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[Incest]Stallions practice
By kqaiiCreated: 2021-08-20 05:14:49
Updated: 2021-08-20 05:15:44
Expiry: Never
Thread archive: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/18124179
Original author is Anonymous
"H-hey mom... I've heard some of my friends say some weird things at school and uh... well..."
>Shining starts fidgeting
"W-well... it's about... sex."
>"You don't have to be so nervous around me Shining. What are you trying to ask me?"
"U-um... is it true that girls only like stallions that can last a really long time?"
>"Oh, well, I guess that depends on the girl Shining."
"Is there a way that I could... like... practice lasting longer?"
>"Well... most stallion practice on their own, but it's not recommended, because it doesn't feel the same as the real thing."
"Then what am I supposed to do mom? If I can't last long with a girl , I know she'll tell all of my friends how much of a loser I am!"
>"Shining, you're just going to have to find a nice mare to help you.
"Would you help me?"
>"Find a mare? I guess I could help you."
"No no. What I meant was... would you be that mare?"
>"...Look, I'm busy right now. Why don't you ask Twilight?"
No no, I heard about this. Humans are monogamous.. stallions are expected to have a harem. Twilights is already- I mean... Just think about it, okay?"
>"Shining, your sister is 10 years old and she's already arranged everything in her room using the dewey decimal system. This is probably the only dick she's ever gonna get."
>Fifteen years later whenever Shining is atop his wife and fearing a premature moment he just thinks of his mom's sick burn on Twilight and he can go another twenty minutes while choking back tears of laughter
by kqaii
by kqaii
by kqaii
by kqaii
by kqaii