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Why is Seeker yelling?

By Aftercase
Created: 2021-09-02 22:18:31
Expiry: Never

  1. >You push through the thick snow, in the distance, you spot Cold Seeker, her silhouette contrasted against the white snow planes.
  2. >After a while you manage to reach the mare who is oddly staring at the mountains with a grin.
  3. “Uh...Seeker? Are you okay?”
  4. >”Hmm? Oh Hello Anon, I’m fine. I just love this time of year…”
  5. >You agree, though Northern Equestria seasons are basically the same.
  6. >Outside the magic of the Crystal Empire the north is just patchy snow for some months then a bit of snow for a few more and the other two is just icy death, of course, with more snow.
  7. “You need to remind me, is it summer or winter?”
  8. >”It’s summer silly! You just need to look at my coat to see that!”
  9. “It’s floofy as usual, I can’t really tell the difference…”
  10. >Cold Seeker looks at you in shock, offended by your ignorance.
  11. “What?”
  12. >”Well I never been so offended! I had a great coat last winter!”
  13. >You shuffle on the spot, trapped in the snow mare’s stare.
  14. >”Pffft! I’m kidding! I know my coat doesn’t get as thick as the others! But I’m okay with it!”
  15. >You feel relieved, since coming here, you’ve been careful how your tread, being that on snow and social norms.
  16. >Being banished from central Equestria due to a faux pas, has left you treading on thin ice around ponies.
  17. >“Oh! I need to show you something! I love doing this on the first day of summer!” The snow mare speaks up, snapping you from your thoughts.
  18. “And whats that?”
  19. >”Watch!” She beams.
  20. >Seeker turns and faces the mountains, taking in a deep breath she yells on top of her lungs.
  21. >Her yell echos across the snowy plains.
  23. You cover your ears, “What are you doing!”
  24. >The mare continues to yell.
  25. >Her voice put even the Princess’s Canterlot Voice to shame.
  26. >Suddenly she stops with a grin ear to ear.
  27. “What was that! Is yelling at mountains you do for fun?”
  28. >”No, this is the fun bit!” She replies watching the mountain tops.
  29. >Suddly you spot the snow on the mountains start to drift and slide.
  30. >Eventually it starts to tumble down the mountainside forming a formidable avalanche.
  31. >”Run!” Seeker giggles as she sprints off in the opposite direction.
  32. >It dawns on you that the snowy tumbling death is racing towards you.
  33. >You quickly turn heel and run.
  34. >The ground shakes as you both run as the avalanche rumbles behind you.
  35. “Seeker! What the hell! We’re going to die!” You shout in between icy breaths.
  36. >”Don’t be silly! Just jump and fall back!”
  37. “What!”
  38. >”Weee!”
  39. >The crazy snow mare jumps back into the tumbling ice.
  40. ”Seeker!” You yell as the snow consumes you.
  41. >All you see is white and the sound of rushing and crunching snow as you tumble along with it.
  42. >After a moment everything starts to slow and settle.
  43. >You find yourself upside-down slowly being pushed by the snow towards the igloo village.
  44. >Seeker is giggling next to you kicking her hoofs out in excitement.
  45. >Evenutally the snow brings itself to a halt just outside of the first lot of igloos.
  46. >Complely bewildered how you survived, a door to an igloo opens.
  47. >”Seeker!” Frosty Flakes yells, “I told you last year! Not towards the village!”
  48. >”Sorry! I forgot! But Anon here had fun! Didn’t you Anon?”
  49. >You groan, just half-listening to their conversation.
  50. >”Anon?”
  51. >Sorry hypothermia, move aside.
  52. >These mares are going to be the death of you.

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