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Setting Sun, Rising Moon

By Guest
Created: 2021-07-05 02:43:53
Expiry: Never

  3. >you remember when mommy used to love you
  4. >or maybe you had a different mommy
  5. >you weren’t really sure
  6. >it was so long ago to your small child brain
  7. >in your mind there are flashes of a white mare with a rainbow mane playing with you as a baby
  8. >she seemed gentle and kind
  9. >not like your mom, if she even let you call her that
  10. >last time you did she hit you in the face and threatened you
  11. >before walking off laughing
  12. >at least she didn’t burn you like she did when she was really mad
  13. >as several burn marks attest to
  14. >but it’s ok, the maids are nice to you!
  15. >though they don’t last long
  16. >so you still wanted that first mommy back
  17. >you’re pretty young but you don’t
  18. >anyways right now your mom is gone, thankfully and you’ve “snuck” into the library to read some daring do
  19. >snuck is the wrong word, the librarian and ‘Head necromancer’ Skull Whisper was really nice to you even if he smelled weird, and ponies didn’t like him
  20. >sometimes he wasn’t nice to grown up ponies but he was always seem nice to foals and whatever you were
  21. >he taught you how to read Unicornian and showed you all kinds of cool books
  22. >he was also the one pony who was nice to you who mom didn’t get rid of
  23. >something about him being super necessary to her regime
  24. >you hated the regime, besides Skull whisper and occasionally the maids, they were cool
  25. >as you continue to the part where Daring kicks the Azhiuotl in the face you notice something outside the window
  26. >at first that’s a loud zapping sound, something you are unfortunately used to
  27. >then the sky starts to go from reddish orange to blue, and it keeps getting bluer
  28. >Skull Whisper told you the sky used to be blue
  29. >you also vaguely remember another blue pony who was nice to you
  30. >so blue was your favorite color
  31. >but it didn’t stop
  32. >it was getting darker
  33. >and darker
  34. >in fact it was darker than you ever remember seeing it outside
  35. >you start to hear gasps
  36. >then you hear ponies cheering as guards scream
  37. >you’d be worried but the sight in front of you is too astonishing
  38. >as the sky reaches an almost blue black a huge white ball comes up
  39. >it’s more beautiful than anything you ever seen in your life
  40. >but it gets better!
  41. >there’s a slight twinkling in the sky
  42. >and then the twinkling is stronger
  43. >the sky is filled with lights
  44. >not just one big light
  45. >a bunch of them
  46. >you think you remember one of the maids talking about them
  47. >stars or something
  48. >you drop your book on the floor for once unconcerned about your mother’s punishment
  49. >they’re just too beautiful not to
  50. >it’s cool too!
  51. >but not dank!
  52. >nice and cool!
  53. >the sound of fighting is gone, you hear cheering
  54. >a knock on the door
  55. >not just a knock
  56. >you instinctively catch your breath and lean against the wall in fear of what awaits you
  57. >you aren't supposed to be here
  58. >you especially aren't supposed to be reading Daring Do
  59. >and whenever your mom did something big or lost she always came back madder than usual
  60. >you back up further than you ever thought you could onto the stone wall as you prepare for the worst
  61. >but instead of mom and a batallion of pegasi in red armor
  62. >there's a darker though less menacing Alicorn surrounded by Batponies in blue armor
  63. >her face is serious but doesn't bare the book of malice your mother did
  64. >she says something to the guards as they begin to check the room
  65. >then she looks at you with her big blue eyes
  66. >and she smiles
  67. >a smile that oddly enough puts you at ease
  68. >she's crying?
  70. >before you can move she's lunging at you causing you to squeak in fear
  71. >she wraps her forehooves around you
  72. >you prepare for the worst
  73. >but the worst never comes
  74. >she just sits there sobbing over you as her head and starry mane brush against your face
  75. >"We art so happy thou art alive, our dearest Nightsong."
  76. >your blood freezes in a good way
  77. >you remember that name
  78. >this is the other Alicorn
  79. >not your mommy but still
  80. >you hug her back and cry unused to this level of love and concern
  81. >this mare who you didn't even know the name of was showing you more love in this second than you got in your life
  82. >you cry into her tuft as she makes shushing noises along with promises that it's all over
  83. >it feels like hours
  84. >you remove your head from her chest your tears reduced to a reasonable level as you look at her big beautiful blue eyes bursting with love for you
  85. >they were equally tear stained
  86. >you heard more hoofsteps as the bat guards started to look nervous
  87. >a smaller white Alicorn with a pink mane came out
  88. >the guards instinctively jerked away from her but you weren't sure why, she didn't look mean
  89. >she looked sad
  90. >maybe she needed a hug too?
  91. >you turn to look at her closer but when she locks eyes with you she flinches and backs away
  92. >your mom must have really hurt her if she was afraid of you of all creatures
  93. >you understood that with other foals
  94. >but she seemed like a grown up or at least a teen
  95. >though alicorns were bigger so maybe she was a foal
  96. >maybe she was the big blue one's daughter
  97. >you feel a wing gently stroke your face
  98. >you look back to the blue Alicorn who is now beaming at you
  99. >"Come nephew we have much to take care of."
  100. >she was your aunt
  101. >your mom said lots of bad things about your aunt Luna
  102. >but then again you didn't put much stake in her word anyways
  103. >so that means the white Alicorn is probably your new cousin!
  104. >maybe you'll get to live with your aunt now!
  105. >you have only one thought as you walk underneath your aunt's wing pressed against her soft body
  106. >this is the best day... no best night ever!
