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Anon & S1 Luna One Shot: Night Owls

By PhysicsAnon
Created: 2020-11-12 23:03:32
Expiry: Never

  1. I might continue this. But honestly, I think it's good as a one-shot. Enjoy.
  3. >Be Anonymous, making a midnight trip to the kitchen in Canterlot castle
  4. >You've been in Ponyland for a nearly a year now, and most of the castle staff have grown used to your presence
  5. >But there've been some big changes in the last few months, most notably-
  6. >"Thou art Anonymous, correct?"
  7. >You give a little start at the unexpected voice, turning to look at the source
  8. >A small, blue-furred pony looks up at you through an even lighter blue mane
  9. >It's her
  10. >You give a little bow
  11. >You're not exactly the dapperest of dandies, but you've learned common courtesy during your stay here
  12. "That's right, Princess. Can I help you?"
  13. >She looks at you appraisingly
  14. >"Nay. We were simply surprised. We have heard tell of thee through the servants, but we expected thee to be inclined to the daylight, like the majority of our sister's subjects."
  15. >...She's speaking in some really outdated English
  16. >Maybe she really /was/ stuck up on the moon for a millennium
  17. "I was a university student in my life on Earth, Your Majesty. I'm no stranger to late nights."
  18. >She continues regarding you, but you detect a slight change in her demeanor
  19. >"Art thou making a trip to the kitchens?"
  20. "Yep."
  21. >"Pray accompany us, then. We were doing the same, and find you interesting."
  22. >Well, aren't you flattered
  23. >And she seems nice enough
  24. >Let's do it
  25. "It'd be my pleasure, princess."
  26. >You both resume your journey down the hall
  27. >"Thou art a scholar, then? In what field?"
  28. "I studied applied physics, but I have a healthy interest in most branches of the subject."
  29. >She cocks her head
  30. >"...applied physics?"
  31. >Ah
  32. >Right
  33. "The study of matter, energy, and their properties."
  34. >"Ah, a student of magic then. Thou need only have said so."
  35. "Not quite, Your Majesty. There's no magic where I'm from."
  36. >She comes to a sudden stop, eyeing you warily
  37. >"...Art thou mocking us? How can there be a place with no magic?"
  38. >Tread lightly, Anon
  40. "I'm nowhere near stupid enough to make fun of you, princess. Earth is... very, very different from Equestria. We've learned how to do things without magic. That's what my field is all about."
  41. >She continues examining you, as if searching for some sign that you're lying
  42. >"...'tis quite a claim. Thou must have proof, then? Sister would not house a charlatan."
  43. "Not on me. But I can bring you some at your leisure. When I came here, I brought many of my schoolbooks with me. I have a few other things, too."
  44. >She nods
  45. >"After our snack, then. Come."
  46. >She leads the way down the hall, not even checking to make sure you're following
  47. >Well, she's certainly different from Celestia
  48. >But you don't dislike her
  49. >You both arrive in the kitchens shortly after, and the cooking staff swiftly lose their shit
  50. >They fawn all over the night princess, effectively ignoring you
  51. >Suits you just fine, they're kinda racist down here
  52. >They /always/ offer you bananas
  53. >Every fucking time
  54. >"Your Highness, what would you like? We'd be honored to prepare something for you!"
  55. >She's pretty clearly uncomfortable with all the attention
  56. >"Thou needn't trouble thyselves, thou art surely busy preparing for the morrow. We wish only for a light snack. Have thee any scones?"
  57. >"We do, your majesty! Leftover blueberry from this morning's tea. And we knew you were coming Anon, we made something for you!"
  58. >It took you a while to get used to how nice everybody is here, but now you just smile
  59. "Thanks, Bread Knife."
  60. >The cook heads deeper into the kitchen, and returns with a couple plates balanced on his back
  61. >"Your scones, my lady. And this is for you, Anon! Banana bread!"
  62. >...
  63. >You'll let it go this time, banana bread's amazing
  64. >Luna nods
  65. >"Ye have our thanks... Bread Knife, was it? A good night to all."
  66. >The cooking staff cheerily say goodbye as you and the princess depart with your food
  67. >"Where are ye quartered, Anonymous?"
  68. "West wing. Would you like to go now?"
  69. >"Indeed. Brace thyself."
  70. >What, why-?
  72. >Magic seizes you, and the hallway suddenly seems to warp around you
  73. >By the time you realize what just happened you're in the west wing of the castle
  74. >"Which room?"
  75. >Sheesh, she's direct
  76. >You're still kind of woozy
  77. "It's... It's that one. Just down the hall."
  78. >She turns ands starts walking, only to stop and look back at you
  79. >"What ails thee?"
  80. "I'm... Not good with teleportation, princess. Humans aren't built to warp."
  81. >Regret appears on her face
  82. >"Art thou well? We did not mean to harm-"
  83. >You hold up a hand, quieting her
