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MLP:RtM 1-2 Friendship is Magic

By Alaric
Created: 2021-12-12 02:48:26
Updated: 2023-10-09 23:59:48
Expiry: Never

  1. Author: TMPony
  2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. My Little Pony: Reliving the Magic
  5. >There's a bright flash of light and you wake up on the floor of Golden Oaks Library
  6. >A purple pony with cute bangs is looking down on you in awe
  7. "Twilight...?"
  8. >"Wow! I can't believe the summoning spell worked! But how do you know my name?"
  9. >Pretty sure you read this greentext on /mlp/ before
  10. >You sit up, holding your pounding, groggy head
  11. >You sigh and take a deep breath
  12. "Your spell brought me here from another world. In my world, stories of your adventures... the adventures of Twilight Sparkle and her friends... they're told in a television show."
  13. >"A what?"
  14. "It’s like... you have film projectors, right?”
  15. >Of course they do.
  16. >Episode 48: Hurricane Fluttershy.
  17. >You have a freakishly good memory of the show.
  18. >Makes sense, since you are pretty obsessed with it.
  19. “I know all about you and your adventures. You and your friends use the magic of friendship to accomplish many awesome things. Stopping Discord... Saving the Crystal Empire... Becoming a princess...”
  20. >Suddenly, there's a sinking feeling in your chest.
  21. >You jump to your feet and sidestep around Twilight
  22. >nowings.jpg
  23. >Also, Golden Oaks Library was destroyed at the end of Season 4
  24. >Your heart starts pounding
  25. >You grab her
  26. "What... WHICH EPISODE IS THIS?"
  27. >She shoves you away
  28. >”What the heck are you talking about?! I...”
  29. >She slumps down onto the floor and tears start to form in her eyes
  30. >”I don’t have any friends.”
  31. >Your eyes grow wide
  32. >It’s the beginning of Friendship is Magic part 1.
  33. >WhathaveIdone.jpg
  35. >You nervously pace a in a circle around the room
  36. >Shitshitshitshit this is bad
  37. >Have I ruined the spacetime continuum or some shit by spoiling the future?
  38. >Twilight watches you carefully with fear in her eyes
  39. >"Why... why are you upset? Aren't you here to help me? I summoned you to help me..."
  40. "With?"
  41. >"...Nightmare Moon."
  42. >You sigh and resume your pacing
  43. >Think, Anon, think
  44. >Living in a happy land of colorful talking ponies has always been your dream
  45. >You're not about to let it be ruined by eternal darkness and sad ponies
  46. >And here Twilight is, summoning you instead of making friends in Episode 1
  47. >Damn it Celestia, you could've told her why she needs to make friends!
  48. >No, it has to be unplanned. Candid.
  49. >She has to genuinely make friends with the others, without having a motive
  50. >OK, Anon, you can fix this
  51. "Who's handling the Summer Sun Celebration preparations?"
  52. >"I sent Spike out to go take care of them so I could come here and try to figure out a plan."
  53. "How long ago?"
  54. >"About thirty minutes."
  55. >You grab her by the shoulder and head for the door
  56. "We have to find him. Now."
  57. >You bust out the door and start heading down the street in search of the nearest mane 6
  58. >Ponyville is just like you've always imagined it.
  59. >It's magical
  60. >But if you fuck this up it won't stay this way for long
  62. >You spot Rainbow Dash lazing around on a nearby cloud
  63. >It's the only cloud, the sky is otherwise clear
  64. >Fuck
  65. "Hey, Rainbow Dash!"
  66. >She looks down to see who is calling her
  67. >She flips out at the sight of a human
  68. >"Whoa! A talking monkey!"
  69. "I'm not a talking monkey, I'm... never mind. Just call me Anon."
  70. >"Nice to meet you!"
  71. "Right. Look, I need to introduce you to my really awesome friend, Twilight Sparkle."
  72. >You gesture in Twilight's direction
  73. >She gives a sheepish smile and doesn't say anything
  74. >What is this? Is she Fluttershy now?
  75. >You look back at Rainbow
  76. "You guys should be friends."
  77. >There is an awkward silence
  78. >Rainbow shifts uncomfortably
  79. >"Yeah I gotta get back to clearing the sky. This one last cloud is a real pain. Bye!"
  80. >She flies away
  81. >Fuck
  82. >You notice a nearby mud puddle
  83. >Idea!
  84. >You shove Twilight down and she falls in the mud
  85. >"Hey! What the--?"
  86. "SHH!"
  87. >You cup your hand to your mouth and yell upward
  88. "Hey Rainbow Dash! Can you clean Twilight up?"
  89. >Rainbow stares at you blankly
  90. "With rain, or something?"
  91. >"Oh, sure! Coming right up!"
  92. >She uses her cloud to make dump some water on Twilight
  93. >Twilight looks pissed
  94. >She does the Rainblow Dry
  95. >Twilight looks pissed
  96. >You breathe a sigh of relief
  97. "Wow, look at how good of friends you are! Well anyway, got to go! Bye!"
  98. >You drag Twilight away
  99. >Twilight looks pissed
  101. >You're standing in an orchard at Sweet Apple Acres
  102. >Twilight's hair looks like shit
  103. >OK you may have done this in the wrong order
  104. >Maybe your memory of the show wasn't all that great
  105. >Whatever
  106. >You approach the food table and find some ponies cleaning up... dirty dishes
  107. >Fuck, you missed brunch
  108. >Suddenly it dawns on you
  109. >Doing it in the wrong order fucked up all of the timing
  110. >You missed Twilight's chance to meet Applejack
  111. "Um, excuse me? Has a little purple dragon come by here?"
  112. >Twilight's just decided to stay quiet and let you do all of the talking
  113. >She's confused enough as it is
  114. >That this human she summoned from another world just started marching around introducing her to people
  115. >"He was here a little while ago. He was checking on the food for the Summer--"
  116. "Good. Where's Applejack?"
  117. >"She went back to apple bucking."
  118. "Thanks."
  119. >You storm off
  120. >Twilight hesitates
  121. >You turn and wave her on
  122. "COME ON!"
