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Montoeage (Juniper Montage foot fetish, tickling)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 22:11:33
Expiry: Never

  1. "Hey, Juniper, wake up!" your boss shouted at your unfortunate coworker. Only she WAS awake. Very much so, and was busily refilling the soda fountain.
  3. "So, like I said, one grande cappuccino, but with the milk, the coffee, the foam, and the cup on the side," he demanded.
  5. "Wait, what?" she responded, bewildered and clearly at wit's end.
  7. "Three donuts with extra cheese and four hot dogs without the skin on them!"
  9. You, the ever-so-slightly depressed young man, Anonymous, watched as the boss of the awful cinema strutted off on his merry way like nothing happened. It was nothing more, nothing less, than a normal day for her, to be purposefully and blatantly picked on by that old wrinkle-sack.
  11. Ever since the old manager of the awful Canterlot Mall theatre left for greener pastures, you'd seen this girl, Juniper Montage, transform from a typical indifferent employee, into a poor girl who was ready to to eat ibuprofen out of an open palm like a horse with sugarcubes.
  13. When she was assigned to train you for the job recently, away from the lazy boss all day, you could tell she was ecstatic. The poor girl was even happier, less stressed, because of your willingness to comply and learn quickly.
  15. You sighed and got up from dusting behind the nearby claw machines, making your way over to the front of the empty counter. "Hey...you need me to help out over here, Juniper?"
  17. Her neck nearly snapped from how quickly it turned towards you, her teeth clenched tightly enough to nearly shatter themselves. When she saw your face, an apologetic look came over her features. "Oh, I'm sorry Anon, I thought that-"
  19. "There was another annoying customer and you wanted to smack them with that mirror? Hah, I assumed that..."
  21. She gave you an unamused frown. "Real funny, Anon, ha ha."
  23. "So, do we even sell donuts here?"
  25. She groaned and shut her eyes tightly, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "On WHAT PLANET do they sell donuts with CHEESE at a cinema?!"
  27. You chuckled. "A planet I wanna LIVE ON."
  29. "Look, Anon, I appreciate the offer, but don't you have your own stuff to do? Don't wanna get the boss in a deeper mood than he already is..." she sighed.
  31. "If I can cover up you taking an hour-long lunch inside a janitor's closet, instead of half an hour out in the mall, what makes you think I can't deal with his insanity?"
  33. Juniper grinned. "You just gotta keep taking credit for those times, huh...alright, work your magic, make it seem like we did our jobs."
  35. "Happy to he-uh oh..." you replied, watching your boss step back through his door.
  37. "Isn't it..."
  39. "Yup. Closing time. And you and I both know THAT look on his face. Get ready, act happy," you whispered back to your adorable coworker.
  41. "I got a job for you two whippersnappers," he said, pointing at you and Juniper. "Good way to grow in your job is to-"
  43. "Do LOTS of overtime, and make your boss happy," you finished.
  45. "See, young lady? This man's GOT IT DOWN. You two are gonna stay here by yourselves a couple more hours and make this place shiny and spotless!"
  47. "Highly illegal, but whatever..." Juniper growled as quietly as possible.
  49. "Now, what was that thing I wanted a little earlier before I go...uhmm...ehhh, confound it, it's gone..." he said, tossing the keys to you. The two of you stood there and watched him hobble along the empty concourse of the mall, the lights turned down low.
  51. "I honestly think they chose the first person they saw walking by to be our new boss..." Juniper said to you.
  53. "You know, I'd say you're pretty spot on there..." you replied, as your boss disappeared from sight.
  55. "So..." she began.
  57. "So...you wanna start cleaning up?"
  59. "I'd rather go watch Daring Do and the Mysterious Goo on loop for three days, but yeah, I guess," she nodded, tossing off her silly uniform hat, "And yes, we'll sit next to each other and watch a movie afterwards, and I'll let you hold my hand. You happy, creepo?"
  61. "And...well..." you began, facing away as you began to wipe down the counter."
  63. You heard a playful sigh from her. "If you do a good job, yeah, I'll take 'em off for you, put 'em in your lap. As long as you take care of them first, nerd..."
