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Family Feets Day (2019 Gallus paw fetish, thanksgiving)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 22:01:39
Expiry: Never

  1. November 28, Ponyville, Equestria. You, Anonymous, were out in the snow, buying various ingredients from the market. Honey and a few veggies were in your basket, and more things were to come. Why? Because today was Family Feast Day. A day where everycreature sat down with their folks, had an enormous meal, and went around the table, making sure to have something nice to say about every family member present.
  3. It was a day that was apparently started by the three leaders of pony tribes near the time Hearth's Warming Eve was established. Chancellor Puddinghead was responsible for the food aspect, as she was the one who discovered the incredibly fertile soil of the fair land of Equestria.
  5. Princess Platinum, in all her snootiness, argued that the meal should be eaten in as much splendour and exquisiteness as possible, and liked as many ponies at the table as possible.
  7. Commander Hurricane, with her unending pride in her race of pegasi, was the one to instil the 'family' aspect, and making sure ponies of close relations were the ones to dine together.
  9. All of these aspects were 'stolen' from each others' tribes, by the leaders of the time, in an effort to seem better than the other tribes. But, a short while after the holiday was established, the Windigos decided to rear their ugly heads once again. After a month of arguing and hatred or so, Hearth's Warming was established, and Family Feast became a national holiday typically taking place a month or so before.
  11. It was a day that you thoroughly enjoyed. Not because of the whole family appreciation aspect (you actually were never able to see your family again, due to you crossing dimensions that one day), but because of one amazing thing. Gryphons came to town for a few days, selling what was the only meat you knew how to get in this land of veggie-lovers.
  13. A few of them had set up stalls in the market, and were allowed to sell turkeys. The town's more...adventurous residents always gathered there to get one, and that included you. You skipped over to the section run by the ferocious creatures, joining only a few other Ponyvillians who were brave enough to try any form of meat.
  15. "69 bits for the bird," the greedy-looking gryphon merchant demanded, holding out his talon. As rude as their species was, you couldn't give less of a heck right now, and ran all the way home without getting the rest of your desired ingredients.
  17. Before you stepped into your little house, you noticed that the adorable gray mailmare was slipping something into your mailbox. You waved at her as you walked up to your mailbox, and she returned your wave with a friendly, wall-eyed wink, and a raise of her small, tender gray hand. She then skipped off into the snowy landscape to continue her noble work.
  19. Odd, there was only a single letter in your mailbox, and it was from...well, it had no name or return address on it. You decided to investigate the letter, hoping that it would be one of those movie-like secret admirer letters.
  21. "Anon, you wanna hang out at the school later? I...don't like to say this, but...no one else is around, I'm alone for the day. If you do, come over at six p.m., and we'll have some fun. Bring food if you want," you read.
  23. You may not have recognised the handwriting, but it didn't look like anyone from Equestria wrote this. It looked more...foreign? Like an attempt to write Equish as a novice.
  25. Either way, you ran back into your house excitedly, starting up the beautiful piece of fallen bird. With a solemn, respectful nod, your fingers combed through the corpse, plucking out all the feathers you could possibly find (and saving a few of them, so you didn't have to visit Quills and Sofas) you seasoned the bird with utmost care and slathered it in honey, surrounded the tasty carcass with what few vegetables you actually bothered to buy, and placed it in the oven to cook.
  27. Your stomach rumbled as the turkey began to smell more and more enticing, but you took the agonisingly slow cook time as an opportunity to pack as many side dishes, sweeteners, condiments and drinks as you possibly could in your large basket. Whoever wanted to 'hang out' today deserved the best, as you were just as alone as they were.
  29. When the turkey finally had enough of taking its sweet time to cook, you pulled it right out of the oven, carved it up like Ronald Ulysses Swanson with a block of mahogany, and packed it away in your basket.
  31. Without a second of hesitation, you carried the banquet-filled basket all the way across town and to the School of Friendship. Obviously, the center of learning was abandoned for Family Feast Day, but the door was always left open to everyone.
  33. In the words of former Headmare Twilight, 'Those who learn, never steal. Those who steal, never learn.'
  35. Or maybe it was just because crime was nonexistent in this part of Equestria. Either way, you began to walk around the vast, empty hallways of the font of knowledge, until you realised that the writer of the note never actually told you where to meet them.
  37. "Dammit, miss writer-of-secret-admirer-note...next time be sure to tell me WHERE you wanna have your fun..." you grumbled to yourself, deciding on waiting in the school cafeteria for this mysterious lover.
  39. You managed to set out your honey-roasted turkey, your leftover mashed potatoes from the fridge, and your bottles of Apple family cider that their youngest, Applebloom, saved for you. Just then, the quietly ticking clock on the wall read six o'clock p.m., and then the door to the cafeteria opened, right on time.
