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Your Feet are Mine (2020 Limestone Pie foot fetish, tickling)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 22:07:31
Expiry: Never

  1. The full moon was shining over the barren landscape of the badlands of Equestria. It was as silent as the dietician of Princess Celestia in a room full of cake. But, in spite of all this nighttime serenity, there was one person still as busy as ever.
  3. The quiet landscape of the rock farm was bounced over by a certain...pink lady. One who was carrying an untold amount of supplies in her hair, and was wheeling a piece of soiree artillery behind her. Her silhouette crept into a cavern filled with veins of ore that could satisfy demand of a city for more than a century, glimmering outcrops of fluorescent crystals, and carts stacked to the brim with raw ores.
  5. Once all of the supplies were set up, she skipped back out of the mine without anyone noticing. The lady climbed back up out of the enormous gorge that housed the mine, and stopped by a humungous egg-shaped stone, one that had been holding the farm together for generations. Figuratively and literally.
  7. She set to work, using the remaining supplies hidden in her squiggly hair to completely bathe the stone in a fresh coat of washable paint. At her speed and artistic skills, the boulder seemed to vanish from the landscape.
  9. "It's all ready...now she HAS to come to the party..." her voice rang out.
  11. As silently and gracefully as she could, she climbed up an outcrop of tin that had somehow grown alongside her house, much like ivy or bougainvillea, and slipped back into her rather cramped bedroom with her three sisters. She glanced downwards, and in the darkness, was able to spot a pair of solid, yet sensitive-looking bluish gray soles. An evil, lusty grin began to grow on her face, and she ran the back of her hand down the length of the right foot.
  13. Tomorrow was going to be the day...Pinkie made Limestone smile on her birthday. And she knew just how to do it.
  15. --
  17. Pinkie leapt out of bed the next morning, screaming out "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIMEYYY!!!" and bouncing all around the bedroom. Her eldest sister (and her other sisters) collectively let out a grumble of dissatisfaction, and covered their faces and ears with their pillows.
  19. "Uggghhh, Pinkie, wouldja go and sing outside or something...I'm sick of your birthday parties every year, it's just a waste of time..." Limestone mumbled out, clearly annoyed.
  21. "D'awww, c'mon, Grumpy McGrumpface, I PROMISE I didn't plan anything this year!" she shouted cheerfully, shaking Limestone by her shoulders. This nearly earned Pinkie Pie a backhanded slap from her as she crawled out of bed.
  23. She avoided the hit, suddenly remembering what she was supposed to do, other than annoy her sister out of bed. "Oh, uhhh, by the waaaay...Holder's Boulder isn't there anymore! It fell to the bottom of the pit again!!"
  25. Limestone's groggy expression turned to one of shock, and she slammed her face against the bedroom window, to see what Pinkie was talking about.
  27. She was right. There was absolutely nothing there, where the boulder should have been. And it definitely wasn't just cleverly painted to look like the scenery behind the enormous stone. Nope. Holder's Boulder had vanished into thin air.
  29. "NO!! C'MON MAUD AND MARBLE, WE GOTTA GO FIND HOLDER'S BOULDER!!" she shouted. Marble Pie yawned and curled back into bed, and Maud Pie stared at her crazy older sister blankly.
  31. "What are you two idiots doing?! Get up!!"
  33. Maud stood up out of bed, and calmly walked over to the window, staring outside. She could clearly sense that the precious stone still stood there, but it was simply disguised. It was obvious Pinkie had planned something, as today was Limestone's birthday.
  35. "Um, she's right. Let's go. I can roll it back upwards," she said, turning her head a fraction of an inch towards Pinkie, and winking discreetly. Seconds later, both Limestone and Pinkie were dressed, and were sprinting as fast as they could down to the family's mine.
  37. Marble tapped on Maud's shoulder. "Umm...should we follow them...? Look for the Boulder?"
  39. She shook her head. "Get ready, Marble. I have a feeling that...we aren't gonna find that Boulder down in the mine..."
