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Filly Funtasia episode 22

By fillyfuntasia
Created: 2021-06-23 10:58:02
Expiry: Never

  1. 0:34 I don't understand transformation spells.
  2. I remarked that when you transformed your carrot in a banana.
  3. Well neither will you receive the grade 10 for this three-headed hamster.
  4. From where did it appear?
  5. What a weird bird.
  6. 1:14 It leaves behind a trail of glitter.
  7. Wait, this isn't a bird. It's a filly fairy. (no shit sherlock) (Link! Link! Listen!)
  8. She's so small.
  9. She seems tired.
  10. She seems sad.
  11. Hello, I'm Melian.
  12. Do you feel alright?
  13. 1:34 Who wants to play a match of-
  14. Hello, nephew. We haven't seen each other in a long time.
  15. Aunt Melian how are you here? how did you come from the magical land of the fairies?
  16. I came to ask for your help. I used my last reserves of magic dust to open a portal to Funtasia. (Almost called it Fantasia)
  17. 2:02 Last reserves of magic dust? I don't understand.
  18. The magic fairy dust is really made from the dust of a star and that star has been destroyed by the unexpected collision with an asteroid. (An asteroid, seems legit)
  19. Cedric: It's terrible.
  20. Rose: Even horrible.
  21. 2:16 Without magic dust the fairies lose their energy. They're sad like some withered flowers.
  22. Bella: What a tragedy.
  23. The whole fairy realm is threatened.
  24. Will: No! No it can't be! We have to save them. What can we do?
  25. You fillies are our last hope. I've came to find out if you can make other magic dust before our realm turns to darkness. (Star Wars reference)
  26. 4:02 Before the appearance of the asteroid the fairy realm was a wonderful place full of life. Everyone was happy. And after the arrival of the asteroid everything changed.(Fire nation ref)
  27. 4:17 The colors disappeared everywhere. And worst of all the fairies can no longer fly.
  28. 4:27 It's about my homeland. About my friends and family, let's do something.
  29. What would be the solution?
  30. 4:36 Why are you so little?
  31. Bella!
  32. Melian I'm sorry.
  33. It's nothing. Actually I'm pretty tall among my kin. 4:48 However while I'm here. 5:00 Oops sorry I didn't mean to touch you.
  34. 5:05 Therefore will you be able to help us? Will you make us some magic dust?
  35. We don't know, but there exists someone who might know.
  36. Sparkle: I regret to give you such bad news about your homeland, but as you can see the fairies need our help to produce magic dust.
  37. Twilight: Yes they're very bad news.
  38. Ever since the beginning of time the magical lands of the fairies have been protected by the stellar magic dust. This stellar magic dust is gathered by the fairies and brought to the magic mill. There where it is transformed in the magic dust of fairies. 05:44 This magic fairy dust gives life to the nature and to the fairies. 05:50 I tremble at this thought. We need to help them, but I don't know how.
  39. 05:55 But we need to do something.
  40. Will we won't give up. I'll convoke a session with the curricular body to find a solution.
  41. I thank you very much.
  42. 6:05 I really thought that princess Sparkle will know what there is to be done.
  43. I'm sure the teachers will find a solution.
  44. But what if they won't find one?
  45. You think they won't find it?
  46. Who says we have to wait for the teachers to find a solution? How about we also try to find it.
  47. But we don't have such knowledge, Bella.
  48. Then we'll learn.
  49. To the library.
  50. 6:34 Did someone find something?
  51. Ssh in the library we speak in whispering, not with a loud voice.
  52. Nothing.
  53. But you, Lynn?
  54. Lynn!!!
  55. We speak in a whisper.
  56. You should be documenting yourself, not sleep.
  57. 7:01 Sorry, but we're doing this for entire hours, there's no chance here and it doesn't say anything about any star that produces magic dust, we don't have chances.