  41. "Anon? You...actually came?" sounded a familar male voice. You turned around, and to your shock, was the azure gryphon you've known for a month, and the one who let you know how to obtain meat while in Equestria.
  43. Gallus.
  45. "Oh, uhhh, hey Gallus, how're you doing? Happy Family Feast!" you responded, exhaling silently and forcing yourself to look as unsurprised as possible.
  47. He shook his head, tracing a claw on the ground. "I know...I know...I wrote that letter...it's not cool, it's gay, but...what else was I supposed to do? It's not like there's anyone in MY life who I could consider family."
  49. You knew his problem. That old wrinkle-sack Gruff sent him here as an ambassador, and basically spit directly in his face in front of the new Guidance Counsellor, Trixie Lulamoon. Thankfully, the annoying party magician stomped the windbag back down where he belonged, but what he said cut your friend deeply, and made him feel even MORE isolated than he already was. So you quickly thought up a solution.
  51. Placing a hand on his fluffy shoulder, you stared into his eyes, grinning. "Why do you think i made this feast? You couldn't possibly expect me to eat this ALONE on such a day, could you?"
  53. He turned towards one of the tables, where your Family Feast was partially set up, and turned right back to you, his eyes glistening with tears for just a moment. He quickly blinked and wiped them away.
  55. "...Thanks, Anon. You're the closest...thing I have to a family member at all."
  57. You scratched your head and chuckled sheepishly, ruffling his feathers. "Aw, c'mon now, Galgal, enough with the sappy stuff. Let's EAT!!"
  59. A smile formed across his razor sharp beak as he helped you set up the rest of the food and drinks, and then he sat across from you, a determined look on his face as his cerulean eyes locked onto the big hunks of carved turkey meat.
  61. And with that, the both of you dug into the food with great gusto.
  63. Before long, you two had bulges in your bellies like werewolves had knotted foxes. Gallus sat back and gasped slightly, grabbing one of the remaining chunks of turkey, hefting it towards his beak...and then dropping it back on the plate.
  65. "Oooaaauugghhh, Anon...don't...lemme eat another bite, I'll explode..." Gallus panted out, his arm trembling as he began to clean up, "y-you'll have to hose me off the walls..."
  67. He leaned back in his chair and placed his azure hindpaws up on the table, splaying his toes outwards and stretching. "Anon, thanks...really...this was the first Family Feast Day I've...ever enjoyed..."
  69. Despite being well on your way to slipping into a food coma, your eyes were staring off into space, because the feet of others in Ponyville never really interested you like gryphon paws did. And you had a pair of them right in front of you...covered in thick blue fur, looking as strong and as soft as could be, decorated with the most adorable pads on the toes.
  71. Maybe it was time to have a SECOND bird on this day of togetherness...but how?
  73. You hobbled to your feet, and shifted yourself slightly so you wouldnt snap your belt in half, stretching your arms high above your head. "Hey...Gallus, what say we take a picture here...you know, to comemmorate your first REAL Family Feast?" you said, taking a deep breath and sighing.
  75. "Huh? Why? We don't even have any cameras around he-hold on a second..." Gallus lowered his head in deep thought.
  77. "Wait, do YOU know of any cameras? If there's none, I can go to my house and-"
  79. Gallus was already gone, running faster than you've ever seen one who just ate his own body weight. And it wasn't long before the catbird returned, with a purple, diamond-studded camera and a tripod.
  81. "Rarity's classroom?" you guessed, and Gallus nodded proudly.
  83. "You wouldn't BELIEVE how many outfits I tried on for this thing, for her weird fashion-show obsession..." he replied with a facepalm, "now, how are we gonna do this, genius?"
  85. You began to clear away the turkey from the big platter, spreading dishes around to make room for him on the table.
  87. "Here Gallus, climb up onto here and lay on the platter like you're about to be the main dish for Family Feast," you said, beckoning him up onto the banquet table, "I'm gonna make sure you look delicious."
  89. He slapped his forehead, dragging his talon down over his eyes. "Really? THIS joke? Come ON, Anon, I know I'm a dish, but I thought you could actually be, well, not freaky...fine, whatever, I'll play along if this stays between us."
  91. "Done deal."
  93. Gallus sighed and climbed up onto the long table and laid his belly down on the platter, crossing his arms and licking his beak in the sexiest possible manner. "Is this right, monkey weirdo?"
  95. You sat up on the table with him and replied, "Hold on a sec, I gotta get you in the perfect pose..."
  97. Gallus groaned, rolling his eyes as your hand traveled all the way down his toned body, 'fixing' his fur in various places, and making sure his tail was raised as high as it could go. You made sure to take that part slowly, but pulling his hind legs out to be crossed behind himself, you decided to take even slower.
