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Dashie's Snowpony Expedition

By Solaceon
Created: 2021-10-13 04:04:04
Updated: 2021-12-07 10:49:13
Expiry: Never

  1. Chapter One: The Great Dash Plains
  3. >It's been a few hours since Rainbow Dash decided to carry on without Anon.
  4. >She may have been a little impulsive, but being the fastest pony in Equestria, she was convinced she could easily cover the whole tundra and find the snowponies quickly.
  5. >Anon was going way too slow on his weird snowmachine thing anyways, she could travel 10 times faster with one wing tied behind her back.
  6. >It was better for him to stay put while she went on ahead, he needed the rest.
  7. >"It's not like it's gonna take long to find these snowponies anyways," she thought.
  8. >But now, after flying for what seemed like an eternity and staring at an unmoving landscape for a while, she began to regret her rash decision.
  9. >While she hated going so slow on the snowmobile, she did enjoy Anon's company, he had a drive for adventure few ponies had.
  10. >Now, she was completely alone, the icy plains of the tundra completely devoid of any signs of life.
  11. >It was completely silent, not even the wind was blowing.
  12. >All that could be heard was the sound of Dash's heartbeat, which slowly grew louder as the reality of her situation slowly set in.
  13. >She'd been flying for so long, she wasn't sure how far she actually was from the makeshift base Anon had made for her.
  14. >Or what direction it was in...
  15. >...
  16. >She'd only looked around for a bit to try and find some kind of difference in her surroundings, but it immediately dawned on her that it all looked the same no matter where she looked.
  17. >Now, she had no idea where she'd been flying from, or what direction she was heading.
  18. >"Okay, no need to panic, I'll just keep going in a straight line until I reach something, easy!"
  19. >It made sense, right?
  20. >She had to come across something eventually, it's not like the snow plains went on forever, they had to end at some point.
  21. >Sure, nopony had ever explored this far beyond Mount Everhoof, or even given these plains a name, but there's no way this place could be THAT big.
  22. >Or maybe she'll find the base again.
  23. >The point is, as long as she keeps going, something is going to show up, she knows it.
  24. >Whether it's the snowponies or the base, something will show up.
  25. >It's all she can hope for at this point, that she'll come across something, anything.
  26. >As long as she keeps going...
  28. >It has been several hours since Rainbow Dash lost her way, and the sun has begun to set.
  29. >The gradual descent of the sun was the only change she saw since her solo journey began.
  30. >Exhausted, Dash decides to land and give her wings a break.
  31. >The snow was incredibly soft and cool to the touch, but thankfully not unbearably cold.
  32. >The tundra's surface appeared to have never been so much as grazed up until now.
  33. >For all she knew, she may have been the first pony to ever set hoof on these snowy plains.
  34. >Sure, that's a pretty cool discovery, but that doesn't mean much with nopony around to brag to.
  35. >...
  36. >The eerie silence still isn't any easier to deal with.
  37. >She figures she might as well try and fill the noiseless void.
  38. >"*sigh* "I hope Anon made it back safe."
  39. >"I really thought he'd last longer than a few hours, but I guess not everypony is as tough as me."
  40. >"Still, it would have been nice if he tried a LITTLE harder to tough it out."
  41. >"It's not like I'm scared of being all alone, it's just pretty boring, is all."
  42. >"I mean, it's not so bad out here, look at aaaaaall this space to fly around in!"
  43. >She stretches out her forearms as wide as she can to demonstrate.
  44. >"Yeah... all this big, empty space, all to myself."
  45. >...
  46. >"Uh, I should give this place a name to, y'know, honor my discovery."
  47. >"Something like, "Dash's Snowland," or maybe "The Great Dash Plains!"
  48. >"Haha, yeah that's a good one."
  49. >"I can't wait to tell everypony about this place, Anon is so gonna regret not sticking around to help me name it."
  50. >"Not like I need help coming up with cool names, or coming up with anything cool."
  51. >Feeling a bit more at ease after concocting such a brilliant name, Dash lays on her back, hooves behind her head, to admire the sky's fantastic new array of colors.
  52. >"At least the sky still looks awesome here."
  53. >It was an an impressive sight, the fiery reds and yellows beautifully illuminated the sky and made it seem full of life.
  54. >Finally feeling relaxed, Dash contently stares at the sky, pondering what the mysterious snowponies they'd originally come to find must be like, and reminiscing back to how she ended up in the Great Dash Plains.
  55. >She didn't ask Princess Celestia when she first tasked Anon and Dash to find the snowponies, because she wanted to find out for herself what they were.
  56. >Not that she would have obtained much information, Celestia was almost completely in the dark as well.
  58. >It was Anon who first inquired about the possibility of ponies existing beyond Mount Everhoof, something about an idea he'd heard in a dream.
  59. >Thanks to Twilight's connection with the princess and her own curiosity on the subject, the matter was brought to Celestia, who shared information regarding rumors of a tribe of Earth Ponies who were isolated from the others of their kind long ago, in the age of the Windigoes.
  60. >Seeing as how this would imply they were separated before even Equestria's creation, it was unsurprising Celestia wouldn't know much on the subject, supposedly the divide occurred hundreds of years before she and Princess Luna were even born.
  61. >Nopony was certain, however.
  62. >The only implication of any existence of this tribe was in a journal kept by Clover the Clever, who was informed by a fellow assistant dignitary pony by the name of Smart Cookie that some ponies from their tribe had decided to journey elsewhere, as they lacked confidence in their leader Chancellor Puddinghead's authority to lead.
  63. >Though it wasn't stated in the journal, it was implied the group that broke off headed north, toward the Crystal Mountains and possibly over Mount Everhoof.
  64. >Filled with newfound curiosity, Princess Celestia asked Anon if he wanted to journey to Equestria's most remote location, the frozen landscape beyond the Crystal Mountains.
  65. >Anon eagerly accepted undergoing the journey, and asked for Rainbow Dash to join him on the quest.
  66. >Celestia agreed with Anon's choice, as it made the most logical sense.
  67. >Rainbow Dash was the fastest pony in Equestria, could withstand the chilling temperatures thanks to her wings, and could fly for extended periods of time, not to mention the current wielder of the Element of Loyalty.
  68. >She was also the only one available, as the others were on a separate friendship mission, and Twilight had royal business with some visiting dignitaries, much to her dismay.
  69. >Shortly after, Rainbow Dash was summoned to Canterlot Castle, and briefed on the task given by Celestia.
  70. >Dash didn't care for the specifics, an epic adventure to find something new doesn't happen all the time, after all.
  71. >Though as an Element of Harmony, fun filled adventures discovering something new were par for the course.
  72. >This time, however, it would be a journey to an area unknown to recorded history, so the possibilities seemed endless.
  73. >With the princess's blessing and plenty of supplies, Anon and Dash had begun their journey into the mysterious north.
  75. >Nighttime has arrived, and with it an unnerving darkness Dash was unused to seeing.
  76. >The stars are few and far between, and the bright white color of the snow has turned to an ominous black.
  77. >Even the moon is nowhere to be seen, just Dash's luck Luna didn't feel like raising the moon tonight.
