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Unicorn Friends Summon An Anon

Created: 2021-06-21 04:16:21
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon.
  2. >You aren't in your room masturbating as usual.
  3. >You're in a dark basement in a circle of...
  4. >Ew.
  5. >Funko pops.
  6. >Notice a group of robed...
  7. >Ponies?
  8. >Almost too shocked to put your dick away.
  9. >"By Celestia's fat plot it worked?!"
  10. >Too shocked to put your dick away.
  12. >Be Moondancer.
  13. "No, it didn't work you fucking putz! Does that look like a tentacle monster from our hentai manega!?"
  14. >"Well we got something!" Twinkleshine tries to counter.
  15. "Oooohhhh, yyyeeeaaahhh, some fucking ape thing is going to ravage our pussies until we pass out, yup! Definitely! Because apes are known for their big dicks and long lasting fuckfests!"
  16. >"He looks pretty average to me." Minuette grabs a ruler, stuffs a ball of magic into the squawking ape-thing's mouth, and measure’s it’s dick, "Oh, slightly above average. I could take a pounding from this, though it's a bit tall."
  17. >These dumb bitches were going to be the death of you.
  18. >The ape thing growls, and Minuette absently strokes it's softening member with her magic as you argue with your fellow dark art sisters.
  19. "Well if you want to be the test subject, then by all means, go ahead, Minuette. Try him out."
  20. >”Um, girls, I'm kind of having second thoughts about this," Twinkleshine says uneasily as she watches the thing groan and thrust his hips into Minuette’s magic.
  21. "What? Why? We've already broken the law with the summoning, so there's no going back anyway."
  22. >"Yeah, but I only thought we'd be breaking the one law, but this is starting to look an awful lot like rape, and that's a way more serious crime."
  23. >"But we did this for sex in the first place, right?" Minuette comments with a tilt of her head.
  24. >"Sure, but that was when we were going to have sex with a tentacle monster, not an ape colt thing. You can't rape a tentacle monster, they aren't even intelligent. They just want to lay eggs in any warm hole they can find."
  25. >You grit your teeth in frustration, sexual and otherwise.
  26. "Listen, T, if you're getting cold hooves, then fine, leave, but we've already come too far to... not... get... Wow, he's really tall standing up, huh?"
  27. >You looked over your shoulder when a shadow fell over you to see the ape now looming menacingly above your much shorter frame, anger and lust in its eyes.
  28. >Your mind runs through several self-defense spells, but fails to choose one before the thing's claws are wrapped around your middle and you're lifted into the air, hindquarters level with its hips, it's penis pointed at your moist lips.
  29. >Your tail flags on its own, and you feel shame well up as you're making your most secret fetish obvious.
  30. >Maledom is just so hot.
  32. >Be Anon.
  33. >Be fucking some sense into this little pony.
  34. >*Neigh*
  35. >Or perhaps fucking the sense out of her.
  36. >Whatever.
  37. >This'll teach her to use funko pops as a teleporter.
  38. >Ponies hate getting fucked.
  39. >Yeah, let's go with that.
  40. >Damn this bitch is TIGHT though, and her pussy works the dick like a pro!
  41. >Maybe these are horse whores?
  42. >Makes sense, since they were apparently trying to summon a tentacle monster.
  43. >Tentacle monsters are cool.
  44. >You'd be bros with one.
  45. >So long as he stayed away from your asshole.
  46. >"T-twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, I-I think it broke Moony." The blue one says somewhere between fear and awe.
  47. >Really?
  48. >Yup, the one you picked up - Moondancer if you heard right - is limp in your hands.
  49. >Huh.
  50. >You slammed her down onto your cock hard enough to slap her nethers with your balls a few times but she wasn’t as fun now that her pussy isn’t juggling your cock..
  51. >You drop the ‘almost rapist.’
  52. >Sure, you can’t rape the willing, but still, it’s the principal of the matter.
  53. >Ignore the fact that you aren’t asking for their consent either.
  54. >You look around at the red faces of the other three ponies.
  55. >You might not be able to put a full load into all of them, but at least two of them would be full by the end of the night.
  56. >You'd been training to go multiple times in a row, after all.
  57. >You bite down hard on the ball of... stuff in your mouth until it breaks and leaks out of your mouth and down onto your naked chest.
  58. "So, who's next?"
  59. >"Did it seriously not cum yet?" The yellow one, Lemon Heart, if you're right, squeaks.
