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Prison Anon and New Inmates

By DungeonCrawler
Created: 2021-11-04 11:44:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >Curses! You were thwarted by the guards and nurse Heartache with her spell!
  2. >This is not the end of it though, you shall have your revenge!
  3. >You've waited for a long while, you needed an opportunity to get an onion, it was only a matter of time.
  5. be everyone else in the cafeteria
  6. >Anon is grumbling and occasionally making angry autist sounds.
  7. >Stabs his dinosaur nuggets and all.
  8. >He continued playing with his "citizens of anon town" until the loudspeaker came on.
  9. >"Information for all inmates notice, as of one week from today new inmates are arriving, as such early lights out by two hours on that day. That is all.
  10. >Anon suddenly yells, throwing his food at the wall behind him No one could really understand that thing.
  12. Be Anon
  13. >Just heard the loudspeaker go off, something about new inmates and early rest.
  14. >Suddenly your god Shrek has bestowed upon you the greatest of gifts, for the guards will be stationed to focus on the new inmates coming in, not the kitchen.
  15. >You lean back and forget that you're on a bench.
  16. >Proceed to fall head first to the ground at a higher velocity than anyone would guess.
  17. >Suddenly black out because head vs tile
  19. Be nurse Heartache
  20. >Sigh
  21. >Stare at the human unconscious on the metal table.
  22. >The reports all said he seemed happy at the news that came in before knocking himself out.
  23. >You shake your head in disappointment, when will he learn?
  24. >You go back to your desk, knowing you've properly bandaged his head, intent to continue working.
  25. >Suddenly he gurgles.
  26. "Oh good, you're awake, how do you feel?"
  28. Be Anon
  29. >Be seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.
  30. >"Oh good, you're awake, how do you feel?"
  31. "Mommy, I want to go home Mommy, don't let the bad pony take me."
  32. >In reality you said something along the lines of "mrmi, a wen tig ham mrmi let pony take ma,"
  33. >You open your eyes and lean forward
  34. >"I'll take that as a yes," Nurse Heartache said.
  35. >You groan
  36. "How long have I been out?"
  37. part 1/?
  39. >You look around and note the change in time of day.
  40. >"Long enough, if you're fine then go ahead and let yourself back out, I still have work to do."
  41. >Heartache goes back to her work.
  42. "Whatever heart butt."
  43. >You grin and stand up, a little wibbly wobbly but you manage.
  44. >Nurse Heartache froze at the nickname before sighing, "stop calling me that, it wasn't funny the first time, it isn't funny now."
  45. >[slightly rustled jimmies]
  46. >You decide to have some fun with someone who will react more to your presence.
  47. >You waddle out of the room.
  49. Be Steel Sprinkles
  50. >be the warden of the newest prison Timely Manner Penitentiary, the prison that held the toughest of the tough, the meanest of the mean, the deadliest of the deadly!
  51. >Ponies who stole cookies or disturbed the peace.
  52. >Even that giant monkey thing Anon you've gotten to know so well.
  53. >You sigh at that thought, poor insane monkey thing
  54. >You had other things to do than focus on the failed attempts to bring his sanity back from the nurse though, you had inmates coming in a week and you had to have everything ready.
  55. >No mistakes, no errors, no russi-problem.
  56. "QuickFire! Report to the Wardens Office for the days tasks."
  57. >You flicked the switch to the microphone in front of you, turning it off.
  58. >Leaning back you wait for the guard, she wasn't really coming to get her daily tasks, well maybe a minor change, but the real stuff was with making sure Anon didn't do anything to screw things up.
  59. part 2/?
  61. >It wasn't more than three minutes before Quickfire stepped into the office, her teal fur contrasted by her dark green mane. She saluted and accidentally bumped her head a little too hard, cringing slightly and frowning before remembering to salute.
  62. "I'm glad you could make it in such a timely manner," you smile at your guard, "I'm here to change your tasks slightly."
  63. >You push a parchment forward with the new list on it.
  64. >Just as Quickfire takes it you speak up again.
  65. "I need you to watch Anon, with the new inmates coming in and...the kind they are you'll need to watch over him for the entire day."
  66. >Quickfire looks at you like you'd just given her a monumentally important task.
  67. >Literally sticks out her tongue in concentration on the thought of doing something like following him around.
  68. >Salutes.
  69. >"Yes Ma'am I won't disappoint!"
  70. >That's one problem down, now you just have the rest of the planning to do.
  72. >A week has just about completely passed.
  73. >In that week Anon did next to nothing, after the announcements he picked on a few ponies in the gym repeating "can you even lift bro?"
  74. >Surprisingly nothing else has happened. It's a new record.
  75. >If anyone had had the time to think on it, they'd be worried, it could only mean bad things when Anon isn't doing shit on a regular basis.
  76. >But no one did, the inmates talked and speculated on the new arrivals.
  77. >Rumors circulating it was just three inmates.
  78. >A Changeling, a Breezie, and a Minotaur.
  80. Be Quickfire
  81. >Be right behind a wall in one of the many hallway intersections.
  82. >On the other side is some of the only empty cells in the entire place along with Anon's cell.