  78. >With no cloud in sight, Dash has little option but to stay grounded for the night.
  79. >Thankfully, her wings serve as excellent insulators, so freezing in her sleep isn't a concern.
  80. >The issue plaguing her mind now is how to fall asleep.
  81. >Normally the challenge was keeping herself awake, but in light of her current situation, her lack of sleep was understandable.
  82. >"I can't believe I'm still out here all by myself."
  83. >"No supplies, no company, and no idea where I am."
  84. >"Anon has gotta be home by now, and told everypony what happened."
  85. >"I hope they aren't too worried about me..."
  86. >Dash shakes her head.
  87. >"Nah, they know me, I've been in worse spots and gotten out fine."
  88. >"They know I can handle anything, so they really shouldn't be worried at all."
  89. >"Even though I know they'll worry anyways..."
  90. >Dash sighs heavily, and closes her eyes.
  91. >"I wish I was home..."
  92. >A brief flicker of light suddenly catches her eye.
  93. >Dash instinctively rises up, alert and ready to engage a possible threat.
  94. >Quickly scanning the environment, nothing appeared out of the ordinary.
  95. >The landscape was still dark and foreboding, with no indication of any change.
  96. >"I could have sworn I saw a light just now..."
  97. >Was that just her mind playing tricks on her?
  98. >She sits down, scratching her head at what she may or may not have seen.
  99. >Suddenly, a green light began to form in the sky.
  100. >"Whoa... I'm NOT seeing things..."
  101. >The sky was soon flooded with numerous beautiful colors, green, blue, and even pink!
  102. >What's more, the lights were actually moving!
  103. >The mesmerizing motions captivated Dash, who couldn't believe what she was witnessing.
  104. >Something in her mind clicked when the lights began to fill the sky.
  105. >That's right, Twilight had mentioned this phenomenon before once, when everypony was traveling to the Crystal Empire.
  106. >She was explaining a rare and beautiful sight that only happened at the northernmost points in Equestria.
  107. >Dash had tuned out most of Twilight's explanation as to how the lights formed, but she at least recalled the name.
  108. >Aurora Borealis, or as she later found out, the Northern Lights.
  109. >They truly were a sight to behold.
  110. >Her fears slowly dissipated as she found herself staring at the lights for a while.
  111. >Something about the mystical scene inspired hope within her, hope that she would be alright.
  112. >It could have been a message from the princess, who knows?
  113. >That was probably what Twilight was saying before, that Luna creates the lights instead of rising the moon here.
  114. >Filled with resolve and reassuring herself of success, she's finally able to fall asleep to rest up for the journey.
  115. >No matter what, she would find the snowponies tomorrow, nothing would stop her.
  117. >Be Rainbow Dash
  118. >Morning has arrived, and with it a sudden flood of light.
  119. >Barely opening your eyes, the snow's bright white color is blinding.
  120. >Your eyes slowly adjust, gradually opening in the hope of seeing something new.
  121. >Sadly, it's the same sight as before, big empty blue sky, shining sun, and tons of snow.
  122. >Funny how the night looked more alive than this, thanks to the aurora.
  123. >Your belly begins to rumble, the sound startles you a bit.
  124. >It's been a whole day since you've gotten something to eat, it's a little worrying.
  125. >There was no need to worry about thirst, since you could melt the snow to drink it, but no food means no energy.
  126. >Well, not much to do but keep going, right?
  127. >At least you marked what direction you were heading in the snow this time, so you won't end up wasting time flying Celestia knows where.
  128. >As you get up, you realize you're a bit wobbly on your hooves.
  129. >Even though you managed to sleep after the watching the lights, you likely didn't get the full eight hours of sleep you needed.
  130. >You feel pretty tired, but it's not like you can sleep again with how bright it is now.
  131. >Might as well tough it out and get started flying.
  132. >Alright, ready for takeoff in 3, 2-
  133. >"Excuse me, are you alright?"
  134. >What in the flying buck?!
  135. >The shock of hearing another voice makes you instinctively fly up into the sky.
  136. >Turning around, you look at the last thing you expected to see.
  138. >It's a filly, a really fluffy filly at that.
  139. >All the way out here? This can mean only one thing...
  140. >You've done it, you found a snowpony!
  141. >Or rather, looks like she found you.
  142. >Somehow you didn't sense her right behind you, how did she not make a sound moving in the snow?
  143. >Your heart beats rapidly, you never expected to find one this suddenly.
  144. >It's a bit of a struggle to come up with anything to say.
  145. >Eventually, the filly breaks the silence.
  146. >"My name is Meadow Frost, it's a pleasure to meet you."
  147. >She spoke in a calm, rather mature tone.
  148. >Since it was coming from a cute, fluffy filly, it was adorably precocious.
  149. >Surprisingly, she wasn't cautious of you in the slightest.
  150. >Might as well introduce yourself, she's the first pony you've seen since getting lost out here.
  151. >You slowly descend back to the ground.
  152. "I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in Equestria!"
  153. >Always need to make a strong first impression, no matter the circumstances.
  154. >"Equestria? I've never heard of it, is it far from here?"
  155. >Guess what they said about these ponies separating from the others long before Celestia's rule was true.
  156. >You could explain how this is technically Equestria, but it would probably lead to a whole lot of confusion.
  157. "Yeah, you could say that, I've come a pretty long way to get here."
  158. "So hey, what are you doing out here all by yourself? Are you lost?"
  159. >Meadow puffs up her cheeks.
  160. >"N-no! I made it here all on my own-"
  161. >She stops herself and takes a deep breath.
  162. >"I mean, I've been tasked to gather supplies for our village, I simply went on ahead of the others."
  163. >Aww, she kinda reminds you of yourself as a filly, headstrong and determined to prove herself.
  164. >If she's anything like you used to be, then...
  165. "That's pretty impressive for a filly your age."
  166. >"Hey, don't think I can't handle myself just because I'm young!"
  167. >She pouts fiercely, trying her hardest to glare at you.
  168. >You can't help but smile at the resemblance to your past self.
  169. >Best save the teasing for later, though.
  170. "Heh, sorry about that, so how's the gathering going?"
  171. >"It's going just fine. I'm already done gathering, actually, I just came here to do some exploring."
  172. >She must have left her supplies somewhere else, since there's nothing else in sight and she doesn't have anything on her.
  173. >"What about you? You're definitely not from around here, how did you get here?
  175. "I flew for a reeeeaaaally long time, pretty much the whole day yesterday."
  176. "I actually came with a friend of mine, but he had to head back home."
  177. >"So you've been alone this whole time? Weren't you scared?"
  178. >Terrified, actually, but she doesn't need to know that.
  179. "Of course not! I can handle anything, even on my own."
  180. >Meadow nodded her head.
  181. >"We have that much in common then, I'm used to being on my own as well."
  182. "You are? Don't you have anypony looking after you?"
  183. >"There's no need, I'm perfectly capable of fending for myself, even here in the Southern Reaches."
  184. >That's what this place is called? The Great Dash Plains is a WAY better name.
  185. >"It's an important responsibility for all villagers to do their part in ensuring the survival of our village."
