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[NSFW] Milky Sprinkles

By GreenReaper
Created: 2021-08-24 12:44:10
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Stella Sprinkles.
  2. >Working in the counter.
  3. >You'd rather work in the back with your coworkers, but one day you left the deposit's door open.
  4. >Let's just say they discovered the "milking cow" you had close by to refill the jugs.
  5. >When they discovered this, the manager was ready to fire you. But since there were many clients, they would've been overworked.
  6. >They only change you to the clerk counter.
  7. >Milk droughts still happened, but now you aren't "refilling" the machine anymore. The manager doesn't want the Health Inspector sniffing around.
  8. >This dry moments slowed down service, which made customers uncomfortable, which made people came less.
  9. >At least is nice to have this small breathing moments. Your nipples have been killing you these days, for not saying your chest.
  10. >Looks like producing and then cut the "milking sessions" it's a bad idea. You barely have bras to keep your girls on hold.
  11. >Your rub your right breast with your hand.
  12. "Hmmm..."
  13. >You sure miss those sessions.
  14. >*Cling!*
  15. >The door bell places you back in the yogurt shop.
  16. >You look at the customer, just to drop your jaw (or you will, if it wasn't for your braces).
  17. >It's a girl, with a freckly face, a big smile, shiny yellow skin, and beautiful long blue hair.
  18. >All these attributes are useless to hide HER BIG BOOBS!
  19. >Even if you use every synonim in the dictionary, they would be an understatement compared to her tits.
  20. >She doesn't even bother with a brassier, both bouncing with joy.
  21. >She walks all the way to the counter.
  22. >"Hiya! Is your manager here? I need to tell him his delivery has arrived."
  23. "Ah... ah..."
  24. >"Hehehe, I guess you noticed "them". Don't worry, it's not the first time it happened."
  25. "Are they... are they real?"
  26. >"Yes, they are. I know, it's unbelievable."
  27. >You only stare at the two mountains. It must be a sick joke, yet they are in front of you.
  28. >".... So, where is your manager?"
  29. "Huh?"
  30. >Her voice returns you to reality, she still smiling politely.
  31. "Uh... the manager.... he is-"
  32. >*Chaf!*
  33. >Your last brassier finally gives up, your breasts fighting and defeating your uniform.
  34. >Your breasts pop out with intensity, flopping before finally calming down.
  35. >You quickly cover yourself with your arms, and run to the bahroom.
  37. >Be Milky Way.
  38. >You are shocked because of what you just saw.
  39. >The poor girl's uniform just lifted up and her breasts popped out.
  40. >She ran away embarassed to the bathroom. She is probably tearing up now.
  41. >You try to walk up to the door, but another one opens. A man came out to see what was the hard slamming noice.
  42. >"Excuse me, did just hea-?", and the man is looking at your boobs.
  43. "Hey pal, my eyes are up here."
  44. >You don't mind girls looking at your chest, the problem is with the boys.
  45. >The man reacts by shaking his head and look straight at your eyes.
  46. >"Oh, sorry, it's just that I heard something, so... where's that girl anyway?"
  47. "She went to the bathroom just now."
  48. >"Oh, I see. So, need anything?"
  49. "Yes, I'm looking for the manager. His delivery has arrived."
  50. >You lift the milk crate you carried inside. It's filled with a dozen of milk bottles.
  51. >"Oh, great, this will keep us filled for a while."
  52. >He takes one and refills the machine.
  53. >"So, miss?"
  54. "Milky Way."
  55. >"Yes, Milky: how much I own you?"
  56. >You give him the bill, and he pays up.
  57. >"So, miss Milky, anything else? We have a wide selection of flavors and toppings. Or how about something else?"
  58. >Classic pervert.
  59. "Oh, I'd wish, but I will be busy later. Maybe another time."
  60. >You wave at the man, and go to the entrance.
  61. >Before leaving, you remembered the girl.
  62. "Now that I think about it, at what time are you closing?"
  63. >"Around 7:30 PM."
  64. "Thanks. Maybe I'll stop for a yogurt later."
  65. >You leave the man, who is drooling already. Pervert.
  66. >You go back to your delivery van, and finish your route.