  41. --
  43. "Wait, you said...Holder's Boulder was gone! Where could it have disappeared if it's not down here?!" Limestone said, as the two sisters reached the bottom of the pit. Her assessment was correct, not a trace of the beloved stone was to be found anywhere.
  45. Pinkie managed to quickly come up with an excuse. She couldn't risk Limestone losing interest, even though it WAS her most precious item on the line. "U-uhm, hehehe, maaaybe it rolled deep into the mine...?" she stammered, scratching the back of her head.
  47. Limestone Pie charged in the direction of the mine, just before Pinkie's other two sisters arrived. She stayed behind, and nearly jumped out of her skin.
  49. "Gaahh, of course!! How could I forget, where do I put Limey's feet so I can make her smile?!" she verbally berated herself.
  51. Her quick thinking caused a lightbulb to illuminate the area above her head.
  53. "Maud...she can do that quick enough...if I can distract Miss Grump..."
  55. Pinkie Pie pulled out a pencil and a piece of papyrus from her hair, and scribbled out the designs of a pair of ankle stocks, and a rather crude map of the family's mine. Just in time as well, because Maud and Marble had just reached the bottom of the pit, fully dressed in their work clothing.
  57. "Pinkie, you know Limestone hates most parties. What did you plan this time?" Maud asked, straight to the point, as per the usual.
  59. Pinkie leaned upwards and whispered in her ear, "Maud, first did you know you're just the best sister ever? Also...ummmm, I wanna make Limey SMILE for once on her birthday, and I'll keep her attention on me...cause...I...needyoutomakethesesoIcantickleherpleaseplease..." she said, handing the designs to her, as well as pointing out the spot on her map.
  61. "For her feet, I'm guessing...? Pinkie...you know she isn't gonna like that..." Maud responded.
  63. "But...but...I wanna see her LAUGH, and SMILE, and HAVE A GOOD TIME...pleeease, with emerald on top...for her birthday..."
  65. She sighed. Even her stone-faced demeanor was no match for Pinkie's puppy eyes, so she nodded slightly. "Ok. But only once. I wouldn't mind seeing a grin either. My sister is as beautiful as the perfect romance of copper and tin, and would be better with one. I trust you."
  67. "Yessss!! And uhh, Marble? My precious baby sis only a few minutes younger than me?"
  69. She perked up slightly. "Umm, yes, Pinkie...?"
  71. She pointed at Marble, a determined and serious look in her eyes, as she explained the whole plan to force Limestone to grin. "I need YOU, Marble, to be the ankle-locking lady of this operation...is that clear? You, Maud and I are going to tickle Limestone so hard, just like when we were kids...we'll do it so long, she'll HAVE to smile..."
  73. Unable to mount a retort against her crazy sister's logic, she gulped and nodded.
  75. "Eeee!! Ok, ok, c'mon, wait for my signal!" she said, gleefully rushing into the mine after Limestone. The two remaining sisters followed, and about halfway down the mine, all of them stopped. Limestone was waiting for them, her arms folded across her chest.
  77. In the cavernous expanse were tables covered in blue and gray cloth, a single party cannon, a few wrapped presents, and a cake made out of orange granite, normal milk, flour, water and eggs. Perfect for the ponies with teeth as strong as her sisters'. To top it off, there was a large barrel with a label stuck on the front, showing a picture of red topaz on the front.
  79. "I TOLD you, Pinkie, no parties! Now where are you hiding Holder's BOULDER?!" Limestone yelled.
  81. "Preeeetty impressive, h-huh Limestone?" Pinkie stuttered, backing away from her irritated sister. She gave a quick wink to Maud, who then escaped deeper into the mine.
  83. "I'm not playing your games, Pinkie. I'm a year older, so what? Why does that entitle me to waste-" she started, but Pinkie quickly grabbed a crystal glass from the table behind her, full of a pungent red liquid.