  186. >"From a young age, we're taught that only by working together can we succeed."
  187. >Meadow proudly puffs up her chest and stomps her hooves, almost like she's imitating somepony in particular.
  188. >"Every pony has a role to play, and my task is apprenticing under my older sister, Tundra Tracker, our village's main gatherer."
  189. >Her eyes are shimmering, she must really look up to her sister.
  190. >"Tundra is the strongest, most resilient pony I know, she's always on the move, looking out for our home."
  191. >"She's also one of the few ponies who can handle trekking through the blizzards that divide our village and our sister tribes further north."
  192. >Sounds like there's far more snowponies than anypony could have expected.
  193. >To think they'd gone unnoticed for so long without being discovered.
  194. >"In fact, she started on a journey not too long ago, with a small group to meet with the village of Snowpitt, our closest neighbor."
  196. "I getcha, so she hasn't been around lately then, huh?"
  197. >"She's been gone for a while, but we received a letter saying she would be coming home soon."
  198. >"In fact, she was supposed to be coming back home today, I wanted to find something to surprise her with."
  199. "So that's why you're out here exploring then?"
  200. >"That's right, the south is unknown to all of us, even Tundra, so I was hoping to find something unique to bring back."
  201. "Looks like you lucked out then, kid, cause you found the most unique pony ever!"
  202. >"Hey, you're right, you are pretty unique! I've definitely never seen a pony with wings before, or with such bright colors."
  203. "Well, my wings and my color aren't so uncommon back where I'm from, but what is unique is my speed!"
  204. >"Oh yeah, you said you were the fastest flier in Equestria, right?"
  205. "That's right, I'm kind of a natural when it comes to going fast."
  206. >"That's pretty neat, I could use some practice when it comes to searching quickly, it took me a while to get here."
  207. "I'd be happy to give you some pointers, flying is my specialty but I'm a pretty good runner, too."
  208. >*grumble*
  209. "But first, I'd really like something to eat, I haven't eaten in days."
  210. >"Oh, that's no problem, I've got some food stored away not too far from here, I'd be glad to share with you."
  211. >Oh thank Celestia, it's only been a day but I feel like I haven't eaten in years!
  212. "That'd be great!"
  213. >"Alright, we'd better get going then, the sun won't last too much longer."
  214. >...I thought it was morning and the sun was still rising.
  215. >Guess I really am a heavy sleeper.
  218. >"So you were just flying non-stop the whole day?"
  219. "Yeah, I figured I'd hit something eventually, so I just kept going until I tired out."
  220. >"I suppose to somepony not used to seeing the landscape, it can all look the same."
  221. "How could it not, just look around here! It's all just bright untouched snow everywhere you look!
  222. >"I can understand that, but there are always subtle differences in the snow and the air, no two places are ever exactly the same."
  223. >"That's what Tundra always told me, anyways."
  224. "So what makes this place look any different from where we met up?"
  225. >She cocks an eyebrow.
  226. >"You mean apart from the hoofprints I made earlier that we're following?"
  227. "Oh, uh, y-yeah..."
  228. >That was kinda silly of me not to notice.
  229. >Guess I'm still a little distracted, it's just nice having somepony to talk to again.
  230. >"Aside from my hoofprints, I can't blame you for not noticing anything different in the area."
  231. >"When you can't distinguish using your eyes, you have to rely on other factors to help get your bearings."
  232. >"For example, here the snow's texture is different, have you noticed you've been leaving deeper hoofprints?" ​
  233. >Am I? Let's see...
  234. >Hey, she's right, looking at my hoofprints from before, they aren't as deep as the ones I'm leaving now.
  235. >"The air here is also chillier, I'm guessing it's going to start snowing pretty soon."
  236. >"We're getting close though, so we should be fine."
  237. >It's such a huge relief not feeling lost anymore, or being alone.
  238. >Yesterday was pretty stressful, I don't know if I would have made it if Meadow didn't find me out here.
  239. >She's pretty capable for a young filly, but it's still really odd that she's even out here all by herself.
  240. >You'd think somepony would be out here with her, y'know, just in case.
  241. "Hey, how long have you been out here, anyway?"
  242. >"I left the village two days ago, it was only supposed to be a quick exploration, but I really wanted to see how far I could go."
  243. "So we're pretty far from your home then, huh?"
  244. >"I guess you could say that, but I'm not worried, I know how to get back."
  245. >I bet 20 bits I know how she'll react to my next questions.
  246. "Does anypony know you're even out here?"
  247. >She freezes up a bit.
  248. >"Um, they know I went out exploring, I made sure to tell the elder at least before I left."
  249. "Did you tell the elder you would be gone for more than a day?"
  250. >She stops walking, and looks down at her hooves.
  251. >"I... might have failed to mention it."
  252. >Classic filly behavior, she's probably gonna get the scolding of her life when she gets back.
  253. >"I guess I might have gotten a bit carried away with exploring, I really didn't plan to come this far."
  254. >She sits down, her face is riddled with guilt.
  255. "Hey, I've been there, I totally get it."
  256. >And I really do, if any of the others were in my place, they would have started scolding her for being so reckless.
  257. >But it's just a natural thing to do, wanting to go out and find new things, we don't always think these things through.
  258. >"You get it?"
  259. >Aww, she looks so guilty, and I'm not even scolding her.
  260. "Sure I do, sometimes you just have to answer the call to adventure, that feeling of inspiration to want to make your mark on the world."
  261. >"Wow, you really do understand what I was feeling."
  262. "Sure do, and I can tell you from experience your family won't be happy to hear you've been wandering by yourself for days."
  263. >That's one impressive sigh she just let loose, hope they won't be too hard on you kid.
  265. >"Tundra is probably back home by now, I'm sure she'll be really upset once she finds out I've been gone."
  266. "She's your big sister, it's only natural she'd be worried, don't ya think?"
  267. >"Well sure, I understand that, but I'm more than capable of trekking on my own, I did make it all the way here, after all."
  268. >Meadow's got a point, she's not some helpless filly, she knows what she's doing.
  269. >I doubt Tundra's first thought will be how impressive that is, though.
  270. "Hey I hear ya, you've got the guts to take on a risk, and clearly the skill to be successful. "
  271. >She's jumping up and down in pure joy, nice to see her pep back.
  272. >"You understand me perfectly! If only the others could see it that way as well."
  273. "That being said, I can't fault them for being worried you might be trying to take on a lot on your own." ​
  274. >"But I have to! For years now we've had few ponies capable of embarking on the long expeditions to the north."
  275. >"Tundra has nearly always been the one who has to leave the village when we run out of supplies, she never gets to rest."
  276. >"She may be the most resilient pony in our village, but she's only one pony, and she's nearly always off on expeditions."
  277. >"The other ponies capable of enduring the journey can't navigate very well, the blizzards make it near impossible to see anything."
  278. "Are blizzards common around your village?"
  279. >"Yes, it makes it difficult to leave our home, but when I once traveled with an expedition led by my sister to Snowpitt, I was able to see pretty well through the snow, which surprised the rest of the ponies."
