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Pony ATF

By Lost_in_translation
Created: 2021-11-15 02:51:55
Expiry: Never

  1. >be Anon, a perfectly sane and well-adjusted individual and nobody can prove otherwise [spoiler]you made damn sure of that[/spoiler]
  2. >getting transported to Equestria was a hoot and a half, you haven't seen this many indescribable colors and shapes since you took acid in college
  3. >you did your best to check that you're not tripping balls, and you weren't
  5. >currently, you are building your first bunker here
  6. >why, a lesser man would ask
  7. >well, following the attack of two dozen weird wood wolves, an enormous hydra, and some doomsday cult weirdos, all within a span of two weeks, you decided that "Ponyville" was a crazy place and you should get the hell out of Dodge before something worse shows up
  8. >…or before they come for your lead-spitting babies
  9. >apparently they have soccer, or "hoofball" moms here too, just your fucking luck
  10. >she made herself known after you blew a baby-sized hole in one of hydra's heads
  11. >you had no intention of waiting for her to tattle on your perfectly-legal mini-arsenal, so, naturally, innawoods you ran
  13. >your little fortress is coming along fine, it's nigh-impossible to tell apart from the rest of the landscape, even from above
  14. >hopefully this'll keep you safe from the monster or villain of the week smashing through the nearby pony settlement
  15. >…and keep your snacks safe, those damn horses keep disappearing them despite your locked doors and shut windows
  16. >…but mostly it's about the monsters
  17. >sure, there are some weird things in this forest, but you're always packin' and can make your own homemade bullets, just like ma' used to make
  18. >and thanks to dad teaching you chemistry, you know how to make the gunpowder as well, it's a shame that meth lab blew up in his face, he and mom were the only people who understood you
  19. >your reverie is interrupted by the ground shaking and loud explosion coming from the outside
  20. >party time
  22. >rushing outside you see shrapnel everywhere that looks a lot like gold
  23. >following the trail to the epicenter you find a small crater where one of your landmines used to be
  24. >lifting your eyes, you see a pony hanging off one of the trees in the distance, her white coat provides a stark contrast to the bark of the tree
  25. >yep, looks like you got another one
  26. >for some reason there has been a lot of those gold-clad ponies milling around your bunker
  27. >fearing for your freedom, guns and snacks, you put some defenses in place
  28. >so far none have made it through
  29. >you return to your new home, leaving the guard to hang in there and meditate on the meaning of "KEEP OUT!" signs you posted around your little hidey hole
  30. >her comrades will pick her up in a day or so, not like anything can even hurt those things, not seriously
  31. >a sprain, nasty bruise, that sort of thing
  32. >you swear, you once saw pony walk away from having an anvil dropped on her, shit's wild
  33. >you checked the anvil, of course, and it was no plastic replica shit, no psyop, just a regular heavy-ass anvil and those crazy cunts just dropped it on someone
  34. >it was just an accident, but still, you don't want to be anywhere near when they accidentally drop another, god knows with your luck you won't die right away
  36. >which brings you back to present
  37. >and presently you're running a bit low on some chemicals, especially now that you have to replace a landmine
  38. >you smile to yourself, because even though it's not a good thing, it gives you an excuse to visit that weird zebra that you share this forest with
  39. >she stumbled upon you when you went out to get some water one day, nearly scaring the willies out of you
  40. >later, though, she apologized and helped you with your blue balls
  41. >it turns out the pretty flower you brushed against was called Poison Joke, though it's effect on people was no fucking joke
  42. >she made you a little suspicious when she asked what were you doing innawoods, but then nodded sagely when you spoke of weekly monster attacks and falling anvils
  43. >plus, if you take out the weird fauna, this is actually a pretty nice place, and take weird fauna out you do, something you let slip to your new friend
  44. >that's when you two made an arrangement, where you barter herbs and whatnot for chemicals with the zeeb
  45. >which works just fine — you get your explosives and gunpowder, she gets the monster parts and stuff from places too dangerous for the nofuns equine
  47. >be guardsmare #357
  48. >just kidding, be Iron Blossom
  49. >be hanging teats over head near your target's current residence
  50. >how do you know it's target's residence?
  51. >well, the thing that blasted you into the sky and reduced your gear to bit-sized pieces is a dead giveaway
  52. >all you knew is that his name is Anon and he's got some dangerous stuff that princesses want to place under a lock and key so it won't hurt anypony
  53. >in retrospect, you should've expected something like this, but then again, who in their right mind surrounds their house with bucking explosives?!
  54. >Equestria's only hyo-mane, that's who
  55. >you count your blessings there's only one of them around, you dare not think what havoc a whole gaggle of them could unleash
  56. >if you didn't think this fruitcake is going to hurt somepony with his stuff, you do now
  57. >that said, you are not a violent mare, you would very much prefer this went on in a civil manner
  58. >you'd knock and politely ask to turn over the weapons, no muss, no fuss
  59. >that is, if you had made it to the door in the first place
  60. >…
  61. >you hope your squad finds you soon
  62. >the adrenaline from being blown sky-high, then falling to your death, and then ending up in a tangle of branches is receding
  63. >hanging upside down without being able to move is getting old pretty fast
  65. >suddenly, you feel the branches that have you in a vice-like grip move
  66. >oh yes please, Please, PLEASE for the love of Celestia snap and return this pony her freedom of movement!
  67. >but, sadly, your prayers have been ignored, because now there's a bunch of squirrels sitting on you like some giant warm angry pillow
  68. >…sometimes you hate-
  69. >Luna's teats, no, you don't want nuts
  70. >those squirrels seem to be used to guards stuck in trees here and are offering to share their latest bounty with you
  71. >your attempts to tell them to instead help you untangle yourself from that tree only made them confused
  72. >and while they look cute turning their little heads to the side all at once, you're no closer to getting out of your predicament
  73. >finally, after two hours of trying to your hoof, you managed to snap a few smaller branches
  74. >unfortunately, the weight redistribution have caused a chain reaction, culminating in you faceplanting into the ground
  75. >…sometimes you hate your job, but at least now you're free

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