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Anon Royal Punishment Gone Sexual

By Guest
Created: 2020-11-14 22:27:09
Expiry: Never

  2. Prompt: Anon! The next time I find your dirty clothes on the floor, I'm going to take ALL of your clothes away!
  4. >"That's it, Anonymous! I warned you. Now take off your clothes!"
  5. >"I am serious."
  6. >"Refusing won't help you. I fought chaos and shadow ponies before you were even foaled."
  7. >"I don't know, cast magic?"
  8. >"Then watch closely."
  9. >[poof]
  10. >"And they're gone. Oh stop shouting."
  11. >"No, you have to learn a lesson or two on responsibility. You're already legally old enough to buy a house, but you can't even keep your clothes together."
  12. >"But I am helping. You just can't see it if you keep staring at your loins."
  13. >"You get them back when I see you learned to appreciate them."
  14. >"How you shall spend the day? Just as usual."
  15. >"Honey, have you been sleeping all these years? Most ponies are naked all the time."
  16. >"You don't need your clothes in the palace. And not in Canterlot either."
  17. >"Because these unicorns see their clothes as a status symbol. They aren't a necessity."
  18. >"You are my son, Anonymous. You don't need that."
  19. >"So what if mares eye your private parts. They won't catch fire if somepony looks at them."
  20. >"No, we don't have a cockatrice in our animal park. And that only works if you look it in the eyes anyway. Your bits are safe."
  21. >"Sigh. Alright, fine. If you are that afraid of showing yourself to the public, then I must help you."
  22. >"RAVEN! I need you here!"
  23. >"Please come in."
  24. >"Don't mind Anon's protests. He's a bit nervous today."
  25. >"I know, right? He looks fine."
  26. >"Why should I mind if you look at him? He isn't a Crown secret."
  27. >"Anon, would you please be so kind as to move your hands to your sides? Raven deserves to see the whole picture."
  28. >"No? A pity. I guess you leave me no choice."
  29. >"Raven? Please tell the court I cannot attend today because of an unexpected royal situation."
  30. >"They will have to make do alone for one day. Anon needs my full attention as his dear mother."
  31. >"Yes. Thank you. Please shut the door and tell the others we're not to be disturbed."
  32. >"I will put a silencer spell on the walls, so don't be surprised if you near nothing of us in the next hours."
  33. >"Now we're alone. Better lock the door just in case."
  34. >"What I am going to do? Anon, my dear, I am here to help you."
  35. >"Your reaction towards Raven made it clear to me. You need my help."
  36. >"Why? Because if you can't stand a single mare watching your nude body in your own chambers, you've got a problem."
  37. >"It is my duty as your mother to help you. And it's also very concerning. You should found your own family one day."
  38. >"You can't do that if you can't get close to a mare."
  39. >"No, Anon. Don't pretend you don't know how that works. You've been looking at some mares' rears yourself here and there. I've seen it."
  40. >"But something went wrong somewhere. And now I must correct it."
  41. >"Yes, I am your mother. But I'm also a mare. And you need the experience."
  42. >"Forget the mother part for the day. I am just a normal mare for you."
  43. >"Being an alicorn makes no difference, Anon. We're still ponies."
  44. >"Don't give me that look. It's not like you're tossed into Tartarus. I've been there for you for as long as you can remember. You have nothing to be afraid of."
  45. >"Now let's start slowly. Put your hands down. Please."
  46. >"That wasn't painful now was it? And do you feel any different? Pain somewhere? Do you feel like melting or the sort?"
  47. >"No, blushing cheeks are not a dangerous thing to my knowledge."
  48. >"Don't lower your head and don't shy away. Look at me, Anon. "
  49. >"I know I have to be strict with you now, but I have only your best in mind. And you are supposed to enjoy this too."
  50. >"Tell me, what do you feel when I look at you? When I eye your full and exposed body?"
  51. >"Embarrassment. Can you tell me why?"
  52. >"Well there must be some reason. What makes it special if I glance over your nethers instead of your hands for example?"
