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[EQG] Home Under Home (Sci-Twi) (Transcript w/ Audio)

By RealDash
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2022-03-19 08:20:07
Expiry: Never

  1. This one will be written differently, written as a story for listeners to better know what's going on. So I guess it's a green more than a transcript.
  3. ----------
  5. Audio Here -----> (18:05)
  6. ------
  8. >Be (you), sitting in the living room at your girlfriend Twilight Sparkle's house.
  9. >She'd just finished showing you a documentary on the creation of the universe, not to mention its sheer size.
  10. >While the credits roll, she turns to you.
  11. >"... So? What do you think?"
  12. >She asked you with a goofy but cute smile.
  13. >You actually enjoyed it, and you tell her so.
  14. >"I knew you'd like it. You always talked about space, and this documentary just came out yesterday, and I thought... what a coincidence, you know?"
  15. >She giggles with a snort, and you found it cute as hell.
  16. >"Still think the universe is as small as you thought?"
  17. >You shake your head.
  18. >"Hehe... thought so. Wanna watch another?"
  19. >You nod.
  20. >"Cool! I have a couple saved on my playlist. There was this one Titanic documentary I saved a few months ago for the anniversary, and I haven't gotten around to watching it yet because I've been so busy with school work. Then there's all the hangouts with me and the girls and seeing you and—"
  23. >You silence her with a comforting kiss.
  24. >She sighs in bliss, parting her lips from yours after a few seconds.
  25. >"... Maybe I'll just play the last one. Just for right now..."
  26. >You know what that's codeword for.
  27. >But you ask her about her family.
  28. >"My parents are out shopping. And I don't think Shining's gonna stop by anytime soon."
  29. >She runs a finger down your cheek.
  30. >"So for the next two hours... it's just you... and me."
  31. >Sounds good to you.
  32. >The two of you start making out on the living room couch, less of lust and more so of pure passion.
  33. >You lean against her body, while she grabs your shirt and smiles into the kiss.
  34. >You hear her fumble with the remote to replay the documentary you just watched, before setting the remote down on the side table behind her.
  35. >So while you explore Twilight's mouth, Galiant Odyssey explores the cosmos once again.
  36. >One of your hands gropes one of her breasts over her shirt, eliciting a moan from her.
  37. >She parts from the kiss and bites her lip.
  38. >She's really flustered now.
  39. >"S-Sparky..."
  42. >Suddenly, you can hear the front door open in the hallway.
  43. >"Hello? Anyone home?"
  44. >Shining Armor's voice is instantly recognizable.
  45. >"Crap!" Twilight whispers before scooting herself away.
  46. >You do the same and the two of you fix yourselves up quick.
  47. >"Mom? Dad? Twily?"
  48. >Twilight clears her throat.
  49. >"W-We're in here, Shining!"
  50. >A moment later, Shining Armor enters the living room.
  51. >Twilight gets up from the couch and gives her brother a hug.
  52. >"Twily, hey. How's... who's this?"
  53. >He notices you sitting on the couch and looking back at him.
  54. >"He's my boyfriend. Sparky, Remember?"
  55. >"Hmm... Oh, I remember! Isn't he the one who fell into the elephant enclosure on your school trip?"
  56. >Shining laughs, whils Twilight punches his shoulder.
  57. >"Shiny!"
  58. >"Ah, I'm just joking around, Twilight. I remember him. It's good to see you again, pal. Treating my sister well?"
  59. >You nod with a smile.
  60. >His face turns into a little smirk as he eyes both you and Twilight.
  63. >"I didn't interrupt anything, did I?"
  64. >"Uh, no! We actually just finished watching a space documentary. About the Big Bang."
  65. >"Uh huh. And I'm guessing it was a pretty 'intense' documentary, wasn't it?"
  66. >"... What do you—"
  67. >"Your face is flushed, Twily. Both of you."
  68. >Twilight stammers trying to explain herself, but she falls in awkward silence.
  69. >Shining laughs.
  70. >"Don't worry, sis. It's not that big a deal. But you should probably take that to your bedroom instead of the living room couch, you think?"
  71. >"I-I... O... Okay."
  72. >Shining chuckles.
  73. >"Trust me. Cadance and I can vouch for that—"
  74. >"Anyway! Shining... What are you doing here?"
  75. >"Cadance wanted me to look for Flurry's Snail. It wasn't at the house, and I figured since Mom babysat her the other day, it's probably still here somewhere."
  76. >"Oh. You want us to help you look for it?"