  123. >The two of you climb to the top of a hill
  124. >You gaze over the vast rolling fields of Sweet Apple Acres
  125. >Acres and acres covered in a dense canopy of apple treetops
  126. >Orangehat could be anywhere
  127. >Fuck everything
  129. >The sun is already starting to go down
  130. >You've been wandering around the farm for hours
  131. >You never realized it was so big from watching the show
  132. >You wanted to die the third time you circled around the future CMC clubhouse
  133. >Your feet hurt
  134. >Twilight looks tired and bored
  135. >Welp, good job, Anon, you single handedly fucked up all of FiM continuity
  136. >It could've been a perfect world but nope
  137. >Now it's going to be nighttime eternal and all of the mane 6 are going to be enslaved
  138. >And it's all your fault
  139. >Suddenly, you spot a bit of orange in the distance
  140. >Applejack carrying a bucket of apples
  141. >You break into a sprint, screaming
  143. >She was always your waifu but you never thought you'd be this happy to see her
  144. >Tears streaming from your eyes as you approach her
  145. >She freaks and bucks you in the chest
  146. >You fly backwards into a tree and hit your head
  147. >You black out
  149. >You come to
  150. >You're back in Golden Oaks Library, on the bed
  151. >"Anon?"
  152. >Twilight is there looking down on you once again
  153. >"Anon! You're awake!"
  154. >She smiles and sits back on her haunches
  155. >"I'm so glad you're all right."
  156. "How...?"
  157. >"I carried you back from the farm after that crazy mare kicked you."
  158. >Uh oh
  159. >"You must've startled her pretty badly! I guess she'd never seen a human before. Nobody has."
  160. >You close your eyes
  161. >"So I carried you back to the library. Some random pony was here trying to throw a welcome party but I kicked them out so you can get some rest."
  162. >Wow, way to fuck it up even more, Twilight
  163. >Still, if you hadn't acted like some autistic faggot back there with Applejack, this wouldn't have happened
  164. "I'm such an idiot..."
  165. >"I don't think you're an idiot, Anon! Besides, don't worry. We won't have to talk to her any more."
  166. >Great
  167. >"Because you're gonna tell me exactly what's going on."
  168. >GREAT
  170. >You gaze into Twilight's eyes
  171. "I'm from the future."
  172. >"You're from the FUTURE?"
  173. "Yes, and--"
  174. >"I can't believe time travel is really possible! How did you, I mean, I figure it out?"
  175. >God damn it Twilight
  176. >Wrong episode
  177. "Listen. You've been right all along about Nightmare Moon. She's going to appear in the morning before dawn."
  178. >Twilight gasps
  179. >"I knew it! But... what do we do?"
  180. >She looks at you with puppy dog eyes
  181. >"Please..."
  182. >Don't do this to me, Twilight
  183. >Don't put the fate of your world in my hands
  184. "You're the one who summoned me, Twilight. You're the one who foresaw all of this. You have to be the one who defeats her. Not me. But I will tell you what to do."
  185. >She hesitates
  186. >"OK. Tell me what I have to do."
  187. "Well, you have to--"
  188. >Wait, you can't tell her she needs to make friends with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy
  189. >If she knows about it, their friendship won't be real
  190. >And the Elements of Harmony won't work
  191. "...You have to do exactly as I tell you."
  193. >You had to harass a few ponies in the wee hours of the night but apparently a few of them were heading to a party.
  194. >Pinkie Pie probably decided to hold the all-night party at Sugarcube Corner instead of the library
  195. >You decide to bring Spike along
  196. >Not sure how he might help but what the hay
  197. >The three of you arrive at the front door of the place, where you're greeted by that familiar bouncy pink party pony
  198. >Her smile explodes into an even bigger smile at the sight of you
  199. >Your heart fucking melts
  200. >Time for a new waifu
  201. >Your last one fucked you up, anyway
  202. >"ANON! You're feeling better! Ohmygosh I'm so happy you're better! I was going to have a big welcome party for Twilight but--"
  203. "Don't worry, Pinkie, I heard the story. Thanks for being so considerate. It's a pleasure to meet you."
  204. >She ushers you inside, almost forgetting to invite Twilight and Spike in as well
  205. >It's crowded
  206. >You walk into the party with your usual swagger and all heads turn toward you
  207. >Damn, you still got it
  208. >Sure, they were all shocked by the sight of a human, but who cares
  209. >This is a party
  210. >You can do this
  211. >You went to parties all the time
  212. >Sure, you were introverted back home, but you can handle a party
  213. >You're not some autistic sperglord
  214. >You lean up against the punch table and grab a sip while you scan the room
  215. >Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, check
  216. >Wait
  217. >Where's yellowquiet
  218. "Hey, Pinkie Pie."
  219. >"Yeah Anon?"
  220. >she responds with extra bubbliness
  221. >Does she have a thing for you?
  222. >Nah she must do this with everyone
  223. >Don't fall for it
  224. "I heard about this really great pony named Fluttershy. Is she here?"
  225. >Pinkie Pie suddenly looks sad
  226. >Fuck, no
  227. >Fuck
  228. >Wait, Pinkie
  229. >It's not like that
  230. >"Umm, no. She was too shy to come."
  232. >You're social enough to party at a library but not at Sugarcube Corner?!
  233. >Wait, actually that makes a lot of sense
  235. >You call Twilight and Spike over
  236. "Okay, Twilight, you need to make friends with that white one over there."
  237. >You point at Rarity, hanging out with Vinyl Scratch over by the hors d'oeuvres
  238. >Twilight looks hesitant, but she trusts you
  239. >She has no other choice
  240. >No one else who can guide her
  241. >"Got it!"
  242. "Spike, I need you to help Twilight out. Be her wingman. I can count on you for that, right?"
  243. >Spike looks unsure of himself
  244. >But he agrees
  245. >"Yes, sir!"
  246. >He salutes you
  247. >Fucking adorable
  248. "Good. I need to run an errand. Don't worry, it's part of the mission. I'll be back soon. Keep the party alive."
  249. >Team Anon nods in understanding and wishes you luck
  250. >"Oooh, Oooh! What do I do?!"
  251. >Pinkie startles you and you nearly drop your cup of punch
  252. >She was eavesdropping
  253. "Pinkie! Um... I... I..."
  254. >She just looks at you intently
  255. "Just, go help Twilight. I need to..."
  256. >"Go get Fluttershy?" She says sadly
  257. >This pony is tearing your heartstrings out
  258. >Gah! Suck it up, Anon! Be a man!
  259. >When you're saving the world you might have to break a few hearts
  260. >You leave the party
  262. >As a grown man watching the show, you never thought the Everfree Forest was all that scary
  263. >Holy fuck is it scary
  264. >You think to yourself as you walk along the path alongside it, leading to Fluttershy's house
  265. >Now, you know you have to handle Fluttershy delicately if you're going to win her over and get her to come with you to the party
  266. >You've been going over it in your head again and again but still haven't come up with anything
  267. >You finally make it to the door but just stand there, frozen, trying to think about how to word it
  268. >All of the lights are off
  269. >She's probably asleep
  270. >If some strange talking monkey you've never met came to your door in the middle of the night and asked you to go with him to a party, would you go?