  280. "Sounds like you've got a real talent then, just like your sister."
  281. >"You really think so? Thank you, that means a lot."
  282. >"It's more than just wanting to prove myself though."
  283. >She looks toward the horizon.
  284. >"I want the village to be able to rely on somepony else for a change."
  285. >She's got a pretty determined look in her eyes now, she's serious about this.
  286. >"Our village is very small compared to the other tribes, we don't have many ponies capable of exploring the land."
  288. >"Also, a lot of the ponies in our village are newborn foals, and they can't really help with gathering food."
  289. >"Since they're so young, the adult ponies can't forage too far from home because the foals need to be looked after."
  290. "What about the expedition groups? They've gotta be bringing back a lot of food with them, right?"
  291. >"There's only one real expedition group, and they can only bring back so much with them."
  292. "Oh..."
  293. >" It hasn't been easy, and it would be even worse if we didn't have Snowpitt to help."
  294. "That's the village closest to you guys, right?"
  295. >"That's the one. We're very fortunate they're so willing to help us, even when we aren't able to offer much to trade."
  296. "That's pretty cool of them, the villages are pretty tight with each other, huh?"
  297. >"Yes, if it weren't for Snowpitt, our village certainly wouldn't last, and since most ponies can't cross through the blizzards to go elsewhere..."
  298. "Yeah, I get the picture."
  299. >Wow, I had no idea.
  300. >It's really a world of survival out here, to think any part of Equestria could be this rough...
  301. >"We're doing okay for now, but the thought of running out of food is something everypony has on their minds."
  302. >"With more mouths to feed than ponies able to feed them, our supplies keep shrinking every day."
  303. "Isn't there anywhere close by to get supplies while the expedition crew is out?"
  304. >"Our home isn't as abundant in resources compared to the tribes by the rivers or the mountains, the plains don't provide very much."
  305. "I guess that's not surprising, I haven't seen much of anything out here myself."
  306. >"The snow hides a few things we can make use of, but out here there's very little to find, it's why we aren't advised to come this far south."
  307. >"I came anyways to practice foraging, there really isn't much but I was able to find some plants before I came in too deep, I've got them back at my base."
  308. >What a trooper, I can't imagine being just a filly and having this much to worry about.
  309. >These snowponies are something else, being able to survive out here like they do.
  310. >"Anyways, I'm sorry to bother you with all this, I'm not sure what came over me."
  311. "No worries Meadow, it's good to express how you feel about things, sometimes you just need to get your thoughts out in the open."
  312. >"Really? I usually just keep my thoughts to myself, but I guess it did feel pretty good to have somepony hear how I was feeling."
  313. "I'm glad to hear it, if you ever wanna share anything else, feel free. I'm always ready to lend an ear to a friend."
  314. >Her adorable smile is back, I just can't resist giving her a hug.
  315. >"Thanks a lot, Rainbow. Oh, we're almost at my hideout, I really hope you like what I've got!"
  317. >"Finally, we've made it."
  318. "We have? But... there's nothing here."
  319. >It's still just a whole bunch of snow, anywhere you look.
  320. >"Looks like I did I pretty good job then."
  321. >What is she-
  322. >"I'll just be a minute, I need to clear the snow away."
  323. >"Ah, so your hideout's underground."
  324. >"That's right, the weather can get pretty fierce, so we build bunkers underground to hide in when things get bad."
  325. >...
  326. >Deep underground, looks like. This could take a while, I'd better step in.
  327. "Let me give you a hoof, squirt."
  328. >"Thanks, I guess I dug it in deeper than I thought." ​
  329. >I've been wondering, what kind of food even grows out here?
  330. >I haven't seen a single plant since I arrived, not even any grass.
  331. >Just how do ponies survive out here?
  332. >"Okay, one final layer, aaaand..."
  333. >It's a giant room, hard to believe this was hidden under what looked like a perfect layer of snow.
  334. "Whoa, you really dug this cave on your own?"
  335. >"Sure did, I had to make sure it was deep enough to hide in, and had enough room to store my supplies."
  336. "You were planning to be out here for a while, huh?"
  337. >It's almost full to the brim in there, I can't tell what's what but looks like the only thing it's lacking is space.
  338. >"I MIGHT have overpacked a bit for what was supposed to be a short trip."
  339. >How'd she even haul all this out here? Guess she's way stronger than she looks.
  340. >"Well come on in, and make yourself at home."
  342. >It's actually pretty cozy in here, nowhere near as cold as I expected it to be.
  343. >"There we go, found the berries."
  344. >I've never seen berries like these before, they're kinda beautiful.
  345. >"This is one of my favorite foods, they're called cloudberries."
  346. >It's got a really nice orange color, and a killer name to boot.
  347. >"Go ahead, help yourself."
  348. >Don't mind if I do.
  349. >*munch*
  350. "Yum, these are real tasty!"
  351. >"Great, I've only got a few though, I'll get the fish out to complete the meal."
  352. "Sounds good, I can't wait."
  353. >I'm starving, I'll eat anything, even-
  354. "Uh, hold on a sec, did you say fish?"
  355. >"Yep, I'm guessing you don't have any back home?"
  356. "As in the animal that swims around in water?"
  357. >"Oh, so you do have fish back in Equestria, that's good."
  358. >"I'm sure you find it surprising that I have some with me, but Snowpitt has large rivers nearby where there's plenty of fish, and they're all too happy to share with us."
  359. >It's surprising alright, surprisingly WEIRD that ponies here eat fish!
  360. "The thing is, we do have plenty of fish in Equestria, but we don't actually eat them."
  361. >That caught her attention, she's looking right at me in disbelief.
  362. >"You have fish but don't eat them? Are you serious?"
  363. "Fish aren't really considered food there, at least not for ponies."
  364. >"That's unbelievable, fish are integral to our survival, everypony depends on fish to get us through the winters when we don't have many plants available."
  365. "I've never thought of fish as something you can eat, but what the hey, I'm up for trying anything once."
  366. >"Oh good, because there's plenty right here, one delicious fish lunch coming right up!"
  367. >I know I just said I'd try it, but I'm not seriously going to, am I?
  368. >No, that's crazy talk, fish aren't for eating.
  369. >I mean sure, other creatures eat them, but...
  370. >"If you've still got doubts, you don't have to eat it if you don't want to, I think there's enough berries to last until we get home."
  371. "No it's cool, I'm... I'm fine. I can eat it, no sweat!"
  372. >"How about I cook it? Maybe it'll look more appetizing that way."
  373. >She's digging around for something else now, does she actually have something to start a fire?
  374. >"Some ponies enjoy eating the fish raw, but personally I like cooking them."
  375. >"That's why I brought this bow and some kindling with me."
  376. >She's no slouch when it comes to her preparations, that's for sure.
  377. >"A friend of mine who's really good at starting fires taught me how to best cook them, it's all about timing."
  378. >Ugh, I know she's eager about this but I'm still uneasy about actually eating a fish.
  379. >"Okay, let's head back out now, I'm pretty hungry now too, the sooner I cook them the sooner we can eat."
  381. >"Could you help me dig out some snow? I need some space for the fire pit."