  53. >"The implications? Anon, just because you see something doesn't mean you have an intention behind it."
  54. >"So? And what if I turn around?"
  55. >"No, don't avert you eyes. Look at my flanks."
  56. >"Yes. stare right at it. Take everything in with your eyes."
  57. >"My bits, like you call it, have always been there, Anonymous. All the years you have known me. So why is it such a great deal if you look at them? Does it somehow turn over the world?"
  58. >"Anon? Is that?"
  59. >"Oh. Oh my."
  60. >"I had no idea you are that quick to be aroused."
  61. >"There is nothing wrong with arousal, Anon. But I have never seen somepony with such a low tolerance."
  62. >"No. I didn't mean to insult and my verdict has not changed. No clothes for you."
  63. >"In fact that makes my duties more urgent. You cannot go on like this."
  64. >"What we do now? We have to work on your composure. And there is only one therapy to it."
  65. >"The frontal one. Looks like I have be more than just a mare for you. I must become *your* mare."
  66. >"You heard right. I am your special somepony today."
  67. >"I understand your hesitation, Anon."
  68. >"But this is the only way to work on your inhibitions. I have waited for too long."
  69. >"This isn't how I expected my plan to play out either, but I am not letting my own and only son down when he needs me the most."
  70. >"Trust me, I know what I am doing."
  71. >"We must lower your inhibition. It can't be that a simple glance on a mare's rear does so much to you."
  72. >"Until you have enough experiences to keep cool in everyday situations. Even when naked."
  73. >"A natural affection is important, yes. But yours is more than just finely tuned. It's completely overloaded."
  74. >"No, you are no pervert my dear. Only inexperienced."
  75. >"By making up for that negligence. It is high time."
  76. >"Yes. Here and now. Between us."
  77. >"I am not going to lie to you. This will get amorous."
  78. >"It's fully understandable why you find this unsettling with me. But excitement is a part of the therapy too."
  79. >"I promise I'll make it is pleasant as possible."
  80. >"Shall we begin?"
  81. >"Fine. Brace yourself, Sunshine. Here it comes."
  82. >"Anon, listen. There is much more to love and affection than the rutting. I see now we must start at the basics."
  83. >"Look at me and listen."
  84. >"What does it to you when I change my voice?"
  85. >"When I speak slowly. Quietly. Passionate."
  86. >"How do you feel when you look me in the eye and hear my lure?"
  87. >"Keep looking at my face. Could you say no to me when I look at you like this?"
  88. >"Do you feel something? A weak shiver perhaps. Are you lightheaded?"
  89. >"Do I fill your head with visions?"
  90. >"Do you imagine all the sweet things we can do together?"
  91. >"Your mind tells you they are wrong."
  92. >"But your body knows you secretely want it."
  93. >"I am your mare, Anon. Yours for the taking."
  94. >"I will make all your wishes come true."
  95. >"If you let me."
  96. >"You can't resist your nature."
  97. >"Give in to your desires."
  98. >"Yes? Good. I caught you, my boy. And I didn't even touch you."
  99. >"Yet."
  100. >"The blush on your face is cute, little one."
  101. >"I can hear your pulse just by looking at you."
  102. >"Savor this sweet moment. You want to remember it."
  103. >"You think this is intense? Oh you have no idea."
  104. >"My lovely little Anon, you are in for the ride of your life."
  105. >"Did you know some stallions prefer older mares? They say they have more style."
  106. >"Your hands again? Don't think I'm not aware of your shaft. You can take them down."
  107. >"Because I will if you don't."
  108. >"Doesn't matter. I'm coming for you."
  109. >"Your destiny is here with me. In my hooves."
  110. >"Can you feel the difference when I come closer?"
  111. >"Think you can face me directly?"
  112. >"Eye to eye?"
  113. >"Do you like how my breath tickles your skin?"
  114. >"Yes, you do."
  115. >"Don't forget to breathe, sweetie. Or else I'll have to do it for you."
  116. >"Now to your first test."
  117. >"Oh yes. That was just a prelude."
  118. >"Will you fold when I put my hoof on your chest?"
