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Kinderquestrian Zombies

By DungeonCrawler
Created: 2021-11-04 12:15:26
Expiry: Never

  1. Forever Sleep Ponies just want salt, as opposed to living ponies who just want that sweet sweet candy and pudding
  3. >be anon
  4. nom nom nom
  5. "Twiggles, they're licking and nibbling me and it's really starting to freak me out."
  6. >And you are unwitting victim to purple menaces' latest test involving "forever sleep ponies" and their love of all things salt
  7. >These are zombies, so why not brains?
  8. >because stupid horseland magic of course
  9. >So eager book creature kinda got you sitting in a locked chair for 50 bits and 2 free passes to say naughty words wherever you please
  10. nom nom nom
  11. >so now you're sitting here for however long while she writes notes and the pony zombies lick you and nibble a bit here and there
  12. >"just stay calm, it's not like they're b-bad ponies." not best pony replies with after turning to the next page of her notepad.
  13. >"we're almost done, just another 5 minutes and you'll have your payment." She half mutters as she gets a bit closer to the not so dead.
  14. >That's when you notice they're gravitating towards somewhere especially salty
  15. "Nope nope nope get me out of here right now Tig ol Bittles, this is not a fuckin' joke."
  16. >She cringes back before scrunching and looking up at you angrily, "I told you you can't use the passes retroactively, now sit still and let me finish writing thi-"
  17. >Her words cut out as she sees one of them go for a nibble where they shouldn't
  18. >She immediately unlocks the chains and begins crying and apologizing as she realizes she let forever sleep ponies get too close to your no no place.
  19. >yfw ponies are fuckin weird. You just wanted to swear in front of the children for a bit, not get your dick bit by zombies.

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