  99. Your fingers grasped around his surprisingly-supple paws, directing each of his sets of three toes to curl slightly, and splay just a little. He turned back to stare at you with a confused blush, but complied with all your touching and redirecting.
  101. "Ok, so if you're done trying to get all handsy with my paws, can we get this little memory all done?" Gallus said, with just a hint of shyness in his voice.
  103. "Errr, almost done, just hold that pose...gotta get you basted and presentable..." you stammered, grabbing your bottle of honey and placing vegetables in an orderly fashion all around his body.
  105. "Basted?! What does that even..." he started, but you began squirting honey all over the poor gryphon's back, slowly working your way down his body, and making sure his strong back, his curvy blue backside, and his sexy, muscular legs got an even coating of the sweet nectar.
  107. "Nnnghhh...I-I'm gonna kill you for this...it'll be a NIGHTMARE to get this out of my fur..." he growled, refusing to turn his head back to you again, but you could tell his cheeks were burning.
  109. "Aw cmonnnn, it'll be hilarious...just kill me when we're done here, eh?"
  111. Gallus sighed, "...But since I owe you for the feast, I'll let you get this....picture, I guess...ohhh..." he finished, as he felt the sticky substance pour over his bare hindpaws, and your fingers gently massaging it deeply into the fur, to give it a sweet infusion of the liquid.
  113. With that, you were all finished. You slapped his curvy blue backside, causing him to yelp and growl, and you chuckled. Before he could mutilate you with his talons, you ran behind the camera and put the timer on for fifteen seconds.
  115. "Ready, Galgal?" you asked. His face was even more on fire now, and he gulped and nodded. So you quickly got up onto the table, pressed your chest up on his butt and held his torso down as if you had captured him yourself. He glanced up at you with the most freaked-out look on his face. And it wasn't just because of the position for the photo.
  117. The bulge in your pants rested on the bottoms of his fuzzy, soft paws, and you could feel his toes pressing further into your lap to confirm what he felt. You gasped and bit your lip, trying to look as normal and nonchalant as possible.
  119. The corners of his beak managed to hold a sexy, yet wobbly grin, and your hands squeezed his torso tightly, fingers digging through his feathery wings. And thus, the picture was taken.
  121. "Anon..." Gallus started, slipping his honey-coated, incredibly sexy body out from under you, "what's wrong with you? What are you trying to, like, do to my paws...?"
  123. "No, no, I was, uhhh...thinking about, someone else...er, I mean...why were your toes grabbing my...hard-on? Are you gay or something?" you retorted, in a lackluster attempt at retaining your pride.
  125. "..." Gallus stared at you, looking down at your twitching bulge.
  127. "..." You responded, eyes drifting towards the sticky, sweet liquid dripping between his toes, and then between his legs. His body was laying over it, keeping it mostly hidden, but looking just an inch further than his backsack revealed his erection.
  129. You sat down on a chair below him, and he placed his chiseled legs to the side, scrunching his toes in full view of you. You took one of the honey-coated fluffy feet in your hand, and you ran your tongue along the biggest pad, and through the fur of his middle toe. This caused him to shiver, and sit up straight like Lyra Heartstrings always did. The massive, twitching hardness he was sporting was now fully visible.
  131. "...So, how about we keep this quiet? Just, you know, between best friends...?" Gallus suggested, his talon slowly stroking his cock and causing it to leak. You locked eyes with him, and nodded in agreement. You didn't know what would go on if this sort of act got out to the public, but you didn't care to find out.
  133. In response, Gallus pressed his right paw up against your head, grinding the fuzzy, padded sole up and down your nose and lips and smearing his little bit of basting across your face. You moaned loudly at the incredible sensation. This was your first REAL time laying any part of your body upon the hind paws of a gryphon, and they felt infinitely better than any human foot you could imagine.
  135. You took the opportunity to grab his left paw and squeeze it between both hands, rolling your thumbs along each toe-pad and savoring its heavenly warmth in your grasp. With each pull of your fingers, one of his toes cracked, much to the blue gryphon's satisfaction.
  137. "Aaahhh, Anon...what have I been missing all this time...I don't have to go to the spa, ever..." Gallus moaned out, stroking his throbbing erection a little faster. You locked your fingers between his left toes, squishing the soft paw firmly and nuzzled his right sole furiously.
  139. "Oohhhmmmphh..." you moaned into his right paw, darting your tongue between each of his toe spaces and savouring the delicious syrupy substance that flowed between them. You could feel his dangerously sharp claws pop out of his toes and grip onto your forehead, and you took that as a sign to go just a little harder. And so you did.
