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Worldbuilding Ideas Compilation (2024/02/17)

By AdvancedHorseFiction
Created: 2021-09-01 16:34:37
Updated: 2024-02-17 13:14:26
Expiry: Never

  1. ---Table of Contents---
  2. You can Ctrl+F to the relevant section by using the SecNr.
  4. Sec01 (Equestria General)
  5. Sec02 (EqG General)
  6. Sec03 (Reverse Gender Roles Equestria/EqG)
  7. Sec04 (Reverse Gender Roles Equestria)
  8. Sec05 (Reverse Gender Roles EqG)
  9. Sec06 (Kinderquestria)
  10. Sec07 (Too Whimsical & Anon)
  14. Many of the entries are from the RGRE prompt bin (
  15. References to Anon have mostly been removed, since the whole point of him as a character is usually that he is different from everyone else and upsets the status quo. Some still mention him when he is interchangeable with a pony.
  16. Ideas that work as either NGR or RGR are in General, just reverse the pronouns where appropriate.
  17. I have taken the liberty of editing posts based on whim and fancy.
  21. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. Sec01 (Equestria General)
  23. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. ---Expressions---
  26. a herd/band/flock (pegasus)
  28. Skies above!
  29. Celestia’s tuft!
  30. Nightmare's frozen teats!
  31. Luna's dock!
  32. Tirek's balls!
  33. Thornybushes!
  34. Candy wrap!
  35. Crabapples!
  36. Horseapples!
  38. a nice mare, not some trixie
  39. herdwrecker
  40. Busy-barrel
  41. nag
  42. wink hole / winker / winky (vag)
  43. tail raiser (skank)
  44. Feed two birds with one scone
  45. some rich flankhole
  46. a nest-load of bits
  47. I'm just rustling your feathers.
  48. smug as oats in honey
  49. a foalproof plan
  50. You slept with a colt outside herdlock!
  51. Oh, speak of the mare in the moon
  52. I bet hay to horseapples
  53. to see you share my barn-name
  54. the dragon in the room
  55. happy as an apple in a tree
  56. nervous as an apple during pie season
  57. when you roam (when in Rome)
  58. that sun-scorned
  59. tartarus-blasted
  60. an ear-folding screech
  61. horseradish (bullshit)
  62. tailhole
  63. go pluck yourself (pegasi)
  64. that shameless tribe jumper
  65. my dock! (my ass)
  67. her collection of trashy saddle rippers
  68. drinking the tomato sauce/juice
  69. manure-eating grin
  71. horse
  73. bonehead, hex head (unicorn)
  74. featherbrain, wing ding (pegasus)
  75. mudpony, dirt pony (earth pony)
  77. mundanes (non-unicorns)
  78. groundponies, crawlers (non-pegasi)
  79. eaters (non-earth ponies)
  83. Is ‘lame’ a serious insult in Equestria? It had bad connotations with horses back on Earth, but how would that translate here?
  87. >Herds are a common thing, but they're almost always a single tribe deal
  88. >Pony standards of beauty for Earth Ponies are vastly different than from Pegasi or Unicorns.
  89. >Most Stallions are only sexually attracted to their own kind of pony
  93. >The three races have different traits that each respective race finds attractive
  94. >It's rare to find a pony who not only finds their own race attractive, but another pony race as well
  95. >A unicorn might admire a the way a mare's horn spirals, but can't appreciate the aerodynamic frame that a pegasus has
  96. >An earth pony might find his eyes glued to the glutes of an earth pony mare, but can't appreciate the aristocratic beauty that a unicorn has; bone structure that is different than their own and serves to channel magic better through the horn
  97. >Mares who are best friends but belong to different pony tribes have a much lower chance of finding a stallion who finds both of their forms attractive and desirable
  98. >Ponies who decide that they're a package deal have a notoriously low rate of success
  102. >Celestia has tried to have romantic relationships in the past
  103. >But she's not the picture of innocence that she projects to her subjects
  104. >Keeping a kingdom at peace for a thousand years doesn't just happen
  105. >She's done things she's not proud of in order to protect her little ponies
  106. >Equestria was once a far more savage place, and behind the veneer, evils both fantastic and mundane still lurk.
  107. >Keeping them at bay required her to make hard choices, and often to do the dirty work with her own hooves, away from prying eyes
  108. >Luna doesn't have to hide it, being the Princess of the Night does have a few benefits
  109. >Celestia however, is a slave to the image she has crafted of herself.
  111. >The very few stallions that have gotten close enough to her to see under the mask did not like what they saw.
  112. >The more successful she was at making her ponies safe, the softer they became
  113. >Soon she stopped trying, devoting herself to her work.
  114. >He dreams of finding one who loved her, the /real/ her, became ever more distant from reality
  115. >Condemned to spend the long years of her Sister's exile alone, doing whatever it took to preserve Equestria.
  119. >Pony thoughts are very simple
  120. >This doesn't mean that ponies are dumb; it's just that they don't bother with thinking about topics irrelevant to whatever's at hand
  124. Socks are, of course, very lewd
  128. polluting the thing with their lust too much
  129. >that kind of dirty love is like drugs for the cheesebugs - gives them a hell of a kick, but not healthy in the long run
  133. But because Luna fell from grace, Trixie's family, the Lulamoon's, lost all social status with the other nobles because of their connection to her. Now the family, what's left of it, is almost totally broke, and that's part of why Trixie is living in wagon.
  137. >Not all mares are lucky enough to get a stallion the traditional way.
  138. >Stallions in herds don't date and the single ones are rarely interested for their own reasons.
  139. >It's common for a stallion to not work as giving attention to all your herdmates is a full time job in itself, but when they do it's usually in their mares business.
  140. >For that reason if a mare didn't get lucky in high school or with a colleague and doesn't have the right connections, she struggles to find a stallion the old fashioned, romantic way.
  141. >It just doesn't happen by itself some day.
  142. >When a mare decides that she's been single long enough the most common way of looking for a herd is sending herd applications.
  143. >Similar to job applications these includes a short summary of oneself, likes, dislikes, hobbies, strong and weak sides, skills and where they are in life at the moment.
  144. >These can vary in professionalism and style.
  145. >Some stick to the strong act, wanting to present themselves as a good addition to the family.
  146. >Others try to stand out instead, try to be funny and open.
  147. >Some just copy others.
  148. >Some clearly don't care anymore.
  149. >And some don't even know how to write a herd application.
  150. >Mares will often take various courses to put in their applications as having a useful skill that no one else in the herd possess is a big plus.
  151. >It's a good idea to send out as many applications as you can to increase your chances.
  152. >Males of Equestria have their post boxes flooded with formal love letters
  156. Likewise fillies that come into season during the school year will temporarily be segregated from colts until the heat passes.
  160. >There is an immense fear of dying alone among mares, as such a thing happens with alarming frequency.
  161. >A rare few end up in small herds where they're treated well.
  162. >Many end up in larger herds were the unlucky ones are largely pushed to the side for favorite mares.
  163. >But they keep it to themselves. It results in frazzled emotions and lapses in thought.
  165. >Get a waifu and remain mono
  166. >With the looming and emotionally taxing pain of being alone gone, she can think straight.
  167. >All the genuine and loving one-on-one attention lets her focus on other things. Like the newfound common sense the peace of mind gives her.
  168. >Like blinders being taken off, your waifu takes a step back and sees all the absurd actions and leaps of thought that go on around her, all done by other ponies. It shocks her that she didn't see it before.
  169. >Only the other extremely rare mono mares like Mrs Cake and Cadence see it too.
  173. salt is illegal because it's addictive in high concentrations, because it tastes really good
  177. >There are laws regulating herd membership
  178. >For example, it is illegal for both a businessmare and a politician to be in the same herd, as it would be a conflict of interest
  182. >Defined muscles are seen as coltish since biologically stallions are physically stronger than mares.
  183. >Mares are supposed to have a small layer of fat over their muscles to make them softer for stallions
  184. >Unicorns have it the worst since they have the smallest frames any fitness will quickly tone their muscles
  185. >This is why Twilight and Rarity gorge themselves
  186. >Their sleek defined bodies are marks of shame
  190. >You'd mark him with your scents so that other girls would know to fuck off
  194. >She comes to the realization that she's the youngest sans the foals and has nothing to offer the family as a whole.
  195. >And useless is quite possibly the worst thing you can be as the newest member of a herd.
  199. >As fall turns to winter, a pony's fur thickens to help keep them warm
  200. >In unicorns, it gives them an impressive chest tuft, bulking up around their necks and resembling the poofy collar of a fur coat
  201. >For pegasi, down production increases, making them softer to handle (but making it more difficult for them to fly)
  202. >Earth ponies have a much thicker coat everywhere on their bodies, making them appear bigger than they actually are. While not quite as beautiful as that seen on a unicorn, it's much more suited for an earth pony's tough, hands-on lifestyle
  203. >Mares use this increased fluff to help them attract a mate and prepare them for when estrus hits in the following spring, just a few short months away
  207. >Pegasus herd aggressively chirps at any mares who approach Anon
  211. >Subconsciously offers her wings to anon for him to preen, which is reserved for the closest of friends or mates
  215. > Changeling surrogates have about the status level of tertiary herdmare
  216. > That is, something like a sister in law with benefits
  217. > It's common for herd alpha's to insist on being the only thing the stallion sees as he inseminates the bug
  218. > Others prefer the bug to copy their form for the entire procedure up until just after birth
  222. >With the kind of inclusive ruler Celly is, she probably eats in a large dining room with her sister and other noble ponies.
  226. >Ponies feel safer in the presence of larger/taller ponies
  227. >its the reason why alicorns in general are seen as leaders or protectors
  228. >its also the reason why mares are all gunning for Big Mac
  232. > Opera is more than just musical plays in Horselandia
  233. > Actors sing false heartsongs, with all the choreography that would go into a real one
  234. > The plots and situations of the plays are purposefully absurd, so as to not draw real ponies into actual heartsong
  235. > Even then, it still happens from time to time
  236. > Part of the appeal of opera is the vicarious thrill of seeing heartsongs played out, or even joining in
  240. >Multi-stallion herds are run like tiered clans.
  241. >The other stallions in the herd are sub-servant to first one.
  242. >The lead stallion is the only one allowed to touch the alpha mare. The others trying to make a move on her is an offense worthy of expulsion.
  243. >The other mares have to bear at least one foal from the lead stallion first before the others are allowed to impregnate them. Romance and sex that doesn't produce foals is fine, though.
  244. >And since the other stallions are sub-servant, the leader, the alpha mare, or any children of the alpha pair can call upon them to do anything. ANYTHING. Same goes for lower level mares.
  245. >Copping out and leaving to form your own herd is seen as a mark of shame and ungratefulness, so once you're in, you STAY in.
  246. >In return, however, the alpha stallion is in charge of the caretaking of the entire clan and has to manage everything. The alpha mare, meanwhile has to co-ordinate with the other mares to ensure that the stallions and foals are provided for.
  247. >It's still sort of a shitty deal for the lower level members, since either of the alpha's being assholes will ruin it for everyone, so the system fell out of favor for smaller, one stallion herds.
  248. >A rare few multi-stallion herds still exist, but are largely shrouded in mystery as they keep to themselves
  252. >Tattoos are not a thing in Equestria, due to the sacredness of the cutie mark (and the fact that everyone is covered in fur).
  256. >"They're all convinced, all of them! Even and especially Twilight, that I'm some mastermind chessmistress who controls everything and nothing unexpected ever happens to me."
  257. >"And if I let on that I'm not, they either don't believe me, convinced that of course I would say that, I couldn't admit it if I was, right?
  258. >"Anypony who does believe me gets paranoid and depressed."
  259. >"So I have to pretend I know what I'm doing, and nod along and act cryptic and mysterious when the foreign ambassadors visit.
  260. >"I have to pretend that I know everything, and that my only real options if something really bad happens aren't to either set it on fire or call Twilight."
  261. >"I have to tell my guard captains to do what they were already suggesting they should do."
  262. >"The only thing I'm actually good at with governance is delegating everything to ponies who know what they're doing."
  263. >"It seems like the only thing I actually *do* myself, is raise the sun every morning."
  267. > Every ten years, one of the princesses has to go to Tartarus and do a review of all of its prisoners.
  268. > In theory it's to determine if any of them are worthy of 'parole'.
  269. > However it's just a formality as they are all too evil and degenerate to ever earn such a privilege.
  273. "What do you mean, the world is round? That makes no sense, Anon."
  274. "If Equestria was round, how would Nightmare Moon have created eternal night? Everypony would just move to the side with the sunlight."
  278. >Alicorns can't have children.
  279. >The magic in their bodies just means the seed of other magical stallions can't take, overpowering it.
  280. >Flurry Heart was the exception and a fluke because of how uniquely synergized Shining and Cadence are, magically.
  284. >Pegasi chest-fluff has more significance to it than unicorn or earth pony chest-fluff
  285. >Since pegasi are so naturally mobile, there is little time for cuddling in a pegasi's life.
  286. >And because they're often in the air, being in contact with one another can lead to losing flight-control and possible crashes.
  287. >Think how pilots try not to fly their planes too close to other planes
  288. >Pegasi have a built-in instinct that tells them cuddling is only done between ponies who trust each other not to knock them out of the sky.
  289. >For Rainbow to let Anon cuddle her chest-fluff, it's a sign that she sees him as a very important figure in her life
  293. >She had no choice now but to give him a crash course and review on addressing royalty in Equis.
  294. >While he knew how to address an elder or superior in the workplace there were a few key differences to addressing blue blooded nobility and royalty.
  295. >It was honestly a bit archaic, but everypony who wasn't close to the princesses knew to use it.
  299. each batpony has a fruit tree either they or their family has grown.
  300. >A mare will present a stallion with the best fruit that her tree produces in hopes of impressing him. The fruit is proof that she's responsible and resourceful.
  301. >If he likes it, he'll try dating her. If all goes well and the mare is accepted into his herd, she'll bring a branch of her tree to be grafted to his.
  302. >A varied herd tree with no branches torn off is a sign of a large and successful family
  306. >Twilight's ascension did wonders for her body.
  307. >All the little imperfections on her melted away. The slight sag of her flanks, the asymmetrical placement of her cutie marks, the little notch in her horn's spiral, the one slightly crooked tooth, acne scars under her cheek fur you could only see up close.
  308. >All little things that add up and kept her attractiveness firmly at average at best.
  309. >But those are gone, and even the already okay parts of her are enhanced to supermodel levels. Twi could very easily stroll up to a fashion show and steal the runway in rags, even without a princess status.
  310. >Too bad the change only attracted the most convincing and deceiving gold diggers while intimidating normal stallions, leaving her still >tfw no bf
  314. Cadence has made it EXTREMELY clear that she's keeping Shining all to herself (she moved to a thousand-years-behind-the-times empire specifically to escape the social backlash of royalty keeping a 9.5/10 stallion of noble birth all to herself).
  318. >Ponies are faster than humans, by a lot, And Earth Ponies are often stronger, but they just don't compare on Endurance.
  319. >They *need* rest periods more often, and the harder they work, the more often and the longer they need to rest.
  320. >Rainbow Dash is considered "lazy" by some, but she's really not that bad, when you take in to consideration how hard she pushes herself when she *is* active.
  321. >In times of extreme need (a survival situation), they can push beyond their limits, but they will suffer for it far more than a human would, and will take longer to recover from it.
  325. >Ponyville is undergoing a bit of a social crisis.
  326. >The mane 6 are extraordinary ponies in every way. Power, beauty, wealth, and exalted spots as legendary heroes.
  327. >Because of this, nearly every free stallion in town is gunning for them, even as the 6 reject them for fear of ending up with a gold digger.
  328. >It also leaves normal mares not already in a relationship high and dry for the most part.
  329. >But neither can they ask the 6 to leave...
  333. >Over her multi-thousand year life, Celestia has never heard a heartsong that reached out to her.
  334. >Countless stallions and more than a few mares have come to her with songs they made themselves, only to fail out.
  335. >And all the relationships she tried regardless either fizzled out or ended in tragedy.
  336. >After many hundreds of years, she simply forced a smile and resigned herself to be alone. Maybe it was a sign, she thinks. That she's to serve Equestria without silly distractions like love. It's for lesser ponies.
  340. >Celestia has a terrible secret.
  341. >She feels like a fraud.
  343. >She can control the Sun and the Moon.
  344. >But she is not nearly as powerful as the world believes.
  345. >Starswirl could have outdone her in a magic duel any day of the week.
  347. >Alicorns may be ageless
  348. >They can eventually heal from nearly any wound that is not immediately fatal.
  349. >But she is not invulnerable.
  350. >She has been nearly killed many times, and in truth, it was sheer luck that has allowed her to survive all these years.
  352. >That same luck has made such attempts on her life a rare occasion.
  353. >Her political rivals around the world have come to believe that she IS unkillable.
  354. >The sheer number of villains the ponies have defeated have made them believe that she IS the most powerful magical being in the world.
  355. >That it is only her compassion and empathy that prevents her from unleashing terrible destruction
  357. >That her 'defeats' by the likes of Chrysalis were obfuscation.
  358. >A way of ensuring things went according to plan.
  359. >A plan that only one as old and wise and masterful as she could understand.
  361. >But Celestia knows the truth.
  362. >It is a lie.
  363. >A lie she has found useful to safeguard her little ponies.
  364. >But a lie all the same.
  368. >Celestia is considered by many to be a nigh invincible immortal, an incomparably powerful mage, and a chessmaster of the highest order who has guarded the safety of her little ponies with deft hooves for a thousand years.
  369. >While she is quite durable thanks to her alicorn nature, and a little more magically potent than average for the same reason, a Starswirl she is not.
  370. >She knows many spells, simply as a function of having time to have learned them, but she's not a magical genius. The finer points of mathemagical theory have always been a struggle for her to grasp.
  371. >What she is best at, she has an instinctual understanding of, like her ability to raise and lower the sun. If she wasn't such a morning person, she could do it without even getting out of bed.
  372. >Luna was actually the superior mage of the two, but during their confrontation, Celestia was the one who could wield the Elements of Harmony, and Luna could not.
  374. >And a chessmaster she is not. She can actually be a little bit ditzy.
  375. >She can be charming and persuasive when dealing with diplomats and nobles, and her good intentions take her far.
  376. >She's not very manipulative, but she can usually get a good 'feel' for whether someone is lying to her or just has a 'bad vibe' about them.
  377. >But she isn't actually all that effective at governance. She struggles with things like like the nitty gritty details of policy, and balancing the budget.
  378. >But the castle staff, the bureaucracy, are usually competent enough to compensate for any of her shortcomings.
  379. >In truth, her secretary Raven is one of the most powerful ponies in the land, at least politically.
  380. >Occasionally a scandal will erupt, because one of Celestia underlings is abusing things for their own gain, and gets caught doing it.
  382. >She is more of a figurehead than a puppeteer. And while some of the nobles think they could do a better job, collectively, they like how things are.
  383. >She's immortal, and that means stability.
  387. >gets buzzed because salt is like alcohol to them
  391. >For Equestrians, the more magically potent you are, the less fertile you are.
  392. >(Kind of a cosmic balance thing, so that there aren't thousands of superlazerhorses running around. Or Draconequii...)
  393. >Getting around this requires a heaping helping of luck, combined with perseverance.
  397. >long ago, before even the Celestial Sisters, the alicorns were an enigma
  398. >well, more of an enigma
  399. >they were often the subject of legends, claiming them to be gods, servants of gods, even devils that had killed the gods, and everything in between
  400. >one in particular rises to the fore
  401. >one where the alicorns were once servants of the gods, but betrayed them and stole their immortality and power to assume dominance over the mortal world
  405. >Your marefriend worries about her sister, though. She's a filly and still growing up, but soon the unfairness of being a mare will rear it's ugly head.
  406. >Your mare remembers how much she had to struggle to just be noticed and doesn't wish such a fate on her beloved sister.
  407. >So she comes to you, does some obvious buttering up, and asks you to bring her sister into your little family as a herdmate.
  411. >When a married mare dies, especially if she was her stallion's only partner, or if she left him some foals, it was traditional for her unmarried sister(s) (or other close relation or godmother to the foals) to either marry him (especially if he didn't have any other mares) or at least move in and help (in a herd situation).
  413. >Ponies are prone to overreactions, and so when waifu gets injured/ill, panic ensues.
  414. >It's not terminal, but that doesn't stop her sister (or other relation) from moving in immediately.
  415. "If you wanted to get your sister in on this, all you had to do was ask."
  416. >"I just wanted to make sure you're taken care of."
  417. "You're not dying. A few weeks, two months at the most, and you'll be back on your hooves."
  418. >Her poor Anon, deluding himself into thinking she's fine.
  419. >She really is fine
  423. Soarin had to work his way up the military into the Wonderbolts, while some braindead fanfilly mare is admitted because she "has talent" and is a "national hero".
  427. >Celestia weighs a solid pony-ton
  428. >hasn't been held since she was a filly
  429. >at one point she just accepted that, if there was any holding left in her life, she'd be the one doing it, as befits a marely mare
  430. >completely freezes up when Anon picks her up like its nothing
  431. >even if it wasn't RGRE, she still wouldn't have a fucking clue what to do
  432. >sunbutt suffers an integer overflow error when he starts tossing her up and catching her
  433. >rolls back to zero and just starts giggling like a foal
  434. >bystanders are simply struck stupid by the sheer oddity of what they're seeing
  435. >but not even the most jaded of them can deny that Celestia's laugh has never sounded quite so free and joyful before
  439. >mare breaks her leg and predictably starts panicking
  440. >horsepital staff have trouble keeping her in her room because she tries to escape every other hour
  441. >anon hears his friend is freaking out and goes to see wtf is going on
  442. >Nurses explain to him whats going on
  443. >he decides to stay in with his friend until she heals
  444. >good thing these ponies are so smale he can just hold on to her and just cradle here until she snaps out of her hysteria
  445. >eventually he becomes a special physical therapist to calm down ponies with the 'broken leg madness'
  447. >some even try to "automate" it by making special giant plushies, treated with all manner of spells and scents
  451. >some mares try to force their way into herds with all the subtly of a wrecking ball when drunk
  452. >its seen as rude and embarrassing as all hell for the drunk mare, but slightly more acceptable than trying to drunkenly seduce a stallion for a night, since its also seen as indicative of some kind of caring for the herd in question
  453. >pinka ponk is a particularly bad case of this since she's friends with everyone
  457. >It had been millennia since she had grazed, for fear of judgment.
  461. >And stallions who play favorites drive herds into the ground.
  465. >amazing feats of spellcrafting without a single iota of wasted energy.
  466. >No glowing horn or rippling aura as raw mana bled into the visible spectrum
  467. >Usually, when a spell was cast, the excess magic not consumed in the spell could be felt in the air.
  471. >Conjuring matter from nothing was hard.
  472. >It was so complex that, when most unicorns did it, there was always at least some form of explosion from all the wasted magic.
  476. >Sugar confectioners have one of the most important jobs in Equestria: making sure that everypony has their daily supply of sugar in whatever form they need
  477. >Only a few ponies who have an abnormal amount of self-control can properly do their job without forcing themselves into a sugar-coma from eating their own products
  478. >Bon Bon is only grumpy because she forces herself to only have the absolute minimum amount of sugar to keep going in order to maintain her self control
  482. a tongue bath, something usually reserved for unruly or spastic children.
  486. >For ponies, for whom the herd is everything, the urge to conform is strong indeed.
  490. >A pony's instinctive urge to herd for safety, by necessity, requires the members of a herd to be very accepting of new ponies
  491. >In order to most effectively bind the herd together and possess safety in numbers, the most common way this manifests is platonic familial love
  492. >That's why the mares in a stallion's herd view each other as sisters more than co-wives to their shared husband
  493. >That's why Twilight and the other members of the mane 6 became friends so quickly; their continued survival leading up to their confrontation with Nightmare Moon required a close bond so that the would trust each other with their lives
  494. >That's why the Cakes let a strange pink mare live in their home and play with their infant foals; Pinkie's another daughter to them, as far as their instincts are concerned
  498. >When getting together with a Princess, Celestia for instance, the practice is not for a royal herd where Luna and the other alicorns all join in.
  499. >Instead, it would be some of her staff offered herd positions.
  500. >Like Raven, her secretary/aide.
  501. >A favored bodyguard.
  502. >One or more of her personal hoofmaidens.
  503. >etc.
  507. >Celestia hasn't had a lover for many centuries
  508. >It's not because ponies aren't interested in her
  509. >She probably gets hundreds of suitors every year
  510. >Being a Princess does that
  511. >The problem is that she can't bring herself to date one of her little ponies
  512. >They're all like children to her, and dating one of your children is weird
  513. >The other races are all too scared of her to even consider attempting to woo her
  514. >So she's resigned herself to be alone for the rest of her (un)natural life.
  518. >Arranged marriages innaquestria
  519. >Used to be very common, but fell out of favor except for Aristocratic Unicorns in Canterlot, and particularly traditional Earth Pony Clans
  523. >Ponies can survive off grazing alone, but with their hyper intelligence compared to other herbivores requiring extra caloric intake, it is not advised.
  524. >Especially with the extra brain activity required to run an entire new system found in their magic.
  525. >The lamba system is useful, but does need a lot of energy.
  526. >For a pony to live off of uncooked grass and flowers, they have to graze from the moment they wake up to the moment they fall asleep, and even still, there's always a pang of hunger in their bellies.
  527. >Also, since high brain activity requires a large sum of glucose to maintain, ponies eating only fibrous greens will often be plagued with mild headaches and slowed thoughts.
  528. >These reasons combined is why ponies prefer diets high in sugar; it fuels their minds and magic while requiring the least amount of time actually eating.
  529. >Through the consumption of sweets, ponies are able to have free time, which in turn, allows them to pursue interests beyond mere survival.
  533. >Cadence hadn't ever really stopped to truly consider the ramifications of her husband being a mortal unicorn.
  537. an alicorn controlling the sun is better than sacrificing half a dozen unicorn's worth of magic at the very legitimate problem on a daily basis.
  541. >You get the feeling that she's going to make DAMN sure she rolls in your clean clothes before you leave the house tomorrow morning so that you have her stank all over you all day long.
  545. >The other filly is old enough to have her mark (and is therefore legal)
  549. leading to interesting herd dynamics/drama if her and her mother are both accepted by the stallion
  553. >A pony helping preen another pony's wings is seen as something very intimate and borderline l-lewd
  554. >You only do that to a pony you're either VERY good friends with or are regularly sticking your dick into
  558. you offer to stay behind after closing to help clean up the extra stains on the floor that are common this time of year
  562. >Ponies are so naturally bad at lying that it affects how they act during plays.
  563. >It takes ponies a lifetime to learn how to perform as an actor, and even then to a human they seem fake and over dramatic.
  565. >anon stopped playing the lovestruck stallion after the third time his co-actor started making plans for a wedding
  569. >With the new pegasi instincts in the mix?
  570. >She would find herself subconsciously making nests
  571. >She'd even wake up in one every now and then, not quite sure how she got in it or when she made it
  572. >They were mostly out of Anon's clothes
  573. >Another pegasi trait was the need to stay somewhere high
  574. >She'd usually end up on a bookshelf, which she passed out on a couple of times
  575. >Sometimes she would even coo only to remember that isn't appropriate for a grown mare
  577. >The earth pony traits were a little more finicky though
  578. >It wasn't exactly complex, it was just a very powerful sense of family
  579. >Anon would have to hold her back from mares she thought looked at him funny or other such things
  583. >Pegasi are big on tradition
  584. >That's why they build nests out of blankets and pillows - not birb instinct
  585. >Pegasi are big on giving each other plenty of room on the ground and in the air - this comes from how if you cuddle while you're trying to fly, you fall to your death
  586. >So, pegasi will cuddle much less frequently than other races, and it is very significant when one pegasus cuddles another
  587. >In fact, pegasi have a certain amount of disdain for "ground-walkers" because neither earth ponies nor unicorns put that much significance on cuddling and do it much more frequently than pegasi, who see it akin to having a really sloppy make-out session in the middle of the street
  591. >Now, Octavia isn't 100% the most stable pony in the world
  592. >A professional lifetime of being discriminated against by unicorns in Canterlot has cut her career by the hamstrings, which leads to stress
  593. >Her living in a house with a wildly successful unicorn who plays (in her eyes) inferior music just enrages her and makes her painfully aware of how unfair life is
  597. >Because of the amount of time not talking, the Kirin have no 'mental filter' and just spew the first thing to cross their mind
  598. >ywn a kirin who happily babbles about how much she missed you, how you're doing, how badly she wants to shove her face into your crotch and motorboat your balls, wonders if you want to get some lunch because she was just on the way to get something to eat
  599. "What?"
  600. >"What, you don't like sandwiches? You should cum in my sandwich. Why are they called sandwiches? There's no sand in'em! I sure do like cake. Oh, here's the place I was going to eat at, c'mon Anon!"
  604. >Among ponies, not just pegasi have preening instincts
  605. >You will find that pairs of ponies will meet and, after nervously making sure they're alone, will help groom each other
  606. >This involves tongue baths for non-pegasi, and assisted preening if one of the pair has wings
  607. >This is considered a very intimate act and something that is very private, and it's a social faux-pas to walk in on a preening/grooming session or to mention it in front of polite company
  611. >Sometimes buggy instincts kick in extra-hard in Chrysalis
  612. >She wakes up in the dead of night with her brain screaming at her to find a proper location to build a hive
  613. >She tries to fight it off, but it's intense and deep-rooted
  614. >Similar to how a pony becomes frightened for their life if they break a leg (even if they're safe in a hospital bed), Chrysalis has trouble thinking rationally and cannot shove these urges away
  617. >DIG DEEP
  619. >LAY EGGS
  623. >Foals are like cats in that if you put pressure on the skin flap on their back (by, say, picking them up by the scruff of their necks) they go still and do not struggle
  624. >This makes it simple for ponies - especially Earth ponies - to manage their young and move them to a safe location
  628. >Unicorn horns do not grow back.
  629. >Despite all the wonder and magic in Equestria, this is a singular, sad truth.
  630. >Once a unicorn breaks their horn, they are magically maimed for life.
  631. >Except for two medical procedures.
  632. >If the broken piece is kept and is in good condition, it can be reattached.
  633. >If the piece is lost, however, it is still possible for a horn transplant to take place.
  634. >The only problem with the latter of course is that there are no unicorns willing to give up their horns while alive, and because of the near-religious meaning they have to the tribe, very few are willing to donate their horns after death.
  635. >Hearts and kidneys, sure, but not the horn.
  636. >That gets buried with the pony.
  637. >The reason horns are so unique is that they are made of a very special kind of bone.
  638. >A bone unlike any other in the equine body.
  639. >One that can channel, contain, and even shape magic within itself.
  640. >A material with these properties has yet to be found in nature, and so no proper prosthetics capable of granting a unicorn their spells back exists.
  644. > A true alicorn pregnancy took years, not months
  645. >The mare's appetite and mood swings were also much stranger and more extreme
  649. >Earth ponies have particularly wide hips and large teats
  650. >If an earth pony mare isn't careful, she'll get a bit fat in those areas
  654. >Maybe pegasi clean their hooves more than the other races as a cultural thing, since they can fly everywhere and use their hooves more for manipulation of tools and clouds and such.
  656. >Pegasi have the most clean hooves
  657. >There's even cultural bullshit about what are appropriate and inappropriate uses for hooves in pegasus culture
  658. >As a result, pegasus mares have particularly tender frogs on the bottom of their smooth and clean hooves compared to unicorns and ESPECIALLY earth ponies
  662. >The Mane 6 *would* be attractive prospects for stallions, except ponies are skittish as it is (and in RGRE, stallions are even more danger averse than mares).
  663. >Even Twiggles being a Princess isn't quite enough to outweigh the knowledge that some horrible monster or villain is going to be showing up to cause mayhem on a regular basis.
  664. >And their stallion (and eventual foals) would make a prime target for abduction, revenge by proxy, and fates too terrible to contemplate.
  668. > Now that she has her cutie mark, she can finally start dating
  672. > You open it to find Sweetie Belle, with some sort of vest that makes her tuft seem bigger
  676. just like that week in Spring where she sends me to live with Auntie Orange
  680. >Platonic gestures of physical affection are actually really intimate to ponies
  681. >Ponies are a prey species, and as such they are constantly on-guard for danger - at least, on some level.
  682. >That's where the herding behavior comes from - strength in numbers, for one thing
  683. >That's why it takes so little time for a mare or stallion to come (hue) to a climax when they have sex - they don't have the benefit of being able to take their time to reproduce
  684. >Any gesture that their lizard brain interprets as leaving them open to attack from predators is incredibly significant to them
  685. >Cuddling
  686. >Preening
  687. >Grooming
  688. >ESPECIALLY belly rubs - because that's exposing one's soft underbelly to predators in a gesture of trust - a mare exposing her belly for rubs is saying "I love and trust you enough to expose my weakest point for a significant amount of time, and I will also let you touch it"
  692. "Tuft Shampoo and Conditioner," he reads. "Guaranteed 20% volume and softness to your tuft, with added scents to drive stallions wild."
