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Nightmare Night Lueur (2019 Cozy Glow tickling, halloween)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 22:00:15
Expiry: Never

  1. "Some..."
  3. You kicked your door open.
  5. "...BODY once told me!!"
  7. You had your big, sturdy bag in hand. You had your brown vest, cream top, plaid trousers and large brown boots on, as well as your green skin paint. And lastly, you were armed with water balloons, a large slingshot, and a dozen eggs, in case you happened to get pranked.
  9. You couldn't have been more prepared for Ponyville's greatest celebration, Nightmare Night.
  11. You stepped out of your house confidently, and onto the streets of the rapidly-darkening village. There, you participated in some rather enjoyable games with the locals. Tossing spiders onto webs, dunking your head into water and earning yourself some homo-suspicion points by showing off how widely you can open your mouth, and dancing to some tunes by Vinyl Scratch were just a few of the things you partook in.
  13. Catapulting pumpkins into wooden targets with Princess Luna, however, proved to be...rather difficult for you. There were quite a few villagers with very revealing footwear, or even feet that were completely bare and exposed. Even the Princess's royal soles were barely covered by her nightmarishly blue sandals.
  15. As soon as you caught yourself looking at the royal pair of peds for too long, you excused yourself out of the crowd, running off alone to do some candy collecting. Because you could never eat enough of it.
  17. From house to house you went, business to business. You may have gotten a strange look or two here and there, because you were like an old man compared to all the girls in town, but you made sure those mares knew that you were never too old for free candy.
  19. Pinkie Pie (in a very amusing chicken outfit) shoved you over to Sugarcube Corner along the way, because the Cakes were giving away actual tubs of their homemade frosting. The Cakes put too much effort into this for you to refuse a treat there, it would just be too rude not to take one.
  21. You also stopped by a small glade outside of town, where many of the residents stood in a line. And they were...dumping...candy at the base of a statue. A statue of the holiday's namesake, Nightmare Moon. It made you sick...to give away those treats they earned tonight, to a demon that no longer exists...
  23. You decided to give the statue the middle finger. "Yeah, you wish, buddy."
  25. The statue continues to glare in your direction, but remained lifeless. So you moved on.
  27. Soon enough, though, you were all by yourself once again. That big, sturdy bag of yours was beginning to get very heavy, and you had no intention of giving any of it to that Nightmare Moon statue. So as soon as you reached your limits (and tossed all your eggs and water balloons at other candy collectors) you decided to do a little exploring of the town in the dead of night.
  29. That's when you saw it.
  31. In the distance, towards Princess Twilight's castle, you could have sworn, just for a second, that you saw a shadowy speck enter the courtyard. It disappeared from sight the moment you saw it, however. Perhaps it was just you being exhausted?
  33. Your brain was slowly forming an awful idea...one that would cause unimaginable amounts of chaos at that school. So you decided that here would be an excellent place to end off your Nightmare Night. Hauling your treat bag along, you ran all the way to the exquisite center of learning, into the courtyard, and began to look for a way in....and it didn't take long to find it.
  35. You noticed that a window was open on the first floor of the school...was someone already in there? Or did Counsellor Starlight forget to close a window before locking up? Regardless of the situation, it was time to confuse the HELL out of the students, come morning of the next day.
  37. You began to steal from the janitor's closet, and were able to procure a bag of styrofoam peanuts, a package of toilet paper, and for some reason, a large package containing bags of powdered sugar and bottles of chocolate syrup. Must have been left by Pinkie.
  39. You dragged all your supplies over to Pinkie Pie's classroom, pouring copious amounts of chocolate syrup on top of the blades of the ceiling fan, topping them off with the styrofoam packing peanuts. You then dumped one of the bags of powdered sugar into the barrel of her party cannon, so whatever she fired out of it next would result in anyone in the line of sight to turn pure white.
  41. Next stop: the library.
  43. Right across the hall from Professor Pinkie's class was Headmare Twilight's precious library, where all the students would study and socialise. And you knew exactly what to do to get the most Twilight-ing out of her.
  45. Dangerous amounts of neatly-organised things that wouldn't allow her to enter, causing a short-circuit in her mind. And that little water machine near the entrance gave you a wonderful idea.
  47. You went back to the janitor's closet, and retrieved every bag of paper cups for the machine you could find. After returning to the library, you began laying out the cups. One by one, you stood them next to each other, creating a perfect row, each time, from one side of the library to the other using those cups.
  49. On the fifteenth row of cups, however, you noticed something odd about the library that you've never seen before.
  51. There was a metal grate, covering a layer of solid crystal...but you could see what looked like a tunnel down below. And you saw a soft white glow coming from further down the secret passage.
