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(Rainbow Dash x Anon) Yandere Rainbow Dash

By polyestergiant
Created: 2022-01-13 03:42:04
Updated: 2022-01-13 04:40:18
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Whoa! What...are you?"
  2. >You wake up to find a poking you with its hoof.
  3. >Surely it didn't just say that.
  4. >Okay. The voice was raspy, but feminine. You look around for a woman, preferably non-equine.
  5. >"Hello? Can you hear me?"
  6. >You're sure of it now. Straight from the horse's mouth.
  7. >You stare at her, petrified. Is her hair...rainbow-colored? She returns the stare in kind.
  8. >"Can you understand me?"
  9. >It's probably time to speak - let her know you're not an alien.
  10. "H-Hi."
  11. >That's it? Yeesh.
  12. >She laughs - yeah, definitely a she. Kind of cute, actually.
  13. >"I know, I know, I can be kinda intimidating - but don't worry, I won't hurtcha."
  14. >You smile, and try to get your thoughts together. She stomps at the ground a bit with her hoof.
  15. >"My name's Rainbow Dash. What's yours?"
  16. >You're trying to form words, but they take an inordinate amount of time to be dispensed, so you try and keep it simple.
  17. "Anon."
  18. >Rainbow Dash grins and puts a hoof around your shoulder.
  19. >"Don'tcha worry, Anon. We'll get you nice and squared up. What happened to you?"
  20. "I don't know. I was walking across the street, then...nothing. I'm not sure...might've gotten hit by a car or something."
  21. >The blue pony looks confused.
  22. >"Weird."
  23. >She darts out in front of you and points off to some sort of town in the distance.
  24. >"Well - I bet Nurse Redheart can fix you right up! C'mon!"
  25. >You follow her and exit the clearing.
  27. >It's been a couple months since you were found in the Everfree forest.
  28. >Upon further inspection, you realized that you might have died and been sent to the colorful land of Equestria.
  29. >Did you die? A really comfy coma, maybe? Either way, you wouldn't mind stickin' around.
  30. >You certainly weren't lacking friends. After meeting princess Celestia, you were given a house and instructed to befriend her protégé and "the elements of harmony."
  31. >You still weren't quite sure what that meant, but the assignment seemed reasonable enough.
  32. >Didn't hurt that the ponies in this world were eager to make friends. They were barely perturbed by your appearance.
  33. >You first decided to befriend the pony who found you here to begin with - Rainbow Dash.
  34. >She seemed receptive, thankfully. A bit big-headed, but with talent like hers, who wouldn't be?
  35. >You were walking with her now, actually, after a particularly flashy performance from the Wonderbolts.
  36. >Dash was making no effort to keep up her often laidback persona. Something about the supreme team of flyers did that to her.
  37. >She was trotting almost at an almost Pinkiesque bounce beside you as you both exited the stadium.
  38. >"That...was...AWESOME!"
  39. >Dash made her love for the Wonderbolts perfectly clear, and you liked that about her.
  40. >Though, you still weren't sure what they actually did. You've only seen them fly twice before - once at another show (with Rainbow Dash of course), and once making an entrance to the Grand Galloping Gala.
  41. >You harken back to that last memory while she rattles on about Spitfire's 'stats.'
  42. >Dash was so embarrassed to be there, at odds with her usual self.
  43. >You had to clarify to others that she had invited you as her friend, and nothing more.
  44. >She, meanwhile, was uncharacteristically silent during these (note, several) exchanges. Rarity's dress aside, Dash was sporting a bashful shade of red for most of the evening.
  45. >You smile at the thought. You knew that there was nothing between you two, but it was cute knowing that it got her flustered.
  46. >That's not to say you know how to feel about ponies...romantically. You were pretty sure Dash didn't see you that way regardless.
  47. >"Hey, are you even paying attention?"
  48. >You look down awkwardly at an unamused Rainbow Dash.
  49. "'Course I was."
  50. >She furrows her brow.
  51. >"Oh yeah? Then what was I just talking about?"
  52. >You smile.