  60. >"Is that what you're worried about?" Twinkleshine whispers harshly. "Look at its mouth! Those teeth are sharp! We summoned a giant meat eater in my basement!"
  61. >"Wow, you're right," The blue horse - Minny or something - says with building excitement. "Hey, do you think that's, like, it's hunting tactic? It bucks it's prey senseless so it can drag them back to its cave and eat them?"
  62. "Yeah, no, that's just gross," You cut in. "That would be like fucking a sandwich full of jizz before eating it. That's some sort of gay."
  63. >”That is kinda gross," Twinkle agrees, which earns a roll of the eyes from her blue friend.
  64. >"That's rich coming from the yaoi fanatic. You love gay stuff."
  65. >"I just read them for the feels! Yaoi is always so pure and cute!"
  66. >"Girls! Can we discuss fetishes when we don't have an ape-alien ready to buck our brains out?!"
  67. >*Gurgle-moan* agrees Moondancer from her growing puddle of sexual fluids on the floor.
  68. "Yeah, especially because I'm still hard and need another onahole. So, volunteers?"
  69. >"Minuette!"
  70. >"What? Why me next?!"
  71. >”You're the one who was acting all horny! Why not you next?"
  72. >"I have work in the morning. Do you know how hard it is to fill cavities when your hind legs don't work? I'll go third and finish him off when he doesn't have so much mare-breaking energy."
  73. >"Well who says I want to get my mind broken, huh? Twinkleshine?"
  74. >"I don't even want a part of this anymore! I just want you all out of my basement!"
  75. >"Hey, you're part of this whether you like it or not. You should have backed out before the summoning if you didn't want to pull your weight satisfying the he-beast."
  76. >You sigh.
  77. "Okay, seriously, my groin is getting cold because this one,” You point, “Soaked my pelvis, and Anon Jr. hates the cold, so I guess I'll be doing the choosing now."
  78. >With that, you step forward and point at one horse before beginning a chant.
  79. >"Eenie meenie miney mo, I wonder where my dick will go?"
  80. >Finger jumping from one to the next, you eventually stop on your next victi- er- partner, her eyes going wide in panic when it does.
  81. "... And when she hollers, woo boy, it's gonna be loud, isn't that right?"
  83. >Be Twinkleshine.
  84. >Don't be jealous.
  85. >Like, actually don't be jealous. Moonie looked like she was enjoying herself but Lemon Hearts is NOT having a good time.
  86. >"Fuck-ing pIEce of SHIT! WHY you gotta BE SO rough?"
  87. >The ape-thing was fucking her relatively slowly but each time he pulled out he left only the smallest part of his tip inside Lemon and thrust his hips all the way forward to slam them against her.
  88. >You'd heard of clapping cheeks, but this was more like thundering cheeks.
  89. >"Why are you complaining? You've cum three times at least!"
  90. >"wHy ArE yOu CoMpL-AIN!" Lemon tried to mock but the ape's barrage cut her short.
  91. >"Just give in, you weird yellow horse, you know my monkey dick's too good for you!"
  92. >"FUCK YOU!" Lemon slammed her hips back so hard that she actually knocked the ape onto his ass.
  93. >Wew filly.
  94. >Then Lemon climbed on top of him and started riding him like a bull.
  95. >"I'll show you!" Lemon Hearts raged.
  96. >And she did. Lemon showed a remarkable willpower and sheer stamina as she rode the ape for five whole minutes, cumming her brains out the entire time. If you hadn't soundproofed the walls and ceiling of your basement you'd be worried about somepony hearing you.
  97. >Eventually the ape thing gave Lemon a cream filling and the mare was satisfied. She even STOOD UP and walked over to you.
  98. >"Get rekt, beta bitch."
  99. >That's so fucking hot - no homo.
  100. >When the fuck did Lemon get so alpha?
  101. >Then she collapsed onto your sofa and started leaking ape spooge onto it.
  102. >Bitch.
  103. >"Yo? You got anything to drink around here?" The ape asks.
  104. >You should figure out his name.
  105. "They're in the mini-fridge over there." You wave you hoof.
  106. "Also, what's your name?"
  107. >The ape thing pauses in its rooting around in your mini-fridge before slowly standing and turning towards you.
  108. >There was an energy drink in its claws.
  109. >The drink snapped and fizzled as he opened it and quaffed a drink.
  110. >"There are some who call me..." It growled out.