  119. >"Steadfast. I like that."
  120. >"But we'll see how strong you really are on an equal playing field."
  121. >"Undress me."
  122. >"Why, I took your clothes. It's only fair if you do the same to me."
  123. >"Well I can keep my regalia on if you wish."
  124. >"And if you prefer intimacy, and more, with horse shoes and the like."
  125. >"Some prefer it that rough. I can deliver."
  126. >"Do I look like I am joking?"
  127. >"That's what I thought."
  128. >"And now you're already stripping your mare. Didn't take more than a few minutes."
  129. >"Why don't you start with my hoof on your chest?"
  130. >"Where's the problem? Just hold me with one hand and untie me with the other."
  131. >"Don't worry. The horse shoes are sturdy. You won't break any precious metal."
  132. >"You have a firm and unique grip, Anonymous."
  133. >"No, go on. That was a compliment."
  134. >"Because we don't have many hands to go around in Equestria. Yours are the only pair I know of."
  135. >"No, claws are not the same. Believe me, I had a few griffin emissaries shaking my hoof in my life. They are not as pleasant to touch."
  136. >"Here we go."
  137. >"You can keep holding my leg a little longer if you prefer."
  138. >"Is something the matter? Do you like my hoof?"
  139. >"Why don't you give it a kiss then? It is said to be a courteous greeting in some areas."
  140. >"Not because *I* like it. Because *you* do."
  141. >"I am not blushing, Anon. You are."
  142. >"Anon, I take personal hygiene very seriously. I would not present a dirty leg to my son."
  143. >"Yes, that's it. Nopony shall say I don't teach my son some manners."
  144. >"Oh come on, Anon. I see the pleasure in your eyes."
  145. >"And there's at least one more fore leg waiting for you."
  146. >"So are you a dear and untie the second shoe too?"
  147. >"And hold me tight."
  148. >"Exactly like this. This is good."
  149. >"You're an eager one, Anonymous."
  150. >"Your shaft tells me so. It's like an open book to me."
  151. >"Anon, I didn't say this was a bad thing."
  152. >"Better use your hands for my crown instead. I don't want to poke you when we nuzzle later on."
  153. >"Oh, was I not supposed to say this out loud?"
  154. >"But we will."
  155. >"We have to. We must catch up on many things"
  156. >"Just put them on the nightstand. I won't need them for the next hours."
  157. >"Now come around. Still two more shoes to go."
  158. >"Kneeling down to open up your special somepony's dress is not wrong, Anon."
  159. >"Don't be shy to look at me from down there."
  160. >"Anon, you didn't mind sitting on my lap when you were younger. My underside is no danger zone. You've been there before."
  161. >"Would you like to touch my teats before we go on? It could help you."
  162. >"Then come back up again before you turn into a tomato."
  163. >"Let's get rid of the peytral and the real fun can begin."
  164. >"What do you think is going to happen? We're going up close and personal."
  165. >"There are no privates where we are going, Anon."
  166. >[A moment later]
  167. >"What's the matter? Can't handle a mare circling you?"
  168. >"How about a lick on the mouth?"
  169. >"Some feathermarking on the back?"
  170. >"Or a tail stroke between your legs."
  171. >"Now don't be so pent up. I'm not breaking anything."
  172. >"Part of a trusting relationship is allowing yourself to be vulnerable, Anon."
  173. >"But it does feel great, doesn't it?"
  174. >"That's what I want to hear."
  175. >"And what if I keep going?"
  176. >[Another moment and one loudly moaning Anon later]
  177. >"That was intense."
  178. >"Don't feel bad, Anon. I was asking for it."
  179. >"No. To use your words, 'cum' in the tail is not very elegant."
  180. >"I told you, it's not your fault."
  181. >"I can clean myself with a simple spell."
  182. >[Poof]
  183. >"There, as if nothing happened."
  184. >"Now let me use a hoof."
  185. >"You're spent?"
  186. >"Dear me, I shudder to think what would have happened with any other mare."
  187. >"No. I have something to pick you up again."
  188. >"Don't mind the golden glow around your gonads."