  53. "Easy. First you said that Spitfire's stats were lower in wingpower this year than last year, then you mentioned how they were going to change her card design, which you didn't like, but you did like the new Soarin' design, which better complimented his color scheme. After that, you talked about the promise of the new Wonderbolt reserves, during which you explained that Vigil Lighthoof has the best shot of making it because of his new wing-training regiment. Then, you asked me what you were talking about."
  54. >She stops dead in her tracks and gives you an expression you can't quite make out. Kind of...looking into you?
  55. >"Woah. Yeah, that was it...I think."
  56. >You both continue walking.
  57. >"So...what are you doing after this? Wanna hit up Sugarcube Corner?"
  58. >You suppose you wouldn't mind hanging with Dash a bit more, but you have a job to do.
  59. "Sorry, Dash. I promised Applejack I would help her pick up apples since Big Macintosh hurt his leg."
  60. >She looks a little perturbed.
  61. >"It's cool, It's cool. How's tomorrow? You wanna hang out then?"
  62. >You think on it a second. Dash has been bit clingy lately. Maybe you could use a little space.
  63. >…But you couldn't hurt the poor mare's feelings, now could you?
  64. "Mm...sure. What are we doing?"
  65. >Dash is grinning from ear-to-ear. You never heard someone make a squee noise with their teeth before you came to Equestria.
  66. >" friends are having a picnic. Maybe we could go and then...hang out after?"
  67. >Fair enough. Doesn't sound too high-maintenance, but what else could you expect from Rainbow Dash?
  68. >That isn't to say you minded in the slightest. In fact, you liked that about Dash - she knew what she wanted and went after it.
  69. >"Sounds great."
  70. >Rainbow smiles and harbors the faintest whisper of red on her cheeks.
  72. >It takes the slightest, most delicate touch to perform these sorts of actions.
  73. >Luckily, you have just what it takes. You weren't an award-winning dessert chef for nothing - in your head, anyway.
  74. >A drizzle of caramel here, a dollop of whip cream there...
  75. >...and a bright-red maraschino cherry on top...
  76. >...there it is. The perfect ice cream sundae.
  77. >You're sure that Pinkie is shivering right now without really knowing why.
  78. >This was the best snack you could think of before heading over to Applejack's for some back-breaking labor.
  79. >While you were out and about, you figured you'd stop by the hospital and check in on Big Mac's condition.
  80. >But right now? This is go time.
  81. >Lips watering, you take your spoon (one of two) and attempt to angle it in just the right position. A snack this good needs the perfect first bite.
  82. >Your spoon is coming closer into position...
  83. >Closer...closer...don't mess this up now...
  85. >You jerk forward, pulling back just in time to avoid besmirching the sundae with your spoon.
  86. >Climbing up from your seat hesitantly, you make your way to the front door.
  87. >You swear to God, if this is anyone but Derpy...
  88. >Opening the door, you are surprised to see an excited Rainbow Dash standing on your porch.
  89. >"Oh - hey Anon! How's it going?"
  90. >You are at a loss for words.
  91. "...What's up?"
  92. >Thanks, ol' reliable.
  93. >Dash shrinks a bit into your wordless welcome mat.
  94. >"Not much, not much...hey, uh - was over at AJ's and I figured while I was there, might as well help her out, and said you don't have to go to Sweet Apple Acres today. Oh, and I dropped off your "Get Well Soon" card to Big Macintosh for you. D'you wanna hang out?"
  95. >You eye her with caution.
  96. "Uh...Dash? How'd you know I made a card for Big Macintosh?"
  97. >Rainbow Dash freezes and can't seem to meet your eye.
  98. >"You...told me, remember? Duh."
  99. >She laughs in an awkward, vulnerable way.
  100. >"How else would I uh...know, you know?"
  101. >A few more laughs weakly attempt to pervade the silence.
  102. "Rainbow Dash."
  103. >She struggles to look up at you.
  104. >"...Yeah?"
  105. >You give her a disappointed stare.
  106. "Did you come into my house while I was away?"
  107. >She freezes again, eyes now wide open and unable to look away from you.
  108. >Dash looks down pitifully.