  67. >When you are done, you check the time: 6:00 PM. You can reach to the yogurt store with time to spare, so you choose to take it easy getting there.
  68. >When you arrive, you see the green girl closing the store. Nobody is with her, so this will be simple.
  69. "Hum, excuse me?"
  70. >"Eh? Sorry miss, the store is closed."
  71. "No, I actually wanted to talk to you."
  72. >"With me? Why-?"
  73. >The girl turns around and instantly remembers you.
  74. >Or your chest, at least.
  75. >"Ah... ah...."
  76. "Lady, are you ok?"
  77. >She returns to you, and her face turns red.
  78. >"I'm sorry, it's that, they are so big, and-"
  79. "Don't worry, I don't mind. In fact, I wanted to speak with you because of... our mutual "problem"."
  80. >"Problem?"
  81. >You point at her bosom. She quickly understands.
  82. >"Oh, them."
  83. "Yeah, I know it's sudden, but we can talk with each other about it. It's the first time I found somebody who is as... gifted as me, and I would like to know you better, miss?"
  84. >"My name is Stella. Stella Sprinkles."
  85. "Alright Stella, I am Milky Way, and here is my address. Would you like to meet this Saturday?"
  86. >You give the girl a note.
  87. >"Really? This is too sudden."
  88. "I know, but I would like to talk to you more. My phone is written in there too. Please call me if you'd like."
  89. >You wave the girl goodbye, and go back to your house, hoping to see her again.
  91. >You are Stella.
  92. >A few days ago, a woman with big tits came to the yogurt store, and she gave you her phone number and address.
  93. >You don't know nothing about her.
  94. >You have no business with her.
  95. >All you remember about it was her big chest.
  96. >No memorable dialogue, no feelings towards her, nothing to discuss about. Only the memory of her big mammaries.
  97. >Saturday has arrived, and you made a decision.
  98. >*Ding dong*... *Click!* "Oh, hi Stella! Good to see you!"
  99. "Ehehe, likewise."
  100. >You needed to see her again. She may have big boobs, but it's the first time somebody who has the same "problem" has come close to you.
  101. >"C'mon in, feel like if this was your home."
  102. "A-alright."
  103. >It's really hard to ignore her. She is only wearing a loose top, with no bra again.
  104. >It's her home, but shouldn't she be a little more mannered?
  105. >She goes to the kitchen, and grabs a tray with tea and cookies.
  106. >You only sit on one of her chairs.
  107. >"I'm really happy you accepted my invitation."
  108. >She gives you a cup with tea.
  109. "Sure... no problem."
  110. >She sits down as well.
  111. >"I mean it. It's that, I just moved in to this city, and it has been... an experience."
  112. >You only sip the tea quietly.
  113. >"I mean, I was born in Britain, and I was very known in my little hometown, even before I "bloomed" during puberty. But when I moved here, it truly was different."
  114. "Oh, you are british?"
  115. >"Hard to believe, mate?", she replies giggling. "I don't have much of an accent, but I came from the lovely island."
  116. >She lifts the cookie tray, and gives it to you. Now that you notice it, they are scones and biscuits.
  117. "Oh, I see. So, how different it is from there? This place, I mean."
  118. >"For starters is more sunny, and your voices are more... "raw", I would say. Also, I always confound chips with fries, and I have never eaten so much fast food before coming here. It's like if everything was more accelerated."
  119. "I see."
  120. >"Still, I like how lively is in here! The town is filled in colors, and the people is so nice. Everybody was more reserved back in my hometown."
  121. >She takes a sip of her tea.
  122. >"Enough about me, I'd love to know more about you."
  123. "Oh, well, there's no much to tell. I'm just a highschooler, around the final year, and I have been living in Canterlot all my life."
  124. >"A senior? Wow, you looked more mature to me."
  125. >You feel a bit down for that comment.
  126. >"Eh... not calling you old, it's just that, well, your body, is so.... voluptuous."
  127. >Now you feel embarassed.
  128. "You mean my..."
  129. >"Yeah, I mean, just between us: those are a big pair of breast for a highschooler. Does your family has very voluptuous women?"
  130. "Not really. I'm the first one."
  131. >"Oh, so you are a first one too?"