  696. >And, if Twilight is being honest with herself, she was raised in the most uptight and prudish unicorn city in Equestria
  697. >That place has an unofficial prohibition going on - it's legal to drink, just like anywhere else, but becoming inebriated comes with a harsh social stigma
  698. >Alcohol and magic don't mix very well (ethyl alcohol is often mixed into ink when unicorns draw anti-magic runes for magic-containment purposes), and the chances of a powerful unicorn fucking up super hard after drinking because she can't control her magic aren't worth the risk
  699. >This is why Celestia is infamous for her love of tea, and why Canterlot is the tea import capital of Equestria
  703. >Each alicorn princess, by ways of alicorn ascension, become obsessed with their element
  704. >They want to see it, and they want others to enjoy it
  705. >Cadence no longer understands privacy and feels an intense urge to observe, document, and encourage all forms of love, and she becomes upset if you resist getting together with the pony who IS CLEARLY your soulmate
  706. >Celestia's mornings are especially obnoxious, and there does not exist a single set of light-blocking curtains that can prevent her sun from making your bedroom juuuuust light enough that you can't fall back asleep if you wake up too early
  707. >Luna is in love with her night sky and is enraged when ponies don't appreciate it like she does, and this lack of appreciation lead to the Nightmare Moon incident
  708. >Twilight went from some chubby nerd who needed God herself to tell her to make friends to a creature who is so preoccupied with friendship that she built a school so that she could teach grown-ass adults how not to be dicks to each other
  712. The key to becoming an alicorn is to reach the pinnacle of your cutie mark’s field. TS creating new magic, Celly actually moving the freaking sun on her own etc.
  713. Yes, that means you could theoretically become an alicorn by creating the perfect manecut or performing a perfect instance of sewer maintenance, cutie mark permitting.
  717. the Night court
  718. >Not many ponies seek her counsel at such a late hour, her court mostly used for symbolic presentations of the arts, simple sanctuary for ponies who desire comfort, or those who seek a second ruling on her sisters judgment.
  722. >the insidiousness of the goo is the effect that it has on the mind
  723. >it really does feel like you experience years while inside the hallucinations
  724. >to the point that when ponies come out of it, they may act entirely different from when they went in
  725. >their memory of reality is blurred while the memory of their illusory perfect world is sharp and clear.
  726. >those who lived less than stellar lives may even find themselves preferring the goo to reality and deliberately attempt to get themselves captured by changelings again
  727. >such poor souls are often found drained to the point of death
  728. >thankfully it wasn't that bad for Twilight, but she lived out the entirety of canon from the end of Season 2 onwards to the shitty Season 9 epilogue
  729. >reality doesn't feel real to her anymore
  730. >it feels odd to not have wings anymore after having them for so long
  731. >at least she still has her friends, even though it feels weird to see them all so young again
  733. >The goo isn't perfect and the lings are aware of this
  734. >Ponies will act differently than their real counterparts and if the victim starts to notice they'll start questioning things and this could lead to the illusion breaking
  735. >This is part of the reason why any memories of a loved one will be immediately purged
  736. >If a lover suddenly starts doing odd things the victim will question it more
  737. >It also gives the added bonus of giving the lings undivided love to harvest whereas some of it could have gone to the illusion of the victims loved one
  738. >Cadence, being the princess of love, knows Shining is for her and never questioned it after escaping the pod
  740. >This is how changelings shitpost
  741. >They pick a random pony and make up shit about them
  742. >Sometimes it's simple stuff like a mare being grumpy, but sometimes they turn a mare into a being stronger than a princess
  743. >And it's all uploaded to the goo-net
  747. >Be a lonely mare.
  748. >You try getting into a herd as a beta mare and rarely try to date solo. Nothing really lasts.
  749. >Getting tired of it. Almost ready to be a full lesbo.
  753. > Moondancer has mare-pattern baldness
  754. > It's partly due to stress making her overgroom herself, but she also has bad genes
  755. > So she hides her chest and belly with a sweater, so that nopony has to see her bare skin
  759. >A normal pony would be flipping their shit if they were sitting like this with their legs off the ground, since it's so close to them being on their backs.
  760. >And ponies HATE being on their backs.
  764. >And as long as he gave a list of names of all the vendors he went through to get the poison, he wouldn't face charges for purchasing and possessing potatoes without a permit.
  768. She had a cutie mark, but hadn't hit her first estrus yet. Both are required to be a legal adult.
  772. >Batponies are usually of smaller stature than normal ponies
  773. >Leathery bat wings don't allow for feathers to grow, meaning that they have weaker flight magic
  774. >The flight magic manifests in the claws at the tips of their wings (which, incidentally, gives them the ability to scratch fiercely if they're cornered), but they still do not hold as much as a wingful of feathers
  775. >Thus, batponies compensate by generally being smaller and lighter than a pegasus of the same flight capability
  776. >Sometimes you see normal-sized batponies, but they have either a wingspan probably around twice the size of a pegasus, or unnaturally large (and deadly) claws.
  777. >So you have an adult batpony mare who already feels somewhat inadequate due to her smaller statue (she'll be around the size of a teenaged mare)
  781. the poor scaleless younglings. They usually die very early.
  785. >Pegasi with owl coded wings fly silently.
  786. >Albatross wings fly long distances.
  787. >Falcon wings code for maximum speed, with certain variants capable of breaking the sound barrier.
  788. >Other wing types vary characteristics.
  789. >Some are better for the flicking up and up flight of smaller birbs, where others are for rapid nimble beats.
  790. >Scootaloo's wings are hummingbird coded and like most other hummingbird pegas she has a difficult time getting off the ground before her flight muscles fully develop.
  791. >Once she matures however she will be one of the most maneuverable kinds of Pegasus.
  793. >Griffins have similar variations, but their facial features vary as well. Owl griffins, hawk, falcon, etc all look different with assorted colors and patterns.
  794. >Owl griffins fly silently and speak softly, and mostly live in the country and shun the loud cities.
  795. >Vulture griffins tend to be regarded as ugly, but they're very thrifty and hold large amounts of wealth.
  796. >Corvid griffins with Raven and Crow's heads are seen as noble and attractive, but harboring secrets. They are cunning.
  800. gross, greasy places like her leg-pits, under her tail, and the depths of her tuft.
  804. might tip the scales and disrupt the monopoly on power Equestria has, something Celestia cannot allow.
  808. >The Sun Princess mentally thanks Luna for whipping the Night Guard back into the covert elite they were in the pre-banishment era.
  812. >Celestia had been urging her to make her own royal guard, but Twilight had set the task aside.
  816. >Modern Equestria is a bountiful and peaceful land lacking the struggles of less developed, less advanced societies thanks to the hard work and dedication of Princess Celestia.
  817. >This, however, means things that the values of modern ponies have been distorted from what once considered essential for survival.
  818. >Once a struggling people due to the harsh realities of the world, ponies don't need to rely anymore on the harsh-learned lessons and the friendship of one another to survive or even thrive. Their once essential virtues have been watered down or replaced with the frivolity of modern life values.
  820. >Unneeded anymore is the Magic of Friendship that helped ponies survive the Windigos on those cold nights of eternal winter.
  821. >The new bountiful world has made mares compete against each other for stallions rather than work together to succeed in all endeavors, which in turn has coddled stallions.
  822. >The modern world has brought enlightenment and equality between mares and stallions but has also made both confused about their position in society.
  823. >Unnecessary is the need for mares and stallions to bond with their fillies and colts thanks to the new, efficient teaching institutions that make ponies into very learned, productive members of society, but weakened familial love.
  824. >Unnecessary is for mares (and stallions) to express their feelings and be whole-hearted with each other.
  826. >This is most apparent on how the grand majority of modern ponies are helpless against threats external to their modern life and must rely on paragons of Friendship and Love to carry the whole burden of the world on their hooves, particularly threats that test the Magic of Friendship.
  827. >All of this is exacerbated in Canterlot, the capital of the country and directly ruled by Princess Celestia, which in her well-intentioned attempt to remove the threats and problems of the cruel age from before the twin sisters ruled has made an entirely new different problem.
  829. >How her "little ponies" have become better in some ways and happier, but also weaker and more frivolous: less capable of understanding the true value and strength that the Magic of Friendship has to offer.
  831. >She realizes this almost too late, on the eve of the 1,000 year anniversary of the banishment of her sister Luna and her prophesied return as Nightmare Moon when her personal student sends her a letter on the matter.
  832. >Unsure if the Elements might respond to her after a thousand years and her own involvement in the weakening in the bonds of Friendship, she concocts a plan.
  833. >She sends her student Twilight Sparkle, the only pony she believes might be capable of harnessing the elements and creating the essential bonds of Friendship to do so on time to stop her sister, away on a "Friendship Mission".
  834. >She knows she would be incapable of forming a real bond in Canterlot quick enough to harness the Elements of Harmony, so she sends her to a village next to the Everfree Forest where the Magic of Friendship has not entirely lost its luster thanks to its relative backwoods location so that she may be able to make the necessary bonds to wield the elements.
  838. a glowing egg containing a changeling nymph.
  839. >All candles had to be removed until the mothfoal learns that fire is bad.
  843. >Sugar is used by our cells for energy, utilizing insulin to do so.
  844. >Earth pony magic is tied to the earth but more importantly, plants.
  845. >Sugar in plants is produced during photosynthisis.
  846. >Most efficient production of sugar requires mana rich enviroment + Earth pony tending.
  847. >Ergo, equestrian sugar is literally just 'neutral' magic / mana in the form of powder.
  848. >The nature of mana means their cells can directly absorb and process it without the need for a biological go-between.
  849. And that’s why Diabetes isn’t a thing in Equestria, their sugar and Earth sugar are different, because magic.
  850. They'd have a similar but much easier to deal with problem of magic overload, which would likely be a sugar rush on steroids or Pinkie's average Tuesday.
  852. >What does athaumatism entail, besides creating a pathway to and eventually exacerbating potentially lethal hypoglycemia?
  853. A decrease in mental faculties that leads to an outright loss of sapience. The loss is relatively steady until it reaches a certain point, at which critical loss occurs and magic just cannot be sustained by the pony body. Magic was instrumental in the initial evolution of ponies from sentient herd animals to sapient beings with complex social structures and abstract thinking. The loss of this, even in fully evolved ponies, causes ponies to temporarily revert to their less evolved state.
  857. Ponies need sugar to function.
  858. >Specifically, they need the accumulated mana of plants, the sugary parts being usually more rich in magic.
  859. >While a mana deficiency isn't deadly, symptoms include lethargy, forgetfulness, and, in younger ponies, permanent brain damage.
  860. >Unfortunately, fruits lose mana even quicker than they spoil. Fresh is best.
  861. >The expertise of Equestrian agromancers allows harvests most of the year.
  862. >Fresh strawberries, full to the brim with young energy within a month after winter wrap-up - that's nothing to scoff at!
  863. >Still, they can't grow in the snow.
  864. >Greenhouses require expensive magic-neutral glass, and the winter sun doesn't make for mana-rich crops.
  865. >Most methods of preservation release the magic immediately. Heat treatments or drying don't work.
  866. >Peach jam will allow you to taste the fruit off-season, but it will not nourish the soul.
  867. >For most crops, the only way to delay the mana decay is a very delicate harvest.
  868. >Any magic, any touch by a living being, even the material of the container can disturb the fragile aura of a fruit;
  869. >Late apple harvest are almost exclusively collected through bucking and sealed in apple wood barrels.
  870. >But by winter's end, as the reserves run low, there is always worry. It's unthinkable now, but the older folks may still remember shortages and rationing.
  872. >Thankfully, there is one crop that can be reliably and effectively preserved with most of its mana intact.
  873. >A particular cultivar of sugar cane has a very robust aura. Its juice, evaporated in the midsummer sun, retains magic even after years!
  874. >The cultivar is delicate, the process is labor-intensive, but the strategic value of this particular sort of sugar can't be overstated.
  876. >So, when you call Rarity " 'Rara" and she tells you to "stahp it, darling", she isn't mad at you for butchering her name.
  877. >She thinks that it's short for "Demerara" - that you are calling her the Essence of Life, the Giving Plant, the Last Guardian.
  881. >Rainbow has been a good wingmare, guiding Anon through preening Flutter's wings, helping him find all the best shinies and colors for nests
  885. >With focus, a Crystal Pony can control the opacity and make-up of their bodies independently.
  886. >It makes them masters of thriving and raising foals in harsh conditions.
  887. >A expecting mare can lower the opacity of her body so the careful eye of the father can inspect the foal within her. From there, they can instantly detect any maladies or defects and correct them before it's too late. Injured Crystal Ponies can do the same thing so medical aid can be faster and more sure when treating internal injuries.
  888. >Crystal Ponies can also harden their bodies into a near indestructible crystal when in peril. Aided by magic, the crystalline structure of their bodies can shift in impossible ways, allowing them to still move. Pregnant mares and parents defending young foals can curl up around the foals and harden to defend them.
  889. >In an adaption shared only by dragons, Crystal Ponies can consume gems, ores, metals, and minerals for sustenance alongside normal food. A bite from a Crystal Pony's diamond-like teeth has unearthly force.
  893. >Crystal flesh expends energy because it acts as an active representation of a crystal pony's emotional state
  894. >This is because they are concerned more with sharing love and empathy
  895. >The nature of their flesh, being crystal, is angular, has plenty of flat surfaces, and conducts energy/magic very well; ideal for catching and reflecting light
  896. >Changeling flesh is black and dull in order to conserve as much love energy as possible, not wasting an ounce uselessly mirroring a changeling's emotional state
  897. >A race that steals energy and hides it away has no need to waste any, and they don't benefit from letting anyone else know how they feel
  898. >Likewise, their skin is thick and rubbery, and very little energy/magic escapes from it; good for changing shape and stretching to different proportions, and for helping them hide in dark places
  902. >"Y-you know, it's funny, but I actually do have a doctorate in magical study, so Dr. Sparkle is technically correct, haha..."
  906. >Shining hears about his sudden interest in magical crafting and gets some book recommendations from the Royal guard's quartermaster.
  907. >A new book is always a good icebreaker from his experience.
  908. >First page contains a very simple enchantment called 'Impact nullification' with heavily outlined and underlined blurb beneath it saying "LEARN THIS FIRST, APPLY TO EVERYTHING IN WORK AREA INCLUDING YOURSELF."
  909. >Cancels out sudden impacts by applying an equal and opposing force instantaneously, unsuited for combat situations due to recharge requirements and subsequent exponential mana costs involved, perfect for experimentation purposes.
  910. >As a safety measure the next page wont turn until you successfully cast it on the book itself.
  911. >The next enchantment is the sticking spell they used on the pages
  915. >Ponies still retain a lot of instinct from their earlier days, one of which is tongue bathing.
  916. >A holdover from older days, a tongue bath was often used as bonding time between close friends, mates, and parents to children. Pony saliva is naturally clean and antibiotic thanks to a constant positive magic charge, so it made an excellent substitute for bathing in water and was a go-to for disinfecting wounds.
  917. >Some traditional families and isolated communities like the Kirin still practice it, but it's fallen out of style in the modern era.
  918. >But the instinct to present the tongue in an unspoken offer of a grooming session is still present in ponies. A pony will often involuntarily stick their tongue out just slightly before a lover or someone they're infatuated with.
  922. >Aloe and Lotus, at least, are the middlingly rare herd-twins, foals that were born on the same day in a herd, but to different mares
  926. >The Kirin have a harsher gender skew than ponies, so herds are on the larger side with fierce competition between mares. The pecking order can change at anytime if a challenging mare of lower rank beats the alpha in a fight, usually a scuffle with teeth around the neck or unconsciousness as the losing condition.
  927. >A stallion can lead his herd from more than the sidelines if he can beat his alpha mare. If he can pin and mount her, then it's proof he's her equal or even her superior if it's one-sided enough. If she pins him and rides him, then his status remains unchanged.
  928. >Nirik transformations or magic use are an automatic loss for the offender, as it says to everyone watching that they're taking it too personally.
  929. >When not used to solve disputes, play fighting is common for both adults and foals. Play fighting with a sexual element is a favorite pastime of herds.
  933. >She wants a herd
  934. >She wants to come home at night after work knowing that she'll be met with multiple smiling faces, all glad that she's back with them.
  935. >She wants to be embraced by wings and hooves and a certain hoo-man's arms, content in the knowledge that each and every one of them loves her - just like she loves them
  936. >She wants to help raise her herd-sister's foals while they're away or busy, just like they'll help look after her own when she's off at work or having an evening out.
  937. >She wants a big family where everypony is simply called "mama" by their foals
  941. >One reason that parties last a long time in Equestria, is because, surprise, ponies are generally grass-eaters.
  942. >Prey, that is.
  943. >So, while they CAN eat lots of food in one sitting, it is generally considered much better, and more pleasant, to graze on the food over time.
  946. >You had your snout resting on the table-- Anon couldn't yell at you for doing that since he was asleep-- staring at the food
  950. >You crawl into his lap and start to rub your scent glands all over him so that nopony will try and snatch him up.
  954. Earthponies:
  955. >Plant a tree over their body so that the ambient magic ponies release upon death can make a tree grow.
  956. >If you see a group of similar trees out of place, it's likely an old Earthpony graveyard.
  957. >Swampfever is actually an old spell turned pandemic from a time when a unicorn sought to make money post unification. Something something a spell to make Earthponies sprout a tree upon death without the work.
  959. Unicorns:
  960. >Build laberynthian catacombs in the mountains for their dead so that no one may disturb the remains.
  961. >The more prestige the family has the deeper and more trap heavy their tombs are, or they might have a private family owned one.
  962. >This started because to a unicorn, the horn the most important thing to them because it never decomposes and the graves themselves were targets because of the magical and alchemical properties of a unicorn horn.
  963. >Most horns seen in black market trade are from forgotten ancient robbed catacombs, and not because they killed 50 unicorns to get them
  965. Pegasi:
  966. >A heavy storm is made over the area by the family of the deceased.
  967. >Each direct family member (children, parents, siblings) takes a single feather before placing the body in a thunderhead, channeling their sorrow and pushing it into the storm.
  968. >Depending on the legitimate sorrow the cloud will become blacker and blacker until the lightning storm destroys the remains.
  969. >The practice has been restricted to cloud cities over plains or oceans because of the funeral of Commander Hurricane. Where her stallion was so grieved by her loss it led to a massive week long storm that destroyed much of the former Whitetail Forest.
  970. >"I hope your last day is sunny." Is a high insult in pegasus culture due to the inference that either the pony is unloved and alone or their flock is so weak that they could not gather enough storm clouds.
  974. Unicorns:
  975. >The tyrant king Sombra's enslaving of his subjects was in order to dig the deepest most impassible labyrinth for his beloved Queen Amore.
  976. >This was the end of Empire noble families viewing being monogomous as a status symbol, due to leaving a stallion alone after the death of his mare causing the charismatic king to go mad with grief.
  978. Earth Ponies:
  979. >The Everfree forest are an ancient earth pony burial site from after Luna's banishment.
  980. >Until Celestia was powerful enough to master her duties over both the sun and moon there was a catastrophic famine brought on by the erratic climate causing unnatural heat and cold during planting season
  981. >This is why to this day it is illegal to attempt to cut down the Everfree forest.
  982. >The timber wolves were once loyal timber hounds that were created to guard the grave yard from those who would defile it by the last mare of the large clan.
  983. >They've gone feral by years of neglect, and see anypony who enters the forest as a defiler.
  987. when a male pony smells mares in heat, his testosterone will increase slightly in preparation
  989. how estrogen levels skyrocket in mares as they enter heat
  993. >Since this is an official Meeting of the Princesses, it all comes down to the end vote.
  994. >Each Princess has 25% voting power, but that's more of a symbol.
  995. >The goal is for a unanimous decision, and counting percentage only happens when it is positively necessary.
  999. “And we need to get you a proper pegasus pack. Regular ones really mess with the wings.”
  1003. >”Twilight, catch!”
  1004. >Two baked goods cut through the air veering towards you.
  1005. >Your horn bursts to life, and an orb of anti-gravity pulses out.
  1006. >The initial cost saps a chunk of your supply. The large field steadily draining more for each second held.
  1007. >Only the targeted sweets are affected; their trajectory rapidly shrinking as they lose speed.
  1008. >The anti-gravity field collapses, and your signature purple encircles the both of them.
  1009. >The spell now far more manageable, the goodies float harmlessly at your command with little expense.
  1010. >It happens faster than anyone could realize. Those unfamiliar with the technique believing you only grabbed the two projectiles out of the air.
  1014. >Moving things with your nose is not a common practice when magic and hoof is an option, but it is used when wanting to display compassion. Hopefully your meek gesture can overcome your differences.
  1018. >The horn's calloused exterior is merely a slight barrier to the tenderness inside, and even the faint energy of magic is currently causing discomfort. You want to turn away from the touch to avoid the coming sting.
  1022. >“No. Regardless of my domain, many from the other nations found the prospect of an alicorn seeing their dreams unnerving and so we agreed to only visit the dreams of ponies unless specifically asked. It is a treaty we shall continue to honor even if all of those who remember it are gone.”
  1026. The other nations fear magic's control of the sun and moon, and I made an agreement long ago that the days and nights will stay normal in order to appease them. They also made their own pact with each other, and if the sun failed to rise everyone would bring their armies to 'fix' the issue.”
  1030. >prehistoric ponies looked up to (literally) the tallest members of the herd as they'd be the first to spot and react to danger.
  1031. >end result in modern times is that ponies tend to give more respect to tall members of their friends and family.
  1035. >Though you never asked her to refrain from it, since her return Luna has subtly expressed compunctions against dreamwalking you.
  1036. >In the past your mind had served as a place of reflection for you both; a quiet meadow where you and your kin could speak in seclusion and elaborate on ideas or desires by vividly painting the extent of them into your dreamscapes.
  1037. >You remember with much regret that one of the final interactions you shared before her fall, and perhaps the official lynchpin of your divide, had entailed you barring her entrance to this place by force.
  1038. >Even if you were sure that the eyes clawing savagely at the walls of your mind that night did so with grizzly intent, you often wondered what might have been if you allowed her access, let her explore your most abstract and personal thoughts.
  1039. >You wondered how different things might really be if she'd witnessed how deeply your drifting apart was wounding you firsthoof…
  1043. >An evolutionary holdover, a pony who might be worried or otherwise has something on their mind might do a spin before seating themselves.
  1044. >In the days of old, it never hurt to take a glance around to confirm the coast is clear before taking a position that doesn't let one immediately sprint.
  1048. Luna's talent is dreamwalking, not 'the moon'.
  1050. The moon is actually relatively easy to move, compared to the sun. That's why Celly could manage both for so long.
  1052. What if 'eternal night' wasn't even NMM's goal? It was just a lie she made up because she knew she wouldn't be able to control the sun after she took power, and she didn't want to look weak. The real reason was some legitimate political or moral disagreement between the sisters.
  1056. How can furniture stay up in cloud houses, anyway? Is it all custom-made?
  1057. Would have to be careful not to drop anything then, unless the floor was also a solid, cloudwalk-enchanted material.
  1061. "So the 'Doe' in ‘John Doe’ is like ‘the House of Winterspring’? Like a noble lineage, but you say all humans have them?"
  1065. Don't you know that Royal Guards have their Marks spell bleached out while in service to help make for a uniform army. It takes a while to come back, and given he's still in the White and Blue, his mane and coat haven't returned yet either meaning he's probably a week or two out at most.
  1069. The royal guard helmets carry a color shifting enchantment to turn fur white, mane and tail blue, and hide the butt mark. This serves as a uniform of sorts.
  1071. What about Shining? Did he naturally match the guard colors by chance, or is the color scheme actually based on who's in charge at the time (to show that they wield his authority)?
  1073. Each individual helmet has a clearly visible ID code on it for accountability reasons?
  1074. ‘Iron-12-26’
  1078. Losing a leg is one of the worst things that can happen to a pony. Not just because of the disability itself, but because of the strong instincts it awakens in everyone else.
  1079. Deep in the ancient horsebrain region, a crippled pony is considered dead weight to be abandoned.
  1080. Casual acquaintances cut ties almost immediately, but even close friendships deteriorate to nothing over the course of months, rarely years. Modern sensibilities mitigate ancient urges, and the community makes sure the cripple in question is still housed and fed, but that's about it. They invest no emotional energy or further resources in the maimed, and even obtaining proper medical care can be difficult (although the doctors would never admit their bias, even to themselves).
  1081. There is no mockery or cruelty, just pity at best or soul-crushing indifference at worst.
  1083. Such ponies sometimes try to get together with others in their condition to form support groups. A sort of faux-herd. This is rare, and rarely successful. Though far more sympathetic (not to mention desperate) because of their shared affliction, crippled ponies are still subject to all the same instincts.
  1084. Being surrounded by ponies your instincts are screaming at you are worthless, and knowing that that’s where you belong, is even worse than being alone.
  1086. This explains the panic ponies feel when they have broken limbs or are otherwise temporarily indisposed. Even if they know for a fact that they'll recover, they can see something in their friends eyes already. Something terrifying.
  1088. If you asked a pony what she'd do if her best friend lost a limb, she would no doubt tell you that their friendship was special, strong enough to weather anything.
  1090. What happens if limb loss occurs to a pony who is part of a herd? How do her herdmates react?
  1091. If she’s kicked out, what about her foals?
  1092. What if it's the stallion?
  1094. Does the specific limb lost matter? Could a unicorn with a missing leg still find a place among unicorns? Or perhaps a unicorn with a lost horn might not be completely shunned by earth ponies?
  1095. That would make the premise less angsty, so no. Keep the focus on legs.
  1099. Some stallions grow an excess of fur around their muzzle. This is especially common in elderly ones.
  1100. The ones so afflicted usually either trim it to be unnoticeable, or style it and dye it a different color from their fur.
  1104. Rarity has a counterclockwise horn spiral.
  1105. She tries not to let it bother her.
  1109. Changelings are genderless, except for the queens. A new changeling queen can only be born from the true, honest love between a queen and a male (of any sapient species).
  1111. Or maybe true love is what triggers the transformation from drone to queen.
  1113. Can queens spawn new ‘lings without a partner?
  1117. >Due to the size and shape of the muzzle, ponies developed smell and taste with different success than other mammals.
  1118. >Smaller nasal cavity forced a high density of nerves to compensate, eventually turning into a supreme sense of smell
  1119. >Taste, however, has been much less necessary, and is quite dull compared to other creatures.
  1120. >This is why their diet is drowning in sugar, and condiments are dumped over meals with impunity,
  1121. >Like half a bottle of hot sauce to go on a cupcake.
  1123. If we're talking real horsies, it's actually the opposite of that. Even as omnivores which leaves us at the halfway mark, most herbivores have twice as much taste receptors as we do. Pones would think Anon was part dragon if he put more than a pinch of pepper in his food, god forbid he loads it with chili peppers. Anon would be forced to have to make two separate dishes to be able to taste anything.
  1125. That hot sauce could have been fucking nothing, maybe apple cider vinegar, salt. sugar and a little bit of spice. And horses would be able to taste much more than just the sugar in what they're eating which is why it applies so well there.
  1126. Horses and other herbivores are able to taste individual toxins in every plant they eat as well as more things we can't even fathom being tastebudlets that can only taste 5 different flavors. The only toxin we're able to pick up at all is if something is spicy or not and we're one of two animals that actively seek out capsaicin and happily eat it. Their cakes and things would have a plethora of contrasting flavors for them where as to a human it might as well be a block of sugar with different textures. Great for them but unappealing to us unless we were 5 years old.
  1127. Herbivores are also especially sensitive to salt because it's harder to come by for them and they need to be able to detect it in other things since meat is off the table. They wouldn't find too much salt outright disgusting, she might even enjoy a salt and mineral block by itself for health reasons, but it will easily overpower the other flavors in the dish and throw any kind of balance in flavor you wanted out of wack. Your mare might outright add way more sugar to a dish you make to mask some of the saltiness.
  1131. The child of a mare will call its mother "mom" and the other herdmares "aunt".
  1133. What about their mom's blood siblings?
  1137. >all dreams actually exist in the same dream, if that makes sense
  1138. >if you were dreaming and you walked far enough, you’d eventually stumble across someone else’s dream
  1140. >of course, Luna uses her magic to ensure that each dreamer remains separated
  1144. >the dream world is actually a tangible place, and Luna’s ability to “dream walk” is just the ability to reach the dream world without actually having to dream
  1145. >while everyone else is dreaming and operating under dream rules, Luna operates by normal everyday waking rules, providing her an advantage when dealing with night terrors
  1147. Ponies can’t into lucid dreaming, at least not without Luna’s help?
  1151. >do horns vibrate when they cast magic?
  1152. >Yes
  1153. >It's also why they sound like ringing bells.
  1154. >They sound like bells because there are semi-loose bits throughout the horn, probably about the size of a grain of sand.
  1155. >When these bits move against the inner surface of the horn it generates or gathers magic almost like static.
  1156. >This magic then follows the spiral of the horn, condensing as it flows upwards until it reaches the tip and dissipates back into the atmosphere as waste, usually perceived as one of many colours depending on the individual.
  1157. >A unicorn with theoretically perfect control and efficiency could potentially teleport from one location to another with zero light
  1161. Rainbow Dash is an absolute garbage flight teacher.
  1162. See, the thing is, Dash has never actually needed to "learn" how to fly, because she's always been brimming with natural talent. Basically, flying has always been second nature to her.
  1163. So when Scootaloo comes along, and is on the opposite end of that talent spectrum, Dash doesn't actually know how to teach her because what she did to fly isn't working for the filly. She tells Scootaloo to try as hard as she can and flap like crazy because that's what she did to take off as a filly, and it worked fine.
  1167. Alright lads, I have autistic worldbuilding questions for you. That being how do you think marriages work, specifically proposing? The obvious answer is Pegasi give their coltfriend one of their primary feathers. But what about the other tribes? Imagine if you will, an earth pony...
  1168. >When an Earth mare wishes to wed a stallion, she seeks out the matriarch of her family.
  1169. >That matriarch gives the mare a small stone, one that's been passed down through the family for generations.
  1170. >This is no ordinary stone however!
  1171. >For, in a ritual fitting with the stalwart and study earth ponies, the mare must plant it.
  1172. >Over the next few months she nurtures it with her magic, feeding it a little, day by day.
  1173. >Until eventually a plant grows from it.
  1174. >This plant then eventually blooms into a one of a kind rockflower. Wholly unique due to the magic she gave to it.
  1175. >When presented to the stallion, he customarily places it in his hair and wears it as a sign of their bond.
  1176. >Furthermore, when the couple have grown old, and their love has matured like a fine wine, their flower will produce seeds (or to the common pony, stones) that they can pass down to their foals or grand foals.
  1177. >As a side note, due to the time it takes to grow this flower, earth ponies have a reputation for taking engagements "a little slow".
  1181. >In glitz and glamour befitting their heritage, unicorns use jewelry.
  1182. >Specifically rings.
  1183. >Horn rings, earrings, hoof rings, dong rings
  1184. >If he's got a ring, you'd better bet she's got a horn.
  1185. >But no mare worth her weight in salt would giver her stallion any old ring, oh no.
  1186. >The ring a unicorn mare gives her stallion is chosen by many important factors.
  1187. >Style and metal are often determined ancestrally, with plans passed down through the ages.
  1188. >Some noble families even claim that theirs have origins as far back as the unification! (Although many historians often dismiss this.) With fittingly decedent designs rendered in only the finest metals.
  1189. >Commoners meanwhile, often err on the side of simpler, with the real meaning being found within the ring.
  1190. >You see, while nobles rely on outward shows of pomp, commoners rely on a more simple (and arguably more effective) way: magic.
  1191. >When a couple's ring is forged, the forger often takes a bit of magic from both ponies and imbues it in the ring.
  1192. >This is often accomplished with runes, or enchanting the ring as it is cast.
  1193. >Since this is obviously a couples activity, many unicorns use the ring forging event as the proposal itself. Leading their unsuspecting stallion to the metal worker and having the ring forged on the spot (presuming the stallion says yes).
  1194. >Commoners are by extension are also far more likely to deviate from the ancestral designs, as the average modern unicorn puts much more emphasis on the sharing of magic than anything else (a process that does indeed work with non-unicorn fiancees, but only if the ringsmith is trained to do so).
  1198. earth ponies propose by asking everyone to bring an ingredient to dinner and making soup to show compatibility
  1202. Planet Hearth
  1206. “Maybe when her heat is over and her mind is clear, we can get consent for next time, but right now, it wouldn't be right to ask.”
  1210. I've always liked the idea of RGRE Night Light having a herd where Twilight Velvet is his head mare and Twilight Sparkle and the others are all half sisters, or "herd" sisters if you will.
  1211. Shining is her only fullblooded sibling she has and that's why she's closest with him.
  1215. >Ponies are horses - you don't care how "offensive" they say that term is.
  1216. >They're tiny horses, and they goddamn know it.
  1220. Would a pegasus wife teach her herdsisters how to properly preen pegasi wings as well, or just the pegasi foals?
  1224. Now it's time for our city to either gain an actual upstanding taxpaying citizen, a leech of taxbits paid by other citizens, or some free convicted labor.”
  1225. >“We’re not going to throw you into street if you don’t earn anything and don’t pay taxes. You’ll get basic income but will constantly be under supervision so that we know that you don’t earn anything on the side. If that happens the basic income is taken away and we go with option one or three. There’s been enough examples of ponies trying to cheat the system. I actually have the paperwork with me if you wish to apply for basic income. You have a good cause – having no cutie-mark and all.”
  1229. Mare-in-heat on stallion is simple. Did he consent or not.
  1230. Stallion on mare-in-heat is a lot more complex.
  1234. >"Panic in confined spaces is one of the constant reasons for injury to residents and machinery. And not only among newcomers.", - She sighs, pacing a bit. "City life is not for everyone. I certainly had a difficult time adjusting. Being a farm girl and all.”