  382. "No prob, just a sec."
  383. >I still can't get the fish thing off my mind, it's just so weird to think of them as food.
  384. >At least there's some other stuff here she brought out I can eat as a backup.
  385. >There's those berries she brought out earlier, some really pretty purple flowers, and a bunch of grass.
  386. >Still, I don't think it'll be enough to give me the proper fuel to keep on going for the day.
  387. >"Okay, that's perfect, now to get the kindling sparking and we're all set."
  388. >She's got her bow all ready, and gets right to work.
  389. >That's some impressive speed she's got going on.
  390. >*hiss* *CRACK*
  391. >Oh sweet toastiness, an actual fire, that was fast!
  392. >Finally some real warmth, I've really missed feeling... well, anything but freezing, really.
  393. >"Great, now let's get cooking!"
  394. >She takes out two long sticks from the bunker.
  395. >"That is, if you're still willing to try some fish."
  396. >Am I? Oh for pony's sake, yeah I guess I am.
  397. >I can't help it, I'm really hungry here.
  398. "I'm up for it, no problem.
  399. >"Great, I just know you'll love it! Here, I'll prep it on there for you."
  400. >...
  401. >She just stabbed that fish right through its body like it was a marshmallow...
  402. >"Okay, now hold on carefully, don't let it get to close to the fire or it'll get charred."
  403. "Yeah, sure thing."
  404. >Well, apart from burning a fish in the middle of nowhere, this is kinda comfy.
  405. >Meadow makes for great company, and the weather is really nice now that there's some actual heat.
  406. >The snow is actually really beautiful, and there's some real fluffy clouds in the wide open sky.
  407. >The cool breeze feels great flowing through my mane, and I'm really liking the crackling sounds coming from the fire.
  408. >I wouldn't mind sticking out here for a while.
  409. >Might be nice to take a nap even, I could use one after all that walking.
  410. >Maybe I could doze off for a while after lunch, I do get sleepy after I eat.
  411. >"Ahhh... doesn't that fish smell amazing?"
  412. >I hadn't even been paying attention, the fish hardly looks like a fish anymore.
  413. >I gotta admit, it does smell pretty good.
  414. >"It's almost ready, just needs a few more minutes."
  415. "You said you had a friend who taught you how to cook these fish, right?
  416. >"Yeah, her name's Dry Kindling, she's got a fascination with starting fires and burning things."
  417. >That doesn't sound dangerous at all...
  418. >"It was an accident the first time, actually."
  419. >"She told me she meant to set something else on fire but got the bags mixed up."
  420. "What was she trying to burn?"
  421. >"She wouldn't tell me, I'm guessing it was something she broke though, she's a pretty... mischievous filly."
  422. >"Anyways, after she realized she set the bag of fish on fire, she put out the fire and pulled the bag away."
  423. >"Then she realized it smelled great and took a fish out to give it a taste"
  424. "And how was it?"
  425. >"Apparently she couldn't tell the first time because it burned her mouth, but after it cooled down and she tried again, she loved it."
  426. >This filly sounds like a real piece of work.
  427. >"I got called over shortly after and she gave me some to try, and it was really good."
  428. >"I wanted to learn how she got it so tasty, so I gave her some of my fish and we kept cooking them until we got the flavor just right."
  429. >"She also taught me the best ways to start a fire, that's how I got so good at starting them myself."
  430. "That's uh... good to know."
  431. >"Oh, but don't worry! I don't start them all the time, it's only ever to stay warm and to cook, promise!"
  432. >"Speaking of cooking, they're done!"
  433. >The fish have a nice, even brown color now.
  434. >They've lost their shininess, but I think the dull color makes them a little more appealing to look at.
  435. >"While we wait for them to cool, let's have some snacks."
  436. >She holds up the purple flowers from earlier.
  437. >"These are pasque flowers, they've got a really strong flavor that's not for everypony, so maybe just try one and see if you like it."
  438. >If I'm going to be eating fish, I think I can handle a flower.
  439. >*munch*
  440. >Agh, that IS strong, it's so ​bitter!
  441. >"Not a fan, huh?"
  442. "It tastes more like medicine than food..."
  443. >"It can be used as medicine, actually, but I haven't learned how to use it just yet, personally I like the taste."
  444. >You've got some odd taste then.
  445. >"Eat some berries and it should get rid of the taste, there's plenty of water too."
  446. >Who knew something so nice looking could taste so nasty.
  447. >"Maybe you'll like this arcitic moss better, it's from further north so it's pretty rare to come by around here.
  448. >Moss? As in the gross stuff that grows on rocks and junk?
  449. >*grumble*
  450. >Fine, stomach, I read you loud and clear.
  451. "Sure, I'll give it a taste."
  452. >*munch*
  453. >Ugh, I don't know which was worse!
  454. >How do these ponies eat this stuff?!
  455. >"I'm guessing that wasn't a hit either?"
  456. "Can't say it was..."
  457. >"Oh no, that's all I have on me other than the berries, and I don't have as many as I thought I did..."
  458. "Don't worry about it, there's plenty of fish, right?"
  459. >"Yes, I have a lot here, but-"
  460. "Well I meant what I said, I'm gonna eat it, and I know I'll enjoy it!"
  461. >"Okay then, I'm glad to hear it, cause they've finally cooled down enough to eat."
  462. >She doesn't hesitate for a second to bite into her fish.
  463. "Don't be shy, dig in!"
  464. >*sigh* Guess I have no choice.
  465. >I'm starving here, and I've got no other options.
  466. >Here comes the moment of truth, no turning back now..
  467. >*munch*
  468. >...
  469. >Hey... this is pretty good.
  470. >No, better than good, this is great!
  471. >Wow, I can't believe how tasty this is!
  472. >*chomp chomp*
  473. >"Looks like somepony is a fan."
  474. "You bet, this is awesome!"
  475. >I can't believe I've been missing out on this all this time, who knew fish could actually work as food!?
  476. >"I'll get started on cooking up some more, we'll need lots of energy to keep our strength up."
  477. >"Mmm, I'll eat as many as you've got, *munch* ohhh this is so good!
  478. >"Great, cause there's plenty more where that came from!"
  480. "Oh, that was really yummy, I couldn't eat another bite."
  481. >"That's a relief, cause we're all cleaned out."
  482. >Lunch was great, probably the tastiest one I'd had in forever.
  483. >I only had fish and berries, but that was all I needed to get me up and running again.
  484. >This'd be the perfect time for a nap, the fire is bright and warm, my belly is full, the breeze is nice...
  485. >Buuut no, we should get going before night falls, I'd rather get out of here as quick as possible.
  486. "Time to head out then?"
  487. >“Yep, I don't need to bring anything from the base back, so we can just get going."
  488. "Awesome, I can't wait to leave these snowy plains behind."
  489. >There's only so much of seeing nothing I can take.
  490. >"I like it out here, it's pretty peaceful."
  491. "You get tired of it after a while, at least I did."
  492. >I finally get what Twilight meant when she said silence could be deafening.
  493. >I wonder how she and the others are doing.
  494. >I haven't thought about it, but how AM I getting home later?