  189. >"You will feel a light pressure now."
  190. >"I know, but hold still. I want to avoid side effects. The pain is not real."
  191. >[A different poof, concentrated around Anon's dick and balls]
  192. >"Fixed. We can go on."
  193. >"Everything is still where it belongs. Check for yourself."
  194. >"A revitalizing spell. It replenishes and boosts the natural performance."
  195. >"The effect feels amazing, doesn't it? You're erect again in an instant."
  196. >"I know you are 'hard'. That's the idea."
  197. "Although your wording is not far away from reality."
  198. >"See? I can put my leg on your member and it does not budge."
  199. >"Absolutely harmless. I know this from personal experience."
  200. >"Who says the formula doesn't work on females? It's only less obvious as you can imagine."
  201. >"The spell is very, ahem, *potent* if you pardon the pun. It can last hours or longer. But there is a way to shorten it."
  202. >"Constant relief, my dear."
  203. >"Want to know the best part? It's renewable. Multiple times."
  204. >"That's right. I can refresh you over and over until we have prepared you properly."
  205. >"No, this isn't something I learned from forbidden tomes. It's a spell like any other and can be used as such."
  206. >"Quite useful too. You know I'm not a violent pony, but Equestria was not always as quiet as it is today."
  207. >"And should I not stop a group of troublemakers without violence when I can, Anon?"
  208. >"Why, I once stopped an army with my magic."
  209. >"The first half of the ponies constantly stumbled over their fifth legs."
  210. >"The other fell to the ground and begged for somepony to please quench the sudden lustful fire in their loins."
  211. >"Keeping them in this state and mounting each other for a day changed their minds on a few things."
  212. >"Needless to say, they surrendered. And nearly all of them became future parents in the end."
  213. >I could convince them to agree with a compromise."
  214. >"They laid down their weapons, and in turn I declared to forego any form of additional punishment. Provided they tend to their newfound families."
  215. >"That was before Cadence was foaled, by the way. She isn't the only one who has some knowledge in this field."
  216. >"You see, Anon, I am a reasonable pony. And now I offer you a compromise."
  217. >[Soft noise of a hoof rubbing a penis]
  218. >"You will be granted you all the relief you desire, if you do what I say."
  219. >"Just surrender. It's in your own best interest."
  220. >"I love a good diplomatic agreement. It always feels like a victory."
  221. >[More dominant rubbing]
  222. >"How you shudder and pant. And this is just the foreplay."
  223. >"Blackmailing? This isn't blackmailing, Anon. Just guidance in the right direction."
  224. >"I knew you would see reason."
  225. >"A condition? Intriguing. And what is this condition of yours"?
  226. >"Total surrender if I use the spell on myself?"
  227. >"This is a bold one."
  228. >"Certainly possible. Though I haven't considered it before."
  229. >"Your predatory grin surprizes me, Anon. What do you expect to gain from this?"
  230. >"Yes, I was talking about an equal playing field."
  231. >"Unfair if only you are magically affected? But I don't need the boost. Unlike you."
  232. >[...]
  233. >"You are right on principle, Anon."
  234. >"But the mares back then. They all were so-."
  235. >"No, I am not afraid. Stop saying that."
  236. >[Celestia's rubbing and Anon's teasing intensify]
  237. >"Alright, alright. I do it. We have a compromise."
  238. >[Celestia points towards the bed, her horn flaring in gold]
  239. >"Better get there already. We will need it when the spell hits me."
  240. >"I don't think you want to take me on the floor."
  241. >"It means exactly what I said."
  242. >[Anon pales]
  243. >"Seconds thoughts? I'm sorry, we have struck a compromise, Anon. I will not break my word."
  244. >[A golden light appears between Celestia's flanks and discharges with a poof, leading inwards]
  245. >[Celestia's eyes widen and her rear legs give tremble and buckle]
  246. >"Sun and stars!"
  247. >[Immediate dripping noises]
  248. >"Is that me? By myself, I'm leaking like a faucet!"