  58. Will: It can't be, it can't be.
  59. We have to find a solution.
  60. Maybe the teachers found a solution.
  61. Let's go ask them
  62. 7:28 Huh wait, take a look.
  63. What is it?
  64. It's a stellar crystal. In here it says that it has a lot of magical properties if it's used properly.
  65. Wait a second Antares has a stellar crystal in his observatory.
  66. What are we waiting for?
  67. Books always help you.
  68. Melian, the fairy realm.
  69. The fairies can no longer fly.
  70. Stellar crystal, asteroid.
  71. We need to make Dust.
  72. We need to help the fairies.
  73. 8:00 Whoah slower, slower. Okay Will how about you tell me what's going on here.
  74. We thank you very much, we hope it'll help.
  75. You'll have to be creative and very good at magic in order to make stellar dust.
  76. 8:39 I'm afraid we couldn't find any solution.
  77. It's nothing, I think we found it.
  78. A stellar crystal? what an idea. I'm impressed.
  79. 8:50 in the book it says that it has magic properties.
  80. That's true, but you need very powerful spells to use them.
  81. The only way would be to find the right potion, but is it possible?
  82. It's almost impossible to discover on time such a potion.
  83. But it's our only chance, I say we try.
  84. 9:13 ♫Come with me now in my adventure♫
  85. ♫Yeah... and we won't stop from our journey♫
  86. ♫But we will continue... continue, continue♫
  87. ♫Yeah... come with me, follow me yeah and everything will solve♫
  88. 9:36 The eagle feathers and unicorn horn combine well.
  89. ♫Together we will search and find the solution♫
  90. 9:55 In here it says poison ivy and snake venom.
  91. 10:16 Maybe not.
  92. 10:23 Leeches and pink berries.
  93. 10:29 Alright dears this is it, the best variant of the spell for the stellar dust. Now we just need to try to make it.
  94. 10:45 It seems impossible.
  95. Now's now.
  96. 11:17 Not a chance.
  97. I think I did it.
  98. Magic mirror, my potion to make stellar dust quickly.
  99. I think it's working.
  100. Ashia you did it.
  101. I didn't do it alone. You searched for the solution and found it. We made it together.
  102. 11:58 I thank you all for the help. You really are the most magic friends the fairies could wish for.
  103. 12:16 I thought she'd be happier, we have stellar dust.
  104. Is everything alright, auntie?
  105. Oh hello, Will. Yes I'm glad I made it past the first part.
  106. First part?
  107. But I thought we helped you.
  108. This is what you needed.
  109. Oh you helped me more than you imagined and yes this is what we need, but it doesn't function in this state.
  110. 12:38 Stellar dust must be grounded at the magic mill in the fairy realm. After it's been grounded its magic powers will be felt.
  111. 12:49 I really need to go. The longer I stay here the worse it will be for the fairies. I thank you again for your help.
  112. 13:06 I shouldn't have let her leave alone.
  113. Will don't you think you're exaggerating?
  114. Without her magic dust she can barely fly. I think she's in grave danger. The magic mill is up the hill and the plants around it can be dangerous. Poor auntie, we must help her.
  115. Will: But how?
  116. Bella: We could try a transformation spell just like we learned in classes. 13:28 Let's transform in smaller fillies so we can follow Melian.
  117. It's our only chance.
  118. Anything we'll do we better hurry up, look.
  119. Will come with me
  120. Why did we come here?
  121. A pink crystal!!??
  122. Aisha lend it to me to exercise.
  123. I knew if you were the teachers' pet it would be useful to us.
  124. Let's return to the others.
  125. 14:06 Crystal mirror change us.
  126. Crystal mirror change us.
  127. The portal!
  128. Let's try together.
  129. Concentrate.
  130. Crystal mirror change us.
  131. Yes, we made it.
  132. ♫ I like this transformation and I don't know why ♫