  132. "Wait, "too"? Are you?"
  134. >"Yup. I ate a lot of fresh food in my little hometown in the countryside. People always ate a lot since it was a community of farmers. The town started to gather more people over time, so more modern buildings started to come as well. When I left, they were already installing wifi towers, it was crazy."
  135. "It must have been interesting."
  136. >"Hard to imagine to be honest. All my life I saw small workers, farmers, and trade people. And when I turned 15, we had a new mall!"
  137. >It's nice to see her happy about her life.
  138. >"Oopa, silly me! I said I wanted to know about you, and here I am rambling 'bout myself here again. Please, tell me something about yourself."
  139. "Well, I don't know where to start."
  140. >"Just speak up, and let the words come."
  141. "Hum, alright: I was born and raised here in Canterlot, I don't recall much about my youth, maybe a small arcade, or a small gathering with my friends in clubs."
  142. >"School clubs?"
  143. "More or less. I live close to a public library, so there was lots of people in there. Many gathering for board games."
  144. >"Board games?"
  145. "You know, chess, cards, RPGs."
  146. >"Oh, I love Dungeons and Dragons!"
  147. "You too? Maybe we can play in a campaign one day.... no, that would be a bad idea."
  148. >"Why is that?"
  149. "I actually... have been banned."
  150. >"What? Why?"
  151. "... It happened a couple of years ago. I reach puberty, and well..."
  152. >"Let me guess: those horny fools started to add "details" to your character, or they forced you to play the "bard", right?"
  153. >You nod.
  154. >"Agh, that sucks. That happened to me too. I think I punched the DM because of that."
  155. "It's... it's not fair."
  156. >You tear up a bit.
  157. >"They just appeared, I never wanted to have them this... big! And now everywhere I go, every boy is looking at me, thinking about seeing my-"
  158. >"That's enough."
  159. >Milky stands up, and hugs you, putting your head between her chest.
  160. >"Shhh... it's alright."
  161. >You feel safe in there. Like if your mother was hugging you.
  162. >"I know it's hard, but you must stand up to them. They are just wankers who only see a pair of tits, but we are much more. You are smart, adorable, and working to be better. They are only losers who will only jack off to death."
  163. "But their sights... it's so-"
  164. >"Hey, look at me."
  165. >You look up to Milky. She has a kind smile.
  166. >"They looked at me like that too, but I didn't let them get through me. I was strong, and I told them to bugger off. You are strong too, and a these jubblies prove them."
  167. "Really?"
  168. >"You need a big chest to hold a big heart."
  169. >You laught at her silly pun, and hug her again.
  170. "Thanks Milky."
  171. >"Nah, thank you sunshine. It's nice to help another one big heart gal like you."
  172. >Both stop hugging.
  173. >"Now, how about you tell me more about you?"
  174. "Well..."
  176. "... when I was 14, my parents were talking with a friend: he managed to open a yogurt store, and he needed employees. After I have been banned from the library, my family said that maybe a job would fill my time. Funny enough, I had a lot of fun ever since."
  177. >"Oh, you sell yogurt and ice cream?"
  178. "Yup, a small shop downtown. We have many flavors and toppings, and it's really creamy."
  179. >"Must be something in the milk."
  180. "Ehehe, yeah, the milk."
  181. >The afternoon passes with idle chat and small gossiping.
  182. >You truly enjoyed your time with Milky, always a cheerful attitude and a very polite demeanor.
  183. >Before you knew it, sunset was starting to come down.
  184. "Oh my, we truly were talking for a long time."
  185. >She stands up, and streches.
  186. >"Hmmm~~~! My body really feels it. I really was enjoying myself."
  187. >She takes the tray of cookies and tea with her kettle. You two were refilling your cups so much she brough it to the living.
  188. "I really don't want to go, I was having such a good time."
  189. >"No worries mate. You know what? How about you come next week? Come early, we can go for a small jog."
  190. "Jogging?"
  191. >"How do you think I keep so plump? A good jog always cheers your body up."
  192. >She comes closer, whispering to your ear.
  193. >"Also, we can have all the tea, cookies, and ice cream we want without any guilt that way."
  194. >Both giggle at the naughty idea.