  249. >[Celestia wobbily heads for the bed]
  250. >"Anon, dear. I need you! In me!"
  251. >"Doesn't matter. Your penis. Your hand. Your tongue. I don't care."
  252. >"You should have thought that through before the negotiation."
  253. >"Come here. This is going to be messy."
  254. >[Celestia shakily lets herself fall onto the bed, facing Anon]
  255. >"Closer, Anon. Closer."
  256. >[Celestia grapples Anon]
  257. >"Gotcha. Hold up your end of the bargain. Now."
  258. >[A hoof points to her posterior]
  259. >"I know I'm wide open. Do something about it!"
  260. >"Quick, you have no idea how much it itches."
  261. >"Not in the mood for jokes. Do I have to pull you with my magic?"
  262. >[Celestia rolls on her back, stretching and spreading her legs in the air]
  263. >"You don't need directions, do you?"
  264. >[Anon probes with a finger]
  265. >"Ah! Anon, stop playing games! I am your responsibility now."
  266. >"Anon. Go. Behind. Put. Little. Anon. IN!"
  267. >[Hesitant penile penetration ensues, paired with moans from both]
  268. >"*pant* Finally! No no no, don't just stop. Keep moving."
  269. >[More general moaning noises]
  270. >"Don't hold back. The silencer spell will muffle us."
  271. >"The guards won't hear a thing."
  272. >"Yeeees. Now you're acting more like a stallion. Make me yours."
  273. >[Anon gasping]
  274. >"Oh, did I grab you with my lips? Yes, that's normal."
  275. >"Keep rubbing! This is the best part."
  276. >"Don't be ridiculous. A mare can't cut your piece off with that."
  277. >[Anon's body quivers]
  278. >"Grab my legs with those soft hands of yours if you need more stability."
  279. >"I like your grip, by the way."
  280. >[Anon grabs Celestia by her haunches and keeps thrusting]
  281. >" Breed me like the stallion that you are. You get the hang of it."
  282. >"This was an idiom, you whimp. You are not going to impregnate me that quickly."
  283. >"Don't slow down. Alicorns have a resistance to it."
  284. >"Is that so? Did you ever ask Shining or Cadence how much they had to try?"
  285. >"They used spells too. You can bet your arse on it."
  286. >[Anon climaxes with another loud moan]
  287. >"Aaaah. That's what I've been waiting for."
  288. >"Do you feel like ebbing away? Wait for it. The pressure will return."
  289. >[A second light dome flashes up around Anon's testicles, he screams in surprise]
  290. >"*yelping and twitching* Uh heavens, I can feel you growing inside me again."
  291. >[Anon resumes thrusting]
  292. >"That was the second spell reset."
  293. >"I did nothing this time. The spell will keep you going and going."
  294. >"Told you the thing lasts for hours. And so will you."
  295. >"It is harmless. I recast the whole formula at least 5 times on the ponies back then. Not one got hurt in making."
  296. >"And pregnancy isn't a damage in my book. They all lived happy lives afterwards."
  297. >"I have no idea what a 'hammer to the balls' feels like, but I think you are exaggerating."
  298. >"The imaginary pressure only lasts a second or so."
  299. >"I am *burning* too, you know?"
  300. >"Don't tell me you're suffering, waist deep into a mare. I don't buy that."
  301. >"And forget the mess. I can cast it off."
  302. >[Celestia breathing heavily]
  303. >"You're getting into the flow. That's a relief, I was beginning to wonder when you would pick the movements up yourself."
  304. >"And without me telling you to."
  305. >"Now we can experiment with what you could be into."
  306. >"Don't take this personally, but you-"
  307. >[Celestia flares her wings on the bed]
  308. >"Angh! Keep hitting there."
  309. >[Continuous interruptions due to sharp breaths]
  310. >"But you don't strike me as the assetive type."
  311. >"So maybe you prefer the mare taking the reins instead. Roll around."
  312. >[Celestia rolls her body and takes Anon with her]
  313. >[She ends up on top, sitting on Anon with her rump and trapping his head between her fore legs]
  314. >[He groans once under her weight but is otherwise fine]
  315. >"Hah! Sweet spot!"