  1238. A pegasus usually hovers just outside the reach of a regular earth pony. It's a natural instinctive reaction.
  1242. >Twilight’s coat color makes it harder to spot the bags under her eyes, but
  1246. >Having no cutie mark means that you're either legally "underage" or otherwise unfit for work
  1247. >The law upholding this is so archaic that it's merely translated from ancient Equestrian, where ponies were expected to work and contribute to their family from the day they were old enough to without injuring themselves
  1248. >"unfit for labour" and "underage" mean the same thing in proto-Equestrian, since to speak of one is necessarily to speak of the other
  1249. >The law is old and woven into a bunch of other laws to the point where even rewording it would open a can of worms
  1250. >Other related laws would have to be looked at and reworded too, and those would take months to do because EVERY piece of shit noble wants different obscure laws to mean specific things
  1251. >It's really not worth the effort
  1252. >So, a pony without a cutie mark - even if he or she is biologically a physically matured adult - is legally considered underage and unfit for work
  1256. >It was a craft that, even as a pony who belonged to a lineage concerned with food, never came particularly easily for you.
  1257. >Unlike you, Granny had been making pies and a mess of other things for years.
  1258. >Built up quite a reputation for doing it, too.
  1259. >The way you’d always heard it was that your Great Granpappy and Great Granny Apple were prolific farmers but never cared much for the actual cooking, so if Granny Smith wanted something tasty growing up she’d have to make it herself.
  1260. >It was how she earned her Cutie Mark.
  1261. >Now Grandpappy, may he rest in peace, was supposedly NOTORIOUS for having two left hooves in the kitchen, no matter how hard he tried, so Granny kept on cooking even as she got older, turning it into a favorite hobby.
  1262. >Apparently lots of the family gave her trouble for years for being a hoity-toity ‘Kitchen Mare’, some even keeping it up to this day.
  1263. >In jest, of course.
  1267. >Both of you make your way through the palace to the meeting room, for the daily royal shift change.
  1271. >She looks back out to the city suddenly. “I just realized that I’m the only one of our kind who came through all this the long way.”
  1272. “What?”
  1273. >”Time, Anon. Most were in stasis of some form or another. My sister was in a millennium-long fever-dream. I’m the only pony who lived through it; a couple other sovereigns eternal of different races are all who can boast the same.”
  1277. >”If you mean the format, most complex spells are recorded as poems. Giving them a regular structure and rhyme scheme helps train the mental rhythm necessary to cast them. Sometimes spells are recorded in abnormal forms if the scholar is unsure on a specific element of it, to signify it’s provisional. It’s an ancient technique; diagrams and notes are more common now.”
  1281. >”Before my sister’s return,” Celestia says, slowly, “I never had relief from these dreams. I would wake up and think a friend really was dead, until I ran into them in the palace halls, or the gardens outside. That crippling depression, that sudden shock,” She shakes her head, though she’s smiling. “I’ve made a fool of myself in front of dear friends many times.”
  1285. even the palace’s smaller rooms are so much taller than normal because her horn would lodge in the ceiling of a usual eight or nine foot clearance of a typical domestic floorplan if she reared back.
  1289. the love of a deep friendship, or the love of family ties. There is a form of love in fundamental, unconditional respect. There’s the love of altruistic bonding, and the love of working in harmony for common aims. Any will do between the mares of your herd.”
  1293. Her Majesty, Celestia/Luna
  1294. Her Imperial Highness, Cadance
  1295. Her Highness, Twilight Sparkle
  1299. >”Wait,” Tall Tail says, “are you… is it that time?”
  1300. >Catnip doesn’t respond.
  1301. >”You know, the few mares in the Guard get time off for that.”
  1302. >”Our lives for her. Always on watch. A-always.”
  1306. Celly:
  1307. ”I used to indulge in a self-satisfying selflessness. If I wasn’t sure on a course of action, where both choices were exactly equal, I’d often pick the option I didn’t want. To prove to myself I had that will, that I could make decisions with no regard to my own interests.”
  1311. wheatloaf
  1315. >”In Merry Time’s Magical Maladies it says that victims of overdrawing on their magic can have their magic be stressed from too much magic use and sleep can cause them to lose more magic as their dreams form from their reserves.” The walking encyclopedia recites with ease.
  1316. “Dreams take magic to make?”
  1317. >”Of course, how else are you supposed to dream?”
  1321. >”I am /not/ threatened by her!” Sunset exclaimed her eyes flashed with an inner glow and sparks flew off her horn sinking into the train cart making the wood creak alarmingly.
  1322. >Whoa boy, you’ve read a touch on this, unicorns don’t flare their magic unless it’s something that really digs under their coats. Or they’re foals, but Sunset’s way past that stage for one.
  1326. >”Those things of yours are almost as bad as tuft extensions, it’s rather sad that you have to compensate.”
  1330. >”Of course, I had the corporal give me directions, not to mention that most frontier towns follow a similar pattern for situations like this, really helps with search and rescue.”
  1334. >A gleam of sunlight slips through a small gap between the many canvas layers of the pavilion brightening the room for a moment.
  1335. >Between one second and the next once the shaft of sunlight disappears Sunset is unraveling a scroll the personal symbol of Princess Celestia on it.
  1336. “...Did that just appear from sunlight?”
  1340. >Princess Mi Amore Cadenza of the house of Crystallus, ward to the Princess Celestia of the house of Sol
  1344. “Sometimes scrying can be detected, but it’d have to be someone with exceedingly sensitive magic to be aware of it.”
  1348. “You would think. Instead what would happen what happened to Star Swirl the Bearded, supreme cosmic power at the cost of his youth and vigor. Princess Celestia had me research it when I had asked about gaining more power when I was younger, I had thought that if a unicorn had enough magic they’d naturally ascend. The most I could pick up was that he had too much magic and not enough of a missing element, some form of grounding material to keep the magic contained, it was leaking out of his body tearing it apart from the inside.”
  1352. she had been one of the few ponies to have been able to move the sun after Discord had meddled with the natural flow of things.
  1356. “Journey?”
  1357. > “Old Earth pony tradition, similar to a cute-cenera where fillies would go out into the world to earn their keep while exploring what their cutie mark means.”
  1358. > “I recall that the practice had fallen out of favor, but some families still hold to them, the fillies in question would often return home with a grand feast to celebrate their return.”
  1362. fillies love your peanut butter celery sticks with raisins on them
  1366. >Nightmare Moon, the Terror of Night, She-Who-Walked-Between, Devourer of the Sun.
  1370. >Princess Celestia had the grace to look downcast at your words, though you know she could wear as many masks as she wanted to.
  1374. >”Why hide the Elements there Princess? Surely Canterlot would be safer!” Tempest protested.
  1375. >”I wished to not be reminded of my own failures, the elements no longer heed my call, to feel even an echo of their presence was unbearable
  1379. >With little time left to lose you chose your location, a spot outside her range of magical presence, and leapt, grasping your companions on the way.
  1380. >You learned the hard way a long, long time ago not to teleport within the range of her aura, not after the time you jumped directly to her side on a warm June morning and the raw energy you entered with sent the poor stonecutter, in your path and behind her veil, up into the air with the force.
  1384. >Day Court was a way for you connect with normal citizens on a more personal level without all the bureaucracy, to hear their grievances firsthoof and educate them on recently altered laws or rulings; it was something you enjoyed, even if the process could be tiring.
  1388. “I knew you would be coming along in your own time. I always have room in my schedule for my most dedicated pupil.”
  1389. >Sweet sun you COMPLETELY forgot she was coming and you have NO ROOM in your schedule for her.
  1390. >At least, not for a 1-on-1 meeting like you probably promised.
  1391. >Horseshoes, and she probably came all the way from Ponyville for-for… whatever it was you were supposed to doing!
  1395. >Canterlot castle was ancient by even your terms
  1396. >It had been built long before the tribes had unified by a very rich unicorn duke who had served a long dead king
  1397. >Over the years it had traded hooves numerous times before coming into your possession
  1398. >From merchants to kings to tyrants to gods had called this place home
  1402. >I hate it
  1403. >The smell in the air, the heat
  1404. >What it does to ponies, what it turns us into
  1405. >Some of the most pleasant, rational creatures I know are turned into nothing more than sex-starved savages
  1406. >All because of a biological quirk that we ponies cannot seem to overcome
  1407. >All because of a weakness that we cannot defeat
  1411. "Of course, darling. Communal bathing is very important to us ponies," you said. "Earth ponies more so than unicorns or pegasi, since their lack of appendages and magic makes cleaning their entire bodies difficult, but I can assure you that it's still done with us unicorns."
  1415. >Those who had met the princess would say that she always had a smile on her face, lending neatly to a well known legend.
  1416. >According to Literate Locution, a renowned scholar and wordsmith from Buckinghamshire, Celestia was the reason that ‘beam’ meant both ‘to radiate light’ and ‘to smile radiantly’.
  1417. >Though she thought it a silly foal’s tale, there was something immensely flattering about her ponies making up such a story.
  1421. >It was a young ling from the most recent clutch.
  1422. >They were still fairly small, only just having had their third molting.
  1426. nopony has that much pure gold outside of the royal treasury.
  1427. >By law gold must be stored in the royal treasury so that proper amounts can be mixed for bits.
  1428. >Anypony selling, trading, or storing gold has to have a royal permit.
  1429. >Even then there are limits for onsite storage.
  1430. >Main use of the permit being jewelry creators, of course.
  1434. >You had forgotten what changeling magic feels like.
  1435. >It reminds you of that disgusting greasy feeling that you would get from washing old dishes in stagnate dish water.
  1439. >Too much paperwork not enough perks.
  1440. >You used to be able to just decree something and it’d happen.
  1441. >You miss the old days.
  1442. >All it is now is paper this and paper that, and why don’t I have more money I’m a noble snob!
  1446. >"I really don’t understand what the big deal is here, we're both consenting adult individuals an-."
  1447. "No! You're clearly affected by my season, it'd effectively be rape!"
  1448. >"Hey, I liked the smell of blackberries before I came here you know."
  1449. "See! You're attributing my scent to something you find pleasant, this is practically a textbook example!"
  1453. >"I still can't believe that - Celestia, Luna says that in the past, you had jousting contests to see who would get to air their grievances to you?!" Twilight pipes up, grinning
  1454. >"Yes, yes. I was... young and rambunctious."
  1458. >By the way an official inquiry to Canterlot archives is on the way there.
  1459. >You have even used the yellow stamp – which means “Very important, classified, same day delivery”.
  1460. >A little benefit of being Celestia’s personal student. There are not a lot of ponies in Ponyville authorized to do it and you are one of them.
  1461. >It’s not a matter of national security (that’s a red stamp – meaning “A matter of life and death, deliver to specified address this instant”) but something a little more important than just a priority delivery with a green stamp.
  1465. >”Fair reasoning, Anonymous. However a building with an owner absent for more than a hundred years becomes property of the crown as per even the current laws.”
  1469. "Break a leg!"
  1470. "I want you to be an utter liability and abandoned by everyone"
  1474. There are no doubt shrines to Celestia and Luna dotted around, but they're more than likely "We love you this much." ornaments / symbols of comfort rather than an aid for worship.
  1478. >Real pegasi do not use nests made of sticks and grass.
  1479. >Even when they were primitive, they always used clouds in nest-like shapes.
  1480. >Why not when they have the natural ability to shape and control clouds?
  1484. Is there a special connection between the families of different herd members, not a single herd
  1485. Like, could Night Light ever expect a visit from Rainbow's dad if their daughters ended up in the same herd, and would it be more than a basic "hey I exist"?
  1489. I mean, look at this poor bastard: Daveport was clearly meant to be a psychiatrist/therapist, but he interpreted his cutie mark too literally and now he sells sofas and quills.
  1493. The solstices must wreak havoc with their sleeping. Like, Celestia actually gets less sleep during the summer because the day is longer, and Luna gets to sleep in. Around the Winter solstice, though, Luna has to stay up longer and gets more tired.
  1494. The Equinox is their favorite time of the year because they both get enough sleep and can spend time together without one of them nodding off.
  1498. >>Her cutie mark is closer to a stylized horse shoe with lyre strings on it.
  1499. >>Lyra comes from a family of blacksmiths that specialize in musical instruments, and Lyra creates every instrument she learns to play
  1503. >Pegasi have broader chests and muscle-bound backs thanks to all that upper body work that flying requires
  1504. >Unicorns tend to have bellies that are just a little bit pudgy because they often have to study magic, and magic immediately requires calories (thus they're in the habit of snacking)
  1505. >Earth ponies have the most well developed asses in Equestria and often have just a thin layer of fat over them to give them a bit of plush
  1509. Yup. Herd beds are designed to resembles nests, and are slightly bowl-shaped as well. Mares, covered with fur, generate enough head to keep themselves (and everyone else in the snuggle/fuggle pile) warm. The only time a blanket is added is during the winter.
  1513. >Petting means a lot to pegasi
  1514. >When you're flying in the air, the danger of collision goes way up if you go near another pegasus
  1515. >And though pegasi are brilliant fliers, their weakness is that their ability to tell which way is up is just as bad as an earth pony's or a unicorn's.
  1516. >Special cases aside, of course.
  1517. >Training can overcome it, but it's extensive - that's why the Wonderbolts are so damn impressive despite 1/3 the population sharing the same ability as them
  1518. >If two pegasi collide in mid-air, the only thing that will save them from tumbling to their doom is being high enough in the air that they can eventually figure out how to stop themselves from tumbling
  1519. >Cloud cities used to be much higher in the air in order to compensate for this and give tumbling pegasi enough time to right themselves
  1520. >But with unification, the cities were lowered so that the pegasi could be closer to their new friends and allies (and also as a show of good will).
  1521. >So pegasi tend to stay very far away from other ponies if they can help it
  1522. >When they herd, their herds tend to be limited to 1 stallion and 3 mares at the very most
  1523. >This is in contrast to an earth pony herd with can have up to 10 mares, and a unicorn herd (or a "blessing") which averages at 5 or 6.
  1524. >Even weak fliers like Fluttershy will instinctively shy away from platonic contact, since those who did not would not survive long enough to pass on their genes
  1525. >When a pegasus lets you pet her, she's telling you that she trusts you with her life.
  1529. >Sugar gets converted into magic
  1530. >If a pony gets too much magic then they suffer symptoms similar to being drunk
  1531. >If a pony has too little magic they suffer symptoms similar to anemia
  1535. Pegasi decorate themselves with feathers during mating season.
  1536. >"I'm TWICE the pegasus that she is, Anon! I HAVE SO MANY FEATHERS"
  1540. Don't you mean 'You're not my real mom!'? Speaking of which is that a common line when a belligerent foal's herdmother tries to tell them what to do?
  1544. >constellation freckles Luna
  1548. gryphons
  1549. "I hold the record for longest time flying in the Abysmal Abyss in my class back home."
  1550. >"The what now?"
  1551. "A ravine that has really brutal rushing winds all the time. We'd dive in and see how long we could keep from hitting a wall before pulling out."
  1555. >"Oh, excuse me, colt," Gricely explains with a chuckle. "Tom is what we call griffon males."
  1556. >"Oh... what about the fillies, then?"
  1557. "Mollies,"
  1560. That's basically what larger irl heards are. Ones that have 25+ horses. Communes with a couple "bands."
  1561. Which tribe do you guys think would do this more? My vote goes to earth ponies since they didn't have a lot if environmental cover like the cloud dwelling pegasai or the mountain dwelling unicorns. They actually need the security in numbers. Appleoosa could be one giant ‘herd’. Pegasi would be a close second because they could easily expand on cloud nests by pushing more clouds together, something that can be done in seconds for them. I like the idea of them merging houses to have clusterfuck hive looking nests.
  1565. That would be a regency, which is already far better than the retirement shit. Nothing wrong with taking a little vacation every now and then.
  1566. In fact, "Regent of Equestria" sounds like a nice title for Twilight.
  1568. I like the regent thing. You have to understand, however, that a lot of the show as the writers intended is was changed in on executive board meetings to better for the show's target demographic understanding.
  1569. Prince Blueblood was originally intended to be Count Blueblood, but execs wanted it changed because they didn't think a lot of children would know the difference between a prince and a count, or what a count even is. Similarly, children would have a better understanding of what retirement means rather than an abdication, so even if the writers might've pitched it as Celestia abdicating the throne to Twilight it would've probably ended up being changed.
  1573. >batpones will take an old mango and write a message on it
  1574. >its usually something nice or neighborly since its pone land
  1578. >The noise makes her open her eyes more, but the eyes of a young pegasus are sensitive so she screws them shut again, her distress bubbling up through her throat as a cry.
  1582. >Too much love all at once is like a mix of super-catnip and alcohol to changelings.
  1583. >It's the main reason why Chrysalis replaced Cadance and drained Shining over time rather than simply sucking the pink love horse dry.
  1585. Even then, it was enough to make her slightly irrational.
  1589. horses sweat almost as much as we do, though it comes out more frothy to get around the coat that gets water proof as it gets more oily
  1593. >This is why Moondancer felt so upset that Twilight, who was just one of her several friends, didn't come to her birthday - it was her own sister who decided she had better things to do
  1594. >It's why Trixie felt she had so much to prove - her own sister was accepted as Celestia's own special student. Why not Trixie? What was wrong wrong her? NOTHING was wrong with her, damn it! In fact, she's even more powerful than her sister is, and Trixie will prove it!
  1595. >That's why Sunset went mad with power, because she was the eldest and new foal = parents didn't pay attention to her. Once Celestia started paying attention to her little sister's surges of powerful magic, Sunset started to believe that her time as Celestia's student was limited. She'd rather quit than be fired, so she went a bit over the deep end and left
  1596. The Sparkles have never been known for their rationality or their mental stability, easily going off the deep end when push comes to shove. This is also why each of these mares have the same theme of names: Celestial. It's also why Twilight and Sunset basically have the same name; Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer. Pull out a thesaurus and they pretty much mean the same thing.
  1598. And of course, the Sparkle habit of not fucking talking about it means that Twilight never knew that she had half-siblings all over Canterlot, so she's kinda baffled why so many mares dislike her as soon as they meet her.
  1602. >When Nightmare Moon attacked, it wasn't as anti-climatic as those in Ponyville thought it was.
  1603. >She went to Canterlot to defeat Celestia first, after all, and it wasn't a fight without collateral damage.
  1607. If hunting down and capture/trap your mate is (part of) the pegasi traditional way of courting, what is the other tribes ways/techniques?
  1608. Do earth pone mares straight up challenge the stallion to a wrestling match for the right of be his first/alpha?
  1609. Do unicorns go for a contest of wits, or just plain magic/spells display?
  1613. What's the alternative? If a stallion doesn't have the stamina to have sex with multiple mares in one night, which even if you aren't using the human>stallion stamina angle, would be a challenge, how else do you ensure they all get equal sexual intimacy? It's not like the stallion would be playing favorites, it would be like a routine schedule.
  1614. How would you do it, assuming you aren't a sex-god and can only fully satisfy one mare a night?
  1618. >>to even see another member of their ‘greater herd’/community alone or isolated in some way is enough to make pony uncomfortable
  1619. >Alone or isolated.
  1620. >Starlights go-to method of cult-indoctrination was locking ponies in a room with a speaker playing propaganda.
  1621. >Social-starved pony would latch onto her voice our of sheer desperation and develop stockholm syndrome on steroids.
  1625. Their society is barely past Victorian-era technology (excluding later seasons that totally break the atmosphere with Manehattan)
  1629. The problem with the whole playing nice shtick is showcased in S9 when you get a dumbass in power who upsets your careful orchestra by trying to integrate the violent savages into your society because she believes your propaganda.
  1633. >Despite how rare it is, each of the mane 6 have monogamous parents
  1634. >Growing up in nuclear homes, they all want a stallion that is in love with them and them alone, not share that love between three different mares
  1635. >Since Ponyville is largely an earth pony town, herds are the norm
  1636. >As such, it's nearly impossible to find a stallion that would be willing to take a risk on single partner relationship
  1640. Wait, ponies' standard color scheme is really bright and pastel, right? Is a pony that's a bunch of dull colors really really rare? Is Pinkie the normal one, and the rest of her family are odd?
  1644. >You nuzzle her, smelling for injuries.
  1648. >anon being so lewd outside of heat season is legitimately giving them a weird type of libido-vertigo.
  1653. >“Pegasi see herds like big wings. It’s why they fly in V-formations, and it’s why they share feathers. They want to show everyone they’re all part of the same wingspan, and they’ll fly together forever.”
  1654. >”Unicorns do… They do something with magic, I couldn’t tell you what. They call it a soul bond, but that’s as much as I know.”
  1655. >”Earth ponies offer the fruits of their labors and make food together. Everypony brings something personal to the whole, and if everypony likes the food we become a bigger and better recipe.”
  1659. >Celestia has had a long line of suitors over the years.
  1660. >But none of them ever stuck around for long.
  1661. >They claimed to love her at first, but they loved the idea of her, Celestia the Princess of the Sun
  1662. >They didn't love Celestia the pony
  1664. >They weren't gold diggers, or faking their interest in her (most of them anyway)
  1665. >But they couldn't handle the reality
  1666. >And when their image of the Perfect Pony Princess, who would cater to their every whim, was stripped away
  1667. >When they got to see a glimpse underneath the mask she wore, and saw the real her underneath, they didn't like it.
  1669. >That she got sad, angry, frustrated, and afraid just like everypony else
  1670. >That she wasn't always prim and proper
  1671. >That she had responsibilities
  1672. >That a crisis could and would happen at any time, and she would spend her days trying to keep her life's work from unraveling at the seams
  1673. >Facing horrors that only she can.
  1675. >That she would spend the majority of her time in court, listening to the requests, complaints, and demands of her subjects
  1676. >Or dealing with the nobility and the bureaucracy.
  1677. >Trying to juggle the needs of a kingdom instead of devoting all her attention to romance
  1679. >After the first few centuries of romantic failure, she resigned herself to the inevitable
  1680. >That love was an ephemeral thing, something she could only experience for a brief time, before it disappeared.
  1682. >She accepted less and less when a stallion would declare his love for her
  1683. >Knowing that the time would come when they would leave, having never really loved the real her at all.
  1684. >She wants to experience the real thing so badly, but it has eluded her all these years.
  1685. >When the pain of loss recedes, she lies to herself, that maybe this time, things will be different.
  1686. >And she indulges herself in this poor substitute for real love, until the high wears off, and it all comes crashing down again.
  1691. Fun fact: Horses only need about 2-3 hours of sleep per 24 hours, half of which is in 15 minute naps throughout the day while standing, the other half laying down for REM sleep.
  1693. > Anon sleeping for hours on end is seen as cute
  1694. > Living with a mare takes some getting used to, she's up at all hours, sometimes waking him up at 4 in the morning
  1695. > He then takes naps in the middle of the day, sometimes cuddling with his mare
  1696. > Even after 15 minutes, he's still asleep, and the mare is "trapped" because her cute coltfriend is still wrapped around her
  1698. Most predators are pretty sedentary for countless hours of the day in their perspective, full on carnivores sleep even longer. Your sexual stamina is going to come at a price. Your mares would also think it weird that you can take your daily caloric intake in one sitting and be completely healthy, whereas they have to portion and vary their meals out so they're not at risk for ulcers and colic.
  1700. You'll have your work cut out for you as a house husband, having to pack so many meals and having foals and wives that are active way more hours of the day. Luckily, for most of them you can just pack dried hay. Just make sure your foals aren't nuzzling the stems away for the good bits that fall to the bottom.
  1702. >Dragons don't actually sleep years and years. It's just the ponies exaggerating.
  1703. >They sleep a normal 18-20 hours a day like most carnivores.
  1704. >Spikes narcoleptic fits in the first season wasn't because he was a baby dragon, it's because he was a fucking dragon.
  1708. Herbivores also have really bad eye adjustment. Where as our eyes can adjust to the dark or light within 2 minutes, they take about 30 minutes. Mares would have to get their human to be more careful with switching the lights on and off, and if you really wanted to be a dick, turning the lights on and off would effectively near blind your entire herd.
  1712. Ponies are rather distant from horses, anatomically speaking, but they're still equine, and still have important, non-obvious equine features.
  1714. They have a horse-style spleen, which is hollow, with a reservoir that normally holds a huge blob of preoxygenated red blood cells and a big emergency reserve of glucose, ready to dump into their bloodstreams as part of their fight-or-flight response, or in response to mild fatigue. Even the unicorns, least physically impressive of the pony races, can run for hours, and they can be restless, with an instinctive need to exercise or otherwise exert themselves--the magically gifted ones can also tap these reserves while casting complex high-energy spells--to keep emptying and refilling the spleen with fresh new red blood cells.
  1716. A human can live without a spleen, and sometimes a human's spleen must be surgically removed after severe traumatic injuries to halt a hemorrhage. Ponies, like horses, can live without their spleens also--but without it they're basically crippled for the rest of their lives, and even magic is no substitute. They can only run short distances, which to ponies is as horrifying as losing limbs or being paralyzed.
  1720. Pegasi--and alicorns, of course--have highly complex skeletons. They have two separate clavicles AND a furcula. The sternum is massive because it must serve as an anchor point for the flight muscles in the forward half of the torso, and resembles a bird's carina, or keelbone, much more than a horse sternum.
  1722. Pegasi have six limbs, rather than the normal four of vertebrates, and they have extra ganglia in their upper backs that route and process control signals and data for the wings. The torso musculature is equally complex, and all major muscles in the front half are duplicated, the inner set for the forelimbs for walking, the outer layer for the wings.
  1724. A pegasus's bones are hollow, like a bird's, to reduce weight.
  1726. A pegasus could not fly at all without magic--the wing loading is just too high for mere flesh and blood muscles to get them off the ground--but it is, for them, still very intense cardiovascular exertion to fly at non-trivial speeds, as opposed to the adorable hover we see Fluttershy doing so often. High speed flight for long distances requires a high level of physical fitness, over and above skill at the physical and magical techniques involved. Rainbow Dash, and those on her level like the Wonderbolts, would be Olympic-level marathon runners if they were human.
  1728. This is also calorie-intensive. "Twiggie Piggie"'s love of hayburgers is the topic of gentle ribbing from her friends, whom Rainbow Dash has made a point of never letting watch her eat--she's an enthusiastic, and messy, little living garbage disposal, though she eats a lot of the local equivalents of health foods and protein smoothies.
  1732. Unicorns have a distinctive build and tend to be slender and petite when compared to other pony races, especially Earth Ponies. Unicorns and Pegasi tend to be ectomorphs, where Earth Ponies are generally mesomorphs. Usually they are petite, though there is a wider range of heights among them than other builds. When you see a tall, lanky pony, you're almost always looking at a unicorn. Or a chubby pony, though the endomorphic build is uncommon among ponies as a whole.
  1734. Unicorns don't have the magically enhanced strength of Earth Ponies, or the endurance of Pegasi. Of all Pony races, they are the most prone to obesity. Their gift is magic, focused, controlled, and emitted through the horn.
  1736. A unicorn's horn is a complex multilayered structure. At a very gross approximation, it is more like a tooth than anything else. It has a root that is anchored to bone with mineral-dense cementum tissue, it has layers of dentine and enamel that are chemically identical to the dentine and enamel in the same unicorn's teeth, but there is more. The exterior of the horn is covered in a protective layer of tough, dense, magically conductive keratin, which grows from the bottom and occasionally needs to be filed or trimmed a bit for neatness.
  1738. The exact sizes and shapes of unicorn horns can vary. Some are straight and some are curved. Some are even crooked, though that is more often found in the baseline form of Changelings. Spiral grooves on the exterior have long been perceived as a sign of magical potency, and it has been scientifically determined that the spiral grooves in the thaumically conductive keratin act as thaumic waveguides. However, some unicorns have horns that have a keratin layer that appears externally smooth but contain complex structures on the inner side facing the dentine layer that act as resonant cavities, passive amplifiers, and other focusing elements.
  1740. Likewise, horn length was for many years considered to be a sign of magical potency, but it has been discovered that the internal volume of the horn is at least as important, and other factors can outweigh this, such as the individual's intelligence, willpower, overall health--some magic is as strenuous as any physical activity, and unicorns in poor health often find that their magic suffers also.
  1742. The biggest difference between a unicorn's horn and a tooth, however, is the center. The center of a mammalian tooth contains living "pulp" tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. A unicorn's horn is hollow from base to tip, and there is even a circular foramen, a round hole through the skull, directly beneath it. The center of the horn contains the cornual funiculus, a massive, complex, dense bundle of magically conductive nerve tissue running from beneath its base almost to its point. The nerve tissue includes several unique types of nerve cell found nowhere else in the body. The cornual funiculus is an order of magnitude more complex than the spinal cord and all aspects of its structure and function are still not perfectly understood.
  1744. Beneath the horn is a compact bundle of nerve tissue, the cornual plexus, connecting it to a structure unique to the unicorn brain, the medulla oblata, which connects the horn to the cerebellum.
  1746. The horn is a complex structure, and it has been known since time out of mind that a unicorn with an injured horn usually cannot use much, if any, magic, ever after, and will be incapable of the more complex thaumic manipulations commonly called "spells," just as an individual with a damaged spinal cord will suffer great difficulty in moving parts of the body below the injury.
  1748. Modern medicine has made great strides in recent generations but one of the things it still cannot do, at least not reliably and repeatably, is repair damage to the cornual funiculus, any more than it is possible to make surgical repairs to the spinal cord, at least with any expectation of success. Horn damage remains very difficult to treat. The nerve tissues within are very vulnerable to infection if the multiple layers of exterior protection are breached, and the damage to cornual nerves tends to lead not only to loss of magical ability but also to a lifetime of chronic pain that can be very difficult to treat. Healing spells are not capable of stimulating regrowth of the cornual nerves either, for reasons not fully understood. Some researchers speculate that the magically conductive nature of that nerve tissue causes healing magic to pass through the intended points and go to regions where it is not needed, sometimes a centimeter or more away--and in cases of this kind of nerve injury, the required precision is microscopic. Just as with spinal injury, each nerve fiber must reconnect with the same one from which it was severed by the damage. Otherwise signal interference can lead to crippling or fatal magical signal feedback when the patient attempts to use magic afterwards.
  1752. >”As near as he could tell, and mind you he performed extensive magical testing on a scale not seen since Starswirl, the core of Equus is crystalline in nature!”
  1753. >She turns the book to you, and you read along as she carries on about the subject matter
  1754. >”You see, some kinds of crystals like the ones you see around this lab resonate at a certain frequency that we unicorns evolved to manipulate. You see, when it interacts with small structures in the bone, it becomes energy that can be manipulated. The more of these structures in a horn, the more powerful the spellcaster. Earth ponies and pegasi have similar structures as well, in their musculature and wing bones respectively.”
  1755. >She taps the diagram of the planet
  1756. >”You can see here that the tests found the core of the planet resonated at the same frequency as these crystals. And so, it must be crystalline in nature, perhaps it's even the source of all magic as we know it! We're still not certain on how that resonate frequency specifically becomes energy, and not others.
  1758. “You said teleportation, yes? How does such magic work?”
  1759. >Her smile grows and she launches into another explanation
  1760. >”Well you see, it's a simple matter of triangulation via the resonance of ley lines below the surface! The reason it's so advanced is the amount of complexity needed for both a precise and efficient spell is immense. And that complex spells needs to be channeled correctly, otherwise you could end up way above the ground!”
  1764. >Changelings [fe/]males during their mating season will start to glow as a way of saying 'I'm ready for fug'.
  1765. >Of course the mechanism they do this with bioluminescent, so changelings just don't go after ponies lighting up their houses.
  1769. > When the three tribes of ponies moved to what is now modern day Equestria, the deer initially allied with the earth ponies.
  1770. > The deer gave them shelter and land to farm in return for a portion of the crops
  1771. > Deer are potent elementalist magic users, but can't do any of the more sophisticated things a unicorn can
  1772. > They took part in the last stand against the windigos, so Celestia decided to keep the treaty once she and Luna unified the tribes
  1773. > As pony society outbred and thus outnumbered deer, Celestia met with the current High Chieftess and agreed on the boundaries of deer territory
  1774. > Deer culture became increasingly elitist as time went on, as the tithe of crops easily feeds the entire deer population with extra left over
  1775. > Deer spend most of their time honing their elemental magic and pursuing hedonistic activities
  1776. > As Equestrian technology advanced, the deer were largely left behind
  1777. > They had little trade with ponies in the first place
  1778. > So deer develop a culture of marechismo, romanticizing roughing it in the wild with nothing but your magic and your fluff (and stored food from the tithe)
  1779. > From time to time, deer will leave their territory and hire themselves out as mercenaries and bodyguards
  1780. > The common stereotype ponies have of deer is that they are lazy brutes and braggarts, taking advantage of Celestia's kindness and forbearance
  1784. Suited for success, Spike is the one who arranged for Hoity Troity to come down to Ponyville for a private fashion show.
  1785. Think there are a couple other instances of this sprinkled around but that's one that instantly springs to mind.
  1786. With the later reveal that dragons instinctively build hoards, a somewhat obscure headcanon was that Spike, raised in the highly social environment of Canterlot and being Twilight’s assistant (handling the logistical/formal side of things related to "Princess' personal student" that she'd neglect in favour of study) came to see connections / social status as valuable.