  53. You just had to see what this was all about. You ripped the metal grate off its hinges, and began to drive your heel into the crystal surface in an attempt to shatter it. Despite it looking thin, it was rather solid, but you persevered. Each kick made the cracks larger and larger, until finally, ten minutes later, you managed to crack through the crystal, and crawl through without cutting yourself to ribbons on the sharp remnants of the barrier. You left your bag full of candy behind, just in case something were to happen to you down there.
  55. Slowly, shakily, you steeled yourself and began to walk down the tunnel in the direction of the light. Around you, you saw two things: hallways that branched off the one you were walking along, and metal grates matching the one you managed to crawl through, likely taking you to other areas of the school.
  57. But you began to hear louder and louder noises the further down you walked, until finally, you stopped abruptly and found yourself on the edge of an enormous room. In the middle of this room, and kneeling down to plant something, was a very odd-looking little filly. She was about two-thirds your height, had a pinkish hue to her complexion, and had a head of cyan hair that was curled up like she was a child of the distant past.
  59. She was garbed in a short frilly dress with puffy shoulders, and her little legs were bare and exposed, capturing your attention with ease. The little filly also wore buckled flats and no socks, like she was going to some high-end school. You caught yourself drooling over this girl, completely alone, in a vast crystal labyrinth. But your logical brain smacked you in the face with a question...what was she up to here, at this time of night?
  61. Before you could make a decision of whether to help this young filly or turn and run away, she turned around, looking slightly startled at your appearance in the room. She quickly calmed down though, and her innocent-looking face curled into a happy and lovable grin.
  63. "Oh, hello mister, what are you doing down here?" She asked, tilting her head curiously, and quickly hiding whatever she had planted on the wall behind her back.
  65. "I...could ask you the same thing. What's your name? Why are you down here by yourself?" You cautiously inquired, but were quickly calmed down by her tender little hand grabbing yours and shaking it up and down.
  67. "Oh, my name is Cozy Glow! I was out for Nightmare Night to get some candy, and then I kinda wandered off alone and got lost..." she explained, blushing softly, "what's YOUR name, mister Green Thing?"
  69. A bead of sweat began to form on your forehead. You knew that name. Princess Twilight told you all about a psychotic little girl who tried to steal all the magic from the country, and perhaps the planet itself. But...why was she back HERE of all places?
  71. Not that you were scared of her. By herself, she was absolutely powerless. But she ruined the lives of lots of your friends, and nearly brought doomsday to the world. Her innocent little smile now pissed you off, and you decided to play along like nothing happened. Maybe you'd be able to bring her to justice somehow.
  73. Again.
  75. "My name is Anon. Nice to...meet you, Miss Glow," you said, putting on a smile, "now, I have to ask...where do you live? Do you need some help?"
  77. Cozy giggled, "Call me Cozy! And, um, I sort of, don't actually live in Ponyville...I don't know where I came from, I've just been wandering all my life..."
  79. You nodded, your mind beginning to cloud with thoughts of this filly being vulnerable to ANY sort of punishment by you, and how you could get her in such a position. Perhaps you could get a little MORE than the pleasure of seeing justice slapping her in the face...You grabbed onto her hand just a little too tightly.
  81. "Well, how about I let you stay with me for a little while? You know, just until you feel ready to move on...it's a good thing to rest once in a while!"
  83. You could literally see a glint of evil and cunning flash across her eyes for less than an instant. "Oh, thank you so much, Mister Anon, I promise I'll be good!" She gave you a tight embrace that would come off as genuine to anyone ignorant of her past.
  85. You wrapped an arm around her waist, in an attempt to seem genuinely happy to have her with you. Then, you held her hand once again and led her back through the hallways of the catacombs.
  87. "Mister Anon, I uhh, never realised this...but, I don't think I'm good enough at climbing to get myself out...hehehe...do you mind helping me first?" she said, scratching the back of her head.
  89. "Oh, uhh, sure, Cozy...want me to lift you up or something?" you asked, crouching down and gesturing her to climb onto you. She nodded and stepped up onto your hands, grabbing an outcrop of crystal above herself for support.
  91. "Ok Mister Anon, lift!" Cozy commanded, giggling.
  93. You did so slowly, carefully. Your fingers rested on the tops of her flat-covered feet, and were able to cop a feel of her silky skin. Not only that, but you were able to look up under her dress and see an adorable pair of thighs, and a perky little behind, clad by panties with chess rooks all over them like polka dots.