  77. >"Nah, don't worry. It probably just fell under the couch. That's where it usually goes, anyway. I'll just be a second."
  78. >"Well... okay, then."
  79. >"Trust me sis, you won't even know I'm here."
  80. >"Pfft... alright, Shiny."
  81. >Twilight returns next to you on the couch while Shining Armor looks for Flurry Heart's toy snail.
  82. >The two of you try to focus your attention on the documentary on the TV while Shining shuffles about on the floor around the couches.
  85. >"In an instant, concentrations of gas and pressure burst outward," the narrator said, "creating galaxies already spanning by thousands of light years. And the universe was not even a minute old."
  86. >"Aha! Found it!"
  87. >Shining stands up from the floor holding a familiar green snail, which squee'd in his hands as he squeezed it.
  88. >"I don't know how she always manages to lose this thing. Maybe we need to give her a leash for it."
  89. >He chuckles at his own joke, while Twilight snorts with a little smile.
  90. >Shining notices the documentary playing on the television.
  91. >"Oh yeah. This is the one you were telling me about, isn't it?"
  92. >"Yeah!" Twilight nudges your shoulder. "I figured since he was really into space, this would be perfect to watch together."
  93. >"And... you're watching it again...?" Shining asked in a jesting manner.
  94. >"Yeah...? W-What's wrong with watching it again?"
  95. >"Nothing. Nothing at all."
  96. >He smirked, and you honestly found it entertaining.
  97. >Even though Twilight was pretty flushed by it.
  98. >Shining chuckled again.
  99. >"Anyway, Cadance and I are headed to Las Pegasus this weekend, and at some point we want to go back to that kids' palace for Flurry before we leave."
  100. >"Filly Fun Festiban?"
  101. >"That's the one! Anyway, last time we went, we accidentally left her snail at home. So when we left the Festiban, Flurry was in tears by the time we got back to the hotel. And she wasn't exactly happy for the rest of the trip. This snail can make her happy no matter what, so I wanted to be sure we had it before we left."
  102. >"Smart," Twilight said with a giggle before sighing. "I remember when Mom and Dad took me there for my 6th birthday. I was so happy, and it was so depressing when we had to leave. They always promised me we'd go back, and... well, that never happened."
  103. >"Yeah... but hey, with summer coming up soon, that place is gonna be open full time. Maybe I can talk to Mom and Dad and we can all arrange a family trip down there. I know you're in high school now, but... they got an ice cream fountain~~~"
  104. >Twilight giggled.
  105. >"I'd like that, Shiny."
  108. >"Maybe your boyfriend can come along too if he wants."
  109. >"R-Really? That'd be okay?"
  110. >"Of course. Mom and Dad love him."
  111. >Twilight smiles warmly and blushes before looking at you.
  112. >"What do you say? If we went to Las Pegasus this summer... do you wanna go with us?"
  113. >You nod, earning a squeal of approval from Twilight.
  114. >"You'd love it! It might be for kids for the most part, but there's still so much we could do together! Plus..."
  115. >She leans into your right ear.
  116. >"They have a planetarium," she whispers.
  117. >You were intrigued.
  118. >Twilight giggled again.
  119. >"Guess he's hooked now," Shining jokes before lifting the snail toy. "Well, I better get back home. Cadance and I still need to pack our clothes. I'll try to talk to Mom and Dad tonight about the summer, okay?"
  120. >"Okay. Thank you, Shiny."
  121. >"You're welcome, Twily."
  122. >In that moment, Shining Armor's phone rings.
  123. >You see it says only CAPTAIN on the Caller ID.
  124. >"Oh, gotta take this. Captain Duties."
  125. >"Alright. Bye, Shiny!"
  126. >"Have fun, you two. Don't stain the couch!"
  127. >"Heyyy!"
  128. >Shining smiles as he makes his way toward the hallway, answering his phone.
  129. >"Hello?"
  131. >Shining is silent for a moment.
  132. >"1. 14. 1. 3. 15. 14. 4. 1."
  133. >Another moment of silence.
  134. >Twilight is focusing more on the TV with a still apparent blush, but does have an ear listening to her brother.
  135. >You listen with her, giving a glance towards him.
  137. >You hear a ding on Shining's phone, but you're focused on how pale his face has suddenly gotten.
  138. >You poke Twilight's shoulder and she turns to see her brother standing very still.
  141. >"Shining? Are you o—"
  142. >"Twilight, go get Spike and get in the car."
  143. >"What?"
  144. >"NOW, TWILIGHT!"
  145. >Twilight shudders at her brother's loud voice but nonetheless she's quick to get up and run upstairs without hesitation.