  1787. Ergo, his 'horde' was basically knowing everyone important in Canterlot.
  1789. Spike was gone during Look Before You Sleep because he was off in Canterlot on 'royal business'.
  1793. Personally I'm inclined to favor Faust's headcanon that Celestia raised Spike, not Twilight.
  1797. >Apparently, kirin foals glow instead of kick when they're still developing
  1801. Is a Kirin mare giving you one of their scales, or even a garment made from their scales in the case of multiple Kirin, the same as a Pegasus mare giving you a primary feather?
  1805. It always puzzled you why self-levitation was so much harder than regular levitation.
  1809. Maybe they have some instincts like when the mother feels threatened she rolls up like an armadillo and bust into flames, to protect the foal.
  1810. Or maybe the foal absorbs heat magic from the mother while in the womb to develop or something, so the mother is not really able to burst into flames or even keep herself warm in winter... which makes pregnant kirins a lot more cuddly. (The father also starts to idly radiate heat to aid the mother)
  1814. The leader of the Kirin sits on a wooden throne
  1816. Clothes would also be taken differently amongst kirin, it being a sign that you're not only level headed enough to prevent ruining it all, but also trust that your current company won’t get mad enough to burn your stuff.
  1817. Alternatively, it could be a sign of wealth, saying you don’t care if some things burn but you have more.
  1821. As varied as the pony coloration was, there was an even wider range of textures. Applejack's short coat reminded you of suede, Rainbow Dash's bristly fuzz felt almost like astroturf. Rarity felt like silk, of course, but surprisingly Pinkie Pie wasn't sticky - no, she felt almost like a rubber balloon. You are always worried that she's making your hair stand on end when you touch her. Fluttershy's coat felt the most like animal fur, the soft fuzz of a baby kitten. As for Twilight Sparkle... velvet. Soft and warm.
  1825. Possible reasons why C & L call themselves princesses instead of queens:
  1826. Still hoping their parents, the king and queen, will return some day.
  1827. There can only be one queen, and they don’t want the title to cause conflict between them.
  1828. The titles have a lot of baggage from some historical event. They are basically synonymous with ‘tyrant’ now.
  1832. A few of the pegasi and earth ponies in the lab began to stifle giggles, much to the indignation of the present unicorns. The running joke that the horn was an erogenous zone for unicorns apparently not losing its comedic effect even so many years after unification.
  1836. >Unicorn horns are made of keratin, much like their hair and hooves.
  1837. >Keratin is excellent at conducting magic. Celestia and Luna's extreme mana levels is why their mane+tails wave and faintly glow. They're so energized that some mana escapes through their hair as exhaust.
  1838. >Unicorns can consciously shunt mana to their manes and tails, however, making for a beautiful light show to frighten predators and enthrall mates.
  1839. >Like most pony quirks, it's mostly old instinct with only traditional unicorns using their bioluminescence as mating displays nowadays.
  1843. >"You know, stuff like dirty talk, or dressing up, or g-ginger play..."
  1847. >Every school in equestria has an annual "Visit Canterlot" trip paid for by the crown so the foals can learn about the capital, see the sights and the princesses, and get an overview of Equestria as a whole.
  1848. >Luna uses the oppotunity to watch for foals who are capable of fixing their own night terrors and makes a note to check up on them later once they're a bit older.
  1849. >Very rarely finds a foal who can achieve lucidity straight from the get go, which means sending a missive to the foals parents about offering an internship with the night guard.
  1850. >The jobs night-to-night work essentially involves patrolling your local dreamscape and handling minor disturbances, calling for help from other dreamwalkers, including Luna herself, if needed.
  1852. They also run overnight mail. Memorize the letters and dream of them to another walker across Equestria, who transcribe them and leave for the local derpi last mile.
  1856. >Luna is actually the most maternal princess
  1857. >Celestia is just too much of a diplomatic leader to be able to show the sort of warm support that individual foals need
  1858. >Luna, however, has much fewer responsibilities than her sister has, and she can afford to show affection towards her little ponies
  1862. >Levitating an object and redirecting the energy can only happen if a mare has her hooves firmly planted on the surface they're redirecting the weight of the object into
  1863. >So, a mare who is falling cannot dispel her own weight and fly, because there's nowhere for that energy to go
  1864. >It's a closed system
  1865. >It is theoretically possible for a mare to maintain a magical connection with a surface she is not physically touching and, thus, levitate... but the amount of magical energy required to maintain that connection increases exponentially with distance
  1866. >That's why flying without wings is considered impossible.
  1867. >For a unicorn to somehow fly without wings, she would either need enough power to maintain a magical connection with the ground despite zero physical contact (aka through brute force), or she would need find some other method of dispelling that energy
  1868. >A particularly powerful unicorn might be able to hover a few inches above the ground, but any higher will risk injury and magical exhaustion
  1872. Mares attempting to combine their personal displays and tribe's traditional displays is also very interesting to me. I could see Applejack and Twilight working together to weave her part of the gift with tons of runes and whatnot embedded in it, while Rarity sews a shirt around it, using it as the collar.
  1876. her mother's advice about herding, "Cuddle and Compromise"
  1880. "All it takes is one pony I don’t feel that chemistry with and everything falls apart for everyone. What if they kick her out because they’re afraid of that? What if they don’t and the mare thinks it’s all her fault when things aren’t working?"
  1884. Her hooves are definitely too soft. Have you seen her try and buck anything except a cloud? She grimaces every time because it *hurts* her.
  1888. Frankly, as Equestria seems to have bypassed the social damage of the industrial revolution, I'd expect the typical pony workweek to be under 30 hours. Applejack, Big Mac, and Rarity being exceptions because they each do the work of several ponies due to their personalities and circumstances.
  1892. Considering not all mares joins the herd at the same time, do they just use the date the herd's first formed as the anniversary date?
  1896. Maybe the weather schedule is part of a larger orchestrated system in which the climate is carefully managed.
  1897. Using weather in warfare, especially for long term oppressive conditions, mucks up the larger system, resulting in uncontrolled storms and such in other areas. So while it is a tactic Equestria can use, alternatives are generally preferable.
  1901. "How many is too many" depends on the stallion, as well as each mare, but success rates of relationships statistically are ideal at 2-3 mares, dip down just a little with 4, drop a moderate amount by 5, and plummet from 6 and up. Double-digit herds (1 male 9 or more females) or higher is considered entirely infeasible
  1905. >They have a picture book
  1906. >It's just an egg in various different locations for the first 20 pages, and then the remaining 40 pages are of a tiny adorable Rainbow Dash foal
  1910. the idea is more nuanced than being in a romantic relationship with more than one mare, and its more like a family unit.
  1911. Think it used pinkie and the cakes as an example, saying she was part of their herd but there was no implication or expectation towards being intimate with them.
  1912. Kind of like being adopted into the family as an aunt, only a bit more fluid.
  1914. A similar situation could occur with the princesses all being in a 'Royal herd' but Shining isnt expected to fugg them all because he got married to Cadence.
  1915. Could be that marriage ceremonies as we understand them are specifically for couples, and long term herd relations have a different ceremony or are just more informal about the whole thing.
  1917. I like the term 'band' for the couple equivilant.
  1921. >Caramel's mom, Sea Salt
  1925. >While maintaining the dream realm can be stressful some nights, there are few things Luna loves more than to help a father-to-be overcome his doubts and fears.
  1926. >New life is always a thing to be celebrated, and the easiest way to do so is to show the stallion the proto-dreams of his unborn foal, or foals if he was particularly lucky/virile.
  1930. It just made me think about all sort of woefully outdated fads, phrases, and customs Celestia might have picked up over the centuries that she still use from time to time
  1935. >Ponies feel freely and openly because it is rare for their feelings to run deep.
  1936. >They make friends easily, cry openly, and recover quickly, reflecting the true depths of their usual emotions.
  1940. Spells are structured in such a way to have an upwards cap of how much mana they can utilize, where stronger spells, even of the same function need bolstered spell structures to make use of extra mana. Exceeding the recommended limit for a spell's mana capacity can overload the spell and lead to cascading destabilization of it, causing an explosive backfire.
  1944. >What would Equestrian cookie cutters looks like?
  1945. I imagine there would be little unicorn, pegasus and earth pony cookie cutters for Hearth's Warming because of the pony tribes uniting
  1947. Flaming heart, old tribal iconography, and unification iconography are the first things that come to mind. Candy canes and trees aren't a bad guess either.
  1951. Makes me think of a scenario where any place a princess is caught eating at causes that business to get a massive uptick in customers because ponies want to eat what the alicorns eat, but this also hurts the businesses they don't eat at.
  1953. Also, since these two have such bad eating habits, they actually feel guilty for influencing other ponies to pick up their bad habits. Like, they both know that eating burgers and pizza every day is bad for them, and they don't want to be responsible for Equestrian obesity.
  1954. Hence why they keep their junk food eating ways a secret.
  1958. Depends on what NMM is:
  1959. a separate entity from Luna (like a possessing ghost or demon),
  1960. a name and colour scheme she came up with for when she takes over,
  1961. an identity that Luna came up with to cope with the nasty things she was doing
  1965. >Touching noses together (or booping as per modern slang) is the oldest form of showing affection amongst ponies.
  1966. >Long before kissing, ponies would touch their noses together as a way to convey all types of affection.
  1967. >It's a pretty trusting act, since your partner's face and scent take up most of your vision and overwhelms most other smells, meaning not being alert for predators.
  1968. >Nowadays, the feeling of vulnerability is gone, but not the dopamine rush that comes from the snout being gently pressed.
  1972. it's not even the majority of pegasi since they'll still walk around if they don't need to fly; the thing about RD is that she takes flying too fucking far. she NEVER walks anywhere unless it's physically impossible for her to fly, and even then she'll give it the old college try anyway because 'muh wings muh equestria's best flier'.
  1974. It's because she has really sensitive hooves.
  1978. if scent marking the stallion is a thing how do herds go about it?
  1979. is there a collective herd scent?
  1980. do the mares condition themselves to ignore their herdmate's scent?
  1984. Pegasi (and only pegasi) always lay eggs, regardless of the subspecies of the father or child.
  1988. That was always my headcanon for difference in tech across Equestria.
  1989. Every "anachronism" is due to a pony that got a CM specifically for that domain and make breakthroughs in it, but due to the CM system none of them really bother taking an apprentice that isn't fate-designed for it, so stuff constantly gets semi-forgotten.
  1991. the tech ball is up in the air every 20 to 40 years due to Cutiemarks, retirement, and ponies not moving around much.
  1993. well that would explain why steam engines have a team to pull it
  1995. One day a pony produced a steam engine thanks to a special talent related to engines.
  1996. They wrote down how to build one and a rough outline of how it works, but didn't use a lot of details because they had intrinsic grasp of the process.
  1997. They knew which materials to use and why, they knew why their particular one was built the way it was and they fully understood the principles in it's construction and use.
  1998. They wouldn't think to write that down because ponies (in this hypothetical setting) barely ever 'train' anypony else for something complex, they can just follow the logic because it's their special talent.
  1999. So if someone comes along and wants to build a steam engine, they'd have to build it to the exact specifications and wouldn't fully understand why unless they spent a lot of time and effort reverse engineering the process or had a related cutie mark.
  2003. Imagine trying to learn something after your talent came so easily to you? You'd probably figure "this is so hard for me, I'm not smart enough" because your experience learning your special talent was so much easier. Society as a whole would probably build expectations around that. Maybe even see ponies going outside their talent not as deviant per se (though some very well might), but more treat them as a victim of some sort (midlife crisis, abuse, emotional turmoil) and needing to be remedied.
  2005. I mean, Gembutt did learn dressmaking.
  2006. Although that's kind of vaguely related to her 'pretty stuff' mark.
  2010. If you don't have dragon fire, the fastest communication is pegasus express.
  2014. >The castle has loads of Gold (and since Luna has returned, more silver) 'decorations' all over the place.
  2015. >In actuality, it works in concert with the armor of the guards as a lightning rod, to 'ground' excess mana safely away.
  2016. >Once upon a time, a villainess thought she could neutralize all the guards at once with a powerful chain lightning spell, her specialty.
  2017. >Celestia was beyond smug when it did nothing but recharge the castle's mana gems.
  2021. the most common jackets that ponies would actually wear would be the sort of thing horses wear in the cold. Something draped over their backs that covers the body and is strapped into place. It's something an earth pony wouldn't have a hard time with
  2025. >ostracized from society, batponies form covens in faraway caves where they can sleep during the day without being disturbed or hunted down by paranoid mobs
  2026. >holds onto egalitarian concepts and strange traditions
  2027. >society develops separately, equestria favoring their rare stallions and the ideas of fate and harmony, and the covens not really giving a fuck due to a more equal balance and traditions of self-determination
  2028. >over time, Luna finds herself identifying more and more with batpony culture and even marries a few batpony husbands over the years, becoming a mother figure to many covens
  2030. >thousands of years later
  2031. >after cultural mutation, batponies now lack nearly any defined gender roles at all, another source of conflict between the two groups
  2032. >ponies shunning Luna for being so openly strange leads to Nightmare Moon
  2033. >integration is pursued by Celestia in preparation for Luna’s return, hoping it will help her fit into modern society better if batponies are welcomed
  2034. >plenty of complaints about social incompatibility, but over time batpony culture is nearly subsumed by equestrian culture except for a few holdouts due to their number difference (think native americans holding onto their traditions)
  2035. >not_part_of_keikaku.png
  2036. >Celestia realizes her mistake too late, and by now only a few covens which grew to mistrust equestria over the centuries are left untainted
  2037. >the integrated batpony families have lost most of their heritage and oral history over the generations
  2038. >nightmare moon returns, canon etc.
  2039. >luna is horrified by the loss of the batpony culture she identified with
  2040. >most of the covens she was family to have been absorbed into equestria
  2041. >the only traditional covens left openly hate her for being a princess of equestria
  2042. >despair
  2046. >Winter breeze comes in
  2047. >Dry snow creates dunes everywhere, whipping across the cobblestone roads
  2048. >Ponies are finishing up gathering their firewood
  2049. >Kirin is sitting 2 feet away from the fireplace, silently crying and asking herself why she ever thought moving here was a good idea
  2053. >Poners using the royal gardens for snacking
  2057. >Excess love build up was once a problem with ponies
  2058. >Particularly stallions in larger herds
  2059. >Changelings used to have a mutually beneficial relationship with Equestria where each herd would have a changeling
  2060. >The changeling would transform to suit the stallion's taste, would never take the position of alpha so the mares weren't threatened, and needed nothing but love to sustain herself so there was no worry about food
  2061. >In return the changeling got the security of society, love enough to feed herself and contribute to her hive, plus some occasional dick
  2065. >I imagine the majority of spells were not developed but instead copied from a pony whose special talent granted them that ability instinctively. Many ponies throughout history would have taken their spells with them to their grave.
  2066. >Even if the pony was willing to share, sharing instinctive spells is difficult, the spell was never learned so it cannot be taught. Usually the spell must be observed, broken down and documented by a pony with a talent for analyzing existing spells.
  2067. >I would think that very few spells were specifically designed, one would need a special talent specifically in designing new magic, the complexities far beyond those without that talent. Even with that talent in designing magic the majority of known spell pioneers were driven completely mad due to the mental strain of trying to wrestle some order into the nonsense which is magic.
  2068. >Whilst any unicorn can technically learn any spell, most will not learn a single spell in their entire life aside from telekinesis with is instinctive to all unicorns
  2069. >Even the simplest of spells span several pages. Without a talent for a particular spell, huge effort and dedication is required for even these most simplest of spells. The most complex ones may take up multiple tomes.
  2070. >A unicorn as skilled in magic as Twilight is basically a savant, able to perfectly memorize thousands of pages of spell runes.
  2074. The reason the Royal Guard ponies wear gold armor is because it's so easy to enchant.
  2076. >Ponies have gold in their blood instead of iron, making it a golden hue
  2080. >unicorn horn spiral dictates how their magic can be channeled
  2081. >clockwise vs counter-clockwise vastly changes what spells can be cast and at what strength
  2082. >spells have different effects when cast through different horns, duration is changed as well as intensity of the effect and how effective it really is
  2083. >there are spells unicorns with counter-clockwise horn spirals would never try, and spells unicorns with clockwise spirals would have trouble with
  2084. >counter-clockwise horn spirals are best for low intensity but long duration spells, like defensive magic or house-keeping spells
  2085. >clockwise horn spirals are for high intensity low duration spells, like attack magic or when you need something to pack a punch for a very short period of time
  2089. The place Pinkie calls a 'rock farm' is, of course, a small family-run mine.
  2093. Her daughter came from her old herd and isn't even hers. Her herd-sister got pregnant before she was supposed to based on the hierarchy of the herd, and so she was kicked out. Derpy was best friends with her and chose to leave rather than abandon the unicorn mare. Unfortunately, the mare died shortly after Dinky was born (a name she chose in honor of the friend who followed her out of the herd), and Derpy was left to raise Dinky all on her own. And that's why Derpy is a pegasus and Dinky's a unicorn.
  2097. >It was hard not to just lock your knees and sleep where you stood, but you somehow managed it
  2101. >Ponies just assume that Princess Celestia, with millennia of experience, must be a great general.
  2102. >In actuality, she is absolutely terrible at managing a battle where she has to worry about anyone other than Luna or another superpowered pony like Twilight.
  2103. >She's too attached. Too cautious, and tries to protect every one of her little poners.
  2104. >This is why the Royal Guard never seems to do anything.
  2105. >Anytime something goes down in Canterlot, Celestia will almost immediately rush off to deal with it personally.
  2106. >And she never really grew out of her primary strategy when she was younger. Just go at them head on and hit them really really hard.
  2107. >When you're a superpowered laserhorse, that works a lot of the time.
  2108. >Until it suddenly doesn't.
  2112. >In a herd situation the inclusion of a changeling can improve the health of everypony involved, as the excess amount of Love is converted into Ling-Honey, which has numerous health benefits when consumed both before and during pregnancies.
  2113. >Social dynamics usually hamper this somewhat, as the sheer difference in fertility means the stallion will naturally come to see the changeling as the 'alpha' of the group, regardless of dispositions or previous hierarchy.
  2117. >The attack on Canterlot caused all other changelings both solo and different hives up and down the kingdom to panic and bunker down, wondering why the fuck that queen was so retarded as to paint a target on all their backs.
  2118. >Changelings from that hive quickly become persona non grata amongst other lings, getting outed and chased away immediately on discovery just in case that stupidity was contagious.
  2122. I always pictured Discord's Chaos Magic as something even he doesn't have any actual control on.
  2123. Like, you can fire a spell to transform something, but you only have very limited inputs onto *what* it will be transformed in.
  2124. Discord is only seen as being in complete control of his powers because he is *really* good at rolling with whatever happens and keeping a perfect poker face about the result being totally what he wanted.
  2128. >Pegasus wings are a marvel of evolutionary biomagic and thus need diligent upkeep to remain at 100% efficiency.
  2129. >Each feather channels mana much like a unicorn horn, though to a much less intense degree. Instinctively, pegasi channel a long, wind-magic charged "feathers" invisible to the naked eye from their physical feathers. These 'feathers' are largely incorporeal by nature, and only interact with objects of similar magic charge, like air or clouds. By counting these invisible, intangible feathers made of pure magic, pegasi actually have an incredible wingspan to body size ratio, one that allows their incredible mobility.
  2130. >But if the condition of their physical feathers deteriorates, then the wind-feathers suffer as well.
  2131. >This is easily remedied by preening, which serves to not only make the wings cosmetically appealing, but to keep the feathers in line and prevent overlap that wastes surface area.
  2132. >The wings naturally molt and regrow feathers, but sometimes stubborn, ingrown, or infected feathers can prove to be an issue. More aggressive preening can remove these obstacles, and any pegasus who values their health and flying ability will see to grooming themselves at the earliest opportunity when they notice the symptoms.
  2133. >In another remarkable evolutionary adaptation, pegasi also produce a very cleanly and antiseptic saliva.
  2134. >A few licks to a spot where an ingrown or infected feather was yanked out will promote healing and kill current infections. Repeated applications prevent further disease.
  2135. >There is an old myth stating that a kiss from a pegasus will freshen your mouth, but most aren't keen on trying it on dirty mouths.
  2136. >The 'Pegasus Kiss' brand of sanitized bandages is rather successful, however.
  2140. Pegasus foals being teeny tiny, chirping like birds, and mostly relying on scent to find their parents (mostly father) is still one of my favorite things and I wish more stories would incorporate it.
  2142. >pegasi are the smallest and physically weakest of the pony races
  2143. >unicorns are second and it's surprising how tough they are, considering their lack of inclination towards physical activity
  2144. >but the overcharge of magic gives them a natural durability
  2145. >of course both species are blown out of the water by a simple earth pony
  2146. >taking all of this into consideration, it is with small wonder that, even now, during times of harmony and medical wonder, that pegasi are instinctively protective of their foals, sometimes to a violent extent
  2147. >in ancient times, pegasi parents would spend a full year nested inside a cloud to ensure their foals' complete safety
  2148. >in modern times mares have to put up with the headache inducing task of convincing their stallion to not board up the doors and windows
  2152. >Celestia can see through any flame (this is false)
  2153. >She is always watching and protecting during the day, and ponies light candles for good luck
  2157. >The domain of growing things belongs to the earth ponies
  2158. >This is why most doctors and nurses are earth ponies
  2159. >If they lay their hooves on you and channel their magic through you, wounds will actually heal faster
  2160. >Technically though it doesn't need to be their hooves
  2161. >Earth pony kisses really do make things better
  2165. Earth Pony doctors are skilled with herbal concoctions and administering long-term treatment, while unicorns are surgeons.
  2169. >Similar to how pegasi preen wings, and in lieu of that manes/tails, unicorns also have a grooming ritual. Tongue baths
  2170. >All unicorns regardless of talents get taught a set of useful, low mana requirement cantrips as children. Basic things like telekinesis, candle light, ignite, minor healing, etc. One of the spells is tongue brush.
  2171. >It makes a thin layer of Mana on the tongue that pulls away dirt and filth and breaks it down while protecting the tongue. It also charges the saliva glands with mana, increasing production and making the saliva a potent antiseptic. It's where the idiom "kissing boo-boos away" comes from.
  2172. >A unicorn tongue bath might take longer, but it will leave you cleaner than any shower.
  2176. >Batponies establish dominance over each other by wrestling for fruit
  2180. I struggle to imagine the consummate bond primarily being a sexual thing in a herd situation, there's too much emphasis on 1 male and 1 female in a situation where they should all be participating.
  2181. Not to say that sex wouldn't or shouldn't happen, only that i feel the emphasis should be more on scent marking through extreme sweaty cuddle snuggling, getting so worked up that they cease to smell individuals, and it just becomes a big pile of "Us."
  2182. And then they bone.
  2186. I REALLY don't like the implication that unicorns can use magic on things they can't see. What's to prevent a bad unicorn from simply teleporting your fucking organs out or squeezing your heart?
  2188. Common rules for that kind of thing is an internal magic field that disrupts powers like that, or organic material being a natural magic block, so clothes would be fair game but you cant just slip under the skin for a cheeky little kidney fondle.
  2192. They're non-ruminant grazers so they have to eat often and a lot. Every mare’s horse brain would turn on and they'd keep munching on snacks until they're gone or it's taken away. Best that you keep the sweet stuff at a minimum and bring a bunch of dried hay as a snack so it's not super unhealthy for your marefriend. Maybe sprinkle a touch of salt on the hay and toss some chopped carrots and bits of apple in.
  2196. the ability to get a feel for whatever magic she focuses on.
  2197. >She can find the patterns within
  2198. >Find the frequency
  2199. >Find the rhythm
  2200. >Identify the magic.
  2201. >And then, she can start looking for imperfections.
  2202. >Because no mare is a perfect spell-caster, and every unicorn always leaves tiny flaws in the spells they cast.
  2203. >Normally, they are inconsequential and won't affect the intended result in any significant way.
  2204. >A levitation spell will still levitate even if you're off your game that day; you might levitate it a few inches lower than you normally could, or it might take a tiny bit more effort to maintain it, but you're still levitating something.
  2205. >It's why any idiot can cast a spell, but it takes years of study and practice to cast a spell almost perfectly.
  2206. >But when you're trying to break down a shield, or undo harmful magic afflicting somepony, these flaws are the key.
  2210. Now the real question is, were their coats already shades of brown, or do they naturally darken in the winter to help with heat conservation?
  2214. I like to think her sense of loyalty doesn't just constrain itself to ponies, but to concepts like heritage as well. Pegasi are a proud and noble race, and of course Rainbow Dash would think that the pillars of pegasus society were important. Pegasi would of course hold the old traditions in high regard.
  2218. >thankfully you only really need to ingest liquids, and only then to keep hydrated, you get everything else from the emotions you absorb.
  2219. >Solid foods really only serve the purpose of becoming biological construction material.
  2220. >inorganic solids just sit there until you vomit them up. Handy for stealing important things, as short of an x-ray or scanning spell, there's no way to know it's there while you disguised as someone else.
  2222. >You realize this is the first time you’ve truly slept in a while, instead of a light hibernation-like state you could wake from quickly to respond to danger.
  2226. >The "traditional" way is for one mare to approach a stallion first, she becomes the alpha, and any incoming mares have to not just get the approval of the stallion, but her and then the rest of the herd
  2227. >Some mares are close enough to form a "pre-herd" and approach a stallion at the same time, typically with a more fluid power dynamic
  2228. >And herds do get married, but that's usually when they "solidify" and announce they're not looking for any new members
  2232. it's why it's so important that any other mare in the herd mingles their scent with hers via hugs or cuddle piles ASAP so those instincts say "you smell like him and me so you're to be trusted" instead of "potential husband stealing whorse"
  2236. What sort of love stories to the different races have? They all have different physiology and culture (and presumably values), so there are bound to be different sort of cliche love tropes.
  2237. Like, a scene where a pegasus stallion is falling out of the sky and a pegasus mare swoops in to rescue him could have been torn right out of the pages in a cheesy romance novel published in Las Pegasus.
  2241. >She knows that to impress a rooster like Anon she'll have to prove how good she is at taking care of him
  2242. >One night, after Anon goes to bed, she breaks into his house and rearranges his furniture, blankets, pillows and clothes into a giant nest.
  2243. >Anon wakes up in the morning and sees a giant pile of stuff in the middle of the living room with Gilda in the middle, singing like a cockatiel
  2247. >Kirin mate for life
  2248. >When two kirin mate, they are bonded by magic
  2249. >Their flames, an extension of their raw emotion and the most basic and pure expression of their magic, can never hurt their mate.
  2250. >It's part safety mechanism (useful for when young kirin are just learning fire magic; it's nice when they don't accidentally scorch mommy and daddy), and part subconscious deliberate avoidance on their part
  2251. >A desire not to hurt their lover
  2252. >This is common knowledge among the kirin
  2253. >But after all those years of living in a village where everybody knows everybody else (what with it being a secret and insular community), some kirin have to be reminded that there's plenty of knowledge (typically shared non-verbally in the form of hoof language or horse code) that can be taken for granted
  2254. >"Outsiders" are such an alien concept to a kirin that they sometimes forget that that means you can't make assumptions about what they know, like you can in a community where literally nobody comes in or goes out
  2256. >Anon asks "will the fire hurt me"
  2257. >Fire cannot hurt a kirin's love
  2258. >This is akin to asking "do you love me"
  2262. Well you'd have base traits of a pony that indicate their talent, but they're not always the actual talent.
  2263. To use Rarity as an example, she's good at making dresses, but her cutie mark isn't dress related.
  2264. Pre-cutie mark it's something she wanted to do and was good at, but something was missing.
  2265. She really wanted to make something pretty, to turn bland fabric into something spectacular.
  2266. Her magic reacted and dragged her over to a source of pretty, but didn't realize what had happened until the rainboom broke the geode.
  2267. Her cutie mark appeared after her work was displayed.
  2268. Her talent is finding diamonds in the rough, which is reflected in her skills and her own personality of refinement compared to her parents who are far more... rural.
  2269. The cutie mark itself doesn't give any sort of boost, it's simply the representational symbol of the pony finding their place and purpose in life and it's why the mane6 do the things they do when their marks got switched around.
  2270. Their symbol and their actual purpose became misaligned on a fundamental level and they couldn't figure out why the square peg wasn't going in the round hole because along with some implied memory problems, the idea of their cutie mark being "wrong" is just so utterly alien.
  2272. Sweetie Belle's talent involves singing, but what does that actually entail, she's got a good vocal range for one thing and seems able to come up with lyrics effortlessly.
  2273. Why does she sing? Her voice cracks HARD when emotional, maybe that's related?
  2274. She has trouble with long term planning (I think), maybe her talent is more directly tied to her emotions with the singing just how she expresses them?
  2275. She takes the initiative and has the most lines in the "Perfect stallion" song.
  2276. She's an absurdly terrible cook and not very good when it comes to craftsmanship despite having Rarity as a sister and practicing quite a bit.
  2277. In the crusaders she's the more easy going and voice of reason in the group, but also tends to be the slowest on the uptake for things that seem logical.
  2279. In short, she's good at communicating from the heart, easily able to understand things on an emotional level, and singing is a much more direct way of broadcasting your emotions than simple language.
  2280. Unfortunately the ease with which she understands things like that leads to her having problems with non-emotional things, as she has to put forth more effort than she's used to.
  2281. That'll be mitigated somewhat as she gets older, but she might struggle with more academic side of things her whole life.
  2283. Her cutie mark outside of CMC influence would likely be a musical note within a heart, or possibly a Treble and Bass clef arranged like pic related.
  2287. >A mare who just comes out of nowhere and attempts to seduce a taken stallion is seen as a homewrecker.
  2288. >A mare needs the approval of at least one of the herdmares to get the wheels in motion.
  2289. >A whirlwind romance is something for single ponies.
  2290. >Courting a herded stallion is a much more drawn out and time consuming affair. Largely because you aren't JUST courting the stallion, but also all of the mares already in the herd.
  2291. >Compatibility between all the members of a herd is key, and overlooking that is the number one cause of herd dysfunction and breakup.
  2295. >Since Cadance was born / ascended before Luna's return, does that mean she was the first immortal pony Celestia had interacted with for almost a thousand years?
  2296. Must have been pretty emotional, finally having someone who won't just die of old age if you look away for a second too long.
  2297. I wonder if she was sort of obsessive and stalkery about it at first.
  2301. >unicorns bully each other over the size of their horns
  2302. >everyone gossips that Fleur either had work done on hers or is some descendant of Celestia who got all, and they mean /all/, the good genes
  2303. >Rarity is lengthier than average by a fair bit and if she doesn't have extra girth as well, she still radiates confidence and dominance
  2304. >Trixie's horn is F A T, almost on the border of being aesthetically unappealing, but only almost, and is the majority of the reason she's so consistently smug
  2305. >Twilight was an early bloomer but grew up to be completely average, almost perfectly so, in every physically measurable way
  2306. >It secretly drives her crazy to be as talented and powerful as she is and look completely unremarkable
  2310. >Ponies need magic in their diet.
  2311. >Magic naturally accumulates in the soil (see: gemstones)
  2312. >Plants gather this as they grow, which forms as sugar within the plant.
  2313. >Sugar cane obviously being the most abundant.
  2314. >This process is extremely easy to disrupt with careless magic use, the average unicorn just pulling apples from a tree would be like taking a sledgehammer to a snowflake.
  2315. >The apple may look fine on the outside, but the magic it would otherwise provide is much lower in quality, in extreme cases negated completely.
  2316. >Earth pony magic is much more delicate in comparison, working with the latent magic of the plant itself.
  2320. >Pegasi refer to their homes as their "nests", even when they live in a home that doesn't even vaguely resemble a collection of twigs
  2324. >"For fuck's sake, Moonbeam, it was the worst. I finally got to stamp my V-card with my coltfriend, but then I fucking WHINNIED when I came. I can never ask Anon out again. He'll just laugh in my face."
  2328. 'Royal Slave' jokes aside, I assume Twilight has given a lot of thought to what to do with Spike. The problem is that dragons develop mentally, physically, and emotionally all at different rates than ponies. He's too intellectually mature to attend Ponyville's school, but not emotionally mature enough to hold a proper apprenticeship or adult job.
  2332. >and derpy
  2333. >watching her lazy eye get progressively worse over the years and ruin what was once the most promising young flier in decades
  2337. >The M6 know full well that they'd never be able to find a stallion willing to not only put up with, but be happy with, the idiosyncrasies of six very different mares. Even if they were more similar, a six-mare herd is on the large side to begin with.
  2338. >The unspoken strategy seems to be to find two or three different stallions who get along, and court them in twos or threes.
  2339. >Not a multi-stallion herd, those never work, but a close bond between different herds.
  2340. >Maybe they can even be neighbors.
  2344. I love the headcanon where she's barely a teenager, only looks like an adult due to changeling biology and knows only the basics.
  2345. >mom dies
  2346. >hive needs a queen so her growth is sped up
  2347. >drunk with her new power she goes ahead with her dream of invading canterlot.
  2351. The Everfree Forest has existed since the rise of Nightmare Moon, nearly 1000 years ago. The ambient magics released during that final battle caused the wild, unyielding growth which has since come to dominate what used to be the Everfree Plain.
  2355. Alicorn Law is written in Old Equish and is full of conditionals and apologies and compliments and all sorts of rubbish that was the style of the time. It takes pages to get a single point across. ‘Foresooth, oh ye grande soule, and partaken unto this most humbelle scribbe… blah, blah, blah.’