  83. >Mission Monkey Seeing Eye thing was a go
  84. part 3/?
  86. "When is he gonna get up and get out? He missed out on breakfast."
  87. >You dare a peek and suddenly yip not so quietly as his door unlocks.
  88. >You move backwards and make yourself disappear behind another corner.
  89. >peek around it as you hear Anon's footsteps.
  90. >He sounds like if a whale had feet and decided to have a rave.
  91. >You spot him as he walks to the corner.
  92. >No wait, you think he's sneaking, loudest sneaking you've ever heard, but definitely sneaking.
  93. >you follow behind him, far more silent regardless of the fact you didn't have to be.
  94. >He seemed to be excitedly murmuring to himself about this Shrek character.
  95. >You vaguely remember a few times where he's mentioned the same name, could it be he found a friend finally?
  96. >The thought fills you with a little pride that he finally found someone he related to.
  97. >You continue to follow him and quickly realize he's heading for the cafeteria.
  98. >Maybe he's looking to get a snack, yeah he must have slept in why else would he come here?
  99. >He pushes past the doors and as they swing in and out you sneak through them.
  100. >The place is empty, not even the cooks are in.
  101. >It doesn't seem to dissuade him as he pushes on the kitchen door to find it locked.
  102. >He looks at it and whines with that voice again, the nurse said she thinks it's some kind of mating call or something to let others know he was around. You all still had no clue.
  104. Be anon
  105. >Be super fucking sneaky, like solid snake sneaky
  106. >You just made it to the cafeteria and pushed at the doors to your salvation.
  107. >locked...
  108. >..
  109. >...
  110. [angry autist noises]
  111. >You let it go on for a bit longer today, before realizing Shrek must be testing you.
  112. >You look over to the counter to note it was clear of most everything, and you were tall enough.
  113. >You go over to it and attempt to climb over.
  115. part 4/?
  117. Be Quickfire
  118. >He finally stopped the sound but...what is he doing?
  119. >He went over to the counter that the cooks usually put food out on and immediately began climbing on it.
  120. >Dishes crash left and right
  121. >Metal pots and pans clank around.
  122. >Looks like it's time to finally do something.
  123. "Stop!"
  125. Be Anon
  126. >"Stop!"
  127. >You jerk your head to see one of those cursed guard ponies looking at you disapprovingly.
  128. >Isn't your fault ponies leave dishes on counters...
  129. >s-shut up.
  130. >You quickly finish your expert vault over and run to the pantries, you immediately spot the onions sitting out in an opened bag and grab the whole bag.
  131. >You hear the click of the door unlocking and the sound of the latch dropping, you turn in time to see Quickfire coming through the door, intent on stopping your escape.
  132. [autist screeches of an indignant nature]
  133. >You climb onto the table again, Quickfire just barely missing your incredible speed.
  134. >You land on the ground and immediately start clawing at the ground as you try and get up and move at the same time.
  135. >You manage to get going and Quickfire makes chase.
  136. >You're barely out of the palace of food when she starts gaining. It wouldn't be long until she caught you now.
  137. >You turn the corner and hold out your leg.
  138. >Ponies were so innocent and had so little knowledge of cartoons sometimes.
  139. >Quickfire's hoof catches on your exposed leg, she begins sliding on the ground, legs splayed as you bolt.
  140. >You turn another corner and immediately trip over your worst nightmares.
  141. >The warden.
  143. part 5/?
  145. Be Steel again
  146. >No sight of Anon anywhere.
  147. >It worried you he wasn't at breakfast, maybe you should have the cooks come back after their break in case he shows up?
  148. >You stop your train of thought as the wagon pulls up.
  149. >Two of your guardsponies intercepted the wagon when it stopped and watched as the new inmates filed out.
  150. >You shuddered at remembering the files on the three you read.
  151. >Arachnia, the changeling queen and first inmate to step out, she had been caught outside of a town, feeding off of them as something called a town bicycle, you weren't sure what that meant but it didn't matter, you had your job.
  152. >Following behind the Changeling Queen was a Minotaur female, strong, well built, and with overly generous features, her brown fur fitting perfectly with the darker brown hair, contrasted by the two tiny white horns on her head. She didn't have an official name in her record, just some weird nickname: Steel Hoof
  153. >And finally, the Gryphon, with head feathers all black, and her body feathers all white, Blunt Post looked around sourly.
  154. >The guards moved them over to me and I walked them inside, giving them the same boring welcome I give everyone.
  155. >Niceties, gym, their cells they'll be living in, and finally the C-
  156. >You find yourself on your back before you can give your repeated welcome to the cafeteria, you sat up and looked at the cause of it to find Anon.
  157. >Not but a few gallops behind was Quickfire.
  158. >you couldn't even right now.
  159. >Two of the three new inmates laughed and you shook your head as you looked to Quickfire's new frown.
  160. "Just, take him to his room."
  161. >you get up and feel sore all over now.
  162. >You accidentally bump something with your hoof, looking down it was a bag of onions, you sigh again.
  163. >Fucking of course, he tried another of those 'rituals'
  164. >You smile at the inmates
  165. "As I was saying, we are coming up on the cafeteria-"
  167. part 6/6
  168. end?

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