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A Poem for Alpine Glow

By Solaceon
Created: 2021-10-18 02:35:30
Updated: 2021-10-29 04:57:12
Expiry: Never

  1. As the morning sun looms over the mountains
  2. And the howling wind echoes throughout the land.
  3. A young pony now descends from the summit
  4. To start on a journey that few can withstand.
  6. From her lonely summit home atop the peaks
  7. To the frosted forests of trees evergreen
  8. Alpine Glow travels in search of adventure
  9. In search of places she has yet to have seen.
  11. In her heart lay the feeling of wanderlust
  12. A desire to explore the great unknown.
  13. Though most all can be seen from the mountain peak
  14. There is one place hidden, a forbidden zone.
  16. She remembers the tales her kin used to tell
  17. Of a lost realm far beyond normal reaches.
  18. Through the hail and the ice she goes heading north
  19. In hopes of finding the fabled snow beaches.
  21. There is said to be an abundance of fish,
  22. And strange avian creatures who like to play,
  23. As well as another one known as a seal
  24. If all these await then she shouldn't delay!
  26. Alpine Glow is strong, she's handled worse before
  27. Even this fierce blizzard is no match for her,
  28. Since she's always got on her favorite poncho
  29. Passed down now for ages, it beats any fur!
  31. And finally through the harshest of blizzards
  32. Alpine Glow arrives to a sight for sore eyes
  33. The legends, they were true, the beach is right there!
  34. Overcome with joy, the poor mare nearly cries!
  36. There really are puffins and even seals too
  37. And look at the fish jumping out of the sea!
  38. But perhaps what is most surprising of all
  39. Is a pony awaiting, just who is she?
  41. An ethereal glow radiates from her
  42. Something suggests an otherworldly presence.
  43. She approaches a nearly speechless Alpine
  44. And imparts her a gift, one of strange essence.
  46. A mystical looking relic, quite unique
  47. With a curious mark never seen before.
  48. "You have come far and have earned this, now go forth."
  49. And with her task done, she vanished from the shore.
  51. Young Alpine Glow was still very unaware
  52. Of what truly she had been entrusted with.
  53. What she held in her hoof was no mere trinket
  54. But a key once thought to have been just a myth.

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