  65. You do a small victorious fist-pump in your head. Thankfully, when Juniper caught you casually browsing those sorts of pictures on your lunch break, she was totally cool with it. In fact, she had offered you...'favours' every now and again, for keeping the boss off her back, for helping her with more difficult tasks, or even just watching her back while she mentally broke down in the bathroom.
  67. You didn't mind doing the harder tasks for her, though. For you, they were easy and quick enough, and your coworker looked about ready to explode anyway. She didn't need that extra stress.
  69. The two of you spent the next half-hour or so listening to Sapphire Shores tunes, while wiping tables down, cleaning up glass displays, scrubbing what little grease was left on the floor, vacuuming the carpet. As always, of course, there was very little to do thanks to both of your efforts earlier.
  71. Juniper, who now no longer seemed like she was going to squeeze a lemon into her own eyes, gave a mock sigh of exhaustion. "Uggghhh, finally...that was so much work..."
  73. You tossed your paper towel into a nearby trash can, nodding, "We got a lot of time on our hands now...wanna get some free PTO?"
  75. Juniper grinned coyly at you and beckoned you along with her. "This dump will FOOT the bill for it..." she said, filling up two cups of Colta Cola (tm) and leading you up into a projection room.
  77. You began to sift through the various current films. "Daring Do and the Lost Princess Cane...Power Ponies Ultimate...Pieces of Hate...Children of the Gnomes...what's our free movie gonna be tonight?"
  79. Your coworker pulled out a movie, placing it into the projector. "How about Mares with Crossbows II?"
  81. "I mean, you already put it in there, so why not?" you replied, and the both of you stepped into the theatre itself. She smiled, grabbed onto your hand (as is one of your many fetishes), and sat down in the chair next to you.
  83. You sighed, scooting as close as you could to your adorable, de-stressed coworker. She sipped her soda, leaning her head on your shoulder when the movie began. She began to kick her legs back and forth, the beads on her knee-highs making soft clacking noises...
  85. -
  87. Much of the time watching the movie was spent with your eyes glued not to the screen, but to Juniper Montage's feet encased in her work-flats. And she definitely took notice, curling her toes every so often and allowing her flats to fall off. Her socks were tight enough to hug her legs gently, causing the skin above to curve outwards slightly, and defining the curves of her toes.
  89. She lifted the arm-rest that came between you two, pulling her arm back away from around your shoulders. She did the classic 'stretch and get closer' routine, but instead of holding you by your waist, she pulled her tightly-socked feet up onto the chairs, placing them both on your lap.
  91. "Mmm, hope you don't mind if I do this...you did after all promise to take care of them..." she cooed seductively, lifting her left foot to place in your hand.
  93. Instantly you enjoyed the softness of the fabric laid on your palm, reaching out to hold onto her unattended right foot side by side with her left. The two clothed feet flexed and wiggled, one at a time, toes ever so slightly brushing together as if to ask for your affection.
  95. "Well? C'mon, I started to use lotion on them, you gotta tell me what you think," Juniper giggled, straightening her glasses.
  97. Off each sock went, slowly peeled away by your careful hands. From your prior experience, her soles were delicate, yielding, not to be handled roughly. And what you were able to see in the dim light of the theatre was quite enthralling.
  99. Her feet were only illuminated by the enormous screen with ranged weapons and horses on it, but you were able to make out the smooth lemon/cream skin catching and reflecting tiny amounts of light. As you ran the back of your hand along the bare right sole, you noticed that her adorable feet felt just that much smoother than last time.
  101. "I...don't see why you need ME to...'care for them', they're already more pristine than I thought possible..." you finally replied, as her right toes curled up, grabbing onto your forefinger for a brief period.
  103. "Well, I prefer it when YOU massage them...especially after a long day like this," she said, lifting one foot and tapping your cheek with her big toe. You got down to business without hesitation afterward, pressing your thumbs deeply into her curved arch, completely enthralled by the sight of the yielding flesh. She responded by slowly sliding her other silky foot down over your cheek, over the right side of your chest, and down onto the twitching bulge in your work pants.
  105. "Just a little motivation to...keep on going..." she whispered, moving her big toe in circles around your tip, collecting any precum that had been leaking through your clothing. You got the message, locking your fingers between her aching toes and squeezing out the accumulated tension. She let out a groan of delight as you did so, scrunching her flexible toes around your fingers and returning the weight of her supple sole onto your bulge.