  316. >"Who knew gravity could feel so divine?"
  317. >"You fine down there? I hope I didn't take you too hard."
  318. >"I am careful. I'm still holding most of my weight myself."
  319. >"Anon, that is a rude thing to say."
  320. >"Do what? My flanks have a right to be heavy. I am one of the largest ponies in Equestria."
  321. >"Does it hurt? No? Then everything is fine."
  322. >"And on the bright side, if you can take me, you can take any mare in Equestria."
  323. >"Swing your hips, Anon."
  324. >"You can't because you're pinned? Sigh."
  325. >"Guess I'll have to ride you instead."
  326. >[Celestia slowly grinds her posterior against Anon]
  327. >"That's the stuff. Right there. Just. A. Little. More."
  328. >[One stronger grinding thrust, Celestia climaxes with one guttural shout and floods Anon's thighs]
  329. >"*pants* This is how you do a mare, Anon. I hope you learned something."
  330. >"Maybe you should write a friendship letter about it. You whave one week."
  331. >"Wait, what is that tingling?"
  332. >[The spell resets Celestia with a dome of light, mostly hidden by Anon's body]
  333. >[She raises her head with closed eyes and howls towards the ceiling]
  334. >"Wooooooo holy mother of me! Like a whiplash to the marehood."
  335. >"Now I understand what you meant, Anon."
  336. >[Celestia eagerly flaps her wings]
  337. >"Oh me oh my, it is growing as strong as it was in the beginning."
  338. >"Anon, you know what you have to do."
  339. >"Sorry I can't clean up. Not able to focus with this itching between my flanks."
  340. >[More grinding]
  341. >"Just a second, love. Let me first *gasp* find the position."
  342. >"Oooh. Perfect."
  343. >"Now where we? Right, finding *your* sweet spot."
  344. >"So, do you like a mare on top? Does it make click in your mind?"
  345. >"Maybe? Well, that is not a *pant* no. We should build on that."
  346. >"Get ready, stern auntie Celestia is on her way."
  347. >[Celestia raises a fore hoof to Anon's face]
  348. >"No, no, keep down. Let Celestia handle this."
  349. >"How about now? Is a hoof on your mouth more to your liking?"
  350. >"Does it fluster you to be at my command and mercy?"
  351. >"Shh. Don't try to speak. Tell me with your eyes."
  352. >"I see no fear in them. But a glint. Fascinating."
  353. >"Hum. Maybe."
  354. >"Lick."
  355. >"You heard right."
  356. >"Lick my hoof."
  357. >"You hesitate? Are you afraid after all?"
  358. >[Weak shaking]
  359. >"Is it the thought of my hoof on your tongue?"
  360. >[One nod]
  361. >"Cute."
  362. >"Anon. My dear little Anon, look around."
  363. >"You shot your seed into my tail hair once."
  364. >"You filled me with your second one."
  365. >"And now our essences mix between us."
  366. >"This is nothing in comparison. And perhaps you find it attractive yourself?"
  367. >"Good boy."
  368. >"Yes, go for the frog. Hngh. You do this like a pro."
  369. >"Your tongue is a gift, Anon. Give me all you have."
  370. >[Celestia's grinding intensifies again, even Anon finds enough strength to thrust]
  371. >"This sets your gears into motion, hm?"
  372. >"Shoud I add some punishment for my little bad boy?"
  373. >[Stronger pushes from Anon]
  374. >"Now you're talking."
  375. >[Celestia chimes in on Anon's rhythm, both climax together]
  376. >[Celestia raises her hoof, their satisfied moans echo through the chamber]
  377. >"Ah, perfect outcome. And you know what comes next. Are you ready?"
  378. >"It is even better when we go through it together."
  379. >[Celestia closes her eyes and spreads her wings]
  380. >"Here it comes!"
  381. >[The spell resets both simultaneously, their energetic outry forming a strangely harmonious chorus]
  382. >"I swear, I havent't felt that alive in centuries."