  271. >Well, maybe
  272. >But Fluttershy wouldn't, that's for sure
  273. >Ugh, you should've brought Pinkie Pie with you
  274. >She'd know what to do
  275. >But it took so long to walk here, there's no time to go back
  276. >You decided to just say fuck it and knock on the door a few times.
  277. >...
  278. >Nothing
  279. >You try again
  280. >Suddenly, a tiny crack in the door opens
  281. >It's a bear
  282. >You jump backwards and are paralyzed with fear
  283. >Welp, sorry I couldn't save Equestria
  284. >Didn't even get to score any hot pony ass
  285. >Is it sad that that's the thing you regret most?
  287. "Mr. Bear!" How rude! Please apologize!"
  288. >Fluttershy squeezes past the bear at the door and starts to walk forward
  289. >You see her wearing sexiest nightgown you've ever seen
  290. >She sees you trembling with fear on the ground, about to wet your pants
  291. >Pretty intimidating, I know
  292. >But she still turns bright red and runs back inside the house and closes it, embarrassed that you saw her in her nightwear
  293. >Guess she doesn't think of you as an animal. That's a good sign.
  294. >This is your chance to high-tail it out of there, but you decide to grow a pair and go back to the door
  295. >There's a bear behind it, but there's also a Fluttershy
  296. >A Fluttershy that you need to save the world
  297. >You wait a few moments, then knock again
  298. >You hear growling again, and bend your knees to get ready to run
  299. >But you hear Fluttershy's soft cooing and then she opens the door a crack and slips outside
  300. >She's not wearing anything, now
  301. >Somehow, that's less arousing
  302. >Weird huh
  303. >"Can I help you?"
  304. "Yeah. Um. My name is Anon. What's your name?"
  305. >She mumbles softly
  306. "Uh, sorry, I didn't quite catch that..."
  307. >She murmurs softly and starts to whimper
  308. >Why isn't this gag as funny in real life
  309. >Fluttershy, the original sperglord, everyone
  310. >At least her awkwardness makes you feel less weird about creeping around her house at 2 AM
  312. >You carefully explain to Fluttershy that it's extremely important that she comes to this party
  313. >You can't tell her why but she NEEDS to
  314. >You start bullshitting about how Pinkie Pie is sad that she didn't come and how you have this awesome friend named Twilight Sparkle that she needs to meet
  315. >She doesn't seem sold yet
  316. "Also, have you met Pinkie Pie's cute toothless alligator, Gummy?"
  317. >Don't do it, Anon
  318. >Stop your fucking mouth
  319. "He's uh, really, really sick!"
  320. >She slams the door and you hear rummaging around inside
  321. >She appears back at the door with her hat on and her medicine basket hanging from her mouth
  322. >"Well, let's GO, Anon!"
  323. >Ohboyherewego.jpg
  325. "And she's really smart and likes books. Also, she likes animals, and she has this talking baby dragon who's a really cool guy..."
  326. >Fluttershy smiles and nods but has her mind elsewhere
  327. >Gummy, probably
  328. >When Sugarcube Corner is in sight you hustle to get in front of Fluttershy
  329. >Which is hard because she's on a mission
  330. >You start jogging and make it to the door
  331. >Loud noises coming from inside
  332. >Good, party's still going strong
  333. "Wait here while I go ask Pinkie Pie..."
  334. >"That's OK. I know where Gummy is. I'll just go upstairs without interrupting the party."
  335. "Hahaha! No need for that! Just wait here!"
  336. >You block the door
  337. >She tries to push past you
  338. >The door swings open and you both fall on the floor, inside
  339. >Fluttershy's on top of you
  340. >Pinkie Pie is standing above both of you
  341. >Pretty sure you've seen this harem anime before
  342. >"Pinkie! Is Gummy all right?! I'm here to help! You fed him candy again, didn't you?"
  343. >"Fluttershy, you silly goose! Gummy isn't sick!"
  344. >Fluttershy steps off of you and looks at you
  345. >Uh oh, she's pissed
  346. >Think quickly
  347. "Oh, you mean, Gummy got better all of a sudden?"
  348. >You wink at Pinkie
  349. >She gasps
  350. >"Rrrrrriiiiiiggghhhht! He was sick until just now! Anon didn't know he was better!"
  351. >Fluttershy dusts herself off
  352. >"Well, I'm going to go home and go back to sleep."
  353. "WAIT!"
  354. >She turns and looks at you
  355. "So long as you're here, come meet my awesome friend, Twilight Sparkle."
  357. >It took forever but you finally set Fluttershy up in a decent conversation with Twilight and Spike
  358. >Yellowquiet seems really interested in the baby dragon so that's proceeding just like it did in the show
  359. >Woo, good sign
  360. >Okay, time to take a deep breath and reassess the situation
  361. >Rainbow Dash? Re-enacted the Rainblow Dry scene from the show. Check.
  362. >Applejack? Bucked me up but at least she got introduced. Check.
  363. >Pinkie Pie? Check.
  364. >Fluttershy? Check.
  365. >Rarity? Didn't get a visual, but check.
  366. >All right, you can do this
  367. >Suddenly you start to feel sleepy
  368. >God damn it not now
  369. >You never were much for pulling all-nighters
  370. >You stumble up the stairs and look for the door to Pink's room
  371. >Must be the pink one
  372. >That was easy
  373. >You crumple on the bed
  374. >Suddenly there's a shriek
  375. >Applejack groggily rolls over from under the covers and sits up
  376. >"You dryin' sum funnnnny bidzness 'gain, Anon?"
  377. "Oh good, you're drunk."
  378. >"Fuck yeah I'm drunk! Always party hard before Shummer Shun Celebrashun. Might happy party got moved 'ere from da liberry. Ain't 'llowed to bring boose in there."
  379. "Of course you can't."
  380. >"Now dun be dryin' to feel me up 'gain, Anon, like some dern perv. I'll buck ya from here to Fillydelphya..."
  381. >She drops back onto the pillow and passes out
  382. >Facepalm
  384. >You actually are about to grab a handful of that firm apple ass when suddenly someone busts into the room
  385. >You cram your hands down below the covers
  386. >It's Twilight
  387. >She looks at you with disapproval
  388. >"Is this part of the mission too?"
  389. >Fuck you, Twilight
  390. "What is it?"
  391. >"It's time to go. The ceremony is going to start soon."
  392. "Already? But..."
  393. >You look at Applejack
  394. >You need her to awaken the Elements of Harmony and save Equestria
  395. >And she's fucking wasted
  396. "Help me carry her."
  397. >"What? Just leave her here!"
  398. "Let's carry her!"
  399. >"Are you crazy, Anon? Wait, I already know the answer to that."