  109. >"Y-yeah...sorry."
  110. >You kneel down beside Rainbow Dash and wrap your arm around her neck.
  111. "Now, Dash...I get that you wanted to hang out with me today, but you can't just invade someone's privacy like that."
  112. >She looks hurt, and turns her head away. You continue:
  113. "You can come with me to pick up some flowers, though. That sound okay?"
  114. >She pivots her head back to you with alarming speed. Jesus, are her eyes...watery?
  115. >"Yeah, okay. Sounds great."
  116. >Rainbow Dash smiles at you in a genuine, oddly tender way - it almost makes your heart melt.
  117. >You stand up again and close your front door. Dash jumps a bit in surprise; you smile and get going on your trek to Ponyville proper.
  118. >After a few seconds, she makes her way beside you - a little too close, actually.
  119. >"So...what are the flowers for? You get hungry?"
  120. >Rainbow looks at you with that smile again. Your heart skips a beat.
  121. "Actually, I'm buying these for Twilight. Gonna ask her out on a date."
  122. >She stops walking, and soon so do you. Dash's smile fractures into a million different, less confident pieces.
  123. >"D-Date?! You can't! Not with Twilight - she's an egghead!"
  124. >There's that hurt look again. She's huffing her breaths in a heavy, inconsistent manner.
  125. >"Not like she's bad, I guess...but..."
  126. >Dash scoots closer, and targets her pupils like missiles directly onto yours.
  127. >"...isn't there...someone else who you might like..."
  128. >She places a hoof gingerly on your leg.
  129. >"...more?"
  130. >The bulb lights in your mind, perhaps a little - no, far too late.
  131. "Rainbow Dash, do for me? Like...romantically?"
  132. >At the word 'romantically,' she blushes a deep shade of red.
  133. >" that...okay?"
  134. >You've never seen her so insecure before. In front of her friends, she's all tough - well, from what you've seen.
  135. >Now, though...
  136. >Rainbow Dash looks up at you pleadingly. You're not about to break this young mare's heart. She was your first friend, after all.
  137. "Dash...I guess I just never saw you like that...I didn't think you liked humans, you know?"
  138. >Tears start to fill up her huge, begging eyes.
  139. >"A-non-"
  140. "-Wait, Dash. Hear me out. I didn't think you liked humans, so I figured why try?"
  141. >She purses her lips expectantly. You use this as the sign to continue.
  142. "But, if you want...I wouldn't know. If you want to, I mean..."
  143. >Tears are pouring down Dash's face in torrents. She's sproinging up and down like Pinkie Pie.
  145. >She shoots into your chest like a bullet and knocks you to the ground with a crushing hug.
  146. >You slowly return it. She jumps on the opportunity and hugs you with even more vigor.
  147. >"I won't let you down! I'll be the perfect marefriend! I love you! I love you I love you I love you!"
  148. "'"
  149. >She lets go immediately and flits around your body worriedly.
  150. >"Oh my Gosh! I'm so sorry...I'll be more careful, I promise!"
  151. >You give her a hopefully assuring nod and a pat on the hoof.
  152. "Maybe...we can take this slow? I'm not looking for anything serious right now, and..."
  153. >Rainbow Dash blinks in rapid succession and turns away.
  154. >"...okay! I can make this work...slow...slow...never done slow before..."
  155. >Dash gives you the impression she's trying to convince herself more than you.
  156. >She jerks her head back to you.
  157. >"I can do slow!"
  158. >She smiles, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath. After a few seconds, she opens them again at a more relaxed pace.
  159. >"I can do slow...yeah."
  160. >Her smile widens a bit, and Rainbow Dash looks directly into your eyes. Your soul, even.
  161. >"You wanna...go to the park?"
  162. >Hoping to support her in this slow-going endeavor, you fire back.
  163. "Damn straight."
  164. >The two of you make your way to the park, one more awkward than the other. You're beginning to worry you might regret this.
  165. >…Wait! The sundae! Ah well.
  166. >Along the way, Dash pokes you with a hoof and, still walking, raises her head to face you.
  167. >"So...Anon. What's a car?"

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