  146. >You move to follow her, but Shining Armor stops you.
  147. >"I need you to listen to me. I want a yes or no answer from you, nothing else. Understand?"
  148. >You nod.
  149. >"Do you trust me?"
  150. >It takes you a moment, but you nod, even though you're not completely sure.
  151. >"Do you love my sister?"
  152. >You hear Twilight calling for Spike upstairs, followed by his happy yipping.
  153. >You nod with full confidence.
  154. >"If anything ever happens to me... will you do whatever it takes to keep her safe?"
  155. >You nod.
  156. >Of course you will, you love her.
  157. >"Okay... Okay..."
  158. >You hear Twilight come down the stairs with Spike in her arms.
  159. >"Alright, come on, let's go."
  160. >"Wait!" Twilight exclaimed. "What's going—"
  161. >"Go!"
  162. >"But what about Spar—"
  163. >"He's coming too. Go! Now!"
  164. >The three of you exit Twilight's house and make your way hastily to Shining Armor's car.
  165. >Their neighbor, Sunburst, is standing by his own car with a bag of groceries in tow.
  166. >"Hey, Shining! It's been a while! How've you been?"
  167. >Shining turns immediately to him.
  168. >"Sunburst, get your family and get out. Now."
  169. >"Huh? What's goi—"
  170. >"The eagle has left the nest. Thirty five minutes. Leave. Now."
  173. >As you get into the backseat, you see Sunburst's face go as pale as Shining's, before he drops his groceries and runs into his house.
  174. >"What does that mean?" Twilight asks Shining as he gets into the car. "Shining?"
  175. >He doesn't answer as he quickly starts the car and backs out rapidly from the driveway.
  176. >A car swerves, barely missing and honking its horn.
  177. >Shining ignores it and puts the car into Drive.
  178. >"Suri, directions to Quill Air Force Base."
  179. >After a few seconds, Suri answers and sets up a GPS route.
  180. >"Route to... Quill Air Force Base. Shortest route... 22... minutes. In 300 feet, turn right onto Liberty Avenue."
  181. >The car lurches forward speeding down the neighborhood.
  182. >A person crossing the street barely dodges the car in time.
  183. >"Shining!"
  184. >"Sorry, sorry! I didn't see them!"
  185. >"Shining, you're scaring me! Tell me what's going on!"
  186. >"'The Eagle has left the nest' is military code for "missiles in the air." It means multiple nuclear missile launches have been confirmed by the Pentagon."
  187. >"W... What?! Are you serious?!"
  188. >"Yes. Once the Pentagon enters DEFCON-1, an automated message is delivered to every military member both here and abroad. Every soldier in the country got the same thing I did. Half of them are scrambling jets. The rest are either preparing evacuations or taking shelter."
  189. >"... W-What are -you- doing?"
  190. >"Both. I'm getting you two somewhere safe. You're military family, they'll let you in."
  191. >"What about Mom and Dad? What about—"
  192. >"Mom, Dad, and Cadance all got the message too. So did you. They're already on the way. If not, soldiers are gonna pick them up."
  193. >Twilight turns to you, and she gets scared.
  194. >"... W-What about him?"
  195. >Shining glances back at you before turning back to the road.
  196. >"Show them this," Shining says as he gives Twilight a small neck-wearing ID. "Show them, and they'll let him in. Put it on."
  197. >Twilight hastily puts on the ID.
  198. >She then slowly looks outside and notices people still going about their day.
  199. >Kids playing and eating ice cream, a few sports fans heading into the nearest sports bar, people chatting around and laughing.
  200. >Twilight then flips through radio stations, from music to gossip.
  201. >"They're not saying anything. W-Why aren't they saying anything...?"
  204. >"Public doesn't know yet. They wanted to alert military personnel first, otherwise the cities are gonna be death traps. The sooner the military takes off, the sooner they can evacuate everybody."
  205. >Twilight is panicking.
  206. >"I-I gotta call my friends! My friend Applejack, she has a cellar. I-I need to..."
  207. >She tries typing in Applejack's phone number, but she is shaking.
  208. >You grab her phone quickly and type it in for her, before giving it back to her.
  209. >She grabs your hand and squeezes it as affectionately as she can.
  210. >She holds the phone up to her ear and you can hear the dial tone.
  211. >[Hello?]
  212. >"Applejack, It's Twilight."
  213. >[Oh, howdy, Twilight! Date night going well so far?]
  214. >Applejack giggled, but Twilight stopped her.
  215. >"Applejack, I need you to get your family into the cellar, please. Get the girls."