  111. >"Tim."
  112. >Truly and awful name for this creature.
  113. >"Hey are these minis?" He's looking in your display cabinet at your O&O and HH miniatures.
  114. "Y-yes."
  115. >"Sweet, I actually paint these things professionally. This is really well done."
  116. "Th-thank you, I did them myself."
  117. >He finishes off his drink, "Cool, since you're so classy I think I'll be gentler with you."
  118. >He scoops you up and sits you in his lap, your back to his chest, his dick already hardening against your teats.
  119. >"At first" He adds, his grin like a plague spreading across his face.
  120. >Your breath hitches as he reaches down to adjust his phallus, and you quiver when his strange, claw-like appendage brush over a nipple.
  121. >Then he halts, and changes focus.
  122. >"Oh? What are these?" He asks, suddenly caressing your left teat. "I didn't notice the other ones having boobs. Kind of a weird spot for 'em, though."
  123. "Th-those are my teats," You squeak, squirming as he starts massaging the tender mounds."A-all mare's have them, but mine have always been a little larger than normal."
  124. >You just know you're blushing up a storm as he continues his tender ministrations.
  125. >In actuality, you've been teased for your teat size before, often in the locker rooms in your early school days.
  126. >Unicorns aren't known for having large teats, after all, and you inherited yours from your earth pony mother.
  127. >"They're nice," He notes. "Soft, warm, and honestly, the perfect position for a little fun.
  128. "Fun-? Ah!"
  129. >Suddenly, he reaches his other claw around and pushes your right teat inwards along with your left, trapping his dick between them.
  130. >Then he starts bouncing you in his lap, massaging your teats vigorously around his member as he does.
  131. >The hot, rigid phallus creating friction between your tender flesh slick with his pre-cum and the fluids of your friends is so surreal, but undeniably pleasurable, and you can't help but let him - and the whole room - know as you moan like a colt during his first time.
  132. >You'd be embarrassed if it didn't feel so good.
  133. >"You like it that much, huh?" He accuses with a grin. "You're making a pretty funny expression right now, you know?"
  134. >Your answer is a guttural moan as you fall back to lean against his broad chest, your marehood leaking like a faucet and clit winking madly.
  135. >"Fuck, this is hot," he grunts. "But now it's time for the main course."
  136. >On the next thrust, he lifts you higher, his member flopping free from your messy teats and aimed directly towards your sopping pussy.
  137. >The ease with which he brings you down and hilts you so cleanly has to be paranatural, and a distant, foggy part of your mind is wondering, fearing, that perhaps you've summoned an incubus intent on making you his meal ticket for all eternity.
  138. >The rest of your mind is screaming, "BUCK YES!" as his spear-like glans presses against your cervix to shock your system with pleasure accentuated with just the right amount of pain.
  139. >"Mmm, not as tight as the first and not as many muscle contractions as the second, but much more velvety," he observes as he wiggles inside you, speaking like he's some sort of connoisseur.
  140. "S-so full," Is your intelligent response.
  141. >They were to be your last words for the next five minutes as he grabs hold of your haunches and starts bouncing you up and down his length like you're both trapped in an earthquake.
  142. >Each time he hilts, he punches your cervix, and you can feel the inner barrier loosening with each passing second.
  143. >Soon, you’re limp, flopping against his chest as your tongue hangs out, coat and mane matted with sweat.
  145. >Be Anon again.
  146. >These cute little horse summoner weirdo's were kinda ok in your book.
  147. >Well, not that first one, she was totally down for raping you before you turned the tables on her.
  148. >You hope she learned her lesson.
  149. >Looking over at the puddle that she now is, snoring away, you think she's learned her lesson.
  150. >If not, you could just fuck her senseless again.
  151. >"mrglblah" The little white pony currently on your dick says.
  152. "I agree, while blowing my load into four little pony freaks, I'm assuming you're some kind of pony version of incels, by the way, since you had to summon a tentacle thing and all that. Anyway, while blowing my load into four little freaky ponies is all well and good, I'm getting a bit tired. The spirit is willing, and so is the dick, but I feel like I've been pumping iron for half an hour.”
  153. >Looking around you notice that the blue one is sitting at the table to the side drinking what looks to be a can of soda.
  154. >She waves.
  155. "Hey, I think this one is done, and I'm pretty close too. You wanna come over here and finish me off?"
  156. >"Now that you aren't going to fuck me into next week? Sure."
