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Anon tries to dunk, but he only gets dunked on

By DungeonCrawler
Created: 2021-12-10 00:22:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >another day in Equestria
  2. >be Twilight Sparkle, spamming magic missile against the throne room door
  3. "Anon! Don't trust her!"
  4. >You and the girls all went rushing to stop the latest changeling plot here in Canterlot.
  5. >It's too bad the princesses went missing and Anon is locked within the throne room with potentially tens of changelings.
  6. >...fuck
  7. >"Consarnit twilight, move!"
  8. >Orange and brute force rushes to the door and kicks it in like it's another apul tree
  9. >Holy shit why didn't we just have her do it ten minutes ago?
  10. >Ignoring the leg strength of a cavepony, you all rush in.
  11. >"Anon! Get away from her, she's a changeling!"
  12. >You point your horn, ready to obliterate the changeling disguised as a guard in Anon's upper forelegs.
  13. >"What?" He half shrugs, "I seem to be pretty fine."
  14. >The girls all circle around the two of them, the ONLY two in the room, this is putting you on edge, not even any hiding on the ceiling.
  15. >"Where are the others? Let her go so we can take care of this." Why isn't the mare speaking up?
  16. >Wait. Why does she look so concerned?
  17. >"...Nah"
  18. >Then you hear the laugh.
  20. >Be Anon
  21. >Your brilliant plan has come to fruition.
  22. >You knew White power and Blue loud would never pass up free tickets to the mountain hot springs, timing it with the letters you sent to Twilight was the real tricky part.
  23. >A few bribes for belly rubs to the guards and you got one terrible actor and the perfect setup for your next line.
  24. "...Nah," Just as Twilight opens her mouth you, the brilliant Anon, cackle like a madman for just long enough to be considered too long. "I'm the changeling, not her."
  25. >With this your plan is complete. Twilight will completely spill her spaghetti and retreat.
  26. >Wait why are they glowing? Shit they got their necklaces from within the outhouse already? That was for-
  28. >Back as Spergle Twergle
  29. >You couldn't stop crying after turning HIM to stone, the truth hurt so much.
  30. >Was it from the beginning? At some point was he replaced? It doesn't matter, because just earlier this morning you, purple smart, shared a smoothie with him. Ew.
  31. >Now to find other changelings so you can save the princesses.
  32. >...and maybe some cleaning supplies, you don't know where Rarity found the Elements and you are happy to never receive that answer.

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