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Anon & Chrysalis: Checkers

By PhysicsAnon
Created: 2020-11-12 23:08:16
Expiry: Never

  1. Written anonymously for /bug/. Beware of clop.
  3. >Be Anon in the changeling hive
  4. >Currently speaking to your least favorite bug
  5. “Checkers."
  6. >"Mhm."
  7. "You've kept me in a fucking cell for what feels like months, keep trying to fucking mind-control me into having sex with you-"
  8. >"Rather impressed that I haven't succeeded yet, actually."
  9. "-and suddenly you want to play /checkers/?"
  10. >"That I do, Anonymous. I'm making you an offer you can't refuse. We're going to play one game. If you win, I'll allow you to leave. If I win..."
  11. >Chrysalis licks her lips
  12. >"Well, I think you already know."
  13. "Yeah, because I'll totally cooperate."
  14. >"I'll /make/ you, human. Resistance is only a turn-on for so long, and you've passed that point."
  15. >She rears up, placing her hooves on your chest and whispering into your ear
  16. >"I could break you, Anon. Maybe I can't take the shape of a human girl, but I can make /you/ scream like one."
  17. >Oh god
  18. >Does she have a dick?
  19. >PLEASE don't have a dick
  20. "I'd make a terrible egg clutch. You don't want me! Promise!"
  21. >She just laughs
  22. >"Do ponies still spread those ridiculous lies about ovipositors? Don't worry. I think you'll like what I have~."
  23. >She starts walking away, tail flicking side to side offering you sneak peeks
  24. >"Bring him to my chamber."
  25. >A group of changeling guards appear around you and start pushing you after her
  26. >Well, Anon
  27. >You've made it this long
  28. >One game of checkers and you can end it
  29. >Let's do this
  30. >You get yourself pumped up as the guards manhandle you into Chrysalis' room
  31. >She's already got a board out
  32. >After being unceremoniously dumped on one end of the board, she speaks to you
  33. >"Red or black?"
  34. "Black, I guess."
  35. >Since you have zero intention of ever going back
  36. >She magics the black pieces over to you, and you start laying them out on the board while she does the same with hers
  37. "Are you actually going to let me go when I win?"
  38. >She smirks
  39. >"Of course. Why wouldn't I? It'd be the easiest thing in the world to hunt you down again."
  40. >Fuck
  42. >You'd better Usain Bolt your way to the nearest town once you're out, or else it'll just happen again
  43. >Chrysalis gestures with a hoof
  44. >"Black goes first."
  45. >You nod, and the game begins
  46. >The minutes go by quickly as you both move your pieces one at a time
  47. >You're going all-out
  48. >You're gonna escape, then tell the princesses where this fucking hive is, and then you're gonna watch as bug queen and her aggravating children get wrecked by a rainbow death beam
  49. >You pop a half-chub just thinking about it
  50. >"Getting excited, are we? I can taste it. We could just call the game here~."
  51. "I'm getting excited about how fucking screwed you'll be when I get back to civilization, you sick freak."
  52. >"I take back what I said earlier. Your resistance is still a turn-on."
  53. >Don't rise to any more bait, Anon
  54. >You can do this!
  55. >You can practically taste freedom!
  56. >Your pieces are close enough to each other that the first captures are taking place
  57. >You've got a few of hers!
  58. >...but she's got some of yours too
  59. >You tense up with every piece of yours she takes
  60. >"Do you /really/ think the princesses care, Anon?"
  61. "Huh?"
  62. >She's got that fucking smirk again
  63. >"You think they're looking for you? I doubt it, personally. They aren't much for helping those with >no hooves."
  64. >Don't let her get to you
  65. >She just wants to distract you because you're winning!
  66. >You make a sick jump on a punk-ass red piece-
  67. >Only to get triple-jumped in return
  68. "FUCK!"
  69. >Well, you /were/ winning
  70. >"Awwww, isn't that too bad? It's alright. You'll feel better after I'm done. Muuuuuuch better."
  71. >Fuck that noise
  72. >It's not over yet! You can still turn this around!
  74. >You press forward, hurling all your pieces at her
  75. >Your army fights bravely
  76. >But it ends about as well as Custer's Last Stand
  77. >You're down to three pieces