  383. >"Because I do enjoy it. The harmless shock adds another thrill to our little adventure."
  384. >"Nopony gets hurt. And we still get to share the most intimate moments together."
  385. >"Because of the energy. The senses. The heat."
  386. >"Did you not feel the power when we wallowed in our passion?"
  387. >"Our shout of burning love?"
  388. >"Knowing we can take ourselves to the fire again and again, and yet none of us will truly ever burn?"
  389. >"That faint bitter twang in our symphony that makes the lure all the sweeter?"
  390. >"Tell me, Anon. Do you not want to shout for me like I shout for you?"
  391. >"Burn for me, Anon. And witness my flaming body for your own blissful existence."
  392. >[Expectant panting]
  393. >"The pain is a symbol, Anon. A small price we pay for something wonderful."
  394. >"It is like a relatonship. You must give a bit of blood and sweat, but the rewards can make it all up to you."
  395. >"Think about it, Anon. You find yourself ready for a mare if you understand that and take up your little piece of personal responsibility."
  396. >"Starting with your clothes."
  397. >"Oh Anon, did you think our tunes and some magic whips to the marehood made me forget?"
  398. >"No, you are still grounded."
  399. >"Yes. No clothes whatsoever for you."
  400. [...]
  401. >"So, uhm, my lips are still twitching."
  402. >"And you are not done playing spire yourself, I see."
  403. >"Seems like we're stuck for now and must burn some more."
  404. >"Well, at least I can test further things on you."
  405. >"How about using your hands on me while I tend to your tower with my hooves?"
  406. >"Don't worry, I know how delicate your orbs are."
  407. >"Better mind your nails too. My insides are not made of titanium either".
  408. >"And perhaps we can try the same with our mouths if you fancy."
  409. >"Let me assure you I will take care to not overly flood you if am able."
  410. >"And even if it does go wrong, you can still rejoice in the light of my fire."
  411. [One week later]
  412. >"Anon? May I come in?"
  413. >"Please excuse my intrusion at this late hour, but there is a matter we have to discuss."
  414. >"I am afraid it can' wait until breakfast. This is a private issue, you see?"
  415. >"Better sit down first."
  416. >"We are going to need a silencer spell too."
  417. [Both sit down on Anon's bed]
  418. >"My, it is strange to sit here again after our last *cough* get-together. It even feels different."
  419. >"You are faring very well, by the way. I think I should give you your clothes back soon."
  420. >"Deflecting? Well, I suppose I am."
  421. >"Anon, there is something I must confess. I was wrong."
  422. >"Oh dear, how do I put it?"
  423. >"You know my personal crown nurse, right? I usually don't need magical health screens, but the court insists on them every week. They are afraid the realm will collapse because I could drop dead tomorrow."
  424. >"Hogwash of course. But you know how nobleponies and official representatives can be."
  425. >"Coming to that right now."
  426. >"My last screening was yesterday. And Hock Splint found something unusual."
  427. >"Please take a deep breath now and stay seated."
  428. >"She found a second spark in me."
  429. >"*inhale* That means I am expecting. *exhale* It is yours."
  430. [Anon pales completely and stares into the void]
  431. >"Anon, I-"
  432. >"No,-"
  433. >"Absolutely no doubt."
  434. >"Anon! Please! Listen to me! This is hard enough as it is."
  435. >"Look, I am deeply sorry. I really, really am. This is not what I expected to happen at all."
  436. >"I didn't lie to you. Alicorns don't get pregnant just like this. It takes a lot of effort and magic."
  437. >"Ask Shining Armor if you don't believe me. He swallowed a whole bunch of potions to impregnate our dear Cadence."
  438. >"Maybe that's why her daughter has such massive wings."
  439. >"Anon, I'm not trying to jest. This is a serious matter."
  440. >"I didn't tell you yesterday because I had and emergency consultation with Hock Splint and Twilight Sparkle."
  441. >"No, only them know. Rest assured they keep quiet."
  442. >"Hock is my trusted nurse since her early days and Twilight still adores me like her infallible mentor."
  443. >"Because I tried to find out what went awry, if you can call it that."