  400. >You think it over for a moment
  401. >In Episode 2, the ponies all come back to the library before they go chase down Nightmare Moon
  402. >You could make a stop back here at Sugarcube Corner and get her
  403. >Keep it together Anon
  404. >You try to go over the episode in your head again and again, trying to remember if this would create any plotholes or ruin anything
  405. >No, it should be fine
  406. >You and Twilight exit Pinkie Pie's room and close the door on the snoring AJ
  407. >You and Twilight head down the stairs
  408. >You pass Spike, sleeping on a couch
  409. >All of the partygoers are clearing out and heading to the festival
  410. >You follow along with them
  411. >But all along you can't help but to still think that everything that could have gone wrong has gone wrong
  412. >What is this Murphy's Law version of FiM that you've created
  413. >Why did this happen
  414. "Twilight, why did you summon me?"
  415. >"Huh? To... to help me defeat Nightmare Moon! I told you!"
  416. "No, I mean... why didn't you do the Summer Sun Celebration preparations on your own? Why make Spike do it?"
  417. >"So I could check out the library and do some research. We've been over this!"
  418. "Right, but... never mind."
  419. >You look down at the ground as you walk
  420. >Why
  421. >Why does that make sense
  423. >Mayor Mare on the podium
  424. >"... And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria..."
  425. >You yawn, bored 'cause you know what's going to happen next
  426. >Also you just pulled an all-nighter for the first time in your life
  427. >As if catching a flight to another dimension wasn't exhausting enough
  428. >Imagine if there had also been a time change
  429. >Dimension lag? Kinda like jet lag
  430. >That would've sucked
  431. >Oh, you, glance back up at the stage
  432. >Must've zoned out for a minute there
  433. "She's gone!"
  434. >Swirling starry smoke
  435. >NMM appears
  436. >You pretend to act shocked
  437. >She does her spiel
  438. >"...Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?"
  439. >Twilight nudges you
  440. >You look down at her
  441. >She looks terrified and gazes at you with pleading eyes
  442. >Uh, what do I say?
  443. >Oh yeah
  444. "SHE DID!"
  445. >You point at Twilight
  446. >She freaks
  447. "Twilight knows who you are! Tell 'em, Twi!"
  448. >She grows a pair and decides to raise her voice
  449. >"You're the Mare in the Moon – Nightmare Moon!"
  450. >"Well well well, somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here."
  451. >"Well it doesn't matter! Because Anon and I are going to stop you!"
  454. >You head back to Sugarcube Corner and run up the stairs two at a time
  455. >Bust into Pinkie's room
  456. >AJ's still there, sound asleep
  457. >Whew
  458. >You go over to her and try to shake her awake
  459. "Applejack. Applejack... get up..."
  460. >Still asleep
  461. >You clench your fists
  462. >OK, we do this the hard way
  463. >You try to lift her
  464. >These ponies are pretty heavy
  465. >You are able to crouch down and get your arm around her, then lead her down the stairs while she's doing some kind of weird sleepwalking thing
  466. >You've put plenty of drunk friends to bed before
  467. >Never had to get them out of bed
  468. >Head downstairs to find a Rainbow Dash harassing Twilight in main area
  469. >"And just what are the Elements of Harmony? And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy?"
  470. "She's not a spy."
  471. >You speak up in place of Applejack
  472. >You drop Applejack on the couch next to Spike
  473. >Twilight explains
  474. >"I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her, but I don't know what they are, where to find them; I don't even know what they do!"
  475. >Pinkie perks up
  476. >"Did you check under 'E' in the library?"
  477. >Twilight gasps
  478. >Twilight facepalms
  479. >You facepalm
  480. >You look around the room
  481. >Everyone's here, except
  482. >No Rarity
  483. >There IS a white pony there though
  484. >Vinyl Scratch
  485. >"Yo, Twi, what do we do now?" she asks
  486. >You suddenly have a heart attack
  487. >you remember earlier:
  488. "Okay, Twilight, you need to make friends with that white one over there."
  489. >You point at Rarity, hanging out with Vinyl Scratch over by the hors d'oeuvres
  490. >hanging out with Vinyl Scratch
  491. >Vinyl Scratch is white
  493. >Damn it Rarity is one of your favorite ponies
  494. >She can't not be in the Elements of Harmony
  495. >And you don't even know if Vinyl Scratch is generous
  496. >All you know about her is fanon stuff that probably isn't even legit in this world
  497. >"Anon?"
  498. >All of the ponies are looking at you
  499. >"Twilight says you know about the Elements of Harmony."
  500. >You try to remember what spoilerific information you are allowed to disclose at this point
  501. "There are six of them. Five of them are Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, and Loyalty. The sixth... is secret. But when you get the first five, a spark will make the sixth one appear. And the first five are in the old castle of the Royal Sisters. In... the Everfree Forest."
  502. >The ponies just stare at you
  503. >"How do you know all of this?" Rainbow interrogates you
  504. >Fuck you Rainbow
  505. "Look, just come with us. All of you. Even you."
  506. >You point at Vinyl
  507. >She just looks at you funny
  508. >You look at Applejack
  509. >Well, I'M not gonna be the Element of Honesty
  510. "She's coming too."
  511. >"Are you crazy?" RD yells.
  512. "Just find me a cart."
  514. >Following behind Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash
  515. >You're pulling a horse cart through Ponyville
  516. >Ironic that you're the only one who isn't a horse
  517. >Also, there's a horse in the cart
  518. >Whatismylife.jpg
  519. >You come to Carousel Boutique
  520. >Rarity is hiding inside just like the Mayor instructed everyone
  521. >Just need to get her to come out
  522. >Start banging on the door
  523. "Rarity! Rarity! Get out here!"
  524. >"Go away Nightmare Moon!"
  525. "It's Anon, from the party!"
  526. >"...Anon? No, stay away!"
  527. >You look at Vinyl
  528. "OK, just like we planned."
  529. >She rolls up her wub cannon
  530. >Guess some things are like the fanon after all
  531. >That's pretty gay
  532. >Sick wubs fill fill the streets
  533. >You'll blast her out with sound if you have to
  534. >Finally Rarity emerges
  535. >"Turn that dreadful noise off!"
  536. >Vinyl looks hurt
  537. >"Noise? You crazy, you little mare?"
  538. >Vinyl shuts the music
  539. >"Well, Anon, I think this one needs to be taken by force!"
  540. >Rarity puts up her hooves
  541. >"Bring it on!"
  542. >You step between them
  543. "No, people, let's be smart and bring it off."
  545. "Rarity, look, there isn't much time to explain. We need your help to fight Nightmare Moon."