  2359. “Mares and gentle-stallions. We are gathered here today to perform the Challenge of Royalty as prescribed by Alicorn Law that predates our kingdom. In their wisdom, Celestia and Luna decreed that blood would not be spilled in a contest for the leadership of Equestria. Instead, I will present three tasks to the challengers: the first being pegasus, then earth pony, and lastly unicorn. I will provide my judgment at the end of the challenge. The winner will be the undisputed leader of our nation.”
  2363. Lyra has a pretty severe spinal injury. That's why she's always sitting in that weird pose.
  2367. That's why it's so important for a unicorn to keep their head held high. We wouldn't want to accidentally gore one of our friends. Shame the other tribes misunderstand the gesture.
  2371. It always was a struggle to find able and willing help for the farm. If an earth pony wanted to work on a farm, it was easy enough to get your own piece of land, even if it was sharecropping ‘till you could support yourself and your herd.
  2375. Luna's reason for going NMM seem kind of odd when you consider that she is also the princess of dreams.
  2379. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2380. Sec02 (EqG General)
  2381. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2383. It took Sunset several weeks (and three detentions) to get over her habit of using expressions like 'Celestia's Teats!'.
  2387. Sunset, who is an adult unicorn mare in the body of a teenage girl
  2391. >"So there's this magical doohickey."
  2392. "Ay yo, hol up. What IS it, exactly? Where'd it come from? Who made it? What's it for? How does it work? Why do high school kids in this little town keep finding horrifying potentially world-shattering magic?"
  2393. >"Meh."
  2395. Equestria Girls would have been 100% better if the human world just had their own ancient magic long dormant, and beings with Equestrian magic coming over started activating everything. That would even give a reason for random artifacts to have just shown up because the magic was already in their world.
  2399. >You wear the skirt in this relationship!
  2400. >YOU!
  2401. >YOOOOUUU!
  2402. >"NEEIGHHHH!"
  2403. I like the idea of Sunset neighing when she gets over-excited.
  2407. human-verse is a bit more grounded in reality than regular pony-verse, and human-Penka has to do things like go to school and get an education, whereas pony-Penka went directly from living on a rock-farm to working full-time at a bakery and making enough money to support herself. I choose to believe that ponk-Panko is more happy-go-lucky and unfocused from the world around her
  2411. >Adagio stomped around in place, making angry dolphin noises
  2415. Is this like a modern-day EQG-style high school setting but with ponies instead of humans?
  2419. >Sunset Shimmer wonders why the heck her teats and tuft have swapped places as a human
  2423. >Sunset spends her winters all bundled up because she's used to having fur
  2424. >Can barely tolerate cooler weather, and starts wearing a jacket a solid week before any leaves being to fall in the autumn
  2428. >So is eating eggs dykie?
  2429. >Better not risk it.
  2433. >Apparently group bathing between families and herds is very common for ponies, and Sunset can't stand being by herself while she cleans up.
  2437. It's easy to forget, with the faux leather jacket and school bully reputation and all, but Sunset is a freaking NERD. She was a top student at Celestia's School for Nerds when she was a horse.
  2441. I like to think that Sunset is still in the city, she just has a boring job and no friends through which to hear gossip about her horsey self popping up.
  2443. >Human Sunset's history mirrored Pony Sunset's
  2444. >Intelligent, gifted, got booted up a few grades
  2445. >She was arrogant about her intelligence, and was in prime position to be bullied, which soured her to the idea of making friends
  2446. >End result was a cold bitch who used her smarts to bully people right back
  2447. >Graduated without a single friend
  2448. >Currently working at a nice company but has to work hard and crawl her way up through the ranks, thanks to her doing zero networking
  2449. >And since she continues not to have any friends, she doesn't even hear about all the crazy bullshit going on and some identical chick claiming to be her
  2453. >Vice-Principal Luna, who had recently returned from a 6 week suspension (without pay)
  2457. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2458. Sec03 (Reverse Gender Roles Equestria/EqG)
  2459. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2461. ---Expressions---
  2462. sunhat tipper
  2463. slooty himbo
  2464. those of the warmer sex
  2465. your taco fiesta / clambake of a party (sausage fest)
  2466. janegirl/tammygirl (tomboy)
  2467. run a tunnel on him
  2468. kid/foal-chasing legs (child-bearing hips)
  2470. beaver dam
  2471. running cliterference
  2472. cunt shunt
  2473. twat swat
  2474. blue wall
  2475. taco-blocko
  2476. vagi-seal
  2477. muff stuff
  2478. muff muzzle
  2479. clamjam
  2481. blue bean
  2483. morning dew (morning wood)
  2485. dick/prick (coward)
  2486. pussy (jerk)
  2488. "Yeah, he's a real tit/teat-twister, that one."
  2490. Sisters before misters!
  2491. Your dad fucked me last night!
  2492. That's what your dad told me last night!
  2493. Whatever you say, sugarsack/sugardick/sugarstick/sugarcane
  2494. clam hammer masturbation (death grip)
  2495. didn’t have the bean/nips to (didn’t have the balls to)
  2496. diamond cutters (balls of steel)
  2497. wrap around (penetrate)
  2499. houseband (housewife)
  2503. [RGRiE] [Resource] Distaff Glossary
  2507. >Gender roles are reversed for a legitimate reason.
  2508. >Stallions are great to hug and sire young, but outside of that, not much else.
  2509. >Stallions mean well, but are just kinda dumb.
  2510. >Difficult to have more then a base conversation with them and Faust help you if you try to give them more than a 3 step set of instructions.
  2511. >Matriarchy exists out of necessity since no one wants Forest Gump in government.
  2515. >Dash is loud and crude about her relationship with you in public. Sort of like a Chad who knows he's hooked a keeper and wants to look cool and spread jealousy.
  2516. >Behind closed doors, shes tripping over herself to apologize for acting like that earlier while at the same time trying to worm into your arms for a hug.
  2517. >You just wave it off with a smile, understanding the how and why of what she does with a silent promise to keep playing along.
  2521. >a mare who can hardly provide for herself, due to her eyes
  2522. >seen as a complete outcast, since she would never be able to provide care and money for a stallion
  2523. >plus she is so disruptive, no sane colt would want to spend any amount of time with her to even begin the courting
  2527. >On the other hoof, a stallion that actually works for a living? Isn't namby-pamby?
  2528. >A catch.
  2532. >Tough, working mare cat calls passing stallions.
  2533. >Tells them she'll rock their world.
  2534. >That she'll make them see stars.
  2535. >She'll suck the life right out of their dicks.
  2539. > Pinkie loves fun
  2540. > Parties, candy, friendship and games.
  2541. > To her there was no more wholesome expression of love and community than having a great time with one another.
  2542. > Unfortunately, and much to her chagrin, others who share her view also seemed to lump in loose morals.
  2543. > Stallions degrading themselves in the pursuit of short lived pleasures, and the mares that enabled that kind of thing; it made her sick.
  2544. > For ever story she heard of 'casual' sex creating friendship and unity, she saw a hundred times it only made drama.
  2545. > That ended up as a conundrum for her then.
  2546. > She wasn't interested in most of the partying types that could put up with her antics.
  2547. > The more modest stallions who were looking for a more traditional relationship wanted nothing to do with her party lifestyle and philosophy
  2551. >ywn nearly have a heart attack when Sweetie Belle asks if you're gonna be her new big brother
  2552. >ywn slowly recover as Rarity apologizes and pushes Sweetie Belle inside
  2553. >ywn know that Rarity is actually paying Sweetie Belle a few bits behind the door
  2554. >ywn know that 'using the little sibling card' is a common pick up tactic
  2558. >It's not uncommon to find a mare who spends her days off from work laying on the couch, eating pizza, and generally not grooming herself unless she's going out; and even then.
  2559. >"I splashed my mane with water, and I'm wearing a hat. I'll just put on some body spray and I'll be fine."
  2560. >They are not fine.
  2564. >The filly scouts are a near perfect parallel to the boy scouts of Earth, just with less child molesting.
  2565. >Anyway, there is supposed to be a scout leader for every team of fillies, usually a mom or older sister
  2569. she's determined to claim you to the root like a real mare.
  2573. >"*Sigh* Did you even listen during the preparation?"
  2574. "S-sorry... I was too busy listening to your dad's MOANINGS!"
  2575. >Got 'er
  2579. >The usual setting one imagined in their mind of colts drinking consisted of them daintily sipping sweet grape liquor from a long-stemmed glass, their straight posture and measured tone concealing their inebriation.
  2580. >Mares drank bitter cider with rugged indifference and got riled up, bold.
  2581. >Bold enough to APPROACH the wine-pecking colt table to try and win a little attention.
  2582. >Reality rarely disagreed with this image
  2586. Many mares fetishize anal sex, while stallions are reluctant.
  2587. >“Gross! Why would I ever want to put my nice, clean stallionhood in a disgusting place like that?!”
  2588. “Hey, that trip to Prance you’ve been nagg- talking about? I was thinking maybe we can afford it after all.”
  2589. >”Oh honey, really? I’m so happy! I’m sure I can think of a good way to show my appreciation for such a nice surprise...”
  2593. Of course stallions are doctors. Their hearts may be in the right place, but do you really think a stallion could ever become a nurse? The poor dears just aren't fit for that kind of work.
  2595. >You have to go to horseschool for 8-12 years to become a nurse
  2596. >But if you complete a standard 4-year education and 2-year training program, you get to become a doctor
  2597. >"Yeah, that's my nurse's degree; my nursorate, if you're my toddler niece and you don't have the best grasp on Equish. The bitch cost me damn near 100,000 bits, but it's worth it."
  2601. >being in a herd is is partly desirable because everypony can help with paying expenses
  2602. >an average mare does not have to worry about unemployment ruining her family or resort to taking an unfulfilling wagie job
  2603. >besides, everypony involved generally enjoys each others' company enough to form a herd in the first place
  2604. >that's how common ponies make light of the situation
  2605. >high class mares can afford to form herds with fewer females
  2606. >the "poor" ponies kinda resent them because it's seen as flaunting their wealth and privilege
  2607. >it's monopolizing on all the love of a stallion while herd sisters have to compete for it
  2608. >a single mare having multiple husbands is an outrage
  2612. >Rarity shows her love via expensive gifts and pampering Anon.
  2613. >But this was the only way she understood to woo a colt, and she's afraid if the money train ever runs out that he'll leave.
  2614. >And the boutique has had an especially rough season lately, finances are getting tight.
  2615. >But she feels like she has to keep up the illusion that everything is fine.
  2616. >It's times like this that she wonders if being mono is worth it, if she had a herd sister or two, it would take the pressure off a bit.
  2618. >After straining her purse even more in an effort to pretend nothing is wrong, Anon realizes that something is amiss.
  2619. >He doesn't know what, but Rarity knows he suspects something.
  2620. >She does not sleep well that night.
  2621. >She pulls him closer in the darkness, holds on tighter, fearing that soon he will disappear
  2625. >Anon is clumsy, a bit dense, but always good natured.
  2626. >Mare's love and wish to protect him, with only a few wanting to pervert something so pure.
  2627. >One day, a little filly, upon noticing this, asks why mares like him.
  2628. >He's basically just the stallion version of Derpy, right?
  2629. >Mares go to reprimand her, then freeze, her words registering.
  2630. >Fuck, she's right.
  2631. >Herd of mares end up in a bar, rethinking their life choices over some shots
  2635. >Rainbow is a hardcore jock, but whenever the topic of sexual escapades comes up, she quickly deflects any questions and changes the subject.
  2636. >Deep down, Rainbow Dash is a hopeless, idealistic romantic, but doesn't want her friends to think she's lame for still being a virgin. To her, sex with no connection is meaningless. She especially hates the modern age of thots.
  2637. >Like most pureblood pegasi, she had a conservative upbringing and wants save herself for her future husband, who is hopefully a virgin like her.
  2641. So how would a stallion not being able to get it up (out?) work?
  2642. Would the mare he's with feel like a complete failure?
  2643. Would a scumbag coltfriend cruelly make fun of her or dump her, while a nice one would try to reassure her that it happens to lots of mares their first time?
  2644. Would her reputation be ruined if anyone found out?
  2645. Would there be little pink pills or potions that she could use to enhance her pheromone output for a few hours, to get him hard? “If dripping persists for more than four hours, seek medical assistance.“
  2649. If Stallion can't get it up its a major medical issue, like breast cancer for women there is this whole awareness/month thing.
  2650. If a Stallion can't cum, then that is a whole ‘nother thing. It is the mares fault and she is given a nickname like Flash for men
  2654. >Fluttershy hit the jackpot for physical attractiveness.
  2655. >Even her shyness isn't quite a dealbreaker.
  2656. >But despite claims to the contrary, it's very rare for a colt to actually want to deal with a mare showing weakness.
  2657. >Nothing makes a stallion limp as a noodle faster than dealing with a scaredy-cat or a crybaby. And Flutters can be both.
  2658. >Rarity, despite the extreme lengths she goes through to look good, likewise drives off many potential suitors with her drama queen episodes, sobbing over a tub of ice cream. Though to be fair, her worst episodes are *after* the colt has dumped her.
  2662. >Prince Blueblood sits in the chair to the right of Celestia’s end of the table, as the current master of the royal household. For all the stallion disparagement you hear, you’ve noticed they’re trusted implicitly with any and all domestic operations.
  2666. “Thou remindest us of stallions from our time. Back when life was more dangerous. When stallions walked the perimeter of the herd as the mares recovered, when their power bolstered their mares’ tenacity, some becoming heroes in their own right. When they were still protected, but not as defenseless, nay, but as the last line of defense for the young and invalid. But the plans of ours and our sister’s worked. Life became peaceful. And when life was peaceful, stallions became… domesticated.”
  2670. >It was the kind of drink old guardmares drank on somber anniversaries; the kind of drink mares DARED other mares to drink to prove how tough they were.
  2674. Right now you were drinking a proper mare’s drink, a mojito. Not some colty beer that had the taste of nature with oak and what have you.
  2678. >Today is Father's Day.
  2679. >You're sitting with your married friends and the foals to give the stallions some quiet time.
  2680. >"So I tried to make breakfast in bed for Stargazer, and I ended up burning the whole thing. I mean it's not my fault cooking is a stallion's job."
  2681. >"Tell me about it. I got my husband a nice new ball-br-"
  2682. >She looks down to see her foal on her lap before looking back up and mouthing 'ball bra.'
  2683. >"And you would think I slapped him in the face."
  2684. >"I apparently made the same mistake getting mine a new toaster. Looks like I'm sleeping on the couch tonight for getting something we all could use."
  2688. >"I can't believe they pay us to do this, Aloe."
  2689. >>"I know, right? Mom looked mighty disappointed when we told her what we were training to be, but now we own our own business and we rub stallions all day."
  2690. >"Who's the dyke now, mom?!"
  2694. >After 40 minutes of eavesdropping, Rainbow is tired of hearing all these dyke stories about dumb colty things.
  2695. >Stories that don't actually go anywhere, stuff about emotions and feelings, fashion, gossip...
  2696. >And so with a sigh she soars away to do something actually interesting....
  2697. "Hey guys? I'm kinda worried about how a mare might react to my 'equipment'... You mind if we compare dicks?"
  2701. >It's not immediately obvious that Anon is a male
  2702. >Twilight thinks that he's a mare
  2703. >Complains to him about how stallions are all whores and how she's such a "nice gal"
  2704. >She nearly faints when she realizes how badly she fucked up
  2705. >Anon just thinks the entire reverse "nice guy" thing is funny
  2709. So do mares try to prescribe stallions some vitamin C while pointing at their groins suggestively?
  2713. >Nowadays a modern stallion can barely microwave a hot pocket because they're so "liberated"
  2717. >"Um. Listen, Anon. You know how you have a job and stuff? Yeah well, that's kind of really embarrassing for me. Rainbow Dash keeps making fun of me for dating a guy with a job."
  2718. >"I was thinking, if it's not too much trouble, maybe you could just stay home from now on like a proper colt? I have plenty of money and can take care of you!"
  2722. >Lyra is a bad judge of character
  2723. >Stallions take advantage of her
  2724. >The most recent one is why Lyra lives with Bon Bon instead of, you know, her house
  2725. >It's because she doesn't have one any more.
  2726. >Bon Bon is fiercely protective of her friend
  2730. >Ponies only have the most basic of sex toys
  2731. >It's shameful to have them for mares /and/ stallions.
  2732. >A mare who can't get dick is a failure
  2733. >A stallion who would rather rut something fake than the horde of willing mares is unbelievably selfish.
  2734. >Because who ever heard of a stallion that couldn't get laid on demand
  2738. >scrotum sag spinach immersion therapy
  2742. during the post-squash clarity when she realizes the only juice down there is her own
  2746. So, would licking lollipops/ice cream sandwiches be the equivalent of a woman eating a banana or hot dog?
  2750. >A stallion with 5 o'clock shadow is the equivalent of a feminist who doesn't shave her legs because she thinks it's empowering
  2751. >"This is what a real stallion's body looks like, misandrists."
  2755. Stallions like to write what star sign they are after their name whenever they sign something.
  2759. >Meanwhile everyone that works at the spa knows for a fact that Aloe and Lotus refuse to even stay in the same room as a colt if it meant being alone together.
  2760. >They'll keep the customer waiting for over an hour if that’s how long it takes for one of the stallion assistants to be present.
  2761. >The more experienced assistants can see the extra care in their movements and the slight hesitation to their normally deft hooves whenever they have a colt on the table.
  2765. A deep voice, like a warm, comfortable blanket.
  2766. A sharp, light voice, like a sword cutting through the air.
  2770. In the same way that it affects the tides, the moon is also said to affect a stallion's balls, making him tender and moody on certain days of the month.
  2774. >sleepovers
  2775. >All Twilight knows from experience with her brother is that there's lots of giggling, lots of babbling, and a few of Shining's friends thought she was adorable
  2776. >She's pretty sure they talk about ways to embarrass fillies
  2777. >Rarity, who works with colts in the fashion industry, believes it's 100% a business-style meeting where they all share the gossip they've gathered over the weeks, and they make sure to make colt-noises (giggling, etc) to cover up their nefarious plotting
  2778. >Applejack never thought about it before, since Mac never really had time for that sort of thing, and assumes they just chat and sleep
  2779. >Fluttershy becomes too embarrassed to speculate, but secretly thinks they compare ball-bras
  2780. >Rainbow Dash cannot be swayed from her opinion that it's the sort of thing porn has taught her, and she's 100% sure that they're practicing kissing
  2781. >Pinkie Pie pictures 100 different types of snacks they all share but doesn't speculate about much else, believing that what goes on in a colt's sleepover is too unfathomable for fillies to understand
  2782. >Also because dad didn't like it when she and her sisters thought too much about what colts get up to when they're alone, so she naturally assumes it's nefarious.
  2786. >A colt's place was in the fields or in toil after all
  2787. >Anon would be so much happier farming or woodworking than trying to do mare's work
  2788. >Too much thinking
  2789. >He would get frustrated
  2793. The idea of stallions not being dumb but readily made for long labor and endurance matches versus the dynamic and higher stress jobs that mares do is rather fun idea to think on.
  2797. >Some mare wanted to have a mono relationship with a stallion, and now everypony's outraged
  2798. >A stallion's role in a herd is not as a glorified walking penis and dinner-cooker
  2799. >He's seen as the glue that holds the group together, and is probably the pony with the hardest job in the entire group
  2800. >He has to balance his mare's likes and dislikes, their schedules for mealtimes (often waking up before the sun rises), he has to spend time with each of them despite conflicting schedules, he has to find a way to take care of the foals, and it's his job to balance the budget and figure out all the tax info for having X-number of working mares living with him
  2801. >He is just as important as any mare, and to be trusted with the well-being of everypony involved is a mark of pride
  2802. >The mare who wanted a colt all to herself wanted to ignore the honor a herd-stallions has, and didn't care that he (and most colts) had aspirations of taking up the mantle his father and his father's father took
  2803. >She just wanted him for sex and to give her foals
  2804. >If she really cared about him, she'd let him live up to his full potential
  2808. >dash tries to pass herself off as a redpilled alpha giga chadette who smashes dick on the reg and breaks colt hearts
  2809. >in reality she's a virgin who has never even seen a penis in real life
  2813. What if Caramel only pretended to be a cunt in order to chase off mares who only want to fuck him and his friends? If a mare persists despite the "fuck off, we aren't going to rut" treatment, he'd ease off the bitchiness and show off his actual personality.
  2817. But little do you know, her roommate Octavia has followed the two of you into the theatre. Ponies know (for the most part) that the two of them live together, and now Vinyl's exploits are starting to affect how other ponies view Octavia. They think she's either in on it or at the very least doesn't disapprove of Vinyl's disrespectful behaviour.
  2818. A few weeks ago, Octavia's date (a naive colt who didn't know much about Octavia apart from her being a musician) walked out on her when he found out that she lived with Vinyl "Wandering Hooves" Scratch herself. And now, Octavia has decided that she's going to catch her in the act and read her the riot act.
  2822. >Dysfunctional or otherwise lacking herds strategically assess (go on dates) with other sub-par herds to see if they can form a fully functional herd together.
  2823. >There are invitations, speed dating locations, posted events, and other resources to help those in need of completing their perfect herd.
  2824. >There are those who look down on multiple herds merging, seeing them as failed herds squashed together, a bunch of mares who can't pick up a stallion by themselves, or even as a thinly veiled filly fooler relationship.
  2825. >Despite this, the extra stability, friendship, safety, and monetary benefits aren't easy to overlook of a combined herd, especially to the opposite sex.
  2829. Ok RGRE, what happens if stallion of the herd dies early?
  2830. Even if mares perform most of the jobs with higher mortality rates and also have a chance to die due to childbirth (less of a problem with quadrupeds but ponies have a really big heads) there's still a decent chance that stallion will die before at least a part of the herd.
  2832. I'd assume that the herd would get plenty of support from the rest of community but then what next? It's not like there would be a significant number of herd-free stallions of older age, especially considering that the odds of a stallion losing his whole herd are pretty slim.
  2834. So does a herd break up and every mare looks for a new one or does it stay together and is generally destined to stay stalionless unless a miracle happens. Or among older ponies are there herds that are basically support groups for a pragmatic reasons rather than love?
  2836. And what about foals in such situation, even if they are 'adopted' by wider community what if some mares decide to move somewhere else or join a new herd, do they take them if they are biological mothers or what?
  2840. It was common in Equestria to assume a gentlecolt was spoken for, even if he was not, out of respect and to let him know that she would not try to take advantage of him. For him to admit to being single in such a direct way was jarring, as it could be interpreted as him displaying… interest.
  2846. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2847. Sec04 (Reverse Gender Roles Equestria)
  2848. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2850. ---Expressions---
  2851. maresculine
  2852. emaresculating
  2853. colty
  2855. janefilly (tomboy)
  2856. princey (sissy)
  2857. the town saddle
  2858. hover hooves
  2859. crust-tail (incel mare)
  2860. soup breath
  2862. reading books in her dad's attic
  2864. hammer hoof masturbation (death grip)
  2865. "You're just trying to get into his socks!"
  2869. >Being the little spoon is seen as putting yourself between potential danger and your stallion's soft underbelly while he's asleep and vulnerable
  2871. she's the mare and he's 'the saddle'
  2875. > Mares derive most of their sexual pleasure from the sensation of being cummed inside
  2876. > A long lasting stallion is a "dry well" that take a lot of pumping to get to the good stuff
  2877. > Stallions worry about lasting too long, while mares spend a lot of time on foreplay so that the stallion will come quickly during the main event
  2881. >Anon is only allowed to teach the colts because ponies are aware leaving a stallion in a room with fillies experiencing their first estrus is asking for a lawsuit
  2885. >Wings wrapping around your coltfriend is like waking up to find that you've somehow mashed your junk into your girlfriend's face
  2889. When Celestia and Luna were young, before the whole princess alicorn thing, the gender roles were like ours, over time they changed to what they are now.
  2890. Celestia and Luna are uncomfortable having to be like they remember their father being. They would rather be like their mother, and be doted on by the stallion instead of the other way around.
  2894. >Thousands of years back, the birthrates of colts to fillies were even and society was male dominated.
  2895. >As the years went on, the birthrates skewed in favor of mares, slowly flipping the gender roles.
  2896. >Now, no one even remembers that things were different.
  2897. >Except Celestia, who longs for the days of old where she had assertive, retro-masculine sweethearts lining up for her.
  2898. >Days when she could be the giggly, submissive female in a clear-cut relationship.
  2899. >Not whatever over complicated and unfair role mares today have.
  2903. >Daring Do finally captures Ahuizotl and drags him to the nearest Royal Guard outpost
  2904. >Ahuizotl knows how to be a colt when he needs to
  2905. >"M-Miss guardsmare, help! Th-this evil mare raped me and stole my family heirloom!"
  2906. >Daring is immediately shackled, while Ahuizotl is set free, along with the Evil Idol of Death and Doom
  2910. >Pegasi have a layer of fat over their lean muscle to insulate them from the cold that comes with flight.
  2911. >That means even world class athletes like Rainbow have some plush to them, making for an extra snugly hug.
  2912. >But Rainbow is extremely insecure over the fact that she'll never have the same marely muscle tone as Applejack. All of Rainbow's effort will never show thanks to the pegasus fat.
  2913. >Even unicorns are better defined than the average pegasus because they burn calories using magic all day.
  2914. She'll never be anyone's big, strong mare...
  2918. >RGRE ships are traditionally thought of as male, because the all-mare crews would claim the ships to have finicky personalities, and were prone to bouts of stallionish whimsy.
  2920. For the past ~1200 years, ships have all had various penis-themed images carved into the rudder (because every stallion needs a cock, and "rudder" sounded a lot like "rutter" to less-educated and horny mares alike).
  2922. >The pride of the Equestrian Navy is the Starswirl the Bearded, a modern Galleon with the largest, bronze cast battering ram in the recorded history.
  2923. >The galleons have no reason for having battering rams at the front, because of cannons.
  2924. >Celestia insisted anyway
  2928. >Every few years the media digs up shit she said before their parents were born and she gets shat on by stallionists and political pundits.
  2929. >She also has a political gaffe every other decade by saying something that would have been acceptable decades, sometimes a century or two, ago
  2933. >The CMC tries to herd with Anon
  2934. >Their attempts at wooing him are based on incomplete and misunderstood/misheard advice given to them/said in their vicinity by their respective sisters
  2935. >Scootaloo tries to show off her wingspan to him, which he rewards with a wing-massage (unknowingly making Scootaloo crush harder on him)
  2936. >Sweetie Belle surprisingly does not try to cook for him; she dresses up in her sister's clothing as a way of saying "Look at me, colt. See how fancy I am? If I can afford all this, then you wouldn't have to work a day in your life." She predictably trips over the hem of her dress and loses her sunhat to a strong gust of wind. Anon has to comfort her with hugs.
  2937. >Apple Bloom straight up tries to tie him up with a lasso and tries to drag him back to Sweet Apple Acres, but she's 1/4 his size and weighs 40 lbs
  2938. >Anon thinks the entire affair is adorable
  2942. >"Obviously he's just playing hard to get, you know how stallions are."
  2943. >Someone (lets say Luna) brings up some outdated law that was never officially revoked
  2944. >Basically, any mare can "lay claim" to Anon, and all they have to do to marry him is complete a challenge against his champion
  2945. >They are allowed to choose the test (strength, skill, smarts, etc.), but anon chooses the specifications of the challenge
  2946. >(If a mare chose a challenge of wits then he could choose a game of chess or a riddle or anything in keeping with the category)
  2947. >Usually the champion would be anon's mother or sister.
  2948. >Because this is not possible, anon must choose a champion
  2952. > Mares have different preferences for dong length, according to the depths of their marehood
  2953. > Marelets are made fun of for having shallow vags
  2954. > "What if your husbando has a big cock?"
  2955. > But then there's the testes debate
  2956. > DILF animoos with big, swaying sacks
  2957. > Colts with delicate, petite nuts
  2958. > Some like stallions to not shave, but smooth balls are common in the various forms of erotica
  2963. >Twilight has already been on several dates with gold-digging stallions that could care less about her
  2964. >One didn't even remember that he used to bully her for being a "nerd" back at school and another spent the whole night planning what to buy with money she didn't have
  2965. >Just because she's a princess doesn't mean she can take from the royal vault whenever she wants
  2969. >While stallions aren't expected to help with the harvest or the more physically demanding chores that come with life on the farm, they still pull their weight
  2970. >Typically, this manifests as cooking, cleaning, shopping, and whatever minor chores the mares can't get to themselves
  2971. >And perhaps most important of these duties is organization
  2972. >Budgets, quotas, sales, inventory, schedules, appointments and more are all but guaranteed to pass a farm stallion's desk at some point
  2973. >Arguably the most important thing the stallion is expected to organize is the breeding schedule
  2974. >Farming is a tough life, and extra hooves are at an absolute premium for most
  2975. >Why pay workers when you can just tell your kids to do it instead?
  2976. >But even for the most hardy of earth pony mares, working can be too strenuous for the little one
  2977. >But the harvest waits for no mare and ends must meet, thus the schedule
  2978. >Family fertility, dates of heats both previous and expected, skills, and projected losses from the pregnancy all come together in a mathematical dance most wouldn't expect outside of a university, let alone on a farm of all places
  2979. >A well put together schedule can often manage one "incapacitated" mare relegated to low-strain chores along her stallion, with her slack being picked up by herdsisters in less advanced stages of their own pregnancies
  2980. >By the time the foal is born and weaned, she's ready to head out to the fields, making room for the mare that is likely just about to be "incapacitated" herself
  2981. >Life goes on, the farm manages to keep turning a profit, and in a few years it might even be able to expand
  2985. >Incubi are summoned mainly by lonely mares that can't score to save their lives, so they're seen as the de facto demons of lust
  2986. >succubi, on the other hand, are seen as demons of purer, more emotional love
  2987. >you know, colty stuff
  2988. >when Cadance ascended, there was a LOT of talk as to whether or not she was a succubus that was "purified" by Celestia, or something like that
  2989. >backroom gossip for the most part, but it persisted for years after her coronation
  2993. "I'm wearing jeans! You can't see balls through jeans!"
  2994. >"Unicorns can with the right spell! Why do you think the bras have runes stitched into them? Aren't you worried about finding a nice herd someday?"
  2998. >"Hello, I'm going door-to-door to sell-"
  2999. >>"Go away!"
  3000. >"Woah! Okay, jeez, I'm just trying to sell strawberries!"
  3001. >>"We don't want any of your strawberries! Buck off before I MAKE you buck off!"
  3002. >The front door slams and Rainbow Dash trots back into the room, ears flopping against her skull and looking annoyed.
  3003. >She speeds up a little bit as she spots you and curls up in your lap as soon as she's able.
  3004. >Without thinking about it, you start giving her ear-scratches with your uninjured arm.
  3005. >>"Don't worry about her, Anon," she purrs happily, "I chased her off. You're safe now."
  3009. >Male sirens would be considered total sluts by pony standards, simply impregnating whatever willing females are nearby and rarely bothering to raise the resulting offspring.
  3010. >As a result most sirens are raised in family units consisting of their mother and two or more 'aunts'.
  3011. >A siren male who sticks around is considered a great boon because that means next mating season the females don't have to start the process of attracting a new male all over again with more lesbian displays
  3015. >domestic abuse in RGRE isn't just a simple flip of what it's like on Earth
  3016. >because ponies are typically polygamous instead of monogamous, domestic abuse is often cut off before it can really get going
  3017. >if one mare in the herd starts abusing one of the herd's kids or the stallion, she usually gets kicked out by the other mares.
  3018. >that's why monogamous couples are often thought of as abusive
  3019. >in a herd, if one mare tries to abuse the stallion there are usually two or more other mares there to throw her out on her butt.
  3020. >but in monogamous couples there's no such defense.
  3021. >the stallion and foals are at the mercy of an abusive mare.
  3022. >this isn't an issue for couples like the Cakes or Applejack's parents, because there is another adult mare in the home (Pinkie Pie and Granny Smith), even if she's not a part of the herd, capable of intervening in such a scenario.
  3026. >Among ponies, the mares have always been stronger, despite the superior muscle-mass of stallions.
  3027. >This is because mares have more magic, which fuels a pony's abilities far beyond what mere muscles can perform.
  3031. >"Oh, no. If he's here, I can't break out 'pin the cock on the stallion', and that's my biggest crowd-pleaser!"
  3035. >The pressures of being a mare are many.
  3036. >The odds are stacked against them in nearly every way. They're expected to be strong, beautiful, intelligent, hard working, wealthy, and perfect. Hell, they almost need to be able to read a Stallion's mind to get everything right.
  3037. >That's a lot to ask for a herd that you can be kicked out of at any time.
  3041. >In a post estrus-sex haze, Rainbow's instincts take over.
  3042. >She absently makes a nest out of clothes and blankets, then insistently urges you to get in with her and cuddle.
  3043. >Once you're finally in, she fluffs up, coos a short song like a dove, and finally falls asleep.
  3044. >You have no idea what happened, but it was cute as hell.
  3045. >Then you recount the episode to a shocked Twilight, who says it was a mating ritual as binding as marriage and by getting in the nest with her, you agreed.
  3046. >Huh... That's quite a jump from just dating...
  3047. >Then Rainbow starts catching flak when others learn you had no idea what you were getting into, them saying she took advantage of you.