  95. All you had to do, to get to punish this little body, was to get her to your house.
  97. "Phew...Alright, I made it! Thanks, Anon!" Cozy called down to you. She sat and waited for you back in the library, and you were able to climb out of the basement easily. You grabbed your bag full of treats as she said, "Now, let's go to your house...please?"
  99. You held onto her hand tightly as you walked her out of the school, and all the way across town back to your house. Just in case anyone would know who she was, or wonder what you were up to with her, you decided to weave around the more secluded parts of Ponyville first. But you managed to get the girl to your house, shutting and locking the door behind you both, and turning on the lights.
  101. "Oooh, this is a nice place...I get to stay here?" the little filly said, beginning to walk off to go explore, but you grabbed her shoulder briefly.
  103. "Oh, yeah, but I'd prefer if you not wear your shoes all around the house..." you responded.
  105. Cozy shrugged. "Guess my little feets have to go bare then!"
  107. She sat down at your front door, her tender little hands stripping off those obscuring black buckled flats. What was under them was truly a sight to behold. Two curvy, pale pink feet, a little over half the size of yours, soft and sensitive-looking and ten wiggling pink digits greeted your vision while Cozy sighed in relief. Her sole brushed against your leg briefly, causing you to bite your lip briefly. Words couldn't possibly describe how divinely smooth her foot was.
  109. "Ahhh, it's nice to get some cool air between my little toes..." Cozy sighed, scrunching the tiny digits one more time. You had to tear your gaze away from her enticing feet temporarily, before she figured out what you were up to. Cozy then stood back up, looking at you curiously.
  111. "Um, I was wondering where I sleep while I'm here?"
  113. You pointed towards your small guest bedroom. "Your place will be right in there, ok? Why don't you go check out the place, and maybe get a change of clothes or something in the dresser, while I get something going in the kitchen?"
  115. Cozy nodded politely, walking off down the hallway to check out her new bedroom, the soft bottoms of her feet showing themselves to you each time she took a step. When she was out of sight, you slipped into your own bedroom right next to the living room, and quickly began tearing down the Nightmare Night decorations in your room.
  117. You needed to keep this girl in place. To exact justice on her, and not because she just happened to have the cutest pair of bare feet you've ever seen.
  119. Down came a white series of twine pieces tied together in the shape of a web, a long black cloth with Nightmare Moon's cutie mark emblazoned on it, and two sets of Hearth's Warming-style lights that happened to be orange and black.
  121. Your room may have looked like a complete mess, but you were ready to make your move. You hid all of your...tools behind your back, and casually walked down the hallway to your guest's bedroom, jumping into the doorway and roaring as loud as you possibly could. Cozy jumped in fright and screamed as she turned to face you, her dress laying on the floor and exposing her rail-thin, yet absolutely adorable form. A form that was paralyses by helpless fear, and a near-heart attack. She was wearing no bra, so her breasts were out on display, but quickly covered by her arms. Her perky little behind was still clad in the panties you peeked at earlier.
  123. "Wh-wha-OH!! M-mister Anon! Uhh, I-I'm a little busy right now...um..." her face turned a bright red, as you locked the door behind you, "why did you...I'm not decent right now..."
  125. You quickly dropped the lights and the black cloth and overpowered Cozy while she still shivered, making sure to grind up against her body as you lifted her arms above her and pushed her on her back, right onto the guest bed. The web-shaped twine you cut down from your room was used to tie up her wrists together, and then to one of the wooden bars in the middle of the headboard.
  127. "H-HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!" Cozy shouted out, her legs kicking and thrashing. You didn't bother to answer her...yet...and quickly brought both of her legs under control, tying each ankle to the foot of the bed, and making sure her big toes were bound together.
  129. You marveled at the sight in front of you. Her wrists tied above her head, her torso was only able to thrash slightly, and her feet...oh, her vulnerable little feet...they were kept side by side by makeshift rope, and made immobile even further by keeping her big toes locked together. They were all yours now, you could put them through whatever justice you believed she deserved.
  131. "To answer your question, COZY GLOW, I'm just here to...make sure you know what happens when you try to siphon all the magic from this planet..." you finally answered, rifling through the pockets of her dress.
  135. You pulled out some weird pocket book of arcane language, a piece of chalk, and some disk-shaped object that made your bones tingle as you touched it. You had no idea what this was, but you decided to crush it with your foot anyway, just in case.
  137. "NO!!! GROGAR SENT ME TO-err, um, never mind, I'M GONNA HURT YOU SO BAD!! I'LL MAKE YOU SCRE-eeehehehehehe...."
