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Help me fly?

By kqaii
Created: 2021-08-19 06:11:04
Expiry: Never

  1. Original author is Anonymous
  2. -------
  6. >The doctor says I can't fly
  7. >Rainbow Dash says I'm ok the way I am
  8. >But the doctor is a unicorn and doesn't understand
  9. >And when Rainbow Dash hurt her wing, I heard her say to her friends she wanted to die
  10. >Three days in my shoes, and my hero
  11. >My idol
  12. >My...big sister....said she wanted to die
  13. >I had her take me to cloudsdale...I don't even remember why
  14. >I had another kind mare fly me all the way up to the tallest cloud
  15. >I said I wanted to see the city at sunset
  16. >I wasn't lying but...
  17. >Celestia....Luna....anyone out there?
  18. >I'm spreading my wings as big as they go
  19. >Help me fly?
  20. >Please?
  21. >I want to know what it means to be a pegasus for more than a few minutes...
  22. >But I don't want to live knowing what I'm missing...
  23. >......someone catch me....

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