  3048. >And taking the choice away from a stallion is a big no-no.
  3049. >But you clearly recall that she was too blissed out to be in control of herself. She didn't do it on purpose, but in a show of double standards, the others don't care.
  3050. >You and Rainbow find yourselves suddenly married and at the center of a brewing shitstorm.
  3054. >The laws making stallions little more than property have been abolished or altered one by one over the course of many years, but even then, Equestria is still rather restrictive on male rights.
  3055. >A stallion still has to be "in the care of" (rather than owned by) a mare. Typically this is his alpha mare, his mother, or one of his sisters.
  3056. >There has never been an issue where a stallion has no one to answer to. Orphans don't exist since families are always open to take in foals, colts especially.
  3057. >Male foreigners are few and far between, but they often hire a "guide mare" for their stay to avoid hassle.
  3058. >The reason for all this?
  3059. >Stallions actually DO function at a level lower than mares with crown funded studies to confirm it. Not enough to cross into "disabled" territory, but that "cute and ditzy" is less of a rude stereotype and more of a fact. It luckily has almost no effect on parental instinct.
  3060. >Obvious (and strangely marely) exceptions like Shining Armor and Big Mac exist, but they are vastly outnumbered.
  3061. >This system has been in place for thousands of years, and has recently become more politically correct, but is still largely unchanged.
  3065. >Anon forgets to take a shower one morning before he does a bit of shopping
  3066. >His already strong (by pony standards) natural scent is now even stronger
  3067. >Some mares are barely holding it together
  3068. >"He wants it! Bonnie, let me go, that slut is literally asking for it!"
  3072. >Stallions don't do that. They don't wade into danger for mares. On a base level they're programmed to save themselves if danger happens to arise. They're too valuable to risk.
  3073. >The idea of a male going to such lengths, being away from home, choosing to fight, powering through wounds and his own fear, all for a single mare who is standoffish, is absurdism at it's finest.
  3074. >But mare readers keep going back to that part and rereading it. Some do it over and over.
  3075. >Even in fiction, it's not something that's ever been explored.
  3076. >The sales for the next book skyrocket, readers wanting both adventure and to see this strange new relationship.
  3080. >Rainbow, despite her rebellious and wild attitude, is actually very traditional.
  3081. >Pegasi of old were very egalitarian and old families like the Rainbow line still are.
  3082. >And proper pegasi mares don't have any interest in weak, thin-blooded mates like the modern stallion. She may flirt sometimes, but rarely is Rainbow Dash serious.
  3086. >Rainbow immediately begins trying to seduce him
  3087. >Inviting him to "trick practice" where she implements mating dances into them subtly
  3088. >She also wakes him up by chirping out serene bird song pones
  3089. >Of course Anon just assumes it's actual birds
  3090. >By not letting him see her she's subliminally associating amazing songs with herself
  3091. >Then of course she eventually gets to a point where she's finally ready to make the final move
  3092. >Making a nest with his possessions
  3093. >This is the most critical point of pegasi mating as it can go one of two ways
  3094. >Either the target would utterly and completely swoon over the confident pegasi and become hers
  3095. >Or he would become outraged and the likelihood of them even being able to be friends anymore is next to nothing
  3099. >Stallions are actually less mentally capable than mares.
  3100. >Simple things like cooking, cleaning, and simple jobs like secretaries, butlers, or "guards" (read: paid eye candy) they can master, and instincts fill in any blanks for parenting.
  3101. >But outside of rare exceptions like Starswirl, Big Mac, or Shining Armor, stallions ARE inferior.
  3102. >And the laws granting civil rights to stallions are made up of flowery and confusing words and wordplay that most of the stallions don't get, but makes them feel good without really questioning it.
  3103. >Really, a stallion without a strong mare to lead him is a stallion tempting fate.
  3104. >And with how few and precious the males are, mares coddled them and grew into the dominant gender
  3106. >Twi, despite being brainy, is too much of a white knight to admit stallions are lesser than mares despite literal scientific evidence.
  3107. >It bled over to her desires, leaving her wanting an actual equal romantically.
  3108. >...but the rare few stallions on a mares level are usually taken long before she can get to know them, and even then, they're still below her.
  3109. >Her friends just shook their heads. Rainbow and Applejack even snickered and said "Hope you like the taste of vag then."
  3113. >Happy stallion, happy battalion
  3117. >Horse-periods don't exist, but stallion still have "that time of the month"
  3118. >Glands and brain chemistry are all governed by magic in Equestria, which is why a mare will always go into heat in the spring and can't be fooled by methods that would normally trick a real life horse's body; ie using light to introduce a false spring that results in estrus
  3119. >Stallions tend to be much more sensitive to magic (which is why they gotta be protected: spells hurt them more than they hurt mares, and their small number means that ponies just can't take that risk) and sensual magic is tied closer to the moon than to the sun
  3120. >Also, afternoon delight doesn't exist in Equestria for this very reason.
  3121. >So when the full moon approaches, the average stallion's brain chemistry is affected severely
  3122. >They become moody and irrational (but how is that different from any other time of the month, amirite? Mares? Yeah? No? Y-Yeah?) a couple of days before and after the full moon
  3123. >They're much easier to upset and they complain of headaches and body pain
  3124. >In polite horse-society, it's appropriate to refer to this as a stallion's "phase" (as in phases of the moon)
  3125. >Less polite society refers to it as his time of the month
  3129. >With how peaceful and averse to conflict ponies are, broken families are almost non-existent.
  3130. >Almost.
  3131. >Every so often, a herd will break up or throw members out. Usually it's a mare who gets ejected.
  3132. >Custody of foals can vary, but usually the herd keeps them.
  3133. >Even more rarely, a death in a mono family can cause issues. Its less impacting if it's the mother, since a stallion father will have tons of support to fall back on. In the event of the father's death, things get much harder. A mare can't go back to her family without swallowing a huge amount of pride and many of the family assistance programs prioritize stallions.
  3134. >For these rare few, the town usually has a small bachelorette 'herd' where outcasts and mares on hard times can support each other. Joining is usually the last nail in the coffin for them socially due to the stigma attached to being an outcast. After that, many will still be civil and friendly with them, but trying to leave and join a new herd is nigh impossible as no stallion will agree. If they didn't have foals before, then now their legacy dies with them.
  3138. > Twilight gets stressed out about finding a non-gold-digger stallion
  3139. > Always wondering if they are just after her status or money
  3140. > Almost get tricked by a stallion, but overhears him talking about how boring she is, and how the divorce will set him up for life
  3141. > They'd been dating for six months, and she had started looking at horn rings
  3142. > Twilight dumps him stoically, but she feels hollowed out by the experience
  3143. > Retreats into magic research
  3147. >They couldn't even challenge his mare to a duel to settle the matter, since who would ask such a thing from Princess Celestia?
  3151. > Too many stallions are more concerned about being slim than about preparing for fatherhood
  3152. > Fashion is to blame, but even with flank-positive models, the cultural inertia is hard to overcome
  3153. > Celestia has tried influencing things in many ways
  3157. >stallions in RGRE are whimsical and the fairer sex
  3158. >everypony knows that
  3159. >even harkening back to the days before Luna's banishment stallions were seen as something to be protected
  3160. >but back before the celestial sisters, even back before the three tribes united there was one stallion who is said to have been untamable by any mare:
  3161. >Pegasus
  3162. >/the/ Pegasus
  3163. >the great deeds of the mighty stallion have been forgotten, exaggerated, and confused over time, but all stories tell of his strength, nobility, humility, and sheer competence at guiding his people
  3164. >nopony knows exactly what happened to the legendary stallion, but whenever a particularly marely colt arises like Shining Armor or Big Mac they're said to have Pegasus' blood run strong through their veins
  3168. >Of all three pony races, unicorns were the most superstitious, pre-unification.
  3169. >Unicorns existed in tribes, and a lack of unified culture meant that information about magic was often lost, altered, and was very rarely studied and verified.
  3170. >That meant that many magical rituals existed that were complicated to cast, had very specific parameters that had to be met, and often did jack shit.
  3171. >These rituals differed from tribe-to-tribe, and the lack of cooperation between tribes meant that magical study was advancing at a snail's pace.
  3172. >Actual discoveries were closely guarded secrets among the tribe's shamans, and misinformation was sometimes deliberately spread.
  3173. >During this time period, wendigos were a major threat.
  3174. >They were attracted and strengthened by fighting, ill-will, mistrust, and violence.
  3175. >And unicorns, with the most reason not to cooperate, were hit the worst by it.
  3176. >No, really, unicorns got along with each other the worst - what, is a pegasus going to hide the secret of how to flap her wings from the other bird-ponies? An earth pony will withhold the secret of how to grow food, and then everyone starves to death? "Gotcha, fuckers!" the earth pony cried as she and everyone else died of no food.
  3177. >They looked to other tribes to discover ways to protect themselves.
  3178. >The pegasi flew away and had cities in the sky, and cooperation was desperately needed to maintain a sky-city.
  3179. >Weather was controlled, clouds were wrangled, and not working together meant no magic sky-castles.
  3180. >Unicorns mostly just saw this as pegasi flying away from the problem and using thunder to scare away the wendigos
  3181. >"Useless," spat the unicorn mare, "We can't fly, and we cannot control the weather."
  3182. >Earth ponies herded together in large groups, and they all worked together towards a common goal.
  3183. >It was always in their best interest to work together and grow lots of food, and large families of earth ponies tended to have very similar cutie marks which frequently followed a central theme.
  3184. >IE the Apple clan all have a cutie mark related to apples, and their lives and passions tend to revolve around that fruit in one way or another.
  3185. >Working together and not fighting helped them the most, and so earth ponies had the most wendigo-fucking harmony levels of all three tribes.
  3186. >Unicorns were unable to get too close to either of the other two races (thank you, cross-race hostilities), and so they didn't have the best view of earth ponies.
  3187. >One apple looked like another apple.
  3188. >A group of three apples is pretty close to a pair of apples when you look at it from far away.
  3189. >"Do they all have the same cutie mark?"
  3190. >The unicorns saw that the earth ponies, who resided on the ground and had not thunder clouds to scare away the wendigos, did not suffer attacks like the unicorns do.
  3191. >Naturally, the unicorns concluded that it must be because groups of earth ponies share the "same" cutie mark; which in itself became a wide-spread misconception about earth ponies.
  3192. >This immediately sparked a wide-spread belief that multiple unicorns having the same cutie mark would somehow protect them from wendigos.
  3193. >This lead to the belief among many unicorn tribes that sharing your cutie mark with another pony would protect you and them from harm
  3194. >It was believed that copying one's cutie mark and putting it on another pony also transferred and sacrificed a portion of their magic, which gave the ritual more meaning and significance.
  3195. >This mostly involved magical rituals that just pulled magic out of the ponies and either shuffled it around or just bled it out into the earth around them
  3196. >The only "real" part of the complex rituals were the part where the unicorn imprints their cutie mark somewhere on the receiving unicorn's body.
  3197. >Painlessly and harmlessly, of course. It was just a new mark that existed on their bodies.
  3198. >It was a very inefficient spell and required lots of time and effort ("No, no, no! You have to wait until the full moon and sprinkle the broken mana-gems all over the circle we drew using tools made only of brass! C'mon, ponies! It's not that difficult!"), and so unicorns mostly only performed this ritual on other ponies that they either liked or loved.
  3199. >Add on that the mark-transferring spell itself required an above-average power to cast and that the ritual can fail if the mare isn't powerful enough, and you've got a firm belief that it's real as shit and is super important.
  3200. >On top of all that, it was discovered that trying to impart any cutie mark other than the caster's will impart imperfections and defects to the magical signature; marking someone one with a random pony's cutie mark is like taking someone else's ID, scratching out their name, and writing your own over it in crayon.
  3201. >False markings were easy to weed out with a simple scanning spell.
  3202. >And because of the belief that the mark offered protection, the unicorns who would otherwise attack other unicorns (rob them, they just don't like them, etc) would back off instead.
  3203. >Inter-unicorn hatred and violence decreased over time, and communities became more close-knit
  3204. >Shamans would offer their services to other unicorn tribes, which just built up cooperation and even caused several of them to join together
  3205. >And so when the unicorns formed connections with those around them and began to slowly expand their communities, the overall increasing friendship and lessening hostilities would help drive the wendigos away.
  3206. >Obviously, the unicorns believed it was the act of branding another pony with their cutie mark that was doing all this good shit.
  3207. >And so, magically branding the flesh of another pony is seen as a unique gesture.
  3208. >And of course, unification of the tribes brought wide-spread unified study, and the ritual has since been studied and refined down to a single, simple spell that almost any sufficiently-powerful unicorn can perform.
  3209. >As unification happened, many cultural quirks bled into the new whole from all three pony tribes
  3210. >Pegasi brought in giving another pony a primary feather as a way to say "I am willing to cripple my ability to fly and escape danger so that you know how much I love you".
  3211. >Earth ponies had gifting lavishly-made dishes, which meant "The very fact that I can produce this means that my family is strong and successful in growing food, and I'd love for you to become a member of my family.
  3212. >Unicorns had magically branding another pony, which meant "I love you, and I want you and everyone else to see that I'm willing to sacrifice a portion of my magic and weaken myself for you; you are under my protection, and I won't let anything bad happen to you."
  3213. >Context is important; between family members, between non-family members, and imprinting onto clothing rather than onto flesh.
  3214. >If done between family members, it's means "remember that I love you" and "you're under my protection"; a mother might mark the foreheads of her foals with her cutie mark so that would-be ne'er-do-wells would know that if they fuck with that kid, they fuck with a powerful mare.
  3215. >if the mare is not powerful enough to give her foals her mark, a necklace with an emblem that resembles the mother's cutie mark will do in a pinch
  3216. >A more watered-down version of it is putting one's cutie mark on an article of clothing, like a saddlebag; it's much more impersonal (since a unicorn can just stamp her mark onto 50 saddlebags and then hand them out to whoever) and is typically used in modern times between friends and business associates as a way of saying "I'm associated with this pony".
  3217. >But inscribing a cutie mark onto a non-family member means that the mare cares deeply for the pony she inscribed her mark onto.
  3218. >It means "I consider this pony to be my family".
  3219. >Platonically, it means she considers the other pony to be on the same level as her brother or sister.
  3220. >Non-platonically, it means that she doesn't need to put a horn-ring on it.
  3222. >Buying a horn-ring and proposing is less significant than this; in fact, a married unicorn stallion without his wife(s)'s mark somewhere on his body is derisively referred to as a "cleanskin".
  3226. >Back and Celestia and Luna's day, courtship and lovemaking were very much different than modern days
  3227. >It was Renaissance romance turned up to eleven
  3228. >Poetry, making up songs, writing anonymous novels, hundreds of pages long, describing beauty
  3229. >In their day the height of courtly love and romance would be for a woman to take her gentlestallion to her bedchambers, kneel by him while he sat on the edge of the bed, and sing his praises
  3230. >A kiss before asking the head of the household to court a boy was seen as scandalous
  3231. >Seeing a boy's shoulders would usually see that boy thrown out of his home to wander the streets as nothing more than a two-bit whore
  3232. >Because of her banishment, Luna had no idea about how romance and sex in these modern times work
  3233. >Celestia, devastated after her sisters departure, gave up on relationships of an intimate nature
  3234. >Focusing solely on her duties as a ruler, she didn't notice the world change around her
  3236. >All Celestia wants to do is write you poetry and challenge any that besmirch your name to armed combat
  3237. >Luna wants to be scandalous, wanting to sneak into your chambers at night for her novel about how your eyes sparkle in her moonlight
  3238. >If she plays her cards right, she might hold your hand for a moment before you scurry away, embarrassed
  3242. "I'll twist your teats so hard that your foals will spin in circles when they try to nurse from you."
  3246. >"But it's the only way I can be comfortable," she counters with a pout. "I need to sleep on my hoard, Anon, and you’re my most valuable treasure. I need to make sure you aren't stolen in the night."
  3250. >And by 'duel', she means an old pegasus mating ritual. A glorified wrestling match where the winner decides to either discard or mount the loser.
  3254. >She nearly asks him if he'd want to go out sometime, but her mind flashes to six months ago when she thought she fell in love with her dream stallion, only for Celestia to shatter that fantasy like her sun ends dreams.
  3255. >She thinks of the all the stallions that came after
  3256. >Handsome, flirty, and all seemingly interested in her.
  3257. >She remembers how the truth tore her heart out each time.
  3258. >She excuses herself, apologizing, but stating she has royal business to attend and that they'll have to continue their discussions later.
  3260. >He seems so happy as he suggests the most expensive restaurants that they should go to and how she should buy them new outfits for the occasion.
  3264. >However, that doesn't stop a few certain rumors from spreading that stallions are just as capable of "winking" just like a mare as well, with their "one eyed snakes"
  3265. >The fact that these rumors tend to begin in elementary school fillies' locker rooms and playgrounds does nothing to stop their spread beyond them
  3266. >More than once has a filly-turned-mare finally gotten to third base with her new coltfriend, only to ruin the evening by asking him to "do the dick-wink thing"
  3270. >The kidnappings are bad for certain, but the love extraction is way blown out of proportion to cover for the worst part.
  3271. >A stallion who was used by Changelings often goes back home with his already meager sex drive destroyed and himself ruined for mares. They can't offer him the mind-blowing pleasure his Changeling rapist gave him
  3272. >That stallion probably wont have as may foals now, if any. Some might even try to get themselves re-captured.
  3273. >That is why Changelings are reviled creatures
  3277. >On one hoof, a highly magical stallion using his powers to travel around the world and deliver presents to all the good foals sounds exactly like what a stallion would do if they had the ability to do so.
  3278. >On the other hoof, this is extremely whimsical, and downright risky behavior for a stallion to be participating in.
  3279. >What's keeping some desperate hoo-man mare from setting up a trap by the chimney to capture herself a stud that's proven good with foals?
  3280. >Celestia knows what most Equestrian mares would do if a desirable stallion just sauntered into their home, and it wouldn't be feeding him milk and cookies.
  3281. >Not unless it was her teat milk and her winking cookie.
  3282. >This Ms. Claus mare better get her head out of her plot and control her stallion before a proper mare steals him away
  3286. >You're the big, strong weather-mare who earns a big, strong salary, and Fluttershy just plays with squirrels all day.
  3291. >tfw Anon doesn't spend the full thirty minutes snuggling with you before you both get up so your scent is with him throughout the day
  3292. >tfw you're probably going to have to mount him in public to show all the marelets he's taken
  3293. >tfw the mayor gets upset when you do this, but you don't give a buck
  3297. >"You're telling me that 'Bigclit Thundercavern', the esteemed 'sex-spert' has lied to me?"
  3301. >Stallions aren't just delicate, they're also emotionally unstable
  3302. >Repetitive tasks like housecleaning, meal-making, and appealing to their emotions and instincts by giving them foals is the most efficient way to keep their minds occupied
  3303. >If they don't have a sufficient amount of things like that to do, they start to get unhinged
  3307. >Cheerilee sees this first hoof.
  3308. >Her colt students give her a heart attack on a regular basis, like the time Rumble nosedived off a cloud to try and do his own sonic rainboom, and she only just manages to catch him before he hit the ground.
  3309. >Or when Tender Taps wanted to do a fire dancing routine for a talent show.
  3310. >Or the time Snips and Snails summoned a demon during arts and crafts.
  3311. >She at least didn't have to keep the fairer sex, and the future of their species, alive on her own.
  3312. >Fillies are taught from a young age to protect colts from their own whimsy, so all the girls in her class are a great help in keeping the male population safe.
  3316. >drawing attention to a unicorn's horn
  3317. >there are many materials that will react to a magical charge
  3318. >some unicorn mares grind these materials up, pound them into a paste, and delicately paint it into the grooves of their horns
  3319. >if done properly the material will glow when the mare uses her magic, giving the impression that she's much more powerful than she actually is
  3320. >this will get her a lot more attention either from gold diggers thinking the mare can literally make gold or from stallions who want a mare who can protect their foals
  3324. >The most self-conscious mares gloss their lower lips to simulate arousal due to a lack of experience with sex
  3325. >They believe misconceptions and rumours
  3326. >They believe that any "real mare" should be able to become wet in an instant so that she can please a stallion at any moment, thus cementing their worth
  3327. >Because of course, much like the reverse in our world, a mare who cannot please a stallion is mocked
  3331. >Equestrian society is actually fairly egalitarian
  3332. >Bear with me for a second, boys.
  3333. >Stallions are trying to move away from the image of foal-chasing dinner-cookers, and it's not uncommon to see stallions in the workforce
  3334. >Think 1970s instead of 1940s
  3335. >The Pillars of Equestria are seen far and wide as heroes, but some are more relevant than others
  3336. >Somnambula has long been lauded as an ancient-day stallionist, working with Starswirl, Flash, and Rockhoof as equals
  3337. >That's significant - back in those days, stallions were little more than property. The idea of a stallion back then being anything more than something that makes foals and keeps the house was unheard of.
  3338. >But Somnambula was something else, and her history and her image are often used in stories and in media to support stallion's rights and their status as equals
  3339. >But then the Pillars return, and none of them are how modern Equestria thought they were.
  3340. >Rockhoof saved his village from lava flow by digging a trench, just like history says
  3341. >But it was done out of concern for the foals, whose care they were put in when the villagers realized he was (at the time) too weak to join the Mighty Helm
  3342. >He was natural father material - foals were in danger, and he found mighty strength within him to save them from harm
  3343. >He has very traditional values and is disappointed that modern stallions don't devote all their time and energy to raising foals
  3344. >Somnambula, meanwhile, encouraged Rockhoof, Flash, and Starswirl to fight as a team mostly because she thought she might get some action out of it
  3345. >Also, by letting them run ahead of her she would be able to watch their balls jiggle underneath their tails
  3346. >Now Equestria has to deal with the fallout of their ancient heroes being nothing like they thought they were, and Somnambula not being the champion of equality history said she was
  3350. >Stallions have a very delicate magical system
  3351. >A pony's magic saturates his or her body, and naturally that means that a larger body would need to spread that pony's magic out over a greater area, reducing the amount of magic in any given area
  3352. >A stallion has a much larger frame than a mare, so their natural magic has to spread itself thin in order to reach from his snoot to his hooves.
  3353. >A pony must maintain a minimum amount of magic in all areas of their bodies at all times
  3354. >This allows a unicorn to cast spells, a pegasus to fly, and for an earth pony to pull off feats of strength
  3355. >Think of a pony's body as a computer, and their magic as the power supply
  3356. >Each component requires a certain amount of magic to operate properly
  3357. >Continuing this metaphor, a computer trying to draw more power than it has access to results in a brown-out and introduces the risk of damaging the hardware.
  3358. >I still remember that day in the late 90s where my dad's beige computer started to emit smoke.
  3359. >If a pony tries to perform an action beyond their capabilities (casting a very powerful spell; flying very fast and very hard; trying to pull an unusually heavy load), then magic must be drawn from the rest of the body to help aid in performing this task.
  3360. >That means that the magic in various parts of the pony's body will dip below the minimum levels required for those parts operate properly.
  3361. >A pegasus flying much faster than they usually do will find that their wings will suddenly experience difficulty walking on clouds, which requires flight magic
  3362. >An earth pony pulling a much heavier load than they are capable of doing will find themselves feeling weak, and they risk injuring themselves if they then move on to do something like bucking a tree
  3363. >A unicorn casting a spell well outside their capabilities will find themselves unable to contain their magic, and they risk injuring themselves and others. They may even permanently damage their horns.
  3364. >A stallion has less magic per cubic centimeter, and so it's much easier for him to exhaust himself than it is for a mare to exhaust herself.
  3365. >In short, their muscles mean less when a mare can accomplish the same thing with less energy spent.
  3366. >Their magic is so thinly stretched that it, like the tides, can be affected by the moon
  3367. >The moon has been a source of magic since Nightmare Moon was banished there, and personal magic stretched too thin means that there's a smaller volume of it in any given area, lessening its ability to resist the moon's magical pull
  3368. >It's like how paper can be lit by a match in 2 seconds, but a log of wood won't even get warm before the match burns out.
  3369. >This means that a stallion's magical abilities strengthen and weaken as the month progresses, often peaking at the full moon.
  3370. >This constant waning and waxing of their magic affects their mood, making them especially grumpy in times of the new moon
  3371. >Ponies have observed that a new moon, appearing like a black dot surrounded by a white ring, appears to resemble a period at the end of a sentence; hence, they call the stallion's monthly cycle his "period"
  3372. >Anon thought this was just a joke about how bitchy stallions can get, but that was not the case.
  3373. >There are rumours that this monthly cycle affecting their magic also affects whether or not they can get erect, but this is likely a story that stallions came up with in order to avoid being pestered for sex by their mares when they're grumpy and sore during the week of a new moon.
  3374. >There are exceptions to this, of course, such as Starswirl the Bearded (and the rest of the male Pillars) or Shining Armour
  3375. >But then there are exceptions to everything, such as mares who are born with magic as weak as a stallion's
  3376. >This is why stallions are typically care-takers
  3377. >For unicorn stallions, the spells necessary to clean houses, bake food, and clean messes demand very little magic.
  3378. >For earth pony stallions, the natural strength and endurance granted to them by being naturally muscled means they can keep up with their foal's endless energy
  3379. >For pegasi stallions, there's less magic in them to compensate for the cold skies, so they have naturally thicker fur that they can use to keep their foals warm
  3380. >There are benefits to this, though.
  3381. >A unicorn stallion will get plenty of practice with spells that require very little energy, meaning that he'll become skilled and precise with his casting faster than a mare would, because a mare will focus on casting fewer higher-energy spells to accomplish what she needs.
  3382. >An earth pony stallion just plain has more endurance than earth pony mares due to their muscle mass, and a mare would need to use her greater magic capacity to compensate and accomplish the same thing for the same amount of time; in the short term, earth pony mares win. But in the long term, earth pony stallions take the cake. And this is used to give them the energy to keep track of their foals and to make sure everything in the house is in its place
  3383. >A pegasus stallion will get better at precise wing movements due to taking much more care not to expend too much magic while flying (which would result in them falling out of the sky), so they learn how to pull off very precise, very dexterous moves.
  3384. >Both sexes have strengths and weaknesses.
  3388. Mono relationships are generally assumed to be abusive, insisted on by a selfish, controlling mare.
  3392. >Mare hugs her tail close to her backside
  3393. >stallions roll their eyes
  3394. >"Don't flatter yourself honey, it's not anything we'd want to see anyway"
  3398. in rare case of no mom/sis, ask his closest female friend for permission to court
  3402. big teats are considered stalliony (stuff dangling between your hind legs) and unappealing.
  3406. stallions usually don't like spicy food.
  3410. mane 6 are so scattered and wild in personality and interests that a guy who likes one of them could hate another. The large number of them also hobbles their efforts despite being attractive as individuals.
  3411. >But at the same time, they don't want to break up their legendary friendship over guys...
  3415. >"A stallion's place is in the home."
  3416. >"His job is to raise and take care of the foals and maintain the home."
  3417. >"A stallion that goes out and attempts to set off on his own is not only selfish, but it aids in the unweaving of the family nucleus."
  3418. >"A lone stallion is not only a danger to himself, he can be a danger to others."
  3419. >"Look at Discord, Sombra, Tirek. If these colts had had a mare watching over them they might have not turned out like they had."
  3423. >Pheromones glands in the throat near the tuft, in the tuft itself, wingpits, the vagina, on the belly, and the underside of a mare's tail dock.
  3424. >Mlems indicate attraction because of >>35283965
  3425. >Ponies still have some animistic instincts as evolutionary leftovers.
  3426. >Belly fur lightens or outright turns white during pregnancy to regulate uterus temp.
  3427. >Bat ponies have big teats because leathery bat wings don't channel magic as well as feathers, so bat foals have to grow quick by eating a lot.
  3428. >Pegasi are like birds, unicorns are like cats, and earth ponies are especially horsey. All of them have different subcultures and mating rituals.
  3429. >Stallions in a given town/community have their own platonic herd among themselves to bond and manage a community's social affairs.
  3433. I think a Moondancer prompt had her self-conscious of having a shallow pussy.
  3434. It being unable to take much and satisfy a stallion would be a pretty accurate to the OGR version of things.
  3436. Wonder if there are sleazy business ponies who take advantage of such mares by selling them fake vagina deepening products. But they're actually painful and dangerous.
  3440. >Mares apply makeup much in the same way that Earth women traditionally do
  3441. >Blush, eye-shadow, smoothing over sharp edges, etc
  3442. >But instead of making a mare look delicate, it's meant to send a message
  3443. >"Yeah, this blush I have smeared on my cheeks shows that I'm mad as hell and I'm a big strong mare who's ready to defend her stallion. This eyeshadow is supposed to make it look like I have a pair of black eyes, so that everypony knows I'm tough as teats."
  3444. "You want to trick ponies into thinking you got punched in the face?"
  3445. >"What? No, Anon. It's just a way of telling everypony that I'm not afraid to get into a fight."
  3446. >Even accessories like bows have alternative meanings despite looking traditionally "feminine"
  3447. >"Yeah, my bow is pink - pink like the inside of my cooter. Ask your dad, he'd know all about it."
  3448. >"Of course my mane has product in it. If I can't show that I'm competent enough to afford the best mane-care products, then how else am I supposed to attract a stallion? ...also, it creates a nice hard shell for impromptu headbutts, darling."
  3449. >So, similar application as what's seen on Earth, but it's meant to imply different things.
  3453. >Mares apply makeup differently than how Earth women traditionally do
  3454. >Instead of smoothing features, it's applied in a way that emphasizes features instead
  3455. >Showing off cheek bones, or drawing attention to a unicorn's horn
  3456. >Sometimes pegasi smear black mascara on their faces so that the sun doesn't get in their eyes
  3457. >It's more practical than anything and meant to make them look tough or marely
  3458. >In this case, different application than what's seen on Earth and meant to achieve a defined and simple goal. Closer to war paint than makeup.
  3462. >Earth ponies propose to each other by sharing their special talent as an example of what they can do to support a family
  3463. >Much like a ring can be an example of the sort of wealth one can bring in, a crown of flowers shows off how skilled Rose is with her work and is a promise that she'll be able to support both of them
  3467. >A lot of teenaged filly angst comes from -you guessed it- dating problems and how unfair life is, particularly to mares.
  3468. >Things like getting into a fair herd, clashing with other fillies/young mares in and out of school, the looming dread of being lonely, the uncertainty of teenage life, and hormones raging and making everything that much worse.
  3472. An Equestrian joke is that the real reason mares don't herd stallions is because herding stallions is like herding cats.
  3473. It takes a group of mares just to manage the whimsy of one stallion and keep him from getting himself killed.
  3477. >Due their natural armor and tendency to explode in flames when distressed, Kirins are less of a prey than pones, making a more outgoing and risk taking behavior more rewarding than detrimental for them as they can gather more resources and fend off competition from other creatures easily which also makes them less of a herd species than pones.
  3478. >If we go that they are RGR as the pones, the ability of control their own emotions, being less expressive, and erupting in flames less often would be preferable on the males that usually stay more retracted in home/village taking care and calm down of the foals and elderly
  3479. >The females by other hand wouldn’t have these constraints and would need the displays of flaming emotions to scare off potential threats while gathering resources outside the village, it also would use their expressiveness and emotions as a display of strength and mastery over it’s powers, and also as a peacock tail of sorts
  3483. if stallions weren’t such good endurance casters you’d have rather had an all mare team to be honest, but oh well.
  3487. >Long ago it wasn’t uncommon for suitors to fight a mother or aunt of the male they wished to wed.
  3491. >”It’s true Twilight, a stallion that has been truly wronged will not forget. Next time you see your brother try asking him about the changelings and listen very carefully to what words he chooses to use. Remember, they tried to ruin his wedding by mind controlling him and hurt his wife and sister. Stallions can hold a grudge like nothing else in existence, even if they don’t outwardly show it.”
  3495. Let's say there used to be a royal herd including a male alicorn. He used to be in charge, with the two herdsister princesses. Then, during a war or disaster in ancient history, he was killed. The loss of one of their godhorses causes a huge change in pony civilization.
  3497. After this, the idea that the males, the focal point of the herd (before any foals are born, at least), can be taken away at any time, is seared into pony consciousness. This leads them to place very high value on the stallions. This protectiveness leads to mares actively stepping up to try to pull enough weight in the social contract that the stallions aren't under any risk.
  3499. After a mourning period, the Sisters take the thrones and become the rulers. But the psychological scars remain. Through their behaviour, they're always unconsciously reinforcing and approving of the social pattern where the stallions of a herd must be protected.
  3503. If anything it makes males suitable for exclusively physical work. For example the cake wasn't a problem of lifting, but balance.
  3504. Between Soarin being a flying clutz, Mac not being able to hold a cake upright, and Shining only being able make a big bubble, it seems the recurring theme is that stallions lack finer control and finesse.
  3505. Whereas Rarity threads multiple needles with ease, Lightning Dust can fly circles around everyone without trying, and AJ can kick a tree and land every apple in the barrels she set out before balancing those to load them in a cart displays fine control on a level far beyond human standards.
  3509. >Belly and back scratches aren't exactly sexual in Equestria, but it does have some connotations that make it hard for mares to do to each other without feeling awkward
  3510. >Like foot massages between OGR men; it's weird
  3514. What would be the term in RGRE for mares who don't get married by their late 20s? (Isn't christmas cake for Jap girls who are over 25 and single?)