  495. >No, stop right there, first things first, leaving these plains.
  496. >I'll worry about getting back later.
  497. >"Shall we get started?"
  498. "Right behind you."
  499. >"On it, we'll be out of here in no time."
  501. >It's been a good while now since we left the base, but it sure doesn't feel like it.
  502. >No matter how long we keep walking, it's always the same sight, these plains really are massive.
  503. "We aren't too far now, are we?"
  504. >"Don't worry, we're making good time, if we keep up the pace we should be there before nighttime."
  505. >Yes! Finally!
  506. >"I'm really excited for everypony to meet you, we don't get many visitors, even from the other tribes."
  507. "Those blizzards make it tough, huh?"
  508. >"Right, we're also pretty hidden, we all live in a forest."
  509. >A forest! I've never been so excited at the thought of seeing a tree!
  510. >I've missed my daily tree naps, what I wouldn't give for-
  511. >Hold on a sec, on the horizon...
  512. >There's a figure, and it's moving.
  513. >I know my eyes aren't playing tricks now that I've got some food in me.
  514. "Hey, you probably can't see it, but there's something out there in the distance."
  515. >"There is?"
  516. >She squints her eyes, but it's still way too far for her to see.
  517. >"I don't see anything."
  518. >It's a ways away, but now I'm sure of it, that's a pony out there.
  519. >"Yep, looks like somepony else is out here with us."
  520. >"That can't be, we're still pretty far from the village, who could be out here?"
  521. "Let's get closer and find out."
  522. >>”-eeey!”
  523. >"There really is somepony else out here!"
  524. >>"-ello!"
  525. "Sounds like a mare, maybe somepony you know?"
  526. >"Let's find out."
  527. >"Hello!"
  528. >She froze up, and suddenly she's bolting right towards us.
  529. >>“Meadow!"
  530. >"That voice, she's a friend of mine!"
  531. >Now that she's in range, I can get a good look at her.
  532. >She's got on a funny looking hat, a box dangling around her neck, and she's catching up fast!
  533. >>”Meadow Frost! Oh, by Cirrus's mane you're alright!
  534. >"Maple! What are you doing here?"
  535. >The new pony gives her a really intense hug.
  536. >I doubt even Harry could dish out a hug like that.
  537. >>"What a relief! You're safe! Oh, I was worried out of my mind you'd gotten yourself hurt or worse!"
  538. “Ah! Maple! Glad to see you too, but too tight!”
  539. >>“Just need to make sure you aren’t a mirage, dear, I’ve been searching high and low for you!”
  540. >She loosens her grip, and gives Meadow a chance to breathe.
  541. >"T-thank you..."
  542. "You had us all so worried, I can't believe you made it all the way out here on your own."
  543. >"I was fine, honestly, I even had company with me."
  544. >Looks like she finally noticed me standing here.
  545. >>”Oh my goodness, where are my manners, my name’s Maple Maven, pleased to meet ya!”
  546. “Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in the history of ever!”
  547. >>”You can fly?! Well I’ll be, I hadn’t noticed you have wings, do you happen to be half puffin?”
  548. >A puffin? What in Equestria is a puffin?
  549. >Must be something weird, Meadow’s trying hard not to laugh.
  550. >”She’s all pony, Maple, winged ponies are common where she’s from.”
  551. >>“Lands sakes, who’d have figured such a thing as a winged pony could exist, makes sense you aren’t from around here then.”
  552. >>"Forgive my rudeness for not acknowledging you sooner, I'm just so relieved Meadow here is alright."
  553. >"Of course I am, I came fully prepared."
  554. >>”You had us all in quite a tiff, little missy, we’re just lucky your big sis ain’t home yet or she’d have gone ballistic.”
  555. >”Tundra isn’t back yet?”
  556. >>“They’re coming along, just moving at a foal’s pace since last I heard they’re bringing back an injured pony they found lost on the way back.”
  557. >Guess I’m not the only one who got lost.
  558. >Meadow looks pretty down, sounds like they might not get to reunite as soon as she thought.
  559. >>”No need to fret now, some of us went out to meet them halfway and help out, I'm sure they'll get back later tonight."
  560. >And just like that, she's all perked up again.
  561. >"You mean it? That's great, she's finally coming home!"
  562. >>"Yep, we'd better start heading back now to greet them before they arrive."
  563. >"You got it, let's go, Rainbow!"
  564. >There she goes running off, a little filly desperate to see her sister again.
  565. >>"Phew, no rest for the weary, eh? Alrighty then, plenty of time for resting once we get back."
  567. >>”Imagine, a filly your age all on her own in the Southern Reaches, not even Tundra’s ventured out here yet.”
  568. >”You aren't surprised I can handle myself pretty well, are you?"
  569. >>"I'd be fibbing if I said I wasn't worried half to death, but at least you had company, can't imagine being out here all on your lonesome."
  570. >Yeah, I'd rather forget all about being stuck here on my own, thanks.
  571. >>”Speaking of, it’s a real honor to meet such a unique pony, what brings you all the way out here, Dash?"
  572. "I uh, kinda got lost on a trip, it's a long story."
  573. >>"You must be the adventurous type, not just anypony picks wide, empty snowy plains for a vacation spot."
  574. "I didn't expect it to be so brutal, I've dealt with snow before but never like this."
  575. >>"Not exactly a leisurely stroll in the forest, is it?"
  576. "You can say that again."
  577. >>"There's a reason we warn ponies not to venture out here, but I guess SOME ponies just can't help themselves."
  578. >I can tell she's just ribbing Meadow a bit, but I don't think the kid gets it.
  579. >"Maple, please, I already know I'm going to get scolded once we get home, can't you save it for later?"
  580. >>"I'm just giving you a hard time sweetie, I know you can't help it, you've got that foolhardy spirit in your blood."
  581. >"You mean wanting to go out on my own and see what's out there?"
  582. >>"Of course, you're Tundra's sister, only natural you'd share her drive to explore."
  583. >>"But don't forget, you've got Snowfall looking up to you like you look up to Tundra, you need to be mindful of that."
  584. "Snowfall?"
  585. >"My little sister, she's also in training to forage."
  586. >>"Just as headstrong as her older sisters, too. Fillies these days are far too eager to grow up and take on responsibilities."
  587. >>"As soon as she heard her little big sis went missing, she tried going off on her own to find her."
  588. "Guess your family is just naturally brave, huh?"
  589. >"We're pretty famous for our bravery."
  590. >>"You call it bravery, the rest of us call it recklessness, filly."
  591. >>“We hadn’t seen hide nor hair of her for days now, the whole village has been in a frenzy worried sick.”
  592. >“I’m really sorry, Maple, I didn’t mean to be gone for so long.”
  593. >>"The important thing is you're safe, that's all matters."
  594. >"So, are you gonna tell Tundra about what happened?"
  595. >>"I won't have to, somepony's bound to tell her, and I'm willing to bet it'll be the elder herself."
  596. >"Great..."
  597. >>"Don't worry your little head over it, I'm sure she'll understand, 'specially with Dash here vouching for you."
  598. "She's right, I've got your back, I owe you that much after everything you've done for me."