  195. "Hehe, alright, I'll think about it."
  196. >"Good! You will always be welcome here Stella, call me anytime."
  197. >She guides you to the door, you thank her for the invitation, and both wave goodbye happily.
  198. >Back at your home, you were tidying up your uniform, and see your body in front of a mirror.
  199. >You have to be honest, you have started to plump up a bit. Standing only on the counter, and eating all the discount ice cream you want has been adding pounds on you.
  200. >Maybe a jog is a good idea.
  201. >You pick up your phone, and text Milky.
  202. [Next Saturday, let's do it.]
  203. >She is typing...
  204. >[Cool! See u at 10:00 AM. <3]
  205. >You are a bit excited, it's the first time you ever do this.
  206. >You hope you can keep up.
  208. >A week passes as usual.
  209. >Boring classes, boring chit chat, boring job, sweet ice cream.
  210. >Saturday comes, and you are prepared for day.
  211. >Jogging clothes, water bottle, comfy kicks.
  212. >You go all the way to Milky's house, and knock.
  213. >"Coming!"
  214. >You wait for a moment at the entrance. Next moment, your face is full of breasts.
  215. >"Hehe, sorry, I forgot you were a bit smaller."
  216. "No... it's fine."
  217. >She steps back, and you take a better look at her gym clothes. Black jogging pants, but only a black top. Cotton, if your senses weren't fooling you before.
  218. "Are... are you going to run with just that?"
  219. "Your body is nothing to be ashamed for! Now, come on, let's go! There's a good park nearby.
  220. >You two walked to a park a couple of blocks away from Milky's house.
  221. >Arriving there, she guides you with warm up exercises.
  222. >You never were the athletic type, so your body was already fighting with just a couple of jumping jacks and small running circles.
  223. >You finished half of your water bottle when you two started, and a few laps around the park you finish it.
  224. >When the jog was over, you felt more thirsty than BEFORE leaving your house, and you drank a lot of water this morning.
  225. >"Ah! Doesn't your body feels great?"
  226. "Ugh..."
  227. >"Hmm? Anything wrong, Sprinkles?"
  228. >You were expecting this, you were expecting the pain. But what you weren't expecting was her being so cheery as men looked at her boobs jiggling up and down.
  229. >Feeling tired is one thing, but embarassed is another.
  230. "Yeah, I need to recover my breath..."
  231. >"Well, of course you do! Wearing that big sweatshirt must make you sweat like crazy!"
  232. >She comes close to you and removes it.
  233. >You'd fight back, but you are too tired to even try to stop her.
  234. >Now you are left with your cotton long sleeve shirt.
  235. >"There we go. Isn't it more breathable that way?"
  236. >You hear a group of men whistling from a distance, so you cover your face with your hands.
  237. >"You wish, tossers!"
  238. >This took you by surprise.
  239. >"Don't mind those guys Stella, they are just a bunch'a wankas."
  240. >She is simply smiling at you.
  241. >In an instinctive reaction, you hug her.
  242. >"It's everything ok?"
  243. "I... I wish I was as confident as you."
  244. >She pats your head.
  245. >"It's alright sunshine, you are starting up just fine."
  246. >She makes you look up.
  247. >"Now cheer up! We have cake today!"
  248. "Uh... yes!"
  249. >"That's the spirit! Race to my house: go!"
  250. "H-hey! Wait for me!"
  252. >And so, a friendship has started with Milky Way.
  253. >She visited you sometimes at your work, and both jogged together every Saturday.
  254. >Eventually, you bought a D&D board, and took her to some other areas of the city.
  255. >It was really great to have a big breasted friend. Turns out you really need a big chest for a big heart.
  256. >It's another weekend with her, just finishing another lap.
  257. >After a couple of months doing this, it really has been beneficial to your body.
  258. >And thanks to her advise, you are no longer shy to hide it.
  259. >Both were running with a cotton top, and tight yoga pants. Watching all those men drooling was really funny.
  260. >Both reach Milky's house. You won for the first time.
  261. "See? I told you I would win!"
  262. >"Hahaha, alright, you did it this time. It looks you have been improving."
  263. "And it was all thanks to you."