  3515. Would it be something like "See ol' Mayor Mare over there? She's been put to pasture."
  3519. >willingly allowing your stallion to be defenseless in the event you fall
  3520. it's like you want your husband and foals culturally enriched by ziggers. while I'm not saying put him through the meat grinder that is basic, at the very least teach him how to conjure a fireball. when he's not using it to defend your foals he can use it to cook dinner!
  3524. Would RGRE Griffon chicks have barbed vaginas? or that would at least be a story that ponies tell to make stallion not want to risk going with them?
  3528. >Ponies look rather plain, with little variation between them in terms of body type and facial structure
  3529. >Stallions are bulky and have square muzzles
  3530. >Mares are smaller and have round muzzles
  3531. >This goes double for stallions: some mares are tall, some are short, some have long necks and legs, and others are stubby
  3532. >Stallions have two body types: regular, and Big Mac.
  3533. >They're less colorful than mares are, and their body (color, shape, mane, tail, etc) just plain has less variation than mares do.
  3534. >The hair that grows on a stallion's head has just as little variation compared to the mane a mare can grow, and you'll start seeing repeating patterns if you stand around town and watch for long enough
  3535. >Due to how little variation a stallion's body has, and seeing as how vain Equestrian males are as a whole, stallions make do with what they have in terms of trying to show off or express themselves, and their manes are generally what they pick
  3536. >A stallion showing off a coiffed mane is the societal equivalent of a girl showing off her body with tight clothing
  3540. >Pegasi try to sneak into a house for some of that D.
  3541. >Bat pony wakes up.
  3542. >Tactical REEE wakes up the rest of the clan.
  3543. >Invader has a few seconds to leave before their eardrums start bleeding when the rest join in.
  3547. >It reminds him of all sorts of embarrassing stories about raising Twilight that he decides her new friends simply MUST know
  3548. >Including that one time that a 4-year-old Twily dressed up in daddy's socks, which makes Rainbow Dash puke from laughing so hard
  3552. Considering their low numbers, stallions in small communities usually all know each other and endeavor to be nice. If they didn't, their herd would take their side regardless of who was right and cause a rift in the community.
  3556. Alpha mares lead the herd and control sexual access to the stallion.
  3557. Beta mares obey the alpha and help the stallion
  3558. Gamma mares do favors for the herd and get to be mounted during estrus season
  3559. Omega mares aren't allowed anywhere near a stallion because nopony wants them to pass on their failed genes.
  3563. >"Aw, geez, you don't know?"
  3564. >The other pegasus shies away, flapping her wings unconsciously with discomfort.
  3565. >>"M-My mom passed away pretty early, and my herd-moms were unicorns and earth ponies. I figured most of it out, but nopony ever taught me."
  3566. >You watch as your knowledgeable pegasus waifu trots over to your shy waifu and wraps a wing around her withers.
  3567. >"Don't worry about it, Lovey Feather, I'll teach you."
  3568. >She suddenly leans in real close, pressing her snoot against the side of Lovey's face.
  3569. >"But if you ever tell anypony I was preening another grown mare's wings, I'll never forgive you. That's the gayest shit in the world."
  3573. The guard is the princesses' solution to the janefillies that might needlessly put themselves in danger. By letting them think they're part of the military, they'll gladly walk around the safe parts of town in their highly-visible gold armor under the watchful eye of the ponice and the servicemares on leave.
  3577. >Before Twilight ever set hoof in Ponyville the two of them used to drink in private every few months.
  3578. >It was a one on one thing Celestia did for her top students.
  3579. >To see if they were doing well, how their studies were going, and if they were making any friends.
  3580. >Plus it was a good excuse to unwind and get drunk.
  3581. >Poor awkward, nerdy, and virginal Twilight had to hear a bunch of unfiltered drunken lectures about stallions.
  3582. >It was one of the few moments that she realized her teacher was well over a thousand years old.
  3583. >All those recounted experiences that went into way too much detail.
  3584. >The incredibly sexist things she casually told her.
  3585. >And a surprising dose of cynicism when dealing with the fairer sex.
  3586. >It went on for well over an hour
  3590. >Estrus is more than just mares being extra horny and having their ability to conceive unlocked. It's a total hormonal shift.
  3591. >A mare out of estrus is more than happy to have sex, but their hormone-flooded brain during estrus is a much more primal thing.
  3592. >While they're literally aching to breed, they don't lose control. That's just a stallionist meme. The opposite happens, really. In this heightened state, a mare's subconscious is heavily weighing the pros and cons of pregnancy at the given time and beyond.
  3593. >While normally a shameless mare would jump at the chance to fuck at a party or something, a mare in estrus would find propositioning a random stallion for vaginal sex near impossible.
  3594. >Unplanned foals are, as such, extremely rare.
  3595. >It's also a contributing factor to Equestria's plateauing population.
  3596. >As if a male shortage wasn't enough, modern comfortable life has skewed the common mare's subconscious definition of "suitable mate and conditions to have foals" to a higher level and as such, birth rates are falling. They boomed for a time decades ago as the modern era dawned, but have since leveled off harshly.
  3598. >Mares didn't hesitate to have foals back in the days when all stallions were fatherly househusbands.
  3599. >But masculism drove many stallions to get jobs, become 'independent' and stop caring about family.
  3600. >Mare estrus instincts are now more wary and birthrates are fucked
  3604. Any unicorn could scry your privates if you aren't warded by the bra. And they're enchanted to maintain the optimal temperature for maximum fertility.
  3608. Since herds are a thing and they'd encourage bigger ones, than smaller ones, I think the bigger the herd, the more tax cuts you have. Maybe more so if your herd has a colt, which is why they might be a bit more spoiled than we'd think. But at the same time, each mare getting a sizable paycheck, because they're each expected to provide, and tax cuts, that would make large herds extremely wealthy over ponies looking for love.
  3610. The income between a herd and a single mare would be disproportionate, it would be very hard for them to make a living unless they roomed with a bunch of bachelorettes. Which wouldn't be a bad thing. I like the idea of pones having shared living spaces and sleeping in shifts as an ease of mind holdover from they're ancient prey animal days. It's not gay to share expenses with your sis and cuddle in the same sleeping space, one half awake as her little ears are going this way and that. It also ties into the ponies sleep a little less than half as long as humans thing from last thread. It would be 6-9 hours for the entire herd to get their daily REM if they watch in shifts, depending on the size of the herd, which is about the time it takes for a human to sleep.
  3612. Maybe depending how well these living spaces are, that's a good indicator for stallions to see how well they can provide for a home. That would make pony architecture, only twice as wide as what a human is comfortable with, since they're quadruped, and a bit shorter, but most pony homes would have large bedrooms and way larger mattresses and bathing spaces. Great news for Anon, who's much larger than the ponies. At least as long as his stallion friends don't catch wind of him sleeping alone, and he wakes up neck deep in worried finicky horses.
  3616. It is customary for the mares in a herd to take turns staying home with the stallion, both to protect him, and to nurse and help watch the foals. To accomplish the nursing in particular, you usually need one mare for every four or so foals.
  3618. The mares always try to feed their own foals once before and once after work, so that day’s house-mare only covers midday feedings.
  3620. Since a sensible herd staggers births, only unusually big ones have more than four nursing-age foals at any one time.
  3622. If a herd only has one or two mares, both may need to work to pay the bills. In that case, they bottle enough milk in the morning to last until they get back. This is considered less than ideal, since you lose opportunities for bonding.
  3626. >A longer horn is impressive to unicorns
  3627. >A broader wingspan is impressive to pegasi
  3628. >idk a fatter ass is impressive to earth ponies
  3629. >All these are showcased when springtime comes around and it's time to find a mate
  3630. >But one thing trumps all of them
  3631. >A thick, warm chest tuft
  3635. Where were they keeping their proposal flowers?
  3636. In the love box, of course. Crafted and given to them by their whole family at their coming of age ceremony, as with all Earth ponies. Where else would you keep them?
  3640. >How to reconcile pony names with RGRE?
  3641. By realizing that the association with words would flip as well. You wouldn't say someone had balls in RGRE, you'd say teats. You wouldn't say someone had sand in their vag, you'd say someone had sand in their sheath.
  3642. So look at the names again.
  3644. >Lily Valley
  3645. Valley is an easy riff on a vag, which more or less makes it an analogue for having dick, cock, rod, or shaft as your last name. For Lily and Flower keep in mind those are foods in Equestria so they aren't as necessarily frilly as they would be here; you could make the case for those being like Miller or Baker.
  3646. We assume Big Mac to be a riff on his size and masculinity, but it could just as easily be something he could be mocked for. Almost like calling a chick with a big rack Tits McGee.
  3647. Thunderlane isn't hard either. There are burly female names in our world. How dowdy does Bertha sound? Thunderlane could just be the equivalent of that or something similar.
  3651. Or, the mounting position is seen as submissive, while the mounted position is seen as dominant. The reason for this is because the males are submissive, and the females are dominant in society. But most pony historians and philosophers will try to rationalize it with claims like"The mounted position is the more powerful of the two because the male can be easily put off balance, even to the point of being tripped/flipped to the ground. The traditional mare positions historically hold more power, even in sex".
  3655. >Something something the phrase comes from the fact that diamond dogs are very aggressive towards males of any species
  3656. >When a female diamond dog gets excited (especially about a potential mate), she tends to howl and yelp
  3657. >Thus, making unsolicited lewd or inappropriate remarks from a mare towards a stallion is called "hound-hollering"
  3661. There's probably a certain specific way a herd can display their cutie marks when they imprint them onto something the colt is wearing. Like, they turn into sort of a coat of arms where the lead mare's sign takes up the top half (or biggest portion if there are more than 3 mares), and the other two mare's cutie marks take up the two remaining lower quarters. And you know how a woman typically takes on the man's last name? They might do the same thing, but have the other mare's names as a secondary title.
  3663. So, if Anon herds with Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie with Twilight as the head mare, he'd be known as:
  3664. >"Mister Anonymous Sparkle, [something] Dash, [something] Pie".
  3665. and any clothing he wears that has their cutie marks on them would be arranged with Twilight's cutie mark above Dash's and Pinkie's, with Twilight's cutie mark taking up the most space in relation to the other two's.
  3669. Let's be honest, the Cakes are obviously looking to add Ponka to the family.
  3671. They're not nearly as old as you might think, just tired and overworked. They're actually in the equivalent of their late twenties in human years, which is not at all considered too old to court the twenty-ish Pinkie.
  3675. >>Highly unusual for stallion to be given position of hard labor especially, perhaps this is due to lack of proper male role model in the Apple family.
  3676. >Stallions staying home and doing nothing is a practice mostly limited to upper class unicorns, traditional earth pony families need all hooves on deck to get the apple/rock harvest done and pegasi are less sexually dimorphic than the other two tribes
  3677. >When Twilight comes to Ponyville she's horrified to see what a hotbed of stallionism it supposedly is, and won't stop trying to lecture the Apple family how they need to stop Big Macintosh from physical labor
  3678. >Granny Smith won't hear a word of it
  3679. >How is her grandson supposed to attract a decent herd without a decent pair of Plow-Pulling Flanks?
  3681. >Applejack puts up with Twilight sperging out about how Big Mac is doing himself no favors working on their farm
  3682. >Twilight's a citymare, she doesn't know how it works out here
  3683. >and she's a unicorn, they do things differently
  3684. >But she gets right hacked off when she meets Shining Armor and finds that Twilight's been going around saying hooey about Big Macintosh being some mare-hating nag like Caramel when her big brother's the biggest Janefilly this side of Yakyakistan
  3688. Her delicate wings still held her early life fluffy down, a characteristic of all pegasi young to shield them from the cold environment of the clouds.
  3692. >Love is a potent form of energy in Equestria, calorically expensive to produce
  3693. >All life depends on it to some extent
  3694. >A pony requires a large dose of love delivered directly to the egg to kickstart fertilization, after which the mare's body begins producing it
  3695. >It can take several weeks for a stallion to build up enough love to fertilize an egg
  3696. >Changelings rarely impersonate stallions, despite being easier to gain affection, because mares don't store love
  3697. >Factor in the estrus cycle and a stallion can, at best, impregnate two females per year
  3699. With a gender ratio of 4:1, mares would be less expendable than human men, but it would still lead to gender roles where mares have to be the adventurous ones, take risks in order to climb the status hierarchy in order to have a shot at reproducing.
  3703. >ywn slowly learn to communicate with your silent kirin waifu, chattering away at her about mundane things
  3704. >ywn get self-conscious about talking to a silent partner, only for her to gesture for you to continue because she likes hearing what you have to say, and adores the sound of your voice
  3705. >ywn fail so badly at guessing kirin charades that she breaks down laughing entirely silently at some of your guesses
  3709. >"...absolutely DISGUSTING the way she treats stallions..."
  3710. >"...can't believe she'd objectify him like that..."
  3711. >"I didn't realize we were still in the pre-unification period!"
  3712. >"Let me guess, she wants him at home all day bare-hoofed and getting her pregnant, right? When he's not cooking her dinner, I mean. Bucking piece of trash..."
  3713. >"This is exactly why stallionism is so important!"
  3717. Mares are fucking disgusting.
  3718. If you don't know what having a really big herd is, it's like a non-stop sorority party and you get all the hangover.
  3719. You can bully one, two, maybe three mares into behaving, but after that it's hopeless.
  3720. They WILL get drunk on weekdays, they WILL start random fights, and they WILL do wacky, dangerous stuff.
  3721. And after you take away the booze and the fireworks, after break up all the dominance plays, they just revert to a more primitive state.
  3722. That is, they begin misbehaving like schoolfillies. They hide the brandy in the toilet, they call each other names.
  3723. And instead of lighting each other on fire they start crop-dusting.
  3724. Oh gods, the stench.
  3725. Mares are fucking disgusting.
  3727. Oh, but at least the sex is great with all those mares ready to please you, right?
  3728. Imagine you all sleeping in the afterglow, all together in one bed, right?
  3729. Well you better have a separate bedroom or good ventilation. And earplugs.
  3730. Because the quartet of farting tubas will drive you insane one way or another.
  3731. It's absolutely ridiculous, what mares will stuff down their gullet if a stallion isn't there to oversee it.
  3732. Naturally, I started cooking breakfasts and suppers for my herd since day one, but it seems during lunch break they would just walk around town and eat whatever garbage they find.
  3733. So I started packing them all nutritious, healthy lunches.
  3734. They ate the lunches, but it didn't help. And they always came home suspiciously non-hungry.
  3735. Turns out they started having second lunches to sate their needs for greasy salty deep-fried fermented hay on a stick.
  3736. How the heck is such street food even legal??? It's not healthy!
  3737. Mares constantly have stomach problems because of this, and no, they just can't make the connection somehow.
  3738. And whenever it inevitably hurts they always come to you for aid and whine.
  3739. But never all at once, because they can't be seen as weak by their herdsisters
  3740. I buy activated charcoal in bulk.
  3741. I never asked for this.
  3743. Anyway, three years in and I'm deadened to the smell, but the sound still wakes me up sometimes.
  3744. Can't they do it a little quieter? They are ADULTS for gods sakes, they have marks and jobs!
  3745. It's like foalhood all over again. I grew up in a household with six sisters, and the mares think that I must have been really inconvenienced by their constant masturbation.
  3746. Yeah, right. The shlicked it quietly, and always washed their hooves afterwards, but they had a running competition for the loudest fart.
  3747. They had their favorite cedar bench, and they tried new poses and angles to produce the loudest fart.
  3748. The sound carried three rooms over.
  3749. I slept with my head under the pillow.
  3750. Mares are fucking disgusting.
  3752. Mine keep "losing the soap". I buy three bars of the stuff a week and yet they find a way to misplace it every time. I don't think they realize or care that you can't wash yourself without it. To them, a bath is just sitting in the tub for about twenty seconds (making sure to blow a few "bubbles" while they're at it because apparently that's hilarious) and then getting out and half-heartedly wrapping themselves in a towel to go snack on something or ogle the stallions who walk past the windows. They don't even make an attempt to wash their muddy hooves, because hoofcare is apparently too "manly".
  3756. >RGR is not the natural state of things
  3757. >at least, not to the drastic extent that it exists in modern times
  3758. >thousands of years ago, Celestia and Luna faced off an insane unicorn mare who delved too deeply into dark magic, not unlike King Sombra
  3759. >though the sisters defeated her, with her dying breath she laid a curse of slow extinction on the land of Equestria itself
  3760. >the sisters did not notice at first, but as time went on less and less colts were born every generation
  3761. >the cursed moved at such a snail's pace that they thought that the dark wizard's last spell must have failed, only realizing it long past the point of being able to do anything about it
  3762. >curses such at these develop inertia the longer they remain unbroken
  3763. >sooner or later, no colts would be born at all and ponies would cease to exist
  3764. >fast forward to modern times, where for every one colt born there are eight fillies born
  3765. >herding was only so effective
  3766. >stallions could only impregnate so many mares in their lifetime, and Celestia wasn't so cruel as to force her little ponies into a mandatory breeding program
  3770. >Cumming over a mare's tuft is the most emaresculating you can do
  3771. >You're basically overpowering her scent with yours
  3772. >It's not just taking away her identity, but basically telling everyone that she's yours
  3776. >Juggling multiple mares is a complex and constantly changing job
  3777. >So much so that after grade school colts and mares get separated
  3778. >Stallions go to schools where they're taught cooking, cleaning, how to take care of foals, how to navigate and steer the herd dynamic so the family is strong and successful
  3779. >The closest thing a mare could describe it as is a crash course in a multi-level business given to fifteen year olds
  3780. >They also undergo a rigorous exercise regime
  3781. >It's a lot of hard work taking care of a herd, and exhausting as well, depending on the herd's jobs
  3782. >A farmer could do what all stallions do plus hours of labor
  3783. >Their fitness is of national concern, which is why stallion-only gyms are government-funded and always filled
  3784. >Then there's having to pleasure multiple mares at once, both physically and emotionally
  3785. >A smart, resourceful stallion can uplift a group of mares into something really special
  3786. >Likewise, a poor stallion can destroy lives, ruin friendships, and cause blood feuds
  3787. >This has made Equestrian stallions a premium, intelligent, resourceful, and flexible group, which is why when they turn evil they're so dangerous
  3791. >colts only want bad mares
  3792. what would be Luna reaction to colts lusting after Nightmare Moon in their dreams and trying to get close to her for "the thrill of being at the mercy of evil" or because "i can change her!"
  3796. >Everypony knew, after all, that Mares and Stallions were different, and especially so when it came to Magic. Mares were fantastic all-rounders, able to learn and practice a great number of spells and incantations. There was little barred from a Mare, their great flexibility a defining trait of numerous, Mistress Casters.
  3797. >Stallions, on the other hoof, tended to pour their focus into a singular area, despite the fact that they were notably whimsical. Their lack of flexibility often put them at great disadvantage when compared to Mares. Additionally, since they tended to work best with defensive and healing magic it made them poor choices for combat and front-line warfare, infrequent as it was.
  3798. >The saying, “Behind every great Mare is a Stallion”, arose from older times, when combat was far more frequent. Mares would fight and explore while their Stallions helped to heal and soothe them. Shining Armor was a prime example of this.
  3800. >Both Luna and yourself could handle offense easily. Your guard was meant for the latter, an incredibly powerful defensive force, one that exceeded both of your abilities.
  3801. >With the combination of healing, nurturing, protective magic and skills they all possessed, they could hold out for weeks against an army. You only hoped that their talents would not need be used.
  3805. knock-on effects of stallionism like more eligible bachelors earning directly economic cutie marks and fewer earning supportive or household cutie marks
  3809. >Earth pony males are seen as sloots because of the large earth pony population relative to the other tribes
  3810. >this stereotype is backed in some real truth because earth ponies, lacking any dexterous limbs/magic, are the most willing to perform oral on a partner
  3811. >also the fact that since their puberty isn't spent learning how to fly or cast means they typically get romantically involved earlier than their unicorn or pegasus peers
  3812. "All earth colts know how to plow" -Sapphire Shores, during her Porpoise purpose tour
  3814. >Unicorn males are seen as high maintenance due to how attractive they all seem to be even as they age, how few engage in pre-marital relations, and how selective they are (being somewhat true in unicorn mares as well)
  3815. >a herd with a unicorn stallion is typically seen with some envy based on how picky unicorns are for everything as it shows the mares of the herd excel in a manner above their peers
  3816. >dating one is seen as a marathon due to the fact that it'll take at least a month before even the least picky unicorn stallions will consider hugging their mare
  3817. "They're picky, repressed, and obsessed with their talent, but 100 mustangs can't compare to a fit unicorn on his wedding night" -Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, allegedly, during an outing with friends
  3819. >Pegasus ponies produce the most janefillies based on their military heritage having their gender roles be a lot more equal until the unification so the softness of the other tribes hasn't been fully bred into them
  3820. >however their mareliness does work in their favor when it comes to fatherhood with pegasus sired foals having the least amount of hospital visits of all pony tribes since they're so able to speedily intercept their child before an accident can occur and the natural hardiness of the militaristic tribe
  3821. >This also makes them a favorite of lonely internet dwelling mares believe that they'll have the most compatibility with the marely colts
  3822. ">tfw no pegasus bf" -Anonymare 4hooves image board
  3826. if a colt has his cutie mark in what is typically a mare's profession, how much sexism does that negate? just enough to get the benefit of the doubt or eliminates it entirely so long as it's within that particular field?
  3830. >Mare and stallion sports are divided.
  3831. >Not just because mares have more magic, and thus perform better, but because, when stallions sweat, they fill the air with all sorts of distracting pheromones for mares.
  3835. >Something that hasn't been heard of since Starswirl, who some ponies still claim was a mare with a particularly large tuft.
  3839. And all 3 find big teats unattractive, to varying degrees. They get in the way of farm work, can't fly as well with 'em, and there's nothing graceful about lugging around a big pair of leakers
  3841. Besides, in the old herd days the mare with the largest milky teats got the position of the house nurse. While the other mares were out providing for the herds, doing marely work, nurse mares often had to stay home and assist the stallion in taking care of the young. It was seen as a shameful position and often considered the lowest rung on the pre-unification herd hierarchy.
  3842. Though it's no longer such a hard and fast rule or a well defined position, the stigma of large teats stays
  3846. I like the idea of Luna being more progressive in regards to the rights of stallions due to her own feelings of being overshadowed by her sister but at the same time being very confused as to WHY there's this big fuss about wanting to do everything a mare can.
  3847. It's not like pegasi have a widespread envy for farming or spellcasting.
  3851. >RGREquestria has citizenship through service
  3852. >this is why stallions tend to not have voting rights or many pursuits, since they do not have the capacity to serve to their utmost
  3853. >the few that do typically serve as nurses or pencilpushers, which dictates their lives outside of service as well
  3854. >the extremely rare stallions that do serve admirably tend to reach high ranking positions, not out of a sexist “we want a stallion warming our general's bed”, but because they tend to have that mare-ish zeal to improve upon themselves that gives impressive results
  3855. >citizenship through service explains canon Shining Armor in RGRE without pussifying him
  3859. >What would be the RGRE mare equivalent of a guy not managing to get hard?
  3860. A mare that get so nervous that she can't unclench her vaginal muscles, preventing anything from entering
  3864. The thought sends a shiver down your spine, for this was the “old way” you were taught when you were young – after receiving his parents’ approval, a mare still had to prove to her prospective mate her ability to defend him and their future offspring, and the most direct way of doing this was to best the stallion in a fair fight.
  3868. >It's not too uncommon for mares to invite stallions they're good friends with to live with them
  3869. >It's a matter of protection
  3870. >The world is dangerous for males, and if a mare cares enough about them they'll try to become roommates so that she can keep an eye on him
  3871. >Turns out that a bauble with a mare's cutie mark is simply a way of saying "the bearer of this thing is under the protection of the mare whose cutie mark is adorned to this bauble"
  3872. >Not too uncommon to see parents giving their foals saddlebags or scarfs with their cutie marks on them, just to tell the world "you fuck with them, you fuck with me"
  3878. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3879. Sec05 (Reverse Gender Roles EqG)
  3880. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3882. ---Expressions---
  3884. clam snap (dick pic)
  3885. No Jill July
  3886. tit-strap (bra)
  3887. He's not wearing an undershirt!
  3888. lac sac (breast)
  3889. cump pump (cum dump)
  3890. blasting (jerking off)
  3891. gash splashing (teabagging)
  3893. Daughter of a bastard!
  3897. >Anon's male friends bought him a pair of yoga pants for his birthday.
  3898. >he didn't intend on actually wearing them, but they insisted that it would get their janegirl friend more attention from girls.
  3899. >what they didn't know is that Anon doesn't wear a ball bra, coming from normal gender roles.
  3900. >so when he comes to school, all the girls are staring at his junk which is easily viewable without a ball bra.
  3901. >Anon is sent home by Principal Celestia that day for violating the school dress code and being a distraction to female students
  3905. >Be background pone
  3906. >You were just finishing a twitch stream
  3907. >Glance at the sidebar to see some Ball Streamer in the sidebar with ten times the views
  3911. >A common strat for girls trying to secure a lovelife is to form a clique and invite a guy in as a pampered 'friend' to groom him as a bf/husband. The groups max out around 3 or 4 girls.
  3912. >Many subconsciously do this in elementary/middle school without even realizing it. If you don't have a guy firmly hooked in your little group by the end of highschool, then hopes start to look bleak.
  3913. >Too bad the humane 6 (7 with Sunset) are so scattered and wild in personality and interests that a guy who likes one of them could hate another. The large number of them also hobbles their efforts despite being attractive as individuals.
  3914. >But at the same time, they don't want to break up their legendary friendship over guys...
  3918. >male swimsuits in RGREqG are designed to show off a man's package without giving away too much
  3919. >even the most modest male swimsuits tend to be tight around the crotch area
  3923. >Keeps shoving his face in between her breasts in lieu of rubbing her scent onto him via her (now non-existent) chest tuft
  3927. >Sunset would try and bite you; that's how horses express affection
  3928. >Sunset would body slam you into (coincidentally open) lockers; she was trying for a full-body nuzzle but her new physiology fucked things up for her
  3929. >Sunset glared at you while she rolled around on the grass; she was expecting you to join in as an acceptance of her horsey friendship offer and got angry when you unknowingly rejected her
  3930. >Sunset wanted you to help her with her homework but she's used to dealing with royals her entire life, and the only way to make them do anything was to dispense threats (that both sides knew were empty)
  3931. >Sunset isn't very good at making human friends and is puzzled when she realizes she has the reputation of a bully
  3935. >She decides to do the old yawn and put an arm over his shoulder trick and is happy he doesn't yell rape.
  3939. >Sweetie wants to make the colts feel welcome and chastises her friends for being so crude, since she was raised in part by white-knight Rarity
  3940. >Scootaloo shows Rainbow's influence on her and is of the opinion that either they post pics of their scrote, or they can fuck right off
  3941. >Apple Bloom is in the middle and doesn't care that much, seeing as how she was raised around a hard-working farm-colt (but was still also raised in a RGR universe) and just wants her friends to shut up
  3945. >Sunset falls back onto the tried-and-true methods of intimidation from back home: showing that her chest tuft is WAY thicker than the other mare's
  3946. >Unfortunately, this translates into flashing the other girl while putting on an angry pouty face
  3947. >It sorta works
  3948. >Now the girls back off because they think Sunset is gay and they don't want anyone thinking that they're dykes too
  3949. >Sunset is just pleased she chased off the other girls who were interested in Anon and expects a reward of cuddles from her boyfriend
  3953. >Dating Sunset entails a lot of strangeness, and not just of the magical.
  3954. >You have to constantly remind her not to eat hay or else she gets tummy aches.
  3955. >She paws at the floor with a foot when she's roaring for a fight with a girl who hit on you.
  3956. >She often whinneys at the top of her lungs during sex.
  3960. >Everyone looks
  3961. >Everyone always looks
  3962. >At the girl who walks with with a smile and a limp.
  3963. >At the girl who has the smell of dick on her breath.
  3964. >At the girl who filled out early thanks to the hormone boost from being railed on request.
  3965. >At the girl who gets to avoid the bus, because her boy FIXED A CAR and GIFTED it to her.
  3966. >And when they look at that shit-eating grin...
  3967. >Tits status = Not calm
  3971. What if horses are interested in absolutely different games and would just scratch their heads.
  3972. >All the strategies have absolutely rudimentary warfare, but the diplomacy system takes twenty advanced tutorials to get a hold of. Like, you do attack with your units, but only after you cross-reference thirty treaties and check on your cultural influence levels. Even in realtime.
  3976. >Well, Twilight is nothing if not a gentlewoman, and she's stuck up for many a boy in distress on the internet
  3980. What do you need, Sunset?"
  3981. "Well you see-"
  3982. >"Oh! You've tied your hair up into a pony tail! Why that looks just dashing on you."
  3983. "Wait is it actually called that? That's kind of funny.
  3985. "No-well, maybe later. You see, I just wanted to ask him out like a pony."
  3986. >"And what does that entail?"
  3987. "Nothing much. Back in Equestria, a mare would flick her tail at a colt she liked. And since I don't exactly have a tail like this, I tied up my hair."
  3988. >"So your plan is to-"
  3989. "I'm going to go up and slap him with my hair. Preferably around the hips or legs."
  3991. "I'm telling you, he was really getting into it. The hair slapping thing didn't work out as well as I would have liked, but he seemed to enjoy when I shoved his face into my tuft. Or, you know, chest teats."
  3992. >"Right. Do you know why you're here?"
  3993. "At the police station? I have no idea.”
  3997. RGREqg breasts are considered the female equivalent of balls, not the equivalent of male pecs. Women do not go around with their tits out.
  3999. The real reversal is that public male nudity is seen as arousing (if shameful), while female nudity is seen as either crude and comical (mooning, streaking etc.) or threatening (why is that woman naked? what is she planning to do? somebody call the police!).
  4003. RGREqg refer to their planet as Gaia.
  4004. Or Hearth
  4008. >Underwear wearing is actually uncommon for women
  4009. >No confident woman gives a shit if anyone can see her tits through her shirt, so bras are few and far between
  4010. >And if one was wearing a skirt or a dress and someone was able to take a peek at her crotch – a gust of wind, or just sitting down with her legs spread out – and made a big deal out of it, the woman would either tell that someone to fuck off, or they'd purposefully flash them as a fuck-you or because they think their reaction is funny
  4014. > RGREQG women don't like it when boys tell them their tits are cute
  4015. > "Ruggedly beautiful" would be best, they will be glad to hear "Delicious", "Nice rack" is something of a meme, but if a janegirl says it, it's pretty great
  4016. > But "cute" means they might not even see you as a woman
  4018. > As a result, almost every woman pads her bra
  4022. >Rumor is he used to give rubjobs behind the gym in high school
  4026. >His three sizes (length, girth, ball cup)
  4030. "Don't you know that smoking will give you lung cancer and, even worse, guy voice?!"
  4034. >The general concept of men covering up their bodies exists in RGREqG, but it's not because pecs and nips are taboo in the same way breasts are
  4035. >Traditionally masculine traits would be muscles, and any guy with decent morals tries to cover up a little bit
  4036. >A modest swim outfit for a guy looks a little bit like the old-timey striped swimwear you see from the previous century or so
  4040. Men are stronger than women, but much more prone to panic in a fight. Combine that with women's greater agility and reflexes, and the 'never hit a guy' prohibition, while slightly weaker than expected, still exists.
  4046. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4047. Sec06 (Kinderquestria)
  4048. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4050. a cake-eating grin
  4054. >"They look at me like I’m their mother, do you know how hard it is to rule a country when everyone thinks I’m going to give them a time-out as punishment!"
  4055. > "And the worst part is that they'd actually accept it as a real punishment!"
  4056. > "As a joke I told a royal guard to stand in the corner and think about what he did and I found him there at the end of the day!"
  4060. >"Even the foreign diplomats treat me more as a mother figure than the ruler of a nation!"
  4064. > Ponies don't even known about blood, bone or actual medicine
  4065. > Every "injury" can be healed by a half-assed bandage, every "disease" can be healed by the same pill (made from flour and sugar)
  4066. > Ponies think Anon used a terrifying magical curse that filled asshole pony's snout with a red, warm and sticky substance to make him feel "un-healable" pain
  4070. !EDGE WARNING!
  4071. The reason Kq poners are so childish is because they’re actually children.
  4072. Ponis are an incredibly long-lived species, but mature slowly. At the age of 60, the M6 are the mental and physical equivalents of human six-year olds.
  4073. This would not be a problem if not for the disease / curse /genetic defect affecting virtually 100% of the population. Once they reach the age of ~130 (13), they shrivel up virtually overnight, and have to live out their remaining decade or so as fragile shells of their former selves.
  4074. This gives a fertility window of about 10 years, just enough to have two or three kids.
  4075. Sadly, the offspring, especially the youngest sibling, will grow up with few memories of their biological parents.
  4077. Celestia can’t bring herself to tell any of them about the affliction. How could she? They’re fated to die before even developing their second characteristic, much less their third...
  4078. Better to just let them believe that this is the way things are supposed to be. That she is the abnormal one, not them.
  4079. Even if it means having to take on the role of mother-goddess...
  4083. >it's a conspiracy and the stork actually brings detailed instructions on how to make babies that the ponies must destroy after reading
  4085. Does the stork help deliver the foals too or is every maternity ward nurse thoroughly vetted and sworn to a vow of silence?