  139. You didn't care for the intel she just spouted. All you cared about was skittering your fingers up and down her left foot, carefully, feeling the supple flesh sink beneath your fingers. Cozy began to squeal as your nails scratched deeply into her gently curved arch, her toes able to curl up to halt the sensations, but not able to separate or shield one another from your aggressive stimulation of her nerves.
  141. Her feet kept thrashing side to side in anticipation of every one of your moves, and it was becoming annoying to you. Reluctantly, you stopped tickling her feet for a moment and stood back up, picking up the black piece of cloth and kneeling over her nude, taut body.
  143. "What are you going to do with tha-HEY, GET OFF ME OR I'LL CRUSH-" she thrashed her head from side to side, screaming defiantly as you tied the cloth around her head as a makeshift blindfold. Now, this girl couldn't predict anything you'd do next, so you sat back down next to her exposed soles, running a palm up and down the top of her right foot.
  145. "Happy Nightmare Night, you evil little demon...looks like you'll be TREATED to my little TRICK..." you bragged, your hand wrapping around her right foot and holding it as still as a statue, your left hand joining in on the fun by clawing up and down her sole, from heel to directly underneath her toes. This sent Cozy back into hysterics, her body trembling violently with each of your cruel strokes.
  147. "AHAHAHAHAHAHA I'M GONNAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" she squealed, vigorously shaking her head back and forth to free up her eyes once again.
  149. You once again ignored her painfully empty threats, sliding your fingers between all of her toe spaces. The psychotic filly squealed and started begging through her tears and unrelenting giggles, her tiny toes scrunching tightly in a fruitless effort at defending her toe spaces.
  151. "Oh, did I hit a weak spot? I'm SO sorry, Miss Cozy..." you said, in a mockery of her manipulative voice. Her feet were now beginning to blush from their abuse, and you couldn't get enough of the sight. But now that you knew where to focus on, you left Cozy Glow tied up and blinded in the bedroom, to search the house for a proper tool or two. As fun as it was to be...manual with her cute feet, you wanted nothing more than for her to suffer tickling worse than Headmare Starlight on stage that one time with Trixie.
  153. Sadly, you didn't have the equipment to detach Cozy's feet safely from her body, or that tight magical outfit, but those sensitive soles were yours to tickle, and they were about to endure some serious torment from your toothbrush and some forks...
  155. Returning to the bedroom and marveing at the sight of a protesting Cozy once again, you sat down in front of her tender pink soles with a chair and scraped a fork down her left foot, earning yourself a jolt and a squeal from the little filly. You grinned and grabbed your toothbrush from your pocket, laying the firm bristles between the space of her big and second toe, scraping it back and forth with unbelievable speed.
  157. "EEEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAPSTOPSTOPIMSORRY!!!!" Cozy cried out, tears beginning to form in her eyes. The cold steel fork raking down her left foot, from ball to heel, was driving her crazy on its own. But the fact that you were also focusing specifically on her weakest and most sensitive skin forced her foot to quiver even more, and her toes to try and wriggle out of your grasp.
  159. After a generous ten minutes of torturing her first toe space, and no shortage of death threats from the pink filly, you moved the tickly toothbrush over to her next toe space. The stimulation of her next weak spot brought a beautiful scream and guffaw that was justice to your ears, and you decided to add to it by switching soles with the fork, driving the points deeply into her arch and scratching up and down wildly and randomly.
  161. It wasn't much longer before the toothbrush made its way to her third toe space. The evil little filly clenched her fists and started screaming for help, her adorable little feet thrashing for dear life, and sweating profusely. Obviously, making sure she felt every little scratch of your tools and your fingers was just too easy, because each was able to glide across the smooth, exposed skin without a hitch.
  163. And then you took a look down at your bag of treats from this glorious night, slowing your ticklish torment down to a standstill.
  165. "Gah...ahaha....A-Anon...gonna...kill you for this..." Cozy gasped, her tiny body heaving. Her soles were as deep a shade of red as her adorable face, her body was glistening with the exhaustion from your abuse of her most sensitive spots. You felt sorry for the filly whose eyes were streaming with tears...but only for a moment.
  167. "Well, little pest, you're gonna have to get UP first..." you shot back confidently, and grabbed out the tub of pure chocolate frosting that you received from Sugarcube Corner. The Cakes really did always give the best treats...
  169. But tonight, this container of heart-attack was beaten out by the captured filly in your house. Why not combine the two?
  171. You dipped the fork deeply into the chocolate frosting, immediately scouring deep into the bottom of her left foot. This spread some of the most delicious icing on the planet all over the small surface of her foot, and caused her to fall once again into the hellish world of ticklish agony.