  264. >"It was you, Stella. Good things come to those who say "yes"." *Click!* "Now, how about we enjoy a nice plate of ice cream? I bought double fudge brownie sundae!"
  265. "Hmmm! That one is really sweet!"
  266. >Both refresh a bit, and you wait in the kitchen, sitting on one chair.
  267. >Milky goes to the fridge, grabs the big ice cream tub, and scoops out two big servings of ice cream.
  268. >You take the bowl she gives you, and one spoon. You quickly start to dig in.
  269. >"Hehe, looks like someone really liked ice cream."
  270. "It's that this one is my favorite." *munch* "It was the flavor I picked with my first salary."
  271. >Milky giggles as you taste the sweet cream.
  272. >It truly brings nice memories: you were so happy you endured one whole month in the new yogurt shop, your dad was proud, your mother so happy, and you bought your dessert with your own money.
  273. >As you savor the dessert, you remember those nice days in the shop: smiling clients, sweet yogurt, delicious toppins.
  274. >Another spoonful of memories: the rich flavor of the ice cream, the creamy texture, the delicious nuts, the sensual chocolate.
  275. >And the pleasing milky aftertaste, it's just dreamy.
  276. "Hmmm..."
  277. >As you are lost in though, noises from the outside.
  278. >The noises turn into mumblings, and the mumblings into sentences.
  279. >"...lla.... ella!... Stella!"
  280. "Huh?"
  281. >"Stella... you are lactating!"
  282. >You look at your breasts, that are indeed lactating.
  283. "Ahh! No!"
  284. >You cover your chest, bu the pressure made you lactate more.
  285. "Milky! I'm sorry! I-I-I... I gotta go!"
  286. >You leave your chair, find your stuff, and gun it to the door, but when you put your hand in the doorknob, Milky grabs it too.
  287. "Milky?! Sorry, but I-"
  288. >"Stella, you can lactate?"
  289. "..."
  290. >"Did you?"
  291. "... It happened when these grew up: they hurted a lot, and I started to massage them, and one day they squirted milk. I never told them to my parents, I just searched whatever popped up in the internet, and it said that milking them would be a good idea, so I started doing that, and-"
  292. >"That's enough... does this happened before?"
  293. "I'm usually at home, so I just go to the bathroom when I feel it's going to happen."
  295. >Both remain silent. Milky is processing everything that you just said.
  296. >She starts to look around, and then at you,
  297. >"... Stella?"
  298. "Yes?"
  299. >"I... I may be able to help you. But this has to remain a secret between us, alright?"
  300. >You look at her. Her eyes are sincere, but she is completely embarassed by asking you this.
  301. "A-alright."
  302. >She takes a big breath.
  303. "Ok... let's go to my room."
  304. >She takes you to her room, holding your hand all the time.
  305. >She makes you sit on her bed, while she goes to her closet.
  306. "Hum, excuse me Milky, but what are we going to do?"
  307. >"Well, I'm going to be honest with you Stella: I can also lactate."
  308. "Really?"
  309. >"Yeah, but just like you, it was an accident. I had my spurt before the other girls, so some started to tease. They started to grope me, and even doing milking motions."
  310. >She goes deeper in the closet.
  311. >"One day... it just happened. I started lactating, and the girls called me cow ever since. Thankfully, my parents were very supportive, but then my leaking breasts started to become an issue, so my dad talked with one of his friends, and then I got... this."
  312. >She pulls out a miniature milking machine. You are mute right now.
  313. >"So... yeah, here it is. I just hook myself to this once in a while, and then I let it work until I'm empty."
  314. >You don't know what to answer.
  315. "It's a bit old, but it still works. Just let me-"
  316. >She hooks the machine to a plug intake, and the machine leaves a roaring sound before just shaking slowly.
  317. "That doesn't look safe." is your only answer.
  318. >"I know, but trust me, it works."
  319. >She takes the pumps hooked to the machine.
  320. >"Now let's hope this are your size, ehehe..... that was mean, sorry."
  321. "No, it's fine."
  322. >You remove your top, already soaked with milk stains.
  323. >"Let me clean this up. I'll leave you alone now."
  324. >Milky goes out while you put the pumps on your breasts, letting them suck your milk out.