  107. >"Auntie Luna, ca-can, can we get some food.. please?"
  108. >your stomach growls
  109. >she looks at you
  110. >you flinch
  111. >normally your mom would chastise or mock you for such a request
  112. >"Of course dear, if thy stomach tis as hungry as it sounds we must get you fed post haste!"
  113. >she's smiling
  114. >it's a nice smile
  115. >the kind only Skull Whisper gave you
  116. >but without as much sadness
  117. >you've only really known her for 20 minutes but you already love your auntie Luna a lot
  118. >"Guards! Continue thine securing of the castle! We must attend to our nephew's stomach at the moment."
  119. >you've heard your mom give commands but this is less yelling at and more shouting towards
  120. >you don't really know what that means but it seems nicer
  121. >one guard comes up, it's a stallion and a big one too
  122. >he's kinda scary looking with his sharp fangs and eyepatch but if he's with Aunt Luna he's probably nice and just looks scary
  123. >plus he also looks afraid
  124. >you realized that you looked weird but you had a hard time thinking you were that scary
  125. >"Princess, what about.. Celestia?"
  126. >you heard that name before
  127. >Mom didn't like ponies saying it almost as much as she didn't like other ponies saying Luna
  128. >your Aunt's happy face turns to a frown
  129. >you know what happens when your mom frowns at guards and close your eyes
  130. >instead of a gory inferno she sighs
  131. >"Princess Celestia is in no state to challenge us, nor does she have any desire to."
  132. >the guard nods but still seems hesitant as he begins to take a majority of the batponies out of the library and into the corridors
  133. >the white alicorn is nowhere to be seen as your aunt talks your ear off on the way to the dining hall of the castle
  134. >all while the happy cheers and shouts of ponies fill the streets of Canterlot
  136. >you are Celestia
  137. >no
  138. >you aren’t
  139. >not anymore
  140. >you were Celestia
  141. >but you aren’t anymore
  142. >you don’t deserve that name
  143. >you are a monster and all you deserve is the worst form of death imaginable
  144. >you just want to crawl into a hole and die but you doubt there’s a hole in tartarus deep enough for your crimes
  145. >you betrayed your ponies
  146. >and enjoyed it
  147. >you enjoyed hurting them
  148. >you enjoyed crushing their hopes
  149. >showing them just how dependent on you they truly were
  150. >you killed most of the elements
  151. >you killed half the team you set up!
  152. >you killed Twilight!
  153. >the mare you practically raised slowly in cold blood
  154. >all while she tried to talk to the good still in you
  155. >she failed
  156. >on a more important note, though it is selfish
  157. >you hurt your sunshine
  158. >and you didn’t care
  159. >and you kept on hurting him
  160. >to the point of tears!
  161. >over and over again
  162. >physically and emotionally
  163. >any attempt at him reaching out was callously rebuked
  165. >and you’ve only felt horrible for it for around hour after being forced to!
  166. >all because of frustration at their supposed ‘pathetic dependence’ and lingering thoughts of your divine right
  167. >how can your face your subjects
  168. >how can you make it up to Anon when you’ve been everything a mother shouldn’t be?
  169. >you were supposed to give him comfort and you gave him fear!
  170. >you were supposed to give him safety and you gave him pain!
  171. >love instead of cruelty!
  172. >security instead of attacks!
  173. > you literally went back on every promise you made to him when you first found him
  174. >by the maker you want to die
  175. >you are followed by a silent cadre of Luna’s guards
  176. >they aren’t corralling you… yet but they follow you
  177. >silently they stalk through the halls as you wander aimlessly through the twisting hallway, trying to avoid the boy whose life you’ve ruined
  178. >you know that if it wasn’t for your sister’s orders they most likely would have killed you on the spot to the rejoicing of all of your former subjects
  179. >you don’t blame them
  180. >in fact if you had your way you would have had them kill you instantly
  181. >that way you’d never have to face anon
  182. >if the religions of the older times are right you clearly are going to two very separate places
  183. >he and Luna would be happy assuming she died, and well at least you could take some solace that your punishment will be well deserved
  184. >you stop as the heaving sobs take you
  185. >the clanking of arms stop as the guards follow suit
  186. I’m hic.. so sorry Sunshine..
  187. >your eyes shut with tears as your pink mane hangs limply over your face
  188. Mommy is so sorry
  189. >you let him down
  190. >you boldly rush towards one of the balconies making a break for it before the guards can stop you
  191. >normally such a fall would merely hurt but in a weakened state it would kill you
  192. >the guards are too slow as you feel the cold night air and look upon the moon for the first time in years
  193. >it’s light filtering through your tears
  194. >you pause for a second and look at the drop
  195. >it’s a common idea that suicides don’t go to Elysium
  196. >luckily that wasn’t an issue for you at the moment
  197. >with a last flap of your wings you leap and fling yourself off the castle balcony
  198. >finally
  199. >though it will never make up for what you did
  200. >it will at least give hope to many ponies out there
  201. >then you feel tingling
  202. >you’re being picked up
  203. >NO NO FAUST DAMN It!
  204. >WHY?
  205. >you struggle as you try to break free but this time your weakness goes against you
  206. >as you’re roughly plopped onto the stone balcony you stare at Luna’s guards
  207. >picking out the two dark grey Unicorn mares who saved your wretched life
  208. Why? Why did you save me?
  209. >the one to the right looks at you stoically
  210. >”Princess Luna’s orders.”
  211. >you aren’t sure whether to laugh or cry
  212. >so you do both

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