  4089. >Evil Overlord captures ponies to transform into horrible mutants to use as monster-of-the-week type opponents against the Mane 6.
  4090. >pony-mutant shows up wearing parts of several different animal costumes, like rabbit ears, fuzzy lion slippers and the back half of Fluttershy's bee costume.
  4091. >half the ponies captured go into shock and faint when they look in the mirror.
  4095. >waterboarding in Kinderquestria is making you sit on a board as they pour a cup of water on your head
  4099. >steal something from a store
  4100. >make sure to tell the clerk sorry so she doesn't start bawling her eyes out
  4104. >Only certain individuals have an adult mindset and have formed a group to discuss it with each other
  4105. >Chrysalis for the changelings, Celestia for ponies, Novo for the hippogriffs, and whoever else you wanna designate for the other races
  4109. >He stares at you eagerly with a big smile as if expecting something from you
  4110. >Oh right, he probably wants a tip
  4111. You look down at the server pony "You're really good at your job and your mane is well kept."
  4112. >The server pony blushes slightly and bashfully paws at the ground
  4113. "You're also really good at listing off the different types of 'wine' and are generally a pleasant pony to be around"
  4117. >They couldn't see in the dark, they had special contacts that gave them those "scary" reptile eyes, and you were pretty sure they had plastic teeth in for their fangs
  4121. >”Doctor, you can’t mean-!”
  4122. >”I do, Redheart. If he starts coughing again, we’ll need to...”
  4123. >The doctor gulps, placing a hoof over his eyes.
  4124. >”...administer the cough syrup.”
  4125. >The nurse gasps.
  4126. >”B-But it’s so gross! It tastes nothing like strawberry!”
  4127. >”I know, dang it! Don’t you think I know that? But look at him! What choice do we have?”
  4131. >One whistled in a very ‘don’t look at me, I’m not suspicious’ manner, a staple tactic of the changeling stealth force.
  4135. >"I don't know, Mr. Anon. Right now, only mares work here. If I gave you a job, it's possible we'll all be infected by your cooties."
  4136. >"Don't worry about her, Anon. Everyone knows stallions go to college to get more knowledge, whereas mares go to Jupiter to get more stupider."
  4140. >Mares are embarrassed if they reach their 20s and still haven't lost their snuggle-virginity
  4141. >"If my friends knew I hadn't even held hooves with a colt, I'd be a laughing stock."
  4142. >Meanwhile, a colt staying a snuggle-virgin means he's either saving it for marriage, or he's "innocent and pure"
  4143. >The mare you've become intimate with tries to talk up her cuddle game
  4144. >"Yeah, I know all about the snuggles AND the cuddles! I'll nuzzle your tuft so good, colt."
  4145. >To her shame, she doesn't last 5 minutes of snuggling before she falls asleep in your arms
  4146. >You have to pet her mane and make her feel better after she wakes up
  4150. >You barely had time to finish the sentence before being tackled by two ponies and put in cuffs, well not really cuffs it was just some bubble wrap that kept your hands occupied.
  4154. >A boop for a boop makes the whole world scrunched
  4158. Rarity is a certified plushy surgeon.
  4162. an abusive relationship by pony standards
  4163. >No goodnight kisses
  4164. >Only 15 minutes of good-morning cuddling
  4165. >Whenever she makes cookies she gives Anon all the burnt ones
  4171. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4172. Sec07 (Too Whimsical & Anon)
  4173. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4175. It would be unisex and would be like hot springs from my japanese animes. Teenage mares would wait inside for hours hoping for a young stallion to share the hot spring with them but they only ever get gross old fat stallions
  4179. pegasi make nests out of socks they steal from the hamper and built them on unmade beds
  4183. >Ponies forget what they see, what they do between when they teleport and when they appear somewhere else.
  4184. >Anon doesn't
  4188. >Cherilee cannot teach during Estrus
  4189. >Anon gets roped into being the substitute teacher that week
  4193. >Anon frequently gets away with atrocities that would have him given the death penalty on Earth
  4194. >All he has to do is give vaguely friendship-related excuses for his actions
  4195. >Starlight Glimmer and Discord are the only ones who notice him abusing the system because they've done it themselves.
  4199. >ponies think anon is cute because he changes the first letter of curse words or replaces them with words they don’t know
  4200. >they think hes innocent because of this
  4202. >"OW! Oh fuck me that hurts."
  4203. That's so sweet, dear.
  4204. >"Ain't it though, ah don't like watching him get hurt but watching him avoid harsh language is the cutest."
  4205. >"I am so tired of this fucking horseshit. Mac, if you hit me with another motherfucking plank I'm shoving it down your throat."
  4206. It's like watching a foal trying to talk.
  4207. >"Any idea what a shit is, Rares?"
  4208. "Haven't the faintest darling."
  4212. >Ponies have no idea what Anon means when he talks about their magical aura.
  4213. >"My horn glows when I use magic? But I'm not even casting a light spell. Wait, you can SEE my magic when I’m using it?"
  4214. >Twilight sends a letter to Celestia.
  4218. >Anon mourns for the loss of vidya
  4219. >Unconsciously recreate some of them in his dreams
  4220. >Moonbutt gets stuck into Outlast, Alien: Isolation, or Amnesia
  4221. >She can feel that Anon consider those to be nice, enjoyable dreams
  4225. >Anon discovers that if he runs around butt ass naked, magic censorship applies to him as well.
  4226. >He looks just like a Ken Doll
  4227. >Twiggles or <insert pone here> has to investigate / teach him how to turn the 'decency glamour' on and off
  4231. >Humans do exist in RGREquestria and are also the most technologically advanced species around.
  4232. >However their mental instability is infamous combined with a sense of irresponsibility.
  4233. >This is why most species on Equus won't touch the humans.
  4234. >Anon comes along though.
  4235. >Isn't aware of the human stereotype that's in Equestria.
  4236. >And of course he's a male.
  4237. >The mares now try and keep him from the appliances since their afraid he'll turn the toaster into a ray-gun somehow.
  4238. >They'll also not leave him unsupervised since that's just a recipe for having a nuclear reactor built in the living room
  4242. >Anon has an encyclopedic knowledge of human literature
  4243. >He decides to plagiarize and ponify his knowledge to make a comfy career as an author
  4244. >All of his protagonists are non-RGR masculine stallions
  4245. >He's praised by stallionists for writing strong, independent stallions, who don't need no herds
  4246. >Most mares find Anon's work cringey because they don't see an ounce of non-RGR masculinity in any of the stallions they know
  4247. >Think how dumb it was when Rey beat Kylo Ren without any Force or combat training. That's how most mares see it, but for different reasons.
  4248. >Stallionists take legitimate criticism of Anon's work too personally
  4249. >Readergate
  4253. >Put a fence up to keep ponies from eating your flowers
  4254. >Wake up to find Twilight laying on her side and munching on your grass
  4255. >Mares lust after Anon for his superior lawn-care skills
  4256. >Anon unknowingly reinforces the stereotype that stallions should either be in the kitchens or the fields
  4260. >Summer solstice is the hottest day of the year because of Celestia's nethers
  4261. >They practically radiate heat, and the room she's in almost becomes humid due to the fluids she's constantly dripping
  4262. >Officially, court is canceled for a week or two so that ponies can celebrate the season of summer solstice
  4263. >Unofficially, court is canceled so that Celestia can masturbate non-stop
  4267. >Herd up with some birdhorses and start a family.
  4268. >While earthponies and unicorns are a bit odd in culture, they've got nothing on the near-different society that is pegasi. You don't realize that until you're living with some.
  4269. >Under their father's wings is a favorite place for pegasus foals to sleep. Because who doesn't love the warmth and security that Dad can provide?
  4270. >Since you don't have wings, you have an old style bomber jacket made for you, complete with fuzzy inside lining and foal-sized pockets.
  4271. >Now you can't go anywhere without one or two of your kids in the jacket and snuggled into your side.
  4273. a thin sheen of sweat covering your body.
  4274. >You'd be grossed out by this if it didn’t make the jacket more comforting to your foals and you didn’t get to be your waifu's personal salt lick every night
  4278. >Anon is assumed to be human nobility of high rank, by virtue of the fact that he *always* wears clothes of some kind.
  4279. >Especially because he wears suits for more than just formal events like the Gala.
  4281. >Most pony nobility will go naked in public on occasion
  4282. >Not Anon.
  4283. >this only adds to the speculation about how much power he held back home
  4284. >Could he be a Prince?
  4288. >The way you wear clothing mixed in with conversation about humanity's nudity taboo will never make Luna uncomfortably aware of her own nudity
  4292. >Applejack thinks Anon is a slut for wearing socks
  4293. >Doesn't let Anon on the farm after that time he took his boots off and Apple Bloom saw his socks
  4297. >He openly calls Cadence a "mind-raping whorse" when he sees her use her magic on a quarreling couple.
  4301. >You and Luna are together.
  4302. >Luna changes herself to match how you dream of her.
  4303. >She ends up as OGR feminine and voluptuous as a pony can be. Wide hips, curvy body, delicate features, full teats, the works.
  4304. >Despite most ponies finding her appearance odd, it still invokes hastily suppressed erections from even the biggest stallion prudes and mysteriously intense envy from mares.
  4305. >That's what gave you the first clue that the reverse gender roles of Equestria might be artificial, if there are still unconscious reactions like that.
  4306. >But that still leaves the question as to why?
  4310. > Team play
  4311. > Mares get together as a herd to woo virtual stallions
  4312. > You got the Muscle, who intimidates the other mares away
  4313. > The Tongue, to charm the stallion and introduce the other mares of the herd
  4314. > The Dyke, who goes with the stallion during shopping trips and bonds over colty stuff, often mediating between the stallion and the rest of the herd
  4315. > The Bank, who works long and hard at her job as the main financial pillar of the herd
  4317. >Dating sim mmo.
  4319. >Entire herd of mares trying to complete a date with King Sparklebottom III.
  4320. >One mare holds his amora while the rest support her and head off various disasters.
  4321. >"Okay it's phase two so get ready for the jealous coltfriend, how's the second course coming?"
  4322. "Just waiting on the spices, the runner mistimed the patrol and had to-"
  4323. >"Buck, the chickens in the market got loose, that’s a wipe girls."
  4327. >Anon gets all of his pent up carnal desires out of his system after having spent a lifetime on Earth as a virgin.
  4328. >He starts to like the cuddles after as much as the sex, but mares don't.
  4329. >He's lucky if they even spend the night.
  4330. >Even then, they always sneak out before he's awake.
  4331. >Maybe sex isn't all there is after all.
  4332. >Maybe he needs companionship.
  4333. >Anon starts looking for a serious relationship instead of one-night stands.
  4334. >There's no takers.
  4335. >His reputation makes sure of that...
  4339. >teen Cadance starts to get existential about her shipping-vision
  4340. >worried that if one's true love is arbitrarily assigned, what else could be?
  4341. >locks herself up to avoid her "one" in an attempt to keep her free will/fuck the system
  4345. >humans are so viciously mundane that the magical ponies can’t even see them...
  4347. >Anon following Pinkie around all day.
  4348. >Oh shit something is falling!
  4349. >Grab Pinkies tail and start shaking it to warn her.
  4350. "My tail is twitching! Something is going to fall!"
  4351. >"Yeah right Pinkie."
  4352. >something falls right where she was standing.
  4353. >Ponies took her Pinkie sense seriously after that.
  4357. >Just to rub it in her friend's faces, she leads them to a secluded spot and plays the tape.
  4358. >It's not erotic. At all.
  4359. >It's her nervously fretting for a moment, then the sound of a door opening and the deep voice of her big sister’s mate telling her how proud he is that she's grown so much. Then he apologizes for thinking of her as just a filly and not a mare, and welcomes her into the herd.
  4360. >The rest of the tape is the sound of the bed gently creaking, murmurs of 'I love you', her badly stifling her ecstasy, and the muffled sound of bare flesh meeting furred.
  4361. >It's gentle lovemaking, not the incredible romp it felt like to her.
  4362. >Something an alarming number of mares won't get to have.
  4363. >The look on her friends faces isn't jealousy, it's heartbreak.
  4367. >"Anon, wait! Don't leave me, I'm so much more susceptible to predators now!"
  4369. >"Oh Celestia, oh Celestia, oh Celestia"
  4370. "Look, calm down. I'm just going to go into the kitchen and get an ice pack for your leg."
  4371. >"I'm going to die on this couch, aren't I?"
  4373. >"Anon, you've been so good to me. You've shown more patience than I expected from a stallion. I know you've done your best, but I think it's time we face the facts. My leg is broken; there's no coming back from an injury like this. How can I run if I can't even stand?"
  4374. "For christ's sake. You wear the magical cast and lay in bed for a few weeks; that's how. You act as though every Chimera in that shitty swamp is suddenly going to be aware that you're hurt and are homing in on this house as we speak."
  4375. >[scared horse noises]
  4379. The problem with low gravity, even assuming other problems like the atmosphere were taken care of, is that those heavyworlder muscles (and not just the LIFTAN ones) are gonna atrophy into the local norm before long
  4380. So, you end up going the Goku/Rock Lee method by wearing really, really heavy weights under your clothing. Woe unto the dumbass villain who tries to steal you away
  4381. >Anon dresses just like Piccolo
  4382. >hfw the bandits attack and he gets to throw his clothes at them.
  4383. >tfw they think it's a striptease
  4387. >"No, don't you gals get it? It wouldn't be weird for Anon to get naked and change in front of me if he thinks I don't like stallions! I might even be able to convince him that he should practice kissing with me 'cuz I "don't like stallions that way"!"
  4391. Highschool soundcloud rappers
  4392. >Dozens of them
  4393. >All girls mumbling about getting dick and money, and popping Xans over a distorted beat.
  4394. >Enter Lil Da$h
  4395. >Rainbow trying to be on top of the cool ladder decides to buy into the soundcloud rap game. And surprisingly she becomes pretty well known.
  4396. >She can have any guy she wants and knows it
  4400. >Celestia will never defend you from competition
  4401. >...even if that competition is just an inflatable floaty swan that her instincts nevertheless identify as "other alicorn that can take my man"
  4402. >One the inflatable swan is defeated (read: punctured), she will never trot back to you, head held high and chest tuft puffed out, looking prouder than you've ever seen her
  4403. >She will never expect head scratches and tuft-nuzzles for keeping you safe
  4407. >Ponies, as it turns out, are very long lived.
  4408. >Not as long as dragons, who live thousands of years, but they do live easily into their nine-hundred, as many other sapient species do.
  4409. >They also mature slow, as a result.
  4410. >This is why, when Anon reveals he's only in his twenties, mares suddenly start avoiding him.
  4411. >They don't want to be seen as predamares, after all.
  4412. >One time, Anon hugged a mare in a moment of happiness, and the mare responded by holding her hooves straight up.
  4413. >"Look! Look at where my hooves are! I'm not touching him!"
  4414. >While the adults give the flirtatious colt and definition of jailbait a wide berth, the fillies just adore him and make a game of seeing who can get him to be their coltfriend first.
  4415. >The CMC, all in their twenties themselves, are the most determined to form a herd with Anon, and the man can often be seen running from them.
  4416. >Once, upon being tackled by the trio in a hug, he holds his hands up.
  4417. "Look! Look at where my hands are! I'm not touching them!"
  4421. >"Hey there, green bean. I've got an endless supply of bits, an empty castle where NOPONY can hear us, and an afternoon to burn. How's about you an' me get to know each other a little bit better?"
  4422. >Celestia assumes that Anon is an air-head who would be swayed with shopping money, and Twilight is momentarily outraged at how sexist her mentor is being
  4426. >If anything, he was doing a service, separating the pervs from the good, moral mares.
  4427. >Sure, he may be an adult in a foal's body, but other children around him aren't and it was important to protect their innocence from pedo-mares.
  4428. >He's been putting Cheerilee through the ringer, but she's held firm against his faux-innocent advances.
  4432. >"So, what'cha ya in for?"
  4433. "Had sex with a kid who told me she was an ancient immortal who only looks prepubescent."
  4434. >"What the fuck, man...? You too? Was it Sweetie Belle?"
  4435. "Apple Bloom."
  4439. > "Mares only want one thing, and it's disgusting."
  4440. > You nuzzle against his chest, savoring his musky scent
  4441. "Not at all, dear. You're quite the opposite of disgusting."
  4445. >"He came into my office, all legs and torso. A stallion like that looked like he was good for two things: chasing my foals, and trouble."
  4446. >"A sultry wink and a nervous glance behind him - probably wanted to make sure his troubles weren't following him. What would it be this time, sugardick? Gambling debts catching up with you? A wife who couldn't take no more of your lip and went a bit far? Colts; if it isn't one thing, it's another."
  4450. the primordial language of magic, english
  4454. >Magic instability cloud starts to settle around Canterlot
  4455. >It's very dangerous to magical creatures as it can dangerously fluctuate their mana from draining it dry to overfilling it
  4459. >Twilight has noticed a pattern since she became princess
  4460. >Stallions are more likely to become evil than mares, at least evil without the desire for redemption
  4461. >Stallions like Sombra, Discord, Tirek, Grogar; mares tend to think of males as the fairer sex, but these stallions almost brought Equestria to its knees
  4462. >Seeing a problem that needs to be solved, she creates a morality test for stallions to try to prevent the breakout for more villains
  4463. >The test is designed to probe for irregularites in a stallion's personality: too much whimsy, not enough whimsy, lack of desire for familial and friend contact, etc.
  4464. >Once the issue has diagnosed, it will become easier to resolve it and prevent their fall into villainy
  4465. >She calls all the stallions and colts in Ponyville so that she can test the effectiveness of her test
  4466. >To her pleasure, everypony she tested were well within the "good" range of her test
  4467. >The only concerning subject was Caramel whose hissy fit ratings are higher than average, but it was still underneath villainous levels
  4468. >However, it is slightly disappointing as she needed a villainous result to prove that her test was effective
  4472. EQG
  4473. >Nobody's actually ever seen their parents.
  4474. >Everyone has the vague sense they exist, but doesn't know anything about them.
  4475. >School staff has always served as parental figures
  4476. >Nobody's ever heard of anyone graduating, or entering the school, or even moving up in years. These things supposedly happen, but the details are, like facts about one's parents, slippery.
  4480. >Changelings still try not to blow their cover
  4481. >One of them tries to unscrew a screw with her hooves
  4482. >She just says "Creaky! Creaky! Screwdriver noises!" in the hopes that she'll fool you
  4483. >It doesn't fool you, but it fools ponies who observe it
  4484. >This is exactly how changelings disguise themselves, and it works
  4488. >Anon doesn't have any native magic in him
  4489. >Ponies sense each other by subconsciously picking up on their magical signature
  4490. >Anon is magicless, so they can't instinctively know that he's in the room with them
  4491. >He can sneak up on poners very easily
  4492. >Sometimes they panic when they think that he's gone, like how a baby has zero object permanence and thinks that a ball just stops existing when he can't see it
  4496. >Saying nudity isn’t an issue when Anon is the pony equivalent of half-mast at all times, on top of his crotch being front and center constantly.
  4500. "Wh-What? A-Anon, come on! You can't just stroll around like that everywhere! I- I can see everything down there..."
  4501. >"Ponies are naked all the time."
  4502. "That's different! We're quadrupeds! We've tails to cover ourselves!"
  4503. >"What about stallions?"
  4504. "Stallions have sheaths to hide their p-pe-p-peni- ph-phalluses! You don't have a sheath because you're a bipedal ape!"
  4505. >*Siiip*
  4506. >"You don't have a sheath either, why aren't you wearing pants?"
  4507. "W-What?! I'm a mare! I don't need a sheath!"
  4508. >"Really? Can I see?"
  4509. "N- NO YOU CAN'T SEE! Why would you even thi-"
  4510. "No! Stop! Don't come any closer! Anon! your Ph-ph-phall- YOUR THING IS RIGHT ON M-M-MY-
  4511. >Boop!
  4515. >"And here we see a pegasus, or to use their scientific name: Avianus Equis. This particular specimen is a delight to behold. Her plumage is stiff and colourful and, as you can see, her chest fluff is top notch. This is likely the result of a diet rich in berries and hay, as well as regular exercise."
  4516. >"In fact, it appears as though we will have a demonstration of that wing strength! Observe as she effortlessly moves from the ground up onto a tree branch. The strength in her wings is phenomenal. A pegasus can carry 8 times her body weight, and it certainly shows in the ease by which she moves."
  4517. >"Goodness, I think we may be in for a treat. We appear to have stumbled upon her mating nest."
  4518. >"Many bird-type creatures will construct a nest to show off to potential mates, and the pegasus is no different. Observe the colourful pieces of fabric and glass that adorn the nest - it's a way or her to say, "Hello, world! Look at what I am capable of collecting! I am most suited to produce strong offspring!" "
  4519. >"If we stick around long enough and remain quiet, we may even see her mating dance."
  4520. >"Such a rare, coveted display to see."
  4521. >"Let's settle in and wait."
  4525. >Gloves
  4526. They are viewed as socks for anon's hoofspiders
  4528. >Pants
  4529. They suggest, but never show. Ultimate teasing piece
  4531. >Shirt
  4532. Keep the mares scent for much longer
  4536. >Hay bars, ramen noodles only with hay instead of noodles, chocolate-covered dandelions (is that Japony text on there? What a fucking weeb), and what looks like a small salt lick hidden behind a box of Celesti-o's.
  4537. >The fuck are Celesti-o's anyway?
  4541. RGRE Courting Anon
  4542. Features some cute and incredibly dumb courtship rituals. Feel free to ignore the butt stuff.
  4546. Rumors about Anon:
  4547. >You aren’t allowed outside the palace grounds without escort because you’re under house arrest for a terrible crime, but maybe one you didn’t commit.
  4548. >You were sent to gather information for your home, as some sort of advanced contact.
  4549. >As hideous as your body was, it was merely a projection for ponykind’s convenience to comprehend, masking a terrible true form.
  4550. >Your upright stature was a handicap, to put ponies at ease, or perhaps to disguise your incredible abilities when on all fours.
  4551. >Humans were a mythical race from before magic, and you were a harbinger of their glorious return, but only if you judged the world worthy.
  4552. >You might have come here from a parallel reality, to prepare ponykind for magic disappearing.
  4553. >You secretly had wings, but they were ephemeral and no good for flight. Any pony who managed to touch them would die, or maybe live forever.
  4554. >You were a… well the explanation was a little long, but some rough equivalent to a succubus. The princesses may or may not be under your sway, or trying to contain or control you.
  4558. >Everything he does gives them a sense of unease
  4559. >Like when someone smiles with their mouth but not their eyes
  4560. >The way the grass doesn't spring back up when he walks
  4561. >The way the doors always creak when he pushes them open
  4562. >How he never breaks into song during celebrations
  4563. >His touch is warm, yet cold at the same time (magically clammy)
  4564. >Nopony can feel the friendship coming from him
  4568. >Immediately after she becomes an alicorn, Twilight does all the things birb pones insist they don't.
  4569. >It'd be like someone being zapped black and immediately running off to steal chicken and watermelons.
  4573. >"Sir, what were you wearing at the time of the incident?"
  4574. "Just a shirt, pants, und-"
  4575. >"Let me just write that down... 'dressed like a whore'... okay."
  4579. Another point is due Anon bipedalism his belly would appear exposed/vulnerable to the pones and how this could be a trigger some degree of agony/angst, some protective instinct or even some weird fetish
  4583. >Because of the lack of insulating fur, the creature radiates heat like the comforting glow of Celestia's sun.
  4587. >Ponies have big heads and big eyes, thus qualifying as cute by human standards
  4588. >Anon has tiny eyes like a foal, thus qualifying him as cute by pony standards
  4589. >Anon gets hit with "oh my fucking god, that's adorable" moments about ponies just as often as ponies get those moments about him
  4593. I'm just imagining humans being like succubi to the changelings.
  4594. >Humans can spot a changeling in a crowd of ponies.
  4595. >Humans are degenerates that lure changelings in and do terrible things like hoof holding and getting them addicted to their salty bodies.
  4596. >If the changeling tries to fight back, strong human emotions fueled from adrenaline and endorphins can overload the changeling senses
  4600. -Foals with human traits-
  4601. Stubborn
  4602. Pointy teeth
  4603. Playing tag
  4604. Unicorn telekinesis manifesting as a hand
  4608. Their superequine strength must also have some way to be applied somehow. Like your train for example, you can tie the strongest horse in the world to a train but its hooves are just gonna scrabble in the dirt with no traction... Earth Ponies must have some sort of magic in their hooves that let them resist slipping or something like that. How far does that extend? Could they walk up a 90 degree slope? What if the slope continued past vertical and onto the ceiling?
  4612. >reindeer get their human loved ones tacky sweaters
  4613. >for humans, it's a holiday ugly sweater, it's warm but it's a gift from a loved one which makes it nice
  4614. >for reindeer, the sweater is a loud marking that declares the human as theirs
  4615. >they use the brightest colors, red, green, and white, other decorations, and put flashy and festive designs all over it
  4616. >the more visually loud the sweater is, the more you mean to her, and the more she wants everyone who sees your sweater to stay away
  4617. >she'll even stitch in her own floof to imbue her scent into it on top of the typical scent marking she'd do
  4621. > Be Anon, chilling in the living room, playing Super Squash Sisters, World of Awkward Conversations
  4622. > You are playing your main, Fated Links, ie the only character you can play with any degree of success
  4623. > It turns out, being an earnest, young mute mare allows you to smile and nod your way through most of the social scenarios with minimal emotional damage
  4624. > Meanwhile your roommate Moondancer is sitting next to you, hiding her face under a pillow to shield herself from secondhand embarrassment
  4625. > As you mash (A) to "Hya!" through the pleasantries before the main socializer, you rub your face
  4626. > You've only been playing for half an hour, and you are already getting burnt out
  4627. > The only thing keeping you going is when you have Links "accidentally" seduce a mare with her kinda androgynous appeal
  4628. > Then you get to this mini-dungeon's boss, a catty noble stallion who flaunts his ornate ball bra
  4629. > Frankly, you could do without seeing that
  4630. > The boss makes some snide comments that fail to connect, then tags in his sassy older brother
  4631. > You groan, which makes Moondancer drop the cushion
  4632. > She looks at the screen and gets a derpy smile
  4633. > "Oh yeah, Mayo Nettle is a hard boss to beat. Quick time event banter, sinfully long legs, and a devastating ball bounce tease."
  4634. > You grimace and power through the dialogue as best as you can, but Links is weak to older stallions, often getting stunlocked by mild flirtation
  4635. > Finally, Links is overwhelmed by a double ball bra taunt and makes squash soup on the floor of the ballroom, failing the scenario
  4639. >Mareio cart has the players drawing carts behind them rather than riding them
  4640. >And the carts are loaded out with various weapons and gizmos to mess with other racers.
  4644. So, how far would things have to go for you to realize and accept that the gender roles in Equestria were reversed? It's easy for us as outside viewers of the universe to readily accept that it's an RGRE world, but what about an Anon who has no such preconceptions? If you got magic-fucked into Equestria, how much of their behaviour would you presume to be a part of weird magical horse culture? Short of some mare marching up to you and telling you "hey there colt how about you get into the kitchen because that's how males do in this world", what context clues do you think you could hypothetically attribute to magical horses being magical horses? If you were there for longer than a month or two, you'd connect the dots, easy. But early on, what sort of things do you think could be mistaken to mean something not-RGRE to a man who (at this point in time) has no reason to assume this horse-universe has reversed gender roles?
  4648. Twilight was moved from Canterlot to Ponyville because the magic is cheaper in ponyville. Twilight uses external magic to cast crazy spells, which is costing Celestia a fortune
  4652. >gravity affects pegasi differently because magic
  4653. >they're much lighter than they should be so when they walk around on the ground it looks like those videos of an astronaut walking on the moon
  4654. >because of this marely pegasus mares such as Rainbow Dash will avoid walking because it makes them look like they're prancing in slow motion
  4658. > The equestrian sun is not actually a star, you do not simply move a star no matter how powerful you are.
  4659. > The equestrian sun is much smaller and closer, it is a magical construct that gives light and heat to this otherwise rogue planet.
  4660. > The near majority of the light and heat however are not traditional photons but instead magical particles
  4661. > Anon has little interaction with magical particles which leaves him nearly invisible, it also leaves him practically blind, the equestrian sun gives out so little real light that it is of lesser brightness than the full moon of earth.
  4662. > This Equestria is a dark world, the only light source that anon can see is fire.
  4666. >But this is the same problem with HiE RGRE anyway, with humans being treated as stallions despite very fucking clearly not being a stallion or sharing pony culture at all, so whatever.
  4668. I was always under the impression that the rest of the pony world had reversed gender roles as well. So it wasn't so much that they were treating the human Anon the same way they'd treat a stallion of pony culture, which would be weird because Anon's not a stallion. But rather, they were treating him the same way they treat males of any species, because the default gender role in most/all places would be reversed and they'd have no reason to think different. Gender roles are more universal than cultural practices, and if you go back a hundred or so years, you'd be hard-pressed to find any country or culture on the planet that treated women the same way they treated men.
  4670. So it's less like someone from India visiting New York and everyone treating that Indian person like he's a New Yorker, and more like everypony treating Anon the same way they treat all males from every corner of the world. I could see them making excuses for him (as you said) strictly due to Anon clearly not belonging to their culture ("Applejack, no! He's not from around here, he probably doesn't know what socks mean."), which is something they'd probably do for any visiting non-pony like a minotaur. But they'd have no reason to assume that something so ingrained in every culture they know of would be different.
  4674. So, ponies have the whole invisible genital thing going on when they aren't horny, but there's a condition that stops this innate magic phenomenon from occurring called Auto-Modesty Deficiency Syndrome.
  4678. >Wherever a horse's ear is pointing is where the horse is looking with the eye on the same side. If the ears are pointing in different directions, the horse is looking at two different things at the same time.
  4679. >This is how it was for ancient ponies long ago, before they lost the ability long ago as their eyes moved slightly more forward and they gained better depth perception.
  4680. >Many think this was to help with pegasi flying and unicorn spell slinging, but seeing as how earth ponies didn't benefit despite still having the change occur, the verdict is still out.
  4681. >Regardless, ponies don't have the ability to move their eyes separately anymore, except for a few cases of genetic atavism, like one such Ditzy Do.
  4682. >While some tease her, calling her a cave pony or other things, she's proud of her ability.
  4683. >It lets her watch out for her loved ones more effectively than any other mare.
  4687. >Anon lasts a few minutes in RGRE
  4688. >all the mares think they can't please him in bed as they tucker out in under a minute
  4689. >word gets around, Anon has the equivalent of a stretched pussy that can't feel anything
  4690. >"It's like trying to get blood from a stone."
  4691. >A hotdog down a hallway
  4692. >Mares now avoid Anon, the turboroastie
  4696. Since that is the sum of undigested food in her stomach, this is her current minimum weight. Gravity magic only works on the caster's body.
  4700. >Get married, have a baby with Sunset
  4701. >Catch her laying on the ground on her side, topless, while the baby nurses from an exposed tit
  4705. >Equestria was created old
  4706. >All apparent history was fabricated at the beginning of time, which is why it's so vague and slap-dash
  4707. >Ponies don't notice this because they know nothing else
  4708. >Anon spots it immediately, but his crazy conspiracy theory is dismissed as just coltish whimsy by everyone except Twilight
  4712. Wake up sheepones! Luna never came back from the moon! She's Queen Chrysalis in disguise trying to bring down Equestria from the inside! Why do you think she was conveniently absent during the royal wedding! I don't buy the lie that she was just sleeping during the first alicorn wedding to take place in over two hundred years!
  4716. What if instead of Anonicorn, it's Spike? Most of it still works:
  4717. >Lived at Canterlot Castle since he hatched
  4718. >Raised by Celestia (canon according to Faust, iirc)
  4719. >A member of a powerful, long-lived species that inspires respect and fear
  4720. >He can still have a crush on Raven (that transfers to Rarity when he moves to Ponyville)
  4721. >Learns (dragon) magic, possibly with some difficulties
  4722. >Meets and befriends a young Twilight at some point, possibly after a rocky start
  4723. >Broblood probably wouldn’t mind befriending a dragon, while Doucheblood would try to get close to manipulate him
  4724. >No reason Luna can't still dote on him, especially since he's not going to die of old age in the blink of an eye like all those other kids
  4725. >[spoiler]doomstar[/spoiler]
  4729. >glimglam loved stories growing up
  4730. >autistically so
  4731. >learned story structure and narrative
  4732. >realized that this shit goes on IRL
  4733. >wonders why
  4734. >realizes there's an extremely subtle magical signature around every creature, herself included
  4735. >focuses her magic studies on this
  4736. >realizes that it's Fate's puppet strings
  4737. >existentialcrisis.gif
  4738. >either not believed when she goes to Canterlot or told not to meddle with fate
  4739. >resolves to free ponies from Fate so they are free to choose their own destiny
  4740. >attempts to sever her own strings, thinks she got them
  4741. >Our Town was the (admittedly immoral) first attempt at it
  4742. >once she gets over her revenge obsession she realizes that she never cut her strings and played the part of a villain of Twilight's story
  4744. now I'm interested in her being aware of being fate's puppet in an 'I have no mouth and I must scream' way and constantly looking for ways to cut those strings

[AiE, ∞ hiatus] Suspicious Biped (2020/06/29)

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My Oneshots (2022/01/18)

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