  85. "Wait wait, don't go...I...came prepared! With your favourite, Red Topazinfandel!!" Pinkie said quickly, offering the glass to her sister.
  87. "...Well, well, well...you actually brought something OTHER than soda or chocolate milk this time? You got the strong stuff..."
  89. Pinkie nodded emphatically. "Yeah, yeah, so pleeeeease just have a small drink before you go...? Please...?"
  91. Limestone's scowl slowly turned upside down. "Ehhh, fine, as long as there's some alcoholic gems, I guess I could go for a few sips..."
  93. Pinkie Pie grabbed another glass, for both herself and her minutes-younger sister Marble. They all clinked together, and down the bite-y liquid went.
  95. "Happy birthday, Limestone, my FAVOURITE older sis..." Pinkie said, hugging her tight. Limestone returned the embrace rather awkwardly, but she wasn't turning it down.
  97. "Uhh, yeah, sure, let's just keep drinking, for a litte bit..."
  99. More than a 'little bit' passed.
  101. --
  103. "Oh, and remember...you remember when Maud's coltfriend got turned to stone?! Hah, Sunburst absolutely DESTROYED him with a few words after!!" Limestone said, laughing.
  105. "Yeah!! And Silverstream told me she got her pet cockatrice to turn him back, so that all worked out! Well, I mean, TEEECHNICALLY it did," Pinkie giggled, her mane strangely shrinking until it matched Mudbriar's style, and then poofing back out again.
  107. In the last hour or so, Limestone had thoroughly enjoyed her gryphon-style rock cake. She'd opened all of her birthday presents, and each of them were surprisingly fitting for her. However, she was starting to feel a little dizzy...not that she could complain. She hadn't felt that relaxed in years.
  109. "Aaalright Pinks, uhh, thanks for the party and all...really enjoyed it and stuff...but I think it's time we get back to work," Limestone said, "four glasses of Topazinfandel is enough for me today."
  111. Marble Pie finally decided to chime in, winking over at Pinkie Pie. "Wait, uhh, Limestone? Hold on a sec...there's something else..."
  113. The eldest Pie sister turned around to face Marble. "Well, look who FINALLY decided to pipe up...what're you talking about, sis?"
  115. Limestone suddenly felt a blindfold wrapped around her head, followed by Pinkie's and Marble's hands holding onto hers.
  117. "Hey, what gives?" she asked, stumbling every so often while the sisters led her wherever they were taking her.
  119. "It's a surpriiiise! Don't worry, the readers know what's coming up...dont'cha all?"
  121. "Um...who are you talking to?" Marble inquired, bewildered.
  123. "Ehhhhh, dont'cha worry about that, baby sis, we're gonna have so much fun!"
  125. Limestone sighed exasperatedly, and despite the rough womanhandling she experienced, continued on at Pinkie and Marble's request, blindfolded. Eventually, they reached the deepest part of their family's mine, where their other sister, Maud, was patiently waiting with a few...tools.
  127. Pinkie gave her second oldest sister a quick wink, and as stone-faced as ever, Maud readied the pile of rope, and the stone ankle-stocks that she had carved with her bare hands earlier, exactly according to Pinkie's designs.
  129. "Look, thanks for the wine and stuff, but can we just get back to work now? I gotta look for Holder's Boul-"
  131. "NOW!!" Pinkie shouted, causing Limestone to nearly jump out of her skin. But she was too late to make any sort of escape. Maud's hands were already on her body, and with little effort, she managed to force her eldest sister to sit down on a pillow, which was placed against a nearby stalagmite. She sat herself in Limestone's lap and held her arms behind the stone structure, allowing for Pinkie to use her freakishly-quick knotting skills to tie her wrists together.
  133. "Get your hands OFF me, or I'll-" Limestone growled, and then cut herself off as she felt Marble's gentle hands lock something over her ankles, preventing any and all escape.
  135. Satisfied, Maud crawled off her struggling elder sister, her usual stare locked on the trapped feet in front of her, still covered by her sturdy boots.