  546. >Rarity looks aghast and is about to blow you off
  547. >Then she notices how all of the other ponies are backing you up
  548. >Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Vinyl Scratch
  549. How they all seem to trust you for some crazy reason
  550. >Because in this shitty version of Friendship is Magic part 2, you're all they've got
  551. "Rarity, be a little GENEROUS and come help us."
  552. >Shit that was a little too obvious
  553. >Rarity mulls it over, then decides to help you
  554. >"OK, let me go put on some accessories."
  555. >You grab her and pull her with you
  556. "No time, come on!"
  557. >You guys all start walking toward the Everfree Forest
  558. >Rarity's watching you pull the horse cart with hungover AJ in it
  559. >After a while Rarity starts complaining that her hooves hurt from all the walking
  560. >She asks to ride in the cart
  561. >She just climbs in the cart and pushes AJ aside to make room for herself
  562. >The cart is so heavy now that you can barely keep up with the unladen ponies
  563. >Nobody offers to help pull
  565. >You try to go over the episode in your head
  566. >Which part was first?
  567. >Pretty sure it was Applejack and the cliff first
  568. >The path is already turning and traveling alongside a big ravine
  569. >Shit
  570. >You stop the wooden horse cart and try to wake AJ up again
  571. >She groggily rises, finally
  572. >"Aw, shucks, what'd I miss?"
  573. >Rarity turns up her nose and complains that she reeks of cider
  574. >You're the one who got in the cart, you know
  575. "A lot. But look, get out of the cart."
  576. >As you help AJ up over the side wall of the cart, you feel the earth at your feet give way
  577. >You lose your footing and start falling
  578. >The cart starts to slide down toward the cliff
  579. >You grab both handles of the cart and lean back
  580. >But you keep sliding down the rocky slope
  581. >Finally your foot brakes against a big rock footstop
  582. >The cart is hanging over the cliff with Rarity and AJ dangling from it
  583. >You look around
  584. >Rainbow has Vinyl
  585. >Fluttershy has Twilight
  586. >Pinkie Pie jumped to a safe place
  587. >Your muscles cry out in pain as you struggle to balance the cart and the weight of the two ponies
  588. >Your muscles give way and your grip loosens
  589. >The handles slide out of your hand
  591. >As the cart escapes your grasp, you feel everything else sliding out of your grasp too
  592. >All your dreams of coming to Equestria and hanging with the mane 6
  593. >You couldn't even keep two of them alive
  594. >Suddenly a rainbow across your field of vision
  595. >Rainbow Dash blazes through the sky and plummets into a dive down below the cliff
  596. >RD you magnificent bastard
  597. >She flies back up carrying Rarity and Applejack
  598. >You're crying now
  599. >You hug all three of them
  600. "I'm sorry... I couldn't!"
  601. >"It's OK, Anon," Rarity says as Rainbow sets her down
  602. >"Nopony coulda held the two of us AND the cart," Applejack adds
  603. >"Yeah, don't be so hard on yourself, Anon!" Rainbow slaps you on the back
  604. >The ponies all laugh about what a relief it was and start heading down the safe path toward the bottom
  605. >You're just standing there, frozen
  606. >Applejack missed her chance to prove she's the Element of Honesty
  607. >Now you've done it
  609. >You're still beating yourself up as you come to the manticore
  610. >At least the cart was destroyed so hangover and freeloader have to walk now
  611. >But still, how are you going to rectify this?
  612. >Anyway the manticore roars
  613. >Everyone freaks out and starts attacking it
  614. >You just lean against a tree and yawn
  615. >Might as well let Fluttershy do her thang
  616. >Plus you're fucking tired
  617. >As if your circadian clock wasn't already messed up by staying all night
  618. >Now it's perma-night
  619. >You're zoning out
  620. >Suddenly a swift kick from Rarity sends the manticore in your direction
  621. >Fuck
  622. >He spots you and starts running toward you
  623. >Isthisreallife.jpg
  624. >Out of nowhere, a yellow blur
  625. >"This might hurt just a bit!"
  626. >She does a fucking flying side kick into the side of the manticore's head
  627. >He stumbles, then whimpers and runs off into the forest
  629. >You're paralyzed with fear
  630. >"Wow, Fluttershy! You saved Anon!" everyone cheers
  631. >"Yeah," she says meekly, smiling at you. "He'll be OK. I didn't kick him that hard. Just enough to get him to go away."
  632. >Suddenly you feel a stinging on your chest
  633. >You look down
  634. >Blood
  635. >And three diagonal red lines across your shirt and body
  636. >Did the manticore slash you with his claws just as he was getting kicked?
  637. >"Oh, no! Anon! You're hurt!"
  638. >Fluttershy grabs her medicine basket and tells you to sit down
  639. >She starts applying medicine to your cuts
  640. >You manage to chuckle
  641. "Wow, look how KIND Fluttershy is, everyone."
  643. >"...She said Pinkie! You've got to stand up tall! Learn to face your fears! You'll see, that they can't hurt you, just laugh to make them disappear!"
  644. >"DROP THE BASS!"
  645. >Vinyl pulls some huge ass speakers out of hammerspace and slams her hoof down on a big red button
  646. >Suddenly Pinkie breaks out into a dubstep version of the Laughter Song
  647. >All of the other ponies are just standing around shocked and confused and terrified by the scary trees combined with the disorienting wubwubs
  648. >Vinyl dancing while Pinkie Pie runs around laughing at trees
  649. >It's like a fever dream
  650. >You start cracking up at the ridiculousness of the situation
  651. >This part of the episode always amused you but with the added dubstep and the confused look on everyone's faces you just can't hold it in
  652. >You fall on the ground laughing hysterically
  653. >Scary trees disappearing right and left
  655. >Your chest hurts from laughing so hard
  656. >Also there's the fact that you were mauled by a lion monster but yeah whatever
  657. >You try to sober up as you fall in line behind the ponies
  658. >Kindness, check.
  659. >Laughter, check.
  660. >Honesty, fucked.
  661. >If you had just been prepared for the cliff scene it might've worked out fine like the other two
  662. >Don't worry, there's still time to get her to tell the truth
  663. >But how?
  664. >She still looks hung over as fuck
  665. >"BOO HOO!"
  666. >Steven Magnet
  667. >Rarity doin' her thing
  668. >Yup, no way we can mess this scene up
  669. >Yup, no way
  670. >"...Well, Anon here is clean shaven and I happen to think it's very stylish! Very IN! Maybe it's time for a change, darling!"
  671. >YUP, NO WAY
  673. >Magnet dries his tears and looks at you
  674. >"R-Really? Do you think that I should chop my moustache off, Anon?"
  675. >Fuck you, Rarity
  676. >"Hell yeah pardner!"