  84. "I'll be fine. Just a little dizzy."
  85. >You shake it off and walk to your door, opening it for her
  86. >She nods her head briefly in thanks as she enters
  87. >The princess takes a seat on one of the many cushions strewn about your room, and begins daintily eating a scone
  88. >You pull up another cushion a respectful distance away, and bite into your banana bread
  89. >A few minutes pass, both of you content to enjoy your food
  90. >After she finishes a scone, she speaks
  91. >"Thy books, then. Show us."
  92. >You wordlessly rise up and move across the room, kneeling before a locked chest
  93. >You open the lock, and pull out your old physics textbooks
  94. >There's more in there, but she should be satisfied with this
  95. >You return to your guest, kneeling and proffering the weighty volumes
  96. >A blue glow encases them, and they gently float over to Luna and open
  97. >"These were your learning?"
  98. "Yeah. Those books are slightly outdated, but they discuss most of the main concepts of physics."
  99. >She nods, skimming a few pages before closing them and setting them down near her
  100. >"We shall read them later. What more have ye?"
  101. >You move back to the chest and pull out your phone, and then return
  102. "May I sit next to you? This machine only responds to human fingers, and I want to show you some pictures."
  103. >She eyes the small rectangle
  104. >"Pictures? Do you speak of photographs? We have attempted to educate ourselves on the advances in technology since our disappearance. Is that a camera?”
  106. "Among other things, yes. It also stores the pictures it takes."
  107. >Her eyebrows raise
  108. >"Thou lie, surely. How can such a small box hold photographs?"
  109. >You chuckle
  110. "Humans are a great deal more advanced than ponies in most things, Your Highness. You'll understand when you read those books, but for now, I can show you with just this."
  111. >She considers for a moment, then pats the floor next to her with a wing
  112. >"Approach, and make good on your boasts."
  113. "With pleasure."
  114. >You pull your cushion next to hers, and power up your phone
  115. >With practiced ease, your fingers dance across the screen, unlocking the menu
  116. >Luna's eyes widen, and she leans in
  117. >"How...? It is merely a glass screen, and yet..."
  118. "It's a bit complicated. Essentially, the screen detects where my finger presses on it, and then reacts based on what was assigned to that area of the screen."
  119. >She looks at you skeptically
  120. >"And this is done /without/ magic?"
  121. "It is. I swear."
  122. >She raises an eyebrow at you, but moves on
  123. >"The pictures, then."
  124. >You nod, and tap the screen
  125. >You hastily scroll through your collection of image macros and lewd stuff to find the more appropriate images
  126. >You don't think she noticed anything
  127. >The next few minutes are spent showing her photographs from your old life, and explaining how the camera on your phone works
  128. >"Very impressive Anonymous. And the precepts behind this device are detailed in your books?"
  129. “For the circuitry, yes. Keep in mind though, nearly a century of development went into creating things like this. Even most humans don't completely understand how a lot of the devices they use work."
  130. >"Thou seem readily knowledgeable."
  131. "I'm happy you think so, but I only have rough ideas. I was still just a student when I came here. I know a little more more about other machines though."
  132. >You can't hold back a yawn as you finish
  133. >"Art thou weary?"
  134. "A little, but I can continue."
  135. >She chuckles softly
  136. >"Nay. What manner of princess of dreams would I be if I kept you from dreaming?”
  138. >That catches your attention
  139. "You preside over dreams?"
  140. >"Verily. Though we are greatly weakened by our ordeal, we once safeguarded the dreams of all Equestrians. And the time will come when we do so again."
  141. >She rises, levitating her plate and your books to her
  142. >"We apologize for taking up so much of your time. We enjoyed thine company, Anonymous. We shall visit again."
  143. >You get up too, and bow
  144. "The pleasure was mine. I look forward to it."
  145. >For the first time since you've seen her, she smiles
  146. >It's small, but definitely a smile
  147. >"Though it is not in our power to guarantee it just yet, we wish you pleasant dreams. Goodnight."
  148. "Goodnight, princess."
  149. >In a flash of blue light, she vanishes
  150. >She's nice
  151. >You'd been kind of worried at the idea of sharing a castle with a recovering super-villain, but whatever cured her did its job well
  152. >You hope she visits again soon

A Month in Jail for Wearing Socks Part 1

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AnonxCelestia - You're Not Going Anywhere

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Anon & S1 Luna One Shot: Night Owls

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Anon & Celestia: Adjusting

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