  137. "What is this even about?! Wait, what are you even-" Limestone began, while Maud yanked off her protective, steel-toed footwear. The tight confines of the stone stocks did little to prevent them from coming off, owing to the geologist's physical might.
  139. "I forgot to take off your shoes," Maud said, tossing them to the side.
  141. "Take off my-HEY!!" Limestone exclaimed, as her youngest sister Marble slipped off her socks, finally exposing her curvy feet to the air. The pair of bluish-gray soles looked, and were, able to shatter boulders with a powerful enough kick. The toes were quite tough-looking themselves, as if the five on each foot were able to dig a hole in bedrock without the need for a spade.
  143. "Dont'cha see, Grumpystone Pie? We're gonna make that frown turn upside down! You're gonna get some BIRTHDAY TICKLES!!" Pinkie chirped, as her younger sister Marble removed the blindfold, unable to look Limestone in the eyes.
  145. This left her mouth agape in shock and anger. "You're gonna TICKLE me? For my birthday? What in Celestia's name is that gonna accomplish?!" Limestone demanded.
  147. "Weeeeeellll, let's find out!" she responded. Pinkie then grabbed onto Limestone's left foot and began to wildly scratch her fingers all over the sole. She slammed her eyes shut, trying to ignore the horrendous sensations, and writhing around in her bindings.
  149. It really didn't help Limestone Pie's case that unlike her sister Maud, her feet were so very sensitive. While Maud's expression would remain as cold and as empty as could be for all but the most severe tickle torture, Limestone didn't have that luxury. Nor did she have as much physical strength as her sister, so breaking free of the ropes or stocks wasn't an option.
  151. "Oh baby sis, you wanna help me heeeere?" Pinkie suddenly sang out. "Grumpy McGrumpface needs a widdle grin on her face..."
  153. "Mmmmhm..." Marble said, kneeling down and grasping Limestone's other foot.
  155. "No no NO DON'T D-ppffftthahahahahaa! M-mahaharble!!!" she finally choked out. Marble's small fingers gently raked down from the stems of her toes, to her powerful-looking heels. Since her nails generally were better cared for than her three older sisters, they were able to sharply stimulate the irritable Pie's nerves like nothing else.
  157. "GAAAH!! ENOUGH W-WITH-AHAHAHAHA!!" Limestone cried out in annoyance, before melting back into fits of giggles. Every time her right foot would curl to try and grant reprieve from Marble's gentle torment, she would squeeze one of the adorable wrinkles and cause them to instinctively splay back out. Meanwhile, Pinkie kept up her wild finger-scribbling on her sister's captive left foot, making sure to keep her toes held back by hand, so none of her precious bluish-gray soles were spared. She wanted to put the biggest smile on Limestone's face for this day, but she could sense it still wasn't full or big enough.
  159. "Maud?" Pinkie said, slowing down her relentless assault temporarily, quieting her sister down slightly. She then gave a quick glance to the rest of her sister's body.
  161. She nodded, understanding what her sister was getting at. "Yes. Limestone, I'm sorry for this, but I love Pinkie Pie."
  163. She grabbed a nearby loose rock, sharpened it carefully on one of the outcrops of corundum, and tugged on her giggling older sister's shirt.
  165. "M-MAUD, WHAHAHAT ARE Y-YOU UP TO?! I-I'LL G-GEHEHET YOU FOR THIS!!" Limestone protested, as the two sisters once again amped up their ferocious foot tickling. While they kept her distracted with their agile fingers, Maud climbed behind her sister and used the sharpened rock to slowly, carefully, cut a hole in the eldest sister's shirt. From the hips, to the midriff, and finally up to the breasts the rock carved, and then Maud finished the job by tearing the rest of Limestone's protective shirt apart.