  599. >"I don't regret what I did, especially since I got to meet you."
  600. "Likewise."
  602. >>"Oh, before I forget, would you girls care for a snack?"
  603. >She's taking something out of her box, I hope it's berries.
  604. >"Yay! You brought jam!"
  605. >>"Not just any jam, lingonberry jam!"
  606. >Meadow gives off an adorable squee.
  607. >"Lingonberries?! No way, I can't believe you found some! You're the best, Maple!"
  608. >>"Don't I know it! They weren't easy pickings, so I hope you enjoy!"
  609. "Hey, what's a lingonberry?"
  610. >>"They're a pretty rare fruit around these parts, only grow every so often deep in the forests up north."
  611. >"They're my favorite, I can't believe you had some jam on you, too!"
  612. >>"I always make sure to keep some handy, never know who you might come across!"
  613. >Jam is cool and all, but what are we supposed to eat it with?
  614. >Oh, Meadow just dipped her hoof in it, guess that answers that.
  615. >>"Don't be shy now, Dash, I've got loads of berries stashed at home to make more."
  616. >"Are you serious, that's great! How'd you find so many berries?
  617. >>"I got real lucky finding some when I went out a few days ago."
  618. >"Oh that's right, you were gone for a while too, huh?"
  619. >"Sure was, happened to get back the day you went missing and dropped everything to come looking for ya."
  620. "You're an explorer too?"
  621. >>"Not on the level of the expedition, but sometimes I head out to find ingredients for my pastries, I loooove my sweets."
  622. >"Maple makes the best treats out of the entire village, it always makes my day when she has a fresh batch of, well, anything!"
  623. >>"Aww, don't you go on giving me a big head now."
  624. >If she's really that good, I gotta give this jam a try.
  625. >Let's just grab a big helping of that.
  626. >*lick*
  627. >Pinkie, I think you've got some competition as my favorite baker in the world now.
  629. >"We're almost there now, I can't wait for the others to meet you."
  630. >>”You betcha, it’s been a while since we’ve gotten to welcome somepony new over, it’ll be a real hoot.”
  631. "I'm psyched to meet them too, it's been a while since I've really felt out of my element."
  632. >"I'm glad you ended up liking fish, it's a big part of the celebration feast so it would have been hard finding a substitute."
  633. "Sweet, now I'm really looking forward to getting there!"
  634. >>”Hold up, it was your first time having fish, no kidding? They don’t exist around you?”
  635. “Fish aren’t seen as food for ponies back home, but there’s tons of them anywhere you look."
  636. >”Unbelievable, it’s hard to come by around here, that’s our excuse, but imagine having such a bounty and not eatin’ any of it!”
  637. “Yeah, I’ve been missing out.”
  638. >”You’re in for a real treat when we get back, I hear the expedition managed to ‘fish’ up the finest there is, prime king salmon!”
  639. >”No way!”
  640. >>"Yes way! They mentioned it in their message, this works out pretty well with giving a proper welcome feast for Dash here."
  641. >"Not even Snowpitt sees king salmon all that often, this is big!"
  642. "Sounds pretty tasty, whatever it is."
  643. >>"You'll see for yourself, with something that special I think Dry Kindling's folks will be in charge of making sure it's cooked to perfection."
  644. >"Oh good, I was hoping we'd get to cook it, tastes much better that way."
  645. >>"Normally there'd be one heck of an argument to eat fish 'the way nature intended,' but everypony agrees king salmon works best cooked."
  646. "Good, honestly I'm still not sure I'll ever eat a raw fish, still weirds me out."
  647. >>"Different strokes for different blokes, my dad always used to say."
  648. >"The feast is only part of the celebration anyways, the real fun is-"
  649. >>"Ah ah ah, don't spoil it now, it's always fun seeing a pony's first reaction to 'you know what,' you know."
  650. >"Good point, guess you'll just have to wait and see what we do."
  651. >Well now I'm dying to know what that's all about.
  653. >"Hey, we're here!"
  654. >I didn't want to say anything until we got close, but I was right!
  655. >Trees! Oh my gosh, real, live trees!
  656. >Look at them, so big and green and...
  657. >I can't believe I'm getting excited over seeing a tree.
  658. >Oh who cares, at least it's SOMETHING different!
  659. >>"Well ain't that just a heartwarming sight, I didn't know you had such a fondness for trees."
  660. >"If you wanted a hug that badly you could have just asked, Rainbow."
  661. "Gimme a break, it feels like it's been years since I've seen a tree, I was starting to miss them."
  662. >>"Lucky for you, our village is surrounded by trees on all sides."
  663. "Cool, I could use a tree nap after all this walking."
  664. >>"I hear that! Just need to get through this thicket here and we're home free."
  665. >"Let's go, maybe Tundra and the others are back by now!"
  666. >And there she goes again.
  667. >>"Hold your horses!"
  668. >Looks like she's already deep in the woods.
  669. >>"Oh, that little filly is just so ​impatient. Let's go, Dash!"
  670. "Right behind you!"
  671. >We finally made it, that's a huge load off my back.
  672. >From being stuck on my own in the middle of nowhere to having some new buds on our way to their home, things have turned out pretty well.
  673. >Hard to believe I've only spent two days out here, that's the wildest thing ever.
  674. >I really did hate being out here, but I guess one look back couldn't hurt.
  675. >Same as ever, big empty snowy canvas, big empty blue sky.
  676. >But you know, it does look kinda nice, it's all peaceful and open and stuff.
  677. >Maybe Meadow's right, it's not so bad out here, I might even say I like it.
  678. > We did have a pretty good time together, I think I'm gonna miss this place.
  679. >...
  680. >Aaaand I'm over it, get me outta here already!
  681. >See ya, Great Dash Plains, I hope it'll be a while before I have to see you again.
  683. Later that night, on the highest peak of the Inner Glacial ranges, an isolated land remote to even the snowponies.
  684. >The world is dormant, with a saturnine view of the environment.
  685. >The sky is dimly lit, a handful of stars providing the only light in the frozen abyss.
  686. >An absence of wind only accentuates the stagnancy.
  687. >For miles on end, the only sight is the ominous miasma of darkness.
  688. >Life appears to be at a standstill, stuck in an endless rut of inactivity.
  689. >Suddenly, the aurora is made manifest once again, the sky awash in stunning colors.
  690. >In a short moment, frigid winds begin to congregate at the summit.
  691. >Orbs of light slowly fade in, soon coalescing into a singular form.
  692. >Initially a thin, ethereal sight, the form slowly enters the corporeal plane.
  693. >It is the eternal overseer of the tundra, Cirrus Wisp.
  695. >Cirrus's floating, lustrous mane gently falls to the ground, reflecting the dazzling colors of the aurora.
  696. >She opens her soft, blue eyes and admires the luminescent sky.
  697. >"Our world has shined more brilliantly than ever since your return, Luna."
  698. >"To see your night sky suddenly aglow once again after ages of darkness was the beacon of hope we needed, that I needed."
  699. >"I thank you for remembering us, even after so long."
  700. >She rests on the snow, and gazes at the spectacle in pure tranquility.