  157. >The blue mare approaches you slowly as you lay her barely conscious friend down on the other side of the couch.
  158. >You now sit between two well fucked ponies as a third climbs into your lap and straddles you belly to belly.
  159. "Ooo, lotus position? Very romantic."
  160. >"Shush you." She says, shimmying around.
  161. >You pull her close and shimmy with her until your dick is as far in as you can get it.
  162. >It's actually only three quarters of the way in, but this position isn't for hardcore fucking anyway.
  163. >Minuette starts bouncing gently on your cock as she stares into your eyes.
  164. >"While this entire evening has been a bit of a - hehe - cockup I'm not disappointed in it." She says.
  165. You chuckle, "I am. I mean, you summoned me with funko pops, that's gotta be some kinda insulting, especially when you guys have proper minis."
  166. >"Mmmm," She sighs as she sinks down further onto your cock and begins rolling her hips in small circles, "Twinkleshine didn't want any of her mini's potentially getting melted if shit got too real."
  167. >Your breaths mix as you lock eyes for a few seconds.
  168. >You kiss her gently as she rides you.
  169. >Her face goes full red and her pussy clenches around you like a vice.
  170. >That's some romantic shit, yo!
  171. >Also you can feel your release continuing to build up, your thick seed pounding at the doors of your self control.
  172. >You quickly slide forward off the couch and onto your knees before laying Minuette on the floor so that you can hilt fully in her.
  173. >"Unf!"
  174. >That's all she gets out before you're cumming together.
  175. >You slam your lips into hers, it just seems like the thing to do, and you swallow her scream as her sucking cunt drinks your cum like a woman dying of thirst.
  176. >As you come down from your orgasmic high you look into her glazed eyes.
  177. >Yeah, she's done.
  178. >Wew, lad, you did a number to these bitches.
  180. >Be Moondancer, potential paraplegic, waking up both more refreshed than ever, and yet weak as a foal.
  181. >Your front legs shakily push you up, and through the askew lenses of your glasses, you survey the room.
  182. >The candles that had been surrounding the ritual circle have long since burned out, but with the ceiling bulb left on and light shining in from the basement window - which indicates it's now morning - you can see the aftermath of last night's escapades.
  183. >Namely, your three so-called friends all snuggled around the ape, their cloaks cast over them as makeshift blankets, all looking happy as can be.
  184. >Meanwhile, you're off to the side, sticky and cold from your and the creature's sexual fluids being left to dry.
  185. >Augh, you can feel your cloak glued to your flank.
  186. >They even look like they were cleaned up by the beast, if the empty box and mound of rumpled tissues is any indication.
  187. >Honestly, you feel betrayed, hurt, and horny from being used and abused like a sex toy.
  188. >Damn maledom fetish.
  189. >Before you can shout at the little herd across the basement from you, shadows pass across the ground-level window, and you hear muffled voices outside.
  190. >"You are sure this is where the signature emanated from, captain?"
  191. >"Yes, princess Luna, this is where the dimensional rift occurred."
  192. >"Who would be foalish enough to tear the veil of reality in the middle of a population center? If the ones responsible for such criminal endangerment have been left alive by whatever they brought through, they'll be lucky to not end up in prison cells after this. Form a parameter!"
  193. >Shit.
  194. "Girls! Wake up!" you half whisper, half shout, using your magic to telekinetically shove the pony pile. "The police are here! We need to get rid of the evidence!"
  195. >"Huh, wha-? Evidence?"
  196. "Yes! Wash the circle off the ground, do a magic detergent spell, and send the ape back to wherever the buck it came from!"
  197. >Suddenly, the three mares are fully awake and clinging to the thing.
  198. >"We aren't sending Tim anywhere!"
  199. >>"Yeah! He's our stallion!"
  200. >>>"I'll fight the police if I have to!"
  201. "For the love of- Princess Luna is with them! Are you going to fight her, too, Lemon Hearts?"
  202. >That gives the group pause, and the creature nonchalantly wipes at his eyes.
  203. >"So, let me get this straight," He says after a yawn. "Cops are here, you committed a crime to summon me, and now if we don't hide that fact and get me out of here, you're all screwed in the legal way instead of the fun way?"
  204. >He shrugs, "Alright. Send me back."
  205. >"What?!"
  206. >>"No! Don't leave us!"
  207. >>>"I... thought what we shared was special."