  107. This got you more than excited enough to continue feeling her tired foot, and you pulled each toe back and forth, causing them to crack quietly. Your fingers then gently dug into her smooth sole, just barely scratching the curvy surface with each press.
  109. "H-hey, be careful there, you know I can't stand that..." Juniper said, biting her lip. Her right foot curled and twitched slightly as you continued to tend to it, the left pressing forcefully down on your throbbing bulge.
  111. "Oh c'mon now, just a little? You made them so smooth...I just gotta do it..." you pleaded, holding onto the back of her foot and pressing a single finger into the soft underside.
  113. Juniper sighed, taking her left foot off your twitching bulge and rested it next to her right. "Sigh...only because no one else is gonna let you do this stuff in the first place..."
  115. "Oh come on, I didn't need to hear that," you groaned, ensnaring her ankles under one of your arms.
  117. "And you're gonna be the next one to make up an excuse for me to take a day off...don't worry though, I'll give you warning first," she finished, wiggling her toes in your grip.
  119. "Duly noted," you said, placing all of your fingers across both of her exposed soles. She immediately tensed her body up in anticipation, shutting her eyes.
  121. And you waited.
  123. One of her eyes opened after a few seconds, her body visibly relaxing. "Uhh, aren't you going to tickle me and get it over with?"
  125. Just as Juniper dropped her guard, you jammed your fingers into the shiny skin just below the arches, skittering them on both soles at once. This caught her by surprise, and without any delay, her melodic laughter began to ring out through the room. You could feel her feet try to tug backwards, but you could see behind you that she was clenching her fists and trying to control herself, trying to keep her feet as still as could be.
  127. "G-go easy, Anon, seheheheriously!!" she begged, while you continued to scribble your fingers firmly, yet erratically, into the soles. The lotion she used on her feet caused them to be clearly more ticklish than before, judging by how difficult it was for her to allow you to torture them.
  129. The constant writhing back and forth, rubbing together, was causing you to stare at the beautiful surfaces more and more intently. A light shade of red had made its way over the vulnerable soles, and the toes curled so enticingly, as if she was calling out to you, to do more than just tickle them. So you obeyed what both her feet and your brain were urging you to do, leaning over and dragging your tongue on the left sole, scratching deeply into the right.
  131. "NnghhHAHAHA CAREFUL WITH THAT, W-WEIRDO! I might k-kick you!!" she laughed, as you tightened your grip on her ankles again, so your fingers could scour the now-slickened sole. Combined with the skincare lotion, it made for quite the effective ticklish attack on your beloved Juniper Montage.
  133. "Totally worth it, I'd say," you said, pressing your cheek into her un-licked right foot. Up and down your cheek went, nuzzling the sensitive, red-shaded surface and enjoying the sensation of her toes scrunching against your head.
  135. When you sensed that Juniper was running out of breath, you decided to give both of her feet a well-deserved last ticklish storm. Away from the bottoms of her feet your face pulled, and your lips wrapped tightly around both of her big toes. She curled them as tightly as they would go as soon as she noticed, a large giggling grin plastered on her face.
  137. Despite how dangerous your position was, you had to do this.
  139. You plunged your fingers directly into the slickened skin of her left sole, and immediately felt pullback from both of her big toes against your tongue. You didn't waste any time in scraping and scratching her soles, from the heel to under her toes, and back again. What little intention you had of being gentle with her feet was now gone, your fingers working as hard as they could to make her soles suffer.
  141. And suffer they did. She burst out into unfettered laughter, laughter that would have been heard throughout most of the theatre. As they often did, your fingers explored the entire surfaces of her soles, but you made sure she was able to feel every last trace, every scratch, every tingling trail your nails left behind on her feet. All of this happened too quickly and erratically for Juniper to properly prepare her poor feet for the torment.
  143. Tears streamed out of your coworker's eyes, and that's when you decided to finally slow down her ticklish anguish, so her mind could recover from the turmoil it was forced to endure. You finished off your ticklish tirade with one last trace of a finger in a heart-shape across her right sole.
  145. "Eh...hehehe...are you QUITE done there, Anon? Did my giggles and screaming to stop fill you with glee? Is that what gets you off, being rude to me like that?" she panted, giving you a mock scowl. Before you could respond, she slipped her feet out of your grip and pressed both of them down onto your bulge once again, forcing you to let out a moan of pleasure. Even through your clothing, her grinding soles were driving you crazy, closer to completion.