  325. "Hmmm..."
  327. >The room is filled with the machine noises.
  328. >The pumps move your breast back and forth, extracting your milky essence with each movement.
  329. >You have to admit it, this is better than your hands. A massage to warm up your breasts manage to relief you, but the pumps truly absorb everything.
  330. >You start to pant as your nipples tense up, the pores releasing the maternal substance.
  331. >As the machine pumps you, you start to rub and massage your chest.
  332. >You follow the rhythm, feeling a jolt of pleasure every time you followed it.
  333. >This harmonious massage enhanced the milking, releasing more and more.
  334. >Before you knew it, you filled up the bottles, and the milk started to pour out the bottle, overflowing the small machine.
  335. >You manage to remove the pumps from you, but keep massaging your breasts. It's been so long since you felt this worked up.
  336. >You look at your nipples, dripping the white nectar. You smile, and take one into your mouth.
  337. >You missed this flavor. You don't this so often, but it's as sweet as you remember.
  338. >Pleasure invades your mind, with a sweet taste of condensed milk.
  339. >Your tongue plays with your nipple, as your teeth softly bites it to keep it in place.
  340. >The white nectar fills your mouth as you greedily drink it.
  341. >You haven't noticed it, but you pulled your pants down a bit, touching yourself.
  342. >Physical exercise has really left you pent up, and your delicious milk makes you wish for more.
  343. >You were already damp, but now your pants can't no longer absorb the humidity.
  344. >You shove your fingers inside your pussy. The jolts of bliss makes you moan, spilling some of your milk out of your mouth.
  345. >You are a mess, but you don't care. All you care is the sweet milk and the lovely pleasure.
  346. >Rubbing and sucking yourself has take you quickly to the end. You quickly pull in and out your fingers as you suck your nipple as hard as you can.
  347. >You felt something weird... is your breast... trembling?!
  348. >Finally you climax, and in an insane reaction you breasts shakes as it just covers the floor with milky stains.
  349. >Whoa... you had a boob orgasm.
  350. >Your senses finally come back, and you are shocked.
  351. >Just how lost in lust were you?!
  352. >You heard footsteps coming closer, so you fix up as much as you could.
  353. >The door opens.
  354. >"Hiya Stella, I came to tell you that your shirt is cleaning so..."
  355. >She see (most) of the mess.
  356. >"Wha-?"
  357. "I... I overfilled the machine, and I removed the pump, but it went everywhere."
  358. >Pleasebelieveitpleasebelieveitpleasebelieveitpleasebelieveit.
  360. >Milky Way looks at the room and the machine. The bottle really is overfilled.
  361. >She looks at you with pity.
  362. >You only look down and cross your legs, hoping she doesn't notices the real reason why this mess happened.
  363. >She takes the filled container.
  364. >"Wait a moment please". After saying that, she leaves the room with it.
  365. >You feel the worst, she probably will tell you to stop coming.
  366. >A while later, she returns.
  367. >Without her top?!
  368. >You saw her boobs many times, but this is the first time you see them in their pure glory.
  369. >She has an empty container now.
  370. >She places it inside the machine. After that, she takes the pumps and sits next to you.
  371. >"Hehe. You know, I haven't been milked in while. Maybe I can do it now."
  372. >You are just looking at the girl astonished.
  373. >Even after all this time, this scene even, and yet she still smiles at you.
  374. >"You know, I had my "leaks" too. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Some of us... just produce earlier. And there's so much a big chest can hold. It's holding our hearts already! Hahaha!"
  375. >You smile. She does not judge you, she understands you.
  376. >In instinct, you hug her.
  377. >"Hey Stella, be careful. I'm milking, hehe."
  378. "Thanks for understanding me."
  379. >"You are welcome."
  380. >You look at her breast being pushed back and forward by the pumping action.
  381. >A naughty idea comes to your head.
  382. "oh, it must take quite a while to dry up these puppies, right Milky?"
  383. >"Well, they can really hold a lot when full."
  384. >You go behind her, and grope her breasts.
  385. >"S-Stella?!"
  386. "Don't worry Milky, let me help you."
  387. >When you finish that sentence, you start to massage her breasts in circles.