  167. Pinkie and her youngest sister stopped for a brief period, both of them blushing furiously. Both of their jaws were dropped at the sight of her completely naked torso, Marble's in a surprised frowning motion, Pinkie's in an amazingly large grin. Her breasts were large and bouncy-looking, a bit of eye-candy for Pinkie Pie. Her waist curved slightly inward, and then gently outward into her hips and toned bottom, a sure sign of her hard work on the rock farm. Her toned, adorable midriff was also helplessly exposed to the three sisters.
  169. But the two of them continued to torture her sexy, sensitive feet as soon as she shouted again.
  171. "Y-YOU'LL PAY F-GGGAAAHAHAHAHA!!!" Limestone screamed. Pinkie's merciless, wild scratching and Marble's reserved, deft fingers scraping over her defenceless soles was already terrible enough for the mine's boss. But Maud had decided to take advantage of Limestone's nude torso, grasping onto her breasts at first. Her nails may have been more worn down than her sisters', but her strong fingers groping and running along the soft, pillowy breasts more than did their job in making her sister squeal.
  173. Tears began to stream down Limestone's eyes as she thrashed furiously in her bindings. The blush on her face matched the shade of red on her tender, captive soles. Maud kept moving her hands to keep up with Limestone's movements, but it was becoming somewhat tiresome to adjust her fingers so often. Maud decided to crawl in front of her sister and sat in her lap, facing her. This effectively trapped her entire body in place, helpless to the diabolical sensations of Maud's fingers scraping up and down her sides, and prodding her armpits.
  175. Meanwhile, Pinkie's fingers began to slow slightly, as her eyes gradually became locked on the pair of feet trapped before her, instead of on her sister's giggling face. She couldn't help but enjoy the sight of the long red trails on her oldest sister's soles, the sensation against her hands as her toes attempted escape, and the overall sexiness of the whole situation.
  177. Marble stared at her partying sister curiously as she laid down on her side, making sure to keep her precious foot occupied. She then proceeded to take a long, lustful lick up from the heel, across the soft arch, and up to the five strong toes.
  179. "PIHIHIHINKIE?!?" screamed Limestone, as she tried with all her might to pull her foot away from the slimy, warm sensation, but to no avail. But she was already too into the licking. Her tongue explored between each and every toe, and probed each spot on the sole she deemed as sensitive. Adding to that was the fact that Pinkie's hand now held the back of Limestone's foot, so her lips could meet the arch and kiss it furiously. Her other hand reached down into her skirt, beginning to rub herself at the sheer sexiness of the moment, being able to kiss her oldest sister's foot without her being able to force her off.
  181. At the end of the furious kiss, she panted hard, letting go of Limestone's slickened left foot. Maud was busy tracing two fingers up and down her quivering midriff, but Pinkie's head began to fill with...other ideas on how to make her sister smile. So she whispered it to Maud, making sure Marble was still fondling and tickling Limestone's other foot, so she couldn't hear.
  183. Maud looked over at Pinkie, starting to intensify her tickling. "Pinkie, Limestone's your sister. I've already got her basically nude. You REALLY have to do that?"
  185. She frowned. "It didn't stop you from letting me do it to YOU one time...pleeeaase? Just keep her feet tickled for me..."
  187. Maud shook her head softly, but a small grin crossed her face, and she crawled off Limestone, liberating her trembling torso from her tough ticklish torment. Only Marble was still working on her, and her gentle tickling allowed Limestone a quick gasp of fresh air, before she melted into giggles once again.
  189. "Ah...hahaha...l-let me outta here right now and I m-might only kill you a bit..." she panted, trying to give Pinkie a murderous scowl as she sat in Limestone's lap. Maud sat down at her left foot, nodding to Marble, and both of the sisters grabbed onto her soles tightly.
  191. And that's when the deep, passionate kiss happened.
  193. Limestone's eyes went as wide as dinner plates when Pinkie's lips met hers. Her arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into a suffocating hug, causing her curvy, tightly-clothed breasts to press against her oldest sisters' exposed ones. She moaned sexily into Limestone's mouth, which was still letting out gales of forced laughter. The boss of the rock farm may not have been willing to allow this, but she was unable to do much about the forced making-out.