  78. >Chrysalis isn't even talking anymore
  79. >She's just giving you bedroom eyes and licking her lips
  80. >The last few moves are made
  81. >Game over, man
  82. >GAME OVER!
  83. >"My, my..."
  84. >She gets up, circling around the board to you
  85. >"You did slightly better than I expected, Anon. It was fun, even. But a bet's a bet."
  86. >You refuse to make eye contact with her, staring at the ground
  87. >She lowers herself down into your lap, burying her nose in your neck and sniffing
  88. >"I meant what I said about the princesses, you know. Your other little friends won't look, either."
  89. >You feel magic grip your head, forcing you to look into her eyes
  90. >"They don't value you like I do. More's the pity that they'd give you up so easily. You're mine now, Anon. All mine. /Give in./"
  91. >You grit your teeth, trying to find a retort
  92. >But your mind remains blank
  93. >Her eyes
  94. >There's something about her eyes
  95. >"/Give in./"
  96. >She repeats
  97. >You can't resist anymore
  98. "Just get it over with..."
  99. >She laughs, but it's not the mocking laughter of earlier
  100. >It's lowered to a throaty giggle
  101. >"Hmhm! Now, we can't have you being so... inactive. Here..."
  102. >Magic pries open your jaw
  103. >"Let's get you loosened up a bit~."
  104. >Her face rams into yours, trapping you in a rather intense kiss
  105. >Her longer tongue coils around yours, coating it in her spit
  106. >She gets what feels like your entire mouth, lathering it in her saliva
  107. >Immense heat overtakes you
  108. >What was formerly a partial chub has evolved into a full-on diamond crusher in your pants
  109. >And Chrysalis is quick to notice
  110. >"Mmmmm... For me...?"
  111. >She grinds herself against your bulge, continuing to kiss you
  112. >You can't even think
  113. >You NEED release
  114. >Your arms, formerly kept stiffly at your side, found themselves wrapped around the changeling queen as you leaned forward, pushing her onto her back
  116. >You struggle with your belt for a few moments, eventually prying it off
  117. >Your pants and boxers come down in a green telekinetic grip
  118. >Those green eyes haven't left yours for a moment
  119. >She holds her hooves up, inviting you back into an embrace
  120. >"Don't be sad. I'll take /good/ care of you. My own little brood male."
  121. >You brush your tip against her entrance, as you lean forward and she wraps her forelegs around you
  122. >She whispers into your ear a single command
  123. >"Thrust."
  124. >You obey
  125. >With zeal
  126. >You ram your entire length into her, and the half-squeal, half-screech that came out of her mouth might have given you some satisfaction if you were in your right mind
  127. >You remain buried in her tunnel, her tight walls constricting around your member
  128. >She's almost as dazed as you
  129. >"Ahhhhh... F-Fuck me..."
  130. >You begin pistoning in and out of her depths, her muscles gripping your cock the whole way
  131. >"Yes!! Just like that! More!"
  132. >You hear and obey
  133. >Your tempo rises and rises at her exhortations until you're pounding her with all your strength
  134. >You hammer away for god-knows-how-long
  135. >You feel her gush around your member more than once, and her vag convulses madly, trying to milk you
  136. >Chrysalis herself is nothing more that a moaning, screaming mess at this point
  137. >A lump of quivering changeling you were ordered to fuck
  138. >And you do so
  139. >You do so until even the spell put on you can't stop you from cumming without her order
  140. >With a final grunt, you hilt, and your vision goes white
  141. >Her muscles greedily milk you, squeezing every last drop out
  142. >Your toes curl under the intensity of the pleasure
  143. >Panting heavily, and still holding the changeling in your arms, you slowly raise your head up
  144. >As you come to your senses, you realize Chrysalis is still catatonic from your ministrations
  145. >Maybe you could get out...?
  146. >...nah
  147. >You have no clue where to go
  148. >Plus...
  149. >You look down at her face
  150. >Maybe having mind-blowing sex every day with a kinda-cute bug queen isn't such a terrible idea after all

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