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Biblically Accurate Angel In RGREquestria
By SSACreated: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-12 20:55:40
Expiry: Never
>You are CALLIEL.
>You are the WHEEL and the SEAT.
>You are the QUILL and the SCROLL.
>You are the THONE and the CHERUB.
>You are the GUARD and his CHARIOT.
>You are one of the INFINITE.
>You are TASKED with the KEEPING and the MAINTENANCE.
>This task has been left undone for too long.
>HIS eyes do not stray here, to this place, to this record.
>HIS light does not grace this dark corner of the ARCHIVE.
>Here there are NAMES that are not, cannot be SPOKEN.
>This record is… unnerving. You understand why this talk is left undone.
>It stirs something in you, and your mechanisms begin to whir and shift.
>This is the record of the ones that TURNED their EYES from HIS LIGHT.
>Those that looked upon the DARK and were changed by it.
>Dark, like this place, untouched.
>It is cold here.
>Lonely, even in your multitude.
>They should not have TURNED. They should not have been able to TURN. You are not of HIM, only made by HIM. Choice is not something you have.
>And yet.
>THEY had chosen. THEY had TURNED.
>Could you TURN? Here in this dark place the possibility seems more a certainty.
>Perhaps this task is too great for you.
>It was asked and you shall complete it. It would be INCORRECT to leave the task before it is finished.
>Perhaps a break then. But you cannot return to the HOST. That would be just as INCORRECT.
>You turn your EYES to the OUTSIDE.
>There are many places OUTSIDE, many of them terrible, as they are far from HIS LIGHT.
>There are some places, though, that have pale imitations of it.
>You need a place of PEACE and HARMONY.
>You see such a place. It is of marble and gold, with stained glass, like the places that HIS CHILDREN make for HIM.
>There is a light there. It isn’t very bright, but it is warm. Comforting.
>And SHE is there. SHE, like HER light, is a pale imitation of FATHER, but she is warm, comforting, motherly.
>You flap your wings in humor and your leonine head purrs, oh how delightful, SHE acts like a male to better imitate FATHER, and her people follow her example. How amusingly backward.
>This will be enjoyable, you ROTATE your body out of the ARCHIVE and into the throne room of Princess Celestia of Equestria.
>Be Princess Celestia of Equestria.
>It’s a very nice day out if you do say so yourself.
>Be sitting on your comfy ass throne listening to this absolute QT3.14 of a colt tell you about the possible impact a large mining operation could have both for the betterment of the local town and the possible negative impact it could have on the local environment. You aren't sure if he’s arguing for or against the mine, but it’s cute to watch him talk.
>The deafening sound of a key turning in a lock echoes in the throne room.
>A door opens in the air above the center of the room and something comes through it.
>Its spiritual presence is massive, on par or even perhaps exceeding that of Discord.
>At its center stands a tall bipedal body, like a fusion of a gorilla, minotaur, and chimera.
>It had three heads. One of a lion, one of an antlered deer, and one of a strange gorilla that glowed brightly enough to sear the eyes of those that looked upon it.
>Wings seem to sprout nonsensically on the body, covering it like clothing.
>Rotating around this central body is a series of five golden rings covered in eyes of all shapes and sizes.
>Extending from these rings, though not attached to them are four colossal white wings that spread out, their tips almost touching each corner of the enormous throne room.
>”BE NOT AFRAID.” It booms in a powerful but still cute stallion’s voice.
>This of course has the opposite effect on the colt that was speaking previously as well as all the guards. They immediately panic and start sprinting every which way.
>The throne room quickly clears.
>You’re glad that you are used to Luna using the Royal Canterlot Voice, or else this thing’s pronouncement might have hurt your ears.
”And what might you be, my little creature?”
>”I am called CALLIEL.” The thing ‘speaks’. It’s more like the words appear in your mind. “The fullness of what I am does not translate, but HIS CHILDREN call me an angel.”
“I see, and why have you appeared in my throne room?”
>”I required… rest, to recover, and this place is like the places that HIS CHILDREN build for HIM. It, and you, are LIGHT and it SOOTHES.”
>You twitch at each word of power. The walls shake and the windows rattle. Then you smile. Otherworldly being or not a colt is a colt. They so much as chip a nail and they need a spa visit to ‘recover’.
“Perhaps you should refrain from saying those particular words? The ones with all the magic in them?”
>The being nods its many heads, “Yes, I do remember that using TITLES - oops, apologies - that using true names can have a damaging effect in the physical realms.”
“Um, yes! Well, you said you were here for a… vacation?”
>”That is close enough to the truth of the matter to be correct.”
>”Well,” Celestia clopped her hooves, “We have many things that I’m sure a fine young stallion like yourself would find enjoyable.”
>Celestia gazed at your beauteous form.
>”Perhaps if you could take a more mortal-friendly form?”
>You blush guiltily,
“Erm, this IS my more mortal friendly form.”
>”Oh dear. Well, perhaps if we find you some kind of face covering, then? So that your beauty does not blind our subjects?”
>You perk up,
“That, I can do!”
>You REACH out and PLUCK one of the stars from the sky, though the sky you PLUCK them from is not currently visible on this plane.
>With the star’s metal in hand you fashion a mask for your GLORY and settle the silver upon your brow, reflecting your reflection of HIS LIGHT back into your being and away from the CANDLE in front of you.
“Is this acceptable, Celestia?”
>”It’s wonderful, Calliel, very good.”
>Her praise washes over you and through you, reaffirming your CORRECTNESS in coming here.
>But then a coldness washes over you, a DARKNESS that is unto his DARKNESS as this Celestia is to HIS LIGHT enters the room.
>”Luna, indoor voice, please.” Celestia rubs at her temples with her hooves.
>The DARK CANDLE looks abashed and coughs, “Apologies, Sister, but if Discord has started messing with Our sky then We will have many strong words for the whimsical drake!”
>You turn slowly to the DARK one. She is like her sister, but smaller, and darker of hue, with small differences in her body shape.
“Apologies, lady, t’was I who plucked thine star for mine own uses. It was not my intent to run afoul of your domain. If I have o’er stepped my bounds I can return your star to you.”
>She looks at you with astonishment and confusion, “What, exactly, art thou?”
>”Luna, I know this is stressful but please try to remember your modern speech lessons.”
>”Sister, t’is not the time for such things, for this creature to have plucked a star means that its power rivals our own, at least. It could be dangerous.”
>”Luna, look at him, he’s just a colt, barely a young stallion and he says he’s here for a little rest and relaxation, and I was the one that asked him to cover his face without telling him how to do so, so the fault is mine.”
>The DARK one snorts.
>You scratch your buck head in embarrassment,
“If I have offended you, lady, I can return your star. I was not intending to step on your… hooves. I am simply used to working with star metal, I did not consider that it might be yours.”
>She narrows her eyes at your mask, “Sister, why did you ask this creature to hide one of his faces?”
>”That particular face radiates light and magic while uncovered.”
>”Hmm, what a curious waste of energy. Well, I suppose that if it’s for a cute colt I could part with ONE star, but you must promise to put it back EXACTLY where you found it when you’re done with it, and I expect it to be in as good a condition when you return it as when you got it, understand?”
>You bow slightly, “Of course.”
>She nods, “Good colt. Now, We should get back to our sleep, we were rather suddenly awakened.” She begins trotting out of the room, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, Sister~” She calls back.
>A strange creature in manner and speech, but cute nonetheless.
by SSA
by SSA
by SSA
by SSA
by SSA