  677. >Wat.jpg
  678. >Applejack jumps in front of the group
  679. >"Ain't nothin' in this world handsomer than a good clean-shaven man! That's the honest truth!"
  680. >YES
  681. >DEAR GOD YES
  682. >"Ain't that right, everypony?"
  683. >Everyone nods in agreement
  684. >Except Vinyl
  685. >She just shrugs and mumbles something about how beards are hot
  686. >Rainbow slaps her shit
  687. >Magnet seems inspired by this little speech and decides that he wants to cut off his moustache
  688. >Rarity plucks one of his scales and hands it to Rainbow
  689. >She flies up and does the deed
  690. "Wow, how GENEROUS of you... to uh, give him free fashion advice, Rarity! And way to be really HONEST, Applejack! Heh heh heh!"
  691. >You look at Twilight
  692. >Fuck she's onto you
  693. >Magnet makes a bridge across the river and you all cross
  694. >You're behind Applebutt
  695. >Wait
  696. >Back there
  697. >Did she mean to say that she thinks you're handsome?
  699. >"Oh no! The bridge is out! What do we do now?"
  700. >"Duh," says Rainbow Dash
  701. >She takes to the sky
  702. >"Oh yeah"
  703. >She disappears into the mist
  704. >You watch the bridge get lifted up
  705. >Then, in a matter of moments, she's back
  706. >Whoa whoa whoa
  707. >That was way too fast
  708. "Um... did you tie the bridge up? That was quick."
  709. >"Well I AM Rainbow DASH. Fastest flier in all of Equestria."
  710. >This is all too suspicious
  711. >You hold up your hand
  712. "Look, just wait here, everyone. I'm just going to check it out. Make sure it's safe. Dash, spot me."
  713. >The others wait patiently while you step onto the rickety bridge
  714. >It wobbles under your step
  715. >Don't look down don't look down don't look down
  716. >Dash hovers over you keeping a close eye on you
  717. >Within a few steps you look back and thick mist obscures the others
  718. >You can barely see a few feet in front of you but you keep driving ahead
  719. >"Anon? Rainbow Dash? Is everything OK?" Twilight calls from the distance
  720. "We're fine!"
  721. >Just then you reach the other side of the bridge
  722. >Three stunningly beautiful women
  723. >HUMAN women
  724. >Dash makes a face
  726. >A blonde, brunette, and redhead
  727. >What is this a grade school joke
  728. >They're wearing sexy lingerie
  729. >"Anon! What are you doing with these ponies?"
  730. >One of them comes up to you and caresses your cheek with her hand
  731. >"Don't forget, Anon. You're a human."
  732. >Another one adjusts her bra strap and looks at you with lust in her eyes
  733. >"And we humans can love you in a way that no pony can."
  734. >You clench your fists
  735. >They are really really hot
  736. >"Leave these ponies and come with us. We have to make use of this eternal night..."
  737. >They beckon you
  738. >You're sweating
  739. >Rainbow Dash is looking at you now, wondering what you're gonna do
  740. "I... I, uh..."
  741. >You stammer
  742. >This is fake
  743. >You know it's all an illusion created by Nightmare Moon
  744. >You've seen the episode
  745. >So why do you feel paralyzed with indecision?
  746. "Hey, bitch!"
  747. >Rainbow Dash swats away one of the women
  748. >"Hands off, all right? Let him make his own decisions!"
  749. >You feel the warmth flowing back into your limbs
  750. >Thanks, Dashie
  751. "HEY! TWILIGHT! It's safe over here. Come on over!"
  752. >You hear hoofsteps coming across the bridge
  753. >"DAMN IT!" The women hiss, receding back into blue wisps of smoke and flying away
  754. >You look at Dash
  755. >She looks back at you
  756. >"What? I'm not going to leave my friend hangin' when he's under some crazy mind trick illusion thing..."
  757. >So loyal
  758. >Wait, you knew?
  759. >Guess it's different when it's not being played on her
  760. >The others rejoin you and you continue on your way
  761. >You make sure to tell the others about how Rainbow Dash had your back because she was so loyal
  762. >You smile privately to yourself
  763. >You wavered a bit, but you probably wouldn't have gone with those chicks anyway
  764. >Because
  766. >no hooves
  768. >Even though they were fake, seeing humans again for the first time in a while awakened some deep emotions in you
  769. >You grit your teeth and avoid eye contact with everyone in the group and just trudge on
  770. >By the time you reach the castle of the two sisters, you have this churning, wretching feeling in your gut
  771. >Keep it together Anon
  772. >Keep it together
  773. >You don't keep it together
  774. >The burden of having the fate of Equestria
  775. >No, the fate of Twilight and her friends
  776. >On your shoulders
  777. >Finally takes its toll on you and you drop to your knees
  778. >"Anon?!" Pinkie Pie cries. "Are you OK?!"
  779. "No... not really..."
  780. >"What's wrong?" Twilight asks.
  781. >Ain't that the question
  782. >It's like
  783. >All you've been doing is guiding these ponies along
  784. >Trying to stick to the script of the original show
  785. >But all you keep doing is messing up and changing the story
  786. >Things seem to be working out OK in the short run
  787. >But you're a scientist at heart and you believe in the Butterfly effect
  788. >And you can't help but feel you've already set in motion the little mistakes that will send Equestria down a radically different path
  789. >A path that you can't foresee because it wasn't in the show
  790. >And so
  791. >What use are you?
  792. "I'll tell you what's wrong. I'm... I'm really scared."
  793. >The ponies gasp
  794. >Here, the wise benevolent creature who knows everything, who's been guiding their hooves
  795. >Has been hiding fear and doubt in his heart all along
  796. "I'm scared that the path I've set for you isn't the right one. I'm scared that I'm going to mess everything up. I'm scared that I can't make my dream become a reality."
  797. >They all just look at you, listening intently
  798. >You sit back against a rock and spread your legs out on the ground and try to relax
  799. "Listen. I've done all I can do now. I'll wait here. All of you, go on ahead."
  801. >"Ughhh enough with the melodrama, homie!"
  802. >Vinyl lifts you back up onto your feet with telekinesis
  803. >"We're not leaving you behind, Anon. You're our friend," Twilight Sparkle announced.
  804. >"Yeh've got a good heart, Anon," Applejack adds.
  805. >"Come on, it's way too late to be giving up now!" Rainbow Dash chimes in.
  806. >"I believe in you Anon!" Pinkie Pie exclaims.
  807. >"You brought us together for a reason, didn't you?" Rarity asks. "I'm so very thankful to have made some new friends."
  808. >"And we're going to face our fears together," Fluttershy assures you. "Whether we know what's ahead of us or not."