  216. >[Wh... Wait, Twilight, what's going on?]
  217. >"Applejack, my brother said there's missiles coming."
  218. >[... What...?]
  219. >In that moment, Shining grabs the phone.
  220. >"Applejack, it's Shining Armor. I've been informed by the Pentagon that nuclear missiles have been launched. You have thirty three minutes. If you have a cellar, get you and your family inside -now-. Call your friends and have them come to you if they can, but stick to the back roads. I'm taking Twilight and Spark to a safe location. Stay away from the city, do you understand?"
  221. >Applejack freezes for a moment.
  222. >[Y-Yes, sir.]
  223. >Shining Armor gives the phone back to Twilight, who puts it back up to her ear.
  224. >"A-Applejack... if I never see you again... you're a good friend... a-and I love you."
  225. >[... I love you too, Twi.]
  226. >Twilight's voice cracks.
  227. >"Goodbye, Applejack," she says softly.
  228. >[... Goodbye, Twilight.]
  229. >After a moment, Twilight ends the call.
  230. >She starts calling Rainbow Dash, only for the phone to lose signal before she could press the call button.
  231. >At that same moment, the GPS signal goes out.
  234. >"What happened...?" Twilight asked.
  235. >Shining tried to get the GPS back online, but nothing worked.
  236. >He was still getting notifications, but the internet was out.
  237. >"Satellites must've gotten hit. Doesn't matter, I know the place. Quill Air Force Base."
  238. >"But what about my friends?"
  239. >"We both told Applejack to tell the others. You trust her, right?"
  240. >"I... yes, but..."
  241. >"Then they'll know. Right now, we need to get to Quill. No stops, understand?"
  242. >Twilight said nothing, only stared forward in horror as people continued to go about their day blissfully unaware.
  243. >You saw a plane in the sky begin to make a 180 mid-flight.
  244. >On the road, multiple military trucks passed you by, making their way for Canterlot which grew more distant by the second.
  245. >You put your hand on Twilight's shoulder, unsure of what to do or say.
  246. >Neither of you knew what to do.
  247. >You looked behind you, and noticed several military trucks also following Shining's car.
  248. >A sign saying "QUILL AIR FORCE BASE — 3 MILES" passed you by.
  249. >The car sped up.
  252. >Shining Armor's phone rang, to your surprise.
  253. >He answered it.
  254. >"Hello?"
  255. >[Shining, it's Cadance!]
  256. >"Cadance! Where are you? Are you on the way?"
  257. >[I'm fine! Two soldiers picked me and Flurry up from the house! They said we'll be there in ten minutes!]
  258. >"I have Twilight and Spark with me. We'll be there in three—"
  259. >"SHINING!" Twilight shrieked.
  260. >A truck passed by in front of you, running a red light.
  261. >Shining stopped the car dead in its tracks, letting the truck pass by.
  262. >[Shining?]
  263. >SLAM!
  264. >One of the trucks behind you slammed into the car, shoving it forward and crashing it into a ditch.
  265. >You hear Spike barking in distress, and it keeps you three awake.
  266. >"T...Twily. You okay?"
  267. >"Mmmh.... mm-hmm..."
  268. >"Spark. You okay?"
  269. >You nod weakly.
  270. >Shining looked at his phone.
  271. >It's crushed between the door and seat, dead and broken beyond repair.
  272. >"Shit... come on, let's go."
  275. >The three of you carefully get out of the car, which isn't too badly damaged, but both rear tires are popped, making it useless for the time you have.
  276. >"Captain Armor!" a soldier from the truck that hit you exclaimed. "Are you alright? I-I didn't see the truck—"
  277. >"You're fine, lieutenant. Does the truck still work?"
  278. >"Yeah... Yeah, yeah, it still works."
  279. >"Alright. Twily, Spark, you two get in the back. Lieutenant, you take the passenger seat."
  280. >"Yes, sir!"
  281. >You run with Twilight and hop into the back of the military truck as ordered, while Shining gets into the front.
  282. >The truck doesn't take long to start going fast, continuing forward with the convoy following behind.
  283. >It's at that moment both your phone and Twilight's phone starts vibrating.
  284. >You both pull them out and look at the main notification.
  286. >Twilight shudders and shakes in her seat.
  287. >"... Shiny?"
  288. >"I know, Twily."
  291. >Not too long after, the truck arrives at the main entrance to Quill Air Force Base, where a soldier stands on guard.
  292. >He's quick to notice the convoy and immediately opens the barrier to let them through.