  701. >"It is amazing how much the tundra has changed in just a millennium."
  702. >"I don't often reminisce, but I suppose enough of the past has become a joyous memory."
  703. >"The snowponies' milieu has evolved greatly since their ancestors first arrived."
  704. >"I still recall the struggles they endured so long ago, lost in isolation from the home they once knew."
  705. >"How their conflicts brought about those unearthly spirits, and how the bravery of one filly inspired them to pursue the way of peace."
  706. >"Times are different now, the intrinsic harmony they share with each other and the world around them is a blessing."
  707. >"They are the warmth that was needed in this desolate landscape."
  708. >"Now, if only the chaos of the rampant blizzards could be put at ease..."
  709. >The wind howls as if in response to her statement.
  710. >"Well, with so many new events transpiring, perhaps such a future may not elude us for much longer."
  711. >"It appears that even now, surprises manage to find their way to our frozen home."
  712. >"First the wayfaring Autumn Glow, and now the unexpected visitor, Rainbow Dash."
  713. >Her eyes focus in the direction of Rainbow's group.
  714. >"She is possessed of a lithe spirit, reminiscent of the early travelers from so long ago."
  715. >"And the young filly by her side, already set on continuing the legacy of the initial settlers."
  716. >"The winds of change are imminent, that much is clear."
  717. >She rises from the ground, parts of her body suddenly illuminating with light.
  718. >"Rainbow Dash, Meadow Frost, I eagerly anticipate our encounter."
  719. >Blistering winds begin accumulating, wholly enveloping her body.
  720. >"I am certain it will prove an enlightening experience, for all of us."
  721. >Her figure blends into the surrounding snow, and vanishes.
  722. >All trace of her appearance is seemingly erased, and the tundra is dormant once again.
  723. >All is frozen once again, save for one lone presence, as the aurora continues to shine in defiance.
  726. Chapter Two: The Village of Frost Fields
  728. >It has been a full day since Rainbow Dash was first stranded in the Southern Reaches, once the only presence at the mercy of the relentless environment.
  729. >Reflecting back on how she had survived on her own, it was clear she had proven herself in a way no ordinary pony ever could.
  730. >Despite her bleak situation, the brazen pony had endeavored to focus on surviving, no matter how hopeless the situation seemed.
  731. >The task was no easy picnic, and she found her will tested in a way like never before.
  732. >Even the fastest pony in Equestria couldn't outpace her own fear of the unknown, as she recalls how panic had set in shortly after her arrival.
  733. >The absolute solitude in the tundra was the most challenging aspect, as though she'd gone through her fair share of licks, she always had somepony there with her.
  734. >This was the first time she had ever been truly alone.
  735. >Unmistakably, undeniably, alone.
  736. >Isolated and essentially lost in every sense, it was understandable that even she would feel desperation seeping in, if only briefly.
  737. >A lesser pony would have given up hope immediately upon realization of their situation, but Rainbow Dash would not succumb so easily.
  738. >Through sheer will and unmatched grit, her determination to persevere over the frozen abyss proved victorious.
  739. >Her fiery spirit would not be conquered by the frigid wasteland, as she was carried by conviction in herself and the desire to see her friends again.
  740. >And she would manage to last on her own well enough in the frozen frontier, until an unexpected new friend appeared.
  741. >The adventurous filly, Meadow Frost, in pursuit of her own goal to strengthen herself, would stumble across Dash at a fateful encounter.
  742. >An aspiring trekker, the young snowpony shared Dash's vigor, in addition to remarkable forethought, and was out to prove herself capable for her village.
  743. >Dash saw much of herself in the brave filly, and was all too happy to have a companion at her side again.
  744. >They would quickly bond on the journey back to Meadow's village, learning much of the other on the way.
  745. >Nearing the village, they would find a welcome sight in Maple Maven, and approach the forest hiding the reclusive village.
  746. >Her worries now completely evaporated, Rainbow Dash eagerly anticipates exploring more of the hidden world of the snowponies.
  747. >Venturing through the alpine forest, the plucky trio advances towards the first markings of the village.
  749. >The trees are a nice change of pace from all the snow earlier, but after being in here a while it's starting to feel no different from being lost on the plains.
  750. >And with all these trees so close together, I'm feeling really cramped up.
  751. >But I guess anyplace would feel cramped compared to how open and empty the Great Dash Plains were.
  752. >The snowpony land has all sorts of places to get lost in, it looks like.
  753. >Hm... I wonder if they have a name for their land like we do for Equestria.
  754. >Well, technically this IS still Equestria, so I guess it already has a name.
  755. >But maybe it could use a more specific name, since it's so different and all.
  756. > Something with snow, or ice, like... snow...Snowquestria.
  757. >Nah, that's boring.
  758. >How about just keeping it simple, let's call this place... Snowponia.
  759. >Yeah, that ain't half bad, Snowponia it is.
  760. "This forest is way bigger than I was expecting it to be."
  761. >>"Surprising, ain't it? It's pretty easy to lose your way in here if you don't look out for the signs."
  762. >"Here's one. If you look at that tree there, it's been marked with some berry juice to show where to head."
  763. >I see it, but I'd never have figured out what it meant on my own.
  764. >>"Always need to keep your eyes peeled for anything that doesn't look natural, usually it's a marker left behind by somepony wanting to guide you the right way."
  765. >"Especially here, some ponies say the real reason to avoid going out to the Southern Reaches is having to go through this forest."
  766. "Is it really that bad?"
  767. >>"We call this place the Wistful Woods, and these woods sure live up to their name, you get to missing the village pretty quick after being here a while."
  768. >Wistful Woods, huh?
  769. >Now that's a way cooler name than the Southern Reaches.
  770. >"Not many ponies come out here, even though there's lots of resources we can make use out of."
  771. >>"There's some rare goodies in here like the berries I use for my sweets, so I come out here sometimes."
  772. >"Me too, it's fun to try and get lost and then find my way back to the village, it's pretty good practice."
  773. >>"It's pretty silly is what it is, didn't you ever hear the tales of all the ponies that have gotten lost in here?"
  774. >"They eventually make it out though, nopony has ever gotten REALLY lost."
  775. >>"Who's to say it never happened in the past? Even if it hasn't, it's bound to happen someday."
  776. >"But even you haven't once been lost in here, and you only recently started leaving the village yourself."
  777. >>"That may be true, but don't forget where I'm originally from, woods are second nature to me."
  778. "Where you're originally from? You're not from the same village?"
  779. >>"Nope, Frost Fields has been my home for most of my life, but I was born elsewhere, way far out west from here in a place called Chilly Valley."
  780. >"It's pretty different from what I've heard, lots of forests and vegetation all around and it doesn't have as much snow."
  781. >>"That's right, nice, big mountains surround it, too."
  782. >>"Still gets frightfully cold though, from what I remember."

Cherry's hospital visit

by Solaceon

Anon and Colgate's Baltimare Trip

by Solaceon

Dashie's Snowpony Expedition

by Solaceon

A Poem for Pine Ponder

by Solaceon

A Poem for Alpine Glow

by Solaceon