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(AiE) (Anon x Twilight Sparkle) Twinon - The Grand Galloping Gala

By polyestergiant
Created: 2021-08-26 22:08:20
Updated: 2022-02-27 03:44:45
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon.
  2. >Princess Celestia - or as you know her, Mom - is fixing your tie.
  3. >”Anon, hold -- still!”
  4. >You’re squirming, naturally. Celestia never gave in when it came to these things.
  5. “Mom, quit it. I don’t even wanna go to this stupid thing.”
  6. >”Nope. Don’t want to hear it kiddo. You’re going whether you like it or not.”
  7. >You give her a dirty look (after she turns her back, of course).
  8. >”Do that again and I’ll bring you with me to my next conference,” she says.
  9. >You revert your expression immediately. If there was anything that could make you behave, it was a threat to sit through hours of one of Equestria’s “peace conferences.”
  10. >”So...have you thought about taking anypony to the Gala?”
  11. >You look up to see her smirking.
  12. “I’m not doing that, Mom. Besides, nobody wants to go with a monkey anyway.”
  13. >Her smirk fades into a look of concern.
  14. >”Anon, don’t you ever say know it’s not true.”
  15. >You escape from her grasp once she finishes your tie.
  16. “Yeah, well...I still don’t want to go to this stupid thing.”
  17. >Celestia smiles warmly.
  18. >”You’ll survive, kiddo.”
  19. >She starts for the door, but seems to remember something halfway.
  20. >”Oh - and Twilight Sparkle is coming,” Celestia adds cheekily. You might want to dress extra well for this one!”
  21. >You groan. Twilight Spergle has been trying (and failing) to court you since you met last month.
  22. >Celestia seems to think you and her little protege are a good pair, but you want nothing to do with it.
  23. >Doesn’t seem to stop her though.
  24. >Celestia laughs and leaves the room. You are alone with your thoughts.
  25. >You’ve been to one of these Galas once before, just sitting by Celestia and doing nothing.
  26. >You imagine the same for this night as well.
  27. >You won’t bail on this though.
  28. >Celestia’s been good to you ever since you came to Equestria as a kid.
  29. >Even raised you herself, basically. Became your new mom.
  30. >You don’t remember much about your old life.
  31. >Just that you didn’t have someone like that before.
  32. >Your mom wasn’t around before, and your dad would only seem to yell at you and say words that were frowned upon here.
  33. >...and hit you.
  34. >You can still remember Celestia’s face when she first saw those bruises on your arm.
  35. >Regardless, she’s been good to you and you owe her big time.
  36. >Even if it means talking to her socially inept student.
  37. >
  38. >This punch is awful. It’s just shy of being water.
  39. >You swallow it disdainfully and set your cup down to your right.
  40. >To your left is, like last time, Celestia.
  41. >”Thanks for coming with me, Anon,” she said, turning to you. “I know you don’t find these things to be very entertaining.”
  42. “Mm. It’s no problem.”
  43. >”Truth be told, I don’t like them very much either. But they seem to be very popular, so on they go.”
  44. >You smile.
  45. “Have you had this punch?”
  46. >”Oh, it’s awful, isn’t it?”
  47. >Your smile morphs into a grin.
  48. “Actually, I’m a huge fan.”
  49. >Celestia’s face scrunches up, embarrassed, but she seems to catch on almost immediately.
  50. >She laughs.
  51. >”I don’t know why they didn’t just use the same recipe as last year. That one was quite good!”
  52. >”...well - better, anyway.”
  53. >You nod.
  54. >A purple pony trots up to meet you and Celestia.
  55. >”Hi princess!”
  56. >She turns to you and blushes.
  57. >”Hi Anon…”
  58. >It’s Twilight Sparkle.
  59. >Celestia smiles at her.
  60. >”Good evening, Twilight. I trust that you and your friends are well?”
  61. >You give her a polite wave.
  62. >”Oh yes, they’re doing alright...doing well…”
  63. >She turns to you almost mechanically.
  64. >”So...uh...Anon…while we’re here...I was wondering if you wanted some punch?”
  65. >Celestia gives you a look that seems to say Indulge her, please.
  66. >You hold back an eye roll and crack your neck.
  67. >”’ll be good to stretch my legs.”
  68. >Twilight squees and tilts her head (kind of cutely, you admit).
  69. >You gesture for her to lead the way and follow her to the snack table.
  70. >
  71. >”So…”
  72. >You avert your attention from the slew of treats in front of you and face Twilight.
  73. >Her face is buried in a book.
  74. >”Do you like music? What kind of music do you like?”
  75. >You try to be polite here.
  76. “I guess...a bunch of different things. What about you?”
  77. >She looks up for a split-second.
  78. >”Me too.”
  79. >Twilight shoots her head back into her book.
  80. >”So, how is having Celestia as a Mom?” she tries, but immediately blushes and shakes her head.
  81. >”No, that’s too…”
  82. >She looks up to face you.
  83. >”One sec!”
  84. >Twilight is pouring through her book nervously.
  85. >”C’mon...c’mon...let’s see…” she starts.
  86. >You gracefully snatch the book from her hooves.
  87. “Twilight,” you say. “Let’s just talk. You don’t need a book to talk to me.”
  88. >She scrunches up.
  89. >”But all my talking points are in there! How am I going to woo - I mean, get to know you - if I don’t plan it out accordingly?”
  90. “Well, you’re just going to have to figure it out.”
  91. >Twilight scratches her mane with a hoof.
  92. >”I don’t know...we stayed up all night writing this down…”
  93. >You’re a bit confused now.
  94. “We?”
  95. >Twilight blushes. “My friends and I.”
  96. >Out of the corner of your eye, you see a group of mares hiding behind a table, watching you and purple pone chat it up.
  97. >One of them notices you looking, and they all duck down to avoid being seen.
  98. >You smirk.
  99. “Good to see the elements of harmony are hard at work keeping us safe.”
  100. >Twilight’s as red as a turnip.
  101. >You can’t help but laugh at that.
  102. “I’m just kidding, you know.”
  103. >Twilight brightens up a bit.
  104. >”’s just a little...embarrassing.”
  105. >She goes red again.
  106. >You don’t know why, but this mare’s not as irksome tonight.
  107. >You laugh again.
  108. “Besides, my mom trusts you a lot. You’re probably not too bad.”
  109. >You expect steam to start bursting from her ears.
  110. >”She - the princess said that about me?..”
  111. “C’mon,” you say. “Wanna walk around the garden?”
  112. >Twilight smiles.
  113. >”O-Okay!”
  114. >You return a smile and stroll with her outside.

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