  208. >"Hey, I like you all, and I'd be cool with staying, but it sounds like we're out of options. Also, I don't want to end up in the pony SCP foundation or whatever, so I think the choice is clear."
  209. >Amazingly, the girls still look conflicted, and you roll your eyes.
  210. >"We know the ape's name now, so we can summon him easily whenever we want, you bunch of simps."
  211. >"Shit, for real? See girls, things will be fine."
  212. >He grins and pats the back of Lemon and Minuette while Twinkle sniffles against his chest like a complete beta.
  213. >He blinks a few times and adds, "Oh, if you need to know my name, though, it's not actually Tim, I just tell people that 'cause my real name is sort of dumb. It's Anonymous. Long story short, my parents were very anti-government and didn't like the idea that I had to have my name on record for The Man to keep an eye on me with."
  214. >"It's still not fair, though," Twinkle comments. "You're nice and nopony was hurt, so why can't you just stay here and live with us?"
  215. >There's pounding from upstairs, obviously the police breaking the door down even though Twinkleshine leaves it unlocked.
  216. >This is what your tax bits go?
  217. >Needless property damage?
  218. >"You know..." Lemon starts thoughtfully. "My parents actually own a pretty sizable summer home that they hardly ever used. They've told me that if I ever wanted to move out on my own, I can have it. They've been pretty insistent, actually. Don't know why. Anyway, it's in the middle of nowhere, so ponies won't come sniffing if you do summoning magic there, and if you girls help pay the bills, I don't mind sharing it with you."
  219. >The three share a look and begin to grin.
  220. >You can hardly handle the sickly sweetness of the scene, even if you're doing mental calculations in your head of how much you could afford to pitch in.
  221. >The police are definitely inside now judging from the hoofsteps above, so you need to act quickly.
  222. >Abruptly ending the moment, you light your horn and cast the dismissal spell to send Anon away in a flash, and quickly shut your complaining friends up with a shout of tasks.
  223. >They grumble, but get to work, and finish cleaning the place just in time for the basement to be flooded with officers and an armored princess.
  224. >There's an interrogation on the spot, lots of lies, but eventually, Princess Luna, still looking frustrated and suspicious, concedes and tells her officers to leave.
  225. >"I don't believe you, Moondancer, but I sense no danger, and so I shall let you go free for now," She begins, her horn lighting up. "I will, however, be taking this as evidence."
  226. >Moondancer is confused for all of a second before she screams in surprised pain as the cloak, still stuck to her fur with dried cum, both male and female, is yanked off of her back.
  227. >Luna looks it over, takes a subtle sniff that has her ethereal tail twitching, and turns away.
  228. >"I'll be keeping an eye on you four," She says as she heads towards the stairs. "And I'll be expecting an invitation to meet whomever it was you summoned when he next visits our realm. Just think of me before you go to sleep when the time arrives."
  229. >As you rub your smarting rump, the girls surround you and look after the princess.
  230. >"Is it just me, or was she saying she wants to buck Anon?" Minuette asks.
  231. >Lemon sniffs.
  232. >"Maybe we'll let her into the herd if she begs."
  233. >"And pays for my door," Twinkleshine grumps. "How else am I going to sell the place?"
  235. >Be Anon, seated in your desk chair, in front of a dimly glowing screen displaying some porn you were going to jerk it to before you got summoned/kidnapped.
  236. >Look at the clock, 9:06 PM.
  237. >You aren't sure, but if you were a betting man you'd say that not a single second has passed here in your world between your summoning and your return.
  238. >That was both very convenient and perhaps incredibly exploitable.
  239. >Imagine taking on a dozen paint rush jobs at once for the extra cash and then getting the girls to summon you, and taking all the time you want to paint them?
  240. >Basically free cash.
  241. >Then again, perhaps not.
  242. >If you did that too much you'd seem to age super fast here in the 'real' world.
  243. >Eh, worries for later.
  244. >The fact that it's been several seconds and you haven't been re-summoned tells you that it's not just that the universes run at different times.
  245. >If that were the case then several months or even years would have passed in that world in the last minute.
  246. >And those pony sluts would re-summon you the first chance they could, you knew.
  247. >*Thump thump thump*
  248. >"Anon! Pizza's here!" Your childhood bro called from the other side of the door.
  249. >And then you got an idea.
  250. >An awful idea.
  251. >You got a wonderful, awful idea.
  252. >Your smile grows wide and your dick sings songs.
  253. >Truly, 'tis a glorious day.

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