  809. >Guys
  810. >YOU GUYS
  811. >Your heart Is on fire
  812. >You feel something wet on your face
  813. >Is it raining?
  814. >No, wait
  815. >It's Liquid Pride
  817. >"The Elements of Harmony! We found them! Careful, careful."
  818. >Everyone works together to remove the big round stones from their pedestals
  819. >Jesus this thing is like a fucking Atlas ball
  820. >You set it down and roll it on the floor up to Twilight
  821. >The five stones are gathered around
  822. "OK, everyone, let's leave Twilight here to concentrate."
  823. >You start ushering all of the other ponies out, leaving Twilight behind.
  824. >"Wait! Anon! What do I do? Tell me!"
  825. "The spark, Twi. Gotta make that spark! You can do it. I believe in you."
  826. >You say with a sly smile over your shoulder
  827. >You leave the room and wait outside with everyone else
  828. >Rarity looks worried
  829. >"Is she gonna be OK in there?"
  830. "Oh, she'll be just fine."
  831. >You silently mouth a countdown to yourself
  832. >Three, two, one
  833. >"Ah!" Twilight screams
  834. >"Twilight!" Everyone else screams
  835. >You all bust into the room as she's disappearing
  836. >"Where'd she go?"
  837. "There."
  838. >You point through a window at a nearby castle tower
  839. >"Come on!" Applejack yells
  840. >You follow along, bored again
  841. >Vinyl Scratch follows after you
  842. >"I've got the perfect soundtrack if there's gonna be an epic fight, Anon!"
  843. >I wouldn't count on it, Vinyl
  844. >You run up the stairs, hollering and calling for Twilight along with everyone else
  845. >You all bust into the room and you see that priceless look on her face
  846. >The spark
  848. >"You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that? Well you're wrong! Because the spirits of the Elements of Harmony are right... HERE!"
  849. >Tell 'er, Twilight
  850. >You strike a pose with everyone
  851. >Nightmare Moon is shaking in her hooves
  852. >"Fluttershy... who stood up to the manticore and cared for Anon, represents the spirit of... KINDNESS!"
  853. >Fluttershy flies up and the shards of her element encircle her
  854. >"Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by making Anon laugh like a lunatic, represents the spirit of... LAUGHTER!"
  855. >Hey
  856. >"Rainbow Dash, who wouldn't abandon Anon even when he lost sight of his rationality, represents the spirit of... LOYALTY!"
  857. >God damn it Twilight shut up
  858. >"Rarity, who paid forward the generosity bestowed upon her by Anon, represents the spirit of... GENEROSITY!"
  859. >You shrug
  860. >Kind of a stretch but all right whatever works for you in your head Twilight
  861. >"And the one who had the courage to admit his own fear... Anon, who represents the spirit of... HONESTY!"
  862. >wat.jpg
  864. >The shards from the Element of Honesty start circling around you
  865. >Shitshitshitshit NO
  866. >You try to swat them away but they start to spiral in closer to you
  867. >You even cut your hands on one of the sharp chunks of rock
  868. >FUCK
  869. >"The spirits of my friends got us through every challenge you threw at us!"
  870. >"You still don't have the sixth Element! The spark didn't work!"
  871. >"But it did! A different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all... are my friends!"
  872. >The Element of Magic appears above you
  873. >"You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of... magic!"
  874. >There's a bright flash of light as the Element of Magic starts glowing
  875. >Everyone's rock shards are turning into necklaces
  876. >You try to dodge it but it clasps onto your neck, nearly choking you
  877. >Fuck, I REALLY didn't want to be one of the Elements of Harmony
  878. >You search the room for Applejack, but she's just standing next to Vinyl, watching the spectacle in awe
  879. >Applejack...
  880. >Fuck it, it's too late now
  881. >Just gotta roll with it, like I've been doing all along
  882. >Ima_firin_malaysia.jpg
  883. >You all group up and a huge rainbow energy beam arcs up through the air and comes crashing down on Nightmare Moon
  885. >You wake up groggily again
  886. >Part of you kind of hopes you're back on Earth
  887. >Nope, still in Equestria
  888. >"Ugh, my head..." Rainbow moans
  889. "Is everypony OK?"
  890. >Why yes, Anon, I feel better than ever!" comes a sultry voice
  891. >Maniacal laughter
  892. >You look up
  893. >Nightmare Moon still there
  894. >Everyone jumps to there feet and gets ready for battle
  895. >You clear your throat
  896. "Um, Twilight, sidebar?"
  897. >She looks at you with exasperation
  898. >You urge her to come over to you
  899. >She rolls her eyes and walks over
  900. >"WHAT? Can't you see the Elements didn't work?"
  901. "Yeah, about that... I'm not actually the spirit of Honesty..."
  902. >"What? B-but--"
  903. "I've been lying to you all along."
  904. >"Really?!"
  905. >she looks horrified
  906. "Well, I explained the truth at the beginning, but I don't think you quite understood me... and since then I've been dishonest with you. I'm not actually from the future. And I think I know what to do, but I don't. I've been dishonest with all of you!"
  907. >You shout at the top of your lungs so everyone in the room can hear you now
  908. >"TRAITOR!" Dash cries as she dodges an energy blast from NMM's horn
  909. >You ignore her
  910. >It doesn't matter any more
  911. "The real Element of Honesty is over... THERE!"
  912. >You point in Applejack's direction
  913. >She's gone
  914. >What
  915. >"HEY, ANON!"
  916. >Pinkie startles you again
  917. >"It's not a sidebar if we can all hear you, silly head!"
  918. "Oh... right. Sorry."
  919. >"So I was wondering if you could wrap up this sidebar, actually," she continues
  920. >"We kinda need you two now."
  921. >She gestures over to Nightmare Moon
  922. >Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity are valiantly fighting Nightmare Moon
  923. >Applejack is bucking rocks at her
  924. >Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are flying around her head dodging laser blasts
  925. >Rarity is calling her names
  926. >You go, girls
  927. >Vinyl looks at you pleadingly
  928. >You roll your eyes
  929. "FINE."
  930. >She whips out her wub cannon and hits the button
  932. >You break into a run toward the fight, running alongside Twilight
  933. >You pry that fucking necklace off your neck and toss it to her
  934. "Get that on AJ! I'm counting on you!"
  935. >She nods and starts to veer off, but her path is blocked by the sudden appearance of those three human bitches from earlier
  936. >Not them again
  937. >They start to close in on her
  938. >You look around for anything to help
  939. >You see a rusty sword mounted on the wall
  940. >With some effort you manage to wrestle it free
  941. "AAAAAGGGH!"
  942. >You grunt as you charge forward with the sword, leaping in front of Twilight to protect her
  943. >The brunette pounces on you, razor-sharp claws sprouting from her fingers and her eyes going crazy
  944. >Does NMM think humans are cats or something?