  195. Attempting to jerk her head away from Pinkie's did no good, because all Limestone was able to really focus on were the two other Pie sisters doing the most evil things to her poor, abused soles. Clenching her fists and thrashing her body yielded no distraction from the torment either, because Pinkie's fingers were now spidering downwards from her armpits to her lower ribcage.
  197. Thanks to Pinkie's previous tongue-work on her oldest sister's foot, Maud's fingers were able to glide along her feet with ease. She may not have been nearly as good at tickling as her party-going sister, but she picked up a few techniques from Pinkie's attempts on her stone cold soles.
  199. "You are deFEETed," Maud said, a tiny little smirk forming on her face. Pinkie yanked her lips off Limestone's, allowing her to gasp desperately for air, and she laughed harder than her older sister had through the entire tickling session.
  201. "GOOD ONE, MAUD!!" Pinkie shouted, burying her face in the captive Pie's breasts and giggling along with Limestone.
  203. Maud returned her focus to tickling her sister as soon as Pinkie began to rub herself, completely turned on by Limestone's sexy giggling. Ignoring the fact that Pinkie's sopping wet panties were well within her sight, she glanced at a nearby spiky cluster of amethyst briefly, and then at Limestone's squirming foot. A fluorescent outcrop of calcite lit up above her head, and she yanked the semi-precious gem off the wall of the mine. The second the spiky crystals made contact with Limestone's sexy soles, she cried out and went berserk with her laughter. And it never stopped, because Maud began to drag the fine points of the purple quartz along her sole teasingly.
  205. Marble, meanwhile, began to draw little heart shapes around the arch of Limestone's other foot, a blush heating up her cheeks. She may have only been tickling her sister like this to help out Pinkie, but she found herself beginning to enjoy the work she was doing on her grumpy sister's adorable feet. So she decided to go a little...harder this time, vibrating her manicured nails between every one of Limestone's toe spaces, causing her to squeal loudly.
  207. "M-MAAAAHAHAHARBLECUTITOUT!!" she cried out.
  209. "Sorry...can't...Pinkie didn't uhh, say so..." Marble murmured back. Her nails raked down from Limestone's toe spaces all the way to the heel, and back again. They then spread out further to attack the toes themselves in the same fashion, and gradually tickled lower and lower down the foot until they reached the sensitive arch.
  211. At the same time, Marble's body was slowly moving from a sitting position to laying on her belly, her non-concealed eye becoming face-to-face with the object of her affection. She then moved her fingers back up to Limestone's flexible, yet abused toes, so her lips could make contact with the blushing, slightly sweaty flesh of the sole.
  213. "WH-WHAHAHAHAT ARE YOU DOING MARBLE?! D-DID PINKIE PUT YOU UP-EEEHEHEHEHEEE!!!" the eldest Pie sister screamed, as Marble peppered the squirming sole with gentle kisses. She couldn't help herself. The sight of her sister's appealing-looking sole captured and tickled like that was enough to chip away at her shyness and inhibitions, just long enough for her to give them a bit of tender love instead of ferocious torment.
  215. Pinkie lowered her head further down Limestone's body, and gave her older sister a raspberry on her toned midriff, tickling her breasts with tremendous force. This was enough to cause her to scream out laughing one more time, and cause her to fall silent afterwards. She still had the tearful, strained expression of one who'd been tickled for hours, but no sound was coming out.
  217. At the very moment after Limestone took an enormous breath, Pinkie Pie pressed her lips against hers once again, her tongue shoving its way into Limestone's mouth, and finished explosively hard. Her fingers, as well as one of Limestone's lower legs, were completely soaked in her juices. She took advantage of that, snapping herself out of the lustful haze, using her slickened fingers to tickle Limestone's entire torso as quickly as possible.