  293. >The convoy circles around a large metal platform that leads into a tunnel going down underground.
  294. >It looks like a large plane garage.
  295. >Soldiers and other convoys make their way into the tunnel, while military families nearby ask other soldiers about various family members.
  296. >Shining Armor stops the truck and exits the vehicle.
  297. >A soldier walks up and salutes to him.
  298. >"Lieutenant. Have my wife and parents gotten here already?"
  299. >"No, sir. ETA is still five minutes out."
  300. >"Dammit! Why?"
  301. >"Traffic jams, sir. Their convoy is trying to take the back roads."
  302. >"Tell them to step on it."
  303. >"Yes, sir!"
  304. >While the soldier contacts the convoy via headset, Shining Armor guides you and Twilight to the tunnel entrance.
  305. >Shining stops and turns around to face Twilight.
  306. >"Twily... I need you and Spark to get inside, okay?"
  307. >"What? What about you?"
  308. >"I need to find Mom, Dad, and Cadance."
  309. >"Then I'm going with you."
  310. >"Twilight—"
  311. >"I'm not going to let you go out there by yourself!"
  312. >"LISTEN TO ME!"
  313. >Twilight gasps.
  314. >"I will be -fine-. But I am -not- going to let you put your ass in danger. So please, for the love of God, get in the goddamn bunker. Got it?"
  317. >Twilight just stands there for a moment, not moving or speaking.
  318. >Teary eyed, she holds her brother close in a tight hug.
  319. >"Please come back," she begs in a muffled and cracked voice.
  320. >"I will. I will, I promise."
  321. >Suddenly, everyone is taken by surprise when a loud boom shakes the place about.
  322. >It's not a bomb, but a nearby missile being launched into the air.
  323. >In the far distance, you can see two others following suit, no doubt miles away.
  324. >Everyone goes quiet for a moment.
  325. >"This is it," one soldier says. "They really did it."
  326. >Everyone's phone goes off with another warning.
  327. >Radios in the cars go off, screaming the same thing.
  329. >A moment later, a siren can be heard from the distant skyline of Canterlot.
  331. >"Sir!" a soldier yells to Shining Armor as he approaches. "It's your wife!"
  332. >He holds up a cell phone, to which Shining fumbles to hold in his hands.
  333. >"Cadance! Where are you?!"
  334. >"S-....sShin---ng! It's c--ing! It's coming! Oh m- -od, it-- --oming! Shin---! S-----g! ---"
  335. >The call goes out.
  336. >"Cadance! Cadance! What happened? Where the hell are they?!"
  337. >"They've been ordered to get down, sir. They got it all wrong. I... They..."
  338. >And at that same time, a distant missile can be seen from miles away... approaching Canterlot.
  339. >"No," Shining says, looking at the approaching missile through binoculars. "No. It's too soon."
  340. >"They got it wrong. They got it fucking wrong."
  341. >"What the fuck is that?!"
  342. >Shining Armor watched the missile soar through the sky, until it zoomed right over the air base.
  343. >"Move back! Move back!"
  346. >People begin to panic as they retreat into the tunnel entrance.
  347. >Shining watches, too stunned to move.
  348. >"Cadance..." he whispers.
  349. >Twilight, with abject horror plastered on her face, stares at you, her body trembling.
  350. >"Sparky...?" she whispers
  351. >He only looks away, as does everybody else, as the bomb touches down.
  352. >A great flash envelops all of Canterlot.
  353. >But it lasts but a moment, replaced with a massive shockwave that protrudes in all directions.
  354. >And moving behind it, a giant fireball of smoke and fire that expands outward rapidly, like a tsunami of flame and ash.
  355. >Your skin feels hot, like a warm breeze, but chills ring down your spine.
  356. >Everyone watches.
  357. >A second later, the shockwave hits.
  358. >The wind grows powerful, knocking people on their feet.
  359. >The sound of the approaching firestorm grows louder, deeper, threatening.
  360. >Panicked people are running to the entrance.
  361. >You have Twilight in front of you, Spike in her arms, Shining in front of her.
  362. >The door begins closing, and the wall of fire grows closer, the air gets hotter.
  363. >But you're able to make it inside with countless others.
  364. >"GET DOWN!"
  365. >The tunnel shakes violently as the impact flow hits.
  366. >Everybody falls to the ground, huddling over each other.
  367. >Pieces of the ceiling crumble down, hitting people.
  368. >Lights flicker and some shatter out.
  369. >You huddle over Twilight to protect her with your very life.
  370. >She screamed with her very soul.
  373. END(?)

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