  147. "You can at least try to last a LITTLE longer, Anon..." Juniper sighed, a knowing grin making its way across her face. Her dexterous left foot gripped onto your waistband, pulling it downwards along with your undergarments. Your member, as hard as a rock and leaking heavily, was soon wrapped in the loving embrace of her bare feet.
  149. "Aa-aaahhh..." you gasped, gripping an armrest to hold steady. Juniper's soles, as smooth as ever from the renewed care she gave to them, started moving up and down your cock much more easily than the last time. She folded her arms and retained her rather smug grin, using her slick left sole to slide up and down the underside of your length, while the bottom of her right foot dragged gently back and forth across your tip, in order to collect your ample amount of pre.
  151. "Oh, I know you like when I do this..." your coworker cooed. She brought your cock into the space between her warm, silky feet once again, but this time it was between the top of her left foot and the sole of her right. You leaned your head back and arched your back slightly, trembling in utter disbelief at how good it felt. You weren't going to hold on too much longer.
  153. "Hold on, don't lose it yet...I know how much you wanna just let loose, but I gotta try something new here..." she said, stopping the smooth gliding of her feet over your rapidly twitching member.
  155. Juniper moved another one of the nearby armrests upwards, and she turned herself to face away from you, her feet rotating so that they were both facing downwards instead of upwards. You were already utterly amazed by how good this new position felt, but she laid herself down on her belly and raised both of her legs, so her soles faced upwards.
  157. "Now get on your knees, and I'll give you a little surprise after you finish...just for tonight," she commanded, resting her head in her hand and winking back at you. One curl of each foot was enough to get you to obey, and you got up on your knees on one of the chairs. You then placed your cock onto her right sole, and let out a tense grunt of bliss when the top of her left foot pressed down over it. Both feet began to stroke and slide over your member, her still-blushing left sole now exposed to you at all times.
  159. The naked sole facing upwards at you, as well as its gentle, yet firm movements in sync with the right foot, was too much for you to handle. You grabbed onto both of Juniper's feet with all your might, holding them both still with one hand and tickling the appealing exposed sole wildly and erratically.
  161. As soon as she bust out into her melodic laughter, you thrusted between her feet and unloaded harder than you'd ever thought possible. Spurt after spurt of your seed covered the back of her uniform, as well as the skirt. You then pulled the sweet embrace of her amazing feet apart, holding the soles side by side, as if they were on display. The rest of your essence was shot out onto her precious soles as you pushed your cock up against each sole, rubbing it up and down over the curved arches.
  163. Despite you having just ruined her work clothing, and came as messily as possible over her feet, Juniper looked back and gave you a knowing smile. She rubbed both of her feet together, further spreading the cum over her soles and through her toes, stretching out tiredly. "Well, thanks, Anon. You stained my uniform. Oh no. So tragic."
  165. "H...huh...?" you replied, sitting down and trying to recover from your intense bout of bliss.
  167. Juniper stood directly in front of you after getting out of her chair, winking at you and unbuttoning her shirt, carelessly tossing it away when her slim upper body was revealed, her breasts nearly pushed up against your face. The same thing happened to her skirt, as well as her panties, allowing you a front-row seat to something much better than the movie playing.
  169. "W-wait...why did you...?"
  171. Juniper sat back down next to you, placing her soft feet back in your lap for you to hold. "You know what Anon? This place is stupid anyway. You did me a favour making a mess of that uniform. This is your little surprise."
  173. "But aren't you gonna get in trouble...?" you asked, grasping onto your coworker's feet gently.
  175. "Really? NOW you think of consequences? C'mon, Anon, no one's gonna come in till tomorrow. Just join me in the nude and relax for the night, alright? Let me know if you want another round with my feet."
  177. "Yeah...yeah, you're right. Why not?" you agreed, removing all of your own clothing as well and tossing it away. You then sit back down with the most gorgeous pair of feet weighed down on your lap, making sure to keep your member pressed up against them.
  179. "You're so lucky to have me around to put up with your foot freakishness. Hope you don't mind me making a few requests of my own tonight..."

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