  173. The malice-filled filly laughed harder than you thought she possibly could. The sharp fork scratched and probed at all her sensitive spots, pushing the frosting as deep as it would go. But you wanted more, more suffering for her, and more delight for yourself.
  175. So you grabbed out her much-hated toothbrush and scooped out a generous amount of chocolate frosting, pressing the highly-ticklish tool into the next toe space you never got to. Back and forth like a saw through a plank, you scraped the delicious treat firmly into Cozy's smooth pink skin, eliciting an enormous gasp for breath, and then a return to squealing with unrelenting laughter.
  177. You repeated this process with every single one of her toes and the spaces between, and you didn't stop with the fork until her sole would smell like chocolate for an entire month. All her begging, all her pleading, fell on deaf ears, because you were simply too enthralled by her cocoa-smeared feet.
  179. You had a lot of fun torturing this girl, but it was time for a little more of your own fun. You knelt down in front of her blushing, icing-covered soles, and ran your hungry tongue directly between her arches, all the way up to her taut big toes, wrapping your lips around them tightly. The combination of the taste of her toes, and the sweetness of the frosting, combined into something that drove you to dive much deeper onto her captive feet.
  181. "Aahhh...hehehe...wh-what're you doing n-now?!" she giggled, her precious little peds trying to fight back as you buried your face between her soles, inhaling deeply and using your tongue to collect all the frosting that you pressed and tickled firmly into the bottoms of her feet. You could just feel how soft they truly were now, because the soles even yielded inwards to your lustful, greedy tongue.
  183. "Hmhmhmmmmhm....g-gonna tell the Princesses what...heehee...y-youre doing to me..."
  185. "Mmmhh...yeah, as if...mm...they'd believe you...my word against yours...evil little thing..." you responded between licks between her toes, each one exposing more and more of her slick pink skin once again, but the chocolate smell lingered.
  187. You admired your work when her feet were finally all cleaned up of chocolate frosting, and they were slick and glistening. The long red trails of the fork still remained on her soles, and her tender toes kept on twitching. It wasn't long, though, before you couldn't hold on anymore. Quickly, you undressed yourself completely since she was blindfolded, and grabbed the backs of both her feet, tightly like they belonged to you.
  189. "D-don't you dare tickl-w-wait, is that...? Are you...??" she stuttered, as you pressed your lower body up against her tortured soles. You began to grind your member up and down the silky surfaces, moaning out happily, and Cozy's face went a deep red once again, unable to pull back her feet enough to escape the sensation.
  191. "You're...gonna do this and LIKE it, demon...or else it's back to Tartarus..." you growled, and she jolted, baring her teeth at you. But she knew she had no choice. Her adorable toes scrunched tightly as her feet turned inwards, so your length could easily glide through the tight, slick embrace of her soles.
  193. You pushed your shaft through each one of her toe spaces, causing her to snicker softly with each thrust, and her captive feet worked together to try and recapture your cock between them to escape even more tickling. And they managed to succeed, because your mind was fogged by images of how perfect they looked, and how warm and soft they felt around you.
  195. Cozy's soles pulled back and forth in opposite directions around the sides of your member, and you couldn't hold on any longer. You grabbed the backs of her feet and squeezed them as tight as possible around your shaft, unloading painfully hard on the filly from Tartarus. The first and second shots landed all over her chest and belly, and you quickly yanked yourself out from between her silky feet, making sure to keep them side by side as you spurted the rest all over her soles and toes, claiming them as your treat for the night.
  197. You sat back down in the chair in front of her soles, gasping and panting in pleasure, while Cozy's feet rubbed together (however little they were able to) to try and remove your load from her feet, but that obviously didn't work out well.
  199. "Now...hah...I'm going to release you...and if you know what's good for you, Miss Glow...you stay in this house...understood?" you panted.
  201. "Hmph. And what if I don't, weirdo?!"
  203. You traced a finger on the side of her foot, causing her to clench her teeth. "You're going to endure a lot worse than THAT if you leave..."
  205. Cozy gulped and quickly nodded, and you dressed yourself back up, helping her out of her bindings. She sighed heavily and stretched, standing back up, and you smacked her backside with a grin, causing her to turn around and glare at you angrily.
  207. "Rrrghhh, I'm gonna go have a shower...I hate you so much..." she grumbled.
  209. "Heh, be careful now, Cozy, I have a LOT more treats that I could use on your feet..."
  211. She stormed off, and you obviously followed her, intent on enjoying your Nightmare Night haul for the rest of the night.
  213. -End

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