lip to hold back moans of arousal, her arm hanging across her nicely sized breasts. Her small-ish breasts, to fill a man's heart instead of his hand. Every time she felt your tongue run between her toes, they would curl in your mouth, and she would grunt softly in relief.
  181. You wasted no time in getting to work on her right foot. Grasping the sole tightly and greedily, your tongue grabs from her right set of toes: a small 100-bits bar, a small gummy timberwolf, a lime Skaddle (very appropriate, taste the Rainbow Dash), and a spearmint.
  183. While you were enjoying your Nightmare Night feast, Dash decided that she wasn't doing enough for you (or just needed a warm surface to press her itchy sole) and ran her left foot up and down your cheek, causing you to moan as you were tasting your foot candy.
  185. You smiled weakly at Dash, who was unable to look back at you directly in the eye. Regardless, her other blushing foot, freshly free of candy, pressed against your other cheek, filling you with an indescribable feeling of pleasure. You then laid on your back at the foot of the bed to allow her to continue uninterrupted.
  187. Slowly, painfully slowly, Dashie's soles dragged down your face. The process was made even slowr by her toes curling and gripping your skin. You were not complaining, of course. You wanted to spend the rest of your life giving these feet the love they deserve.
  189. RD's feet reach your chest, the slight amount of sweat on them from their earlier torment still lingering, causing them to be a little slick. But Dash had very nimble, agile feet. She was an expert, and therefore you just had to trust her.
  191. After what seemed like an eternity, Rainbow reached your crotch with her sexy cyan feet. She meets your gaze very briefly, and then blushes, looking away once again...but her soles still wrap around your heavily-leaking member lovingly.
  193. You jolted, and your dick throbbed HARD. You moaned at the exact same time as her at the feeling, grinning weakly and enjoying the sensation. Then, one set of her toes gripped the side of it, while her arch glided along the other side of your shaft.
  195. You clenched your fists, trying desperately to hold back against the powerful pleasure. The more her feet forced you to leak, the easier it was to smoothly slide her sole up and down one side of your length, and the more pleasure she derived from it. She began to fondle one of her breasts, and placed two fingers into her slit.
  197. Determined not to unload before she does, you shut your eyes and tried to think of other, less important thing than Dashie's feet. Unsurprisingly though, you weren't able to come up with anything. Dash seemed to know exactly what you were doing, and decided to add her other arch into the mix, so both her slick, blushing soles hugged around your cock.
  199. You gasped at the feeling of her feet closing around your shaft, twitching rapidly. You couldn't hold on much longer, but that didn't stop you from trying to outlast her.
  201. However, you failed in your endeavor when she decided to engulf the tip of your member with her slick, flexible feet. Just the slightest little squeeze was enough to push you over the edge, and you bucked your hips, spurting a truly enormous amount of hot seed all over her light blue, adorable feet. You were just about aware enough to aim so that you were able to hit every area of her soles, from heel to toe.
  203. As soon as Dashie felt her feet get a thick coating of your semen, she could hold on no longer, and cried out softly, finishing herself off with her fingers, quite painfully hard due to the stimulation of her soles. Both of you were locked in this orgasmic bliss for several minutes, unable to do much but moan out one anothers' names.
  205. When the high finally died down for you both, you laid back on your bed, panting and gasping, neither of you having felt that level of orgasm before. You pressed your lips to Rainbow's, and she returned your affectionate kiss weakly.
  207. "Hah...so...all done there...Anon? Was I...awesome or what?" RD panted, sitting back up on the bed, and then suddenly growled at you, poking your nose and muttering harshly, "this NEVER leaves the room, got it? I hate having my feet touched, and that's the way it stays for my friends."
  209. You manage to sit back up, watching Dashie's white-splattered feet rubbing together. "Heh, I promise, you don't like your feet touched...now...I think we have to deal with this itchy situation of yours...I think a warm bath for the affected area is the cure?"
  211. "What? Wait, WHY DIDN'T WE DO THAT BEFORE ALL THIS?!" Dashie shouted, blushing.
  213. "I guess it kinda slipped my mind..." you say, knowing damn well that was a lie.
  215. "Hmph...alright, help me get cleaned up, will ya?" Dash said, jumping into your arms again. You obliged, actually enjoying carrying her this time. That armour was so heavy...
  217. You ran a warm, soapy bath, placing her on the side of it, getting in so you could reach her tormented feet. It was only right to give HER a treat tonight too. Dashie allowed you to touch her delicate feet once again, and you gladly took her up on it, carefully and thoroughly washing each foot. From the heel to toe, to between the toes as well, you made sure all of the itchiness was washed away.
  219. She sighed heavily in relief, wiggling and curling her toes. They were now free of their Poison Joke torture.
  221. "Ahhhhh, sweet Celestia that's so much better..." Rainbow moaned.
  223. "Heh, anything for my special somepony..." you responded, kissing each of her toes, causing her to look away, embarrassed.
  225. "What is this now, Hearts and Hooves Day? Maybe I should make it a little more romantic, then..." Dash smirked. When you were about to get out of the tub, she decided to push you back in, sitting on the opposite end and placing her adorable, lovable feet in your lap. You felt so honored that even after the Poison Joke, she was trusting you of all people with her feet.
  227. You and her both closed your eyes, as you absentmindedly fondled and squeezed her soles.
  229. -End

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