  945. >You dodge the attack and slice open her chest with the sword
  946. >She disappears in a puff of starry smoke
  947. >You pose dramatically and beckon the other two to come to you
  948. >Pretty sure you've watched enough Chinese cartoons to know how to do this
  949. >The redhead and blonde lunge at you but you quickly dispatch them with a flash of your blade
  950. >They both disappear in a cloud of smoke
  951. >In retrospect, if they were smoke you probably could've just foregone the sword and just charged through them
  952. >Eh, whatever, you looked cool doing it
  954. >You and Twilight start running again
  955. >You do a double hop when a stray laser blast nearly vaporizes your foot
  956. >You catch up to the fight, and try to distract Nightmare Moon with an insult
  957. >You can't really think of anything clever, though, so you just call her a bitch
  958. >Guess all that time practicing disses in the mirror was wasted
  959. >She looks over at you, allowing Twilight to toss the necklace at AJ
  960. >"Applejack! Catch!"
  961. >She doesn't have to
  962. >When it gets near her, the crystal transforms into the shape of an apple
  963. >Shame you couldn't tell what it was before
  964. >The necklace magically clasps around her neck
  965. "All right, ponies! Take two!"
  966. >The mane six all run to your side and form a circle around you
  967. >Twilight activates the Element of Magic, and all of the ponies start to glow
  968. >You glance over your shoulder and wink at Rainbow
  969. >Still think I'm a traitor?
  970. >She huffs, but then rolls her eyes and flashes you a trusting smile
  971. >You stare down Nightmare Moon as she starts to buck in fear
  972. >At the last second, Vinyl comes running up and joins you in the center of the circle
  973. >Both of you pump an arm high into the air as a sign of triumph
  974. >The two of you are engulfed in a blinding white light and a dazzling swirl of intense color...
  976. >You're standing on the outskirts of Ponyville at the top of a windy hill
  977. >You're looking down at the town square, where there's a big party and processional for Twilight Sparkle and her friends
  978. >They all wanted you to be there for the big celebration
  979. >You did just help save the world after all
  980. >But you weren't feeling it, and left near the beginning
  981. >Sigh
  982. >Though the circumstances were different, the results were the same
  983. >The Elements of Harmony were discovered by Twilight and her friends and Equestria was saved from eternal night
  984. >It's what you had wanted all along
  985. >It's what drove you to do all the crazy things on your adventure
  986. >So why aren't you down there partying with your friends?
  987. >Why do you feel emptiness inside?
  988. >Oh.
  989. >Right.
  990. >It's because you didn't really do anything.
  991. >Had Twilight not summoned you, she would've just proceeded with the Summer Sun Celebration plans
  992. >She would have made new friends and discovered the Elements of Harmony on her own
  993. >Without you
  994. >Everything you did was unnecessary
  995. >It only served to make things harder for everyone
  996. >It was probably best to put a lot of distance between yourself and Ponyville now
  997. >All of your memories of the show were worthless now
  998. >Wouldn't want any of that useless knowledge to hurt the Mane 6 any more than it's already had
  999. >Maybe you could make a new life for yourself in Seaddle
  1000. >Never got to make it up to Seattle in the human world, so this is the next best thing
  1001. >You set off down the dusty road
  1002. >Hoofsteps behind you
  1003. >"Anon! Wait!"
  1004. >"Anon, where ya goin', pardner?"
  1005. >"Anon, darling, where in heaven's name are you going?"
  1006. >"Yo, Anon, you're missing an AWESOME party."
  1007. >"Um... Anon... don't go... I mean, unless you really want to..."
  1008. >"Anon... please, hear us out."
  1010. >"So you're saying this... 'human' helped you?"
  1011. >Princess Celestia eyes you up and down carefully
  1012. >You bow deeply and try not to offend her
  1013. >"Princess Celestia... he helped all of us," Twilight explains
  1014. >Twilight turns and approaches you
  1015. >"Princess Celestia... you've asked me to stay in Ponyville and report on my findings on the magic of friendship. Well, can I give you my very first report, right now?"
  1016. >Celestia nods
  1017. >Twilight lifts up your chin and looks into your eyes
  1018. >"Anon's taught me so much in the past couple of days..."
  1019. >Your face feels hot and you look away, but she keeps looking straight at you
  1020. >"Princess Celestia. There may only be magical artifacts for the six main Elements of Harmony: Honesty, Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty, and Magic. But there are many many more elements of friendship! Heck, there might even be dozens more! Or HUNDREDS! Bravery... Humility... Sacrifice... Determination... Guidance... Encouragement... And Forgiveness."
  1021. >She embraces you in a big hug
  1022. >"You demonstrated these things because you had an ideal in your mind that you were willing to fight for. You put your faith in us to make it real. And you gave us a reason to believe in you. It doesn't matter if it's not perfect, or if we don't know where our future leads. You showed us lots of Elements, Anon! All because you trusted us, some ponies you didn't even know."
  1023. >You're trembling now
  1024. >Damn it Anon, hold it together
  1025. >"That's why we made this for you, Anon."
  1026. >Rarity steps forward with a silver chain necklace
  1027. >And in the center, there is a green jewel carved in the shape of two chain links linked together
  1028. >You can tell she threw it together at the last second
  1029. >You adore it
  1030. >"Anon... we want you to be the honorary Element of Trust."
  1032. >All of the mane six gather around you in a big group hug
  1033. "I... I don't know what to say...!"
  1034. >"You can say that you'll stay here in Ponyville with us!" Pinkie Pie chirps
  1035. "I think I'd actually like to visit my world once in a while, now that I think about it."
  1036. >"I think that can be arranged," Celestia assures you.
  1037. "Great... OK then. I'll stay!"
  1038. >"Woo hoo! Anon's staying!" Rainbow and Applejack holler in unison
  1039. >Pinkie Pie starts making all manner of crazy noises
  1040. >Fluttershy hugs your arm tightly
  1041. >Rarity places the necklace around your neck
  1042. >Damn it, guys
  1043. >Twilight rests her hoof on your chest
  1044. >"You've taught us a lot about friendship, Anon. I can't wait to learn more, together with you!"
  1045. >Tears well up in your eyes
  1046. >Twilight, you idiot
  1047. >Everything I know about friendship
  1048. >I learned from you guys
  1049. >Long before we ever met
  1051. THE END

MLP:RtM 1-2 Friendship is Magic

by Alaric

MLP:RtM 3 The Ticket Master

by Alaric

MLP:RtM 4 Applebuck Season

by Alaric

MLPRtM: 7 Dragonshy

by Alaric