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(FR) Day Temptation in Equestria

By PhysicsAnon
Created: 2020-11-12 23:09:56
Expiry: Never

  1. Written on impulse for /flutterrape/ a long-ass time ago. Slightly edited according to advice I got back then.
  3. >Day Temptation in Equestria
  4. >Be Anon
  5. >Wake up in your house out on the edge of Ponyville
  6. >You get up out of bed and proceed to the bathroom to sacrifice your facial hair, shit, and bodily filth to the morning gods
  7. >But you're troubled
  8. >You've been having some rather.../interesting/ thoughts about one of the locals
  9. >The yellow one called Fluttershy
  10. >She kept badgering you every day for the d
  11. >It got to the point where she started trying to "guess your fetish"
  12. >Every fetish more obscure than the last
  13. >You keep shooting her down, day after day
  14. >But lately, you wonder...
  15. >Maybe you should just give in
  16. >Let go of your self control
  17. >And just do it
  18. >There was one thing you've always wanted to try with her
  19. >After the typical morning activities are complete, you throw on some clothes and head down to the kitchen
  20. >She'll be here soon
  21. >She always comes at the same time
  22. >You pour out a bowl of Applejacks and milk
  23. >You begin eating, watching the door all the while
  24. >Any minute now...
  25. >Are you really going to do this though?
  26. >...
  27. >Just as you reach your conclusion, there's a knock
  28. >You set your breakfast down
  29. >Walk over and open the door
  30. >There's no need to check the peephole, you know who it is
  31. >"H-Hello Anon, is-"
  32. "Sure."
  33. >"R-Really?!"
  34. "Yeah. Turn around and bend over."
  35. >She turns beet red
  36. >"O-Oh, it's exhibitionism? T-That's okay... I'll do it..."
  37. >She gives a sheepish smile as she turns around and bends over
  38. >You're gonna do it
  39. >Finally
  40. >You take a step back
  41. >And another
  42. >And another
  43. >And another...
  44. >Then charge forward
  45. >And swing your foot with all your might
  46. >Right into her behind
  47. >She flies off into the air, screaming
  48. >You raise a hand to shield your eyes as the morning sun illuminates her crashing into Twilight's treebrary
  49. >The kick is good
  50. >Fucking beautiful
  51. >Today was a giving in to impulses kind of day

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