  219. Pinkie's lips finally separated from Limestone's, and she stared at her blushing face for a few seconds. Since her sister could barely even take a breath anymore, and her face was locked in a permanent, giggly grin, she finally deduced that she had achieved her mission.
  221. She gradually slowed down the torment herself, just to get that much more laughter in. Though Pinkie hated for this to end, she looked back at her two other sisters, giving them both a wink.
  223. "Awww, but...Pinkie..." Marble whined, taking her lips off the bluish-gray sole of her eldest sister.
  225. "Nnnnope, sorry baby sis, lookit her...I think we got her, right Maud?" Pinkie responded, pointing out that Limestone's head was barely able to keep itself up.
  227. Maud moved her head up and down a half-inch each way, in what her sisters could only assume was a nod. "Yes Pinkie. Did I do it right?"
  229. Pinkie wrapped her arms around her sister, happily stealing a kiss from her. "YesyesYES, Maud!! You were the greatest tickly older sister best friend EVER! Maybe it runs in the family!!"
  231. Maud stared at Pinkie blankly, drying off her lips from the sudden kiss. "I hope it wasn't all in vein."
  233. Pinkie once again burst out into giggles at the awful pun, as if she was being tickled harder than Limestone.
  235. She only stopped when the sisters then heard a weak growl, and a soft choke. "G...gonna...destroy you...all..."
  237. Marble tapped on Pinkie's shoulder. "Umm...shouldn't we let Limey outta there...?"
  239. "Oh yeaaahhh, she's still stuck...Maud?" she responded. The second eldest Pie sister crawled over to Limestone in response, grabbing onto the stocks with both of her hands. She then proceeded to rip apart the metal lock holding them together, allowing Limestone's beautiful, abused feet to roam freely once again.
  241. She wanted to kick each of her sisters so badly for what they put her through. She wanted them to know what happens when you mess with the one who keeps the rock farm running. But...all she could do was weakly thrust one of her feet forward, barely even brushing Pinkie's leg. She was far too tired for any sort of revenge.
  243. She collapsed onto her back on the hard stone floor of the mine as soon as Marble Pie undid the ropes binding her wrists. Maud easily swept her off her back, carrying her bridal style. Limestone glared up at her, clenching her fists, but was met by Maud's intimidating stare. She knew she was barely half as strong as Maud, and even more weak due to her torture, so she backed down and just allowed her to carry her tired body.
  245. "I think she's been partied out. I'll get her back to the farm," Maud said, "you two get this mess cleaned up. I think it's only fair she has the rest of the day off."
  247. Pinkie Pie stood up and saluted, "Roger that Maud! And tell her we're sorry when she wakes up!! Also, you miiight wanna tell her where her precious egg-rock is..."
  249. Maud waved to her two younger sisters, walking out of the mine carrying Limestone's half-naked, limp body with ease.
  251. Pinkie turned back to Marble, glancing down at her light protective footwear, and then at the stocks. She didn't feel quite done with her ticklish urges yet...
  253. "Um, Pinkie? Why are you...smiling at me like that?" Marble asked, "And why are you looking at my fee-oh...oh no...not me..."
  255. Pinkie started to step closer to her youngest sister, causing her to slowly back away. "U-uh, w-we have a mess to clean up here...c-can't we talk about this?"
  257. It was too late. Marble tripped over the stocks that once held her sister's feet prone and vulnerable, her backside landing on the pillow where she once stood.
  259. Pinkie grabbed a strand of her hair, sitting in Marble Pie's lap before she could stand back up. She wove the strand into a tiny rope freakishly quickly, and used it to tie the stocks together around Marble's small ankles, since the padlock had been torn apart. Her hair did the job just fine, however.
  261. Marble gulped hard, as she felt her boots and socks slipped off, exposing her feet to the air. Pinkie sat in front of her with an evil, yet amused grin, wriggling her fingers threateningly.
  263. "We're gonna make an even BIGGER mess here, baby sis...I'll take good care of those tiny feetsies..."
  265. -End

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