  141. Your lips widened out and managed to slip two of his three toes into your waiting mouth. Your tongue, much like it was doing before, slipped back and forth between the available toe space, and then began making figure eights around the two toes you managed to capture.
  143. Meanwhile, the paw being squished and loved by both your hands managed to slip out of your grip after you began to trace little heart shapes on the gryphon's pawpads. After some initial adorable giggling from him, he cleared his throat and managed to refocus himself on jerking his length, while still dragging his clawed toes down your chest, and over your belly.
  145. Gallus licked his beak and pressed his strong, soft left paw into the bulge in your trousers, causing you to let out a lustful, throaty moan. He managed to slip his curled toes out from the confines of your mouth while it was open, much to your displeasure. You were still trying to enjoy every last drop of the honey off his succulent large toes, so why would he do that to you?
  147. You soon found out his reasons. Both of his large hind paws were now rested in your lap, his toes splaying and relaxing repeatedly in an effort to catch your zipper on one of his claws. And it didn't take long for his dexterous toes to latch on, dragging down your zipper as slow as possible and resting his chin on his talon. The stare he gave you was screaming 'We do this my way, I dare you to tell me otherwise'.
  149. When he finally undid your pants, his claws latched onto the waistband and pulled them down your legs, demanding your attention to be on the show of skill this sexy catbird was giving with his toes. He did the same thing with your boxers, finally allowing your leaking member to be exposed.
  151. Gallus immediately pressed both of his flexible, powerful hindpaws around the sides of your twitching cock, causing you to throw your head back in bliss and groan. At the same time, he was jerking himself off a little faster, spurting slightly down onto your shirt.
  153. "A-awww, cmon, k-keep the mess to yourself..." you stammered as his fluffy feet began to glide up and down the sides of your shaft, forcing you to leak as much as he had just spurted on you.
  155. "Yeah...right, am I the one making a mess, HONEYBUNCH?" the gryphon retorted, pointing to the golden bee-liquid dripping down his back and legs, as well as your pre leaking out onto his scrunched toes.
  157. "P-point...nnngh, taken, hah..." you huffed as his three right toes wrapped tightly around your tip, while his left paws' toes curled quite a bit tighter around the side of your length, to jerk you faster and faster, albeit still with gentle precision as so not to hurt you.
  159. The poor, horny gryphon let out a pleasured grunt as his entire body tensed. He was close, even closer than you. Despite your mind being hazy with bliss, you thought it was only right to help him out, so you reached forward and wrapped your smooth-by-comparison human hands around his long, rapidly twitching cock, the lower hand teasing and pleasuring his knot.
  161. Gallus fell backwards at the feeling of your assistance with both hands, screeching and bucking his hips upwards, unloading a painfully large amount of his musky gryphon seed, all over both his own body and yours, and you had to flinch and shut your eyes a few times as two spurts managed to land on your face.
  163. This overly-pleasured state didn't stop the gryphon's agile, furry toes from grasping onto your member as greedily as their talons grasp onto bits. You cried out in heavenly bliss, your hips thrusting upwards between his toes and coating your shaft slightly in the remaining honey.
  165. You never thought it was possible that you could finish off this insanely hard. A powerful surge rocked your entire body under the soft assault of warm, silky gryphon paws, and your warm load spurted upwards and rained down onto the tops of his perfectly sculpted paws, much of the seed soaking into the azure fur and turning it slightly white.
  167. When you were done shooting off onto his ferocious, flexible feet, you managed to stand back up like you just ate a feast all over again, and weakly helped a gasping Gallus off the table. You both looked at each other, and began to chuckle. Then, seconds later, after realising the utterly ridiculous mess you two made, the giggling turned into full-blown laughter.
  169. Soon, however, Gallus managed to speak up. "Hah...haha...ok, yeah, THIS was a real Family Feast...but...was that a one time thing, or...? Are we gonna do that again sometime?"
  171. You wiped some sweat off your forehead. "Well...yeah, if you let me, I'd do that to your paws all day...but first, we gotta go get cleaned up...you got a shower?"
  173. He nodded, grabbing your hand in his talon. "C'mon, yeah, I need some help washing off. We may not be together, but-"
  175. You stopped him, ruffling his feathers. "Yeah, we are. Just admit it already, we're lovers. No homo isn't gonna work here, so just...keep it simple."
  177. "Fine, fine, paw nerd. But it's still between us," he insisted as he lifted up his left hind leg and pressed his paw into your bulge once again.
  179. You couldn't say no to the adorable gryphon, squeezing his talon tightly and following him to the shower. It was time to stuff a DIFFERENT bird now.

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