  388. >So soft, like if you had clouds in your hands, the weight it's not cumbersome at all.
  389. >The tissue gives in, your hands slowly leaving soft marks.
  390. "Hmm... they are so big and soft."
  391. >"Stella... no, you shouldn't do this?"
  392. "Why not? It foments your breasts to milk much more. In fact..."
  393. >You grope her breasts harder, making her breasts leak more milk with a pleasing *chiff* sound coming out.
  394. >"S-Stella!"
  395. "Again."
  396. >*Chiff* "Ahh~!"
  397. "Once more."
  398. >*Chiff* "StellaaaaAAAA!!!"
  399. "Just one more time."
  400. >"StellaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"
  401. >She shivers as you grope as hard as you can. The milk comes out with intensity, and fills up the bottle.
  402. >Milky Way is panting hard. Looks like she is sensible around her breasts too.
  403. "Oh, look Milky, you filled it up."
  404. >She doesn't respond. She is still recovering her breath.
  405. >You remove your steel halo. This will make things easier.
  406. >"Stella... what are you-?
  407. "Shhhh", you silence her with your index finger. "You let out a lot of milk, but I think you must have more left."
  408. >You sit on her lap, facing her breasts.
  409. "Maybe I can milk it too."
  410. >And before she could protest, you were sucking one breast while groping the other.
  411. >The room is filled with moans and panting.
  412. >The flavor is sweet, and makes you feel safe. Milky only manages to pat your head as you suck her.
  414. >Feeling playful, you stop groping the other breast, and start twisting the nipple.
  415. >It starts leaking milk.
  416. >"Wait! No! I'm sensitive!"
  417. >Not listening to her pleas, you still play with it.
  418. >Pinching, soft twisters, and tugging it makes her lactate more.
  419. >Your mouth and hand are rewarded with more milk to please yourself.
  420. >With your other hand, you finally take the initiative. You send it down to touch Milky's flower.
  421. >As expected, is drenched. She truly is sensible with her breasts and nipples.
  422. >You spread her lips, and start fingering her.
  423. >She doesn't stop you. She only let's you play with her to your heart's content.
  424. >Instead of just fingering her, you want her to see her submitted to you. You start to taunt her puffy lips, as you search for her clitoris.
  425. >She finally gives up, falling on the bed.
  426. >You go next to her, still touching her, and suckling her breasts.
  427. >You finally found it, and grab it between your fingers.
  428. >"H-hold on... not yet..."
  429. >You smile, and start rubbing and pinching her little marble.
  430. >Her hips shake up as she tries to fight the pleasure.
  431. >Sadly, she loses the fight.
  432. >Her body, completely overcome with bilss, it finally gives up the same way yours did: she lifts her waist as she squirts on your hand. As for her breasts, they shake up and shot out a lot of milk.
  433. >You finally let Milky recover, as you go for the filled bottle and drink it.
  434. >"Stella?"
  435. >You look at her.
  436. >"How does it taste?"
  437. "Delicious. Want some?"
  438. >Not waiting for an answer, you fill her mouth with some milk. She drinks it all.
  439. >"So sweet, but I want to know how does it tastes yours."
  441. >You move up on Milky, until both of you are facing each other's tits.
  442. >Milky got the pleasure to drink while laying on bed, you got to suck her while playing with her tits.
  443. >In some funny 69, both drink happily.
  444. >You suck her breasts by pulling her nipples up and down, filling your mouth constantly.
  445. >She only lets your creamy essence to fill her mouth, bitting and licking the nipples.
  446. >"Hmmm... Stella, your milk is so sweet..."
  447. >You swallow the rich content inside your mouth.
  448. "And I love yours, the flavor is so nostalgic, I just want to keep drinking."
  449. >"And yours taste so sweet, like condense milk with ice cream. In fact..."
  450. >She grabs your breasts, aiming at her mouth. Then, she starts to milk you.
  451. "Ah! Milky!"
  452. >"You milked me" *chiff* "I think I can milk you too" *chiff*
  453. >Her hands pulls your breasts up and down, making you release more and more milk.
  454. >You quickly do the same, while putting her nipples inside your mouth.
  455. >As you suck and lick her nipples, she played dirty: she took one of yours, and bite it softly.