  133. 14:47 Cedric: Run!
  134. ♫ This situation is news and I do anything ♫
  135. ♫ I'm right now, I'm, I'm transforming. me right now I'm transforming ♫
  136. 15:06 Rose: Everything is immense.
  137. 15:12 A snake.
  138. Friends it's just a worm.
  139. I knew.
  140. 15:32 I can't believe how immense everything is.
  141. 15:50 I don't think I like to be small.
  142. The mill.
  143. It's very far.
  144. C'mon we have to hurry. We have to find Melian.
  145. 16:28 Why did this huge boulder fall from the sky?
  146. It's not a boulder. It's an acorn!
  147. Then who's throwing giant acorns from the sky?
  148. 16:55 Everything is fine, I don't think it followed us.
  149. Okay it's clear I don't like being small.
  150. Giant toads, huge acorns, enormous squirrels, what's next?
  151. 17:06 There's Melian, we found her.
  152. Oh no.
  153. Melian. Melian.
  154. Will how glad I am to see you.
  155. 17:22 Are you alright?
  156. I'm very weakened, I don't think I can fly anymore.
  157. 17:36 But how will we reach the mill?
  158. I really don't know, there's still a long way till there and I can't resist. I don't have too much energy left.
  159. 17:55 It's a ladybug.
  160. It's beautiful.
  161. Hello mrs. ladybug, I know we barely met, but me and my friends are trying to help the fairies and we are at an impasse. Could you take us in flight somewhere?
  162. 18:34 Lynn: It's wonderful.
  163. 18:40 Goodbye, thank you. Come back safely. Alright let's take the stellar dust to the mill.
  164. 19:02 It's awfully fun.
  165. Lynn jump quickly! (bullet time, motherfucker)
  166. You were saying?
  167. It's too slippery!
  168. Will!
  169. Melian: Not the stellar dust.
  170. Thank you Cedric, you saved the situation.
  171. Hey no problem.
  172. Let's bring this beauty to the mill.
  173. 19:51 Friends, my wonderful friends you arrived. You made it. Melian put her trust in you.
  174. There, let's transform this stellar dust into a magical fairy dust.
  175. 20:06 Alright fillies we're starting now.
  176. Here, Milan. The finest magic fairy dust that exists.
  177. I'll go in a rush home. Our friends will need this magic dust.
  178. Bella: Fillies be careful on the way, we'll come back on the same way. We don't want to slow you down.
  179. 20:42 Melian: Don't worry, now we can fly together.
  180. Cedric: No no, we can't.
  181. Let me show you.
  182. A zipline, excellent.
  183. It will take you to the valley. I use it for delivering the magic dust.
  184. What are we waiting for?
  185. 21:14 Dear me.
  186. It's scary.
  187. Hello my name is Magic and I'd like to say welcome to our valley.
  188. It seems we arrived right on time.
  189. 21:28 We were starting to fear that your mission failed, Melian. But I didn't lose my hope.
  190. I think you've earned your right to bring back the fairies and our land.
  191. 21:42 C'mon, Will.
  192. 22:25 It was fantastic. Genial. I couldn't believe it wow. Yep, the fairy dust really is magic.
  193. You're all heroes.
  194. We thank you enormously for what you did.
  195. We should go back.
  196. Ohh I don't want to jump again from flower to flower.
  197. Now I recovered my magic, there's no need. It's a portal just for you.
  198. That's more like it.
  199. Happy trip and we thank you again.
  200. 23:09 Hey what happened, why didn't I turn big?
  201. Maybe the magic ran out.
  202. No! this cannot happen, right? I can't remain this small, what am I going to do?
  203. Lynn: Oh what a joy.
  204. Will: That so, I thought you were going to do a big tomfoolery.

Filly Funtasia Episode 20

by fillyfuntasia

Filly Funtasia Episode 18

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Filly Funtasia episode 19

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Filly Funtasia episode 21

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Filly Funtasia episode 22

by fillyfuntasia