  444. >"And I did. Or rather Twilight did develop a theory after she looked on the spell's formula."
  445. >"The revitalization does not only affect a pony's lust for love, it also boosts fertility."
  446. >"Casting the spell on myself may have caused this. It produced, to quote my faithful student, hyper fertile eggs."
  447. >"No no no. I am not trying to put the blame on you. It was my doing."
  448. >"*I* cast the first spell on you without asking because I couldn't see the consequences."
  449. >"There was no justification this time. Unlike those ponies on the field, you were not about to storm a village with an armed force."
  450. >"All that happened stemmed from my own decision. And I must live with that."
  451. >"Both Hock and Twilight checked and came to the same conclusion. It will become a healthy foal."
  452. >"Twilight said this is normal. There are not many studies on 'hybrid breeding', but the foals usually maintain their mother's shape."
  453. >"But that does not mean they don't bear any resemblance to the father either. Things like eye or hair color, and so on."
  454. >"Of course I will keep it. How could I not?"
  455. >"But the question is what you are going to do. Will you accept it as yours?"
  456. >"The court will ask sooner or later. Pregnancy isn't something a mare can hide forever."
  457. >"I can understand if you reject me. I promise you I will not force you to anything. And I won't think less of you."
  458. >"Because it was sincere. I want you to find a mare you like and with whom you can be happy."
  459. >"I never wanted to force myself on you."
  460. >"Though I would be honoured if you do choose me. If you can forgive my folly."
  461. >"You don't have to answer at once. It is almost a year until it comes."
  462. >"But it will take some time to prepare."
  463. >"A foal needs much care and loving attention, and I cannot simply drop everything. Equestria counts on me."
  464. >"The castle has an excellent staff. We have some very qualified ponies for this job."
  465. >"But no pony can ever replace a father."
  466. >"I will leave you now. Please take the time you need. My door will always be open to you, my beloved son. No matter how you decide."
  467. [Celestia tries to stand up, Anon holds her down]
  468. >"Anonymous?"
  469. >[...]
  470. >"Are you sure you don't need more time to consider? This will be a lot of work for both of us."
  471. >"And accepting it would make you my de facto husband in the eyes of the court."
  472. >"Anon, thank you. You are a noble spirit."
  473. [A series of tender hugs and nuzzling]
  474. >"To Tartarus with the gossip. We have fought all manners of monsters and shadows for the sake of the world."
  475. >"I am sure the populace will forgive me for marrying my adopted son."
  476. >"You know the saying. 'Since we are not related, it will be okay'."
  477. >"Shall we go to the court together then?"
  478. >"Equestria is waiting to see my future groom."
  479. >"No clothes. Everyone shall see who has sired Equestria's newcomer in the royal blood line with me."
  480. [Exeunt Both, A stealthy figure in dark clothes crawls out from the underside of the bed]
  481. [It pulls away its hood and reveals a pink alicorn with a candy mane]
  482. >"And so does the circle close, dear Celestia. I paid a debt you never knew I had."
  483. >"Your spell created me all those years back then. It is only just if I return the favor to help you find the one you are destined for. Just like you did for my parents."
  484. >"*smirk* Luna knows the ape would have never dared to do it himself if I hadn't intervened."
  485. >[Searches the room]
  486. >"Good thing Twilight didn't spot the potion's magic in Anon's seed. That could have blown my cover."
  487. >"Now where is that cursed vial? I must erase all traces of my love magic."
  488. >"Oh crystal horseapples, it was in his dresser! I must find where she has hidden his clothes before she returns them to Anon!"
  489. >"Now if I were a thousand year old sun mare with a caked flank, where would I put my adopted son's clothes so that he doesn't find them when I am not busy sitting on my dear Cadence's head?"
  490. [Exeunt Totally-Not-Cadence]
  492. The End
  494. [Excerpt from: The Princess and the Naked Ape's New Dress - True Stories From Equestria's Royal House]
  495. [Note: This work has been deemed 'satire' by Her Royal Highness of Equestria. No further comments were made.]

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