  456. >The jolt of pleasure made you moan, spitting her milk all over her boobs.
  457. "N-No fair!"
  458. >"Humhumhum..."
  459. >You lick her chest clean, and do the same.
  460. >"Hmmm!"
  461. "Hmm, liked that?"
  462. >She bites your nipple again.
  463. "Ah! You asked for this!"
  464. >Bites, licks, sucking and gropping, both were trying to milk out each other.
  465. >This was too much for both of you.
  466. >The bursting sensation builds up in your chest again. You stopped drinking Milky's cream.
  467. "M-Milky! I'm cumming!"
  468. >Your breasts shake
  469. "My tits are cumming!"
  470. >They finally expel everything inside, coming right at Milky's face.
  471. >Your hands feel a trembling sensation. Next moment, she bursts out too.
  472. >The room is filled with milk stains everywhere as both of you lay exhausted on the bed.
  473. >You feel movement under you. When you look at your left, Milky Way is facing you.
  474. >She does not lose time, and kisses you.
  475. >Her kissing is so romantic, licking each other's tongues and passing the milk's aftertaste.
  476. >She finally stops, and leaves you space to breath.
  477. >"Gosh, I've never been milked this way."
  478. "I got really excited, it's that..."
  479. >"Yes?"
  480. >You hug her.
  481. "I've never felt so understood in my life. You... are important to me Milky, I mean it."
  482. >She pushes you down to her chest, patting your head.
  483. >"I never though you felt like this about me. I don't know what to say."
  484. "It's fine if you don't feel the same."
  485. >"What?"
  486. >You look up and smile.
  487. "Hey, I'm not cutting this moment, it's just that... I'm happy you are here for me. Thanks for being my friend Milky."
  488. >She smiles.
  489. "I see... thanks for letting me be, then."
  490. >Both fall asleep, hugging each other.
  492. >And so, your friendship with Milky was one of the best ones you ever had.
  493. >You two became almost inseparable, always checking on each other.
  494. >Milky was so happy from moving to the US, and you were happy you had somebody who understood your feelings about your body.
  495. >Life couldn't be sweeter (and this metaphor is on purpose. You two sometimes "drink straight from the tap", as both call it).
  496. >Time passes, and life keeps moving.
  497. >Today, you have a day off, and Milky is free, so maybe she won't be so preocupied you "take a sip".
  498. >*Dindong!* "Coming!"
  499. >As always, Milky opens the door, and hugs you the moment she sees you.
  500. "Hi Milky. Got my text?"
  501. >"Yup. I do like a "glass" when it's a holiday."
  502. >She closes the door, and you lift your shirt. You didn't brought a bra.
  503. >"Oh, how scandalous! Let me see."
  504. >She helps herself, as you enjoy the pleasing sensation.
  505. >Steps are heard from behind you.
  506. "Uh?"
  507. >>"Oh my, I'm sorry."
  508. >You cover your breasts quickly, but Milky holds you in place.
  509. "Whawhawha?! Who are you?!"
  510. >Milky laughs.
  511. >"Oh, right, I forgot. Milky, this is Cream Heart."
  512. >>"Nice to meet you Stella Sprinkles. Milky told me many things about you."
  513. "Wha- but when-?"
  514. >"She works in a cafe close to my job. We talk sometimes, and she visits me sometimes."
  515. "I wasn't expecting her."
  516. >>"Oh, aren't you a sweet gummy gal? ara ara~."
  517. "Huh?"
  518. >Suddenly, Milky lifts up your shirt, and Cream Heart touches your breasts.
  519. "Ugh-!"
  520. >Both catch you between her breasts, unnable to protest.
  521. >"You know, I also told her about the time you "took" the lead when I helped you."
  522. >>"How naughty Stella. Naughty girls must be disciplined, don't you know?"
  523. >She grabs something under her apron: a paddle and a ball gag.
  524. >"You also take a lot of my milk these days, so now "we" will get a good refill."
  525. >Milky lifts up the machine and cow-style lingerie.
  526. >You only sink yourself in the breasts, joyful about the future days together.
  527. >"Now, how about we have a glass of milk?"

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[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 1

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[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 2

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